To be fixed before setting "approved" ====================================== Mail & News ------------ Unable to cancel news messages (menu command is grayed out); fixed since 1.2a Known issues (approve anyway) ============================== Mail & News ------------ Requires FQDN in e-mail address or a local news server to clear Message-ID header (M-ID bug); fixed since 1.2a "Open unrequested windows" JavaScript setting is ignored for onload javascript:alert(...)s; since 1.2b.20021104-08/05-04 Column order in file open dialog is mixed and cannot be changed (1.3a.20021113-21 to before 1.3a.20021123-05) "Find in this Page" dialog has too small edit box (in 1.3a.20021117-08 only) "Delete this Message" filter option is automatically checked on filter creation - unchecking has no effect in the first place. (in 1.3a.2002112305) 100% font size too small; fractional font-size measures (such as 0.8em) are not rendered properly i.e. such elements are invisible (e.g. check out (in 1.3a.20021202-05) Always uses scrollbars of the Classic theme Message Views not customizable by GUI, dropdown elements to small (Linux only) (since 1.3a.20021211-08)