Usage: mozilla [ options ... ] [URL] where options include: -height Set height of startup window to . -h or -help Print this message. -installer Start with 4.x migration window. -width Set width of startup window to . -v or -version Print mozilla version. -CreateProfile Create . -P Start with . -ProfileWizard Start with profile wizard. -ProfileManager Start with profile manager. -SelectProfile Start with profile selection dialog. -UILocale Start with resources as UI Locale. -contentLocale Start with resources as content Locale. -console Start Mozilla with a debugging console. -nosplash Disable splash screen. -quiet Disable splash screen. -chat Start with an IRC chat client -addressbook Start with the addressbook. -news Start with news. -jsconsole Start with Javascript Console -venkman Start with JavaScript debugger -edit Start with editor. -chrome Load the specified chrome. -mail Start with mail. -compose Start with messenger compose.