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Index: trunk/cljs/faq_notes/script_tags.html
--- trunk/cljs/faq_notes/script_tags.html (revision 45)
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>How to Include Scripts in HTML Documents</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<style type="text/css">
- background-color:#EEEEFF;
- color:#000000;
- border:#EEEEFF 0px none;
- margin:0;
- padding:0;
- margin-left:0;
-CODE { white-space:nowrap; }
-.elContent {
- background-color:#EEEEFF;
- color:#900000;
-<h1><a name="hsHead" id="hsHead">How to Include Scripts in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> Documents</a></h1>
- <li><a href="#hsIntro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsSE">SCRIPT Elements</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#hsAt">Attributes</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="#hsAtch">charset</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsAtty">type</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsAtln">language</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsAtsc">src</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsAtdf">defer</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#hsStFm">The Standard Formulations</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsPrCn">Permissible Contexts for Script Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsCt">The Content of Script Elements</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#hsOld">Hiding Scripts from Older Browsers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#hsETO">Closing Script Tags and &quot;&lt;/&quot; (end-tag open delimiter)</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#hsExF">External Javascript Files</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#hsExC">The content of External Javascript Files.</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="#hsMix">Script Elements that Import Javascript Files and Have Contents</a>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#hsEh">Event Handling Attributes: Intrinsic Events</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#hsEhD">The Default Language for Intrinsic Events</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#hsNs">NOSCRIPT Elements</a></li>
-<h2><a name="hsIntro" id="hsIntro">Introduction</a></h2>
-There are three ways of including scripts in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> documents:-
- <li>As the string value provided for an event handling attribute such as onclick (intrinsic events).</li>
- <li>As the contents of a SCRIPT element (between opening and closing script tags in certain permissible locations within <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source code.</li>
- <li>As a separate script file imported into an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page by having the URL of the file assigned to the SRC attribute of a SCRIPT element, again at certain permissible locations within the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source.</li>
-<h2><a name="hsSE" id="hsSE">SCRIPT Elements</a></h2>
-The current <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> version is 4.01. The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4.01 transitional DTD
-defines a script element with:-
-<blockquote cite="" style="font-family:Courier, monospace;">
-&lt;!ELEMENT SCRIPT <span class="elContent">- -</span> %Script; -- script statements --&gt;<br>
- charset %Charset; #IMPLIED - char encoding of linked resource -
- type %ContentType; #REQUIRED - content type of script language -
- language CDATA #IMPLIED - predefined script language name -
- src %URI; #IMPLIED - URI for an external script -
- defer (defer) #IMPLIED - UA may defer execution of script -
- event CDATA #IMPLIED - reserved for possible future use -
- for %URI; #IMPLIED - reserved for possible future use -
- </pre>
- &gt;
-(The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4.01 strict DTD omits the <code>language</code> attribute
-as it is deprecated in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4.01 standard.)
-Script elements are defined with opening and closing script tags. The
-two dashes after the element name in the DTD means that neither opening nor
-closing tag may be omitted, even when the element is importing a
-javascript file and has no contents.
-<h3><a name="hsAt" id="hsAt">Attributes</a></h3>
-<h4><a name="hsAtch" id="hsAtch">charset</a></h4>
-The <code>charset</code> attribute can declare the character encoding of an external
-javascript file that is being imported using the <code>src</code> attribute. In all
-cases it is preferable that the server sending the file provide
-character encoding information in Content-Type
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol ">
-<abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span> headers (with the
-slight problem that there was no official content-type for use with
-scripts; see the <code>type</code> attribute below).
-Javascript itself uses a very limited repertoire of characters but the
-content of string literals in non-Latin languages may necessitate an
-interest in character encodings with script files. That is not a
-problem that I have faced to date so I don't know how it should best
-be handled. I am yet to see a <code>charset</code> attribute used in
-a script tag.
-<h4><a name="hsAtty" id="hsAtty">type</a></h4>
-The <code>type</code> attribute is required in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4 but the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4
-specification is not very helpful on the subject. It says:-
-<blockquote cite="">
-<h5>type = content-type [CI]</h5>
-This attribute specifies the scripting language of the element's
-contents and overrides the default scripting language. The scripting
-language is specified as a content type (e.g.,
-&quot;text/javascript&quot;). Authors must supply a value for this
-attribute. There is no default value for this attribute.
-(The [CI] means that the attribute's value is case insensitive.)
-Pursuing the permissible values of content-type through the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-specification leads to a list of currently recognised content types
-(MIME or Media types). Up until mid 2005 that list did not include
-anything related to ECMAScript or javascript. So although the attribute
-is required, and so must have a value, there was no standardised
-content-type for that value. However, the HTML 4 specification did give
-text/javascript as an example (even though it was not a recognised
-standard content type) so it was that value that has traditionally been
-used with the <code>type</code> attribute when including or importing
-ECMAScript/javascript into an HTML page.
-The MIME types introduced in 2005 are application/ecmascript,
-application/javascript and text/javascript. The last of these, and the
-value that has traditionally been used; text/javascript, was official
-deprecated and so should be phased-out over time. However, at the point
-of officially recognising these new MIME types no browsers exist that
-will recognise either of application/ecmascript and application/javascript.
-This means that if either are actually used for the value of the <code>type</code>
-attribute the likelihood is that the script in question will never be
-So for the present, and probably many years to come, text/javascript is
-the only viable value for use with the <code>type</code> attribute when using javascript.
-<h4><a name="hsAtln" id="hsAtln">language</a></h4>
-The <code>language</code> attribute is deprecated (and not allowed under
-the strict DTD) and it is unnecessary when the <code>type</code> attribute
-is required, as that attribute will determine the language used.
-The <code>language</code> attribute can be more specific than the
-<code>type</code> attribute because it can also specify the language
-version. In almost all respects specifying a language version is not
-helpful and even potentially dangerous.
-By default a web browser will execute a script using the latest version
-of the language that it supports. Generally all current (March 2004)
-browsers support all of the language features specified in ECMA 262 2nd
-edition (approximately JavaScript 1.3) and most fully support the 3rd
-edition. Restricting the language features used to those defined in
-ECMA 262 2nd edition (with additional care in some less used areas)
-should result in scripts that will happily execute on all current
-browsers without a need to specify a language version.
-Netscape initially attempted to tie the DOM features of their browser
-to the language version, which would have allowed a specified language
-version to imply the DOM features supported. That idea was abandoned
-because other browsers produced by their competitors introduced
-scripting with near identical languages but significantly different
-DOMs. DOM support should be determined independently of language
-version using object/feature detecting.
-The potential danger with specifying a language version comes with
-specifying version 1.2. Version 1.2 was an aberration. It deviated
-significantly from earlier versions of the language in anticipation
-of changes to the ECMA specification, but those changes were never
-made. Netscape had to reverse the changes it had made to version
-1.2 in version 1.3 in order to conform with what was eventually
-published as ECMA 262 2nd edition. The only browsers released for
-which version 1.2 was the default JavaScript version were Netscape
-4.00 to 4.05 (and you won't find many of those left in the wild).
-The problem is that if you specify version 1.2 in a <code>language</code> attribute
-you may actually get it, with all of its deviant characteristics, but
-at the same time most browsers will not exhibit those characteristics.
-It is always a bad idea to encourage the same code to be interpreted in
-two different ways, and certainly never without fully understanding how
-the language versions differ. The specific problem can be avoided by
-never specifying the language version as 1.2. The issue can be avoided
-by never providing the deprecated <code>language</code> attribute at all.
-<h4><a name="hsAtsc" id="hsAtsc">src</a></h4>
-The SRC attribute specifies the URL of an external javascript file that
-is to be imported by the script element. If no file is being imported
-by the element (the script is the element's contents) then the
-<code>src</code> attribute is omitted.
-<h4><a name="hsAtdf" id="hsAtdf">defer</a></h4>
-The <code>defer</code> attribute is specified as providing a
-&quot;hint&quot; to the browser as to whether it needs to process
-the script immediately (as it usually would), or whether it can carry
-on parsing the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> following the script element and leave the
-javascript interpreter to process the script in its own time.
-If a script uses the <code>document.write</code> method to insert
-content into the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> being processed then the script element
-containing that script must not be deferred as the inserted <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-could end up at any point in the document (or even be inserted after
-the current document has closed, replacing it). If a script is
-deferred additional care must be taken before any part of it, such
-as a function it defines, is interacted with by other scripts (such
-as intrinsic events).
-It is unusual for a script element to have a <code>defer</code>
-attribute. And many browsers will not recognise/act upon a
-<code>defer</code> attribute even if one is present.
-<h2><a name="hsStFm" id="hsStFm">The Standard Formulations</a></h2>
-Leaving the <code>defer</code> and <code>charset</code> attributes
-aside, the normal formulation for a valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4 script element that
-imports a javascript file is:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;
- src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
-<span class="commentJS">&lt;!-- or using an example relative URL --&gt;</span>
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;../scripts/scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> is case insensitive so the tag name and attribute names can be
-in upper or lower (or mixed) case (current practice tends to prefer
-lower case).
-The attribute values must be quoted because in both cases they include
-characters that are forbidden in unquoted attribute values (forbidden
-characters would be any character that is not: letters (a-z and A-Z),
-digits (0-9), hyphens (ASCII decimal 45), periods (ASCII decimal 46),
-underscores (ASCII decimal 95), and colons (ASCII decimal 58)). The
-quote characters used may be double quotes (<code>&quot;</code>) or single quotes
-(<code>'</code>). Common practice prefers double quotes for <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> attributes.
-Traditionally javascript files are given a two-letter extension of <code>.js</code>.
-That extension is not required, any valid URL to a resource that
-returns content that can be interpreted as valid javascript source
-code will work. In addition, browsers do not appear to be interested
-in any Content Type headers sent with the javascript source, which is
-probably a good thing as officially recognised content types have only
-just (mid 2005) been introduced.
-Script that is to be included in an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page is placed as the content
-of a script element. Appearing between the opening and closing script
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
-function exampleFunctionDeclaration(n){
- return (n * 4);
-The same case sensitivity and attribute value quoting considerations
-apply to this application of the script tags as applied to their use
-when importing external script files.
-<h2><a name="hsPrCn" id="hsPrCn">Permissible Contexts for Script Elements</a></h2>
-Script elements may not appear in all contexts in an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> document.
-They may be children of the <code>HEAD</code> element because the DTD
-defines the content of the <code>HEAD</code> element as including
-<code>%head_misc;</code> content which includes <code>SCRIPT</code> in
-its definition. Script elements may also appear within the
-<code>BODY</code> element in any context that is specified as
-<code>%flow;</code>, <code>%inline;</code>, <code>%special;</code> or
-specifically <code>SCRIPT</code> by the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DTDs. This is because
-<code>%flow;</code> includes all elements defined as
-<code>%inline;</code>, which includes all elements defined as
-<code>%special;</code>, which includes <code>SCRIP</code> in its
-definition (among others).
-Reading the DTDs and looking out for these categories will indicate
-where script elements are allowed to appear. For example, the (<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-4.01 transitional) DTD definition for the paragraph element reads:-
-<blockquote cite="">
-&lt;!ELEMENT P - O (<span class="elContent">%inline;</span>)* -- paragraph --&gt;
-The content for the <code>P</code> element is <code>%inline;</code> and
-<code>%inline;</code> encompasses <code>SCRIPT</code>. Similarly:-
-<blockquote cite="">
-&lt;!ELEMENT DD - O (<span class="elContent">%flow;</span>)* -- definition description --&gt;
-The <code>DD</code> element has <code>%flow;</code> defining its content so it is
-allowed <code>SCRIPT</code> as its content (or part of it). Whereas:-
-<blockquote cite="">
-&lt;!ELEMENT DL - - (<span class="elContent">DT|DD</span>)+ -- definition list --&gt;
-The <code>DL</code> element is only allowed <code>DT</code> and
-<code>DD</code> elements as its children. So a script element
-cannot appear as a child of a <code>DL</code> element in valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4.
-The DTD for the particular flavour of <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> being authored is the best
-guide as the where in a document script elements may appear, but note
-that the different versions of the DTD differ slightly in terms of the
-content defined for some elements.
-<h2><a name="hsCt" id="hsCt">The Content of Script Elements</a></h2>
-Script elements that have source code as their contents and appear on
-an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page need some special consideration.
-<h3><a name="hsOld" id="hsOld">Hiding Scripts from Older Browsers</a></h3>
-When scripting was first introduced the preceding generations of
-browsers had no concept of what a script element was, and would treat
-the content of the unrecognised script tags in the way unrecognised
-tags are normally handled in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>. The content is treated as <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-source, which, for a scripts, meant including it as text in a page.
-The results did not look good and a mechanism was provided to hide the
-script element contents from browsers that did not know how to handle
-script elements.
-Javascript has an end of line comment symbol consisting of two slashes
-(<code>//</code>). All characters between that symbol and the end of
-the line are treated as a comment and ignored. <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> also provides a
-means of commenting out parts of its source, an opening comment
-tag <code>&lt;!--</code> and a closing comment tag
-<code>--&gt;</code> (strictly these are not opening and closing tags
-in HTML, it is the pairs of dashes that start and end a comment. The
-surrounding <code>&lt;!</code> and <code>&gt;</code> represent a
-processing instruction, which is the only context in which a comment
-is recognised in HTML.).
-The trick to hiding javascript source code from
-browsers that did not recognise the script element, so it would not
-be shown on the page, was to allow script included in an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page to
-use an additional end of line comment symbol that corresponded with
-the <code>&lt;!--</code> opening comment tag used by <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>. The script
-author would then place this tag/comment symbol at the start of the
-script source code (on a line of its own, so as not to comment out
-any javascript code) and then use the normal javascript end of line
-comment symbol to comment out (from the javascript interpreter) an
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> end of comment tag.
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
-<span class="commentJS">&lt;!--</span>
-function exampleFunctionDeclaration(n){
- return (n * 4);
-<span class="commentJS">// --&gt;</span>
-A browser incapable of recognising the script element would treat its
-content as <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-source and so it would interpret the script within the script element
-as effectively commented out, thus not displaying it on the page.
-When scripting was introduced the practice was necessary and highly
-recommended, but that was some time ago and browsers and <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> versions
-have moved on two or three generations. We are now at a point where
-the oldest browsers in current use are already two generations into
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> versions that formalised script elements. They all know what a
-script element is and how its contents should be handled. Even
-browsers that cannot execute scripts know that they are supposed to
-ignore the content of script elements.
-The practice of hiding scripts from &quot;older&quot; browsers has
-become an anachronism, no longer needed and no longer used by informed
-javascript authors. It is still often seen because it is recommended
-in out of date books and in out of date javascript tutorials on the
-web. And the readers of those books and tutorials continue to use and
-promote it, not realising that it no longer serves any real purpose.
-The existence of this additional comment syntax in javascript included
-in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> pages also lead to <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> style comments being used extensively
-in on-page javascript. This was, and is, a very bad idea. Javascript
-has end of line and multi-line comment syntaxes and they should be used
-exclusively to comment javascript source code.
-<h3><a name="hsETO" id="hsETO">Closing Script Tags and &quot;&lt;/&quot; (end-tag open delimiter)</a></h3>
-When a script is included on an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser needs to
-decide how much of the page's source text to pass on to the javascript
-interpreter and where it should start processing other <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> again.
-Officially an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser is required to take the first occurrence of
-the character sequence &quot;<code>&lt;/</code>&quot; it finds after
-the opening script tag as marking the end of the script element. In
-practice browsers seem to be a lot more lax and only terminate the
-script section when they encounter the character sequence
-That seems reasonable (if lax) but it does not eliminate all problems.
-Suppose that a script includes <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source in the form of a string
-literal, and that source includes a closing script tag, as might be
-the case when using <code>document.write</code> to write a new script
-element to the page:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
- '&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;');
-That is an example simplified to the point of being futile but it
-should be obvious that if the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser considers the first
-occurrence of &quot;<code>&lt;/script&gt;</code>&quot; as terminating
-the script element the results will be undesirable.
-The solution is to do something to make the character sequence within
-the javascript string of <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> different from the sequence that will be
-recognised as the closing script tag. This is often done by splitting
-the string and using a concatenation operation to let the script
-produce the same output:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
- '&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/scr'+'ipt&gt;');
-This conceals the closing script tag from the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser but it is not
-a good idea because string concatenation is a surprisingly heavyweight
-operation and the same goal of disrupting the character sequence that
-the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser will mistake for a closing tag can be achieved by using
-the javascript escape character to escape any character in the closing
-script tag:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
- '&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script\&gt;');
-The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser will now not find the character sequence
-&quot;<code>&lt;/script&gt;</code>&quot; until it encounters the real
-closing script tag, but the internal representation of the string is not
-affected by the use of the escape character in the javascript source
-and no additional operations are needed.
-However, as I said, it is the character sequence
-&quot;<code>&lt;/</code>&quot; that is officially to be taken as
-terminating a script element's contents. While no current browsers are
-known to be that strict it is entirely realistic that some browsers may
-exist (or be introduced) that takes the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> specifications to hart and
-treat &quot;<code>&lt;/</code>&quot; as the end of the script content.
-But <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> validaters already tend to take the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> specification
-seriously and will report many mark-up errors as a result of getting
-the impression that a script element has terminated sooner than a
-browser would think it had.
-The above use of the escape character may placate all known browsers
-but it will not address the requirements of the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> specification.
-But they can both be addressed by escaping a different character,
-specifically the forward slash:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
- '&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;');
-Of course now it is not just the closing script tag that needs to be
-escaped but all occurrences of closing tags appearing in string
-literals. All occurrences of &quot;<code>&lt;/</code>&quot; would need
-to be escaped to &quot;<code>&lt;\/</code>&quot; to completely avoid
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser and validation problems. Alternatively the javascript
-source could be moved to an external file as then it is never
-examined by an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser or considered in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> validation.
-<h2><a name="hsExF" id="hsExF">External Javascript Files</a></h2>
-Placing javascript source code in external files has several
-advantages. For those who are required to use a browser that is
-javascript incapable/disabled it can significantly reduce download
-time as those browsers just will not bother getting the external file
-as they have no use for it, scripts on an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page must be downloaded
-with the page if the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> is to be used.
-External javascript files can also be cached separately from <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> pages
-so they may need to be downloaded less often even for the users of
-javascript capable/enabled browsers.
-They entirely remove the need to worry about script hiding (no longer
-needed anyway), escaping <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> closing tags in strings or any other
-factors relating to the parsing of mark-up languages.
-Javascript imported by using the <code>src</code> attribute of a script element is
-used in place of the content for the script element that imported it.
-The position of that element in the page defines the
-&quot;location&quot; of the script in the document. If the file
-executes <code>document.write</code> then any content written will be
-inserted following the script element that imported the file, and any
-other elements on the page referenced by that script as it loads will
-need to have already been parsed by the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser at that point or
-they will not be found in the DOM.
-<h3><a name="hsExC" id="hsExC">The Content of External Javascript Files.</a></h3>
-Javascript files imported using the <code>src</code> attribute of script elements
-must contain <em>only</em> javascript source code. They must not contain any
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>. It is a surprisingly common error for opening and closing script
-tags and/or the &quot;hide from older browsers&quot; <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> comment
-tags to be included in external script files, in that context they are
-javascript syntax errors and nothing else.
-<h2><a name="hsMix" id="hsMix">Script Elements that Import Javascript Files and Have Contents</a></h2>
-Script elements may attempt to both import a file and contain script
-contents. The idea here is to provide some scripted action in the event
-that the external file cannot be loaded for some reason. Such a script
-element may look like:-
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;../scripts/scriptFile.js&quot;&gt;
- var externalScriptLoaded = false;
-The browser should handle this formulation of the script element by
-attempting to load the external file, but in the even of that attempt
-failing instead the contents of the script element are executed. So, in
-the example above, if the external file is loaded and executed the
-contents of the element would not be executed. That external file
-would itself define the <code>externalScriptLoaded</code> global
-variable and assign it a value of boolean <code>true</code>. If the
-file did not load the contents would be executed, again creating
-the <code>externalScriptLoaded</code> variable, but this time
-assigning it a <code>false</code> value. Another script on the page
-can then read the <code>externalScriptLoaded</code> variable as a
-means of determining whether the external script loaded successfully.
-The definition of failing to load an external script is centred
-around <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol ">
-<abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span>. If no connection
-to the server can be made, or an
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol ">
-<abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span> error response,
-such as <code>404</code>, is returned, then the external script has
-failed to load and the browser can execute the contents of the
-element. However, many servers are set up in such a way that they
-do not actually return the expected
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol ">
-<abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span> error responses,
-but instead return an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page that is intended to inform the user
-of the error. This is fine for humans but from the point of view of
-the browser such a response is indistinguishable from a returned
-(but erroneous) javascript source file (This is in part because
-the browser disregards content-type headers sent with external
-javascript files so even if the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> error reporting page is sent
-with a text/html content type the browser will still assume that
-it contains javascript source). The browser attempts to
-execute the returned <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source as javascript and fails at the
-first inevitable syntax error. But erroring while executing what
-the browser thought was an external javascript file does not
-result in the execution of the code within the script element.
-In practice script elements are rarely used where an external
-file is imported and script contents are provided for the element.
-If a separate script wanted to verify that an externally imported
-script was available it would not need the mechanism demonstrated
-in the example above as javascript provides many ways of verifying
-the existence of javascript defined entities. So, for example, if
-the external script defined a function called <code>functionName</code>, the
-availability of that function could be verified as:-
-if(typeof functionName == &quot;function&quot;){
- functionName();
-- and if a function defined in an external file is available then
-that external file must have been successfully loaded.
-<h2><a name="hsEh" id="hsEh">Event Handling Attributes: Intrinsic Events</a></h2>
-The final place where javascript can be included in an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> document is
-as the value strings provided for event handling attributes.
-The values of event handling attributes will almost certainly need to
-be quoted because it is nearly impossible to write a javascript
-statement that only uses the characters allowed in an unquoted
-attribute value. And quoting can get quite involved in attribute values
-because they need to be quoted in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source so whatever type of
-quote marks are used in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> cannot be used within the javascript
-code provided as the value because the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser would take them as
-ending the string for the attribute value. While javascript string
-literals allow the use of double quotes or single quotes as delimiters
-and allow the type of quote not used as the delimiter to appear within
-the string literal unescaped.
-So, given a desire to assign the string <code>&quot;don't do
-that&quot;</code> to an element's value property in an onclick event,
-because of the single quote appearing in the string itself the attribute
-value <code>onclick='this.value = &quot;don't do that&quot;;'</code>
-will not work because the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser will take the second single quote
-as ending the attribute value. It will not work to simply escape the
-single quote as <code>onclick='this.value = &quot;don\'t do
-that&quot;;'</code> because the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser doesn't know anything about
-javascript escapes and still sees the second single quote in the middle
-of the javascript string.
-In this case escaping the single quote and reversing the quoting
-between the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and the javascript
-<code>onclick=&quot;this.value = 'don\'t do that';&quot;</code> or
-using a javascript hex escape (which the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> parser will not see as a
-quote) <code>onclick='this.value = &quot;don\x27t do that&quot;;'</code>
-would solve the problem. But quotes in event handling attribute strings
-that define code that uses string literals often needs to be thought
-<h3><a name="hsEhD" id="hsEhD">The Default Language for Intrinsic Events</a></h3>
-All else being equal, web browsers seem to all default the scripting
-language used with intrinsic events to javascript (ECMAScript, in
-whichever implementation is provided) and there is no formal mechanism
-for associating a scripting language with individual event handling
-attributes (unlike script elements which must be provided with a
-<code>type</code> attribute).
-The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-specification calls for a page wide default scripting language
-to be set, and that is the only specified way to set the scripting
-language for intrinsic events.
-To this end The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> specification proposes the inclusion in the
-<code>HEAD</code> section of a page of a <code>META</code> tag:-
-<blockquote cite="">
-&lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Script-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
-This is supposed to assert the default type of script language on a
-page (possibly overridden by the (required) <code>type</code>
-attributes provided for individual script elements). As a result it
-is <em>formally correct</em> to include this tag in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4.01 documents
-(or provide a corresponding <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol "><abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span> header when the page is served).
-However, there is no evidence that any current browsers pay any attention to
-this <code>META</code> element at all (or would have any interest in a corresponding
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Transfer Protocol "><abbr title=" Transfer Protocol ">HTTP</abbr></span>
-header), but then there are not many browsers that can execute any
-scripting language but javascript. This entire proposed mechanism
-has also been subject to criticism, and many recommend disregarding
-it entirely in favour of relying on the tendency of browsers to
-default to interpreting intrinsic event code as javascript.
-<h2><a name="hsNs" id="hsNs">NOSCRIPT Elements</a></h2>
-The general idea of a <code>NOSCRIPT</code> element is to provide a
-holder for <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> marked-up content
-that will only be displayed when scripting is not enabled/available on
-a web browsers. At first sight this seems to be a useful idea, and a
-contribution towards providing clean degradation in circumstances where
-scripts cannot be executed. Showing content that would be a substitute
-for any content that would otherwise have been provided by a script.
-However, <code>SCRIPT</code> and <code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements are not
-actually directly substitutable in
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>. That is, you
-cannot use a <code>NOSCRIPT</code> element in all of the contexts in
-which you can use a <code>SCRIPT</code> element and produce valid
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> as a result.
-The <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DTDs
-categories <code>SCRIPT</code> and <code>NOSCRIPT</code> differently:
-<code>SCRIPT</code> is an <code>%inline</code>, <code>%special</code> or <code>%head.misc</code> element,
-it may appear in the <code>HEAD</code> of a document (as a child of
-a <code>HEAD</code> element (<code>%head.misc</code>)), or in any context that
-allows inline or <code>%special</code> content (descendants of the <code>BODY</code>
-element, but not in all contexts). The <code>NOSCRIPT</code> element
-is categorised as <code>%block</code>, and as a result it cannot appear in the
-<code>HEAD</code> at all, and may only appear in the body in a context
-that allows <code>%block</code> content (<code>%flow</code> or <code>%block</code> but not <code>%inline</code>). This
-means that the one cannot always stand as a direct substitute for the
-other in a valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> document.
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> <code>NOSCRIPT</code>
-elements probably seemed like a good idea when they were first introduced.
-They were probably even viable at the time because so few browsers were
-able to execute javascript that a division between <code>SCRIPT</code>
-and <code>NOSCRIPT</code> could encompass all of the possibilities. The
-problem with them now is the diversity of javascript capable web
-browsers, with their differing object models and language implementations.
-While it remains the case that any browser on which scripting is disabled
-or unavailable will use any <code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements provided in
-an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page, it is not the
-case that all javascript supporting and enabled browsers will be able
-to successfully execute any script specified within (or imported by) a
-<code>SCRIPT</code> element. The browser may lack the features needed
-by the script, or just not be sufficiently dynamic to present any
-content that the script intends to insert into the document.
-Even browser features as seemingly universal as the
-<code>document.write</code> function are not universally supported
-(even on modern browsers), and anything even remotely dynamic is bound
-to fail somewhere. So instead of having to cope with two certain
-outcomes, successful execution and no script execution at all, it is
-actually necessary to cope with 3 possible outcomes, adding the
-possibility that scripting is supported by the browser but the features
-required by any individual script are not available. In that third
-case the script fails to provide what it was intended to provide, but
-the contents of the <code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements are not presented
-This effectively renders <code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements next to
-useless when it comes to providing clean degradation. They leave
-an unbridgeable gap between browsers unwilling or unable to execute
-scripts at all and browsers that will fully support any given script.
-And whatever content seemed to make sense within those
-<code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements must also make sense in the context
-of a javascript capable browser that does not support the features
-required by a script.
-Recognising a requirement for clean degradation in script design,
-and the inability of <code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements to contribute
-towards facilitating it, many recommend never using
-<code>NOSCRIPT</code> elements. Instead providing content that
-works in place of active script support within the
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and then
-having their scripts remove, or transform by manipulation, that
-content only when the browser proves sufficiently supportive for
-the script to be viable. This technique allows the design to only
-consider two conditions; the browser fully supports the script
-and will execute it, or the browser does not support the scripts
-so whatever was originally included in the
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">
-<abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> will be
-what the user is exposed to.
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>CALL FOR VOTES -- comp.lang.javascript</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h1><a name="chT" id="chT">The comp.lang.javascript Charter</a></h1>
-The following is the text of the last Call For Votes (CFV) that
-resulted in the creation of the comp.lang.javascript newsgroup
-(as extracted from the archives at google groups). It defines
-the Charter for the proposed group, and as the vote was successful
-the charter as stated below is the charter currently in force for
-the comp.lang.javascript.
- unmoderated group comp.lang.javascript
-Newsgroups line:
-comp.lang.javascript Netscape Communications Corp.'s JavaScript language.
-Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 26 Jan 1996.
-This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions
-about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.
-Proponent: Thomas Winzig &lt;;
-Votetaker: Steve Bonine &lt;;
-RATIONALE: comp.lang.javascript
-Since Netscape Communication Corp.'s release of the Java-complementary
-scripting language, JavaScript, there has been a steady increase in
-the amount of JavaScript related questions and discussion in the usenet newsgroup. Since these two languages are
-distinctly different, and might draw discussion from two generally
-different 'crowds' (professional programmers and casual programmers),
-I formally propose the creation of comp.lang.javascript for discussion
-of everything related to the JavaScript scripting language.
-At this point in time, with JavaScript still in Beta test, the amount
-of JavaScript related postings to is &quot;acceptable&quot; by
-most. However, as JavaScript reaches completion, there will need to be
-a place for it's separate discussion.
-Truthfully, the JavaScript newsgroup could fit into a number of UseNet
-heirarchies, but I think the moderator of comp.infosystems.www.announce
-(M. L. Grant) explained it best when he said:
-&quot;...since javascript is different from java itself, it should be
-in its own hierarchy. A sixteenth comp.infosystems.www.* newsgroup
-is not needed; and putting it in the java groups will encourage the
-same confusion that endures (HINT: the group is *not*
-about Microsoft operating systems).&quot;
-CHARTER: comp.lang.javascript
-The proposed comp.lang.javascript will be open to discussion on all
-aspects of JavaScript, as it relates to HTML, Java, Perl, the World
-Wide Web in general, and other related languages. The scope of
-discussion will specifically exclude matters which are *solely*
-related to Sun Microsystems, Inc.'s Java language, which should be
-discussed in
-Send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are not votes) to:
-Replying to this article should work, but check the address before you mail
-your vote. Your mail message must contain one and only one of the following
-vote statements for each group:
- I vote YES on comp.lang.javascript
- I vote NO on comp.lang.javascript
-Names are required for this vote. The counting software will extract your name
-from the mail message if your mailer is properly configured; if your mail
-software does not indicate your name, you must include the following statement:
- Voter name: Your name here
-You can also vote ABSTAIN or CANCEL. These votes are not counted in the
-results, and CANCEL removes your name from the vote listing in the result.
-Vote counting is automated. Failure to follow these directions may mean that
-your vote does not get counted. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of
-your vote within three days contact the votetaker about the problem. IT'S YOUR
-If you wish to change your vote, simply vote again from the same account;
-duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the most recent vote.
-THIS IS NOT A SECRET VOTE. Names, addresses, and votes will be published in
-a RESULTS article in the same newsgroups in which this CFV appears.
-The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine if there is sufficient interest in
-the Usenet community to create a new newsgroup. Soliciting votes from
-disinterested parties defeats this purpose. Please do not distribute this CFV;
-direct people to the CFV in news.announce.newgroups. Distributing pre-marked
-or edited copies of this CFV is prohibited, and votes from such sources will be
-removed from the final vote total.
-Standard Guidelines for voting apply. One person, one vote. Votes must be
-mailed directly from the voter to the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded or proxy
-votes are not valid. Votes mailed by WWW servers are considered to be
-anonymous votes.
-In my opinion the charter says little that isn't obvious, but it
-also exhibits symptoms of its historic origin; an attempt to avoid
-javascript questions being asked in groups. 50% of
-the charter's text being devoted to excluding the discussion of the
-Java language
-In a modern context the subject of the group is interpreted as being
-all ECMAScript implementations as that is the standard that
-JavaScript (TM) now implements, and it is the implementation of that
-standard that allows other languages to be categorised as javascript.
-No applications of javascript/ECMAScript are excluded from discussion
-on the group, and the group's apparent bias towards web browser
-scripting for the Internet is a consequence of the historical origin
-of the language, and the fact that browser scripting remains its most
-common application.
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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- background-color:#FFFFDD;
- color:#000000;
- padding:0;
- margin:0;
- background-color:#EEEEFF;
- color:#000000;
- padding:0.5em;
- background-color:#EEEEFF;
- color:#000000;
- border:#EEEEFF 0px none;
- margin:0.5em;
- padding:0;
- font-weight:bold;
- margin-bottom:0.5em;
-.commentJS {
- background-color:#FFFFCC;
- color:#004800;
-.person {
- font-weight:bold;
-.fn {
- text-align:left;
- color:#B00000;
- }
-.ob {
- color:#AA6500;
-} {
- color:#0000DD;
-.nm {
- color:#006000;
- }{
- color:#003444;
-.un {
- color:#666666;
-DL {
- MARGIN-TOP: 0.5em; FONT-SIZE: 100%; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0.5em; MARGIN-LEFT: 2.5em
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@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>An Alternative DynWrite function</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h1><a name="alDynWr" id="alDynWr">An Alternative DynWrite function</a></h1>
- <li><a href="#DynWr">The DynWrite function.</a></li>
- <li><a href="#getEl">Element retrieval given the element ID as a string.</a></li>
- <li><a href="#innHTest">innerHTML Testing Strategy.</a></li>
- <li><a href="#AltDynWr">Alternative DynWrite function.</a></li>
-<h2><a name="DynWr" id="DynWr">The Original DynWrite function.</a></h2>
-<p id="DynWr_1">
-<a href="">The quick answer in section
-4.15 of the FAQ</a> defines a function called <code>DynWrite</code> that will insert <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-content into an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page by writing a string of <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> to the <code>innerHTML</code>
-property of an IDed element, but only on browsers that fully support
-the (Microsoft IE originated) <code>innerHTML</code> extension.
-<p id="DynWr_2">
-On browsers that do not provide a suitable mechanism for accessing the
-element, do not implement the <code>innerHTML</code> extension and browsers that
-implement <code>innerHTML</code> as a read-only property (along with Javascript
-incapable/disabled browsers) no content will be inserted with this
-<p id="DynWr_3">
-On browsers that lack the element retrieval mechanism the <code>DynWrite</code>
-function is created as a simple function that just returns false. That
-would allow code that called <code>DynWrite</code> to check the value returned from
-a call to <code>DynWrite</code> and, if it was false, know that there would be no
-point in continuing to use the function as content will never be
-inserted into the document.
-<p id="DynWr_4">
-Unfortunately the other branch, when an element retrieval mechanism is
-available, produces a function that will retrieve the element and write
-to its <code>innerHTML</code> property, returning true. On the browsers that do not
-implement, or fully implement, <code>innerHTML</code> this action should have no
-harmful side effects, merely creating a new <code>innerHTML</code> property on the
-element in browsers that do not implement the extension at all and
-leaving read-only <code>innerHTML</code> properties unchanged. But the true return
-value cannot be taken as an indicator of the success of the action.
-<p id="DynWr_5">
-Ideally the return value from <code>DynWrite</code> should be a reasonable
-indicator of the success of the attempt to insert contents into the
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> as that would facilitate controlled degradation on un-supporting
-<p id="DynWr_6">
-However, it is necessary to have a reference to an element in order
-to examine it to see if it does support <code>innerHTML</code> and the testing
-would alter the contents of that element (though possibly only
-temporarily). As a page loads elements usually become available
-(or, at least, referencable) after their opening <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> tag has been
-parsed, so code defined (or imported) in the HEAD section of a page
-could access the <code><span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span></code> element and the <code>HEAD</code> element along with,
-possibly, the <code>TITLE</code> and any other preceding elements.
-<p id="DynWr_7">
-It would be theoretically possible acquire a reference to one of
-these elements and determine whether it has an <code>innerHTML</code> property
-and maybe then attempt to write to it to see if that had the desired
-effect. In reality there is at least one <code>innerHTML</code> supporting
-browser that will allow the dynamic modification of the content of
-any element within the BODY but generates run-time errors if an
-attempt is made to test, read or modify the <code>innerHTML</code> property of
-elements within the HEAD. That rules out examining the elements
-within the HEAD for <code>innerHTML</code> support and means that when <code>DynWrite</code>
-is initially configured it cannot know whether it is going to be
-effective or not.
-<p id="DynWr_8">
-It would, in principle, be possible to write the <code>DynWrite</code> functions
-so that it tests the element that it is asked to insert <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> into
-prior to making the attempt so that it could act (or not) and then
-return true/false based on the result of those tests. But that would
-be inefficient as it would require that the test be carried out on
-every invocation of <code>DynWrite</code>. Iit may also be visually undesirable as
-the testing strategy (described below) involves setting the <code>innerHTML</code>
-to a test value resulting in two <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> modification per write operation
-(which may become visually apparent).
-<p id="DynWr_9">
-An alternative is to exploit the flexibility of Javascript by
-initially assigning a function to <code>DynWrite</code> that could carry out
-the required tests and then re-assign <code>DynWrite</code> to a function that
-returned a true/false value that more accurately reflected the
-browser's support for the <code>innerHTML</code> extension. Allowing the tests
-to be performed on an element that should be available at the time
-of the test and the content of which is intended that it be replaced
-so it will not matter if it is replaced with the test value because
-if it was successfully replaced for the test it would then be
-re-replaced with the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> that was intended to be inserted. It also
-allows the test to only be performed once as success or failure on
-the first attempt should indicate the same outcome on subsequent
-<p id="DynWr_10">
-<code>DynWrite</code> is initially configured based on the browser's apparent
-ability to retrieve a reference to a DOM element given its ID in
-the form of a string. On modern browsers the document.getElementById
-function can be used to return a reference to an element given the
-ID as a string. Older browsers may not implement the getElementById
-function, but some may provide an alternative mechanism such as
-<h2><a name="getEl" id="getEl">Element retrieval given the element ID as a string.</a></h2>
-<p id="getEl_1">
-Several approaches can be taken towards maximising the ability
-to retrieve references to DOM elements.
-<p id="getEl_2">
-1. Writing a general element retrieval function such as:-
-<pre id="getEl_ex1">
-function getElementWithId(id){
- var obj = null;
- if(document.getElementById){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Prefer the widely supported W3C DOM method, if
- available:-
- */</span>
- obj = document.getElementById(id);
- }else if(document.all){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.all on document.all only
- browsers. Requires that IDs are unique to the page
- and do not coincide with NAME attributes on other
- elements:-
- */</span>
- obj = document.all[id];
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* If no appropriate element retrieval mechanism exists on
- this browser this function always returns null:-
- */</span>
- return obj;
-<p id="getEl_3">
-2. Assigning one of many functions tailored to element retrieval on
-the current browser to a global variable that can then be used to
-call the element retrieval function.
-<pre id="getEl_ex2">
-var getElementWithId;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Prefer the widely supported W3C DOM method, if
- available:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return document.getElementById(id);
- }
-}else if(document.all){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.all on document.all only
- browsers. Requires that IDs are unique to the page
- and do not coincide with NAME attributes on other
- elements:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return document.all[id];
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* No appropriate element retrieval mechanism exists on
- this browser. So assign this function as a safe dummy.
- Values returned form calls to getElementWithId probably
- should be tested to ensure that they are non-null prior
- to use anyway so this branch always returns null:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return null;
- }
-<p id="getEl_4">
-3. Using a feature of a browser to emulate getElementById on a browser
-that does not implement it. So that getElementById can be used as a
-general element reference retrieval method.
-<pre id="getEl_ex3">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Emulate getElementById on document.all only browsers. Requires
- that IDs are unique to the page and do not coincide with NAME
- attributes on other elements:-
-if((!document.getElementById) &amp;&amp; document.all){
- document.getElementById = function(id){return document.all[id];};
-<p id="getEl_5">
-The reason for the comment about the use of ID and NAME attributes is
-that the <code>document.all</code> collection does not have exactly
-analogous behaviour with the <code>document.getElementById</code> method.
-If multiple elements have the same ID (or share an ID with the NAME of
-other elements) then <code>document.all</code> returns a collection
-instead of an individual element, while <code>document.getElementById</code>
-only ever returns an individual element or <code>null</code>. However,
-ID attributes are supposed to be unique to an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page if that page
-is valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> 4 so multiple identical IDs should not be a problem.
-The issue with IDs coinciding with NAMEs remains, though it would not
-be good <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> design to provoke that problem.
-<p id="getEl_6">
-Also, when a string used to refer to a property of the <code>document.all</code>
-collection does not refer to an element or a collection of elements
-<code>undefined</code> is returned by the above function. In most
-type-converting tests <code>undefined</code> and <code>null</code>
-behave the same (they both convert to boolean <code>false</code>)
-so the distinction is not necessarily important.
-<p id="getEl_7">
-However, a more cautious but slower getElementById emulation could be
-used. Including tests that ensure that its behaviour exactly matched
-the W3C getElementById method.
-<pre id="getEl_ex4">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Emulate getElementById on document.all only browsers. */</span>
-if((!document.getElementById) &amp;&amp; document.all){
- document.getElementById = function(id){
- var tempEl = null, el = document.all[id];
- if(el){ <span class="commentJS">//document.all returned something.</span>
- if((!||( != id)){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Either this is a collection or the only element
- available under the property name provided as the
- - id - parameter is a named element:
- */</span>
- if(el.length){ <span class="commentJS">//assume it is a collection.</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* But it might be an element with a NAME
- corresponding with the id parameter that has
- collection-like behaviour such as a form or a
- select element so proceed with caution:
- */</span>
- for(var c = 0;c &lt; el.length;c++){
- if((el[c].id)&amp;&amp;(el[c].id == id)){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Set tempEl to the first match and
- break out of the - for - loop:
- */</span>
- tempEl = el[c];
- break;
- }
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* el will be set to null if the loop did not
- find an element with the corresponding ID
- because the default null value of tempEl
- will not have changed:
- */</span>
- el = tempEl;
- }else{ <span class="commentJS">//only a named element is available for id.</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* getElementById should not return named elements
- only an IDed element so set el to null:
- */</span>
- el = null;
- }
- } <span class="commentJS">//else we have our element (the ID matches).</span>
- }else{ <span class="commentJS">//el is undefined so make it null;</span>
- el = null;
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* The returned value will be the first element confirmed as
- having the corresponding ID or it will be null:
- */</span>
- return el;
- };
-<p id="getEl_8">
-One of the consequences of creating a function to emulate
-<code>getElementById</code> is that other scripts that use the
-existence of <code>document.getElementById</code> to infer the
-existence of features of the browser beyond the getElementById method
-may wrongly infer that a browser that is provided with the emulation
-may have features that it does not have (unless they have also been
-emulated). This should not be a problem as using a test on one feature
-to infer the existence of other features is a <strong>fatally flawed
-technique</strong>, the use of which <strong>is discouraged</strong>.
-<p id="getEl_9">
-I will be using the third approach, emulating the
-<code>document.getElementById</code> method, in the modified
-<code>DynWrite</code> function (with notes on what would differ
-with either of the first two).
-<h2><a name="innHTest" id="innHTest">innerHTML Testing Strategy.</a></h2>
-<p id="innHTest_1">
-Initially testing an element to see if <code>innerHTML</code> is supported simply
-involves using the <code>typeof</code> operator to see if it returns
-<code>&quot;string&quot;</code>. That test will identify browsers such as Opera 6,
-where the <code>innerHTML</code> property is undefined.
-<p id="innHTest_2">
-The second test is based on the fact that when the <code>innerHTML</code> property
-of an element is read on a supporting browser the value returned is
-normalised <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and not the literal <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source code. However, all
-browsers seem to take a different attitude when generating that
-normalised source. So given the original <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> source:-<br><code>&lt;td
-the corresponding <code>innerHTML</code> of the parent element reads <br><code>&lt;TD
-CLASS='obj'&gt;&lt;U&gt;firstChild&lt;/U&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;</code><br> on
-Opera 7.11, <br><code>&lt;TD class=obj&gt;&lt;U&gt;firstChild&lt;/U&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;
-</code><br> on IE 5.0 and <br><code>&lt;td
-</code><br> on Mozilla 1.2.
-<p id="innHTest_3">
-None of these correspond with the original <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> but they are also
-different from each other. What is needed for the test is <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-source that all supporting browsers will return as different text
-from the source assigned. For that task a mixed case <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> string with additional
-unnecessary whitespace characters is used. That test <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> is appended
-to the original <code>innerHTML</code> value to ensure that the test string will
-never be equivalent to either the original <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> or the normalised
-result of reading the innnerHTML property after the assignment, even
-by accident. The fact that the browser has normalised the source is
-taken as indicating that the browser supports the <code>innerHTML</code> extension.
-<p id="innHTest_4">
-After writing the test <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> to the <code>innerHTML</code> property it is possible
-to determine whether the property is read only by comparing a stored
-copy of the original value against the retrieved value. This is also
-necessary because otherwise the fact that the returned <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> does not
-correspond with the testHTML would be taken as indicating that
-it had been normalised.
-<p id="innHTest_5">
-Finally, it is necessary to determine whether inserting the test
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> has added the element that it defines to the DOM for the page.
-<p id="innHTest_6">
-When those tests are passed correctly the <code>DynWrite</code> function can be
-replaced with a new function that does not bother repeating the tests
-for subsequent assignments to <code>innerHTML</code>. If the tests are failed
-then the <code>DynWrite</code> function replaces itself with one that does no
-more than return false to indicate its failure.
-<h2><a name="AltDynWr" id="AltDynWr">Alternative DynWrite function.</a></h2>
-<p id="AltDynWr_1">
-The modified, and commented, alternative <code>DynWrite</code> function
-incorporating these tests is as follows:-
-<pre id="AltDynWr_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* As written here, to support older browsers like IE 4, the emulation
- TO THIS FUNCTION. If either of the alternative element retrieval
- methods are to be used the noted changes also need to be made to
- this function and the alternative method MUST have been set-up
- prior to the first use of this function.
-function DynWrite(id, S){<span class="commentJS"> //Generates a successor when first called!</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* Define local variables:-
- */</span>
- var testH, newH, inH, testID;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Set the default value for the body text of the function that
- will be created to replace this function as the DynWrite
- function:-
- */</span>
- var funcBody = &quot;return false;&quot;
- <span class="commentJS">/* This ensures that getElementById is available (or emulated)
- on this browser prior to calling it:-
- */</span>
- var el = (document.getElementById)?document.getElementById(id):null;
- <span class="commentJS">/* If one of the other element retrieval strategies was used,
- creating a getElementWithId function, then because that function
- will return null when an element cannot be found, it is
- practical to just call that function as -
- var el = getElementWithId(id);
- - as subsequent tests result in an appropriate response.
- */</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* This ensures that the referenced element has been successfully
- retrieved and tests to verify that its innerHTML property is
- a string (as opposed to being undefined):-
- */</span>
- if((el)&amp;&amp;(typeof el.innerHTML == 'string')){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Arbitrary string to use as an ID for an element that
- should be created as a result of writing to the innerHTML
- value (The string itself and the result of concatenating it
- to itself (repeatedly) should follow the rules for valid
- <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> ID attributes):-
- */</span>
- testID = &quot;tSt&quot;;
- <span class="commentJS">/* This ensures that the test ID is not in use on the page by
- modifying it until an element cannot be retrieved using it:-
- */</span>
- while(document.getElementById(testID)){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the getElementWithId function is being used instead
- of the getElementById emulation then the preceding test
- must also use that function.
- */</span>
- testID += testID;
- }
- inH = el.innerHTML; <span class="commentJS">//Read the original innerHTML value.</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* The following mixed case <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> string is _not_ an error.
- */
- /* Note also that the STRONG element inserted in the page
- contains the text "test", which may momentarily be
- visible to the user. It would probably not be a good
- idea to have no contents in the STRONG at all but &amp;nbsp;
- could be used to reduce the potential visual impact:-
- */</span>
- newH = inH+&quot;&lt;sTrOnG Id='&quot;+testID+&quot;' &gt;test&lt;\/StRoNg &gt;&quot;;
- el.innerHTML = newH; <span class="commentJS">//Assumes synchronous update of DOM.</span>
- testH = el.innerHTML; <span class="commentJS">//Read innerHTML back for examination.</span>
- if((testH != newH)&amp;&amp; <span class="commentJS">//Apparently normalised or unchanged.</span>
- (testH != inH)&amp;&amp; <span class="commentJS">//Not unchanged (Not read-only).</span>
- (document.getElementById(testID))){ <span class="commentJS">//Element found in DOM.</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the getElementWithId function is being used instead
- of the getElementById emulation then the preceding test
- must also use that function.
- */</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* TESTS PASSED! Replace the default function body string
- with code that will set the innerHTML property of the
- element and return true, based on the assumption that
- the assignment will be successful because this test was
- sucessful:-
- */</span>
- funcBody =
- &quot;document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=S; return true&quot;;
- <span class="commentJS">/* See additional notes[1] on the function body to use at
- this point.
- */</span>
- }
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* Replace the DynWrite function with one determined by the results
- of the tests:-
- */</span>
- DynWrite = new Function(&quot;id&quot;, &quot;S&quot;, funcBody);
- <span class="commentJS">/* Call the newly created DynWrite function and return its return
- value as the return value for this function call:-
- */</span>
- return DynWrite(id, S);
-<span class="commentJS">/* [1] Notes on the body string to use if the tests are passed:-
- The existing function body string relies on the use of
- the getElementById emulation approach to retrieving DOM element
- with an ID. If the getElementWithId function was used the
- appropriate equivalent body string would be:-
-&quot;getElementWithId(id).innerHTML = S;return true;&quot;
- However, if the ID passed as a parameter to DynWrite does not
- correspond with an existing IDed element then either of these two
- options would result in a function that would generate run-time
- errors. For development that is probably a good thing as the
- resulting error should be corrected in either the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> or the
- script code by ensuring that the ID string provided does refer to a
- uniquely identified DOM element. On the other hand, having fully
- tested the code, the body string might be best swapped in deployed
- code to a more cautious version that checked the result of the
- element retrieval call to ensure that it is a non-null object:-
-&quot;var el=document.getElementById(id);if(el){el.innerHTML=S;}return true;&quot;
- - with the getElementById emulation or:-
-&quot;var el=getElementWithId(id);if(el){el.innerHTML=S;}return true;&quot;
- - with the getElementWithId function.
- These function body strings are still returning true. How
- suited that is to the situation would depend on how the code
- intended to respond to the return value. The inability to resolve
- one ID does not indicate that innerHTML would not available on
- others if they could be resolved so code that decides to stop
- attempting to write to innerHTML upon the first false return
- value might be better off using the previous strings. Code that
- wanted to fall-back based on each attempt to write to innerHTML
- would be better using a function body string that returned
- true/false based on the success of each individual attempt. For
- the body string that tests to ensure that the element reference
- is recovered a boolean return value based on the success of the
- element retrieval would be best suited. That is simplest achieved
- with a double NOT operator - return !!el; - . A null value of
- - el - would return boolean false and an element reference would
- return true due to type-converting forced by the NOT operator:-
-&quot;var el=document.getElementById(id);if(el){el.innerHTML=S;}return !!el;&quot;
- - with the getElementById emulation or:-
-&quot;var el=getElementWithId(id);if(el){el.innerHTML=S;}return !!el;&quot;
- - with the getElementWithId function.
-<p id="AltDynWr_2">
-This design of the function does not involve any configuration tests
-as the page loads. It is one simple function definition. In principle
-calling the function with appropriate parameters will always return
-false if the content inserting is not possible and true otherwise.
-With the tests being performed only on the first invocation of the
-<p id="AltDynWr_3">
-Given the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>: <code>&lt;div ID=&quot;anID&quot;&gt;old
-&lt;code&gt;HTML&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</code> examples of usage might be:-
-<pre id="AltDynWr_ex2">
-if(!DynWrite(&quot;anID&quot;, &quot;new &lt;code&gt;HTML&lt;\/code&gt;&quot;)){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// Handle the failure of the call to DynWrite.</span>
-<p id="AltDynWr_4">
-- or -
-<pre id="AltDynWr_ex3">
-if(DynWrite(&quot;anID&quot;, &quot;new &lt;code&gt;HTML&lt;\/code&gt;&quot;)){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// Action following the success of the DynWrite call.</span>
- ... <span class="commentJS">// Handle the failure of the call to DynWrite.</span>
-<p id="AltDynWr_5">
-It has been observed that IE 4 errors if DynWrite is called before the
-onload event is triggered by the browser. So to maximise cross-browser
-support for this function it would be better not to use it prior to that
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>Miscellaneous Tricks and Tips</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h1><a name="mtHead" id="mtHead">Miscellaneous Tricks and Tips.</a></h1>
- <!-- <li><a href="#mtSort">Sorting Arrays of objects by one of properties of those objects.</a></li> -->
- <li><a href="#mtCSSUn">Setting the top and left values of positioned elements with <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units, when needed</a></li>
- <li><a href="#mtSetTI">Using function references with setTimeout and setInterval</a></li>
-<h2><a name="mtSort" id="mtSort">Sorting Arrays of objects by one of properties of those objects.</a></h2>
-<p id="mtSort_1">
-Given an <code>Array</code> of like objects it may be necessary to sort
-that <code>Array</code> based on the value of one of the properties of
-those objects. The following functions are based on the results of a
-discussion between Evertjan and Lasse Reichstein Nielsen and are
-probably the shortest possible formulations of <code>&quot;comparefn&quot;</code>
-functions (as per ECMA 262 page 94) for use with the
-<code>Array.prototype.sort</code> method when sorting Arrays of objects
-by values held in one of their properties.
-<pre id="mtSort_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* These example function use the value of a property of the objects
- called &quot;x&quot;. That property name would have to be changed if the
- sorting was to be done by the value held under any other named. If
- the object to be sorted are other Arrays then the dot notation
- accessors - a.x - and - b.x - would have to be exchanged for Array
- accessors - a[n] - and - b[n] - where - n - is the integer index of
- the element being accessed.
-<span class="commentJS">/* The object who's property holds the smallest value is placed first
- in the Array returned by the Array.prototype.sort method:
- a.x &lt; b.x returns +1
- b.x &lt; a.x retains -1
- a.x == b.x returns 0
-function sortSmallFirst(a, b){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If a.x == b.x then (a.x &lt; b.x) is false and (a.x &gt; b.x) is
- false, the subtraction type converts false to zero and the
- return value is (0 - 0) which is zero. If a.x &lt; b.x then
- (a.x &lt; b.x) is true, and (a.x &gt; b.x) is false, the
- subtraction type-converts them into the numbers one and zero
- respectively and the return value is (1 - 0) which is plus
- one. Finally, if a.x &gt; b.x then (a.x &lt; b.x) is false, and
- (a.x &gt; b.x) is true, the subtraction type converts them to
- the numbers zero and one respectively and the return value
- is (0 - 1) which is minus one.
- */</span>
- return (a.x &lt; b.x) - (a.x &gt; b.x);
-<span class="commentJS">/* The object who's property holds the largest value is placed first
- in the Array returned by the Array.prototype.sort method:
- a.x &lt; b.x returns -1
- b.x &lt; a.x retains +1
- a.x == b.x returns 0
-function sortLargeFirst(a, b){
- return (a.x &gt; b.x) - (a.x &lt; b.x);
-<span class="commentJS">/* usage:-
- var unsortedObjectArray = [
- {x:2, y:'apple', z:5},
- {x:3, y:'orange', z:7},
- {x:89, y:'strawberry', z:9},
- {x:45, y:'peach', z:3},
- {x:8, y:'banana', z:9},
- {x:1, y:'lemon', z:34}
- ];
- var sortedObjectArray = unsortedObjectArray.sort(sortLargeFirst);
- -->
-<h2><a name="mtCSSUn" id="mtCSSUn">Setting the top and left values of positioned
- elements with <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units, when needed</a></h2>
-<p id="mtCSSUn_1">
-When setting the position of a positioned element by assigning values
-to the <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> <code>top</code> and <code>left</code> properties of the
-element's <code>style</code> object it is necessary to provide the
-value as a string with the units of the length (usually &quot;px&quot;)
-following the value. Modern standards compliant browsers require this,
-older and more tolerant browsers may assume that values without units
-represent &quot;px&quot; units but they can handle string values which
-include the <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units. Unfortunately some browsers want the
-<code>top</code> and <code>left</code> values provided as numbers and
-complain (or don't react) if they are provided as strings with units.
-<p id="mtCSSUn_2">
-A technique for handling this requirement is based on the observation
-that when a browser expects the <code>top</code> and <code>left</code>
-values to be set as a number of pixels a <code>typeof</code> test of
-either the <code>top</code> or <code>left</code> properties will return
-&quot;number&quot; while if that same test returns &quot;string&quot;
-the browser either will require the <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units to be appended to the
-values set as a string or it will successfully handle a value in that
-<p id="mtCSSUn_3">
-Once the object on which the <code>top</code> and <code>left</code>
-values are to be set is available one of its <code>top</code> or
-<code>left</code> properties can be tested with <code>tyoeof</code>
-and an appropriately scoped variable set to either the string
-<code>&quot;px&quot;</code> or the number zero.
-<pre id="mtCSSUn_ex1">
-var cssUnitsOrZero = (typeof == 'string')?'px':0;
-<p id="mtCSSUn_4">
-Then when the position has been calculated (as a number) it can be
-assigned to the appropriate property with the value derived as the
-result of the test applied to it using the <code>+</code> operator.
-Because the <code>+</code> operator is a duel role addition and
-string concatenation operator, and decides which action it will take
-based on its operands, the application of the <code>+</code> operator
-to a position value as a number will depend on the type of the value
-derived from the preceding <code>typeof</code> test on the
-<code>top</code> or <code>left</code> properties.
-<pre id="mtCSSUn_ex2"> = numericPosition + cssUnitsOrZero;
-<span class="commentJS">/* If the - numericPosition - value was 125, for example, and -
- cssUnitsOrZero - was zero, the value assigned would be:-
- = (125 + 0);
- - which is the number 125. If - cssUnitsOrZero - was &quot;px&quot; then
- the assignment would be:-
- = (125 + &quot;px&quot;);
- - which is the string &quot;125px&quot;.
-<p id="mtCSSUn_5">
-If the tested top property was not a string <code>cssUnitsOrZero</code>
-will be the number zero and the <code>+</code> operator will have two
-numeric operands and will perform numeric addition, assigning a numeric
-value to the property, unmodified by the addition of zero. But if the
-tested property was a string, so <code>cssUnitsOrZero</code> was
-assigned the string value <code>&quot;px&quot;</code>, the
-<code>+</code> operator will recognise that one of its operands is a
-string and type-convert the other (the calculated position value) into
-a string and perform concatenation, appending the
-<code>&quot;px&quot;</code> <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units string to the string
-representation of the calculated position and then assign that value to
-the property.
-<p id="mtCSSUn_6">
-This fulfils the requirement to provide <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> units where needed while
-providing the vlaues in numeric form whenever that is the type of value
-expected. It is inefficient to perform the <code>typeof</code> test on
-a relevant property whenever a value is to be assigned, it is better to
-perform the test once and then re-use the same
-<code>cssUnitsOrZero</code> variable for all subsequent assignments.
-<h2><a name="mtSetTI" id="mtSetTI">Using function references with setTimeout and setInterval</a></h2>
-<p id="mtSetTI_1">
-The <code>setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code> functions
-provided by web browsers are commonly used with a string of javascript
-source code as their first argument, frequently a string that does no
-more than call a separately defined function:-
-<pre id="mtSetTI_ex1">
-function invokedWithSetTimeout(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// do something.</span>
-var timer = setTimeout(&quot;invokedWithSetTimeout()&quot;, 100);
-<p id="mtSetTI_2">
-The string argument is interpreted and executed after the interval
-specified as the second argument (in milliseconds). In the preceding
-code the <code>invokeWithSetTimout</code> function would be called.
-<p id="mtSetTI_3">
-On more recent browsers (easily the majority these days) the first
-argument to the<code> setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code>
-functions can be a reference to a function. Instead of having to
-interpret and execute a string of javascript source code the function
-referred to is just executed after the interval. That will be more
-efficient as considerably smaller overhead would be involved in the
-execution of the function.
-<pre id="mtSetTI_ex2">
-var timer = setTimeout(invokedWithSetTimeout, 100);
-<p id="mtSetTI_4">
-Unfortunately a number of older browsers such as IE 4 and Opera 5 do
-not understand the function reference versions of
-<code>setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code>, leaving the use
-of string arguments as apparently the best method for cross-browser
-support. However, it is in the nature of loosely typed javascript that
-when a native code function such as <code>setTimeout/Interval</code> is
-expecting a string argument but is instead passed a value of another
-type that value will be type-converted into a string. That doesn't help
-much when the process of type-converting a function into a string
-results in an implementation dependent representation of the function,
-as is normally the case.
-<p id="mtSetTI_5">
-Type-converting of a function to a string is done with the
-function's <code>toString</code> method, usually
-<code>Function.prototype.toString</code>. Methods of a
-<code>prototype</code> can be overridden by methods of the function
-object itself and an overriding <code>toString</code> method can return
-any value its creator desires. That fact provides a means of using the
-more efficient function reference arguments with
-<code>setTimeout/Interval</code> and still supporting browsers that can
-only handle string arguments, by assigning a custom
-<code>toString</code> method to the function that is referred to in the
-argument to <code>setTimeout/Interval</code>. That custom method would
-return the string that would have been used in the
-<code>setTimeout/Interval</code> function call. If the function
-reference is type-converted to a string that string represents the
-javascript source code that would be needed to invoke the function. If
-it is not type-converted then <code>setTimeout/Interval</code> can
-invoke the function directly (and without the overhead involved in
-interpreting and executing the string of source code).
-<pre id="mtSetTI_ex3">
-function invokedWithSetTimeout(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// do something.</span>
-<span class="commentJS">/* Assign a function expression to a toString property of the function
- object referred to by the identifier - invokeWithSetTimeout -,
- overriding - Funciton.prototype.toString -. The new toString
- function returns the javascript source code needed to invoke a call
- to the function.
-invokedWithSetTimeout.toString = function(){
- return &quot;invokedWithSetTimeout();&quot;;
-var timer = setTimeout(invokedWithSetTimeout, 100);
-<span class="commentJS">/* If the browser will only recognise string values as the first
- argument to - setTimeout - then the function referred to by the
- identifier - invokeWithSetTimeout - will be type-converted to a
- string by calling its - toString - method, which will return the
- string &quot; invokedWithSetTimeout();&quot; and that string will
- be employed by the setTimeout function. Efectivly the same as
- calling the setTimeout function as:-
-var timer = setTimeout(&quot;invokedWithSetTimeout()&quot;, 100);
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>Cookies</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h1><a name="cookies" id="cookies">Cookies</a></h1>
- <li><a href="#proxIs">Privacy filters on proxies</a></li>
-<h2><a name="proxIs" id="proxIs">Privacy filters on proxies</a></h2>
-<p id="proxIs_1">
-<a href="">The page
-referenced</a> from <a href="">section 4.4 of
-the FAQ</a> describes a generally sound strategy for using cookies but suffers from
-an additional issue relating to &quot;privacy&quot; filters employed by content
-inserting/re-writing proxies.
-<p id="proxIs_2">
-The problem is that some of these filters identify the character sequence
-&quot;cookie&quot; within Javascript source code and replace it with an
-alternative string. <a href="">
-A c.l.j. thread describing an occurrence of this problem</a> had
-&quot;cookie&quot; replaced by &quot;ignore&quot; by ZoneAlarm, and
-Proximatron has a similar filter available (but not active) by default.
-<p id="proxIs_3">
-The effect of changing occurrences of <code>document.cookie</code>
-into <code>document.ignore</code> within source code is that attempts
-to write to the property just result in a new string property being
-assigned to the document object, but no cookie is created. And reading
-from the property returns the same string, or an undefined value
-if nothing has yet been written to the property.
-<p id="proxIs_4">
-The problem with the code is that the <code>Get_Cookie</code>
-and <code>Set_Cookie</code> functions are
-not written with a consideration that <code>document.cookie</code> may
-not refer to a string.
-<p id="proxIs_5">
-<code>Get_Cookie</code> will error if &quot;cookie&quot; has been replaced with
-&quot;ignore&quot; because it treats the <code>document.cookie</code>
-value as if it was a string. But changing that one function so that it
-does not attempt to read <code>document.cookie</code> if the value is
-not a string may prevent the error but would still undermine that strategy used.
-<p id="proxIs_6">
-However, the problem can be completely avoided by wrapping the content
-of the <code>Get_Cookie</code> and <code>Set_Cookie</code> functions
-in <code>typeof</code> tests and only executing the rest of the
-function if <code>typeof</code> returns <code>&quot;string&quot;</code>.
-<pre id="proxIs_ex1">
-function Get_Cookie(name) {
- if(typeof document.cookie == &quot;string&quot;){
- var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name+&quot;=&quot;);
- var len = start+name.length+1;
- if ((!start)&amp;&amp;
- (name != document.cookie.substring(0,name.length))){
- return null;
- }
- if (start == -1) return null;
- var end = document.cookie.indexOf(&quot;;&quot;,len);
- if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length;
- return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len,end));
- }else{
- <span class="commentJS">/* document.cookie is not a string so return an
- empty string. When tested this will type-convert to
- boolean false (accurately) giving the impression that
- client-side cookies are not available on this system:-
- */</span>
- return &quot;&quot;;
- }
-function Set_Cookie(name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) {
- if(typeof document.cookie == &quot;string&quot;){
- document.cookie = name + &quot;=&quot; +escape(value) +
- ( (expires) ? &quot;;expires=&quot; + expires.toGMTString() : &quot;&quot;) +
- ( (path) ? &quot;;path=&quot; + path : &quot;&quot;) +
- ( (domain) ? &quot;;domain=&quot; + domain : &quot;&quot;) +
- ( (secure) ? &quot;;secure&quot; : &quot;&quot;);
- }<span class="commentJS">//else document.cookie is not a string so do not write to it.</span>
-function Delete_Cookie(name,path,domain) {
- if (Get_Cookie(name)) document.cookie = name + &quot;=&quot; +
- ( (path) ? &quot;;path=&quot; + path : &quot;&quot;) +
- ( (domain) ? &quot;;domain=&quot; + domain : &quot;&quot;) +
- &quot;;expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT&quot;;
- }
-<p id="proxIs_7">
-Cookie reading and writing is unlikely to be done sufficiently often that
-the extra overhead of the tests will impact on the performance of
-the resulting script.
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<style type="text/css">
-.nameList, .nameList UL {
- list-style-type:none;
-<!-- listed by Date -->
-<ul class="nameList">
- <li><span class="person">Jim Ley</span>. - Jan 2004</li>
- <li><span class="person">Richard Cornford</span>. Jan 2004 - </li>
-<!-- Alphabetical list by surname or username if not an individual's name -->
-<ul class="nameList">
- <li><span class="person">Richard Cornford</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>2 Author - Posting Questions and replies to comp.lang.javascript</li>
- <li>4.4.1 Author - Privacy filters on proxies</li>
- <li>4.13.1 Author - Referencing Forms and Form Controls</li>
- <li>4.15.1 Author - An Alternative DynWrite function</li>
- <li>4.21.1 Author - Javascript Type-Conversion</li>
- <li>4.26.1 Author - Browser Detecting (and what to do Instead)</li>
- <li>4.39.1 Author - Javascript Square Bracket Notation</li>
- <li>Misc 2 Author - Javascript Closures</li>
- <li>Misc 3 Author - How to Include Scripts in HTML Documents</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Martin Honnen</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>Misc 2 Suggestions and corrections</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Jim Ley</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>Author - The comp.lang.javascript FAQ version 7.9</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Lasse Reichstein Nielsen</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>4.13.1 Suggestions of content</li>
- <li>4.39.1 Technical corrections</li>
- <li>Misc 2 Definition of Closure</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Michael Winter</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>FAQ General suggestions and corrections</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Yann-Erwan Perio (Yep)</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>4.39.1 Code testing and suggestions</li>
- <li>Misc 2 Suggestions and corrections</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Mike Scirocco</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>Misc 2 Corrections</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Dr John Stockton</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>2 Additional material, suggestions and corrections</li>
- <li>4.15.1 Code testing and suggestions</li>
- <li>4.21.1 Regular expression examples and additional suggestions</li>
- <li>4.26.1 Suggestions and corrections</li>
- <li>4.39.1 Suggestions and corrections</li>
- <li>Misc 2 Suggestions and corrections</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Randy Webb (HikksNotAtHome)</span>:
- <ul>
- <li>4.13.1 Suggestions of content and technical corrections</li>
- <li>4.15.1 The first getElementById emulation for IE 4 listed</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
-<html lang="en"><head><title>Square Bracket Notation</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="faq_notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<h1>Javascript Square Bracket Notation</h1>
- <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#sBs">Square Bracket Syntax</a></li>
- <li><a href="#vId">String Variables as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#eId">String Expressions as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#aVa">Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#illc">Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a></li>
-<h2><a name="intro" id="intro">Introduction</a></h2>
-<p id="intro_1">To be useful javascript needs to be able to access the properties of
-objects. It is impossible to learn javascript without understanding the
-dot notation that is normally used to access the properties of objects.
-<p id="intro_2">Javascript also offers an alternative property accessor notation
-using square brackets in a way that is similar to the way in which the
-indexed members of an Array are accessed, except that a string is used
-between the square brackets. This alternative notation is extremely
-powerful and useful but gets very little coverage in most books on
-javascript and that seems to leave novice javascript programmers
-unaware that they even have this option.</p>
-<p id="intro_3">The coverage in javascript books can be very poor. Looking back at
-some of the books that I first used to learn javascript, one devotes
-exactly one paragraph to property accessors and another actually states
-that the square bracket notation can only be used with integer indexes
-to access Arrays and array-like structures.</p>
-<p id="intro_4">With an understanding of dot notation and few clues that an
-alternative exists, novice (and a few surprisingly experienced)
-javascript programmers often turn to the <code>eval</code> function,
-constructing a string that represents a dot notation accessor
-(frequently retrieving the property names from javascript variables)
-and then passing it to the <code>eval</code> function in order to
-access the object property that it refers to. The <code>eval</code>
-function is just not needed to perform this type of property access
-and it is a relatively inefficient way of doing so (plus, some embedded
-browsers lack the resources to implement an <code>eval</code> function).
-<h2><a name="sBs" id="sBs">Square Bracket Syntax</a></h2>
-<p id="sBs_1">If you can access the property of an object using dot
-notation, such as:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex1">document.body</pre>
-<p id="sBs_2">- you can also use the square bracket notation:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex2">document['body']</pre>
-<p id="sBs_3">- in which the dot and the identifier to the right of the dot are
-replaced with a set of square brackets containing a string that
-represents the identifier that was to the right of the dot.</p>
-<p id="sBs_4">The Property Accessors section of javascript language specification
-(ECMA 262) makes it clear that the dot notation and the square bracket
-notation are parallel ways of accessing the properties of objects.</p>
-<blockquote cite="">
- <dt>ECMA 262 3rd Edition. Section 11.2.1 Property Accessors</dt>
- <dd>
- Properties are accessed by name, using either the dot notation:
-<pre >
- or the bracket notation:
-MemberExpression[ Expression ]
-CallExpression[ Expression ]
- The dot notation is explained by the following syntactic conversion:
- <pre>MemberExpression.Identifier</pre>
- is identical in its behaviour to
- <pre>MemberExpression[ &lt;identifier-string&gt; ]</pre>
- and similarly
- <pre>CallExpression.Identifier</pre>
- is identical in its behaviour to
- <pre >CallExpression[ &lt;identifier-string&gt; ]</pre>
- where <code>&lt;identifier-string&gt;</code> is a string literal
- containing the same sequence of characters as the Identifier.
- <dd>
-<p id="sBs_5">In the following simple <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex3">
- &lt;head&gt;
- &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
- &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
- &lt;form name=&quot;formName&quot; action=&quot;#&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;inpName&quot; value=&quot;Example value text&quot;&gt;
- &lt;/form&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-<p id="sBs_6">- which contains a form named <code>&quot;formName&quot;</code> with
-one input element named <code>&quot;inpName&quot;</code>. Various forms
-of dot notation property accessor can be used to reference the
-<code>&quot;value&quot;</code> property of the input element. One of
-the simplest is:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex4">
-var stringOfValue = document.formName.inpName.value;
-<p id="sBs_7">This dot notation has three dots, so there are three points at which
-the square bracket notation could be used in place of the dot notation
-(these are all equivalent).</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex5">
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;].inpName.value;
-var stringOfValue = document.formName[&quot;inpName&quot;].value;
-var stringOfValue = document.formName.inpName[&quot;value&quot;];
-<p id="sBs_8">The following combinations are also all equivalent to the original
-dot notation:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex6">
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;].inpName[&quot;value&quot;];
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;].value;
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;][&quot;value&quot;];
-var stringOfValue = window[&quot;document&quot;][&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;][&quot;value&quot;];
-<p id="sBs_9">Where the dot notation follows the dot with the identifier for the
-property that is to be accessed, the square bracket notation replaces
-the dot and identifier with square brackets that contain a string that
-represents the identifier for the property (the property name).</p>
-<h2><a name="vId" id="vId">String Variables as Identifiers</a></h2>
-<p id="vId_1">The string used within the square brackets does not need to be a
-string literal. It can be any expression that results in a string.
-This is where the square bracket notation becomes most useful as the
-expression could be a reference to a string variable that holds the
-property name as its value, or a function call that returns a string,
-or an expression that concatenates two strings, or any combination of
-<p id="vId_2">This means that the identifier needed to access a property does not
-need to be coded into a javascript. Consider the following simple
-<pre id="vId_ex1">
-function setPropertyToValue(oObj, sPropName, value){
- oObj[sPropName] = value;
-<p id="vId_3">- provided with a reference to an object (<code>oObj</code>), the
-name of a property (<code>sPropName</code>) and a value for that
-property (<code>value</code>), it will set the value of the property
-without needing to know what the name of the property that it is
-setting is. Called as
-<code>setPropertyToValue(document.formName.inpName, &quot;value&quot;, &quot;new value&quot;)</code>
-it will set the value of the field in the example form above to the
-string <code>&quot;new value&quot;</code>. However, called as
-<code>setPropertyToValue(window, &quot;location&quot;, &quot;;)</code>
-and the same function will navigate a web browser to the URL provided
-as the final parameter. Although this is a forced example you should be
-able to see that the square bracket notation offers considerable power
-and flexibility.</p>
-<p id="vId_4">Any variable that holds a string value can be used between the
-square brackets to form a property accessor. Variables that hold
-non-strings will have their value internally type converted into a
-string and that string will be used as the property name. This is not very
-useful, especially if the variables contain references to objects or
-functions, as the returned string is likely to be implementation
-<h2><a name="eId" id="eId">String Expressions as Identifiers</a></h2>
-<p id="eId_1">The ability to build the string used as the property name can be
-very useful in loops and with dynamically generating web pages (server
-side) that have variable length content. The strings can be the result
-of expressions that concatenate string literals with variables
-(particularly loop counters).</p>
-<p id="eId_2">Given the form:-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex1">
-&lt;form name=&quot;formName&quot; action=&quot;#&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_1&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_2&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_3&quot;&gt;
-<p id="eId_3">- the following loop will clear the value property of each element
-it turn:-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex2">
-for(var c = 1;c &lt; 4;c++){
- document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field_&quot;+c].value = &quot;&quot;;
-<p id="eId_4">If a server side process had created the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> form with
-<code>n</code> elements, named <code>field_1, field_2 ... field_n</code>
-, then all the server side process would have to do to have the loop
-clear each and every input element would be to change the <code>4</code>
-in the example to the value of <code>n+1</code>.</p>
-<p id="eId_5">Concatenation is the most common type of expression used with the
-square bracket notation but any javascript expression could be used.
-A function that returned a string could be used.</p>
-<p id="eId_6">In the following (rather contrived) example :-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex3">
-function getRootElName(){
- if(document.compatMode &amp;&amp; (document.compatMode == &quot;CSS1Compat&quot;)){
- return &quot;documentElement&quot;;
- }else{
- return &quot;body&quot;;
- }
-var verticalScroll = document[getRootElName()].scrollTop;
-<p id="eId_7">- the <code>scrollTop</code> value is read from either the
-<code>document.body</code> or <code>document.documentElement</code>
-depending on the value of <code>document.compatMode</code>. Passing
-strings about is far from the best way of achieving what the code
-above does but there will be circumstances when returning a string
-from a function call for use in a property accessor is potentially
-<h2><a name="aVa" id="aVa">Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation</a></h2>
-<p id="aVa_1">The square bracket notation requires that there be some sort of
-object reference to the left of the brackets.</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex1">[&quot;document&quot;] <span class="commentJS">//Array literal, not a Property Accessor!</span></pre>
-<p id="aVa_2">-will produce an error if an attempt is made to assign a value to it,
-as it will be treated as an Array literal, if an attempt to read from
-it is made the one element array containing the string within the
-brackets is returned. Global variables are normally referenced by their
-one identifier alone. This would seem to exclude global variables from
-the possibility of being referenced using a string that held their
-identifier name or an expression that built, or returned, their name.
-However, javascript global variables (and global function names for
-that matter) are properties of a global object. Any identifier that
-holds a reference to the global object can be used to the left of the
-square brackets to form a property accessor that refers to a global
-<p id="aVa_3">In a web browser the global object is the window (or frame) in which
-the script is running. Each window (or frame) object contains a number
-of properties, at least two of which are references to the window
-(global object) itself. These properties are 'window' and 'self'.
-These property names can be used as the identifier to the left of the
-square brackets when referring to global variables. So given a global
-variable defined as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex2">
-var anyName = 0;
-<p id="aVa_4">- that global variable can be referenced as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex3">
-<p id="aVa_5">As with any other use of the square bracket notation, the string
-within the brackets can be held in a variable or constructed/returned
-by an expression.</p>
-<p id="aVa_6">Code that is executing in the global context, the code within global
-functions (except Object constructors invoked with the <code>new</code>
-keyword) and inline code outside of any functions, could also use the
-<code>this</code> keyword to refer to the global object. The
-<code>this</code> keyword refers to an object depending on the
-execution context. For code executing in the global context
-<code>this</code> is the global object (on a web browser, the window
-object). As a result, the above variable could be referred to as
-<code>this[&quot;anyName&quot;]</code>, but only in code that is
-executing in the global context.</p>
-<p id="aVa_7">However, using the <code>this</code> keyword is very likely to be
-confusing, especially in scripts that include custom javascript objects
-where the methods (and constructors) of those objects would be using
-<code>this</code> to refer to their own object instances.</p>
-<p id="aVa_8">Some javascript implementations do not have a property of the global
-object that refers to the global object. Rather than trying to use the
-<code>this</code> keyword to access global variables it is possible to
-create your own global variable that refers to the global object.</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex4">
-var myGlobal = this;
-<p id="aVa_9">- executed as inline code at the start of a script will assign a
-reference to the global object (<code>this</code> in that context).
-From then on all global variables can be referenced with square bracket
-notation as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex5">
-<p id="aVa_10">- and expect <code>myGlobal</code> to refer to the global object
-from any execution context.</p>
-<h2><a name="illc" id="illc">Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a></h2>
-<p id="illc_1">One advantage of the square bracket notation over dot notation is
-the ability to use characters in identifier-strings that are not legal
-identifier characters. It is generally best to avoid giving javascript
-properties names and <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> elements names/IDs that are not made up
-entirely of characters that are legal in the relevant context. However,
-it is not always possible to avoid referencing elements with names that
-include characters that would be illegal in a javascript identifier.
-PHP offers an example of this, multiple form elements given the same
-name followed with empty square brackets, such as
-<code>name=&quot;inpEl[]&quot;</code>, are made available on the server
-as an array.</p>
-<p id="illc_2">The square bracket notation would allow an element with such a name
-to be referenced as <code> document&#46;forms[&quot;formName&quot;]&#46;elements[&quot;inpEl[]&quot;][0]</code>
-for example (the final <code>[0]</code> reflects the fact that
-multiple elements with the same name, when accessed by name, generate
-collections of elements and individual elements within that collection
-need to be referenced by index).</p>
-<p id="illc_3">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
-<ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:2.5em;">
- <li>Written by <span class="person">Richard Cornford</span>. March 2003.</li>
- <li>With technical corrections and suggestions by:-<br>
- <ul style="list-style-type:none;">
- <li><span class="person">Yann-Erwan Perio (Yep)</span>. (Also, thanks for testing the use
- of <code>this</code> to reference the global object in WSH
- and ASP2.)
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Lasse Reichstein Nielsen</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Dr John Stockton</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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-.tocEn {
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-<div id="pageWarning">
- The documents under <kbd>faq_notes/</kbd> are unmaintained. An up-to-date version
- of this document may be available at
- <a href="/faq/notes/">/faq/notes/</a>.
-<h1>Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ</h1>
-<h2><a name="toc" id="toc">Table of Contents</a></h2>
-<ul id="contTable">
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="#fnIntro">Introduction to the Notes</a>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN2" id="FAQN2">2 comp.lang.javascript tips</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="clj_posts.html">Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_4" id="FAQN4_4">4.4 How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="cookies.html">Privacy filters on proxies</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_12" id="FAQN4_12">4.12 Why does parseInt('09') give an error?</a>
- <ol>
- <li>See: <a href="type_convert.html#tcPrIntRx">4.21.1 Javascript Type-Conversion - parseInt with a radix argument</a>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_13" id="FAQN4_13">4.13 How do I get the value of a form control?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faHead">Referencing Forms and Form Controls.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faInt">Introduction</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faInF">Forms</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faInC">Form Controls</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faShrt">Shortcut Accessors</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faComMis">The Most Common Mistake</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faAnon">Anonymous Form References</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faBut">Radio Button and Other Control Collections</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_access.html#faEff">Efficient use of Form Accessors</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_15" id="FAQN4_15">4.15 How do I modify the current page in a browser?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="alt_dynwrite.html#alDynWr">An Alternative DynWrite function</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="alt_dynwrite.html#DynWr">The DynWrite function.</a></li>
- <li><a href="alt_dynwrite.html#getEl">Element retrieval given the element ID as a string.</a></li>
- <li><a href="alt_dynwrite.html#innHTest">innerHTML Testing Strategy.</a></li>
- <li><a href="alt_dynwrite.html#AltDynWr">Alternative DynWrite function.</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_21" id="FAQN4_21">4.21 Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html">Javascript Type-Conversion</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcInt">Introduction.</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcBool">Converting to Boolean.</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcString">Converting to String.</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcNumber">Converting to Number.</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcParse">Parsing to Number.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcParseFl">parseFloat</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcParseIn">parseInt</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcPrIntRx">parseInt with a radix argument</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcToInt32">ToInt32.</a></li>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcUserIn">Converting User Input.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="type_convert.html#tcRegEx">Regular expression examples.</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_25" id="FAQN4_25">4.25 My element is named myselect[] , how do I access it?</a>
- <ol>
- <li>See: <a href="square_brackets.html#illc">4.39.1 Javascript Square Bracket Notation - Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_26" id="FAQN4_26">4.26 How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdTop">Browser Detecting (and what to do Instead)</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdIntro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdValid">Avoiding structural differences in the browser DOMs</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdDif">Browsers Differences</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdFailS">Failed Strategies: Browser Detecting</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdUAS">Assumptions Based on navigator.userAgent</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdOI">Assumptions Based on DOM Objects: Object inference</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdFD">A Strategy That Works: Object/Feature Detecting.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdGEID">Example 1: IDed Element Retrieval</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdScroll">Example 2: Scroll Values</a></li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdReplace">Example 3: String.prototype.replace</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdDesPb">The Javascript Design Problem</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_39" id="FAQN4_39">4.39 How do I access the property of an object using a string?</a>
- <ol>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html">Javascript Square Bracket Notation</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#sBs">Square Bracket Syntax</a></li>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#vId">String Variables as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#eId">String Expressions as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#aVa">Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation</a></li>
- <li><a href="square_brackets.html#illc">Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn">
- <a name="FAQN4_41" id="FAQN4_41">4.41 Why doesn't the global variable &quot;divId&quot; always refer to the element with id=&quot;divId&quot;?</a>
- <ol>
- <li>See: <a href="alt_dynwrite.html#getEl">4.15.1 An Alternative DynWrite function - Element retrieval given the element ID as a string</a></li>
- <li>See: <a href="not_browser_detect.html#bdGEID">4.26.1 Browser Detecting (and what to do Instead) - Example 1: IDed Element Retrieval</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li>Miscellaneous
- <ol>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="cljs_charter.html">The comp.lang.javascript Charter</a></li>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="closures.html">Javascript Closures</a></li>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="script_tags.html">How to Include Scripts in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> Documents</a></li>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="misc.html">Tricks and Tips</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="contributors.html">Contributors</a></li>
- <li class="tocEn"><a href="">The complete FAQ and Notes in ZIP format (174KB)</a></li>
-<h2><a name="fnIntro" id="fnIntro">Introduction to the Notes</a></h2>
-Because the <a href="">comp.lang.javascript
-FAQ</a> is posted to the group regularly
-there are practical constraints on how much can be included in it. At
-the same time it is often felt that it should contain more (or more
-in-depth) information on some of its topics. The FAQ is largely
-designed to provide URLs of other resources that provide that
-additional information, but where no additional resource is available
-or it is felt that those resources omit important information. These
-notes are intended to provide an opportunity for those additional
-resources to be created.
-It is intended that anyone who wishes to contribute notes should be
-able to do so (under editorial control) and that some of the more
-in-depth postings to the group should become notes, or be
-incorporated within them.
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@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<title>Test element Removal</title>
-<style type='text/css'>
- .fail { background: #F33; }
- .pass { background: #0f0; }
- b { display: none; padding: 1px 3px;
- font-family: monospace; white-space: pre;}
-<form action="">
-<input type="text" name="test">
-<b id="failElements" class="fail">FAIL</b>
-<b id="passElements" class="pass">PASS</b>
-<strong>form.elements.test is null?</strong>
-<b id="passForm" class="pass">PASS</b>
-<b id="failForm" class="fail">FAIL</b>
-<strong>form.test is null?</strong>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var d = document,
- form = d.forms[0],
- display = "inline-block",
- failElements = d.getElementById('failElements'),
- passElements = d.getElementById('passElements'),
- failForm = d.getElementById('failForm'),
- passForm = d.getElementById('passForm');
-// comment the following line to hide bug:
- form.removeChild(form.lastChild);
-if(document.forms[0].elements.test )
- = display;
- = display;
-if(document.forms[0].test )
- = display;
- = display;
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-<html lang="en">
- <title>FormElementCollection.html</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- input { font-size: 8px; font-family: courier new, monospace; padding: 0 }
- #pass { display: none; background : #0f0; }
- #fail { display: none; background : #F33; }
- </style>
-<h1>Test: 290 Names not to give a FORM Control</h1>
-<form name="length" action="fail" title="fail">
-<input type="submit" />
-<form name="title"></form>
-<pre id="pass">PASS - All Form Properties Replaced by an Element</pre>
-<pre id="fail">FAIL</pre>
-<script type='text/javascript' src="names.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var form = document.forms[0];
-var input = document.createElement('input'),
- clone;
-var bugs = [];
-input.type = "text";
-for(var i = names.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
- try {
- if(names[i] == names[i-1]) {
- alert("found duplicate: " + names[i]);
- break;
- }
- else {
- clone = input.cloneNode(false);
- = = names[i];
- clone.value = names[i];
- form.appendChild(clone);
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- //("could not create input named: " + names[i]);
- }
-// can't use form.elements, form.getElementsByTagName, et c
-// because they were replaced by an input.
-var actual, expected, msg, actualString;
-for(i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- actual = form[names[i]];
- expected = document.getElementById(names[i]);
- if(actual != expected) {
- msg = names[i];
- if(actual.toString && actual.toString.tagName)
- actualString = actual.toString.tagName;
- else
- actualString = String(actual);
- msg += " found: " + (((actualString + " ("+typeof actual+")")) || "(missing)");
- bugs[bugs.length] = msg;
- }
-if(bugs.length > 0)
- fail(bugs);
-else pass();
-function fail(bugs) {
- var fail = document.getElementById('fail');
- += ': The following ' + bugs.length +
- ' form properties should have been an INPUT element:\n * ' + bugs.join('\n * ');
- = "inline-block";
-function pass() {
- var pass = document.getElementById('pass');
- = "inline-block";
-//document.write(names.join("\n &lt;/li&gt;\n &lt;li&gt;\n "));
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--- trunk/cljs/names/simple-leak-form-input.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/simple-leak-form-input.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<form action=""><input name="foo"><input name="bar"></form>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-// Clear out form's HTML.
-document.forms[0].innerHTML = "";
-document.write('foo: ' + document.forms[0].foo+'<br>');
-document.write('bar: '+document.forms[0].bar+'<br>');
-document.write(' '+document.forms[0];
\ No newline at end of file
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/names/api_design.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/api_design.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/api_design.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - API Design?</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>API Design?</h2>
- <h3>Form-as-a-collection Design Decision</h3>
- <p>
- Form-as-a-collection is problematic for implementors and should be a
- concern for developers (because bugs can occur when unsafe names are used).
- </p>
- <p>
- The idea of creating properties on a form creates
- a conflict. In Opera, the same key may appear twice in a for in loop.
- <a href=""
- >Opera, For In Loop, Same Key Appears Twice</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- The elements collection is a safe alternative.
- By deprecating the non-standard mystery <code>"similar to a collection"</code>
- behavior of a form, authors would be discouraged from using it.
- </p>
- <p>
- Developers can still safely access the properties directly from the <code>elements</code> collection.
- There is no need to standardize this.
- </p>
- <h4>HTML 5</h4>
- <p>
- The HTML 5 draft has merged in much of the Web Forms 2.0 specification,
- which attempted to standardize some of the browser inconsistencies, strange behavior,
- and bugs.
- </p>
- <h4 id="controls-example-2">toString Example</h4>
- <p>
- This example contains a <code>FORM</code> element with two form controls,
- one named "length", the other "toString". A click callback is added to the
- <code>FORM</code>'s <code>length</code> property. The body of the function calls
- the <code>alert</code> function with the <code>FORM</code>.
- </p>
- <form action=";" id="form1" style="display:inline">
- <input name="toString" type="hidden">
- <input name="length" value="submit" type="submit">
- </form>
- (Click the submit button to see what happens.)
- <script type="text/javascript">
- (function (){
- var form = document.getElementById('form1');
- form.length.onclick = function(e) {
- try{
- alert(form);
- } catch(ex) {
- alert("Error:\n" +ex.message);
- } finally {
- return false;
- }
- };
- })();
- </script>
- <p>
- <a onclick="toggleDisplay('controls-example-2-source', 'block', 'none'); return false;"
- href="">source...</a>
- </p>
- <pre id='controls-example-2-source' style="display:none">
-&lt;form action="" id="form1"&gt;
-&lt;input name="toString" type="hidden"/&gt;
-&lt;input name="length" value="submit" type="submit"/&gt;
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-(<span class='keyword'>function</span> (){
- <span class='keyword'>var</span> form = document.getElementById(<span class='q'>'form1'</span>);
- form.length.onclick = <span class='keyword'>function</span>(e) {
- <span class='keyword'>try</span>{
- alert(form);
- } <span class='keyword'>catch</span>(ex) {
- alert(<span class='q'>"Error:\n"</span> +ex.message);
- } <span class='keyword'>finally</span> {
- <span class='keyword'>return</span> <span class='keyword'>false</span>;
- }
- };
- </pre>
- <strong>Result</strong>
- <p>
- The callback tries to <code>alert</code>
- the <code>FORM</code> but throws an error when the <code>alert</code> function
- attempts to call the form's <code>toString</code>
- property, which was shadowed by a form control.
- </p>
- <h3>Callable Collections</h3>
- <p>
- Many browsers make <code>HTMLCollection</code> collection a callable object.
- When called, <code>document.forms(<var>x</var>)</code> returns a form element whose <code>name</code>,
- <code>id</code>, or <code>index</code> matches the supplied argument <code><var>x</var></code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- <a href="callable_example.html">Callable HTMLCollection Example</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- The DOM does not standardize collections to be callable. There isn't a good reason to call
- a collection. The property access operators provide a standard, cross-browser alternative.
- Callable collections are not implented in Mozilla. This feature does not appear to be considered for
- inclusion in HTML 5 or Web IDL.
- </p>
- <h3>Map-like NodeList Collections</h3>
- <p>
- Many browsers implement Map-like quality on <code>NodeList</code>.
- In these browsers, elements are accessible off the <code>NodeList</code> by their ID.
- </p>
- <p>
- <a href="map-like-nodelist.html">Map-like NodeList Example</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- This behavior is nonstandard and may be present, but should not be used.
- It is one innovation of Internet Explorer,
- copied in Safari, Opera, and perhaps elsewhere.
- </p>
- <p>
- Implementation developers and specifications authors must be aware of the permanence of
- API Design. We should all be cognizant of the impact that an API has on the future.
- </p>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li>API Design?</li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function toggleDisplay(id, d1, d2) {
- var s = document.getElementById(id).style;
- s.display = s.display === d2 ? d1 : d2;
- }
- </script>
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## -1 +0,0 ##
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Index: trunk/cljs/names/extra_props_document.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/extra_props_document.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/extra_props_document.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Extra Properties: Document</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Extra Properties: <code>document</code></h2>
- <h3>Non-Standard Named Properties</h3>
- <p>
- A browser may add a property to the <code>document</code> for each named
- (or <code>id</code>'d) FORM element, IMG, or possibly any other element.
- Alternatively, the same
- browser may implement a specialized <code>[[Get]]</code> method to find the property.
- </p>
- <form action="" id="testFormID" name="testFormName">
- <pre>
-&lt;form action="" id="testFormID" name="testFormName"&gt;
- <button class="evaluator" onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'testFormID' in document</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- <button class="evaluator" onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'testFormName' in document</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- <img name="testImgNAME" src="" alt="404" style="z-index: -1;position:relative;">
-&lt;img name="testImgNAME" src=""&gt;
- <button class="evaluator" onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'testImgNAME' in document</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- <a name='testLinkNAME' style="z-index: -1;position:relative;">link</a>
-&lt;a name='testLinkNAME'&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;
- <button class="evaluator" onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'testLinkNAME' in document</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- </form>
- <h3>Non Standard</h3>
- <p>
- Accessing objects from the <code>document</code> collection is not standard and unsafe.
- </p>
- <p>
- The extra properties added to <code>document</code>
- can cause problems with Event Handler Content Attributes as we will see later on.
- </p>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li>Extra Properties: <code>document</code></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a>
- </li>
- </ul>
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/names/unsafe_names.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/unsafe_names.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/unsafe_names.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,997 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Unsafe Names</title>
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Unsafe Names</h2>
- <p>
- There are roughly three-hundred (300) names which a form control
- must not have.
- </p>
- <p>
- Unsafely named elements can be added to a <code>FORM</code> object after
- the form has been created, or can be included in the HTML source
- code.
- </p>
-Examples of Unsafe Form Control Names
- <p>
- Unsafe <code>FORM</code>
- control names can appear in three ways:
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>In the <a href="form_override_html_source.html">HTML Source</a></li>
- <li><a href="form_override_dom.html">Added via the DOM</a></li>
- <li>From <a href="form_override_change_name.html">changing the <code>name</code> property</a></li>
- </ol>
- <p>
- Not all browsers behave the same when using unsafe
- <code>FORM</code> control names and a changing DOM.
- </p>
- <h3>Solution: Namespaced Form Controls</h3>
- <p>
- A naming system can help avoid unsafe names.
- </p>
- <p>
- Name the form controls starting with a special prefix. The prefix should be
- unique and represent the application.
- </p>
- <p>
- For example, an application named "VortexMail" could use the prefix <code>vtxmail_</code>.
- </p>
- <pre>
-&lt;input name="vtxmail_fname" type="text"&gt;
-&lt;input name="vtxmail_data" type="file"&gt;
-&lt;input name="vtxmail_submit" type="submit"&gt;
- <p>
- A prefix can also act as an identifying characteristic of your program or company,
- like a namespace.
- </p>
- <h4>Unsafe Names - Partial List</h4>
- <p>
- This list contains all the names that a form control should never have. It assumes
- that event handler attributes are never used and excludes some
- proposed properties from HTML 5
- [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">References</a>]. (e.g.
- <code>autofocus</code>, <code>min</code>, <code>max</code>,
- <code>height</code>, <code>labels</code>, <code>required</code>, <code>valid</code>, etc.).
- </p>
- <p>
- If event handler attributes are used, the list of unsafe names also includes
- every possible property name that exists on <code>document</code>, <code>window</code>,
- and the object of the tag that the event handler is declared on (could be any tag).
- This would bring the list to well over five-hundred (500) unsafe names, including
- <code>atob</code>, <code>bgColor</code>, <code>clear</code>, <code>close</code>, <code>opener</code>,
- <code>status</code>, <code>write</code>, etc.
- </p>
- <ol style="-moz-column-count: 2;
- -webkit-column-count: 2;
- column-count: 2;
- -moz-column-gap: 20px;
- -webkit-column-gap: 20px;
- column-gap: 20px;
- list-style-position:inside;">
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- </li>
- <li>
- accept
- </li>
- <li>
- acceptCharset
- </li>
- <li>
- action
- </li>
- <li>
- addBehavior
- </li>
- <li>
- addEventListener
- </li>
- <li>
- addEventSource
- </li>
- <li>
- addRepetitionBlock
- </li>
- <li>
- addRepetitionBlockByIndex
- </li>
- <li>
- all
- </li>
- <li>
- appendChild
- </li>
- <li>
- applyElement
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaBusy
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaChecked
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaControls
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaDescribability
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaDisabled
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaExpanded
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaFlowto
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaHaspopup
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaHidden
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaInvalid
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaLabelledby
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaLevel
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaMultiselect
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaOwns
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaPosinset
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaPressed
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaReadonly
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaRequired
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaSecret
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaSelected
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaSetsize
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaValuemax
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaValuemin
- </li>
- <li>
- ariaValuenow
- </li>
- <li>
- attachEvent
- </li>
- <li>
- attributes
- </li>
- <li>
- autocomplete
- </li>
- <li>
- baseURI
- </li>
- <li>
- behaviorUrns
- </li>
- <li>
- blockDiraction
- </li>
- <li>
- blur
- </li>
- <li>
- canHaveChildren
- </li>
- <li>
- canHaveHTML
- </li>
- <li>
- checkValidity
- </li>
- <li>
- childElementCount
- </li>
- <li>
- childNodes
- </li>
- <li>
- children
- </li>
- <li>
- className
- </li>
- <li>
- clearAttributes
- </li>
- <li>
- click
- </li>
- <li>
- clientHeight
- </li>
- <li>
- clientLeft
- </li>
- <li>
- clientTop
- </li>
- <li>
- clientWidth
- </li>
- <li>
- cloneNode
- </li>
- <li>
- compareDocumentPosition
- </li>
- <li>
- componentFromPoint
- </li>
- <li>
- constructor
- </li>
- <li>
- contains
- </li>
- <li>
- contentEditable
- </li>
- <li>
- currentStyle
- </li>
- <li>
- data
- </li>
- <li>
- detachEvent
- </li>
- <li>
- dir
- </li>
- <li>
- dispatchEvent
- </li>
- <li>
- dispatchFormChange
- </li>
- <li>
- dispatchFormInput
- </li>
- <li>
- document
- </li>
- <li>
- dragDrop
- </li>
- <li>
- elements
- </li>
- <li>
- encoding
- </li>
- <li>
- enctype
- </li>
- <li>
- fireEvent
- </li>
- <li>
- firstChild
- </li>
- <li>
- firstElementChild
- </li>
- <li>
- focus
- </li>
- <li>
- getAdjacentText
- </li>
- <li>
- getAttribute
- </li>
- <li>
- getAttributeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- getAttributeNode
- </li>
- <li>
- getAttributeNodeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- getBoundingClientRect
- </li>
- <li>
- getClientRects
- </li>
- <li>
- getElementsByClassName
- </li>
- <li>
- getElementsByTagName
- </li>
- <li>
- getElementsByTagNameNS
- </li>
- <li>
- getExpression
- </li>
- <li>
- getFeature
- </li>
- <li>
- getUserData
- </li>
- <li>
- hasAttribute
- </li>
- <li>
- hasAttributeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- hasAttributes
- </li>
- <li>
- hasChildNodes
- </li>
- <li>
- hasOwnProperty
- </li>
- <li>
- hideFocus
- </li>
- <li>
- id
- </li>
- <li>
- innerHTML
- </li>
- <li>
- innerText
- </li>
- <li>
- insertAdjacentElement
- </li>
- <li>
- insertAdjacentHTML
- </li>
- <li>
- insertAdjacentText
- </li>
- <li>
- insertBefore
- </li>
- <li>
- isContentEditable
- </li>
- <li>
- isDefaultNamespace
- </li>
- <li>
- isDefaultNamespaceURI
- </li>
- <li>
- isDisabled
- </li>
- <li>
- isEqualNode
- </li>
- <li>
- isMultiLine
- </li>
- <li>
- isPrototypeOf
- </li>
- <li>
- isSameNode
- </li>
- <li>
- isSupported
- </li>
- <li>
- isTextEdit
- </li>
- <li>
- item
- </li>
- <li>
- lang
- </li>
- <li>
- language
- </li>
- <li>
- lastChild
- </li>
- <li>
- lastElementChild
- </li>
- <li>
- length
- </li>
- <li>
- localName
- </li>
- <li>
- lookupPrefix
- </li>
- <li>
- mergeAttributes
- </li>
- <li>
- method
- </li>
- <li>
- moveRepetitionBlock
- </li>
- <li>
- msBlockProgression
- </li>
- <li>
- msBoxSizing
- </li>
- <li>
- name
- </li>
- <li>
- namedItem
- </li>
- <li>
- namespaceURI
- </li>
- <li>
- nextSibling
- </li>
- <li>
- nodeName
- </li>
- <li>
- nodeType
- </li>
- <li>
- nodeValue
- </li>
- <li>
- normalize
- </li>
- <li>
- offsetHeight
- </li>
- <li>
- offsetWidth
- </li>
- <li>
- onOffBehavior
- </li>
- <li>
- onabort
- </li>
- <li>
- onactivate
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforeactivate
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforecopy
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforecut
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforedeactivate
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforeeditfocus
- </li>
- <li>
- onbeforepaste
- </li>
- <li>
- onblur
- </li>
- <li>
- onchage
- </li>
- <li>
- onclick
- </li>
- <li>
- onclosecapture
- </li>
- <li>
- oncontextmenu
- </li>
- <li>
- oncopy
- </li>
- <li>
- oncut
- </li>
- <li>
- ondblclick
- </li>
- <li>
- ondeactivate
- </li>
- <li>
- ondrag
- </li>
- <li>
- ondragend
- </li>
- <li>
- ondragenter
- </li>
- <li>
- ondragleave
- </li>
- <li>
- ondragover
- </li>
- <li>
- onerror
- </li>
- <li>
- onfocus
- </li>
- <li>
- onfocusin
- </li>
- <li>
- onfocusout
- </li>
- <li>
- onhelp
- </li>
- <li>
- oninput
- </li>
- <li>
- onkeydown
- </li>
- <li>
- onkeypress
- </li>
- <li>
- onkeyup
- </li>
- <li>
- onmousedown
- </li>
- <li>
- onmouseenter
- </li>
- <li>
- onmouseleave
- </li>
- <li>
- onmousemove
- </li>
- <li>
- onmousemultiwheel
- </li>
- <li>
- onmouseout
- </li>
- <li>
- onmouseover
- </li>
- <li>
- onmouseup
- </li>
- <li>
- onmousewheel
- </li>
- <li>
- onmove
- </li>
- <li>
- onmoveend
- </li>
- <li>
- onmovestart
- </li>
- <li>
- onpaste
- </li>
- <li>
- onpropertychange
- </li>
- <li>
- onreadystatechange
- </li>
- <li>
- onresize
- </li>
- <li>
- onresizeend
- </li>
- <li>
- onresizestart
- </li>
- <li>
- onscroll
- </li>
- <li>
- onsearch
- </li>
- <li>
- onselect
- </li>
- <li>
- onselectstart
- </li>
- <li>
- ontimeerror
- </li>
- <li>
- onunload
- </li>
- <li>
- outerHTML
- </li>
- <li>
- outerText
- </li>
- <li>
- ownerDocument
- </li>
- <li>
- parentNode
- </li>
- <li>
- parentTextEdit
- </li>
- <li>
- prefix
- </li>
- <li>
- previousElementSibling
- </li>
- <li>
- previousSibling
- </li>
- <li>
- propertyIsEnumerable
- </li>
- <li>
- querySelector
- </li>
- <li>
- querySelectorAll
- </li>
- <li>
- quotes
- </li>
- <li>
- releaseCapture
- </li>
- <li>
- removeAttribute
- </li>
- <li>
- removeAttributeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- removeAttributeNode
- </li>
- <li>
- removeBehavior
- </li>
- <li>
- removeChild
- </li>
- <li>
- removeEventListener
- </li>
- <li>
- removeEventSource
- </li>
- <li>
- removeExpression
- </li>
- <li>
- removeNode
- </li>
- <li>
- removeRepetitionBlock
- </li>
- <li>
- repeatMax
- </li>
- <li>
- repeatMin
- </li>
- <li>
- repeatStart
- </li>
- <li>
- repetitionBlocks
- </li>
- <li>
- repetitionIndex
- </li>
- <li>
- repetitionTemplate
- </li>
- <li>
- repetitionType
- </li>
- <li>
- replace
- </li>
- <li>
- replaceAdjacentText
- </li>
- <li>
- replaceChild
- </li>
- <li>
- replaceNode
- </li>
- <li>
- reset
- </li>
- <li>
- resetFromData
- </li>
- <li>
- role
- </li>
- <li>
- runtimeStyle
- </li>
- <li>
- schemaTypeInfo
- </li>
- <li>
- scopeName
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollByLines
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollByPages
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollHeight
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollIntoView
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollLeft
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollTop
- </li>
- <li>
- scrollWidth
- </li>
- <li>
- selectNodes
- </li>
- <li>
- selectSingleNode
- </li>
- <li>
- setActive
- </li>
- <li>
- setAttributeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- setAttributeNode
- </li>
- <li>
- setAttributeNodeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- setCapture
- </li>
- <li>
- setExpression
- </li>
- <li>
- setIdAttribute
- </li>
- <li>
- setIdAttributeNS
- </li>
- <li>
- setIdAttributeNode
- </li>
- <li>
- setUserData
- </li>
- <li>
- sourceIndex
- </li>
- <li>
- spellcheck
- </li>
- <li>
- style
- </li>
- <li>
- submit
- </li>
- <li>
- swapNode
- </li>
- <li>
- tabIndex
- </li>
- <li>
- tagName
- </li>
- <li>
- tagUrn
- </li>
- <li>
- target
- </li>
- <li>
- templateElements
- </li>
- <li>
- text
- </li>
- <li>
- textContent
- </li>
- <li>
- title
- </li>
- <li>
- toLocaleString
- </li>
- <li>
- toString
- </li>
- <li>
- uniqueID
- </li>
- <li>
- unselectable
- </li>
- <li>
- unwatch
- </li>
- <li>
- urns
- </li>
- <li>
- valueOf
- </li>
- <li>
- watch
- </li>
- <li>
- window
- </li>
- </ol>
- <h4 style="clear:both">Early Adopter</h4>
- <p>
- Safari 3 has implemented the behavior specified in more closely than
- Safari 2. Safari 3 replaces more pre-existing properties of a
- <code>FORM</code> when an element with the same name is added.
- </p>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li>Unsafe Names</li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/names/form_override_html_source.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/form_override_html_source.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/form_override_html_source.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en">
- <title>FormElementCollection.html</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- #pass { display: none; background : #0f0; }
- #fail { display: none; background : #F33; }
- </style>
-<h1>Test: 290 Names not to give a FORM Control</h1>
-<form action="">
-<input name="window" id="window" type="text"><input name="watch" id="watch" type="text"><input name="valueOf" id="valueOf" type="text"><input name="urns" id="urns" type="text"><input name="unwatch" id="unwatch" type="text"><input name="unselectable" id="unselectable" type="text"><input name="uniqueID" id="uniqueID" type="text"><input name="toString" id="toString" type="text"><input name="toLocaleString" id="toLocaleString" type="text"><input name="title" id="title" type="text"><input name="textContent" id="textContent" type="text"><input name="text" id="text" type="text"><input name="templateElements" id="templateElements" type="text"><input name="target" id="target" type="text"><input name="tagUrn" id="tagUrn" type="text"><input name="tagName" id="tagName" type="text"><input name="tabIndex" id="tabIndex" type="text"><input name="swapNode" id="swapNode" type="text"><input name="submit" id="submit" type="text"><input name="style" id="style" type="text"><input name="spellcheck" id="spellcheck" type="text"><input name="sourceIndex" id="sourceIndex" type="text"><input name="setUserData" id="setUserData" type="text"><input name="setIdAttributeNode" id="setIdAttributeNode" type="text"><input name="setIdAttributeNS" id="setIdAttributeNS" type="text"><input name="setIdAttribute" id="setIdAttribute" type="text"><input name="setExpression" id="setExpression" type="text"><input name="setCapture" id="setCapture" type="text"><input name="setAttributeNodeNS" id="setAttributeNodeNS" type="text"><input name="setAttributeNode" id="setAttributeNode" type="text"><input name="setAttributeNS" id="setAttributeNS" type="text"><input name="setActive" id="setActive" type="text"><input name="selectSingleNode" id="selectSingleNode" type="text"><input name="selectNodes" id="selectNodes" type="text"><input name="scrollWidth" id="scrollWidth" type="text"><input name="scrollTop" id="scrollTop" type="text"><input name="scrollLeft" id="scrollLeft" type="text"><input name="scrollIntoView" id="scrollIntoView" type="text"><input name="scrollHeight" id="scrollHeight" type="text"><input name="scrollByPages" id="scrollByPages" type="text"><input name="scrollByLines" id="scrollByLines" type="text"><input name="scopeName" id="scopeName" type="text"><input name="schemaTypeInfo" id="schemaTypeInfo" type="text"><input name="runtimeStyle" id="runtimeStyle" type="text"><input name="role" id="role" type="text"><input name="resetFromData" id="resetFromData" type="text"><input name="reset" id="reset" type="text"><input name="replaceNode" id="replaceNode" type="text"><input name="replaceChild" id="replaceChild" type="text"><input name="replaceAdjacentText" id="replaceAdjacentText" type="text"><input name="replace" id="replace" type="text"><input name="repetitionType" id="repetitionType" type="text"><input name="repetitionTemplate" id="repetitionTemplate" type="text"><input name="repetitionIndex" id="repetitionIndex" type="text"><input name="repetitionBlocks" id="repetitionBlocks" type="text"><input name="repeatStart" id="repeatStart" type="text"><input name="repeatMin" id="repeatMin" type="text"><input name="repeatMax" id="repeatMax" type="text"><input name="removeRepetitionBlock" id="removeRepetitionBlock" type="text"><input name="removeNode" id="removeNode" type="text"><input name="removeExpression" id="removeExpression" type="text"><input name="removeEventSource" id="removeEventSource" type="text"><input name="removeEventListener" id="removeEventListener" type="text"><input name="removeChild" id="removeChild" type="text"><input name="removeBehavior" id="removeBehavior" type="text"><input name="removeAttributeNode" id="removeAttributeNode" type="text"><input name="removeAttributeNS" id="removeAttributeNS" type="text"><input name="removeAttribute" id="removeAttribute" type="text"><input name="releaseCapture" id="releaseCapture" type="text"><input name="quotes" id="quotes" type="text"><input name="querySelectorAll" id="querySelectorAll" type="text"><input name="querySelector" id="querySelector" type="text"><input name="propertyIsEnumerable" id="propertyIsEnumerable" type="text"><input name="previousSibling" id="previousSibling" type="text"><input name="previousElementSibling" id="previousElementSibling" type="text"><input name="prefix" id="prefix" type="text"><input name="parentTextEdit" id="parentTextEdit" type="text"><input name="parentNode" id="parentNode" type="text"><input name="ownerDocument" id="ownerDocument" type="text"><input name="outerText" id="outerText" type="text"><input name="outerHTML" id="outerHTML" type="text"><input name="onunload" id="onunload" type="text"><input name="ontimeerror" id="ontimeerror" type="text"><input name="onselectstart" id="onselectstart" type="text"><input name="onselect" id="onselect" type="text"><input name="onsearch" id="onsearch" type="text"><input name="onscroll" id="onscroll" type="text"><input name="onresizestart" id="onresizestart" type="text"><input name="onresizeend" id="onresizeend" type="text"><input name="onresize" id="onresize" type="text"><input name="onreadystatechange" id="onreadystatechange" type="text"><input name="onpropertychange" id="onpropertychange" type="text"><input name="onpaste" id="onpaste" type="text"><input name="onmovestart" id="onmovestart" type="text"><input name="onmoveend" id="onmoveend" type="text"><input name="onmove" id="onmove" type="text"><input name="onmousewheel" id="onmousewheel" type="text"><input name="onmouseup" id="onmouseup" type="text"><input name="onmouseover" id="onmouseover" type="text"><input name="onmouseout" id="onmouseout" type="text"><input name="onmousemultiwheel" id="onmousemultiwheel" type="text"><input name="onmousemove" id="onmousemove" type="text"><input name="onmouseleave" id="onmouseleave" type="text"><input name="onmouseenter" id="onmouseenter" type="text"><input name="onmousedown" id="onmousedown" type="text"><input name="onkeyup" id="onkeyup" type="text"><input name="onkeypress" id="onkeypress" type="text"><input name="onkeydown" id="onkeydown" type="text"><input name="oninput" id="oninput" type="text"><input name="onhelp" id="onhelp" type="text"><input name="onfocusout" id="onfocusout" type="text"><input name="onfocusin" id="onfocusin" type="text"><input name="onfocus" id="onfocus" type="text"><input name="onerror" id="onerror" type="text"><input name="ondragover" id="ondragover" type="text"><input name="ondragleave" id="ondragleave" type="text"><input name="ondragenter" id="ondragenter" type="text"><input name="ondragend" id="ondragend" type="text"><input name="ondrag" id="ondrag" type="text"><input name="ondeactivate" id="ondeactivate" type="text"><input name="ondblclick" id="ondblclick" type="text"><input name="oncut" id="oncut" type="text"><input name="oncopy" id="oncopy" type="text"><input name="oncontextmenu" id="oncontextmenu" type="text"><input name="onclosecapture" id="onclosecapture" type="text"><input name="onclick" id="onclick" type="text"><input name="onchage" id="onchage" type="text"><input name="onblur" id="onblur" type="text"><input name="onbeforepaste" id="onbeforepaste" type="text"><input name="onbeforeeditfocus" id="onbeforeeditfocus" type="text"><input name="onbeforedeactivate" id="onbeforedeactivate" type="text"><input name="onbeforecut" id="onbeforecut" type="text"><input name="onbeforecopy" id="onbeforecopy" type="text"><input name="onbeforeactivate" id="onbeforeactivate" type="text"><input name="onactivate" id="onactivate" type="text"><input name="onabort" id="onabort" type="text"><input name="onOffBehavior" id="onOffBehavior" type="text"><input name="offsetWidth" id="offsetWidth" type="text"><input name="offsetHeight" id="offsetHeight" type="text"><input name="normalize" id="normalize" type="text"><input name="nodeValue" id="nodeValue" type="text"><input name="nodeType" id="nodeType" type="text"><input name="nodeName" id="nodeName" type="text"><input name="nextSibling" id="nextSibling" type="text"><input name="namespaceURI" id="namespaceURI" type="text"><input name="namedItem" id="namedItem" type="text"><input name="name" id="name" type="text"><input name="msBoxSizing" id="msBoxSizing" type="text"><input name="msBlockProgression" id="msBlockProgression" type="text"><input name="moveRepetitionBlock" id="moveRepetitionBlock" type="text"><input name="method" id="method" type="text"><input name="mergeAttributes" id="mergeAttributes" type="text"><input name="lookupPrefix" id="lookupPrefix" type="text"><input name="localName" id="localName" type="text"><input name="length" id="length" type="text"><input name="lastElementChild" id="lastElementChild" type="text"><input name="lastChild" id="lastChild" type="text"><input name="language" id="language" type="text"><input name="lang" id="lang" type="text"><input name="item" id="item" type="text"><input name="isTextEdit" id="isTextEdit" type="text"><input name="isSupported" id="isSupported" type="text"><input name="isSameNode" id="isSameNode" type="text"><input name="isPrototypeOf" id="isPrototypeOf" type="text"><input name="isMultiLine" id="isMultiLine" type="text"><input name="isEqualNode" id="isEqualNode" type="text"><input name="isDisabled" id="isDisabled" type="text"><input name="isDefaultNamespaceURI" id="isDefaultNamespaceURI" type="text"><input name="isDefaultNamespace" id="isDefaultNamespace" type="text"><input name="isContentEditable" id="isContentEditable" type="text"><input name="insertBefore" id="insertBefore" type="text"><input name="insertAdjacentText" id="insertAdjacentText" type="text"><input name="insertAdjacentHTML" id="insertAdjacentHTML" type="text"><input name="insertAdjacentElement" id="insertAdjacentElement" type="text"><input name="innerText" id="innerText" type="text"><input name="innerHTML" id="innerHTML" type="text"><input name="id" id="id" type="text"><input name="hideFocus" id="hideFocus" type="text"><input name="hasOwnProperty" id="hasOwnProperty" type="text"><input name="hasChildNodes" id="hasChildNodes" type="text"><input name="hasAttributes" id="hasAttributes" type="text"><input name="hasAttributeNS" id="hasAttributeNS" type="text"><input name="hasAttribute" id="hasAttribute" type="text"><input name="getUserData" id="getUserData" type="text"><input name="getFeature" id="getFeature" type="text"><input name="getExpression" id="getExpression" type="text"><input name="getElementsByTagNameNS" id="getElementsByTagNameNS" type="text"><input name="getElementsByTagName" id="getElementsByTagName" type="text"><input name="getElementsByClassName" id="getElementsByClassName" type="text"><input name="getClientRects" id="getClientRects" type="text"><input name="getBoundingClientRect" id="getBoundingClientRect" type="text"><input name="getAttributeNodeNS" id="getAttributeNodeNS" type="text"><input name="getAttributeNode" id="getAttributeNode" type="text"><input name="getAttributeNS" id="getAttributeNS" type="text"><input name="getAttribute" id="getAttribute" type="text"><input name="getAdjacentText" id="getAdjacentText" type="text"><input name="focus" id="focus" type="text"><input name="firstElementChild" id="firstElementChild" type="text"><input name="firstChild" id="firstChild" type="text"><input name="fireEvent" id="fireEvent" type="text"><input name="enctype" id="enctype" type="text"><input name="encoding" id="encoding" type="text"><input name="elements" id="elements" type="text"><input name="dragDrop" id="dragDrop" type="text"><input name="document" id="document" type="text"><input name="dispatchFormInput" id="dispatchFormInput" type="text"><input name="dispatchFormChange" id="dispatchFormChange" type="text"><input name="dispatchEvent" id="dispatchEvent" type="text"><input name="dir" id="dir" type="text"><input name="detachEvent" id="detachEvent" type="text"><input name="data" id="data" type="text"><input name="currentStyle" id="currentStyle" type="text"><input name="contentEditable" id="contentEditable" type="text"><input name="contains" id="contains" type="text"><input name="constructor" id="constructor" type="text"><input name="componentFromPoint" id="componentFromPoint" type="text"><input name="compareDocumentPosition" id="compareDocumentPosition" type="text"><input name="cloneNode" id="cloneNode" type="text"><input name="clientWidth" id="clientWidth" type="text"><input name="clientTop" id="clientTop" type="text"><input name="clientLeft" id="clientLeft" type="text"><input name="clientHeight" id="clientHeight" type="text"><input name="click" id="click" type="text"><input name="clearAttributes" id="clearAttributes" type="text"><input name="className" id="className" type="text"><input name="children" id="children" type="text"><input name="childNodes" id="childNodes" type="text"><input name="childElementCount" id="childElementCount" type="text"><input name="checkValidity" id="checkValidity" type="text"><input name="canHaveHTML" id="canHaveHTML" type="text"><input name="canHaveChildren" id="canHaveChildren" type="text"><input name="blur" id="blur" type="text"><input name="blockDiraction" id="blockDiraction" type="text"><input name="behaviorUrns" id="behaviorUrns" type="text"><input name="baseURI" id="baseURI" type="text"><input name="autocomplete" id="autocomplete" type="text"><input name="attributes" id="attributes" type="text"><input name="attachEvent" id="attachEvent" type="text"><input name="ariaValuenow" id="ariaValuenow" type="text"><input name="ariaValuemin" id="ariaValuemin" type="text"><input name="ariaValuemax" id="ariaValuemax" type="text"><input name="ariaSetsize" id="ariaSetsize" type="text"><input name="ariaSelected" id="ariaSelected" type="text"><input name="ariaSecret" id="ariaSecret" type="text"><input name="ariaRequired" id="ariaRequired" type="text"><input name="ariaReadonly" id="ariaReadonly" type="text"><input name="ariaPressed" id="ariaPressed" type="text"><input name="ariaPosinset" id="ariaPosinset" type="text"><input name="ariaOwns" id="ariaOwns" type="text"><input name="ariaMultiselect" id="ariaMultiselect" type="text"><input name="ariaLevel" id="ariaLevel" type="text"><input name="ariaLabelledby" id="ariaLabelledby" type="text"><input name="ariaInvalid" id="ariaInvalid" type="text"><input name="ariaHidden" id="ariaHidden" type="text"><input name="ariaHaspopup" id="ariaHaspopup" type="text"><input name="ariaFlowto" id="ariaFlowto" type="text"><input name="ariaExpanded" id="ariaExpanded" type="text"><input name="ariaDisabled" id="ariaDisabled" type="text"><input name="ariaDescribability" id="ariaDescribability" type="text"><input name="ariaControls" id="ariaControls" type="text"><input name="ariaChecked" id="ariaChecked" type="text"><input name="ariaBusy" id="ariaBusy" type="text"><input name="applyElement" id="applyElement" type="text"><input name="appendChild" id="appendChild" type="text"><input name="all" id="all" type="text"><input name="addRepetitionBlockByIndex" id="addRepetitionBlockByIndex" type="text"><input name="addRepetitionBlock" id="addRepetitionBlock" type="text"><input name="addEventSource" id="addEventSource" type="text"><input name="addEventListener" id="addEventListener" type="text"><input name="addBehavior" id="addBehavior" type="text"><input name="action" id="action" type="text"><input name="acceptCharset" id="acceptCharset" type="text"><input name="accept" id="accept" type="text"><input name="TEXT_NODE" id="TEXT_NODE" type="text"><input name="PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" id="PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" type="text"><input name="NOTATION_NODE" id="NOTATION_NODE" type="text"><input name="ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" id="ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE" type="text"><input name="ENTITY_NODE" id="ENTITY_NODE" type="text"><input name="ELEMENT_NODE" id="ELEMENT_NODE" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" id="DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" id="DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_NODE" id="DOCUMENT_NODE" type="text"><input name="DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" id="DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE" type="text"><input name="COMMENT_NODE" id="COMMENT_NODE" type="text"><input name="CDATA_SECTION_NODE" id="CDATA_SECTION_NODE" type="text"><input name="ATTRIBUTE_NODE" id="ATTRIBUTE_NODE" type="text">
-<form name="title"/>
-<pre id="pass">PASS - All Form Properties Replaced by an Element</pre>
-<pre id="fail">FAIL</pre>
-<script type='text/javascript' src="names.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var form = document.forms[0];
-var actual, expected, msg, actualString;
-var bugs = [];
-for(var i = names.length -1; i > 0; i--) {
- try{
- actual = form[names[i]];
- if(actual != input) {
- msg = names[i];
- if(actual.toString && actual.toString.tagName)
- actualString = actual.toString.tagName;
- else
- actualString = String(actual);
- msg += " found: " + (((actualString + " ("+typeof actual+")")) || "(missing)");
- bugs[bugs.length] = msg;
- }
- } catch(x){
- msg = "Error: " + x.message;
- }
-// can't use form.elements, form.getElementsByTagName, et c
-// because they were replaced by an input.
-if(bugs.length > 0)
- fail(bugs);
-else pass();
-function fail(bugs) {
- var fail = document.getElementById('fail');
- += ': The following ' + bugs.length +
- ' form properties should have been an INPUT element:\n * ' + bugs.join('\n * ');
- = "inline-block";
-function pass() {
- var pass = document.getElementById('pass');
- = "inline-block";
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/names/extra_props.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/extra_props.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/extra_props.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Extra Properties: Form Elements</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</h2>
- <h3>Named Properties</h3>
- <p>
- A browser may add a property to the either the <code>FORM</code> or
- <code>elements</code> collection for each named (or <code>id</code>'d) element.
- Alternatively, the same
- browser may implement a specialized <code>[[Get]]</code> method to find the property.
- </p>
- <p>The way to tell if an object has a property is to use the <code>in</code> operator.</p>
- <form action="">
- <button name='test' onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'test' in this.form</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- <button name='test' onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'test' in this.form.elements</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- </form>
- <p>
- Behavior varies between browsers,
- and between <code>FORM</code> and <code>elements</code>. When named properties
- exist, they usually appear to have the attributes <code>ReadOnly</code>, <code>DontDelete</code>.
- </p>
- <h3>Indexed Properties</h3>
- <p>
- Browsers also either add indexed properties to the collection or form or implement
- a specialized <code>[[Get]]</code> method to find the property. As with named properties, most browsers
- will actually add the property to the collection.
- </p>
- <form action="">
- <button name='test' onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'0' in this.form</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- <button name='test' onclick=" = eval(;return false"
- >'0' in this.form.elements</button
- ><span>&nbsp;</span>
- </form>
- <p>
- Mozilla seems to be the only browser that implements a specialized [[Get]].
- </p>
- <h3 id="StandardWrong">Standard</h3>
- <p>
- The <code>elements</code> collection is an <code>HTMLCollection</code> that provides a
- standard way to access form controls.
- </p>
- <p>
- Web IDL [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">WebIDL</a>] lumps these behaviors into
- the terms: <code>[[NameGetter]]</code> and <code>[[IndexGetter]]</code>.
- Not all browsers have a specialized <code>[[Get]]</code> to retrieve named elements;
- the ones that do (Mozilla) don't always use it for every collection, so the term is a bit
- of a misnomer.
- </p>
- <p>
- We can see the influence Java programmers had in the DOM 2 ECMAScript bindings
- [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">DOM2</a>],
- which falsely states:
- </p>
- <blockquote cite="">
- <strong>Objects that implement the <code>HTMLCollection</code> interface:</strong>
- ...
- <p>
- <strong>Note:</strong> This object can also be dereferenced using square
- bracket notation (e.g. <code>obj[1]</code>). Dereferencing with an integer
- <strong>index</strong> is equivalent to invoking the <strong><code>item</code></strong> function
- with that index.
- </p>
- ...
- <p>
- <strong>Note:</strong> This object can also be dereferenced using square
- bracket notation (e.g. <code>obj["foo"]</code>). Dereferencing using a string
- index is equivalent to invoking the <strong><code>namedItem</code></strong> function with
- that index.
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- <h3>Property Access Operators</h3>
- <p>
- Contrary to what the [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">DOM 1</a>]
- specification states, the <code>[ ]</code> property access operator does not perform
- a typecheck. In ECMAScript, property access
- is performed with <code>obj[ <var>Expression</var> ]</code> or
- <code>obj . <var>Identifier</var></code>.
- </p>
- <h4>Property Access on a Form</h4>
- <p>
- When the named or indexed property is added to the form,
- there is no call to <code>item</code> or <code>namedItem</code>. The specification
- is wrong.
- </p>
- <p>
- When the property access operator is used, the <code><var>Expression</var></code> is
- converted to a string with the internal <code>ToString</code>.
- The internal <code>ToString</code> method calls the object's <code>toString</code>
- property if it is an object or, if <code>toString</code> is not an object, the <code>valueOf</code>
- property is to be called (though results vary).
- </p>
- <h4>Property Access on a Form Example</h4>
- <p>
- The following example
- shows that with <code>form[ <var>Expression</var> ]</code>,
- the <code><var>Expression</var></code>, an <code>ObjectLiteral</code>,
- results in an Object. This object's <code>toString</code> method
- is called by the internal [[ToString]].
- </p>
- <form action="">
- <button name='test' onclick=" += eval(;return false"
- >this.form["0"] === this.form[ { toString : function(){ return 0; } } ]</button
- >&nbsp;
- </form>
- <p>
- The property access operator results in a call to the object's <code>toString</code>
- property and the resulting primitive value is converted to the string value <samp>"0"</samp>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Had the authors of the DOM specification ECMAScript bindings written some tests,
- they could have learned how this basic feature of property access works in ECMAScript.
- </p>
- <p>
- Accessing form controls from the <code>elements</code> collection reduces ambiguity
- in the code. Control names that may conflict with the collection's properties are limited to:
- <code>length</code>, <code>item</code>, <code>namedItem</code>, <code>tags</code>.
- The names <code>document</code>, and <code>window</code> are still unsafe.
- </p>
- <p>
- Accessing form controls from the <code>elements</code> collection is safe. There
- are fewer conflicting names and, unlike form-as-a-collection, <code>elements</code>
- is a live representation.
- </p>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li>Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="index.html">Introduction</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a>
- </li>
- </ul>
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Index: trunk/cljs/names/form_override_change_name.html
--- trunk/cljs/names/form_override_change_name.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/form_override_change_name.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Safe Form Controls</title>
- <style type="text/css">
- input { font-size: 8px; font-family: courier new, monospace; padding: 0 }
- #pass { display: none; background : #0f0; }
- #fail { display: none; background : #F33; }
- </style>
-<h1>Test: 290 Names not to give a FORM Control</h1>
-<form name="length" action="fail" title="fail">
-<input type="submit" />
-<pre id="pass">PASS - All Form Properties Replaced by an Element</pre>
-<pre id="fail">FAIL</pre>
-<script type='text/javascript' src="names.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var form = document.forms[0];
-var input = form.elements[0];
-var bugs = [];
-var actual, expected, msg, actualString;
-for(var i = names.length -1; i > 0; i--) {
- if(names[i] == names[i-1]) {
- alert("found duplicate: " + names[i]);
- break;
- }
- else {
- try{
- = names[i];
- actual = form[names[i]];
- if(actual != input) {
- msg = names[i];
- if(actual.toString && actual.toString.tagName)
- actualString = actual.toString.tagName;
- else
- actualString = String(actual);
- msg += " found: " + (((actualString + " ("+typeof actual+")")) || "(missing)");
- bugs[bugs.length] = msg;
- }
- } catch(x){
- msg = "Error: " + x.message;
- }
- }
-// can't use form.elements, form.getElementsByTagName, et c
-// because they were replaced by an input.
-if(bugs.length > 0)
- fail(bugs);
-else pass();
-function fail(bugs) {
- var fail = document.getElementById('fail');
- += ': The following ' + bugs.length +
- ' form properties should have been an INPUT element:\n * ' + bugs.join('\n * ');
- = "inline-block";
-function pass() {
- var pass = document.getElementById('pass');
- = "inline-block";
-//document.write(names.join("\n &lt;/li&gt;\n&lt;li&gt;\n"));
Property changes:
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+++ trunk/cljs/names/index.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <meta name="author-email" content="">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <p>
- by Garrett Smith (<a href=""></a>),
- edited by Frank Manno (<a href=""></a>)
- with comments from David Mark, Richard Cornford, RobG, and Juriy Zaytsev.
- </p>
- <h2>Rich, Featureful Forms</h2>
- <p>
- An HTML <code>FORM</code> element, in most modern browsers,
- implements many interfaces and has a rich set of features.
- These features are exposed as properties of the form, such as
- <code>addEventListener</code>, <code>parentNode</code>, and
- <code>submit</code>. Browsers also add their own non-standard features
- such as <code>all</code>, <code>contentEditable</code>, or <code>spellcheck</code>.
- </p>
- <h3>Problem</h3>
- <p>
- Browsers add <code>name</code>s and <code>id</code>s of form
- controls as properties to the <code>FORM</code>. This results in
- the properties of the form being replaced.
- </p>
- <p>
- Browsers also may add <code>name</code>s
- and <code>id</code>'s of other elements as properties to
- <code>document</code>, and sometimes to the <code>global</code>
- object (or an object above the <code>global</code> object in scope).
- This non-standard behavior can result in replacement of
- properties on other objects. The problems it causes are discussed in detail.
- </p>
- <p>
- A problem occurs when a form control's <code>name</code> conflicts
- with the a property name of the <code>FORM</code> object. For example:
- </p>
- <h4>Simple Unsafe Name Example</h4>
- <pre>
-&lt;form action=""&gt;
- &lt;input type="text" name="name"&gt;
- &lt;input type="submit" name="submit"&gt;
- <h5>Result</h5>
- <p>
- The element with <code>name="name"</code> replaces
- the value of the <code>FORM</code>'s <code>name</code> property.
- A similar type of conflict happens with the
- <code>FORM</code>'s <code>submit</code> method and the
- element with <code>name="submit'</code>. Which will win?
- </p>
- <p>
- In most cases, the form control wins and the <code>FORM</code>'s property is
- replaced to have the value of the form control, or, if more than
- one form control has that name, the <code>FORM</code>'s property is
- replaced with a <code>NodeList</code> containing those form controls.
- </p>
- <p>
- However, in some cases, the <code>FORM</code>'s property is <em>not</em> replaced
- to have the value of the form control with the same name. The examples in this page show that
- the result depends on the browser, the property, and how the control is added.
- </p>
- <h4>How is a Form Like a Collection?</h4>
- <p>
- The DOM 1 specification states:
- </p>
- <blockquote cite="">
- <p>
- The <code>FORM</code> element encompasses behavior similar to a collection and an element.
- It provides direct access to the contained <code>input</code> elements as well as the
- attributes of the <code>FORM</code> element. [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">DOM1</a>]
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- <p>
- <cite>"Similar to a collection?"</cite>
- <em>What</em> collection? Similar in what way?
- The only standardized feature that is <cite>"similar to a collection"</cite> is
- the <code>length</code> property.
- </p>
- <p>
- In most browsers, a form has direct access to all named form controls,
- (except for <code>input type="image"</code>), not just <code>input</code> elements.
- </p>
- <p>
- Accessing controls as named or indexed properties is not standardized by the w3c DOM specification.
- It is a holdover feature from Netscape Navigator that was copied by Internet Explorer
- and since copied by every other major browser vendor.
- </p>
- <h4>How the Nonstandard Form-as-a-Collection <em>Really</em> Works</h4>
- <p>
- Controls may be accessed directly off the form.
- </p>
- <p>Given the following form:</p>
- <pre>
-&lt;form action=""&gt;
- &lt;input type="text" name="a"&gt;
- <p>
- The <code>input name="a"</code> may be retrieved in one of two ways, from the form
- or from the <code>elements</code> collection.
- </p>
- <h5>The elements Collection (standard)</h5>
- <pre>
- // Standard.
- document.forms[0].elements[0];
- document.forms[0].elements.a;
- <p>
- The control may be accessed directly off the form:
- </p>
- <h5>Directly from the Form (nonstandard)</h5>
- <pre>
- // non-standard.
- document.forms[0][0];
- document.forms[0].a;
- <h4>Side Effects</h4>
- <p>
- Accessing a named control directly off the form can have undesirable results.
- </p>
- <p>
- In a few browsers, removing a named control from the form will leave the named
- control as a property of the form.
- </p>
- <h5>Form-as-a-Collection Leak Example</h5>
- <p>
- This <a href="simple-leak-form-input.html">Simple leak</a> example shows
- that accessing a named element property directly from the <code>form</code>
- may cause the property to remain on the form, even after the element
- has been removed from the DOM.
- </p>
- <h5>Results</h5>
- <strong>Firefox 3, Safari 3</strong>
- <pre>
-foo: [object HTMLInputElement]
-bar: undefined undefined
- <strong>Opera 9.5, IE 6, Safari 2</strong>
- <pre>
-foo: undefined
-bar: undefined undefined
- <p>
- Similarly, when a named <code>FORM</code> element is removed from the <code>document</code>
- some browsers will keep that form name as a property of the <code>document</code>.
- Accessing named <code>FORM</code> controls as properties of the document is also nonstandard.
- </p>
- <h5>Standard</h5>
- <pre>document.forms.myform;</pre>
- <h5>Nonstandard</h5>
- <pre>document.myform;</pre>
- <p>
- A <code>form</code>'s indexed form control properties may also appear out of order.
- This behavior would not be compliant for the <code>elements</code> collection,
- it does not violate any standard for the form-as-a-collection (because
- there is no standard).
- </p>
- <p>
- Form-as-a-collection is unreliable and therefore should never be used.
- </p>
- <h3>The <code>elements</code> Collection</h3>
- <p>
- The <code>form.elements</code> collection
- provides programmers a safe place to access form controls.
- </p>
- <p>
- The <code>elements</code> collection contains the following properties:
- <code>length</code>, <code>item</code>, <code>namedItem</code>, plus an ordinal
- index property for each form control (excepting <code>input type="image"</code> controls).
- Some browsers also have a <code>tags</code> property on the <code>elements</code> collection.
- </p>
- <h4>The elements Collection is Live</h4>
- <p>
- When a form control is removed from the DOM, the <code>elements</code> collection
- is updated; however, the property will still remain on the form in some browsers
- (<a href="">Mozilla bug 307415</a>).
- </p>
- <h5>Element Removal Example</h5>
- <p>
- <a href="form_dom_removal.html">element removal example</a>
- </p>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li>Introduction</li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
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Index: trunk/cljs/names/callable_example.html
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+++ trunk/cljs/names/callable_example.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Callable HTMLCollection</title>
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rev="Section" href="api_design.html">
-<form action="" id="a" name="d"><input type="text"></form>
-<h3>Your Browser's Result:</h3>
-<pre id="callableResult">-</pre>
-<script type="text/javascript">(function(){
-var f = document.forms, isCallable = true,
- callableResult = document.getElementById('callableResult');
-try {
- f(0);
-} catch(ex) {
- isCallable = false;
-if(!isCallable) {
- = "form is not callable";
-} else {
- =
- ["typeof f " + "\""+ (typeof f) + "\"",
- "f('0') " + f('0'),
- "f('a') " + f('a'),
- "f('d') " + f('d')].join('\n');
-<h3>Browser Results:</h3>
-<pre>form is not callable</pre>
-Opera 9
-typeof f "object"
-f('0') [object HTMLFormElement]
-f('a') [object HTMLFormElement]
-f('d') [object HTMLFormElement]
-IE6, IE7, IE8
-typeof f "object"
-f('0') [object]
-f('a') [object]
-f('d') [object]
-typeof f "function"
-f('0') [object HTMLFormElement]
-f('a') [object HTMLFormElement]
-f('d') [object HTMLFormElement]
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## -1 +0,0 ##
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--- trunk/cljs/names/names.js (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/names.js (nonexistent)
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-var names = [
- // HTMLFormElement
- "elements","length", //readonly.
- "name", "acceptCharset", "action", "enctype", "method", "target", "submit", "reset",
- // HTMLElement
- "id", "title", "lang", "dir", "className",
- // Element.
- "tagName", "schemaTypeInfo", // readonly.
- "getAttribute", "removeAttribute", "getAttributeNode",
- "setAttributeNode", "removeAttributeNode", "getElementsByTagName",
- "getAttributeNS", "setAttributeNS", "removeAttributeNS",
- "getAttributeNodeNS", "setAttributeNodeNS", "getElementsByTagNameNS",
- "hasAttribute", "hasAttributeNS", "setIdAttribute", "setIdAttributeNS",
- "setIdAttributeNode",
- // Node.
- // Node constants.
- // Readonly.
- "nodeName",
- "nodeType",
- "parentNode",
- "childNodes",
- "firstChild",
- "lastChild",
- "previousSibling",
- "nextSibling",
- "attributes",
- "ownerDocument",
- "namespaceURI",
- "localName",
- "baseURI",
- "nodeValue",
- "insertBefore",
- "replaceChild",
- "removeChild",
- "appendChild",
- "hasChildNodes",
- "cloneNode",
- "normalize",
- "isSupported",
- "prefix",
- "hasAttributes",
- "compareDocumentPosition",
- "textContent",
- "isSameNode",
- "lookupPrefix",
- "isDefaultNamespaceURI",
- "isEqualNode",
- "getFeature",
- "setUserData",
- "getUserData",
- // ElementCSSInlineStyle.
- "style", // readonly.
- // EventTarget.
- "addEventListener",
- "removeEventListener",
- "dispatchEvent",
- // Mouse Events
- "onclick",
- "onmousedown",
- "onmouseup",
- "onmouseover",
- "onmousemove",
- "onmouseout",
- "ondblclick",
- // MouseWheelEvent.
- "onmousewheel",
- "onmousemultiwheel",
- // Key Events.
- "onkeydown",
- "onkeyup",
- "onkeypress",
- // bubbled events?
- "onchage",
- "onabort",
- "onerror",
- "onselect",
- "onresize",
- "onscroll",
- // New Events for Element:
- "onfocus",
- "onblur",
- // Proprietary MSIE (also HTML 5/FF).
- "clientHeight",
- "clientWidth",
- "offsetHeight",
- "offsetWidth",
- "clientLeft",
- "clientTop",
- "contentEditable",
- "getBoundingClientRect",
- "getClientRects",
- "getElementsByClassName",
- "scrollIntoView",
- "scrollLeft",
- "scrollTop",
- "scrollWidth",
- "scrollHeight",
- "tabIndex",
- "encoding",
- "spellcheck",
- "innerHTML",
- "innerText",
- "children",
- "ariaBusy",
- "ariaChecked",
- "ariaControls",
- "ariaDescribability",
- "ariaDisabled",
- "ariaExpanded",
- "ariaFlowto",
- "ariaHaspopup",
- "ariaHidden",
- "ariaInvalid",
- "ariaLabelledby",
- "ariaLevel",
- "ariaMultiselect",
- "ariaOwns",
- "ariaPosinset",
- "ariaPressed",
- "ariaReadonly",
- "ariaRequired",
- "ariaSecret",
- "ariaSelected",
- "ariaSetsize",
- "ariaValuemax",
- "ariaValuemin",
- "ariaValuenow",
- "autocomplete",
- "blockDiraction",
- "canHaveChildren",
- "canHaveHTML",
- "hideFocus",
- "isContentEditable",
- "isDisabled",
- "isMultiLine",
- "isTextEdit",
- "language",
- "msBlockProgression",
- "msBoxSizing",
- "onOffBehavior",
- "outerHTML",
- "outerText",
- "parentTextEdit",
- "quotes",
- "role",
- "scopeName",
- "sourceIndex",
- "tagUrn",
- "uniqueID",
- "all",
- "behaviorUrns",
- "onactivate",
- "onbeforeactivate",
- "onbeforecopy",
- "onbeforecut",
- "onbeforedeactivate",
- "onbeforeeditfocus",
- "onbeforepaste",
- "oncontextmenu",
- "oncopy",
- "oncut",
- "ondeactivate",
- "ondrag",
- "ondragend",
- "ondragenter",
- "ondragleave",
- "ondragover",
- "onfocusin",
- "onfocusout",
- "onhelp",
- "onclosecapture",
- "onmouseenter",
- "onmouseleave",
- "onmove",
- "onmoveend",
- "onmovestart",
- "onpaste",
- "onpropertychange",
- "onreadystatechange",
- "onresizeend",
- "onresizestart",
- "onselectstart",
- "ontimeerror",
- // methods.
- "addBehavior",
- "applyElement",
- "attachEvent",
- "blur",
- "clearAttributes",
- "click",
- "componentFromPoint",
- "contains",
- "detachEvent",
- "dragDrop",
- "fireEvent",
- "focus",
- "getAdjacentText",
- "getExpression",
- "insertAdjacentElement",
- "insertAdjacentHTML",
- "insertAdjacentText",
- "item",
- "mergeAttributes",
- "namedItem",
- "querySelector",
- "querySelectorAll",
- "releaseCapture",
- "removeBehavior",
- "removeExpression",
- "removeNode",
- "replaceAdjacentText",
- "replaceNode",
- "setActive",
- "setCapture",
- "setExpression",
- "swapNode",
- "urns",
- // objects.
- "currentStyle",
- "runtimeStyle",
- // WF2.0
- "accept",
- "checkValidity",
- "replace",
- "data",
- "resetFromData",
- "dispatchFormInput",
- "dispatchFormChange",
- "templateElements",
- // Proprietary Moz/HTML 5
- "isDefaultNamespace",
- // Opera
- "childElementCount",
- "firstElementChild",
- "lastElementChild",
- "previousElementSibling",
- "repeatMin",
- "repeatStart",
- "repetitionBlocks",
- "repetitionIndex",
- "repetitionTemplate",
- "repetitionType",
- "repeatMax",
- "text",
- "unselectable",
- "addRepetitionBlock",
- "addRepetitionBlockByIndex",
- "moveRepetitionBlock",
- "removeRepetitionBlock",
- "selectNodes",
- "selectSingleNode",
- "addEventSource",
- "removeEventSource",
- // Webkit
- "oninput",
- "scrollByLines",
- "scrollByPages",
- "document",
- "onsearch",
- "onunload",
- // Scope chain for event handler attributes.
- "window",
- // Object.prototype
- "constructor",
- "toString",
- "toLocaleString",
- "valueOf",
- "hasOwnProperty",
- "isPrototypeOf",
- "propertyIsEnumerable",
- "watch",
- "unwatch"
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Conclusion</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Conclusion</h2>
- <h3>Problem</h3>
- <p>
- Browser APIs and Web Standards are designed in such a way that
- element <code>id</code>s and <code>name</code>s, if not
- carefully chosen, may inadvertently pollute other objects
- with extra properties. This can cause problems.
- </p>
- <h3>Solution</h3>
- <p>
- There are several steps that you, as a page author, can take
- to avoid these problems.
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Be aware of the problem.
- </li>
- <li>
- Don't rely on the augmented scope chain to find properties of the <code>FORM</code>,
- <code>body</code>, or <code>document</code>. Instead, use fully qualified property lookups,
- e.g. <code>document.body</code>, <code>this.form.elements</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Avoid Event Handler Content Attributes.
- Events can be registered in the script (not in HTML).
- </li>
- <li>
- Use prefixed or "namespaced" names for
- <code>id</code> and <code>name</code> attribute values.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h3>Do Web Standards Suck?</h3>
- <p>
- They are not without their problems.
- Most of the problems and <a href="extra_props.html#StandardWrong">misconceptions</a>
- would become self-evident if the standards bodies were to use a
- test-driven approach. The current approach is Big Up Front Design
- with the traditional analysis-documentation-implementation phases.
- The APIs are designed with a waterfall approach.
- </p>
- <p>
- Testing is informal and not part of the official process. This is something
- that needs to change in order to avoid unforseen pitfalls. Unfortunately, there has
- not been enough change in this direction and we can witness current problems
- with HTML 5 that build upon the mistakes of prior specifications and poor
- design of experimental implementations.
- </p>
- <p>
- A test-based process could have revealed the design problem
- with form-as-a-collection, as specified in HTML 5, or the issues
- with <code>body</code> event handler content attributes (e.g.
- <code>hashchange</code>). Multiple contributors
- to a test suite would make it hard for the author to ignore API design mistakes.
- </p>
- <h4>Normative References</h4>
- <ul id="controls-normref">
- <li> [DOM1]
- <a href=""
- >Document Object Model (HTML) Level 1</a>, Mike Champion, others.
- </li>
- <li> [DOM2]
- <a href=""
- >Document Object Model (HTML) Level 2</a>, Johnny Stenback, others.
- </li>
- <li>
- [DOMEvents]
- <a href=""
- >Document Object Model Events</a>, Philippe Le H&eacute;garet, Tom Pixley
- </li>
- <li>
- [HTML 5]
- <a href="">HTML 5</a>,
- Ian Hickson
- </li>
- <li>[WebIDL]
- <a href="">Web IDL</a>,
- Cameron McCormack
- </li>
- </ul>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li>Conclusion</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
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+++ trunk/cljs/names/map-like-nodelist.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<title>Map-like NodeList Example</title>
-<h1>Map-like NodeList Example</h1>
-<div id="item"></div>
-<div id="length"></div>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
-document.writeln("divs.item.tagName = " + divs.item.tagName);
-document.writeln("divs.length.tagName = " + divs.length.tagName);
-<h2>Opera, IE</h2>
-<h2>Safari 3</h2>
-DIV undefined
-undefined undefined
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--- trunk/cljs/names/event_handler.html (revision 45)
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-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Unsafe Names</title>
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Event Handler Scope</h2>
- <h3>Event Handler Content Attributes and Augmented Scope Chain</h3>
- <p>
- Event Handler Content Attributes are event handler attributes that appear in the HTML source.
- </p>
- <p>
- When an element has an event handler content attribute, the value
- of that attribute becomes the <code>FunctionBody</code> of a function that the browser calls when it fires that event.
- </p>
- <p>
- Modern browsers augment the <code>FunctionBody</code>'s scope chain with the element, the element's <code>FORM</code>
- (if it is a form control), and <code>document</code>. There is no official standard for this augmented scope chain.
- </p>
- <p>
- Older browsers, such as Safari 2, Mozilla 1.x, Opera 7, differ. Scope augmentation occurs for all
- event handler content attributes with the notable exception of the <code>body</code> element, for
- which event handler scope is not consistently augmented across event types and implementations.
- </p>
- <p>
- The context (<code>thisArg</code>) is (with the exception of <code>body</code>), the element
- itself. In the browsers that implement DOM Events [<a href="conclusion.html#controls-normref">DOMEvents</a>],
- the event handler function has a single parameter named <code>event</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Given the following markup:
- </p>
-<pre>&lt;p onclick="self.alert(event);"&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</pre>
- <p>
- The augmented scope chain, if written in ECMAScript, would look like:
- </p>
- <pre>
-<span class='keyword'>function</span> onclick(<var>event</var>) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(document) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(<span class='keyword'>this</span>.form) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(<span class='keyword'>this</span>) {
- self.alert(<var>event</var>);
- }
- }
- }
- <p>
- Note that some browsers will not supply an <code><var>event</var></code> parameter.
- </p>
- <h4>Example 3: Augmented Scope Chain</h4>
- <p>
- This example shows how <code>window</code> and <code>document</code>
- are shadowed:
- </p>
- <form action="">
- <input type="hidden" name="document">
- <button type="button" name="window"
- onclick="self.alert([window.tagName, document.tagName])"
- >self.alert([window.tagName, document.tagName])</button>
- </form>
- <strong>Source:</strong>
- <pre>
-&lt;form action=""&gt;
- &lt;input type="hidden" name="document"&gt;
- &lt;button type="button" name="window"
- onclick="self.alert([window.tagName, document.tagName])"&gt;self.alert([window.tagName, document.tagName])&lt;/button&gt;
- <p>
- The augmented scope chain, if written in ECMAScript, would look like:
- </p>
- <pre>
-<span class='keyword'>function</span> onclick(<var>event</var>) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(document) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(<span class='keyword'>this</span>.form) {
- <span class='keyword'>with</span>(<span class='keyword'>this</span>) {
- self.alert([title, files, focus == window.focus]);
- <span class='keyword'>var</span> e = <var>event</var>||window.event;
- <span class='keyword'>if</span>(e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
- e.returnValue = <span class='keyword'>false</span>;
- }
- }
- }
- <p>
- For all intents and purposes, the browser's
- <code>window</code> property of the <code>global</code> object is
- an alias to the the <code>global</code> object itself.
- </p>
- <p>
- Relying on an augmented scope chain to resolve properties may
- have unexpected results in different environments (i.e. browsers). The following example
- shows how in at least two browsers, <code>files</code> is resolved as a property
- of an <code>input</code> element.
- </p>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var files = [1,2,3];
- </script>
- <form action="">
- <input onclick="self.alert([title, files, focus == window.focus]);
- var e = event||window.event;
- if(e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();e.returnValue = false;" type="file">
- </form>
- <pre>
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-<span class='keyword'>var</span> files = [1,2,3];
-&lt;form action=""&gt;
- &lt;input onclick="self.alert([title, files, focus == window.focus]);
- var e = event||window.event;
- if(e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
- e.returnValue = false;" type="file"&gt;
- <h3>Result</h3>
- Firefox 3, Safari 3:
- <pre>",[object FileList],false"</pre>
- Opera 9.5, IE7, IE8:
- <pre>",1,2,3,false"</pre>
- <p>
- The identifier <code>files</code> is resolved on the input element
- in Firefox 3 and Safari 3. In IE8 or Opera 9.5, <code>files</code> is
- resolved on the window object.
- </p>
- <p>
- A <a href="scope_aug_example.html">modified example</a> from c.l.js thread <a
- href=""
- >"Works in ie and opera not mozilla"</a>, by Richard Cornford.
- </p>
- <h4>Browsers Tested:</h4>
- <li>Opera 9.27, 9.63, 10a;</li>
- <li>Safari 3.2.1;</li>
- <li>Chrome;</li>
- <li>Firefox, 3.0.5;</li>
- <li>IE 7, 8.0RC1;</li>
- <li>IE 5.2 (Mac)</li>
- <li>Konqueror 4.1;</li>
- <li>Blackberry 4.7 (9500 model)</li>
- <li>MSIEMobile 6.0 (WinCE)</li>
- <h4>Results:</h4>
-ex0 = global
-ex1 = document #document
-ex2 = document #document
-ex3 = document #document
-ex4 = 4 FORM
-ex5 = 4 FORM
-ex6 = 4 FORM
-ex7 = 7 INPUT
-ex8 = 7 INPUT
-ex9 = 7 INPUT
-// First link
-ex0 = global
-ex1 = document #document
-ex2 = document #document
-ex3 = document #document
-ex4 = document #document
-ex5 = document #document
-ex6 = document #document
-ex7 = document #document
-ex8 = 8 A
-ex9 = 8 A
-// Second link
-ex0 = global
-ex1 = document #document
-ex2 = document #document
-ex3 = document #document
-ex4 = document #document
-ex5 = document #document
-ex6 = document #document
-ex7 = document #document
-ex8 = document #document
-ex9 = 9 A
- <p>Most of the above results were provided by Juriy Zaytsev on thread
- <a
- href=""
- >Cross-Browser Mouse Event Handling</a>.
- </p>
-<h4>Older Browsers</h4>
- <p>
- Less recent browsers, including Safari 2.0.4, Mozilla 1.x,
- and Opera 7, featured different scope chains.
- </p>
- <h4>Exception: The <code>BODY</code> Tag.</h4>
- <p>
- The <code>body</code> tag's event handler attributes are either mapped to
- <code>window</code> (which has no tag) or to the <code>BODY</code> element.
- Results vary based on the event and the browser. Do not use event handler
- attributes for the <code>body</code> element.
- </p>
- <h3>Problem</h3>
- <p>
- An augmented scope chain, combined with event handler content attributes, means that
- properties of the element itself, the element's form (if it is a form control),
- and document, may shadow properties of the window object.
- As explained in: <a href=""
- >select?</a>, and
- <a href=""
- >hashchange only dispatched in history traversal</a>, comments by Garrett Smith. Shortened code excerpt:
- </p>
- <pre>
-&lt;img name='alert' alt="Alert!" src="alert.jpg"&gt;
-&lt;button onclick="self.alert(alert);"&gt;self.alert(alert);&lt;/button&gt;
-<img name='alert' alt="Alert!" src="" style="z-index:-1;position:absolute">
-<button onclick="self.alert(alert);">self.alert(alert);</button>
- <h4>Result</h4>
- <p>
- Alerts <samp>[object HTMLImageElement]</samp> (or similar implementation-dependent string).
- </p>
- <p>
- By using an unsafe name of <samp>"alert"</samp> for an <code>IMG</code>,
- The <code>window</code>'s <code>alert</code> property
- identifier is shadowed by <code>document</code>'s <code>alert</code>
- property identifier because
- <code>document</code> is in the event handler's augmented scope
- before <code>window</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- By using event handler content attributes and unsafe names,
- <code>document</code> and <code>window</code>, the respective identifiers
- are resolved on the augmented scope chain.
- </p>
- <p>
- The augmented scope chain
- creates more ambiguity and increases the number of unsafe names.
- </p>
- <h3>Solution</h3>
- <ul>
- <li>
- Don't rely on the augmented scope chain to find properties of the <code>FORM</code>,
- <code>body</code>, or <code>document</code>. Instead, use fully qualified property lookups,
- e.g. <code>document.body</code>, <code>this.form.elements</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Avoid Event Handler Content Attributes.
- Registering event callbacks in the script (not in HTML) avoids
- the possibility of a property such as unqualified <code>alert</code>
- being resolved on an object other than <code>window</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not use Event Handler Content Attributes for <code>body</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Use prefixed names for all <code>id</code> or <code>name</code> attribute values.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: <code>global</code></a></li>
- <li>Event Handler Scope</li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="extra_props_global.html">Extra Properties: global</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
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--- trunk/cljs/names/scope_aug_example.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/scope_aug_example.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "">
-<html lang="en">
- <head>
- <title>Augmented Scope Chain in Event Handlers</title>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function setExpandos(){
- setExs(window,0, 'global');
- setExs(document,1, 'document');
- setExOn(document.body,2, 'body');
-function setExOn(obj, depth, data){
- if(obj.nodeType == 1){
- setExs(obj,depth, data);
- var o = obj.children||obj.childNodes;
- for(var c = 0;c < o.length;c++){
- setExOn(o[c], (depth+1), (depth+1));
- }
- }
-function setExs(obj,start, data){
- for(var c = start;c < 10;c++){
- obj['ex'+c] = data+((obj.nodeName)?(' '+obj.nodeName):'');
- }
-var res = [
-'chain results > ',
-'\nex0 = ','', //2
-'\nex1 = ','', //4
-'\nex2 = ','', //6
-'\nex3 = ','', //8
-'\nex4 = ','', //10
-'\nex5 = ','', //12
-'\nex6 = ','', //14
-'\nex7 = ','', //16
-'\nex8 = ','', //18
-'\nex9 = ','' //20
-<body onload="setExpandos();">
-<form action="">
- <div>
- <p>
- <input type="button" value="Form Button"
- onclick="var a = res;a[2] = ex0;a[4] = ex1;
- a[6] = ex2;a[8] = ex3;a[10] = ex4;
- a[12] = ex5;a[14] = ex6;a[16] = ex7;
- a[18] = ex8;a[20] = ex9;
- alert(a.join(''));return false;">
- </p>
- </div>
- <thead>
- <tr><th><a href="#"
- onclick="var a = res;a[2] = ex0;a[4] = ex1;
- a[6] = ex2;a[8] = ex3;a[10] = ex4;
- a[12] = ex5;a[14] = ex6;a[16] = ex7;
- a[18] = ex8;a[20] = ex9;
- alert(a.join(''));return false;">
- thead</a></th></tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr><td><span>
- <a href="#"
- onclick="var a = res;a[2] = ex0;a[4] = ex1;
- a[6] = ex2;a[8] = ex3;a[10] = ex4;
- a[12] = ex5;a[14] = ex6;a[16] = ex7;
- a[18] = ex8;a[20] = ex9;
- alert(a.join(''));return false;">
- tbody</a></span></td></tr>
- </tbody>
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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--- trunk/cljs/names/extra_props_global.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/names/extra_props_global.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
-<html lang="en">
- <title>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls - Extra Properties: Global</title>
- <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <meta name="author" content="Garrett Smith">
- <link rel="Start" href="./">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../faq.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="names.css" type="text/css" media="all" charset="iso-8859-1">
- <h1>Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</h1>
- <h2>Extra Properties: <code>global</code></h2>
- <h3>Extra Properties: The Element Id Resolver Object</h3>
- <p>
- IE, Opera, Firefox, and Webkit
- seem to implement a non-standard <dfn>element id resolver</dfn>
- object. This object is used to retrieve the element.
- See comp.lang.javscript thread:
- <a href=""
- >Why "window.alert()" over "alert()"?</a>, comment by Lasse Reichstein Nielsen.
- </p>
- <p>
- In some browsers, this behavior depends on the DOCTYPE used.
- </p>
- <p>
- This is a non-standard behavior of browsers that applies to <em>any</em> element with
- an <code>id</code>, not only form controls.
- </p>
- <p>
- Assigning to an undeclared identifier should result in a new global
- property being created, or, if the global/window object has a property with
- that name, its value should be replaced. However in some
- browsers, the assigment can result in an error.
- </p>
- <p>
- The properties of the "element resolver" may appear to be shadowed by
- properties of the global object, or vice-versa.
- </p>
-<h4>Property Assignment to Element</h4>
- <script type="text/javascript">
-var globalVal;
-function addScript(id) {
- var script = document.createElement('script'),
- src = document.getElementById(id);
- script.text =;
- document.body.appendChild(script);
- document.getElementById(id+"Result") = globalVal;
- </script>
- <p>
- The following example should result: <samp>undefined, 11</samp>.
- </p>
- <button id='b1' onclick="addScript('g1')">addScript('g1')</button>
- <code id='g1Result'>&nbsp;</code>
- <pre id="g1">
-try {
- var b1;
- globalVal = [String(b1)]; // Should be "undefined".
- b1 = 11;
- globalVal = globalVal.concat(b1); // Should be ["undefined", 11]
-} catch(ex) {
- globalVal = ex.message;
- <p>
- The following example does not declare a variable. The browser may optionally
- resolve the identifier <code>b2</code> on the <dfn>element id resolver</dfn> object.
- </p>
- <button id='b2' onclick="addScript('g2')">addScript('g2')</button>
-<code id='g2Result'>&nbsp;</code>
-<pre id="g2">
-try {
- globalVal = [typeof b2];
- b2 = 11; // undeclared assignment.
- globalVal = globalVal.concat(b2);
-} catch(ex) {
- globalVal = ex.message;
- <p>
- The following example should result: <samp>undefined, 11</samp>.
- </p>
- <button id='b3' onclick="addScript('g3')">addScript('g3')</button>
-<code id='g3Result'>&nbsp;</code>
-<pre id="g3">
-// remove element id.
-document.getElementById('b3').id = '';
-try {
- globalVal = [typeof b3]; // should be "undefined".
- b3 = 11; // undeclared assignment.
- globalVal = globalVal.concat(b3);
-} catch(ex) {
- globalVal = ex.message;
- <p>
- Declared variables that have not yet been assigned a value create a property
- on the Variable object with the value <code>undefined</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- If the <dfn>element id resolver</dfn> object exists above the scope of
- the global object, the identifier will be shadowed by the global variable object.
- </p>
- <li>
- <samp class="expected">undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>object, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp class="expected">undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
-<p>Opera 9.5:</p>
- <li>
- <samp class="error">undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>object, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp class="expected">undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
-<p>Safari 2.0.2, 3.1:</p>
- <li>
- <samp class="error">[object HTMLButtonElement], 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>object, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp class="expected">undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
-<p>MSIE 7</p>
- <li>
- <samp>undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>Object doesn't support this property or method</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
-<p>MSIE 6</p>
- <li>
- <samp>undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>Object doesn't support this property or method</samp>
- </li>
- <li>
- <samp>undefined, 11</samp>
- </li>
-<div id="toc">
- <h4>Table of Contents</h4>
- <ul class="pagination linkList">
- <li><a href="./index.html">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props.html">Extra Properties: <code>FORM</code> Elements</a></li>
- <li><a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a></li>
- <li>Extra Properties: <code>global</code></li>
- <li><a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a></li>
- <li><a href="api_design.html">API Design?</a></li>
- <li><a href="unsafe_names.html">Unsafe Names</a></li>
- <li><a href="conclusion.html">Conclusion</a></li>
- </ul>
-<ul id="nextLink" class="linkList">
- <li>
- <span class="prev">Previous:</span> <a href="extra_props_document.html">Extra Properties: <code>document</code></a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <span class="next">Next:</span> <a href="event_handler.html">Event Handler Scope</a>
- </li>
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-<meta name="DC.title" content="comp.lang.javascript Frequently Asked Questions">
-<meta name="DCTERMS.subject" content="Frequently asked questions in the Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.javascript">
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-<title> comp.lang.javascript FAQ</title>
- <body>
-<h1> comp.lang.javascript FAQ</h1>
-<p>Version 32.2, Updated 2010-10-08, by Garrett Smith</p><div id="nav"><a href="notes/">FAQ Notes</a></div>
-<ul id='faqList'>
-<li>1 <a href='#meta'>Meta-FAQ meta-questions</a>
-<li>1.1 <a href='#newsgroups'>Which newsgroups deal with javascript?</a></li>
-<li>1.2 <a href='#appropriateQuestions'>What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript?</a></li>
-<li>1.3 <a href='#posting'>What should I do before posting to comp.lang.javascript?</a></li>
-<li>1.4 <a href='#noAnswer'>Why was my post not answered?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>2 <a href='#tips'>Language Overview</a>
-<li>2.1 <a href='#ecma'>What is ECMAScript?</a></li>
-<li>2.2 <a href='#jScript'>What is JScript?</a></li>
-<li>2.3 <a href='#dom'>What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?</a></li>
-<li>2.4 <a href='#localization'>Internationalisation and Localisation in javascript</a></li>
-<li>2.5 <a href='#futureEcmaScript'>What does the future hold for ECMAScript?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>3 <a href='#ecmascriptResources'>Javascript Resources</a>
-<li>3.1 <a href='#books'>What books are recommended for javascript?</a></li>
-<li>3.2 <a href='#onlineResources'>What online resources are available?</a></li>
-<li>3.3 <a href='#libraryResources'>Javascript Libraries</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>4 <a href='#functions'>Functions</a>
-<li>4.1 <a href='#scope'>What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?</a></li>
-<li>4.2 <a href='#functionStatement'>What is a function statement?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>5 <a href='#dates'>Dates</a>
-<li>5.1 <a href='#formatDate'>How do I format a Date object with javascript?</a></li>
-<li>5.2 <a href='#parseDate'>How can I create a Date object from a String?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>6 <a href='#numbers'>Numbers</a>
-<li>6.1 <a href='#formatNumber'>How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?</a></li>
-<li>6.2 <a href='#binaryNumbers'>Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?</a></li>
-<li>6.3 <a href='#parseIntBase'>Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?</a></li>
-<li>6.4 <a href='#typeConvert'>Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?</a></li>
-<li>6.5 <a href='#randomNumber'>How do I generate a random integer from 1 to n?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>7 <a href='#objects'>Objects</a>
-<li>7.1 <a href='#nativeObject'>What is a native object?</a></li>
-<li>7.2 <a href='#builtInObject'>What is a built-in object?</a></li>
-<li>7.3 <a href='#hostObject'>What is a host object?</a></li>
-<li>7.4 <a href='#eval'>When should I use eval?</a></li>
-<li>7.5 <a href='#propertyAccessAgain'>How do I access a property of an object using a string?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>8 <a href='#strings'>Strings and RegExp</a>
-<li>8.1 <a href='#trimString'>How do I trim whitespace?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>9 <a href='#domRef'>DOM and Forms</a>
-<li>9.1 <a href='#formControlAccess'>How do I get the value of a form control?</a></li>
-<li>9.2 <a href='#propertyAccess'>My element is named myselect[], how do I access it?</a></li>
-<li>9.3 <a href='#globalPollution'>Why doesn't the global variable &quot;divId&quot; always refer to the element with id=&quot;divId&quot;?</a></li>
-<li>9.4 <a href='#updateContent'>How do I modify the content of the current page?</a></li>
-<li>9.5 <a href='#accessElementBeforeDefined'>Why does my code fail to access an element?</a></li>
-<li>9.6 <a href='#testCookie'>How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>10 <a href='#windows'>Windows and Frames</a>
-<li>10.1 <a href='#disableBackButton'>How can I disable the back button in a web browser?</a></li>
-<li>10.2 <a href='#frameRef'>How do I access a frame's content?</a></li>
-<li>10.3 <a href='#getWindowSize'>How do I find the size of the window?</a></li>
-<li>10.4 <a href='#isWindowOpen'>How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another?</a></li>
-<li>10.5 <a href='#printFrame'>Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?</a></li>
-<li>10.6 <a href='#windowClose'>How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?</a></li>
-<li>10.7 <a href='#permissionDenied'>Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?</a></li>
-<li>10.8 <a href='#setTimeout'>How do I make a 10 second delay?</a></li>
-<li>10.9 <a href='#printSettings'>How do I change print settings for window.print()?</a></li>
-<li>10.10 <a href='#changeBrowserDialog'>How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?</a></li>
-<li>10.11 <a href='#fileDownload'>How do I prompt a &quot;Save As&quot; dialog for an accepted mime type?</a></li>
-<li>10.12 <a href='#modifyChrome'>How do I modify the current browser window?</a></li>
-<li>10.13 <a href='#target'>How do I POST a form to a new window?</a></li>
-<li>10.14 <a href='#openWindow'>How do I open a new window with javascript?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>11 <a href='#ajaxRef'>Ajax and Server Communication</a>
-<li>11.1 <a href='#ajax'>What is Ajax?</a></li>
-<li>11.2 <a href='#downloadPage'>How do I download a page to a variable?</a></li>
-<li>11.3 <a href='#getServerVariable'>How do I get a jsp/php variable into client-side javascript?</a></li>
-<li>11.4 <a href='#sessionExpired'>How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?</a></li>
-<li>11.5 <a href='#runServerScript'>How do I run a server side script?</a></li>
-<li>11.6 <a href='#noCache'>How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?</a></li>
-<li>11.7 <a href='#ajaxCache'>Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>12 <a href='#debugging'>Debugging</a>
-<li>12.1 <a href='#javascriptErrors'>How do I get my browser to report javascript errors?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>13 <a href='#doNotTry'>Things not to attempt in a browser</a>
-<li>13.1 <a href='#detectBrowser'>How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?</a></li>
-<li>13.2 <a href='#preventAccess'>How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript?</a></li>
-<li>13.3 <a href='#hideSource'>How do I protect my javascript code?</a></li>
-<li>13.4 <a href='#disableRightClick'>How do I suppress a context menu (right-click menu)?</a></li>
-<li>13.5 <a href='#readFile'>How can I access the client-side filesystem?</a></li>
-<li>13.6 <a href='#javascriptURI'>I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?</a></li>
-</ul></li><li>14 <a href='#comments'>Comments and Suggestions</a>
-<li>14.1 <a href='#FAQENTRY'>Why do some posts have &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in them?</a></li>
-<li>14.2 <a href='#makeSuggestion'>How do I make a suggestion?</a></li>
-</ul></li></ul><div id='meta' class='section'><h2 id='FAQ1'>1 Meta-FAQ meta-questions</h2>
-This is the <em>comp.lang.javascript</em> meta-FAQ, 32.2. The latest
-version is available at <a href="" ></a> in HTML form.
-</p> <p>
-Each day, one section of the FAQ is posted for review and questions,
-and as a reminder that the FAQ is available.
-</p> <p>
-For additional explanation and detail relating to some aspects
-of the FAQ, please see the
-<a href="notes/" >FAQ Notes</a>.
-It has been provided separately to avoid increasing the size of
-the FAQ to a point where it would be unreasonable to post it to
-the group.
-</p> <p>
-Code examples in this FAQ use <a href="" >JSDoc Toolkit</a> comments.
-</p> </div><div id='newsgroups' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_1'>1.1 Which newsgroups deal with javascript?</h3><p>
-The official Big 8 Usenet newsgroup dealing with javascript is
- <a href="news:comp.lang.javascript">comp.lang.javascript</a>.
-Some "language" hierarchies also have *.comp.lang.javascript groups.
- </p> <p>
-c.l.js is an unmoderated newsgroup.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='appropriateQuestions' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_2'>1.2 What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript?</h3><p>
-The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup deals with ECMAScript
-languages, so any questions about JavaScript or JScript are
-welcome. However, the majority of questions sent to this group
-relates to javascript in a web browser. If you are experiencing
-issues with a particular browser, or the host is not a browser
-at all, please make this information clear.
- </p> <p>
-Javascript and Java are two completely different languages.
-Java questions should be asked in one of the*
-newsgroups; they are not appropriate for c.l.js (as Java and
-javascript are distinct programming languages with only
-superficial similarities due to sharing a C-like syntax and
-some of the characters in their names).
- </p> <p>
-Questions dealing with other scripting languages, such as
-VBScript, PerlScript or CGI scripting are also off-topic,
-as are HTML-only or CSS-only questions.
- </p> <p>
-Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
-be appropriately asked at:
- <a href="news:microsoft.public.scripting.jscript">microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</a></p> <p>
-The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup charter is included in
-<a href="faq_notes/cljs_charter.html" >faq_notes/cljs_charter.html</a>.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='posting' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_3'>1.3 What should I do before posting to comp.lang.javascript?</h3><p>
-Before posting to c.l.js, you should read this document.
-You should also check the <a href="#onlineResources" >Resources section</a>.
- </p>
-<h4 id='ask'>How to Ask a Question</h4>
- <li>
-State your question clearly and concisely.
- </li>
- <li>
-Use the Subject: line to show the type of problem you have but
-include the question in the body as well.
- </li>
- <li>
-For a more detailed explanation of formatting, see
- <a href="notes/posting/" >&quot;Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript&quot;</a>.
- </li></ul>
-<h4 id='reply'>Replying</h4>
- <li>
-Quote only relevant parts of earlier messages, and add your
-comments below each quoted section
-(<a href="" >FYI28/RFC1855</a>).
- </li>
- <li>
-Link to specific sections of the FAQ that are relevant.
- </li>
- <li>
-Avoid being unnecessarily rude, but do not complain about other rude posts.
- </li>
- <li>
-Don't quote signatures.
- </li></ul>
-<h4 id='postCode'>Posting Code</h4>
- <li>
-Remove everything that does not contribute to the problem (images,
-markup, other scripts, etc).
- </li>
- <li>
-Validate the HTML and CSS <a href="" ></a>, <a href="" ></a>.
- </li>
- <li>
-Make sure the code is executable as transmitted.
- </li>
- <li>
-Format lines to 72 characters; indent with 2-4 spaces (not tabs).
- </li>
- <li>
-State what you expect the code to do.
- </li>
- <li>
-Mention the platforms, browsers, and versions.
- </li>
- <li>
-See also the <a href="#debugging" >FAQ section on debugging</a>.
- </li>
- <li>
-Post in plain-text only. Do not encode it. Do not attach files.
- </li>
- <li>
-If the code is more than about 100 lines, provide a URL in addition.
- </li>
- <li>
-Do not multi-post; cross-post if necessary
-(<a href="" >Wikipedia description</a>).
- </li></ul>
-<h4 id='doNotPost'>What Not to Post</h4>
- <li>
-Do not post job postings. Job postings should go to
-an appropriate regional jobs group.
- </li>
- <li>
-Do not post copyright material without permission
-from the copyright holder.
- </li></ul><p>
-Relevant announcements are welcome, but no more often than once
-per major release, as a short link to the product's webpage.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='noAnswer' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_4'>1.4 Why was my post not answered?</h3><p>
-This could be for several reasons:
- </p>
-<ul> <li>
-It was a variation of a frequently asked question and was
-therefore ignored by everyone.
- </li>
-Nobody knows the answer.
- </li>
-The person with the answer has not seen the post.
- </li>
-It might not be possible to do what you want to do but perhaps
-readers of c.l.js are reluctant to answer your post in the negative
-when they are not convinced that it cannot be done.
- </li>
-The question was not asked clearly enough, or did not included
-enough information to be answered.
- </li>
-The questioner did not realise the need to read the group, for a
-few days, to see the answers posted there.
- </li>
-<li> You ignored the <a href="#posting" >section on posting</a> </li>
-If it is not one of these, then after a few days consider
-reposting after checking <a href="" ></a>
-for replies. Make sure the post is phrased well, and everything
-needed to answer is correct, and the subject is appropriate.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='tips' class='section'><h2 id='FAQ2'>2 Language Overview</h2>
-</div><div id='ecma' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_6'>2.1 What is ECMAScript?</h3><p>
- <a href="" >ECMA-262</a>
-is the international standard that current language implementations
-(JavaScript&trade;, JScript etc.) are based on.
- </p> <p>
- <a href="" >ECMA-262</a>
-defines the language Syntax, Types, Keywords, Operators, and built-in
-objects. The ECMAScript specification is the reference to determine the
-expected behavior of a program. ECMAScript does not define any host
-objects, such as <code>document</code>, <code>window</code>, or <code>ActiveXObject</code>.
- </p> <p>
-ECMA-327 defines the Compact Profile of ECMAScript by
-describing the features from ECMA 262 that may be omitted in some
-resource-constrained environments.
-<a href="" ></a></p> <p>
-The most widely supported edition of ECMA-262 is the 3rd edition (1999).
-There is fair support for this edition in JScript 5.5+ (buggy) and good
-support JavaScript 1.5.
-</p> <p>
-The term "javascript" is used as a common name for all dialects of ECMAScript.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='jScript' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_7'>2.2 What is JScript?</h3><p>
-JScript is Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript.
- </p> <p>
-Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
-be appropriately asked at:
- <a href="news:microsoft.public.scripting.jscript">microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</a>.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='dom' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_9'>2.3 What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?</h3><p>
-<dfn>Document Object Model</dfn> (DOM) is a interface-based model for <code>Document</code>
-objects. The DOM allows scripts to dynamically access and update a
-document's content, style, and event handlers.
-</p> <p>
-The DOM is <em>not</em> part of the ECMAScript programming language.
-</p> <p>
-Official DOM standards are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
-Scriptable browsers also have
-<dfn>proprietary</dfn> DOM features (<a href="" >MSDN</a>, <a href="" >MDC</a>),
-such as <code>document.writeln()</code>.
- </p> <p>
-Also see the section on <a href="#domRef" >DOM and Forms</a>.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="#onlineResources" >c.l.js DOM Resources</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >W3C DOM FAQ</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >W3C DOM </a></li>
-<li><a href="" >MDC: What is the DOM?</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='localization' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_10'>2.4 Internationalisation and Localisation in javascript</h3><p>
-<dfn>Internationalisation</dfn> means using one form which is everywhere both
-acceptable and understood. Any international standard not supported by
-default can be coded for.
- </p> <p>
-For example, there is an International Standard for numeric Gregorian
-date format; but none for decimal and thousands separators.
- </p> <p>
-<dfn>Localisation</dfn> is the process of adapting software for a specific region
-or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text. It
-cannot work well in general, because it requires a knowledge of all
-preferences and the ability to choose the right one, in an environment
-where many systems are inappropriately set anyway.
- </p> <p>
-ECMAScript has a few
-<dfn>localisation</dfn> features. The various
-<code>toString()</code> methods are all implementation dependent,
-but tend to use either UK or US settings (not necessarily correctly).
-ECMAScript Ed. 3 introduced some capabilities, including the
-<code>toLocaleString()</code>method which should create a string
-based on the host's locale.
- </p> <p>
-ECMAScript 5th Edition introduces limited ISO 8601 capabilities with
-<code>Date.prototype.toISOString()</code> and new behavior for <code>Date.parse()</code>.
-</p> </div>
-<div id='futureEcmaScript' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_12'>2.5 What does the future hold for ECMAScript?</h3><p>
-The 5th edition of ECMAScript was approved on 2009-12-04. There is some
-support in implementations released before approval date (JScript 5.8,
-JavaScript 1.8, JavaScriptCore).
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='ecmascriptResources' class='section'><h2 id='FAQ3'>3 Javascript Resources</h2>
-</div><div id='books' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ3_1'>3.1 What books are recommended for javascript?</h3><p>
-Most javascript books have been found to contain so many technical
-errors that consensus recommendations have not emerged from the group.
- </p> <p>
-The following books have been considered to have value by some
-individuals on c.l.js. The reviews of these books are provided:
- </p>
- <li> <em>&quot;JavaScript: The Definitive Guide,&quot;</em> 5th Edition, by David Flanagan
-<ul> <li> Published: 2006-08 </li>
-<li> Pages: 1018 </li>
-<li> Errata: <a href="" ></a> </li>
-<li> Discussed in:
-<ul> <li> <a href="" >FAQ Update 9.85 Dated 2007-08-31</a> </li>
- </li>
- </li>
- <li> <em>"JavaScript, The Good Parts,"</em> 1st Edition, by Douglas Crockford
-<ul> <li> Published: 2008-05 </li>
-<li> Pages: 170 </li>
-<li> Errata: <a href="" ></a> </li>
-<li> Discussed in:
-<ul> <li> <a href="" >Crockford's 'The Good Parts': a short review</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >FunctionExpression's and memory consumptions</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >FAQ Topic - What books are recommended for javascript? (2008-12-02)</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Augmenting functions</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Crockford's JavaScript, The Good Parts (a book review).</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Closures Explained</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Javascript library development</a> </li>
- </li>
- </li></ul></div>
-<div id='onlineResources' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ3_2'>3.2 What online resources are available?</h3>
-<h4 id='ecmaResources'>ECMAScript</h4>
- <dt>
-The Official ECMAScript Specification
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="[ECMA-262]" >[ECMA-262]</a> </dd>
- <dt>
-[ISO16262] ISO/IEC 16262, Second Edition 2002-06-01 : ISO Standard matching
-ECMA-262 3rd Edition, with corrections.
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
- [MS-ES3]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification Standards Support
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> <a href="res/%5BMS-ES3%5D.pdf" >res/%5BMS-ES3%5D.pdf</a> (local alias) </dd>
- <dt>
- [MS-ES3EX]: Microsoft JScript Extensions to the ECMAScript Language Specification Third Edition
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> <a href="res/%5BMS-ES3EX%5D.pdf" >res/%5BMS-ES3EX%5D.pdf</a> (local alias) </dd>
- <dt> ECMAScript on Wikipedia
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd></dl>
-<h4 id='domResources'>W3C DOM</h4>
- <dt>
-DOM Level 1 ECMAScript Binding
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-DOM Level 2 ECMAScript Binding
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-DOM Level 2 Events
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-DOM Level 2 Style
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-DOM Level 3 ECMAScript Binding
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd></dl>
-<h4 id='browserResources'>Browser Documentation</h4>
- <dt>
- </dt>
- <dd> JavaScript:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> Gecko DOM Reference:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
- </dt>
- <dd> HTML and DHTML Reference:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> JScript Language Reference:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> Scripting:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
- </dt>
- <dd> Web Specifications Support:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> JavaScript Support:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> ECMAScript Support:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-BlackBerry JavaScript Reference
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-ICab InScript
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt> Apple Safari </dt>
- <dd> Web Content Guide:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
- </dt>
- <dd> Project Site: <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd>
- Wiki: <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dd> DOM Reference:
-<a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-Netscape 4 Client-Side JavaScript Reference
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-Archived documentation for MSIE 3.x
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd></dl>
-<h4 id='standaloneImplementations'>Standalone ECMAScript Implementations</h4>
- <dt>
-Rhino: An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-Besen IDE: ECMAScript Edition 5 with IDE
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-V8: Google's open source JavaScript engine
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-SpiderMonkey: Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-Digital Mars DMD Script, console and MS Active Script implementation of ECMAScript
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd></dl>
-<h4 id='nonBrowserResources'>Other ECMAScript Implementations</h4>
- <dt>
-Developing Dashboard Widgets: Apple Developer Connection
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd>
- <dt>
-Whitebeam Apache Module: Server Side JavaScript in Apache
- </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" ></a> </dd></dl></div>
-<div id='libraryResources' class='section'><h3>3.3 Javascript Libraries</h3><p>
-No javascript libraries are endorsed by this group. If you want help
-with using a library, visit that library's discussion group instead.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='functions' class='section'><h2>4 Functions</h2>
-</div><div id='scope' class='section'><h3>4.1 What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?</h3><p>
-This is an anonymous
-<dfn>FunctionExpression</dfn> that is called
-immediately after creation.
-</p> <p>
-Variables declared inside a function are not accessible from
-outside the function. This can be useful, for example, to hide
-implementation details or to avoid polluting the global scope.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="notes/closures/" >notes/closures/</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='functionStatement' class='section'><h3>4.2 What is a function statement?</h3><p>
-The term
-<dfn>function statement</dfn> has been widely and wrongly used to
-describe a <code>FunctionDeclaration</code>. This is misleading because in ECMAScript,
-a <code>FunctionDeclaration</code> is not a
-<dfn>Statement</dfn>; there are places in a program
-where a
-<dfn>Statement</dfn> is permitted but a <code>FunctionDeclaration</code> is not. To add
-to this confusion, some implementations, notably Mozillas', provide a
-syntax extension called
-<dfn>function statement</dfn>. This is allowed under
-section 16 of ECMA-262, Editions 3 and 5.
-</p> <p>
-Example of nonstandard
-<dfn>function statement</dfn>:
-// Nonstandard syntax, found in GMail source code. DO NOT USE.
-try {
- // FunctionDeclaration not allowed in Block.
- function Fze(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
- <p>
-Code that uses
-<dfn>function statement</dfn> has three known interpretations. Some
-implementations process <code>Fze</code> as a
-<dfn>Statement</dfn>, in order. Others, including
-JScript, evaluate <code>Fze</code> upon entering the execution context that it
-appears in. Yet others, notably DMDScript and default configuration of BESEN,
-throw a <code>SyntaxError</code>.
-</p> <p>
-For consistent behavior across implementations, <em>do not use function
-statement</em>; use either <code>FunctionExpression</code> or <code>FunctionDeclaration</code> instead.
-</p> <p>
-Example of <code>FunctionExpression</code> (valid):
-var Fze;
-try {
- Fze = function(b,a){return b.unselectable=a};
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
-Example of <code>FunctionDeclaration</code> (valid):
-// Program code
-function aa(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- <p>
- <!--
-Notable examples of the misuse of the term "function statement"
-can be seen in David Flanagan's "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide",
-Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts", MDC documentation,
-JSLint error messages.
---></p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="example/functionStatement.html" >example/functionStatement.html</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li> (Article in Japanese)
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='dates' class='section'><h2>5 Dates</h2>
-ISO 8601 defines date and time formats. Some benefits include:
- <li> language-independent and unambiguous world-wide </li>
- <li> sortable with a trivial string comparison </li>
- <li> easily readable and writable by software </li>
- <li> compatible with standards ISO 9075 and <a href="" >rfc 3339</a> </li></ul><p>
-The ISO Extended format for common date is <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code>, and for time is
-</p> <p>
-For an event with an offset from UTC, use <code>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss&#177;hh:mm</code>.
-</p> <p>
-Never use a local date/time format for a non-local event. Instead, use
-UTC, as in <code>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ</code> (<code>Z</code> is the only letter suffix).
-</p> <p>
-The <code>T</code> can be omitted where that would not cause ambiguity. For
-rfc 3339 compliance, it may be replaced by a space and for SQL,
-it <em>must</em> be replaced by a single space.
-</p> <p>
-Year <code>0000</code> is unrecognized by some formats (XML Schema, <code>xs:date</code>).
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="#onlineResources" >ECMA-262 Date.prototype, s. 15.9</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >A summary of the international standard date and time notation, by Markus Kuhn</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="res/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf" >ISO 8601:2004(E)</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >W3C QA Tip: Use international date format (ISO)</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div><div id='formatDate' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_30'>5.1 How do I format a Date object with javascript?</h3><p>
-A local <code>Date</code> object where <code>0 &lt;= year &lt;= 9999</code> can be
-formatted to a common ISO 8601 format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> with:-
- </p>
- /** Formats a Date to YYYY-MM-DD (local time), compatible with both
- * ISO 8601 and ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (E) (SQL 'date' type).
- * @param {Date} dateInRange year 0000 to 9999.
- * @throws {RangeError} if the year is not in range
- */
- function formatDate(dateInRange) {
- var year = dateInRange.getFullYear(),
- isInRange = year &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; year &lt;= 9999, yyyy, mm, dd;
- if(!isInRange) {
- throw RangeError("formatDate: year must be 0000-9999");
- }
- yyyy = ("000" + year).slice(-4);
- mm = ("0" + (dateInRange.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
- dd = ("0" + (dateInRange.getDate())).slice(-2);
- return yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
- }
- </pre>
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='parseDate' class='section'><h3>5.2 How can I create a Date object from a String?</h3><p>
-An Extended ISO 8601 local Date format <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> can be parsed to a
-Date with the following:-
- /**Parses string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD to a Date object.
- * If the supplied string does not match the format, an
- * invalid Date (value NaN) is returned.
- * @param {string} dateStringInRange format YYYY-MM-DD, with year in
- * range of 0000-9999, inclusive.
- * @return {Date} Date object representing the string.
- */
- function parseISO8601(dateStringInRange) {
- var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/,
- date = new Date(NaN), month,
- parts = isoExp.exec(dateStringInRange);
- if(parts) {
- month = +parts[2];
- date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
- if(month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
- date.setTime(NaN);
- }
- }
- return date;
- }</pre>
- </div>
-<div id='numbers' class='section'><h2>6 Numbers</h2>
-</div><div id='formatNumber' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_6'>6.1 How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?</h3><p>
-When formatting money for example, to format 6.57634 to 6.58, 6.7 to
-6.50, and 6 to 6.00?
- </p> <p>
-Rounding of x.xx5 is unreliable, as most numbers are not represented
-exactly. See also:
-<a href="#binaryNumbers" >Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?</a></p> <p>
-The statement <code>n = Math.round(n * 100)/100</code> converts <code>n</code> to a <code>Number</code> value
-close to a multiple of <code>0.01</code>. However, there are some problems.
-Converting the number to a string <code>(n + "")</code>, does not give
-trailing zeroes. Rounding numbers that are very close to <code>x.5</code>, for example,
-<code>Math.round(0.49999999999999992)</code> results <code>1</code>.
- </p> <p>
-ECMA-262 3rd Edition introduced <code>Number.prototype.toFixed</code>.
-There are bugs in JScript 5.8 and below with certain numbers, for example
-<code>0.007.toFixed(2)</code> incorrectly results <code>0.00</code>.
- </p> <p>
- </p>
-var numberToFixed =
-(function() {
- return toFixedString;
- function toFixedString(n, digits) {
- var unsigned = toUnsignedString(Math.abs(n), digits);
- return (n &lt; 0 ? "-" : "") + unsigned;
- }
- function toUnsignedString(m, digits) {
- var t, s = Math.round(m * Math.pow(10, digits)) + "",
- start, end;
- if (/\D/.test(s)) {
- return "" + m;
- }
- s = padLeft(s, 1 + digits, "0");
- start = s.substring(0, t = (s.length - digits));
- end = s.substring(t);
- if(end) {
- end = "." + end;
- }
- return start + end; // avoid "0."
- }
- /**
- * @param {string} input: input value converted to string.
- * @param {number} size: desired length of output.
- * @param {string} ch: single character to prefix to s.
- */
- function padLeft(input, size, ch) {
- var s = input + "";
- while(s.length &lt; size) {
- s = ch + s;
- }
- return s;
- }
-// Test results
- "numberToFixed(9e-3, 12) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(9e-3, 12),
- "numberToFixed(1.255, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.255, 2),
- "numberToFixed(1.355, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.355, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.1255, 3) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.1255, 3),
- "numberToFixed(0.07, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.07, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0)
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='binaryNumbers' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_7'>6.2 Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?</h3><p>
-For example, <code>5 * 1.015</code> does not give exactly
-<code>5.075</code> and <code>0.06+0.01</code> does
-not give exactly <code>0.07</code> in javascript.
- </p> <p>
-ECMAScript numbers are represented in binary as IEEE-754 (IEC 559)
-Doubles, with a resolution of 53 bits, giving an accuracy of
-15-16 decimal digits; integers up to just over <code>9e15</code> are
-precise, but few decimal fractions are. Given this, arithmetic
-is as exact as possible, but no more. Operations on integers
-are exact if the true result and all intermediates are integers
-within that range.
- </p> <p>
-In particular, non-integer results should not normally be
-compared for equality; and non-integer computed results
-commonly need rounding; see <a href="#formatNumber" >How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?</a></p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> <p>
-Otherwise, use <code>Math.round</code> on the results of expressions which
-should be of integer value.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='parseIntBase' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_12'>6.3 Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?</h3><p>
-Method <code>parseInt</code> generally needs a second parameter, <code>radix</code>,
-for the base (from 2 to 36).
- </p> <p>
-If <code>radix</code> is omitted, the base is determined by the contents of
-the string. Any string beginning with <code>'0x'</code> or <code>'0X'</code> represents a
-hexadecimal number. A string beginning with a leading 0 may be parsed as
-octal (as if <code>raxix</code> were 8), in ECMA-262 Ed 3 (octal digits are <code>0-7</code>).
-If string <code>'09'</code> is converted to <code>0</code>.
- </p> <p>
-To force use of a particular base, use the <code>radix</code>
-parameter: <code>parseInt("09", base)</code>.
- <!-- [omit]
- If base 10 is desired,
- the unary <ICODE>+</ICODE> operator can be an option. Example:
-var s = '-09.1'; // Input string.
-var j = +s; // Convert to number. Result: -9.1
-var n = j|0; // Chop off decimal (convert ToInt32). Result: -9
- [/omit] --></p> <p>
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="notes/type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx" >notes/type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='typeConvert' class='section'><h3>6.4 Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?</h3><p>
-Variables are not typed; their values are. The conversion between a
-string and a number happens automatically.
-</p> <p>
-The addition operator (<code>+</code>) performs concatenation if either operand is a
-string, thus <code>"1" + 1</code> results <code>"11"</code>. To perform addition, you might need
-to first convert the string to a number. For example <code>+varname</code> or
-<code>Number(varname)</code> or <code>parseInt(varname, 10)</code> or
-<code>parseFloat(varname)</code>. Form control values are strings, as is the result
-from a <code>prompt</code> dialog. Convert these to numbers before performing
-addition: <code>+'1' + 1</code> results <code>2</code>.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li>
-Additional Notes: </li>
-<li><a href="notes/type-conversion/" >notes/type-conversion/</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='randomNumber' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_22'>6.5 How do I generate a random integer from 1 to n?</h3><p>
- <code>Math.random()</code> returns a value <code>R</code> such that <code>0 &lt;= R &lt; 1.0</code>; therefore:
- </p>
- // positive integer expected
- function getRandomNumber(n) {
- return Math.floor(n * Math.random());
- }
-- gives an evenly distributed random integer in the range from
- <code>0</code> to <code>n - 1</code> inclusive; use <code>getRandomNumber(n)+1</code> for <code>1</code> to <code>n</code>.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-How to Deal and Shuffle, see in: </li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='objects' class='section'><h2>7 Objects</h2>
-</div><div id='nativeObject' class='section'><h3>7.1 What is a native object?</h3><p>
-<dfn>native object</dfn> is any object whose semantics are fully defined by
-</p> <p>
-<dfn>native objects</dfn> are
-<dfn>built-in</dfn>; others, such as
-<dfn>user-defined</dfn> objects,
-may be constructed during the execution of an ECMAScript program.
-</p> <p>
-// Native built-in objects:
-var m = Math, // Built-in Math object.
- slice = Array.prototype.slice, // Built-in native method.
- o = {}, // Native user-defined object.
- f = function(){}, // Native user-defined function.
- d = new Date(),
- a = [],
- e = new Error("My Message.");
- </pre>
-See also:
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='builtInObject' class='section'><h3>7.2 What is a built-in object?</h3><p>
- A
-<dfn>built-in</dfn> object is any object supplied by an ECMAScript
- implementation, independent of the host environment, that is present
- at the start of the execution of an ECMAScript program.
- </p> <p>
-ECMA-262 3rd Edition defines the following
-<dfn>built-in</dfn> objects:
-<dl id='builtInsList'>
- <dt> Objects </dt>
- <dd> <em>global</em>, Math </dd>
- <dt> Constructors </dt>
- <dd> Object, Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Date, RegExp </dd>
- <dt> Errors </dt>
- <dd> Error, Date, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError </dd>
- <dt> Functions </dt>
- <dd> eval, parseInt, parseFloat, isNaN, isFinite, decodeURI,
- decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent </dd></dl><p>
-ECMA-262 Edition 5 defines also the built-in object <code>JSON</code>.
-</p> <p>
-<dfn>built-in</dfn> objects may include <code>RuntimeObject</code>,
-<code></code>, <code>CollectGarbage</code>, and more.
-</p> </div>
-<div id='hostObject' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ2_8'>7.3 What is a host object?</h3><p>
-<dfn>host object</dfn> is any object supplied by the host environment to
-complete the execution environment of ECMAScript.
-</p> <p>
-<dfn>host object</dfn> is not part of the ECMAScript implementation, but is
-exposed to the ECMAScript implementation.
-</p> <p>
-<dfn>host object</dfn> may be implemented as a native ECMAScript object, however
-this is not required. For example, Internet Explorer implements many
-scriptable DOM objects as ActiveX Objects, often resulting in unexpected errors.
-</p> <p>
-Availability and behavior of a host object depends on the host environment.
-</p> <p>
-For example, in a browser, <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> might be available, with or
-without standard or proprietary features or events. Windows Script Host object model
-has the <code>WScript</code> object available.
-</p> <p>
- For information on a particular host object, consult the pertinent
- documentation available for the implementation(s). For web browsers,
- this usually includes the w3c specifications as well as documentation
- for that browser.
- See also:
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="notes/code-guidelines/#hostObjects" >notes/code-guidelines/#hostObjects</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='eval' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_40'>7.4 When should I use eval?</h3><p>
-The <code>eval</code> function should <em>only</em> be used when it is necessary to
-evaluate a string supplied or composed at run-time; the string
-can be anything from a simple (but unpredictable) expression such
-as <code>"12 * 2.54"</code> to a substantial piece of javascript code.
-</p> <p>
-When <code>eval( '{"key" : 42}' )</code> is called, <code>{</code> is interpreted as a block of
-code instead of an object literal. Hence, the Grouping Operator (parentheses)
-is used to force <code>eval</code> to interpret the JSON as an object literal:
-<code>eval( '({"key" : 42})' );</code>.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="#propertyAccessAgain" >How do I access a property of an object using a string?</a></li>
-<li><a href="notes/square-brackets/" >notes/square-brackets/</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='propertyAccessAgain' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_39'>7.5 How do I access a property of an object using a string?</h3><p>
-There are two ways to access properties: dot notation and square bracket
-notation. What you are looking for is the square bracket notation in
-which the dot, and the identifier to its right, are replaced with a set
-of square brackets containing a string. The value of the string matches
-the identifier. For example:-
- //dot notation
- var bodyElement = document.body;
- //square bracket notation, using an expression
- var bodyElement = document[&quot;bo&quot;+&quot;dy&quot;];</pre>
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="notes/square-brackets/" >notes/square-brackets/</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='strings' class='section'><h2>8 Strings and RegExp</h2>
-</div><div id='trimString' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_16'>8.1 How do I trim whitespace?</h3><p>
-ECMAScript 5 defines <code>String.prototype.trim</code>. Where not supported,
-it can be added as a function that uses a
-<dfn>regular expression</dfn>:
-if(!String.prototype.trim) {
- String.prototype.trim = function() {
- return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- };
-Implementations are inconsistent with <code>\s</code>. For example,
-some implementations, notably JScript 5.8 and Safari 2, do not match <code>\xA0</code>
-(no-break space), among others.
- </p> <p>
-A more consistent approach would be to create a character class
-that defines the characters to trim.
- </p> <p>
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='domRef' class='section'><h2>9 DOM and Forms</h2>
-</div><div id='formControlAccess' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_13'>9.1 How do I get the value of a form control?</h3><p>
-In HTML documents, a form may be referred to as a property of the
-<code>document.forms</code> collection, either by its ordinal index or by name
-(if the <code>form</code> has a name). A <code>form</code>'s controls may be similarly referenced
-from its <code>elements</code> collection:
- var frm = document.forms[0];
- var control = frm.elements[&quot;elementname&quot;];
-Once a reference to a control is obtained, its (string) <code>value</code>
-property can be read:-
- var value = control.value;
- value = +control.value; //string to number.
-Some exceptions would be:
-</p> <p>
-First Exception: Where the control is a <code>SELECT</code> element, and
-support for older browsers, such as NN4, is required:
- var value = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
-Second Exception: Where several controls share the same name,
-such as radio buttons. These are made available as collections
-and require additional handling. For more information, see:-
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="notes/form-access/" >notes/form-access/</a></li>
-<li><a href="names/" >Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls</a></li>
-</ul> <p>
-Third Exception: File inputs. Most current browsers do not allow
-reading of <code>type="file"</code> input elements in a way that is useful.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='propertyAccess' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_25'>9.2 My element is named myselect[], how do I access it?</h3><p>
-Form controls with any &quot;illegal&quot; characters can be accessed with
-<code>formref.elements[&quot;myselect[]&quot;]</code> - The bracket characters,
-amongst others, are illegal in ID attributes and javascript
-identifiers, so you should try to avoid them as browsers may
-handle them incorrectly.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="notes/form-access/" >notes/form-access/</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='globalPollution' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_41'>9.3 Why doesn't the global variable &quot;divId&quot; always refer to the element with id=&quot;divId&quot;?</h3><p>
-Microsoft introduced a shortcut that can be used to reference
-elements which include an <code>id</code> attribute where the
-<code>id</code> becomes a globally-accessible property. Some browsers reproduce
-this behavior. Some, most notably Gecko-based browsers (Netscape and Mozilla),
-do so only in "quirks" mode. The best approach is the <code>document.getElementById</code>
-method, which is part of the W3C DOM standard and implemented
-in modern browsers (including IE from version 5.0). So an
-element with <code>id=&quot;foo&quot;</code> can be referenced
- </p>
- var el = document.getElementById(&quot;foo&quot;);
-Note: make sure not to use the same <code>id</code> twice in the same document
-and do not give an element a <code>name</code> that matches an <code>id</code>
-of another in the same document or it will trigger bugs in MSIE &lt;= 7 with
-<code>document.getElementsByName</code> and <code>document.getElementById</code>.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="
-" >
-<li><a href="faq_notes/faq_notes.html#FAQN4_41" >faq_notes/faq_notes.html#FAQN4_41</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='updateContent' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_15'>9.4 How do I modify the content of the current page?</h3><p>
-Using the non-standard but widely implemented
-<code>innerHTML</code> property:
-<code>&lt;div id=&quot;anID&quot;&gt;Some Content&lt;/div&gt;</code> with script:
- </p>
- document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;).innerHTML =
- &quot;Some &lt;em&gt;new&lt;/em&gt; Content&quot;;
-Where <code>&quot;anID&quot;</code> is the (unique on the HTML page)
-<code>id</code> attribute value of the element to modify.
- </p> <p>
-All versions of Internet Explorer exhibit problems with innerHTML, including:
- </p>
-OBJECT, and all TABLE-related elements.
- </li>
- <li> Replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space. </li>
- <li> Changes attribute values and order of appearance. </li>
- <li> Removes quotations around attribute values. </li></ul><p>
-If the new content is only text and does not need to replace existing HTML,
-it is more efficient to modify the <code>data</code> property of a text node.
- </p>
- document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;) = &quot;Some new Text&quot;;
- <p>
-Compatibility Note: Implementations have been known to split long text
-content among several adjacent text nodes, so replacing the data of the
-first text node may not replace all the element's text. The <code>normalize</code>
-method, where supported, will combine adjacent text nodes.
-</p> <p>
-Note: Make sure the element exists in the document (has been parsed) before trying to
-reference it.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li> (draft)
- </li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='accessElementBeforeDefined' class='section'><h3>9.5 Why does my code fail to access an element?</h3><p>
-An element can only be accessed after it exists in the document.
- </p> <p>
-A) include your script after the HTML element it refers to, or
-B) use the <code>"load"</code> event to trigger your script.
- </p> <p>
-Example A:
-&lt;div id="snurgle"&gt;here&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-// Don't forget var.
-var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
- <p>
-Example B:
-// In the HEAD.
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-window.onload = function(){
- var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
-<h4>Other problems can include:</h4>
- <li> invalid HTML </li>
- <li> two elements with the same <code>name</code> or <code>id</code> </li>
- <li> use of an unsafe name: </li></ul></div>
-<div id='testCookie' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_4'>9.6 How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?</h3><p>
-Write a cookie and read it back and check if it's the same.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li>
-Additional Notes:
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='windows' class='section'><h2>10 Windows and Frames</h2>
-The <code>window</code> object (also referred to by <code>self</code>) is "DOM Level 0".
-No formal standard for it exists.
-</p> </div><div id='disableBackButton' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_2'>10.1 How can I disable the back button in a web browser?</h3><p>
-You can't. The browser's history cannot be modified. However, you
-can use <code>self.location.replace(url);</code> in some browsers to replace
-the current page in the history.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='frameRef' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_8'>10.2 How do I access a frame's content?</h3><p>
-To reference another frame on the <em>same domain</em>:
-</p> <p>
-<dfn>content window</dfn> of a <code>FRAME</code> or <code>IFRAME</code> can be
-accessed by the <code>frames</code> collection.
-</p> <p>
-var fwin;
-fwin = self.frames[0]; // or:
-fwin = self.frames["iframeName"];
- <p>
- or, from the <code>IFRAME</code> or <code>FRAME</code> element:
-var iframeEl = document.getElementById("myFrame");
-var fwin = iframeEl.contentWindow; // Nonstandard, but widely supported.
-var fdoc = iframeEl.contentDocument; // DOM2 HTML Standard.
- <p>
-A global identifier <code>moomin</code> in the the iframe's
-<dfn>content window</dfn>
-is accessed as <code>fwin.moomin</code>.
- </p> <p>
-To communicate between frames on <em>different</em> domains:
-</p> <p>
-Where supported, (IE8, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Safari 4), use
-<code>window.postMessage( message[, port], otherDomain);</code>.
-</p> <p>
-<a href="" ></a></p> <p>
-Where <code>window.postMessage</code> is not supported, the <code></code> property
-can be set on the other window, which can poll for updates to that
-property using <code>setInterval(checkWinName, 100);</code> where <code>checkWinName</code>
-is a function that polls to check the value of
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='getWindowSize' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_9'>10.3 How do I find the size of the window?</h3><p>
-Here is a detailed explanation of a cross-browser strategy to
-find the dimensions of the viewport, excepting all chrome
-(excludes scrollbars, etc).
- </p> <p>
-We can consider various properties:
- </p>
- window.innerWidth
- document.clientWidth
- document.documentElement.clientWidth
- document.body.clientWidth
-Of the browsers that have an <code>innerWidth</code> property, most
-include scrollbar dimensions. Some versions of KHTML browsers
-(including Safari 2) do <em>not</em> include scrollbar width.
- </p> <p>
-The <code>window.inner*</code> properties are unreliable and not
-useful here. We don't want scrollbar dimensions included.
-<pre> document.clientWidth</pre>
- <p>
-Certain versions of KHTML, including Safari 2, have
-<code>document.clientHeight</code> and <code>document.clientWidth</code>
-properties. Where supported, these rare properties accurately
-return the height and width of the viewport, without including
-scrollbar dimensions.
- </p>
- document.documentElement.clientWidth
- document.body.clientWidth
-MSHTML (Trident), Firefox (Gecko), Opera (Presto), and Safari
-(Webkit) all support <code>clientHeight</code> on <code>document.body</code>
-and <code>document.documentElement</code>. The difficulty is figuring out
-which one is reliable. In other words which object to get the
-<code>clientHeight</code> property from:<code>documentElement</code> or <code>body</code>?
- </p> <p>
-What the number returned from either of these properties
-represents depends on the environment. The environment includes
-the browser, its version, and the rendering mode of the document.
-In quirks mode, we'll mostly want to use <code>body.clientHeight</code>
-(except for in Safari 2).
- </p>
-<pre> document.body.clientHeight</pre>
-Some environments will return the viewport height. Others will
-return <code>0</code>. Yet others will return the <code>clientHeight</code> of
-the <code>BODY</code> element.
- </p>
-<pre> document.documentElement.clientHeight</pre>
-This is the more "standard" property for getting the height of
-the viewport. It usually "works" in modern browsers in
-<dfn>standards mode</dfn>. Notable exceptions include Safari 2 and
-Opera &lt;= 9.25, both of which return the <code>clientHeight</code>
-of the <code>html</code> <em>element</em>. (Oddly, Opera &lt;= 9.25
-in standards mode returns the width of the viewport for
- </p> <p>
-With the exception of Safari 2, <code>body.clientHeight</code> is reliable
-where <code>documentElement.clientHeight</code> is found to be unreliable.
-For example, in Safari 3+, Opera, and Mozilla, all in quirks mode,
-<code>document.documentElement.clientHeight</code> returns the <code>clientHeight</code>
-of the <code>html</code> element (this may seem unsurprising but
-it is not what we want).
- </p> <p>
-Conversely, <code>document.body.clientHeight</code> will return
-the height of the viewport in most cases where
-<code>document.documentElement.clientHeight</code> does not. An exception
-to that is Safari 2, where <code>documentElement.clientHeight</code>
-and <code>body.clientHeight</code> both return the height of their
-corresponding element (not what we want).
- </p> <p>
-By using a combination of
-<dfn>Feature Testing</dfn> and
-<dfn>Capability Testing</dfn>,
-the dimensions of the viewport can be strategically retrieved
-from the property that works in the environment the script is
-running in. The trick is determining which property will give us
-the value we want.
- </p> <p>
-Since <code>document.clientHeight</code> is reliable where
-(rarely) supported, and since browsers that support this property
-don't return the viewport dimensions from
-<code>document.body.clientHeight</code> or
-<code>document.documentElement.clientHeight</code>, this should be the
-very first condition:
- </p>
- // Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
- if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientWidth.
- }
-The next strategy is to determine if
-<code>document.documentElement.clientHeight</code> property is unreliable.
-It is deemed "unreliable" when it is either <code>0</code> or taller
-than the viewport.
- </p> <p>
- Determining if <code>documentElement.clientHeight</code> is <code>0</code> is easy.
- The result is stored in a variable <code>IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT</code>.
- </p>
- var docEl = document.documentElement,
- IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT = docEl &amp;&amp; docEl.clientHeight === 0;
- docEl = null;
-To determine if <code>documentElement.clientHeight</code> returns
-a value taller than the viewport, we need a
-<dfn>Capability Test.</dfn></p> <p>
-If we can force <code>documentElement</code> to be very tall
-(taller than a normal viewport) we can then check to see if
-<code>documentElement.clientHeight</code> returns that "very tall" number.
-If it does, then it is unreliable.
- </p> <p>
-We can force <code>documentElement</code> to be taller than the viewport
-(or any "normal" viewport) by adding a <code>div</code> to the <code>body</code>,
-give that <code>div</code> a height larger than any normal monitor,
-and then check to see if <code>documentElement.clientHeight</code> is
-that high (or "almost" that high, to account for <code>documentElement</code>
-having a border).
- </p>
- // Used to feature test Opera returning wrong values
- // for documentElement.clientHeight.
- // The results of this function should be cached,
- // so it does not need to be called more than once.
- function isDocumentElementHeightOff(){
- var d = document,
- div = d.createElement('div');
- = "2500px";
- d.body.insertBefore(div, d.body.firstChild);
- var r = d.documentElement.clientHeight &gt; 2400;
- d.body.removeChild(div);
- return r;
- }
-We can use this function to see if we should use
-<code>body.clientHeight</code>, instead. (but only after checking if
-<code>document.clientHeight</code> is supported).
- </p>
- // Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
- if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientHeight/Width.
- }
- else if(IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT || isDocumentElementHeightOff()) {
- // use document.body.clientHeight/Width.
- } else {
- // use document.documentElement.clientHeight/Width.
- }
-The preceding strategy was developed by Garrett Smith with input
-from John David Dalton. A complete and tested example can be found
-in APE Library under <code>APE.dom.getViewportDimensions</code>.
-Source code:
-<a href="" ></a>.
-APE is publicly released under Academic Free License.
-APE home: <a href="" ></a>.
- </p> <p>
-Note: The dimensions cannot be determined accurately until after
-the document has finished loading.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='isWindowOpen' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_10'>10.4 How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another?</h3><p>
- </p>
- var myWin;
- function openWin(aURL) {
- if (!myWin || myWin.closed ) {
- myWin =,'myWin');
- } else {
- myWin.location.href = aURL;
- myWin.focus();
- }
- }</pre>
-Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='printFrame' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_11'>10.5 Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?</h3><p>
-IE prints the frame that has focus when you call the print
-method <code>frameref.focus();frameref.print();</code></p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='windowClose' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_14'>10.6 How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?</h3><p>
-If a window was opened by javascript, then it can be closed
-without confirmation by using <code>windowRef.close()</code>.
-</p> <p>
-Before calling <code>windowRef.close()</code> (or other <code>window</code> methods), make
-sure the window reference is not null and its <code>closed</code> property is <code>false</code>.
-</p> <p>
-Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
-</p> <p>
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="#isWindowOpen " >#isWindowOpen </a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='permissionDenied' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_19'>10.7 Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?</h3><p>
-In the normal browser security model, a script may only access the
-properties of documents served from the same domain or IP address,
-protocol, and port.
- </p> <p>
-Any attempt to access a property in such cases will result in a &quot;Permission
-Denied&quot; error. Signed scripts or trusted ActiveX objects can
-overcome this in limited situations.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='setTimeout' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_20'>10.8 How do I make a 10 second delay?</h3><p>
-There is no built-in way to pause execution in javascript such
-as a sleep function, but hosts usually provide a method of some
-form. Web browsers are designed for event driven programming and
-only provide the <code>setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code> functions
-to facilitate timed delays. The delay before calling <code>getSnork</code> may
-exceed the second parameter to <code>setTimeout</code> and <code>setInterval</code>
-due to implementation differences among browsers.
- </p> <p>
- To call the function <code>getSnork</code>, approximately 10 seconds
- after the function <code>getMoomin()</code> completes, you would do this:
- </p>
- getMoomin();
- setTimeout(getSnork, 10000);
-Script execution is not stopped, and adding <code>getSnufkin()</code> after the
-<code>setTimeout</code> line would immediately execute the function <code>getSnufkin</code>
-before <code>getSnork</code>.
- </p> <p>
-Achieving delays through running a loop of some sort for a pre-defined
-period is a bad strategy, as that will inhibit whatever was supposed to
-be happening during the delay, including blocking user interation.
- </p> <p>
-Other (less event driven) hosts have different wait functions,
-such as <code>WScript.Sleep()</code> in the Windows Script Host.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="faq_notes/misc.html#mtSetTI" >faq_notes/misc.html#mtSetTI</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='printSettings' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_23'>10.9 How do I change print settings for window.print()?</h3><p>
-In a normal security environment, you can't change anything.
-</p> <p>
-Print Stylesheet rules provide options.
-</p> <p>
- For IE, <code>ActiveX</code> or Plugin ScriptX and
-Neptune from Meadroid to give you more control for Windows
-versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Opera.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='changeBrowserDialog' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_28'>10.10 How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?</h3><p>
-The buttons on a confirm box cannot be changed, nor can a default
-button be specified.
- </p> <p>
-Change the question to a statement so that "OK" is suitable as the
-default response.
-</p> <p>
- Example:
- "Would you like us to charge your credit card?" (wrong)
- "We will now charge your credit card." (right).
-</p> </div>
-<div id='fileDownload' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_33'>10.11 How do I prompt a &quot;Save As&quot; dialog for an accepted mime type?</h3><p>
-It is not possible with client-side javascript.
- </p> <p>
-Some browsers accept the Content-Disposition header, but this
-must be added by the server. Taking the form:-
-<code>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.ext</code></p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='modifyChrome' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_36'>10.12 How do I modify the current browser window?</h3><p>
-In a default security environment you are very limited in how much
-you can modify the current browser window. You can use
-<code>window.resizeTo</code> or <code>window.moveTo</code> to resize or move a
-window respectively, but that is it. Normally you can only
-suggest chrome changes in a <code></code>.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='target' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_37'>10.13 How do I POST a form to a new window?</h3><p>
-Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with
-that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of the
- </p>
- &lt;form action=&quot;&quot; method="post"
- target=&quot;wndname&quot; onsubmit=&quot;'',;return true;&quot;&gt;</pre>
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='openWindow' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_42'>10.14 How do I open a new window with javascript?</h3><p>
-New windows can be opened on browsers that support the
-<code></code> function and are not subject to the action of any
-pop-up blocking mechanism with code such as:-
- </p>
- var wRef;
- if({
- wRef ="","windowName");
- }</pre>
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='ajaxRef' class='section'><h2>11 Ajax and Server Communication</h2>
-</div><div id='ajax' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_44'>11.1 What is Ajax?</h3><p>
-<dfn title = 'Asynchronous JavaScript and XML'>Ajax</dfn>
-is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The technology is
-based on the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> Object. At its simplest,
-it is the sending/retrieving of new data from the server without
-changing or reloading the window location.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li>
-Mozilla Documentation:
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-MSDN Documention:
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-Libraries and Tutorial Sites:
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='downloadPage' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_38'>11.2 How do I download a page to a variable?</h3><p>
-Although <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> can be used to download
-entire pages, it is often used for downloading small pieces
-of data that can be used to update the current page.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='getServerVariable' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_18'>11.3 How do I get a jsp/php variable into client-side javascript?</h3><p>
-Use a server-side language to generate the javascript.
-</p> <p>
-Certain characters of ECMAScript strings must be escaped by backslash.
-These include quote marks, backslash, and line terminators.
-</p> <p>
- JSP Example, using Apache Commons: <code>org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils</code>:
- </p>
-var jsVar = "&lt;%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(str) %&gt;";
- <p>
- PHP example using <code>addcslashes</code>:
-var jsVar = "&lt;?php echo addcslashes($str,"\\\'\"\n\r"); ?&gt;";
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="example/addcslashes.php" >example/addcslashes.php</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='sessionExpired' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_29'>11.4 How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?</h3><p>
-This cannot be done reliably. Here's why:
- </p>
-<ul> <li>
-The user may disable javascript so the log-out script will
-never execute.
- </li>
-The user may not be on-line when they close your web page.
- </li>
-Javascript errors elsewhere in the page may prevent the script
- </li>
-The browser may not support the onunload event, or may not fire
-it under certain circumstances, so the log-out function will
-not execute.
- </li>
-The URL below has more information.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='runServerScript' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_34'>11.5 How do I run a server side script?</h3><p>
-You trigger a server-side script by sending an HTTP request.
-This can be achieved by setting the <code>src</code> of an <code>img</code>,
-<code>Image</code>, <code>frame</code>, or <code>iframe</code>, or by using
-<dfn title = 'XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP'>XHR</dfn>, where supported.
- </p> <p>
-An image will also
-&quot;swallow&quot; the data sent back by the server, so that they will
-not be visible anywhere.
-</p> <p>
- </p>
- var dummyImage = new Image();
- dummyImage.src = &quot;scriptURL.asp?param=&quot; + varName;
- <p>
-Mozilla, Opera 7.6+, Safari 1.2+, and Windows IE 7
-provide the <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> object
-(Windows IE versions 5+, provides ActiveX to acheive an analagous
-effect). <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> can send HTTP requests to
-the server, and provides access the <code>responseText</code> or <code>responseXML</code>
-(when the response is XML), and HTTP header information.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='noCache' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_17'>11.6 How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?</h3><p>
-To reload a page, use <code>location.reload()</code>. However, this depends
-upon the cache headers that your server sends. To change this,
-you need to alter the server configuration. A quick fix on the
-client is to change the page URI so that it contains a unique
-element, such as the current time. For example:
-<code>location.replace(location.href+'?d='+new Date().valueOf())</code>
-If the <code>location.href</code> already contains a query String, use:
-<code>location.replace(location.href+'&amp;d='+new Date().valueOf())</code></p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='ajaxCache' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_45'>11.7 Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer?</h3><p>
- Browsers cache the results of HTTP requests to reduce network traffic.
- To force the browser to request the document from the server, either
- set the <code>EXPIRES</code> and/or <code>CACHE-CONTROL</code> response header(s)
- with a past date or use a unique query string.
- </p>
-"GET", "/example.jsp?date=" + (+new Date), true);
-Always use the appropriate HTTP method. Do not use <code>POST</code>
-to prevent caching. See <a href="" >RFC 2616</a>.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href=" " > </a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='debugging' class='section'><h2>12 Debugging</h2>
-</div><div id='javascriptErrors' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_43'>12.1 How do I get my browser to report javascript errors?</h3><p>
-There are debugging tools for many browsers. Learn to use them all.
- </p>
- <dt> Windows </dt>
- <dd> <a href="" >Fiddler</a>.
-Fiddler is an HTTP Debugging proxy (it won't find script
-errors). Fiddler logs HTTP activity, like Firebug's Net
-tab, but can be attached to any browser running on Windows.
- </dd>
- <dt> Windows IE </dt>
- <dd> Microsoft Script Editor. Included with Visual Studio or Microsoft
-Word 2003 (discontinued in Office 2007).
-To enable,
-<code>Tools</code>, <code>Internet Options</code>, <code>Advanced</code>, and uncheck
-<code>Disable Script Debugging</code>. After enabling Script Debugging,
-a <code>Script Debugger</code> option will appear in the <code>View</code> menu. </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >IETester</a> for testing IE 5.5- IE8. </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >CompanionJS</a><code>console</code> for IE. </dd>
- <dd> <em>Note:</em> For debugging scripts in IE, the Microsoft Script <em>Editor</em>
-is recommended. However, if not available, the <a href=";displaylang=en" >Microsoft Script Debugger</a> may be somewhat helpful.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href=";displaylang=en" >Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar</a> </dd>
- <dd>
-To report errors: Wait until a little yellow
-triangle appears at the left end of the status bar, double click
-on it and, when the error dialog box appears, check the &quot;Always
-show errors&quot; checkbox it contains.
-Or, <code>Internet Options</code>, <code>Advanced</code>, deselect <code>"Disable Script Debugging"</code>,
-select <code>"Display a notification ..."</code>.
- </dd>
- <dt> Firefox </dt>
- <dd> <code>Tools &gt; Error console</code> (<code>Ctrl</code> + <code>Shift</code> + <code>j</code>).
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >Firebug</a> </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >YSlow</a>.
-YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow
-based on Yahoo's rules for high performance web sites.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >Lori</a>
-<dfn>Lori</dfn> or Life-of-request info, is useful for troubleshooting
-server response and page load time.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >Web Developer Toolbar</a>.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >Cookie Watcher</a>.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >XPather</a>.
-XPath generator, editor and inspector.
- </dd>
- <dt> Opera </dt>
- <dd>
-Tools &gt; Advanced &gt; Error console
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href="" >Introduction to Opera Dragonfly</a> </dd>
- <dt> Safari </dt>
- <dd>
-To display the <code>Develop</code> menu in Safari 3.1 or higher, select
-the checkbox labeled "Show Develop menu in menu bar" in
-Safari's <code>Advanced</code> Preferences panel.
- </dd>
- <dd> <a href=" " >Safari Web Inspector</a> </dd>
- <dt> Chrome </dt>
- <dd>
-JavaScript Console: click the <code>Page</code> menu icon and select
-<code>Developer &gt; JavaScript Console</code>. From here, you'll be
-able to view errors in the JavaScript execution, and enter
-additional javascript commands to execute.
- </dd>
- <dd>
-JavaScript Debugger: available as <code>Page</code> menu icon &gt; <code>Developer</code>
-&gt; Debug JavaScript, the debugger provides a command prompt from which you
-can set breakpoints, backtrace, and more. Type <code>help</code> at the debugger
-command line to get started.
- </dd>
- <dd>
-<ul> <li> <a href="" >Google Chrome Script Debugging</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Developer Tools for Google Chrome</a> </li>
-<li> <a href="" >Tools for Eclipse Users</a> </li>
- </dd>
- <dt> Mac IE </dt>
- <dd>
-Use the Preferences dialog.
- </dd></dl></div>
-<div id='doNotTry' class='section'><h2>13 Things not to attempt in a browser</h2>
-</div><div id='detectBrowser' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_26'>13.1 How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?</h3><p>
-The short answer: <em>Don't do that</em>.
- </p> <p>
-The <code>navigator</code>
-<dfn>host object</dfn> contains properties which
-may identify the browser and version. These properties are historically
-inaccurate. Some browsers allow the user to set <code>navigator.userAgent</code> to any value. For
-example, Firefox, (type <code>about:config</code> and search <code>useragent</code>
-or Safari, <code>Develop &gt; User Agent &gt; Other...</code>, IE, via Registry.
- </p> <p>
-Other browsers, such as Opera, provide a list of user agents
-for the user to select from. There are also at least 25 other
-javascript capable browsers, with multiple versions, each
-with their own string.
- </p> <p>
-Browser detection is unreliable, at best. It usually causes
-forward-compatibility and maintenance problems. It is unrelated to the
-problem or incompatiblity it is trying to solve and obscures the
-problems it is used for, where it is used.
- </p> <p>
-Object detection is checking that the object in question exists.
-<a href="" >Capability detection</a> goes one step further to actually test the object,
-method, or property, to see if behaves in the desired manner.
- </p> <p>
-Feature Test Example:
- </p>
- * Returns the element/object the user targeted.
- * If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
- * @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
- */
-function getEventTarget(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- // First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
- return || e.srcElement;
-<ul class='linkList'><li><a href="notes/detect-browser/" >notes/detect-browser/</a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='preventAccess' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_5'>13.2 How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript?</h3><p>
-In practice you can't. While you could create a suitable
-encryption system with a password in the page, the level of
-support you need to do this means it's always simpler to do it
-server-side. Anything that &quot;protects&quot; a page
-other than the current one is definitely flawed.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='hideSource' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_1'>13.3 How do I protect my javascript code?</h3><p>
-With clientside javascript you can't as your code is distributed
-in source form and is easily readable. With JScript, there is the
-Script Encoder (see MSDN), but this is nothing more than obfuscation.
-Attempting to disable the context menu does nothing to
-protect your script in a Web browser.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li>
- Your code is likely protected under copyright laws. See:
- </li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='disableRightClick' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_27'>13.4 How do I suppress a context menu (right-click menu)?</h3><p>
-A context menu, often triggered by right-click, can be requested by the
-user in a few ways. For example, on windows, shift + F10 and on macs,
-click-and-hold. Other input devices exist and mouse buttons can be
-configured, making the term "right click" a misnomer, in context.
-</p> <p>
-In browsers that allow it, a script can suppress the context menu by
-returning false from an object's <code>oncontextmenu</code> event handler.
-document.oncontextmenu = function() {
- return false;
-Some browsers lack context menus (e.g. iphone). Browsers that have
-context menus do not always have a scriptable event for them. Some
-browsers can be configured to disallow scripts from detecting context
-menu events (IE, Opera); others may fire the event but be configured to
-disallow scripts from suppressing the context menu (Firefox,Seamonkey).
-</p> <p>
-Even when the context menu has been suppressed, it will still be
-possible to view/save the source code and to save images.
-</p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='readFile' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_3'>13.5 How can I access the client-side filesystem?</h3><p>
-Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted
-environment, there are options. For example, using LiveConnect to
-connect to Java with Netscape, and using the FileSystemObject in
-IE. Check <a href="" >Google Groups archives</a>
-for previous posts on the subject.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="" ></a></li>
-<li><a href="" ></a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='javascriptURI' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ4_24'>13.6 I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?</h3><p>
-Whatever the rest of your question, this is generally a very bad idea.
-The <code>javascript:</code> pseudo protocol was designed to replace the
-current document with the value that is returned from the expression.
-For example:
- </p>
- &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:'&amp;lt;h1&amp;gt;' + document.lastModified + '&amp;lt;/h1&amp;gt;'&quot;&gt;lastModified&lt;/a&gt;
-will result in replacing the current document with the value
-returned from <code>document.lastModified</code>, wrapped in an <code>&lt;h1&gt;</code>
- </p> <p>
-When the expression used evaluates to an <code>undefined</code> value
-(as some function calls do), the contents of the current page are not
-replaced. Regardless, some browsers (notably IE6) interpret this as
-navigation and will enter into a 'navigation' state where GIF
-animations and plugins (such as movies) will stop and navigational
-features such as <code>META</code> refresh, assignment to <code>location.href</code>, and image
-swaps fail.
- </p> <p>
-It is also possible for IE to be configured such that it supports
-javascript but not the <code>javascript:</code> protocol. This results
-in the user seeing a protocol error for <code>javascript:</code> URIs.
- </p> <p>
-The <code>javascript:</code> pseudo protocol creates accessibility and
-usability problems. It provides no fallback for when the script is not
- </p> <p>
-Instead, use
-<code>&lt;a href=&quot;something.html&quot; onclick=&quot;somefunction();return false&quot;&gt;</code>
-where <code>something.html</code> is a meaningful alternative. Alternatively,
-attach the <code>click</code> callback using an event registry.
- </p><ul class='linkList'><li><a href="example/jsuri/" >example/jsuri/</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >Set/Navigate to a Location</a></li>
-<li><a href="" >Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002</a></li>
-</ul> </div>
-<div id='comments' class='section'><h2 id='FAQ5'>14 Comments and Suggestions</h2>
-The FAQ uses the stylesheet <a href="faq.css" >faq.css</a> and is generated
-from the xml source <a href="index.xml" >index.xml</a> by the windows script
-host script <a href="process.wsf" >process.wsf</a> which also checks the links.
- </p> </div><div id='FAQENTRY' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ5_1'>14.1 Why do some posts have &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in them?</h3><p>
-If a poster feels that the question they are answering should be
-covered in the FAQ, placing &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in the post lets the FAQ
-robot collect the messages for easy review and inclusion. A Draft Proposal
-for the FAQ is requested and appreciated.
- </p> <p>
-The &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; should not be used in posts except in
-conjunction with a suggestion/proposal for the FAQ. It should
-also not be literally quoted in replies, instead it should be
-partly obscured as, e.g. &lt;FAQ**TRY&gt; or similar.
- </p> </div>
-<div id='makeSuggestion' class='section'><h3 id='FAQ5_2'>14.2 How do I make a suggestion?</h3><p>
-The FAQ is currently lacking a maintainer, please contact Jim Ley
-(jim.ley&#64; if you wish to take it over, you will need to
-be in good standing in the group and trustworthy to have access to the
-server. All comments, suggestions, and especially corrections are
- </p> </div>
-<!--<script src='FAQReader.js' type='text/javascript'></script>--></body>
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/backup/process.wsf
--- trunk/cljs/backup/process.wsf (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/backup/process.wsf (nonexistent)
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-<job id="process">
-This file generates the FAQ index.html
- * Formatting - Still messy.
- * Needed corrections:
- * statements terminated with semicolon.
- * use |var| for variables.
- * use whitespace.
- * 2 spaces for indentation (not one).
- */
-var CheckUrls=false,
- xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
-// moomin.utilities can be got from
-// var mu=new ActiveXObject("Moomin.Utilities")
-var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
-xml.async = false;
-xml.validateOnParse = false;
-xml.resolveExternals = false;
-var faqNode = xml.selectSingleNode("/FAQ"),
- Version = faqNode.attributes.getNamedItem("VERSION").nodeValue,
- maintainer = "Garrett Smith",
- Updated = faqNode.attributes.getNamedItem("DATE").nodeValue;
-var str = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" \n'
- + '"">\n<html lang="en">\n'
- + '<head>\n'
- + '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">\n'
- + '<meta name="DCTERMS.language" scheme="RFC1766" content="en">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.title" content="comp.lang.javascript Frequently Asked Questions">\n'
- + '<meta name="DCTERMS.subject" '
- + 'content="Frequently asked questions in the Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.javascript">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.format" content="text/html">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.type" content="Text">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.creator" content="Jim Ley">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.publisher" content="' + maintainer + '">\n'
- + '<META name="DC.Publisher.Address" '
- + 'content="dhtmlkitchen&#64;&#103;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">\n'
- + '<meta name="DCTERMS.modified" content="' + Updated +'">\n'
- + '<meta name="DCTERMS.audience" content="Programmers, web developers">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.description" content="Javascript Frequently Asked Questions">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.identifier" content="">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.source" '
- + 'content="">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.source" content="news:comp.lang.javascript">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.source" content="">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.source" content="">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.source" content="">\n'
- + '<meta name="DC.rights" content="copyright contributors, comp.lang.javascript">\n'
- + '<link rel="StyleSheet" href="faq.css" type="text/css" media="screen">\n';
-TitleStr = xml.selectSingleNode("/FAQ/TITLE").firstChild.nodeValue;
-str += "<title> "+TitleStr+"</title>\n"
- + '</head>\n <body>\n'
- + "<h1> "+TitleStr+"</h1>\n"
- + "<p>Version "+Version+", Updated "+Updated +", by " + maintainer + "</p>"
- + '<div id="nav"><a href="notes/">FAQ Notes</a></div>';
-var contentstr = "";
-Contents = xml.selectSingleNode("/FAQ/CONTENTS").selectNodes("CONTENT");
-str += "\n<ul id='faqList'>\n";
-for (var i = 0; i < Contents.length; i++) {
- CNode = Contents[i];
- var sectionId = CNode.getAttribute("ID") || "",
- title = CNode.getAttribute("TITLE");
- str += "<li>" + (i+1) + " <a href='#" + sectionId +"'>" + title + "</a>\n";
- contentstr += "<div id='" + sectionId +"' class='section'>"
- + "<h2"+getOldId(CNode)+">"
- + (i+1) + " " + title
- + "</h2>\n"
- + processContentChildren(CNode)
- + "</div>";
- var SubContents = CNode.selectNodes("CONTENT");
- processContentChildren(CNode);
- if(SubContents.length > 0) {
- str += "\n<ul>\n";
- // Build a link to a subsection.
- // a subsection looks like:
- // <h3 id=[FAQ5_7 | getWindowSize]><a name=FAQ5_7></a> ... </h3>
- // This allows for items to be moved around in various
- // order (index should not matter).
- for (var j = 0; j < SubContents.length; j++) {
- var SubCNode = SubContents[j],
- subSectionId = SubCNode.getAttribute("ID"),
- title = SubCNode.getAttribute("TITLE"),
- entryNumber = ""+(i+1)+"."+ (j+1);
- str += "<li>" + entryNumber +" <a href='#"+ subSectionId +"'>" + title + "</a></li>\n";
- contentstr += "<div id='" + subSectionId + "' class='section'>"
- + "<h3" + getOldId(SubCNode) + ">"
- + entryNumber + " " + title
- + '</h3>'
- + processContentChildren(SubCNode )
- + '</div>'
- + '\n';
- }
- str += "</ul>";
- }
- str += "</li>";
- * If the node contains a "NUMID",
- * the content is wrapped in an anchor, e.g. "<a name='" + NUMID.
- * Otherwise, returns the content.
- */
-function getOldId(node) {
- var faqSectionIndexString = node.getAttribute("NUMID") || "";
- return (faqSectionIndexString ?
- " id='FAQ" + faqSectionIndexString +"'" : "");
-str += "</ul>"
- + contentstr
- + "<!--<script src='FAQReader.js' type='text/javascript'><\/script>-->"
- + "</body> \n</html> \n";
-str = str.replace(/<p><\/p>/gm,"").replace(/<p> <\/p>/gm,"");
-// Create the files.
-var FSO = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
-FIL = FSO.CreateTextFile("index"+Version+".html",true);
-if (CheckUrls) {
-function processContentChildren(cNode) {
- var allNodes = cNode.selectNodes("*"),
- contentstr = "";;
- for(var k = 0; k < allNodes.length; k++) {
- var node = allNodes[k];
- if(node.tagName == "P")
- contentstr += ProcessNode(node);
- // List nodes, for UL, OL, DL.
- else if(node.tagName == "LIST")
- contentstr += processList(allNodes[k]);
- }
- return contentstr;
-function ProcessNode(nde) {
- var str = " ", p = "", closeP = "", child;
- if(nde.tagName == "P") {
- str = "<p>\n ";
- p = "<p>";
- closeP = "</p>";
- }
- for (var i = 0;i < nde.childNodes.length; i++) {
- child = nde.childNodes[i];
- switch (child.nodeName) {
- case "#comment" :
- str += "<!--" + + "-->";
- break;
- case "#text" :
- // If a text node is empty, do not generate an empty <p> tag.
- if(child.nodeValue.replace(/\s+/,'') == "") return " ";
- str += child.nodeValue;
- break;
- case "VER" :
- str += Version;
- break;
- case "UPDATED" :
- str += Updated;
- break;
- case "URL" :
- str += makeLink(child);
- break;
- case "EM" :
- var url= child.firstChild.nodeValue;
- str+=' <em>'+url+'</em>';
- break;
- case "NEWSGROUP" :
- var url= child.firstChild.nodeValue;
- str+=' <a href="news:'+url+'">'+url+'</a>';
- break;
- case "MAILTO" :
- var url= child.firstChild.nodeValue;
- str+=' <a href="mailto:'+url+'">'+url+'</a>';
- break;
- case "MOREINFO" :
- str += closeP + ProcessResource(child) + p;
- break;
- case "UL" :
- str+= closeP + " \n<ul> "+ProcessUL(nde.childNodes[i])+"</ul> \n" + p;
- break;
- case "LI" :
- str+="<li> "+ ProcessNode( child ) + "</li>";
- break;
- case "CODE" :
- str+= closeP + "\n<pre>"+ child.firstChild.nodeValue +"</pre>\n"+p;
- break;
- case "ICODE" :
- str += "<code>"+ child.firstChild.nodeValue+"</code>";
- break;
- case "DFN" :
- var title = child.attributes.getNamedItem("TITLE");
- title = title && (" title = '" + title.nodeValue +"'") || "";
- str +="\n<dfn" + title + ">"
- + child.firstChild.nodeValue + "</dfn>";
- break;
- default:
- str += child.nodeValue;
- break;
- }
- }
- return str+= closeP + " ";
-function makeLink(child) {
- var url = child.firstChild.nodeValue,
- linkText = child.attributes.getNamedItem("LINKTEXT"),
- addstr = checkUrl(url, child);
- linkText = linkText && linkText.nodeValue;
- return '<a href="'+url+'" '+addstr+'>'+(linkText||url)+'</a>';
-/** Processing for OL, UL, DL.
- * calls processNode.
- */
-function processList(list) {
- var str = "",
- header = "",
- title = list.getAttribute("TITLE"),
- id = list.getAttribute("ID"),
- idStr = (id && " id='" + id + "'") || "";
- if(title) {
- header = "\n<h4" + idStr +">" + title + "</h4>\n";
- idStr = ""; // Output id only once.
- }
- var type = list.getAttribute("TYPE");
- type = (type || "ul").toLowerCase();
- str += "\n<" + type + idStr +">";
- for (var i = 0; i < list.childNodes.length; i++) {
- var child = list.childNodes[i],
- tagName = child.nodeName;
- // If not a list-type element,
- // add it to the header (will appear first).
- if(!/(?:LI)|(?:DT)|(?:DD)/.test(tagName)) {
- header += ProcessNode(child);
- }
- else if(tagName !== "#text") {
- tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
- str += "\n <" +tagName +">" + ProcessNode(child) + "</" +tagName +">";
- }
- }
- return header + str + "</" + type + ">";
- function ProcessUL(nde) {
- var str=""
- for (var i=0;i<nde.childNodes.length;i++) {
- var child = nde.childNodes[i];
- switch (nde.childNodes[i].nodeName) {
- case "#text" :
- str+=nde.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
- break;
- case "VER" :
- str+=Version
- break;
- case "URL" :
- str += makeLink(child);
- break;
- case "NEWSGROUP" :
- var url = child.firstChild.nodeValue
- str+=' <a href="news:'+url+'">'+url+'</a> \n'
- break;
- case "MAILTO" :
- var url= child.firstChild.nodeValue;
- str+=' <a href="mailto:'+url+'">'+url+'</a> \n'
- break;
- case "UL" :
- str+="<ul>\n" + ProcessNode(child) + "\n</ul>\n"
- break;
- case "LI" :
- str+="<li> " + ProcessNode(child) + "</li> \n"
- break;
- case "CODE" :
- str+="</p>\n<pre>"+nde.childNodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue.replace('\r',"<BR> ")+"</pre> \n<p> \n"
- break;
- case "ICODE" :
- str+="<code>"+nde.childNodes[i].firstChild.nodeValue+"</code>\n"
- break;
- default:
- document.write(nde.childNodes[i].nodeName+'<br> \n')
- str+=nde.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
- break;
- }
- }
- return str += "";
- }
-function ProcessResource(nde) {
- var str="<ul class='linkList'>", child;
- for (var i = 0; i < nde.childNodes.length; i++) {
- child = nde.childNodes[i];
- switch (child.nodeName) {
- case "#text" :
- if(/[a-zA-Z]/.test(child.nodeValue))
- str += '<li>' + child.nodeValue + '</li>\n';
- break;
- case "URL" :
- str+='<li>' + makeLink(child) + '</li>\n';
- break;
- case "NEWSGROUP" :
- var url = child.firstChild.nodeValue;
- str += '<li><a href="news:'+url+'">' + url + '</a></li> \n';
- break;
- }
- }
- return str + "</ul>";
- function checkUrl(url,node) {
- url=url.split('#')[0]
- if (CheckUrls) {
- if (url.indexOf('http://')==0) {
- xmlhttp.Open("get",url,false)
- try {
- xmlhttp.Send()
- } catch (e) { WScript.Echo(url);return ""; }
- stat=xmlhttp.status
- node.attributes.getNamedItem("status").nodeValue=stat
- if (stat==200) {
- source=xmlhttp.responseText
- if (url.indexOf('microsoft')!=-1 && source.indexOf('Page Cannot')!=-1) {
- //Ugly hack 'cos MSDN don't understand HTTP.
- stat=404
- node.attributes.getNamedItem("status").nodeValue=stat
- return ' class="nolink" '
- }
- contentlength=source.length
-// oldhash=node.attributes.getNamedItem("hash").nodeValue
-// hash=mu.MD5(source,"faq")
-// node.attributes.getNamedItem("hash").nodeValue=hash
- classstr=""
-// if (oldhash!=hash) classstr=' class="updated"'
- lm=xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")
- return classstr+' title="'+lm+'" '
- } else {
- xmlhttp.Open("get",""+url,false)
- xmlhttp.Send()
- if (xmlhttp.responseText.indexOf('did not match any documents')==-1) {
- return ' class="nolink"> \n<small> \n<a href="'+url+'>(Googles cached copy)</a> \n<small'
- }
- return ' class="nolink" '
- }
- } else {
- return ""
- }
- } else {
- return ""
- }
- }
Index: trunk/cljs/index.xml
--- trunk/cljs/index.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/index.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- <!ENTITY trade "&#8482;"><!-- trade mark sign, U+2122 ISOnum -->
- <!ENTITY meta SYSTEM "sections/meta.xml">
- <!ENTITY overview SYSTEM "sections/overview.xml">
- <!ENTITY resources SYSTEM "sections/resources.xml">
- <!ENTITY functions SYSTEM "sections/functions.xml">
- <!ENTITY dates SYSTEM "sections/dates.xml">
- <!ENTITY numbers SYSTEM "sections/numbers.xml">
- <!ENTITY objects SYSTEM "sections/objects.xml">
- <!ENTITY strings SYSTEM "sections/strings.xml">
- <!ENTITY dom SYSTEM "sections/dom.xml">
- <!ENTITY windows SYSTEM "sections/windows.xml">
- <!ENTITY server SYSTEM "sections/server.xml">
- <!ENTITY debugging SYSTEM "sections/debugging.xml">
- <!ENTITY donts SYSTEM "sections/donts.xml">
- <!ENTITY suggestions SYSTEM "sections/suggestions.xml">
-<FAQ VERSION="32.2" DATE="2010-10-08" revision="$Revision$" id="$Id$">
- <TITLE>FAQ for comp.lang.javascript</TITLE>
- &meta;
- &overview;
- &resources;
- &functions;
- &dates;
- &numbers;
- &objects;
- &strings;
- &dom;
- &windows;
- &server;
- &debugging;
- &donts;
- &suggestions;
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## -1 +0,0 ##
-LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision LastChangedBy Id
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Index: trunk/cljs/sections/server.xml
--- trunk/cljs/sections/server.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/sections/server.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Ajax and Server Communication" ID="ajaxRef">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is Ajax?" ID="ajax" NUMID="4_44">
- <P>
-<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
-is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The technology is
-based on the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> Object. At its simplest,
-it is the sending/retrieving of new data from the server without
-changing or reloading the window location.
- </P>
-Mozilla Documentation:
-MSDN Documention:
-<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
-Libraries and Tutorial Sites:
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I download a page to a variable?" ID="downloadPage" NUMID="4_38">
- <P>
-Although <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can be used to download
-entire pages, it is often used for downloading small pieces
-of data that can be used to update the current page.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get a jsp/php variable into client-side javascript?"
- ID="getServerVariable" NUMID="4_18">
- <P>
-Use a server-side language to generate the javascript.
-Certain characters of ECMAScript strings must be escaped by backslash.
-These include quote marks, backslash, and line terminators.
-<P>JSP Example, using Apache Commons: <ICODE>org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils</ICODE>:
- <CODE>
-var jsVar = "&lt;%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(str) %&gt;";
-<P>PHP example using <ICODE>addcslashes</ICODE>: </P>
-var jsVar = "&lt;?php echo addcslashes($str,"\\\'\"\n\r"); ?&gt;";
- <URL>example/addcslashes.php</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?"
- ID="sessionExpired" NUMID="4_29">
- <P>
-This cannot be done reliably. Here's why:
- </P>
- <UL>
- <LI>
-The user may disable javascript so the log-out script will
-never execute.
- </LI>
- <LI>
-The user may not be on-line when they close your web page.
- </LI>
- <LI>
-Javascript errors elsewhere in the page may prevent the script
- </LI>
- <LI>
-The browser may not support the onunload event, or may not fire
-it under certain circumstances, so the log-out function will
-not execute.
- </LI>
- </UL>
-The URL below has more information.
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I run a server side script?" ID="runServerScript" NUMID="4_34">
- <P>
-You trigger a server-side script by sending an HTTP request.
-This can be achieved by setting the <ICODE>src</ICODE> of an <ICODE>img</ICODE>,
-<ICODE>Image</ICODE>, <ICODE>frame</ICODE>, or <ICODE>iframe</ICODE>, or by using <DFN
-TITLE="XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP">XHR</DFN>, where supported.
- </P>
- <P>
-An image will also
-&quot;swallow&quot; the data sent back by the server, so that they will
-not be visible anywhere.
- <CODE>
- var dummyImage = new Image();
- dummyImage.src = &quot;scriptURL.asp?param=&quot; + varName;
- <P>
-Mozilla, Opera 7.6+, Safari 1.2+, and Windows IE 7
-provide the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> object
-(Windows IE versions 5+, provides ActiveX to acheive an analagous
-effect). <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can send HTTP requests to
-the server, and provides access the <ICODE>responseText</ICODE> or <ICODE>responseXML</ICODE>
-(when the response is XML), and HTTP header information.
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why are my rollovers so slow?" ID="imageCache" NUMID="4_31">
- <P>
-Images are cached by the browser depending on the headers sent by
-the server. If the server does not send sufficient information
-for the browser to decide the image is cacheable, the browser
-will check if the image has been updated every time you change the
-src of an image (in some user settings). To overcome this you
-must send suitable headers.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?"
- ID="noCache" NUMID="4_17">
- <P>
-To reload a page, use <ICODE>location.reload()</ICODE>. However, this depends
-upon the cache headers that your server sends. To change this,
-you need to alter the server configuration. A quick fix on the
-client is to change the page URI so that it contains a unique
-element, such as the current time. For example:
-<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'?d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
-If the <ICODE>location.href</ICODE> already contains a query String, use:
-<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'&amp;d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- TITLE="Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer?"
- ID="ajaxCache" NUMID="4_45">
- <P>
- Browsers cache the results of HTTP requests to reduce network traffic.
- To force the browser to request the document from the server, either
- set the <ICODE>EXPIRES</ICODE> and/or <ICODE>CACHE-CONTROL</ICODE> response header(s)
- with a past date or use a unique query string.
- <CODE>
-"GET", "/example.jsp?date=" + (+new Date), true);
-Always use the appropriate HTTP method. Do not use <ICODE>POST</ICODE>
-to prevent caching. See <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 2616"
-<URL> </URL>
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/sections/meta.xml
--- trunk/cljs/sections/meta.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/sections/meta.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Meta-FAQ meta-questions" ID="meta" NUMID="1">
- <P>
- This is the meta-FAQ for comp.lang.javascript. The latest
- version is available at <URL></URL> in HTML form.
- </P>
- <P>
- Each day, one section of the <em>original</em> comp.lang.javascript FAQ, <VER/>,
- is posted for review and questions, and as a reminder that the FAQ
- is available.
- </P>
- -->
- <P>
- For additional explanation and detail relating to some aspects
- of the FAQ, please see the
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Notes">notes/</URL>.
- It has been provided separately to avoid increasing the size of
- the FAQ to a point where it would be unreasonable to post it to
- the group.
- </P>
- <P>
- Code examples in this FAQ use <URL LINKTEXT="JSDoc Toolkit"
- ></URL> comments.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why this FAQ?" ID="why" NUMID="2_0">
- <P>
- This document is work in progress, intended to replace
- the comp.lang.javascript FAQ that has gone unmaintained
- since 2010-10-08 CE.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Which newsgroups deal with javascript?" ID="newsgroups" NUMID="2_1">
- <P>
- The official Big 8 Usenet newsgroup dealing with javascript is
- <NEWSGROUP>comp.lang.javascript</NEWSGROUP>.
- Some "language" hierarchies also have *.comp.lang.javascript groups.
- </P>
- <P>
- c.l.js is an unmoderated newsgroup.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript?" ID="appropriateQuestions" NUMID="2_2">
- <P>
- The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup deals with ECMAScript
- languages, so any questions about JavaScript or JScript are
- welcome. However, the majority of questions sent to this group
- relates to javascript in a web browser. If you are experiencing
- issues with a particular browser, or the host is not a browser
- at all, please make this information clear.
- </P>
- <P>
- Javascript and Java are two completely different languages.
- Java questions should be asked in one of the*
- newsgroups; they are not appropriate for c.l.js (as Java and
- javascript are distinct programming languages with only
- superficial similarities due to sharing a C-like syntax and
- some of the characters in their names).
- </P>
- <P>
- Questions dealing with other scripting languages, such as
- VBScript, PerlScript or CGI scripting are also off-topic,
- as are HTML-only or CSS-only questions.
- </P>
- <!--
- <P>
- Questions about the design of various javascript libraries are
- appropriate; questions on how to <EM>use</EM> such libraries
- are not. Check <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js FAQ Resources"
- >http://jibbering.comindex.html#libraryResources</URL> or search the web.
- </P>
- -->
- <P>
- Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
- be appropriately asked at:
- <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>
- </P>
- <P>
- The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup charter is included in
- <URL>faq_notes/cljs_charter.html</URL>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What should I do before posting to comp.lang.javascript?" ID="posting" NUMID="2_3">
- <P>
- Before posting to c.l.js, you should read this document.
- You should also check the <URL LINKTEXT="Resources section">#onlineResources</URL>.
- </P>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="How to Ask a Question" ID="ask">
- <LI>State your question clearly and concisely.</LI>
- <LI>Use the Subject: line to show the type of problem you have but
- include the question in the body as well.</LI>
- <LI>For a more detailed explanation of formatting, see
- &quot;<URL LINKTEXT="Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript">notes/posting/</URL>&quot;.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Replying" ID="reply">
- <LI>Quote only relevant parts of earlier messages, and add your
- comments below each quoted section
- (<URL LINKTEXT="FYI28/RFC1855"></URL>).</LI>
- <LI>Link to specific sections of the FAQ that are relevant.</LI>
- <LI>Avoid being unnecessarily rude, but do not complain about other rude posts.</LI>
- <LI>Don't quote signatures.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Posting Code" ID="postCode">
- <LI>
- Remove everything that does not contribute to the problem (images,
- markup, other scripts, etc).
- </LI>
- <LI>Validate the HTML and CSS <URL></URL>,
- <URL></URL>.</LI>
- <LI>Make sure the code is executable as transmitted.</LI>
- <LI>Format lines to 72 characters; indent with 2-4 spaces (not tabs).</LI>
- <LI>State what you expect the code to do.</LI>
- <LI>Mention the platforms, browsers, and versions.</LI>
- <LI>See also the <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ section on debugging">#debugging</URL>.</LI>
- <LI>Post in plain-text only. Do not encode it. Do not attach files.</LI>
- <LI>If the code is more than about 100 lines, provide a URL in addition.</LI>
- <LI>Do not multi-post; cross-post if necessary
- (<URL LINKTEXT="Wikipedia description"></URL>).</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="What Not to Post" ID="doNotPost">
- <LI>Do not post job postings. Job postings should go to
- an appropriate regional jobs group.</LI>
- <LI>Do not post copyright material without permission
- from the copyright holder.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- Relevant announcements are welcome, but no more often than once
- per major release, as a short link to the product's webpage.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why was my post not answered?" ID="noAnswer" NUMID="2_4">
- <P>This could be for several reasons:</P>
- <UL>
- <LI>It was a variation of a frequently asked question and was
- therefore ignored by everyone.</LI>
- <LI>Nobody knows the answer.</LI>
- <LI>The person with the answer has not seen the post.</LI>
- <LI>It might not be possible to do what you want to do but perhaps
- readers of c.l.js are reluctant to answer your post in the negative
- when they are not convinced that it cannot be done.</LI>
- <LI>The question was not asked clearly enough, or did not included
- enough information to be answered.</LI>
- <LI>The questioner did not realise the need to read the group, for a
- few days, to see the answers posted there.</LI>
- <LI>You ignored the <URL LINKTEXT="section on posting">#posting</URL></LI>
- </UL>
- <p>If it is not one of these, then after a few days consider
- reposting after checking
- <URL></URL>
- for replies. Make sure the post is phrased well, and everything
- needed to answer is correct, and the subject is appropriate.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
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Index: trunk/cljs/sections/overview.xml
--- trunk/cljs/sections/overview.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/sections/overview.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Language Overview" ID="tips" NUMID="2">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is ECMAScript?" ID="ecma" NUMID="2_6">
- <P>
- is the international standard that current language implementations
- (JavaScript&trade;, JScript etc.) are based on.
- </P>
- <P>
- defines the language Syntax, Types, Keywords, Operators, and built-in
- objects. The ECMAScript specification is the reference to determine the
- expected behavior of a program. ECMAScript does not define any host
- objects, such as <ICODE>document</ICODE>, <ICODE>window</ICODE>, or
- <ICODE>ActiveXObject</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-327 defines the Compact Profile of ECMAScript by
- describing the features from ECMA 262 that may be omitted in some
- resource-constrained environments.
- <URL></URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- The most widely supported edition of ECMA-262 is the 3rd edition (1999).
- There is fair support for this edition in JScript 5.5+ (buggy) and good
- support JavaScript 1.5.
- </P>
- <P>
- <em>For historical reasons, the term “javascript” is used herein
- as a shorthand for “ECMAScript-based programming languages”.
- Note that not all uses of that term here are correct. For example,
- there are instances where using “DOM” instead would have been correct.
- This will be fixed in a later revision.</em>
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is JScript?" ID="jScript" NUMID="2_7">
- <P>
- JScript is Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript.
- </P>
- <P>
- Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
- be appropriately asked at:
- <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?" ID="dom" NUMID="2_9">
- <P>
- The <DFN>Document Object Model</DFN> (DOM) is a interface-based model for <ICODE>Document</ICODE>
- objects. The DOM allows scripts to dynamically access and update a
- document's content, style, and event handlers.
- </P>
- <P>
- The DOM is <EM>not</EM> part of the ECMAScript programming language.
- </P>
- <P>
- Official DOM standards are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
- Scriptable browsers also have <DFN>proprietary</DFN> DOM features (<URL
- such as <ICODE>document.writeln()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Also see the section on <URL LINKTEXT="DOM and Forms">#domRef</URL>.
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js DOM Resources">#onlineResources</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="MDC: What is the DOM?"></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Internationalisation and Localisation in javascript" ID="localization" NUMID="2_10">
- <P>
- <DFN>Internationalisation</DFN> means using one form which is everywhere both
- acceptable and understood. Any international standard not supported by
- default can be coded for.
- </P>
- <P>
- For example, there is an International Standard for numeric Gregorian
- date format; but none for decimal and thousands separators.
- </P>
- <P>
- <DFN>Localisation</DFN> is the process of adapting software for a specific region
- or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text. It
- cannot work well in general, because it requires a knowledge of all
- preferences and the ability to choose the right one, in an environment
- where many systems are inappropriately set anyway.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript has a few <DFN>localisation</DFN> features. The various
- <ICODE>toString()</ICODE> methods are all implementation dependent,
- but tend to use either UK or US settings (not necessarily correctly).
- ECMAScript Ed. 3 introduced some capabilities, including the
- <ICODE>toLocaleString()</ICODE>method which should create a string
- based on the host's locale.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript 5th Edition introduces limited ISO 8601 capabilities with
- <ICODE>Date.prototype.toISOString()</ICODE> and new behavior for <ICODE>Date.parse()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What does the future hold for ECMAScript?" ID="futureEcmaScript" NUMID="2_12">
- <P>
- The 5th edition of ECMAScript was approved on 2009-12-04. There is some
- support in implementations released before approval date (JScript 5.8,
- JavaScript 1.8, JavaScriptCore).
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
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+++ trunk/cljs/sections/donts.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Things not to attempt in a browser" ID="doNotTry">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?" ID="detectBrowser" NUMID="4_26">
- <P>
-The short answer: <EM>Don't do that</EM>.
- </P>
- <P>
-The <ICODE>navigator</ICODE> <DFN>host object</DFN> contains properties which
-may identify the browser and version. These properties are historically
-inaccurate. Some browsers allow the user to set <ICODE>navigator.userAgent</ICODE> to any value. For
-example, Firefox, (type <ICODE>about:config</ICODE> and search <ICODE>useragent</ICODE>
-or Safari, <ICODE>Develop &gt; User Agent &gt; Other...</ICODE>, IE, via Registry.
- </P>
- <P>
-Other browsers, such as Opera, provide a list of user agents
-for the user to select from. There are also at least 25 other
-javascript capable browsers, with multiple versions, each
-with their own string.
- </P>
- <P>
-Browser detection is unreliable, at best. It usually causes
-forward-compatibility and maintenance problems. It is unrelated to the
-problem or incompatiblity it is trying to solve and obscures the
-problems it is used for, where it is used.
- </P>
- <P>
-Object detection is checking that the object in question exists.
-<URL LINKTEXT="Capability detection"
- > goes one step further to actually test the object,
-method, or property, to see if behaves in the desired manner.
- </P>
- <P>
-Feature Test Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- * Returns the element/object the user targeted.
- * If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
- * @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
- */
-function getEventTarget(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- // First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
- return || e.srcElement;
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript?"
- ID="preventAccess" NUMID="4_5">
- <P>
-In practice you can't. While you could create a suitable
-encryption system with a password in the page, the level of
-support you need to do this means it's always simpler to do it
-server-side. Anything that &quot;protects&quot; a page
-other than the current one is definitely flawed.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I protect my javascript code?" ID="hideSource" NUMID="4_1">
- <P>
-With clientside javascript you can't as your code is distributed
-in source form and is easily readable. With JScript, there is the
-Script Encoder (see MSDN), but this is nothing more than obfuscation.
-Attempting to disable the context menu does nothing to
-protect your script in a Web browser.
- </P>
- Your code is likely protected under copyright laws. See:
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I suppress a context menu (right-click menu)?"
- ID="disableRightClick" NUMID="4_27">
- <P>
-A context menu, often triggered by right-click, can be requested by the
-user in a few ways. For example, on windows, shift + F10 and on macs,
-click-and-hold. Other input devices exist and mouse buttons can be
-configured, making the term "right click" a misnomer, in context.
-In browsers that allow it, a script can suppress the context menu by
-returning false from an object's <ICODE>oncontextmenu</ICODE> event handler.
-document.oncontextmenu = function() {
- return false;
-Some browsers lack context menus (e.g. iphone). Browsers that have
-context menus do not always have a scriptable event for them. Some
-browsers can be configured to disallow scripts from detecting context
-menu events (IE, Opera); others may fire the event but be configured to
-disallow scripts from suppressing the context menu (Firefox,Seamonkey).
-Even when the context menu has been suppressed, it will still be
-possible to view/save the source code and to save images.
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I access the client-side filesystem?" ID="readFile" NUMID="4_3">
- <P>
-Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted
-environment, there are options. For example, using LiveConnect to
-connect to Java with Netscape, and using the FileSystemObject in
-IE. Check <URL LINKTEXT="Google Groups archives"></URL>
-for previous posts on the subject.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?"
- ID="javascriptURI" NUMID="4_24">
- <P>
-Whatever the rest of your question, this is generally a very bad idea.
-The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol was designed to replace the
-current document with the value that is returned from the expression.
-For example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:'&lt;h1&gt;' + document.lastModified + '&lt;/h1&gt;'&quot;&gt;lastModified&lt;/a&gt;
- <P>
-will result in replacing the current document with the value
-returned from <ICODE>document.lastModified</ICODE>, wrapped in an <ICODE>&lt;h1&gt;</ICODE>
- </P>
- <P>
-When the expression used evaluates to an <ICODE>undefined</ICODE> value
-(as some function calls do), the contents of the current page are not
-replaced. Regardless, some browsers (notably IE6) interpret this as
-navigation and will enter into a 'navigation' state where GIF
-animations and plugins (such as movies) will stop and navigational
-features such as <ICODE>META</ICODE> refresh, assignment to <ICODE>location.href</ICODE>, and image
-swaps fail.
- </P>
- <P>
-It is also possible for IE to be configured such that it supports
-javascript but not the <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> protocol. This results
-in the user seeing a protocol error for <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> URIs.
- </P>
- <P>
-The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol creates accessibility and
-usability problems. It provides no fallback for when the script is not
- </P>
- <P>
-Instead, use
-<ICODE>&lt;a href=&quot;something.html&quot; onclick=&quot;somefunction();return false&quot;&gt;</ICODE>
-where <ICODE>something.html</ICODE> is a meaningful alternative. Alternatively,
-attach the <ICODE>click</ICODE> callback using an event registry.
- </P>
- <URL>example/jsuri/</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Set/Navigate to a Location"></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002"></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Functions" ID="functions">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?" ID="scope">
- <P>
- This is an anonymous <DFN>FunctionExpression</DFN> that is called
- immediately after creation.
- </P>
- <P>
- Variables declared inside a function are not accessible from
- outside the function. This can be useful, for example, to hide
- implementation details or to avoid polluting the global scope.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>notes/closures/</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a function statement?" ID="functionStatement">
- <P>
- The term <DFN>function statement</DFN> has been widely and wrongly used to
- describe a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE>. This is misleading because in ECMAScript,
- a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not a <DFN>Statement</DFN>; there are places in a program
- where a <DFN>Statement</DFN> is permitted but a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not. To add
- to this confusion, some implementations, notably Mozillas', provide a
- syntax extension called <DFN>function statement</DFN>. This is allowed under
- section 16 of ECMA-262, Editions 3 and 5.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example of nonstandard <DFN>function statement</DFN>:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Nonstandard syntax, found in GMail source code. DO NOT USE.
-try {
- // FunctionDeclaration not allowed in Block.
- function Fze(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Code that uses <DFN>function statement</DFN> has three known interpretations. Some
- implementations process <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> as a <DFN>Statement</DFN>, in order. Others, including
- JScript, evaluate <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> upon entering the execution context that it
- appears in. Yet others, notably DMDScript and default configuration of BESEN,
- throw a <ICODE>SyntaxError</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- For consistent behavior across implementations, <EM>do not use function
- statement</EM>; use either <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> or <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> instead.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example of <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> (valid):
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var Fze;
-try {
- Fze = function(b,a){return b.unselectable=a};
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
- </CODE>
- Example of <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> (valid):
- <CODE>
-// Program code
-function aa(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- </CODE>
-Notable examples of the misuse of the term "function statement"
-can be seen in David Flanagan's "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide",
-Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts", MDC documentation,
-JSLint error messages.
- <URL>example/functionStatement.html</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL> (Article in Japanese)
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Objects" ID="objects">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a native object?" ID="nativeObject">
- <P>
- A <DFN>native object</DFN> is any object whose semantics are fully defined by
- ECMA-262.
- </P>
- <P>
- Some <DFN>native objects</DFN> are <DFN>built-in</DFN>; others, such as <DFN>user-defined</DFN> objects,
- may be constructed during the execution of an ECMAScript program.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Native built-in objects:
-var m = Math, // Built-in Math object.
- slice = Array.prototype.slice, // Built-in native method.
- o = {}, // Native user-defined object.
- f = function(){}, // Native user-defined function.
- d = new Date(),
- a = [],
- e = new Error("My Message.");
- </CODE>
- See also:
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a built-in object?" ID="builtInObject">
- <P>
- A <DFN>built-in</DFN> object is any object supplied by an ECMAScript
- implementation, independent of the host environment, that is present
- at the start of the execution of an ECMAScript program.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 3rd Edition defines the following <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects:
- </P>
- <LIST TYPE="DL" ID="builtInsList">
- <DT>Objects</DT>
- <DD><EM>global</EM>, Math</DD>
- <DT>Constructors</DT>
- <DD>Object, Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Date, RegExp</DD>
- <DT>Errors</DT>
- <DD>Error, Date, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError</DD>
- <DT>Functions</DT>
- <DD>eval, parseInt, parseFloat, isNaN, isFinite, decodeURI,
- decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent</DD>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 Edition 5 defines also the built-in object <ICODE>JSON</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Nonstandard <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects may include <ICODE>RuntimeObject</ICODE>,
- <ICODE></ICODE>, <ICODE>CollectGarbage</ICODE>, and more.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a host object?" ID="hostObject" NUMID="2_8">
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> is any object supplied by the host environment to
- complete the execution environment of ECMAScript.
- </P>
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> is not part of the ECMAScript implementation, but is
- exposed to the ECMAScript implementation.
- </P>
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> may be implemented as a native ECMAScript object, however
- this is not required. For example, Internet Explorer implements many
- scriptable DOM objects as ActiveX Objects, often resulting in unexpected errors.
- </P>
- <P>
- Availability and behavior of a host object depends on the host environment.
- </P>
- <P>
- For example, in a browser, <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> might be available, with or
- without standard or proprietary features or events. Windows Script Host object model
- has the <ICODE>WScript</ICODE> object available.
- </P>
- <P>
- For information on a particular host object, consult the pertinent
- documentation available for the implementation(s). For web browsers,
- this usually includes the w3c specifications as well as documentation
- for that browser.
- See also:
- </P>
- <URL>notes/code-guidelines/#hostObjects</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="When should I use eval?" ID="eval" NUMID="4_40">
- <P>
-The <ICODE>eval</ICODE> function should <EM>only</EM> be used when it is necessary to
-evaluate a string supplied or composed at run-time; the string
-can be anything from a simple (but unpredictable) expression such
-as <ICODE>"12 * 2.54"</ICODE> to a substantial piece of javascript code.
-When <ICODE>eval( '{"key" : 42}' )</ICODE> is called, <ICODE>{</ICODE> is interpreted as a block of
-code instead of an object literal. Hence, the Grouping Operator (parentheses)
-is used to force <ICODE>eval</ICODE> to interpret the JSON as an object literal:
-<ICODE>eval( '({"key" : 42})' );</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="How do I access a property of an object using a string?"
- >#propertyAccessAgain</URL>
- <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a property of an object using a string?" ID="propertyAccessAgain" NUMID="4_39">
- <P>
- There are two ways to access properties: dot notation and square bracket
- notation. What you are looking for is the square bracket notation in
- which the dot, and the identifier to its right, are replaced with a set
- of square brackets containing a string. The value of the string matches
- the identifier. For example:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-//dot notation
-var bodyElement = document.body;
-//square bracket notation, using an expression
-var bodyElement = document[&quot;bo&quot;+&quot;dy&quot;];
- </CODE>
- <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Strings and RegExp" ID="strings">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I trim whitespace?" ID="trimString" NUMID="4_16">
- <P>
- ECMAScript 5 defines <ICODE>String.prototype.trim</ICODE>. Where not supported,
- it can be added as a function that uses a <DFN>regular expression</DFN>:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-if(!String.prototype.trim) {
- String.prototype.trim = function() {
- return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- };
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Implementations are inconsistent with <ICODE>\s</ICODE>. For example,
- some implementations, notably JScript 5.8 and Safari 2, do not match <ICODE>\xA0</ICODE>
- (no-break space), among others.</P>
- <P>
- A more consistent approach would be to create a character class
- that defines the characters to trim.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Windows and Frames" ID="windows">
- <P>
- The <ICODE>window</ICODE> object (also referred to by <ICODE>self</ICODE>) is "DOM Level 0".
- No formal standard for it exists.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I disable the back button in a web browser?" ID="disableBackButton" NUMID="4_2">
- <P>
- You can't. The browser's history cannot be modified. However, you
- can use <ICODE>self.location.replace(url);</ICODE> in some browsers to replace
- the current page in the history.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a frame's content?"
- ID="frameRef" NUMID="4_8">
- <P>
- To reference another frame on the <EM>same domain</EM>:
- </P>
- <P>
- The <DFN>content window</DFN> of a <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> can be
- accessed by the <ICODE>frames</ICODE> collection.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var fwin;
-fwin = self.frames[0]; // or:
-fwin = self.frames["iframeName"];
- </CODE>
- <P>or, from the <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> element:</P>
- <CODE>
-var iframeEl = document.getElementById("myFrame");
-var fwin = iframeEl.contentWindow; // Nonstandard, but widely supported.
-var fdoc = iframeEl.contentDocument; // DOM2 HTML Standard.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- A global identifier <ICODE>moomin</ICODE> in the the iframe's <DFN>content window</DFN>
- is accessed as <ICODE>fwin.moomin</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- To communicate between frames on <EM>different</EM> domains:
- </P>
- <P>
- Where supported, (IE8, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Safari 4), use
- <ICODE>window.postMessage( message[, port], otherDomain);</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- <URL></URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- Where <ICODE>window.postMessage</ICODE> is not supported, the <ICODE></ICODE> property
- can be set on the other window, which can poll for updates to that
- property using <ICODE>setInterval(checkWinName, 100);</ICODE> where <ICODE>checkWinName</ICODE>
- is a function that polls to check the value of
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I find the size of the window?" ID="getWindowSize"
- NUMID="4_9">
- <P>
- Here is a detailed explanation of a cross-browser strategy to
- find the dimensions of the viewport, excepting all chrome
- (excludes scrollbars, etc).
- </P>
- <P>
- We can consider various properties:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Of the browsers that have an <ICODE>innerWidth</ICODE> property, most
- include scrollbar dimensions. Some versions of KHTML browsers
- (including Safari 2) do <EM>not</EM> include scrollbar width.
- </P>
- <P>
- The <ICODE>window.inner*</ICODE> properties are unreliable and not
- useful here. We don't want scrollbar dimensions included.
- </P>
-<CODE> document.clientWidth</CODE>
- <P>
- Certain versions of KHTML, including Safari 2, have
- <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> and <ICODE>document.clientWidth</ICODE>
- properties. Where supported, these rare properties accurately
- return the height and width of the viewport, without including
- scrollbar dimensions.
- </P>
- <CODE>
- </CODE>
- <P>
- MSHTML (Trident), Firefox (Gecko), Opera (Presto), and Safari
- (Webkit) all support <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> on <ICODE>document.body</ICODE>
- and <ICODE>document.documentElement</ICODE>. The difficulty is figuring out
- which one is reliable. In other words which object to get the
- <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> property from:<ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> or <ICODE>body</ICODE>?
- </P>
- <P>
- What the number returned from either of these properties
- represents depends on the environment. The environment includes
- the browser, its version, and the rendering mode of the document.
- In quirks mode, we'll mostly want to use <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>
- (except for in Safari 2).
- </P>
- <CODE>document.body.clientHeight</CODE>
- <P>
- Some environments will return the viewport height. Others will
- return <ICODE>0</ICODE>. Yet others will return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> of
- the <ICODE>BODY</ICODE> element.
- </P>
- <CODE> document.documentElement.clientHeight</CODE>
- <P>
- This is the more "standard" property for getting the height of
- the viewport. It usually "works" in modern browsers in
- <DFN>standards mode</DFN>. Notable exceptions include Safari 2 and
- Opera &lt;= 9.25, both of which return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
- of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> <EM>element</EM>. (Oddly, Opera &lt;= 9.25
- in standards mode returns the width of the viewport for
- <ICODE>documentElement.clientWidth</ICODE>).
- </P>
- <P>
- With the exception of Safari 2, <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable
- where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is found to be unreliable.
- For example, in Safari 3+, Opera, and Mozilla, all in quirks mode,
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
- of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> element (this may seem unsurprising but
- it is not what we want).
- </P>
- <P>
- Conversely, <ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> will return
- the height of the viewport in most cases where
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> does not. An exception
- to that is Safari 2, where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>
- and <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> both return the height of their
- corresponding element (not what we want).
- </P>
- <P>
- By using a combination of <DFN>Feature Testing</DFN> and <DFN>Capability Testing</DFN>,
- the dimensions of the viewport can be strategically retrieved
- from the property that works in the environment the script is
- running in. The trick is determining which property will give us
- the value we want.
- </P>
- <P>
- Since <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable where
- (rarely) supported, and since browsers that support this property
- don't return the viewport dimensions from
- <ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>, this should be the
- very first condition:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
-if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientWidth.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- The next strategy is to determine if
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> property is unreliable.
- It is deemed "unreliable" when it is either <ICODE>0</ICODE> or taller
- than the viewport.
- </P>
- <P>
- Determining if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is <ICODE>0</ICODE> is easy.
- The result is stored in a variable <ICODE>IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var docEl = document.documentElement,
- IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT = docEl &amp;&amp; docEl.clientHeight === 0;
-docEl = null;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- To determine if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns
- a value taller than the viewport, we need a <DFN>Capability Test.</DFN>
- </P>
- <P>
- If we can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be very tall
- (taller than a normal viewport) we can then check to see if
- <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns that "very tall" number.
- If it does, then it is unreliable.
- </P>
- <P>
- We can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be taller than the viewport
- (or any "normal" viewport) by adding a <ICODE>div</ICODE> to the <ICODE>body</ICODE>,
- give that <ICODE>div</ICODE> a height larger than any normal monitor,
- and then check to see if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is
- that high (or "almost" that high, to account for <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE>
- having a border).
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Used to feature test Opera returning wrong values
-// for documentElement.clientHeight.
-// The results of this function should be cached,
-// so it does not need to be called more than once.
-function isDocumentElementHeightOff(){
- var d = document,
- div = d.createElement('div');
- = "2500px";
- d.body.insertBefore(div, d.body.firstChild);
- var r = d.documentElement.clientHeight &gt; 2400;
- d.body.removeChild(div);
- return r;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- We can use this function to see if we should use
- <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>, instead. (but only after checking if
- <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is supported).
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
-if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientHeight/Width.
-else if(IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT || isDocumentElementHeightOff()) {
- // use document.body.clientHeight/Width.
-} else {
- // use document.documentElement.clientHeight/Width.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- The preceding strategy was developed by Garrett Smith with input
- from John David Dalton. A complete and tested example can be found
- in APE Library under <ICODE>APE.dom.getViewportDimensions</ICODE>.
- Source code:
- <URL></URL>.
- APE is publicly released under Academic Free License.
- APE home: <URL></URL>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Note: The dimensions cannot be determined accurately until after
- the document has finished loading.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another?"
- ID="isWindowOpen" NUMID="4_10">
- <CODE>
-var myWin;
-function openWin(aURL) {
- if (!myWin || myWin.closed ) {
- myWin =,'myWin');
- } else {
- myWin.location.href = aURL;
- myWin.focus();
- }
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?"
- ID="printFrame" NUMID="4_11">
- <P>
- IE prints the frame that has focus when you call the print
- method <ICODE>frameref.focus();frameref.print();</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?"
- ID="windowClose" NUMID="4_14">
- <P>
- If a window was opened by javascript, then it can be closed
- without confirmation by using <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Before calling <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE> (or other <ICODE>window</ICODE> methods), make
- sure the window reference is not null and its <ICODE>closed</ICODE> property is <ICODE>false</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>#isWindowOpen</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?"
- ID="permissionDenied" NUMID="4_19">
- <P>
- In the normal browser security model, a script may only access the
- properties of documents served from the same domain or IP address,
- protocol, and port.
- </P>
- <P>
- Any attempt to access a property in such cases will result in a &quot;Permission
- Denied&quot; error. Signed scripts or trusted ActiveX objects can
- overcome this in limited situations.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a 10 second delay?" ID="setTimeout" NUMID="4_20">
- <P>
- There is no built-in way to pause execution in javascript such
- as a sleep function, but hosts usually provide a method of some
- form. Web browsers are designed for event driven programming and
- only provide the <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE> functions
- to facilitate timed delays. The delay before calling <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE> may
- exceed the second parameter to <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE>
- due to implementation differences among browsers.
- </P>
- <P>
- To call the function <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>, approximately 10 seconds
- after the function <ICODE>getMoomin()</ICODE> completes, you would do this:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-setTimeout(getSnork, 10000);
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Script execution is not stopped, and adding <ICODE>getSnufkin()</ICODE> after the
- <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> line would immediately execute the function <ICODE>getSnufkin</ICODE>
- before <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Achieving delays through running a loop of some sort for a pre-defined
- period is a bad strategy, as that will inhibit whatever was supposed to
- be happening during the delay, including blocking user interation.
- </P>
- <P>
- Other (less event driven) hosts have different wait functions,
- such as <ICODE>WScript.Sleep()</ICODE> in the Windows Script Host.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>faq_notes/misc.html#mtSetTI</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change print settings for window.print()?"
- ID="printSettings" NUMID="4_23">
- <P>
- In a normal security environment, you can't change anything.
- </P>
- <P>
- Print Stylesheet rules provide options.
- </P>
- <P>
- For IE, <ICODE>ActiveX</ICODE> or Plugin ScriptX and
- Neptune from Meadroid to give you more control for Windows
- versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Opera.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?"
- ID="changeBrowserDialog" NUMID="4_28">
- <P>
- The buttons on a confirm box cannot be changed, nor can a default
- button be specified.
- </P>
- <P>
- Change the question to a statement so that "OK" is suitable as the
- default response.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- "Would you like us to charge your credit card?" (wrong)
- "We will now charge your credit card." (right).
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I prompt a &quot;Save As&quot; dialog for an accepted mime type?"
- ID="fileDownload" NUMID="4_33">
- <P>
- It is not possible with client-side javascript.
- </P>
- <P>
- Some browsers accept the Content-Disposition header, but this
- must be added by the server. Taking the form:-
- <ICODE>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.ext</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <!-- Can we remove this entry?
- CONTENT TITLE="I have window.status=&quot;Moomin&quot;; why doesn't the statusbar change?"
- ID="returnValue" NUMID="4_35">
- <P>
-When changing the status in an event (e.g. <ICODE>onmouseover</ICODE>) you
-should return true from the event. Also a number of browsers
-require a short delay before setting the status to overcome their
-default behaviour with the statusbar.
- </P>
- <P>
-Many browsers are configured, by default, to disallow scripts from setting
-the status bar text. Some browsers don't have such a bar, or don't have it by default.
- </P>
- </CONTENT-->
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I modify the current browser window?" ID="modifyChrome" NUMID="4_36">
- <P>
- In a default security environment you are very limited in how much
- you can modify the current browser window. You can use
- <ICODE>window.resizeTo</ICODE> or <ICODE>window.moveTo</ICODE> to resize or move a
- window respectively, but that is it. Normally you can only
- suggest chrome changes in a <ICODE></ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I POST a form to a new window?" ID="target" NUMID="4_37">
- <P>
- Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with
- that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of the
- </P>
- <CODE>
-&lt;form action=&quot;&quot; method="post"
- target=&quot;wndname&quot; onsubmit=&quot;'',;return true;&quot;&gt;
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I open a new window with javascript?" ID="openWindow" NUMID="4_42">
- <P>
- New windows can be opened on browsers that support the
- <ICODE></ICODE> function and are not subject to the action of any
- pop-up blocking mechanism with code such as:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var wRef;
- wRef ="","windowName");
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Resources" ID="ecmascriptResources" NUMID="3">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What books are recommended for javascript?" ID="books" NUMID="3_1">
- <P>
- Most javascript books have been found to contain so many technical
- errors that consensus recommendations have not emerged from the group.
- </P>
- <P>
- The following books have been considered to have value by some
- individuals on c.l.js. The reviews of these books are provided:
- </P>
- <LI><EM>&quot;JavaScript: The Definitive Guide,&quot;</EM> 5th Edition, by David Flanagan
- <UL>
- <LI>Published: 2006-08</LI>
- <LI>Pages: 1018</LI>
- <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
- <LI>Discussed in:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Update 9.85 Dated 2007-08-31"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <EM>"JavaScript, The Good Parts,"</EM> 1st Edition, by Douglas Crockford
- <UL>
- <LI>Published: 2008-05</LI>
- <LI>Pages: 170</LI>
- <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
- <LI>Discussed in:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's 'The Good Parts': a short review"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FunctionExpression's and memory consumptions"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Topic - What books are recommended for javascript? (2008-12-02)"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Augmenting functions"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's JavaScript, The Good Parts (a book review)."
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Closures Explained"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Javascript library development"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- </UL></LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- </LIST>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What online resources are available?" ID="onlineResources" NUMID="3_2">
- <LIST TITLE="ECMAScript" TYPE="DL" ID="ecmaResources">
- <DT>The Official ECMAScript Specification</DT>
- <DD><URL>[ECMA-262]</URL></DD>
- <DT>[ISO16262] ISO/IEC 16262, Second Edition 2002-06-01 : ISO Standard matching
- ECMA-262 3rd Edition, with corrections.</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>[MS-ES3]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification Standards Support</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
- <DT>[MS-ES3EX]: Microsoft JScript Extensions to the ECMAScript Language Specification Third Edition</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3EX%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
- <DT>ECMAScript on Wikipedia</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="W3C DOM" TYPE="DL" ID="domResources">
- <DT>DOM Level 1 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 Events</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 Style</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 3 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Browser Documentation" TYPE="DL" ID="browserResources">
- <DT>Mozilla</DT>
- <DD>JavaScript: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Gecko DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Microsoft</DT>
- <DD>HTML and DHTML Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>JScript Language Reference:<URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Scripting: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Opera</DT>
- <DD>Web Specifications Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>JavaScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>ECMAScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>BlackBerry JavaScript Reference</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>ICab InScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Apple Safari</DT>
- <DD>Web Content Guide: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Webkit</DT>
- <DD>Project Site: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Wiki: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Netscape 4 Client-Side JavaScript Reference</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Archived documentation for MSIE 3.x</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Standalone ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="standaloneImplementations">
- <DT>Rhino: An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Besen IDE: ECMAScript Edition 5 with IDE</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>V8: Google's open source JavaScript engine</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>SpiderMonkey: Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Digital Mars DMD Script, console and MS Active Script implementation of ECMAScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Other ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="nonBrowserResources">
- <DT>Developing Dashboard Widgets: Apple Developer Connection</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Whitebeam Apache Module: Server Side JavaScript in Apache</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Libraries" ID="libraryResources">
- <P>
- No javascript libraries are endorsed by this group. If you want help
- with using a library, visit that library's discussion group instead.
- </P>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Comments and Suggestions" ID="comments" NUMID="14">
- <P HTMLONLY="true">
- This FAQ uses the CSS stylesheet <URL>faq.css</URL> and is generated
- from the XML source <URL>index.xml</URL> using the XSLT stylesheet
- <URL>index.xsl</URL><!-- which also checks the links -->.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why do some posts have &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in them?" ID="FAQENTRY" NUMID="5_1">
- <P>
- If a poster feels that the question they are answering should be
- covered in the FAQ, placing &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in the post lets the FAQ
- robot collect the messages for easy review and inclusion. A Draft Proposal
- for the FAQ is requested and appreciated.
- </P>
- <P>
-The &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; should not be used in posts except in
-conjunction with a suggestion/proposal for this FAQ. It should
-also not be literally quoted in replies, instead it should be
-partly obscured as, e.g. &lt;FAQ**TRY&gt; or similar.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a suggestion?" NUMID="5_2" ID="makeSuggestion">
- <P>
-To make a suggestion to this FAQ, use either the FAQENTRY method
-above, or send e-mail to Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
-All comments, suggestions, and especially corrections are welcome, and will be credited, where it is due, below.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Contributors" ID="contributors">
- <p>(non-exhaustive, in alphabetical order; see <a
- href=";isdir=1&amp;showchanges=1"
- >changelog</a> for details)</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Andrew Poulos &lt;<a href="mailto:&#97;p&#95;pr&#111;g&#64;&#104;&#111;&#116;m&#97;i&#108;.com">ap&#95;pro&#103;&#64;h&#111;t&#109;&#97;il&#46;&#99;&#111;m</a>&gt;</li>
- <li><a href="">Christoph Michael Becker</a> &lt;<a href="mailto:&#99;m&#98;&#101;cke&#114;69@&#97;rco&#114;&#46;&#100;&#101;">&#99;&#109;be&#99;&#107;er&#54;9&#64;arco&#114;&#46;d&#101;</a>&gt;</li>
- <li><a href="">Osmo Saarikumpu</a> &lt;<a href="mailto:o&#115;m&#111;@&#119;&#101;&#112;&#112;ipak&#107;&#105;&#46;c&#111;&#109;">osmo&#64;we&#112;&#112;i&#112;&#97;k&#107;i.c&#111;m</a>&gt;</li>
- <li><a href="">Garrett Smith</a> &lt;<a href="mailto:&#100;h&#116;&#109;&#108;k&#105;&#116;&#99;h&#101;n&#64;g&#109;a&#105;&#108;&#46;com">d&#104;&#116;&#109;&#108;k&#105;t&#99;h&#101;n&#64;gma&#105;&#108;&#46;&#99;o&#109;</a>&gt;</li>
- </ul>
- <!-- FIXME -->
- <!--
- <P>
- This FAQ is (C) Copyright Contributors on behalf of the
- newsgroup comp.lang.javascript. Upon change of the FAQ maintainer,
- the copyright will automatically pass over to the new maintainer.
- </P>
- -->
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Numbers" ID="numbers">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?" ID="formatNumber" NUMID="4_6">
- <P>
- (For example: When formatting currency, how to format
- <code>6.57634</code> as <code>"6.58"</code>,
- <code>6.5</code> as <code>"6.50"</code>, and <code>6</code>
- as <code>"6.00"</code>?)
- </P>
- <P>
- Rounding of x.xx5 is unreliable, as most numbers are not
- represented exactly. See also:
- <URL LINKTEXT="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?"
- >#binaryNumbers</URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- The statement <code>n = Math.round(n * 100) / 100</code>
- converts <code>n</code> to a <code>Number</code> value close
- to a multiple of <code>0.01</code>. However, there are
- problems. Converting the <code>Number</code> value
- <code>n</code> to a <code>String</code> value
- (<code>n.toString()</code>), does not give trailing zeroes.
- Rounding numbers that are very close to <code>x.5</code>,
- for example, <code>Math.round(0.49999999999999992)</code>
- returns <code>1</code>.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 Edition 3 introduced <code>Number.prototype.toFixed()</code>.
- However, there are bugs in JScript 5.8 and below with certain
- values; for example, <code>0.007.toFixed(2)</code> incorrectly
- returns <code>"0.00"</code>.
- </P>
-var numberToFixed = (function () {
- /**
- * @param {string} input
- * Input value to be converted to string.
- * @param {number} size
- * Desired length of output.
- * @param {string} ch
- * Single character to prefix to <var>s</var>.
- * @return {string}
- */
- function padLeft (input, size, ch)
- {
- var s = input.toString();
- while (s.length < size)
- {
- s = ch + s;
- }
- return s;
- }
- function toUnsignedString (m, digits)
- {
- var t,
- s = Math.round(m * Math.pow(10, digits)).toString(),
- start, end;
- if (/\D/.test(s))
- {
- return m.toString();
- }
- s = padLeft(s, 1 + digits, "0");
- start = s.substring(0, t = (s.length - digits));
- end = s.substring(t);
- if (end)
- {
- end = "." + end;
- }
- /* avoid "0." */
- return start + end;
- }
- /**
- * @param {number} n
- * Number to be formatted
- * @param {number} digits
- * Number of decimal digits
- * @return {string}
- * The formatted string
- */
- return function (n, digits) {
- var unsigned = toUnsignedString(Math.abs(n), digits);
- return (n < 0 ? "-" : "") + unsigned;
- };
-// Test results
- "numberToFixed(9e-3, 12) => " + numberToFixed(9e-3, 12),
- "numberToFixed(1.255, 2) => " + numberToFixed(1.255, 2),
- "numberToFixed(1.355, 2) => " + numberToFixed(1.355, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.1255, 3) => " + numberToFixed(0.1255, 3),
- "numberToFixed(0.07, 2) => " + numberToFixed(0.07, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1) => " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0) => " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0)
- ]]></CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?" ID="binaryNumbers" NUMID="4_7">
- <P>
- For example, <ICODE>5 * 1.015</ICODE> does not give exactly
- <ICODE>5.075</ICODE> and <ICODE>0.06+0.01</ICODE> does
- not give exactly <ICODE>0.07</ICODE> in javascript.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript numbers are represented in binary as IEEE-754 (IEC 559)
- Doubles, with a resolution of 53 bits, giving an accuracy of
- 15-16 decimal digits; integers up to just over <ICODE>9e15</ICODE> are
- precise, but few decimal fractions are. Given this, arithmetic
- is as exact as possible, but no more. Operations on integers
- are exact if the true result and all intermediates are integers
- within that range.
- </P>
- <P>
- In particular, non-integer results should not normally be
- compared for equality; and non-integer computed results
- commonly need rounding; see <URL
- LINKTEXT="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?"
- >#formatNumber</URL>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <P>
- Otherwise, use <ICODE>Math.round</ICODE> on the results of expressions which
- should be of integer value.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?" ID="parseIntBase" NUMID="4_12">
- <P>
- Method <ICODE>parseInt</ICODE> generally needs a second parameter, <ICODE>radix</ICODE>,
- for the base (from 2 to 36).
- </P>
- <P>
- If <ICODE>radix</ICODE> is omitted, the base is determined by the contents of
- the string. Any string beginning with <ICODE>'0x'</ICODE> or <ICODE>'0X'</ICODE> represents a
- hexadecimal number. A string beginning with a leading 0 may be parsed as
- octal (as if <ICODE>raxix</ICODE> were 8), in ECMA-262 Ed 3 (octal digits are <ICODE>0-7</ICODE>).
- If string <ICODE>'09'</ICODE> is converted to <ICODE>0</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- To force use of a particular base, use the <ICODE>radix</ICODE>
- parameter: <ICODE>parseInt("09", base)</ICODE>.
- <!-- [omit]
- If base 10 is desired,
- the unary <ICODE>+</ICODE> operator can be an option. Example:
-var s = '-09.1'; // Input string.
-var j = +s; // Convert to number. Result: -9.1
-var n = j|0; // Chop off decimal (convert ToInt32). Result: -9
- [/omit] -->
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>notes/type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?" ID="typeConvert">
- <P>
- Variables are not typed; their values are. The conversion between a
- string and a number happens automatically.
- </P>
- <P>
- The addition operator (<ICODE>+</ICODE>) performs concatenation if either operand is a
- string, thus <ICODE>"1" + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>"11"</ICODE>. To perform addition, you might need
- to first convert the string to a number. For example <ICODE>+varname</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>Number(varname)</ICODE> or <ICODE>parseInt(varname, 10)</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>parseFloat(varname)</ICODE>. Form control values are strings, as is the result
- from a <ICODE>prompt</ICODE> dialog. Convert these to numbers before performing
- addition: <ICODE>+'1' + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>2</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Additional Notes">notes/type-conversion/</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I generate a random integer from 1 to n?" ID="randomNumber" NUMID="4_22">
- <P>
- <ICODE>Math.random()</ICODE> returns a value <ICODE>R</ICODE> such that <ICODE>0 &lt;= R &lt; 1.0</ICODE>; therefore:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// positive integer expected
-function getRandomNumber(n) {
- return Math.floor(n * Math.random());
- </CODE>
- - gives an evenly distributed random integer in the range from
- <ICODE>0</ICODE> to <ICODE>n - 1</ICODE> inclusive; use <ICODE>getRandomNumber(n)+1</ICODE> for <ICODE>1</ICODE> to <ICODE>n</ICODE>.
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- How to Deal and Shuffle, see in: <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Debugging" ID="debugging">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get my browser to report script errors?"
- ID="javascriptErrors" NUMID="4_43">
- <P>
-There are debugging tools for many browsers. Learn to use them all.
- </P>
- <DT>General</DT>
- <DD><URL LINKTEXT="Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools"></URL></DD>
- <DT>Windows</DT>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Fiddler"></URL>.
-Fiddler is an HTTP Debugging proxy (it won't find script
-errors). Fiddler logs HTTP activity, like Firebug's Net
-tab, but can be attached to any browser running on Windows.
- </DD>
- <DT>Windows IE</DT>
- <DD>Microsoft Script Editor. Included with Visual Studio or Microsoft
-Word 2003 (discontinued in Office 2007).
-To enable,
-<ICODE>Tools</ICODE>, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, and uncheck
-<ICODE>Disable Script Debugging</ICODE>. After enabling Script Debugging,
-a <ICODE>Script Debugger</ICODE> option will appear in the <ICODE>View</ICODE> menu.</DD>
-<DD><URL LINKTEXT="IETester"></URL> for testing IE 5.5- IE8.</DD>
-<DD><URL LINKTEXT="CompanionJS"></URL> <ICODE>console</ICODE> for IE.</DD>
- <DD>
-<EM>Note:</EM> For debugging scripts in IE, the Microsoft Script <EM>Editor</EM>
-is recommended. However, if not available, the <URL LINKTEXT="Microsoft Script Debugger"
->;displaylang=en</URL> may be somewhat helpful.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar"
- >;displaylang=en</URL>
- </DD>
- <DD>
-To report errors: Wait until a little yellow
-triangle appears at the left end of the status bar, double click
-on it and, when the error dialog box appears, check the &quot;Always
-show errors&quot; checkbox it contains.
-Or, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, deselect <ICODE>"Disable Script Debugging"</ICODE>,
-select <ICODE>"Display a notification ..."</ICODE>.
- </DD>
- <DT>Firefox</DT>
- <DD>
- <ICODE>Tools &gt; Error console</ICODE> (<ICODE>Ctrl</ICODE> + <ICODE>Shift</ICODE> + <ICODE>j</ICODE>).
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Firebug"></URL>
- </DD>
- <DD>
-YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow
-based on Yahoo's rules for high performance web sites.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<DFN>Lori</DFN> or Life-of-request info, is useful for troubleshooting
-server response and page load time.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Web Developer Toolbar"></URL>.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Cookie Watcher"></URL>.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="XPather"></URL>.
-XPath generator, editor and inspector.
- </DD>
- <DT>Opera</DT>
- <DD>
-Tools &gt; Advanced &gt; Error console
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Introduction to Opera Dragonfly"
- ></URL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Safari</DT>
- <DD>
-To display the <ICODE>Develop</ICODE> menu in Safari 3.1 or higher, select
-the checkbox labeled "Show Develop menu in menu bar" in
-Safari's <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE> Preferences panel.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Safari Web Inspector"> </URL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Chrome</DT>
- <DD>
-JavaScript Console: click the <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon and select
-<ICODE>Developer &gt; JavaScript Console</ICODE>. From here, you'll be
-able to view errors in the JavaScript execution, and enter
-additional javascript commands to execute.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-JavaScript Debugger: available as <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon &gt; <ICODE>Developer</ICODE>
-&gt; Debug JavaScript, the debugger provides a command prompt from which you
-can set breakpoints, backtrace, and more. Type <ICODE>help</ICODE> at the debugger
-command line to get started.
- </DD>
- <DD>
- <UL>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Google Chrome Script Debugging"
- ></URL></LI>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Developer Tools for Google Chrome"
- ></URL></LI>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Tools for Eclipse Users"></URL></LI>
- </UL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Mac IE</DT>
- <DD>
-Use the Preferences dialog.
- </DD>
- </LIST>
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--- trunk/cljs/sections/dom.xml (revision 45)
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="DOM and Forms" ID="domRef">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get the value of a form control?"
- ID="formControlAccess" NUMID="4_13">
- <P>
- In HTML documents, a form may be referred to as a property of the
- <ICODE>document.forms</ICODE> collection, either by its ordinal index or by name
- (if the <ICODE>form</ICODE> has a name). A <ICODE>form</ICODE>'s controls may be similarly referenced
- from its <ICODE>elements</ICODE> collection:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var frm = document.forms[0];
-var control = frm.elements[&quot;elementname&quot;];
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Once a reference to a control is obtained, its (string) <ICODE>value</ICODE>
- property can be read:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var value = control.value;
-value = +control.value; //string to number.
- </CODE>
- Some exceptions would be:
- <P>
- First Exception: Where the control is a <ICODE>SELECT</ICODE> element, and
- support for older browsers, such as NN4, is required:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var value = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Second Exception: Where several controls share the same name,
- such as radio buttons. These are made available as collections
- and require additional handling. For more information, see:-
- </P>
- <URL>notes/form-access/</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls">names/</URL>
- <P>
- Third Exception: File inputs. Most current browsers do not allow
- reading of <ICODE>type="file"</ICODE> input elements in a way that is useful.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="My element is named myselect[], how do I access it?" ID="propertyAccess" NUMID="4_25">
- <P>
-Form controls with any &quot;illegal&quot; characters can be accessed with
-<ICODE>formref.elements[&quot;myselect[]&quot;]</ICODE> - The bracket characters,
-amongst others, are illegal in ID attributes and javascript
-identifiers, so you should try to avoid them as browsers may
-handle them incorrectly.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>notes/form-access/</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why doesn't the global variable &quot;divId&quot; always refer to the element with id=&quot;divId&quot;?"
- ID="globalPollution" NUMID="4_41">
- <P>
- Microsoft introduced a shortcut that can be used to reference
- elements which include an <ICODE>id</ICODE> attribute where the
- <ICODE>id</ICODE> becomes a globally-accessible property. Some browsers reproduce
- this behavior. Some, most notably Gecko-based browsers (Netscape and Mozilla),
- do so only in "quirks" mode. The best approach is the <ICODE>document.getElementById</ICODE>
- method, which is part of the W3C DOM standard and implemented
- in modern browsers (including IE from version 5.0). So an
- element with <ICODE>id=&quot;foo&quot;</ICODE> can be referenced
- with:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var el = document.getElementById(&quot;foo&quot;);
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Note: make sure not to use the same <ICODE>id</ICODE> twice in the same document
- and do not give an element a <ICODE>name</ICODE> that matches an <ICODE>id</ICODE>
- of another in the same document or it will trigger bugs in MSIE &lt;= 7 with
- <ICODE>document.getElementsByName</ICODE> and <ICODE>document.getElementById</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>faq_notes/faq_notes.html#FAQN4_41</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I modify the content of the current page?"
- ID="updateContent" NUMID="4_15">
- <P>
- Using the non-standard but widely implemented
- <ICODE>innerHTML</ICODE> property:
- <ICODE>&lt;div id=&quot;anID&quot;&gt;Some Content&lt;/div&gt;</ICODE> with script:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;).innerHTML =
- &quot;Some &lt;em&gt;new&lt;/em&gt; Content&quot;;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Where <ICODE>&quot;anID&quot;</ICODE> is the (unique on the HTML page)
- <ICODE>id</ICODE> attribute value of the element to modify.
- </P>
- <P>
- All versions of Internet Explorer exhibit problems with innerHTML, including:
- </P>
- OBJECT, and all TABLE-related elements.</LI>
- <LI>Replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.</LI>
- <LI>Changes attribute values and order of appearance.</LI>
- <LI>Removes quotations around attribute values.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- If the new content is only text and does not need to replace existing HTML,
- it is more efficient to modify the <ICODE>data</ICODE> property of a text node.
- </P>
- <CODE>
-document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;) = &quot;Some new Text&quot;;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Compatibility Note: Implementations have been known to split long text
- content among several adjacent text nodes, so replacing the data of the
- first text node may not replace all the element's text. The <ICODE>normalize</ICODE>
- method, where supported, will combine adjacent text nodes.
- </P>
- <P>
- Note: Make sure the element exists in the document (has been parsed) before trying to
- reference it.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL> (draft)
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does my code fail to access an element?" ID="accessElementBeforeDefined">
- <P>
- An element can only be accessed after it exists in the document.
- </P>
- <P>
- Either:
- A) include your script after the HTML element it refers to, or
- B) use the <ICODE>"load"</ICODE> event to trigger your script.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example A:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-&lt;div id="snurgle"&gt;here&lt;/div&gt;
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-// Don't forget var.
-var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Example B:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// In the HEAD.
-&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
-window.onload = function(){
- var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
- </CODE>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Other problems can include:">
- <LI>invalid HTML</LI>
- <LI>two elements with the same <ICODE>name</ICODE> or <ICODE>id</ICODE></LI>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="use of an unsafe name">names</URL></LI>.
- </LIST>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?"
- ID="testCookie" NUMID="4_4">
- <P>
- Write a cookie and read it back and check if it's the same.
- </P>
- Additional Notes:
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
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--- trunk/cljs/sections/dates.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/sections/dates.xml (nonexistent)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Dates" ID="dates">
- <P>
- ISO 8601 defines date and time formats. Some benefits include:
- </P>
- <LI>language-independent and unambiguous world-wide</LI>
- <LI>sortable with a trivial string comparison</LI>
- <LI>easily readable and writable by software</LI>
- <LI>compatible with standards ISO 9075 and <URL LINKTEXT="rfc 3339"></URL></LI>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- The ISO Extended format for common date is <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE>, and for time is
- <ICODE>hh:mm:ss</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- For an event with an offset from UTC, use <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss&#177;hh:mm</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Never use a local date/time format for a non-local event. Instead, use
- UTC, as in <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ</ICODE> (<ICODE>Z</ICODE> is the only letter suffix).
- </P>
- <P>
- The <ICODE>T</ICODE> can be omitted where that would not cause ambiguity. For
- rfc 3339 compliance, it may be replaced by a space and for SQL,
- it <EM>must</EM> be replaced by a single space.
- </P>
- <P>
- Year <ICODE>0000</ICODE> is unrecognized by some formats (XML Schema, <ICODE>xs:date</ICODE>).
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="ECMA-262 Date.prototype, s. 15.9">#onlineResources</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="A summary of the international standard date and time notation, by Markus Kuhn"
- ></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="ISO 8601:2004(E)">res/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="W3C QA Tip: Use international date format (ISO)"></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps"
- ></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Date object with javascript?" ID="formatDate" NUMID="4_30">
- <P>
- A local <ICODE>Date</ICODE> object where <ICODE>0 &lt;= year &lt;= 9999</ICODE> can be
- formatted to a common ISO 8601 format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> with:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-/** Formats a Date to YYYY-MM-DD (local time), compatible with both
- * ISO 8601 and ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (E) (SQL 'date' type).
- * @param {Date} dateInRange year 0000 to 9999.
- * @throws {RangeError} if the year is not in range
- */
-function formatDate(dateInRange) {
- var year = dateInRange.getFullYear(),
- isInRange = year &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; year &lt;= 9999, yyyy, mm, dd;
- if(!isInRange) {
- throw RangeError("formatDate: year must be 0000-9999");
- }
- yyyy = ("000" + year).slice(-4);
- mm = ("0" + (dateInRange.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
- dd = ("0" + (dateInRange.getDate())).slice(-2);
- return yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I create a Date object from a String?" ID="parseDate">
- <P>
- An Extended ISO 8601 local Date format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> can be parsed to a
- Date with the following:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-/**Parses string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD to a Date object.
- * If the supplied string does not match the format, an
- * invalid Date (value NaN) is returned.
- * @param {string} dateStringInRange format YYYY-MM-DD, with year in
- * range of 0000-9999, inclusive.
- * @return {Date} Date object representing the string.
- */
-function parseISO8601(dateStringInRange) {
- var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/,
- date = new Date(NaN), month,
- parts = isoExp.exec(dateStringInRange);
- if(parts) {
- month = +parts[2];
- date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
- if(month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
- date.setTime(NaN);
- }
- }
- return date;
- </CODE>
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- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<title>Javascript Closures</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="../notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<style type="text/css">
-CODE { white-space:nowrap; }
-.scopeCh {
- white-space:nowrap;
- font-family:Courier, monospace;
-<h1>Javascript Closures</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
- <li><a href="#clIntro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clResO">The Resolution of Property Names on Objects</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#clResA">Assignment of Values</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clResR">Reading of Values</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#clIRExSc">Identifier Resolution, Execution Contexts and scope chains</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#clExCon">The Execution Context</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clScCh">scope chains and [[scope]]</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clIdRes">Identifier Resolution</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#clClose">Closures</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#clAtGb">Automatic Garbage Collection</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clFrmC">Forming Closures</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#clClDo">What can be done with Closures?</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#clSto">Example 1: setTimeout with Function References</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clObjI">Example 2: Associating Functions with Object Instance Methods</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clEncap">Example 3: Encapsulating Related Functionality</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clOtE">Other Examples</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#clAc">Accidental Closures</a></li>
- <li><a href="#clMem">The Internet Explorer Memory Leak Problem</a></li>
-<h2 id="clIntro">Introduction</h2>
-<blockquote cite="">
- <dl>
- <dt id="clDefN">Closure</dt>
- <dd>A &quot;closure&quot; is an expression (typically a function) that
- can have free variables together with an environment that binds
- those variables (that &quot;closes&quot; the expression).
- <dd>
- </dl>
-Closures are one of the most powerful features of ECMAScript
-(javascript) but they cannot be property exploited without
-understanding them. They are, however, relatively easy to create,
-even accidentally, and their creation has potentially harmful
-consequences, particularly in some relatively common web browser
-environments. To avoid accidentally encountering the drawbacks and
-to take advantage of the benefits they offer it is necessary to
-understand their mechanism. This depends heavily on the role of
-scope chains in identifier resolution and so on the resolution of
-property names on objects.
-The simple explanation of a Closure is that ECMAScript allows inner
-functions; function definitions and function expressions that are
-inside the function bodes of other functions. And that those inner
-functions are allowed access to all of the local variables, parameters
-and declared inner functions within their outer function(s). A closure
-is formed when one of those inner functions is made accessible outside
-of the function in which it was contained, so that it may be executed
-after the outer function has returned. At which point it still has
-access to the local variables, parameters and inner function
-declarations of its outer function. Those local variables, parameter
-and function declarations (initially) have the values that they had
-when the outer function returned and may be interacted with by the
-inner function.
-Unfortunately, properly understanding closures requires an
-understanding of the mechanism behind them, and quite a bit of
-technical detail. While some of the ECMA 262 specified algorithms have
-been brushed over in the early part of the following explanation, much
-cannot be omitted or easily simplified. Individuals familiar with
-object property name resolution may skip that section but only people
-already familiar with closures can afford to skip the following
-sections, and they can stop reading now and get back to exploiting
-<h2 id="clResO">The Resolution of Property Names on Objects</h2>
-ECMAScript recognises two categories of object, &quot;Native Object&quot;
-and &quot;Host Object&quot; with a sub-category of native objects called
-&quot;Built-in Object&quot; (ECMA 262 3rd Ed Section 4.3). Native objects
-belong to the language and host objects are provided by the environment,
-and may be, for example, document objects, DOM nodes and the like.
-Native objects are loose and dynamic bags of named properties (some
-implementations are not that dynamic when it comes to the built in
-object sub-category, though usually that doesn't matter). The defined
-named properties of an object will hold a value, which may be a
-reference to another Object (functions are also Objects in this sense)
-or a primitive value: String, Number, Boolean, Null or Undefined. The
-Undefined primitive type is a bit odd in that it is possible to assign
-a value of Undefined to a property of an object but doing so does not
-remove that property from the object; it remains a defined named
-property, it just holds the value <code>undefined</code>.
-The following is a simplified description of how property values are
-read and set on objects with the internal details brushed over to the
-greatest extent possible.
-<h3><a name="clResA" id="clResA">Assignment of Values</a></h3>
-Named properties of objects can be created, or values set on existing
-named properties, by assigning a value to that named property. So
-var objectRef = new Object(); <span class="commentJS">//create a generic javascript object.</span>
-A property with the name &quot;testNumber&quot; can be created as:-
-objectRef.testNumber = 5;
-<span class="commentJS">/* - or:- */</span>
-objectRef[&quot;testNumber&quot;] = 5;
-The object had no &quot;testNumber&quot; property prior to the
-assignment but one is created when the assignment is made. Any
-subsequent assignment does not need to create the property, it just
-re-sets its value:-
-objectRef.testNumber = 8;
-<span class="commentJS">/* - or:- */</span>
-objectRef[&quot;testNumber&quot;] = 8;
-Javascript objects have prototypes that can themselves be objects, as
-will be described shortly, and that prototype may have named
-properties. But this has no role in assignment. If a value is assigned
-and the actual object does not have a property with the corresponding
-name a property of that name is created and the value is assigned to
-it. If it has the property then its value is re-set.
-<h3><a name="clResR" id="clResR">Reading of Values</a></h3>
-It is in reading values from object properties that prototypes come
-into play. If an object has a property with the property name used in
-the property accessor then the value of that property is returned:-
-<span class="commentJS">/* Assign a value to a named property. If the object does not have a
- property with the corresponding name prior to the assignment it
- will have one after it:-
-objectRef.testNumber = 8;
-<span class="commentJS">/* Read the value back from the property:- */</span>
-var val = objectRef.testNumber;
-<span class="commentJS">/* and - val - now holds the value 8 that was just assigned to the
- named property of the object. */</span>
- </pre>
-But all objects may have prototypes, and prototypes are objects so they, in
-turn, may have prototypes, which may have prototypes, and so on forming
-what is called the prototype chain. The prototype chain ends when one
-of the objects in the chain has a null prototype. The default prototype for the
-<code>Object</code> constructor has a null prototype so:-
-var objectRef = new Object(); <span class="commentJS">//create a generic javascript object.</span>
-Creates an object with the prototype <code>Object.prototype</code> that itself has a
-null prototype. So the prototype chain for <code>objectRef</code> contains only one
-object: <code>Object.prototype</code>. However:-
-<span class="commentJS">/* A &quot;constructor&quot; function for creating objects of a -
- MyObject1 - type.
-function MyObject1(formalParameter){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Give the constructed object a property called - testNumber - and
- assign it the value passed to the constructor as its first
- argument:-
- */</span>
- this.testNumber = formalParameter;
-<span class="commentJS">/* A &quot;constructor&quot; function for creating objects of a -
- MyObject2 - type:-
-function MyObject2(formalParameter){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Give the constructed object a property called - testString -
- and assign it the value passed to the constructor as its first
- argument:-
- */</span>
- this.testString = formalParameter;
-<span class="commentJS">/* The next operation replaces the default prototype associated with
- all MyObject2 instances with an instance of MyObject1, passing the
- argument - 8 - to the MyObject1 constructor so that its -
- testNumber - property will be set to that value:-
-MyObject2.prototype = new MyObject1( 8 );
-<span class="commentJS">/* Finally, create an instance of - MyObject2 - and assign a reference
- to that object to the variable - objectRef - passing a string as the
- first argument for the constructor:-
-var objectRef = new MyObject2( &quot;String_Value&quot; );
-The instance of <code>MyObject2</code> referred to by the <code>objectRef</code> variable has a
-prototype chain. The first object in that chain is the instance of
-<code>MyObject1</code> that was created and assigned to the prototype
-property of the <code>MyObject2</code> constructor. The instance of
-<code>MyObject1</code> has a prototype, the object that was assigned to the function
-<code>MyObject1</code>'s prototype property by the implementation. That object has
-a prototype, the default <code>Object</code> prototype that corresponds with the
-object referred to by <code>Object.prototype</code>. <code>Object.prototype</code> has a null
-prototype so the prototype chain comes to an end at this point.
-When a property accessor attempts to read a named property form the
-object referred to by the variable <code>objectRef</code> the whole
-prototype chain can enter into the process. In the simple case:-
-var val = objectRef.testString;
-- the instance of <code>MyObject2</code> referred to by <code>objectRef</code> has
-a property with the name &quot;testString&quot; so it is the value of
-that property, set to &quot;String_Value&quot;, that is assigned to the
-variable <code>val</code>. However:-
-var val = objectRef.testNumber;
-- cannot read a named property form the instance of
-<code>MyObject2</code> itself as it has no such property but the
-variable <code>val</code> is set to the value of <code>8</code> rather
-than undefined because having failed to find a corresponding named
-property on the object itself the interpreter then examines the object
-that is its prototype. Its prototype is the instance of
-<code>MyObject1</code> and it was created with a property named
-&quot;testNumber&quot; with the value <code>8</code> assigned to that property, so
-the property accessor evaluates as the value <code>8</code>. Neither
-<code>MyObject1</code> or <code>MyObject2</code> have defined a
-<code>toString</code> method, but if a property accessor attempts to
-read the value of a <code>toString</code> property from
-var val = objectRef.toString;
-- the <code>val</code> variable is assigned a reference to a function.
-That function is the <code>toString</code> property of
-<code>Object.prototype</code> and is returned because the process of
-examining the prototype of <code>objectRef</code>, when
-<code>objectRef</code> turns out not to have a &quot;toString&quot;
-property, is acting on an object, so when that prototype is found to
-lack the property its prototype is examined in turn. Its prototype
-is <code>Object.prototype</code>, which does have a
-<code>toString</code> method so it is a reference to that function
-object that is returned.
-var val = objectRef.madeUpProperty;
-- returns <code>undefined</code>, because as the process of working up the prototype
-chain finds no properties on any of the object with the name
-&quot;madeUpPeoperty&quot; it eventually gets to the prototype of
-<code>Object.prototype</code>, which is null, and the process ends
-returning <code>undefined</code>.
-The reading of named properties returns the first value found, on the
-object or then from its prototype chain. The assigning of a value to a
-named property on an object will create a property on the object itself
-if no corresponding property already exists.
-This means that if a value was assigned as
-<code>objectRef.testNumber = 3</code> a &quot;testNumber&quot; property
-will be created on the instance of <code>MyObject2</code> itself, and
-any subsequent attempts to read that value will retrieve that value as
-set on the object. The prototype chain no longer needs to be examined
-to resolve the property accessor, but the instance of
-<code>MyObject1</code> with the value of <code>8</code> assigned to its
-&quot;testNumber&quot; property is unaltered. The assignment to the
-<code>objectRef</code> object masks the corresponding property in its
-prototype chain.
-Note: ECMAScript defines an internal <code>[[prototype]]</code>
-property of the internal Object type. This property is not directly accessible with
-scripts, but it is the chain of objects referred to with the
-internal <code>[[prototype]]</code> property that is used in property
-accessor resolution; the object's prototype chain. A public
-<code>prototype</code> property exists to allow the assignment,
-definition and manipulation of prototypes in association with the
-internal <code>[[prototype]]</code> property. The details of the
-relationship between to two are described in ECMA 262 (3rd edition)
-and are beyond the <dfn>scope</dfn> of this discussion.
-<h2 id="clIRExSc">Identifier Resolution, Execution Contexts and scope chains</h2>
-<h3 id="clExCon">The Execution Context</h3>
-An <dfn>execution context</dfn> is an abstract concept used by the ECMSScript
-specification (ECMA 262 3rd edition) to define the behaviour required
-of ECMAScript implementations. The specification does not say anything
-about how <dfn>execution contexts</dfn> should be implemented but execution
-contexts have associated attributes that refer to specification defined
-structures so they might be conceived (and even implemented) as objects
-with properties, though not public properties.
-All javascript code is executed in an <dfn>execution context</dfn>. Global code
-(code executed inline, normally as a JS file, or <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page, loads) gets
-executed in <dfn>global</dfn> <dfn>execution context</dfn>, and each invocation of a function (possibly as a constructor) has an associated
-<dfn>execution context</dfn>. Code executed with the <code>eval</code> function
-also gets a distinct execution context but as <code>eval</code> is
-never normally used by javascript programmers it will not be discussed
-here. The specified details of <dfn>execution contexts</dfn> are to be found in
-section 10.2 of ECMA 262 (3rd edition).
-When a javascript function is called it enters an <dfn>execution context</dfn>,
-if another function is called (or the same function recursively) a new
-<dfn>execution context</dfn> is created and execution enters that context for the
-duration of the function call. Returning to the original execution
-context when that called function returns. Thus running javascript code
-forms a stack of <dfn>execution contexts</dfn>.
-When an <dfn>execution context</dfn> is created a number of things happen in a
-defined order. First, in the <dfn>execution context</dfn> of a function, an
-&quot;Activation&quot; object is created. The activation object is
-another specification mechanism. It can be considered as an object
-because it ends up having accessible named properties, but it is not a
-normal object as it has no prototype (at least not a defined prototype)
-and it cannot be directly referenced by javascript code.
-The next step in the creation of the <dfn>execution context</dfn> for a function
-call is the creation of an <code>arguments</code> object, which is an
-array-like object with integer indexed members corresponding with the
-arguments passed to the function call, in order. It also has
-<code>length</code> and <code>callee</code> properties (which are not
-relevant to this discussion, see the spec for details). A property of
-the Activation object is created with the name &quot;arguments&quot;
-and a reference to the <code>arguments</code> object is assigned to
-that property.
-Next the <dfn>execution context</dfn> is assigned a <dfn>scope</dfn>. A <dfn>scope</dfn> consists of a
-list (or chain) of objects. Each function object has an internal
-<code>[[scope]]</code> property (which we will go into more detail
-about shortly) that also consists of a list (or chain) of objects.
-The <dfn>scope</dfn> that is assigned to the <dfn>execution context</dfn> of a function call
-consists of the list referred to by the <code>[[scope]]</code> property
-of the corresponding function object with the Activation object added
-at the front of the chain (or the top of the list).
-Then the process of &quot;variable instantiation&quot; takes place using an object
-that ECMA 262 refers to as the &quot;Variable&quot; object. However,
-the Activation object is used as the Variable object (note this, it is
-important: they are the same object). Named properties of the Variable
-object are created for each of the function's formal parameters, and if
-arguments to the function call correspond with those parameters the
-values of those arguments are assigned to the properties (otherwise the
-assigned value is <code>undefined</code>). Inner function definitions
-are used to create function objects which are assigned to properties of
-the Variable object with names that correspond to the function name
-used in the function declaration. The last stage of variable
-instantiation is to create named properties of the Variable object
-that correspond with all the local variables declared within the
-The properties created on the Variable object that correspond with
-declared local variables are initially assigned <code>undefined</code>
-values during variable instantiation, the actual initialisation of
-local variables does not happen until the evaluation of the
-corresponding assignment expressions during the execution of the
-function body code.
-It is the fact that the Activation object, with its
-<code>arguments</code> property, and the Variable object, with named
-properties corresponding with function local variables, are the same
-object, that allows the identifier <code>arguments</code> to be treated
-as if it was a function local variable.
-Finally a value is assigned for use with the <code>this</code> keyword.
-If the value assigned refers to an object then property accessors
-prefixed with the <code>this</code> keyword reference properties of
-that object. If the value assigned (internally) is null then the
-<code>this</code> keyword will refer to the global object.
-The global execution context gets some slightly different handling as
-it does not have arguments so it does not need a defined Activation
-object to refer to them. The global execution context does need a <dfn>scope</dfn>
-and its <dfn>scope chain</dfn> consists of exactly one object, the global object.
-The global execution context does go through variable instantiation,
-its inner functions are the normal top level function declarations that
-make up the bulk of javascript code. The global object is used as the
-Variable object, which is why globally declared functions become
-properties of the global object. As do globally declared variables.
-The global execution context also uses a reference to the global object
-for the <code>this</code> object.
-<h3 id="clScCh">scope chains and [[scope]]</h3>
-The <dfn>scope chain</dfn> of the execution context for a function call is
-constructed by adding the execution context's Activation/Variable
-object to the front of the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> held in the function
-object's <code>[[scope]]</code> property, so it is important to
-understand how the internal <code>[[scope]]</code> property is
-In ECMAScript functions are objects, they are created during variable
-instantiation from function declarations, during the evaluation of
-function expressions or by invoking the <code>Function</code>
-Function objects created with the <code>Function</code> constructor
-always have a <code>[[scope]]</code> property referring to a <dfn>scope
-chain</dfn> that only contains the global object.
-Function objects created with function declarations or function
-expressions have the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> of the execution context in which
-they are created assigned to their internal <code>[[scope]]</code>
-In the simplest case of a global function declaration such as:-
-function exampleFunction(formalParameter){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// function body code</span>
-- the corresponding function object is created during the variable
-instantiation for the global execution context. The global execution
-context has a <dfn>scope chain</dfn> consisting of only the global object. Thus
-the function object that is created and referred to by the property of
-the global object with the name &quot;exampleFunction&quot; is
-assigned an internal <code>[[scope]]</code> property referring to a
-<dfn>scope chain</dfn> containing only the global object.
-A similar <dfn>scope chain</dfn> is assigned when a function expression is
-executed in the global context:-
-var exampleFuncRef = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// function body code</span>
-- except in this case a named property of the global object is created
-during variable instantiation for the global execution context but the
-function object is not created, and a reference to it assigned to the
-named property of the global object, until the assignment expression is
-evaluated. But the creation of the function object still happens in the
-global execution context so the <code>[[scope]]</code> property of the
-created function object still only contains the global object in the
-assigned scope chain.
-Inner function declarations and expressions result in function objects
-being created within the execution context of a function so they get
-more elaborate scope chains. Consider the following code, which defines
-a function with an inner function declaration and then executes the
-outer function:-
-function exampleOuterFunction(formalParameter){
- function exampleInnerFuncitonDec(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// inner function body</span>
- }
- ... <span class="commentJS">// the rest of the outer function body.</span>
-exampleOuterFunction( 5 );
-The function object corresponding with the outer function declaration
-is created during variable instantiation in the global execution context
-so its <code>[[scope]]</code> property contains the one item scope
-chain with only the global object in it.
-When the global code executes the call to the
-<code>exampleOuterFunction</code> a new execution context is created for
-that function call and an Activation/Variable object along with it.
-The <dfn>scope</dfn> of that new execution context becomes the chain consisting of
-the new Activation object followed by the chain refereed to by the
-outer function object's <code>[[scope]]</code> property (just the
-global object). Variable instantiation for that new execution context
-results in the creation of a function object that corresponds with the
-inner function definition and the <code>[[scope]]</code> property of
-that function object is assigned the value of the <dfn>scope</dfn> from the
-execution context in which it was created. A <dfn>scope chain</dfn> that contains
-the Activation object followed by the global object.
-So far this is all automatic and controlled by the structure and
-execution of the source code. The <dfn>scope chain</dfn> of the execution context
-defines the <code>[[scope]]</code> properties of the function objects
-created and the <code>[[scope]]</code> properties of the function
-objects define the <dfn>scope</dfn> for their execution contexts (along with the
-corresponding Activation object). But ECMAScript provides the
-<code>with</code> statement as a means of modifying the scope chain.
-The <code>with</code> statement evaluates an expression and if that
-expression is an object it is added to the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> of the current
-execution context (in front of the Activation/Variable object). The
-<code>with</code> statement then executes another statement (that may
-itself be a block statement) and then restores the execution context's
-<dfn>scope chain</dfn>to what it was before.
-A function declaration could not be affected by a <code>with</code>
-statement as they result in the creation of function objects during
-variable instantiation, but a function expression can be evaluated
-inside a <code>with</code> statement:-
-<span class="commentJS">/* create a global variable - y - that refers to an object:- */</span>
-var y = {x:5}; <span class="commentJS">// object literal with an - x - property</span>
-function exampleFuncWith(){
- var z;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Add the object referred to by the global variable - y - to the
- front of he scope chain:-
- */</span>
- with(y){
- <span class="commentJS">/* evaluate a function expression to create a function object
- and assign a reference to that function object to the local
- variable - z - :-
- */</span>
- z = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// inner function expression body;</span>
- }
- }
- ...
-<span class="commentJS">/* execute the - exampleFuncWith - function:- */</span>
-When the <code>exampleFuncWith</code> function is called the resulting
-execution context has a <dfn>scope chain</dfn> consisting of its Activation object
-followed by the global object. The execution of the <code>with</code>
-statement adds the object referred to by the global variable
-<code>y</code> to the front of that <dfn>scope chain</dfn> during the evaluation
-of the function expression. The function object created by the
-evaluation of the function expression is assigned a
-<code>[[scope]]</code> property that corresponds with the <dfn>scope</dfn> of the
-execution context in which it is created. A <dfn>scope chain</dfn> consisting of
-object <code>y</code> followed by the Activation object from the
-execution context of the outer function call, followed by the global
-When the block statement associated with the <code>with</code>
-statement terminates the <dfn>scope</dfn> of the execution context is restored
-(the <code>y</code> object is removed), but the function object has
-been created at that point and its <code>[[scope]]</code> property
-assigned a reference to a <dfn>scope chain</dfn> with the <code>y</code> object
-at its head.
-<h3><a name="clIdRes" id="clIdRes">Identifier Resolution</a></h3>
-Identifiers are resolved against the scope chain. ECMA 262 categorises
-<code>this</code> as a keyword rather than an identifier, which is not
-unreasonable as it is always resolved dependent on the
-<code>this</code> value in the execution context in which it is used,
-without reference to the scope chain.
-Identifier resolution starts with the first object in the scope chain.
-It is checked to see if it has a property with a name that corresponds
-with the identifier. Because the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> is a chain of objects
-this checking encompasses the prototype chain of that object (if it
-has one). If no corresponding value can be found on the first object
-in the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> the search progresses to the next object. And so on until
-one of the objects in the chain (or one of its prototypes) has a
-property with a name that corresponds with the identifier or the scope
-chain is exhausted.
-The operation on the identifier happens in the same way as the use of
-property accessors on objects described above. The object identified
-in the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> as having the corresponding property takes the
-place of the object in the property accessor and the identifier acts
-as a property name for that object. The global object is always at the
-end of the scope chain.
-As execution contexts associated with function calls will have the
-Activation/Variable object at the front of the chain, identifiers used
-in function bodies are effectively first checked to see whether they
-correspond with formal parameters, inner function declaration names or
-local variables. Those would be resolved as named properties of the
-Activation/Variable object.
-<h2><a name="clClose" id="clClose">Closures</a></h2>
-<h3><a name="clAtGb" id="clAtGb">Automatic Garbage Collection</a></h3>
-ECMAScript uses automatic garbage collection. The specification
-does not define the details, leaving that to the implementers to sort
-out, and some implementations are known to give a very low priority to
-their garbage collection operations. But the general idea is that if an
-object becomes un-referable (by having no remaining references to it
-left accessible to executing code) it becomes available for garbage
-collection and will at some future point be destroyed and any resources
-it is consuming freed and returned to the system for re-use.
-This would normally be the case upon exiting an execution context. The
-<dfn>scope chain</dfn> structure, the Activation/Variable object and any objects
-created within the execution context, including function objects, would
-no longer be accessible and so would become available for garbage
-<h3><a name="clFrmC" id="clFrmC">Forming Closures</a></h3>
-A closure is formed by returning a function object that was created
-within an execution context of a function call from that function call
-and assigning a reference to that inner function to a property of another
-object. Or by directly assigning a reference to such a function object
-to, for example, a global variable, a property of a globally accessible
-object or an object passed by reference as an argument to the outer
-function call. e.g:-
-function exampleClosureForm(arg1, arg2){
- var localVar = 8;
- function exampleReturned(innerArg){
- return ((arg1 + arg2)/(innerArg + localVar));
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* return a reference to the inner function defined as -
- exampleReturned -:-
- */</span>
- return exampleReturned;
-var globalVar = exampleClosureForm(2, 4);
-Now the function object created within the execution context of the
-call to <code>exampleClosureForm</code> cannot be garbage collected
-because it is referred to by a global variable and is still accessible,
-it can even be executed with <code>globalVar(n)</code>.
-But something a little more complicated has happened because the
-function object now referred to by <code>globalVar</code> was created
-with a <code>[[scope]]</code> property referring to a scope chain
-containing the Activation/Variable object belonging to the execution
-context in which it was created (and the global object). Now the
-Activation/Variable object cannot be garbage collected either as the
-execution of the function object referred to by <code>globalVar</code>
-will need to add the whole <dfn>scope chain</dfn> from its <code>[[scope]]</code>
-property to the <dfn>scope</dfn> of the execution context created for each call to
-A closure is formed. The inner function object has the free variables
-and the Activation/Variable object on the function's <dfn>scope chain</dfn> is
-the environment that binds them.
-The Activation/Variable object is trapped by being
-referred to in the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> assigned to the internal
-<code>[[scope]]</code> property of the function object now referred to
-by the <code>globalVar</code> variable. The Activation/Variable object
-is preserved along with its state; the values of its properties. Scope
-resolution in the execution context of calls to the inner function will
-resolve identifiers that correspond with named properties of that
-Activation/Variable object as properties of that object. The value of
-those properties can still be read and set even though the execution
-context for which it was created has exited.
-In the example above that Activation/Variable object has a state that
-represents the values of formal parameters, inner function definitions
-and local variables, at the time when the outer function returned
-(exited its execution context). The <code>arg1</code> property has the
-value <code>2</code>,the <code>arg2</code> property the value
-<code>4</code>, <code>localVar</code> the value <code>8</code> and an
-<code>exampleReturned</code> property that is a reference to the inner
-function object that was returned form the outer function. (We will be
-referring to this Activation/Variable object as "ActOuter1" in later
-discussion, for convenience.)
-If the <code>exampleClosureForm</code> function was called again as:-
-var secondGlobalVar = exampleClosureForm(12, 3);
-- a new execution context would be created, along with a new Activation
-object. And a new function object would be returned, with its own
-distinct <code>[[scope]]</code> property referring to a scope chain
-containing the Activation object form this second execution context,
-with <code>arg1</code> being <code>12</code> and <code>arg2</code>
-being <code>3</code>. (We will be referring to this Activation/Variable
-object as &quot;ActOuter2&quot; in later discussion, for convenience.)
-A second and distinct closure has been formed by the second execution
-of <code>exampleClosureForm</code>.
-The two function objects created by the execution of
-<code>exampleClosureForm</code> to which references have been assigned
-to the global variable <code>globalVar</code> and
-<code>secondGlobalVar</code> respectively, return the expression
-<code>((arg1 + arg2)/(innerArg + localVar))</code>. Which applies
-various operators to four identifiers. How these identifiers are
-resolved is critical to the use and value of closures.
-Consider the execution of the function object referred to by
-<code>globalVar</code>, as <code>globalVar(2)</code>. A new execution
-context is created and an Activation object (we will call it
-&quot;ActInner1&quot;), which is added to the head of the scope chain
-referred to the <code>[[scope]]</code> property of the executed
-function object. ActInner1 is given a property named
-<code>innerArg</code>, after its formal parameter and the argument
-value <code>2</code> assigned to it. The <dfn>scope chain</dfn> for this new
-execution context is: <span class="scopeCh">ActInner1-&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">ActOuter1-&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">global object</span>.
-Identifier resolution is done against the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> so in order
-to return the value of the expression
-<code>((arg1 + arg2)/(innerArg + localVar))</code> the values of the
-identifiers will be determined by looking for properties, with names
-corresponding with the identifiers, on each object in the scope chain
-in turn.
-The first object in the chain is ActInner1 and it has a property named
-<code>innerArg</code> with the value <code>2</code>. All of the other
-3 identifiers correspond with named properties of ActOuter1;
-<code>arg1</code> is <code>2</code>, <code>arg2</code> is
-<code>4</code> and <code>localVar</code> is <code>8</code>. The
-function call returns <code>((2 + 4)/(2 + 8))</code>.
-Compare that with the execution of the otherwise identical function
-object referred to by <code>secondGlobalVar</code>, as
-<code>secondGlobalVar(5)</code>. Calling the Activation object for
-this new execution context &quot;ActInner2&quot;, the scope chain
-becomes: <span class="scopeCh">ActInner2-&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">ActOuter2-&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">global object</span>. ActInner2 returns
-<code>innerArg</code> as <code>5</code> and ActOuter2 returns
-<code>arg1</code>, <code>arg2</code> and <code>localVar</code> as
-<code>12</code>, <code>3</code> and <code>8</code> respectively. The
-value returned is <code>((12 + 3)/(5 + 8))</code>.
-Execute <code>secondGlobalVar</code> again and a new Activation object
-will appear at the front of the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> but ActOuter2 will still
-be next object in the chain and the value of its named properties will
-again be used in the resolution of the identifiers <code>arg1</code>,
-<code>arg2</code> and <code>localVar</code>.
-This is how ECMAScript inner functions gain, and maintain, access to the formal
-parameters, declared inner functions and local variables of the
-execution context in which they were created. And it is how the
-forming of a closure allows such a function object to keep referring
-to those values, reading and writing to them, for as long as it
-continues to exist. The Activation/Variable object from the execution
-context in which the inner function was created remains on the scope
-chain referred to by the function object's <code>[[scope]]</code>
-property, until all references to the inner function are freed and
-the function object is made available for garbage collection (along
-with any now unneeded objects on its scope chain).
-Inner function may themselves have inner functions, and the inner
-functions returned from the execution of functions to form closures
-may themselves return inner functions and form closures of their own.
-With each nesting the <dfn>scope chain</dfn> gains extra Activation objects
-originating with the execution contexts in which the inner function
-objects were created. The ECMAScript specification requires a scope
-chain to be finite, but imposes no limits on their length.
-Implementations probably do impose some practical limitation but no
-specific magnitude has yet been reported. The potential for nesting
-inner functions seems so far to have exceeded anyone's desire to
-code them.
-<h2><a name="clClDo" id="clClDo">What can be done with Closures?</a></h2>
-Strangely the answer to that appears to be anything and everything.
-I am told that closures enable ECMAScript to emulate anything, so the
-limitation is the ability to conceive and implement the emulation. That
-is a bit esoteric and it is probably better to start with something a
-little more practical.
-<h3><a name="clSto" id="clSto">Example 1: setTimeout with Function References</a></h3>
-A common use for a closure is to provide parameters for the execution
-of a function prior to the execution of that function. For example,
-when a function is to be provided as the first argument to the
-<code>setTimout</code> function that is common in web browser
-<code>setTimeout</code> schedules the execution of a function (or a
-string of javascript source code, but not in this context), provided as
-its first argument, after an interval expressed in milliseconds (as its
-second argument). If a piece of code wants to use
-<code>setTimeout</code> it calls the <code>setTimeout</code> function
-and passes a reference to a function object as the first argument and
-the millisecond interval as the second, but a reference to a function
-object cannot provide parameters for the scheduled execution of that
-However, code could call another function that returned a reference to
-an inner function object, with that inner function object being passed
-by reference to the <code>setTimeout</code> function. The parameters to
-be used for the execution of the inner function are passed with the
-call to the function that returns it. <code>setTimout</code> executes
-the inner function without passing arguments but that inner function
-can still access the parameters provided by the call to the outer
-function that returned it:-
-function callLater(paramA, paramB, paramC){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Return a reference to an anonymous inner function created
- with a function expression:-
- */</span>
- return (function(){
- <span class="commentJS">/* This inner function is to be executed with - setTimeout
- - and when it is executed it can read, and act upon, the
- parameters passed to the outer function:-
- */</span>
- paramA[paramB] = paramC;
- });
-<span class="commentJS">/* Call the function that will return a reference to the inner function
- object created in its execution context. Passing the parameters that
- the inner function will use when it is eventually executed as
- arguments to the outer function. The returned reference to the inner
- function object is assigned to a local variable:-
-var functRef = callLater(elStyle, "display", "none");
-<span class="commentJS">/* Call the setTimeout function, passing the reference to the inner
- function assigned to the - functRef - variable as the first argument:-
-hideMenu=setTimeout(functRef, 500);
-<h3><a name="clObjI" id="clObjI">Example 2: Associating Functions with Object Instance Methods</a></h3>
-There are many other circumstances when a reference to a function
-object is assigned so that it would be executed at some future time
-where it is useful to provide parameters for the execution of that
-function that would not be easily available at the time of execution
-but cannot be known until the moment of assignment.
-One example might be a javascript object that is designed to
-encapsulate the interactions with a particular DOM element. It has
-<code>doOnClick</code>, <code>doMouseOver</code> and
-<code>doMouseOut</code> methods and wants to execute those methods
-when the corresponding events are triggered on the DOM element, but
-there may be any number of instances of the javascript object created
-associated with different DOM elements and the individual object
-instances do not know how they will be employed by the code that
-instantiated them. The object instances do not know how to reference
-themselves globally because they do not know which global variables
-(if any) will be assigned references to their instances.
-So the problem is to execute an event handling function that has an
-association with a particular instance of the javascript object, and
-knows which method of that object to call.
-The following example uses a small generalised closure based function
-that associates object instances with element event handlers.
-Arranging that the execution of the event handler calls the specified
-method of the object instance, passing the event object and a reference
-to the associated element on to the object method and returning the
-method's return value.
-<span class="commentJS">/* A general function that associates an object instance with an event
- handler. The returned inner function is used as the event handler.
- The object instance is passed as the - obj - parameter and the name
- of the method that is to be called on that object is passed as the -
- methodName - (string) parameter.
-function associateObjWithEvent(obj, methodName){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The returned inner function is intended to act as an event
- handler for a DOM element:-
- */</span>
- return (function(e){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The event object that will have been parsed as the - e -
- parameter on DOM standard browsers is normalised to the IE
- event object if it has not been passed as an argument to the
- event handling inner function:-
- */</span>
- e = e||window.event;
- <span class="commentJS">/* The event handler calls a method of the object - obj - with
- the name held in the string - methodName - passing the now
- normalised event object and a reference to the element to
- which the event handler has been assigned using the - this -
- (which works because the inner function is executed as a
- method of that element because it has been assigned as an
- event handler):-
- */</span>
- return obj[methodName](e, this);
- });
-<span class="commentJS">/* This constructor function creates objects that associates themselves
- with DOM elements whose IDs are passed to the constructor as a
- string. The object instances want to arrange than when the
- corresponding element triggers onclick, onmouseover and onmouseout
- events corresponding methods are called on their object instance.
-function DhtmlObject(elementId){
- <span class="commentJS">/* A function is called that retrieves a reference to the DOM
- element (or null if it cannot be found) with the ID of the
- required element passed as its argument. The returned value
- is assigned to the local variable - el -:-
- */</span>
- var el = getElementWithId(elementId);
- <span class="commentJS">/* The value of - el - is internally type-converted to boolean for
- the - if - statement so that if it refers to an object the
- result will be true, and if it is null the result false. So that
- the following block is only executed if the - el - variable
- refers to a DOM element:-
- */</span>
- if(el){
- <span class="commentJS">/* To assign a function as the element's event handler this
- object calls the - associateObjWithEvent - function
- specifying itself (with the - this - keyword) as the object
- on which a method is to be called and providing the name of
- the method that is to be called. The - associateObjWithEvent
- - function will return a reference to an inner function that
- is assigned to the event handler of the DOM element. That
- inner function will call the required method on the
- javascript object when it is executed in response to
- events:-
- */</span>
- el.onclick = associateObjWithEvent(this, "doOnClick");
- el.onmouseover = associateObjWithEvent(this, "doMouseOver");
- el.onmouseout = associateObjWithEvent(this, "doMouseOut");
- ...
- }
-DhtmlObject.prototype.doOnClick = function(event, element){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// doOnClick method body</span>.
-DhtmlObject.prototype.doMouseOver = function(event, element){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// doMouseOver method body.</span>
-DhtmlObject.prototype.doMouseOut = function(event, element){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// doMouseOut method body.</span>
-And so any instances of the <code>DhtmlObject</code> can associate themselves
-with the DOM element that they are interested in without any need
-to know anything about how they are being employed by other code,
-impacting on the global namespace or risking clashes with other
-instances of the <code>DhtmlObject</code>.
-<h3><a name="clEncap" id="clEncap">Example 3: Encapsulating Related Functionality</a></h3>
-Closures can be used to create additional scopes that can be used to
-group interrelated and dependent code in a way that minimises the risk
-of accidental interaction. Suppose a function is to build a string and
-to avoid the repeated concatenation operations (and the creation of
-numerous intermediate strings) the desire is to use an array to store
-the parts of the string in sequence and then output the results using
-the <code>Array.prototype.join</code> method (with an empty string as its argument).
-The array is going to act as a buffer for the output, but defining it
-locally to the function will result in its re-creation on each
-execution of the function, which may not be necessary if the only
-variable content of that array will be re-assigned on each function
-One approach might make the array a global variable so that it can be
-re-used without being re-created. But the consequences of that will be
-that, in addition to the global variable that refers to the function
-that will use the buffer array, there will be a second global property
-that refers to the array itself. The effect is to render the code less
-manageable, as, if it is to be used elsewhere, its author has to remember
-to include both the function definition and the array definition. It
-also makes the code less easy to integrate with other code because
-instead of just ensuring that the function name is unique within the
-global namespace it is necessary to ensure that the Array on which it
-is dependent is using a name that is unique within the global
-A Closure allows the buffer array to be associated (and neatly
-packaged) with the function that is dependent upon it and
-simultaneously keep the property name to which the buffer array as
-assigned out of the global namespace and free of the risk of name
-conflicts and accidental interactions.
-The trick here is to create one additional execution context by
-executing a function expression in-line and have that function
-expression return an inner function that will be the function that is
-used by external code. The buffer array is then defined as a local
-variable of the function expression that is executed in-line. That only
-happens once so the Array is only created once, but is available to
-the function that depends on it for repeated use.
-The following code creates a function that will return a string of
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>, much of which is constant, but those constant character
-sequences need to be interspersed with variable information provided
-as parameter to the function call.
-A reference to an inner function object is returned from the in-line
-execution of a function expression and assigned to a global variable
-so that it can be called as a global function. The buffer array is
-defined as a local variable in the outer function expression. It is
-not exposed in the global namespace and does not need to be re-created
-whenever the function that uses it is called.
-<span class="commentJS">/* A global variable - getImgInPositionedDivHtml - is declared and
- assigned the value of an inner function expression returned from
- a one-time call to an outer function expression.
- That inner function returns a string of <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> that represents an
- absolutely positioned DIV wrapped round an IMG element, such that
- all of the variable attribute values are provided as parameters
- to the function call:-
-var getImgInPositionedDivHtml = (function(){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - buffAr - Array is assigned to a local variable of the
- outer function expression. It is only created once and that one
- instance of the array is available to the inner function so that
- it can be used on each execution of that inner function.
- Empty strings are used as placeholders for the date that is to
- be inserted into the Array by the inner function:-
- */</span>
- var buffAr = [
- '&lt;div id="',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 1, DIV ID attribute</span>
- '" style="position:absolute;top:',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 3, DIV top position</span>
- 'px;left:',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 5, DIV left position</span>
- 'px;width:',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 7, DIV width</span>
- 'px;height:',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 9, DIV height</span>
- 'px;overflow:hidden;\"&gt;&lt;img src=\"',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 11, IMG URL</span>
- '\" width=\"',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 13, IMG width</span>
- '\" height=\"',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 15, IMG height</span>
- '\" alt=\"',
- '', <span class="commentJS">//index 17, IMG alt text</span>
- '\"&gt;&lt;\/div&gt;'
- ];
- <span class="commentJS">/* Return the inner function object that is the result of the
- evaluation of a function expression. It is this inner function
- object that will be executed on each call to -
- getImgInPositionedDivHtml( ... ) -:-
- */</span>
- return (function(url, id, width, height, top, left, altText){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Assign the various parameters to the corresponding
- locations in the buffer array:-
- */</span>
- buffAr[1] = id;
- buffAr[3] = top;
- buffAr[5] = left;
- buffAr[13] = (buffAr[7] = width);
- buffAr[15] = (buffAr[9] = height);
- buffAr[11] = url;
- buffAr[17] = altText;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Return the string created by joining each element in the
- array using an empty string (which is the same as just
- joining the elements together):-
- */</span>
- return buffAr.join('');
- }); <span class="commentJS">//:End of inner function expression.</span>
-<span class="commentJS">/*^^- :The inline execution of the outer function expression. */</span>
-If one function was dependent on one (or several) other functions, but
-those other functions were not expected to be directly employed by any
-other code, then the same technique could be used to group those
-functions with the one that was to be publicly exposed. Making a
-complex multi-function process into an easily portable and encapsulated
-unit of code.
-<h3><a name="clOtE" id="clOtE">Other Examples</a></h3>
-Probably one of the best known applications of closures is
-<a href="">Douglas
-Crockford's technique for the emulation of private instance variables
-in ECMAScript objects</a>. Which can be extended to all sorts of
-structures of <dfn>scope</dfn> contained nested accessibility/visibility, including
-<a href="">
-the emulation of private static members for ECMAScript objects</a>.
-The possible application of closures are endless, understanding how
-they work is probably the best guide to realising how they can be
-<h2 id="clAc">Accidental Closures</h2>
-Rendering any inner function accessible outside of the body of the
-function in which it was created will form a closure. That makes
-closures very easy to create and one of the consequences is that
-javascript authors who do not appreciate closures as a language feature
-can observe the use of inner functions for various tasks and employ
-inner functions, with no apparent consequences, not realising that
-closures are being created or what the implications of doing that are.
-Accidentally creating closures can have harmful side effects as the
-following section on the IE memory leak problem describes, but they can
-also impact of the efficiency of code. It is not the closures
-themselves, indeed carefully used they can contribute significantly
-towards the creation of efficient code. It is the use of inner
-functions that can impact on efficiency.
-A common situation is where inner functions are used is as event
-handlers for DOM elements. For example the following code might be used
-to add an onclick handler to a link element:-
-<span class="commentJS">/* Define the global variable that is to have its value added to the
- - href - of a link as a query string by the following function:-
-var quantaty = 5;
-<span class="commentJS">/* When a link passed to this function (as the argument to the function
- call - linkRef -) an onclick event handler is added to the link that
- will add the value of a global variable - quantaty - to the - href -
- of that link as a query string, then return true so that the link
- will navigate to the resource specified by the - href - which will
- by then include the assigned query string:-
-function addGlobalQueryOnClick(linkRef){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the - linkRef - parameter can be type converted to true
- (which it will if it refers to an object):-
- */</span>
- if(linkRef){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Evaluate a function expression and assign a reference to the
- function object that is created by the evaluation of the
- function expression to the onclick handler of the link
- element:-
- */</span>
- linkRef.onclick = function(){
- <span class="commentJS">/* This inner function expression adds the query string to
- the - href - of the element to which it is attached as
- an event handler:-
- */</span>
- this.href += ('?quantaty='+escape(quantaty));
- return true;
- };
- }
-Whenever the <code>addGlobalQueryOnClick</code> function is called a
-new inner function is created (and a closure formed by its assignment).
-From the efficiency point of view that would not be significant if the
-<code>addGlobalQueryOnClick</code> function was only called once or
-twice, but if the function was heavily employed many distinct function
-objects would be created (one for each evaluation of the inner function
-The above code is not taking advantage of the fact that inner functions
-are becoming accessible outside of the function in which they are being
-created (or the resulting closures). As a result exactly the same effect
-could be achieved by defining the function that is to be used as the
-event handler separately and then assigning a reference to that
-function to the event handling property. Only one function object would
-be created and all of the elements that use that event handler would
-share a reference to that one function:-
-<span class="commentJS">/* Define the global variable that is to have its value added to the
- - href - of a link as a query string by the following function:-
-var quantaty = 5;
-<span class="commentJS">/* When a link passed to this function (as the argument to the function
- call - linkRef -) an onclick event handler is added to the link that
- will add the value of a global variable - quantaty - to the - href -
- of that link as a query string, then return true so that the link
- will navigate to the resource specified by the - href - which will
- by then include the assigned query string:-
-function addGlobalQueryOnClick(linkRef){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the - linkRef - parameter can be type converted to true
- (which it will if it refers to an object):-
- */</span>
- if(linkRef){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Assign a reference to a global function to the event
- handling property of the link so that it becomes the
- element's event handler:-
- */</span>
- linkRef.onclick = forAddQueryOnClick;
- }
-<span class="commentJS">/* A global function declaration for a function that is intended to act
- as an event handler for a link element, adding the value of a global
- variable to the - href - of an element as an event handler:-
-function forAddQueryOnClick(){
- this.href += ('?quantaty='+escape(quantaty));
- return true;
-As the inner function in the first version is not being used to exploit
-the closures produced by its use, it would be more efficient not to use
-an inner function, and thus not repeat the process of creating many
-essentially identical function objects.
-A similar consideration applies to object constructor functions. It is
-not uncommon to see code similar to the following skeleton constructor:-
-function ExampleConst(param){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Create methods of the object by evaluating function expressions
- and assigning references to the resulting function objects
- to the properties of the object being created:-
- */</span>
- this.method1 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
- };
- this.method2 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
- };
- this.method3 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
- };
- <span class="commentJS">/* Assign the constructor's parameter to a property of the object:-
- */</span>
- this.publicProp = param;
-Each time the constructor is used to create an object, with
-<code>new ExampleConst(n)</code>, a new set of function objects are
-created to act as its methods. So the more object instances that are
-created the more function objects are created to go with them.
-Douglas Crockford's technique for emulating private members on
-javascript objects exploits the closure resulting form assigning
-references to inner function objects to the public properties of a
-constructed object from within its constructor. But if the methods of
-an object are not taking advantage of the closure that they will form
-within the constructor the creation of multiple function objects for
-each object instantiation will make the instantiation process slower
-and more resources will be consumed to accommodate the extra function
-objects created.
-In that case it would be more efficient to create the function object
-once and assign references to them to the corresponding properties of
-the constructor's <code>prototype</code> so they may be shared by all
-of the objects created with that constructor:-
-function ExampleConst(param){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Assign the constructor's parameter to a property of the object:-
- */</span>
- this.publicProp = param;
-<span class="commentJS">/* Create methods for the objects by evaluating function expressions
- and assigning references to the resulting function objects to the
- properties of the constructor's prototype:-
-ExampleConst.prototype.method1 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
-ExampleConst.prototype.method2 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
-ExampleConst.prototype.method3 = function(){
- ... <span class="commentJS">// method body.</span>
-<h2><a name="clMem" id="clMem">The Internet Explorer Memory Leak Problem</a></h2>
-The Internet Explorer web browser (verified on versions 4 to 6 (6 is
-current at the time of writing)) has a fault in its garbage collection
-system that prevents it from garbage collecting ECMAScript and some
-host objects if those host objects form part of a &quot;circular&quot;
-reference. The host objects in question are any DOM Nodes (including
-the document object and its descendants) and ActiveX objects. If a
-circular reference is formed including one or more of them, then
-none of the objects involved will be freed until the browser is closed
-down, and the memory that they consume will be unavailable to the
-system until that happens.
-A circular reference is when two or more objects refer to each other in
-a way that can be followed and lead back to the starting point. Such
-as object 1 has a property that refers to object 2, object 2 has a
-property that refers to object 3 and object 3 has a property that
-refers back to object 1. With pure ECMAScript objects as soon as no
-other objects refer to any of objects 1, 2 or 3 the fact that they only
-refer to each other is recognised and they are made available for
-garbage collection. But on Internet Explorer, if any of those objects
-happen to be a DOM Node or ActiveX object, the garbage collection
-cannot see that the circular relationship between them is isolated
-from the rest of the system and free them. Instead they all stay in
-memory until the browser is closed.
-Closures are extremely good at forming circular references. If a
-function object that forms a closure is assigned as, for example, and
-event handler on a DOM Node, and a reference to that Node is assigned
-to one of the Activation/Variable objects in its <dfn>scope chain</dfn> then a
-circular reference exists.
-<span class="scopeCh">DOM_Node.onevent -&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">function_object.[[scope]] -&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">scope_chain -&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">Activation_object.nodeRef -&gt;</span>
-<span class="scopeCh">DOM_Node</span>.
-It is very easy to do, and a bit of browsing around a site that forms
-such a reference in a piece of code common to each page can consume
-most of the systems memory (possibly all).
-Care can be taken to avoid forming circular references and remedial
-action can be taken when they cannot otherwise be avoided, such as
-using IE's onunload event to null event handling function
-references. Recognising the problem and understanding closures
-(and their mechanism) is the key to avoiding this problem with IE.
-<p id="rToc">
-<a href="faq_notes.html#toc">comp.lang.javascript FAQ notes T.O.C.</a>
-<ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:2.5em;">
- <li>Written by <span class="person">Richard Cornford</span>. March 2004.</li>
- <li>With corrections and suggestions by:-<br>
- <ul style="list-style-type:none;">
- <li><span class="person">Martin Honnen</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Yann-Erwan Perio (Yep)</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Lasse Reichstein Nielsen</span>. (<a href="#clDefN">definition of closure</a>)</li>
- <li><span class="person">Mike Scirocco</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Dr John Stockton</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Garrett Smith</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
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- "">
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-<title>Code Guidelines for Rich Internet Application Development</title>
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-<meta name="DC.title" lang="en" content="Code Guidlines for Rich Internet Applications">
-<meta name="" scheme="W3CDTF" content="2010-05-29">
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-<meta name="DCTERMS.audience" content="Programmers, web developers">
-<meta name="DC.description" content="Guidlines and Best Practices for javascript (ECMAScript) in web applications.">
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-<h1>Code Guidelines for Rich Internet Application Development</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
-By Garrett Smith, with contributions from Asen Bozhilov, RobG, John G Harris, David Mark, and Dmitry Soshnikov.
- This document points to the causes of errors and problems related to javascript
- for web applications and provides explanation of what to do instead.
- When followed, these guidelines can improve the code
- stability and maintainability of a Rich Internet Application deployed
- across a wide range of web browsers.
- For code reviews, this document and the
- <a href="../review/">Code Review Guidelines</a> should be read by the code author and code reviewer.
- <li>Markup
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>Use valid html <a href=""></a>.</p>
- <p>
- Code that uses malformed, nonconforming HTML is expecting nonstandard behavior.
- When a web browser encounters a problem in HTML, it must perform error correction.
- Since there are no error correction mechanisms defined in HTML 4, browsers
- handle the problem in proprietary ways.
- </p>
- <p>
- When the browser parses a document, it creates a DOM representation of it.
- If the browser performed error correction when parsing, the outcome is a
- different DOM. For an example with a detailed explanation, see:
- <a href=";count=1"
- >Tag Soup: How UAs handle &lt;x&gt; &lt;y&gt; &lt;/x&gt; &lt;/y&gt;</a>
- and also <a href=""
- >Avoiding Structural Differences in the Browser DOMs</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- The W3C validator results either with green <code>PASS</code> or with one or more errors
- at which point it is clear that the code is not completed to
- standard.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>Use standards mode, with HTML <code>DOCTYPE</code> first (neither comments nor xml declaration preceeding it).</p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>Reduce the markup to simplest semantic markup necessary.</p>
- <p>Simpler code is easier to read.</p>
- <p>
- More markup means more bytes transferred over the wire,
- more parsing for the browser, and a larger DOM for scripts
- to traverse.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li><p>Set the HTTP content-type text/html.</p></li>
- <li>
- <p>Set charset in HTTP or, if using a <code>META</code> tag, as
- <a href="">early as possible</a>
- in the <code>HEAD</code>.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Escape ETAGO delimiter with backwards solidus (backslash).
- See also : <a href=""
- >The reverse solidus (backslash, <code>\</code>) in Web authoring</a>.
- </p>
- <p>
- A reverse solidus (backslash) should appear before the solidus
- symbol in the sequence "&lt;/", resulting in "&lt;\/", and not "&lt;" + "/".
- <a href=""
- >ETAGO in SCRIPT and STYLE</a>.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Do not use <code>javascript:</code> pseudo protocol.
- <a href="../../#javascriptURI">FAQ: I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?</a>
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h3>Validation Note</h3>
- <p>
- The <a href="">W3C
- validator does not validate conformance</a>. Conformance errors can
- cause problems and must be recognized and corrected. See also:
- <a href=""
- >Appendix B: Performance, Implementation, and Design Notes: Invalid Documents</a>,
- which states <cite>This specification does not define how conforming
- user agents handle general error conditions...</cite>
- </p>
- <p>
- When the code does not do what is wanted of it, it is important to understand
- why. The HTML validator can help because it can report HTML errors (and much more quickly
- than a tired human eye could).
- </p>
- <p>
- Poring over a long list of validation errors to find the validation error(s)
- that could be related to the code not doing what is wanted of it is error-prone,
- time-consuming guesswork. When an HTML error is found, the next task is finding
- when that error crept in, why it is there, what other code is relying
- on the problematic area, who wrote that other code, where is he now, so a
- possible fix can be discussed, etc. Using invalid HTML is a waste of time.
- Instead, by always using valid HTML, clear expectations can be made of what
- the code should be doing.
- </p>
- <p>
- Running the W3C validator is a little extra effort that saves a lot of time.
- See also: <a href="">W3C: Why Validate?</a>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>
- Use valid css. (Excepting vendor extensions and css 3 features).
- <a href=""></a>
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Class and id selectors should have semantic meaning. See also:
- <a href="">Use class with semantics in mind</a>.
- Selectors such as <code>.redButton</code>, <code>#ItalicStatement</code> are meaningless.
- Instead, use class and id that represent an object or state.
- </p>
- Example:
- <pre>.errorButton, #warningMessage, .active-panel</pre>
- <p>
- This makes the code meaningful even when the styles change.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Script:
- <ul>
- <li>Variables
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>
- Declare variables in the narrowest possible scope, never global.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Do not assign to undeclared identifiers (do not forget <code>var</code>).
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Give each identifier a meaningful name.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="methods">Methods
- <ul>
- <li>
- Avoid initialization routines that loop through the DOM.
- Instead, use event delegation and inspect the target (see design
- section).
- </li>
- <li>Avoid methods that do too much or have side effects. Methods should be simple and do one thing.</li>
- <li>Avoid long parameter lists. The fewer the better.</li>
- <li>Do not include non-localized strings in scripts (excepting developer error messages).</li>
- <li>Be clear and consistent with their return type.</li>
- <li>Test not only that it succeeds correctly (happy path),
- but also that it fails correctly (sad path). </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="design">Design
- <ul>
- <li>Avoid creating and using useless methods, e.g.
- <pre>goog.isDef = function(val) {
- return val !== undefined;
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not use non-standard or inconsistent ECMAScript methods (<code>substr</code>,
- <code>escape</code>, <code>getYear</code>, <code>parseInt</code> with no radix). Instead, use
- <code>substring</code>, <code>encodeURIComponent</code>, <code>getFullYear</code>,
- and <code>parseInt(<var>s</var>, 10)</code> with a radix, respectively.
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not use non-standard syntax such as "function statement"
- (see also: <a href="/faq/#functionStatement">FAQ: What is a function statement?</a> and
- <a href=""
- >Named Function Expressions</a>).
- </li>
- <li>
- Consider refactoring a function with conditionals to dynamic dispatch or
- function redefinition.
- </li>
- <li>
- Avoid modifying objects you don't own.
- <p>
- A piece of code that modifies any object it does not own is not
- clear to the client of the API where those changes are coming from.
- </p>
- <p>
- Modifying built-ins has been known to cause forwards-compatibility problems
- and conflict with other code. Modifying host objects can result in
- javascript errors.
- </p>
- <p>
- Instead, use another approach. For example, define your own object, possibly hidden
- in a closure.
- </p>
- <p>
- Modifying host objects or host objects' constructors' prototypes with new properties
- is unspecified. The practice has been known to be the source of cross-browser problems.
- </p>
- <p>
- Where DOM host objects are implemented with prototypes, the prototype chain
- is implementation-dependent (not specified). The interface-based API design of the
- <a href="">W3C DOM</a> does not forbid a
- sub-interface from providing a more specific implementation that could shadow
- the a user-defined method of the same name further up in the prototype chain.
- </p>
- <p>
- The W3C DOM does not prevent implementations from creating their own
- interfaces. Quite often implementations do create interfaces that are
- interwoven through the interface hierarchy. Such interfaces may or may
- not be accessible to code.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Strings:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Use efficient string concatenation techniques. Do not repeatedly create
- and discard temporary strings.
- </li>
- <li>
- Instead use <code>String.prototype.concat(a, b, c)</code> or
- <code>htmlArray.push(a, b, c);</code>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Loops:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Avoid chains of identifiers in loop.
- Replace a long chain of identifiers with a variable.
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not traverse over elements to modify the style or add an event
- callback to each element.
- <div>
- <p>
- For Styles, replace a loop that applies styles to descendants by
- adding a class token to the nearest common ancestor (<a
- href="descendant-sel.html">example</a>).
- </p>
- <ol>
- <li>
- Add a style rule to the stylesheet with selector text
- <code>.special-state .special-descendant-class</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- In the HTML, for each element to be to dynamically updated, add
- the class attribute <code>"special-descendant-class"</code>.
- </li>
- <li>
- In the script, add the class "special-state" to the ancestor
- and.
- The style rule defined in the stylesheet will be applied to
- the descendants with <code>"special-descendant-class"</code>.
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>
- For events, use event delegation. That is, replace a loop that adds a
- callback to each element in a collection with a callback on a common ancestor.
- </p>
- </div>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Statements:
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>
- Do not use <code>==</code> where strict equality is required.
- Where strict equality is required, the strict equality operator <code>===</code> must be used.
- The strict equality operator should always be used to compare objects.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Do not use Boolean conversion of value that may be acceptably falsish,
- e.g. <code>if(e.pageX)</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Instead check the property using <code>typeof</code>. For example:
- <code>if(typeof e.pageX == "number")</code>.
- </p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>
- Do not use useless statements (e.g. <code>typeof it == "array"</code>). In addition to
- contributing to code size and runtime performance, useless statements make the
- code harder to understand.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="regex">
- Regular Expressions
- <ul>
- <li>
- Be simple, but do not match the wrong thing.
- A complex regular expression is harder to understand than a simple one.
- <p>
- The context of a Regular Expression is as important as what it can match.
- A complex regular expression is harder to understand than a simple one.
- Simple regular expressions are preferred. It is sometimes acceptable for the
- expression to match the wrong thing, just so long as the context in which it
- is used precludes or handles that.
- </p>
- <pre>
-// Wrong: Matches 137, 138...
-ARROW_KEY_EXP : /37|38|39|40/;
-// Right: matches only arrow keys.
-ARROW_KEY_EXP : /^(?:37|38|39|40)$/;
-// Simple: Can match the wrong thing, but that can be handled.
-var iso8601Exp = /^\s*([\d]{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/;
- <p>
- Trying to match leap years would be excessively complex.
- Instead, the date validation can be addressed where the expression is used.
- </p>
- <p>
- As with functions, test not only that it succeeds correctly,
- but also that it fails correctly.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="formatting">
- Formatting:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Code should not be formatted with tabs.
- Space indentation should be used consistently.
- </li>
- <li>
- Code should be formatted to a maximal line length. For newsgroup code,
- it should not exceed 72 chars.
- </li>
- <li id="asi">Semicolons:
- <h4>Semicolons, Newlines, and ASI (Automatic Semicolon Insertion)</h4>
- <p>
- Avoid mistakes caused by <dfn title="Automatic Semicolon Insertion">ASI</dfn>.
- </p>
- <p>
- In ECMAScript, line terminators affect how a program is interpreted. This is a design
- mistake of the language of which the details are complicated. The following guidelines
- can help avoid ASI problems with both <dfn>restricted productions</dfn> and productions that
- are not restricted.
- </p>
- <h5>Line Terminators: Restricted Productions</h5>
- <p>
- <dfn>Restricted productions</dfn> include only the postfix operators and the control
- statements <code>return</code>, <code>throw</code>, <code>continue</code>, and
- <code>break</code>. ASI affects a <dfn>restricted productions</dfn>
- when a line terminator is introduced. The following guidelines help avoid that mistake:
- </p>
- <h5>ASI Guidelines for <dfn>restricted productions</dfn>:</h5>
- <ul>
- <li>
- A postfix <code>++</code> or <code>--</code> operator must appear
- on the same line as its operand.
- </li>
- <li>An Expression in a <code>return</code> or <code>throw</code> statement must
- start on the same line as the <code>return</code> or <code>throw</code> token.
- </li>
- <li>
- An Identifier in a <code>break</code> or <code>continue</code> statement
- must be on the same line as the <code>break</code> or <code>continue</code> token.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h5>Guidelines for Semicolons in Source Code:</h5>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p>
- Don't rely on ASI. Use semicolons explicitly.
- </p>
- <p>
- A program that uses semicolons explicitly is less
- susceptible to different interpretation caused by
- changes in line terminators and expressions.
- </p>
- <p>
- For more details, please see: <a href="asi.html"
- >Automatic Semicolon Insertion : Unrestricted Productions</a>
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h5>Extraneous Semicolons and The Empty Statement, ;</h5>
- <p>
- While it is important use semicolons explicitly, where required,
- there are cases where a semicolon should not be added.
- </p>
- <p>
- The <dfn>Statement</dfn>s that do not end in semicolon all end in close
- curly braces instead. They are :
- </p>
- { ... }
- switch ( ... ) { ... }
- try ... catch ( ... ) { ... }
- try ... finally { ... }
- <p>
- Something that isn't a statement but looks like one:
- </p>
-Function Declaration:
- function x{ ... }
- <p>
- A semicolon that immediately follows a FunctionDeclaration
- is interpreted as an <dfn>EmptyStatement</dfn>. Useless
- statements should be avoided.
- </p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="dom">
- DOM:
- <ul>
- <li id="unrelatedInference">
- Do not use poor or unrelated inferences such as <a href="../detect-browser/">browser detection</a>
- (see also <a href="../../#detectBrowser">FAQ: How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?</a>).
- <pre>// Unrelated inference:
-if(typeof window.innerHeight == "number") // it isn't IE
-// Good inference:
-if(typeof window.innerHeight == "number") // innerHeight available.
-// Unrelated inference based on proprietary XUL feature (Borrowed from MooTools).
-// See also: Bug 340571 - getBoxObjectFor leaking-onto-the-Web disaster
-gecko: function(){
- return (document.getBoxObjectFor == undefined) ? false : ((document.getElementsByClassName) ? 19 : 18);
- </li>
- <li>
- Use standards W3C DOM approach preferentially and proprietary DOMs as a fallback.
- </li>
- <li>
- If an approach requires several branches for handling browser variance,
- look for a different approach that works in all tested browsers.
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not traverse the DOM on page load; do not traverse the DOM
- using user-defined css query selector.
- </li>
- <li>
- Instead of traversing the DOM, use Event delegation.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li id="hostObjects">
- Host Objects:
- <ul>
- <li>Operators:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Do not use <code>delete</code> operator with host object This will cause errors in IE, and others:
- <pre>delete window.location; //Security error" code: "1000"</pre>
- </li>
- <li>
- Do not add any expando properties (<code>unselectable</code> is safe).
- See also: <a href=""
- >msdn expando</a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Host objects that error upon <code>[[Get]]</code> access are often
- <code>ActiveX</code> objects. These include, but are not limited to:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Disconnected nodes whose <code>parentNode</code> is not an element (<code>node.offsetParent</code>).
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>XMLHttpRequest</code> methods (<code>open</code>, <code>send</code>, etc).
- </li>
- <li>
- filters: <code>elem.filters.alpha</code>, <code></code>, etc.
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>document.styleSheets[99999] </code>- Error from <code>[[Get]]</code> for a
- nonexistent numeric property of a <code>styleSheets</code> collection.
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>link.href</code> for <code>nntp:</code> links in IE.
- </li>
- <li>
- <code>NodeList</code> in Safari 2 - do not attempt access a
- nonexistent property
- (e.g. <code>document.childNodes.slice</code>).
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Type conversion
- <dl>
- <dt><code>[[ToString]]</code></dt>
- <dd>Perform string conversion by starting concatenation with a string value.
- See <a href=""
- >Newsgroup message explanation</a>.
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>
- Comments:
- <ul>
- <li>
- Avoid too many comments; let the code speak for itself.
- </li>
- <li>
- Avoid comments that are likely to become obsolete or are redundant.
- </li>
- <li>
- Explain <em>why</em>, not <em>what</em>.
- Comments should help explain things that are not obvious.
- </li>
- <li>
- Comments should never contain inaccurate statements or terminology,
- should never be misleading, and should be well-written.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
Property changes:
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/notes/code-guidelines/descendant-sel.html
--- trunk/cljs/notes/code-guidelines/descendant-sel.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/notes/code-guidelines/descendant-sel.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
-<link rel="Index" href="../">
-<title>Toggle Class To Trigger Descendant Selector Rules</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-/* Make table pretty */
-table {
- border: 1px solid #8893af;
- background: #dfe3ff;
- width: 33em;
- font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
- margin: 12px;
-tr {
- background: #eef6ff;
-td {
- padding: 4px;
-/* The descendant selector trick */
-.even .odd-row, .odd tr {
- display: none;
-.odd .odd-row {
- display: block;
- display: table-row;
-.odd-row {
- background: #fdfeff;
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function showEven() {
- var testTable = document.getElementById("testTable");
- testTable.className = "even";
-function showOdd() {
- var testTable = document.getElementById("testTable");
- testTable.className = "odd";
-function showAll() {
- var testTable = document.getElementById("testTable");
- testTable.className = "";
-<h1>Toggle Class To Trigger Descendant Selector Rules</h1>
- By toggling a class name on the table, the descendant selector is applied and certain rows are shown
- and hidden.
- <button onclick="showEven()">showEven()</button>
- <button onclick="showOdd()">showOdd()</button>
- <button onclick="showAll()">showAll()</button>
-<table id="testTable">
- <tr>
- <td>even row, even row, even row, even row, even row, even row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="odd-row">
- <td>odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>even row, even row, even row, even row, even row, even row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="odd-row">
- <td>odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>even row, even row, even row, even row, even row, even row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="odd-row">
- <td>odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>even row, even row, even row, even row, even row, even row</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="odd-row">
- <td>odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row, odd row</td>
- </tr>
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@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
-<link rel="schema.DC" href="">
-<meta name="DC.title" lang="en" content="Automatic Semicolon Insertion - Unrestricted Productions">
-<meta name="" scheme="W3CDTF" content="2010-05-29">
-<meta name="DC.source" content="">
-<meta name="DC.publisher" content="Garrett Smith">
-<meta name="DC.Publisher.Address" content="dhtmlkitchen&#64;&#103;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">
-<meta name="DCTERMS.audience" content="Programmers, web developers">
-<meta name="DC.description" content="How Automatic Semicolon Insertion affects an ECMAScript program.">
-<meta name="DC.source" content="">
-<meta name="DCTERMS.language" scheme="RFC1766" content="en">
-<link rel="DCTERMS.isReferencedBy" href="./#asi" >
-<meta name="DC.source" content="news:comp.lang.javascript">
-<link href="../../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="../notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<title>Automatic Semicolon Insertion - Unrestricted Productions</title>
-<h1>Automatic Semicolon Insertion</h1>
- Article by Garrett Smith
- This document is an addendum to <a href="./#asi"
- >Code Guidelines for Rich Internet Application Development</a>.
-<h2>Unrestricted Productions</h2>
- Productions that are not <dfn>restricted</dfn> can be created accidentally where
- <abbr title="automatic semicolon insertion">ASI</abbr> has been used. This is often
- the result of where the developer forgot to use a
- semicolon. Regardless, the problems it creates can occur when the order of <dfn>Statements</dfn>
- changes or when line terminators are added or removed, including those that appear in comments.
- Where semicolons are needed, it is recommended that they appear explicitly.
- <li>
- <dfn>Arguments</dfn> and property access operations can be created accidentally when the
- program relies on <abbr title="automatic semicolon insertion">ASI</abbr>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Line terminators in comments affect <abbr title="automatic semicolon insertion">ASI</abbr> but behavior in implementations,
- notably JScript, vary.
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h3>Grouping Operator or Arguments?</h3>
- <p>
- The parentheses following an <dfn>Expression</dfn>
- interpreted as <dfn>Arguments</dfn>, implicating the <dfn>Expression</dfn> in
- a <dfn>CallExpression</dfn>:
- </p>
-<pre>var MyWidget = function(){
- = "mike";
- * Initialize Widget
- */
-(function() {
- /*...*/
- <p>
- The <dfn>FunctionExpression</dfn> that appears on the right hand side of the assignment
- to the identifier <code>MyWidget</code> would be called because the parentheses,
- which were intended to be a <dfn>Grouping Operator</dfn>, are interpreted as <dfn>Arguments</dfn>
- in a <dfn>CallExpression</dfn>, resulting in <code>MyWidget</code> having the value
- <code>undefined</code> and <code></code> getting the value <code>"mike"</code>.
- </p>
- <p>
- This can be explained by the fact that a program is scanned from left to right,
- repeatedly taking the longest possible sequence of characters as the next input element.
- Since a <dfn>CallExpression</dfn> is not a <dfn>restricted production</dfn>, the program
- would be interpreted as:
- </p>
- <pre>
-var MyWidget = function(){
- = "mike";
-}(function() {});
-<h3>ArrayLiteral or Property Accessor?</h3>
-An <dfn>ArrayLiteral</dfn> can be interpreted as property accessor after the
-removal of a <dfn>restricted production</dfn>. In this case, <dfn>Expression</dfn> <code>g--</code>.
-var g = 12
-The program is interpreted as:
-var g = 12<kbd>;</kbd>
-When the postfix operator is removed, a <dfn>SyntaxError</dfn> results. Given the input:
-var g = 12
-<p>The program is interpreted as:-</p>
-var g = 12;
-- and that program is not valid syntax so it results in a <dfn>SyntaxError</dfn>.
-<h3>Line Terminators in Comments</h3>
- A LineTerminator in any <dfn>MultilineComment</dfn> affects
- <abbr title="automatic semicolon insertion">ASI</abbr>. From ECMAScript Edition 5 specification, 5.1.2:
- A <dfn>MultiLineComment</dfn> (that is, a comment of the form /*...*/
- regardless of whether it spans more than one line) is likewise simply
- discarded if it contains no line terminator; but if a <dfn>MultiLineComment</dfn>
- contains one or more line terminators, then it is replaced by a single
- line terminator, which becomes part of the stream of input elements
- for the syntactic grammar.
- Not all implementations follow rules of whitespace in MultiLineComment. JScript is one
- such implementation that does not process a <dfn>MultiLineComment</dfn> that contains
- a <dfn>LineTerminator</dfn> as a <dfn>LineTerminator</dfn>.
- A program that uses semicolons explicitly avoids such problems and is less
- susceptible to behavior changes (including script errors) caused by inadvertent changes in
- line terminators and expressions, including those introduced
- by build tools (e.g. minficication).
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- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<title>Code Review Guidelines - comp.lang.javascript</title>
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-<h1>Code Review Guidelines</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
- Article by Garrett Smith
-Peer code review is where software developers review each others'
-development code.
-The number one benefit to code reviews is code quality. Code reviews make the code
-better. Here are some other benefits:
- <li>
- Spreads understanding about the code being reviewed.
- </li>
- <li>
- Helps find bugs before they get to QA and avoids QA churn.
- </li>
- <li>
- Helps identify potential problems, bad practices, or maldesign.
- </li>
- <li>
- Preparation for review will require the code author to check his
- code against the <a href="../code-guidelines/">code guidelines</a> and
- clean it up (bugs fixed prior to review).
- </li>
- <li>
- Encourages collaboration.
- </li>
- <li>
- Keeps code cleaner and more maintainable.
- </li>
-<h2>How to perform the Review</h2>
-Take your time understand the problem and how it is addressed in the solution.
-Focus on a small piece at a time.
-A code review should be objective and should state actual problems.
-Saying "the code is bad" is not a helpful review. Instead, explain
-the problem clearly. If the problem is severe, then say why.
-<h2>Preparation of Reviewed Code</h2>
-This section is for the the reviewee (the person whose code is being reviewed).
-The reviewee should prepare for a code review by following the
-the <a href="../code-guidelines/">code guidelines</a>.
-<h3>Posting Code for Review and Code Reviews</h3>
-When posting code to the newsgroup, it is important to make sure
-to transmit it such that it can be easily read and understood.
- <li>Format the code to 72 char width. </li>
- <li>Replace any spaces in the source code with tabs.</li>
- <li>Post small sections at a time.
- <p>By focusing carefully on small
- sections, the code review can find more bugs. The reviewer may want to
- spend an hour reviewing the code, then come back to re-review his notes
- and comments for another hour.
- </p>
- </li>
-The reveiwee may challenge a criticism and, if the challenge cannot be
-rebutted, the criticism shall be withdrawn.
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- "">
-<html lang="en">
-<head><title>Referencing Forms and Form Controls</title>
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-<h1 id="faHead">Referencing Forms and Form Controls</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
- <li><a href="#faInt">Introduction</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#faInF">Forms</a></li>
- <li><a href="#faInC">Form Controls</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#faShrt">Shortcut Accessors</a></li>
- <li><a href="#faComMis">The Most Common Mistake</a></li>
- <li><a href="#faAnon">Anonymous Form References</a></li>
- <li><a href="#faBut">Radio Button and Other Control Collections</a></li>
- <li><a href="#faEff">Efficient use of Form Accessors</a></li>
-<h2 id="faInt">Introduction</h2>
-<h3 id="faInF">Forms</h3>
-<p id="faInF_1">
-When the W3C defined the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM specification much of what they included
-represented a formalisation of existing browser behaviour. In particular they
-defined &quot;convenience&quot; properties on the <code>HTMLDocument</code>
-interface that reproduce document level collections common in preceding
-browsers. Of specific interest here is the <code>document.forms</code>
-collection, which makes all of the <code>FORM</code> elements on a page
-available as (zero based) indexed members of the collection. Allowing,
-for example, the second <code>FORM</code> element on a page to be
-referenced as:-
-<pre id="faInF_ex1">
-var formElement = document.forms[1];
-<p id="faInF_2">
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> (but not necessarily XHTML) <code>FORM</code> elements are allowed
-<code>NAME</code> attributes and the <code>document.forms</code> collection
-also makes <code>FORM</code> elements with <code>NAME</code> attributes
-available as named members, under a property name that corresponds with
-value of the <code>NAME</code> attribute. So given a form with the
-attribute <code>name=&quot;myForm&quot;</code> the form can be referenced
-<pre id="faInF_ex2">
-var formElement = document.forms.myForm;
-<span class="commentJS">/* - or - */</span>
-var formElement = document.forms[&quot;myForm&quot;];
-<span class="commentJS">/* The latter, bracket notation, does not impose the same restrictions
- on the character sequence used for the name as is imposed by the
- preceding dot notation, which is restricted to only using character
- sequences that would fulfill the ECMAScript definition of an
- identifier.
- Bracket notation is often preferred when accessing form elements as
- it helps to document itself by making it clear in the source code
- which property names originate in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> rather than the DOM.
-<p id="faInF_3">
-The <code>document.forms</code> collection had exhibited this behaviour
-in all of the preceding browsers that implemented it (which included
-all the browsers that understood what a form was) and as a result
-represents the most cross-browser method of accessing <code>FORM</code>
-elements. It is both W3C <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM standard compliant and
-back-compatible with pre-existing browsers.
-<p id="faInF_4">
-The W3C went on to require <code>FORM</code> elements with
-<code>ID</code> attributes to also be made available as named properties
-of the <code>document.forms</code> collection. That represented a
-formalisation of behaviour already exhibited in IE 4 but not by
-Netscape 4 (and earlier). Referencing <code>ID</code>ed <code>FORM</code>
-elements as named properties of the <code>document.forms</code> collection
-should work reliably in all W3C <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM compliant browsers but some
-back-compatibility will be sacrificed if <code>ID</code>s are used instead
-of <code>NAME</code>s (though not nearly as much as would be lost if
-<code>ID</code>ed form elements were referenced using the
-<code>document.getElementById</code> method).
-<p id="faInF_5">
-When writing <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> that conforms to a DTD that allows <code>FORM</code>
-elements to have <code>NAME</code> attributes it is possible to also give
-the <code>FORM</code> element an <code>ID</code> attribute that corresponds
-with its <code>NAME</code> attribute (so long as the <code>ID</code> is
-unique on the page). The form will appear as a member of the
-<code>document.forms</code> collection under a property name that
-corresponds with the value of the <code>NAME</code> and <code>ID</code>
-attributes (as they are identical).
-<h3 id="faInC">Form Controls</h3>
-<p id="faInC_1">
-Traditionally browsers that implemented the <code>document.forms</code>
-collection also made the controls within a form available as a
-collection accessible as a property of the <code>FORM</code> element
-under the name <code>elements</code>. The W3C <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM also formalised
-this collection in the <code>HTMLFormElement</code> interface.
-Controls within a form can be referenced as integer indexed members of
-that collection:-
-<pre id="faInC_ex1">
-var formElement = document.forms[&quot;myForm&quot;];
-var controlElement = formElement.elements[2]; <span class="commentJS">//Third control in the form.</span>
-<p id="faInC_2">
-Controlls with <code>NAME</code> attributes are again made available as
-named properties of the collection. So a control with
-<code>name=&quot;myControl&quot;</code> can be referenced as:-
-<pre id="faInC_ex2">
-var controlElement = formElement.elements[&quot;myControl&quot;];
-<p id="faInC_3">
-Again the W3C also specified that controls with <code>ID</code>
-attributes should be made available as named members of the
-elements collection under their <code>ID</code>s (with the same
-implications for back-compatibility with really ancient browsers).
-All official (x)<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DTDs allow form controls to have
-<code>NAME</code> attributes because without a <code>NAME</code>
-attribute the value of the control cannot be sent as a
-name/value pair when the form is submitted.
-<h2 id="faShrt">Shortcut Accessors</h2>
-<p id="faShrt_1">
-In addition to making named <code>FORM</code> elements available
-as named properties of the <code>document.forms</code> collection
-web browsers also make them available as named properties of the
-<code>document</code> object. So:-
-<pre id="faShrt_ex1">
-var formElement = document.myForm;
-<p id="faShrt_2">
--will reference the same FORM element as:-
-<pre id="faShrt_ex2">
-var formElement = document.forms.myForm;
-<p id="faShrt_3">
-And the same is true using bracket notation:-
-<pre id="faShrt_ex3">
-var formElement = document[&quot;myForm&quot;];
-<span class="commentJS">/* instead of:- */ </span>
-var formElement = document.forms[&quot;myForm&quot;];
-<p id="faShrt_4">
-The W3C did not include this shortcut in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM specifications
-so code that uses it cannot be described as standards compliant and,
-while nobody has been able to name an <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> browser where the shortcut
-accessors do not work when referencing named <code>FORM</code>
-elements, it would still be possible for a future standards compliant
-browser not to support the shortcut accessors.
-<p id="faShrt_5">
-<code>FORM</code> elements that only have <code>ID</code> attributes
-cannot be accessed as properties of the <code>document</code> object
-under a property name that corresponds with their <code>ID</code>
-attributes. While by W3C <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOM specification (but not necessarily
-on older browsers) <code>ID</code>ed forms are made available as named
-properties of the <code>document.forms</code> collections under a
-property name that corresponds with the <code>ID</code>.
-<p id="faShrt_6">
-Form controls can be referenced as named properties of the
-<code>FORM</code> element that contains them with a shortcut accessor:-
-<pre id="faShrt_ex4">
-var formControl = formElement.myControl;
-<span class="commentJS">/* instead of :- */</span>
-var formControl = fromElement.elements.myControl;
-<p id="faShrt_7">
-But in the case of form controls, elements with <code>ID</code>
-attributes may be available as properties of the <code>FORM</code>
-element under a property name that corresponds with their
-<code>ID</code> (at least on more recent browsers).
-<p id="faShrt_8">
-The main argument in favour of using shortcut accessors (apart from the
-reduced amount of typing) is that they are resolved fractionally quicker
-than accessors that employ the <code>forms</code> and
-<code>elements</code> collections. That follows from the fact that fewer
-object references need to be resolved before the reference to the element
-of interest is returned.
-<p id="faShrt_9">
-While arguments against the shortcut accessors point out that named image,
-embed and other elements are also made available as named properties of
-the <code>document</code> object, making it ambiguous when reading the
-source code whether the shortcut accessor is referring to a form or some
-other named property of the <code>document</code> object. When a
-<code>FORM</code> element is referenced as a member of the
-<code>document.forms</code> collection, or a control as a member of the
-<code>elements</code> collection, there can be no doubt while reading
-the source code as to the type of element that is the subject of the
-<h2 id="faComMis">The Most Common Mistake</h2>
-<p id="faComMis_1">
-The most common mistake made when defining the form <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> that a script
-will interact with follows from the existence of the shortcut accessors
-for form controls. It is to give the control a <code>NAME</code> (or
-possibly <code>ID</code>) that corresponds with an existing property of
-<code>FORM</code> elements. And the most common example of that is an
-<code>INPUT</code> element of <code>type=&quot;submit&quot;</code> with
-the <code>NAME</code> &quot;submit&quot;. Because the named controls are
-made available as named properties of the <code>FORM</code> element this
-<code>INPUT</code> element is made available under the property name
-<code>&quot;submit&quot;</code>. Unfortunately <code>FORM</code> elements
-already have a property with the name <code>&quot;submit&quot;</code>, it
-is the <code>submit</code> method that can be used to submit the form
-with a script. The misguided choice of name for the <code>INPUT</code>
-element effectively renders the form's <code>submit</code> method
-unscriptable. And the same is true for all controls with names that
-correspond any with existing <code>FORM</code> element properties.
-<p id="faComMis_2">
-Because ECMAScript is case sensitive it may only be necessary to
-capitalise the name of the <code>INPUT</code> element to avoid the
-conflict. However, it would probably be safest to adopt a naming
-convention for form controls that ensured that they do not
-correspond with existing properties of the <code>FORM</code> elements
-regardless of case. Especially as theW3C <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> specification implies
-that referring to named properties of collections can be case
-insensitive in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOMs. In reality I don't know of any
-implementations in which it is but it would be better to err on the side
-of caution.
-<p id="faComMis_3">
-Another naming conflict that should be avoided would arise if named form
-controls had names that correspond with the string representations of
-integers, such as <code>name=&quot;1&quot;</code> as they will almost
-certainly result in inconsistent results (across browsers) when being
-referenced because the controls are already available by integer index
-and it would become unclear which control was being referenced by
-accessors such as <code>formElement.elements[1]</code> or
-<code>formElement.elements[&quot;1&quot;]</code> (by the ECMAScript
-specification the preceding two property accessors are equivalent).
-Unless the control with the name <code>&quot;1&quot;</code> also
-happened to be the control with the index 1. This problem would also
-apply to <code>FORM</code> elements within the <code>document.forms</code>
-<p id="faComMis_4">
-Generally it is best to only give form controls names that cannot
-conflict with existing properties of <code>FORM</code> elements
-and <code>FORM</code> elements names that cannot conflict with
-existing properties of the <code>document.forms</code> collection
-or the <code>document</code> object.
-<h2 id="faAnon">Anonymous Form References</h2>
-<p id="faAnon_1">
-Because <code>FORM</code> elements are available as integer indexed
-member of the <code>document.forms</code> collection it is not
-necessary to know the name of a form (or for the form to have a
-name) to acquire a reference to it. While being able to refer to a
-form anonymously with its index might seem like a good approach
-towards making more general/flexible functions for form validation
-and the like, in practice referring to forms by their index actually
-makes code less flexible and harder to maintain. As soon as the
-number or layout of forms on a page is changed their indexes also
-change, requiring that all of the references by index be located
-and altered.
-<p id="faAnon_2">
-One method of avoiding having to know the name of a <code>FORM</code>
-element within a function that is to act upon a form is to pass a
-reference to the form object as an argument in the function call.
-This is easiest achieved from the code provided as the value for
-an event handling attribute because that code is used by the browser
-to create an event handling function that is assigned as a method of
-the element to which it is attached. And in any function executed as
-a method of an object the <code>this</code> keyword is a reference to
-the object with which the execution of the method is associated. The
-most common need to anonymously pass a reference to a <code>FORM</code>
-element is as an argument to a form validation function in the
-onsubmit handler of the form. In that case the event handling function
-is a method of the <code>FORM</code> element so the <code>this</code>
-keyword refers to the form directly:-
-<pre id="faAnon_ex1">
-function validateForm(formRef){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Use the reference to the form passed as the formal
- parameter - formRef - to acquire a reference to the form
- control with the name &quot;textField&quot;:
- */</span>
- var el = formRef &amp;&amp; formRef.elements[&quot;textField&quot;];
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the control reference exists return its value property
- converted to a boolean value (false if empty, true otherwise)
- else return true so the form is submitted and the server can
- do the validation:
- */</span>
- return !el || Boolean(el.value);
-&lt;form action=&quot;;
- onsubmit=&quot;return validateForm(this);&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;textField&quot; value=&quot;&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; name=&quot;Submit_Button&quot; value=&quot;Submit&quot;&gt;
-<p id="faAnon_3">
-Because the above function receives the reference to the form that it
-is to validate as an argument when it is called it can also be used
-with any number of other forms. Although in the case of the above
-function each of those forms would need to contain a field called
-<code>&quot;textField&quot;</code>, but that string name could also be
-passed as an argument, making the function more general.
-<p id="faAnon_4">
-Form control objects all have a property named
-<code>&quot;form&quot;</code> that holds a reference to the
-<code>FORM</code> element that contains them. As a result the event
-handling functions attached to form controls can pass an anonymous
-reference to the form that contains them as <code>this.form</code>.
-Obviously a function called from an event handler on a control can
-be passes an anonymous reference to the control itself as
-<h2 id="faBut">Radio Button and Other Control Collections</h2>
-<p id="faBut_1">
-Radio button controls work to provide a selection of one item of many
-when each of the radio button alternatives has the same
-<code>NAME</code> attribute. But it is also possible to give other types
-of control the same <code>NAME</code> attribute.
-<p id="faBut_2">
-When controls that share the same <code>NAME</code> attribute they can
-still be accessed as integer indexed members of the <code>FORM</code>
-element's <code>elements</code> collection but when the member of the
-<code>elements</code> collection is accessed using the <code>NAME</code>
-attribute value as a property name browsers return a collection all of
-the elements with the corresponding NAME attributes. So given the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>:-
-<pre id="faBut_ex1">
-&lt;form name=&quot;testForm&quot; action=&quot;;&gt;
- &lt;ul style=&quot;list-style-type:none;&quot;&gt;
- &lt;li&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;radioSet&quot; value=&quot;R1&quot;&gt;option 1&lt;/li&gt;
- &lt;li&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;radioSet&quot; value=&quot;R2&quot;&gt;option 2&lt;/li&gt;
- &lt;li&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;radioSet&quot; value=&quot;R3&quot;&gt;option 3&lt;/li&gt;
- &lt;li&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;radio&quot; name=&quot;radioSet&quot; value=&quot;R4&quot;&gt;option 4&lt;/li&gt;
- &lt;/ul&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot name=&quot;Submit_Button&quot; value=&quot;Send&quot;&gt;
-<p id="faBut_3">
-A property accessor referring to the member of the <code>FORM</code>'s
-<code>elements</code> collection by the property name
-<code>&quot;radioSet&quot;</code> will not return a reference to any one
-of the named radio buttons but instead returns a collection of all of the
-like-named radio controls.
-<p id="faBut_4">
-The individual radio buttons within that collection are referred to as
-integer indexed members of that collection. So to find the button that
-is checked one might loop through all of the members of the collection
-of like-named radio buttons and copy a reference to the button with its
-<code>checked</code> property set to boolean <code>true</code>.
-<pre id="faBut_ex2">
-var radioCollection, checkedButton;
-var frm = document.forms[&quot;testForm&quot;];
- radioCollection = frm.elements[&quot;radioSet&quot;];
- if(radioCollection){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The collection of like-named radio buttons has a length
- property and that is used to limit a for loop:-
- */</span>
- for(var c = 0;c &lt; radioCollection.length;c++){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The individual radio buttons are accessed as indexed
- members of the collection using the loop counter - c
- - from the for loop:
- */</span>
- if(radioCollection[c].checked){
- <span class="commentJS">/* When a radio button element is found with its
- checked property set to boolean true a reference
- to that element is assigned to the local variable
- - checkedButton - and the loop is terminated with
- the - break - statement as only one button in a set
- of like-named radio buttons will be checked at a
- time, so any remaining buttons in the collection
- must have checked properties set to false:
- */</span>
- checkedButton = radioCollection[c];
- break;
- }
- }
- if(checkedButton){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Do something with the reference to the checked radio
- button (if any).
- */</span>
- ...
- }
- }
-<p id="faBut_5">
-It is not unusual when a form is generated by a server-side script that
-some forms may have one or more like-named controls. If there is only
-one control inserted in the form then accessing a member of the
-<code>elements</code> collection with its name will return a reference
-to that one control, but if there are multiple elements the returned
-reference will be to a collection of such controls. While it may be
-possible to branch client-side code that wants to interact with those
-controls to handle the two alternatives it adds an unnecessary
-maintenance burden to do so.
-<p id="faBut_6">
-As handling a returned collection usually involves looping through that
-collection the simplest way of implementing the client-side code to
-deal with both collections and individual controls being returned by
-named properties of the <code>elements</code> collection is to
-normalise the references to individual controls so that they can be
-handled as if they were a collection. Looping through a collection
-involves using the <code>length</code> property of the collection to
-limit the loop statement and accessing the controls within the
-collection by integer index. This is exactly the way in which code
-would loop through the elements of an <code>Array</code>. To allow a
-script to handle both possibilities with the same code the return of
-a reference to an individual control could be detected and then that
-reference used to create a one-element <code>Array</code>. Subsequent
-code would then treat the <code>Array</code> as if it was a collection and
-loop through it, but as there is only one element the loop body would
-only be executed once.
-<pre id="faBut_ex3">
-var radioCollection, checkedButton;
-var frm = document.forms[&quot;testForm&quot;];
- radioCollection = frm.elements[&quot;radioSet&quot;];
- if(radioCollection){
- <span class="commentJS">/* But the returned reference might not be a collection in this
- case. Instead it may be a reference to just one control if
- there is only one in this form with the name &quot;radioSet&quot;.
- If it is a reference to an individual control it is going to
- be necessary to normalise it. Because radio button controls
- do not have - length - properties and collections do that is
- the property that is going to be tested:
- */</span>
- if(typeof radioCollection.length != &quot;number&quot;){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The length property is not a number so this cannot be a
- collection and must be normalised so that the following
- loop statement can handle it correctly. Normalisation is
- done by making a reference to the control currently
- referred to by the - radioCollection - local variable
- into the first (and only) element of a new Array object
- and then assigning a reference to that array to the -
- radioCollection - local variable:
- */</span>
- radioCollection = [radioCollection];
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* The execution of the body of the - for - loop is limited by
- the - length - property of the collection/Array.
- */</span>
- for(var c = 0;c &lt; radioCollection.length;c++){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The individual radio buttons are accessed as indexed
- members of the collection/Array using the loop counter
- - c - from the for loop:
- */</span>
- if(radioCollection[c].cheked){
- checkedButton = radioCollection[c];
- break;
- }
- }
- if(checkedButton){
- <span class="commentJS">/* do something with the reference to the checked radio
- button (if any).
- */</span>
- ...
- }
- }
-<p id="faBut_7">
-While it is normal for radio button controls to be like-named it is
-also possible for all other controls to be included in a form with
-multiple controls of the same type and like names. The same
-referencing techniques can be used with any type of control (even
-mixed types with like-names, though that is almost never done). But
-deciding whether a reference needs to be normalised by making it into
-the only element of an <code>Array</code> by testing the
-<code>length</code> property of that reference to see if it doesn't
-exist will not work with <code>SELECT</code> elements as they have
-a <code>length</code> property of their own. It also would not help
-to be testing some other characteristic of a collection, such as their
-<code>item</code> method, as <code>SELECT</code> elements usually have
-all of the methods and properties of a collection as they are
-implemented as collections of <code>OPTION</code> elements.
-<p id="faBut_8">
-Turning the problem around and testing a returned reference to see if
-it has the characteristics of a <code>SELECT</code> element (such as
-an <code>options</code> property) would be better but some collection
-implementations have all of the properties and methods of the first
-element within that collection as well as the properties and methods
-of a collection (e.g. on IceBrowser 5). That means that it would not be
-easy to distinguish a collection of <code>SELECT</code> controls
-from an individual <code>SELECT</code> control. However, a more
-elaborate test might go:-
-<pre id="faBut_ex4">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Normalise a reference that may be an individual from control
- (including SELECT elements) or may be a collection of controls
- into a form that can be handled in a - for - loop controlled with
- its - length - property and accessed by integer index.
-if((typeof contrlCollection.length != &quot;number&quot;)|| <span class="commentJS">//no length propety:</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* or:- */</span>
- ((contrlCollection.options)&amp;&amp; <span class="commentJS">//it has an options colleciton and:</span>
- ((!contrlCollection[0])|| <span class="commentJS">//no object at index 0 - not a collection</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* or:- */</span>
- (contrlCollection[0] == contrlCollection.options[0])))){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The object at index 0 in contrlCollection is the same object
- as is at index 0 in contrlCollection.options so this must be
- an individual SELECT element not a collection of them because a
- collection of SELECT elements would not have an OPTION element
- at index zero.
- */</span>
- contrlCollection = [contrlCollection];
-<h2 id="faEff">Efficient use of Form Accessors</h2>
-<p id="faEff_1">
-Code that interacts with <code>FORM</code> elements and controls
-through the <code>document.forms</code> collection and the form's
-<code>elements</code> collection usually does not do enough work to
-make the efficiency of the code significant. But with large forms with
-many controls an inefficiently coded validation function (or some other
-interaction, like keeping running totals) can negatively impact on the
-user's experience. It can also be argued that considering the
-efficiency of implementation is a worthwhile habit even when it would
-make no perceivable difference.
-<p id="faEff_2">
-A significant aspect of the efficient coding of form interacting code
-is the re-resolving of references to various objects. This trivial
-example code copies the values of 5 <code>INPUT</code> elements to
-local variables:-
-<pre id="faEff_ex1">
-var txt1 = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field1&quot;].value;
-var txt2 = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field2&quot;].value;
-var txt3 = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field3&quot;].value;
-var txt4 = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field4&quot;].value;
-var txt5 = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field5&quot;].value;
-<p id="faEff_3">
-The shortcut accessors require the resolution of fewer object
-<pre id="faEff_ex2">
-var txt1 = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;field1&quot;].value;
-var txt2 = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;field2&quot;].value;
-var txt3 = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;field3&quot;].value;
-var txt4 = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;field4&quot;].value;
-var txt5 = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;field5&quot;].value;
-<p id="faEff_4">
-But their use still involves re-resolving the form object each time a
-form control is accessed. It would be unnecessary to re-resolve this
-reference if a reference to the form was assigned to a local variable:-
-<pre id="faEff_ex3">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Assign a reference to the form object to the local variable - frm -
- and then make subsequent control references relative to that local
- variable:
-var frm = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;];
-var txt1 = frm.elements[&quot;field1&quot;].value;
-var txt2 = frm.elements[&quot;field2&quot;].value;
-var txt3 = frm.elements[&quot;field3&quot;].value;
-var txt4 = frm.elements[&quot;field4&quot;].value;
-var txt5 = frm.elements[&quot;field5&quot;].value;
-<p id="faEff_5">
-The effect would be much the same as when a reference to the form
-object has been passed to a function and control references are
-accessed relative to the parameter holding the form reference.
-<p id="faEff_6">
-It is still not optimum to be re-resolving the <code>elements</code>
-collection, and it is practical to assign a reference to that object
-to a local variable instead of a reference to the form object:-
-<pre id="faEff_ex4">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Assign a reference to the form's elements collection to the local
- variable - frmEls - and then make subsequent control references
- relative to that local variable:
-var frmEls = document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements;
-var txt1 = frmEls[&quot;field1&quot;].value;
-var txt2 = frmEls[&quot;field2&quot;].value;
-var txt3 = frmEls[&quot;field3&quot;].value;
-var txt4 = frmEls[&quot;field4&quot;].value;
-var txt5 = frmEls[&quot;field5&quot;].value;
-<p id="faEff_7">
-With the original long form accessor the resolution starts with
-resolving the <code>&quot;document&quot;</code> identifier. The
-identifier is first looked for among the local variables of the
-function (as a named property of the internal
-&quot;Variable&quot; object, by ECMA specification),
-when it is not found the scope chain is searched, object by object
-down the chain, for a property with the corresponding name. When the
-scope resolution for <code>&quot;document&quot;</code> gets to the
-global object (at the end of the scope chain) it will find a property
-called <code>&quot;document&quot;</code>, a reference to the
-<code>document</code> object, and the first identifier in the accessor
-will have been resolved. The next identifier is
-<code>&quot;forms&quot;</code> and that is located as a property of the
-<code>document</code>. Then the <code>&quot;formName&quot;</code>
-property is identified in the <code>forms</code> collection. Next the
-<code>&quot;elements&quot;</code> property of the form is located,
-followed by the control name in that object and finally the
-<code>&quot;value&quot;</code> property of the control is returned.
-<p id="faEff_8">
-When a reference to the <code>elements</code> collection is assigned to
-a local variable the first identifier in the property accessor is
-identified as that local variable, the control name is identified as a
-property of the <code>elements</code> collection referenced and the
-<code>&quot;value&quot;</code> property of the control is returned.
-<p id="faEff_9">
-Obviously there is a big difference in the amount of work involved in
-acquiring the <code>value</code> of the control in each case. That
-difference will not be that significant if only a couple of values are
-accessed, but even with as few as half a dozen control property
-accesses the second approach will obviously be much more efficient,
-and with increasing numbers of controls the difference could easily
-become apparent to the user.
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/notes/posting/index.html
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+++ trunk/cljs/notes/posting/index.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,1209 +0,0 @@
-<html lang="en">
-<title>Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ</title>
-<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<link href="../../faq.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<link href="../notes.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW">
-<style type="text/css">
-.resourceList LI {
- margin-bottom: 0.8em;
-<h1>Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
- <li><a href="#ps1Intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Lang">Posting Language</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1OToc">On and Off Topic Posting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Txt">Plain-Text Only</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Post">Interleaved Posting, Bottom Posting and Not Top Posting.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ps1InBPost">Interleaved Posting, Bottom Posting</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1TopPs">Top Posting (don't)</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Trim">What to Trim</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Marg">Margins and Line Wrapping</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ps1Mar">Margins</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Lw">Line Wrapping</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1LwQu">Line Wrapping in Quoted Material</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#ps1Code">General Code Postings, and when to use a URL</a></li>
- <!-- <li><a href="#ps1Proof">Proof-read your message</a></li> -->
- <li><a href="#ps1Quest">Well Asked Questions Get the Best Answers</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#ps1QSub">Appropriate Use of the Subject Header</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1QRes">Doing Your Own Research</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1DontWork">&quot;It doesn't work&quot;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1CntX">Explain the Whole Context</a></li>
- <li><a href="#ps1PR">Proof-Read your Questions</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <!-- <li><a href="#ps1notHD">comp.lang.javascript is Not a Helpdesk</a></li> -->
- <li><a href="#ps1AddR">Additional Reading</a></li>
-<h2 id="ps1Intro">Introduction</h2>
-<h3>Social Behavior</h3>
-There may be several reasons for making posts to comp.lang.javascirpt
-but all valid reasons would be intended to elicit responses, preferably
-including responses form the many experienced and knowledgeable
-regular contributors to the group. The direction of communication is
-always one-to-many, which places the onus on the composer of a message
-to consider the many in their audience above any personal preferences.
-It is always in the best interest
-of someone posting to the group to recognise that the people whose
-responses will be of most value to them may have an attitude toward
-their behaviour on the group, and to try to ensure that it will not be
-a bad attitude.
-It is also always in the best interest of any poster to the group to do
-everything within their power to behave in a way that makes it quick
-and easy for the people they expect to answer their questions to read and follow
-their posts, understand their questions and problems and comprehend and
-test posted code. The people with the best answers are the most likely
-to be busy; too busy to be interested in unraveling a badly expressed
-problem from a mass of incomprehensibly formatted code amid a
-conversation that is hard to follow.
-<p id="ps1Into_3">
-Usenet has been around for a long time now and has developed various
-conventions of its own. Conventions that have evolved to make
-communicating in the medium as easy and efficient as possible. They
-are not necessarily adhered to on all groups but where they are
-recognised they are definitely preferred. And comp.lang.javascript is
-a group where most of the regulars recognise many Usenet conventions
-and so the FAQ outlines them. This document is intended to provide
-additional detail on the subject.
-<p id="ps1Into_4">
-Following those conventions and additionally posting with a
-consideration of the other points made on this page related more
-specifically to posting in comp.lang.javascript, will maximise the
-potential for any questions asked and posts made to elicit a useful
-response. At least in part because they make it quicker and easier for
-those interested in offering help to do so.
-<h2 id="ps1Lang">Posting Language</h2>
-<p id="ps1Lang_1">
-comp.lang.javascript is the international javascript group. There are
-language specific javascript groups that could be expected to be
-carried by news servers within the countries concerned. There is,
-however, no English language specific javascript group so
-comp.lang.javascript serves that audience. As a result the vast
-majority of the conversation within the group is in English, and
-anyone with a javascript interest but incapable of reading/writing any
-language but English would choose comp.lang.javascript to read and post
-in. But there are no rules that say that English is the only language
-that is to be used.
-<p id="ps1Lang_2">
-As an international group, comp.lang.javascript has contributors form
-around the world, many of whom speak/read/write English as a second or
-third (+) language. So a post made in any other language will stand a
-chance of falling within the linguistic capabilities of someone. But
-posts in English should be understandable to everyone, including those
-for whom English is their only language, and thus receive the most
-<p id="ps1Lang_3">
-Machine translation into English (and sometimes less skilled human
-translation) sometimes does not produce results that can be
-understood/followed by English speakers. When a bad translation into
-English is the only option it might be better for a poster to precede
-it with a version in their native language. (Faced with a post in a
-language that is not understood it is natural to scroll down to see
-if there is any accompanying javascript code that might explain the
-problem; a following English translation would be discovered along
-the way). A reader of the group who understands the language used
-may be able to contribute improvements to the English translation even
-if they cannot directly address the question raised.
-<p id="ps1Lang_4">
-However, even though the most common language used in postings to
-comp.lang.javascript is English, the fact that the group is
-international and that English should not be expected to be the first
-language of contributors to the group means that the English used
-should be formally correct (to the best of the posters ability).
-Normal English sentence structure should be observed, particularly in
-terms of capitalisation (which serves to aid reading for everyone). But
-above all, shorthand abbreviations should not be used, no matter how
-common they may be in English speaking cultures, as they would not
-normally be part of the teaching of English as a foreign language. This
-applies especially to text-message shorthand as they are very much a
-product of local culture and circumstances in a way that is not
-relevant to Usenet as a medium or appropriate to an international
-<p id="ps1Lang_5">
-In the context of an international forum it is also probably best to
-avoid references that may be ambiguous outside of a national context.
-Date formats are an obvious example, with the ISO 8601 <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> format
-being more appropriate than any preferred local form. Also, references
-to national bodies by acronym alone will not necessarily convey
-sufficient meaning to an international audience.
-<h2 id="ps1OToc">On and Off Topic Posting</h2>
-<p id="ps1OToc_1">
-ECMA 262 is the formal specification for ECMAScript, the
-standard adopted by javascript implementations and thus the
-specification for javascript.
-<h3>ECMAScript and Browsers</h3>
-<p id="ps1OToc_2">
-As comp.lang.javascript deals with ECMAScript and ECMAScript was
-designed as a general scripting language for scripting any object
-model, questions relating to any application of ECMAScript are
-appropriate. The group has a general bias towards the use of
-ECMAScript in web browsers in an Internet context, and questions
-asked without additional qualification will tend to be assumed to
-be related to that environment and context. As a result it is a
-very good idea for questions asked that are not related to that
-default context; Intranet, other hosts, OS automation, etc., to
-include details of that context.
-<h3 id="ps1OToc_3">Javascript (not Java)</h3>
-Because of the name &quot;JavaScript&quot; being applied to the
-language early in its existence there is often confusion between
-javascript and the Java programming language. The two are distinct
-and very different languages. Questions relating to Java programming,
-Java Applets, Java Server Pages (JSP), etc., would be better asked in* groups. Only the use of ECMAScript to interact with,
-say, Java Applets would be on topic, and then the questions should
-relate to the ECMAScript aspect of the problem.
-<h3 id="ps1OToc_4">Other Languages</h3>
-Questions relating exclusively to other scripting languages,
- mark-up languages ((x)<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>) and style sheets
-(<span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>, XSL) are off topic and should be addressed to more
-appropriate newsgroups.
-<h3 id="ps1OToc_5">The FAQ</h3>
-The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup may also validly become its own
-subject, particularly the content and maintenance of the FAQ resources.
-But as a subject that is most appropriately raised and discussed by
-the individuals who invest their time in the group rather than
-<h3 id="ps1OToc_6">Usenet Behavior (don't)</h3>
-Usenet, and particularly appropriate behaviour on and for Usenet, is
-also often raised. This is largely unwelcome but inevitable. Hopefully
-this document should contribute to a reduction in that noise by stating
-the group's attitude towards Usenet postings in greater detail than can
-be accommodated in the FAQ proper.
-<h3 id="ps1OToc_7">Spam (don't)</h3>
-Other things that are off topic for the group include obvious things
-like pyramid and get rich quick schemes, commercial advertising (with
-some rare exceptions mentioned below), job adverts, spurious
-invitations to visit web sites and anything else that might be
-reasonably regarded as spam.
-<p id="ps1OToc_8">
-Announcements of product releases and events of particular relevance
-to javascript are welcome but, for products no more often than once
-pre major release, and for events preferably only once and certainly
-not more often than at two month intervals leading up to the event.
-Be aware that product announcements (particularly commercial
-javascript) are likely to attract reviews, which should not be
-expected to be uncritical.
-<h2 id="ps1Txt">Plain-Text Only</h2>
-<p id="ps1Txt_1">
-Messages are posted in plain-text. There is no requirement for Usenet
-newsreader software to recognise, support or display any other
-content type, such as <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>, and it is felt that messages posted to
-comp.lang.javascript should be available to any and all newsreader
-software. Any form of attachments are also ruled out.
-<p id="ps1Txt_2">
-It has also been observed that while most of the world may be happy
-to use the newsreader bundled with their operating system, experts in
-various aspects of computing will often go out and acquire software
-that they believe superior for the task they have for it. Meaning that
-the people best equipped to offer help in the group are also the people
-least likely to be using the newsreader that you are familiar with.
-The expectation should be that others are using software that conforms
-to the applicable standards and not that they are using software with
-any particular set of additional or &quot;enhanced&quot; features, no
-matter how common they may seem. Plain-text posts will be readable by
-everyone, other content types may be subject to more comment on the
-inappropriateness of the content type than answers intended to address
-the question raised.
-<h2 id="ps1Post">Interleaved Posting, Bottom Posting and Not Top Posting</h2>
-<h3 id="ps1InBPost">Interleaved Posting, Bottom Posting</h3>
-<p id="ps1InBPost_1">
-The posting style in messages intended as responses to other messages
-is an area where a long established pattern of behaviour has been
-recognised as most appropriate for the medium and become an established
-<p id="ps1InBPost_2">
-Material quoted from the previous message is attributed to its author
-and indented with a marker character (usually &gt;). It is trimmed down
-to just sufficient to provide the context in which the response is made
-(marking the fact that an edit has been made with one of several
-common notations, such as: &lt;snip&gt;, [snip], [ ... ], etc.) and
-the responding text is placed <em>below</em> the quoted material
-to which it is responding, separated from it by a blank line.
-<p id="ps1InBPost_3">
-If the response addresses several points from the previous message
-then the parts of the quoted text providing the context for each
-point are separated by the responses to each point. Producing an
-interleaved post. If the quoted material is in one block then the
-response text goes after it at the bottom. Producing a bottom post.
-<p id="ps1InBPost_4">
-It is not possible to distinguish between bottom posting and an
-interleaved post that is only responding to one point in the previous
-message. Personally, I prefer interleaved responses but neither will
-result in an adverse reaction. The important points are that quoted
-material should be trimmed to the minimum that provides sufficient
-context and that responses should follow that quoted material.
-The conversation, and its chronological sequence, flows in the normal
-direction of reading; top to bottom.
-<p id="ps1InBPost_5">
-Failing to quote any of the preceding message is not necessarily
-wrong, so long as the text posted makes sense without the preceding
-message, for example, by summarising the points being responded to.
-But generally it is easier to provide the context for a response with
-a quoted snippet. But responses need to have a context.
-<h3 id="ps1TopPs">Top Posting (don't)</h3>
-<p id="ps1TopPs_1">
-Top posting is placing the response above the quoted material that is
-being responded to. The chronological sequence of conversation becomes
-the reverse of the normal top to bottom reading sequence and, without
-additional text summarising the points being responded to, it is
-difficult to determine exactly which points such a reply relates to.
-<p id="ps1TopPs_2">
-The worst possible style of response posting is top posting over a full
-verbatim quote of the previous message, but even placing a response
-above a trimmed quote is wrong. It renders the conversational aspects
-of a response backwards, requiring people to scroll up and down to
-reconstruct the context of the response and generally making it hard
-work to understand the message. The answers come before the questions
-and the comments precede their subjects.
-<p id="ps1TopPs_3">
-People do attempt to justify top posting. A common excuse made by top
-posters is that their newsreader places the cursor at the top of the
-message so that is the natural place to write the reply. That excuse
-is worthless as newsreader software does not dictate the style of
-posting and a cursor that starts at the top of a post does not have
-to stay there. Indeed it should not be expected to stay there, as the
-first responsibility of the respondent is to trim the quoted material
-down to just what is necessary to provide context for their response.
-A process that may reasonably be achieved by moving down through the
-quoted material deleting whatever is unneeded and marking those edits.
-And having done that the cursor will be at or near the bottom.
-<p id="ps1TopPs_4">
-The other common excuse for top posting is that avoids excessive
-scrolling in order to find the response. The need for excessive
-scrolling in an interleaved or bottom posted message is most likely
-an indicator that the quoted material has not been suitably, or
-sufficiently, trimmed. But a top posters apparent desire to avoid
-scrolling is of no value to the regular users of Usenet who are
-accustomed to interleaved/bottom posting. They may take the top
-post as a preamble and still scroll down to see if any specific
-points have been responded to, not discovering that hey have wasted
-their time until they get to the bottom. A very short top post,
-without a blank line separating it from the following attribution
-line, may easily be missed by someone expecting the quoted material
-to come first, meaning that they do not discover where to look until
-they have scrolled to the bottom, and then they need to back scroll
-to the top. The perception is wrong, top posting results in much more
-unnecessary scrolling than it avoids, and that misperception impacts on
-regular user of Usenet; the very people whose help and co-operation is
-being sought.
-<p id="ps1TopPs_5">
-<strong>Never top post to comp.lang.javascript</strong>. There is an
-established convention in posting styles on Usenet, and
-comp.lang.javascript. It is most efficient for everyone if newcomers
-follow that convention even if it seems strange to do so at first. In
-the long run it makes life easier for everyone, and the sooner that is
-recognised the less likelihood there is of being taken for a fool.
-<h2 id="ps1Trim">What to Trim</h2>
-<p id="ps1Trim_1">
-As a general guide, quoted material should almost never exceed the
-text posted in response. Exceptions might occur when both consist
-of exactly one line or sentence, or maybe a short code block that
-only needs a one line comment.
-<p id="ps1Trim_2">
-Deciding what to trim is a matter of judgment and takes a bit of
-practice to get right. There are few hard and fast rules and the best
-general advice has got to be to observe the behaviour of others
-positing to the group.
-<p id="ps1Trim_3">
-It is necessary to preserve the context in
-which a response is made but some things can be trimmed automatically:
-Signatures (if present); the section at the end of a post (and they
-should always, and only, be at the end, no matter where any individual
-newsreader may try to insert them) which starts with a separator
-consisting of &quot;dash dash space newline(aka return)&quot; on a
-line of its own, followed by material that is not directly
-related to the post but may be of more general interest or related
-to the individual who makes the post, should <strong>always</strong>
-be trimmed from quoted material. It is never normally relevant to a
-posted response, but even if a signature is being directly commented
-upon it is vital to remove the signature separator at least, and best
-to trim anything it contains that is not being commented upon.
-<p id="ps1Trim_4">
-In comp.lang.javascript there is rarely much point in quoting
-javascript code that is not being directly commented upon or
-corrected. The indenting character (and possible line wrapping)
-renders any quoted code syntactically invalid so anyone wanting
-to use the code will have to go back to the message in which it
-originally appeared anyway. That would certainly apply to a post
-wishing to thank someone who had provided a complete scripted
-demonstration for their efforts.
-<p id="ps1Trim_5">
-No matter what gets trimmed the material that stays should not be
-altered in terms of spelling, words used and their order, etc. A
-quote should be a quote not an interpretation.
-<h2 id="ps1Marg">Margins and Line Wrapping</h2>
-<h3 id="ps1Mar">Margins</h3>
-<p id="ps1Mar_1">
-A line in a plane text Usenet post could be quite long, and some
-newsreaders would automatically wrap that line to the window in
-which it was being displayed. Others would provide horizontal scroll
-bars (usually undesirable) and yet others may not be able to access
-characters beyond the 80<sup>th</sup> (unlikely these days). There
-are no rules for handling excessively long lines but Usenet is old
-and has lived through the time when 80 character wide displays were
-commonplace. Along the way it became the convention that Usenet posts
-should have lines no longer than between 70 and 80 characters. And
-that avoids the need for any specified requirement in the handling of
-long lines by newsreader software. Lines in that range are unlikely to
-need to be wrapped for display and will not normally generate
-horizontal scroll bars. It is also the case that humans generally
-(and sometimes strongly) prefer to read text that is no more than about
-80 character per line.
-<p id="ps1Mar_2">
-It is widely recommended that newsreader software should be configured
-to automatically wrap at about 72 characters when posting, which works
-well for posted text but can be problematic for posting long URLs and
-particularly in our context, posted source code. Others suggest that
-software should not be allowed to wrap posted code at all and that the
-poster should always do it manually. In either case it is the
-individual composing the post that is responsible for, and should be in
-control of, the wrapping of the content to ensure that it is suitable
-for posting to the group.
-<h3 id="ps1Lw">Line Wrapping</h3>
-<p id="ps1Lw_1">
-Most URLs are less than 72 character long anyway but some, such as
-references to Usenet articles in the archives at,
-are longer. Some newsreader software is smart enough to recognise a
-URL and not apply its default margin settings to them but in any event
-delimiting them with &quot;&lt;URL:&quot at the beginning and
-&quot;&gt;&quot; at the end (preferably with the URL separated from
-the delimiters with spaces) should be sufficient to indicate to a
-reader that a line wrapped URL will need some remedial action.
-<p id="ps1Lw_2">
-Restricting margins to 72 characters usually does not need to affect
-the functionality of posted code either. Allowing a newsreader to
-line wrap posted code as it sees fit will usually render that code
-faulty (and difficult to read) and that will make it difficult for
-a reader to differentiate between problems within the original code
-and problems arising form line wrapping.
-<h3 id="ps1Lw_3">Code Reformatting</h3>
-Javascript (ECMAScript) is extremely tolerant of white space (including
-line breaks) within its source code. There are in fact only a couple of
-places where white space characters are not allowed. For example, a
-line break may not be placed between the <code>return</code> keyword
-and any expression that is to be returned. As a result it is almost
-always possible to spread a line of javascript that would exceed the
-newsreaders wrapping margin across two or more lines without affecting
-its functionality or syntactic correctness.
-<p id="ps1Lw_4">
-One of the main reasons that Javascript is so tolerant of white space
-is to allow the structure of the source code (how the code is laid out
-in a text editor/post) to convey additional meaning (usually related to
-structure of the code/function/program) and maximise clarity for human
-readers. The breaking of long lines of source code across several lines
-should be done in a way that does not detract from the clarity of the
-<h4 id="ps1Lw_5">Blocks</h4>
-The main source code structuring consideration that adds clarity is
-block indenting. A block is defined with curly brackets <code>{</code>
-and <code>}</code> and represents a block statement (which may contain
-zero or more other statements). It is normal to indent the statements
-within a block by one tab character, though that tab is usually set to
-4 or fewer spaces (two spaces is frequently recommended) width as the
-normal default 8 spaces width is a bit
-too deep for most practical uses. However, <em>tab character should not be
-used for indention in Usenet posts at all</em> as newsreader default tab
-settings may often be 8 characters but may also be zero characters,
-defeating the purpose indentation in posted code entirely. Good text
-editors will usually offer a facility to convert tabs to any number of
-spaces, which can be used to prepare code for posting. Indenting in
-code posted to Usenet should be done with space characters. 4 or fewer
-(two is often recommended) per level of indentation.
-<p id="ps1Lw_6">
-There are various common styles of block indenting, of which I prefer
-to leave the opening <code>{</code> at the end of the control statement
-(on the same line) and list the block contents as one statement per
-line, indented by 4 <em>or fewer</em> spaces, with the closing
-<code>}</code> on a new line indented so that it lines up vertically
-with the start of the control statement, e.g.:-
-<pre id="ps1Lw_ex1">
-function doSomething(oArea){
- var nArea = oArea.nWidth * oArea.nHeight;
- var result = true;
- if(!nArea){
- removeRegion(oArea);
- result = false;
- }else if(oArea.nWidth &lt; oArea.nHeight){
- result = oArea.reShape(nArea);
- }
- return result;
-<span class="commentJS">/* The same function may also be commonly formatted:- */</span>
-function doSomething(oArea)
- var nArea = oArea.nWidth * oArea.nHeight;
- var result = true;
- if(!nArea)
- {
- removeRegion(oArea);
- result = false;
- }
- else if(oArea.nWidth &lt; oArea.nHeight)
- {
- result = oArea.reShape(nArea);
- }
- return result;
-<span class="commentJS">/* -or:- */</span>
-function doSomething(oArea)
- {
- var nArea = oArea.nWidth * oArea.nHeight;
- var result = true;
- if(!nArea)
- {
- removeRegion(oArea);
- result = false;
- }
- else if(oArea.nWidth &lt; oArea.nHeight)
- {
- result = oArea.reShape(nArea);
- }
- return result;
- }
-<p id="ps1Lw_7">
-It is not that important which style of block indenting is used,
-everyone has their own preferred style, but it is important that
-<em>a</em> style of block indenting is used in code posted to the
-group. In all cases the indenting serves to make the structure of
-the function apparent in the structure of the source code. It is
-an aid to human readers of the code and saves a great deal of time
-for anyone attempting to offer help and so needing to understand
-the code.
-<p id="ps1Lw_8">
-Sometimes the line wrapping problem can be avoided by reducing the
-number of space characters by which the blocks are indented. However,
-if a statement must be broken across several lines
-it could be indented to a different level than it's own start, and it
-could also be indented at a different level to its block contents (if
-any). If block indenting is at, say, 4 space intervals then indenting a
-broken line at 1 to 3 characters should serve to make it clear that
-it is indenting separate from the general block structure of the
-code, e.g.:-
-<pre id="ps1Lw_ex2">
-function getRootElement_OrDefault(deflt){
- if((typeof document.compatMode == "string")&&
- (document.compatMode.indexOf("CSS") != -1)&&
- (document.documentElement)){ <span class="commentJS">//<< broken statement</span>
- return document.documentElement;
- }else if(document.body){
- return document.body;
- }else{
- return deflt;
- }
-<p id="ps1Lw_9">
-Another alternative for formatting statements broken across lines
-might be to disregard the indenting on the left and line the code
-that belongs to the broken statement up on the right hand side.
-<pre id="ps1Lw_ex3">
-this.position = function(){
- var twiceSize;
- if(--delay <= 0){
- step();
- if(((z+=fv) >= planeDepth)||
- ((dy+dm) > windowCenterY)||
- ((dx+dm) > windowCenterX)||
- (v < 0)){ <span class="commentJS">//right aligned broken statement</span>
- this.reset();
- step();
- }
- = (sy+(py*dy)-dm)+cssUnitsOrZero;
- div.left = (sx+(px*dx)-dm)+cssUnitsOrZero;
- divClip.height = (twiceSize = (dm << 1)+cssUnitsOrZero);
- divClip.width = twiceSize;
- }
- next.position();
-<p id="ps1Lw_10">
-Thus the ability to insert line breaks liberally throughout javascript
-source code allows almost all code to be formatted in a fully
-functional, well structured and clear way within the restricted
-margins appropriate in posts to comp.lang.javascript. Efforts put into
-preparing posted code to be clear and comprehensible to its Usenet
-audience will be rewarded. But it is important to start any formatting
-required with the actual code in use, rather than attempting to
-re-type it, in order not to introduce errors that are not present in
-the original and so have nothing to do with the original problem.
-Having prepared the formatting of the code to suite Usenet it is
-important to re-test it to ensure that it is still as functional, that
-no errors have been introduced and that it still exhibits whatever
-behaviour it was that motivated the post in the first place.
-<h3 id="ps1LwQu">Line Wrapping in Quoted Material</h3>
-<p id="ps1LwQu_1">
-If a news post has been wrapped at, say, 72 characters and it is
-responded to then the indenting character used to mark quoted material
-will add to the length of that line. Maybe pushing it over the length
-at which the reply will be wrapped. The result, if posted without
-adjustment, may look something like this:-
-<pre id="ps1LwQu_ex1">
-An example OP wrote:
-> A long line of text quoted from the previous post, that was wrapped
-> 72 characters in that post but has been extended to 74 characters
-> lines because of the addition of the indenting characters that mark
-> as a quotation, but has been re-wrapped to 72 characters in the
-> follow-up that is quoting it.
-The comment posted in response to the material quoted above. Originally
-wrapped in the response at 72 characters.
-<p id="ps1LwQu_2">
-The effect is that the words &quot;at&quot;, &quot;long&quot;,
-&quot;it&quot; and &quot;posted&quot; are no
-longer marked as part of the quotation but instead appear to be badly
-formatted and meaningless comments on that quoted material. Which has
-itself gained the appearance of being incompetently trimmed. The effect
-escalates with additional responses, loosing more meaning and becoming
-less and less clear as to whom any particular part of the text is
-<pre id="ps1LwQu_ex2">
-The First Responder wrote:
-> An example OP wrote:
->> The First Responder wrote:
->>> An example OP wrote:
->>>> A long line of text quoted from the previous post, that was
->>> at
->>>> 72 characters in that post but has been extended to 74 characters
->>> long
->>>> lines because of the addition of the indenting characters that
->>> it
->>>> as a quotation, but has been re-wrapped to 72 characters in the
->>> posted
->>>> follow-up that is quoting it.
->>> The comment posted in response to the material quoted above.
->> Originally
->>> wrapped in the response at 72 characters.
->> This response is the OP's reply to the comments on the original
->> post. It quoted the previous posts in full and was wrapped at 72
->> characters.
->And the original responder added this.
-The conversation ended with the OP thanking the responder for their
-comments. (but who said what?)
-<p id="ps1LwQu_3">
-The solution is to be aware that this may happen and re-wrap that
-quoted material so that it is not effected by the automatic line
-wrapping when a post is sent, or to increase the wrapping margins by
-the number of characters inserted to mark a quotation (so long as the
-result does not exceed 80 characters). Some newsreader software can
-handle this automatically, and add on software exists for other
-products (such as OE), but ultimately the responsibility for properly
-marking and attributing quoted material belongs with the individual
-making the post.
-<p id="ps1LwQu_4">
-If the two had taken the effect of the progressive lengthening of lines
-in quoted material into account the result would have looked like
-<pre id="ps1LwQu_ex3">
-The First Responder wrote:
-> An example OP wrote:
->> The First Responder wrote:
->>> An example OP wrote:
->>>> A long line of text quoted from the previous post, that was
->>>> wrapped at 72 characters in that post but has been extended to 74
->>>> characters long lines because of the addition of the indenting
->>>> characters that mark it as a quotation, but has been re-wrapped to
->>>> 72 characters in the posted follow-up that is quoting it.
->>> The comment posted in response to the material quoted above.
->>> Originally wrapped in the response at 72 characters.
->> This response is the OP's reply to the comments on the original
->> post. It quoted the previous posts in full and was wrapped at 72
->> characters.
->And the original responder added this.
-The conversation ended with the OP thanking the responder for their
-<p id="ps1LwQu_5">
-It would have been clear form the number of quote indicating characters
-who exactly had said what and the quoted material would have been
-easier to read and understand. Though in practice there probably should
-have been much more trimming along the way as the whole conversation
-would probably not have been needed to show the context of each
-<h2 id="ps1Code">General Code Postings, and when to use a URL</h2>
-<p id="ps1Code_1">
-Often a question cannot usefully be answered without being accompanied
-with javascript source code. Even a very detailed explanation of a
-process will not tend to narrow the possibilities down to just one
-method, and deciding whether a reported effect is due to a
-characteristic of an execution environment or code that is taking the
-wrong approach cannot be done without seeing the source code.
-<p id="ps1Code_2">
-In some cases small snippets of code, say an individual function's
-definition, might be sufficient. Though it is usually necessary to know
-how such a function is being called and what arguments it is using. But
-ideally questions should be accompanied by an easily testable example
-that demonstrates the characteristics that provoked the question.
-<p id="ps1Code_3">
-Easily testable because there is no better aid to debugging than being
-able to reproduce a problem. Time spent turning a snippet of code into
-testable web page (or whatever) is not rewarded if the results do not
-exhibit the problem described. And asking many people to repeat that
-process when it could have been done by the questioner once, in a way
-that guaranteed a demonstration of the problem, is not a good use of
-the group or the time of its participants.
-<p id="ps1Code_4">
-However, posting the entire source code of a web page that happens to
-include the problematic script is rarely the answer. For one thing web
-pages often import <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>, other script files and graphics (the latter
-simply could not be posted to the group). But web pages also often
-consist of large amounts of <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>, which would require careful
-re-wrapping to fit within the posting margins and be left correct, and
-much of the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> would be irrelevant to the post.
-<p id="ps1Code_5">
-There is also the question of bandwidth in transmission and capacity in
-storage. Every post is stored, at least for a time, on every news server
-carrying the group world wide and usually also on the hard disk of
-everyone who reads the group. And to get from server to server, and
-eventually to the many readers, it must be transmitted, consuming
-bandwidth related to the size of the post. The more irrelevant
-information that any post contains the more those resources are wasted
-(this is also a reason for appropriate trimming of quoted material).
-<p id="ps1Code_6">
-The comp.lang.javascript FAQ makes the injunction that posting code of
-more than 500 lines is unacceptable. That is the theoretical upper
-limit that should never be exceeded, but a post of even half that
-length would have to be exceptional.
-<p id="ps1Code_7">
-The easiest way of demonstrating a problem in context without posting
-excessive amounts of code and <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> is to make a page that exhibits the
-problem available online and post the URL of that page along with the
-question. Possibly accompanied by a snippet of the code highlighting
-the suspected cause.
-<p id="ps1Code_8">
-The circumstances under which making a page that demonstrates the
-problem available online is advisable are, whenever that page is
-interacting within a frameset, or whenever images play a significant
-part in a problem. As those circumstances are time consuming to
-reproduce from posted code and cannot always be recreated for testing.
-But any request to have people examine excessive amounts of code
-and/or <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> should also be made available on line instead of in a post.
-<p id="ps1Code_9">
-Unfortunately not all participants in the group are viewing Usenet in a
-way that makes easily following a URL to an example page viable. Often
-downloading new Usenet posts as a batch and then viewing them off line.
-Re-connecting to view an example page is not always desirable (due to
-local conditions, slow modem connections and potential associated
-expense) and can be unrewarding if the page viewed is a mush of <abbr title="What You See Is What You Get">WYSIWYG</abbr>
-generated bloated <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>-like noise. Where it takes a considerable time
-to even locate the cause of what may still turn out to be a trivial
-<p id="ps1Code_10">
-Then again there are people using the group who much prefer examples to
-be available online. Either way what is not wanted is for questions to
-be asked without making the corresponding code available in some way,
-or the posting of excessive amounts of code.
-<p id="ps1Code_11">
-A good compromise, and a valuable debugging technique, is the creation
-of a demonstration test-case page. A page containing no more than
-sufficient <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and javascript to allow others to reproduce the problem
-and see the relevant code without anything extraneous. Such a test-case
-page would almost always be short enough to post with the question
-(properly formatted) and could additionally be made available online for
-the convenience of those that would prefer to use a URL to load it
-directly into a browser for testing.
-<p id="ps1Code_12">
-Creating such a test-case page can be valuable in itself as attempting
-to reduce a problem from a larger context to an isolated demonstration
-will often reveal the cause of that problem along the way. The act of
-cutting out what initially seems irrelevant often reveals that the
-problem in fact results form an unexpected interaction with something
-that was assumed to be unconnected. And if the problem can be
-demonstrated in isolation then it is relatively easy for readers of the
-question to reproduce the problem and identify its cause, resulting in
-less discussion of superfluous issues and usually a quicker resolution
-of the question.
-<p id="ps1Code_13">
-It is very important to test test-case pages prior to posting them to
-ensure that they do indeed exhibit the characteristic that motivated
-the question. At least if you want to be taken seriously in future. And
-when such a test-case is posted to the group it should be formatted and
-indented to facilitate the essayist reading of the code and testing by
-no more than copying the page into a text editor and saving it locally
-as a <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> file.
-<h2 id="ps1Quest">Well Asked Questions Get the Best Answers</h2>
-<p id="ps1Quest_1">
-Beyond any considerations of posting style and formatting, the quality
-of questions asked has a considerable impact upon the number and
-quality of answers given, and the time taken to elicit a useful
-response. Vague questions are likely to be answered with requests for
-clarification. Terse general questions are likely to elicit yes or no
-answers (often both). And questions that have been asked, and well
-answered, before (especially frequently or in the recent past) are as
-likely as not to be ignored.
-<p id="ps1Quest_2">
-When asking a question it would almost always be a good idea to put
-yourself in the position of the reader of the question, read it back to
-yourself and ask yourself; Does this question actually ask what I
-want to know, and is it sufficiently clear and detailed to elicit that
-<p id="ps1Quest_3">
-The following is a short list of recurring features of badly asked
-<h3 id="ps1QSub">Appropriate Use of the Subject Header</h3>
-<p id="ps1QSub_1">
-Another Usenet convention holds that the Subject header should not be
-expected to be available to a reader of any message. While it is
-unlikely that there are any newsreaders currently in use in which the
-user is not presented with the Subject header, it remains
-inappropriate to ask a question in the subject header (or to assume
-that its contents will provide supplementary information about a
-question) and doing so is as likely to invoke a lesson in Usenet
-etiquette as an answer to the question. But a question is not really
-a subject anyway. The subject should describe what the question is
-in relation to, and is useful for archive searching and
-categorisation rather than as a means of communication.
-<p id="ps1QSub_2">
-Any question asked should always appear in the body of the post, and in
-a form that does not assume the availability of the Subject header to
-the reader.
-<p id="ps1QSub_3">
-The Subject header should also not be wasted. Placing &quot;please
-help&quot; and the like in the subject header is unwelcome and
-counterproductive. Take the opportunity to construct a Subject
-header that states the type of the problem, what it relates to.
-Subject headers that state the real subject will attract the
-attention of people with a special interest in that subject,
-exactly those people best able to offer help.
-<h3 id="ps1QRes">Doing Your Own Research</h3>
-<p id="ps1QRes_1">
-Many questions, at least the questions literally asked, could quickly
-be answered with a little research, and the chances are that regulars
-on the group know how easily those answers could have been found with
-a little effort. The group is not intended to be a vending machine for
-trivial information about javascript, that wouldn't be an interesting
-group to participate in.
-<p id="ps1QRes_2">
-On the other hand, evidence that some effort has been put into
-researching a problem before asking a question tends to be looked upon
-kindly (though claiming to have exhausted all lines of research when that
-is obviously not the case would have the opposite effect).
-<p id="ps1QRes_3">
-The obvious first place to look for answers is in
-<a href="../clj_faq.html">the group's FAQ</a>. That will
-mean reading all of the FAQ because the answers to some problems (or
-sufficient clues to those answers) will be found within the answers to
-seemingly unrelated questions, or the resources linked to from the FAQ.
-That in itself is a fairly big task, but if not undertaken will just
-result in questions being answered with references back to the FAQ.
-There is also a Usenet convention that whenever a newsgroup
-(particularly technical groups) provides a FAQ resource, that FQA should
-be read by anyone wishing to post to the group <em>prior</em> to making
-their first post. So reading the FAQ is <em>not optional</em> anyway.
-<p id="ps1QRes_4">
-The Internet provides a massive resource for researching virtually any
-question, and particularly questions relating to computing. Search
-engines are the primary research tool and among those Google search is
-extremely useful. But when a question relates to javascript in a way
-that indicates that it may be suitable to be asked on
-comp.lang.javascript the best place to research the question is
-<a href=""></a>, as that resource holds a searchable archive of
-almost all postings ever made to the group. There is an
-<a href="">
-&quot;Advanced Search&quot; page</a>, where entering
-&quot;comp.lang.javascript&quot; in the Newsgroup field and suitable keywords
-in the other fields provided will return all messages posted to the group
-that match the search criteria. As most questions will have been asked
-before many answers can be obtained from the archives.
-But be aware of the date of posts found as the archive goes back to
-1996 and some things have changed over the intervening years.
-<p id="ps1QRes_5">
-Reading back over recent posts to the group, for a minimum of a week
-and preferably more than a month will avoid the need to re-ask a
-question that has been asked and answered in recent memory. Not all
-news servers will hold all messages over that period so
-<a href="">
-the group archives at</a> can be useful in this
-respect also.
-<h3 id="ps1DontWork">&quot;It doesn't work&quot;</h3>
-<p id="ps1DontWork_1">
-People don't tend to question code that
-does exactly what they want it to do. Sometimes they may ask how it
-does exactly what they want but generally it is superfluous to state
-that code that does not address a situation doesn't work.
-<p id="ps1DontWork_2">
-To start with computer code always does exactly what is asked of it,
-that is the nature of computers. So it does &quot;work&quot;, it is
-just that it doesn't do what is wanted of it. And that is a problem
-because code that does not do something that is wanted of it cannot
-itself explain what that something was.
-<p id="ps1DontWork_3">
-It is the task of a human designer to decide what is wanted form code,
-to specify the task. The reader of a question can do no more than
-guess as to the task unless the questioner explains the specification
-for the code, and that specification needs to be specific. That
-information is needed when assessing what would qualify as
-&quot;works&quot; in the context of the question.
-<p id="ps1DontWork_4">
-But in addition to knowing what would qualify as working it is also
-necessary to know in what way code is failing to work. There is a big
-difference between code that appears to do nothing when executed, code
-that does something undesirable in addition to what is expected of it
-and code that does something else entirely.
-<p id="ps1DontWork_5">
-Instead of stating the self-evident &quot;It doesn't work&quot;, the
-posters of questions should attempt to provide answers to:-
-<dl id="ps1DontWork_df">
- <dt id="ps1DontWork_p1">1. What you have done?</dt>
- <dd id="ps1DontWork_d1">Providing access the code (possibly in the form of a test
- case), explaining the steps required to initiate the
- undesirable effect and the environments (usually web
- browsers) where the problem has been observed, so that it
- can be reproduced and tested.
- <dd>
- <dt id="ps1DontWork_p2">2. What you expected to happen?</dt>
- <dd id="ps1DontWork_d2">Both specifically in the case of the code under discussion and
- generally with regard to the design specification.
- <dd>
- <dt id="ps1DontWork_p3">3. What really happened?</dt>
- <dd id="ps1DontWork_d3">What was observed to happen and any error messaged generated.
- So that when (and if) the problem is reproduced in testing it
- is possible to identify it as the effect under discussion.
- <dd>
-<h3 id="ps1CntX">Explain the Whole Context</h3>
-<p id="ps1CntX_1">
-The context in which a question is asked or a problem exists is very
-important to the type of answers given or solutions proposed. Beyond
-the obvious required details such as the execution host(s), scripts
-used and how they are used, There are details like whether a project
-is for the Internet or an Intranet. Because on comp.lang.javascript
-the default assumption is that the context will be browser scripting
-for the Internet, many approaches/solutions are ruled out, but some may
-be completely reasonable and practical in the more restricted context
-of a company Intranet (or on more controlled hosts such as the windows
-scripting host or server-side javascript).
-<p id="ps1CntX_2">
-There have been many occasions where many answers to questions have
-stressed the unsuitability of particular approaches to use on the
-Internet only for the original questioner to respond by explaining
-that they don't apply because their context is an Intranet. That
-wastes the time of everyone who composed a response to the original
-question; if they had been in possession of the real context from the
-outset they could have got on with proposing/discussing solutions that
-were appropriate, or moved on to something more interesting.
-<p id="ps1CntX_3">
-But the full context of a question goes beyond such details and answers
-the question: why? Often a question will be asking about a particular
-approach that, to the questioner, is a perceived solution to a problem.
-The answer to the question why would explain what that problem is, and
-knowing what that problem is will allow respondents to assess the
-suitability of the approach at addressing the problem and possibly
-suggest other, and superior, solutions. There is very little that is
-genuinely new and unique, whatever the wider problem is the chances are
-that someone will be familiar with it and be in a position to identify
-the best solution (even if that is just confirming that the proposed
-solution is the best available). Questions raised on the group should
-always include the answer to the question: why?
-<h3 id="ps1PR">Proof-Read your Questions</h3>
-<p id="ps1PR_1">
-Proof-read your message two or three times before posting. Ensure that
-it is as error free as possible and does convey the question and
-provide all of the necessary information in a way that will not be
-subject to misinterpretation.
-<!-- <h2><a name="ps1notHD" id="ps1notHD">comp.lang.javascript is Not a Helpdesk</a></h2>
-<p id="ps1notHD_1">
-The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup is a discussion forum on the subject
-of ECMAScript (javascript). It is not a helpdesk and its participants
-make their contributions voluntarily in their own time and with their
-own resources for whatever reasons they see fit. Just because the
-majority of the discussion starts with someone posting a question,
-often asking for help with some aspect of javascript, does not mean
-that anyone should have any expectation of receiving any help or
-assistance from any ensuing discussion. So, although help and
-assistance is often (if not usually) offered during the following
-discussion, that is just a positive side effect of the group and not
-its reason for existing.
-<p id="ps1notHD_2">
-The real benefit of the group goes to its regular participants, who,
-in participating in the discussion, attempting to address the diverse
-situations and problems raised and exposing their code to critical
-public scrutiny, get to hone their code authoring and script design
-skills and knowledge with the active assistance and critical feed-back
-of their peers.
-<p id="ps1notHD_3">
-The whole process would not work as well if people did not post
-questions relating to a diversity of problem situations to the group
-in the hope of getting some assistance, and people would never do that
-if there were not a good chance of actually getting assistance. But the
-people posting such questions need to remember that they have no right
-to assistance, and cannot demand, or even expect it. Instead, wanting
-to take advantage of the potentially beneficial side effect of the
-existence of the group, they should encourage the group to give them
-assistance, by making doing so as easy and convenient as possible. The
-preceding document is intended to make it as clear as possible how to
-go about achieving that aim.
-</p> -->
-<h2 id="ps1AddR">Additional Reading</h2>
-<ul class="resourceList" id="ps1AddR_l">
- <li><a href="">The seven don'ts of Usenet<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">Playing Nice on Usenet<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">How do I quote correctly in Usenet? - Quoting and Answering<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">Quoting Style in Newsgroup Postings<br> </a></li>
- <li><a href="">Why and how to crosspost<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">How can I post a message to more than one Usenet newsgroup?<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">How To Ask Questions The Smart Way<br></a></li>
- <li><a href="">How to Report Bugs Effectively<br></a></li>
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- <title>Javascript Type-Conversion</title>
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-<h1>Javascript Type-Conversion</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="/faq/">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="/faq/notes/">FAQ Notes</a>
- <li><a href="#tcInt">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcBool">Converting to Boolean</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcString">Converting to String</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcNumber">Converting to Number</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcParse">Parsing to Number</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#tcParseFl">parseFloat</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcParseIn">parseInt</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcPrIntRx">parseInt with a radix argument</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#tcToInt32">ToInt32</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tcUserIn">Converting User Input</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#tcRegEx">Regular expression examples</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<h2 id="tcInt">Introduction</h2>
-<p id="tcInt_1">
-Javascript (ECMAScript) is a loosely typed language. That does not mean
-that it has no data types just that the value of a variable or a Javascript
-object property does not need to have a particular type of value assigned
-to it, or that it should always hold the same type of value. Javascript
-also freely type-converts values into a type suitable for (or required by)
-the context of their use.
-<p id="tcInt_2">
-Javascript being loosely typed and willing to type-convert still does not
-save the programmer from needing to think about the actual type of values
-that they are dealing with. A very common error in browser scripting, for
-example, is to read the value property of a form control into which the
-user is expected to type a number and then add that value to another
-number. Because the value properties of form controls are strings (even if
-the character sequence they contain represents a number) the attempt to
-add that string to a value, even if that value happens to be a number,
-results in the second value being type-converted into a string and
-concatenated to the end of the first string value from the from control.
-<p id="tcInt_3">
-That problem arises from the dual nature of the <code>+</code> operator
-used for both numeric addition and string concatenation. With which the
-nature of the operation performed is determined by the context, where
-only if both operands are numbers to start with will the <code>+</code>
-operator perform addition. Otherwise it converts all of its operands to
-strings and does concatenation.
-<p id="tcInt_4">
-The following discussion is illustrated with Javascript generated tables
-of values resulting from the conversion operations. The headers of those
-tables display the values as represented in the Javascript source code
-used rather than their internal representation. So, for example
-<code>123e-2</code> as a number was the character sequence typed into
-the source code, the interpreter reads that and generates the
-number value 1.23 from it for internal use. The various values used for
-the tests have been chosen to illustrate aspects of type
-converting, those aspects may not apply to all of the tables presented.
-However, all of the test values are included in all of the tables (except
-where no type converting occurs) for full comparison. The bodies of the
-tables list the results of the various type conversion operations.
-<p id="tcInt_5">
-If you are accepting/using this page's <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> style suggestions the type
-of the values at various stages is illustrated by the colour of the text
-used. The following key shows those type/colour relationships, they are
-derived from the string values returned by the <code>typeof</code>
-operator (which returns <code>&quot;object&quot;</code>
-for the <code>null</code> type when in reality <code>null</code> is
-distinct from objects).
-<table id="tcInt_key">
- <tbody>
- <tr><th>Key</th></tr>
- <tr><td class="st">string</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="nm">number</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="bl">boolean</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="ob">object</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="fn" style="text-align:center;">function</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="ob">null</td></tr>
- <tr><td class="un">undefined</td></tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcInt_6">
-The boolean values of results also have a coloured background to highlight
- <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>.
-<h2 id="tcBool">Converting to Boolean</h2>
-<p id="tcBool_1">
-When evaluating the expression of an <code>if</code> statement the Javascript
-interpreter will type-convert the result of that expression to boolean
-in order to make its decision. Also various operators internally
-type-convert their operands to boolean in order to determine what
-action to take. These include the logical operators like AND
-(<code>&&</code>), OR (<code>||</code>) and NOT (<code>!</code>). The NOT
-operator type-converts its operand to boolean and if that value is
-boolean true it returns false and if false it returns true. As the
-result of a NOT operation is a boolean value that is the inverse of
-the type-converted true-ness of its operand, two NOT operations
-together will return a boolean value that is equivalent to the result
-of type-converting the operand to boolean:-
-<pre id="tcBool_ex1">
-var boolValue = !!x;
-<p id="tcBool_2">
-That technique has been used to generate the following tables.
-<p id="tcBool_3">
-An alternative method of generating a boolean value that represents
-the type-converted true-ness of a value is to pass that value to
-the <code>Boolean</code> constructor called as a function:-
-<pre id="tcBool_ex2">
-var boolValue = Boolean(x);
- <caption>Double NOT (!!col) : Numeric Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="nm">-1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">-0</th>
- <th class="nm">+0</th>
- <th class="nm">1</th>
- <th class="nm">1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">8</th>
- <th class="nm">16</th>
- <th class="nm">16.8</th>
- <th class="nm">123e-2</th>
- <th class="nm">-Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">+Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">NaN</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>!!col</th>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcBool_4">
-When numbers are converted to boolean, zero becomes false and all other
-numbers are true. With the excepting of the special numeric value
-<code>NaN</code> (Not a Number) which is used when another type is
-converted to a number but that conversion does not result in a
-meaningful number. <code>NaN</code> is always false. The values of
-positive and negative infinity, while not finite numbers, are non-zero
-numeric values and always type-convert to boolean <code>true</code>.
- <caption>Double NOT (!!col) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>!!col</th>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcBool_5">
-Type conversion rules are even simpler for string to boolean conversion
-as all non-empty strings always become true and empty strings become
- <caption>Double NOT (!!col) : Other Values</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>!!col</th>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="false">false</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- <td class="true">true</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcBool_6">
-For the other types, <code>undefined</code> and <code>null</code> are
-converted to false, boolean values are not converted and objects and
-functions are always true.
-<p id="tcBool_7">
-This is the most valuable aspect of type-converting to boolean as it
-allows a script to distinguish between properties in an environment
-that may be undefined or may refer to an object. Treating an undefined
-(or null) value as if it was an object will produce errors. So when
-there is a doubt (as there usually is where web browsers are concerned)
-then code can avoid generating errors by wrapping the code that wants
-to access an object in an <code>if</code> test. Supplying the suspect
-reference to the object as the expression. The expression will be type
-converted to boolean and result in <code>false</code> if the object
-does not exist and <code>true</code> if it does.
-<pre id="tcBool_ex3">
- scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
-<p id="tcBool_8">
-The double NOT operation also allows the setting of boolean flags that
-can be used to indicate the presence of various objects:-
-<pre id="tcBool_ex4">
-var hasDocEl = !!document.documentElement;
- scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
-<h2 id="tcString">Converting to String</h2>
-<p id="tcString_1">
-As mentioned above, type conversion to a string most often results
-from the action of the + operator whenever one of its operators in
-not a number. The easiest way of getting the string that results
-from type-conversion is to concatenate a value to an empty string.
-That technique has been used to generate the following tables.
-<p id="tcString_2">
-An alternative method of converting a value into a string is to
-pass it as an argument to the <code>String</code> constructor
-called as a function:-
-<pre id="tcString_ex1">
-var stringValue = String(x);
- <caption>type-convert to string (&quot;&quot; + col) : Numeric Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="nm">-1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">-0</th>
- <th class="nm">+0</th>
- <th class="nm">1</th>
- <th class="nm">1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">8</th>
- <th class="nm">16</th>
- <th class="nm">16.8</th>
- <th class="nm">123e-2</th>
- <th class="nm">-Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">+Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">NaN</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>&quot;&quot; + col</th>
- <td class="st">-1.6</td>
- <td class="st">0</td>
- <td class="st">0</td>
- <td class="st">1</td>
- <td class="st">1.6</td>
- <td class="st">8</td>
- <td class="st">16</td>
- <td class="st">16.8</td>
- <td class="st">1.23</td>
- <td class="st">-Infinity</td>
- <td class="st">Infinity</td>
- <td class="st">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcString_3">
-Notice that the number generated from the source code <code>123e-2</code>
-has resulted in the string <code>&quot;1.23&quot;</code> because that is
-the string representation of the internal number created from the source
-code. However, Javascript's internal number representations take the form
-of IEEE double precision floating point numbers and that means that they
-cannot represent all numbers with precision. The results of mathematical
-operations may only produce close approximations and when they are
-converted to strings the string represents the approximation and may be
-unexpected and undesirable. It is often necessary to use custom functions
-to generate string representations of numbers in an acceptable format,
-the type-conversion mechanism is rarely suited to generating numeric output
-intended for presentation.
- <caption>type-convert to string (&quot;&quot; + col) : Other Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>&quot;&quot; + col</th>
- <td class="st">undefined</td>
- <td class="st">null</td>
- <td class="st">true</td>
- <td class="st">false</td>
- <td class="st">[object Object]</td>
- <td><pre class="st">function(){
- return;
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcString_4">
-When objects or functions are type-converted to strings their
-<code>toString</code> method is called. These default to
-<code>Object.prototype.toString</code> and
-<code>Function.prototype.toString</code> but may be overloaded
-with a function assigned to a &quot;toString&quot; property of
-the object/function. Type-converting a function to a string does
-not necessarily result in the function's source code. The behaviour
-of <code>Function.prototype.toString</code> is implementation
-depended and varies quite a lot, as do the results from
-&quot;host objects&quot; and methods (the objects and methods
-provided by the environment, such as DOM elements).
-<h2 id="tcNumber">Converting to Number</h2>
-<p id="tcNumber_1">
-Converting values to numbers, especially strings to numbers, is an
-extremely common requirement and many methods can be used. Any
-mathematical operator except the concatenation/addition operator
-will force type-conversion. So conversion of a string to a number
-might entail performing a mathematical operation on the string
-representation of the number that would not affect the resulting
-number, such as subtracting zero or multiplying by one.
-<pre id="tcNumber_ex1">
-var numValue = stringValue - 0;
-<span class="commentJS">/* or */</span>
-var numValue = stringValue * 1;
-<span class="commentJS">/* or */</span>
-var numValue = stringValue / 1;
-<p id="tcNumber_2">
-However, the unary <code>+</code> operator also type-converts its
-operand to a number and because it does not do any additional
-mathematical operations it is the fastest method for type-converting
-a string into a number.
-<p id="tcNumber_2b">
-Incidentally, the unary <code>-</code> (minus) operator also
-type-converts its operand (if necessary) in addition to
-subsequently negating its value.
-<pre id="tcNumber_ex2">
-var numValue = (+stringValue);
-<span class="commentJS">/* The preceding unary + expression has been parenthesised. That is
- unnecessary but is often felt to make the code easier to comprehend
- and make it clear which operations are being applied. Especially
- avoiding confusion with pre and post increment and addition
- operations. Compare:-
-var n = anyNumVar++ + +stringVar + ++anotherNumVar;
- - with -
-var n = (anyNumVar++) + (+stringVar) + (++anotherNumVar);
- ^^ ^ ^^
- (post increment) + (unary plus) + (pre increment)
-<p id="tcNumber_3">
-While unary <code>+</code> is the fastest method for converting a
-string to a number a final method is available that uses the
-Javascript type-conversion algorithms. The <code>Number</code>
-constructor can be called with the string value as its argument
-and its return value is a number representing the result of the
-<pre id="tcNumber_ex3">
-var numValue = Number(stringValue);
-<p id="tcNumber_4">
-The Number constructor is the slowest of the type-converting
-methods but when speed is not an overriding consideration its
-use does produce the clearest source code.
-<p id="tcNumber_5">
-The following tables show the results of type-conversion to a number using
-the unary <code>+</code> operator. Though all of the preceding
-alternative method produce the same results as they all use exactly the
-same algorithm to do the conversion.
- <caption>type-convert to number (+col) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>+col</th>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">-1.6</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1.6</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16.8</td>
- <td class="nm">1.23</td>
- <td class="nm">10</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">255</td>
- <td class="nm">-10</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcNumber_6">
-The important considerations when converting strings to numbers with
-the type-converting methods is the results from strings that do not
-represent numbers. The empty string is converted into the number zero,
-depending on the application this can be harmless or disastrous, but
-it is important to be aware that it is going to happen. In other
-contexts strings that follow the Javascript format for octal number
-(leading zero) can be problematic but type conversion treats them
-as base 10 anyway. However, strings that follow the format for
-hexadecimal numbers (leading <code>0x</code> or <code>0X</code>)
-are read as hexadecimal. Strings that cannot be read as a number
-type-convert to <code>NaN</code>, which can be tested for with
-the <code>isNaN</code> function. Strings representing numbers in an
-exponential format (<code>&quot;123e-2&quot;</code>) are understood
-along with leading minus signs.
- <caption>type-convert to number (+col) : Other Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>+col</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcNumber_7">
-Objects and functions always type-convert to <code>NaN</code> numbers, as do
-<code>undefined</code> values but it is worth noting that <code>null</code>
-type-converts to zero. Probably because it is being type-converted to boolean
-first and then to number and, as is clear from the boolean results
-above, <code>null</code> would become boolean <code>false</code> which
-would then become numeric zero. There is almost no need to type convert
-these types of values into numbers. How they convert is only really
-relevant to a consideration of the accidental result of converting a
-value that is expected to be a string but actually turns out to be one
-of these (and/or performing an mathematical operation with one of these as an operand).
-<h2 id="tcParse">Parsing to Number</h2>
-<p id="tcParse_1">
-An alternative method of converting a string into a number is to use
-one of the global functions designed to parse a string and return a
-number. The <code>parseFloat</code> function accepts a string argument
-and returns a floating point number resulting from parsing that string.
-Non-string arguments are first type-converted to a string as described
-<p id="tcParse_2">
-The string parsing functions read the string character by character until
-they encounter a character that cannot be part of the number, at which
-point they stop and return a number based on the characters that they
-have seen that can be part of the number. This feature of their action
-can be usefully exploited, for example, given a string representing a
-<span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> length value such as <code>&quot;34.5em&quot;</code>
-<code>parseFloat</code> would be able to ignore the <code>&quot;em&quot;</code>
-because those characters cannot be combined with the preceding set to
-produce a valid number. The returned number would be 34.5, the numeric
-part of the <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> string stripped of its units.
-<h3 id="tcParseFl">parseFloat</h3>
- <caption>parseFloat(col) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseFloat(col)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">-1.6</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1.6</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16.8</td>
- <td class="nm">1.23</td>
- <td class="nm">10</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">-10</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcParseFl_1">
-With <code>parseFloat</code> empty strings return <code>NaN </code>
-along with strings that cannot be subject to numeric interpretation.
-The exponential format is understood and the leading zero in the
-octal format does not hinder the string's interpretation as a
-decimal number. Hexadecimal strings are interpreted as the number
-zero because the following <code>&quot;x&quot;</code> cannot be
-interpreted as part of a number so parsing stops after the leading zero.
- <caption>parseFloat(col) : Other Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseFloat(col)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcParseFl_2">
-Non-string values are first converted into a string that is employed
-by <code>parseFloat</code>. As that type-conversion to a string would
-not normally result in a string that could be interpreted as a number
-the result is <code>NaN</code>. Objects and functions may have custom
-<code>toString</code> methods that may return strings that could be
-interpreted as numbers but that would be an unusual requirement.
-<h3 id="tcParseIn">parseInt</h3>
-<p id="tcParseIn_1">
-The <code>parseInt</code> function works in a similar way to
-<code>parseFloat</code> except that it is trying to interpret its
-string argument into an integer and as a result recognises fewer
-character as possible candidates to be part of that number.
-<p id="tcParseIn_2">
-<code>parseInt</code> is occasionally used as a means of turning a
-floating point number into an integer. It is very ill suited to that
-task because if its argument is of numeric type it will first be
-converted into a string and then parsed as a number, very inefficient.
-This can produce very wrong results with numbers such as
-<code>2e-200</code>, for which the next smaller integer is zero, but
-with which <code>parseInt</code> returns <code>2</code>. Also, because
-of the number format used by javascript, numbers are often represented
-by near approximations. So, for example, 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/6 =
-0.9999999999999999, which isn't quite one and parseInt would return
-zero if asked to act on the result of the operation.
-<p id="tcParseIn_3">
-For rounding
-numbers to integers one of <code>Math.round</code>, <code>Math.ceil</code>
-and <code>Math.floor</code> are preferable, and for a desired result
-that can be expressed as a 32 bit signed integer the bitwise operation
-described below might also suit.
- <caption>parseInt(col) : Numeric Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="nm">-1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">-0</th>
- <th class="nm">+0</th>
- <th class="nm">1</th>
- <th class="nm">1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">8</th>
- <th class="nm">16</th>
- <th class="nm">16.8</th>
- <th class="nm">123e-2</th>
- <th class="nm">-Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">+Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">NaN</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col)</th>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcParseIn_4">
-When it is acting on number the effect of the initial type-conversion
-of the argument to a string is evident in the results. Note that the
-value <code>123e-2</code> is internally the number <code>1.23</code>
-and that type converts into the string <code>&quot;1.23&quot;</code>,
-so that entry in the table above might look odd but it is correct.
- <caption>parseInt(col) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">123</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">255</td>
- <td class="nm">-8</td>
- <td class="nm">-16</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcParseIn_5">
-Strings in octal and hexadecimal number formats do represent integers
-and <code>parseInt</code> is capable of interpreting them in accordance
-with the rules for Javascript source code, even when they have leading
-minus signs.
- <caption>parseInt(col) : Other Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcParseIn_6">
-As <code>parseInt</code> type-converts its non-string arguments to
-strings it always produces the same results for <code>boolean</code>,
-<code>null</code>, <code>undefined</code>, object and function
-arguments as <code>parseFloat</code> (assuming objects and functions
-do not have custom <code>toString</code> methods).
-<h3 id="tcPrIntRx">parseInt with a radix argument</h3>
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_1">
-It is rarely desirable to allow <code>parseInt</code> to deduce the
-base in which the number is represented from the string as leading zeros are
-rarely intended to indicate data in octal format (particularly with
-user input). To deal with this problem <code>parseInt</code> recognises
-a second, radix, argument that can be used to specify the base in which the
-string is to be interpreted. Specifying a second argument of 10 causes
-<code>parseInt</code> to interpret the strings as only base 10.
- <caption>parseInt(col, 10) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col, 10)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">123</td>
- <td class="nm">10</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">-10</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_2">
-The string in octal format is now interpreted as base 10 and the
-hexadecimal strings can now only be zero as parsing has to stop
-when the <code>&quot;x&quot;</code> is encountered.
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_3">
-Number bases 2 to 36 can be used with <code>parseInt</code>. The
-following is base 16.
- <caption>parseInt(col, 16) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col, 16)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">22</td>
- <td class="nm">22</td>
- <td class="nm">4670</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">255</td>
- <td class="nm">-16</td>
- <td class="nm">-16</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_4">
-The hexadecimal <code>0x</code> format is recognised again with the
-base 16 interpretation.
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_5">
-Finally base 3:-
- <caption>parseInt(col, 3) : Numeric Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="nm">-1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">-0</th>
- <th class="nm">+0</th>
- <th class="nm">1</th>
- <th class="nm">1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">8</th>
- <th class="nm">16</th>
- <th class="nm">16.8</th>
- <th class="nm">123e-2</th>
- <th class="nm">-Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">+Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">NaN</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col, 3)</th>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcPrIntRx_6">
-The consequences of the type-converting of numeric arguments to
-strings is evident again. The number <code>8</code> is coming out
-as <code>NaN</code> because the <code>&quot;8&quot;</code> character
-cannot be interpreted as base 3, leaving an empty sequence of
-acceptable characters and producing the same result as an empty string.
- <caption>parseInt(col, 3) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>parseInt(col, 3)</th>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">5</td>
- <td class="nm">3</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">-3</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">NaN</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<h2 id="tcToInt32">ToInt32</h2>
-<p id="tcToInt32_1">
-<code>ToInt32</code> is an <em>internal</em> function only available to the
-Javascript implementation and cannot be called directly from scripts
-in the way that <code>parseInt</code> can. It is a bit unusual to mention it in
-connection with converting Javascript values to numbers but it can
-be used in a limited set of circumstances. The bitwise operators such
-as bitwise OR (<code>|</code>) and bitwise AND (<code>&</code>) operate on
-numbers so they type-convert their operands to numbers. However, they
-also only operate on 32 bit signed integers so given the (possibly
-type-converted) numeric value they call the <em>internal</em>
-<code>ToInt32</code> function with that number as its argument and
-use the returned value as their operand. That returned value is always
-a 32 bit signed integer.
-<p id="tcToInt32_2">
-The effect can be like <code>parseInt</code> combined with type-converting
-to numbers. While the result is limited in range to 32 bits, it is
-<em>always</em> numeric and never <code>NaN</code>, or &plusmn;
-<p id="tcToInt32_3">
-As with using mathematical operators in operations that have no effect on
-the value of any resulting number it is possible to perform a bitwise
-operation that will not affect the value returned from the call to
-<code>ToInt32</code>. The tables below were generated using a bitwise
-OR zero operation.
- <caption> ToInt32 (col|0) : Numeric Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="nm">-1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">-0</th>
- <th class="nm">+0</th>
- <th class="nm">1</th>
- <th class="nm">1.6</th>
- <th class="nm">8</th>
- <th class="nm">16</th>
- <th class="nm">16.8</th>
- <th class="nm">123e-2</th>
- <th class="nm">-Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">+Infinity</th>
- <th class="nm">NaN</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>col|0</th>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcToInt32_4">
-<code>NaN</code> and &plusmn;<code>Infinity</code> become zero and
-floating point values are <em>truncated</em> to integers.
- <caption> ToInt32 (col|0) : String Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="st">&quot;&quot;<br>(empty<br>string)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;1.6&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;16.8&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;123e-2&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;010&quot;<br>(Octal)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0x10&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;0xFF&quot;<br>(Hex)</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-010&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;-0x10&quot;</th>
- <th class="st">&quot;xx&quot;</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>col|0</th>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">-1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">8</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">10</td>
- <td class="nm">16</td>
- <td class="nm">255</td>
- <td class="nm">-10</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcToInt32_5">
-String values that would type-convert to <code>NaN</code> are returned
-as zero from <code>ToInt32</code>.
- <caption> ToInt32 (col|0) : Other Values.</caption>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th class="un">undefined</th>
- <th class="ob">null</th>
- <th class="bl">true</th>
- <th class="bl">false</th>
- <th class="ob">new Object()</th>
- <th class="fn">function(){<br> return;<br>}</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <th>col|0</th>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">1</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- <td class="nm">0</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-<p id="tcToInt32_6">
-Even <code>undefined</code>, objects and functions are converted to zero value
-numbers by this operation. Note though that boolean <code>true</code> is
-converted to the number 1.
-<h2 id="tcUserIn">Converting User Input</h2>
-<p id="tcUserIn_1">
-Most of the mechanisms for getting input from the user,
-<code>&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;</code> and
-<code>prompt</code> for example, provide their results in the form
-of strings. If the user is expected to input a number they still
-might enter anything (at the least they may just make a typo). If
-the string needs to be converted into a number for later operations
-one of the methods mentioned above can be chosen based on what best
-suits the nature of the input expected but some of the results
-generated with erroneous input may be difficult to detect and handle.
-<p id="tcUserIn_2">
-Prior to converting a string to a number it may be advantageous
-to use a Regular Expression to test the contents of the string
-to ensure that they conform to an acceptable format. That would
-serve to eliminate some of the string values that may otherwise
-suffer from the quirks of the string to number converting
-processes when applied to unexpected string values.
-<h3 id="tcRegEx">Regular expression examples</h3>
-<pre id="tcRegExEm">
-/^\d+$/ <span class="commentJS">//All-digit</span>
-/^\s*[-+]?\d+\s*$/ <span class="commentJS">//Unbroken Signed integer &amp; spaces</span>
-/^\d{1,5}$/ <span class="commentJS">//1 to 5 digits</span>
-/^\d+\.\d\d$/ <span class="commentJS">//Money</span>
-/^\d+(\.\d{2})$/ <span class="commentJS">//Money</span>
-/^\d{1,3}(,\d\d\d)*\.\d\d$/ <span class="commentJS">//comma-separated money - 12,432.57</span>
- <span class="commentJS">// optional comma-separated money - 12,432.57 or 12432.57</span>
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-<title>Browser Detection (and What to Do Instead)</title>
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-<h1 id="bdTop">Browser Detection (and What to Do Instead)</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
-By Richard Cornford, edited by Garrett Smith
- <li><a href="#bdIntro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdValid">Avoiding Structural Differences in the Browser DOMs</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdDif">Browsers Differences</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdFailS">Failed Strategies: Browser Detecting</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#bdUAS">Assumptions Based on navigator.userAgent</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdOI">Assumptions Based on DOM Objects: Object inference</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#bdFD">A Strategy That Works: Object/Feature Detecting.</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#bdGEID">Example 1: IDed Element Retrieval</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdScroll">Example 2: Scroll Values</a></li>
- <li><a href="#bdReplace">Example 3: String.prototype.replace</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="#bdDesPb">The Javascript Design Problem</a></li>
-<h2 id="bdIntro">Introduction</h2>
-<p id="bdIntro_1">
-Under normal circumstances computer programs are written for a known
-environment. The programmer knows what to expect; which APIs will be
-available, how they will behave and so on. Java is an ideal example
-of this, providing a theoretically consistent set of APIs and language
-features across all Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implementations. But
-this is also true in most other circumstances. The programmer of C++
-for the Windows operating system will know what MFC classes are
-available and how to program them. Their expectations will be
-rewarded, if they posses the required knowledge.
-<p id="bdIntro_2">
-Client side javascript for the Internet, on the other hand, has the
-possibly unique problem of having to be authored with no specific
-knowledge of the environment in which it will be executed. The
-client side environment will usually be a web browser and web
-browsers do tend to have many common features (and increasingly
-standardised features) but the author cannot know which version of
-which browser will be making any HTTP request (or
-whether it is a browser at all). It is not even possible to tell in
-advance whether the User Agent will be capable of executing
-javascript; all of those that can include a user configurable option
-to disable it anyway.
-<p id="bdIntro_3">
-Javascript authors for the Internet must realise that they are dealing
-with the unknown and that any, and all, scripts will fail to execute
-somewhere. The challenge is to get the most from your javascript when
-it is available but to cope with their failure in a meaningful way.
-<p id="bdIntro_4">
-I once read a description of a variant on the game of chess, played
-at military academies. Two players sit at separate boards set up with
-only their own pieces, out of sight of each other, and a referee
-supervises the game. Each player makes their move in turn and the
-referee is responsible for informing them how the other's move impacts
-on their own pieces and how the other's disposition of pieces impact
-on their intended move. The player is informed only when one of their
-own pieces is taken, when one of their moves is affected by
-interacting with one of their opponents pieces (i.e. a player may want
-to move a bishop across the board but the referee may inform them that
-their move was stopped four squares early when the bishop took a pawn
-from the other side) and when one of their opponents pieces is
-sitting on a square adjacent to one of their own.
-<p id="bdIntro_5">
-The game is used to teach battlefield strategy. To win a player must
-probe and test to deduce his opponent's disposition, while planing and
-executing a response that will achieve the desired checkmate. It is
-this sort of strategy that needs to be added to the normal programming
-problems in order that javascript may cope with its unknown execution
-environment, with the significant difference that the strategy, its
-tests and all of the paths of execution must be fully planed out before
-the code can even starts executing.
-<h2 id="bdValid">Avoiding Structural Differences in the Browser DOMs</h2>
-<p id="bdValid_1">
-While the point of this article is to introduce techniques for handling
-the differences between web browsers and their DOM implementations it
-is also possible to avoid some types of differences especially related
-to the structure of the DOM that is being scripted.
-<p id="bdValid_2">
-If I was asked to recommend one action most likely to promote the
-authoring of cross-browser scripts it would be: <strong><em>Start
-from a basis of valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language"
-<p id="bdValid_3">
-Browsers presented with invalid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> will usually attempt to error
-correct it in order to do the best possible job of displaying it.
-Some browsers, particularly IE, are tolerant of all sorts of strange
-formulations of mark-up. Valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> has a tree-like structure, elements
-may completely contain others but they cannot overlap, and there are
-rules about which elements may appear in which contexts. The DOM that
-is to be scripted also has a tree-like structure and there is a very
-simple relationship between the tree-like structure of valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and
-the DOM constructed from it. So any browser presented with valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>
-will be able to directly translate that <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> into a corresponding DOM
-using well specified rules, resulting in a DOM that is of predictable
-and consistent structure on all of the browsers that can build a DOM.
-<p id="bdValid_4">
-Invalid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> will not translate as naturally into a DOM, or even a
-tree-like structure. If the browser is going to build a DOM with the
-source provided it is going to have to apply error correcting rules
-and attempt to build the best DOM it can. But the error correcting
-rules are not standardised, not even published. So different browsers
-have no choice but apply different rules and that directly results in
-the building of DOMs with different (and in extremes, radically
-different) structures.
-<p id="bdValid_5">
-As a result, using invalid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> directly produces differences in the
-DOMs produced by different browsers. No matter how good the application
-of techniques for dealing with the differences between browsers, it
-does not make sense to do anything that will provoke more differences
-than are unavoidable.
-<p id="bdValid_6">
-The authoring of invalid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>, justified because &quot;It works in
-browser XYZ&quot;, gives the authors of accompanying scripts the
-impression that cross-browser scripting is harder than it is. If they
-had started with valid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> they would never have encountered any of
-the structural inconsistencies that invalid <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> can provoke.
-<h2 id="bdDif">Browsers Differences</h2>
-<p id="bdDif_1">
-As browsers have evolved they have offered more features to javascript.
-Different manufactures have adopted the features of other browsers,
-while adding new features, that may in turn have been adopted by (or
-will be adopted by) their competitors. Various sets of common features
-have emerged and some have been formalised by the W3C into a sequence
-of standard DOM specifications. Along the way an increasing number of
-javascript capable browsers have emerged. In addition to desktop PC
-browsers, javascript capable browsers exist for a whole range of
-devices; PDAs, mobile telephones (Microwave ovens, refrigerators).
-<p id="bdDif_2">
-Unfortunately it is the case that the browsers on the smaller devices
-cannot offer the range of features available to a desktop PC and even
-as the technology improves and features are added to the smaller
-browsers the problem will not improve as browsers will become available
-on a wider range of devices while the desktop PC browsers will continue
-to march ahead of them.
-<p id="bdDif_3">
-Over the years various strategies have been attempted to tackle this
-problem and some have failed miserably.
-<h2 id="bdFailS">Failed Strategies: Browser Detecting</h2>
-<h3 id="bdUAS">Assumptions Based on navigator.userAgent</h3>
-<p id="bdUAS_1">
-One of the most popular strategies for handling the differences between
-web browsers was browser detecting based on the User Agent string.
-Browsers possessing a <code>navigator</code> object also provide a
-property of that object: <code>navigator.userAgent</code> containing a
-string that (in theory) identifies the browser. Its application went
-something like:-
-<pre id="bdUAS_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Warning: never use this script, or any script based on, or resembling, it.
-var userAgent = self.navigator.userAgent;
-var appName = self.navigator.appName;
-var isOpera = false;
-var isOpera5 = false;
-var isOpera6p = false;
-var isIE = false;
-var isIE4 = false;
-var isIE5p = false;
-var isMozilla1p = false;
-var isNet4 = false;
-var isNet5p = false;
-var operaVersion = 0;
-var ieVersion = 0;
-var appVersion = self.navigator.appVersion;
-var brSet = false;
-function brSetup(){
- for(var c = 3;c &lt; appVersion.length;c++){
- var chr = appVersion.charAt(c);
- if(isNaN(chr)){
- appVersion = appVersion.substring(0, c);
- break;
- }
- }
- if((userAgent.indexOf('webtv') &lt; 0) &amp;&amp;
- (userAgent.indexOf('hotjava') &lt; 0)){
- if(userAgent.indexOf('Opera') &gt;= 0){
- var ind = (userAgent.indexOf('Opera')+6);
- if(((ind+1) &lt; userAgent.length)&amp;&amp;(ind &gt;= 6)){
- isOpera = true;
- var bsVersion = parseInt(userAgent.substring(ind, ind+1));
- if(!isNaN(bsVersion)){
- operaVersion = bsVersion;
- if(operaVersion &gt;= 6){
- isOpera6p = true;
- }else if(operaVersion &gt;= 5){
- isOpera5 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(appName.indexOf('Microsoft Internet Explorer') &gt;= 0){
- var ind = (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')+5);
- if(((ind+1) &lt; userAgent.length)&amp;&amp;(ind &gt;= 5)){
- isIE = true;
- var bsVersion = parseInt(userAgent.substring(ind, ind+1));
- if(!isNaN(bsVersion)){
- ieVersion = bsVersion;
- if(ieVersion &gt;= 5){
- isIE5p = true;
- }else if(ieVersion &gt;= 4){
- isIE4 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }else if(appName.indexOf('Netscape') &gt;= 0){
- if((self.navigator.vendor)&amp;&amp;
- (self.navigator.vendor.indexOf('Netscape') &gt;= 0)&amp;&amp;
- (userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') &gt;= 0)){
- isNet5p = true;
- }else if((userAgent.indexOf('Netscape') &lt; 0)&amp;&amp;
- (userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') &gt;= 0)&amp;&amp;
- (appVersion &gt;= 5)){
- isMozilla1p = true;
- }else if((appVersion &lt; 5)&amp;&amp;
- (userAgent.indexOf('compatible') &lt; 0)){
- isNet4 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- brSet = true;
-<p id="bdUAS_2">
-This version also uses some other properties of the
-<code>navigator</code> object; <code>appName</code> and
-<p id="bdUAS_3">
-Superficially this type of script seems to be saying quite a lot about
-what browser is executing the script. Knowing that the
-<code>isIE5p</code> variable is boolean <code>true</code> seems to be
-a reasonable indicator that the browser in question is Internet
-Explorer Version 5 or above and from that all of the available features
-on the IE 5+ DOM could be assumed to exist.
-<p id="bdUAS_4">
-Unfortunately, if this type of script ever was an effective determiner
-of the browser type, it is not now. The first problem is that you cannot
-write this type of script to take into account all web browsers. The
-script above is only interested in Internet Explorer, Netscape and
-(some) Mozilla derived browsers and Opera. Any other browser will not
-be identified, and that will include a number of W3C DOM conforming
-fully dynamic visual browsers quite capable of delivering on even quite
-demanding code.
-<p id="bdUAS_5">
-The second problem is that scripts like this one, and server-side
-counter-parts (reading the HTTP User Agent header) were used to
-<em>exclude</em> browsers that did not fall into a set of browsers
-known to the author, regardless of whether those browsers were
-capable of displaying the offending site or not.
-<p id="bdUAS_6">
-As more browsers were written, their authors discovered that if they
-honestly reported their type and version in their User Agent string
-they would likely be excluded from sites that they would
-otherwise be quite capable of displaying. To get around this problem
-browsers began spoofing the more popular versions, sending HTTP User
-Agent headers, and reporting <code>navigator.userAgent</code> strings,
-that were indistinguishable from, say, IE.
-<p id="bdUAS_7">
-As a result, when the above script reports <code>isIE5p</code> as true, it is
-possible that the browser that is executing the script is one of
-numerous current browsers. Many of those browsers support sufficient
-features found on IE5+ to allow most scripts to execute but the
-trueness of <code>isIE5p</code> is not a valid indicator that the
-browser will support <em>all</em> of the IE 5+ DOM.
-<p id="bdUAS_8">
-Now you might decide that a browser that lies about its identity
-deserves what it gets (though they started lying in order to make
-themselves usable in the face of near-sighted <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> and script authors)
-but is worth bearing in mind that the IE 5
-<code>navigator.userAgent</code> string is:
-<code>&quot;Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)&quot;</code>.
-IE 5 is in fact spoofing Netscape 4, and Microsoft started to do that
-for precisely the same reasons that motivate many current browsers to
-send User Agent headers, and report <code>navigator.userAgent</code>
-strings that are indistinguishable form those of Microsoft browsers.
-<p id="bdUAS_9">
-No browser manufacture wants (or ever has wanted) their browser to be
-needlessly excluded from displaying a web site that it is perfectly
-capable of handling just because the author of that site does not
-know it by name. And to prevent that they have followed Microsoft and
-taken action that has rendered the <code>userAgent</code> string (and
-the HTTP User Agent header) meaningless.
-<p id="bdUAS_10">
-We are now at a point where the contents of the User Agent strings
-bear no relationship at all to the capabilities and features of the
-browser that is reporting it. The situation has gone so far that a
-number of javascript experts have stated that a standard quality test
-for an unknown script would include searching the source code of the
-script for the string <code>&quot;userAgent&quot;</code> and dismissing
-the script out of hand if that string is found.
-<h3 id="bdOI">Assumptions Based on DOM Objects: Object inference</h3>
-<p id="bdOI_1">
-A second browser detecting strategy uses the objects present in various
-browser DOMs and make the assumption that the presence (or absence) of
-one or more objects indicates that a browser is a particular type or
-version. I quickly found this example of typical code of this type:-
-<pre id="bdOI_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* Warning: never use this script, or any script based on, or resembling, it.
-var isDOM=(document.getElementById)?true:false;
-var isIE4=(document.all&amp;&amp;!isDOM)?true:false;
-var isIE5p=(document.all&amp;&amp;isDOM)?true:false;
-var isIE=(document.all)?true:false;
-var isOP=(window.opera)?true:false;
-var isNS4=(document.layers)?true:false;
-<p id="bdOI_2">
-Javascript performs automatic type conversion so when a boolean result
-is expected from an expression that evaluates to a non-boolean value
-that non-boolean value is (internally) converted to a boolean value
-(using the rules defined in the ECMAScript specification) and that
-boolean is used as the result.
-<p id="bdOI_3">
-Take the first line:-
-<pre id="bdOI_ex2">
-var isDOM=(document.getElementById)?true:false;
-<p id="bdOI_4">
-The conditional expression requires that the expression preceding the <code>?</code>
-have a boolean result. The <code>document.getElementById</code>
-property accessor can resolve as one of two values depending on whether
-the <code>getElementById</code> function is supported in the browser in
-question. If it is supported then the accessor resolves as a function
-object, and is type converted to boolean <code>true</code>. If
-<code>getElementById</code> is not supported the accessor resolves as
-undefined, and undefined type converts to boolean
-<code>false</code>. Thus the expression preceding the question mark
-resolves as <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> and based on that
-result <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> are assigned to the
-variable <code>isDOM</code>.
-<div class="tip">
- <h4>Boolean Conversion Tip: !!</h4>
- <p id="bdOI_5">
- Incidentally, this code is not the optimum method of assigning a boolean
- value based on the type converted to boolean result of a property accessor.
- It is better to use the javascript NOT operator ( <code>!</code> ) twice
- or to pass the object reference as the argument to the <code>Boolean</code>
- constructor called as a function. The not operator will type convert its
- operand to boolean and then invert it so <code>false</code> becomes
- <code>true</code> and <code>true</code> becomes <code>false</code>.
- Passing that result as the operand for a second not operator inverts
- the boolean again so a reference to a function object results in boolean
- <code>true</code> and an undefined reference results in boolean
- <code>false</code>. The <code>Boolean</code> constructor called as a
- function converts its argument to boolean and returns that value. The
- statement would become:-
- </p>
- <pre id="bdOI_ex3">
- var isDOM = !!document.getElementById;
- <span class="commentJS">/* - or - */</span>
- var isDOM = Boolean(document.getElementById);
- </pre>
- <p id="bdOI_6">
- Which is shorter and faster than the original version and certainly
- more direct.
- </p>
-<h4>Inductive Generalization Fallacy</h4>
-<p id="bdOI_7">
-The problem with this type of browser detecting script is that it is
-used to make assumptions about the browser's capabilities that are
-rarely valid. For example, this <code>isDOM</code> result, based on
-the browser's support for <code>document.getElementById</code>, is
-often used as the basis for the assumption that the browser has a
-fully dynamic DOM with methods such as
-<code>document.createElement</code>, <code>replaceChild</code> and
-<code>appendChild</code>. Browsers do not live up to that expectation,
-some are not that dynamic and while they may implement some of the Core
-DOM level 1 methods such as <code>getElementById</code> They do not
-necessarily implement large parts of the various DOM standards,
-including all of the dynamic <code>Node</code> manipulation methods.
-<p id="bdOI_8">
-The result of the <code>isIE5p</code> test is intended to indicate that
-the browser is Internet Explorer 5.0 or above. However, Opera 7,
-IceBrowser 5.4, Web Browser 2.0 (palm OS), Konquerer, Safari, NetFront,
-iCab and others will all produce a <code>true</code> value in
-<code>isIE5p</code> because they implement <code>getElementById</code>
-and the <code>document.all</code> collection. As a result, code that
-assumes that it will have <em>all</em> of the capabilities of IE 5.0+
-available to it when <code>isIE5p</code> is <code>true</code> will as
-often as not be mistaken.
-<p id="bdOI_9">
-This problem applies to all of the tests above with the possible
-exception of the <code>window.opera</code> test. I am unaware of a
-second browser type that has implemented an <code>opera</code> object
-on the window object. But then Opera 7 is a radically different, and
-much more dynamic browser that its preceding versions, though they all
-possess a <code>window.opera</code> object.
-<p id="bdOI_10">
-To get around the problem that multiple browsers implement the same
-features (even if they start off unique to one browser) script authors
-have attempted to find more discriminating features to test. For
-example, the following script extract is intended to work only on IE
-5.0+ browsers:-
-<pre id="bdOI_ex4">
-var isIE5p = !!window.ActiveXObject;
-function copyToClip(myString){
- if(!isIE5p) return;
- window.clipboardData.setData(&quot;text&quot;,myString);
-<p id="bdOI_11">
-The <code>ActiveXObject</code> constructor is intended to be
-discriminating of an IE browser. However, this type if script still
-does not work. It has placed the competing browser manufacturers in
-exactly the same position as they were in when scripts tested the
-<code>navigator.userAgent</code> string and excluded them from
-accessing a site because they honestly reported that they where not
-IE. As a result I already know of one browser that has implemented
-a <code>window.ActiveXObject</code> function, it probably is a dummy
-and exists in the browsers DOM specifically to defeat the exclusion
-of that browser based on tests like the one above.
-<p id="bdOI_12">
-The assumptions that the existence of one (or two) feature(s) in a
-javascript environment infers the existence of any feature beyond
-the ones tested is invalid. It is only used by those ignorant of the
-potential for diversity, imitation and the patterns of evolution in
-browser DOMs.
-<p id="bdOI_13">
-No matter how specifically the objects from which the inferences are
-derived are chosen, the technique itself sows the seeds of its own
-invalidity, an object that may actually validly be used to infer that
-a browser is of a particular type/version today probably will not still
-be valid next year. Adding a maintenance burden to a task that already
-presupposes an omniscient knowledge of <em>all</em> browser DOMs just
-in order to be effectively implemented at present.
-<h2 id="bdFD">A Strategy That Works: Object/Feature Detecting</h2>
-<p id="bdFD_1">
-The main point of the previous discussion is to convey the idea that it
-is impossible to detect exactly which type of browser (or version of
-that browser) a script is being executed on. The use that such scripts
-have been put to in the past (to exclude browsers from sites that
-they probably could have successfully handled) has motivated the
-manufactures of browsers to render browser detecting nonviable
-as a strategy for dealing with the variations in browser DOMs.
-<p id="bdFD_2">
-Fortunately, not being able to identify a web browser type or version
-with more accuracy than could be achieved by generating a random number
-and then biasing the result by your favourite (meaningless, because
-they too are based on browser detecting and suffer exactly the same
-unreliability) browser usage statistics, does not need to impact upon
-your ability to script web browsers at all. A viable alternative
-strategy has been identified and developed to the point where it is
-possible to author javascript to be used on web pages without any
-interest in the type or version of the browser at all.
-<p id="bdFD_3">
-That alternative strategy is known as object or feature detecting. I
-prefer to use the term &quot;feature detecting&quot;, partly because the
-resulting code often needs to test and probe a wider range of
-features than just those that could be described as objects, but
-mostly because &quot;object detecting&quot; is occasionally
-erroneously applied to the object inference style of script described
-<p id="bdFD_4">
-Feature detecting seeks to match an attempt to execute as script (or a
-part of a script) with the execution environment by seeking to test
-features of that environment where the results of the test have a
-direct one-to-one relationship with the features that need to be
-supported in the environment for the code to successfully execute. It
-is the direct one-to-one relationship in the implemented tests that
-avoids the need to identify the specific browser because whatever
-browser it is it either will support all of the required features or
-it will not. That would mean testing the feature itself (to ensure
-that it exists on the browser) and possibly aspects of the behaviour
-of that feature.
-<p id="bdFD_5">
-Taking the previous example that illustrated how the
-<code>ActiveXObject</code> constructor might be used as the basis for
-a script that inferred the existence of, and ability to use, the
-<code>clipboardData</code> feature implemented on window IE. Rather
-than inferring the browser's support for the <code>clipboardData</code>
-feature from some other unrelated feature it should be fairly obvious
-that the feature that should be tested for prior to attempting to write
-to the clipboard <em>is</em> the <code>clipboardData</code> object, and
-further, that calling the <code>setData</code> method of that object
-should necessitate checking that it too is implemented:-
-<pre id="bdFD_ex1">
-function copyToClip(myString){
- if((typeof clipboardData != 'undefined')&amp;&amp;
- (clipboardData.setData)){
- clipboardData.setData(&quot;text&quot;,myString);
- }
-<p id="bdFD_6">
-In this way the tests that determine whether the
-<code>clipboardData.setData</code> method is called have a direct
-one-to-one relationship with the browser's support for the feature. It
-is not necessary to be interested in whether the browser is the
-expected windows IE that is known to implement the feature, or whether
-it is some other browser that has decided to copy IE's implementation
-and provide the feature itself. If the feature is there (at least to
-the required extent) it is used and if it is not there no attempt is
-made to use it.
-<p id="bdFD_7">
-The above feature detecting tests are done using two operations. The
-first employs the <code>typeof</code> operator, which returns a string
-depending on the type of its operand. That string is one of
-<code>&quot;undefined&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;object&quot;</code>,
-<code>&quot;function&quot;</code>, <code>&quot;boolean&quot;</code>
-<code>&quot;string&quot;</code> and <code>&quot;number&quot;</code>
-and the test compares the returned string with the string
-<code>&quot;undefined&quot;</code>. The <code>clipboardData</code>
-object is not used unless typeof does not return
-<p id="bdFD_8">
-The second test is a type-converting test. The logical AND
-(<code>&amp;&amp;</code>) operator internally converts its operands to
-boolean in order to make its decision about what value it will return.
-If <code>clipboardData.setData</code> is undefined it will type-convert
-to boolean <code>false</code>, while if it is an object or a function
-the result of the conversion will be boolean <code>true</code>.
-<p id="bdFD_9">
-However, that function is not a particularly clever application of
-feature detecting because, while it avoids the function throwing errors
-in an attempt to execute <code>clipboardData.setData</code> on a browser
-thatdoes not support it, it will do nothing on a browser that does not
-support it. That is a problem when the user has been presented with a
-GUI component that gives them the impression that their interaction
-will result in something being written to the clipboard but when they
-use it nothing happens. And of course nothing was going to happen if
-the browser in use did not support javascript or it had been disabled.
-<p id="bdFD_10">
-Ensuring that a script will not attempt to use a feature that is not
-supported is not sufficient to address the design challenge of crating
-scripts for the Internet. Testing the browser for the features that it
-does support makes it practical to handle a spectrum of browser DOMs
-but the script design task also involves planning how to handle the
-range of possibilities. A range that goes from guaranteed failure to
-execute at all on browser that do not support javascript, to full
-support for all of the required features.
-<p id="bdFD_11">
-You can tell when the browser does not support the
-<code>clipboardData</code> feature from the script prior to using it
-but the user has no way of knowing why a button that promised them
-some action has failed to do anything. So in addition to matching the
-script to the browser's ability to execute it, it is also necessary to
-match the GUI, and the user's resulting expectations, to what the
-script is going to be able to deliver.
-<p id="bdFD_12">
-Suppose the <code>copyToClip</code> function was called from an
-<code>INPUT</code> element of <code>type=&quot;button&quot;</code>
-and was intended to copy a company e-mail address into the clipboard,
-the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> code for the button might look like:-
-<pre id="bdFD_ex2">
-&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot;
- value=&quot;copy our contact e-mail address to your clipboard&quot;
- onclick=&quot;copyToClip('')&quot;&gt;
-<p id="bdFD_13">
-We know that that <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> will do nothing if javascript is
-disabled/unavailable and we know that it will do nothing if the browser
-does not support the required features, so one option would be to use a
-script to write the button <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> into the document in the position in
-which the button was wanted when the browser provided the facility:-
-<pre id="bdFD_ex3">
-&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
- if((typeof clipboardData != 'undefined')&amp;&amp;
- (clipboardData.setData)&amp;&amp;
- (document.write)){
- document.write('&lt;input type=&quot;button&quot;',
- 'value=&quot;copy our contact e-mail address',
- ' to your clipboard&quot; onclick=&quot;',
- 'copyToClip(\'\')&quot;&gt;');
- }
-<p id="bdFD_14">
-Now the user will never see the button unless the browser supports the
-required features <em>and</em> javascript is enabled. The user never
-gets an expectation that the script will not be able to deliver (at
-least that is the theory, it is still possible for the user's browser
-configuration to prevent scripts from writing to the clipboard, but
-the user might be expected to know how their browser is configured and
-understand that the button is not in a position to override it).
-<p id="bdFD_15">
-If the <code>copyToClip</code> function is only ever called from
-buttons that are written only following the required feature detection
-then it can be simplified by the removal of the test from its body as
-it would be shielded from generating errors on nonsupporting browsers by
-the fact that there would be no way for it to be executed.
-<p id="bdFD_16">
-The <code>document.write</code> method is not the only way of adding
-GUI components to a web page in a way that can be subject to the
-verification of the features that render those components meaningful.
-Alternatives include writing to a parent element's
-<code>innerHTML</code> property (where supported, see
-<a href="/faq/#updateContent">FAQ: How do I modify the content of the current page?</a>), or using the W3C DOM
-<code>document.crateElement</code> (or <code>createElementNS</code>)
-methods and appending the created element at a suitable location within
-the DOM. Either of these two approaches are suited to adding the
-components after the page has finished loading, but that can be useful
-as some feature testing is not practical before that point. The
-approach used can be chosen based on the requirements of the script.
-If the script is going to be using the
-<code>document.createElement</code> method itself then it is a good
-candidate as a method for inserting any required GUI components,
-similarly with <code>innerHTML</code>. The <code>document.write</code>
-method is universally supported in <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> DOMs but is not necessarily
-available at all in XHTML DOMs.
-<p id="bdFD_17">
-Other ways of handling the possibility that the browser will not
-support either javascript or the features required by the script used
-is to design the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>/<span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> parts of the page so that the script, upon
-verifying support for the features it requires, can modify, manipulate
-and transform the resulting elements in the DOM. But in the absence of
-sufficient script support the unmodified <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> presents all of the
-required content, navigation, etc.
-<p id="bdFD_18">
-This can be particularly significant with things like navigation menus.
-One style of design would place the content of the navigation menus,
-the URLs and text, in javascript structures such as Arrays. But either
-of javascript being disabled/unavailable on the client or the absence
-of the features required to support a functional javascript menu would
-leave the page without any navigation at all. Generally that would not
-be a viable web page, and not that good for search engine placement as
-search engine robots do not tend to execute javascript either so they
-would be left unable to navigate a site featuring such a menu and so
-unable to rank its content for listing.
-<p id="bdFD_19">
-A better approach to menu design would have the navigation menu content
-defined in the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span>, possibly as nested list elements of some sort, and
-once the script has ascertained that the browser is capable of executing
-it and providing the menu in an interactive form it can modify the <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>
-<code>position</code>, <code>display</code> and <code>visibility</code>
-properties, move the elements to their desired location, attach event
-handlers and generally get on with the task of providing a javascript
-menu. And the worst that happens when the browser does not support
-scripting or the required features is that the user (and any search
-engine robots) finds the navigation in the page as a series of nested
-lists containing links. Fully functional, if not quite as impressive as
-it could have been had the script been supported. This is termed
-&quot;clean degradation&quot; and goes hand in hand with feature
-detecting during the process of planing and implementing a browser
-script for the Internet.
-<h3 id="bdGEID">Example 1: IDed Element Retrieval</h3>
-<p id="bdGEID_1">
-An important aspect of feature detecting is that it allows a script to
-take advantage of possible fall-back options. Having deduced that a
-browser lacks the preferred feature it still may be possible to
-achieve the desired goal by using an alternative feature that is know
-to exist on some browsers. A common example of this is retrieving an
-element reference from the DOM given a string representing the
-<code>ID</code> attribute of that element. The preferred method would
-be the W3C Core DOM standard <code>document.getElementById</code>
-method which is supported on the widest number of browsers. If that
-method was not available but the browser happened to support the
-<code>document.all</code> collection then it could be used for the
-element retrieval as a fall-back option. And for some types of
-elements, such as <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned elements on Netscape 4 (where the
-<code>document.layers</code> collection may be used to retrieve such
-a reference), additional options may be available.
-<pre id="bdGEID_ex1">
-function getElementWithId(id){
- var obj;
- if(document.getElementById){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Prefer the widely supported W3C DOM method, if
- available:-
- */</span>
- obj = document.getElementById(id);
- }else if(document.all){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.all on document.all only
- browsers. Requires that IDs are unique to the page
- and do not coincide with NAME attributes on other
- elements:-
- */</span>
- obj = document.all[id];
- }else if(document.layers){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.layers, but that will only work for
- <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned elements and LAYERs that are not nested. A
- recursive method might be used instead to find positioned
- elements within positioned elements but most DOM nodes on
- document.layers browsers cannot be referenced at all.
- */</span>
- obj = document.layers[id];
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* If no appropriate/functional element retrieval mechanism
- exists on this browser this function returns null:-
- */</span>
- return obj||null;
-<p id="bdGEID_2">
-Although that function is not very long or complex (without its
-comments) it does demonstrate a consequence of one style of
-implementation of feature detecting, it repeats the test each time
-it is necessary to retrieve an element using its ID. If not too many
-elements need retrieving that may not be significant, but if many
-elements needed retrieving in rapid succession and performance was
-significant then the overhead of performing the feature detection on
-each retrieval may add up and impact on the resulting
-<p id="bdGEID_3">
-An alternative is to assign one of many functions to a global
-<code>getElementWithId</code> variable based on the results of the
-feature detecting tests, as the script loads.
-<pre id="bdGEID_ex2">
-var getElementWithId;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Prefer the widely supported W3C DOM method, if
- available:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return document.getElementById(id);
- }
-}else if(document.all){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.all on document.all only
- browsers. Requires that IDs are unique to the page
- and do not coincide with NAME attributes on other
- elements:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return document.all[id];
- }
-}else if(document.layers){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Branch to use document.layers, but that will only work for <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>
- positioned elements. This function uses a recursive method
- to find positioned elements within positioned elements but most
- DOM nodes on document.layers browsers cannot be referenced at
- all. This function is expected to be called with only one
- argument, exactly like the over versions.
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id, baseLayers){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the - baseLayers - parameter is not provided default
- its value to the document.layers collection of the main
- document:
- */</span>
- baseLayers = baseLayers||document.layers;
- <span class="commentJS">/* Assign the value of the property of the - baseLayers -
- object (possibly defaulted to the document.layers
- collection) with the property name corresponding to the
- - id - parameter to the local variable - obj:
- */</span>
- var obj = baseLayers[id];
- <span class="commentJS">/* If - obj - remains undefined (no element existed with the
- given - id -) try searching the indexed members of
- - baseLayers - to see if any of their layers collections
- contain the element with the corresponding - id:
- */</span>
- if(!obj){ <span class="commentJS">//Element not found</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* Loop through the indexed members of - baseLayers: */</span>
- for(var c = 0;c &lt; baseLayers.length;c++){
- if((baseLayers[c])&amp;&amp; <span class="commentJS">//Object at index - c.</span>
- (baseLayers[c].document)&amp;&amp; <span class="commentJS">//It has a - document.</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* And a layers collection on that document: */</span>
- (baseLayers[c].document.layers)){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Recursively call this function passing the - id - as
- the first parameter and the layers collection from
- within the document found on the layer at index - c
- - in - baseLayers - as the second parameter and
- assign the result to the local variable - obj:
- */</span>
- obj=getElementWithId(id,baseLayers[c].document.layers);
- <span class="commentJS">/* If - obj - is now not null then we have found the
- required element and can break out of the - for -
- loop:
- */</span>
- if(obj)break;
- }
- }
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* If - obj - will type-convert to boolean true (it is not null
- or undefined) return it, else return null:
- */</span>
- return obj||null;
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* No appropriate element retrieval mechanism exists on
- this browser. So assign this function as a safe dummy.
- Values returned form calls to getElementWithId probably
- should be tested to ensure that they are non-null prior
- to use anyway so this branch always returns null:-
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return null;
- }
-<span class="commentJS">/*
-var elRef = getElementWithId(&quot;ID_string&quot;);
- ... //element was found
- ... //element could not be found.
-<p id="bdGEID_4">
-The feature detecting tests are performed once as the page loads and
-one of many function expressions assigned to the
-<code>getElementWithId</code> global variable as a result. The
-assigned function is the one most capable of retrieving the required
-element on the browser in use but it is still necessary to check that
-the returned value in not <code>null</code> and plan for the
-possibility of failure in the element retrieval process. It is
-guaranteed to fail on any browser that does not implement at least one
-of the element retrieval mechanisms used as the default function just
-returns <code>null</code>.
-<p id="bdGEID_5">
-It may not be sufficient to provide a function that does the best job
-of element retrieval that can be done on the browser in use. Other
-scripts, or parts of the script, may need to know how successful their
-attempts to retrieve elements are likely to be. The
-<code>getElementWithId</code> version that uses
-<code>document.layers</code> cannot retrieve elements that are not <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>
-positioned and that may not be good enough for some scripts, while it
-may not matter to others. The <code>document.getElementById</code> and
-<code>document.all</code> versions should be able to retrieve any
-element given its <code>ID</code>. An opting would be to set a couple
-of boolean flags to indicate how successful element retrieval can be
-expected to be. Defaulting the flags to <code>false</code> and setting
-them to <code>true</code> in the branches that assign the various
-function expressions. Then if other code is interested in what can be
-expected from the <code>getElementWithId</code> function, say in order
-to decide how to configure, or default itself, it can check the
-pertinent flag.
-<pre id="bdGEID_ex3">
-var getElementWithId;
-var canGetAnyElement = false; <span class="commentJS">//default any element flag</span>
-var canGetCSSPositionedElements = false; <span class="commentJS">//default <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned flag</span>
- canGetAnyElement = true; <span class="commentJS">//set any element flag to true</span>
- canGetCSSPositionedElements = true; <span class="commentJS">//set <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned flag true</span>
- getElementWithId = ...
-}else if(document.all){
- canGetAnyElement = true; <span class="commentJS">//set any element flag to true</span>
- canGetCSSPositionedElements = true; <span class="commentJS">//set <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned flag true</span>
- getElementWithId = ...
-}else if(document.layers){
- canGetCSSPositionedElements = true; <span class="commentJS">//set <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned flag true</span>
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - canGetAnyElement - flag is not set in this branch because
- the document.layers collection does not make *all* elements
- available.
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = ...
- <span class="commentJS">/* Neither flag is set when the dummy function is assigned because
- it is guaranteed not to be able to retrieve any elements:
- */</span>
- getElementWithId = function(id){
- return null;
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* Expect to be able to retrieve <span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span> positioned elements.
- */</span>
- ...
- if(canGetAnyElement){
- <span class="commentJS">/* Expect to also be able to retrieve any other elements that
- have an ID attribute.
- */</span>
- ...
- }
-<p id="bdGEID_6">
-The flags do not directly reflect which feature is going to be used
-for element retrieval, instead they reflect what can be expected from
-the <code>getElementWithId</code> function on the current browser.
-Allowing a script that requires a particular level of performance
-(say the retrieval of any element) to determine whether it will have
-that facility but without denying the facility from a script with a
-less demanding requirement.
-<h3 id="bdScroll">Example 2: Scroll Values</h3>
-<p id="bdScroll_1">
-Another common task that needs to be approached differently on
-different browsers is the retrieval of the extent to which the user
-has scrolled a web page. The majority of browsers provide properties
-of the global object called <code>pageXOffset</code> and
-<code>pageYOffset</code>, which hold the relevant values. Some make the
-equivalent browsers available as scrollLeft and scrollTop properties on
-the &quot;root&quot; element (either in addition to the
-<code>pageX/YOffset</code> properties or instead of them). The task is
-complicated further by the fact that which element is the
-&quot;root&quot; element depends on various factors, it was always the
-<code>document.body</code> element in the past but newer (<span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>)
-standards compliant browsers (and browsers that can operate in various
-modes, including standards compliant mode) make the
-<code>document.documentElement</code> the root element. Then there may
-be browsers that do not make the scrolling values available at all.
-<p id="bdScroll_2">
-Because the <code>pageXOffset</code> and <code>pageYOffset</code>
-properties are implemented on the largest number of browsers, and their
-use avoids the need to worry about the &quot;root&quot; element, they
-are the preferred values to use. In there absence the problem moves on
-to identifying the &quot;root&quot; element, which is made easier by
-the browsers that understand standards compliant mode and provide a
-<code>document.compatMode</code> string property to announce which mode
-they are in. If the string property is missing or the value of that
-string is other than <code>&quot;CSS1Compat&quot;</code> then it is the
-<code>document.body</code> object that needs to be read for the
-scrolling values, else the <code>document.documentElement</code> should
-be read. Testing for the presence of any of the scroll values
-themselves needs to done with a <code>typeof</code> test because they
-are numeric values and if implemented but set to zero a type-converting
-test would return <code>false</code> but that would not be an indicator
-of their absence.
-<p id="bdScroll_3">
-The following is an example that employs feature detection to decide
-which scroll values to read:-
-<pre id="bdScroll_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* The - getPageScroll - global variable is assigned a reference to a
- function and when that function is called initially it configures
- the script to read the correct values, if available, and then
- returns a reference to the object - interface - which provides
- methods that retrieve the scroll values. Subsequent invocations of
- the getPageScroll function do not repeat the configuration, they
- just return a reference to the same interface object. Because the
- configuration stage may need to check whether the document.body
- element exists the function cannot be called until the browser has
- parsed the opening body tag as prior to that point there is no
- document.body element.
- Usage:-
- var scrollInterface = getPageScroll();
- var scrollX = scrollInterface.getScrollX();
- var scrollY = scrollInterface.getScrollY();
- The interface methods return NaN if the browser provides no method
- of reading the scroll values. A returned NaN value can be tested for
- with the - isNaN - global function, but it should not be necessary
- to perform the isNaN test on more than the first retrieval because
- if the returned value is NaN it will always be NaN and if it is not
- it should never be.
- if(isNaN(scrollX)){
- //No scroll value retrieval mechanism was available on this browser
- }
- (* The script performs an inline execution of a function expression
- which returns the function object that is assigned to the -
- getPageScroll - global variable. This produces a closure that
- preserves the local variables of the executed function expression,
- allowing the execution context of the function expression to provide
- a repository for the configuration results, keeping them out of the
- global namespace. The format is:-
- v--- Anonymous function expression --v
- var variable = (function(){ ...; return returnValue; })();
- Inline execution of the function expression ----^^
- The value returned by the inline execution of the anonymous function
- expression is assigned to the variable. If that returned value is a
- reference to an inner function object then the assignment will form
- a closure.)
-var getPageScroll = (function(){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The local variable &quot;global&quot; is assigned the value - this -
- because the function expression is executing in the global
- context and - this - refers to the global object in that
- context. The global object is usually the - window - object on
- web browsers but this local variable is going to be used in the
- configuration tests for convenience:
- */</span>
- var global = this;
- <span class="commentJS">/* notSetUp - Is a flag to indicate when the script has done the
- setup configuration:
- */</span>
- var notSetUp = true;
- <span class="commentJS">/* readScroll - Is initially a dummy object that is used to return
- the NaN values whenever no functional scroll value retrieval
- mechanism is available on the browser. It is assigned a
- reference to the object from which the scroll values can be read
- if the feature detection determines that to be possible:
- */</span>
- var readScroll = {scrollLeft:NaN,scrollTop:NaN};
- <span class="commentJS">/* Using the local variables - readScrollX - and readScrollY - to
- hold the property names allows the same functions to read both
- the pageX/YOffset properties of the global object and the
- scrollTop/Left properties of the &quot;root&quot; element by assigning
- different values to the variables. These are the defaults:
- */</span>
- var readScrollX = 'scrollLeft';
- var readScrollY = 'scrollTop';
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - itrface - local variable is assigned a reference to an
- object and it is this object that is returned whenever
- getPageScroll() is called. The object has two properties,
- getScrollX and getScrollY, which are assigned the values of two
- anonymous function expressions. These functions are inner
- functions and as a result have access to the local variables of
- the function that contains them (the anonymous function
- expression that is executed inline in order to assign value to
- the getPageScroll global variable). The use a square bracket
- property accessor to read a value of whatever object has been
- assigned to the variable - readScroll - with a property name
- that corresponds to the value assigned to whichever of the
- variables - readScrollX - or - readScrollY - are employed,
- allows the functions to use the simplest code poible to provide
- values for all of the possible permutations resting from the
- feature detection derived configuration:
- */</span>
- var itrface = {
- getScrollX:function(){
- return readScroll[readScrollX];
- },
- getScrollY:function(){
- return readScroll[readScrollY];
- }
- };
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - setUp - inner function is called to perform the feature
- detection and configure the variables that will be employed in
- reading the correct scroll values. It sets the - notSetUp - flag
- to false once it has been executed so that configuration only
- happens the first time that a request for the interface object
- is made:
- */</span>
- function setUp(){
- <span class="commentJS">/* As the paeX/YOffset properties are the preferred values to
- use they are tested for first. They are not both tested
- because if one exists the other can be assumed to exist for
- symmetry. The testing method is a - typeof - test to see if
- the value is a number. A type-converting test cannot be used
- because the number zero would result in boolean false and a
- pageXOffset value will be zero if the page has not been
- scrolled:
- */</span>
- if(typeof global.pageXOffset == 'number'){
- <span class="commentJS">/* If pageXOffset is a number then the value of the -
- global - variable (assigned a reference to the global
- object earlier) is assigned to the - readScroll -
- variable and the strings &quot;pageXOffset&quot; and &quot;pageYOffset&quot;
- are assigned to the - readScrollX - and - readScrollY -
- variables so they will be the property names used to
- access the - readScroll- (now the global) object.
- */</span>
- readScroll = global;
- readScrollY = 'pageYOffset';
- readScrollX = 'pageXOffset';
- }else{
- <span class="commentJS">/* If pageXOffset is undefined it is time to find out which
- object is the &quot;root&quot; element. First, does the browser
- have a - document.compatMode - string, if it does then
- is its value &quot;BackCompat&quot;, &quot;QuirksMode&quot; or &quot;CSS1Compat&quot;.
- Instead of comparing the string directly it is searched
- for the substring &quot;<span class="initialism" title="Cascading Style Sheet"><abbr title="Cascading Style Sheet">CSS</abbr></span>&quot; which might make the script more
- robust in the face of possible future &quot;CSSnCompat&quot;
- modes, which are unlikely to demand that the &quot;root&quot;
- element is moved again.
- The tests also verifies that there is a -
- document.documentElement - to read and that its
- - scrollLeft - property is a number:
- */</span>
- if((typeof document.compatMode == 'string')&amp;&amp;
- (document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') &gt;= 0)&amp;&amp;
- (document.documentElement)&amp;&amp;
- (typeof document.documentElement.scrollLeft=='number')){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - readScrollX - and - readScrollY - variables
- are already defaulted to the required strings so it
- is only necessary to assign a reference to the -
- document.documentElement - to the - readScroll -
- variable:
- */</span>
- readScroll = document.documentElement;
- <span class="commentJS">/* If the browser is not in the appropriate mode the scroll
- values should be read from the document.body - element,
- assuming it exists on this browser and that the
- - scrollLeft - property is a number:
- */</span>
- }else if((document.body)&amp;&amp;
- (typeof document.body.scrollLeft == 'number')){
- <span class="commentJS">/* The - readScrollX - and - readScrollY - variables
- are already defaulted to the required strings so it
- is only necessary to assign a reference to the -
- document.body - to the - readScroll - variable:
- */</span>
- readScroll = document.body;
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* No other scroll value reading options exist so if -
- readScroll - has not been assigned a new value by this
- point it will remain a reference to the object with the
- NaN value properties.
- */</span>
- }
- notSetUp = false; <span class="commentJS">//No need to repeat configuration.</span>
- }
- <span class="commentJS">/* The inline execution of the anonymous function expression
- returns with the following statement. It returns an inner
- function expression and it is that function that will be called
- when getPageScroll() is executed. Doing this forms a closure,
- preserving all of the local variables and functions defined
- within the executed anonymous function expression. Calling that
- returned function as - getPageScroll() - executes the setUp
- function, but only if it has not already been called, and
- returns a reference to the - itrface - object.
- */</span>
- return (function(){
- if(notSetUp){ <span class="commentJS">//If the - notSetUp - variable is still true.</span>
- setUp(); <span class="commentJS">//Execute the - setUp - function.</span>
- }
- return itrface; <span class="commentJS">//returns a reference to - itrface</span>
- });
-})(); <span class="commentJS">//inline-execution of anonymous function expression, one-off!</span>
-<p id="bdScroll_4">
-The effect of this code is to match the browser's ability to provide
-the scrolling information with a script's desire to read it through a
-simple and efficient interface that acts based on the results of
-featured detecting tests that it applies only once, and if the browser
-does not support any methods of reading the scroll values the return
-values form the interface method indicate that fact by being NaN. It
-does not matter that Netscape 4 will be reading the global
-<code>pageX/YOffset</code> properties, that IE 4 will read the
-<code>scrollTop/Left</code> properties from <code>document.body</code>
-or that IE 6 will read those values from one of two possible objects
-based on the <code>document.compatMode</code> value. What is important
-is that if unknown browser XYZ provides any of those mechanisms for
-reporting the scroll values the script is going to be able to use them,
-without ever knowing (or caring) that it is browser XYZ that it is
-executing on.
-<h3 id="bdReplace">Example 3: String.prototype.replace</h3>
-<p id="bdReplace_1">
-Feature detecting is not restricted to features of the DOM, it can be
-extended to include features of the javascript language implementation.
-For example the <code>String.prototype.replace</code> function in later
-language versions will accept a function reference as its second
-argument, while earlier versions only accept a string in that context.
-Code that wants to use the function argument facility of the
-<code>replace</code> method will fail badly if it is not supported on
-the browser.
-<p id="bdReplace_2">
-As usual, a feature-detecting test for the implementation's ability to
-support function arguments with the <code>replace</code> method has to
-be a direct test on that feature. The following example test takes
-advantage of the fact that a browser that only supports the string
-argument version of <code>replace</code> will type-convert a function
-reference used in that context into a string. The <code>replace</code>
-method uses a Regular Expression (its first argument) to
-identify parts of a string and then replaces them with a string that is
-provided as its second argument. If the second argument is a function,
-and the browser supports the function argument, that function is called
-and its return value replaces the identified parts of the string.
-<p id="bdReplace_3">
-By providing a function expression that returns an empty string as its
-second argument and a Regular Expression that identifies the entire
-original string as the first argument, the operation of the
-<code>replace</code> method will result in an empty string if the
-function argument is supported. But if only string arguments are
-supported then the function will be type-converted into a string and
-that string will not be an empty string so the result of the
-evaluation of the <code>replace</code> method will not be an empty
-string. Applying a NOT (<code>!</code>) operation to the resulting
-string type-converts the empty string into a boolean value, inverts
-it and returns <code>true</code>, the non-empty string would result
-in <code>false</code>.
-<pre id="bdReplace_ex1">
-<span class="commentJS">/* The original string is the one letter string literal &quot;a&quot;. The
- Regular Expression /a/ identifies that entire string, so it is the
- entire original string that will be replaced. The second argument is
- the function expression - function(){return '';} -, so the entire
- original string will be replaced with an empty string if the
- function expression is executed. If it is instead type-converted
- into a string that string will not be an empty string. The NOT (!)
- operation type-converts its operand to boolean and then inverts it
- so the results of the test is boolean true if function references
- are supported in the second argument for the - replace - method, and
- false when not supported:
-if(!('a'.replace(/a/, (function(){return '';})))){
- ... <span class="commentJS">//function references OK.</span>
- ... <span class="commentJS">//no function references with replace.</span>
-<p id="bdReplace_4">
-The common thread with feature detecting is that it is the code that is
-going to use the features, and the nature of those features, that
-defines how support for the required feature needs to be tested. Once
-you get used to the idea it starts to become obvious which tests need
-to be applied to verify a browser's support for a feature, and then it
-is time to work on the efficient application of feature detection.
-<h2 id="bdDesPb">The Javascript Design Problem</h2>
-<p id="bdDesPb_1">
-Javascript as a language is not that complex, it may have its quirks
-but it can be defined entirely in the 173 pages of the ECMA
-specification (3rd edition). The challenge of authoring javascript
-comes form the diversity of execution environments. When authoring for
-the Internet nothing is known about the receiving software in advance,
-and even when that software is a web browser that will execute
-javascript, there is still a spectrum of possible DOM implementations
-to contend with.
-<p id="bdDesPb_2">
-The combination of the facts that it is impossible to determine which
-browser is executing the script, and that it is impossible to be
-familiar with all browser DOMs can be rendered insignificant by using
-feature detection to match code execution with any browser's ability to
-support it. But there is still going to be a diversity of
-outcomes, ranging from total failure to execute any scripts (on
-browsers that do not support javascript, or have it disabled) to full
-successful execution on the most capable javascript enabled browsers.
-<p id="bdDesPb_3">
-The challenge when designing scripts is to cope with all of the
-possibilities in a way that makes sense for everyone. As those
-possibilities will always include browsers incapable of executing
-javascript at all, the starting point must be pages based on (valid)
-<span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> that contain all of the required content, allow the necessary
-navigation and are as functional as they purport to be (possibly with
-the backing of server-side scripting, which does not have any of the
-problems of client side scripting). On top of that reliable foundation
-it is possible to layer the scripts. Feature detecting and adding
-scripted enhancements when the browser is capable of supporting them,
-cleanly degrading to the underlying and reliable <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> when it is not.
-<p id="bdDesPb_4">
-A well designed script, implementing a suitable strategy, can enhance
-the underlying <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page, exploiting the browser's capabilities to the
-maximum extent possible and still exhibit planed behaviour in the
-absence of any (or all) desired features and degrade cleanly where
-necessary. Nobody should either consider themselves a skilled Internet
-javascript author, or deprecate javascript as a language and/or browser
-scripting as a task, until they have demonstrated an ability to write
-a non-trivial script that achieves that goal.
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-<h1>Notes on the comp.lang.javascript FAQ</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../">FAQ</a> &gt; FAQ Notes
-<h2 id="toc">Table of Contents</h2>
-<ul id="contTable">
- <li>Posting tips
- <ul>
- <li>
- <a href="posting/">Questions and Replies</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="code-guidelines/">Code Guidelines</a>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href="review/">Code Review Guidelines</a>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Numbers
- <dl>
- <dt>Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?</dt>
- <dd><a href="type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx"
- >Javascript Type-Conversion - parseInt with a radix argument</a>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- </li>
- <li>DOM and Forms
- <dl>
- <!--dt>How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?</dt>
- <dd>
- <a href="cookies/">Privacy filters on proxies</a>
- </dd-->
- <dt>
- How do I get the value of a form control?
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <a href="form-access/">Referencing Forms and Form Controls</a>
- </dd>
- <dd>
- <a href="/faq/names/">Unsafe Names for Form Controls</a>
- </dd>
- <dt>How do I detect Opera/Netscape/IE?</dt>
- <dd>
- <a href="detect-browser/">Browser Detection (and What to Do Instead)</a>
- </dd>
- <!--
- <dt>My element is named myselect[], how do I access it?</dt>
- <dd>
- <a href="square_brackets/">Javascript Square Bracket Notation - Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a>
- </dd>
- <dt>How do I access the property of an object using a string?
- <dd><a href="square_brackets">Javascript Square Bracket Notation</a>
- </dd>
- -->
- </dl>
- </li>
- <li>Functions
- <ul>
- <li><a href="closures/">Javascript Closures</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Named Function Expressions</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <!--li>Miscellaneous
- <ol>
- <li><a href="charter/">The comp.lang.javascript Charter</a></li>
- <li><a href="script_tags/">How to Include Scripts in
- <abbr class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr> Documents</a></li>
- <li><a href="misc/">Tricks and Tips</a></li>
- </ol>
- </li-->
- <!--li><a href="contributors/">Contributors</a></li-->
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-<h1>Javascript Square Bracket Notation</h1>
-<div id="faqNav">
- <a href="../../">FAQ</a> &gt; <a href="../">FAQ Notes</a>
- <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
- <li><a href="#sBs">Square Bracket Syntax</a></li>
- <li><a href="#vId">String Variables as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#eId">String Expressions as Identifiers</a></li>
- <li><a href="#aVa">Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation</a></li>
- <li><a href="#illc">Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</a></li>
-<h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
-<p id="intro_1">To be useful javascript needs to be able to access the properties of
-objects. It is impossible to learn javascript without understanding the
-dot notation that is normally used to access the properties of objects.
-<p id="intro_2">Javascript also offers an alternative property accessor notation
-using square brackets in a way that is similar to the way in which the
-indexed members of an Array are accessed, except that a string is used
-between the square brackets. This alternative notation is extremely
-powerful and useful but gets very little coverage in most books on
-javascript and that seems to leave novice javascript programmers
-unaware that they even have this option.</p>
-<p id="intro_3">The coverage in javascript books can be very poor. Looking back at
-some of the books that I first used to learn javascript, one devotes
-exactly one paragraph to property accessors and another actually states
-that the square bracket notation can only be used with integer indexes
-to access Arrays and array-like structures.</p>
-<p id="intro_4">With an understanding of dot notation and few clues that an
-alternative exists, novice (and a few surprisingly experienced)
-javascript programmers often turn to the <code>eval</code> function,
-constructing a string that represents a dot notation accessor
-(frequently retrieving the property names from javascript variables)
-and then passing it to the <code>eval</code> function in order to
-access the object property that it refers to. The <code>eval</code>
-function is just not needed to perform this type of property access
-and it is a relatively inefficient way of doing so (plus, some embedded
-browsers lack the resources to implement an <code>eval</code> function).
-<h2 id="sBs">Square Bracket Syntax</h2>
-<p id="sBs_1">If you can access the property of an object using dot
-notation, such as:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex1">document.body</pre>
-<p id="sBs_2">- you can also use the square bracket notation:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex2">document['body']</pre>
-<p id="sBs_3">- in which the dot and the identifier to the right of the dot are
-replaced with a set of square brackets containing a string that
-represents the identifier that was to the right of the dot.</p>
-<p id="sBs_4">The Property Accessors section of javascript language specification
-(ECMA 262) makes it clear that the dot notation and the square bracket
-notation are parallel ways of accessing the properties of objects.</p>
-<blockquote cite="">
- <dt>ECMA 262 3rd Edition. Section 11.2.1 Property Accessors</dt>
- <dd>
- Properties are accessed by name, using either the dot notation:
-<pre >
- or the bracket notation:
-MemberExpression[ Expression ]
-CallExpression[ Expression ]
- The dot notation is explained by the following syntactic conversion:
- <pre>MemberExpression.Identifier</pre>
- is identical in its behaviour to
- <pre>MemberExpression[ &lt;identifier-string&gt; ]</pre>
- and similarly
- <pre>CallExpression.Identifier</pre>
- is identical in its behaviour to
- <pre >CallExpression[ &lt;identifier-string&gt; ]</pre>
- where <code>&lt;identifier-string&gt;</code> is a string literal
- containing the same sequence of characters as the Identifier.
- <dd>
-<p id="sBs_5">In the following simple <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> page:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex3">
- &lt;head&gt;
- &lt;title&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
- &lt;/head&gt;
- &lt;body&gt;
- &lt;form name=&quot;formName&quot; action=&quot;#&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;inpName&quot; value=&quot;Example value text&quot;&gt;
- &lt;/form&gt;
- &lt;/body&gt;
-<p id="sBs_6">- which contains a form named <code>&quot;formName&quot;</code> with
-one input element named <code>&quot;inpName&quot;</code>. Various forms
-of dot notation property accessor can be used to reference the
-<code>&quot;value&quot;</code> property of the input element. One of
-the simplest is:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex4">
-var stringOfValue = document.formName.inpName.value;
-<p id="sBs_7">This dot notation has three dots, so there are three points at which
-the square bracket notation could be used in place of the dot notation
-(these are all equivalent).</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex5">
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;].inpName.value;
-var stringOfValue = document.formName[&quot;inpName&quot;].value;
-var stringOfValue = document.formName.inpName[&quot;value&quot;];
-<p id="sBs_8">The following combinations are also all equivalent to the original
-dot notation:-</p>
-<pre id="sBs_ex6">
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;].inpName[&quot;value&quot;];
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;].value;
-var stringOfValue = document[&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;][&quot;value&quot;];
-var stringOfValue = window[&quot;document&quot;][&quot;formName&quot;][&quot;inpName&quot;][&quot;value&quot;];
-<p id="sBs_9">Where the dot notation follows the dot with the identifier for the
-property that is to be accessed, the square bracket notation replaces
-the dot and identifier with square brackets that contain a string that
-represents the identifier for the property (the property name).</p>
-<h2 id="vId">String Variables as Identifiers</h2>
-<p id="vId_1">The string used within the square brackets does not need to be a
-string literal. It can be any expression that results in a string.
-This is where the square bracket notation becomes most useful as the
-expression could be a reference to a string variable that holds the
-property name as its value, or a function call that returns a string,
-or an expression that concatenates two strings, or any combination of
-<p id="vId_2">This means that the identifier needed to access a property does not
-need to be coded into a javascript. Consider the following simple
-<pre id="vId_ex1">
-function setPropertyToValue(oObj, sPropName, value){
- oObj[sPropName] = value;
-<p id="vId_3">- provided with a reference to an object (<code>oObj</code>), the
-name of a property (<code>sPropName</code>) and a value for that
-property (<code>value</code>), it will set the value of the property
-without needing to know what the name of the property that it is
-setting is. Called as
-<code>setPropertyToValue(document.formName.inpName, &quot;value&quot;, &quot;new value&quot;)</code>
-it will set the value of the field in the example form above to the
-string <code>&quot;new value&quot;</code>. However, called as
-<code>setPropertyToValue(window, &quot;location&quot;, &quot;;)</code>
-and the same function will navigate a web browser to the URL provided
-as the final parameter. Although this is a forced example you should be
-able to see that the square bracket notation offers considerable power
-and flexibility.</p>
-<p id="vId_4">Any variable that holds a string value can be used between the
-square brackets to form a property accessor. Variables that hold
-non-strings will have their value internally type converted into a
-string and that string will be used as the property name. This is not very
-useful, especially if the variables contain references to objects or
-functions, as the returned string is likely to be implementation
-<h2 id="eId">String Expressions as Identifiers</h2>
-<p id="eId_1">The ability to build the string used as the property name can be
-very useful in loops and with dynamically generating web pages (server
-side) that have variable length content. The strings can be the result
-of expressions that concatenate string literals with variables
-(particularly loop counters).</p>
-<p id="eId_2">Given the form:-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex1">
-&lt;form name=&quot;formName&quot; action=&quot;#&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_1&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_2&quot;&gt;
- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;field_3&quot;&gt;
-<p id="eId_3">- the following loop will clear the value property of each element
-it turn:-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex2">
-for(var c = 1;c &lt; 4;c++){
- document.forms[&quot;formName&quot;].elements[&quot;field_&quot;+c].value = &quot;&quot;;
-<p id="eId_4">If a server side process had created the <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> form with
-<code>n</code> elements, named <code>field_1, field_2 ... field_n</code>
-, then all the server side process would have to do to have the loop
-clear each and every input element would be to change the <code>4</code>
-in the example to the value of <code>n+1</code>.</p>
-<p id="eId_5">Concatenation is the most common type of expression used with the
-square bracket notation but any javascript expression could be used.
-A function that returned a string could be used.</p>
-<p id="eId_6">In the following (rather contrived) example :-</p>
-<pre id="eId_ex3">
-function getRootElName(){
- if(document.compatMode &amp;&amp; (document.compatMode == &quot;CSS1Compat&quot;)){
- return &quot;documentElement&quot;;
- }else{
- return &quot;body&quot;;
- }
-var verticalScroll = document[getRootElName()].scrollTop;
-<p id="eId_7">- the <code>scrollTop</code> value is read from either the
-<code>document.body</code> or <code>document.documentElement</code>
-depending on the value of <code>document.compatMode</code>. Passing
-strings about is far from the best way of achieving what the code
-above does but there will be circumstances when returning a string
-from a function call for use in a property accessor is potentially
-<h2 id="aVa">Global Variable access with the Square Bracket Notation</h2>
-<p id="aVa_1">The square bracket notation requires that there be some sort of
-object reference to the left of the brackets.</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex1">[&quot;document&quot;] <span class="commentJS">//Array literal, not a Property Accessor!</span></pre>
-<p id="aVa_2">-will produce an error if an attempt is made to assign a value to it,
-as it will be treated as an Array literal, if an attempt to read from
-it is made the one element array containing the string within the
-brackets is returned. Global variables are normally referenced by their
-one identifier alone. This would seem to exclude global variables from
-the possibility of being referenced using a string that held their
-identifier name or an expression that built, or returned, their name.
-However, javascript global variables (and global function names for
-that matter) are properties of a global object. Any identifier that
-holds a reference to the global object can be used to the left of the
-square brackets to form a property accessor that refers to a global
-<p id="aVa_3">In a web browser the global object is the window (or frame) in which
-the script is running. Each window (or frame) object contains a number
-of properties, at least two of which are references to the window
-(global object) itself. These properties are 'window' and 'self'.
-These property names can be used as the identifier to the left of the
-square brackets when referring to global variables. So given a global
-variable defined as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex2">
-var anyName = 0;
-<p id="aVa_4">- that global variable can be referenced as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex3">
-<p id="aVa_5">As with any other use of the square bracket notation, the string
-within the brackets can be held in a variable or constructed/returned
-by an expression.</p>
-<p id="aVa_6">Code that is executing in the global context, the code within global
-functions (except Object constructors invoked with the <code>new</code>
-keyword) and inline code outside of any functions, could also use the
-<code>this</code> keyword to refer to the global object. The
-<code>this</code> keyword refers to an object depending on the
-execution context. For code executing in the global context
-<code>this</code> is the global object (on a web browser, the window
-object). As a result, the above variable could be referred to as
-<code>this[&quot;anyName&quot;]</code>, but only in code that is
-executing in the global context.</p>
-<p id="aVa_7">However, using the <code>this</code> keyword is very likely to be
-confusing, especially in scripts that include custom javascript objects
-where the methods (and constructors) of those objects would be using
-<code>this</code> to refer to their own object instances.</p>
-<p id="aVa_8">Some javascript implementations do not have a property of the global
-object that refers to the global object. Rather than trying to use the
-<code>this</code> keyword to access global variables it is possible to
-create your own global variable that refers to the global object.</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex4">
-var myGlobal = this;
-<p id="aVa_9">- executed as inline code at the start of a script will assign a
-reference to the global object (<code>this</code> in that context).
-From then on all global variables can be referenced with square bracket
-notation as:-</p>
-<pre id="aVa_ex5">
-<p id="aVa_10">- and expect <code>myGlobal</code> to refer to the global object
-from any execution context.</p>
-<h2 id="illc">Illegal characters in Identifier-strings</h2>
-<p id="illc_1">One advantage of the square bracket notation over dot notation is
-the ability to use characters in identifier-strings that are not legal
-identifier characters. It is generally best to avoid giving javascript
-properties names and <span class="initialism" title="HyperText Mark-up Language"><abbr title="HyperText Mark-up Language">HTML</abbr></span> elements names/IDs that are not made up
-entirely of characters that are legal in the relevant context. However,
-it is not always possible to avoid referencing elements with names that
-include characters that would be illegal in a javascript identifier.
-PHP offers an example of this, multiple form elements given the same
-name followed with empty square brackets, such as
-<code>name=&quot;inpEl[]&quot;</code>, are made available on the server
-as an array.</p>
-<p id="illc_2">The square bracket notation would allow an element with such a name
-to be referenced as <code> document&#46;forms[&quot;formName&quot;]&#46;elements[&quot;inpEl[]&quot;][0]</code>
-for example (the final <code>[0]</code> reflects the fact that
-multiple elements with the same name, when accessed by name, generate
-collections of elements and individual elements within that collection
-need to be referenced by index).</p>
-<ul style="list-style-type:none;margin-top:2.5em;">
- <li>Written by <span class="person">Richard Cornford</span>. March 2003.</li>
- <li>With technical corrections and suggestions by:-<br>
- <ul style="list-style-type:none;">
- <li><span class="person">Yann-Erwan Perio (Yep)</span>. (Also, thanks for testing the use
- of <code>this</code> to reference the global object in WSH
- and ASP2.)
- </li>
- <li><span class="person">Lasse Reichstein Nielsen</span>.</li>
- <li><span class="person">Dr John Stockton</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/res/[MS-ES3EX].pdf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/res/[MS-ES3].pdf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/res/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/example/jsuri/index.html
--- trunk/cljs/example/jsuri/index.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/example/jsuri/index.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
-<html lang="en">
-<title>javascript pseudo-protocol errors</title>
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10; url=pseudoGifTest.html">
-<link rel="index" href="">
-<script type="text/javascript">
-var loadTime;
-function init(){
- loadTime = +new Date
- showTime();
- setInterval(showTime, 100);
-window.onbeforeunload = function() {
- document.getElementById("bNotifier").value = "beforeonload handler called";
-function showTime(){
- document.forms['f'].elements['t'].value = (((new Date()).getTime() - loadTime)/1000)
-<body onload="init()">
-<h1>javascript: uri problems demo</h1>
- <img src="waveAnim.gif" alt="animated wave">
-<form action="" onsubmit="return false;" name="f">
- <input type="text" value="" name="t" size="20">
- <input type="text" value="" id="bNotifier" size="30">
-<h3>javascript: uri as href</h3>
-<a href="javascript:void 0;">javascript:void 0;</a>
-<h3>Actual link to invalid URL</h3>
- <a href=""></a>
-<h3>javascript: uri with syntactially invalid code</h3>
- <a href="javascript:void();">javascript:void();</a>
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/example/jsuri/waveAnim.gif
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/example/postMessage.html
--- trunk/cljs/example/postMessage.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/example/postMessage.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<title>window postMessage</title>
-<h1>Ask the 8-Ball</h1>
-<iframe src="" id="iframe"
- style="width: 90%; height: 10em;"></iframe>
-<form id="posterForm">
- <textarea id="msg" placeholder="Ask the 8 ball" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea>
- <input type="submit">
- <pre id="responseMessage">-</pre>
-<script type="text/javascript">
-window.onload = function() {
- win = document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow,
- responseMessage = document.getElementById("responseMessage"),
- form = document.getElementById("posterForm").onsubmit = postDataToWin;
- function postDataToWin(ev){
- win.postMessage(
- document.getElementById("msg").value,
- );
- return false;
- }
- // Listen for message back from dhtmlkitchen.
- addCallback(self, "message", messageReceivedBackHandler);
- function messageReceivedBackHandler(ev) {
- ev = ev || self.event;
- var ACCEPT_DOMAIN = "",
- origin = ev.origin,
- messageEl = document.getElementById("m");
- // Allow only accepted domain.
- if(origin !== ACCEPT_DOMAIN) {
- return;
- }
- =;
- }
- function addCallback(o, type, cb){
- if(o.addEventListener) {
- o.addEventListener(type, cb, false);
- } else {
- o.attachEvent("on" + type, cb);
- }
- }
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/example/functionStatement.html
--- trunk/cljs/example/functionStatement.html (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/example/functionStatement.html (nonexistent)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype html>
-<html lang="en">
-<meta charset="iso-8859-15">
-<link rel="DCTERMS.isReferencedBy" href="">
-<title>Function Statement Example - FAQ - comp.lang.javascript</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-pre {
- background: #fefefe;
- padding: 1ex;
- border: 1px dashed #eee;
-<body style="background: #f9f9f9">
-<h1>Function Statement Example - FAQ : "What is a function statement?"</h1>
-<h2>Example Code</h2>
-try {
- x; // ReferenceError: x is not defined.
- function Fze(a, b) {a.unselectable = b}
-} catch(e) { }
-document.write("typeof Fze: ", typeof Fze, "\ntypeof e: ", typeof e);
-<script type="text/javascript">
-try {
- x; // ReferenceError: x is not defined.
- function Fze(a, b) {a.unselectable = b}
-} catch(e) { }
-document.write("typeof Fze: ", typeof Fze, "\ntypeof e: ", typeof e);
-Expected outcome for <code>typeof Fze</code> is not specified by ECMA-262.
-If <code>typeof Fze</code> results <code>"function"</code>, then <code>Fze</code> was interpreted
-as a FunctionDeclaration. Otherwise if <code>typeof Fze</code> resulted <code>"undefined"</code>,
-then <code>Fze</code> was not reached as a Statement; the preceeding statement - <code>x;</code> -
-would trigger a ReferenceError, making it unreachable.
-Expected outcome for <code>typeof e</code> is <code>"undefined"</code>.
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/cljs/example/addcslashes.php
--- trunk/cljs/example/addcslashes.php (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/example/addcslashes.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-$str: " ' \
- -</pre>
-\" \' \\ \n\r
\ No newline at end of file
Index: trunk/cljs/
--- trunk/cljs/ (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/ (nonexistent)
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# comp.lang.javascript FAQ - Daily sendout to Usenet based upon #
-# XML feed in defined format. #
-# Message headers can only contain 7bit ASCII chars (RFC2822). #
-# I'm using ISO-8859-1 in the message bodies for maximum #
-# compatibility with all kinds of newsreaders. #
-# Code by Bart Van der Donck - - Aug 2006. #
-# This program is free software released under the GNU/GPL; you #
-# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU/GPL terms. #
-# Load modules & locale for English formatted date. #
-# These modules should be present in default Perl 5.6+ installs. #
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use POSIX;
-use Net::NNTP;
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use HTML::Parser;
-use HTML::Entities;
-use XML::Parser;
-use XML::Simple;
-setlocale(LC_ALL, 'English (UK)');
-# Configuration area. #
-# account on news server (leave both blanco if no authentication
-# is needed)
-my $account = '';
-my $password = 'secret';
-# server and newsgroup
-my $server = '';
-my $ng = 'comp.lang.javascript';
-# sender data
-my $sendername = 'FAQ server';
-my $senderaddress = '';
-# where is the XML file to load ?
-my $xml_file = '';
-# footer of the message
-my $footer = <<FOOT
- Postings as these are automatically sent once a day. Their goal
- is to answer repeated questions, and to offer the content to the
- community for continuous evaluation/improvement. The complete
- comp.lang.javascript FAQ is at
- The FAQ workers are a group of volunteers.
-# where is writable file that keeps track of the counter
-# (path must be absolute or relative to this script)
-my $writablefile = 'entry2post.cnt';
-my $fc;
-# misc. header settings, these should be left untouched
-my $mime_version = '1.0';
-my $charset = 'iso-8859-1';
-my $content_type = 'text/plain';
-my $trans_enc = '8bit';
-my $organization = 'comp.lang.javascript FAQ workers';
-my $date = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime;
-# which regexes for nice Usenet layout
-my %regexes = (
- "p" => "\n",
- "/p" => "\n",
- "em" => "_",
- "/em" => "_",
- "url" => "\n\n",
- "/url" => "\n\n",
- "ul" => "\n",
- "/ul" => "\n",
- "li" => "* ",
- "/li" => "",
- "moreinfo" => "\n\n",
- "/moreinfo" => "\n\n",
- "resource" => "\n\n",
- "/resource" => "\n\n",
- "icode" => "`` ",
- "/icode" => " ''",
- "code" => "\n\n",
- "/code" => "\n\n",
- );
-# run options
-my $sendout = 1; # 1 = send to Usenet, 0 = print to screen.
-my $printnrs = 0; # 1 = include FAQ chapter & entry nr,
- # 0 = exclude. CAUTION! as it takes this
- # data not from XML feed but from this
- # porgram's internal counting.
-# Get XML file. #
-# fetch XML file
-my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
-$ua->agent("AgentName/0.1 " . $ua->agent);
-my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $xml_file;
-my $res = $ua->request($req);
-unless ($res->is_success) {
- die "Error: couldn't get $xml_file: $!\n";
-# is XML file well-formed ?
-my $xml = $res->content;
-eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorContext=>1)->parse($xml) };
-if ($@) {
- die "Error: $xml_file is not well-formed XML\n";
-# Regexes on XML feed. #
-# regex the mentionned tags to Usenet layout format
-while ( my ($key, $val) = each %regexes ) {
- $xml =~ s/<\Q$key\E(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>/$val/gsi;
-# regex out all other tags except CONTENTS, CONTENT, FAQ, TITLE
-my $result_xml = '';
-my @report_tags = qw(content contents faq title);
-HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
- start_h => [\&tag, 'tokenpos, text'],
- process_h => ['', ''],
- comment_h => ['', ''],
- declaration_h => [\&decl, 'tagname, text'],
- default_h => [\&text, 'text'],
- report_tags => \@report_tags,
- )
- ->parse( $xml );
-# check for well-formedness
-eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorContext=>1)->parse($result_xml) };
-if ($@) {
- die "Error: XML file not well-formed after Usenet format regexes";
-# Decide which subject/body part we need. #
-# tie xml to vars
-my $xml_ref = XMLin($result_xml, ForceArray => 1);
-# load counter file
-open my $F, '<', $writablefile
- || die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
-flock($F, 1) || die "Error: can't get LOCK_SH on $writablefile: $!";
-$fc = $_ while <$F>;
-close $F || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";
-my ($chap, $cnt) = split /\|/, $fc;
-# lookup subject/body in hashed structure
-unless ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$chap]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$cnt]) {
- save4next ( $chap, $cnt );
- die "Error: FAQ entry ".($chap+1).".".($cnt+1).". doesn't exist";
-my $part = $xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$chap]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$cnt];
-my %hash_deref = %$part;
-my $subject = $hash_deref{TITLE};
-my $body = $hash_deref{content};
-# Regexes on $body and $subject and compile final $message #
-# decode num/char HTML entities in subject and in message
-$subject = HTML::Entities::decode($subject);
-$body = HTML::Entities::decode($body);
-# take care of Euro sign towards ISO-8859-1, just in case
-s/€/Euro/ig for ($body, $subject);
-# don't allow EOLs and successive blancs in subject lines
-$subject =~ s/\n/ /g;
-$subject =~ s/\s+/ /g;
-# remove 1-6 initial blanks from begin + all from end
-my @splitbody = split /\n/, $body;
-for (@splitbody) {
- s/\s+$//;
- s/^\s{1,6}//;
- s/^\s+http:/http:/g; # issue with leading http on line
-$body = join "\n", @splitbody;
-# remove more than three EOLs
-$body =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/gs;
-# remove all EOLs from begin and end of $body
-for ($body) {
- s/^\n+//;
- s/\n+$//;
-# should we add the FAQ entry chapter/number ? (own counting)
-if ($printnrs==1) {
-$subject = 'FAQ ' . $chap . '.' . $cnt . '. - ' . $subject ;
-else {
-$subject = 'FAQ - ' . $subject;
-# format full body
-$body = "\x2D" x 71 . "\n" . $subject . "\n" . "\x2D" x 71
- . "\n" x 2 . $body . "\n" x 3 . $footer;
-# remove lines that consist only of 1 dot
-$body =~ s/\n\.\n/\n/g;
-# compute & store which entry is to send next time
-save4next ( $chap, $cnt );
-# compile complete message
-my $message = <<EOM;
-Reply-To: "$sendername" <$senderaddress>
-From: "$sendername" <$senderaddress>
-Date: $date
-Newsgroups: $ng
-Subject: $subject
-Organization: $organization
-Mime-Version: $mime_version
-Content-Type: $content_type; charset="$charset"
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: $trans_enc\n
-# should we send the message to Usenet or print to screen ?
-if ($sendout != 1) {
- print $message;
- exit;
-# Fire off the message. #
-# do some final checks
-if ( !$message || $message eq '' || !$body || $body eq ''
- || !$subject || $subject eq '') {
- die "Error: didn't send message due to malformed data";
-# send action (heavy error checking)
-my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new( $server )
- || die "Error: can't connect to $server: $!\n";
-$nntp->authinfo( $account, $password )
- || die "Error: Net::NNTP->authinfo() failed: $!\n"
-if ( defined $account && defined $password
- && $account ne '' && $password ne '');
-$nntp->postok() || die "Error: $server said: not allowed to post\n";
-$nntp->post( $message )
- || die "Error: can't send message: $!\n";
-# HTML::Parser and $chap/$cnt counting routines. #
-sub tag {
- my ($pos, $text) = @_;
- if (@$pos >= 4) {
- my ($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = @{$pos}[-4 .. -1];
- my $next_attr = $v_offset?$v_offset+$v_len:$k_offset+$k_len;
- my $edited;
- while (@$pos >= 4) {
- ($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = splice @$pos, -4;
- $next_attr = $k_offset;
- }
- $text =~ s/^(<\w+)\s+>$/$1>/ if $edited;
- }
- $result_xml.=$text;
-sub decl {
- my $type = shift;
- $result_xml.=shift if $type eq 'doctype';
-sub text {
- $result_xml.= shift;
-sub save4next {
- my ($ch, $cn) = @_;
- # next entry in same chapter exists ?
- if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$ch]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$cn+1]) {
- writefile( $ch . '|' . ($cn+1) );
- return
- }
- # first entry in next chapter exists ?
- if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
- ->{CONTENT}->[$ch+1]
- ->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
- writefile( ($ch+1).'|0' );
- return
- }
- # reset entries if we're at the last entry of the last chapter
- if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
- ->{CONTENT}->[1]
- ->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
- writefile( '1|0' );
- return
- }
- # last resort: no entry found => reset counter and die
- writefile( '1|0' );
- die "Error: couldn't find next entry for FAQ ".($ch+1).".".($cn+1)
- ."; next time I'll take the first entry again";
-sub writefile {
- open WR, '>', $writablefile
- || die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
- print WR shift;
- close WR || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";
Index: trunk/cljs/index.xsl
--- trunk/cljs/index.xsl (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/index.xsl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [
- <!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;"><!-- no-break space = non-breaking space,
- U+00A0 ISOnum -->
-<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
- <xsl:output method="html"
- doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
- doctype-system=""/>
- <xsl:variable name="checkURLs" select="false"/>
- <xsl:variable name="previous_url"></xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="previous_maintainer">Garrett Smith</xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="previous_maintainer_website"></xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="maintainer">Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn</xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="maintainer_email"><![CDATA[cl&#106;&#115;&#64;&#80;o&#105;n&#116;&#101;d&#69;a&#114;s.&#100;&#101;]]></xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="maintainer_website"></xsl:variable>
- <xsl:variable name="version" select="/FAQ/@VERSION"/>
- <xsl:template match="/FAQ">
- <xsl:variable name="revision_length" select="string-length('$Revision: ')"/>
- <xsl:variable name="revision" select="substring(@revision, $revision_length, string-length(@revision) - $revision_length - 1)"/>
- <xsl:variable name="updated" select="@DATE"/>
- <html lang="en">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; UTF-8"/>
- <title><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></title>
- <meta name="DCTERMS.language" scheme="RFC1766" content="en"/>
- <meta name="DC.title" content="FAQ for comp.lang.javascript"/>
- <meta name="DCTERMS.subject"
- content="Frequently asked questions in the Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.javascript"/>
- <meta name="DC.format" content="text/html"/>
- <meta name="DC.type" content="Text"/>
- <meta name="DC.creator" content="Jim Ley"/>
- <meta name="DC.publisher" content="{$maintainer}"/>
- <meta name="DC.Publisher.Address"
- content="{$maintainer_email}"/>
- <meta name="DCTERMS.modified" content="{$updated}"/>
- <meta name="DCTERMS.audience" content="Programmers, web developers"/>
- <meta name="DC.description" content="Frequently Asked Questions about JavaScript and other ECMAScript implementations"/>
- <meta name="DC.identifier" content=""/>
- <meta name="DC.source"
- content=""/>
- <meta name="DC.source" content="news:comp.lang.javascript"/>
- <meta name="DC.source" content=""/>
- <meta name="DC.source" content=""/>
- <meta name="DC.source" content=""/>
- <meta name="DC.rights" content="copyright contributors, comp.lang.javascript"/>
- <link rel="StyleSheet" href="faq.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1><xsl:value-of select="TITLE"/></h1>
- <p><!-- Revision <xsl:value-of select="$revision"/>
- -->by <a href="{$maintainer_website}"><xsl:value-of select="$maintainer"/></a>
- and <a href="#contributors">contributors</a><br/>
- Based on the <a href="{$previous_url}">comp.lang.javascript FAQ</a>,
- version <xsl:value-of select="$version"/>
- of <xsl:value-of select="$updated"/>,
- by <a href="{$previous_maintainer_website}"><xsl:value-of select="$previous_maintainer"/></a>
- and contributors.</p>
- <ul style="list-style: none; margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0">
- <li><tt><xsl:value-of select="@id" /></tt></li>
- <li><tt>$Id$</tt></li>
- </ul>
- <div>
- <ul class="horizontal">
- <li><a
- href=";isdir=1&amp;showchanges=1"
- >Changelog</a></li>
- <li><a
- href=""
- title="Subversion repository browser"
- >SVN</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <xsl:variable name="faq_uri"></xsl:variable>
- <p style="clear: left; text-align: left">
- Available online at <a
- href="{$faq_uri}"
- ><xsl:value-of select="$faq_uri"/></a>
- </p>
- <hr/>
- <h2 id="toc">Table of contents</h2>
- <div id="nav"><a href="notes/">FAQ Notes</a></div>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="CONTENTS" mode="toc"/>
- <hr/>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="CONTENTS"/>
- </body>
- </html>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENTS" mode="toc">
- <ul id="faqList">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="CONTENT" mode="toc"/>
- </ul>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENTS">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="CONTENT"/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENT" mode="toc">
- <li><xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- <a href="#{@ID}"><xsl:value-of select="@TITLE"/></a>
- <xsl:if test="CONTENT">
- <ul>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="CONTENT" mode="subtoc">
- <xsl:with-param name="section" select="position()" />
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </ul>
- </xsl:if></li>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENT" mode="subtoc">
- <xsl:param name="section"/>
- <li><xsl:value-of select="$section"/>.<xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text><a href="#{@ID}"><xsl:value-of select="@TITLE"/></a></li>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENT">
- <div id="{@ID}" class="section">
- <xsl:element name="h2">
- <xsl:call-template name="getOldId">
- <xsl:with-param name="node" select="."/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- <xsl:value-of select="position()"/>
- <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@TITLE"/>
- </xsl:element>
- <!-- introduction; TODO: use separate element -->
- <xsl:for-each select="*">
- <xsl:if test="local-name(.) != 'CONTENT'">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:variable name="section" select="position()"/>
- <xsl:for-each select="CONTENT">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="subsection">
- <xsl:with-param name="section" select="concat($section, '.', position())"/>
- </xsl:apply-templates>
- </xsl:for-each>
- </div>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="getOldId">
- <xsl:param name="node"/>
- <xsl:if test="$node/@NUMID">
- <xsl:attribute name="id">FAQ<xsl:value-of select="$node/@NUMID"/></xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CONTENT" mode="subsection">
- <xsl:param name="section"/>
- <div id="{@ID}" class="section">
- <xsl:element name="h3">
- <xsl:call-template name="getOldId">
- <xsl:with-param name="node" select="."/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- <xsl:value-of select="$section"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text>
- <xsl:value-of select="@TITLE"/>
- </xsl:element>
- <xsl:apply-templates />
- </div>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="VER">
- <xsl:value-of select="$version"/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="UPDATED">
- <xsl:value-of select="$updated"/>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="URL">
- <!-- TODO: Link check, see process.wsf -->
- <xsl:element name="a">
- <xsl:variable name="uri" select="text()"/>
- <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$uri"/></xsl:attribute>
- <xsl:if test="$checkURLs">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="starts-with($uri, 'http://')">
- <xsl:variable name="response" select="document($url)"/>
- <xsl:if test="not($response) or contains($url, 'microsoft') and contains($response, 'Page Cannot')">
- <xsl:attribute name="class">nolink</xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:variable name="response" select="document(concat('', $url), '/')"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="$response">
- <xsl:attribute name="class">cached</xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:attribute name="class">nolink</xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- <xsl:attribute name="class">nolink</xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:value-of select="@LINKTEXT|text()"/>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="NEWSGROUP">
- <a href="news:{.}'"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="MAILTO">
- <a href="mailto:{.}'"><xsl:value-of select="."/></a>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="MOREINFO">
- <ul class="linkList">
- <xsl:for-each select="*">
- <li><xsl:apply-templates select="."/></li>
- </xsl:for-each>
- </ul>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="CODE">
- <pre><code><xsl:apply-templates/></code></pre>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="ICODE">
- <code><xsl:apply-templates /></code>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="LIST">
- <xsl:if test="@TITLE">
- <xsl:element name="h4">
- <xsl:if test="@ID">
- <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:value-of select="@TITLE"/>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:variable name="type">
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="@TYPE"><xsl:value-of select="@TYPE"/></xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>ul</xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:variable>
- <xsl:element name="{$type}">
- <xsl:if test="not(@TITLE) and @ID">
- <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@ID"/></xsl:attribute>
- </xsl:if>
- <xsl:for-each select="*">
- <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
- </xsl:for-each>
- </xsl:element>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="P">
- <xsl:copy>
- <!-- NOTE: do not copy invalid attributes -->
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*[local-name() != 'HTMLONLY']"/>
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </xsl:copy>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- standard copy template -->
- <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
- <xsl:copy>
- <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
- <xsl:apply-templates/>
- </xsl:copy>
- </xsl:template>
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Index: trunk/cljs/index.php
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-$encoding = 'UTF-8';
-header("Content-Type: text/html" . ($encoding ? "; charset=$encoding" : ""));
-$modi = max(
- array_map('filemtime',
- array_diff(
- array_merge(
- scandir(__DIR__),
- array_map(
- function ($e) {
- return 'sections' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $e;
- },
- scandir('sections')
- )
- ),
- array('.', '..')
- )
- )
-header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $modi) . ' GMT');
-/* Cached resource expires in HTTP/1.1 caches 0 (-24-) h after last retrieval */
-header('Cache-Control: max-age=0, s-maxage=0, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate');
-/* Cached resource expires in HTTP/1.0 caches 0 (-24-) h after last retrieval */
-header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() /*+ 86400*/) . ' GMT');
-$doc = new DOMDocument();
-$doc->substituteEntities = true;
-$xsl = new XSLTProcessor();
-echo $xsl->transformToXML($doc);
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Deleted: svn:keywords
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-LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision LastChangedBy Id
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--- trunk/cljs/faq.css (revision 45)
+++ trunk/cljs/faq.css (nonexistent)
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-Updated 2009-06-14 Garrett Smith
-a {
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-/** EcmaScript Code Examples */
-/* keywords, if, with, var, et c */
-.keyword {
- color: #00f;
- font-weight: 800;
-/* string literals */
-.q {
- color: #900;
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-.linkListSample {
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-dd {
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Property changes:
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Index: trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.php.core.prefs
--- trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.php.core.prefs (revision 45)
+++ trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.php.core.prefs (nonexistent)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
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Index: trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml
--- trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml (revision 45)
+++ trunk/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml (nonexistent)
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- <installed facet="php.component" version="5.3"/>
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: trunk/
--- trunk/ (revision 45)
+++ trunk/ (nonexistent)
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
- "">
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
-<meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see">
-<title>JavaScript- und Java-Linkliste</title>
-<style type="text/css">
-a[href ^="http:"]:before {
- content: "\2192";
- text-decoration: none;
- color: inherit;
- background-color: inherit;
-ul a[href ^="http:"]:before {
- content: "";
-<h1>JavaScript- und Java-Linkliste</h1>
-<p>Dies ist ein informativer Text, der (technische) Fakten
-vermittelt, <strong>keine</strong> Meinungen!</p>
-<p>Bei FAQs (<b>F</b>requently <b>A</b>sked <b>Q</b>uestions =
-häufig gestellte Fragen) und bei Fragen, die darauf hindeuten, dass dem
-Teilnehmer der Unterschied zwischen Java und JavaScript nicht klar ist,
-sollte hierauf verwiesen werden.</p>
-<p>Hilfreiche Kommentare und Verbesserungsvorschläge bitte <strong>nur</strong>
-per E-Mail an <strong>direkt</strong> an mich. Alles
-andere bitte nach /dev/tonne, danke.</p>
-<p>Vielen Dank für die Idee zu diesem Posting an <a
- href="">Dr. Hubert Partl</a>, der
-einen ähnlichen Text regelmässig in den <a
- href="">Usenet</a>-Newsgroups
-<a href="news:de.comp.lang.javascript">de.comp.lang.javascript</a>
-und <a href=""></a> (hier
-mit einem Klick zum Abo) postet.</p>
-<h2>Worum geht es?</h2>
-<p>Viele Fragen, die gestellt werden, wurden vorher bereits
-diskutiert und beantwortet. Das erneute Stellen dieser Fragen <strong>nervt</strong>
-die Teilnehmer, die hier schon länger mitlesen und -posten (kurz:
-Regulars, von engl. "regular" = regelmässig), denn niemand möchte die
-gleiche Frage immer wieder beantworten.</p>
-<p>Das hat dann oft gereizte Reaktionen zur Folge und der Fragende
-wundert sich darüber, denn er stellt ja die Frage aus seiner Perspektive
-das erste Mal.</p>
-<p>Um Auseinandersetzungen zu vermeiden, mögen bitte die Regulars
-einfach auf dieses Dokument verweisen und die Frager versuchen, Probleme
-<strong>vor</strong> dem Posten über die Links in dieser FAQ sowie
-einschlägige Literatur und <strong>Selbst</strong>studium (einfach mal
-was ausprobieren!) zu lösen.</p>
-<p>Weitere Information zum Auffinden von früheren Antworten findet
-man(n) auf der <a href="">Website der Gruppe</a>.
-<p>Ausserdem gibt es regelmässig Verwechslungen zwischen den beiden
-<strong>Programmiersprachen</strong> <a href="#java">Java</a> und <a
- href="#js">JavaScript</a>. Java ist <strong>nicht</strong> JavaScript
-(kurz: Java&nbsp;<strong>!=</strong>&nbsp;JavaScript), und umgekehrt.</p>
-<h2><a name="js">JavaScript</a></h2>
-<p>Script-Sprache z.B. innerhalb von HTML-Dokumenten.</p>
-<p><a href="#ecmascript">ECMAScript</a>-Implementation von <a
- href="#netscape">Netscape</a> (siehe Microsoft <a href="#jscript">JScript</a>).</p>
-<p>Wird von Netscape Navigator bis 4.x (Mozilla/4.0) und Netscape <a
- href="#gecko">Gecko</a> (Rendering-Engine von Mozilla/5.0 -- d.h.
-Mozilla SeaMonkey, Mozilla Firefox/Thunderbird, Netscape 6+, Camino,
-...) verwendet.</p>
-<p>(X)HTML-Element: <code>script</code></p>
- <li><a href="">Normative
- Version</a> (englisch)</li>
- <li><a
- href="">Vorveröffentlichung
- der Deutschen Übersetzung</a></li>
-<p>.js-Dateien (üblich), wenn als externe Scripte eingebunden</p>
- <li><a name="ecmascript" id="ecmascript"
- href="">ECMAScript (ECMA-262)</a>
- (englisch)</li>
- <li><a name="netscape">Mozilla Developer Center (MDC)</a>
- (englisch):<br>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">JavaScript</a></li>
- <li><a href="">DOM</a></li>
- <li><a name="gecko" id="gecko"
- href="">Gecko
- DOM Reference</a> (englisch)</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>W3C-DOM Level 2 (englisch):
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">Core</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Events</a></li>
- <li><a href="">HTML</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Style</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Library (englisch):
- <ul>
- <li><a name="jscript" id="jscript"
- href="">JScript</a>:
- <a href="#ecmascript">ECMAScript</a>-Implementation von Microsoft,
- wird u.a. von der IE-Browserkomponente, <a href="">Active
- Server Pages (ASP)</a> und dem Windows Script Host verwendet.</li>
- <li><a
- href="">Windows
- Script Documentation</a></li>
- <li><a
- href="">HTML
- and DHTML Reference</a> (DOM-Referenz zur IE-Browserkomponente)</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<h3>FAQs, FFQs</h3>
- <li><a href="">FAQ --
- Frequently Asked Questions -- Häufig gestellte Fragen</a></li>
- <li><a name="ffq" id="ffq" href="">FFQ
- -- Frequently Forbidden Questions -- "Verbotene" Fragen</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Website der Newsgroup
- de.comp.lang.javascript</a></li>
-<h3>Testcases, Tools</h3>
- <li><a href="">JavaScript-Ecke
- von Ralf Beutler, u.a. zur Abfrage von Maus und Tastatur-Ereignissen</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Was
- bin ich? -- Wie "gut" Browsererkennung ist</a> von Thomas 'PointedEars'
- Lahn</li>
- <li><a href="">hoverMe
- -- Vorladen von Bildern und Realisierung des Hover-Effekts</a> von Thomas
- 'PointedEars' Lahn (unter Beachtung der Lizenzbestimmungen frei
- verwendbar)</li>
- <li><a
- href="">ObjectInspector</a>
- von Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn (unter Beachtung der Lizenzbestimmungen
- frei verwendbar)</li>
- <li><a href="">JS/ECMAScript-Versionsinformation</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Support
- von für JS/ECMAScript registrierten MIME-Typen</a></li>
-<h3>Tutorials, Fertigscripte (siehe <a href="#ffq">FFQ</a>)</h3>
- <li>"SELFHTML -- HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen" von Stefan Münz:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">JavaScript</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Dynamisches
- HTML (DHTML)</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><a href="">Kakao
- &amp; Kekse -- Die deutsche JavaScript-Seite</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Milch &amp; Zucker --
- Die deutsche DHTML-Seite</a></li>
-<h2><a name="java">Java</a></h2>
-<p>Programmiersprache für Applets und Applikationen</p>
-<p>(X)HTML-Elemente: <code>applet</code>, <code>object</code></p>
- <li><a href="">Normative
- Version</a> (englisch)</li>
- <li><a
- href="">Vorveröffentlichung
- der Deutschen Übersetzung</a></li>
- <li>Quelltext: .java-Dateien (üblich)</li>
- <li>Compiliert:
- <ul>
- <li>.class-Dateien (zwingend, plattformunabhängig),</li>
- <li>.exe-Dateien (plattformabhängig)</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
-<p><a href="">Sun
-Java Documentation &amp; Training (englisch)</a></p>
-<h3>FAQs, weiterführende Information</h3>
- <li><a href="">FAQ --
- Frequently Asked Questions -- Häufig gestellte Fragen</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Website der Newsgroup
-<h3>Tutorials, fertiger Code (siehe <a href="#ffq">FFQ</a>)</h3>
- <li>"SELFHTML -- HTML-Dateien selbst erstellen" von Stefan Münz:<br>
- <a
- href="">Java-Applets
- einbinden</a></li>
- <li><a href="">Kaffee &amp;
- Kuchen -- Die deutsche Java-Seite</a></li>
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