Subversion Repositories FAQs

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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Dates" ID="dates">
- <P>
- ISO 8601 defines date and time formats. Some benefits include:
- </P>
- <LI>language-independent and unambiguous world-wide</LI>
- <LI>sortable with a trivial string comparison</LI>
- <LI>easily readable and writable by software</LI>
- <LI>compatible with standards ISO 9075 and <URL LINKTEXT="rfc 3339"></URL></LI>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- The ISO Extended format for common date is <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE>, and for time is
- <ICODE>hh:mm:ss</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- For an event with an offset from UTC, use <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss&#177;hh:mm</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Never use a local date/time format for a non-local event. Instead, use
- UTC, as in <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ</ICODE> (<ICODE>Z</ICODE> is the only letter suffix).
- </P>
- <P>
- The <ICODE>T</ICODE> can be omitted where that would not cause ambiguity. For
- rfc 3339 compliance, it may be replaced by a space and for SQL,
- it <EM>must</EM> be replaced by a single space.
- </P>
- <P>
- Year <ICODE>0000</ICODE> is unrecognized by some formats (XML Schema, <ICODE>xs:date</ICODE>).
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="ECMA-262 Date.prototype, s. 15.9">#onlineResources</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="A summary of the international standard date and time notation, by Markus Kuhn"
- ></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="ISO 8601:2004(E)">res/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="W3C QA Tip: Use international date format (ISO)"></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps"
- ></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Date object with javascript?" ID="formatDate" NUMID="4_30">
- <P>
- A local <ICODE>Date</ICODE> object where <ICODE>0 &lt;= year &lt;= 9999</ICODE> can be
- formatted to a common ISO 8601 format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> with:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-/** Formats a Date to YYYY-MM-DD (local time), compatible with both
- * ISO 8601 and ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (E) (SQL 'date' type).
- * @param {Date} dateInRange year 0000 to 9999.
- * @throws {RangeError} if the year is not in range
- */
-function formatDate(dateInRange) {
- var year = dateInRange.getFullYear(),
- isInRange = year &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; year &lt;= 9999, yyyy, mm, dd;
- if(!isInRange) {
- throw RangeError("formatDate: year must be 0000-9999");
- }
- yyyy = ("000" + year).slice(-4);
- mm = ("0" + (dateInRange.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
- dd = ("0" + (dateInRange.getDate())).slice(-2);
- return yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I create a Date object from a String?" ID="parseDate">
- <P>
- An Extended ISO 8601 local Date format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> can be parsed to a
- Date with the following:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-/**Parses string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD to a Date object.
- * If the supplied string does not match the format, an
- * invalid Date (value NaN) is returned.
- * @param {string} dateStringInRange format YYYY-MM-DD, with year in
- * range of 0000-9999, inclusive.
- * @return {Date} Date object representing the string.
- */
-function parseISO8601(dateStringInRange) {
- var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/,
- date = new Date(NaN), month,
- parts = isoExp.exec(dateStringInRange);
- if(parts) {
- month = +parts[2];
- date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
- if(month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
- date.setTime(NaN);
- }
- }
- return date;
- </CODE>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Ajax and Server Communication" ID="ajaxRef">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is Ajax?" ID="ajax" NUMID="4_44">
- <P>
-<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
-is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The technology is
-based on the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> Object. At its simplest,
-it is the sending/retrieving of new data from the server without
-changing or reloading the window location.
- </P>
-Mozilla Documentation:
-MSDN Documention:
-<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
-Libraries and Tutorial Sites:
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I download a page to a variable?" ID="downloadPage" NUMID="4_38">
- <P>
-Although <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can be used to download
-entire pages, it is often used for downloading small pieces
-of data that can be used to update the current page.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get a jsp/php variable into client-side javascript?"
- ID="getServerVariable" NUMID="4_18">
- <P>
-Use a server-side language to generate the javascript.
-Certain characters of ECMAScript strings must be escaped by backslash.
-These include quote marks, backslash, and line terminators.
-<P>JSP Example, using Apache Commons: <ICODE>org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils</ICODE>:
- <CODE>
-var jsVar = "&lt;%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(str) %&gt;";
-<P>PHP example using <ICODE>addcslashes</ICODE>: </P>
-var jsVar = "&lt;?php echo addcslashes($str,"\\\'\"\n\r"); ?&gt;";
- <URL>example/addcslashes.php</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?"
- ID="sessionExpired" NUMID="4_29">
- <P>
-This cannot be done reliably. Here's why:
- </P>
- <UL>
- <LI>
-The user may disable javascript so the log-out script will
-never execute.
- </LI>
- <LI>
-The user may not be on-line when they close your web page.
- </LI>
- <LI>
-Javascript errors elsewhere in the page may prevent the script
- </LI>
- <LI>
-The browser may not support the onunload event, or may not fire
-it under certain circumstances, so the log-out function will
-not execute.
- </LI>
- </UL>
-The URL below has more information.
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I run a server side script?" ID="runServerScript" NUMID="4_34">
- <P>
-You trigger a server-side script by sending an HTTP request.
-This can be achieved by setting the <ICODE>src</ICODE> of an <ICODE>img</ICODE>,
-<ICODE>Image</ICODE>, <ICODE>frame</ICODE>, or <ICODE>iframe</ICODE>, or by using <DFN
-TITLE="XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP">XHR</DFN>, where supported.
- </P>
- <P>
-An image will also
-&quot;swallow&quot; the data sent back by the server, so that they will
-not be visible anywhere.
- <CODE>
- var dummyImage = new Image();
- dummyImage.src = &quot;scriptURL.asp?param=&quot; + varName;
- <P>
-Mozilla, Opera 7.6+, Safari 1.2+, and Windows IE 7
-provide the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> object
-(Windows IE versions 5+, provides ActiveX to acheive an analagous
-effect). <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can send HTTP requests to
-the server, and provides access the <ICODE>responseText</ICODE> or <ICODE>responseXML</ICODE>
-(when the response is XML), and HTTP header information.
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why are my rollovers so slow?" ID="imageCache" NUMID="4_31">
- <P>
-Images are cached by the browser depending on the headers sent by
-the server. If the server does not send sufficient information
-for the browser to decide the image is cacheable, the browser
-will check if the image has been updated every time you change the
-src of an image (in some user settings). To overcome this you
-must send suitable headers.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?"
- ID="noCache" NUMID="4_17">
- <P>
-To reload a page, use <ICODE>location.reload()</ICODE>. However, this depends
-upon the cache headers that your server sends. To change this,
-you need to alter the server configuration. A quick fix on the
-client is to change the page URI so that it contains a unique
-element, such as the current time. For example:
-<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'?d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
-If the <ICODE>location.href</ICODE> already contains a query String, use:
-<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'&amp;d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- TITLE="Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer?"
- ID="ajaxCache" NUMID="4_45">
- <P>
- Browsers cache the results of HTTP requests to reduce network traffic.
- To force the browser to request the document from the server, either
- set the <ICODE>EXPIRES</ICODE> and/or <ICODE>CACHE-CONTROL</ICODE> response header(s)
- with a past date or use a unique query string.
- <CODE>
-"GET", "/example.jsp?date=" + (+new Date), true);
-Always use the appropriate HTTP method. Do not use <ICODE>POST</ICODE>
-to prevent caching. See <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 2616"
-<URL> </URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Meta-FAQ meta-questions" ID="meta" NUMID="1">
- <P>
- This is the <EM>comp.lang.javascript</EM> meta-FAQ, <VER/>. The latest
- version is available at <URL></URL> in HTML form.
- </P>
- <P>
- Each day, one section of the FAQ is posted for review and questions,
- and as a reminder that the FAQ is available.
- </P>
- <P>
- For additional explanation and detail relating to some aspects
- of the FAQ, please see the
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Notes">notes/</URL>.
- It has been provided separately to avoid increasing the size of
- the FAQ to a point where it would be unreasonable to post it to
- the group.
- </P>
- <P>
- Code examples in this FAQ use <URL LINKTEXT="JSDoc Toolkit"
- ></URL> comments.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Which newsgroups deal with javascript?" ID="newsgroups" NUMID="2_1">
- <P>
- The official Big 8 Usenet newsgroup dealing with javascript is
- <NEWSGROUP>comp.lang.javascript</NEWSGROUP>.
- Some "language" hierarchies also have *.comp.lang.javascript groups.
- </P>
- <P>
- c.l.js is an unmoderated newsgroup.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript?" ID="appropriateQuestions" NUMID="2_2">
- <P>
- The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup deals with ECMAScript
- languages, so any questions about JavaScript or JScript are
- welcome. However, the majority of questions sent to this group
- relates to javascript in a web browser. If you are experiencing
- issues with a particular browser, or the host is not a browser
- at all, please make this information clear.
- </P>
- <P>
- Javascript and Java are two completely different languages.
- Java questions should be asked in one of the*
- newsgroups; they are not appropriate for c.l.js (as Java and
- javascript are distinct programming languages with only
- superficial similarities due to sharing a C-like syntax and
- some of the characters in their names).
- </P>
- <P>
- Questions dealing with other scripting languages, such as
- VBScript, PerlScript or CGI scripting are also off-topic,
- as are HTML-only or CSS-only questions.
- </P>
- <!--
- <P>
- Questions about the design of various javascript libraries are
- appropriate; questions on how to <EM>use</EM> such libraries
- are not. Check <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js FAQ Resources"
- >http://jibbering.comindex.html#libraryResources</URL> or search the web.
- </P>
- -->
- <P>
- Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
- be appropriately asked at:
- <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>
- </P>
- <P>
- The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup charter is included in
- <URL>faq_notes/cljs_charter.html</URL>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What should I do before posting to comp.lang.javascript?" ID="posting" NUMID="2_3">
- <P>
- Before posting to c.l.js, you should read this document.
- You should also check the <URL LINKTEXT="Resources section">#onlineResources</URL>.
- </P>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="How to Ask a Question" ID="ask">
- <LI>State your question clearly and concisely.</LI>
- <LI>Use the Subject: line to show the type of problem you have but
- include the question in the body as well.</LI>
- <LI>For a more detailed explanation of formatting, see
- &quot;<URL LINKTEXT="Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript">notes/posting/</URL>&quot;.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Replying" ID="reply">
- <LI>Quote only relevant parts of earlier messages, and add your
- comments below each quoted section
- (<URL LINKTEXT="FYI28/RFC1855"></URL>).</LI>
- <LI>Link to specific sections of the FAQ that are relevant.</LI>
- <LI>Avoid being unnecessarily rude, but do not complain about other rude posts.</LI>
- <LI>Don't quote signatures.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Posting Code" ID="postCode">
- <LI>
- Remove everything that does not contribute to the problem (images,
- markup, other scripts, etc).
- </LI>
- <LI>Validate the HTML and CSS <URL></URL>,
- <URL></URL>.</LI>
- <LI>Make sure the code is executable as transmitted.</LI>
- <LI>Format lines to 72 characters; indent with 2-4 spaces (not tabs).</LI>
- <LI>State what you expect the code to do.</LI>
- <LI>Mention the platforms, browsers, and versions.</LI>
- <LI>See also the <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ section on debugging">#debugging</URL>.</LI>
- <LI>Post in plain-text only. Do not encode it. Do not attach files.</LI>
- <LI>If the code is more than about 100 lines, provide a URL in addition.</LI>
- <LI>Do not multi-post; cross-post if necessary
- (<URL LINKTEXT="Wikipedia description"></URL>).</LI>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="What Not to Post" ID="doNotPost">
- <LI>Do not post job postings. Job postings should go to
- an appropriate regional jobs group.</LI>
- <LI>Do not post copyright material without permission
- from the copyright holder.</LI>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- Relevant announcements are welcome, but no more often than once
- per major release, as a short link to the product's webpage.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why was my post not answered?" ID="noAnswer" NUMID="2_4">
- <P>This could be for several reasons:</P>
- <UL>
- <LI>It was a variation of a frequently asked question and was
- therefore ignored by everyone.</LI>
- <LI>Nobody knows the answer.</LI>
- <LI>The person with the answer has not seen the post.</LI>
- <LI>It might not be possible to do what you want to do but perhaps
- readers of c.l.js are reluctant to answer your post in the negative
- when they are not convinced that it cannot be done.</LI>
- <LI>The question was not asked clearly enough, or did not included
- enough information to be answered.</LI>
- <LI>The questioner did not realise the need to read the group, for a
- few days, to see the answers posted there.</LI>
- <LI>You ignored the <URL LINKTEXT="section on posting">#posting</URL></LI>
- </UL>
- <p>If it is not one of these, then after a few days consider
- reposting after checking
- <URL></URL>
- for replies. Make sure the post is phrased well, and everything
- needed to answer is correct, and the subject is appropriate.</p>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Language Overview" ID="tips" NUMID="2">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is ECMAScript?" ID="ecma" NUMID="2_6">
- <P>
- is the international standard that current language implementations
- (JavaScript&trade;, JScript etc.) are based on.
- </P>
- <P>
- defines the language Syntax, Types, Keywords, Operators, and built-in
- objects. The ECMAScript specification is the reference to determine the
- expected behavior of a program. ECMAScript does not define any host
- objects, such as <ICODE>document</ICODE>, <ICODE>window</ICODE>, or
- <ICODE>ActiveXObject</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-327 defines the Compact Profile of ECMAScript by
- describing the features from ECMA 262 that may be omitted in some
- resource-constrained environments.
- <URL></URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- The most widely supported edition of ECMA-262 is the 3rd edition (1999).
- There is fair support for this edition in JScript 5.5+ (buggy) and good
- support JavaScript 1.5.
- </P>
- <P>
- The term "javascript" is used as a common name for all dialects of ECMAScript.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is JScript?" ID="jScript" NUMID="2_7">
- <P>
- JScript is Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript.
- </P>
- <P>
- Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
- be appropriately asked at:
- <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?" ID="dom" NUMID="2_9">
- <P>
- The <DFN>Document Object Model</DFN> (DOM) is a interface-based model for <ICODE>Document</ICODE>
- objects. The DOM allows scripts to dynamically access and update a
- document's content, style, and event handlers.
- </P>
- <P>
- The DOM is <EM>not</EM> part of the ECMAScript programming language.
- </P>
- <P>
- Official DOM standards are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
- Scriptable browsers also have <DFN>proprietary</DFN> DOM features (<URL
- such as <ICODE>document.writeln()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Also see the section on <URL LINKTEXT="DOM and Forms">#domRef</URL>.
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js DOM Resources">#onlineResources</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="MDC: What is the DOM?"></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Internationalisation and Localisation in javascript" ID="localization" NUMID="2_10">
- <P>
- <DFN>Internationalisation</DFN> means using one form which is everywhere both
- acceptable and understood. Any international standard not supported by
- default can be coded for.
- </P>
- <P>
- For example, there is an International Standard for numeric Gregorian
- date format; but none for decimal and thousands separators.
- </P>
- <P>
- <DFN>Localisation</DFN> is the process of adapting software for a specific region
- or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text. It
- cannot work well in general, because it requires a knowledge of all
- preferences and the ability to choose the right one, in an environment
- where many systems are inappropriately set anyway.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript has a few <DFN>localisation</DFN> features. The various
- <ICODE>toString()</ICODE> methods are all implementation dependent,
- but tend to use either UK or US settings (not necessarily correctly).
- ECMAScript Ed. 3 introduced some capabilities, including the
- <ICODE>toLocaleString()</ICODE>method which should create a string
- based on the host's locale.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript 5th Edition introduces limited ISO 8601 capabilities with
- <ICODE>Date.prototype.toISOString()</ICODE> and new behavior for <ICODE>Date.parse()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What does the future hold for ECMAScript?" ID="futureEcmaScript" NUMID="2_12">
- <P>
- The 5th edition of ECMAScript was approved on 2009-12-04. There is some
- support in implementations released before approval date (JScript 5.8,
- JavaScript 1.8, JavaScriptCore).
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Things not to attempt in a browser" ID="doNotTry">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?" ID="detectBrowser" NUMID="4_26">
- <P>
-The short answer: <EM>Don't do that</EM>.
- </P>
- <P>
-The <ICODE>navigator</ICODE> <DFN>host object</DFN> contains properties which
-may identify the browser and version. These properties are historically
-inaccurate. Some browsers allow the user to set <ICODE>navigator.userAgent</ICODE> to any value. For
-example, Firefox, (type <ICODE>about:config</ICODE> and search <ICODE>useragent</ICODE>
-or Safari, <ICODE>Develop &gt; User Agent &gt; Other...</ICODE>, IE, via Registry.
- </P>
- <P>
-Other browsers, such as Opera, provide a list of user agents
-for the user to select from. There are also at least 25 other
-javascript capable browsers, with multiple versions, each
-with their own string.
- </P>
- <P>
-Browser detection is unreliable, at best. It usually causes
-forward-compatibility and maintenance problems. It is unrelated to the
-problem or incompatiblity it is trying to solve and obscures the
-problems it is used for, where it is used.
- </P>
- <P>
-Object detection is checking that the object in question exists.
-<URL LINKTEXT="Capability detection"
- > goes one step further to actually test the object,
-method, or property, to see if behaves in the desired manner.
- </P>
- <P>
-Feature Test Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- * Returns the element/object the user targeted.
- * If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
- * @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
- */
-function getEventTarget(e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- // First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
- return || e.srcElement;
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript?"
- ID="preventAccess" NUMID="4_5">
- <P>
-In practice you can't. While you could create a suitable
-encryption system with a password in the page, the level of
-support you need to do this means it's always simpler to do it
-server-side. Anything that &quot;protects&quot; a page
-other than the current one is definitely flawed.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I protect my javascript code?" ID="hideSource" NUMID="4_1">
- <P>
-With clientside javascript you can't as your code is distributed
-in source form and is easily readable. With JScript, there is the
-Script Encoder (see MSDN), but this is nothing more than obfuscation.
-Attempting to disable the context menu does nothing to
-protect your script in a Web browser.
- </P>
- Your code is likely protected under copyright laws. See:
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I suppress a context menu (right-click menu)?"
- ID="disableRightClick" NUMID="4_27">
- <P>
-A context menu, often triggered by right-click, can be requested by the
-user in a few ways. For example, on windows, shift + F10 and on macs,
-click-and-hold. Other input devices exist and mouse buttons can be
-configured, making the term "right click" a misnomer, in context.
-In browsers that allow it, a script can suppress the context menu by
-returning false from an object's <ICODE>oncontextmenu</ICODE> event handler.
-document.oncontextmenu = function() {
- return false;
-Some browsers lack context menus (e.g. iphone). Browsers that have
-context menus do not always have a scriptable event for them. Some
-browsers can be configured to disallow scripts from detecting context
-menu events (IE, Opera); others may fire the event but be configured to
-disallow scripts from suppressing the context menu (Firefox,Seamonkey).
-Even when the context menu has been suppressed, it will still be
-possible to view/save the source code and to save images.
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I access the client-side filesystem?" ID="readFile" NUMID="4_3">
- <P>
-Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted
-environment, there are options. For example, using LiveConnect to
-connect to Java with Netscape, and using the FileSystemObject in
-IE. Check <URL LINKTEXT="Google Groups archives"></URL>
-for previous posts on the subject.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?"
- ID="javascriptURI" NUMID="4_24">
- <P>
-Whatever the rest of your question, this is generally a very bad idea.
-The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol was designed to replace the
-current document with the value that is returned from the expression.
-For example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:'&lt;h1&gt;' + document.lastModified + '&lt;/h1&gt;'&quot;&gt;lastModified&lt;/a&gt;
- <P>
-will result in replacing the current document with the value
-returned from <ICODE>document.lastModified</ICODE>, wrapped in an <ICODE>&lt;h1&gt;</ICODE>
- </P>
- <P>
-When the expression used evaluates to an <ICODE>undefined</ICODE> value
-(as some function calls do), the contents of the current page are not
-replaced. Regardless, some browsers (notably IE6) interpret this as
-navigation and will enter into a 'navigation' state where GIF
-animations and plugins (such as movies) will stop and navigational
-features such as <ICODE>META</ICODE> refresh, assignment to <ICODE>location.href</ICODE>, and image
-swaps fail.
- </P>
- <P>
-It is also possible for IE to be configured such that it supports
-javascript but not the <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> protocol. This results
-in the user seeing a protocol error for <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> URIs.
- </P>
- <P>
-The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol creates accessibility and
-usability problems. It provides no fallback for when the script is not
- </P>
- <P>
-Instead, use
-<ICODE>&lt;a href=&quot;something.html&quot; onclick=&quot;somefunction();return false&quot;&gt;</ICODE>
-where <ICODE>something.html</ICODE> is a meaningful alternative. Alternatively,
-attach the <ICODE>click</ICODE> callback using an event registry.
- </P>
- <URL>example/jsuri/</URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Set/Navigate to a Location"></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002"></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Functions" ID="functions">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?" ID="scope">
- <P>
- This is an anonymous <DFN>FunctionExpression</DFN> that is called
- immediately after creation.
- </P>
- <P>
- Variables declared inside a function are not accessible from
- outside the function. This can be useful, for example, to hide
- implementation details or to avoid polluting the global scope.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>notes/closures/</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a function statement?" ID="functionStatement">
- <P>
- The term <DFN>function statement</DFN> has been widely and wrongly used to
- describe a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE>. This is misleading because in ECMAScript,
- a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not a <DFN>Statement</DFN>; there are places in a program
- where a <DFN>Statement</DFN> is permitted but a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not. To add
- to this confusion, some implementations, notably Mozillas', provide a
- syntax extension called <DFN>function statement</DFN>. This is allowed under
- section 16 of ECMA-262, Editions 3 and 5.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example of nonstandard <DFN>function statement</DFN>:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Nonstandard syntax, found in GMail source code. DO NOT USE.
-try {
- // FunctionDeclaration not allowed in Block.
- function Fze(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Code that uses <DFN>function statement</DFN> has three known interpretations. Some
- implementations process <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> as a <DFN>Statement</DFN>, in order. Others, including
- JScript, evaluate <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> upon entering the execution context that it
- appears in. Yet others, notably DMDScript and default configuration of BESEN,
- throw a <ICODE>SyntaxError</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- For consistent behavior across implementations, <EM>do not use function
- statement</EM>; use either <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> or <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> instead.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example of <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> (valid):
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var Fze;
-try {
- Fze = function(b,a){return b.unselectable=a};
- /*...*/
-} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
- </CODE>
- Example of <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> (valid):
- <CODE>
-// Program code
-function aa(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
- </CODE>
-Notable examples of the misuse of the term "function statement"
-can be seen in David Flanagan's "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide",
-Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts", MDC documentation,
-JSLint error messages.
- <URL>example/functionStatement.html</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL> (Article in Japanese)
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Objects" ID="objects">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a native object?" ID="nativeObject">
- <P>
- A <DFN>native object</DFN> is any object whose semantics are fully defined by
- ECMA-262.
- </P>
- <P>
- Some <DFN>native objects</DFN> are <DFN>built-in</DFN>; others, such as <DFN>user-defined</DFN> objects,
- may be constructed during the execution of an ECMAScript program.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Native built-in objects:
-var m = Math, // Built-in Math object.
- slice = Array.prototype.slice, // Built-in native method.
- o = {}, // Native user-defined object.
- f = function(){}, // Native user-defined function.
- d = new Date(),
- a = [],
- e = new Error("My Message.");
- </CODE>
- See also:
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a built-in object?" ID="builtInObject">
- <P>
- A <DFN>built-in</DFN> object is any object supplied by an ECMAScript
- implementation, independent of the host environment, that is present
- at the start of the execution of an ECMAScript program.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 3rd Edition defines the following <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects:
- </P>
- <LIST TYPE="DL" ID="builtInsList">
- <DT>Objects</DT>
- <DD><EM>global</EM>, Math</DD>
- <DT>Constructors</DT>
- <DD>Object, Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Date, RegExp</DD>
- <DT>Errors</DT>
- <DD>Error, Date, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError</DD>
- <DT>Functions</DT>
- <DD>eval, parseInt, parseFloat, isNaN, isFinite, decodeURI,
- decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent</DD>
- </LIST>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 Edition 5 defines also the built-in object <ICODE>JSON</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Nonstandard <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects may include <ICODE>RuntimeObject</ICODE>,
- <ICODE></ICODE>, <ICODE>CollectGarbage</ICODE>, and more.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What is a host object?" ID="hostObject" NUMID="2_8">
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> is any object supplied by the host environment to
- complete the execution environment of ECMAScript.
- </P>
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> is not part of the ECMAScript implementation, but is
- exposed to the ECMAScript implementation.
- </P>
- <P>
- A <DFN>host object</DFN> may be implemented as a native ECMAScript object, however
- this is not required. For example, Internet Explorer implements many
- scriptable DOM objects as ActiveX Objects, often resulting in unexpected errors.
- </P>
- <P>
- Availability and behavior of a host object depends on the host environment.
- </P>
- <P>
- For example, in a browser, <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> might be available, with or
- without standard or proprietary features or events. Windows Script Host object model
- has the <ICODE>WScript</ICODE> object available.
- </P>
- <P>
- For information on a particular host object, consult the pertinent
- documentation available for the implementation(s). For web browsers,
- this usually includes the w3c specifications as well as documentation
- for that browser.
- See also:
- </P>
- <URL>notes/code-guidelines/#hostObjects</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="When should I use eval?" ID="eval" NUMID="4_40">
- <P>
-The <ICODE>eval</ICODE> function should <EM>only</EM> be used when it is necessary to
-evaluate a string supplied or composed at run-time; the string
-can be anything from a simple (but unpredictable) expression such
-as <ICODE>"12 * 2.54"</ICODE> to a substantial piece of javascript code.
-When <ICODE>eval( '{"key" : 42}' )</ICODE> is called, <ICODE>{</ICODE> is interpreted as a block of
-code instead of an object literal. Hence, the Grouping Operator (parentheses)
-is used to force <ICODE>eval</ICODE> to interpret the JSON as an object literal:
-<ICODE>eval( '({"key" : 42})' );</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL LINKTEXT="How do I access a property of an object using a string?"
- >#propertyAccessAgain</URL>
- <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a property of an object using a string?" ID="propertyAccessAgain" NUMID="4_39">
- <P>
- There are two ways to access properties: dot notation and square bracket
- notation. What you are looking for is the square bracket notation in
- which the dot, and the identifier to its right, are replaced with a set
- of square brackets containing a string. The value of the string matches
- the identifier. For example:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-//dot notation
-var bodyElement = document.body;
-//square bracket notation, using an expression
-var bodyElement = document[&quot;bo&quot;+&quot;dy&quot;];
- </CODE>
- <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Strings and RegExp" ID="strings">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I trim whitespace?" ID="trimString" NUMID="4_16">
- <P>
- ECMAScript 5 defines <ICODE>String.prototype.trim</ICODE>. Where not supported,
- it can be added as a function that uses a <DFN>regular expression</DFN>:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-if(!String.prototype.trim) {
- String.prototype.trim = function() {
- return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
- };
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Implementations are inconsistent with <ICODE>\s</ICODE>. For example,
- some implementations, notably JScript 5.8 and Safari 2, do not match <ICODE>\xA0</ICODE>
- (no-break space), among others.</P>
- <P>
- A more consistent approach would be to create a character class
- that defines the characters to trim.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Windows and Frames" ID="windows">
- <P>
- The <ICODE>window</ICODE> object (also referred to by <ICODE>self</ICODE>) is "DOM Level 0".
- No formal standard for it exists.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How can I disable the back button in a web browser?" ID="disableBackButton" NUMID="4_2">
- <P>
- You can't. The browser's history cannot be modified. However, you
- can use <ICODE>self.location.replace(url);</ICODE> in some browsers to replace
- the current page in the history.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a frame's content?"
- ID="frameRef" NUMID="4_8">
- <P>
- To reference another frame on the <EM>same domain</EM>:
- </P>
- <P>
- The <DFN>content window</DFN> of a <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> can be
- accessed by the <ICODE>frames</ICODE> collection.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var fwin;
-fwin = self.frames[0]; // or:
-fwin = self.frames["iframeName"];
- </CODE>
- <P>or, from the <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> element:</P>
- <CODE>
-var iframeEl = document.getElementById("myFrame");
-var fwin = iframeEl.contentWindow; // Nonstandard, but widely supported.
-var fdoc = iframeEl.contentDocument; // DOM2 HTML Standard.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- A global identifier <ICODE>moomin</ICODE> in the the iframe's <DFN>content window</DFN>
- is accessed as <ICODE>fwin.moomin</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- To communicate between frames on <EM>different</EM> domains:
- </P>
- <P>
- Where supported, (IE8, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Safari 4), use
- <ICODE>window.postMessage( message[, port], otherDomain);</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- <URL></URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- Where <ICODE>window.postMessage</ICODE> is not supported, the <ICODE></ICODE> property
- can be set on the other window, which can poll for updates to that
- property using <ICODE>setInterval(checkWinName, 100);</ICODE> where <ICODE>checkWinName</ICODE>
- is a function that polls to check the value of
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I find the size of the window?" ID="getWindowSize"
- NUMID="4_9">
- <P>
- Here is a detailed explanation of a cross-browser strategy to
- find the dimensions of the viewport, excepting all chrome
- (excludes scrollbars, etc).
- </P>
- <P>
- We can consider various properties:
- </P>
- <CODE>
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Of the browsers that have an <ICODE>innerWidth</ICODE> property, most
- include scrollbar dimensions. Some versions of KHTML browsers
- (including Safari 2) do <EM>not</EM> include scrollbar width.
- </P>
- <P>
- The <ICODE>window.inner*</ICODE> properties are unreliable and not
- useful here. We don't want scrollbar dimensions included.
- </P>
-<CODE> document.clientWidth</CODE>
- <P>
- Certain versions of KHTML, including Safari 2, have
- <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> and <ICODE>document.clientWidth</ICODE>
- properties. Where supported, these rare properties accurately
- return the height and width of the viewport, without including
- scrollbar dimensions.
- </P>
- <CODE>
- </CODE>
- <P>
- MSHTML (Trident), Firefox (Gecko), Opera (Presto), and Safari
- (Webkit) all support <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> on <ICODE>document.body</ICODE>
- and <ICODE>document.documentElement</ICODE>. The difficulty is figuring out
- which one is reliable. In other words which object to get the
- <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> property from:<ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> or <ICODE>body</ICODE>?
- </P>
- <P>
- What the number returned from either of these properties
- represents depends on the environment. The environment includes
- the browser, its version, and the rendering mode of the document.
- In quirks mode, we'll mostly want to use <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>
- (except for in Safari 2).
- </P>
- <CODE>document.body.clientHeight</CODE>
- <P>
- Some environments will return the viewport height. Others will
- return <ICODE>0</ICODE>. Yet others will return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> of
- the <ICODE>BODY</ICODE> element.
- </P>
- <CODE> document.documentElement.clientHeight</CODE>
- <P>
- This is the more "standard" property for getting the height of
- the viewport. It usually "works" in modern browsers in
- <DFN>standards mode</DFN>. Notable exceptions include Safari 2 and
- Opera &lt;= 9.25, both of which return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
- of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> <EM>element</EM>. (Oddly, Opera &lt;= 9.25
- in standards mode returns the width of the viewport for
- <ICODE>documentElement.clientWidth</ICODE>).
- </P>
- <P>
- With the exception of Safari 2, <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable
- where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is found to be unreliable.
- For example, in Safari 3+, Opera, and Mozilla, all in quirks mode,
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
- of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> element (this may seem unsurprising but
- it is not what we want).
- </P>
- <P>
- Conversely, <ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> will return
- the height of the viewport in most cases where
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> does not. An exception
- to that is Safari 2, where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>
- and <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> both return the height of their
- corresponding element (not what we want).
- </P>
- <P>
- By using a combination of <DFN>Feature Testing</DFN> and <DFN>Capability Testing</DFN>,
- the dimensions of the viewport can be strategically retrieved
- from the property that works in the environment the script is
- running in. The trick is determining which property will give us
- the value we want.
- </P>
- <P>
- Since <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable where
- (rarely) supported, and since browsers that support this property
- don't return the viewport dimensions from
- <ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>, this should be the
- very first condition:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
-if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientWidth.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- The next strategy is to determine if
- <ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> property is unreliable.
- It is deemed "unreliable" when it is either <ICODE>0</ICODE> or taller
- than the viewport.
- </P>
- <P>
- Determining if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is <ICODE>0</ICODE> is easy.
- The result is stored in a variable <ICODE>IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var docEl = document.documentElement,
- IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT = docEl &amp;&amp; docEl.clientHeight === 0;
-docEl = null;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- To determine if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns
- a value taller than the viewport, we need a <DFN>Capability Test.</DFN>
- </P>
- <P>
- If we can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be very tall
- (taller than a normal viewport) we can then check to see if
- <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns that "very tall" number.
- If it does, then it is unreliable.
- </P>
- <P>
- We can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be taller than the viewport
- (or any "normal" viewport) by adding a <ICODE>div</ICODE> to the <ICODE>body</ICODE>,
- give that <ICODE>div</ICODE> a height larger than any normal monitor,
- and then check to see if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is
- that high (or "almost" that high, to account for <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE>
- having a border).
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Used to feature test Opera returning wrong values
-// for documentElement.clientHeight.
-// The results of this function should be cached,
-// so it does not need to be called more than once.
-function isDocumentElementHeightOff(){
- var d = document,
- div = d.createElement('div');
- = "2500px";
- d.body.insertBefore(div, d.body.firstChild);
- var r = d.documentElement.clientHeight &gt; 2400;
- d.body.removeChild(div);
- return r;
- </CODE>
- <P>
- We can use this function to see if we should use
- <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>, instead. (but only after checking if
- <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is supported).
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
-if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
- // use document.clientHeight/Width.
-else if(IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT || isDocumentElementHeightOff()) {
- // use document.body.clientHeight/Width.
-} else {
- // use document.documentElement.clientHeight/Width.
- </CODE>
- <P>
- The preceding strategy was developed by Garrett Smith with input
- from John David Dalton. A complete and tested example can be found
- in APE Library under <ICODE>APE.dom.getViewportDimensions</ICODE>.
- Source code:
- <URL></URL>.
- APE is publicly released under Academic Free License.
- APE home: <URL></URL>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Note: The dimensions cannot be determined accurately until after
- the document has finished loading.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another?"
- ID="isWindowOpen" NUMID="4_10">
- <CODE>
-var myWin;
-function openWin(aURL) {
- if (!myWin || myWin.closed ) {
- myWin =,'myWin');
- } else {
- myWin.location.href = aURL;
- myWin.focus();
- }
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?"
- ID="printFrame" NUMID="4_11">
- <P>
- IE prints the frame that has focus when you call the print
- method <ICODE>frameref.focus();frameref.print();</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?"
- ID="windowClose" NUMID="4_14">
- <P>
- If a window was opened by javascript, then it can be closed
- without confirmation by using <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Before calling <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE> (or other <ICODE>window</ICODE> methods), make
- sure the window reference is not null and its <ICODE>closed</ICODE> property is <ICODE>false</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>#isWindowOpen</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?"
- ID="permissionDenied" NUMID="4_19">
- <P>
- In the normal browser security model, a script may only access the
- properties of documents served from the same domain or IP address,
- protocol, and port.
- </P>
- <P>
- Any attempt to access a property in such cases will result in a &quot;Permission
- Denied&quot; error. Signed scripts or trusted ActiveX objects can
- overcome this in limited situations.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a 10 second delay?" ID="setTimeout" NUMID="4_20">
- <P>
- There is no built-in way to pause execution in javascript such
- as a sleep function, but hosts usually provide a method of some
- form. Web browsers are designed for event driven programming and
- only provide the <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE> functions
- to facilitate timed delays. The delay before calling <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE> may
- exceed the second parameter to <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE>
- due to implementation differences among browsers.
- </P>
- <P>
- To call the function <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>, approximately 10 seconds
- after the function <ICODE>getMoomin()</ICODE> completes, you would do this:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-setTimeout(getSnork, 10000);
- </CODE>
- <P>
- Script execution is not stopped, and adding <ICODE>getSnufkin()</ICODE> after the
- <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> line would immediately execute the function <ICODE>getSnufkin</ICODE>
- before <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- Achieving delays through running a loop of some sort for a pre-defined
- period is a bad strategy, as that will inhibit whatever was supposed to
- be happening during the delay, including blocking user interation.
- </P>
- <P>
- Other (less event driven) hosts have different wait functions,
- such as <ICODE>WScript.Sleep()</ICODE> in the Windows Script Host.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>faq_notes/misc.html#mtSetTI</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change print settings for window.print()?"
- ID="printSettings" NUMID="4_23">
- <P>
- In a normal security environment, you can't change anything.
- </P>
- <P>
- Print Stylesheet rules provide options.
- </P>
- <P>
- For IE, <ICODE>ActiveX</ICODE> or Plugin ScriptX and
- Neptune from Meadroid to give you more control for Windows
- versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Opera.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?"
- ID="changeBrowserDialog" NUMID="4_28">
- <P>
- The buttons on a confirm box cannot be changed, nor can a default
- button be specified.
- </P>
- <P>
- Change the question to a statement so that "OK" is suitable as the
- default response.
- </P>
- <P>
- Example:
- "Would you like us to charge your credit card?" (wrong)
- "We will now charge your credit card." (right).
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I prompt a &quot;Save As&quot; dialog for an accepted mime type?"
- ID="fileDownload" NUMID="4_33">
- <P>
- It is not possible with client-side javascript.
- </P>
- <P>
- Some browsers accept the Content-Disposition header, but this
- must be added by the server. Taking the form:-
- <ICODE>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.ext</ICODE>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <!-- Can we remove this entry?
- CONTENT TITLE="I have window.status=&quot;Moomin&quot;; why doesn't the statusbar change?"
- ID="returnValue" NUMID="4_35">
- <P>
-When changing the status in an event (e.g. <ICODE>onmouseover</ICODE>) you
-should return true from the event. Also a number of browsers
-require a short delay before setting the status to overcome their
-default behaviour with the statusbar.
- </P>
- <P>
-Many browsers are configured, by default, to disallow scripts from setting
-the status bar text. Some browsers don't have such a bar, or don't have it by default.
- </P>
- </CONTENT-->
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I modify the current browser window?" ID="modifyChrome" NUMID="4_36">
- <P>
- In a default security environment you are very limited in how much
- you can modify the current browser window. You can use
- <ICODE>window.resizeTo</ICODE> or <ICODE>window.moveTo</ICODE> to resize or move a
- window respectively, but that is it. Normally you can only
- suggest chrome changes in a <ICODE></ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I POST a form to a new window?" ID="target" NUMID="4_37">
- <P>
- Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with
- that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of the
- </P>
- <CODE>
-&lt;form action=&quot;&quot; method="post"
- target=&quot;wndname&quot; onsubmit=&quot;'',;return true;&quot;&gt;
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I open a new window with javascript?" ID="openWindow" NUMID="4_42">
- <P>
- New windows can be opened on browsers that support the
- <ICODE></ICODE> function and are not subject to the action of any
- pop-up blocking mechanism with code such as:-
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var wRef;
- wRef ="","windowName");
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Resources" ID="ecmascriptResources" NUMID="3">
- <CONTENT TITLE="What books are recommended for javascript?" ID="books" NUMID="3_1">
- <P>
- Most javascript books have been found to contain so many technical
- errors that consensus recommendations have not emerged from the group.
- </P>
- <P>
- The following books have been considered to have value by some
- individuals on c.l.js. The reviews of these books are provided:
- </P>
- <LI><EM>&quot;JavaScript: The Definitive Guide,&quot;</EM> 5th Edition, by David Flanagan
- <UL>
- <LI>Published: 2006-08</LI>
- <LI>Pages: 1018</LI>
- <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
- <LI>Discussed in:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Update 9.85 Dated 2007-08-31"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <EM>"JavaScript, The Good Parts,"</EM> 1st Edition, by Douglas Crockford
- <UL>
- <LI>Published: 2008-05</LI>
- <LI>Pages: 170</LI>
- <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
- <LI>Discussed in:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's 'The Good Parts': a short review"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FunctionExpression's and memory consumptions"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Topic - What books are recommended for javascript? (2008-12-02)"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Augmenting functions"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's JavaScript, The Good Parts (a book review)."
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Closures Explained"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- <LI>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Javascript library development"
- ></URL>
- </LI>
- </UL></LI>
- </UL>
- </LI>
- </LIST>
- <CONTENT TITLE="What online resources are available?" ID="onlineResources" NUMID="3_2">
- <LIST TITLE="ECMAScript" TYPE="DL" ID="ecmaResources">
- <DT>The Official ECMAScript Specification</DT>
- <DD><URL>[ECMA-262]</URL></DD>
- <DT>[ISO16262] ISO/IEC 16262, Second Edition 2002-06-01 : ISO Standard matching
- ECMA-262 3rd Edition, with corrections.</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>[MS-ES3]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification Standards Support</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
- <DT>[MS-ES3EX]: Microsoft JScript Extensions to the ECMAScript Language Specification Third Edition</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3EX%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
- <DT>ECMAScript on Wikipedia</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="W3C DOM" TYPE="DL" ID="domResources">
- <DT>DOM Level 1 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 Events</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 2 Style</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>DOM Level 3 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Browser Documentation" TYPE="DL" ID="browserResources">
- <DT>Mozilla</DT>
- <DD>JavaScript: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Gecko DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Microsoft</DT>
- <DD>HTML and DHTML Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>JScript Language Reference:<URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Scripting: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Opera</DT>
- <DD>Web Specifications Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>JavaScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>ECMAScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>BlackBerry JavaScript Reference</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>ICab InScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Apple Safari</DT>
- <DD>Web Content Guide: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Webkit</DT>
- <DD>Project Site: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>Wiki: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DD>DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Netscape 4 Client-Side JavaScript Reference</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Archived documentation for MSIE 3.x</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Standalone ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="standaloneImplementations">
- <DT>Rhino: An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Besen IDE: ECMAScript Edition 5 with IDE</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>V8: Google's open source JavaScript engine</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>SpiderMonkey: Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Digital Mars DMD Script, console and MS Active Script implementation of ECMAScript</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <LIST TITLE="Other ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="nonBrowserResources">
- <DT>Developing Dashboard Widgets: Apple Developer Connection</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- <DT>Whitebeam Apache Module: Server Side JavaScript in Apache</DT>
- <DD><URL></URL></DD>
- </LIST>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Libraries" ID="libraryResources">
- <P>
- No javascript libraries are endorsed by this group. If you want help
- with using a library, visit that library's discussion group instead.
- </P>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Comments and Suggestions" ID="comments" NUMID="5">
- <P HTMLONLY="true">
- This FAQ uses the CSS stylesheet <URL>faq.css</URL> and is generated
- from the XML source <URL>index.xml</URL> using the XSLT stylesheet
- <URL>index.xsl</URL><!-- which also checks the links -->.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why do some posts have &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in them?" ID="FAQENTRY" NUMID="5_1">
- <P>
- If a poster feels that the question they are answering should be
- covered in the FAQ, placing &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in the post lets the FAQ
- robot collect the messages for easy review and inclusion. A Draft Proposal
- for the FAQ is requested and appreciated.
- </P>
- <P>
-The &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; should not be used in posts except in
-conjunction with a suggestion/proposal for this FAQ. It should
-also not be literally quoted in replies, instead it should be
-partly obscured as, e.g. &lt;FAQ**TRY&gt; or similar.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a suggestion?" NUMID="5_2" ID="makeSuggestion">
- <P>
-To make a suggestion to this FAQ, use either the FAQENTRY method
-above, or e-mail Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn &lt;cljs&#64;; (editor).
-All comments, suggestions, and especially corrections are welcome.
- </P>
- <!-- FIXME -->
- <!--
- <P>
- This FAQ is (C) Copyright Contributors on behalf of the
- newsgroup comp.lang.javascript. Upon change of the FAQ maintainer,
- the copyright will automatically pass over to the new maintainer.
- </P>
- -->
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Numbers" ID="numbers">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?" ID="formatNumber" NUMID="4_6">
- <P>
- When formatting money for example, to format 6.57634 to 6.58, 6.7 to
- 6.50, and 6 to 6.00?
- </P>
- <P>
- Rounding of x.xx5 is unreliable, as most numbers are not represented
- exactly. See also:
- <URL LINKTEXT="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?">#binaryNumbers</URL>
- </P>
- <P>
- The statement <ICODE>n = Math.round(n * 100)/100</ICODE> converts <ICODE>n</ICODE> to a <ICODE>Number</ICODE> value
- close to a multiple of <ICODE>0.01</ICODE>. However, there are some problems.
- Converting the number to a string <ICODE>(n + "")</ICODE>, does not give
- trailing zeroes. Rounding numbers that are very close to <ICODE>x.5</ICODE>, for example,
- <ICODE>Math.round(0.49999999999999992)</ICODE> results <ICODE>1</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMA-262 3rd Edition introduced <ICODE>Number.prototype.toFixed</ICODE>.
- There are bugs in JScript 5.8 and below with certain numbers, for example
- <ICODE>0.007.toFixed(2)</ICODE> incorrectly results <ICODE>0.00</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <CODE>
-var numberToFixed =
-(function() {
- return toFixedString;
- function toFixedString(n, digits) {
- var unsigned = toUnsignedString(Math.abs(n), digits);
- return (n &lt; 0 ? "-" : "") + unsigned;
- }
- function toUnsignedString(m, digits) {
- var t, s = Math.round(m * Math.pow(10, digits)) + "",
- start, end;
- if (/\D/.test(s)) {
- return "" + m;
- }
- s = padLeft(s, 1 + digits, "0");
- start = s.substring(0, t = (s.length - digits));
- end = s.substring(t);
- if(end) {
- end = "." + end;
- }
- return start + end; // avoid "0."
- }
- /**
- * @param {string} input: input value converted to string.
- * @param {number} size: desired length of output.
- * @param {string} ch: single character to prefix to s.
- */
- function padLeft(input, size, ch) {
- var s = input + "";
- while(s.length &lt; size) {
- s = ch + s;
- }
- return s;
- }
-// Test results
- "numberToFixed(9e-3, 12) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(9e-3, 12),
- "numberToFixed(1.255, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.255, 2),
- "numberToFixed(1.355, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.355, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.1255, 3) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.1255, 3),
- "numberToFixed(0.07, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.07, 2),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1),
- "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0)
- </CODE>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?" ID="binaryNumbers" NUMID="4_7">
- <P>
- For example, <ICODE>5 * 1.015</ICODE> does not give exactly
- <ICODE>5.075</ICODE> and <ICODE>0.06+0.01</ICODE> does
- not give exactly <ICODE>0.07</ICODE> in javascript.
- </P>
- <P>
- ECMAScript numbers are represented in binary as IEEE-754 (IEC 559)
- Doubles, with a resolution of 53 bits, giving an accuracy of
- 15-16 decimal digits; integers up to just over <ICODE>9e15</ICODE> are
- precise, but few decimal fractions are. Given this, arithmetic
- is as exact as possible, but no more. Operations on integers
- are exact if the true result and all intermediates are integers
- within that range.
- </P>
- <P>
- In particular, non-integer results should not normally be
- compared for equality; and non-integer computed results
- commonly need rounding; see <URL
- LINKTEXT="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?"
- >#formatNumber</URL>
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <P>
- Otherwise, use <ICODE>Math.round</ICODE> on the results of expressions which
- should be of integer value.
- </P>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?" ID="parseIntBase" NUMID="4_12">
- <P>
- Method <ICODE>parseInt</ICODE> generally needs a second parameter, <ICODE>radix</ICODE>,
- for the base (from 2 to 36).
- </P>
- <P>
- If <ICODE>radix</ICODE> is omitted, the base is determined by the contents of
- the string. Any string beginning with <ICODE>'0x'</ICODE> or <ICODE>'0X'</ICODE> represents a
- hexadecimal number. A string beginning with a leading 0 may be parsed as
- octal (as if <ICODE>raxix</ICODE> were 8), in ECMA-262 Ed 3 (octal digits are <ICODE>0-7</ICODE>).
- If string <ICODE>'09'</ICODE> is converted to <ICODE>0</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <P>
- To force use of a particular base, use the <ICODE>radix</ICODE>
- parameter: <ICODE>parseInt("09", base)</ICODE>.
- <!-- [omit]
- If base 10 is desired,
- the unary <ICODE>+</ICODE> operator can be an option. Example:
-var s = '-09.1'; // Input string.
-var j = +s; // Convert to number. Result: -9.1
-var n = j|0; // Chop off decimal (convert ToInt32). Result: -9
- [/omit] -->
- </P>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <URL>notes/type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx</URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?" ID="typeConvert">
- <P>
- Variables are not typed; their values are. The conversion between a
- string and a number happens automatically.
- </P>
- <P>
- The addition operator (<ICODE>+</ICODE>) performs concatenation if either operand is a
- string, thus <ICODE>"1" + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>"11"</ICODE>. To perform addition, you might need
- to first convert the string to a number. For example <ICODE>+varname</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>Number(varname)</ICODE> or <ICODE>parseInt(varname, 10)</ICODE> or
- <ICODE>parseFloat(varname)</ICODE>. Form control values are strings, as is the result
- from a <ICODE>prompt</ICODE> dialog. Convert these to numbers before performing
- addition: <ICODE>+'1' + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>2</ICODE>.
- </P>
- <URL LINKTEXT="Additional Notes">notes/type-conversion/</URL>
- <URL></URL>
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I generate a random integer from 1 to n?" ID="randomNumber" NUMID="4_22">
- <P>
- <ICODE>Math.random()</ICODE> returns a value <ICODE>R</ICODE> such that <ICODE>0 &lt;= R &lt; 1.0</ICODE>; therefore:
- </P>
- <CODE>
-// positive integer expected
-function getRandomNumber(n) {
- return Math.floor(n * Math.random());
- </CODE>
- - gives an evenly distributed random integer in the range from
- <ICODE>0</ICODE> to <ICODE>n - 1</ICODE> inclusive; use <ICODE>getRandomNumber(n)+1</ICODE> for <ICODE>1</ICODE> to <ICODE>n</ICODE>.
- <URL></URL>
- <URL></URL>
- How to Deal and Shuffle, see in: <URL></URL>
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<CONTENT TITLE="Debugging" ID="debugging">
- <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get my browser to report javascript errors?"
- ID="javascriptErrors" NUMID="4_43">
- <P>
-There are debugging tools for many browsers. Learn to use them all.
- </P>
- <DT>Windows</DT>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Fiddler"></URL>.
-Fiddler is an HTTP Debugging proxy (it won't find script
-errors). Fiddler logs HTTP activity, like Firebug's Net
-tab, but can be attached to any browser running on Windows.
- </DD>
- <DT>Windows IE</DT>
- <DD>Microsoft Script Editor. Included with Visual Studio or Microsoft
-Word 2003 (discontinued in Office 2007).
-To enable,
-<ICODE>Tools</ICODE>, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, and uncheck
-<ICODE>Disable Script Debugging</ICODE>. After enabling Script Debugging,
-a <ICODE>Script Debugger</ICODE> option will appear in the <ICODE>View</ICODE> menu.</DD>
-<DD><URL LINKTEXT="IETester"></URL> for testing IE 5.5- IE8.</DD>
-<DD><URL LINKTEXT="CompanionJS"></URL> <ICODE>console</ICODE> for IE.</DD>
- <DD>
-<EM>Note:</EM> For debugging scripts in IE, the Microsoft Script <EM>Editor</EM>
-is recommended. However, if not available, the <URL LINKTEXT="Microsoft Script Debugger"
->;displaylang=en</URL> may be somewhat helpful.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar"
- >;displaylang=en</URL>
- </DD>
- <DD>
-To report errors: Wait until a little yellow
-triangle appears at the left end of the status bar, double click
-on it and, when the error dialog box appears, check the &quot;Always
-show errors&quot; checkbox it contains.
-Or, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, deselect <ICODE>"Disable Script Debugging"</ICODE>,
-select <ICODE>"Display a notification ..."</ICODE>.
- </DD>
- <DT>Firefox</DT>
- <DD>
- <ICODE>Tools &gt; Error console</ICODE> (<ICODE>Ctrl</ICODE> + <ICODE>Shift</ICODE> + <ICODE>j</ICODE>).
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Firebug"></URL>
- </DD>
- <DD>
-YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow
-based on Yahoo's rules for high performance web sites.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<DFN>Lori</DFN> or Life-of-request info, is useful for troubleshooting
-server response and page load time.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Web Developer Toolbar"></URL>.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Cookie Watcher"></URL>.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="XPather"></URL>.
-XPath generator, editor and inspector.
- </DD>
- <DT>Opera</DT>
- <DD>
-Tools &gt; Advanced &gt; Error console
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Introduction to Opera Dragonfly"
- ></URL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Safari</DT>
- <DD>
-To display the <ICODE>Develop</ICODE> menu in Safari 3.1 or higher, select
-the checkbox labeled "Show Develop menu in menu bar" in
-Safari's <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE> Preferences panel.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-<URL LINKTEXT="Safari Web Inspector"> </URL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Chrome</DT>
- <DD>
-JavaScript Console: click the <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon and select
-<ICODE>Developer &gt; JavaScript Console</ICODE>. From here, you'll be
-able to view errors in the JavaScript execution, and enter
-additional javascript commands to execute.
- </DD>
- <DD>
-JavaScript Debugger: available as <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon &gt; <ICODE>Developer</ICODE>
-&gt; Debug JavaScript, the debugger provides a command prompt from which you
-can set breakpoints, backtrace, and more. Type <ICODE>help</ICODE> at the debugger
-command line to get started.
- </DD>
- <DD>
- <UL>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Google Chrome Script Debugging"
- ></URL></LI>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Developer Tools for Google Chrome"
- ></URL></LI>
- <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Tools for Eclipse Users"></URL></LI>
- </UL>
- </DD>
- <DT>Mac IE</DT>
- <DD>
-Use the Preferences dialog.
- </DD>
- </LIST>
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- <!ENTITY numbers SYSTEM "sections/numbers.xml">
- <!ENTITY objects SYSTEM "sections/objects.xml">
- <!ENTITY strings SYSTEM "sections/strings.xml">
- <!ENTITY dom SYSTEM "sections/dom.xml">
- <!ENTITY windows SYSTEM "sections/windows.xml">
- <!ENTITY server SYSTEM "sections/server.xml">
- <!ENTITY debugging SYSTEM "sections/debugging.xml">
- <!ENTITY donts SYSTEM "sections/donts.xml">
- <!ENTITY suggestions SYSTEM "sections/suggestions.xml">
<FAQ VERSION="32.2" DATE="2010-10-08" revision="$Revision$" id="$Id$">
<TITLE>FAQ for comp.lang.javascript</TITLE>
- &meta;
- &overview;
- &resources;
- &functions;
- &dates;
- &numbers;
- &objects;
- &strings;
- &dom;
- &windows;
- &server;
- &debugging;
- &donts;
- &suggestions;
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Meta-FAQ meta-questions" ID="meta" NUMID="1">
+ <P>
+ This is the <EM>comp.lang.javascript</EM> meta-FAQ, <VER/>. The latest
+ version is available at <URL></URL> in HTML form.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Each day, one section of the FAQ is posted for review and questions,
+ and as a reminder that the FAQ is available.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For additional explanation and detail relating to some aspects
+ of the FAQ, please see the
+ <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Notes">notes/</URL>.
+ It has been provided separately to avoid increasing the size of
+ the FAQ to a point where it would be unreasonable to post it to
+ the group.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Code examples in this FAQ use <URL LINKTEXT="JSDoc Toolkit"
+ ></URL> comments.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Which newsgroups deal with javascript?" ID="newsgroups" NUMID="2_1">
+ <P>
+ The official Big 8 Usenet newsgroup dealing with javascript is
+ <NEWSGROUP>comp.lang.javascript</NEWSGROUP>.
+ Some "language" hierarchies also have *.comp.lang.javascript groups.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ c.l.js is an unmoderated newsgroup.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What questions are on-topic for comp.lang.javascript?" ID="appropriateQuestions" NUMID="2_2">
+ <P>
+ The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup deals with ECMAScript
+ languages, so any questions about JavaScript or JScript are
+ welcome. However, the majority of questions sent to this group
+ relates to javascript in a web browser. If you are experiencing
+ issues with a particular browser, or the host is not a browser
+ at all, please make this information clear.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Javascript and Java are two completely different languages.
+ Java questions should be asked in one of the*
+ newsgroups; they are not appropriate for c.l.js (as Java and
+ javascript are distinct programming languages with only
+ superficial similarities due to sharing a C-like syntax and
+ some of the characters in their names).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Questions dealing with other scripting languages, such as
+ VBScript, PerlScript or CGI scripting are also off-topic,
+ as are HTML-only or CSS-only questions.
+ </P>
+ <!--
+ <P>
+ Questions about the design of various javascript libraries are
+ appropriate; questions on how to <EM>use</EM> such libraries
+ are not. Check <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js FAQ Resources"
+ >http://jibbering.comindex.html#libraryResources</URL> or search the web.
+ </P>
+ -->
+ <P>
+ Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
+ be appropriately asked at:
+ <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The comp.lang.javascript newsgroup charter is included in
+ <URL>faq_notes/cljs_charter.html</URL>.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What should I do before posting to comp.lang.javascript?" ID="posting" NUMID="2_3">
+ <P>
+ Before posting to c.l.js, you should read this document.
+ You should also check the <URL LINKTEXT="Resources section">#onlineResources</URL>.
+ </P>
+ <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="How to Ask a Question" ID="ask">
+ <LI>State your question clearly and concisely.</LI>
+ <LI>Use the Subject: line to show the type of problem you have but
+ include the question in the body as well.</LI>
+ <LI>For a more detailed explanation of formatting, see
+ &quot;<URL LINKTEXT="Posting Questions and Replies to comp.lang.javascript">notes/posting/</URL>&quot;.</LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Replying" ID="reply">
+ <LI>Quote only relevant parts of earlier messages, and add your
+ comments below each quoted section
+ (<URL LINKTEXT="FYI28/RFC1855"></URL>).</LI>
+ <LI>Link to specific sections of the FAQ that are relevant.</LI>
+ <LI>Avoid being unnecessarily rude, but do not complain about other rude posts.</LI>
+ <LI>Don't quote signatures.</LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Posting Code" ID="postCode">
+ <LI>
+ Remove everything that does not contribute to the problem (images,
+ markup, other scripts, etc).
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Validate the HTML and CSS <URL></URL>,
+ <URL></URL>.</LI>
+ <LI>Make sure the code is executable as transmitted.</LI>
+ <LI>Format lines to 72 characters; indent with 2-4 spaces (not tabs).</LI>
+ <LI>State what you expect the code to do.</LI>
+ <LI>Mention the platforms, browsers, and versions.</LI>
+ <LI>See also the <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ section on debugging">#debugging</URL>.</LI>
+ <LI>Post in plain-text only. Do not encode it. Do not attach files.</LI>
+ <LI>If the code is more than about 100 lines, provide a URL in addition.</LI>
+ <LI>Do not multi-post; cross-post if necessary
+ (<URL LINKTEXT="Wikipedia description"></URL>).</LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="What Not to Post" ID="doNotPost">
+ <LI>Do not post job postings. Job postings should go to
+ an appropriate regional jobs group.</LI>
+ <LI>Do not post copyright material without permission
+ from the copyright holder.</LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <P>
+ Relevant announcements are welcome, but no more often than once
+ per major release, as a short link to the product's webpage.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why was my post not answered?" ID="noAnswer" NUMID="2_4">
+ <P>This could be for several reasons:</P>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>It was a variation of a frequently asked question and was
+ therefore ignored by everyone.</LI>
+ <LI>Nobody knows the answer.</LI>
+ <LI>The person with the answer has not seen the post.</LI>
+ <LI>It might not be possible to do what you want to do but perhaps
+ readers of c.l.js are reluctant to answer your post in the negative
+ when they are not convinced that it cannot be done.</LI>
+ <LI>The question was not asked clearly enough, or did not included
+ enough information to be answered.</LI>
+ <LI>The questioner did not realise the need to read the group, for a
+ few days, to see the answers posted there.</LI>
+ <LI>You ignored the <URL LINKTEXT="section on posting">#posting</URL></LI>
+ </UL>
+ <p>If it is not one of these, then after a few days consider
+ reposting after checking
+ <URL></URL>
+ for replies. Make sure the post is phrased well, and everything
+ needed to answer is correct, and the subject is appropriate.</p>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Language Overview" ID="tips" NUMID="2">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is ECMAScript?" ID="ecma" NUMID="2_6">
+ <P>
+ is the international standard that current language implementations
+ (JavaScript&trade;, JScript etc.) are based on.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ defines the language Syntax, Types, Keywords, Operators, and built-in
+ objects. The ECMAScript specification is the reference to determine the
+ expected behavior of a program. ECMAScript does not define any host
+ objects, such as <ICODE>document</ICODE>, <ICODE>window</ICODE>, or
+ <ICODE>ActiveXObject</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ ECMA-327 defines the Compact Profile of ECMAScript by
+ describing the features from ECMA 262 that may be omitted in some
+ resource-constrained environments.
+ <URL></URL>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The most widely supported edition of ECMA-262 is the 3rd edition (1999).
+ There is fair support for this edition in JScript 5.5+ (buggy) and good
+ support JavaScript 1.5.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The term "javascript" is used as a common name for all dialects of ECMAScript.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is JScript?" ID="jScript" NUMID="2_7">
+ <P>
+ JScript is Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Questions that are specific to Microsoft's JScript may also
+ be appropriately asked at:
+ <NEWSGROUP>microsoft.public.scripting.jscript</NEWSGROUP>.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is the Document Object Model (DOM)?" ID="dom" NUMID="2_9">
+ <P>
+ The <DFN>Document Object Model</DFN> (DOM) is a interface-based model for <ICODE>Document</ICODE>
+ objects. The DOM allows scripts to dynamically access and update a
+ document's content, style, and event handlers.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The DOM is <EM>not</EM> part of the ECMAScript programming language.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Official DOM standards are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium.
+ Scriptable browsers also have <DFN>proprietary</DFN> DOM features (<URL
+ such as <ICODE>document.writeln()</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Also see the section on <URL LINKTEXT="DOM and Forms">#domRef</URL>.
+ </P>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="c.l.js DOM Resources">#onlineResources</URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="MDC: What is the DOM?"></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Internationalisation and Localisation in javascript" ID="localization" NUMID="2_10">
+ <P>
+ <DFN>Internationalisation</DFN> means using one form which is everywhere both
+ acceptable and understood. Any international standard not supported by
+ default can be coded for.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For example, there is an International Standard for numeric Gregorian
+ date format; but none for decimal and thousands separators.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ <DFN>Localisation</DFN> is the process of adapting software for a specific region
+ or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text. It
+ cannot work well in general, because it requires a knowledge of all
+ preferences and the ability to choose the right one, in an environment
+ where many systems are inappropriately set anyway.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ ECMAScript has a few <DFN>localisation</DFN> features. The various
+ <ICODE>toString()</ICODE> methods are all implementation dependent,
+ but tend to use either UK or US settings (not necessarily correctly).
+ ECMAScript Ed. 3 introduced some capabilities, including the
+ <ICODE>toLocaleString()</ICODE>method which should create a string
+ based on the host's locale.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ ECMAScript 5th Edition introduces limited ISO 8601 capabilities with
+ <ICODE>Date.prototype.toISOString()</ICODE> and new behavior for <ICODE>Date.parse()</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What does the future hold for ECMAScript?" ID="futureEcmaScript" NUMID="2_12">
+ <P>
+ The 5th edition of ECMAScript was approved on 2009-12-04. There is some
+ support in implementations released before approval date (JScript 5.8,
+ JavaScript 1.8, JavaScriptCore).
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Resources" ID="ecmascriptResources" NUMID="3">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What books are recommended for javascript?" ID="books" NUMID="3_1">
+ <P>
+ Most javascript books have been found to contain so many technical
+ errors that consensus recommendations have not emerged from the group.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The following books have been considered to have value by some
+ individuals on c.l.js. The reviews of these books are provided:
+ </P>
+ <LI><EM>&quot;JavaScript: The Definitive Guide,&quot;</EM> 5th Edition, by David Flanagan
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Published: 2006-08</LI>
+ <LI>Pages: 1018</LI>
+ <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
+ <LI>Discussed in:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Update 9.85 Dated 2007-08-31"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <EM>"JavaScript, The Good Parts,"</EM> 1st Edition, by Douglas Crockford
+ <UL>
+ <LI>Published: 2008-05</LI>
+ <LI>Pages: 170</LI>
+ <LI>Errata: <URL></URL></LI>
+ <LI>Discussed in:
+ <UL>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's 'The Good Parts': a short review"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="FunctionExpression's and memory consumptions"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="FAQ Topic - What books are recommended for javascript? (2008-12-02)"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Augmenting functions"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Crockford's JavaScript, The Good Parts (a book review)."
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Closures Explained"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Javascript library development"
+ ></URL>
+ </LI>
+ </UL></LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What online resources are available?" ID="onlineResources" NUMID="3_2">
+ <LIST TITLE="ECMAScript" TYPE="DL" ID="ecmaResources">
+ <DT>The Official ECMAScript Specification</DT>
+ <DD><URL>[ECMA-262]</URL></DD>
+ <DT>[ISO16262] ISO/IEC 16262, Second Edition 2002-06-01 : ISO Standard matching
+ ECMA-262 3rd Edition, with corrections.</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>[MS-ES3]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification Standards Support</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
+ <DT>[MS-ES3EX]: Microsoft JScript Extensions to the ECMAScript Language Specification Third Edition</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD><URL>res/%5BMS-ES3EX%5D.pdf</URL> (local alias)</DD>
+ <DT>ECMAScript on Wikipedia</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TITLE="W3C DOM" TYPE="DL" ID="domResources">
+ <DT>DOM Level 1 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>DOM Level 2 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>DOM Level 2 Events</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>DOM Level 2 Style</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>DOM Level 3 ECMAScript Binding</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TITLE="Browser Documentation" TYPE="DL" ID="browserResources">
+ <DT>Mozilla</DT>
+ <DD>JavaScript: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>Gecko DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Microsoft</DT>
+ <DD>HTML and DHTML Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>JScript Language Reference:<URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>Scripting: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Opera</DT>
+ <DD>Web Specifications Support: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>JavaScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>ECMAScript Support: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>BlackBerry JavaScript Reference</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>ICab InScript</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Apple Safari</DT>
+ <DD>Web Content Guide: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Webkit</DT>
+ <DD>Project Site: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>Wiki: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DD>DOM Reference: <URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Netscape 4 Client-Side JavaScript Reference</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Archived documentation for MSIE 3.x</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TITLE="Standalone ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="standaloneImplementations">
+ <DT>Rhino: An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Besen IDE: ECMAScript Edition 5 with IDE</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>V8: Google's open source JavaScript engine</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>SpiderMonkey: Mozilla's C implementation of JavaScript</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Digital Mars DMD Script, console and MS Active Script implementation of ECMAScript</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <LIST TITLE="Other ECMAScript Implementations" TYPE="DL" ID="nonBrowserResources">
+ <DT>Developing Dashboard Widgets: Apple Developer Connection</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ <DT>Whitebeam Apache Module: Server Side JavaScript in Apache</DT>
+ <DD><URL></URL></DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Javascript Libraries" ID="libraryResources">
+ <P>
+ No javascript libraries are endorsed by this group. If you want help
+ with using a library, visit that library's discussion group instead.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Functions" ID="functions">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?" ID="scope">
+ <P>
+ This is an anonymous <DFN>FunctionExpression</DFN> that is called
+ immediately after creation.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Variables declared inside a function are not accessible from
+ outside the function. This can be useful, for example, to hide
+ implementation details or to avoid polluting the global scope.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL>notes/closures/</URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is a function statement?" ID="functionStatement">
+ <P>
+ The term <DFN>function statement</DFN> has been widely and wrongly used to
+ describe a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE>. This is misleading because in ECMAScript,
+ a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not a <DFN>Statement</DFN>; there are places in a program
+ where a <DFN>Statement</DFN> is permitted but a <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> is not. To add
+ to this confusion, some implementations, notably Mozillas', provide a
+ syntax extension called <DFN>function statement</DFN>. This is allowed under
+ section 16 of ECMA-262, Editions 3 and 5.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Example of nonstandard <DFN>function statement</DFN>:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ // Nonstandard syntax, found in GMail source code. DO NOT USE.
+ try {
+ // FunctionDeclaration not allowed in Block.
+ function Fze(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
+ /*...*/
+ } catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Code that uses <DFN>function statement</DFN> has three known interpretations. Some
+ implementations process <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> as a <DFN>Statement</DFN>, in order. Others, including
+ JScript, evaluate <ICODE>Fze</ICODE> upon entering the execution context that it
+ appears in. Yet others, notably DMDScript and default configuration of BESEN,
+ throw a <ICODE>SyntaxError</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For consistent behavior across implementations, <EM>do not use function
+ statement</EM>; use either <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> or <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> instead.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Example of <ICODE>FunctionExpression</ICODE> (valid):
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var Fze;
+try {
+ Fze = function(b,a){return b.unselectable=a};
+ /*...*/
+} catch(e) { _DumpException(e) }
+ </CODE>
+ Example of <ICODE>FunctionDeclaration</ICODE> (valid):
+ <CODE>
+// Program code
+function aa(b,a){return b.unselectable=a}
+ </CODE>
+Notable examples of the misuse of the term "function statement"
+can be seen in David Flanagan's "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide",
+Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts", MDC documentation,
+JSLint error messages.
+ <URL>example/functionStatement.html</URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL> (Article in Japanese)
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Dates" ID="dates">
+ <P>
+ ISO 8601 defines date and time formats. Some benefits include:
+ </P>
+ <LI>language-independent and unambiguous world-wide</LI>
+ <LI>sortable with a trivial string comparison</LI>
+ <LI>easily readable and writable by software</LI>
+ <LI>compatible with standards ISO 9075 and <URL LINKTEXT="rfc 3339"></URL></LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <P>
+ The ISO Extended format for common date is <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE>, and for time is
+ <ICODE>hh:mm:ss</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ For an event with an offset from UTC, use <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss&#177;hh:mm</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Never use a local date/time format for a non-local event. Instead, use
+ UTC, as in <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ</ICODE> (<ICODE>Z</ICODE> is the only letter suffix).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The <ICODE>T</ICODE> can be omitted where that would not cause ambiguity. For
+ rfc 3339 compliance, it may be replaced by a space and for SQL,
+ it <EM>must</EM> be replaced by a single space.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Year <ICODE>0000</ICODE> is unrecognized by some formats (XML Schema, <ICODE>xs:date</ICODE>).
+ </P>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="ECMA-262 Date.prototype, s. 15.9">#onlineResources</URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="A summary of the international standard date and time notation, by Markus Kuhn"
+ ></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="ISO 8601:2004(E)">res/ISO_8601-2004_E.pdf</URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="W3C QA Tip: Use international date format (ISO)"></URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 3339, Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps"
+ ></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Date object with javascript?" ID="formatDate" NUMID="4_30">
+ <P>
+ A local <ICODE>Date</ICODE> object where <ICODE>0 &lt;= year &lt;= 9999</ICODE> can be
+ formatted to a common ISO 8601 format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> with:-
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+/** Formats a Date to YYYY-MM-DD (local time), compatible with both
+ * ISO 8601 and ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003 (E) (SQL 'date' type).
+ * @param {Date} dateInRange year 0000 to 9999.
+ * @throws {RangeError} if the year is not in range
+ */
+function formatDate(dateInRange) {
+ var year = dateInRange.getFullYear(),
+ isInRange = year &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; year &lt;= 9999, yyyy, mm, dd;
+ if(!isInRange) {
+ throw RangeError("formatDate: year must be 0000-9999");
+ }
+ yyyy = ("000" + year).slice(-4);
+ mm = ("0" + (dateInRange.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
+ dd = ("0" + (dateInRange.getDate())).slice(-2);
+ return yyyy + "-" + mm + "-" + dd;
+ </CODE>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How can I create a Date object from a String?" ID="parseDate">
+ <P>
+ An Extended ISO 8601 local Date format <ICODE>YYYY-MM-DD</ICODE> can be parsed to a
+ Date with the following:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+/**Parses string formatted as YYYY-MM-DD to a Date object.
+ * If the supplied string does not match the format, an
+ * invalid Date (value NaN) is returned.
+ * @param {string} dateStringInRange format YYYY-MM-DD, with year in
+ * range of 0000-9999, inclusive.
+ * @return {Date} Date object representing the string.
+ */
+function parseISO8601(dateStringInRange) {
+ var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/,
+ date = new Date(NaN), month,
+ parts = isoExp.exec(dateStringInRange);
+ if(parts) {
+ month = +parts[2];
+ date.setFullYear(parts[1], month - 1, parts[3]);
+ if(month != date.getMonth() + 1) {
+ date.setTime(NaN);
+ }
+ }
+ return date;
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Numbers" ID="numbers">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?" ID="formatNumber" NUMID="4_6">
+ <P>
+ When formatting money for example, to format 6.57634 to 6.58, 6.7 to
+ 6.50, and 6 to 6.00?
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Rounding of x.xx5 is unreliable, as most numbers are not represented
+ exactly. See also:
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?">#binaryNumbers</URL>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The statement <ICODE>n = Math.round(n * 100)/100</ICODE> converts <ICODE>n</ICODE> to a <ICODE>Number</ICODE> value
+ close to a multiple of <ICODE>0.01</ICODE>. However, there are some problems.
+ Converting the number to a string <ICODE>(n + "")</ICODE>, does not give
+ trailing zeroes. Rounding numbers that are very close to <ICODE>x.5</ICODE>, for example,
+ <ICODE>Math.round(0.49999999999999992)</ICODE> results <ICODE>1</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ ECMA-262 3rd Edition introduced <ICODE>Number.prototype.toFixed</ICODE>.
+ There are bugs in JScript 5.8 and below with certain numbers, for example
+ <ICODE>0.007.toFixed(2)</ICODE> incorrectly results <ICODE>0.00</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var numberToFixed =
+(function() {
+ return toFixedString;
+ function toFixedString(n, digits) {
+ var unsigned = toUnsignedString(Math.abs(n), digits);
+ return (n &lt; 0 ? "-" : "") + unsigned;
+ }
+ function toUnsignedString(m, digits) {
+ var t, s = Math.round(m * Math.pow(10, digits)) + "",
+ start, end;
+ if (/\D/.test(s)) {
+ return "" + m;
+ }
+ s = padLeft(s, 1 + digits, "0");
+ start = s.substring(0, t = (s.length - digits));
+ end = s.substring(t);
+ if(end) {
+ end = "." + end;
+ }
+ return start + end; // avoid "0."
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param {string} input: input value converted to string.
+ * @param {number} size: desired length of output.
+ * @param {string} ch: single character to prefix to s.
+ */
+ function padLeft(input, size, ch) {
+ var s = input + "";
+ while(s.length &lt; size) {
+ s = ch + s;
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+// Test results
+ "numberToFixed(9e-3, 12) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(9e-3, 12),
+ "numberToFixed(1.255, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.255, 2),
+ "numberToFixed(1.355, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(1.355, 2),
+ "numberToFixed(0.1255, 3) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.1255, 3),
+ "numberToFixed(0.07, 2) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.07, 2),
+ "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 1),
+ "numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0) =&gt; " + numberToFixed(0.0000000006, 0)
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why does simple decimal arithmetic give strange results?" ID="binaryNumbers" NUMID="4_7">
+ <P>
+ For example, <ICODE>5 * 1.015</ICODE> does not give exactly
+ <ICODE>5.075</ICODE> and <ICODE>0.06+0.01</ICODE> does
+ not give exactly <ICODE>0.07</ICODE> in javascript.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ ECMAScript numbers are represented in binary as IEEE-754 (IEC 559)
+ Doubles, with a resolution of 53 bits, giving an accuracy of
+ 15-16 decimal digits; integers up to just over <ICODE>9e15</ICODE> are
+ precise, but few decimal fractions are. Given this, arithmetic
+ is as exact as possible, but no more. Operations on integers
+ are exact if the true result and all intermediates are integers
+ within that range.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ In particular, non-integer results should not normally be
+ compared for equality; and non-integer computed results
+ commonly need rounding; see <URL
+ LINKTEXT="How do I format a Number as a String with exactly 2 decimal places?"
+ >#formatNumber</URL>
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <P>
+ Otherwise, use <ICODE>Math.round</ICODE> on the results of expressions which
+ should be of integer value.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why does K = parseInt('09') set K to 0?" ID="parseIntBase" NUMID="4_12">
+ <P>
+ Method <ICODE>parseInt</ICODE> generally needs a second parameter, <ICODE>radix</ICODE>,
+ for the base (from 2 to 36).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ If <ICODE>radix</ICODE> is omitted, the base is determined by the contents of
+ the string. Any string beginning with <ICODE>'0x'</ICODE> or <ICODE>'0X'</ICODE> represents a
+ hexadecimal number. A string beginning with a leading 0 may be parsed as
+ octal (as if <ICODE>raxix</ICODE> were 8), in ECMA-262 Ed 3 (octal digits are <ICODE>0-7</ICODE>).
+ If string <ICODE>'09'</ICODE> is converted to <ICODE>0</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ To force use of a particular base, use the <ICODE>radix</ICODE>
+ parameter: <ICODE>parseInt("09", base)</ICODE>.
+ <!-- [omit]
+ If base 10 is desired,
+ the unary <ICODE>+</ICODE> operator can be an option. Example:
+var s = '-09.1'; // Input string.
+var j = +s; // Convert to number. Result: -9.1
+var n = j|0; // Chop off decimal (convert ToInt32). Result: -9
+ [/omit] -->
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL>notes/type-conversion/#tcPrIntRx</URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why does 1+1 equal 11? or How do I convert a string to a number?" ID="typeConvert">
+ <P>
+ Variables are not typed; their values are. The conversion between a
+ string and a number happens automatically.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ The addition operator (<ICODE>+</ICODE>) performs concatenation if either operand is a
+ string, thus <ICODE>"1" + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>"11"</ICODE>. To perform addition, you might need
+ to first convert the string to a number. For example <ICODE>+varname</ICODE> or
+ <ICODE>Number(varname)</ICODE> or <ICODE>parseInt(varname, 10)</ICODE> or
+ <ICODE>parseFloat(varname)</ICODE>. Form control values are strings, as is the result
+ from a <ICODE>prompt</ICODE> dialog. Convert these to numbers before performing
+ addition: <ICODE>+'1' + 1</ICODE> results <ICODE>2</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Additional Notes">notes/type-conversion/</URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I generate a random integer from 1 to n?" ID="randomNumber" NUMID="4_22">
+ <P>
+ <ICODE>Math.random()</ICODE> returns a value <ICODE>R</ICODE> such that <ICODE>0 &lt;= R &lt; 1.0</ICODE>; therefore:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+// positive integer expected
+function getRandomNumber(n) {
+ return Math.floor(n * Math.random());
+ </CODE>
+ - gives an evenly distributed random integer in the range from
+ <ICODE>0</ICODE> to <ICODE>n - 1</ICODE> inclusive; use <ICODE>getRandomNumber(n)+1</ICODE> for <ICODE>1</ICODE> to <ICODE>n</ICODE>.
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+How to Deal and Shuffle, see in: <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Objects" ID="objects">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is a native object?" ID="nativeObject">
+ <P>
+ A <DFN>native object</DFN> is any object whose semantics are fully defined by
+ ECMA-262.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Some <DFN>native objects</DFN> are <DFN>built-in</DFN>; others, such as <DFN>user-defined</DFN> objects,
+ may be constructed during the execution of an ECMAScript program.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Example:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+// Native built-in objects:
+var m = Math, // Built-in Math object.
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice, // Built-in native method.
+ o = {}, // Native user-defined object.
+ f = function(){}, // Native user-defined function.
+ d = new Date(),
+ a = [],
+ e = new Error("My Message.");
+ </CODE>
+ See also:
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is a built-in object?" ID="builtInObject">
+ <P>
+ A <DFN>built-in</DFN> object is any object supplied by an ECMAScript
+ implementation, independent of the host environment, that is present
+ at the start of the execution of an ECMAScript program.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ECMA-262 3rd Edition defines the following <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects:
+<LIST TYPE="DL" ID="builtInsList">
+ <DT>Objects</DT>
+ <DD><EM>global</EM>, Math</DD>
+ <DT>Constructors</DT>
+ <DD>Object, Function, Array, String, Boolean, Number, Date, RegExp</DD>
+ <DT>Errors</DT>
+ <DD>Error, Date, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError</DD>
+ <DT>Functions</DT>
+ <DD>eval, parseInt, parseFloat, isNaN, isFinite, decodeURI,
+ decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent</DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <P>
+ECMA-262 Edition 5 defines also the built-in object <ICODE>JSON</ICODE>.
+Nonstandard <DFN>built-in</DFN> objects may include <ICODE>RuntimeObject</ICODE>,
+<ICODE></ICODE>, <ICODE>CollectGarbage</ICODE>, and more.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is a host object?" ID="hostObject" NUMID="2_8">
+ <P>
+A <DFN>host object</DFN> is any object supplied by the host environment to
+complete the execution environment of ECMAScript.
+A <DFN>host object</DFN> is not part of the ECMAScript implementation, but is
+exposed to the ECMAScript implementation.
+A <DFN>host object</DFN> may be implemented as a native ECMAScript object, however
+this is not required. For example, Internet Explorer implements many
+scriptable DOM objects as ActiveX Objects, often resulting in unexpected errors.
+Availability and behavior of a host object depends on the host environment.
+For example, in a browser, <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> might be available, with or
+without standard or proprietary features or events. Windows Script Host object model
+has the <ICODE>WScript</ICODE> object available.
+ For information on a particular host object, consult the pertinent
+ documentation available for the implementation(s). For web browsers,
+ this usually includes the w3c specifications as well as documentation
+ for that browser.
+ See also:
+ <CONTENT TITLE="When should I use eval?" ID="eval" NUMID="4_40">
+ <P>
+The <ICODE>eval</ICODE> function should <EM>only</EM> be used when it is necessary to
+evaluate a string supplied or composed at run-time; the string
+can be anything from a simple (but unpredictable) expression such
+as <ICODE>"12 * 2.54"</ICODE> to a substantial piece of javascript code.
+When <ICODE>eval( '{"key" : 42}' )</ICODE> is called, <ICODE>{</ICODE> is interpreted as a block of
+code instead of an object literal. Hence, the Grouping Operator (parentheses)
+is used to force <ICODE>eval</ICODE> to interpret the JSON as an object literal:
+<ICODE>eval( '({"key" : 42})' );</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="How do I access a property of an object using a string?"
+ >#propertyAccessAgain</URL>
+ <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a property of an object using a string?" ID="propertyAccessAgain" NUMID="4_39">
+ <P>
+There are two ways to access properties: dot notation and square bracket
+notation. What you are looking for is the square bracket notation in
+which the dot, and the identifier to its right, are replaced with a set
+of square brackets containing a string. The value of the string matches
+the identifier. For example:-
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+//dot notation
+var bodyElement = document.body;
+//square bracket notation, using an expression
+var bodyElement = document[&quot;bo&quot;+&quot;dy&quot;];</CODE>
+ <URL>notes/square-brackets/</URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Strings and RegExp" ID="strings">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I trim whitespace?" ID="trimString" NUMID="4_16">
+ <P>
+ ECMAScript 5 defines <ICODE>String.prototype.trim</ICODE>. Where not supported,
+ it can be added as a function that uses a <DFN>regular expression</DFN>:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+if(!String.prototype.trim) {
+ String.prototype.trim = function() {
+ return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ };
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Implementations are inconsistent with <ICODE>\s</ICODE>. For example,
+ some implementations, notably JScript 5.8 and Safari 2, do not match <ICODE>\xA0</ICODE>
+ (no-break space), among others.</P>
+ <P>
+ A more consistent approach would be to create a character class
+ that defines the characters to trim.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="DOM and Forms" ID="domRef">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get the value of a form control?"
+ ID="formControlAccess" NUMID="4_13">
+ <P>
+ In HTML documents, a form may be referred to as a property of the
+ <ICODE>document.forms</ICODE> collection, either by its ordinal index or by name
+ (if the <ICODE>form</ICODE> has a name). A <ICODE>form</ICODE>'s controls may be similarly referenced
+ from its <ICODE>elements</ICODE> collection:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var frm = document.forms[0];
+var control = frm.elements[&quot;elementname&quot;];
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Once a reference to a control is obtained, its (string) <ICODE>value</ICODE>
+ property can be read:-
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var value = control.value;
+value = +control.value; //string to number.
+ </CODE>
+ Some exceptions would be:
+ <P>
+ First Exception: Where the control is a <ICODE>SELECT</ICODE> element, and
+ support for older browsers, such as NN4, is required:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var value = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value;
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Second Exception: Where several controls share the same name,
+ such as radio buttons. These are made available as collections
+ and require additional handling. For more information, see:-
+ </P>
+ <URL>notes/form-access/</URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Unsafe Names for HTML Form Controls">names/</URL>
+ <P>
+ Third Exception: File inputs. Most current browsers do not allow
+ reading of <ICODE>type="file"</ICODE> input elements in a way that is useful.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="My element is named myselect[], how do I access it?" ID="propertyAccess" NUMID="4_25">
+ <P>
+Form controls with any &quot;illegal&quot; characters can be accessed with
+<ICODE>formref.elements[&quot;myselect[]&quot;]</ICODE> - The bracket characters,
+amongst others, are illegal in ID attributes and javascript
+identifiers, so you should try to avoid them as browsers may
+handle them incorrectly.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why doesn't the global variable &quot;divId&quot; always refer to the element with id=&quot;divId&quot;?"
+ ID="globalPollution" NUMID="4_41">
+ <P>
+ Microsoft introduced a shortcut that can be used to reference
+ elements which include an <ICODE>id</ICODE> attribute where the
+ <ICODE>id</ICODE> becomes a globally-accessible property. Some browsers reproduce
+ this behavior. Some, most notably Gecko-based browsers (Netscape and Mozilla),
+ do so only in "quirks" mode. The best approach is the <ICODE>document.getElementById</ICODE>
+ method, which is part of the W3C DOM standard and implemented
+ in modern browsers (including IE from version 5.0). So an
+ element with <ICODE>id=&quot;foo&quot;</ICODE> can be referenced
+ with:-
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+var el = document.getElementById(&quot;foo&quot;);
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Note: make sure not to use the same <ICODE>id</ICODE> twice in the same document
+ and do not give an element a <ICODE>name</ICODE> that matches an <ICODE>id</ICODE>
+ of another in the same document or it will trigger bugs in MSIE &lt;= 7 with
+ <ICODE>document.getElementsByName</ICODE> and <ICODE>document.getElementById</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL>faq_notes/faq_notes.html#FAQN4_41</URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I modify the content of the current page?"
+ ID="updateContent" NUMID="4_15">
+ <P>
+ Using the non-standard but widely implemented
+ <ICODE>innerHTML</ICODE> property:
+ <ICODE>&lt;div id=&quot;anID&quot;&gt;Some Content&lt;/div&gt;</ICODE> with script:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;).innerHTML =
+ &quot;Some &lt;em&gt;new&lt;/em&gt; Content&quot;;
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Where <ICODE>&quot;anID&quot;</ICODE> is the (unique on the HTML page)
+ <ICODE>id</ICODE> attribute value of the element to modify.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+All versions of Internet Explorer exhibit problems with innerHTML, including:
+ </P>
+ OBJECT, and all TABLE-related elements.</LI>
+ <LI>Replaces consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.</LI>
+ <LI>Changes attribute values and order of appearance.</LI>
+ <LI>Removes quotations around attribute values.</LI>
+ </LIST>
+ <P>
+ If the new content is only text and does not need to replace existing HTML,
+ it is more efficient to modify the <ICODE>data</ICODE> property of a text node.
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ document.getElementById(&quot;anID&quot;) = &quot;Some new Text&quot;;
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Compatibility Note: Implementations have been known to split long text
+ content among several adjacent text nodes, so replacing the data of the
+ first text node may not replace all the element's text. The <ICODE>normalize</ICODE>
+ method, where supported, will combine adjacent text nodes.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Note: Make sure the element exists in the document (has been parsed) before trying to
+ reference it.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL> (draft)
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why does my code fail to access an element?" ID="accessElementBeforeDefined">
+ <P>
+ An element can only be accessed after it exists in the document.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Either:
+ A) include your script after the HTML element it refers to, or
+ B) use the <ICODE>"load"</ICODE> event to trigger your script.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Example A:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+&lt;div id="snurgle"&gt;here&lt;/div&gt;
+&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
+// Don't forget var.
+var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+ Example B:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+// In the HEAD.
+&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
+window.onload = function(){
+ var snurgleEl = document.getElementById("snurgle");
+ </CODE>
+ <LIST TYPE="UL" TITLE="Other problems can include:">
+ <LI>invalid HTML</LI>
+ <LI>two elements with the same <ICODE>name</ICODE> or <ICODE>id</ICODE></LI>
+ <LI>use of an unsafe name:</LI>.
+ </LIST>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How can I see in javascript if a web browser accepts cookies?"
+ ID="testCookie" NUMID="4_4">
+ <P>
+ Write a cookie and read it back and check if it's the same.
+ </P>
+ Additional Notes:
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Windows and Frames" ID="windows">
+ <P>
+The <ICODE>window</ICODE> object (also referred to by <ICODE>self</ICODE>) is "DOM Level 0".
+No formal standard for it exists.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How can I disable the back button in a web browser?" ID="disableBackButton" NUMID="4_2">
+ <P>
+You can't. The browser's history cannot be modified. However, you
+can use <ICODE>self.location.replace(url);</ICODE> in some browsers to replace
+the current page in the history.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I access a frame's content?"
+ ID="frameRef" NUMID="4_8">
+ <P>
+To reference another frame on the <EM>same domain</EM>:
+The <DFN>content window</DFN> of a <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> can be
+accessed by the <ICODE>frames</ICODE> collection.
+var fwin;
+fwin = self.frames[0]; // or:
+fwin = self.frames["iframeName"];
+<P>or, from the <ICODE>IFRAME</ICODE> or <ICODE>FRAME</ICODE> element:</P>
+var iframeEl = document.getElementById("myFrame");
+var fwin = iframeEl.contentWindow; // Nonstandard, but widely supported.
+var fdoc = iframeEl.contentDocument; // DOM2 HTML Standard.
+A global identifier <ICODE>moomin</ICODE> in the the iframe's <DFN>content window</DFN>
+is accessed as <ICODE>fwin.moomin</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+To communicate between frames on <EM>different</EM> domains:
+Where supported, (IE8, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Safari 4), use
+<ICODE>window.postMessage( message[, port], otherDomain);</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Where <ICODE>window.postMessage</ICODE> is not supported, the <ICODE></ICODE> property
+can be set on the other window, which can poll for updates to that
+property using <ICODE>setInterval(checkWinName, 100);</ICODE> where <ICODE>checkWinName</ICODE>
+is a function that polls to check the value of
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I find the size of the window?" ID="getWindowSize"
+ NUMID="4_9">
+ <P>
+Here is a detailed explanation of a cross-browser strategy to
+find the dimensions of the viewport, excepting all chrome
+(excludes scrollbars, etc).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+We can consider various properties:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ window.innerWidth
+ document.clientWidth
+ document.documentElement.clientWidth
+ document.body.clientWidth
+ </CODE>
+ <P>
+Of the browsers that have an <ICODE>innerWidth</ICODE> property, most
+include scrollbar dimensions. Some versions of KHTML browsers
+(including Safari 2) do <EM>not</EM> include scrollbar width.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+The <ICODE>window.inner*</ICODE> properties are unreliable and not
+useful here. We don't want scrollbar dimensions included.
+ </P>
+<CODE> document.clientWidth</CODE>
+ <P>
+Certain versions of KHTML, including Safari 2, have
+<ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> and <ICODE>document.clientWidth</ICODE>
+properties. Where supported, these rare properties accurately
+return the height and width of the viewport, without including
+scrollbar dimensions.
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ document.documentElement.clientWidth
+ document.body.clientWidth
+MSHTML (Trident), Firefox (Gecko), Opera (Presto), and Safari
+(Webkit) all support <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> on <ICODE>document.body</ICODE>
+and <ICODE>document.documentElement</ICODE>. The difficulty is figuring out
+which one is reliable. In other words which object to get the
+<ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> property from:<ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> or <ICODE>body</ICODE>?
+ </P>
+ <P>
+What the number returned from either of these properties
+represents depends on the environment. The environment includes
+the browser, its version, and the rendering mode of the document.
+In quirks mode, we'll mostly want to use <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>
+(except for in Safari 2).
+ </P>
+ <CODE>document.body.clientHeight</CODE>
+Some environments will return the viewport height. Others will
+return <ICODE>0</ICODE>. Yet others will return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE> of
+the <ICODE>BODY</ICODE> element.</P>
+ <CODE> document.documentElement.clientHeight</CODE>
+<P>This is the more "standard" property for getting the height of
+the viewport. It usually "works" in modern browsers in
+<DFN>standards mode</DFN>. Notable exceptions include Safari 2 and
+Opera &lt;= 9.25, both of which return the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
+of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> <EM>element</EM>. (Oddly, Opera &lt;= 9.25
+in standards mode returns the width of the viewport for
+ </P>
+ <P>
+With the exception of Safari 2, <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable
+where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is found to be unreliable.
+For example, in Safari 3+, Opera, and Mozilla, all in quirks mode,
+<ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns the <ICODE>clientHeight</ICODE>
+of the <ICODE>html</ICODE> element (this may seem unsurprising but
+it is not what we want).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Conversely, <ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> will return
+the height of the viewport in most cases where
+<ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> does not. An exception
+to that is Safari 2, where <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>
+and <ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE> both return the height of their
+corresponding element (not what we want).
+ </P>
+ <P>
+By using a combination of <DFN>Feature Testing</DFN> and <DFN>Capability Testing</DFN>,
+the dimensions of the viewport can be strategically retrieved
+from the property that works in the environment the script is
+running in. The trick is determining which property will give us
+the value we want.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Since <ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is reliable where
+(rarely) supported, and since browsers that support this property
+don't return the viewport dimensions from
+<ICODE>document.body.clientHeight</ICODE> or
+<ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE>, this should be the
+very first condition:</P>
+ <CODE>
+ // Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
+ if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
+ // use document.clientWidth.
+ }
+<P>The next strategy is to determine if
+<ICODE>document.documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> property is unreliable.
+It is deemed "unreliable" when it is either <ICODE>0</ICODE> or taller
+than the viewport.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Determining if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is <ICODE>0</ICODE> is easy.
+ The result is stored in a variable <ICODE>IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ var docEl = document.documentElement,
+ IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT = docEl &amp;&amp; docEl.clientHeight === 0;
+ docEl = null;
+<P>To determine if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns
+a value taller than the viewport, we need a <DFN>Capability Test.</DFN>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+If we can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be very tall
+(taller than a normal viewport) we can then check to see if
+<ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> returns that "very tall" number.
+If it does, then it is unreliable.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+We can force <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE> to be taller than the viewport
+(or any "normal" viewport) by adding a <ICODE>div</ICODE> to the <ICODE>body</ICODE>,
+give that <ICODE>div</ICODE> a height larger than any normal monitor,
+and then check to see if <ICODE>documentElement.clientHeight</ICODE> is
+that high (or "almost" that high, to account for <ICODE>documentElement</ICODE>
+having a border).</P>
+ <CODE>
+ // Used to feature test Opera returning wrong values
+ // for documentElement.clientHeight.
+ // The results of this function should be cached,
+ // so it does not need to be called more than once.
+ function isDocumentElementHeightOff(){
+ var d = document,
+ div = d.createElement('div');
+ = "2500px";
+ d.body.insertBefore(div, d.body.firstChild);
+ var r = d.documentElement.clientHeight &gt; 2400;
+ d.body.removeChild(div);
+ return r;
+ }
+<P>We can use this function to see if we should use
+<ICODE>body.clientHeight</ICODE>, instead. (but only after checking if
+<ICODE>document.clientHeight</ICODE> is supported).</P>
+ <CODE>
+ // Safari 2 uses document.clientWidth (default).
+ if(typeof document.clientWidth == "number") {
+ // use document.clientHeight/Width.
+ }
+ else if(IS_BODY_ACTING_ROOT || isDocumentElementHeightOff()) {
+ // use document.body.clientHeight/Width.
+ } else {
+ // use document.documentElement.clientHeight/Width.
+ }
+The preceding strategy was developed by Garrett Smith with input
+from John David Dalton. A complete and tested example can be found
+in APE Library under <ICODE>APE.dom.getViewportDimensions</ICODE>.
+Source code:
+APE is publicly released under Academic Free License.
+APE home: <URL></URL>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ Note: The dimensions cannot be determined accurately until after
+ the document has finished loading.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another?"
+ ID="isWindowOpen" NUMID="4_10">
+ <CODE>
+ var myWin;
+ function openWin(aURL) {
+ if (!myWin || myWin.closed ) {
+ myWin =,'myWin');
+ } else {
+ myWin.location.href = aURL;
+ myWin.focus();
+ }
+ }</CODE>
+Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE?"
+ ID="printFrame" NUMID="4_11">
+ <P>
+IE prints the frame that has focus when you call the print
+method <ICODE>frameref.focus();frameref.print();</ICODE>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one?"
+ ID="windowClose" NUMID="4_14">
+ <P>
+If a window was opened by javascript, then it can be closed
+without confirmation by using <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE>.
+Before calling <ICODE>windowRef.close()</ICODE> (or other <ICODE>window</ICODE> methods), make
+sure the window reference is not null and its <ICODE>closed</ICODE> property is <ICODE>false</ICODE>.
+Popup windows cause usability problems and are generally best avoided.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why do I get permission denied when accessing a frame/window?"
+ ID="permissionDenied" NUMID="4_19">
+ <P>
+In the normal browser security model, a script may only access the
+properties of documents served from the same domain or IP address,
+protocol, and port.
+ </P>
+Any attempt to access a property in such cases will result in a &quot;Permission
+Denied&quot; error. Signed scripts or trusted ActiveX objects can
+overcome this in limited situations.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a 10 second delay?" ID="setTimeout" NUMID="4_20">
+ <P>
+There is no built-in way to pause execution in javascript such
+as a sleep function, but hosts usually provide a method of some
+form. Web browsers are designed for event driven programming and
+only provide the <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE> functions
+to facilitate timed delays. The delay before calling <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE> may
+exceed the second parameter to <ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> and <ICODE>setInterval</ICODE>
+due to implementation differences among browsers.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+ To call the function <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>, approximately 10 seconds
+ after the function <ICODE>getMoomin()</ICODE> completes, you would do this:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ getMoomin();
+ setTimeout(getSnork, 10000);
+<P>Script execution is not stopped, and adding <ICODE>getSnufkin()</ICODE> after the
+<ICODE>setTimeout</ICODE> line would immediately execute the function <ICODE>getSnufkin</ICODE>
+before <ICODE>getSnork</ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Achieving delays through running a loop of some sort for a pre-defined
+period is a bad strategy, as that will inhibit whatever was supposed to
+be happening during the delay, including blocking user interation.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Other (less event driven) hosts have different wait functions,
+such as <ICODE>WScript.Sleep()</ICODE> in the Windows Script Host.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change print settings for window.print()?"
+ ID="printSettings" NUMID="4_23">
+ <P>
+In a normal security environment, you can't change anything.
+Print Stylesheet rules provide options.
+<P>For IE, <ICODE>ActiveX</ICODE> or Plugin ScriptX and
+Neptune from Meadroid to give you more control for Windows
+versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Opera.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I change the confirm box to say yes/no or default to cancel?"
+ ID="changeBrowserDialog" NUMID="4_28">
+ <P>
+The buttons on a confirm box cannot be changed, nor can a default
+button be specified.
+ </P>
+Change the question to a statement so that "OK" is suitable as the
+default response.
+ Example:
+ "Would you like us to charge your credit card?" (wrong)
+ "We will now charge your credit card." (right).
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I prompt a &quot;Save As&quot; dialog for an accepted mime type?"
+ ID="fileDownload" NUMID="4_33">
+ <P>
+It is not possible with client-side javascript.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Some browsers accept the Content-Disposition header, but this
+must be added by the server. Taking the form:-
+<ICODE>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=filename.ext</ICODE>
+ </P>
+ <!-- Can we remove this entry?
+ CONTENT TITLE="I have window.status=&quot;Moomin&quot;; why doesn't the statusbar change?"
+ ID="returnValue" NUMID="4_35">
+ <P>
+When changing the status in an event (e.g. <ICODE>onmouseover</ICODE>) you
+should return true from the event. Also a number of browsers
+require a short delay before setting the status to overcome their
+default behaviour with the statusbar.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Many browsers are configured, by default, to disallow scripts from setting
+the status bar text. Some browsers don't have such a bar, or don't have it by default.
+ </P>
+ </CONTENT-->
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I modify the current browser window?" ID="modifyChrome" NUMID="4_36">
+ <P>
+In a default security environment you are very limited in how much
+you can modify the current browser window. You can use
+<ICODE>window.resizeTo</ICODE> or <ICODE>window.moveTo</ICODE> to resize or move a
+window respectively, but that is it. Normally you can only
+suggest chrome changes in a <ICODE></ICODE>.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I POST a form to a new window?" ID="target" NUMID="4_37">
+ <P>
+Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with
+that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of the
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ &lt;form action=&quot;&quot; method="post"
+ target=&quot;wndname&quot; onsubmit=&quot;'',;return true;&quot;&gt;</CODE>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I open a new window with javascript?" ID="openWindow" NUMID="4_42">
+ <P>
+New windows can be opened on browsers that support the
+<ICODE></ICODE> function and are not subject to the action of any
+pop-up blocking mechanism with code such as:-
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ var wRef;
+ if({
+ wRef ="","windowName");
+ }</CODE>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Ajax and Server Communication" ID="ajaxRef">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="What is Ajax?" ID="ajax" NUMID="4_44">
+ <P>
+<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
+is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The technology is
+based on the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> Object. At its simplest,
+it is the sending/retrieving of new data from the server without
+changing or reloading the window location.
+ </P>
+Mozilla Documentation:
+MSDN Documention:
+<DFN TITLE="Asynchronous JavaScript and XML">Ajax</DFN>
+Libraries and Tutorial Sites:
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I download a page to a variable?" ID="downloadPage" NUMID="4_38">
+ <P>
+Although <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can be used to download
+entire pages, it is often used for downloading small pieces
+of data that can be used to update the current page.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get a jsp/php variable into client-side javascript?"
+ ID="getServerVariable" NUMID="4_18">
+ <P>
+Use a server-side language to generate the javascript.
+Certain characters of ECMAScript strings must be escaped by backslash.
+These include quote marks, backslash, and line terminators.
+<P>JSP Example, using Apache Commons: <ICODE>org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils</ICODE>:
+ <CODE>
+var jsVar = "&lt;%= StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(str) %&gt;";
+<P>PHP example using <ICODE>addcslashes</ICODE>: </P>
+var jsVar = "&lt;?php echo addcslashes($str,"\\\'\"\n\r"); ?&gt;";
+ <URL>example/addcslashes.php</URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I log-out a user when they leave my site?"
+ ID="sessionExpired" NUMID="4_29">
+ <P>
+This cannot be done reliably. Here's why:
+ </P>
+ <UL>
+ <LI>
+The user may disable javascript so the log-out script will
+never execute.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+The user may not be on-line when they close your web page.
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+Javascript errors elsewhere in the page may prevent the script
+ </LI>
+ <LI>
+The browser may not support the onunload event, or may not fire
+it under certain circumstances, so the log-out function will
+not execute.
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
+The URL below has more information.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I run a server side script?" ID="runServerScript" NUMID="4_34">
+ <P>
+You trigger a server-side script by sending an HTTP request.
+This can be achieved by setting the <ICODE>src</ICODE> of an <ICODE>img</ICODE>,
+<ICODE>Image</ICODE>, <ICODE>frame</ICODE>, or <ICODE>iframe</ICODE>, or by using <DFN
+TITLE="XMLHttpRequest or XMLHTTP">XHR</DFN>, where supported.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+An image will also
+&quot;swallow&quot; the data sent back by the server, so that they will
+not be visible anywhere.
+ <CODE>
+ var dummyImage = new Image();
+ dummyImage.src = &quot;scriptURL.asp?param=&quot; + varName;
+ <P>
+Mozilla, Opera 7.6+, Safari 1.2+, and Windows IE 7
+provide the <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> object
+(Windows IE versions 5+, provides ActiveX to acheive an analagous
+effect). <ICODE>XMLHttpRequest</ICODE> can send HTTP requests to
+the server, and provides access the <ICODE>responseText</ICODE> or <ICODE>responseXML</ICODE>
+(when the response is XML), and HTTP header information.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why are my rollovers so slow?" ID="imageCache" NUMID="4_31">
+ <P>
+Images are cached by the browser depending on the headers sent by
+the server. If the server does not send sufficient information
+for the browser to decide the image is cacheable, the browser
+will check if the image has been updated every time you change the
+src of an image (in some user settings). To overcome this you
+must send suitable headers.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I force a reload from the server/prevent caching?"
+ ID="noCache" NUMID="4_17">
+ <P>
+To reload a page, use <ICODE>location.reload()</ICODE>. However, this depends
+upon the cache headers that your server sends. To change this,
+you need to alter the server configuration. A quick fix on the
+client is to change the page URI so that it contains a unique
+element, such as the current time. For example:
+<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'?d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
+If the <ICODE>location.href</ICODE> already contains a query String, use:
+<ICODE>location.replace(location.href+'&amp;d='+new Date().valueOf())</ICODE>
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ TITLE="Why is my Ajax page not updated properly when using an HTTP GET request in Internet Explorer?"
+ ID="ajaxCache" NUMID="4_45">
+ <P>
+ Browsers cache the results of HTTP requests to reduce network traffic.
+ To force the browser to request the document from the server, either
+ set the <ICODE>EXPIRES</ICODE> and/or <ICODE>CACHE-CONTROL</ICODE> response header(s)
+ with a past date or use a unique query string.
+ <CODE>
+"GET", "/example.jsp?date=" + (+new Date), true);
+Always use the appropriate HTTP method. Do not use <ICODE>POST</ICODE>
+to prevent caching. See <URL LINKTEXT="RFC 2616"
+<URL> </URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Debugging" ID="debugging">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I get my browser to report javascript errors?"
+ ID="javascriptErrors" NUMID="4_43">
+ <P>
+There are debugging tools for many browsers. Learn to use them all.
+ </P>
+ <DT>Windows</DT>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Fiddler"></URL>.
+Fiddler is an HTTP Debugging proxy (it won't find script
+errors). Fiddler logs HTTP activity, like Firebug's Net
+tab, but can be attached to any browser running on Windows.
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Windows IE</DT>
+ <DD>Microsoft Script Editor. Included with Visual Studio or Microsoft
+Word 2003 (discontinued in Office 2007).
+To enable,
+<ICODE>Tools</ICODE>, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, and uncheck
+<ICODE>Disable Script Debugging</ICODE>. After enabling Script Debugging,
+a <ICODE>Script Debugger</ICODE> option will appear in the <ICODE>View</ICODE> menu.</DD>
+<DD><URL LINKTEXT="IETester"></URL> for testing IE 5.5- IE8.</DD>
+<DD><URL LINKTEXT="CompanionJS"></URL> <ICODE>console</ICODE> for IE.</DD>
+ <DD>
+<EM>Note:</EM> For debugging scripts in IE, the Microsoft Script <EM>Editor</EM>
+is recommended. However, if not available, the <URL LINKTEXT="Microsoft Script Debugger"
+>;displaylang=en</URL> may be somewhat helpful.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar"
+ >;displaylang=en</URL>
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+To report errors: Wait until a little yellow
+triangle appears at the left end of the status bar, double click
+on it and, when the error dialog box appears, check the &quot;Always
+show errors&quot; checkbox it contains.
+Or, <ICODE>Internet Options</ICODE>, <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE>, deselect <ICODE>"Disable Script Debugging"</ICODE>,
+select <ICODE>"Display a notification ..."</ICODE>.
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Firefox</DT>
+ <DD>
+ <ICODE>Tools &gt; Error console</ICODE> (<ICODE>Ctrl</ICODE> + <ICODE>Shift</ICODE> + <ICODE>j</ICODE>).
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Firebug"></URL>
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow
+based on Yahoo's rules for high performance web sites.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<DFN>Lori</DFN> or Life-of-request info, is useful for troubleshooting
+server response and page load time.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Web Developer Toolbar"></URL>.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Cookie Watcher"></URL>.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="XPather"></URL>.
+XPath generator, editor and inspector.
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Opera</DT>
+ <DD>
+Tools &gt; Advanced &gt; Error console
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Introduction to Opera Dragonfly"
+ ></URL>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Safari</DT>
+ <DD>
+To display the <ICODE>Develop</ICODE> menu in Safari 3.1 or higher, select
+the checkbox labeled "Show Develop menu in menu bar" in
+Safari's <ICODE>Advanced</ICODE> Preferences panel.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+<URL LINKTEXT="Safari Web Inspector"> </URL>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Chrome</DT>
+ <DD>
+JavaScript Console: click the <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon and select
+<ICODE>Developer &gt; JavaScript Console</ICODE>. From here, you'll be
+able to view errors in the JavaScript execution, and enter
+additional javascript commands to execute.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+JavaScript Debugger: available as <ICODE>Page</ICODE> menu icon &gt; <ICODE>Developer</ICODE>
+&gt; Debug JavaScript, the debugger provides a command prompt from which you
+can set breakpoints, backtrace, and more. Type <ICODE>help</ICODE> at the debugger
+command line to get started.
+ </DD>
+ <DD>
+ <UL>
+ <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Google Chrome Script Debugging"
+ ></URL></LI>
+ <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Developer Tools for Google Chrome"
+ ></URL></LI>
+ <LI><URL LINKTEXT="Tools for Eclipse Users"></URL></LI>
+ </UL>
+ </DD>
+ <DT>Mac IE</DT>
+ <DD>
+Use the Preferences dialog.
+ </DD>
+ </LIST>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Things not to attempt in a browser" ID="doNotTry">
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I detect Opera/Safari/IE?" ID="detectBrowser" NUMID="4_26">
+ <P>
+The short answer: <EM>Don't do that</EM>.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+The <ICODE>navigator</ICODE> <DFN>host object</DFN> contains properties which
+may identify the browser and version. These properties are historically
+inaccurate. Some browsers allow the user to set <ICODE>navigator.userAgent</ICODE> to any value. For
+example, Firefox, (type <ICODE>about:config</ICODE> and search <ICODE>useragent</ICODE>
+or Safari, <ICODE>Develop &gt; User Agent &gt; Other...</ICODE>, IE, via Registry.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Other browsers, such as Opera, provide a list of user agents
+for the user to select from. There are also at least 25 other
+javascript capable browsers, with multiple versions, each
+with their own string.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Browser detection is unreliable, at best. It usually causes
+forward-compatibility and maintenance problems. It is unrelated to the
+problem or incompatiblity it is trying to solve and obscures the
+problems it is used for, where it is used.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Object detection is checking that the object in question exists.
+<URL LINKTEXT="Capability detection"
+ > goes one step further to actually test the object,
+method, or property, to see if behaves in the desired manner.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Feature Test Example:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ * Returns the element/object the user targeted.
+ * If neither DOM nor IE event model is supported, returns undefined.
+ * @throws TypeError if the event is not an object.
+ */
+function getEventTarget(e) {
+ e = e || window.event;
+ // First check for the existence of standard "target" property.
+ return || e.srcElement;
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How can I prevent access to a web page by using javascript?"
+ ID="preventAccess" NUMID="4_5">
+ <P>
+In practice you can't. While you could create a suitable
+encryption system with a password in the page, the level of
+support you need to do this means it's always simpler to do it
+server-side. Anything that &quot;protects&quot; a page
+other than the current one is definitely flawed.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I protect my javascript code?" ID="hideSource" NUMID="4_1">
+ <P>
+With clientside javascript you can't as your code is distributed
+in source form and is easily readable. With JScript, there is the
+Script Encoder (see MSDN), but this is nothing more than obfuscation.
+Attempting to disable the context menu does nothing to
+protect your script in a Web browser.
+ </P>
+ Your code is likely protected under copyright laws. See:
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I suppress a context menu (right-click menu)?"
+ ID="disableRightClick" NUMID="4_27">
+ <P>
+A context menu, often triggered by right-click, can be requested by the
+user in a few ways. For example, on windows, shift + F10 and on macs,
+click-and-hold. Other input devices exist and mouse buttons can be
+configured, making the term "right click" a misnomer, in context.
+In browsers that allow it, a script can suppress the context menu by
+returning false from an object's <ICODE>oncontextmenu</ICODE> event handler.
+document.oncontextmenu = function() {
+ return false;
+Some browsers lack context menus (e.g. iphone). Browsers that have
+context menus do not always have a scriptable event for them. Some
+browsers can be configured to disallow scripts from detecting context
+menu events (IE, Opera); others may fire the event but be configured to
+disallow scripts from suppressing the context menu (Firefox,Seamonkey).
+Even when the context menu has been suppressed, it will still be
+possible to view/save the source code and to save images.
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How can I access the client-side filesystem?" ID="readFile" NUMID="4_3">
+ <P>
+Security means that by default you can't. In a more restricted
+environment, there are options. For example, using LiveConnect to
+connect to Java with Netscape, and using the FileSystemObject in
+IE. Check <URL LINKTEXT="Google Groups archives"></URL>
+for previous posts on the subject.
+ </P>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <URL></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="I have &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:somefunction()&quot;&gt; what ... ?"
+ ID="javascriptURI" NUMID="4_24">
+ <P>
+Whatever the rest of your question, this is generally a very bad idea.
+The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol was designed to replace the
+current document with the value that is returned from the expression.
+For example:
+ </P>
+ <CODE>
+ &lt;a href=&quot;javascript:'&lt;h1&gt;' + document.lastModified + '&lt;/h1&gt;'&quot;&gt;lastModified&lt;/a&gt;
+ <P>
+will result in replacing the current document with the value
+returned from <ICODE>document.lastModified</ICODE>, wrapped in an <ICODE>&lt;h1&gt;</ICODE>
+ </P>
+ <P>
+When the expression used evaluates to an <ICODE>undefined</ICODE> value
+(as some function calls do), the contents of the current page are not
+replaced. Regardless, some browsers (notably IE6) interpret this as
+navigation and will enter into a 'navigation' state where GIF
+animations and plugins (such as movies) will stop and navigational
+features such as <ICODE>META</ICODE> refresh, assignment to <ICODE>location.href</ICODE>, and image
+swaps fail.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+It is also possible for IE to be configured such that it supports
+javascript but not the <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> protocol. This results
+in the user seeing a protocol error for <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> URIs.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+The <ICODE>javascript:</ICODE> pseudo protocol creates accessibility and
+usability problems. It provides no fallback for when the script is not
+ </P>
+ <P>
+Instead, use
+<ICODE>&lt;a href=&quot;something.html&quot; onclick=&quot;somefunction();return false&quot;&gt;</ICODE>
+where <ICODE>something.html</ICODE> is a meaningful alternative. Alternatively,
+attach the <ICODE>click</ICODE> callback using an event registry.
+ </P>
+ <URL>example/jsuri/</URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Set/Navigate to a Location"></URL>
+ <URL LINKTEXT="Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002"></URL>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Comments and Suggestions" ID="comments" NUMID="5">
+ <P HTMLONLY="true">
+ This FAQ uses the CSS stylesheet <URL>faq.css</URL> and is generated
+ from the XML source <URL>index.xml</URL> using the XSLT stylesheet
+ <URL>index.xsl</URL><!-- which also checks the links -->.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="Why do some posts have &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in them?" ID="FAQENTRY" NUMID="5_1">
+ <P>
+ If a poster feels that the question they are answering should be
+ covered in the FAQ, placing &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; in the post lets the FAQ
+ robot collect the messages for easy review and inclusion. A Draft Proposal
+ for the FAQ is requested and appreciated.
+ </P>
+ <P>
+The &lt;FAQENTRY&gt; should not be used in posts except in
+conjunction with a suggestion/proposal for this FAQ. It should
+also not be literally quoted in replies, instead it should be
+partly obscured as, e.g. &lt;FAQ**TRY&gt; or similar.
+ </P>
+ <CONTENT TITLE="How do I make a suggestion?" NUMID="5_2" ID="makeSuggestion">
+ <P>
+To make a suggestion to this FAQ, use either the FAQENTRY method
+above, or e-mail Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn &lt;cljs&#64;; (editor).
+All comments, suggestions, and especially corrections are welcome.
+ </P>
+ <!-- FIXME -->
+ <!--
+ <P>
+ This FAQ is (C) Copyright Contributors on behalf of the
+ newsgroup comp.lang.javascript. Upon change of the FAQ maintainer,
+ the copyright will automatically pass over to the new maintainer.
+ </P>
+ -->
\ No newline at end of file