Subversion Repositories FAQs

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Regard whitespace Rev 44 → Rev 45

0,0 → 1,354
# comp.lang.javascript FAQ - Daily sendout to Usenet based upon #
# XML feed in defined format. #
# Message headers can only contain 7bit ASCII chars (RFC2822). #
# I'm using ISO-8859-1 in the message bodies for maximum #
# compatibility with all kinds of newsreaders. #
# Code by Bart Van der Donck - - Aug 2006. #
# This program is free software released under the GNU/GPL; you #
# can redistribute it and/or modify it under the GNU/GPL terms. #
# Load modules & locale for English formatted date. #
# These modules should be present in default Perl 5.6+ installs. #
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Net::NNTP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::Parser;
use HTML::Entities;
use XML::Parser;
use XML::Simple;
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'English (UK)');
# Configuration area. #
# account on news server (leave both blanco if no authentication
# is needed)
my $account = '';
my $password = 'secret';
# server and newsgroup
my $server = '';
my $ng = 'comp.lang.javascript';
# sender data
my $sendername = 'FAQ server';
my $senderaddress = '';
# where is the XML file to load ?
my $xml_file = '';
# footer of the message
my $footer = <<FOOT
Postings as these are automatically sent once a day. Their goal
is to answer repeated questions, and to offer the content to the
community for continuous evaluation/improvement. The complete
comp.lang.javascript FAQ is at
The FAQ workers are a group of volunteers.
# where is writable file that keeps track of the counter
# (path must be absolute or relative to this script)
my $writablefile = 'entry2post.cnt';
my $fc;
# misc. header settings, these should be left untouched
my $mime_version = '1.0';
my $charset = 'iso-8859-1';
my $content_type = 'text/plain';
my $trans_enc = '8bit';
my $organization = 'comp.lang.javascript FAQ workers';
my $date = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime;
# which regexes for nice Usenet layout
my %regexes = (
"p" => "\n",
"/p" => "\n",
"em" => "_",
"/em" => "_",
"url" => "\n\n",
"/url" => "\n\n",
"ul" => "\n",
"/ul" => "\n",
"li" => "* ",
"/li" => "",
"moreinfo" => "\n\n",
"/moreinfo" => "\n\n",
"resource" => "\n\n",
"/resource" => "\n\n",
"icode" => "`` ",
"/icode" => " ''",
"code" => "\n\n",
"/code" => "\n\n",
# run options
my $sendout = 1; # 1 = send to Usenet, 0 = print to screen.
my $printnrs = 0; # 1 = include FAQ chapter & entry nr,
# 0 = exclude. CAUTION! as it takes this
# data not from XML feed but from this
# porgram's internal counting.
# Get XML file. #
# fetch XML file
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("AgentName/0.1 " . $ua->agent);
my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $xml_file;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
unless ($res->is_success) {
die "Error: couldn't get $xml_file: $!\n";
# is XML file well-formed ?
my $xml = $res->content;
eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorContext=>1)->parse($xml) };
if ($@) {
die "Error: $xml_file is not well-formed XML\n";
# Regexes on XML feed. #
# regex the mentionned tags to Usenet layout format
while ( my ($key, $val) = each %regexes ) {
$xml =~ s/<\Q$key\E(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>/$val/gsi;
# regex out all other tags except CONTENTS, CONTENT, FAQ, TITLE
my $result_xml = '';
my @report_tags = qw(content contents faq title);
HTML::Parser->new(api_version => 3,
start_h => [\&tag, 'tokenpos, text'],
process_h => ['', ''],
comment_h => ['', ''],
declaration_h => [\&decl, 'tagname, text'],
default_h => [\&text, 'text'],
report_tags => \@report_tags,
->parse( $xml );
# check for well-formedness
eval { XML::Parser->new(ErrorContext=>1)->parse($result_xml) };
if ($@) {
die "Error: XML file not well-formed after Usenet format regexes";
# Decide which subject/body part we need. #
# tie xml to vars
my $xml_ref = XMLin($result_xml, ForceArray => 1);
# load counter file
open my $F, '<', $writablefile
|| die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
flock($F, 1) || die "Error: can't get LOCK_SH on $writablefile: $!";
$fc = $_ while <$F>;
close $F || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";
my ($chap, $cnt) = split /\|/, $fc;
# lookup subject/body in hashed structure
unless ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[$cnt]) {
save4next ( $chap, $cnt );
die "Error: FAQ entry ".($chap+1).".".($cnt+1).". doesn't exist";
my $part = $xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
my %hash_deref = %$part;
my $subject = $hash_deref{TITLE};
my $body = $hash_deref{content};
# Regexes on $body and $subject and compile final $message #
# decode num/char HTML entities in subject and in message
$subject = HTML::Entities::decode($subject);
$body = HTML::Entities::decode($body);
# take care of Euro sign towards ISO-8859-1, just in case
s/€/Euro/ig for ($body, $subject);
# don't allow EOLs and successive blancs in subject lines
$subject =~ s/\n/ /g;
$subject =~ s/\s+/ /g;
# remove 1-6 initial blanks from begin + all from end
my @splitbody = split /\n/, $body;
for (@splitbody) {
s/^\s+http:/http:/g; # issue with leading http on line
$body = join "\n", @splitbody;
# remove more than three EOLs
$body =~ s/\n{3,}/\n\n/gs;
# remove all EOLs from begin and end of $body
for ($body) {
# should we add the FAQ entry chapter/number ? (own counting)
if ($printnrs==1) {
$subject = 'FAQ ' . $chap . '.' . $cnt . '. - ' . $subject ;
else {
$subject = 'FAQ - ' . $subject;
# format full body
$body = "\x2D" x 71 . "\n" . $subject . "\n" . "\x2D" x 71
. "\n" x 2 . $body . "\n" x 3 . $footer;
# remove lines that consist only of 1 dot
$body =~ s/\n\.\n/\n/g;
# compute & store which entry is to send next time
save4next ( $chap, $cnt );
# compile complete message
my $message = <<EOM;
Reply-To: "$sendername" <$senderaddress>
From: "$sendername" <$senderaddress>
Date: $date
Newsgroups: $ng
Subject: $subject
Organization: $organization
Mime-Version: $mime_version
Content-Type: $content_type; charset="$charset"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: $trans_enc\n
# should we send the message to Usenet or print to screen ?
if ($sendout != 1) {
print $message;
# Fire off the message. #
# do some final checks
if ( !$message || $message eq '' || !$body || $body eq ''
|| !$subject || $subject eq '') {
die "Error: didn't send message due to malformed data";
# send action (heavy error checking)
my $nntp = Net::NNTP->new( $server )
|| die "Error: can't connect to $server: $!\n";
$nntp->authinfo( $account, $password )
|| die "Error: Net::NNTP->authinfo() failed: $!\n"
if ( defined $account && defined $password
&& $account ne '' && $password ne '');
$nntp->postok() || die "Error: $server said: not allowed to post\n";
$nntp->post( $message )
|| die "Error: can't send message: $!\n";
# HTML::Parser and $chap/$cnt counting routines. #
sub tag {
my ($pos, $text) = @_;
if (@$pos >= 4) {
my ($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = @{$pos}[-4 .. -1];
my $next_attr = $v_offset?$v_offset+$v_len:$k_offset+$k_len;
my $edited;
while (@$pos >= 4) {
($k_offset, $k_len, $v_offset, $v_len) = splice @$pos, -4;
$next_attr = $k_offset;
$text =~ s/^(<\w+)\s+>$/$1>/ if $edited;
sub decl {
my $type = shift;
$result_xml.=shift if $type eq 'doctype';
sub text {
$result_xml.= shift;
sub save4next {
my ($ch, $cn) = @_;
# next entry in same chapter exists ?
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[$cn+1]) {
writefile( $ch . '|' . ($cn+1) );
# first entry in next chapter exists ?
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
writefile( ($ch+1).'|0' );
# reset entries if we're at the last entry of the last chapter
if ($xml_ref->{CONTENTS}->[0]
->{CONTENT}->[0]) {
writefile( '1|0' );
# last resort: no entry found => reset counter and die
writefile( '1|0' );
die "Error: couldn't find next entry for FAQ ".($ch+1).".".($cn+1)
."; next time I'll take the first entry again";
sub writefile {
open WR, '>', $writablefile
|| die "Error: can't open $writablefile: $!";
print WR shift;
close WR || die "Error: can't close $writablefile: $!";