Subversion Repositories JSX

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 112 → Rev 113

14,8 → 14,8
Refer enhancd2.htm file for general documentation.
var enhanced2Version = "1.22.2002.5";
var enhanced2Copyright = "Copyright © 2000-2002";
var enhanced2Version = "1.23.20080120";
var enhanced2Copyright = "Copyright © 2000-2008";
var enhanced2Author = "Thomas Lahn";
var enhanced2Email = "";
var enhanced2DocURL = "";
80,57 → 80,64
sImageURL = location.pathname.substring(0, iPathEnd) + "/" + sImageURL;
if (argnum < 1) return(EInvalidArgNum("Level 2: enlargeImg", 1));
// preset also window position and size in the case the temporary script below fails
var sOptions = "toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes" +
(((argnum > 2) && !isNaN(iWidth)) ? (",width=" + iWidth + 12) : "") +
(((argnum > 3) && !isNaN(iHeight)) ? (",height=" + iHeight + 32) : "") +
",left=" + String( parseInt(screen.width/2 - (((argnum > 2) && !isNaN(iWidth))?(iWidth/2):0) )) +
",top=" + String( parseInt(screen.height/2 - (((argnum > 3) && !isNaN(iHeight))?(iHeight/2):0) ));
var wImage = null, "wndZoom", sOptions );
if (wImage) {
/*var dImage = */"text/html");
var s = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">\n'
+ '<html>\n'
+ ' <head>\n'
+ ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15">\n'
+ ' <meta name="generator" value="JSX:enhancd2.js{' + enhanced2Version + '}:enlargeImg(...) ' + enhanced2Copyright + ' ' + enhanced2Author + ' &lt;' + enhanced2Email + '&gt;">\n'
+ ' <title>';
if((argnum > 1) && (sCaption != ""))
s += sCaption;
s += sImageURL;
// temporary script and updated inline code to fix BUG_Enlarge:ALWAYS_FIT-TO-IMAGE
s += '<\/title>\n'
+ ' <script type="text/javascript">\n'
+ ' <!--\n'
+ ' function fitWindowToImage() {\n'
+ ' var imgWidth = ' + (((argnum > 2) && (iWidth != 0)) ? iWidth : ("document.images[0].width + 12")) + ';\n'
+ ' var imgHeight = ' + (((argnum > 3) && (iHeight != 0)) ? iHeight : ("document.images[0].height + 32")) + ';\n'
+ ' if (document.all) window.resizeTo(imgWidth, imgHeight);\n'
+ ' else if (window.sizeToContent) window.sizeToContent();\n'
+ ' else if (document.layers) { window.innerWidth = document.width; window.innerHeight = document.height; }\n';
if((argnum < 5) || ((argnum > 4) && (bCenter)))
s += ' window.moveTo(screen.width/2 - imgWidth/2, screen.height/2 - imgHeight/2);\n';
s += ' }\n'
+ ' \/\/-->\n'
+ ' <\/script>\n'
+ ' <\/head>\n\n'
+ ' <body leftmargin="0" '
+ 'topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" '
+ 'style="margin: 0px">\n'
+ ' <a href="#" title="'
+ sEnlargeImgTitle + '" onClick="window.close(); return false;">'
+ '<img src="' + sImageURL + '" border="0" '
+ 'onload="fitWindowToImage(this);"><\/a>\n'
+ ' <\/body>\n'
+ '<\/html>';
// Workaround of version 1.16.2002.2 for Opera:
// With *this* browser, does not return created
// object :(
with (/*dImage*/ wImage.document ) {
var sOptions = "toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes"
+ (((argnum > 2) && !isNaN(iWidth)) ? (",width=" + iWidth + 12) : "")
+ (((argnum > 3) && !isNaN(iHeight)) ? (",height=" + iHeight + 32) : "")
+ ",left="
+ parseInt(screen.width/2
- (((argnum > 2) && !isNaN(iWidth))?(iWidth/2):0))
+ ",top="
+ parseInt(screen.height/2
- (((argnum > 3) && !isNaN(iHeight))?(iHeight/2):0));
var wImage =, "wndZoom", sOptions);
if (wImage)
var dImage = wImage.document;"text/html");
var a = new Array(
'<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">',
' <head>',
' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15">',
' <meta name="generator" value="JSX:enhancd2.js{'
+ enhanced2Version + '}:enlargeImg(...) ' + enhanced2Copyright
+ ' ' + enhanced2Author + ' &lt;' + enhanced2Email + '&gt;">',
' <title>' + ((argnum > 1 && sCaption != "") ? sCaption : sImageURL),
// temporary script and updated inline code to fix BUG_Enlarge:ALWAYS_FIT-TO-IMAGE
' <\/title>',
' <script type="text/javascript">',
' // <![CDATA[',
' function fitWindowToImage() {',
' var imgWidth = ' + (((argnum > 2) && (iWidth != 0)) ? iWidth : ("document.images[0].width + 12")) + ';',
' var imgHeight = ' + (((argnum > 3) && (iHeight != 0)) ? iHeight : ("document.images[0].height + 32")) + ';',
' if (document.all) window.resizeTo(imgWidth, imgHeight);',
' else if (window.sizeToContent) window.sizeToContent();',
' else if (document.layers) { window.innerWidth = document.width; window.innerHeight = document.height; }',
(argnum < 5 || (argnum > 4 && bCenter))
? ' window.moveTo(screen.width/2 - imgWidth/2, screen.height/2 - imgHeight/2);'
: '',
' }',
' // ]]>',
' <\/script>',
' <\/head>',
' <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"'
+ ' style="margin: 0px">',
' <a href="#" title="'
+ sEnlargeImgTitle + '" onclick="window.close(); return false;">'
+ '<img src="' + sImageURL + '" border="0"'
+ ' onload="fitWindowToImage(this);"><\/a>',
' <\/body>',