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Regard whitespace Rev 132 → Rev 133

1,294 → 1,535
// The following tag used for display in advanced file lists only:
// <TITLE>JavaScript Routines and Objects to Create Temporary Documents</title>
// Refer document.txt file for general documentation.
* The following tag used for display in advanced file listings only:
* <title>JavaScript Routines and Objects to Create Temporary Documents</title>
* See document.txt file for general documentation.
var documentVersion = "v1.18.2000.8";
var sAuthorCopyright = "© 2000-2001 by Thomas Lahn (PES)";
var documentVersion = "v1.20.2005080609";
var sAuthorCopyright = "\xA9 2000-2005 by Thomas Lahn (PES)";
var sAuthorEMail = "";
/* Script exceptions */
sCopyright = "document.js " + documentVersion + " " + sAuthorCopyright + "\nmailto:" + sAuthorEMail + "\n\n";
var sCopyright =
"document.js "
+ documentVersion
+ " "
+ sAuthorCopyright
+ "\nmailto:"
+ sAuthorEMail
+ "\n\n";
function HTMLException(Msg) {
function HTMLException(Msg)
alert( sCopyright + Msg );
return false;
function ENoDocument(sFunctionName) {
function ENoDocument(sFunctionName)
// var sFunctionName = (sFunctionName != null) ? sFunctionName + ": " : "";
// Passing the name of the function which caused the exception currently not possible
return HTMLException( "The specified target object does not exist. Please check your assignment(s) to the HTMLdoc variable. " );
* Passing the name of the function which caused the exception currently not
* possible
return HTMLException(
"The specified target object does not exist."
+ " Please check your assignment(s) to the HTMLdoc variable.");
function EInvalidArgNum(sFunctionName, iArg) {
return HTMLException( sFunctionName + ": The user script did not pass the required number of arguments (" + iArg + "). Refer documentation in script file for correct function call." );
function EInvalidArgNum(sFunctionName, iArg)
return HTMLException(
+ ": The user script did not pass the required number of arguments ("
+ iArg
+ "). Refer documentation in script file for correct function call.");
/* Script features */
if (typeof jsx == "undefined") var jsx = {};
if (typeof jsx.document == "undefined")
jsx.document = {
write: function(s) {
return jsx.tryThis(
function() {
/* fix circular reference */
s = null;
return true;
function() {
/* try without namespaces first (presumably HTML or loose XHTML) */
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
if (!scripts || !scripts.length)
/* try with namespace (presumably strict XHTML) */
scripts = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(
/* Can we locate ourselves at all? */
if (scripts && scripts.length)
var thisScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
var node = thisScript.parentNode.insertBefore(
/* fix circular reference */
s = null;
return node;
}) || false;
var HTMLdoc = document;
var HTMLinstance = new CHTMLdoc(HTMLdoc); // Version 1.05.x OOP Extension
function docCheck(bRaiseException) {
/* Version 1.05.x OOP Extension */
var HTMLinstance = new _HTMLDocument(HTMLdoc);
function docCheck(bRaiseException)
if( HTMLdoc )
return( true );
else {
if( (docCheck.arguments.length = 1) && (bRaiseException == true) )
return true;
if (arguments.length = 1 && bRaiseException == true)
ENoDocument( docCheck.caller );
return false;
// Document Type Definitions and HTML 4.0 Tag Policy URLs
/* Document Type Definitions and HTML 4.0 Tag Policy URLs */
// DTD for HTML 2.0 documents
var dtdHTML2 = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\"";
/* DTD for HTML 2.0 documents */
var dtdHTML2 = '"-//W3C//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"';
// DTD for HTML 3.2 documents
var dtdHTML32 = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN\"";
/* DTD for HTML 3.2 documents */
var dtdHTML32 = '"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"';
// DTD for HTML 4.0 documents
var dtdHTML4 = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\"";
/* DTD for HTML 4.01 documents */
var dtdHTML4 = '"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"';
// DTD for HTML 4.0 documents including frameset definition
var dtdHTML4frm = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN\"";
/* DTD for HTML 4.01 documents including frameset definition */
var dtdHTML4frm = '"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN"';
// DTD for HTML 4.0 documents including style-sheets and/or script languages
var dtdHTML4scr = "\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN\"";
/* DTD for HTML 4.01 documents containing deprecated elements and attributes */
var dtdHTML4scr = '"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"';
// URL for DTD of documents that use tags deprecated in HTML 4.0
var dtdURL_HTML4dep = "\n \"\"";
/* URL of DTD for HTML 4.01 documents containing deprecated elements and attribs */
var dtdURL_HTML4dep = '\n ""';
// URL for DTD of documents that define framesets
var dtdURL_HTML4frm = "\n \"\"";
/* URL of DTD for HTML 4.01 documents that define framesets */
var dtdURL_HTML4frm = '\n ""';
// URL for DTD of documents that use strict HTML 4.0 syntax
var dtdURL_HTML4str = "\n \"\"";
/* URL of DTD for documents that use strict HTML 4.01 syntax */
var dtdURL_HTML4str = '\n ""';
function HTMLdocOpen(sDTD, bReplace) {
function HTMLdocOpen(sDTD, bReplace)
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
// version 1.08.2000.3 bugfix, formerly: ...length = 2(!) and separated sections
* version 1.08.2000.3 bugfix, formerly: ...length = 2(!)
* and separated sections
// if( HTMLdoc.location.href != "" ) HTMLdoc.close();
if( (HTMLdocOpen.arguments.length == 2) && (bReplace == true) )
if (arguments.length == 2 && bReplace == true)
{ "text/html", "replace" );
{ "text/html" );
if( HTMLdocOpen.arguments.length < 1 ) sDTD = "";
HTMLdoc.writeln( "<!doctype html public ", sDTD, ">\n<html>\n" );
function HTMLdocClose() {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
writeln( "</html>" );
if (arguments.length < 1)
sDTD = "";
HTMLdoc.writeln("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ", sDTD, ">\n<html>\n");
function docWrite(s) {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
function HTMLdocClose()
if (!docCheck(true))
function docWrite(s)
if (!docCheck(true))
HTMLdoc.write( s );
function docWriteLn(s) {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
function docWriteLn(s)
if (!docCheck(true))
HTMLdoc.writeln( s );
var HTMLtagCount = 0;
function HTMLwriteTag(sTag, sAttrib, sContent) {
function HTMLwriteTag(sTag, sAttrib, sContent)
var sWrite = "";
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
if( (HTMLwriteTag.arguments.length < 1) || (sTag == "") ) {
if (!docCheck(true))
if (arguments.length < 1 || sTag == "")
EInvalidArgNum( "HTMLwriteTag", 1 );
sTag = sTag.toLowerCase(); // for better document compression rates
if(HTMLwriteTag.arguments.length < 2)
sAttrib = ""; // use default value if argument missing
if(HTMLwriteTag.arguments.length < 3)
sContent = ""; // use default value if argument missing
/* for better document compression rates */
sTag = sTag.toLowerCase();
if (arguments.length < 2)
/* use default value if argument missing */
sAttrib = "";
if (arguments.length < 3)
/* use default value if argument missing */
sContent = "";
sWrite = "<" + sTag;
if( sAttrib != "" ) sWrite += " " + sAttrib;
if (sAttrib != "" )
sWrite += " " + sAttrib;
sWrite += ">";
if( sContent != "" ) {
sWrite += sContent + "</" + sTag + ">";
for( i = 4; i < HTMLwriteTag.arguments.length; i++ ) {
sWrite += HTMLwriteTag.arguments[i];
if (sContent != "")
sWrite +=
sContent + "</" + sTag + ">";
for (var i = 4; i < arguments.length; i++)
sWrite += arguments[i];
HTMLdoc.write( sWrite );
HTMLinstance.tagCount = HTMLtagCount; // OOP extension
/* return sWrite;
Bug: Text is written twice into the document when the function
result is used as argument. Workaround required to uncomment
return statement.
/* OOP extension */
HTMLinstance.tagCount = HTMLtagCount;
* TODO Bug: Text is written twice into the document when the function
* result is used as argument. Workaround required to uncomment
* return statement.
// return sWrite;
var HTMLmetaCount = 0;
function HTMLwriteMeta(sName, sHTTPequiv, sContent) {
if( HTMLwriteMeta.arguments.length != 3 ) {
function HTMLwriteMeta(sName, sHTTPequiv, sContent)
if (arguments.length != 3)
EInvalidArgNum( "HTMLwriteMeta", 3 );
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
if( sName.toLowerCase() != "generator" ) {
write( "<meta " );
if (! docCheck(true))
if (sName.toLowerCase() != "generator")
HTMLdoc.write("<meta ");
if( sName != "" )
write( 'name="', sName, '" ' );
HTMLdoc.write('name="', sName, '" ');
if( sHTTPequiv != "" )
write( 'http-equiv="', sHTTPequiv, '" ' );
writeln( 'content="', sContent, '">' );
HTMLdoc.write('http-equiv="', sHTTPequiv, '" ');
HTMLdoc.writeln('content="', sContent, '">');
HTMLinstance.metaCount = HTMLmetaCount; // OOP extension
/* OOP extension */
HTMLinstance.metaCount = HTMLmetaCount;
function HTMLwriteLinkFavIcon(sURL) {
with( HTMLdoc)
function HTMLwriteLinkFavIcon(sURL)
if( sURL.length > 0 )
HTMLwriteTag( "link", "rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" + sURL + "\"" );
HTMLdoc.HTMLwriteTag("link", 'rel="shortcut icon" href="' + sURL + '"');
var HTMLscriptCount = 0;
function HTMLwriteScript(sLang, sSrc, sType, sContent) {
if( (sSrc == "") && ((HTMLwriteScript.arguments.length < 4) || (sContent == "")) ) {
function HTMLwriteScript(sLang, sSrc, sType, sContent)
if (sSrc == "" && (arguments.length < 4 || sContent == ""))
EInvalidArgNum( "HTMLwriteScript", 4 );
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
if( (HTMLwriteScript.arguments.length == 0) || (sLang == "") )
if (!docCheck(true))
if (arguments.length == 0 || sLang == "")
sLang = "JavaScript";
write( '<script language="', sLang, '"' );
if( HTMLwriteScript.arguments.length < 2 ) sSrc = "";
HTMLdoc.write('<script language="', sLang, '"');
if (arguments.length < 2)
sSrc = "";
if( sSrc != "" )
write( ' src="', sSrc, '"' );
if( (HTMLwriteScript.arguments.length < 3) || (sType == "") )
HTMLdoc.write(' src="', sSrc, '"');
if (arguments.length < 3 || sType == "")
sType = "text/javascript";
if( sType != "" )
write( ' type="', sType, '"' );
write( '>' );
if( HTMLwriteScript.arguments.length < 4 ) sContent = "";
if( (sSrc == "") && (sContent != "") )
write( '<!--\n', sContent, '\n//-->' );
write( '</script>\n' );
HTMLinstance.scriptCount = HTMLscriptCount // OOP extension
HTMLdoc.write( ' type="', sType, '"' );
if (arguments.length < 4)
sContent = "";
if (sSrc == "" && sContent != "")
HTMLdoc.write('<!--\n', sContent, '\n//-->');
/* OOP extension */
HTMLinstance.scriptCount = HTMLscriptCount;
var HTMLstyleCount = 0;
function HTMLwriteStyle(sType, sAttrib, sContent) {
if( (sContent == "") || (HTMLwriteStyle.arguments.length < 3) ) {
function HTMLwriteStyle(sType, sAttrib, sContent)
if (sContent == "" || arguments.length < 3)
EInvalidArgNum( "HTMLwriteStyle", 3 );
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
if( (sType == "") )
if (!docCheck(true))
if (sType == "")
sType = "text/css";
write( '<style type="', sType, '"' );
if( sAttrib != "" )
write( ' ', sAttrib );
write( '><!--\n', sContent, '\n//--></style>\n' );
HTMLinstance.styleCount = HTMLstyleCount // OOP extension
HTMLdoc.write('<style type="', sType, '"');
function HTMLheadOpen(sTitle) {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
writeln( "<head>\n\n<title>", sTitle, "</title>\n\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"document.js ", documentVersion, " ", sAuthorCopyright, " (" + sAuthorEMail + ")\">" );
if (sAttrib != "")
HTMLdoc.write( ' ', sAttrib );
HTMLdoc.write('><!--\n', sContent, '\n//--></style>\n');
/* OOP extension */
HTMLinstance.styleCount = HTMLstyleCount;
function HTMLheadOpen(sTitle)
if (!docCheck(true)) return;
function HTMLheadClose() {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
writeln( '\n</head>\n' );
'</title>\n\n<meta name="generator" content="document.js ',
" ",
' (' + sAuthorEMail + ')">');
function HTMLheadClose()
if (!docCheck(true))
/** background color */
var clBodyBg = "";
var clBodyBg = ""; // Defines the background color
var clBodyText = ""; // Defines the default text color
var clBodyLink = ""; // Defines the default color for an unvisited link
var clBodyVLink = ""; // Defines the default color for a visited link
var clBodyALink = ""; // Defines the default color for a selected link
var imgBody = ""; // Defines the URL of the background image
var bBodyBgFixed = false; // Defines whether the background image is a watermark
/** default text color */
var clBodyText = "";
function HTMLbodyOpen() {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
write( "<body" );
/** default color for an unvisited link */
var clBodyLink = "";
/** default color for a visited link */
var clBodyVLink = "";
/** default color for a selected link */
var clBodyALink = "";
/** URL of the background image */
var imgBody = "";
/** Defines whether the background image is a watermark */
var bBodyBgFixed = false;
function HTMLbodyOpen()
if (!docCheck(true))
HTMLdoc.write( "<body" );
if( clBodyBg != "" )
write( ' bgcolor="', clBodyBg, '"' );
HTMLdoc.write(' bgcolor="', clBodyBg, '"');
if( clBodyText != "" )
write( ' text="', clBodyText, '"' );
HTMLdoc.write(' text="', clBodyText, '"');
if( clBodyLink != "" )
write( ' link="', clBodyLink, '"' );
HTMLdoc.write(' link="', clBodyLink, '"');
if( clBodyVLink != "" )
write( ' vlink="', clBodyVLink, '"' );
HTMLdoc.write(' vlink="', clBodyVLink, '"');
if( clBodyALink != "" )
write( ' alink="', clBodyALink, '"' );
HTMLdoc.write(' alink="', clBodyALink, '"');
if( imgBody != "" )
write( ' background="', imgBody, '"' );
if( bBodyBgFixed == true )
write( ' bgproperties="fixed"' );
writeln ( ">\n" );
HTMLdoc.write(' background="', imgBody, '"');
if (bBodyBgFixed)
HTMLdoc.write(' bgproperties="fixed"');
HTMLdoc.writeln ( ">\n" );
function HTMLbodyClose()
if (!docCheck(true))
function HTMLbodyClose() {
if( ! docCheck(true) ) return;
with( HTMLdoc ) {
writeln( "\n</body>\n" );
// OOP Support for Multiple Document Access (MDA): Methods and class
/* OOP Support for Multiple Document Access (MDA): Methods and prototype */
function CDocumentListAdd(aItem) {
function DocumentListAdd(aItem)
function CDocumentListRemove() {
function DocumentListRemove()
function CDocumentList() {
// Properties
function DocumentList()
/* Properties */
this.items = new Array();
// Methods
this.add = CDocumentListAdd;
this.remove = CDocumentListRemove;
/* Methods */
this.add = DocumentListAdd;
this.remove = DocumentListRemove;
var docList = new CDocumentList();
var docList = new DocumentList();
// General OOP support: Methods, global counter variable and class
/* General OOP support: Methods, global counter variable and class */
function CHTMLdocActivate() {
function HTMLDocumentActivate()
HTMLinstance = this;
HTMLdoc =;
clBodyBg = this.clBodyBg;
304,32 → 545,70
HTMLstyleCount = this.styleCount;
function CHTMLdocShowProperties() {
var sCaller = (CHTMLdocShowProperties.caller != null) ? ("Caller: \n\n" + CHTMLdocShowProperties.caller + "\n" ) : "";
var sResult = sCopyright + "Current properties of the CHTMLdoc instance named \"" + + "\";\nUsed CHTMLdoc.showProperties() method:\n\n";
for (var Property in this) {
var isNotMethod = (String(this[Property]).toLowerCase().substr(0, 9) != "function ");
var isNotNameProp = ( String(Property).toLowerCase().substr(0, 4) != "name" );
if(isNotMethod && isNotNameProp) {
var isString = ( isNaN(this[Property]) || ( String(this[Property]) == "" ) );
var bDblQuote = (isString ? "\"" : "");
function HTMLDocumentShowProperties()
var sCaller =
(HTMLDocumentShowProperties.caller != null
? "Caller: \n\n" + HTMLDocumentShowProperties.caller + "\n"
: "");
var sResult =
+ "Current properties of the HTMLDocument instance named \""
+ "\";\nUsed HTMLDocument.showProperties() method:\n\n";
for (var Property in this)
var isNotMethod =
(String(this[Property]).toLowerCase().substr(0, 9) != "function ");
var isNotNameProp =
(String(Property).toLowerCase().substr(0, 4) != "name");
if (isNotMethod && isNotNameProp)
var isString =
(isNaN(this[Property]) || String(this[Property]) == "");
var bDblQuote =
? '"'
: "");
var sProp = String(this[Property]);
if(sProp == "[object]") bDblQuote = "";
sResult += Property + " = " + bDblQuote + sProp + bDblQuote + "\n";
sResult +=
+ " = "
+ bDblQuote
+ sProp
+ bDblQuote
+ "\n";
sResult += "\nCreator URL: \"" + document.URL + "\"\n\n" + sCaller;
var CHTMLdocCount = 0; // Number of CHTMLdoc instances created by the script caller document
/** Number of _HTMLDocument instances created by the script caller document */
var HTMLDocumentCount = 0;
function CHTMLdoc(aTarget, sDTD, bReplace, sName) {
/* `HTMLDocument' is a W3C DOM 2 HTML interface literally implemented in Geckos */
function _HTMLDocument(aTarget, sDTD, bReplace, sName)
// Properties
if( CHTMLdoc.arguments.length < 1 )
if (arguments.length < 1)
{ = HTMLdoc;
else {
if( aTarget ) {
if (aTarget)
HTMLinstance = this; = aTarget;
HTMLdoc =;
336,32 → 615,74
HTMLtagCount = 0;
HTMLmetaCount = 0;
HTMLscriptCount = 0;
if( CHTMLdoc.arguments.length > 1 ) // Open doc. automatically on more arg.
/* Open doc. automatically on more arg. */
if (arguments.length > 1)
HTMLdocOpen( sDTD, bReplace );
} else // Return error (false) if passed object is not available
return ENoDocument("CHTMLdoc");
// "" is v1.08.2000.3 bugfix, formerly used colors of last activated object
this.clBodyBg = ""; // Undefined background color;
this.clBodyText = ""; // Undefined text color
this.clBodyLink = ""; // Undefined color for an unvisited link
this.clBodyVLink = ""; // Undefined color for a visited link
this.clBodyALink = ""; // Undefined color for a selected link
this.imgBody = ""; // Undefined URL of the background image
this.bBodyBgFixed = false; // Default: background image is no watermark
this.tagCount = 0; // HTML tags written by writeTag(...) method
this.metaCount = 0; // <meta> tags written except "generator"
this.scriptCount = 0; // <script></script> sections written
this.styleCount = 0; // <style></style> sections written
CHTMLdocCount++; // Increase the number of created CHTMLdoc instances for auto-naming
if( CHTMLdoc.arguments.length >= 4 ) = sName; // Recommended to name the object for debug purposes
else = "CHTMLdoc" + String(CHTMLdocCount);
// Methods
this.activate = CHTMLdocActivate;
// For debug purposes only: display current properties
this.showProperties = CHTMLdocShowProperties;
/* Error if passed object is not available */
/* "" is v1.08.2000.3 bugfix, formerly used colors of last activated object */
/** background color */
this.clBodyBg = "";
/** text color */
this.clBodyText = "";
/** color for an unvisited link */
this.clBodyLink = "";
/** color for a visited link */
this.clBodyVLink = "";
/** color for a selected link */
this.clBodyALink = "";
/** URL of the background image */
this.imgBody = "";
/** Default: background image is no watermark */
this.bBodyBgFixed = false;
/** HTML tags written by writeTag(...) method */
this.tagCount = 0;
/** &lt;meta&gt; tags written except "generator" */
this.metaCount = 0;
/** &lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt; sections written */
this.scriptCount = 0;
/** &lt;style&gt;&lt;/style&gt; sections written */
this.styleCount = 0;
/* Increase the number of created _HTMLDocument instances for auto-naming */
if (arguments.length >= 4)
/* Recommended to name the object for debug purposes */ = sName;
{ = "_HTMLDocument_" + String(HTMLDocumentCount);
/* Methods */
this.activate = HTMLDocumentActivate;
/* DEBUG */
this.showProperties = HTMLDocumentShowProperties;
this.checkTarget = docCheck; = HTMLdocOpen;
this.close = HTMLdocClose;
377,7 → 698,8
this.bodyClose = HTMLbodyClose;
// Raise exception if not processed from a web browser
/* Raise exception if not processed from a web browser */
if(! document)