Subversion Repositories JSX

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Ignore whitespace Rev 144 → Rev 145

1,4 → 1,4
* <title>PointedEars' JSX: RegExp Library</title>
if (typeof RegExp == "undefined")
5,7 → 5,7
var RegExp = new Object();
/** @version */ RegExp.version = "0.1.2005091404";
/** @version */ RegExp.version = "0.1.2009010602";
* @filename regexp.js
* @partof PointedEars' JavaScript Extensions (JSX)
38,7 → 38,7
* [1] <>
// Refer string.htm file for general documentation.
// Refer string.htm file for general documentation.
* Returns the string representation of a RegExp object without delimiters.
48,7 → 48,7
function regexp2str(rx)
//return rx.toString().replace(/[^\/]*\/((\\\/|[^\/])+)\/[^\/]*/, "$1");
// return rx.toString().replace(/[^\/]*\/((\\\/|[^\/])+)\/[^\/]*/, "$1");
return rx.source || rx.toString().replace(/[^\/]*\/(.+)\/[^\/]*/, "$1");
RegExp.prototype.toString2 = regexp2str;
92,19 → 92,23
i: false,
m: false,
joinSet: function() {
var a = [], oDummy = {g: 1, i: 1, m: 1};
for (var j in oDummy)
if (this[j] === true)
* @return string
function() {
var a = [], oDummy = {g: 1, i: 1, m: 1};
for (var j in oDummy)
if (this[j] === true)
return a.join("");
return a.join("");
for (var i = 0, iArgnum = arguments.length, a; i < iArgnum; i++)
131,14 → 135,97
RegExp.prototype.concat = regexp_concat;
// test case
'(', /"([^"\\]|\\")*"/, '|', /'([^'\\]|\\')*'/,
')|', /\/\*([^*]|\*[^\/])*\*\//,
'|', /\/\/[^\n\r]*([\n\r]|$)/,
'|', /(\/(\\\/|[^\/])+\/)/mg)
* @param pattern2
* @param pattern1
* @return RegExp
function regexp_intersect(pattern2, pattern1)
if (!pattern1 || pattern1.constructor != RegExp)
if (this.constructor == RegExp)
pattern1 = this;
return null;
/* Rule out invalid values */
if (!pattern2 || pattern2.constructor != RegExp) return null;
s = this.source.replace(/^\(?([^)]*)\)?$/, "$1"),
s2 = pattern2.source.replace(/^\(?([^)]*)\)?$/, "$1");
/* Register all parts within alternation of this pattern */
var a = s.split("|"), o = {};
for (var i = 0, len = a.length; i < len; i++) o[a[i]] = true;
/* Register all parts within alternation of pattern2 */
var a2 = s2.split("|"), o2 = {};
for (i = 0, len = a2.length; i < len; i++) o2[a2[i]] = true;
/* Compose the new alternation out of common parts */
var hOP = (
* @return Function
function() {
if (typeof Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty == "function")
return function(o, p) {
return o.hasOwnProperty(p);
/* suffices *here* */
return function(o, p) {
return typeof o[p] != "undefined"
&& typeof o.constructor.prototype[p] == "undefined";
a = [];
for (var p in o)
if (hOP(o2, p)) a.push(p);
return new RegExp("(" + a.join("|") + ")");
RegExp.prototype.intersect = regexp_intersect;
* Returns an escaped version of the string that can be
* passed as an argument to {@link #RegExp(string, string)}
* to match that string.
* @param s : string
* @return string
function strRegExpEscape(s)
if (arguments.length < 0 && this.constructor == String)
s = this;
return s.replace(/[\]\\^$*+?.(){}[]/g, "\\$&");
String.prototype.regExpEscape = strRegExpEscape;
/* test case */
// alert([
// /("([^"\\]|\\")*"|'([^'\\]|\\')*')|\/\*([^*]|\*[^\/])*\*\/|\/\/[^\n\r]*([\n\r]|$)|(\/(\\\/|[^\/])+\/)/mg,
// regexp_concat(
// '(', /"([^"\\]|\\")*"/, '|', /'([^'\\]|\\')*'/,
// ')|', /\/\*([^*]|\*[^\/])*\*\//,
// '|', /\/\/[^\n\r]*([\n\r]|$)/,
// '|', /(\/(\\\/|[^\/])+\/)/mg)
// ].join("\n"));