Subversion Repositories JSX

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Regard whitespace Rev 510 → Rev 511

1,84 → 1,136
if (typeof de.pointedears.jsdoc == "undefined")
"use strict";
* @type de.pointedears.jsdoc
* @memberOf __de.pointedears.jsdoc
* @namespace
de.pointedears.jsdoc = {};
de.pointedears.jsdoc = (/** @constructor */ function () {
* @function
var _Parser = (
* @constructor
* @extends jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser
function de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser () {
de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser._super.apply(this, arguments);
).extend(jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser, {
* @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc.Parser.prototype
* @overrides jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser.prototype.parseToken
parseToken: function (token) {
/* Parse ECMAScript */
_Parser._super.prototype.parseToken.apply(this, arguments);
de.pointedears.jsdoc.generate = function (code) {
var rx = /\/\*\*(([^*]|\*[^\/])+)\*\//g, m;
console.log("Line " + this.getLine() + ": " + token.type + ": »" + token.match + "«");
while ((m = rx.exec(code)))
if (token.type == "COMMENT_MULTI" && token.match.charAt(2) == "*")
var comment = m[1].replace(/(<pre>[\S\s]+?<\/pre>)|^\s*\*\s*/gm, "$1");
/* Parse JSdoc */
comment = comment.replace(
function (match, title) {
var newTitle = title + " – " + document.title;
document.title = newTitle; = newTitle;
return "";
return true;
comment = comment.replace(
function (match, filename) {
var title = document.getElementById("title");
jsx.dom.removeChildren(title, title.childNodes);
type: "tt",
childNodes: [
return {
* @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc
Parser: (function (code) {
this.code = code;
this.state = "";
}).extend(null, {
tokens: {
"": [
{pattern: /\/\*\*/g, nextState: "comment"}
"comment": [
{pattern: /@\w+/g},
{pattern: /\*\//g, nextState: ""}
return "";
getNextToken: function () {
var code = this.code;
var current_tokens = this.tokens[this.state];
var longest_match_wins = this.longestMatchWins;
var last_index = this.lastIndex;
var used_match = {
index: Infinity,
lastIndex: last_index,
length: 0
comment = comment.replace(
function (match, version) {
type: "p",
childNodes: [
for (var i = 0, len = current_tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
type: "b",
childNodes: [
"Version: "
}, " " + version
var current_token = current_tokens[i];
var rx = current_token.pattern;
rx.lastIndex = last_index;
return "";
comment = comment.replace(
function (match, section, author, partof)
var match = rx.exec(code);
if (match)
if (section)
if (longest_match_wins)
return "<h2>" + section + "<\/h2>";
var match_length = match[0].length;
if (used_match.length < match_length)
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.length = match_length;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
if (author)
else if (match.index < used_match.index)
return "<p>" + author + "<\/p>";
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.index = match.index;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
if (partof)
if (used_match.match)
return "<p>Part of " + partof + "<\/p>";
this.lastIndex = used_match.lastIndex;
var next_state = used_match.token.nextState;
if (typeof next_state != "undefined")
this.state = next_state;
return match;
used_match.token.match = used_match.match;
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = comment;
return used_match.token;
return null;
parse: function () {
var token;
while ((token = this.getNextToken()))
* @param {String} code
* @param {String} filename
generate: function (code, filename) {
var parser = new this.Parser(code);
0,0 → 1,469
"use strict";
* Generic parser implementation
* @author
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2013 Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn &lt;;
* @requires object.js
if (typeof jsx == "undefined")
* @namespace
var jsx = {};
if (typeof jsx.string == "undefined")
* @namespace
jsx.string = {};
* @namespace
jsx.string.parser = (/** @constructor */ function () {
* Returns a global regular expression.
* Returns a {@link RegExp} that has the same pattern as
* <var>rx</var>, but has the <code>global</code> flag
* set and has other flags set according to a property source.
* @param {RegExp|String} rx
* @param {Object} propertySource
* @return {RegExp}
function _globalize (rx, propertySource)
return new RegExp(
rx.source || rx,
+ (propertySource.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')
+ (rx.multiline || propertySource.multiline ? 'm' : '')
* A token as recognized by a {@link #Lexer}.
* @property {RegExp|String} pattern
* See the constructor's <var>pattern</var> argument
* @property type
* See the constructor's <var>type</var> argument
* @property {Array} match
* The text and substrings that the token matched last.
* @method parse({@link #Parser} parser)
* When this method is defined, a {@link #Parser} calls it instead of
* the parser's {@link #Parser.prototype.parseToken parseToken(Token)} method.
* A <code>Token</code> may implement this method to parse the token using
* a specialized {@link #Lexer}. An implementation may
* {@link jsx.object#clone clone()} the parser to create a lexer
* that can find more or less tokens than the suggested one.
var _Token =
* @constructor
* @param {RegExp|String} pattern
* The pattern to match the token. <strong>Parenthesized subexpressions
* must be marked as <em>non-capturing</em> (<code>(?:&#8230;)</code>) for
* the correct token to be returned by the lexer.</strong>
* @param type (optional)
* A value to set the object's <code>type</code> property which can be used
* for recognizing the type of the matched token in the parser's
* {@link Parser.prototype#parseToken parseToken()} method. Using
* a constant value is recommended.
* @param {string} nextState (optional)
* The state that a lexer should enter after this token
* was read.
function (pattern, type, nextState) {
if (pattern instanceof RegExp || pattern instanceof String)
this.pattern = pattern;
this.type = type;
/* Parameter object */
this.pattern = pattern.pattern;
this.type = pattern.type;
this.nextState = nextState;
* A <code>Lexer</code> (lexical scanner) converts a sequence
* of characters in an input string into a sequence of
* {@link #Token Token}s which can be used by a {@link #Parser}.
* <p>The list of patterns to match the tokens can also be built
* with calling {@link Lexer.prototype#addToken addToken()},
* whereas the calls for the preferred matches must come first,
* or with {@link Lexer.prototype#addTokens addTokens()}, whereas
* the arguments for the preferred matches must come first.</p>
* A <code>Lexer</code> has a state that defines the
* <code>Token</code>s that it recognizes only when it is in
* that state. When a <code>Token</code> has been recognized,
* the <code>Lexer</code>'s state can be changed (see
* {@link #Token} for details). Initially, the state is
* {@link Lexer.STATE_START}.
var _Lexer = jsx.object.extend(
* @constructor
* @param {Array} tokens
function (tokens) {
var _tokens;
* <code>true</code> if the tokens have been compiled into a
* single regular expression. Always false if the longest match
* should win.
* @private
* @memberOf __jsx.string.parser.Lexer
* @type Object{int: boolean}
* @see jsx.string.parser.Lexer.prototype.longestMatchWins
var _compiled = {};
this.state = _Lexer.STATE_START;
* @protected
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Lexer
* @param {int} index
* Index of the token to be compiled
* @return {RegExp}
this._compile = function (index) {
if (typeof index != "number" || index % 1 !== 0)
return jsx.throwThis(jsx.InvalidArgumentError, "index must be an integer");
var expression = _tokens[index].pattern;
if (!_compiled[index])
expression = _tokens[index].pattern = _globalize(
_compiled[index] = true;
return expression;
* Appends a {@link #Token} to the list of tokens.
* @param {jsx.string.parser.Token} token
* @return {Lexer}
* This object
this.addToken = function (token) {
if (!_tokens)
_tokens = [];
_compiled[-1] = false;
return this;
* @return {Array}
this.getTokens = function () {
return _tokens;
if (tokens)
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Lexer
).extend(null, {
* <code>true</code> if character case should not matter
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Lexer.prototype
ignoreCase: false,
* <code>true</code> if newline should be included in `.' matches
dotAll: false,
* <code>true</code> if the longest match, not the first one
* in the list of token expressions, should be used. This is
* important where there is ambiguity in token prefixes, but
* wasteful in runtime complexity where there is not, because
* the length of the matches for each token need to be compared
* against one another then. Use with caution.
longestMatchWins: false,
* Text position where to continue scanning
lastIndex: 0,
* Appends one or more {@link #Token Tokens} to the list of tokens.
* @param {TokenList|Array} tokens
* @return {Lexer}
* This object
addTokens: function (tokens) {
for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
return this;
* Returns the next token in an input string.
* @param sText
* @return {#Token}
* The next token in <var>sText</var>
getNextToken: function (sText) {
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof this.text == "undefined")
* @type string
this.text = String(sText);
sText = this.text;
if (!sText)
return jsx.throwThis(jsx.InvalidArgumentError, "Nothing to scan");
var tokens = this.getTokens();
var longest_match_wins = this.longestMatchWins;
var last_index = this.lastIndex;
var used_match = {
index: Infinity,
lastIndex: last_index,
length: 0
// debugger;
* NOTE: Must always use loop in order to find first match
* regardless of pattern position
for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
var rx = this._compile(i);
rx.lastIndex = last_index;
var matches = rx.exec(sText);
if (matches)
var index = matches.index;
var current_token = tokens[i];
if (longest_match_wins)
var match_length = matches[0].length;
var used_index = used_match.index;
if (index < used_index
|| (index === used_index && match_length > used_match.length))
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = matches[0];
used_match.length = match_length;
used_match.index = index;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
else if (index < used_match.index)
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.index = match.index;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
if (used_match.match)
this.lastIndex = used_match.lastIndex;
var next_state = used_match.token.nextState;
if (typeof next_state != "undefined")
this.state = next_state;
used_match.token.match = used_match.match;
return used_match.token;
return null;
* An Array-like object whose items are {@link #Token}s.
* @param {Array|jsx.string.parser.Token} list
* If an {@link Array}, its elements are used as list
* (type conversion). Otherwise all arguments are used.
* @throws jsx.InvalidArgumentError
* if an item is not a {@link #Token}
var _TokenList = function (list) {
var items = jsx.object.isArray(list) ? list : arguments;
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i)
var token = items[i];
if (!(token instanceof _Token))
return jsx.throwThis(jsx.InvalidArgumentError,
"jsx.string.parser.TokenList: saw " + token + ", expected jsx.string.parser.Token");
this[i] = token;
this.length = i + 1;
return {
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser
* @param {Object[TokenList]} data
StateCollection: function (data) {
var keys = jsx.object.getKeys(data);
for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; ++i)
var state = keys[i];
if (typeof state != "function")
if (!(state instanceof _TokenList))
return jsx.throwThis(jsx.InvalidArgumentError,
"jsx.string.parser.StateCollection: saw " + state
+ ", expected jsx.string.parser.TokenList");
this[state] = data[state];
Token: _Token,
TokenList: _TokenList,
Lexer: _Lexer,
* A <code>Parser</code> handles {@link #Token Tokens} in an input string
* as provided by a {@link #Lexer}.
* @function
* @property {Lexer} _lexer
* The lexer used by this parser
Parser: (
* @constructor
* @param {Lexer} lexer
* The lexer to be used by this parser
function (lexer) {
if (arguments.length > 0)
if (!(lexer instanceof _Lexer))
return jsx.throwThis(jsx.InvalidArgumentError,
"jsx.string.parser.Parser: saw " + lexer + ", expected jsx.string.parser.Lexer");
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Parser
this._lexer = lexer;
).extend(null, {
* Parses an input string requesting the next token from a {@link #Lexer}.
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Parser.prototype
* @param {String} sText
parse: function (sText) {
var token;
var lexer = this._lexer;
/* DEBUG */
while ((token = lexer.getNextToken(sText)))
var tokensLeft = this.parseToken(token);
/* Break if all tokens were consumed or contract was violated */
if (!tokensLeft)
* Parses an input token as provided by a {@link #Lexer}.
* @param {jsx.string.parser.Token} token
* @return A false-value if all tokens have been consumed
* or an unrecoverable syntax error has been detected.
parseToken: function (token) {
var result = true;
if (typeof token.parse == "function")
result = token.parse(this);
return result;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property