Subversion Repositories JSX

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 536 → Rev 537

1,39 → 1,186
"use strict";
if (typeof jsx == "undefined")
* @namespace
var jsx = {};
if (typeof jsx.string == "undefined")
* @namespace
jsx.string = {};
* @type de.pointedears.jsdoc
* @memberOf __de.pointedears.jsdoc
* @namespace
de.pointedears.jsdoc = (/** @constructor */ function () {
jsx.string.parser = (/** constructor */ function () {
/* Imports */
var _isString = jsx.object.isString;
/* Private functions */
* Returns a global regular expression.
* Returns a {@link RegExp} that has the same pattern as
* <var>rx</var>, but has the <code>global</code> flag
* set and has other flags set according to a property source.
* @param {RegExp|String} rx
* @param {Object} propertySource (optional)
* @return {RegExp}
function _globalize (rx, propertySource)
if (
return rx;
return new RegExp(
rx.source || rx,
"g" + (propertySource && propertySource.ignoreCase ? 'i' : '')
+ (rx.multiline || (propertySource && propertySource.multiline)
? 'm'
: '')
* @function
var _Token = (
* @constructor
* @param {RegExp|String} pattern
* The pattern to match the token. <strong>Parenthesized subexpressions
* must be marked as <em>non-capturing</em> (<code>(?:&#8230;)</code>) for
* the correct token to be returned by the lexer.</strong>
* @param {any} type (optional)
* A value to set the object's <code>type</code> property which can be used
* for recognizing the type of the matched token in the parser's
* {@link Parser.prototype#parseToken parseToken()} method. Using
* a constant value is recommended.
function jsx_string_parser_Token (pattern, type) {
if (!(this instanceof jsx_string_parser_Token))
/* Factory/typecast */
return new jsx_string_parser_Token.construct(arguments);
if (pattern instanceof RegExp || _isString(pattern))
/* Separate arguments */
this.pattern = pattern;
this.type = type;
/* Parameter object/typecast */
this.pattern = pattern.pattern;
this.type = pattern.type;
this.pattern = _globalize(this.pattern, this.pattern);
).extend(null, {
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Token.prototype
* @param {jsx.string.Parser} parser
// parse: function (parser) {
// return true;
// }
* @function
var _Parser = (
* @constructor
* @extends jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser
function de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser () {
de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser._super.apply(this, arguments);
function jsx_string_parser_Parser (code) {
this.code = code;
).extend(jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser, {
).extend(null, {
* @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc.Parser.prototype
* @overrides jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser.prototype.parseToken
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser.Parser.prototype
parseToken: function (token) {
/* Parse ECMAScript */
_Parser._super.prototype.parseToken.apply(this, arguments);
lastIndex: 0,
console.log("Line " + this.getLine() + ": " + token.type + ": »" + token.match + "«");
getNextToken: function (sText) {
var tokens = this.tokens;
var last_index = this.lastIndex;
var used_match = {
index: Infinity,
lastIndex: last_index,
length: 0
if (token.type == "COMMENT_MULTI" && token.match.charAt(2) == "*")
for (var i = tokens.length; i--;)
/* Parse JSdoc */
var token = tokens[i];
var rx = token.pattern;
rx.lastIndex = last_index;
var match = rx.exec(sText);
if (match)
var index = match.index;
var match_length = match[0].length;
if (index < used_match.index
|| (index == used_match.index && match_length > used_match.length))
used_match.index = index;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.length = match_length;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
used_match.token = token;
if (used_match.match)
this.lastIndex = used_match.lastIndex;
used_match.token.match = used_match.match;
return used_match.token;
return null;
parse: function (source) {
this.lastIndex = 0;
var token;
while ((token = this.getNextToken(source)))
if (typeof token.parse == "function")
var result = token.parse(this);
result = this.parseToken(token);
if (!result)
parseToken: function (token) {
return true;
40,87 → 187,156
return {
* @memberOf jsx.string.parser
Token: _Token,
Parser: _Parser
* @namespace
de.pointedears.jsdoc = (/** @constructor */ function () {
/* Imports */
var _Parser = jsx.string.parser.Parser;
var _Token = jsx.string.parser.Token;
// /**
// * @function
// */
// var _Parser = (
// /**
// * @constructor
// * @extends jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser
// */
// function de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser () {
// de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser._super.apply(this, arguments);
// }
// ).extend(jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser, {
// /**
// * @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc.Parser.prototype
// * @overrides jsx.string.parser.ecmascript.Parser.prototype.parseToken
// */
// parseToken: function (token) {
// /* Parse ECMAScript */
// _Parser._super.prototype.parseToken.apply(this, arguments);
// console.log("Line " + this.getLine() + ": " + token.type + ": »" + token.match + "«");
// if (token.type == "COMMENT_MULTI" && token.match.charAt(2) == "*")
// {
// /* Parse JSdoc */
// console.log("JSdoc");
// }
// return true;
// }
// });
var _TOKEN_VAR = "VAR";
var _token_newline = new _Token(/\r?\n|\r/, _TOKEN_NEWLINE);
return {
* @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc
Parser: (function (code) {
this.code = code;
this.state = "";
}).extend(null, {
tokens: {
"": [
{pattern: /\/\*\*/g, nextState: "comment"}
"comment": [
{pattern: /@\w+/g},
{pattern: /\*\//g, nextState: ""}
Parser: (
function de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser () {
de_pointedears_jsdoc_Parser._super.apply(this, arguments);
getNextToken: function () {
var code = this.code;
var current_tokens = this.tokens[this.state];
var longest_match_wins = this.longestMatchWins;
var last_index = this.lastIndex;
var used_match = {
index: Infinity,
lastIndex: last_index,
length: 0
this.globalVars = jsx.object.getDataObject();
).extend(jsx.string.parser.Parser, {
* @memberOf de.pointedears.jsdoc.Parser.prototype
braceLevel: 0,
line: 1,
prevToken: null,
for (var i = 0, len = current_tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
tokens: [
new _Token(/\/\/.*/, _TOKEN_COMMENT_SINGLE),
new _Token(/\/\*([^*]|\*[^\/])+\*\//, _TOKEN_COMMENT_MULTI),
new _Token(/\/([^\r\n\/\\]|\\[^\r\n])+\/'/, _TOKEN_REGEXP),
new _Token(/"([^\r\n"\\]|\\.)*"|'([^\\']|\\.)*'/, _TOKEN_STRING),
new _Token(/\bvar\s+(\w+)/, _TOKEN_VAR),
new _Token(/\bfunction(?:\s+\w+)?\s*\([^)]+\)\s*\{/, _TOKEN_FUNCTION),
new _Token(/[{}]/, _TOKEN_BRACE)
parseToken: function (token) {
var line = this.line;
var level = this.braceLevel;
if (token.type != _TOKEN_NEWLINE)
var current_token = current_tokens[i];
var rx = current_token.pattern;
rx.lastIndex = last_index;
"line:", line,
"\nlevel:", level,
"\ntype:", token.type,
"\nmatch:", token.match);
var match = rx.exec(code);
if (match)
if (longest_match_wins)
switch (token.type)
if (token.match[0].charAt(2) == "*")
var match_length = match[0].length;
if (used_match.length < match_length)
token.type = _TOKEN_JSDOC;
case _TOKEN_VAR:
if (!level)
this.globalVars[token.match[1]] = {
doc: (this.prevToken && this.prevToken.type == _TOKEN_JSDOC)
? this.prevToken.match[0]
: null
if (level)
switch (token.match[0])
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.length = match_length;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
case "{": ++level; break;
case "}": --level; break;
else if (match.index < used_match.index)
used_match.token = current_token;
used_match.match = match;
used_match.index = match.index;
used_match.lastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
if (used_match.match)
if (token.type != _TOKEN_NEWLINE)
this.lastIndex = used_match.lastIndex;
var next_state = used_match.token.nextState;
if (typeof next_state != "undefined")
this.state = next_state;
used_match.token.match = used_match.match;
return used_match.token;
this.prevToken = token;
line += (token.match[0].match(_token_newline.pattern) || "").length;
return null;
this.line = line;
this.braceLevel = level;
parse: function () {
var token;
while ((token = this.getNextToken()))
return true;
129,8 → 345,9
* @param {String} filename
generate: function (code, filename) {
var parser = new this.Parser(code);
var parser = new de.pointedears.jsdoc.Parser();