Subversion Repositories JSX

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Regard whitespace Rev 554 → Rev 555

616,10 → 616,13
iLevel = _COPY_ENUM;
if (iLevel & _COPY_INHERIT)
return _inheritFrom(oSource);
var me = _clone;
if (!iLevel || (iLevel & _COPY_ENUM_DEEP))
* NOTE: For objects, valueOf() only copies the object reference,
* so we are creating an instance that inherits from the
629,43 → 632,52
? _createTypedObject(oSource)
: oSource.valueOf());
/* if "var p in ..." does not copy the array elements */
if (_isArray(o2))
for (var p in oSource)
for (var i = e.length; i--;)
if (_hasOwnProperty(oSource, i))
if (iLevel && _isObject(oSource[i]))
if (iLevel && _isObject(oSource[p]))
jsx.tryThis(function () { o2[i] = me(oSource[i], iLevel); });
jsx.tryThis(function () {
o2[p] = me(oSource[p], iLevel);
jsx.tryThis(function () { o2[i] = oSource[i]; });
jsx.tryThis(function () {
o2[p] = oSource[p];
for (var p in oSource)
* "var p in ..." might not have copied (all) the array elements
* (NN < 4.8 or user-defined non-enumerable elements only)
if (_isArray(o2))
if (iLevel && _isObject(oSource[p]))
for (var i = oSource.length; i--;)
jsx.tryThis(function () { o2[p] = me(oSource[p], iLevel); });
if (_hasOwnProperty(oSource, i) && !_hasOwnProperty(o2, i))
if (iLevel && _isObject(oSource[i]))
jsx.tryThis(function () {
o2[i] = me(oSource[i], iLevel);
jsx.tryThis(function () { o2[p] = oSource[p]; });
jsx.tryThis(function () {
o2[i] = oSource[i];
return o2;
if (iLevel & _COPY_INHERIT)
return _inheritFrom(oSource);
return null;
return o2;
2,7 → 2,7
* @fileOverview <title>Basic Object Library</title>
* @file $Id$
* @author (C) 2004-2013 <a href="">Thomas Lahn</a>
* @author (C) 2004-2014 Thomas Lahn <>
* @partof PointedEars' JavaScript Extensions (JSX)
53,7 → 53,6
* Reference to the ECMAScript Global Object
* @type Global
* @field
*/ = this;
101,7 → 100,7
* @version
jsx.object.version = "$Revision$ ($Date$)";
jsx.object.copyright = "Copyright \xA9 2004-2013";
jsx.object.copyright = "Copyright \xA9 2004-2014"; = "Thomas Lahn"; = "";
jsx.object.path = "";
197,7 → 196,7
if (checkNative)
return rxNativeMethod.test(t) && obj && true || false;
return t == "function" && obj && true || false;
return rxUnknown.test(t) || rxMethod.test(t) && obj && true || false;
311,7 → 310,6
* likely to be a native method.
* @author (C) 2011 <a href="">Thomas Lahn</a>
* @function
* @param {Object} obj
* Object which should be tested for a method, or checked
* for being a method if no further arguments are provided.
880,21 → 878,24
* <thead>
* <tr>
* <th>Property</th>
* <th>Type</th>
* <th>Meaning</th>
* </tr>
* </thead>
* <tbody>
* <tr>
* <th><code><var>exclude</var> :&nbsp;Array</code></th>
* <td><code>Array</code> containing the names of the
* properties that should not be searched</td>
* <th><code><var>exclude</var></code></th>
* <td><code>Array</code></td>
* <td>Names of the properties that should not be searched</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th><code><var>recursive</var> :&nbsp;boolean</code></th>
* <th><code><var>recursive</var></code></th>
* <td><code>boolean</code></td>
* <td>If a true-value, search recursively.</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th><code><var>strict</var> :&nbsp;boolean</code></th>
* <th><code><var>strict</var></code></th>
* <td><code>boolean</code></td>
* <td>If a true-value, perform a strict comparison
* without type conversion.</td>
* </tr>
2101,7 → 2102,7
function scriptIncluded (uri)
var scripts = document.getElementByTagName("script");
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
if (scripts)
var uriAbsPath = _absPath(uri);
2912,10 → 2913,10
typeof Error != "undefined" ? Error : function () {},
(typeof Error != "undefined" ? Error : function () {}),
* @memberOf jsx.Error#prototype
* @memberOf jsx.Error.prototype
name: "jsx.Error",
getMessage: function () { return this.message; },
2927,6 → 2928,27
* Formats a value for debug output
* @param value
* @returns {string}
jsx.debugValue = function jsx_debugValue (value) {
var type = typeof value;
var _class = jsx.object.getClass(value);
return (
(_class == "Array"
? "[" +", ") + "]"
: (jsx.object.isInstanceOf(value, String)
? '"' + value.replace(/["\\]/g, "\\$&") + '"'
: value))
+ " : "
+ (type == "object" || type == "function" ? _class : type)
* Invalid argument
* @constructor
2937,15 → 2959,17
jsx.InvalidArgumentError =
function jsx_InvalidArgumentError (sReason, sGot, sExpected) {
var argc = arguments.length;,
(sReason || "Invalid argument(s)")
+ (sGot && sGot.length > 0 ? ": " + sGot : "")
+ (sExpected ? "; expected " + sExpected : ""));
+ (argc > 1 ? ": " + jsx.debugValue(sGot) : "")
+ (argc > 2 ? "; expected " + sExpected : ""));
jsx.InvalidArgumentError.extend(jsx.Error, {
* @memberOf jsx.InvalidArgumentError#prototype
* @memberOf jsx.InvalidArgumentError.prototype
name: "jsx.InvalidArgumentError"
2963,7 → 2987,7
jsx.object.ObjectError.extend(jsx.Error, {
* @memberOf jsx.object.ObjectError#prototype
* @memberOf jsx.object.ObjectError.prototype
name: "jsx.object.ObjectError"
2973,7 → 2997,7
* @constructor
* @param {string} sMsg
* @extends jsx.object#ObjectError
* @extends #ObjectError
jsx.object.PropertyError = function jsx_object_PropertyError (sMsg) {
2982,7 → 3006,7
jsx.object.PropertyError.extend(jsx.object.ObjectError, {
* @memberOf jsx.object.PropertyError#prototype
* @memberOf jsx.object.PropertyError.prototype
name: "jsx.object.PropertyError"