Subversion Repositories JSX

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Ignore whitespace Rev 138 → Rev 139

0,0 → 1,1496
* <title>PointedEars' DOM Library</title>
* @partof
* PointedEars JavaScript Extensions (JSX)
* @requires types.js
* @recommends xpath.js
* @source Based upon
* @link{
* selfhtml#dhtml/beispiele/dhtml_bibliothek.htm,
* dhtml.js from SELFHTML (8.0)
* }
* @section Copyright & Disclaimer
* @author (C) 2001 SELFHTML e.V. <> et al.
* @author (C) 2002-2009 Thomas Lahn <>
* @author (C) 2004 Ulrich Kritzner <> (loadScript)
* @author (C) 2005 MozillaZine Knowledge Base contributors (DOM XPath):
* Eric H. Jung <> et al.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License (GPL) for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU GPL along with this
* program (COPYING file); if not, go to [1] or write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307, USA.
* [1] <>
* Refer dhtml.js.diff for changes to the last version,
* and dhtml.htm file for a printable documentation.
* This document contains JavaScriptDoc. See
* for details.
function DHTML()
this.version = "0.9.7a.2009062114";
this.copyright = "Copyright \xA9 2002-2009"; = "Thomas Lahn"; = "";
this.path = "";
this.URI = this.path + "dhtml.js";
this.allowExceptionMsg = true;
if (typeof document != "undefined")
var hasDocumentAll = false;
this.getElemById = this.gEBI = (
function() {
if (typeof document == "undefined")
return function() {
return null;
var jsx_object = jsx.object;
if (jsx_object.isMethod(document, "getElementById"))
return function(s) {
return document.getElementById(s);
else if ((hasDocumentAll = jsx_object.isMethod(document, "all")))
return function(s) {
return document.all(s);
return function(s) {
return document[s];
var hasDocumentLayers = false;
this.getElemByName = this.gEBN = (
function() {
function dummy()
return null;
if (typeof document == "undefined") return dummy;
if (jsx.object.isMethod(document, "getElementsByName"))
return function(s, i) {
var result = document.getElementsByName(s);
if (result && !isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
else if (hasDocumentAll)
return function(s, i) {
var result = document.all(s);
if (result && !isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
else if ((hasDocumentLayers = (typeof document.layers == "object")))
return function(s, i) {
var result = document.layers[s];
if (result && !isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
return dummy;
var hasGetElementsByTagName;
this.getElemByTagName = this.gEBTN = (
function() {
var jsx_object = jsx.object;
if (jsx_object.isMethod(jsx, "xpath", "evaluate"))
return function(s, i, contextNode) {
if (!s)
s = '*';
if (typeof i != "number")
var tmp = contextNode;
contextNode = i;
i = tmp;
var result = jsx.xpath.evaluate('.//' + s, contextNode || null,
if (result)
if (!isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
else if ((hasGetElementsByTagName =
typeof document != "undefined"
&& jsx_object.isMethod(document, "getElementsByTagName")))
return function(s, i, contextNode) {
if (!s)
s = '*';
if (typeof i != "number")
var tmp = contextNode;
contextNode = i;
i = tmp;
else if (arguments.length < 3)
contextNode = document;
if (contextNode != document
&& !jsx.object.isMethod(contextNode, "getElementsByTagName"))
return null;
var result = contextNode.getElementsByTagName(s);
if (result && !isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
else if (hasDocumentAll && isMethod(document.all, "tags"))
return function(s, i, contextNode) {
if (typeof i != "number")
var tmp = contextNode;
contextNode = i;
i = tmp;
else if (arguments.length < 3)
contextNode = document;
if (contextNode != document
&& !jsx.object.isMethod(contextNode, "all", "tags"))
return null;
var result = contextNode.all.tags(s);
if (result && !isNaN(i) && i > -1)
result = result[i];
return result;
return function() {
return null;
this.getElemByIndex = this.gEBIdx = (
function() {
function dummy()
return null;
if (typeof document == "undefined") return dummy;
if (hasGetElementsByTagName)
return function(i) {
return (result = document.getElementsByTagName('*')[i]);
else if (hasDocumentAll)
return function(i) {
return document.all(i);
else if (hasDocumentLayers)
return function(i) {
return document.layers[i];
return dummy;
this.getElemByClassName = this.gEBCN = function(s) {
coll = this.getElemByTagName(),
result = new Array(),
splice = (
function() {
var jsx_object = jsx.object;
if (jsx_object.isMethod(, "array_splice"))
return array_splice;
else if (typeof Array != "undefined"
&& jsx_object.isMethod(Array, "prototype", "splice"))
return function(a, start, del, ins) {
ins =, 3);
return Array.prototype.splice.apply(a, [start, del].concat(ins));
return function(a, start, del, ins) {
var aDeleted = new Array();
for (var i = start + del, len = a.length; i < len; i++)
aDeleted[aDeleted.length] = a[i - del];
a[i - del] = a[i];
a.length = len - del;
for (i = 3, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++)
a[a.length] = arguments[i];
return aDeleted;
if (coll)
var classes = s.split(/[ \t\f\u200B\r\n]+/);
for (var i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++)
var c = classes[i];
if (!/\S/.test(c))
var rx = new RegExp(
"(^|[ \\t\\f\\u200B\\r\\n]+)" + c + "($|[ \\t\\f\\u200B\\r\\n]+)");
if (i == 0)
for (var j = 0, len = coll.length; i < len; i++)
if (rx.test(coll[j].className))
result[result.length] = coll[j];
for (j = result.length; j--;)
if (!rx.test(result[j].className))
splice(result, j, 1);
return result;
this.isW3CDOM = jsx.object.isMethod(document, "getElementById");
this.isOpera = typeof window.opera != "undefined";
this.isNS4DOM = typeof document.layers != "undefined";
this.isIE4DOM = typeof document.all == "object" && !this.isOpera;
this.supported = this.isW3CDOM || this.isNS4DOM || this.isOpera
|| this.isIE4DOM;
this.W3CDOM = 3;
this.IE4DOM = 2;
this.NS4DOM = 1;
this.DOM = this.supported
&& (this.isW3CDOM && this.W3CDOM)
|| (this.isIE4DOM && this.IE4DOM)
|| (this.isNS4DOM && this.NS4DOM);
if (typeof dhtml == "undefined") var dhtml = new Object();
dhtml.objectPath = "/scripts/object.js";
if (typeof jsx != "undefined"
&& typeof jsx.object != "undefined"
&& typeof jsx.object.isMethod != "undefined")
DHTML.prototype.isMethod = jsx.object.isMethod;
DHTML.prototype.isMethodType = jsx.object.isMethodType;
var msg = "isMethod() was not defined";
if (loadScript(dhtml.objectPath))
if (typeof console.warn != "undefined")
console.warn(msg + ", successfully loaded " + dhtml.objectPath);
console.warn(msg + ", could not load " + dhtml.objectPath);
dhtml = new DHTML();
if (typeof jsx == "undefined") var jsx = new Object();
jsx.dhtml = dhtml;
if (typeof de == "undefined") var de = new Object();
if (typeof de.pointedears == "undefined") de.pointedears = new Object();
if (typeof de.pointedears.jsx == "undefined") de.pointedears.jsx = jsx;
de.pointedears.jsx.dhtml = dhtml;
function DHTMLException(sMsg)
if (!jsx.dhtml.allowExceptionMsg)
return false;
jsx.dhtml.allowExceptionMsg = false;
var stackTrace =
jsx.object.isMethod(_global, "Error") && (new Error()).stack || "";
"dhtml.js "
+ jsx.dhtml.version + "\n"
+ jsx.dhtml.copyright + " "
+ + " <" + + ">\n"
+ 'The latest version can be obtained from:\n'
+ "<" + jsx.dhtml.URI + ">\n\n"
+ sMsg + "\n"
+ "__________________________________________________________\n"
+ "Stack trace"
+ (stackTrace
? ":\n\n" + stackTrace
: " not available in this DOM."));
jsx.dhtml.allowExceptionMsg = true;
return false;
DHTML.prototype.DHTMLException = DHTMLException;
jsx.dhtml.write = function(s) {
var result = false;
result = jsx.tryThis(
function() {
return true;
function() {
return jsx.tryThis(
function() {
var result2 = false;
var ns = document.documentElement.getAttribute("xmlns");
var scripts;
if (ns)
scripts = document.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, "script");
scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
if (scripts.length)
var lastScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
if (lastScript)
result2 = !!lastScript.parentNode.insertBefore(
document.createTextNode(s), lastScript.nextSibling);
return result2;
s = null;
return result;
function getElem(sType, sValue, index)
function invalidType()
'getElem: Invalid type "' + sType + '"\n'
+ 'Must be one of "id", "name", "tagname", "index" or "classname"'
+ ' (case-insensitive).');
if (!sType || typeof sType != "string" || !sType.toLowerCase)
"getElem: Invalid type: " + sType + "\n"
+ "Must be String.");
if (!sValue || typeof sValue != "string")
"getElem: Invalid value: " + sValue + "\n"
+ "Must be String.");
var o = null;
switch ((sType = sType.toLowerCase()))
case 'id':
case 'index':
case 'classname':
o = dhtml["getElemBy" + {
id: "Id",
index: "Index",
classname: "ClassName"
case 'name':
case 'tagname':
o = dhtml["getElemBy" + {
name: "Name",
tagname: "TagName"
}[sType]](sValue, index);
return o;
DHTML.prototype.getElem = getElem;
function getCont(o, bHTML)
var sResult = "";
if (o)
if (typeof o.firstChild != "undefined")
if (typeof o.firstChild.nodeType != "undefined"
&& o.firstChild.nodeType ==
((typeof o.firstChild.TEXT_NODE != "undefined"
&& o.firstChild.TEXT_NODE)
|| 3))
sResult = o.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (typeof o.innerText != "undefined")
sResult = o.innerText;
if ((bHTML || typeof o.innerText == "undefined")
&& typeof o.innerHTML != "undefined")
sResult = o.innerHTML;
return sResult;
DHTML.prototype.getCont = getCont;
function setCont(o, sNodeValue)
if (o)
if (typeof o.firstChild != "undefined")
o.firstChild.nodeValue = sNodeValue;
return true;
else if (typeof o.nodeValue != "undefined")
o.nodeValue = sNodeValue;
return true;
else if (typeof o.innerText != "undefined")
o.innerText = sNodeValue;
return true;
else if (jsx.dhtml.isNS4DOM
&& o.document
&& o.document.write
&& o.document.close)
return true;
return false;
DHTML.prototype.setCont = setCont;
function getTextContent(oNode)
var text = "";
if (oNode)
if (typeof oNode.textContent != "undefined")
text = oNode.textContent;
else if (oNode.childNodes && oNode.childNodes.length)
for (var i = oNode.childNodes.length; i--;)
var o = oNode.childNodes[i];
if (o.nodeType == ((typeof Node != "undefined" && Node.TEXT_NODE)
|| 3))
text = o.nodeValue + text;
text = arguments.callee(o) + text;
else if (typeof oNode.innerText != "undefined")
text = oNode.innerText;
return text;
DHTML.prototype.getTextContent = getTextContent;
function setTextContent(oNode, sContent)
var result = false;
if (oNode)
if (typeof oNode.textContent != "undefined")
oNode.textContent = sContent;
result = (oNode.textContent == sContent);
else if (oNode.removeChild && oNode.firstChild)
while (oNode.firstChild)
result = !!oNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sContent));
else if (typeof oNode.innerText != "undefined")
oNode.innerText = sContent;
result = (oNode.innerText == sContent);
return result;
DHTML.prototype.setTextContent = setTextContent;
function getAttr(o, sAttrName)
var result = "";
if (o)
if (jsx.object.isMethod(o, "getAttribute"))
result = o.getAttribute(sAttrName);
else if (jsx.dhtml.isNS4DOM)
result = o[sAttrName];
return result;
DHTML.prototype.getAttr = getAttr;
function setAttr(o, sAttrName, attrValue)
var result = "";
if (o && sAttrName)
var attrMap = {
alink: "aLink",
accesskey: "accessKey",
bgcolor: "bgColor",
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
"char": "ch",
charoff: "chOff",
"class": "className",
codebase: "codeBase",
codetype: "codeType",
colspan: "colSpan",
datetime: "dateTime",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
"for": "htmlFor",
ismap: "isMap",
longdesc: "longDesc",
maxlength: "maxLength",
marginheight: "marginHeight",
marginwidth: "marginWidth",
nohref: "noHref",
noresize: "noResize",
noshade: "noShade",
nowrap: "noWrap",
readonly: "readOnly",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
tabindex: "tabIndex",
usemap: "useMap",
valuetype: "valueType",
vlink: "vLink"
if (typeof attrMap[sAttrName] != "undefined")
sAttrName = attrMap[sAttrName];
hyphenatedToCamelCase =
function(s) {
return s.replace(/-([a-z])/g,
function(match, p1, offset, input) {
return p1.toUpperCase();
strToValue =
function(s) {
s = s.replace(/^["']|["']$/g, "");
return isNaN(s) ? s : +s;
sAttrName = hyphenatedToCamelCase(sAttrName);
if (typeof attrValue != "undefined")
attrValue = strToValue(attrValue);
if (sAttrName == "style" && typeof attrValue == "string")
var styleProps = attrValue.split(/\s*;\s*/);
for (var j = 0, len = styleProps.length; j < len; j++)
stylePair = styleProps[j].split(/\s*:\s*/),
stylePropName = hyphenatedToCamelCase(stylePair[0].toLowerCase());
jsx.dhtml.setStyleProperty(o, stylePropName,
result = jsx.dhtml.getStyleProperty(o, stylePropName);
result = o[sAttrName] = attrValue;
else if (!(o[sAttrName] = true))
result = o[sAttrName] = sAttrName;
return result;
DHTML.prototype.setAttr = setAttr;
function getStyleProperty(o, sPropertyName)
if (o)
sPropertyName = sPropertyName.replace(/-([a-z])/gi,
function(m, p1) { return p1.toUpperCase(); });
if (typeof != "undefined")
var tested = false;
if (sPropertyName == "float")
if (typeof != "undefined")
sPropertyName = "cssFloat";
tested = true;
else if (typeof != "undefined")
sPropertyName = "styleFloat";
tested = true;
if (tested || typeof[sPropertyName] != "undefined")
if (sPropertyName == "display") sPropertyName = "visibility";
if (typeof o[sPropertyName] != "undefined")
return o[sPropertyName];
return null;
DHTML.prototype.getStyleProperty = getStyleProperty;
function hasStyleProperty(o, sPropertyName)
return (jsx.dhtml.getStyleProperty(o, sPropertyName) != null);
DHTML.prototype.hasStyleProperty = hasStyleProperty;
function setStyleProperty(o, sPropertyName, propValue, altValue)
if (o)
sPropertyName = sPropertyName.replace(
function(m, p1) { return p1.toUpperCase(); });
if (typeof != "undefined")
var isStyleFloat = false;
if (sPropertyName == "float")
if (typeof != "undefined")
sPropertyName = "cssFloat";
isStyleFloat = true;
else if (typeof != "undefined")
sPropertyName = "styleFloat";
isStyleFloat = true;
if (isStyleFloat || typeof[sPropertyName] != "undefined")
{[sPropertyName] = propValue;
return (String([sPropertyName]).toLowerCase()
== String(propValue).toLowerCase());
if (sPropertyName == "display" && altValue)
sPropertyName = "visibility";
if (typeof o[sPropertyName] != "undefined")
var newValue = (altValue || propValue);
o[sPropertyName] = newValue;
return (String(o[sPropertyName]).toLowerCase()
== String(newValue).toLowerCase());
return false;
DHTML.prototype.setStyleProperty = setStyleProperty;
function display(o, bShow)
var result;
if (o)
if (arguments.length > 1)
result = jsx.dhtml.setStyleProperty(o, "display",
bShow ? "" : "none",
bShow ? "show" : "hide");
result = /^(\s*|show)$/.test(jsx.dhtml.getStyleProperty(o, "display"));
return result;
DHTML.prototype.display = display;
function visible(o, bVisible)
var result;
if (o)
if (arguments.length > 1)
result = jsx.dhtml.setStyleProperty(o, "visibility",
bVisible ? "visible" : "hidden",
bVisible ? "show" : "hide");
result = /^(visible|show)$/.test(
jsx.dhtml.getStyleProperty(o, "visibility"));
return result;
var visibility = visible;
DHTML.prototype.visibility = visible;
DHTML.prototype.visible = visible;
function setValue(oInput, sValue, bSetTitle)
if (oInput && typeof oInput.value != "undefined")
oInput.value = sValue;
if (bSetTitle && typeof oInput.title != "undefined")
oInput.title = sValue;
return (oInput.value == sValue && oInput.title == sValue);
return (oInput.value == sValue);
return false;
DHTML.prototype.setValue = setValue;
function hoverImg(imgID, state)
var img = null;
if (document.images)
img = document.images[imgID];
return jsx.dhtml.setStyleProperty(img, "borderColor",
(state == 0 ? hoverImg.clMouseout : hoverImg.clMouseover));
hoverImg.clMouseout = "#000";
hoverImg.clMouseover = "#fff";
DHTML.prototype.hoverImg = hoverImg;
function getCheckedRadio(oForm, sGroup)
var result = null, e, ig;
if (oForm && (e = oForm.elements) && (ig = e[sGroup]))
result = false;
for (var i = ig.length; i--;)
if (ig[i].checked)
result = ig[i];
return result;
DHTML.prototype.getCheckedRadio = getCheckedRadio;
function removeOptions(oSelect, bAllowReload)
if (oSelect
&& oSelect.tagName
&& oSelect.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select")
var o = oSelect.options;
if (o && o.length)
o.length = 0;
while (o.length > 0)
if (o.remove)
o.remove(o.length - 1);
o[o.length - 1] = null;
if (bAllowReload)
return true;
return false;
DHTML.prototype.removeOptions = removeOptions;
function addOption(oSelect, sText, iPosition, sValue)
if (oSelect
&& oSelect.tagName
&& typeof oSelect.tagName == "string"
&& oSelect.tagName.toLowerCase
&& oSelect.tagName.toLowerCase() == "select")
var oNew = new Option(sText);
var o = oSelect.options;
if (o)
if (o.add)
if (arguments.length >= 4
&& typeof oNew.value != "undefined")
oNew.value = sValue;
if (arguments.length > 2)
o.add(oNew, iPosition);
o[o.length] = oNew;
o[o.length - 1].value =
(arguments.length < 4
? ""
: sValue);
return oNew;
return null;
DHTML.prototype.addOption = addOption;
function selectRadioBtn(oForm, aName, sValue)
for (var i = 0; i < oForm.elements.length; i++)
var curEl = oForm.elements[i];
if (!curEl.disabled
&& curEl.type == "radio"
&& (!sName || == sName)
&& curEl.value == sValue)
curEl.checked = true;
DHTML.prototype.selectRadioBtn = selectRadioBtn;
function disableElementGroup(oElementGroup, index)
if (oElementGroup)
if (oElementGroup[index]
&& typeof oElementGroup[index].disabled != "undefined")
oElementGroup[index].disabled = true;
else if (typeof oElementGroup.disabled != "undefined")
oElementGroup.disabled = true;
DHTML.prototype.disableElementGroup = disableElementGroup;
function disableElements(oForm)
if (oForm)
var len = arguments.length - 1, bDisable = arguments[len];
if (bDisable && typeof bDisable == "boolean")
len = arguments.length - 2;
for (var i = 1; i < len; i++)
var a = arguments[i], o;
if (typeof a != "object")
o = oForm.elements[a];
o = a;
var len2;
if (typeof o.disabled != "undefined")
o.disabled = bDisable;
else if (typeof (len2 = o.length) != "undefined")
for (var j = len2; j--; 0)
var o2;
if (typeof (o2 = o[j]).disabled != "undefined")
o2.disabled = bDisable;
DHTML.prototype.disableElements = disableElements;
function createElement(sTag)
var o = null;
if (sTag
&& typeof document != "undefined"
&& isMethod(document, "createElement"))
if (!o)
var aTagComponents = sTag.replace(/^<?\s*|\s*>?$/g, "")
.replace(/\s+/, " ").replace(/ = /g, "=").split(" ");
o = document.createElement(aTagComponents[0]);
if (o)
var attrs = aTagComponents.join(" ");
var m;
while ((m = /([^\s=]+)\s*(=\s*(\S+)\s*)?/g.exec(attrs)))
setAttr(o, m[1].toLowerCase(), m[3]);
return o;
DHTML.prototype.createElement = createElement;
function getFirstChild(o)
var result = null;
if (o)
if (o.firstChild)
result = o.firstChild;
else if (o.document && o.document.all)
result = o.document.all(0);
return result;
DHTML.prototype.getFirstChild = getFirstChild;
function getParent(o)
var result = null;
if (o)
if (o.parentNode)
result = o.parentNode;
else if (o.parentElement)
result = o.parentElement;
return result;
DHTML.prototype.getParent = getParent;
function getAbsPos(o)
var result = new Object();
result.x = result.y = 0;
result.toString = function() {
return "{x: " + this.x + ", y: " + this.y + "}";
if (o.offsetParent)
while (o.offsetParent)
result.x += o.offsetLeft;
result.y += o.offsetTop;
o = o.offsetParent;
else if (typeof o.x != "undefined"
&& typeof o.y != "undefined")
result.x += o.x;
result.y += o.y;
return result;
function _addEventListener(o, sEvent, fListener)
jsx_object = jsx.object,
result = false,
sHandler = "on" + sEvent,
rxUnknown = /^\s*unknown\s*$/i;
if (o && sEvent && !rxUnknown.test((t = typeof fListener))
|| jsx_object.isMethodType(t) && fListener)
if (jsx_object.isMethod(o, "addEventListener"))
o.addEventListener(sEvent, fListener, false);
result = true;
else if (typeof o[sHandler] != "undefined")
var oldListener = o[sHandler];
if (!oldListener || typeof oldListener.listenerList == "undefined")
var newListener = function(e) {
if (!e)
e = (typeof window != "undefined" && window
&& typeof window.event != "undefined"
&& window.event);
var list = arguments.callee.listenerList;
for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++)
if (rxUnknown.test((t = typeof list[i]))
|| jsx_object.isMethodType(t) && list[i])
{[i], this, e);
newListener.listenerList = [];
if (oldListener)
var list = newListener.listenerList;
list[list.length] = oldListener;
oldListener = newListener;
list = oldListener.listenerList;
list[list.length] = fListener;
o[sHandler] = oldListener;
result = (o[sHandler] == oldListener);
result = false;
o = null;
return result;
DHTML.prototype.addEventListener = _addEventListener;
function _addEventListenerCapture(o, sEvent, fListener)
var jsx_object = jsx.object, t;
if (o && sEvent
&& (/^\s*unknown\s*$/i.test((t = typeof fListener))
|| (jsx_object.isMethodType(t) && fListener))
&& jsx_object.isMethod(o, "addEventListener"))
o.addEventListener(sEvent, fListener, true);
return true;
return false;
DHTML.prototype.addEventListenerCapture = _addEventListenerCapture;
function _replaceEventListener(o, sEvent, fListener, bUseCapture)
jsx_object = jsx.object,
result = false,
rxUnknown = /^\s*unknown\s*$/i,
sHandler = "on" + sEvent;
if (o && sEvent
&& (rxUnknown.test((t = typeof fListener))
|| (jsx_object.isMethodType(t) && fListener)))
if (jsx_object.isMethod(o, "removeEventListener")
&& jsx_object.isMethod(o, "addEventListener"))
if (rxUnknown.test((t = typeof o[sHandler]))
|| (jsx_object.isMethodType(t) && o[sHandler]))
var fOldListener = o[sHandler];
o.removeEventListener(sEvent, fOldListener, !!bUseCapture);
o.addEventListener(sEvent, fListener, !!bUseCapture);
result = true;
else if (typeof o[sHandler] != "undefined")
o[sHandler] = fListener;
result = (o[sHandler] == fListener);
return result;
DHTML.prototype.replaceEventListener = _replaceEventListener;
function loadScript(sURI, sType, sLanguage)
var jsx_object = jsx.object;
var oHead = dhtml.getElemByTagName("head", 0);
if (!oHead) return false;
if (!jsx_object.isMethod(document, "createElement")) return false;
var oScript = document.createElement("script");
if (!oScript) return false;
if (typeof oScript.src != "undefined")
oScript.src = sURI;
if (typeof oScript.type != "undefined")
oScript.type = sType || "text/javascript";
if (sLanguage)
oScript.language = sLanguage;
if (typeof oScript.defer != "undefined")
oScript.defer = true;
if (jsx_object.isMethod(oHead, "appendChild"))
return (
typeof oHead.lastChild != "undefined"
&& oHead.lastChild == oScript);
else if (jsx_object.isMethod(oHead, "insertAdjacentElement"))
oHead.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", oScript);
return true;
return false;
DHTML.prototype.loadScript = loadScript;
function getElementsByTabIndex(o)
var aIndexedElements = new Array();
var aUnindexedElements = new Array();
if (!o
&& typeof this.constructor != "undefined"
&& /Document|Element/.test(this.constructor))
o = this;
if (jsx.object.isMethod(o, "getElementsByTagName"))
var es = o.getElementsByTagName("*");
if (es && typeof es.length != "undefined")
var l = es.length;
for (var i = 0, e; i < l; i++)
e = es[i];
if (typeof e.tabIndex != "undefined")
if (e.tabIndex)
aIndexedElements[e.tabIndex - 1] = e;
aUnindexedElements[aUnindexedElements.length] = e;
return new Collection(aIndexedElements.concat(aUnindexedElements));
DHTML.prototype.getElementsByTabIndex = getElementsByTabIndex;
if (jsx.types.isFeature("HTMLDocument", "prototype")
&& !jsx.object.isMethod(HTMLDocument.prototype, "getElementsByTabIndex"))
HTMLDocument.prototype.getElementsByTabIndex = dhtml.getElementsByTabIndex;
if (jsx.types.isFeature("HTMLElement", "prototype")
&& !jsx.object.isMethod(HTMLElement.prototype, "getElementsByTabIndex"))
HTMLElement.prototype.getElementsByTabIndex = dhtml.getElementsByTabIndex;
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property