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MGV/TGV–FSE dictionary: Updates and fixes
MGV/TGV–FSE dictionary: Updates
Added HTML version of MGV–FSE dictionary
Added Modern Golic Vulcan(MGV) –Federation Standard English (FSE) dictionary
i18n: Improved ru translation and support
i18n: - Updated global.php - ru: Fixed spacing
* global.php: Fixed language functions for PHP 5.3 (merged from live branch)
- Added application structure - Added support for Vulcan language
Translation: Improved Makefile, added Russian and Modern Golic Vulcan
Seri-o-meter: Fixed "episodes" translation
- Added support for Russian and Klingon, improved support for Modern Golic Vulcan - Added LCARS Web font
Seri-o-meter: General update; added "Eli Stone" and "Seven Days"
Seri-o-meter - Added translation for "episodes" - Added support for middot delimiter
Seri-o-meter: chdir('application') as now-required by PHPX
Seri-o-meter: General update
Seri-o-meter: Added resource models
Seri-o-meter: PHP 5.3 compatibility
Seri-o-meter: Uses ORM (2)
Seri-o-meter: Uses ORM
Seri-o-meter - Fixed "ignored" icon - Fixed "Heroes" logo padding - Added i18n capability - Added "Moonlighting", "Remington Steele", "Sliders" - General update
i18n: Fixed translation file pattern
Moved LocaleData/ to i18n/LocaleData/ (2/2)
Moved LocaleData/ to i18n/LocaleData/ (1/2)
Seri-o-meter: Fixed "Life on Mars" gradient
Seri-o-meter: Fixed PHPX references; disabled SeriOMeterDb (for now)
Added missing fallback fonts
Optimized animations
* General - Completed i18n - Clean-up
* styles/lcars22.css: Analysis: Added support for up to 6 results
Geolocation: Moved special features to JSX:lcars.js
Geolocation: Restored details alert() within Google Map
Added support for fixed multi-view content and HTML form controls
Geolocation: Added basic Google Map
* styles/lcars-responsive.css: Use PHP include to avoid duplication of code for small viewports
* styles/lcars-responsive.css: Optimized media query to avoid "hiccup" with edge-value widths
* General - Fixed #bow-top animation - Moved RWD stylesheet to extra file (use PHP include as CSS include does not work) - Added RWD (with transitions) for small viewports (TODO: mobile devices)
Seri-o-meter: - General update - Formatted "Space: Above and Beyond"
Seri-o-meter: Added missing files