Subversion Repositories LCARS

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 203 → Rev 284

10,6 → 10,7
include_once 'includes/columbo.php';
include_once 'includes/dead-zone.php';
include_once 'includes/efc.php';
include_once 'includes/farscape.php';
include_once 'includes/frasier.php';
include_once 'includes/futurama.php';
include_once 'includes/glee.php';
17,7 → 18,9
include_once 'includes/house.php';
include_once 'includes/macgyver.php';
include_once 'includes/monk.php';
include_once 'includes/monty-python.php';
include_once 'includes/moonlighting.php';
include_once 'includes/mork-and-mindy.php';
include_once 'includes/numb3rs.php';
include_once 'includes/psych.php';
include_once 'includes/quantum-leap.php';
87,7 → 90,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00',
'seen' => array(array(1, 6), 42, 56, array(60, 62)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 7), 42, 56, array(60, 62)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 12, 19, 2011),
'seasons' => array(
13, 'Special 2005' => 1,
168,7 → 171,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00',
'seen' => array(1),
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 12, 19, 2011),
'seasons' => array(13, 13),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Eli_Stone_episodes',
208,7 → 211,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo 20:15',
'seen' => array(array(1, 10)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)),
'seasons' => array(12, 13, 18, 21, 14),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Eureka_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
297,6 → 300,8
'<span class="farscape">Far<span class="s">s</span>cape</span>' => &$farscape,
'<span class="firefly">Fir<span class="e">e</span>fly</span>' => array(
'channel' => 'online',
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
506,8 → 511,8
'<span class="it-crowd">The IT Crowd</span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
'last_seen' => mktime(2, 0, 0, 11, 28, 2011),
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(2, 0, 0, 11, 28, 2011),
'seasons' => array(6, 6, 6, 6),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_The_IT_Crowd_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
546,13 → 551,15
'<span class="macgyver">MacGyver</span>' => $macgyver,
'<span class="monk">Monk</span>' => &$monk,
'<span class="monk">Monk</span> (de)' => &$monk_de,
// '<span class="monk">Monk</span> (de)' => &$monk_de,
'<span class="mork-and-mindy">Mork &amp; Mindy</span>' => &$mork_and_mindy,
'<span class="life-on-mars"><span class="life">Lif<span class="e">e</span></span>
<span class="life-on"><span class="on">on</span> <span class="mars">Mars</span></span></span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 0, 0, 9, 8, 2011),
'seasons' => array(8, 8),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Life_on_Mars_(UK_TV_series)_episodes',
577,11 → 584,16
"<span class='monty-python'><span class='first'><span class='monty'>Monty</span>
<span class='pythons'>Python’s</span></span>
<span class='second'><span class='flying'>Flying</span>
<span class='circus'>Circus</span></span></span>" => &$monty_python,
'<span class="moonlight"><span class="moon">Moo<span class="n">n</span></span><span class="light">light</span></span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'sixx',
'showtimes' => 'Mi–Fr 21:00',
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mi–Fr 21:00',
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
'last_seen' => mktime(21, 0, 0, 9, 8, 2011),
'seasons' => array(16),
'episodes' => array(
725,10 → 737,11
'<span class="reaper">Reaper</span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'E4',
'showtimes' => 'Di–Sa 03:15',
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
'last_seen' => mktime(5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 2011),
// 'channel' => 'E4',
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Di–Sa 03:15',
'seen' => array(array(1, 5)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 2011),
'seasons' => array(18, 13),
'episodes' => array(
1 => 'Pilot',
893,7 → 906,7
'<span class="scrubs">Scrub<span class="s">s</span></span>' => &$scrubs,
'<span class="scrubs">Scrub<span class="s">s</span></span> (de)' => &$scrubs_de,
// '<span class="scrubs">Scrub<span class="s">s</span></span> (de)' => &$scrubs_de,
'<span class="seaQuest"><span id="seaQuest"><span
class="s">s</span><span class="e">e</span><span
969,7 → 982,7
'<span class="stargate en"><span>S<span class="t">t</span><span class="a">a</span>rg<span class="a2">a</span>t<span>e</span></span> <span>SG-<span>1</span></span></span>' => &$stargate,
'<span class="stargate de"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rg<span class="a2">a</span>te</span> <span>Komm<span class="a">a</span>ndo SG-1</span></span>' => &$stargate_de,
// '<span class="stargate de"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rg<span class="a2">a</span>te</span> <span>Komm<span class="a">a</span>ndo SG-1</span></span>' => &$stargate_de,
'<span class="stargate atlantis"><span class="stargate"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rg<span class="a">a</span>t<span>e</span></span></span>'
. ' <span class="atlantis"><span class="a">A</span>tlanti<span>s</span></span>' => &$stargate_atlantis,
1037,64 → 1050,108
'<span class="torchwood">Torchwood</span> (de)' => array(
'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'RTL Ⅱ',
'showtimes' => 'Di 22:20',
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
'last_seen' => mktime(22, 45, 0, 6, 7, 2011),
'seasons' => array(13, 13, 5, 10),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Torchwood-Episoden',
'episodes' => array(
1 => 'Wie alles begann (Everything Changes)',
2 => "Tag eins (Day One)",
3 => 'Die Geistermaschine (Ghost Machine)',
4 => 'Cyberwoman (Cyber Woman)',
5 => 'Aus dunkler Vorzeit (Small Worlds)',
6 => 'Erntezeit (Countrycide)',
7 => 'Timeo Danaos… (Greeks Bearing Gifts)',
8 => 'Sie haben Suzie schon wieder getötet! (They Keep Killing Suzie)',
9 => 'Das sechste Auge (Random Shoes)',
10 => 'Die Gestrandeten (Out of Time)',
11 => 'Faustrecht (Combat)',
12 => 'Captain Jack Harkness',
13 => 'Das Ende aller Tage (End of Days)',
// '<span class="torchwood">Torchwood</span> (de)' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
// 'channel' => 'RTL Ⅱ',
// 'showtimes' => 'Di 22:20',
// 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(22, 45, 0, 6, 7, 2011),
// 'seasons' => array(13, 13, 5, 10),
// 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Torchwood-Episoden',
// 'episodes' => array(
// 1 => 'Wie alles begann (Everything Changes)',
// 2 => "Tag eins (Day One)",
// 3 => 'Die Geistermaschine (Ghost Machine)',
// 4 => 'Cyberwoman (Cyber Woman)',
// 5 => 'Aus dunkler Vorzeit (Small Worlds)',
// 6 => 'Erntezeit (Countrycide)',
// 7 => 'Timeo Danaos… (Greeks Bearing Gifts)',
// 8 => 'Sie haben Suzie schon wieder getötet! (They Keep Killing Suzie)',
// 9 => 'Das sechste Auge (Random Shoes)',
// 10 => 'Die Gestrandeten (Out of Time)',
// 11 => 'Faustrecht (Combat)',
// 12 => 'Captain Jack Harkness',
// 13 => 'Das Ende aller Tage (End of Days)',
14 => 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)',
15 => 'Invasion (Sleeper)',
// 16 => 'Bis zum letzten Mann (To the Last Man)',
// 17 => 'Fleisch (Meat)',
// 18 => 'Adam',
// 19 => 'Nebenwirkungen (Reset)',
// 20 => 'Untot (Dead Man Walking)',
// 21 => 'Aus dem Leben eines Toten (A Day in the Death)',
// 22 => 'Die Braut, der vor nichts graut (Something Borrowed)',
// 23 => 'Sie kamen aus dem Regen (From Out of the Rain)',
// 24 => 'Verschollen (Adrift)',
// 25 => 'Offenbarungen (Fragments)',
// 26 => 'Wundmale (Exit Wounds)',
// 14 => 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)',
// 15 => 'Invasion (Sleeper)',
// // 16 => 'Bis zum letzten Mann (To the Last Man)',
// // 17 => 'Fleisch (Meat)',
// // 18 => 'Adam',
// // 19 => 'Nebenwirkungen (Reset)',
// // 20 => 'Untot (Dead Man Walking)',
// // 21 => 'Aus dem Leben eines Toten (A Day in the Death)',
// // 22 => 'Die Braut, der vor nichts graut (Something Borrowed)',
// // 23 => 'Sie kamen aus dem Regen (From Out of the Rain)',
// // 24 => 'Verschollen (Adrift)',
// // 25 => 'Offenbarungen (Fragments)',
// // 26 => 'Wundmale (Exit Wounds)',
// 27 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag eins (Children of Earth: Day One)',
// 28 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag zwei (Children of Earth: Day Two)',
// 29 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag drei (Children of Earth: Day Three)',
// 30 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag vier (Children of Earth: Day Four)',
// 31 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag fünf (Children of Earth: Day Five)',
// // 27 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag eins (Children of Earth: Day One)',
// // 28 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag zwei (Children of Earth: Day Two)',
// // 29 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag drei (Children of Earth: Day Three)',
// // 30 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag vier (Children of Earth: Day Four)',
// // 31 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag fünf (Children of Earth: Day Five)',
// 32 => 'The New World',
// 33 => 'Rendition',
// 34 => 'Dead of Night',
// 35 => 'Escape to L.A.',
// 36 => 'The Categories of Life',
// 37 => 'The Middle Men',
// 38 => 'Immortal Sins',
// 39 => 'End of the Road',
// 40 => 'The Gathering',
// 41 => 'The Blood Line'
// // 32 => 'The New World',
// // 33 => 'Rendition',
// // 34 => 'Dead of Night',
// // 35 => 'Escape to L.A.',
// // 36 => 'The Categories of Life',
// // 37 => 'The Middle Men',
// // 38 => 'Immortal Sins',
// // 39 => 'End of the Road',
// // 40 => 'The Gathering',
// // 41 => 'The Blood Line'
// )
// ),
'<span class="true-blood"><span class="upper">True</span>'
. '<span class="hidden"> </span><span class="blood"><span class="lower">B</span>lood</span></span>' => &$true_blood,
'<span class="twin-peaks">Twin Peaks</span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Do 23:24',
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(0, 4, 0, 9, 30, 2011),
'seasons' => array(8, 22),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Twin_Peaks_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
1 => "Pilot (Northwest Passage)",
2 => "Episode 1 (Traces to Nowhere)",
3 => "Episode 2 (Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer/Zen and the Art of Killer-Catching)",
4 => "Episode 3 (Rest in Pain)",
5 => "Episode 4 (The One-Armed Man)",
6 => "Episode 5 (Cooper's Dreams)",
7 => "Episode 6 (Realization Time)",
8 => "Episode 7 (The Last Evening)",
9 => "Episode 8 (May the Giant Be with You",
10 => "Episode 9 (Coma",
11 => "Episode 10 (The Man Behind Glass",
12 => "Episode 11 (Laura's Secret Diary",
13 => "Episode 12 (The Orchid's Curse",
14 => "Episode 13 (Demons",
15 => "Episode 14 (Lonely Souls",
16 => "Episode 15 (Drive with a Dead Girl",
17 => "Episode 16 (Arbitrary Law",
18 => "Episode 17 (Dispute Between Brothers",
19 => "Episode 18 (Masked Ball",
20 => "Episode 19 (The Black Widow",
21 => "Episode 20 (Checkmate",
22 => "Episode 21 (Double Play",
23 => "Episode 22 (Slaves and Masters",
24 => "Episode 23 (The Condemned Woman",
25 => "Episode 24 (Wounds and Scars",
26 => "Episode 25 (On the Wings of Love",
27 => "Episode 26 (Variations on Relations",
28 => "Episode 27 (The Path to the Black Lodge",
29 => "Episode 28 (Miss Twin Peaks",
30 => "Episode 29 (Beyond Life and Death",
'<span class="tara"><span class="us-of">United States of</span>'
. ' <span class="tara">Tara</span></span>' => array(
// 'ignore' => true,