108,6 → 108,25 |
## the word-form, context, and comment parts of the translation with |
## increasing verbosity, in that order. |
# |
# Golic Vulcan languages are affixing and compound languages; |
# it is not logical to sort entries only alphabetically. Instead, |
# entries are sorted with the following precedence: |
# |
# 1. main context: /aushfa/ – /ulef-masu-aushfa/ |
# (not: /masu/ – /ulef-masu-aushfa/) |
# 2. root relation: /halovau/ – /hal-tor/ (not: /tor/ – /hal-tor/) |
# 3. uses in combination: /le-suma/ – /dvunan-koval k'le-suma/ |
# 4. modifying suffixes: /pakh/ – /pakhaik/, /falek/ – /falek'es/ |
# 5. modifying prefixes: /ar'kadan/ – /fi'ar'kadan/ |
# 6. combining suffixes (based on main root): /ashiv/ – /ashiv-tor/, |
# /ayaun-sahriv/ < /ayaun-abu-yumaya/ (the main roots are |
# /sahriv/ and /yumaya/; not /sahriv/ and /abu/) |
# 7. combining prefixes (based on main root): /dap/ – /reh-dap/ |
# |
# Only when all applying superordered criteria are the same, |
# entries are sorted by the FSE alphabet (not the MGV alphabet, |
# in order to help learners.) |
# |
# The following abbreviations have been used: |
# |
# adj. – adjective, adjectival |
121,6 → 140,7 |
# bot. – botany, botanical; related to plant life |
# card. – cardinal form (of a number); for counting up and when |
# used like a noun |
# colloq. – colloquial; used in informal, non-scientific speech |
# enum. – enumerating form (of a number); for counting how many |
# items there are |
# e.g. – /exempli gratia/: Latin for "for example" |
176,11 → 196,11 |
~-kam:dear ~ (affection) |
a'gal:positron |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive ~ [inferred] |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Positive-tilt trough (meteo.) ["?-?-? down-?-?"] |
a'rakik wan-solektra-pahz:positive cloud-to-ground lightning (meteo.) |
# a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /vihish/] |
a'rak-falun:positive charge (sci.) |
a'rak-falun-krus:cation (geol.) |
a'rak-shal:positive area (meteo.) |
a'rakik wan-solektra-pahz:positive cloud-to-ground lightning (meteo.) |
aal:? |
abi'~:until ~ |
abu(-~):up~|upward~ |
187,16 → 207,18 |
abrashau:(to) pick up |
ex=Abrashau reshnek Kardassu pi'natuhn s'kitau-skaf.:The angry Cardassian picks up the small box from the desk. |
abru'~:above|over ~ |
abru-~:above~|over~ |
abru(-~):above~|over~ |
abrupik:dominant (adj.; biol.) |
abrupik'es:dominance ["dominant-noun"; inferred] |
ul-abrupik'es:partial dominance (zool.) ["partial-dominant-noun"] |
abru-masu-tin t'suk'muzh:epilimnion ["above-water-layer of-lake"] |
abrupik:dominant (adj.; biol.) |
ul-abrupik'es:partial dominance (zool.) ["?-dominant-noun"] |
achut:brush (n.) [inferred] |
puyan-achut:cleaning brush [see /puyek/] |
ahkh:war (borr.) |
ahm:name |
ex=Svi'ahm t'Surak ra..:What in Surak's name?!? ["In-name of-Surak what.."] |
ahn-wun:Ahn-wun (traditional melee weapon with leather-strips and metal balls at the ends; anc.) |
ex=Svi'ahm t'Surak ra..:What in Surak's name?!? ["In-name of-Surak what!!!"] |
ahn-wun:/ahn-wun/ (traditional melee weapon with leather-strips and metal balls at the ends; anc.) [also transcribed /ahn-woon/] |
nuk-ahs|-hinek|:mandible (ocean.) |
aifa:these |
aitlu:(to) desire [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Aitlu Sonok yokul sash-savas.:Sonok wants to eat /sash-savas/. |
203,7 → 225,7 |
ex=Aitlu T'Luki foshuhl rasath.:T'Luki wants to lose weight. |
ex=Aitlu nash-veh hal-tor.:I want to go. ["Wants this-one to-go."] |
ex=Aitlu nash-veh trasha.:I want to leave. ["Wants this-one to-leave"] |
ex=Aitlu tu nash-gad nuh'irak hal-tor.:You want to go too far today. ["Want you today too-far to-go:"] |
ex=Aitlu tu nash-gad nuh'irak hal-tor.:You want to go too far today. ["Want you today too-far to-go."] |
aitlun:desire (n.) |
aitluyan:desiring |
ak'~:soon ~ |
221,16 → 243,16 |
fi'ar'kadan:working|at work |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki fi'ar'kadan.:Sonok and T'Luki are working. |
asal:morning |
asal-yem:[see /yem/] |
# asal-yem:[see /yem/] |
ash'ai:sock |
ash'el:shoe |
ashau:(to) love |
ashiv:repeat|repetition (n.) |
ashiv-tor:(to) repeat |
ashivan:repeating |
k'ashiv:often ["with-repetition"] |
va'ashiv:again |
wuh'ashiv:another ["one-repetition"] |
ashiv-tor:(to) repeat |
ashivan:repeating |
ask'er:soldier (borr.) |
au:they|them |
oau:they|them [about superiors or honored persons, "honored they/them"] |
237,7 → 259,10 |
t'au:their|theirs ["of-them"] |
aushfa:animal (n.) |
aushfamaluhr:animalic (adj.) |
lesek-mal-aushfa:arthropod (biol.) ["joint-?-animal"] |
falek'es-tash-aushfa:bomeotherm (n.) (ocean.) ["temperature-control-animal"] |
lesek-mal-aushfa:arthropod (biol.) ["joint-leg-animal"] |
spahk-mal-aushfa:crustacean (biol.) ["claw-leg-animal"] |
wehk-mal-aushfa:myriapod (biol.) ["many-leg-animal"] |
ulef-masu-aushfa:amphibian (n.) ["half-water-animal"] |
avon:hunger (n.) |
k'avon:hungry ["with-hunger"] |
249,13 → 274,13 |
ayaun(-~|ik):tilted [inferred] |
ayaun-sahriv:Tilted storm |
ayaun-abu-yumaya:Tilted updraft |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /a'rak/] |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /u'rak/] |
# a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /nuk-vihish-tauf/] |
# u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /nuk-vihish-tauf/] |
ba-tak:tradition (anc., borr.) |
baik:traditional (standal. adj.) |
ba-~:traditional ~ |
Ba-Gol-Vuhlkansu:Traditional Golic Vulcan (language) |
Ba-Golik:Traditional Golic |
baik:traditional (standal. adj.) |
bali(-~):thick |
bali le-suma-marshak:heavy floe ["thick ?-?-?"] |
bali-bru-nosh:pachycheilia (med.) ["thick-?-?"] |
296,12 → 321,12 |
da:pebble (n.) |
dah:two (enum.) |
ex=Shitau T'Luki nau lipau eh dah ru'lut-sai fi'nef.:T'Luki puts 9 knives and two napkins on the shelf. ["Put T'Luki 9 knife and two napkin on-shelf."] |
dah-~:two-~|bi-~|di~|double-~ |
dahik:two (adj.) |
dahkuh:two (card.) |
dah'rak:second (ord.; TGV) |
dahr-~:second (ord.) |
dah-~:two-~|bi-~|di~|double-~ |
dah-wak:twice ["two-times"] |
dahik:two (adj.) |
dahkuh:two (card.) |
dakh:(to) cast out |
ex=>Dakh orfikkel aushfamaluhr shaukaush fi'aifa mazhiv.<:"Our ancestors cast out their animal passions here on these sands." ["Cast-out ancestors animal passion(s) on-these sands."] |
dal:? |
317,7 → 342,7 |
ex=Sehlat t'Soval dan-suk t'elkhrul-shal.:Soval's /sehlat/ is the biggest of the whole area. ["/Sehlat/ of-Soval most-big of-whole-area."] |
ex=Skladan t'ko-veh na'spanakhat dan-yauluhk t'ek.:Her message for the government is the most important of all. ["Message of-female-one for-government most-important of-all."] |
dap:spot |
dap-lan-pa:children's game (anc.) ["spot-?-?"] |
dap-lan-pa:/dap-lan-pa/ (children's game) (anc.) ["spot-?-?"] |
reh-dap:three-spots ("∴") ["three-spot"; used as "etc." is used in FSE] |
ex=Bolau mahr-tor Spolk dunaplar - dun - neshuk ∴:Spolk needs to buy books, paper, ink, etc. |
daya:? |
342,11 → 367,11 |
du|tu:you (sing.) [/du/ when alone or after consonant, /tu/ otherwise] |
Qual se tu.:Is it you? (anc.) |
odu:you ["honored you-singular"; to a superior or honored person] |
t'du:your|yours (sing.) |
ex=Yokul nash-veh yarmok t'du.:I eat your salad. ["Eat this-one salad of-you."] |
dular|tular:you (pl.) [/dular/ when alone or after a consonant, /tular/ otherwise] |
odular:you ["honored you-plural"; to superiors or honored persons] |
t'dular:your|yours (pl.) |
t'du:your|yours (sing.) |
ex=Yokul nash-veh yarmok t'du.:I eat your salad. ["Eat this-one salad of-you."] |
du':while|during |
dun:paper |
dunap:book |
373,16 → 398,19 |
dukal:ball (n.) |
dva:belief |
dvel-tor:(to) choose |
dvelek:selector [inferred] |
glashau-nuk-dvelek:scan mode selector (tech.) ["?-low-selector"] |
dvin-tor:(to) serve |
ex=Dvin-tor T'Luki yar-sazhlar heh zhar-savaslar.:T'Luki serves grass-vegetables and orange fruits. |
dvinsu:servant |
dvintra:service |
kef-has-dvintra |KHD|:Emergency medical service (EMS) |
kadvin:commission (naut.) ["with-service"] |
kadvin:commission (naut.) ["same-service"] |
s'kadvin:out of commission |
sakadvin-tor:(to) decommission |
sakadvin:decommissioning (n.) |
dvun:movement |
dvun:move(ment) (n.)|motion (n.)|moving (ger.) |
dvunel:motion (biol.) |
dzharel:/Dzharel/ small, horned, horse-like animal (extinct; borr.) [/jarel/ in some other Vulcan languages] |
dzhelu:? |
Dzhem-Hadaru:Jem-Hadar |
394,10 → 422,10 |
hayaik:additional |
ex=hayaik pitohlar:additional notes |
hayat(-~):augmentative (~) (n.) |
hayat-zhit:augmentative (n.) (gr.) ["augmentative-word"] |
hayataya:augmentation [inferred] |
thak-hayataya (MGV) | thask-hayataya (TGV):breast augmentation (med.) |
hayatayek:augmentor (tech.) |
hayat-zhit:augmentative (n.) (gr.) ["augmentative-word"] |
eik-~:wide(ly) ~ |
ein-~:some~ |
eitau:? |
412,7 → 440,7 |
ekon:(a) god |
Oekon:God, the Supreme Being |
esh:breathe |
esh-tukh:[see /tukh/] |
# esh-tukh:[see /tukh/] |
eshikh:desert |
esta:touch (n.) |
estuhl:(to) touch [irr. strong v.] |
436,19 → 464,19 |
fah-yat:? |
fai-tukh:knowledge |
faik:data [inferred from /faik-vistra/] |
faik-vistra:[see /vistra/] |
# faik-vistra:[see /vistra/] |
faka:hernia (n.) |
fal(-~):hot ~ |
fal-tor:(to) rejoin ["hot-to-do"] |
fal-tor-pan:refusion (anc.) [ceremony to rejoin the body and katra] |
falek:heat ["hot-all"] |
ex=Nam-tor falek be'yon.:It is warm by the fire. ["Be heat by-fire."] |
falek'es:temperature ["hot-all-noun"] |
fal-tor:(to) rejoin ["hot-to-do"] |
fal-tor-pan:refusion (anc.) [ceremony to rejoin the body and katra] |
fan-~:any~ |
fan-vel:anything ["any-thing"] |
fan-yokulsu:[see /yokulsu/] |
hai-fan-wan:[see /fan-wan/] |
hai-fan-wan:[see /wan/] |
# fan-yokulsu:[see /yokulsu/] |
# hai-fan-wan:[see /fan-wan/] |
# hai-fan-wan:[see /wan/] |
farr:time (anc., obs.) [only used poetically in Golic Vulcan] |
fas-tor:(to) cook |
ex=Fas-tor opilsu steh natya sazh.:The chef cooks 7 different vegetables. ["Cook chef 7 different vegetable."] |
482,9 → 510,8 |
foshuhlan:shedding |
fonn(-~):loyal |
fonn'es:loyalty |
fu-~:proto-~ |
fulag:lead (n.) [as in a race] |
fu-~:before|leading ~ |
fu-~:proto-~ (sci.)|before|leading ~ |
fulag-tor:(to) lead |
fulagan:leading |
gad:day [inferred] |
498,7 → 525,7 |
galu-sayuk:radioactive |
gehnli:essential |
gen-lis:language |
gen-lis-tal:linguistics ["language-science"] |
gen-lis-tal:linguistics ["language-study"] |
gish:(to) expect |
ex=Gish etek fa-gad lasha.:They expect to arrive tomorrow. ["Expect they tomorrow to-arrive."] |
ex=>Gishen worla ihk-banut.<:"He's never what I expect." ["What-is-expected never the-one-of-which-is-spoken."] |
510,7 → 537,7 |
glan-fam-~:blind ~ ["sight-without"] |
glan-fam'es:blindness (med.) |
glan-famik:blind |
fa-wak glansu:[see /fa-wak/] |
# fa-wak glansu:[see /fa-wak/] |
glantau:(to) watch |
ex=Glantal Stonn tevyan-morlar taman svi'salan.:Stonn watched the falling leaves dancing in the wind. ["Watched Stonn falling-leaves dancing in-wind."] |
toglantau:(to) witness |
552,13 → 579,12 |
guv-kozauk vel-zhitlar:gender-specific nouns |
riguv:asexual |
wehk-guv:multi-sexual |
ha:yes|? |
ha:yes [anc.: "fire"?] |
ex=Olau tu has-bosh ha.:Are you feeling ill? ["Feel you ill yes."] |
ex=Gla-tor du dunap t'Sonok ha.:Do you see Sonok's book? ["See you book of-Sonok yes."] |
ex=Ma sa-kan heh ko-kan san-zhellar ha.:"Do the boy and girl have belts?" ["Have boy and girl belts yes."] |
ex=Yokul kosu yarmok ha.:Does the woman eat salad? ["Eat woman salad yes."] |
ex=Yokul sasu kahm ha.:Does the man eat meat? ["Eat man meat yes."] |
ha:[anc. "fire"?] |
ha'fek:candle(stick) ["fire fully contained"] |
ha'gel:light (n.) |
ha'gel-rubah-dvun:phototaxis (biol.) ["light-change-movement"] |
566,7 → 592,7 |
ha'kiv:life ["fire of being"?] |
ha-tor:(to) live [also: "burn"?] |
ex=Ha-tor Sonok heh T'Luki svi'pi'kelek svi'suk'solai.:Sonok and T'Luki live in the small house on the big field. |
ha-guhsh:[see /guhsh/] |
# ha-guhsh:[see /guhsh/] |
ha-vel:organism ["life-thing"] |
hasu:being (n.) |
haran:Fire Beast (anc.; myth.) |
573,7 → 599,6 |
ha-vol(-~):tall ~ |
ex=Ha-vol Beituh'zedsu glan-fam heh pen Vuhlkansu zhu-fam.:The tall Betazoid is blind and the short Vulcan is deaf. |
haf:gap (geol.) |
ki'haf:basket |
pi'haf:follicle |
sa'haf:bladder (bot.) |
sov-sa'haf:air bladder (biol.) |
645,7 → 670,7 |
ifis-hali:transport (vessel)|freighter (n.) ["transport-ship"] |
ifis-tor:(to) transport ["transport to-do"] |
igen:sky (n.) |
ihk-banut:(the one of which is spoken) |
ihk-banut:the one of which is spoken |
ihn:? |
ikap:(to) close |
ex=Ikap'uh svep..:Close the door! |
696,7 → 721,7 |
kari-~:strong ~ |
kari-tor-zhitlar:strong verbs |
kahm:meat (n.) |
kahm-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
# kahm-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kahr:town |
kal-tor:(to) allow|let |
ex=>Kal-tor palikau.<:"Let it commence." ["Allow to-commence."] |
715,20 → 740,37 |
ya'akash:(to) ask (anc.) |
kast:plant |
kastik:plant (general term) |
kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
# kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
katau:(to) bring [inferred] |
sakatau:(to) bring out |
sakataya:bringing-out|out-bringing |
kau:5 (enum.) |
kau:5 (enum.)|wisdom (anc.) |
ex=Ma tu kau ha'fek.:You have 5 candles. ["Have you 5 candle."] |
kau'rak:5th (TGV) |
kaur-~:5th ~ |
kaukuh:5 (card.) |
kauyik:5 (adj.) |
kau:wisdom |
kaunshuk:united |
ke~:against ~ |
kef-~:emergency |
kef(-~|ik):emergency ~ |
kef-ha'kiv-nenikaya (KHN):emergency life support (med.) |
kef-has-dvintra (KHD):emergency medical service (EMS) |
kef-has-dvintrasu (KHDsu):emergency medical technician (EMT) |
kef-fisolekau-malEmergency landing leg |
kef-ifisek:emergency transporter |
kef-kipof-shal:emergency battery room |
kef-tanilau-mev t'igen-pa-tukh:emergency atmospheric gas feed |
kef-thro-svep Emergency hatch |
# kef-tuhlau-vis:emergency containment grid [see /tuhlau/] |
kef-rishan-tsorayek:emergency survival compartment |
kef-tvi-shal:emergency room (ER) |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) |
kefik tehn-sesh-kwitek:emergency anti-grav thruster |
keful-tukh:opsonin |
kefulaya:opsonization |
# prah-vel t'kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush intake [see /kluhvau/] |
# kef-kluhvau-krau:emergency flush vent [see /kluhvau/] |
keh:four (enum.) |
ex=Dvin-tor sa-kan keh yerak t'shur t'plomik.:The boy serves four bowls of /plomeek/ soup. ["Serve boy four bowl of-soup of-plomik."] |
keh'rak:fourth (TGV) |
771,7 → 813,7 |
ex=Ki'yaretal tomasular t'du eshikh.:Your relatives have visited the desert. ["Have visited relatives of-you desert."] |
ex=Ki'yokul du aru-yem ha.:Have you eaten dinner? ["Have eaten you dinner yes."] |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kital nash-veh.:I would/should have written. ["Would have written this-one."] |
ki'haf:basket (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
ki'haf:basket (anc.) [originally a compound word, see /haf/] |
kiht:? |
kiit:? |
kilko:answer (n.) |
801,8 → 843,14 |
nu-kliton:down-arrow (" ˅ ") [used as the asterisk is used in FSE with a bottom-of-the-page note] |
kloshah:(to) behave |
kluf:boot (n.) |
klun:? |
klu-tor:? |
kluhvau:(to) flush [inferred] |
kluhvaya:flush [inferred] |
kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush ["?-flush"; inferred, see /kef/] |
prah-vel t'kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush intake |
kef-kluhvau-krau:emergency flush vent |
klu-tor:(to) ram [inferred] |
klun:ramming (ger.) [inferred] |
klunyavush:ramjet ["ramming-jet"; see /vush/] |
kluchi:? |
ko(-~):female |
ko-kan:girl ["female-child"] |
840,6 → 888,7 |
ex=>Sha'koshtri korseivel bai'elkhrul-akteibuhl t'Kolinahr.<:"Our race was saved by attainment of Kolinahr." ["Our-own-race saved through-entire-attaining of-Kolinahr."] |
kov:rock|stone [Kov was the name of a Vulcan engineer in "Star Trek: Enterprise"] |
ha-guhsh-kov:organic rock (geol.) ["life-debris-rock"; see /ha-gush/] |
ul-kohvik mazhiv-kov:quartzose sandstone (geol.) ["partial-? sand-stone"] |
kozauk:specific |
kraisek:cage (n.) |
krani:window (n.) |
854,7 → 903,7 |
ksau:? |
ktorr:? |
k'torr:completely lacking (anc.) |
v'tosh k'torr|v'tosh ka'tur:"Vulcans without logic" [Vulcans who attempt to integrate emotions in their lives] |
v'tash k'torr:/v'tash k'torr/ ("Vulcans without logic") ["self-control completely-lacking", falsely transcribed /v'tosh ka'tur/; Vulcans who attempt to integrate emotions in their lives] |
kuh:? |
kuht:herd |
kuht t'sehlat:herd of /sehlats/ ["herd of /sehlat/"] |
887,6 → 936,7 |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kum-tor mor-gril etek kuv vohris.:The /mor-gril/ would have caught us if we had been slow. |
mokuv:ring ["enclosure"; /mo/ may be omitted in compound words] |
vikuvau:encircle|surround |
nuk-vikuvtra:cay|key (ocean.) ["low-?"] |
viikuftra-~:insular ~ |
Viikuftra-Golik:Insular Golic (Vulcan language) |
kup-~:(to) be able (to) ~ |
916,6 → 966,52 |
lau(-~):may|might |
ex=Lau tal-tor nash-veh yut fa-gad.:I might find the way tomorrow. ["Might find this-one way tomorrow."] |
le-matya:/Le(-)matya/ (large, venomous desert predator; anc.) |
le-suma:ice (anc.) |
dvunan-koval k'le-suma:rock glacier ["moved-rock? by-ice"] |
le-suma-ek'shal:cryosphere ["ice-all-zone"] |
le-suma-haki:ice hockey ["ice-hockey"; borr. from FSE] |
le-suma-ihsek:ice fog ["ice-?"] |
le-suma-khush:ice crystal ["ice-?"] |
le-suma-kunel:pingo (geol.) ["ice-?"] |
le-suma-luhdin|izh-luhdin:nieve penitente (meteo.) ["?-?|ice-?"] |
le-suma-pal:ice age ["ice-?"] |
svitan-vel t'le-suma-shidau:ice nucleus ["?-thing of-ice-?"] |
le-suma-sahriv:ice storm ["ice-storm"] |
le-suma-solektra:permafrost ["ice-?"] |
le-suma-tal:glaciology ["ice-study"] |
le-suma-talsu:glaciologist ["ice-study-person"] |
le-suma-yontaya:frostbite (med.) ["ice-fire?"] |
ihsek-le-suma:rime (ice) ["?-ice"] |
pa'shi-le-suma:clear ice (meteo.) ["clear-ice"] |
guhsh-solek (s'dvun-le-suma):till (n.) |
ek'le-suma-wein:glaciation ["all-ice-?"] |
(dvun-)le-sumatra:glacier ["moving-ice"] |
le-sumatra-salan:glacier wind (meteo.) ["ice-there-wind"] |
dvun-le-sumatra t'kunel-nen:Piedmont glacier ["moving-ice of-?-?"] |
dvun-le-sumatra t'ku-li:valley glacier ["moving-ice of-?"] |
dvun-le-sumatraik tral:glacier surge ["moving-ice-related ?"] |
dvun-le-sumatraik zehl-ulidar:glacial striation ["moving-ice-related striation"] |
hafau-kov s'dvun-le-sumatra:erratic (n.) ["?-rock from-moving-ice"] |
razh s'dvun-le-sumatra:kettle (geol.) ["? from-moving-ice"] |
razh-suk'muzh s'dvun-le-sumatra:kettle lake (geol.) ["?-big-? from-moving-ice"] |
titaya-kunel s'dvun-le-sumatra:delta kame ["?-? from-moving-ice"] |
ku-li s'dvun-le-sumatra:glacial valley ["?-? from-moving-ice"] |
kim-kov-guhsh s'dvun-le-suma:terminal moraine ["?-rock-debris from-moving-ice"] |
pa'ash-guhsh-solek s'dvun-le-suma:ground moraine ["?-?-?-? from-moving-ice"] |
vla-kov-guhsh s'dvun-le-suma:lateral moraine (geol.) ["?-rock-debris from-moving-ice"] |
rukhaul s'rasath t'dvun-le-sumatra:glacial rebound ["? from-? of-moving-ice"] |
wuval-ne'ti-kunlak (t'dvun-le-sumatra):drumlin ["?-below-?-? (of-moving-ice)"] |
le-sumau:(to) freeze |
le-sumau-sfek:freezing point ["freeze-point"] |
le-sumau-vok:freezing level ["freeze-?"] |
le-sumalik:frozen (adj.) |
le-sumalik asal-masu:frozen dew ["frozen morning-water"] |
le-sumalik sov-masu:ice pellets ["frozen ?-water"] |
le-sumaunik pi'sov-masu:freezing drizzle (meteo.) ["freezing small-?-water"] |
le-sumaunik ihsek:freezing fog (meteo.) ["freezing ?"] |
le-sumaunik sov-masu:freezing rain ["freezing ?-water"] |
le-sumaya:freeze (n.) |
svitan-vel t'le-sumaya:freezing nucleus ["?-thing of-freeze"] |
leh:10 (enum.) |
ex=La leh math.:Here are 10 plates. ["Here 10 plate."] |
leh'rak:10th (TGV) |
998,11 → 1094,11 |
ex=Leipau Sonok kap.:Sonok bakes a bread. |
leitri:toy |
lesek:joint (n.) (anat.) |
lesek-mal-aushfa:[see /aushfa/] |
lesek-masu:[see /masu/] |
lesek-pi'fek:["joint-?-?"; see /pi'fek/] |
# lesek-mal-aushfa:[see /aushfa/] |
# lesek-masu:[see /masu/] |
# lesek-pi'fek:["joint-?-?"; see /pi'fek/] |
el-lesek:synovial joint (anat.) ["?-joint"] |
mal-nef-lesek:knee joint (anat.) ["?-?-joint"] |
mal-nef-lesek:knee joint (anat.) ["leg-?-joint"] |
ozh-lesek:knuckle ["?-joint"] |
sa'ovau-lesek:expansion joint (tech.) ["?-joint"] |
li-fal:example |
1031,17 → 1127,36 |
mahran:buying |
makh:glass [inferred] |
makh-tuhlau'es:glassiness (geol.) ["glass-contain-noun"] |
mal:leg (n.) |
fa-mal:foreleg (biol.) ["fore-leg"] |
mal-nef:knee (n.) (biol.) ["leg-?"] |
mal-nik:ankle (biol.) ["leg-?"] |
keh-shif-malfa:arachnid (biol.) ["four-?-leg-animal"] |
malanu:pants |
malat:nature (n.) |
malatik:natural |
malatuvauk:naturalized (adj.) (biol.) |
malat-~:natural ~ |
malatik:natural |
malat-dvelan:natural selection (biol.) ["nature-?"] |
malat-lap-shal:natural woodland (biol.) ["nature-tree-zone"] |
malat-nemut:natural enemy (biol.) ["nature-enemy"] |
malat-tal:ecology (study) (biol.) ["nature-study"] |
malat-tash:natural control (biol.) ["nature-control"] |
masu:water|fluid |
lesek-masu:synovial fluid (med.) ["joint-water"; see /lesek/] |
masu'es:moisture |
masupik:wet |
ex=Nam-tor nash-gad masupik.:It is wet today. ["To-be this-day wet."] |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki masupik heh samek.:Sonok and T'Luki are wet and cold. |
lesek-masu:synovial fluid (med.) ["joint-water"; see /lesek/] |
nuk-masu:? ["low-water"] |
ulidar t'nuk-masu:low-water mark (geo.) ["scar of low-water"] |
nuk-masu'es-kasik:xeric (adj.) (biol.) |
nuk-masu'es-kastik:xerophyte (biol.) |
svi-wak t'nuk-masu:low-water interval (ocean.) ["inside-time of-low-water"] |
nuk-mashen:low tide (ocean.) |
dan-nuk-mashen:neap tide (ocean.) |
slor-masu:freshwater ["sweet-water"] |
slor-masu-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
# slor-masu-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
nemashau:(to) dehydrate ["under-hydrate"] |
nemashaya:dehydration ["under-hydration"] |
mag:thirst |
1055,10 → 1170,6 |
mes'~:across ~ |
mesakh'~:beyond ~ |
mes(-~):(a)cross-~ |
mes-thonek:calipers (med.) ["across-meter"; see /thonek/] |
mes-tvi-temok:transverse bulkhead ["across-inside-wall"] |
mes-zhel:transverse band (meteo.) ["across-band"] |
mesah:catwalk (tech.) [the gangway for maintaining the warp core] |
mesakh-~:trans~ |
mes-~:trans~ |
mes-sef:transverse dune |
1065,25 → 1176,27 |
mesakh-dvunik tvi-shal:transkinetic chamber ["trans-moving inside-zone"] |
mesakh-tchas-tvur:transwarp corridor ["trans-warp-corridor"] |
mesakh-tchas-yeturek (MTY):transwarp drive ["trans-warp-drive"] |
mesah:catwalk (tech.) [the gangway for maintaining the warp core] |
sha'meskar-falek:latent heat ["?-heat"] |
nalatra-meskaraunik wonil-kik-ruskarayek:tissue holding /tenaculum forceps/ ["cell-? ?-?-?"] |
(spitau-)zus-meskarayek:drill chuck (tech.) ["(?-)?-?"] |
og-lum-mesklam:needle holder |
numo-mevik og-lum-mesklam:microvascular needle holder ["micro-? needle-holder"] |
tvi-khaf-spolik og-lum-mesklam:intracardiac needle holder ["inside-heart needle-holder"] |
(spitau-)zus-meskarayek:drill chuck (tech.) ["(?-)?-?"] |
nalatra-meskaraunik wonil-kik-ruskarayek:tissue holding /tenaculum forceps/ ["cell-? ?-?-?"] |
to-mesksu:police officer|policeman ["working-?-person"] |
mesnoshek:transtator |
falun-krus-mesnoshek:ion transtator ["?-transtator"] |
messahran:overrunning (n.) (meteo.) ["across-running"] |
messolektra-izh-haltan:cross-country skiing ["cross-?-?-?"] |
mestev-tor:(to) fall across |
mestevan:across-fall, falling-across |
mestau:(to) contact [inferred] |
mestaya:contact (n.) [inferred from /mestaya-ek'rubah'es/] |
mestaya-gisam:contact poison (biol.) |
mestev-tor:(to) fall across |
mestevan:across-fall, falling-across |
ek'mesukh-stari-vel (ESV):universal translator ["all-crossing-translate-thing"] |
mesut:bridge (structure)|pons (med.) ["across-noun"] |
Mesya:game similar to "tag" |
mesya:/mesya/ (game similar to "tag") |
mesyut-~:counter(-)~|anti(-)~|retro~|back~ [inferred] |
mesyut-ha'gelan:counter-illumination (ocean.) |
mesyut-kharat-dan:anticyclonic rotation (meteo.) ["?-?-rotation"] |
mesyut-kharat-dvun:retrograde motion (meteo.) ["?-?-move"] |
1090,7 → 1203,34 |
mesyut-kharat-praduk:backdoor front (meteo.) ["?-?-?"] |
mesyut-kharatik:cum sole (ocean.) |
mesyut-kuran:countershading (ocean.) ["?-coloring"] |
mev:? |
mes-thonek:calipers (med.) ["across-meter"; see /thonek/] |
mes-tvi-temok:transverse bulkhead ["across-inside-wall"] |
mes-zhel:transverse band (meteo.) ["across-band"] |
mev:duct (med., tech.)|vessel (med.)|tube (meteo., ocean., tech.)|conduit (tech.)|pipe (tech.) |
numo-pi'mev:microtubule (biol.) ["microscopic-small-tube"] |
pi'mev t'kas-sa-nei:pollen tube (biol.) ["small-tube of-?-?-?"] |
solek-pi'mev-torai:capillary action (med.) ["?-small-vessel-?"] |
solek-pi'mev-masu'es:capillary moisture (med.) ["?-small-vessel-moisture"] |
lap-pi'mev:vein (bot.) ["tree-small-vessel"] |
naskonn-zul-mev:volcanic pipe (geol.) ["?-lava-pipe"] |
esh-mev:airway (biol.) ["breathe-duct"] |
esh-mev-klotaya:airway obstruction (biol.) ["breathe-duct-?"] |
khaf-mev-eikangnal:aneurysm (med.) ["blood-vessel-?"] |
kov-mev s'fal-masu-toran:hydrothermal vein (geol.) ["rock-duct from-hot-water-?"] |
mor-mevaya:venation ["?-vessel-noun"] |
pekh-mev-tal:proctology (sci.) ["?-duct-study"] |
sov-mev-klotaya:air embolism (med.) ["?-duct-?"] |
uzh-khaf-mev:artery (biol.) ["new-blood-vessel"] |
pi'uzh-khaf-mev:arteriole (biol.) ["small-new-blood-vessel"] |
tik uzh-khaf-mev:aorta (biol.) ["? new-blood-vessel"] |
vukhut-mev-tal:angiology (sci.) ["body-vessel-study"] |
vukhut-mevsu:angiologist (med.) ["body-vessel-person"] |
# yokul-mev:[see /yokul/] |
yu-mur-mev:oviduct (biol.) ["?-?-duct"] |
zul-mev:dike (lava) (geol.) ["lava-duct"] |
mokuv-zul-mev:ring dike (geol.) ["ring-lava-duct"] |
# mev-gnal:[see /gnal/] |
mevak:/Mevak/ (a hollow-stemmed, reed-like plant) |
mik:? |
mikh:eye (anc.; obs.) |
min:glow (n.) |
1116,8 → 1256,7 |
muhs:vapor (n.) (geo.) |
masu-muhs-brun:water vapor plume (meteo.) ["water-vapor-?"] |
masutra-muhs:sea smoke ["?-vapor"] (ocean.) |
muhs-vihish:vapor pressure (meteo.) ["vapor-?"] |
vi-mashauk muhs-vihish:saturation vapor pressure (meteo.) ["?-? vapor-?"] |
# muhs-vihish:[see /vihish/] |
muhskito-ruskarayek:mosquito forceps (med.) ["mosquito-?"] |
mutau:(to) pass |
mutaya:pass (n.) |
1160,11 → 1299,10 |
nashiv-tor:(to) attack |
nashivan:attacking |
ravot-nashivanik:entomopathogenic (adj., med.) ["insect-attacking"] |
natuhn:? |
natuhn:box |
natya(-~):different ~ |
ex=>Na'natya-is - natya-shid.<:"For different use, a different form." —Tenek of Shi'Han |
natyan:difference |
natuhn:box |
navun:success |
nau:9 (enum.) |
nau'rak:9th (TGV) |
1174,7 → 1312,7 |
ne(-~):under~|sub~ |
nehau:(to) rot ["under-add"] |
ex=Nehau urozh svi'solai.:The crops are rotting in the field. |
ne-yartra:[see /yar/] |
# ne-yartra:[see /yar/] |
ne'~:below|under ~ |
nef:shelf |
nehg:? |
1199,7 → 1337,7 |
on-neshuhk:facultative parasite |
si-neshuhk:ectoparasite |
tvi-neshuhk:endoparasite |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite (bot.) ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
neshuk:ink (n.) |
nesh-kur:black ["ink-color"] |
ex=Sehlat nesh-kur hi le-matya wan-kur.:The /sehlat/ is black but the /le-matya/ is white. |
1212,8 → 1350,9 |
noshau:(to) stand |
nosh:condition [inferred] |
nosh-rubaik tor-zhit:condition-change verb (gr.) ["condition-changing do-word"] |
nosh-vohraya:[see /vohraya/] |
nosh-zhit:condition-word (gr.) |
nosh t'nuk-khaf-spol:bathycardia (med.) |
# nosh-vohraya:[see /vohraya/] |
# nosh-zhit:condition-word (gr.) |
ek'nosh:climate (meteo.) ["all-condition"; inferred] |
suk'shal-ek'nosh:macroclimate (biol.) ["big-zone-all-condition"] |
pi'shal-ek'nosh:microclimate (biol.) ["small-zone-all-condition"] |
1243,12 → 1382,36 |
fam-zalu-nosh:azymia (med.) ["without-?-condition"] |
pa-noshik:ambient (med.) ["?-conditional"] |
noshtra:characteristic (n.) [inferred] |
tash-noshtra-tal:eugenics ["?-characteristic-science"] |
prah-noshtralar:acquired characteristics (biol.) |
dau-tukh t'sa-noshtra:androgen (med.) |
nu~:down~|downward~ |
nuktru-~:lowlands ~ |
nuk-~:low-~ [inferred] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'hinek-tukh svi'khaf:hypocalcemia (med.) ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'spoh-tukh svi'khaf:hypokalemia (med.) ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'alem-tukh svi'khaf:hyponatremia (med.) ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
ritsuri-nuk-nosh t'wadi-kur:hypopigmentation (med.) ["irregular-low-condition of-?-color"] |
nuk-krus-storaya:hypoplasia (med.) ["low-?-?"] |
uzh-khaf-mev t'nuk-vukhut:iliac artery (med.) ["new-blood-? of-low-?"] |
os-khaf-mev t'nuk-vukhut:iliac vein (med.) ["old-blood-? of-low-?"] |
nuk-khaf-ne'hish:hypotension (med.) ["low-blood-?"] |
nuh'nuk-esh-tukh svi'khaf:hypoxia (med.) ["too-low-breathe-stuff inside-blood"] |
nuk-nosh t'dah-eshu t'nol-tukh svi'khaf:hypocapnia (med.) ["low-condition of-?-? of-?-? inside-blood"] |
# nuk-nosh t'khaf-slor-tukh:hypoglycemia (med.) ["low-condition of-blood-sweet-stuff"; see /slor/] |
skaun-sa'hafik nuk-sharu:pylorus (med.) ["?-? low-?"] |
stek t'skaun-sa'hafik nuk-sharu:pylorus clamp (med.) ["? of-?-? low-?"] |
dahshayek t'skaun-sa'hafik nuk-sharu:pylorus separator (med.) ["two-? of-?-? low-?"] |
nuk-khrash-thoraya:microburst (meteo.) |
pseth nuk-khrash-thoraya:dry microburst (meteo.) ["? low-?-?"] |
masupik nuk-khrash-thoraya:wet microburst (meteo.) ["? low-?-?"] |
# nuk-mashen:low tide (ocean.) [see /masu/] |
# svi-wak t'nuk-masu:low-water interval (ocean.) ["inside-time of-low-water"; see /nuk-masu/] |
nuk-shal|tra|:lowland(s) (geo.) |
nuktru-~:lowlands ~ (obs.) |
Nuktru-Golik:Lowlands Golic (Vulcan language) |
nuk-skaun-ek'ur:gastrointestinal tract ["low-?-?"] |
yonshaya t'nuk-skaun-ek'ur:gastroenteritis (med.) ["? of-low-?-?"] |
nuk-solek:C-horizon (geo.) |
nuk-wan-karf:scud ["low-cloud-?"] |
numo(-~):microscopic ~ |
ex=numo-kushel:an insignificant bird [one that is so small that it is almost not worth mentioning, but can also mean that it is a bird that is totally adorable] |
numo-zan-vel:microscope ["microscopic-view-thing"] |
1255,7 → 1418,7 |
nu'~:down ~ |
nuh'~:too ~ (adj.) |
o~:honored ~ |
osu:sir|madam ["honored person"] |
# osu:sir|madam ["honored person"; see /su/] |
odva:? |
og-tor:(to) sew |
ex=Og-tor Sonok os sai-vel.:Sonok sews old clothes. |
1287,7 → 1450,7 |
ex=>Ozhika -- palik t'kau ri shaht.<:"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." ["Logic: Beginning of-wisdom not end."] |
oveh:saint ["honored one"] |
ovsot-~:complete (adj.) |
ovsot-ek'rubah:[see /rubah/] |
# ovsot-ek'rubah:[see /rubah/] |
ovsotik:complete (adj. stand-alone) |
ovsotuhl-~:total ~ (adj.) |
pa':around|about |
1356,9 → 1519,9 |
pitoh:note |
pla'~:back(-~) ~|retro(-~) ~ |
pla'dor:dorsal [inferred] |
pla'dor-ralek:[see /ralek/] |
# pla'dor-ralek:[see /ralek/] |
pla'rak:reverse [inferred] |
pla'rak-tselaya:[see /tselaya/] |
# pla'rak-tselaya:[see /tselaya/] |
fu-pla'hinek-zehl:notochord (med.) ["leading-back-bone-line"] |
pla-~:blue ~ |
pla-kur:blue |
1382,7 → 1545,7 |
ex=Kital s'Sonok - T'Pral - Voluk ﹌:Written by Sonok, T'Pral, Voluk et al. |
psethau:(to) dry (out) |
pseth-~:dry ~ |
pseth-tevun-yonuk:[see /tevun-yonuk/] |
# pseth-tevun-yonuk:[see /tevun-yonuk/] |
pstha:(to) search [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Pstha Sonok laptra na'sehlat.:Sonok searches the forest for the /sehlat/. |
ex=Pstha T'Luki muzh na'aluklar.:T'Luki searches the pond for fish. |
1393,7 → 1556,7 |
puk-tor:(to) fight |
puyek:washer (appliance) |
sov-puyek:air cleaner |
puyan-achut:[see /achut/] |
# puyan-achut:[see /achut/] |
ek'puyik:sterile ["full-?"] |
ra:what |
ex=Nam-tor wak ra.:What time is it? ["Be time what."] |
1454,7 → 1617,7 |
pla'dor-ralek:dorsal fin (biol.) |
harr-ralek:caudal fin |
tersau-ralek:connecting dorsal (tech.) ["connect-fin"] |
ralek-weil:[see /weil/] |
# ralek-weil:[see /weil/] |
ras(-~):heavy ~ |
rasath:weight (n.) |
rasahkos:bad |
1475,7 → 1638,7 |
reshen-~:angry ~ |
reshnek:angry |
ret'kuv:washer (spacer) |
ri(k'~):[see /rai/] |
# ri(k'~):[see /rai/] |
rihinek:cartilage (biol.) |
rihinek-pleshek:cartilage crusher (med.) |
ro'fori:information (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
1494,7 → 1657,7 |
ek'rubah:metamorphosis ["full-change"] |
ovsot-ek'rubah:complete metamorphosis ["total-metamorphosis"] |
vohr-ek'rubah:gradual metamorphosis ["slow-metamorphosis"] |
ha'gel-rubah-dvun:[see /ha'gel/] |
# ha'gel-rubah-dvun:[see /ha'gel/] |
rubai:(to) change ["change-now"; see /i'/?] |
wakrubau:(to) evolve [inferred] |
wakrubaya:evolution ["time-change"] |
1514,13 → 1677,14 |
sa-kozauk:male-specific |
sa-mekh:father |
osa-mekh:father ["honored father"] |
sa-telsu:husband |
ex=Sonok dah'rak sa-telsu t'nash-veh.:Sonok is my second husband. ["Sonok second husband of-this-one."] |
sa-veh:he ["male-one"; TGV] |
t'sa-veh:his |
ex=Nem-tor ko-kan dunap t'sa-veh.:The girl takes his book. |
sasu:man ["male-person"] |
sasu:man|male (n.) ["male-person"] |
osa(su):gentleman|sir ["honored man"] |
sa-telsu:husband |
ex=Sonok dah'rak sa-telsu t'nash-veh.:Sonok is my second husband. ["Sonok second husband of-this-one."] |
sayik:male (standal. adj.) |
sahr-~:fast ~ |
sahran:running |
ex=sahran-sehlat:the running /sehlat/ |
1544,7 → 1708,7 |
sam-~:cold ~ |
samek:cold (adj.) |
pid-samek:boreal ["high-cold"; inferred] |
pid-samek-ek'nosh:[see /ek'nosh/] |
# pid-samek-ek'nosh:[see /ek'nosh/] |
pid-samek-kastik:hekistotherm ["high-cold-plant-related"] |
pid-samek-laptra:boreal forest ["high-cold-tree-there"] |
samm:? |
1612,17 → 1776,18 |
ek'shailar:themselves ["all-selves"] |
shaik:odd ["broken"] |
shal:zone (n.) ["broken thing"] |
ek'shal:-sphere ["all-zone"; as in "biosphere" etc.] |
elkhrul-shal:area ["whole-zone"] |
shaya:break (n.) |
shayaf:ego |
ex=masuk-shayaf:a very big ego [insult] |
tal-shaya:/Tal-shaya/ (anc. technique once used for merciful execution) ["science-of-breaking" another's neck with one hand] |
tal-shaya:/Tal-shaya/ (anc. technique once used for merciful execution) ["study-of-breaking" another's neck with one hand] |
moguhshau:(to) scrap ["?-debris-verb"] |
guhsh(-tukh):debris (geol.) |
guhsh-skish:debris avalance (geol.) ["debris-?"] |
guhsh-yumaya:debris flow (geol.) ["debris-?"] |
ha-guhsh:detritus (biol.) ["life-debris"] |
ha-guhsh-kov:[see /kov/] |
# ha-guhsh-kov:[see /kov/] |
pleshau:(to) crush [inferred] |
plesh:crush (n.) |
plesh-gluder:crush depth (ocean.) |
1661,6 → 1826,7 |
shi'oren:institute ["place-of-study"] |
ex=Shi'Oren t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu:Vulcan Language Institute ["place-of-study of-language Vulcan"] |
shi'kwai:wilderness ["place-of-wild"] |
shi'yon:volcano (colloq.) ["place-of-fire"; see /zul-kunel/] |
shid:form (n.) |
shidorau:(to) form |
shidoraya:forming (ger.) |
1674,7 → 1840,7 |
pashif:(to) match |
pashifan:matching |
shivaya:paralysis (med.) |
ul-shivaya:paresis (med.) |
ul-shivaya:paresis (med.) ["partial-paralysis"] |
shur:soup |
shur t'plomik:/plomeek/ soup |
ex=Tishau T'Luki kap k'shur t'plomik t'Sonok.:T'Luki likes bread with Sonok's /plomeek/ soup. |
1698,8 → 1864,8 |
nen-slor-tukh:glucose (biol.) ["single-sweet-stuff"] |
ritsuri-nosh t'nen-slor-tukh svi'vazh:glucosuria (med.) ["irregular-? of-single-sweet-stuff inside-?"] |
khaf-slor-tukh:blood sugar (med.) ["blood-sweet-stuff"; inferred] |
pid-nosh t'khaf-slor-tukh:hyperglycemia (med.) ["high-? of-blood-sweet-stuff"] |
nuk-nosh t'khaf-slor-tukh:hypoglycemia (med.) ["low-? of-blood-sweet-stuff"] |
pid-nosh t'khaf-slor-tukh:hyperglycemia (med.) ["high-condition of-blood-sweet-stuff"] |
nuk-nosh t'khaf-slor-tukh:hypoglycemia (med.) ["low-condition of-blood-sweet-stuff"] |
nalesh-slor-tukh:ketose (biol.) ["?-sweet-stuff"] |
potau-slor-tukh:sucrose (biol.) ["?-sweet-stuff"] |
savas-slor-tukh:fructose (biol.) ["fruit-sweet-stuff"] |
1710,12 → 1876,15 |
smertausu:? (n.) |
sochya-bosh(-~):peaceful ~ |
solai:field (agr., fig.) |
suk-sov-dan:cyclone (rotation area) (meteo.) ["big-?-rotation"] |
sovash-~:alkaline |
sovashik:alkaline |
spahk:claw (n.) (biol.) |
# spahk-mal-aushfa:crustacean (biol.) ["claw-leg-animal"; see /aushfa/] |
spo'~:à la|after|in the manner/style of ~ |
spoh:? |
spol:pump (n.) |
khaf-spol:[see /khaf/] |
# khaf-spol:[see /khaf/] |
srashiv:achievement |
starun:speech |
stariben:(to) talk |
1755,7 → 1924,7 |
svep:door |
ex=Le-matya na'svep heh sehlat na'yon.:The /le-matya/ is at the door and the /sehlat/ is at the fire. |
ex=Svep pi eh yon suk.:The door is small and the fire is big. |
svi'~:amid(st)|among(st)|in the midst of|inside (of) ~ |
# svi'~:amid(st)|among(st)|in the midst of|inside (of) ~ [see /vi/] |
sviti-~:mid~ |
t'~:of|belonging to ~ |
t'forti:finally (anc.) |
1762,25 → 1931,70 |
t'hai'la:(close[st]) friend|soulmate [often transcribed /t'hyla/] |
t'san s'at:a process of eliminating emotions (anc.) |
(ho-)ta'a:/taal/ (traditional Vulcan hand salute) [right hand raised vertically so that the palm is shown to the person greeted; angle between thumb and index finger, and middle and ring finger, to form a "V" each] |
ta'raf:neutral |
Ta'raf-Shal:Neutral Zone |
tab-ma:late (anc.) |
ta('~):later |
tah:unobtainable |
ex=>I'tah tehrai k'etwel.<:"He will not achieve his goal with us." ["Now-unobtainable goal with-us."] |
takov(-~):pretty ~ |
tal:science |
tal:science|study (n.) |
tal-tor:(to) find |
tal-muv:key |
talal:find(ings) (n.) |
tal-tor:(to) find |
patal-tor:(to) detect |
patalan:detection (n.) |
tal-muv:key |
tam:dance (n.) |
tam-tor:(to) dance |
taman:dancing |
tan-tor:(to) give (MGV) |
tanaf:art (n.) |
ta'raf:neutral |
Ta'raf-Shal:Neutral Zone |
nuk-yem-tanekik:oligotrophic (ocean.) ["low-meal-?"] |
tar-tor:(to) say |
tash:control (n.) |
tashal (MGV)|tash-shal (TGV):control console |
tashek:control (device)|controller (n.) ["control-all"] |
nazh-tashek:gain control ["?-control-all-"] |
ral'es-tashek:volume control ["?-control"] |
threshyu-tashek:Throttle ["?-control-all"] |
wadi-kash-tashek:dermal sensor control ["?-?-control-all"] |
el'rupik thro-svep-tashek:manual hatch control ["?-? ?-door-control"] |
tash-katrom:control current ["control-?"] |
tash-math:control panel ["control-plate"] |
dakharau-tash-math:helm control panel ["?-control-plate"] |
kharau-tash-math:navigation control panel ["?-control-plate"] |
pohshau-tash-math:fire control panel ["?-control-plate"] |
tash-nelka:control pedestal ["control-?"] |
tash-noshtra-tal:eugenics ["control-characteristic-study"] |
tash-noshtra-talsu:eugenicist ["control-characteristic-study-person"] |
tash-dvunek:coluntary muscle ["control-?"] |
tash-svitan:bridge|command center (naut.) ["control-?"] |
thro-gol'dvunek t'tash-svitan:bridge access relay ["?-? of-command-?"] |
kvath-tash-svitan:emergency bridge ["?-command-?"] |
nel-tash-svitan:main bridge ["?-command-?"] |
tash-tol:regulator gene |
tash-tor:(to) control [inferred] |
ek'nosh-tash:climate control (meteo.) ["all-condition-control"] |
fik-nu-tash:top-down control (ocean.) ["?-down-control"] |
lanet-abu-tash:bottom-up control (ocean.) ["?-up-control"] |
ha-tash:biological control |
# malat-tash:natural control [see /malat/] |
dvunek-tash-svitan:cerebellum (med.) ["?-control-?"] |
nahp-tash-svitan:cerebrum ["thought-control-?"] |
si-tin t'nahp-tash-svitan:cerebral cortex ["outer-layer of-thought-control-?"] |
folau-tash-kwitek:Reaction-control thruster ["?-control-?"] |
folau-tash-torektra (FTT):reaction-control system (RCS) (tech.) ["?-control-?"] |
kvath-tash-svitan (KTS):auxiliary control (room) (tech.) ["?-control-?"] |
vlaik kwitau-tash-torektra (VKTT):lateral impulse control system ["? ?-control-?"] |
ha'zehl-tash-feretai:beam control assembly ["?-line-control-?"] |
zakar-tash:damage control ["damage-control"] |
vihish-tash-torektra:pressure control system ["pressure-control-?"] |
ek'meklar t'vihish-tash-torektra:pressure control system safeties ["all-? of-pressure-control-?"] |
tashuhl:feldspar |
tashuhl-mazhiv-kov:arkose (geol.) |
tashuhnu-tukh:rhyolite (geol.) |
tashuh-~|tashuhk:felsic (geol.) |
rahtek-tashuh:hornfels |
taul-tulek:dive tank (ocean.) ["?-?"] |
tav:rate (n.) [inferred from /tselau-tav/] |
te'koshif:architecture (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
1814,7 → 2028,7 |
Tellarsu:Tellarite |
telv-tor:(to) read |
temok:wall (n.) |
ten-mal:early |
ten-mal:early ["?-leg"] |
teresh-kah:/Teresh-kah/ (a type of bird) |
ex=Teresh-kah suk.:The /teresh-kah/ bird is big. |
ex=wan-kur teresh-kah:white /teresh-kah/ bird |
1832,7 → 2046,7 |
tevan:fall|descent (n.) |
tev-tor:(to) fall|descend |
ex=Tev-tor wu-lipau fi'lan-tol.:The long knife falls on the floor. |
mestev-tor:[see /mes~/] |
# mestev-tor:[see /mes~/] |
nutev-tor:(to) fall down [see /nu/] |
ex=Nutev-tor Sonok kaiden.:Sonok falls down the stairs. ["Fall-down Sonok stairs."; *not*: /Tev-tor Sonok nu'kaiden./] |
nutevan:downfall, falling-down (n.) |
1884,7 → 2098,7 |
ihn-thonek:densitometer ["?-meter"] |
kahat-thonek t'kas-yar-kurek:fluorometer ["?-meter of-?-green-coloring"] |
khaf-spolik raf-bes-thonek:electrocardiograph ["heart ?-?-meter"] |
khaf-vihish-thonek:sphygmomanometer ["blood-?-meter"] |
khaf-vihish-thonek:sphygmomanometer ["blood-pressure-meter"] |
kur-thonek:colorimeter ["color-meter"] |
kurtra-thonek:spectrometer ["color-there-meter"] |
masu-thonek:hydrometer ["water-meter"] |
1892,7 → 2106,7 |
sov-masu-thonek:hygrometer ["?-water-meter"] |
na-sovau-thonek:evaporimeter ["?-?-meter"] |
pidek-thonek:altimeter ["height-meter"] |
dvunek-toranik raf-bes-thonek:electromyograph ["movement-busy ?-?-meter"] |
dvunek-toranik raf-bes-thonek:electromyograph ["?-busy ?-?-meter"] |
salan-thonek:anemometer ["wind-meter"] |
seshan-thonek:magnetometer ["?-meter"] |
nu-seshan-thonek:gravimeter ["small-?-meter"] |
1900,8 → 2114,8 |
smish-thonek:dynamometer ["?-meter"] |
solektra-hutaya-thonek:seismometer ["?-?-meter"] |
sov-ne'hish-thonek:barometer (tech.) ["?-?-meter"] |
sov-vihish-thonek:barometer (ocean.) ["?-?-meter"/"?-?-meter"] |
dvunek-elekik sov-vihish-thonek:aneroid barometer (meteo.) ["inside-? ?-?-meter"] |
sov-vihish-thonek:barometer (ocean.) ["?-pressure-meter"/"?-?-meter"] |
dvunek-elekik sov-vihish-thonek:aneroid barometer (meteo.) ["?-? ?-pressure-meter"] |
vath-yut-thonek:interferometer ["?-way-meter"] |
vul-thonek:climometer ["?-meter"] |
yumau-thonek:flowmeter (geo.)|flow monitor (tech.) ["?-meter"] |
1911,7 → 2125,7 |
throks:(to) give (TGV) |
thurai(-~):next ~ |
tin:layer|stratum (med., geol.) |
to'ovau-tin t'lap-vukhut:[see /to'ovau/] |
# to'ovau-tin t'lap-vukhut:[see /to'ovau/] |
wan-tin:cloud layer ["white-layer"] |
wan-tin-lanet:ceiling|cloud base (meteo.) ["white-layer-bottom"] |
thonalik wan-tin-lanet:measured ceiling (meteo.) ["measured white-layer-bottom"] |
1928,7 → 2142,7 |
to-pal:coat |
to-sai:cloak |
to'ovau:(to) grow |
to'ovau-tevun-yonuk:[see /tevun-yonuk/] |
# to'ovau-tevun-yonuk:[see /tevun-yonuk/] |
to'ovau-tin t'lap-vukhut:cambium (bot.) ["grow-layer of-tree-body"] |
to'ovaya:growth |
nala-to'ovaya:cell growth |
1936,7 → 2150,7 |
~-tor:(weak verb form) |
tor-bosh:process (n.) |
tor-zhit:verb ["to-do-word"] |
tor-yehat:possible ["make-true"] |
# tor-yehat:possible ["make-true"; see /yeht/] |
toranik:busy|occupied |
ex=Au toranik svi'solai.:They are busy|occupied in the field. |
ex=Du toranik.:You are busy|occupied. |
1974,16 → 2188,16 |
tuhlau-nelka t'dah-pim-khushlar (TNDPKh):dilithium containment pedestal ["contain-? of-two-?-?"] |
tuhlau-torektra:containment system ["contain-?"] |
tuhlau-torektra t'tukh-tehn-tukh (TTTT):matter/antimatter containment system ["contain-? of-?-?-?"] |
tuhlau-vunai:[see /vunai/] |
kef-tuhlau-vis:Emergency containment grid ["?-contain-web"] |
# tuhlau-vunai:[see /vunai/] |
kef-tuhlau-vis:emergency containment grid ["?-contain-web"] |
tuhlek:container (tech.)|tank (ocean.) |
tuhlek t'vimashal-masu-tukh:Liquid hydrogen tank ["tank of-?-water-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-sov-tukh:Liquid nitrogen tank ["tank of-?-?-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-esh-tukh:Liquid oxygen tank ["tank of-?-oxygen"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-masu-tukh:liquid hydrogen tank ["tank of-?-water-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-sov-tukh:liquid nitrogen tank ["tank of-?-?-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-esh-tukh:liquid oxygen tank ["tank of-?-oxygen"] |
esh-tukh-tuhlek:oxygen tank (ocean.) ["breathe-stuff-tank"; see /esh-tukh/] |
set-tuhlek:drop tank ["?-tank"] |
sa'ovau-tuhlek:Expansion tank ["?-tank"] |
seshan-korsau-tuhlek:Magnetic storage bottle ["?-?-container"] |
sa'ovau-tuhlek:expansion tank ["?-tank"] |
seshan-korsau-tuhlek:magnetic storage bottle ["?-?-container"] |
tuhsau:(to) cross |
tuhsk:comment (n.) |
tukh:material|substance|stuff|element (chem.) |
1991,7 → 2205,7 |
bali-tukh:samarium (chem.) ["thick-?"] |
esh-tukh:oxygen ["breathe-stuff"] |
fezhau-vok t'masu-esh-tukh:dissolved oxygen level (biol.) ["?-? of-water-breathe-stuff"] |
esh-tukh-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
# esh-tukh-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
ek'esh-tukh-kupik:euryoxic (adj.) (biol.) ["all-breathe-stuff-?"] |
dzhyan-tukh:? |
masu-tukh:hydrogen (chem.) ["water-stuff"] |
2022,7 → 2236,7 |
u'gal-kusilau-glashayek (UKG):electron resonance scanner |
u'rak(-~|ik):negative [inferred] |
u'rak-falun:negative charge |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Negative-tilt trough (meteo.) ["?-?-tilted down-?-?"] |
# u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /nuk-vihish-tauf/] |
uf:how |
uf mau:how much |
ex=Nam-tor falek uf mau.:How hot is it? ["Is heat how much."] |
2031,7 → 2245,11 |
ugelik:bright |
ulef:half |
ul-~:semi(-)~|demi(-)~|part(-)~|partial(-)~ |
ul-shivaya:[see /shivaya/] |
# ul-shivaya:[see /shivaya/] |
ulidar:scar|cicatrix (med.) |
tersau-ulidar:hilum (biol.) ["?-scar"] |
shahov-pid-ulidar:beach crest (geo.) ["?-high-scar"] |
zehl-ulidar:striation (geol.) ["line-scar"] |
uralau:(to) sing |
urozh:crop(s) (n.) (anc.) |
uzh:new |
2042,6 → 2260,10 |
vah:as [inferred] |
vakav(-~):frequent ~ |
rivak:course (n.) ["infrequently (changing)"?] |
vakav'es:frequency [inferred] |
mair-nuk-vakav'es (MNV):extremely low frequency (ELF) |
ohm-nuk-vakav'es (ONV):ultra low frequency (ULF) (tech.) |
tchu-nuk-vakav'es (TNV):very low frequency (VLF) (tech.) |
vahl:(to) grant |
vanu-~:ceremonial ~ |
Vanu-Zukitan:Ceremonial Script (Vulcan writing script) |
2077,9 → 2299,30 |
ex=Ma malanu t'sa-veh vi.:Who has his pants? |
t'vi:whose |
vi':into |
svi'~:in(side) ~ ["from-into"] |
svi'~:amid(st)|among(st)|in the midst of|inside (of) ~ ["from-into"] |
vikatau:(to) bring in |
vikataya:bring-in|bringing-in (n.) |
vihish:pressure (n.) [inferred] |
nuk-pid-shal t'vihish:pressure couplet (meteo.) ["lower-high-zone of-pressure"] |
muhs-vihish:vapor pressure (meteo.) ["vapor-pressure"] |
vi-mashauk muhs-vihish:saturation vapor pressure (meteo.) ["?-? vapor-pressure"] |
nuk-vihish:low pressure (n.) (meteo.) |
pi-shal t'nuk-vihish:mesolow (meteo.) ["small-zone of-low-pressure"] |
nuk-vihish-shal:low (pressure area)|cyclone (low pressure area) (n.) (meteo.) ["low-pressure-zone"] |
ikapik nuk-vihish-shal:closed low (meteo.) ["? low-pressure-zone"] |
faluyik nuk-vihish-shal:thermal low (meteo.) ["? low-pressure-zone"] |
falu-shalik nuk-vihish-shal:tropical cyclone (meteo.) ["?-? low-pressure-zone"] |
nefalu-shalik nuk-vihish-shal:subtropical cyclone (meteo.) ["?-? low-pressure-zone"] |
nefalu-shalik pi'nuk-vihish-shal:subtropical depression (meteo.) ["?-? small-low-pressure-zone"] |
pi'nuk-vihish-shal:depression (meteo.) ["small-low-pressure-zone"] |
falu-shalik pi'nuk-vihish-shal:tropical depression (meteo.) ["?-? small-low-pressure-zone"] |
fe-pradukik nuk-vihish-tauf:pre-frontal trough (meteo.) |
nuk-vihish-tauf:(low-pressure) trough (meteo.) ["low-pressure-?"] |
pen-pralik nuk-vihish-tauf:shortwave trough (meteo.) ["?-? low-pressure-?"] |
wu-pralik nuk-vihish-tauf:longwave trough (meteo.) ["?-? low-pressure-?"] |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Positive-tilt trough (meteo.) ["positive-tilted low-pressure-?"] |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Negative-tilt trough (meteo.) ["negative-tilted low-pressure-?"] |
nuk-vihish-svitistoraya:cyclogenesis (meteo.) ["low-pressure-?"] |
vin-~:mature ~ |
vinik:mature |
wehk-tevun-vinik:multivoltine (adj.; biol.) ["many-year-mature"] |
2120,7 → 2363,7 |
ex=Vun hal-tor sa-veh tal-tor paki-sehlat.:He must go find the lost sehlat. ["Must go he to-find lost-sehlat."] |
ex=Vun-vashau dah yel-hali skyem-kushel tlingansu.:The two starships have to destroy the Klingon bird-of-prey. ["Must-destroy two starship bird-of-prey Klingon."] |
vunai:field (n.) (tech.) |
vunai-ferek:[see /ferek/] |
# vunai-ferek:[see /ferek/] |
kel-ket'es-vunai (KKV):structural integrity field (SIF) ["?-?-field"] |
fosh-vunai t'kur-raf-tepul (FVKRT):chromoelectric force field ["?-field of-color-?-?"] |
nen-sakwitayek t'fosh-vunai (NSFV):primary force field deflector ["?-? of-?-field"] |
2130,6 → 2373,18 |
seshlanu-vunai-kesautik:geotactic (adj.) (ocean.) ["?-field-?"] |
tuhlau-vunai:containment field ["contain-field"] |
ka-dvunik tuhlau-vunai:isokinetic containment field ["same-moving contain-?"] |
vush:jet (n.) (tech., meteo.) |
mu'yor-wak-vush:nocturnal jet (meteo.) |
ku-liyik ruken-vush:valley exit jet (meteo.) |
na-vush|na-salan-pilash:polar jet (stream) (meteo.) |
falu-shal-vush:tropical jet (meteo.) |
nefalu-shal-vush:subtropical jet (meteo.) |
nuk-vok-vush:low level jet (meteo.) |
vi-yumau-vush:inflow jet (meteo.) |
vush-dataya:jet propulsion (tech.) |
vush-mishu:jet engine (tech.) |
vush-sov-hali:jet aircraft (tech.) |
vush-su-yata:jetliner (tech.) |
wa('~):especially|particularly|really|truly [etc.; used for emphasis] |
ex=Wa'aitlu nash-veh gla-tor per-gluvaya.:I really want to see the play. ["Really-wants this-one to-see play."] |
ex=Wa'bolau nash-veh i'trasha.:I really need to leave now. ["Really-needs this-one now-leave."] |
2157,6 → 2412,7 |
ex=Isan t'Wehk- heh Gol'nev-Zhitlar svi'Zhit-ballar:Use of Multiple & Helper Verbs in Sentences |
weil:whale [borr. from FSE] |
ralek-weil:fin whale [see /ralek/] |
ul-wihka:hypothesis (ocean.) ["partial-?"] |
wiin:? |
wilat:where |
ex=Kluflar t'nash-veh wilat.:Where are my boots? ["Boots of-this-one where."] |
2171,7 → 2427,6 |
wu(-~):long ~ |
wugau:(to) confirm |
wugaya:confirmation (discipline) |
wugau:(to) confirm |
wuh:one (enum.) |
wuh-~:mono~|uni~|single-~ |
wuh'rak:first TGV) |
2196,7 → 2451,8 |
yeht-urgam'es:efficiency|efficient |
tor-yehat:possible |
yel:star (n.) |
yel-hali:[see /hali/] |
# yel-hali:[see /hali/] |
yel-ulidar:sunspot ["star-scar"] |
yem:meal |
yem-tukh:food ["meal-stuff"] |
aru-yem:dinner ["evening-meal"] |
2226,6 → 2482,7 |
tevanu-yokulsu:scavenger ["?-eater"] |
yon:fire (n.) |
yon-kur:red ["fire-color"] |
yonshaya:? |
yut:path|trail|way |
fau-yut:road|street |
za'~:behind ~ |
2271,7 → 2528,7 |
wahdzh-guhras-Zhitlar:severe invective |
navath-zhit:comparative (n.) |
ex=Navath-Zhitlar heh Dannosh-Zhitlar:Comparatives & Superlatives |
nosh-zhit:adverb |
nosh-zhit:adverb|condition-word |
nosh-zhitik:adverbial |
zhoh:1000000 (million; enum., card.) |
zhoh'rak:1000000th (millionth; TGV) |
2280,7 → 2537,7 |
zhu:hearing (n.) |
zhu-fam-~:deaf ~ ["hearing-without"] |
zhu-famik:deaf |
zhu-thonek:[see /thonek/] |
# zhu-thonek:[see /thonek/] |
zhu-tor:(to) hear ["hearing-verb"] |
ex=Zhu-tor T'Luki sehlatlar fna'krani fi'yut na'svep.:T'Luki hears /sehlats/ through the window on the way to the door. |
nazhu-tor:(to) listen |
2292,4 → 2549,6 |
zup:labor|work (n.) |
zup-tor:(to) labor|work |
ex=>Zup-tor vu akarshif - Spahkh.<:"You have labored long, Spock." ["Labor you-yourself a long time, Spock."] |
zukitan:script |
zukitan:script |
zul:lava (geol.) |
(suk')zul-kunel:volcano (sci.) |