83,7 → 83,6 |
## (paragraph formatting SHOULD be used), unless it is followed by |
## another “#” (like here) in which case it is documentation only |
## for implementors and MUST NOT be displayed by software. |
## (/Palikau zehl k'>#< comment heh gluvaun lerash-tukh /) |
# |
# Entries are indented to signify derivation, so that software |
# can mark common word-roots. The optional part of the original |
112,10 → 111,8 |
# |
# adj. – adjective, adjectival |
# agr. – agriculture, agricultural; related to planting |
# anat. – anatomy, anatomical; related to body structure |
# anc. – ancient (word), from before Surak’s language reforms; |
# probably with irr. verb-forms |
# anorg. – anorganic; not related to life forms |
# with irr. strong verb-forms |
# biol. – biology, biologic; related to life forms |
# borr. – borrowed word |
# bot. – botany, botanical; related to plant life |
125,11 → 122,7 |
# items there are |
# e.g. – /exempli gratia/: Latin for "for example" |
# etc. – /et cetera/: Latin for "and so forth/on" |
# ex. – example |
# fig. – figuratively (vs. lit.); e.g., "field" can lit. mean |
# "place where crops grow", fig. "area of study", or |
# fig. a math. structure (like "Galois field") or |
# a technology (like "warp field") |
# fig. – figuratively |
# ger. – gerund (form); verb form to describe what happens now |
# geo. – related to geosciences |
# geol. – geology, geologic; related to stones and minerals |
138,8 → 131,6 |
# i.e. – /id est/: Latin for "that is" |
# imp. – imperative (form); used for commands and invocations |
# irr. – irregular (verb; vs. reg.) |
# lit. – literally (vs. fig.) |
# math. – mathematics, mathematically |
# med. – medicine, medical |
# myth. – mythology, mythologic |
# n. – noun; word for a thing or being |
174,23 → 165,14 |
ex=Vasha'voh yel-hali t'nemut..:Destroy the enemy starship! |
ex=Tu'ash'voh svep..:Open the door! |
~-kam:dear ~ (affection) |
a'gal:positron |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive ~ [inferred] |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Positive-tilt trough (meteo.) ["?-?-? down-?-?"] |
a'rak-falun:positive charge (sci.) |
a'rak-falun-krus:cation (geol.) |
a'rak-shal:positive area (meteo.) |
a'rakik wan-solektra-pahz:positive cloud-to-ground lightning (meteo.) |
aal:? |
abi'~:until ~ |
abu(-~):up~|upward~ |
abu(-~):up |
abrashau:(to) pick up |
ex=Abrashau reshnek Kardassu pi'natuhn s'kitau-skaf.:The angry Cardassian picks up the small box from the desk. |
abru'~:above|over ~ |
abru-~:above~|over~ |
abru-masu-tin t'suk'muzh:epilimnion ["above-water-layer of-lake"] |
abru-~:upper ~ [inferred] |
abru-masu-tin t'suk'muzh:epilimnion ["upper-water-layer of-lake"] |
abrupik:dominant (adj.; biol.) |
ul-abrupik'es:partial dominance (zool.) ["?-dominant-noun"] |
ul-abrupik'es:partial dominance (zool.) |
achut:brush (n.) [inferred] |
puyan-achut:cleaning brush [see /puyek/] |
ahkh:war (borr.) |
206,7 → 188,7 |
ex=Aitlu tu nash-gad nuh'irak hal-tor.:You want to go too far today. ["Want you today too-far to-go:"] |
aitlun:desire (n.) |
aitluyan:desiring |
ak'~:soon ~ |
ak('~):soon |
ex=Vun ak'hal-tor sa-veh.:He must go soon. ["Must soon-go he."] |
ex=Ri dotor au ak'hal-tor na'Terra.:They are not planning to go to Earth soon. ["Not plan they soon-go to-Earth."] |
ak'wikman:surprising |
217,7 → 199,7 |
akteibuhl:attainment |
aluk:fish (n.) |
Andorsu:Andorian |
ar'kadan:work ["?-same-rotation"?] |
ar'kadan:work |
fi'ar'kadan:working|at work |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki fi'ar'kadan.:Sonok and T'Luki are working. |
asal:morning |
234,11 → 216,10 |
ask'er:soldier (borr.) |
au:they|them |
oau:they|them [about superiors or honored persons, "honored they/them"] |
t'au:their|theirs ["of-them"] |
t'au:their|theirs |
aushfa:animal (n.) |
aushfamaluhr:animalic (adj.) |
lesek-mal-aushfa:arthropod (biol.) ["joint-?-animal"] |
ulef-masu-aushfa:amphibian (n.) ["half-water-animal"] |
ulef-masu-aushfa:amphibian (n.) |
avon:hunger (n.) |
k'avon:hungry ["with-hunger"] |
ex=Sa-kan k'avon hi ko-kan rik'avon.:The boy is hungry but the girl is full. |
245,12 → 226,7 |
ex=k'le-matya k'avon:with the hungry /le-matya/ |
ex=Raidzhelsu k'avon heh k'mag.:The Rigellians are hungry and thirsty. |
rik'avon:full (no longer hungry) ["without-hunger"] |
ayau:(to) tilt [inferred] |
ayaun(-~|ik):tilted [inferred] |
ayaun-sahriv:Tilted storm |
ayaun-abu-yumaya:Tilted updraft |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /a'rak/] |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /u'rak/] |
ayau:? |
ba-tak:tradition (anc., borr.) |
ba-~:traditional ~ |
Ba-Gol-Vuhlkansu:Traditional Golic Vulcan (language) |
262,11 → 238,10 |
bali-fekik:pachycaul (biol.) ["thick-?"] |
bali-wadi-nosh:pachyderma ["thick-?-?"] |
balkra:/balkra/ (a type of aromatic casserole; anc.) |
bai'~:by means of|through|via (obs.) [see /fna'/] |
bai-lon-tak:? |
bar-kas:spice (n.) |
batai:sturdy (anc.) [Batai was the name of Kamin's sturdy son in Ressik province on another planet; see TNG "The Inner Light"] |
be'~:beside|by|near|next to|very close to ~ |
be'~:by|next to ~ |
behsu:neighbor (n.) ["next-to person"] |
betau:(to) approach [reg. strong v.] |
ex=Betau nesh-kur sehlat mol-kur svai svi'ne-yartra.:The black /sehlat/ approaches the magenta flower in the meadow. |
283,7 → 258,6 |
ex=>Ben vahl navun.<:"Grant us success." ["To-us grant success."] |
bezhun:eye |
bezhun-masu:tear(s) (n.) ["eye-water"] |
bi'~:along ~ |
bling:? |
bolau:need (v.) |
ex=Bolau sa-veh yokul ein-vel.:He needs to eat something. ["Needs he to-eat something"] |
306,19 → 280,19 |
ex=>Dakh orfikkel aushfamaluhr shaukaush fi'aifa mazhiv.<:"Our ancestors cast out their animal passions here on these sands." ["Cast-out ancestors animal passion(s) on-these sands."] |
dal:? |
dal-nath:? |
da-tor:(to) rotate |
dan:rotation |
dan:rotation |
da-tor:(to) rotate |
dayan:rotating |
danau:(to) explain ["rotate (knowledge) around"; reg. strong v.] |
ex=Danau Sonok lof na'T'Luki.:Sonok explains the purpose to T'Luki. |
danaun:explaining |
danaya:explanation |
dan-~:~est|most ~ (superlative) |
ex=Sehlat t'Soval dan-suk t'elkhrul-shal.:Soval's /sehlat/ is the biggest of the whole area. ["/Sehlat/ of-Soval most-big of-whole-area."] |
ex=Skladan t'ko-veh na'spanakhat dan-yauluhk t'ek.:Her message for the government is the most important of all. ["Message of-female-one for-government most-important of-all."] |
danau:(to) explain ["rotate (knowledge) around"; reg. strong v.] |
ex=Danau Sonok lof na'T'Luki.:Sonok explains the purpose to T'Luki. |
danaun:explaining |
danaya:explanation |
dan-~:(superlative) |
ex=Sehlat t'Soval dan-suk t'elkhrul-shal.:Soval's /sehlat/ is the biggest of the whole area. ["/Sehlat/ of-Soval biggest of-whole-area."] |
ex=Skladan t'ko-veh na'spanakhat dan-yauluhk t'ek.:Her message for the government is the most important of all. ["Message of-female-one for-government most important of-all."] |
dap:spot |
dap-lan-pa:children's game (anc.) ["spot-?-?"] |
reh-dap:three-spots ("∴") ["three-spot"; used as "etc." is used in FSE] |
reh-dap:three-spot ("∴") [used as "etc." is used in FSE] |
ex=Bolau mahr-tor Spolk dunaplar - dun - neshuk ∴:Spolk needs to buy books, paper, ink, etc. |
daya:? |
Deltasu:Deltan |
328,9 → 302,9 |
ex=>Dif-tor heh smusma - Spohkh.<:"Live long and prosper, Spock." ["To-live-long and to-prosper, Spock."] |
dohn:board|plank (n.) |
do:than |
ex=Soval weh-suk do Stola.:Soval is bigger than Stola. ["Soval more-big than Stola."] |
ex=Skladan t'nash-veh na'ko-veh weh-yauluhk do t'du.:My message for her is more important than yours. ["Message of-this-one for-female-one more-important than of-you."] |
ex=Kelek t'Soval weh-suk do dan-suk t'besular.:Soval's house is bigger than the biggest house of his neighbors. ["House of-Soval more-big than most-big of-neighbors."] |
ex=Soval weh-suk do Stola.:Soval is bigger than Stola. ["Soval bigger than Stola."] |
ex=Skladan t'nash-veh na'ko-veh weh-yauluhk do t'du.:My message for her is more important than yours. ["Message of-this-one for-female-one more important than of-you."] |
ex=Kelek t'Soval weh-suk do dan-suk t'besular.:Soval's house is bigger than the biggest house of his neighbors. ["House of-Soval bigger than biggest of-neighbors."] |
dom:so |
ex=>Dom - ki'sarlah.<:"So, it has come." ["So, (it) has-come."] |
dor:honor |
347,7 → 321,6 |
dular|tular:you (pl.) [/dular/ when alone or after a consonant, /tular/ otherwise] |
odular:you ["honored you-plural"; to superiors or honored persons] |
t'dular:your|yours (pl.) |
du':while|during |
dun:paper |
dunap:book |
dungi(-~):will (v.)|(future form) |
398,13 → 371,11 |
hayataya:augmentation [inferred] |
thak-hayataya (MGV) | thask-hayataya (TGV):breast augmentation (med.) |
hayatayek:augmentor (tech.) |
eik-~:wide(ly) ~ |
ein-~:some~ |
eitau:? |
ek:all |
ek'~:all|complete|total|pan-~ |
ek'~:full |
ek'an:maximum (n.) |
ex=:[see /suk/ for ex.] |
ex=:see /suk/ for an example |
elkhrul-~:whole|entire |
ek'zer:gem|jewel (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
ekkuu-~:planar |
417,22 → 388,18 |
esta:touch (n.) |
estuhl:(to) touch [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Estuhl sa-kan aluk.:The boy touches the fish. |
ex=>Estuhl terrupik khaf - Spohkh.<:"It touches your human blood, Spock." ["Touch Terran blood, Spock."] |
ex=>Estuhl terrupik khaf - Spohkh.<:"It touches your human blood, Spock." ["Touch(es) Terran blood, Spock."] |
estuhlan:touching |
etek:we|us (normal mode) |
t'etek:our|ours ["of-us"] |
t'etek:our|ours |
etwel:us (formal mode) |
oetwel:we|us [when spoken by superiors about themselves, literally "honored we/us"] |
k'etwel:with us |
ex=:[see /tah/ for ex.] |
s'etwel:from us |
fa':before|in front of |
fa(-)~:fore~|front-~|frontal ~|anterior ~|bow(-)~ (naut.) |
fa-wak:future ["fore-time"] |
fa-wak glansu:prophet ["future sight-person"; see /glan/] |
ofa-wak glansu:The Prophet (hon.) |
nenik fa-wak-wis:simple future (tense) ["simple future-tense"] |
faterek:prefix |
fa-wak:future |
fa-wak glansu:prophet ["future sight-person"; see /glan/] |
ofa-wak glansu:The Prophet |
nenik fa-wak-wis:simple future tense |
fah-yat:? |
fai-tukh:knowledge |
faik:data [inferred from /faik-vistra/] |
442,18 → 409,14 |
fal-tor:(to) rejoin ["hot-to-do"] |
fal-tor-pan:refusion (anc.) [ceremony to rejoin the body and katra] |
falek:heat ["hot-all"] |
ex=Nam-tor falek be'yon.:It is warm by the fire. ["Be heat by-fire."] |
ex=Nam-tor falek be'yon.:It is warm by the fire. ["To-be heat by-fire."] |
falek'es:temperature ["hot-all-noun"] |
fan-~:any~ |
fan-vel:anything ["any-thing"] |
fan-yokulsu:[see /yokulsu/] |
hai-fan-wan:[see /fan-wan/] |
hai-fan-wan:[see /wan/] |
fan-vel:anything ["any-thing"] |
farr:time (anc., obs.) [only used poetically in Golic Vulcan] |
fas-tor:(to) cook |
ex=Fas-tor opilsu steh natya sazh.:The chef cooks 7 different vegetables. ["Cook chef 7 different vegetable."] |
fasei:this (here) |
fe-~:pre-~|ante-~ |
fe-~:pre~ |
feihan:? |
fereik:(to) create|invent [inferred] |
fereiksu:creator|inventor |
463,12 → 426,11 |
leshanik fosh-vunai-ferek (LFVF):portable force field generator ["? ?-field-?"] |
wak-vunai-ferek (WVF):temporal field generator ["time-field-?"] |
sakwitayek-vunai-ferek (SVF):deflector field generator ["?-field-?"] |
fi'~:on|atop|upon ~ |
fi'~:on ~ |
fihdd:? |
floku:spoon |
fmak:? |
fna'~:through|via|due to |
fna-~:through(-~)|thorough~ |
fna'~:through ~ |
fnash:sweep |
fnashtau:(to) sweep |
ex=Fnashtau T'Luki lan-tol.:T'Luki sweeps the floor. |
482,7 → 444,6 |
foshuhlan:shedding |
fonn(-~):loyal |
fonn'es:loyalty |
fu-~:proto-~ |
fulag:lead (n.) [as in a race] |
fu-~:before|leading ~ |
fulag-tor:(to) lead |
566,8 → 527,6 |
ha'kiv:life ["fire of being"?] |
ha-tor:(to) live [also: "burn"?] |
ex=Ha-tor Sonok heh T'Luki svi'pi'kelek svi'suk'solai.:Sonok and T'Luki live in the small house on the big field. |
ha-guhsh:[see /guhsh/] |
ha-vel:organism ["life-thing"] |
hasu:being (n.) |
haran:Fire Beast (anc.; myth.) |
ha-vol(-~):tall ~ |
629,7 → 588,7 |
hutau:(to) shock |
po-hutau:produce an aftershock |
po-hutaya:aftershock |
i'~:~ now|at this moment |
i('~):now |
ex=I'aitlu nash-veh trasha.:I want to leave now. ["Now-wants this-one to-leave."] |
ex=Ri i'aitlu etek trasha.:We do not want to leave now. ["Not now-want we to-leave."] |
ex=I'bolau Soval oren-tor uf hash-tor.:Soval needs to learn how to fly now. ["Now-needs Soval to-learn how to-fly."] |
667,7 → 626,7 |
neis-tor:(to) use up |
neis:using-up (n.) |
nisan:examination|test |
ish-~:that ~ |
ish(-~):that |
ish-veh:he|she|it ["that-one"; preferred in MGV] |
ex=>Ish-veh ni komihn.<:"He's so human." ["That-one so human."] |
oish-veh:he|she [about a superior or honored person, "honored that-one"] |
679,10 → 638,8 |
iyik:modern |
Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu:Modern Golic Vulcan (Vulcan language) |
Iyi-Golik:Modern Golic |
k'~:with|by ~ |
k'kan:pregnant ["with-child"] |
k'kan-wak:pregnancy ["with-child-time"] |
k'kvai:through [TGV only, rare] |
k':with |
k'kan:? ["with-child", i.e. pregnant?] |
k'puu:? |
k'shatri:foreign |
ka(-~):same ~ |
696,7 → 653,7 |
kari-~:strong ~ |
kari-tor-zhitlar:strong verbs |
kahm:meat (n.) |
kahm-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kahm-yokulsu:carnivore ["meat-eater"] |
kahr:town |
kal-tor:(to) allow|let |
ex=>Kal-tor palikau.<:"Let it commence." ["Allow to-commence."] |
704,7 → 661,6 |
kan-fam:childless |
kanu:children (TGV) |
kanlar:children (MGV) |
kanok-~:every~ |
Kardassu:Cardassian |
kap:bread |
kashek (MGV):mind (n.) |
715,7 → 671,7 |
ya'akash:(to) ask (anc.) |
kast:plant |
kastik:plant (general term) |
kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kastik-goh-yokulsu:vegetarian ["plant-only-eater"] |
katau:(to) bring [inferred] |
sakatau:(to) bring out |
sakataya:bringing-out|out-bringing |
727,7 → 683,6 |
kauyik:5 (adj.) |
kau:wisdom |
kaunshuk:united |
ke~:against ~ |
kef-~:emergency |
keh:four (enum.) |
ex=Dvin-tor sa-kan keh yerak t'shur t'plomik.:The boy serves four bowls of /plomeek/ soup. ["Serve boy four bowl of-soup of-plomik."] |
738,7 → 693,7 |
kep:gong |
kel:building (n.) |
kelek:house |
ha-kel:home ["life-building"; see /ha'kiv/] |
ha-kel:home |
kemeskarau:(to) hold against |
kemeskaraya:against-holding (n.) |
kenan:understanding |
761,7 → 716,7 |
ex=Nam-tor khrikhigen-va knuk nash-gad..:The @#$%& weather is lousy today! ["Is @#$%& weather lousy today!"] |
khru:evening |
khush:? |
ki'~:have ~ (perfect past form) |
ki':(perfect past form) |
ex=ki'gla-tor du:you have seen |
ex=ki'tishal etek:we have liked |
ex=Ki'gla-tor du dukal ha.:Have you seen the ball? ["Have seen you ball yes."] |
770,7 → 725,7 |
ex=Ki'haloval au k'ashiv na'Shi'Kahr klepovau.:They have traveled to Shi'Kahr to shop. ["Have traveled they to-Shi'Kahr to-shop."] |
ex=Ki'yaretal tomasular t'du eshikh.:Your relatives have visited the desert. ["Have visited relatives of-you desert."] |
ex=Ki'yokul du aru-yem ha.:Have you eaten dinner? ["Have eaten you dinner yes."] |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kital nash-veh.:I would/should have written. ["Would have written this-one."] |
ex=vesht dungi ki'kital nash-veh.:I would/should have written. ["Would have written this-one."] |
ki'haf:basket (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
kiht:? |
kiit:? |
821,12 → 776,12 |
kobat-tor-zhitlar:weak verbs |
Kol-Ut-Shan:/Kol-Ut-Shan/ (IDIC symbol) ["?-transfer"] |
kolau:(to) shock [inferred] |
kolau-tviyan t'nel'ashayek:replicator memory core ["shock-? of-?"] |
thor'gal-kolau-sayek:thoron shock emitter ["?-shock-?"] |
kolaya:shock (n.) [inferred] |
pid-folau-kolaya:anaphylactic shock ["?-?-shock"] |
kwul-kolaya:concussion ["?-shock"] |
raf-kolaya:electric(al) shock ["?-shock"] |
Anaphylactic shock -- pid-folau-kolaya ["?-?-shock"] |
Concussion -- kwul-kolaya ["?-shock"] |
Electric(al) shock -- raf-kolaya ["?-shock"] |
Replicator memory core -- kolau-tviyan t'nel'ashayek ["shock-? of-?"] |
Thoron shock emitter -- thor'gal-kolau-sayek ["?-shock-?"] |
Kolinahr:/Kolinahr/ (rigorous training program at Gol to purge oneself of all emotions) ["?-now-discipline"] |
ex=>Kolinahr – k'kvai'ei ek'zherka t'forti foshuhl<:"Kolinahr: Through which all emotion is finally shed." ["Through-which all-emotion(s) finally shed."] |
Kolinahru:those who have attained /Kolinahr/ |
836,13 → 791,12 |
korsaya:conservation |
ne-solektra-korsayek:tuber ["sub-?-conserver"] |
korseivel|korseiven:saved |
kov:rock|stone [Kov was the name of a Vulcan engineer in "Star Trek: Enterprise"] |
koshtri:race |
ex=>Sha'koshtri korseivel bai'elkhrul-akteibuhl t'Kolinahr.<:"Our race was saved by attainment of Kolinahr." ["Our-own-race saved through-entire-attaining of-Kolinahr."] |
kov:rock|stone [Kov was the name of a Vulcan engineer in "Star Trek: Enterprise"] |
ha-guhsh-kov:organic rock (geol.) ["life-debris-rock"; see /ha-gush/] |
kozauk:specific |
kraisek:cage (n.) |
krani:window (n.) |
krani:window |
kraisek:cage |
kras:paint (n.) |
kras-tor:(to) paint |
kreila:? |
862,9 → 816,6 |
kum-tor:(to) catch |
ex=Kum-tor yon-kur le-matya os teresh-kah fi'yut.:The red /le-matya/ catches the old /teresh-kah/ bird on the path. |
kuman:catching |
kumfa:catcher [animal] |
ravot-kumfa:insect-catcher (small bird) ["insect-catch-animal"] |
kumsu:catcher [person, e.g. in a ballgame] |
kun-ut:marriage|bonding |
kun-ut-travek:marriage party |
kup:can|(to) be able to (v.) |
889,7 → 840,6 |
vikuvau:encircle|surround |
viikuftra-~:insular ~ |
Viikuftra-Golik:Insular Golic (Vulcan language) |
kup-~:(to) be able (to) ~ |
kur:color |
mu-kur-tukh:melanin ["?-color-stuff"] |
sash-kur-tukh:acidic dye ["acidic-color-stuff"] |
900,9 → 850,8 |
kvai'ei:which |
kvesh:? |
kwai:wild (n.) |
kwi'~:from a distance|from far away |
kwi-~:tele~ [rare; see /irak-~/] |
la('~):here(-~) |
kwi':from far away |
la('~):here |
ex=Gish ko-veh nash-gad la'lasha.:She expects to arrive here today. ["Expects she today here-arrive."] |
lasha:(to) arrive [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Lasha kanlar heh sehlat na'yon-kur svep.:The children and the /sehlat/ arrive at the red door. |
997,14 → 946,7 |
leipau:(to) bake |
ex=Leipau Sonok kap.:Sonok bakes a bread. |
leitri:toy |
lesek:joint (n.) (anat.) |
lesek-mal-aushfa:[see /aushfa/] |
lesek-masu:[see /masu/] |
lesek-pi'fek:["joint-?-?"; see /pi'fek/] |
el-lesek:synovial joint (anat.) ["?-joint"] |
mal-nef-lesek:knee joint (anat.) ["?-?-joint"] |
ozh-lesek:knuckle ["?-joint"] |
sa'ovau-lesek:expansion joint (tech.) ["?-joint"] |
lesek:? |
li-fal:example |
li-falik:example|exemplary (adj.) |
ex=li-falik zhit-feim:example vocabulary |
1019,7 → 961,7 |
ex=Ma sa-kan dukal heh kep - ko-kan mokuv heh leitri.:The boy owns a ball and a gong; the girl a ring and a toy. |
ex=>Ma etek natyan — teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on.<:"We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us:" —Surak [">Have we difference — together may we grow greater than sum of-us.<"] |
mat:possession |
ma~:very ~|highly ~|exceptional(ly) ~|extra~|ultra~ |
ma~:very ~ |
ex=:see /pi/ and /suk/ |
maat:clan |
maat-pid-kom:clan matriarch ["clan-high-mother"; from /ko-mekh/] |
1035,7 → 977,6 |
malat-~:natural ~ |
malatik:natural |
masu:water|fluid |
lesek-masu:synovial fluid (med.) ["joint-water"; see /lesek/] |
masu'es:moisture |
masupik:wet |
ex=Nam-tor nash-gad masupik.:It is wet today. ["To-be this-day wet."] |
1052,9 → 993,7 |
mavau:(to) play |
mazhiv:sand(s) (n.) |
Melkotsu:Melkotian |
mes'~:across ~ |
mesakh'~:beyond ~ |
mes(-~):(a)cross-~ |
mes-~:(a)cross |
mes-thonek:calipers (med.) ["across-meter"; see /thonek/] |
mes-tvi-temok:transverse bulkhead ["across-inside-wall"] |
mes-zhel:transverse band (meteo.) ["across-band"] |
1127,7 → 1066,7 |
suk'muzh:lake |
pseth-eik-yerakik rilik suk'muzh:bolson ["?-?-? without-? lake"; a semiarid, flat-floored desert valley or depression, usually centred on a playa or salt pan and entirely surrounded by hills or mountains.] |
zul-muzh:lava lake |
na'~:at|to(wards)|for ~ |
na'~:at|for|to(wards) ~ |
nafek:organ (med.) |
pi'nafek:gland ["small organ"] |
nahr:discipline |
1142,7 → 1081,6 |
nala:cell |
nala-litra:cell culture |
nalatra:tissue |
nalatra-tin t'el-lesek:synovial membrane ["tissue-layer of-?-joint"; see /lesek/] |
sakasu-nalatra-neshuhk:biotroph ["bring-out-being-tissue-parasite"] |
torupik nalatra-ifis:active transport ["working tissue-transport"] |
naliveh:? |
1151,7 → 1089,7 |
ex=Nam-tor la reh Vuhlkansu -- Sarek - Spohkh heh Saavik.:There are three Vulcans here: Sarek, Spock and Saavik. |
ex=Nam-tor wehk pla-kur kovlar svi'solai hi zam yon-kur kovlar.:There are many blue stones on the field but few red stones. |
nam-tor ish:that is ["to-be it"] |
namishau:(to) adjust ["existence-now-break"?] |
namishau:(to) adjust ["existence-now-break"] |
namishaya:adjustment |
nash-~:this ~ |
nash-veh:I|me ["this-one"] |
1171,39 → 1109,38 |
naur-~:9th ~ |
nauyik:9 (adj.) |
naukuh:9 (card.) |
ne(-~):under~|sub~ |
ne['-]~:under~|shallow ~ |
nehau:(to) rot ["under-add"] |
ex=Nehau urozh svi'solai.:The crops are rotting in the field. |
ne-yartra:[see /yar/] |
ne'~:below|under ~ |
nef:shelf |
nehg:? |
nei:? |
nem-tor:(to) take |
ex=Vesht tar-tor Surak >Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim.<:Surak said, "There is no offense where none is taken." ["Past say Surak >Be not offense where to-take none.<"] |
ex=Vesht tar-tor Surak >Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim.<:Surak said, "There is no offense where none is taken." ["Past say Surak >To-be not offense where to-take none.<"] |
nemut:enemy ["he who takes (e.g. water, without asking)"] |
nenik:simple (gr.) |
nentu:frame |
starun-nentular:speech frames ("> — <") [used as quotation marks/double quotes in FSE] |
ex=:[see /nemtor/ for ex.] |
ex=:see /nemtor/ for an example |
tresh-nentular:split-frames ("¦ — ¦") [used for emphasis, like bolding or capitals in FSE] |
ex=Nam-tor ish ¦suk¦ sehlat..:That is a *big* /sehlat/! |
tuhsk-nentular|wuh-nentular:comment frames|single frames ("| — |") [used like parantheses in FSE] |
ex=Dungi nam-tor keh os-yel-hali | ek s'kadvin | moguhshau.:Four old starships (all out of commission) will be scrapped. ["Will be four old-star-ship (all out-of-commission) scrap."] |
ex=Dungi nam-tor keh os-yel-hali | ek s'kadvin | moguhshau.:Four old starships (all out of commission) will be scrapped. ["Will be four old-star-ship | all out-of-commission | scrap."] |
nesh-~:black ~ |
nesh-kur:black |
ex=Sehlat nesh-kur hi le-matya wan-kur.:The /sehlat/ is black but the /le-matya/ is white. |
neshuk:ink (n.) |
nesh-tor:(to) cut |
el'neshek:scissors |
neshuhk:parasite (biol.) |
neshuhkolsu:parasitoid |
ek'neshuhk:obligate parasite |
ne-neshuhk:hyperparasite |
on-neshuhk:facultative parasite |
si-neshuhk:ectoparasite |
tvi-neshuhk:endoparasite |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
neshuk:ink (n.) |
nesh-kur:black ["ink-color"] |
ex=Sehlat nesh-kur hi le-matya wan-kur.:The /sehlat/ is black but the /le-matya/ is white. |
nesh-~:black ~ |
neshuhk:parasite (biol.) |
neshuhkolsu:parasitoid |
ek'neshuhk:obligate parasite |
ne-neshuhk:hyperparasite |
on-neshuhk:facultative parasite |
si-neshuhk:ectoparasite |
tvi-neshuhk:endoparasite |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
nev-kur:maroon (color) |
ni:so |
nikh:eye (anc., obs.) [only used poetically in Golic Vulcan] |
1246,13 → 1183,12 |
tash-noshtra-tal:eugenics ["?-characteristic-science"] |
prah-noshtralar:acquired characteristics (biol.) |
dau-tukh t'sa-noshtra:androgen (med.) |
nu~:down~|downward~ |
nu(-~):down-~ |
nuktru-~:lowlands ~ |
Nuktru-Golik:Lowlands Golic (Vulcan language) |
numo(-~):microscopic ~ |
ex=numo-kushel:an insignificant bird [one that is so small that it is almost not worth mentioning, but can also mean that it is a bird that is totally adorable] |
numo-zan-vel:microscope ["microscopic-view-thing"] |
nu'~:down ~ |
nuh'~:too ~ (adj.) |
o~:honored ~ |
osu:sir|madam ["honored person"] |
1270,9 → 1206,8 |
olau:(to) feel |
ex=Olau tu uf.:How are you? ["Feel you how."] |
on:ourselves |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
ex=:see /ma/ for an example |
ooch:? |
opi'~:since ~ |
oren:study (n.) |
oren-tor:(to) learn|study |
orfikkel:ancestors (anc.) |
1290,16 → 1225,8 |
ovsot-ek'rubah:[see /rubah/] |
ovsotik:complete (adj. stand-alone) |
ovsotuhl-~:total ~ (adj.) |
pa':around|about |
pa'es-~:general ~ |
paik:general |
pa'shi-~:clear ~ ["about-place"] |
pa'shik:clear (adj.) |
pa'shau:(to) clear |
pa'shaya:clearing (n.) |
skapa'shau:(to) clear off |
skapa'shaya:clear-off|clearing-off (n.) |
pa-~:circum~ |
pa'es-~:general ~ |
paik:general |
pakh:stroke (" - ") [used like comma or semicolon in FSE] |
abu-pakh:up-stroke ("|") [used as a virgule ("/") in FSE or in mathematical fractions] |
ex=Orenal T'Luki terrupik wak-krus 1999|2000.:T'Luki studied the Earth period 1999/2000. |
1307,7 → 1234,14 |
ripakhaik:irregular |
dah-pakh:double-stroke (" – ", " -- ") [used like colon or dash in FSE] |
dahshaya-pakh:separation-stroke (" = ") [used like tilde or hyphen in FSE] |
ek'pakh:full-stroke (" — ", " --- ") [used instead of /dah-pakh/ in classical literature; also equiv. to ellipsis in FSE] |
ek'pakh:full-stroke (" — ", " --- ") [used instead of /dah-pakh/ in classical literature; also equiv. to ellipsis in FSE] |
pa~:by~ |
pa'shi-~:clear ~ ["by-place"] |
pa'shik:clear (adj.) |
pa'shau:(to) clear |
pa'shaya:clearing (n.) |
skapa'shau:(to) clear off |
skapa'shaya:clear-off|clearing-off (n.) |
paki-~:lost ~ |
palikau:(to) begin|commence |
palik:beginning (n.) |
1329,16 → 1263,16 |
pelal:robe |
pelakh:filament |
pen(-~):short |
pi((')~):little|small |
pi('~):little|small |
ex=Sehlat pi.:The /sehlat/ is small. |
ex=Sehlat pi hi le-matya suk.:The /sehlat/ is small but the /le-matya/ is big. |
ex=T'Luki pi.:T'Luki is small. |
pi-~:(diminutive) [not to be confused with /pi'/; difference in pronunciation is the missing glottal stop] |
ex=pi-kushel:a little or small bird [can mean size, maturity and/or suggest a level of cuteness or affection] |
ex=pi-T'lar:Li'l T'lar [use with children only] |
mapi-~:very little|small|tiny (diminutive) [see /ma/] |
ex=mapi-kushel:a very little or very small bird [can mean it is very young, a hatchling and/or suggest a level of extreme cuteness or affection] |
pinu-zhit:diminutive (n.) |
pi-~:(diminutive) [not to be confused with /pi'/; difference in pronunciation is the missing glottal stop] |
ex=pi-kushel:a little or small bird [can mean size, maturity and/or suggest a level of cuteness or affection] |
ex=pi-T'lar:Li'l T'lar [use with children only] |
mapi-~:very little|small|tiny (diminutive) [see /ma/] |
ex=mapi-kushel:a very little or very small bird [can mean it is very young, a hatchling and/or suggest a level of extreme cuteness or affection] |
pid:high |
pid-kom:matriarch ["high-mother"; from /ko-mekh/] |
pid-masu'es-kasik:hydric (adj.) ["high-moisture-plant-related"] |
1345,8 → 1279,6 |
pid-masu'es-kastik:hydrophyte ["high-moisture-plant"] |
pidsu:Lord ["high-person"] |
Opidsu:Lord ["honored-high-person"] |
pi'fek:? |
lesek-pi'fek:culm (biol.) |
pi'sef:? |
pihl:? |
pil-tor:(to) prepare (food) |
1354,7 → 1286,7 |
pilsu:cook|food preparer |
opilsu:chef ["honored-person-preparing-food"] |
pitoh:note |
pla'~:back(-~) ~|retro(-~) ~ |
pla'~:back~ |
pla'dor:dorsal [inferred] |
pla'dor-ralek:[see /ralek/] |
pla'rak:reverse [inferred] |
1362,11 → 1294,9 |
fu-pla'hinek-zehl:notochord (med.) ["leading-back-bone-line"] |
pla-~:blue ~ |
pla-kur:blue |
plo-~:quasi-~|somewhat like ~|sort of ~ |
po:why |
ex=Nam-tor du tab-ma va'ashiv po.:Why are you late again? ["Be you late again why."] |
po'~:after ~ (chron.) |
po-~:after~|post-~ |
pohkau:(to) mind |
polau:(to) jump [?] |
the'polau:(to) sauté |
1439,13 → 1369,10 |
ex=Tishau hi ri bolau Sonak thas.:Sonok likes but does not need /thas/. |
ex=Ri tishau mavau Tuvok kal-toh.:Tuvok does not like to play /kal-toh/. |
ri~:no-|non-~|ir-~|anti-~ |
Rihansu:Romulan ["no-?-person"] |
ri-~:no(-)~|non(-)~|il~|ir~ |
rik'~:without ~ |
Rihansu:Romulan ["no-?-person"] |
rim:none |
riyin:negation |
Raidzhelsu:Rigellian |
rak:direction [inferred from /she'rak/ etc.] |
ralash:sound |
ralash-fam-~:silent ~ ["sound-without"] |
ralash-famik:silent |
1475,7 → 1402,7 |
reshen-~:angry ~ |
reshnek:angry |
ret'kuv:washer (spacer) |
ri(k'~):[see /rai/] |
ri:[see /rai/] |
rihinek:cartilage (biol.) |
rihinek-pleshek:cartilage crusher (med.) |
ro'fori:information (anc.) [originally a compound word] |
1507,8 → 1434,7 |
rub-zhit-shidlar:adjectival forms |
rubitaya:alteration|modification (n.) |
rubitayek:modifier |
s':from|out of|by ~ [as in the author of, etc.] |
sa~:ex~|outward(-) ~|from out of|away from (comb.) |
s':from|out of |
sa(-~):male |
sa-kan:boy ["male-child"] |
sa-kozauk:male-specific |
1594,14 → 1520,13 |
set-tor:(to) drop |
ex=Set-tor Rihansu suk'snauk fi'yar-pasu.:The Romulan drops the big fork on the green table. |
sfith:? |
sha':(your|his|her|its|our|your (pl.)|their) own [personal possessive)] |
sha':your|his|her|its|our|your (pl.)|their own [inferred from /sha'koshtri/ and /sha'maat-pid-kom/] |
shad (MGV)|shi'nahp (TGV):brain |
shan:transfer (n.) [inferred from /shan-hali/ and /lashan/] |
shaht:end (n.) |
shahov:beach (n.) |
pid-shahov:backshore (geol.) ["high-beach"] |
shai-~:self-~ |
shati-~:auto-~|automatic ~ |
shati-~:automatic ~ |
shatik:automatic |
shau:(to) break |
shaukaush:passion(s) (anc.) ["break-wisdom"] |
1617,25 → 1542,20 |
shayaf:ego |
ex=masuk-shayaf:a very big ego [insult] |
tal-shaya:/Tal-shaya/ (anc. technique once used for merciful execution) ["science-of-breaking" another's neck with one hand] |
moguhshau:(to) scrap ["?-debris-verb"] |
guhsh(-tukh):debris (geol.) |
guhsh-skish:debris avalance (geol.) ["debris-?"] |
guhsh-yumaya:debris flow (geol.) ["debris-?"] |
ha-guhsh:detritus (biol.) ["life-debris"] |
ha-guhsh-kov:[see /kov/] |
pleshau:(to) crush [inferred] |
plesh:crush (n.) |
plesh-gluder:crush depth (ocean.) |
moguhshau:(to) scrap ["waste-break"] |
svi-shau:(to) interrupt ["into-break"] |
svi-shaya:interruption |
vashau:(to) destroy ["infinite-break"; see /Va'Vuhnaya s'Va'Terishlar/] |
ex=Vashau salan svailar svi'ne-yartra.:The wind is destroying the flowers in the meadow. |
vravshau:(to) fail [reg. strong v.] |
ex=Vravshau sa-kan nisan.:The boy fails the test. |
ex=>Du vravshal srashiv t'Kolinahr.<:"*You* have not achieved Kolinahr." ["*You* failed achievement of-Kolinahr."; /du/ moved for emphasis] |
ex=>Du vravshal srashiv t'Kolinahr.<:"You have not achieved Kolinahr." ["You failed achievement of-Kolinahr."] |
vravshaun:failing |
vravshaya:failure |
she:scream (n.) ["raised voice"?] |
vashau:(to) destroy |
ex=Vashau salan svailar svi'ne-yartra.:The wind is destroying the flowers in the meadow. |
she:scream (n.) |
shei:(to) scream [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Shei le-matya.:The /le-matya/ screams. |
shein:screaming |
1642,13 → 1562,9 |
shen:rise|ascent (n.) |
she-tor:(to) rise|ascend|go up |
sheyan:rising|ascending |
she'rak:east ["rise-direction"; referring to sunrise] |
she'rak:east ["rise-direction", referring to sunrise] |
shetau:(to) grow |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
shoret:(to) call out|beckon |
kwi'shoret:(to) call out to/beckon from far away |
ex=:[see /hokni'es/ for ex.] |
kwi'shoren:calling-out to/beckoning from far away |
ex=:see /ma/ for an example |
sheh:6 (enum.) |
shehik:6 (adj.) |
shehkuh:6 (card.) |
1675,13 → 1591,13 |
pashifan:matching |
shivaya:paralysis (med.) |
ul-shivaya:paresis (med.) |
shoret:(to) call out|beckon |
kwi'shoret:(to) call out to/beckon from far away |
kwi'shoren:calling-out to/beckoning from far away |
shur:soup |
shur t'plomik:/plomeek/ soup |
ex=Tishau T'Luki kap k'shur t'plomik t'Sonok.:T'Luki likes bread with Sonok's /plomeek/ soup. |
si'~:outside (of) ~ |
si-:exo~|outer(-) ~|ecto~|extra(-)~|exterior(-) ~ |
snauk:fork (n.) |
ska'~:off (of) ~ |
skladan:message |
skveon-~:east ~ |
Skveon-Mershtijki:East Mershtak |
1705,14 → 1621,10 |
savas-slor-tukh:fructose (biol.) ["fruit-sweet-stuff"] |
sheh-slor-tukh:hexose (biol.) ["six-sweet-stuff"] |
thas-slor-tukh:lactose (biol.) ["?-sweet-stuff"] |
smertau:? (v.) |
smertaufa:? (n.) |
smertausu:? (n.) |
sochya-bosh(-~):peaceful ~ |
solai:field (agr., fig.) |
sovash-~:alkaline |
sovashik:alkaline |
spo'~:à la|after|in the manner/style of ~ |
spoh:? |
spol:pump (n.) |
khaf-spol:[see /khaf/] |
1737,7 → 1649,7 |
osu:gentleman|sir|lady|madam [generic term, "honored person"] |
osular:gentlemen|sirs|ladies|ladies & gentlemen ["honored people"] |
su'us:number (n.) |
suk('~):big ~ [augmentative prefix] |
suk('~):big ~ |
ex=Sonok suk.:Sonok is tall. ["Sonok is big."] |
suk-~:big (augmentative) |
ex=suk-sehlat:a big or large /sehlat/ [can mean size, maturity and/or suggest a level of some clumsiness or brutishness. It can occasionally be taken as an endearment, just as in the FSE construction "big ole /Sehlat/".] |
1750,13 → 1662,10 |
Tsuk-Zukitan:Common Script (Vulcan writing script) |
tsuri(-~):common|regular|usual ~ |
ritsuri(-~):uncommon|irregular|unusual ~ |
sva'~:between ~ |
svai:flower |
svep:door |
ex=Le-matya na'svep heh sehlat na'yon.:The /le-matya/ is at the door and the /sehlat/ is at the fire. |
ex=Svep pi eh yon suk.:The door is small and the fire is big. |
svi'~:amid(st)|among(st)|in the midst of|inside (of) ~ |
sviti-~:mid~ |
t'~:of|belonging to ~ |
t'forti:finally (anc.) |
t'hai'la:(close[st]) friend|soulmate [often transcribed /t'hyla/] |
1808,8 → 1717,6 |
dah-leh-tehik:2000 (adj.) |
dah-leht'rak:2000th |
tehn:? |
tehn'~:against ~|anti-~ |
tehn-~:anti- |
Tela'at:elder (title of respect for advanced age /Kolinahru/) |
Tellarsu:Tellarite |
telv-tor:(to) read |
1854,7 → 1761,6 |
thanai:(to) adopt [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Thanai Sonok heh T'Luki sa-kan heh ko-kan.:Sonok and T'Luki are adopting a boy and a girl. |
thanain:adopting |
thal-tukh:detritus (anorg.) |
thel-~:fat ~ |
thelik:fat |
thel'an-~:obese ~ |
1907,7 → 1813,6 |
yumau-thonek:flowmeter (geo.)|flow monitor (tech.) ["?-meter"] |
zhu-thonek:audiometer ["hearing-meter"] |
thrap:offense |
ex=:[see /nem-tor/ for ex.] |
throks:(to) give (TGV) |
thurai(-~):next ~ |
tin:layer|stratum (med., geol.) |
1965,7 → 1870,7 |
tselau-palikauk:mutagenic (adj.) ["mutate-commencing"] |
tselau-tav:mutation rate |
tselaya:mutation |
pla'rak-tselaya:reverse mutation ["?-?-mutation"] |
pla'rak-tselaya:reverse mutation |
tsel-~:mutant ~ (adj.) |
tselik:mutant (adj.) |
tu'ash:(to) open |
2014,15 → 1919,10 |
tusok:exercise |
tvesh-~:original ~ |
tveshik:original |
tvi-~:endo~|inner-~|inter~ (adj.) |
tvi-~:inside (adj.) |
tvik:inside (adj. standalone) |
tvur:corridor [inferred from /mesakh-tchas-tvur/] |
u'~:as ~ |
u'gal:electron |
u'gal-kusilau-glashayek (UKG):electron resonance scanner |
u'rak(-~|ik):negative [inferred] |
u'rak-falun:negative charge |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Negative-tilt trough (meteo.) ["?-?-tilted down-?-?"] |
uf:how |
uf mau:how much |
ex=Nam-tor falek uf mau.:How hot is it? ["Is heat how much."] |
2030,14 → 1930,13 |
ugel-~:bright ~ |
ugelik:bright |
ulef:half |
ul-~:semi(-)~|demi(-)~|part(-)~|partial(-)~ |
ul-~:partial ~ [inferred from several terms] |
ul-shivaya:[see /shivaya/] |
uralau:(to) sing |
urozh:crop(s) (n.) (anc.) |
uzh:new |
uus:? |
va~:re~ |
va':infinite|innumerable|immeasurable |
va':infinite [inferred] |
Va'Vuhnaya s'Va'Terishlar (VVVT):Infinitite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (IDIC) (phil.) |
vah:as [inferred] |
vakav(-~):frequent ~ |
2048,7 → 1947,6 |
vath:? |
vazgau:(to) steal |
ex=Vazgau ridorli Tellarsu ek'zerlar t'etek s'pi'kitau-skaf.:The dishonorable Terran steals jewels of us from the small desk. ["Steal dishonorable Terran jewels of-we from small desk."] |
ved-~:quite ~ |
vel:thing |
vel-zhit:noun ["thing-word"] |
veli-~:easy|simple ~ |
2141,21 → 2039,19 |
wak-vel:clock ["time-thing"] |
wakli:in what way |
ex=>Wakli ak'wikman - ot-lan?<:"What surprises you, lieutenant?" ["In-what-way surprises, lieutenant?"] |
wan:cloud (n.) |
wan-kur:white ["cloud-color"] |
wan-~:white ~ |
wan-kur:white |
ex=Le-matya wan-kur.:The /le-matya/ is white. |
wan-~:white ~ |
kahs-wan:/Kahs-wan/ (maturity test; anc.) ["flesh-white", see /kahm/?; Vulcan children go/are sent into the deep desert (the Forge) to prove their survival skills, that they are actually Vulcans – only those who survive can take a mate; see /Vuhlkansu/] |
kahs-wan:/Kahs-wan/ (maturity test; anc.) ["flesh-white", see /kahm/?; Vulcan children go/are sent into the deep desert (the Forge) to prove their survival skills, that they are actually Vulcans – only those who survive can take a mate; see /Vuhlkansu/] |
waneti:/Waneti/ (a type of white?, flowering plant; borr.) |
watosh(-~):ugly ~ |
wedzh-tor:(to) intend |
ex=Wedzh-tor du gla-tor per-gluvaya ha.:Do you intend to see the play? ["Intend you to-see play yes."] |
weh-~:~er|more ~ (comparative) |
weh-lo'uk:greater|larger |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
wehk(-~):many|multiple|multi~|poly~ |
ex=Isan t'Wehk- heh Gol'nev-Zhitlar svi'Zhit-ballar:Use of Multiple & Helper Verbs in Sentences |
weil:whale [borr. from FSE] |
wehk(-~):many|multiple |
ex=Isan t'Wehk- heh Gol'nev-Zhitlar svi'Zhit-ballar:Use of Multiple & Helper Verbs in Sentences |
weh-~:(comparative) |
weh-lo'uk:more|greater|larger |
weil:whale [borrowed from FSE] |
ralek-weil:fin whale [see /ralek/] |
wiin:? |
wilat:where |
2198,10 → 2094,10 |
yel:star (n.) |
yel-hali:[see /hali/] |
yem:meal |
yem-tukh:food ["meal-stuff"] |
aru-yem:dinner ["evening-meal"] |
asal-yem:breakfast ["morning-meal"] |
khi-gad-yem:lunch ["mid-day-meal"] |
yem-tukh:food ["meal-stuff"] |
yerak:bowl (n.) |
yetur:(to) drive |
yeturek:drive (n.) ["drive-all"; inferred from /mesakh-tchas-yeturek/] |
2210,27 → 2106,11 |
yokulan:eating |
yokul-mev:esophagus (med.)|gullet (biol.) ["eat-pipe"] |
yokul-mev-el'neshek:esophageal scissors (med.) ["eat-pipe-scissors"] |
yokulfa:eater (animal) ["eat-animal"] |
yokulsu:eater (person) ["eat-person"] |
yokulsu t'masutraik numo-ha-vellar:planktivore ["eater of-? microscopic-living-things"] |
fan-yokulsu:omnivore ["?-eater"] |
ha'gel-yokulsu:phototroph ["light-eater"] |
ha-guhsh-yokulsu:detritivore|detrivore ["life-debris-eater"; see /ha-guhsh/] |
kahm-yokulsu:carnivore ["meat-eater"; see /kahm/] |
kastik-goh-yokulsu:vegetarian ["plant-only-eater"; see /kastik/] |
kastik-yokulsu:herbovore ["plant-eater"] |
keh-masunol-yokulsu:methanotroph ["?-?-eater"] |
masunol-yokulsu:methylotroph ["?-eater"] |
plei-yokulsu:grazer ["?-eater"] |
tevanu-ha-yokulsu:saprophage ["?-?-eater"] |
tevanu-yokulsu:scavenger ["?-eater"] |
yokulsu:eater ["eat-person"] |
yon:fire (n.) |
yon-kur:red ["fire-color"] |
yut:path|trail|way |
fau-yut:road|street |
za'~:behind ~ |
za(-)~:posterior|aft(-)~|rear(-)~|stern(-)~ (naut.) |
zaterek:suffix |
zahv-tor:(to) taste |
zahvan:taste (n.) |
zahvyan:tasting |