General - Footer: Added STAR TREK disclaimer i18n - Added support for declensed forms - Optimized support for alien scripts, added pIqaD font - Added/updated translations - Removed obsolete references
/trunk/application/scripts/klingon.js |
13,10 → 13,6 |
"l": "\uF8D9", |
"m": "\uF8DA", |
"n": "\uF8DB", |
/* prevents mistranscription of "n-gh" as "ng-h" (trailing garbage) */ |
"ngh": "\uF8DB\uF8D5", |
"ng": "\uF8DC", |
"o": "\uF8DD", |
"p": "\uF8DE", |
55,6 → 51,23 |
+ "|[" + rxKlingon.filter(function (e) { return e.length === 1; }). join("") + "]", |
"ig"); |
//jsx.object.flip = function (obj) { |
// var flipped = jsx.object.inheritFrom(obj); |
// var keys = jsx.object.getKeys(obj); |
// |
// for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; ++i) |
// { |
// var key = keys[i]; |
// var value = obj[key]; |
// if (typeof value != "function") |
// { |
// flipped[value] = key; |
// } |
// } |
// |
// return flipped; |
//}; |
function pIqaDize (s) |
{ |
return s.replace( |
78,13 → 91,6 |
return; |
} |
if (document.documentElement.lang == LANG_KLINGON) |
{ |
var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; |
title.setAttribute("data-text", document.title); |
document.title = pIqaDize(document.title); |
} |
for (var i = 0, len = klingon_texts.length; i < len; ++i) |
{ |
var text = klingon_texts[i]; |
114,7 → 120,7 |
{ |
text.lang = LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD; |
} |
else if (text.parentNode && text.parentNode.lang == LANG_KLINGON) |
else if (text.parentNode.lang == LANG_KLINGON) |
{ |
text.parentNode.lang = LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD; |
} |
126,22 → 132,12 |
} |
var html = document.documentElement; |
if (html.lang == LANG_KLINGON) |
{ |
html.setAttribute("data-lang", html.lang); |
html.lang = LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD; |
} |
html.setAttribute("data-lang", html.lang); |
html.lang = LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD; |
} |
function klingonLatinScript (button) |
{ |
var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; |
if (document.documentElement.lang == LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD) |
{ |
document.title = title.getAttribute("data-text"); |
title.removeAttribute("data-text") |
} |
for (var i = 0, len = klingon_texts.length; i < len; ++i) |
{ |
var text = klingon_texts[i]; |
153,7 → 149,7 |
{ |
text.lang = LANG_KLINGON; |
} |
else if (text.parentNode && text.parentNode.lang == LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD) |
else if (text.parentNode.lang == LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD) |
{ |
text.parentNode.lang = LANG_KLINGON; |
} |
165,9 → 161,6 |
} |
var html = document.documentElement; |
if (html.lang == LANG_KLINGON_PIQAD) |
{ |
html.lang = html.getAttribute("data-lang"); |
html.removeAttribute("data-lang"); |
} |
html.lang = html.getAttribute("data-lang"); |
html.removeAttribute("data-lang"); |
} |
/trunk/application/scripts/vulcan-media-script.js |
15,7 → 15,7 |
U: "¶", |
H: "ξ", |
G: "^", |
CH: ")", |
Ch: ")", |
I: "ƒ", |
N: "(", |
Z: "ε", |
30,13 → 30,15 |
ZH: "ω", |
TS: "θ", |
DZH: "C", |
J: "C", |
KS: "φ", |
// LL: "μ", |
// M: "&", |
// NG: "ρ", |
// NN: "þ", |
// SS: "β", |
// TCH: "M" |
X: "φ", |
LL: "μ", |
M: "&", |
NG: "ρ", |
NN: "þ", |
SS: "β", |
TCH: "M" |
}; |
var rxVulcan = jsx.object.getKeys(media_map); |
46,16 → 48,24 |
+ "|[" + rxVulcan.filter(function (e) { return e.length === 1; }). join("") + "]", |
"ig"); |
function mediaTranscribe (s) |
{ |
return s.toUpperCase().replace( |
rxVulcan, |
function (s) { |
return jsx.object.getProperty(media_map, s.replace(/\s+/g, " "), s); |
}); |
} |
//jsx.object.flip = function (obj) { |
// var flipped = jsx.object.inheritFrom(obj); |
// var keys = jsx.object.getKeys(obj); |
// |
// for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; ++i) |
// { |
// var key = keys[i]; |
// var value = obj[key]; |
// if (typeof value != "function") |
// { |
// flipped[value] = key; |
// } |
// } |
// |
// return flipped; |
//}; |
var LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA = "vuh-Media-Gol-modern"; |
var media_script_used = false; |
function mediaScript (button) |
{ |
69,13 → 79,6 |
return; |
} |
if (document.documentElement.lang == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; |
title.setAttribute("data-text", document.title); |
document.title = mediaTranscribe(document.title); |
} |
for (var i = 0, len = vulcan_texts.length; i < len; ++i) |
{ |
var text = vulcan_texts[i]; |
89,11 → 92,6 |
{ |
text.title = text.textContent; |
} |
else |
{ |
text.setAttribute("data-title", text.title); |
text.title = mediaTranscribe(text.title); |
} |
} |
var text_nodes = jsx.dom.xpath.evaluate( |
104,66 → 102,40 |
{ |
var text_node = text_nodes[j]; |
text_node.nodeValue = mediaTranscribe(text_node.nodeValue); |
text_node.nodeValue = text_node.nodeValue.replace( |
rxVulcan, |
function (s) { |
return jsx.object.getProperty(media_map, s.replace(/\s+/g, " ").toUpperCase(), s); |
}); |
} |
if (text.lang == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
text.lang = LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA; |
} |
else if (text.parentNode.lang == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
text.parentNode.lang = LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA; |
} |
text.parentNode.lang = "vuh-Media-Gol-modern"; |
} |
if (button) |
if (button && lcars.language == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
button.firstChild.lang = LANG_VULCAN; |
button.setAttribute("data-caption", button.firstChild.textContent); |
button.firstChild.textContent = "Latin-Zukitan"; |
} |
var html = document.documentElement; |
if (html.lang == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
html.lang = LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA; |
} |
media_script_used = true; |
} |
function latinScript (button) |
{ |
var title = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]; |
if (document.documentElement.lang == LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA) |
{ |
document.title = title.getAttribute("data-text"); |
title.removeAttribute("data-text") |
} |
for (var i = 0, len = vulcan_texts.length; i < len; ++i) |
{ |
var text = vulcan_texts[i]; | = ""; |
text.innerHTML = text.getAttribute('data-html') || ""; |
text.title = text.getAttribute("data-title") || ""; |
if (text.lang == LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA) |
{ |
text.lang = LANG_VULCAN; |
} |
else if (text.parentNode.lang == LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA) |
{ |
text.parentNode.lang = LANG_VULCAN; |
} |
text.innerHTML = text.getAttribute('data-html'); |
text.parentNode.lang = "vuh-Latn-Gol-modern"; |
} |
if (button) |
if (lcars.language == LANG_VULCAN) |
{ |
button.firstChild.lang = LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA; |
button.firstChild.textContent = button.getAttribute("data-caption"); |
} |
var html = document.documentElement; |
if (html.lang == LANG_VULCAN_MEDIA) |
{ |
html.lang = LANG_VULCAN; |
} |
media_script_used = false; |
} |
/trunk/application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml |
55,8 → 55,8 |
<div id="bow"> |
<div id="bow-top"> |
<div class="separator-left"> </div> |
<div class="text" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"> |
<span><?php echo tr("PointedEars' Website"); ?></span> |
<div class="text"> |
<span>PointedEars’ Website</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div id="bow-top-left"> |
125,7 → 125,7 |
<li><a |
href="" |
target="_top" class="button secondary" |
title="<?php echo tr("The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century"); ?>" |
title="<?php echo tr("The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century"); ?>" |
><span class="text"></span></a></li> |
<li><a |
href="" |
206,7 → 206,9 |
<table> |
<tr> |
<th lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><span class="text"><?php echo tr('Display'); ?></span></th> |
<td lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><script type="text/javascript"> |
<td lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><script |
type="text/javascript" |
> |
var _addEventListener = jsx.dom.addEventListener; |
var _runAsync = jsx.dom.timeout.runAsync; |
var ID_SCREEN_DIM = 'screenDim'; |
247,7 → 249,7 |
var innerDimText = dim.getInnerText(); |
var colorDepthText = dim.getColorDepthText(); |
var displayInfo = (screenDimText || availDimText || innerDimText || colorDepthText) |
? (screenDimText ? <?php echo sprintf("'" . tr('%s pixels') . '"', "<span id=\"' + ID_SCREEN_DIM + '\">' + screenDimText + '<\/span>' + \""); ?> : "") |
? (screenDimText ? <?php echo sprintf("'" . tr('%s pixels') . "'", "<span id=\"' + ID_SCREEN_DIM + '\">' + screenDimText + '<\/span>' + '"); ?> : "") |
+ (availDimText ? ' (<span id="' + ID_AVAIL_DIM + '">' + availDimText + "<\/span>" : "") |
+ (innerDimText ? '<span id="' + ID_INNER_DIM + '">' + innerDimText + "<\/span>)" : "") |
+ (colorDepthText ? ' × <span id="colorDepth">' + colorDepthText + "<\/span>" : "") |
313,19 → 315,12 |
features.push('<a href="#" title="' |
+ cookies.join(" ") |
+ '"' |
+ ' onclick=\'window.alert(<?php |
echo htmlspecialchars(sprintf(tr('"Cookies for " + %s + "'), 'document.domain'), ENT_QUOTES); |
?>' |
+ '\\n\\n' |
+ cookies.join("\\n") |
+ '"); return false\'><span class=\'text\' lang=\'<?php |
echo $language; |
?>\'>' + cookiesText + '<\/span><\/a>'); |
+ ' onclick="window.alert(\'<?php echo tr('Cookies for'); ?> ' + document.domain + '\\n\\n' + cookies.join("\\n") + '\'); return false">' + cookiesText + '<\/a>'); |
} |
else |
{ |
features.push('<span class="unavailable"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Cookies supported, but no data for this site'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo tr('Cookies supported, but no data for this site'); ?>"' |
+ '>' + cookiesText + '<\/span>'); |
} |
} |
332,7 → 327,7 |
else |
{ |
features.push('<span class="offline"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Cookies supported, but disabled'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo tr('Cookies supported, but disabled'); ?>"' |
+ '>' + cookiesText + '<\/span>'); |
} |
} |
339,12 → 334,12 |
if (fullscreen.isSupportedBy(document.documentElement)) |
{ |
features.push("<span class='text' lang='<?php echo $language; ?>'><?php echo tr('Fullscreen'); ?><\/span>"); |
features.push("<span lang='<?php echo $language; ?>'><span class='text'><?php echo tr('Fullscreen'); ?><\/span><\/span>"); |
} |
if (navigator.webkitGetGamepads && navigator.webkitGetGamepads().length) |
{ |
features.push("<span class='text' lang='<?php echo $language; ?>'><?php echo tr('Gamepad'); ?></span>"); |
features.push("<?php echo tr('Gamepad'); ?>"); |
} |
if (jsx.dom.geolocation.isAvailable()) |
369,12 → 364,12 |
{ |
features.push('<span title="' |
+ navigator.plugins.length |
+ ' <?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('plugins installed'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>">Plugins<\/span>'); |
+ ' <?php echo tr('plugins installed'); ?>">Plugins<\/span>'); |
} |
else |
{ |
features.push('<span class="unavailable"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Plugins supported, but none detected'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>"' |
+ ' title="<?php echo tr('Plugins supported, but none detected'); ?>"' |
+ '>Plugins<\/span>'); |
} |
} |
390,7 → 385,7 |
function stripTags (s) |
{ |
return s.replace(/<(br|p)\s*\/?>/ig, "\\n").replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ""); |
return s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); |
} |
var sFeatures = getFeatures(); |
456,7 → 451,7 |
onblur="return this.onmouseout()" |
><abbr class="text" title="Language selection">Language</abbr></a></li> |
<li id="cmd2"><a |
href="index.<?php echo language_key_short($language); ?>?printable=1" |
href="index.<?php echo $language; ?>?printable=1" |
title="<?php echo tr('Printable version'); ?>" tabindex="1" |
class="button left right" |
onmouseover="return setStatus(this.title + ': ' + this.href)" |
465,13 → 460,125 |
onblur="return this.onmouseout()" |
lang="<?php echo $language; ?>" |
><span class="text"><?php echo tr("Printable"); ?></span></a></li> |
<li id="cmd3"><div class="button left right" |
<li id="cmd3"><script type="text/javascript"> |
function toggleFullscreen (button) |
{ |
var nowIsFullscreen = fullscreen.isFullscreen(); |
if (nowIsFullscreen) |
{ |
fullscreen.cancel(); |
} |
else |
{ |
fullscreen.requestOn(document.documentElement, button); |
} |
} |
</script><div class="button left right" |
style="cursor: not-allowed !important" |
onclick="toggleFullscreen(this)" |
onkeyup="if (event.keyCode == 13) {; }" |
lang="<?php echo $language; ?>" |
><span class="text"></span></div></li> |
<li id="cmd4"><div class="button left right"<?php |
><span class="text"><script type="text/javascript"> |
var cmd3; |
if (fullscreen.isSupportedBy(document.documentElement)) |
{ |
_addEventListener(window, "load", function () { |
if (typeof cmd3 == "undefined") |
{ |
cmd3 = jsx.dom.getElementById("cmd3"); |
} |
if (cmd3) |
{ |
cmd3.lastChild.tabIndex = "1"; |
} |
}); |
var fullscreenText = "<?php echo tr("Fullscreen"); ?>"; |
document.write(fullscreenText); |
} |
var oScreenDim; |
var oAvailDim; |
var oInnerDim; |
var _gEBI = jsx.dom.getElementById; |
var previousIsFullscreen; |
var oldHandler; |
_addEventListener(window, "resize", function () { |
<?php /* FIXME: Also update title attribute value */ ?> |
if (typeof oScreenDim == "undefined") oScreenDim = _gEBI(ID_SCREEN_DIM); |
if (oScreenDim) oScreenDim.innerHTML = dim.getScreenText(); |
if (typeof oAvailDim == "undefined") oAvailDim = _gEBI(ID_AVAIL_DIM); |
if (oAvailDim) oAvailDim.innerHTML = dim.getAvailText(); |
if (typeof oInnerDim == "undefined") oInnerDim = _gEBI(ID_INNER_DIM); |
if (oInnerDim) oInnerDim.innerHTML = dim.getInnerText(); |
if (fullscreen.isSupportedBy(document.documentElement)) |
{ |
var nowIsFullscreen = fullscreen.isFullscreen(); |
if (nowIsFullscreen != previousIsFullscreen) |
{ |
if (typeof cmd3 == "undefined") |
{ |
cmd3 = document.getElementById("cmd3"); |
} |
var textTarget = cmd3.lastChild.firstChild; |
if (nowIsFullscreen) |
{ |
textTarget.innerHTML = "<?php echo tr("Window"); ?>"; |
} |
else |
{ |
textTarget.innerHTML = fullscreenText; |
} |
previousIsFullscreen = nowIsFullscreen; |
} |
} |
}); |
</script></span></div></li> |
<li id="cmd4"><script type="text/javascript"> |
var LANG_KLINGON = "<?php echo $klingon; ?>"; |
var LANG_VULCAN = "<?php echo $vulcan; ?>"; |
lcars.language = "<?php echo $language; ?>"; |
</script> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/klingon.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/vulcan-media-script.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
function toggleScript (button) |
{ |
var is_alien_language = (lcars.language == LANG_KLINGON |
|| lcars.language == LANG_VULCAN); |
if (media_script_used) |
{ |
klingonLatinScript(button); |
latinScript(button); |
if (!is_alien_language) |
{ |
button.firstChild.textContent = button.getAttribute("data-caption"); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
pIqaD(button); |
mediaScript(button); |
if (!is_alien_language) |
{ |
button.setAttribute("data-caption", button.firstChild.textContent); |
button.firstChild.textContent = "<?php echo tr('Latin'); ?>"; |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<div class="button left right"<?php |
// $language_keys = array_keys($languages); |
if (in_array($language, array(@$klingon, @$vulcan))) |
{ |
488,9 → 595,10 |
{ |
case $klingon: echo 'pIqaD'; break; |
case $vulcan: echo 'Hitra-Zukitan'; break; |
// default: echo tr('Original'); |
// default: echo tr('Original'); |
} |
?></span></div></li> |
?></span> |
</div></li> |
</ul> |
</div> |
<div class="elbo-button"> |
501,7 → 609,7 |
<div class="elbo" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"> |
<span class="text"><abbr |
title="<?php echo tr('Library Computer Access and Retrieval System'); ?>" |
><?php echo tr('LCARS'); ?></abbr> <span lang="en">PE-</span>22<span style="text-transform: uppercase">a</span></span> |
><?php echo tr('LCARS'); ?></abbr> PE-22A</span> |
<div class="concave"> </div> |
</div> |
<div class="border"> |
/trunk/application/layouts/index/index.phtml |
1,7 → 1,7 |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"> |
<head> |
<title><?php echo tr('Home') . ' – ' . tr("PointedEars' Website"); ?></title> |
<title>Home — PointedEars’ Website</title> |
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico"> |
75,14 → 75,7 |
?>"> |
<?php |
} |
if ($language == $klingon) |
{ |
?> |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/lcars-klingon"> |
<?php |
} |
?> |
<!--[if lt IE 7]> |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/lcars22-ie6.css"> |
<![endif]--> |
93,26 → 86,13 |
} |
--> |
</style> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/builder?src=object,dom,dom/css,dom/storage,dom/events,dom/geolocation,dom/timeout,dom/widgets,dom/window,dom/xpath,http,regexp,lcars<?php |
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/builder?src=object,dom,dom/css,dom/storage,dom/events,dom/geolocation,dom/timeout,dom/widgets,dom/window,dom/xpath,http,regexp,lcars,../application/scripts/klingon,../application/scripts/vulcan-media-script<?php |
if ($isLocal) |
{ |
?>&verbose=1&debug=1<?php |
} |
?>"></script> |
<?php |
if ($language == $klingon) |
{ |
?> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/klingon.js"></script> |
<?php |
} |
else if ($language == $vulcan) |
{ |
?> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/vulcan-media-script.js"></script> |
<?php |
} |
?> |
<script type="text/javascript"> |
<?php |
/* |
134,18 → 114,7 |
*/ |
?> |
var TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE = "<?php echo tr('N/A'); ?>"; |
var cmd3; |
var oScreenDim; |
var oAvailDim; |
var oInnerDim; |
var _gEBI = jsx.dom.getElementById; |
var previousIsFullscreen; |
var fullscreenText; |
var LANG_KLINGON = "<?php echo $klingon; ?>"; |
var LANG_VULCAN = "<?php echo $vulcan; ?>"; |
lcars.language = "<?php echo $language; ?>"; |
function body_load () |
{ |
if (typeof this.ontouchstart != 'undefined') |
189,143 → 158,19 |
content: lcars.content |
}); |
/* Fullscreen button */ |
if (fullscreen.isSupportedBy(document.documentElement)) |
{ |
cmd3 = jsx.dom.getElementById("cmd3"); |
if (cmd3) |
{ |
cmd3.firstChild.tabIndex = "1"; | = ""; |
fullscreenText = "<?php echo tr("Fullscreen"); ?>"; |
/* FIXME: Replaces the `span' element; need LCARS-specific button */ |
// var fullscreenButton = new lcars.FullscreenButton( |
// document.getElementById("cmd3").firstChild, null, { |
// text: fullscreenText |
// }); |
cmd3.firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML = fullscreenText; |
} |
} |
_addEventListener(window, "resize", function () { |
<?php /* FIXME: Also update title attribute value */ ?> |
if (typeof oScreenDim == "undefined") oScreenDim = _gEBI(ID_SCREEN_DIM); |
var screen_text = dim.getScreenText(); |
if (lcars.language == LANG_KLINGON) screen_text = pIqaDize(screen_text); |
if (oScreenDim) oScreenDim.innerHTML = screen_text; |
if (typeof oAvailDim == "undefined") oAvailDim = _gEBI(ID_AVAIL_DIM); |
var avail_text = dim.getAvailText(); |
if (lcars.language == LANG_KLINGON) avail_text = pIqaDize(avail_text); |
if (oAvailDim) oAvailDim.innerHTML = avail_text; |
if (typeof oInnerDim == "undefined") oInnerDim = _gEBI(ID_INNER_DIM); |
var inner_text = dim.getInnerText(); |
if (lcars.language == LANG_KLINGON) inner_text = pIqaDize(inner_text); |
if (oInnerDim) oInnerDim.innerHTML = inner_text; |
if (fullscreen.isSupportedBy(document.documentElement)) |
{ |
var nowIsFullscreen = fullscreen.isFullscreen(); |
if (nowIsFullscreen != previousIsFullscreen) |
{ |
if (typeof cmd3 == "undefined") |
{ |
cmd3 = document.getElementById("cmd3"); |
} |
var textTarget = cmd3.firstChild.firstChild; |
if (nowIsFullscreen) |
{ |
var innerHTML = "<?php echo tr("Window"); ?>"; |
if (transcripted) |
{ |
textTarget.title = innerHTML; |
switch (lcars.language) |
{ |
innerHTML = pIqaDize(innerHTML); |
break; |
innerHTML = mediaTranscribe(innerHTML); |
break; |
} |
} |
textTarget.innerHTML = innerHTML; |
} |
else |
{ |
var text = fullscreenText; |
if (transcripted) |
{ |
textTarget.title = text; |
switch (lcars.language) |
{ |
text = pIqaDize(text); |
break; |
text = mediaTranscribe(text); |
break; |
} |
} |
textTarget.innerHTML = text; |
} |
previousIsFullscreen = nowIsFullscreen; |
} |
} |
}); |
/* Enable Klingon pIQaD/Vulcan Media Script */ |
var cmd4 = document.getElementById("cmd4"); |
if (cmd4 && cmd4.lastChild) |
if (cmd4 && cmd4.lastChild && typeof cmd4.lastChild.onclick == "function") |
{ |
jsx.dom.timeout.runAsync(function () { |; |
var event = document.createEvent("Events"); |
event.initEvent("click", true, false); |
cmd4.lastChild.dispatchEvent(event); |
}, 1000); |
} |
lcars.insertSound(); |
} |
var transcripted = false; |
function toggleScript (button) |
{ |
var caption = button.firstChild; |
if (transcripted) |
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caption.setAttribute("data-text", caption.textContent); |
caption.textContent = "<?php echo tr('Latin'); ?>"; |
caption.setAttribute("data-title", caption.title); |
caption.removeAttribute("title"); |
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transcripted = !transcripted; |
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<?php /* <bgsound src="media/interface/sound/beginop.wav" loop="infinite"> */ ?> |
</head> |
/trunk/application/layouts/index/footer.phtml |
20,13 → 20,13 |
? "<br> " |
. tr("Translation into Klingon supported by the" |
. " <a href=''>Klingon Language Institute</a>," |
. " Terra.") |
. " Qo'onoS.") |
: '') |
. ($app == 'Language' || $language === $vulcan |
? "<br> " |
. tr("Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the" |
. " <a href=''>Vulcan Language Institute</a>," |
. " Terra.") |
. " Shi'Kahr, T'Khasi.") |
: ''), |
'', |
tr('Michael Okuda on Twitter'), |
34,17 → 34,12 |
'', |
''); |
?></span><br> |
<span lang="en">Copyright © 2002–<?php echo gmdate('Y', $modi); ?> <a |
Copyright © 2002–<?php echo gmdate('Y', $modi); ?> <a |
href="<?php echo $app; |
?>&body=<?php |
echo rawurlencode(sprintf('[%s]', tr("Your feedback"))); |
?>" |
title="<?php echo tr("Send your feedback to PointedEars"); ?>" |
lang="en" |
onmouseover="return mailStatus()" |
onmouseout="return resetStatus()" |
>Thomas ‘PointedEars’ Lahn</a>.</span> <span class="text"><?php echo tr("All rights reserved."); ?></span></p> |
<p><small>STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc. |
This website, the promotion thereof and/or any exhibition of material created |
by the operator of this website are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated |
with CBS/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.</small></p> |
>Thomas ‘PointedEars’ Lahn</a>. <span class="text"><?php echo tr("All rights reserved."); ?></span></p> |
/trunk/application/layouts/index/content.phtml |
20,7 → 20,7 |
. " You can use the <a href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a>" |
. " if it is not displayed properly with your software."), |
$language, |
tr('Printable version-declensed')); |
tr('Printable version')); |
?></span></p> |
<?php |
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File deleted |
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1017,10 → 1016,6 |
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Haettenschweiler, "Downloadable Haettenschweiler", |
"Zurich XCn BT", "Downloadable Zurich XCn BT", |
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192,14 → 192,12 |
/* Language support */ |
/* Languages where character case matters */ |
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text-transform: none !important; |
} |
/* Klingon pIqaD needs extra font; support moved to lcars-klingon.css */ |
/* Vulcan */ |
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text-overflow: "—" !important; |
} |
#greeting [lang^="vuh-Latn"] { |
font-family: "URW Chancery L", "Matura MT Script Capitals", |
Haettenschweiler, Haettens, "Zurich XCn BT", impact, Verdana, |
206,10 → 204,6 |
Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; |
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[lang^="vuh-Media"], |
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{ |
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
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Property changes: |
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\ No newline at end of property |
Index: styles/fonts/Klingon-pIqaD-HaSta-optimized.eot |
=================================================================== |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
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Property changes: |
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Index: styles/fonts/Klingon-pIqaD-HaSta-optimized.woff |
=================================================================== |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
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Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:mime-type |
## -1 +0,0 ## |
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\ No newline at end of property |
Index: i18n/en.po |
=================================================================== |
--- i18n/en.po (revision 235) |
+++ i18n/en.po (revision 234) |
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-26 03:19+0200\n" |
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"Language-Team: English <>\n" |
@@ -15,24 +15,27 @@ |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
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msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
@@ -48,75 +51,86 @@ |
"the author of usage of this material. Thank you." |
msgstr "" |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:138 |
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msgstr "" |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:146 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
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msgstr "" |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "" |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:18 |
#, php-format |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
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+#, fuzzy |
+msgid "The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
+msgstr "" |
+"The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
+ |
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msgid "" |
"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
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msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
msgstr "" |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "" |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
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msgstr "" |
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+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:575 |
msgid "LCARS" |
msgstr "" |
-#: ../index.php:309 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:431 |
+msgid "available" |
+msgstr "" |
+ |
+#: ../index.php:296 ../index.php:300 ../index.php:302 ../index.php:306 |
+#: ../index.php:311 ../index.php:340 ../index.php:303 ../index.php:304 |
msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "" |
-#: ../index.php:316 |
+#: ../index.php:303 ../index.php:307 ../index.php:309 ../index.php:313 |
+#: ../index.php:318 ../index.php:347 ../index.php:310 ../index.php:311 |
msgid "Please select your language" |
msgstr "" |
+#: ../footer.phtml:4 ../footer.phtml:30 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:4 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:30 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:36 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:42 |
msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "" |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
+#: ../footer.phtml:9 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
@@ -298,28 +408,38 @@ |
"and <a href='%s' title='LCARS 47 Development Blog – LCARS 101: A " |
"Designer’s Handbook'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a>." |
+#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
+#: ../footer.phtml:28 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:28 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:40 |
msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "" |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:204 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" available\"" |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:209 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:232 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" used\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" used\"" |
+#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:198 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:201 |
msgid "Episode list" |
msgstr "" |
+#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:212 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "" |
@@ -333,40 +453,19 @@ |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "" |
+#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
+msgid "Plugins" |
+msgstr "" |
+ |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
-"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
+"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:590 |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:597 |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
-msgid "Latin" |
-msgstr "" |
- |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
-msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
-msgstr "Printable version" |
- |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
-"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
+"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
+"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
- |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
-#, php-format |
-msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
-msgstr "" |
- |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
-msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
-msgstr "" |
-"The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
- |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
-#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
-msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
-msgstr "PointedEars’ Website" |
/trunk/i18n/tlh-Latn.po |
6,7 → 6,7 |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 05:00+0200\n" |
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"Language-Team: Klingon <>\n" |
15,32 → 15,29 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
# "manuscript-(plural)-(my) (non-sentient)" |
#: ../global.php:113 |
#: ../global.php:105 ../global.php:112 ../global.php:113 |
msgid "Scripting" |
msgstr "ghItlhmeywIj" |
msgstr "" |
# "ECMAScript implement-plural(-of) function-(thing)-(plural)-(locative)(-of) " |
# "{be different}-(thing)-(plural) (we--them)-find-(continuous)" |
#: ../global.php:117 |
#: ../global.php:109 ../global.php:116 ../global.php:117 |
msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "ECMAScript qIpmey QapwI'meyDaq pImwI'mey DItu'taH" |
msgstr "" |
# "program-(plural)-(my) (non-sentient)" |
#: ../global.php:119 |
#: ../global.php:111 ../global.php:118 ../global.php:119 |
msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "ghunmeywIj" |
msgstr "" |
# "planet-{be cooperative}-federation data-base" |
#: ../global.php:124 |
#: ../global.php:116 ../global.php:123 ../global.php:124 |
msgid "United Federation of Planets DataBase" |
msgstr "yuQjIjDIvI' De'waw'" |
msgstr "" |
# "All right-(plural) (I--them)-defend-(continuous)." |
#: ../index.php:74 ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:46 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 ../index.php:74 |
#: ../footer.phtml:33 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:33 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:37 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:39 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:45 |
msgid "All rights reserved." |
msgstr "Hoch DIbmey wIHubtaH." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 ../index.php:74 |
msgid "" |
54,97 → 51,86 |
"the author of usage of this material. Thank you." |
msgstr "" |
# "(to be-)continuous-(not)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:123 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:488 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:529 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:673 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:261 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:266 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:410 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:411 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:285 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:293 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:446 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:439 |
msgid "N/A" |
msgstr "taHbe'" |
msgstr "" |
# "coordinate {be vertical}" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:132 |
msgid "Latitude" |
msgstr "Quv chong" |
msgstr "" |
# "northwest east and {area between} |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:133 |
msgid "N" |
msgstr " 'ev chan je joj" |
msgstr "" |
# "southwest east and {area between}" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:134 |
msgid "S" |
msgstr " tIng chan je joj" |
msgstr "" |
# "coordinate {be long} (object)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:135 |
msgid "Longitude" |
msgstr "Quv tIq" |
msgstr "" |
# "northwest southwest and {area between}" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:136 |
msgid "W" |
msgstr " 'ev tIng je joj" |
msgstr "" |
# "east" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:144 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:137 |
msgid "E" |
msgstr " chan" |
msgstr "" |
# "coordinate {be accurate}-(thing)(-of)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:145 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:138 |
msgid "Lat/Lng Accuracy" |
msgstr "Quv qarwI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "altitude" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:146 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
msgid "Altitude" |
msgstr "'Iv" |
msgstr "" |
# "altitude {be accurate}-(thing)(-of)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "'Iv qarwI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "velocity" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
msgid "Speed" |
msgstr "Do" |
msgstr "" |
# "course" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:149 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
msgid "Heading" |
msgstr "He" |
msgstr "" |
# "Terra-(locative) coordinates-(your)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:162 |
msgid "Your current coordinates on Terra" |
msgstr "tera'Daq QuvlIj" |
msgstr "" |
# "{be accurate}-(thing)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:163 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:156 |
msgid "accuracy" |
msgstr "qarwI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "what-want-(thing) Vulcan" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:170 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:171 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:6 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:7 |
msgid "Vulcan greeting" |
msgstr "nuqneHwI' vulqan" |
msgstr "" |
# "ear-(plural of body part) {be sharp} Web-sphere-entire-site(-of) |
# (you--it-(imperative-))enter" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:175 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:11 |
msgid "Welcome to PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "qoghDu' jej weQmoQnaQDaq yI'el" |
msgstr "pe'el" |
# "<a href='' " |
# "title='more (you--it-(imperative-))learn: Mozilla Developer Network'" |
# ">Web-sphere-entire_technology {be recent}</a> " |
# " use site-(this)." |
# "%s (you--it)-use-(can) (it--it-)display-(undo)-(if) program-(your)." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:182 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:18 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
153,207 → 139,258 |
"use the <a href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a> if it is not displayed " |
"properly with your software." |
msgstr "" |
"<a href='' title='law' yIghoj: " |
"Mozilla Developer Network'>weQmoQnaQcham qen</a> lo' Daqvam. <br><a " |
"href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a> Dalo'laH cha'Ha'chugh ghunlIj" |
# "type write-(able)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:187 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:688 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:425 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:426 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:453 |
msgid "Printable version" |
msgstr "Segh ghItlhlaH" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:108 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:324 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:106 |
msgid "PointedEars' Standard Frases" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:113 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:327 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:100 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:111 |
msgid "List of recommended TV shows and episodes, with logos in CSS" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:133 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:339 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:112 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:126 |
msgid "The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:131 |
msgid "" |
"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:138 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:120 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
msgstr "" |
# "home-(ablative) alien (we--it)-search-(continuous)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:351 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:124 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:141 |
msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
msgstr "juHvo' nov vInejtaH" |
msgstr "" |
# "Stack Overflow-(locative) I-(continuous) |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "Stack OverflowDaq jIHtaH" |
msgstr "" |
# "Twitter-(locative) I-(continuous)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:152 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:359 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
msgid "Me on Twitter" |
msgstr "TwitterDaq jIHtaH" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:361 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:134 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:153 |
msgid "" |
msgstr "" |
# "Wikipedia-(locative) (I--it)-work-(continuous)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:157 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:363 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
msgid "My contributions to Wikipedia" |
msgstr "WikipediaDaq vIQaptaH" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:158 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:364 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:137 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:156 |
msgid "Wikipedia" |
msgstr "" |
# "beginning" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:203 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:408 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:181 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:201 |
msgid "Home" |
msgstr "bI'reS" |
msgstr "" |
# "visual display" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:208 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:412 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:185 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:206 |
msgid "Display" |
msgstr "HaSta" |
msgstr "" |
# "{be red}-(very)-{be green, blue(, yellow)}-(very)-(thing)(-implied plural)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:442 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:215 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:238 |
msgid "colors" |
msgstr "Doqqu'SuDqu'wI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "%s picture-point" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:454 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:250 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s pixels" |
msgstr "%s mIlloghvI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "program" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:491 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:264 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:288 |
msgid "User Agent" |
msgstr "ghun" |
msgstr "" |
# "function-(thing) (implied plural)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:532 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:269 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:296 |
msgid "Features" |
msgstr "QapwI'" |
msgstr "" |
# "data-(diminutive)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:542 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:279 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:306 |
msgid "Cookies" |
msgstr "De'Hom" |
msgstr "" |
# "data-(diminutive) support-(indefinite subject) but |
# site-(this)-(for) continous-(not) data" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:552 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:289 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:316 |
msgid "Cookies for" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:557 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:294 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but no data for this site" |
msgstr "De'Hom Qutlhlu'ta' 'ach DaqvamvaD taHbe' De'" |
msgstr "" |
# "data-(diminutive) support-(indefinite subject)-(completed on purpose) |
# but disable-(indefinite subject)-(completed on purpose)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:564 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:301 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but disabled" |
msgstr "De'Hom Qutlhlu'ta' 'ach Qotlhlu'ta'" |
msgstr "" |
# "{viewing screen}-{be full}" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:342 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:503 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:489 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:571 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:716 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:308 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:455 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:456 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:482 |
msgid "Fullscreen" |
msgstr "jIHnaQ" |
msgstr "" |
# "game-device" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:576 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:313 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:340 |
msgid "Gamepad" |
msgstr "Qujjan" |
msgstr "" |
# "coordinates (you--them)-get" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:352 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:581 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:318 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:345 |
msgid "Get location" |
msgstr "Quv DaSuq" |
msgstr "" |
# "Terra-(locative) locate-(indefinite subject)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:354 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:582 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:583 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:319 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:320 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:348 |
msgid "Geolocation" |
msgstr "tera'Daq Samlu'" |
msgstr "" |
# "improve-(thing) set-up-(perfective)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:372 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:600 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:338 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:365 |
msgid "plugins installed" |
msgstr "DubwI' cherpu'" |
msgstr "" |
# "improve-(thing) support-(indefinite subject)-(completed on purpose) |
# but none find-(indefinite subject)-(perfective)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:377 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:605 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:342 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:370 |
msgid "Plugins supported, but none detected" |
msgstr "DubwI' Qutlhlu'ta' 'ach pagh tu'lu'pu'" |
msgstr "" |
# "window" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:444 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:544 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:535 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:672 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:756 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:409 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:495 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:410 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:496 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:437 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:523 |
msgid "Window" |
msgstr "Qorwagh" |
msgstr "" |
# "write-(able)-(indefinite subject)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:467 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:695 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:433 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:434 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
msgid "Printable" |
msgstr "ghItlhlaH" |
msgstr "" |
# "change-day" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:628 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:619 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:630 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:569 |
msgid "Date of last modification" |
msgstr "choHjaj" |
msgstr "" |
# "access-(purpose) obtain-(purpose) and book-(plural)-data-(thing)-system" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:633 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:624 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:635 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:531 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:571 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:574 |
msgid "Library Computer Access and Retrieval System" |
msgstr "naw'meH SuqmeH 'ej paqmeyDe'wI'pat" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:634 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:625 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:647 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:777 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:530 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:531 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:572 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:575 |
msgid "LCARS" |
msgstr "nSpDp" |
msgstr "" |
# "Life-(your) (it-){be long}-(may) and (you)-prosper-(may) (toast)" |
#: ../index.php:309 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:431 |
msgid "available" |
msgstr "" |
# "May you live a long life, and may you prosper!" |
#: ../index.php:296 ../index.php:300 ../index.php:302 ../index.php:306 |
#: ../index.php:311 ../index.php:340 ../index.php:303 ../index.php:304 |
msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "yInlIj nI'jaj 'ej bIchepjaj" |
msgstr "yIn nI' DayInjaj 'ej bIchepjaj" |
# "language-(your) (you--it-imperative-)select-(need)" |
#: ../index.php:316 |
#: ../index.php:303 ../index.php:307 ../index.php:309 ../index.php:313 |
#: ../index.php:318 ../index.php:347 ../index.php:310 ../index.php:311 |
msgid "Please select your language" |
msgstr "HollIj yIwIvnIS" |
msgstr "" |
# "ear-(plural of body part) {be sharp}-(locative) |
# {feed, enrich}-(thing)-(your) (you--it)-send" |
#: ../footer.phtml:4 ../footer.phtml:30 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:30 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:36 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:42 |
msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "qoghDu' jejDaq je'wIlIj DangeH" |
msgstr "" |
# "LCARS {take form}-(thing)(-of) (he--it-)initiate-(completed on purpose) |
# <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. |
# <a href='%s' title='LCARS Standards Development Board'> |
# Flash-locative implement-perfective Chris Rossi</a>, |
# (they--it-)research-(completed on purpose) |
# <a href='%s' title='Creating a Coherent LCARS Interface'> |
# Bracer Jack</a> |
# <a href='%s' "title='LCARS 47 Development Blog -- LCARS 101: |
# A Designer's Handbook'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a> |
# and that site-(this) {take form}-(thing)(-of) ground(-of)." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#: ../footer.phtml:9 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
363,41 → 400,39 |
"and <a href='%s' title='LCARS 47 Development Blog -- LCARS 101: A " |
"Designer's Handbook'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a>." |
msgstr "" |
"<abbr lang='en'>LCARS</abbr> chenmoHghach taghta' <a href='%s' title='%s' " |
"lang='en'>Michael Okuda</a>. <br><a href='%s' title='LCARS Standards " |
"Development Board'><span lang='en'>Flash</span>Daq qIppu' <span " |
"lang='en'>Chris Rossi</span></a>, Qulta' <a href='%s' title='Creating a " |
"Coherent LCARS Interface' lang='en'>Bracer Jack</a> <a href='%s' " |
"title='LCARS 47 Development Blog -- LCARS 101: A Designer’s " |
"Handbook'><span lang='en'>Eleanor C. Davenport</span></a> je 'e' " |
"Daqvam chenmoHghach yav." |
# "Twitter-(locative) {Michael Okuda}" |
#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "TwitterDaq Michael Okuda" |
msgstr "" |
# "{feed, enrich}-(thing)-(your)" |
#: ../footer.phtml:28 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:28 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:40 |
msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "je'wIlIj" |
msgstr "" |
# "… they-(are-)able-continuous" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:204 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" bIHlaH\"" |
msgstr "" |
# "… use-(continuous)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:209 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:232 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" used\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" lo'taH\"" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:198 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:201 |
msgid "Episode list" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:212 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "" |
411,54 → 446,24 |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "" |
# "Klingon Language-(locative) (I--it)-translate-(purpose) |
# (they--me)-assist-(continous)-(purpose) |
# Terra-(locative) Klingon Language(-of) {assembly, council}-study(-of)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
msgid "Plugins" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
"tlhIngan HolDaq wImughmeH muboQtaH tera'Daq <a href='http://kli." |
"org/'>tlhIngan Hol yejHaD</a>" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:590 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:597 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
msgid "Latin" |
msgstr "" |
# "type write-(able)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
msgstr "Segh ghItlhlaH" |
# "Vulcan Language-(locative) (I--it)-translate-(purpose)" |
# "(they--me)-assist-(continous) Terra-(locative) Vulcan Language(-of)" |
# "{assembly, council}-study(-of)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
#, fuzzy |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
"vulqan HolDaq wImughmeH muboQtaH tera'Daq <a href='" |
"~markg61/vlif.htm'>vulqan Hol yejHaD</a>." |
# "…-(for) data-(diminutive)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
#, php-format |
msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
msgstr "%s + \"vaD De'Hom" |
# "two-ten one-(ordinal) century-(for) world |
# experiment(of-) {be big} {be many} all {be big} {be few}" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "vatlh DIS poH cha'maH wa'DIch vaD qo' ngong tIn law' Hoch tIn puS" |
# "ear-(plural of body part) {be sharp} Web-sphere-all-site(-of)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "qoghDu' jej weQmoQnaQDaq" |
"Vesht gol'nev-tor <a href='" |
"'>Shi'Oren " |
"t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu</a> - Shi'Kahr - a'Shav - T'Khasi – k'staraya vi'Iyi-Gol-" |
"Vuhlkansu." |
/trunk/i18n/ru.po |
6,7 → 6,7 |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 05:00+0200\n" |
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"Language-Team: Russian <>\n" |
15,24 → 15,27 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
#: ../global.php:113 |
#: ../global.php:105 ../global.php:112 ../global.php:113 |
msgid "Scripting" |
msgstr "Скрипты" |
#: ../global.php:117 |
#: ../global.php:109 ../global.php:116 ../global.php:117 |
msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../global.php:119 |
#: ../global.php:111 ../global.php:118 ../global.php:119 |
msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "Проекты софтвера" |
#: ../global.php:124 |
#: ../global.php:116 ../global.php:123 ../global.php:124 |
msgid "United Federation of Planets DataBase" |
msgstr "База данных (DB) Объединённой Федерации Планет (ОФП/UFP)" |
#: ../index.php:74 ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:46 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 ../index.php:74 |
#: ../footer.phtml:33 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:33 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:37 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:39 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:45 |
msgid "All rights reserved." |
msgstr "Весь права зарезервированные." |
48,75 → 51,86 |
"the author of usage of this material. Thank you." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:123 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:488 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:439 |
msgid "N/A" |
msgstr "недоступно" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:132 |
msgid "Latitude" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:133 |
msgid "N" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:134 |
msgid "S" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:135 |
msgid "Longitude" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:136 |
msgid "W" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:144 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:137 |
msgid "E" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:145 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:138 |
msgid "Lat/Lng Accuracy" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:146 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
msgid "Altitude" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
msgid "Speed" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:149 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
msgid "Heading" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:162 |
msgid "Your current coordinates on Terra" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:163 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:156 |
msgid "accuracy" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:170 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:171 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:6 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:7 |
msgid "Vulcan greeting" |
msgstr "Вулканский салют" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:175 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:11 |
msgid "Welcome to PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "Добро пожаловать в сайт Остроконечных Ушей (PointedEars)" |
msgstr "Добро пожаловать в сайте Остроконечных Ушей (PointedEars)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:182 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:18 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
127,165 → 141,259 |
msgstr "" |
"В этом сайте используемые <a href='" |
"Web' title='Узнайте больше: Mozilla Developer Network'>недавние технологии " |
"веба</a>. Если нехорошо показывает на вашем системе, можно использовать <a " |
"веба</a>. Если нехорошо показывать на вашем системе, можно использовать <a " |
"href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a>." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:187 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:426 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:453 |
msgid "Printable version" |
msgstr "Печаемая версия" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:108 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:324 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:106 |
msgid "PointedEars' Standard Frases" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:327 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:100 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:111 |
msgid "List of recommended TV shows and episodes, with logos in CSS" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:133 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:339 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:112 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:126 |
msgid "The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:131 |
msgid "" |
"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:120 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:351 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:124 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:141 |
msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
msgstr "Поиск внеземного разума на дому" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:152 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:359 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
msgid "Me on Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:361 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:134 |
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msgid "" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:363 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
msgid "My contributions to Wikipedia" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:158 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:364 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:137 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:156 |
msgid "Wikipedia" |
msgstr "Википедия" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:408 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:181 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:201 |
msgid "Home" |
msgstr "Главная" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:208 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:412 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:185 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:206 |
msgid "Display" |
msgstr "Дисплей:" |
msgstr "Дисплей" |
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msgstr "цветов" |
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msgid "%s pixels" |
msgstr "%s пикселей" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:288 |
msgid "User Agent" |
msgstr "Софтвер:" |
msgstr "Софтвер" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:532 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:269 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:296 |
msgid "Features" |
msgstr "функции:" |
msgstr "функции" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:306 |
msgid "Cookies" |
msgstr "Куки" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:552 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:289 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:316 |
msgid "Cookies for" |
msgstr "Куки для" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:557 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:294 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but no data for this site" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:564 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:301 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but disabled" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:342 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:503 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:489 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:456 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:482 |
msgid "Fullscreen" |
msgstr "<span title='Полное изображение'>Полн изоб</span>" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:576 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:340 |
msgid "Gamepad" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:581 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:318 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:345 |
msgid "Get location" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:354 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:582 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:348 |
msgid "Geolocation" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:338 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:365 |
msgid "plugins installed" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:343 |
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msgid "Plugins supported, but none detected" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:544 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:535 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:569 |
msgid "Date of last modification" |
msgstr "Дата последней модификации" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:574 |
msgid "Library Computer Access and Retrieval System" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "LCARS" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "available" |
msgstr "<abbr title='доступных'>доступн.</abbr>" |
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#: ../index.php:311 ../index.php:340 ../index.php:303 ../index.php:304 |
msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "Живи долго и процветай" |
#: ../index.php:316 |
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#: ../index.php:318 ../index.php:347 ../index.php:310 ../index.php:311 |
msgid "Please select your language" |
msgstr "Отбирайте ваш язык, пожалуйста" |
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msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#: ../footer.phtml:9 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
304,28 → 412,38 |
"Designer’s Handbook'>Элеанорой Ц. Давенпортой (Eleanor C." |
" Davenport)</a>." |
#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../footer.phtml:28 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:28 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
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msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "" |
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#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" <abbr title='доступных'>доступн</abbr>\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" <abbr title='доступных'>доступн.</abbr>\"" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:232 |
#, php-format |
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msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" <abbr title='использованных'>использов</abbr>\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" <abbr title='использованных'>использов.</abbr>\"" |
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#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:201 |
msgid "Episode list" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:212 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "" |
339,39 → 457,19 |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
msgid "Plugins" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:590 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:597 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
msgid "Latin" |
msgstr "Латиница" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
msgstr "Печаемую версию" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
#, php-format |
msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
msgstr "\"Куки для \" + %s + \"" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "Сайт Остроконечных Ушей (PointedEars)" |
/trunk/i18n/de.po |
6,7 → 6,7 |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-01 18:57+0200\n" |
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"Language-Team: German <>\n" |
15,26 → 15,29 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
#: ../global.php:113 |
#: ../global.php:105 ../global.php:112 ../global.php:113 |
msgid "Scripting" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../global.php:117 |
#: ../global.php:109 ../global.php:116 ../global.php:117 |
msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "Ein Vergleich der Features von ECMAScript-Implementierungen" |
#: ../global.php:119 |
#: ../global.php:111 ../global.php:118 ../global.php:119 |
msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "Software-Projekte" |
#: ../global.php:124 |
#: ../global.php:116 ../global.php:123 ../global.php:124 |
msgid "United Federation of Planets DataBase" |
msgstr "" |
"United Federation of Planets DataBase -- Datenbanken der Vereinten " |
"Föderation der Planeten" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:39 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:45 |
msgid "All rights reserved." |
msgstr "Alle Rechte vorbehalten." |
60,75 → 63,86 |
"von der Website entfernen oder dieses modifizieren zu lassen, und von " |
"rechtlichen Schritten abzusehen." |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:439 |
msgid "N/A" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:132 |
msgid "Latitude" |
msgstr "Geogr. Breite" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:133 |
msgid "N" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:134 |
msgid "S" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:135 |
msgid "Longitude" |
msgstr "Geogr. Länge" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:136 |
msgid "W" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:144 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:137 |
msgid "E" |
msgstr "O" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:145 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:138 |
msgid "Lat/Lng Accuracy" |
msgstr "Genauigkeit" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:146 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
msgid "Altitude" |
msgstr "Höhe" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "Genauigkeit Höhe" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
msgid "Speed" |
msgstr "Geschwindigkeit" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:149 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
msgid "Heading" |
msgstr "Richtung" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:162 |
msgid "Your current coordinates on Terra" |
msgstr "Ihre aktuellen Koordinaten auf Terra" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:163 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:156 |
msgid "accuracy" |
msgstr "Genauigkeit" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:171 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:6 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:7 |
msgid "Vulcan greeting" |
msgstr "Vulkanischer Gruss" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:175 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:11 |
msgid "Welcome to PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "Willkommen auf PointedEars’ Website" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:182 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:18 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
142,19 → 156,36 |
"Sie können die <a href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a> verwenden, falls sie " |
"von Ihrer Software nicht korrekt dargestellt wird." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:187 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:688 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:426 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:453 |
msgid "Printable version" |
msgstr "Druckversion" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:324 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:106 |
msgid "PointedEars' Standard Frases" |
msgstr "PointedEars’ Standard-Floskeln" |
msgstr "PointedEars' Standard-Floskeln" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:113 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:327 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:100 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:111 |
msgid "List of recommended TV shows and episodes, with logos in CSS" |
msgstr "Liste empfehlenswerter TV-Serien und Episoden, mit Logos in CSS" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:133 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:339 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:112 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:126 |
msgid "The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "Das weltgrösste Klimaforschungsexperiment für das 21. Jahrhundert" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:131 |
msgid "" |
"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
162,144 → 193,221 |
"Verteiltes Rechnen, um die Faltung und Anordnung von Proteinen und damit " |
"verbundener Krankheiten zu verstehen" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:138 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:120 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
msgstr "Teilchenphysik-Forschung mit dem Large Hadron Collider am CERN" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:351 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:124 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:141 |
msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
msgstr "Die Suche nach ausserirdischer Intelligenz von zuhause aus" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "Mein Profil bei Stack Overflow" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:152 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:359 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
msgid "Me on Twitter" |
msgstr "Mein Profil bei Twitter" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:361 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:134 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:153 |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:363 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
msgid "My contributions to Wikipedia" |
msgstr "Meine Beiträge zur deutschsprachigen Wikipedia" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:158 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:364 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:137 |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:201 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "Anzeige" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:238 |
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msgstr "Software:" |
msgstr "Software" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:269 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:296 |
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msgstr "Features:" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:306 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
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msgstr "Cookies werden unterstützt, aber es gibt keine Daten für diese Site" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:564 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:301 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
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msgstr "Cookies werden unterstützt, sind jedoch deaktiviert" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:503 |
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msgstr "Geolokalisierung" |
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msgid "Plugins supported, but none detected" |
msgstr "Plugins werden unterstützt, aber es wurden keine erkannt" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:544 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:535 |
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msgstr "Druckversion" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:566 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:569 |
msgid "Date of last modification" |
msgstr "Datum der letzten Änderung" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:624 |
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#: ../index.php:296 ../index.php:300 ../index.php:302 ../index.php:306 |
#: ../index.php:311 ../index.php:340 ../index.php:303 ../index.php:304 |
msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "Leben Sie lang und erfolgreich" |
#: ../index.php:316 |
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msgid "Please select your language" |
msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie Ihre Sprache" |
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msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "Senden Sie eine Feedback E-Mail an PointedEars" |
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#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
317,28 → 425,38 |
"Blog – LCARS 101: A Designer’s Handbook'>Eleanor C. " |
"Davenport</a>." |
#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "Michael Okuda auf Twitter" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
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msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "Ihr Feedback" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "%s + \"×\" + %s + \" verfügbar\"" |
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msgstr "Episodenliste" |
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#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "Gesehen:" |
352,43 → 470,23 |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "zuletzt am" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
msgid "Plugins" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
msgid "Latin" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
msgstr "Druckversion" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
#, php-format |
msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
msgstr "\"Cookies für \" + %s + \"" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "Das weltgrösste Klimaforschungsexperiment für das 21. Jahrhundert" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "PointedEars’ Website" |
#~ msgid "" |
#~ "Access to the United Federation of Planets Databanks, an online songbook " |
#~ "and software downloads always worth a click. Coming soon: The best " |
/trunk/i18n/de.pointedears.pot |
8,7 → 8,7 |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" |
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" |
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n" |
17,24 → 17,27 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
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msgid "Scripting" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../global.php:111 ../global.php:118 ../global.php:119 |
msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../global.php:124 |
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msgid "United Federation of Planets DataBase" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:45 |
msgid "All rights reserved." |
msgstr "" |
50,75 → 53,86 |
"the author of usage of this material. Thank you." |
msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:135 |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:136 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
msgid "Altitude" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:156 |
msgid "accuracy" |
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msgid "Vulcan greeting" |
msgstr "" |
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msgid "Welcome to PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "" |
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#, php-format |
msgid "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
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msgid "PointedEars' Standard Frases" |
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"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
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msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
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msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:359 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgid "My contributions to Wikipedia" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:296 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:569 |
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msgstr "" |
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msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../index.php:318 ../index.php:347 ../index.php:310 ../index.php:311 |
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msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:42 |
msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../footer.phtml:9 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
294,28 → 402,38 |
"Designer's Handbook'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a>." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../footer.phtml:28 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:28 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:40 |
msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:204 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:209 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:232 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" used\"" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:198 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:201 |
msgid "Episode list" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:212 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "" |
329,39 → 447,19 |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
msgid "Plugins" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:590 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:597 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
msgid "Latin" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
#, php-format |
msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "" |
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/trunk/i18n/LocaleData/de/LC_MESSAGES/ |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/trunk/i18n/vuh-Latn-Gol-modern.po |
1,5 → 1,5 |
# PointedEars' Website |
# Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn |
# Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn |
# This file is distributed under the same license as the de.pointedears package. |
# Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>, 2012. |
msgid "" |
6,7 → 6,7 |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: PE\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-06-14 00:25+0200\n" |
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-05-25 11:15+0200\n" |
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-27 05:00+0200\n" |
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n" |
"Language-Team: Modern Golic Vulcan <>\n" |
15,29 → 15,29 |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" |
# "Script-plural" |
#: ../global.php:113 |
#: ../global.php:105 ../global.php:112 ../global.php:113 |
msgid "Scripting" |
msgstr "Zukitanlar" |
#: ../global.php:117 |
#: ../global.php:109 ../global.php:116 ../global.php:117 |
msgid "A comparison of features of ECMAScript implementations" |
msgstr "" |
# "Soft-stuff" |
#: ../global.php:119 |
#: ../global.php:111 ../global.php:118 ../global.php:119 |
msgid "Software projects" |
msgstr "Mos-tukh" |
msgstr "Lerash-tukh" |
#: ../global.php:124 |
#: ../global.php:116 ../global.php:123 ../global.php:124 |
msgid "United Federation of Planets DataBase" |
msgstr "" |
# "Have this-one all-right-plural." |
#: ../index.php:74 ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:46 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 ../index.php:74 |
#: ../footer.phtml:33 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:33 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:37 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:39 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:45 |
msgid "All rights reserved." |
msgstr "Ma nash-veh ek'to-tonlar." |
msgstr "Ma nash-veh ek'yeht'eslar." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:56 ../index.php:74 |
msgid "" |
51,93 → 51,86 |
"the author of usage of this material. Thank you." |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:123 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:488 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:529 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:446 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:439 |
msgid "N/A" |
msgstr "" |
# (not combining) |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:132 |
msgid "Latitude" |
msgstr "Truhk-zehl" |
# "desh'rak [question?-direction]" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:133 |
msgid "N" |
msgstr "D" |
msgstr "" |
# "khu'rak [crystal?-direction]" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:134 |
msgid "S" |
msgstr "Kh" |
msgstr "" |
# "Long-line" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:135 |
msgid "Longitude" |
msgstr "Wut-zehl" |
# "tev'rak [fall-direction]" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:136 |
msgid "W" |
msgstr "T" |
msgstr "TW" |
# "she'rak [rise-direction]" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:144 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:137 |
msgid "E" |
msgstr "S" |
msgstr "SR" |
# "Correct-noun of-latitude/longitude" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:145 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:138 |
msgid "Lat/Lng Accuracy" |
msgstr "Yeht'es t'truhk|wut" |
# "(Air-)height" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:146 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:139 |
msgid "Altitude" |
msgstr "Pidek" |
# "Correct(-noun) of-(air-)height" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:147 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:140 |
msgid "Alt. Accuracy" |
msgstr "Yeht'es t'pidek" |
# "horizontal-speed" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:141 |
msgid "Speed" |
msgstr "Yuti-threshan" |
msgstr "Threshan" |
# "direction" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:149 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:142 |
msgid "Heading" |
msgstr "Kharat" |
# "Position on-Terra" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:162 |
msgid "Your current coordinates on Terra" |
msgstr "Shul na'Terra" |
# "correct-noun" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:163 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:156 |
msgid "accuracy" |
msgstr "yeht'es" |
# "Ta'a (greeting Vulcan)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:170 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:171 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:6 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:7 |
msgid "Vulcan greeting" |
msgstr "Ta'a |na'shaya vuhlkansu|" |
msgstr "Na'shaya Vuhlkansu" |
# "Greeting-plural to-honorific-visiting-person of-place-of-web of-Point(ed)-Ears" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:175 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:11 |
msgid "Welcome to PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "Na'shayalar na'oyaretausu t'shi'Vis t'Sfek-Kaluklar" |
msgstr "Na'shayalar na'oyaretausu t'shi'vis t'Sfek-Kaluklar" |
# "Has-used this-one(-person) <a href='' " |
# "title='Study-(polite-imperative) more: Mozilla Developer Network'>modern-know-stuff</a>. Can/may " |
# "use (honorific-)you <a href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a> if not correct-displaying." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:182 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:18 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
150,188 → 143,256 |
"title='Oren'voh weht: Mozilla Developer Network'>iyi-fai-tukh</a>. Kup " |
"is-tor odu <a href='index.%s?printable=1'>%s</a> kuv ri yeht-gluvaun." |
# "Print-kind/sort/type" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:688 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:426 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:453 |
msgid "Printable version" |
msgstr "Hish-ves" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:108 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:324 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:97 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:106 |
msgid "PointedEars' Standard Frases" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:113 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:327 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:100 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:111 |
msgid "List of recommended TV shows and episodes, with logos in CSS" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:133 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:339 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:112 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:126 |
msgid "The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "Dan-suk spolek t'ek'nosh-fezanikaya t'Terra na'21☐ teh-tevun" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:116 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:131 |
msgid "" |
"Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, " |
"and related diseases" |
msgstr "" |
# "Research of-particle-physics with-Large-Hadron-Collider at-CERN" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:138 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:120 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
msgid "Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN" |
msgstr "Kla-hil t'pi'gal-tor-tal k'Suk-Ra'gal-Terkwulek |LHC| na'CERN" |
msgstr "" |
# "Search for-intellect(-adjective)-noun extraterrestrial inside(-of)-home" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:143 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:351 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:124 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:141 |
msgid "The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME" |
msgstr "Psthan na'Kash-tok'es Si-Terrupik Svi'Ha-kel (SETI@home)" |
msgstr "Psthan Na'Ha'vel S'udish Svi'Ha-kel (SETI@home)" |
# "This-one on-Stack Overflow" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:148 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:146 |
msgid "Me on Stack Overflow" |
msgstr "Nash-veh fi'Stack Overflow" |
# "This-one on-Twitter" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:152 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:359 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:132 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:150 |
msgid "Me on Twitter" |
msgstr "Nash-veh fi'Twitter" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:361 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:134 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:153 |
msgid "" |
msgstr "" |
# "For-work-plural of-this-one to-Wikipedia" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:157 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:363 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:136 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:155 |
msgid "My contributions to Wikipedia" |
msgstr "Na-ar'kadanlar t'nash-veh na'Wikipedia" |
msgstr "Na'ar'kadan t'nash-veh na'Wikipedia" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:158 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:364 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:137 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:156 |
msgid "Wikipedia" |
msgstr "" |
# "Beginning" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:408 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:181 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:201 |
msgid "Home" |
msgstr "Palikaya" |
# "Display-all (noun)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:208 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:412 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:185 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:206 |
msgid "Display" |
msgstr "Gluvayek –" |
msgstr "Gluvayek" |
# "color(s)" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:215 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:238 |
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# "… picture-element(s)" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:250 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s pixels" |
msgstr "%s bikuv-velak" |
msgstr "%s sfek" |
# "Use-tally-thing" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:491 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:264 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:288 |
msgid "User Agent" |
msgstr "Is-tum-vel –" |
msgstr "Is-tum-vel" |
# "Use-purpose-plural" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:532 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:269 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:296 |
msgid "Features" |
msgstr "Is-loflar –" |
msgstr "Is-loflar" |
# "small-data-plural" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:542 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:279 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:306 |
msgid "Cookies" |
msgstr "Pi'faiklar" |
msgstr "" |
# "Supported cookies but be none for-this-place" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:552 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:289 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:316 |
msgid "Cookies for" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:557 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:294 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but no data for this site" |
msgstr "Nenikal pi'faik hi nam-tor rim na'ish-shi" |
msgstr "" |
# "Supported cookies but (cookies) not activated" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:564 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:301 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:328 |
msgid "Cookies supported, but disabled" |
msgstr "Nenikal pi'faik hi ri vitoral" |
msgstr "" |
# "All-display-all (noun)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:342 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:503 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:489 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:571 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:308 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:455 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:456 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:335 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:482 |
msgid "Fullscreen" |
msgstr "Ek'gluvayek" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:576 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:313 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:340 |
msgid "Gamepad" |
msgstr "" |
# "Get position" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:352 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:581 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:318 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:345 |
msgid "Get location" |
msgstr "Satalau shul" |
msgstr "Tal-tor shul" |
# "Position on-Terra" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:354 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:355 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:582 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:583 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:321 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:347 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:348 |
msgid "Geolocation" |
msgstr "Shul fi'Terra" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:372 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:600 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:338 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:365 |
msgid "plugins installed" |
msgstr "" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:605 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:342 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:343 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:370 |
msgid "Plugins supported, but none detected" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:444 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:544 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:535 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:437 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:523 |
msgid "Window" |
msgstr "Krani" |
# "Print-kind/sort/type" |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:695 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:433 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:434 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:460 |
msgid "Printable" |
msgstr "Hish-ves" |
# "Last-modification-time" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:628 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:619 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:630 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:566 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:569 |
msgid "Date of last modification" |
msgstr "Kim-rubitaya-wak" |
msgstr "Wak t'fe-rubitaya" |
# "All-Access-System of-Library-Tally-Thing" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:633 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:624 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:571 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:574 |
msgid "Library Computer Access and Retrieval System" |
msgstr "Ek'thro-Torektra t'Oska-Tum-Vel" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:634 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:625 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:636 |
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#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:531 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:572 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:575 |
msgid "LCARS" |
msgstr "ETOTV" |
#: ../index.php:309 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:431 |
msgid "available" |
msgstr "nam-tor" |
#: ../index.php:296 ../index.php:300 ../index.php:302 ../index.php:306 |
#: ../index.php:311 ../index.php:340 ../index.php:303 ../index.php:304 |
msgid "Live long and prosper" |
msgstr "" |
# "Select(-honorific imperative) language" |
#: ../index.php:316 |
#: ../index.php:303 ../index.php:307 ../index.php:309 ../index.php:313 |
#: ../index.php:318 ../index.php:347 ../index.php:310 ../index.php:311 |
msgid "Please select your language" |
msgstr "Dvel'voh gen-lis" |
#: ../footer.phtml:4 ../footer.phtml:30 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:30 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:36 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:42 |
msgid "Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
msgstr "" |
# "Original-design of-(All-Access-System of-Library-Tally-Thing) |LCARS| |
# by-Michael Okuda. |
# Base(s) (v.) design of-this on-form of-Flash by-Chris Rossi |
# and research(-plural) by-Bracer Jack and by-Eleanor C Davenport." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#: ../footer.phtml:9 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:9 |
#, php-format |
msgid "" |
"Original LCARS design by <a href='%s' title='%s'>Michael Okuda</a>. " |
342,7 → 403,7 |
"Designer's Handbook'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a>." |
msgstr "" |
"Tvesh-patanafaya t'ETOTV |<span lang='en'>LCARS</span>| s'<a href='%s' title=" |
"\"%s\" lang='en'>Michael Okuda</a>. Nenam-tor patanafaya t'ish fi'<a " |
"\"%s\" lang='en'>Michael Okuda</a>. Nen-tor patanafaya t'ish-veh fi'<a " |
"href='%s' title='LCARS Standards Development Board' data-title-" |
"lang='en'>shid k'<span lang='en'>Flash</span> s'<span lang='en'>Chris " |
"Rossi</span></a> eh kla-hillar s'<a href='%s' title='Creating a Coherent " |
350,29 → 411,38 |
"title='LCARS 47 Development Blog -- LCARS 101: A Designer’s " |
"Handbook' lang='en'>Eleanor C. Davenport</a>." |
#: ../footer.phtml:20 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:20 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:24 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:26 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
msgid "Michael Okuda on Twitter" |
msgstr "Michael Okuda fi'Twitter" |
#: ../footer.phtml:28 ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:28 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:32 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:34 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:40 |
msgid "Your feedback" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:204 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:227 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" available\"" |
msgstr "\"la'ka-yehat \" + %s + \"×\" + %s" |
msgstr "\"nam-tor \" + %s + \"×\" + %s" |
# "uses …" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:209 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:232 |
#, php-format |
msgid "%s + \"x\" + %s + \" used\"" |
msgstr "\"is-tor \" + %s + \"×\" + %s" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:198 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:201 |
msgid "Episode list" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:212 |
#: ../media/video/series/application/layouts/index/index.phtml:215 |
msgid "Watched:" |
msgstr "" |
386,49 → 456,23 |
msgid "last time" |
msgstr "" |
# "Supported place-of-study of-language Klingon, Terra – translation into-Klingon." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:337 |
msgid "Plugins" |
msgstr "" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:21 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Klingon supported by the <a href=''>Klingon " |
"Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"Language Institute</a>, Qo'onoS." |
msgstr "" |
"Nenikal <a href=''>Shi'Oren t'Gen-Lis Tlingansu</a> - Terra – " |
"mesukh vi'Tlingansu." |
"Ki'nenikal <a href=''>Shi'Oren t'Gen-Lis Tlingansu</a> - " |
"Qo'onoS – mesukh vi'Tlingansu." |
# "Latin-script" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:598 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:590 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:597 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:608 |
msgid "Latin" |
msgstr "Latin-Zukitan" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/content.phtml:23 |
msgid "Printable version-declensed" |
msgstr "Hish-ves" |
# "Supported place-of-study of-language Vulcan – Terra – translation into-Vulcan." |
#: ../application/layouts/index/footer.phtml:27 |
msgid "" |
"Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the <a href='http://home." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Terra." |
"'>Vulcan Language Institute</a>, Shi'Kahr, " |
"T'Khasi." |
msgstr "" |
"Nenikal <a href=''>Shi'Oren t'Gen-" |
"Lis Vuhlkansu</a> – Terra – mesukh vi'Vuhlkansu." |
# "small-data for" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:317 |
#, php-format |
msgid "\"Cookies for \" + %s + \"" |
msgstr "\"Pi'faik na'\" + %s + \"" |
# "Most-big experiment of-all-condition-forecast of-Terra for-21st hundred-year(s)" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:128 |
msgid "The world's largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century" |
msgstr "Dan-suk spolek t'ek'nosh-fezanikaya t'Terra na'21☐ teh-tevun" |
# "Greeting-plural to-honorific-visiting-person of-place-of-web of-Point(ed)-Ears" |
#: ../application/layouts/index/index.phtml:4 |
#: ../application/layouts/index/multi-display.phtml:59 |
msgid "PointedEars' Website" |
msgstr "Shi'Vis t'Sfek-Kaluklar" |
"Ki'nenikal <a href=''>Shi'Oren " |
"t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu</a> - Shi'Kahr - T'Khasi – mesukh vi'Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu." |
/trunk/i18n |
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