17,7 → 17,7 |
# at-<http://home.comcast.net/~markg61/vlif.htm>.") |
# |
# The following inconsistencies have been found in the received data: |
# {Ki'putal-tor zahalan-ritsurkan'eslar svi'poprah-faik –} |
# {Ki'putal-tor zahalan-ritsurkan'eslar svi'poprah-faik —} |
# ("Have-be-found following-inconsistencies in-received-data:") |
# |
# 1. Using {pekhaya} both for “stop” {n.} and related terms in |
29,12 → 29,12 |
# Medical & Surgical Terminology”. |
# Since it is both illogical that the same meaning should have |
# different word roots, and that the same word or word root |
# should have several meanings in Golic Vulcan[1] – for example, |
# should have several meanings in Golic Vulcan[1] — for example, |
# how can {pekhaya} mean “defecation” [“to-defecate-noun”] and |
# {pa'kizh-pekhaya} “respiratory arrest” [“around-gasses-stop”] |
# at the same time? How can there be {khaf-spol-pe*hk*aya} |
# “cardiac arrest” [“blood-pump-stop-noun”], but |
# {pa'kizh-pe*kh*aya} “respiratory arrest” at the same time? –, |
# {pa'kizh-pe*kh*aya} “respiratory arrest” at the same time? —, |
# it is assumed that there were errors in transliteration or |
# subspace transmission, and that the word root {pehk} uniformly |
# refers to stopping (as in {pehkau} “to stop”, {ek'pe_hk_aya} |
154,7 → 154,7 |
# {Ma yidor t'fasei zhit-dunap natyan – isan t'>vuh< - |
# na'gen-lis Vuhlkansu – svi'rak t'>tlh< - na'Tlingansu – tum-tor |
# tal-muv >ipa< - is-tor zhipenayalar na'tal-muv >pos< na'pi'potaun |
# suk'es t'deik heh natya-zhipenayalar (nugla'voh) –} |
# suk'es t'deik heh natya-zhipenayalar (nugla'voh) —} |
# ("Have format of-this dictionary difference – use of->vuh< - |
# for-language Vulcan – instead of->tlh< - for-Klingon – add |
# key >ipa< - use abbrevations for-key >pos< for-small-keeping |
337,8 → 337,8 |
# Parts of speech (pos) |
# ---------------------- |
# adj. – adjective, adjectival |
# {rub-zhit|ik|} |
# ("adjective/-al") |
# {rub-zhit - rub-zhitik} |
# ("adjective - adjectival") |
# card. – cardinal form (of a number); for counting up and when |
# used like a noun |
# {tum-shid | t'su'us | – tuman heh kuv isan |
347,8 → 347,9 |
# using as-noun") |
# enum. – enumerating form (of a number); for counting how many |
# items there are |
# {su'us-shid [ t'su'us ] – tuman vellar uf wehk} |
# ("enumerating-form [ of-number ] – counting items how many") |
# {su'us-shid [ t'su'us ] – tuman uf wehk vellar} |
# ("enumerating-form [ of-number ] – for-count are items |
# how many") |
# ger. – gerund (form); verb form to describe what happens now |
# {| shid t' | torvel-zhit – tor-zhit-shid klopaunik |
# wakli i'paveshan.} |
387,130 → 388,51 |
# Languages (tag and com) |
# ------------------------ |
# AGV – Ancient Golic Vulcan (language) |
# {| Gen-lis | Ma'os-Gol-Vuhlkansu} |
# ("[ Language ] Ancient-Gol[ic]-Vulcan") |
# CLGV – Ceremonial/Lithurgic Golic Vulcan (language) |
# {| Gen-lis | Vanu-Gol-Vuhlkansu} |
# ("[ Language ] Ceremonial-Gol[ic]-Vulcan") |
# MGV – Modern Golic Vulcan (language) |
# {| Gen-lis | Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu | IGV |} |
# ("[ Language ] Modern-Gol[ic]-Vulcan") |
# |
# Unless otherwise specified, words are in MGV. |
# {Kuv ri pukozau - zhitlar t'IGV.} |
# ("If not be-specified, words of MGV.") |
# |
# Contexts (tag) |
# --------------- |
# aero. – aerospace |
# {hash-tal} |
# ("aeronautics") |
# agr. – agriculture, agricultural; related to planting |
# {urokasay|ik| - kastkau-tersaun} |
# ("agriculture/-al; planting-related") |
# anc. – ancient (word), from before Surak’s language reforms; |
# probably with irr. verb-forms |
# {ma'os | zhit | - s'wak fa'gen-lis-rubah t'Surak - |
# yaziyik k'ritsuri-zhit-shidlar} |
# ("ancient | word | - from-time before-language-change |
# of-Surak") |
# anat. – anatomy, anatomical; related to body structure |
# {vukhut-tal|ik| - vukhut-velek-tersaun} |
# ("anatomic[al] - body-structure-related") |
# anorg. – anorganic; not related to life forms |
# {rihatan - ri hasu-tersaun} |
# ("anorganic - not lifeform-related") |
# arch. – archaeology, archaelogic |
# {veshtsu-tal|ik|} |
# ("archeology/-ic") |
# auto. – automotive |
# {solektra-halik} |
# ("automotive") |
# biol. – biology, biologic; related to life forms |
# {ha-tal|ik| - hasu-tersaun} |
# ("biology/-ic - lifeform-related") |
# borr. – borrowed word |
# {yahvu-zhit} |
# ("borrowed-word") |
# bot. – botany, botanical; related to plant life |
# {kastik-tal|ik| - kastik-hasu-tersaun} |
# ("botany/-ical - plant-lifeform-related") |
# col. – colo(u)r |
# {kur} |
# ("color") |
# colloq. – colloquial; used in informal, non-scientific speech |
# {tarik – isan t'starun rihotorik heh ritalik} |
# ("colloquial – use of-speech informal and non-scientific") |
# fig. – figuratively (vs. lit.); e.g., "field" can lit. mean |
# "place where crops grow", fig. "area of study", or |
# fig. a math. structure (like "Galois field") or |
# a physical structure or technology (like "warp field") |
# {khlopik | tehnat >lit.< | – na'li-fal - kup tvai >field< |
# zunik >shi wilat to'ovau urozh< - khlopik >tal-shal< |
# il velek il ek'mishan tukhik | u'>tchas-vunai< | |
# gen. – general, generally |
# {paik} |
# ("general") |
# geo. – related to geosciences |
# {ek'tra-tal-tersaun} |
# ("planet-study-related") |
# geol. – geology, geologic; related to stones and minerals |
# {solektra-tal|ik| – tersaun na'kovlar heh ek'tukhlar} |
# ("geology/-ic – related to-stones and minerals") |
# gr. – grammar, grammatical; grammatical term |
# {zhit-isan|ik| – zhit-isan-zhil} |
# ("grammar/-atical – grammatical-term") |
# math. – mathematics, mathematically |
# {su'us-ek'tal|ik|} |
# ("mathematics/-ical") |
# mech. – mechanics, mechanically |
# {torutra|hik|} |
# ("mechanics/-ical") |
# med. – medicine, medical |
# {has-tal - hasuk} |
# ("medicine - medical"} |
# mil. – military |
# {aski|tal|} |
# ("military") |
# myth. – mythology, mythologic |
# {holsh-tal|ik|} |
# ("mythology/-ic") |
# naut. – nautical; related to motion in seafaring tradition |
# {dakharauk – tersaun na'masutra-dvun-ba'tak} |
# ("nautical – related to-sea-motion-tradition") |
# obs. – obsolete (word); use the synonymous contemporary word |
# for everyday, non-ceremonial use instead (e.g., {wak} |
# instead of {farr} for "time"; but: {kari farr}, |
# {pon farr} etc.) |
# {nuh'os | zhit | - svi'rak-is'voh |
# ka-tvahik iyi-zhit na'isan ek'gadik heh |
# rivanuk | na'li-fal {wak} svi'rak t'{farr} - |
# hi – {kari farr} - {pon farr} ∴} |
# ("too-old [ word ] - instead-use [hon. imp.] |
# synonymous contemporary-word for-usage diurnal and |
# non-ceremonial | for-example {wak} instead of-{farr} - |
# but : {kari farr} - {pon farr} etc.") |
# ocean. – oceanography, oceanographic |
# {masutra-tal|ik|} |
# ("oceanography/-ic") |
# paleo. – paleontology, paleontological |
# {vesh-ha-tal|ik|} |
# ("paleontology/-ic") |
# phys. – physics, physical |
# {tor-tal|ik|} |
# ("physics/-ical") |
# pol. – politics, political |
# {to'ankhatra - to'ankhaik} |
# ("politics - political") |
# rec. – recreation, recreational |
# {va'ash-fereikan|ik|} |
# ("recreation[al]") |
# tech. – technology, technologic |
# {ek'mishan|ik|} |
# ("technology/-ic") |
# zool. – zoology, zoologic; related to animal life forms |
# {aushfa-tal|ik| - aushfamaluhr-hasu-tersaun} |
# ("zoology/-ic - animal-lifeform-related") |
# |
# Comments (com) |
# --------------- |
4020,11 → 3942,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dakharau-razh} |
en: <cockpit> (ship) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dakharau-shal} |
en: <helm> (station) |
def: FSE-GV |
9156,14 → 9073,6 |
def: <synthesis> only in FSE-GV |
com: original gerund of {fereik-tor} |
vuh: {va'ash-fereikan} |
en: <recreation> |
def: PE |
vuh: {va'ash-fereikanik} |
en: <recreational> |
def: PE |
vuh: {fereik-vel} |
en: <invention> |
def: FSE-GV |
12237,12 → 12146,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'su} |
en: <angel> |
lit: <light><person> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'tanau} |
en: <give off light>, |
12271,105 → 12174,9 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl} |
en: <ray> (light); <beam> (ray) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-aborau-vipohshayek} |
en: <beam boost injector (BBI)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-ben-gun} |
en: <actinotherapy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-dahshayek} |
en: <beam splitter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-eik'es-dvelek} |
en: <beam width selector (BWS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek-isachya-snem} |
en: <laser hair removal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek} |
en: <laser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek-thorshun} |
en: <laser cannon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-flan'es} |
en: <beam intensity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-kash-gel} |
en: <beam antenna> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-nekwitau-dvelek} |
en: <beam force selector (BFS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-pohshek} |
en: <ray gun> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-pral-kakhartayek} |
en: <beam waveguide (BWG)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-sayek} |
en: <beam emitter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-tash-feretai} |
en: <beam control assembly (BCA)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulau} |
en: <refract> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulau-vulu} |
en: <angle of refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulaya} |
en: <refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulaya-nakh} |
en: <index of refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'kiv} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <life> |
tag: anc. |
vuh: {ha-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
12386,31 → 12193,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatra} |
en: <biomass> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan(-~|ik)} |
en: <organic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-guhsh} |
en: <organic waste> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-solek} |
en: <organic soil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-tukh} |
en: <organic matter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'u} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <the Living> |
12438,8 → 12220,7 |
vuh: {hasu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <a living person/being>; <being> (lifeform) |
pos: n. |
en: <a living person/being> |
vuh: {ha(-~|tik(} |
en: <biological>, <biotic> |
12586,114 → 12367,40 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-nu'maat} |
en: <order> (classification of life) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ha-nosahp} |
en: <population> (amount, non-sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-rau-nol} |
en: <refugium> |
vuh: {su-nosahp} |
en: <population> (amount, sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-shal} |
en: <apartment>, <quarters> |
vuh: {ha-nosahp-noshtraik} |
en: <demographic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-shal-kelutra} |
en: <apartment complex> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-sha'ti} |
en: <ecological niche> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-snem} |
en: <abcission> |
vuh: {ha-nu'maat} |
en: <order> (classification of life) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solek} |
en: <humus> |
vuh: {ha-rau-nol} |
en: <refugium> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solek-storaya} |
en: <humification> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-shidik} |
en: <biotopographic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-tal} |
en: <biogeography> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-talsu} |
en: <biogeographer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-storau-tukh} |
en: <biogenic compound> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-storaya} |
en: <biogenesis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-sutorik sikrus} |
en: <biosynthetic limb> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tal} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <biology> (study) |
vuh: {ha-talsu} |
en: <biologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tash} |
en: <biological control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tehvar} |
en: <biohazard> |
vuh: {ha-tin-tal} |
en: <biostratigraphy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tin-talsu} |
en: <biostratigrapher> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tor-tal} |
en: <biophysics> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-torvauk, ha-storauk} |
en: <biogenic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiha-tukh} |
en: <substrate> |
tag: biol. |
12700,69 → 12407,18 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-va'amau-khlup} |
en: <biomimetic gel> |
vuh: {fivathu-ha-vel} |
en: <heterotroph> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel} |
en: <lifeform>, <organism> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel-ahkhan} |
en: <biological warfare> |
vuh: {ha-vellar t'masu-lanet} |
en: <benthos> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fivathu-ha-vel} |
en: <heterotroph> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel-ahkhan} |
en: <biological warfare> |
vuh: {ha-veltra} |
en: <taxon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-veltra-tal} |
en: <taxonomy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-ves} |
en: <biotype>, <phylum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-ves-storaya} |
en: <phylogeny> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vol(-)} |
tag: anc. |
en: <tall> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-wak-vel} |
en: <biological clock> |
vuh: {ha-welik raf-kuvtra} |
en: <bio-neural circuitry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-zarahk-kov} |
en: <bioclastic rock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {k'ha} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <alive> |
12798,17 → 12454,21 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'vitor} |
en: <animate> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {ha-shal} |
en: <apartment>, <quarters> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'vitoran} |
en: <animation> |
vuh: {ha-shal-kelutra} |
en: <apartment complex> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-sha'ti} |
en: <ecological niche> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hadvar} |
en: <dare> |
pos: n. |
12874,6 → 12534,7 |
tag: geol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ne-haf} |
en: <draft> (under a ship) |
pos: n. |
12969,9 → 12630,9 |
en: <car>, <cart> |
vuh: {hal-tor} |
en: <fare> (go); <go>, <proceed>, <trek>, <voyage> |
en: <go>, <proceed>, <trek>, <voyage>; <fare> (go) |
pos: v. |
def: <trek>, <voyage> only in FSE-GV |
def: <trek>, <voyage>, <fare> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {abuhal-tor} |
en: <go up> |
13306,6 → 12967,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh s'vesht-ha-vellar} |
en: <fossil fuel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukhau} |
en: <fuel>, <refuel> |
pos: v. |
13312,6 → 12978,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukhau-tersvep} |
en: <refueling port> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukhaya} |
en: <refueling> |
pos: n. |
13318,39 → 12989,28 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukhau-tersvep} |
en: <refueling port> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-sa'haf} |
en: <blivet> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-sa'haf} |
en: <blivet> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-spol} |
en: <fuel pump> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-spol} |
en: <fuel pump> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-tuhlek} |
en: <fuel tank> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh s'vesht-ha-vellar} |
en: <fossil fuel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-vipohshayek} |
en: <fuel injector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-tuhlek} |
en: <fuel tank> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hal-tukh-vipohshayek} |
en: <fuel injector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {han} |
en: <nose> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {hanopaya} |
en: <nasalization> (linguistics) |
13367,15 → 13027,15 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {han-isach(ya)} |
vuh: {han-isach|ya|} |
en: <nose hair> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {han-isachya-zaneshek} |
en: <nose hair trimmer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {han-isachya-zaneshek} |
en: <nose hair trimmer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {han-khafaya} |
en: <epistaxis>, <nosebleed> |
13437,7 → 13097,7 |
tag: anc. |
en: <legendary "fire beast"> |
vuh: {harmanihkuh (ru'lut-orguhn)} |
vuh: {harmanihkuh |ru'lut-orguhn|} |
en: <harmonica> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
13448,10 → 13108,10 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {harpsihkord (el'taluv-krikmaval-tanaf'mavek)} |
en: <harpsichord> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {harpsihkord |el'taluv-krikmaval-tanaf'mavek|} |
en: <harpsichord> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {harr} |
en: <tail> |
13484,8 → 13144,8 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {harr-shefek, harr-tanaftra} |
en: <taffrail, Tafferel> |
vuh: {harr-shefek}, {harr-tanaftra} |
en: <taffrail>, <tafferel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
13498,11 → 13158,6 |
vuh: {has} |
en: <disease> |
vuh: {has t'khaf-spol-dvunek} |
en: <cardiomyopathy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasau} |
en: <sicken>, <become ill> |
13512,9 → 13167,8 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasam} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <toxin> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasamik} |
en: <toxic> |
13527,7 → 13181,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haseret} |
en: <medicine> (medication); <medication> |
en: <medicine> (medication) |
vuh: {haseretek} |
en: <pharmacy> |
13539,25 → 13193,20 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haseret-lesk} |
en: <medical kit>, <medkit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haseret-lesk} |
en: <medical kit (medkit)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haseret-tal} |
en: <pharmacology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haseret-tal} |
en: <pharmacology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hassu} |
ipa: ' - , ' - |
en: <healer>, <(medical) doctor>, <physician> |
en: <healer>, <doctor>, <physician> |
vuh: {hasteslaya} |
en: <remedy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has(-~|uk)} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <medical> |
13573,81 → 13222,25 |
pos: n. |
tag: med. |
vuh: {has-aish-vel} |
en: <pathogen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-mashek} |
en: <amp(o)ule> (containing medicine) |
en: <amp(o)ule (containing medicine)> |
vuh: {has-raul} |
en: <medical instrument> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-reh-vipladayek} |
en: <medical tricorder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sak-tal} |
en: <epidemiology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sak-talsu} |
en: <epidemiologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-spolek} |
en: <medical experiment> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-tal} |
en: <medicine> (study) |
en: <medicine (the medical field)> |
vuh: {has-theshaya} |
en: <curettage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-aish-vel} |
en: <pathogen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-theshayek} |
en: <curet(te)> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-vitau-kebi} |
en: <medical stasis unit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-bosh(-)} |
vuh: {has-bosh} |
en: <ill>, <sick> |
def: <ill> only in FSE-GV |
lit: <disease><~ful> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {has-mar} |
en: <ailment>, <illness>, <sickness> |
def: <ailment>, <illness> only in FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
en: <sickness> |
vuh: {has-mar s'yartik-luk} |
en: <ergotism> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sutauk} |
en: <sickbay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasam} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <toxin> |
vuh: {hash} |
en: <flight> (levitation, act of flying) |
def: PE |
13668,32 → 13261,26 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: original gerund of {abru-hash-tor}; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashan-mathra} |
en: <flying saucer> |
vuh: {hashan(-~|ik)} |
en: <flying>, <airborne> |
def: inferred by PE |
vuh: {hashanik vikaun-tashan-torektra (HVTT)} |
en: <airborne warning and control system (AWACS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashanik vikaun-tashan-torektra (HVTT)} |
en: <airborne warning and control system (AWACS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashan-mathra} |
en: <flying saucer> |
vuh: {hashalan} |
en: <flight> (trip) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashek} |
en: <flier> (a thing that flies) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu} |
en: <aviator>; <flier> (person); <pilot> (flier); <airman> (pilot) |
en: <aviator>, <flier>, <pilot> |
vuh: {hashsu-shal} |
en: <cockpit> (aircraft) |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {fik-hashsu} |
en: <ace> (top pilot) |
lit: <top>-<pilot> |
13700,6 → 13287,16 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu-shal} |
en: <cockpit> |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {fe-hash} |
en: <preflight> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-ek'manik} |
en: <airworthy> |
def: FSE-GV |
13738,65 → 13335,13 |
pos: v. |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {hash-hutaya} |
en: <buffeting> |
pos: n. |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {hash-hutaya} |
en: <buffeting> |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {hash-mishek} |
en: <flight engineer> |
vuh: {hash-nisan} |
en: <flight test> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-nosh} |
en: <flight status> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-pidek} |
en: <flight level> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-pthak} |
en: <aviophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-raf-vellar} |
en: <avionics> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-renkup'es} |
en: <airmanship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-kwitek} |
en: <attitude control thruster> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-tash} |
en: <attitude control> |
tag: aero. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-torektra} |
en: <attitude control system> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-yal} |
en: <attitude indicator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-tal} |
en: <aeronautics> |
13803,21 → 13348,6 |
vuh: {hash-tash} |
en: <flight control> |
vuh: {hash-to-golar} |
en: <flight rules> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {(hash-vel-)vukh} |
en: <fuselage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-vipladayek} |
en: <flight recorder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-vulu} |
en: <angle of attack> |
tag: aero. |
13825,54 → 13355,10 |
vuh: {hash-yut} |
en: <flight path> |
vuh: {fe-hash} |
en: <preflight> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau} |
en: <add> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {haya} |
en: <addition> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaik} |
en: <additional>; <extra> (additional) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaikleimalek} |
en: <spare tire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaikruslar} |
en: <spare parts> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-is-kek} |
en: <additive function> |
tag: math. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-ov} |
tag: anc. |
en: <sum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-torek} |
en: <additive process> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-vel} |
en: <addend> |
13890,42 → 13376,22 |
en: <reflection> |
com: original gerund of {haul-tor} |
vuh: {haul-glakuv} |
en: <mirror image> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-kur} |
en: <silver> |
lit: <mirror>-<color> |
pos: adj. |
tag: col. |
vuh: {haul-pa'ashtra} |
en: <mirror plane> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-tukh} |
en: <silver> (metal) |
lit: <mirror>-<stuff> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {haul-vulu} |
en: <angle of reflection> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haulek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <reflector> |
lit: <mirror><all> |
vuh: {haulat-pthak} |
en: <catoptrophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-kur} |
en: <silver> |
lit: <mirror>-<color> |
pos: adj. |
tag: col. |
vuh: {haul-tukh} |
en: <silver> (metal) |
lit: <mirror>-<stuff> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {haurok} |
en: <a Vulcan bird> |
13935,58 → 13401,10 |
vuh: {hayaik} |
en: <additional> |
vuh: {hayatau} |
en: <augment> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayataya} |
en: <augmentation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayatayek} |
en: <augmentor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayat-zhit} |
en: <augmentative> (grammar) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal(-)} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <calm>, <placid> |
pos: adj. |
en: <calm, placid> |
vuh: {hayal-masutik} |
en: <lentic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-sov-pral} |
en: <lee wave> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla} |
en: <lee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla'le} |
en: <leeward> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla-marau} |
en: <leeway> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayalit} |
en: <a small Vulcan burrowing animal> |
14253,10 → 13671,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hish-pla-kur} |
en: <cyan> |
tag: col. |
vuh: {abuhish} |
en: <upward pressure> |
pos: n. |
14327,10 → 13741,6 |
vuh: {holsh-tal} |
en: <mythology> |
vuh: {holsh-talik} |
en: <mythologic> |
def: PE |
vuh: {holshan(-~|ik)} |
en: <mythical> |
14415,11 → 13825,6 |
en: <formal> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {rihotor(-~|ik)} |
en: <informal> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE |
vuh: {hu'a ' -} |
tag: anc. |
en: <mythological demon seductress; succubus> |
16193,13 → 15598,9 |
vuh: {kov-tukh} |
en: <rock>, <stone> (material) |
vuh: {kozau} |
en: <specify> |
def: PE |
vuh: {kozauk} |
en: <specific> |
vuh: {kozauk} |
en: <specific> |
vuh: {kra-tukh} |
en: <antimony> |
19138,22 → 18539,6 |
vuh: {nosahp} |
en: <amount> |
vuh: {ha-nosahp} |
en: <population> (amount, non-sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-nosahp-noshtraik} |
en: <demographic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {su-nosahp} |
en: <population> (amount, sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nosh} |
en: <state>, <condition> |
pos: n. |
19495,20 → 18880,9 |
en: <irritated> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {ortrensu} |
en: <doctor> (non-med.) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {os(-)} |
en: <old>, <aged> |
en: <old, aged> |
vuh: {nuh'os(-)} |
en: <obsolete> |
lit: <too><old> |
def: PE |
vuh: {oshi} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <shrine> |
20027,12 → 19401,30 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hish-pla-kur} |
en: <cyan> |
lit: <print>-<blue>-<color> |
tag: col. |
vuh: {mu'pla-kur} |
en: <indigo> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yar-pla-kur} |
en: <teal> |
lit: <green>-<blue>-<color> |
tag: col. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pla-tukh} |
en: <cobalt> |
lit: <blue>-<stuff> |
vuh: {pla-tor} |
en: <back up, reverse> |
vuh: {pla-tukh} |
en: <cobalt> |
vuh: {plak-tau} |
tag: anc. |
en: <"plak tow", Vulcan "blood fever"> |
21346,6 → 20738,9 |
en: <run> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {sahr(-|is)} |
en: <fast>, <quick>, <rapid> |
vuh: {sahrau} |
ipa: ' - ' , - |
en: <accelerate> |
21353,8 → 20748,8 |
vuh: {sahraya} |
en: <acceleration> |
vuh: {sahrayek} |
en: <accelerator> |
vuh: {sahrayek} |
en: <accelerator> |
vuh: {sahrvukh} |
en: <race> (sport) |
21371,22 → 20766,18 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sahr(-~|is)} |
en: <fast>, <quick>, <rapid> |
vuh: {sahr'gal} |
en: <tachyon> |
vuh: {sahr'gal} |
en: <tachyon> |
lit: <fast>-<particle> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-glashayek} |
en: <tachyon scanner> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-glashayek} |
en: <tachyon scanner> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-vunai} |
en: <tachyon field> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-vunai} |
en: <tachyon field> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-zehl(ek)} |
en: <tachyon beam> |
vuh: {sahr'gal-zehl(ek)} |
en: <tachyon beam> |
vuh: {sai-bosh} |
en: <overdressed> |
pos: adj. |
24021,10 → 23412,6 |
en: <say> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tarik} |
en: <conversational>, <colloquial> |
def: PE |
vuh: {fitartausu} |
en: <executive> |
pos: n. |
24464,21 → 23851,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hateretik} |
en: <sympatric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haterkadaya} |
en: <symbiosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haterkadu} |
en: <symbiont> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terish-tor} |
en: <combine> |
pos: v. |
25806,19 → 25178,9 |
en: <meaning> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ka-tvah} |
en: <synonym> |
lit: <same>-<meaning> |
def: PE |
vuh: {ka-tvah(-~|ik)} |
en: <synonymous> |
lit: <same>-<meaning> (adj.) |
def: PE |
vuh: {pohl-tvah} |
en: <ambiguity> |
lit: <several>-<meaning> |
li: <several>-<meaning> |
def: PE |
vuh: {tvai} |
26445,10 → 25807,6 |
vuh: {vesht-ha-tal} |
en: <paleontology> |
vuh: {vesht-ha-talik} |
en: <paleontologic> |
def: PE |
vuh: {vesht-kastik-tal} |
en: <paleobotany> |
26568,20 → 25926,6 |
vuh: {vikayek} |
en: <alarm (device)> |
vuh: {havikhutau} |
en: <incarnate> |
def: PE |
vuh: {havikhutaya} |
en: <incarnation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {va'ash-havikhutaya} |
en: <reincarnation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vikuvau} |
en: <encircle, surround> |
27137,12 → 26481,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {weht(-)} |
en: <extra> (more) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {weh(-)} |
en: <more> |
pos: adj. |
27451,11 → 26789,6 |
tag: col. |
see: {kur} |
vuh: {ha'yar-kur} |
en: <light green> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yar-tukh} |
en: <copper ore> |
see: {tukh} |
27686,22 → 27019,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yigal(-~|ik)} |
en: <professional> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yigasavensu} |
en: <professor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-yigal} |
en: <profession> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yo} |
en: <per> |
27708,6 → 27025,7 |
vuh: {yokul} |
en: <eat>; <fare> (eat) |
pos: v. |
def: <fare> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {aru-yokul} |
en: <dine> |
27886,12 → 27204,6 |
vuh: {yut} |
en: <path>, <trail>, <way> |
vuh: {yut-kharausu} |
en: <pilot> (ship) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuv(-~|ik)} |
en: <oval>, <elliptic(al)> |
28010,24 → 27322,15 |
en: <trace>, <track down> |
vuh: {zeh} |
en: <beam> (constr.); <girder> |
en: <beam>, <girder> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {zehik} |
en: <straight> |
vuh: {zehl} |
en: <line>, <row>, <beam> |
vuh: {zehlanau} |
en: <sequence> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zehlau} |
en: <arrange>, <array> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zehl'es} |
en: <alignment> |
28050,12 → 27353,14 |
vuh: {zehl-velak} |
en: <line element> |
vuh: {(-)zehl} |
en: <beam> (combining suffix) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {zehlanau} |
en: <sequence> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zehlau} |
en: <arrange>, <array> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zek} |
en: <order> (birth, seating, etc.) |
pos: n. |
28367,6 → 27672,702 |
--------- |
# FSE-GV |
vuh: {hash-hutaya} |
en: <buffeting> |
tag: n., aero. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-mishek} |
en: <flight engineer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-nisan} |
en: <flight test> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-nosh} |
en: <flight status> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-pidek} |
en: <flight level> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-pthak} |
en: <aviophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-raf-vellar} |
en: <avionics> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-renkup'es} |
en: <airmanship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-kwitek} |
en: <attitude control thruster> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-tash} |
en: <attitude control> |
tag: aero. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-torektra} |
en: <attitude control system> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-shul-yal} |
en: <attitude indicator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu} |
en: <airman (pilot)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu (flier); yut-kharausu (ship)} |
en: <pilot> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu (person); hashek (a thing that flies)} |
en: <flier> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu-shal (aircraft); dakharau-razh (ship)} |
en: <cockpit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-tal} |
en: <aeronautics> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-tash} |
en: <flight control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-to-golar} |
en: <flight rules> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-tor} |
en: <fly> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {|hash-vel-|vukh} |
en: <fuselage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-vipladayek} |
en: <flight recorder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-vulu} |
en: <angle of attack> |
tag: aero. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-yut} |
en: <flight path> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-mar} |
en: <ailment>, <illness>, <sickness> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-mar s'yartik-luk} |
en: <ergotism> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-mashek} |
en: <amp(o)ule> |
tag: med. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-snem} |
en: <abcission> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solek} |
en: <humus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solek-storaya} |
en: <humification> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-shidik} |
en: <biotopographic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-tal} |
en: <biogeography> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-solektra-talsu} |
en: <biogeographer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-raul} |
en: <medical instrument> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-reh-vipladayek} |
en: <medical tricorder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sak-tal} |
en: <epidemiology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sak-talsu} |
en: <epidemiologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-spolek} |
en: <medical experiment> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hassu} |
en: <medical doctor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hassu (med.); ortrensu (non-med.)} |
en: <doctor> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hassu} |
en: <physician> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-sutauk} |
en: <sickbay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-tal (study); haseret (medication)} |
en: <medicine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasteslaya} |
en: <remedy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-theshaya} |
en: <curettage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-theshayek} |
en: <curet(te)> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has t'khaf-spol-dvunek} |
en: <cardiomyopathy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-storau-tukh} |
en: <biogenic compound> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-storaya} |
en: <biogenesis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'su} |
en: <angel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hasu} |
en: <being> (lifeform) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-sutorik sikrus} |
en: <biosynthetic limb> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {has-vitau-kebi} |
en: <medical stasis unit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-talsu} |
en: <biologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-guhsh} |
en: <organic waste> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan(-~|ik)} |
en: <organic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-solek} |
en: <organic soil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatan-tukh} |
en: <organic matter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tash} |
en: <biological control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tehvar} |
en: <biohazard> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hateretik} |
en: <sympatric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haterkadaya} |
en: <symbiosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haterkadu} |
en: <symbiont> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tin-tal} |
en: <biostratigraphy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tin-talsu} |
en: <biostratigrapher> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-tor-tal} |
en: <biophysics> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-torvauk, ha-storauk} |
en: <biogenic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hatra} |
en: <biomass> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau} |
en: <add> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-is-kek} |
en: <additive function> |
tag: math. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haulan} |
en: <reflection> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haulat} |
en: <mirror> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haulat-pthak} |
en: <catoptrophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haulek} |
en: <reflector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-glakuv} |
en: <mirror image> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-kur (color); haul-tukh (metal)} |
en: <silver> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-pa'ashtra} |
en: <mirror plane> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-tor} |
en: <reflect> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haul-vulu} |
en: <angle of reflection> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-ov} |
tag: anc. |
en: <sum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-torek} |
en: <additive process> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hau-vel} |
en: <addend> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-va'amau-khlup} |
en: <biomimetic gel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel-ahkhan} |
en: <biological warfare> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vellar t'masu-lanet} |
en: <benthos> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel} |
en: <lifeform>, <organism> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-veltra-tal} |
en: <taxonomy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-veltra} |
en: <taxon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-ves} |
en: <biotype>, <phylum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-ves-storaya} |
en: <phylogeny> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {havikhutaya} |
en: <incarnation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'vitoran} |
en: <animation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'vitor} |
en: <animate> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vol|-|} |
tag: anc. |
en: <tall> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-wak-vel} |
en: <biological clock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-welik raf-kuvtra} |
en: <bio-neural circuitry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {haya} |
en: <addition> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaik} |
en: <additional> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaik (additional); weht|-| (more)} |
en: <extra> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaikleimalek} |
en: <spare tire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayaikruslar} |
en: <spare parts> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal|-|} |
en: <calm> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-masutik} |
en: <lentic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-sov-pral} |
en: <lee wave> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla} |
en: <lee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla'le} |
en: <leeward> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayal-vla-marau} |
en: <leeway> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'yar-kur} |
en: <light green> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayatau} |
en: <augment> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayataya} |
en: <augmentation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayatayek} |
en: <augmentor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hayat-zhit} |
en: <augmentative> (grammar) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha} |
en: <yes> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-yigal} |
en: <profession> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-zarahk-kov} |
en: <bioclastic rock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-aborau-vipohshayek} |
en: <beam boost injector (BBI)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-ben-gun} |
en: <actinotherapy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-dahshayek} |
en: <beam splitter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-eik'es-dvelek} |
en: <beam width selector (BWS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek-isachya-snem} |
en: <laser hair removal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek} |
en: <laser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehlek-thorshun} |
en: <laser cannon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-flan'es} |
en: <beam intensity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-kash-gel} |
en: <beam antenna> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl (light); azehl (math.)} |
en: <ray> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-nekwitau-dvelek} |
en: <beam force selector (BFS)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-pohshek} |
en: <ray gun> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-pral-kakhartayek} |
en: <beam waveguide (BWG)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl (ray); zeh (constr.); |-|zehl (combining suffix)} |
en: <beam> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-sayek} |
en: <beam emitter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-tash-feretai} |
en: <beam control assembly (BCA)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulau} |
en: <refract> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulau-vulu} |
en: <angle of refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulaya-nakh} |
en: <index of refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha'zehl-vulaya} |
en: <refraction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hehni} |
en: <trick> |
pos: n. |
28574,12 → 28575,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hish-pla-kur} |
en: <cyan> |
tag: col. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hish-tor} |
en: <press (down on)> |
def: FSE-GV |
41429,11 → 41424,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mu'pla-kur} |
en: <indigo> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {murat} |
en: <scroll> |
pos: n. |
71231,6 → 71221,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {va'ash-havikhutaya} |
en: <reincarnation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {va'ash-ha'vitoran} |
en: <reanimation> |
def: FSE-GV |
76674,12 → 76669,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yar-pla-kur} |
en: <teal> |
tag: col. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yar-razh-dukalausu} |
en: <golfer> |
def: FSE-GV |
77327,6 → 77316,17 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yigal(-~|ik)} |
en: <professional> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yigasavensu} |
en: <professor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yokul} |
en: <eat>, <ingest> |
def: FSE-GV |
79813,4 → 79813,4 |
vuh: {zuvel} |
en: <gadget>, <gizmo> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |