Subversion Repositories LCARS

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Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 26 → Rev 25

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Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
## -1 +0,0 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: media/video/series/series.tpl
--- media/video/series/series.tpl (revision 26)
+++ media/video/series/series.tpl (nonexistent)
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
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- <body onload="net() // editor()">
- <h1 class="hidden">Seri-o-meter</h1>
- <?php // var_dump($serien); ?>
- <table>
- <?php
- setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_CH.UTF-8');
- foreach ($serien as $name => &$serie)
- {
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td style="text-align: center"><?php
- $recommended = ($name === $min_series);
- if ($recommended) { ?>→<?php }
- if (isset($serie['ignore']) && $serie['ignore'])
- {
- ?><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">i</span><?php
- }
- ?></td>
- <th<?php if ($recommended) { ?> class="recommended"<?php } ?>><?php
- $ep_list = isset($serie['episode_list']);
- if ($ep_list)
- {
- ?><a href="<?php
- echo htmlspecialchars($serie['episode_list']);
- ?>" title="Episodenliste"><?php
- }
- echo $name;
- if ($ep_list) { ?></a><?php }
- ?><br>
- <span style="font-weight: normal"><?php
- if (array_key_exists('channel', $serie)) echo $serie['channel'];
- if (array_key_exists('showtimes', $serie))
- {
- echo ', ' . $serie['showtimes'];
- }
- ?></span></th>
- <td<?php if ($recommended) { ?> class="recommended"<?php } ?>>
- <div>Gesehen: <?php
- echo implode(', ', $serie['coverage']) . ' ('. $serie['count'];
- ?> von <?php $total = $serie['total']; echo $total; ?> Episoden)<?php
- if (isset($serie['last_seen']))
- {
- ?>; zuletzt am <?php
- echo strftime('%A, %e. %B %Y %H:%M %z', $serie['last_seen']);
- }
- ?></div>
- <div class="box">
- <div class="meter"
- style="width: <?php
- $percentage = $serie['percentage'];
- echo $percentage; ?>%"
- ></div>
- <?php
- if (array_key_exists('seasons', $serie))
- {
- $offset = 0;
- foreach ($serie['seasons'] as $key => $season)
- {
- ?>
- <div class="season"
- <?php
- if (!is_numeric($key))
- {
- ?> title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($key); ?>"<?php
- }
- ?>
- style="<?php
- if ($key === 0)
- {
- ?>border-left: none; <?php
- }
- ?>left: <?php echo $offset; ?>%;
- width: <?php echo $season / $total * 100; ?>%"
- ><?php
- if (is_numeric($key))
- {
- echo ($key + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- echo $key;
- }
- ?></div>
- <?php
- $offset += round($season / $total * 100, 1);
- }
- }
- if (isset($serie['episodes']))
- {
- $prevNumber = null;
- foreach ($serie['episodes'] as $episode => $description)
- {
- $episode_str = $episode;
- if (isset($serie['season_ranges']) && is_array($serie['season_ranges']))
- {
- foreach ($serie['season_ranges'] as $season_key => $season_range)
- {
- if ($episode >= $season_range[0] && $episode <= $season_range[1])
- {
- $episode_str = sprintf("%u (%ux%02u)", $episode, $season_key, $episode - $season_range[0] + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- <div class="coverage"
- style="<?php
- if (is_null($prevNumber) || $prevNumber !== $episode - 1)
- {
- ?>border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 218, 0, 0.5); <?php
- }
- ?>
- border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 218, 0, 0.5);
- background-color: transparent;
- left: <?php echo ($episode - 1) / $total * 100; ?>%;
- width: <?php echo 1 / $total * 100; ?>%"
- title="<?php
- echo "{$episode_str}: " . htmlspecialchars($description);
- ?>"></div><?php
- $prevNumber = $episode;
- }
- }
- if (isset($serie['seen']))
- {
- foreach ($serie['seen'] as $range)
- {
- if (!is_array($range))
- {
- $range = array($range, $range);
- }
- /*
- for ($i = $episode[0]; $i < $episode[1]; ++$i)
- {
- ?>
- <div class="coverage"
- style="left: <?php echo ($episode[0] - 1) / $total * 100; ?>%;
- width: <?php echo ($episode[1] - $episode[0] + 1) / $total * 100; ?>%"
- ></div>
- <?php
- }
- }
- else
- */
- for ($episode = $range[0]; $episode <= $range[1]; ++$episode)
- {
- $episode_str = $episode;
- if (isset($serie['season_ranges']) && is_array($serie['season_ranges']))
- {
- foreach ($serie['season_ranges'] as $season_key => $season_range)
- {
- if ($episode >= $season_range[0] && $episode <= $season_range[1])
- {
- $episode_str = sprintf("%u (%ux%02u)", $episode, $season_key, $episode - $season_range[0] + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- <div class="coverage"
- style="left: <?php echo ($episode - 1) / $total * 100; ?>%;
- width: <?php echo 1 / $total * 100; ?>%"
- <?php
- if (isset($serie['episodes']) && array_key_exists($episode, $serie['episodes']))
- {
- ?>title="<?php
- echo "{$episode_str}: " . htmlspecialchars($serie['episodes'][$episode]);
- ?>"<?php
- }
- ?>></div>
- <?php
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- <span class="percentage"><?php echo round($percentage, 1); ?>%</span>
- </div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- </table>
- </body>
\ No newline at end of file
Index: media/video/series/.htaccess
--- media/video/series/.htaccess (revision 26)
+++ media/video/series/.htaccess (nonexistent)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<IfModule mod_php5.c>
- AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .css
Index: media/video/series/index.php
--- media/video/series/index.php (revision 26)
+++ media/video/series/index.php (nonexistent)
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-require_once '';
-$min_percentage = 100;
-$min_series = null;
-$data = array(
- 'urns' => array(
- 'wiki' => ''
- ),
- 'list' => &$serien
-foreach ($serien as $key => &$serie)
- $count = 0;
- $serie['coverage'] = array();
- if (isset($serie['seen']))
- {
- $count = count($serie['seen']);
- foreach ($serie['seen'] as $episode)
- {
- if (is_array($episode))
- {
- $count += $episode[1] - $episode[0];
- $serie['coverage'][] = $episode[0] . '&ndash;' . $episode[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $serie['coverage'][] = $episode;
- }
- }
- }
- $serie['count'] = $count;
- $serie['total'] = 0;
- if (isset($serie['seasons']) && is_array($serie['seasons']))
- {
- $serie['total'] = array_sum($serie['seasons']);
- $episode_count = 1;
- $serie['season_ranges'] = array();
- foreach ($serie['seasons'] as $season_key => $season_length)
- {
- $serie['season_ranges'][$season_key + 1] = array($episode_count, $episode_count + $season_length - 1);
- $episode_count += $season_length;
- }
- }
- $serie['percentage'] = 0;
- if ($serie['total'] > 0)
- {
- $serie['percentage'] = $count / $serie['total'] * 100;
- if ((!isset($serie['ignore']) || !$serie['ignore'])
- && $serie['percentage'] < $min_percentage)
- {
- $min_percentage = $serie['percentage'];
- $min_series = $key;
- }
- }
- if (isset($serie['episode_list']))
- {
- $episode_list =& $serie['episode_list'];
- foreach ($data['urns'] as $prefix => $urn)
- {
- if (preg_match("/^{$prefix}:/", $episode_list))
- {
- $episode_list = preg_replace("/^{$prefix}:/", $urn,
- str_replace(' ', '_', $episode_list));
- }
- }
- }
-// var_dump($serien['<span class="alf">ALF</span>']);
-require_once 'series.tpl';
Index: media/video/series/
--- media/video/series/ (revision 26)
+++ media/video/series/ (nonexistent)
@@ -1,1279 +0,0 @@
-include_once 'includes/x-files.php';
-include_once 'includes/alf.php';
-include_once 'includes/andromeda.php';
-include_once 'includes/battlestar-galactica.php';
-include_once 'includes/big-bang-theory.php';
-include_once 'includes/buffy.php';
-include_once 'includes/charmed.php';
-include_once 'includes/columbo.php';
-include_once 'includes/dead-zone.php';
-include_once 'includes/efc.php';
-include_once 'includes/frasier.php';
-include_once 'includes/futurama.php';
-include_once 'includes/heroes.php';
-include_once 'includes/house.php';
-include_once 'includes/macgyver.php';
-include_once 'includes/monk.php';
-include_once 'includes/numb3rs.php';
-include_once 'includes/psych.php';
-include_once 'includes/quantum-leap.php';
-include_once 'includes/scrubs.php';
-include_once 'includes/seaquest.php';
-include_once 'includes/simpsons.php';
-include_once 'includes/smallville.php';
-include_once 'includes/stargate.php';
-include_once 'includes/star-trek-tos.php';
-$serien = array_merge($serien, array(
- '<span class="buffy"><span class="title">Buffy</span><span class="hidden">'
- . ' – </span><span class="subtitle">the Vampire Slayer</span></span>' => &$buffy,
- '<span class="castle">Castle</span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'Channel 5',
- 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(10/*, 24, 24*/),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Castle_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Flowers for Your Grave",
- 2 => "Nanny McDead",
- 3 => "Hedge Fund Homeboys",
- 4 => "Hell Hath No Fury",
- 5 => "A Chill Goes Through Her Veins",
- 6 => "Always Buy Retail",
- 7 => "Home Is Where the Heart Stops",
- 8 => "Ghosts",
- 9 => "Little Girl Lost",
- 10 => "A Death in the Family",
- 11 => "Deep in Death",
- 12 => "The Double Down",
- 13 => "Inventing the Girl",
- 14 => "Fool Me Once…",
- 15 => "When the Bough Breaks",
- 16 => "Vampire Weekend",
- 17 => "Famous Last Words",
- 18 => "Kill the Messenger",
- 19 => "Love Me Dead",
- 20 => "One Man's Treasure",
- 21 => "The Fifth Bullet",
- 22 => "A Rose for Everafter",
- 23 => "Sucker Punch",
- 24 => "The Third Man",
- 25 => "Suicide Squeeze",
- 26 => "The Mistress Always Spanks Twice",
- 27 => "Tick, Tick, Tick…",
- 28 => "Boom!",
- 29 => "Wrapped Up in Death",
- 30 => "The Late Shaft",
- 31 => "Den of Thieves",
- 32 => "Food to Die For",
- 33 => "Overkill",
- 34 => "A Deadly Game",
- )
- ),
- // '<span class="castle">Castle</span> (de)' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- // // 'channel' => 'kabel eins / SF2',
- // 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:15 / Mo 21:37',
- // 'seen' => array(1),
- // // 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2011),
- // 'seasons' => array(10, 24, 24),
- // 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Castle_(Fernsehserie)#Episodenliste',
- // 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => "Blumen für ihr Grab (Flowers for Your Grave)",
- // 5 => "Gefrorenes Blut (A Chill Goes Through Her Veins)",
- // 21 => "Die fünfte Kugel (The Fifth Bullet)",
- // 22 => "Eine Rose für immer und ewig (A Rose for Everafter)",
- // 25 => "Cuba Libre (Suicide Squeeze)",
- // 26 => "Die Domina schlägt immer zweimal zu (The Mistress Always Spanks Twice)",
- // 27 => "Tick, tick, tick …",
- // 28 => "Bumm! (Boom!)",
- // 29 => "Der Fluch der Mumie (Wrapped Up in Death)",
- // 30 => "Die Late-Night Jungs (The Late Shaft)",
- // 31 => "Keine Ganovenehre (Den of Thieves)",
- // 32 => "Leiche am Stiel (Food to Die For)",
- // 33 => "Zu viel des Guten (Overkill)",
- // // 34 => "Der tote Spion (A Deadly Game)",
- // 35 => "Eine tödliche Affäre (A Deadly Affair)",
- // 36 => "Er ist tot, sie ist tot (He’s Dead, She’s Dead)",
- // 37 => "Die Schatzkarte (Under The Gun)",
- // 38 => "Ein Mörder auf Zeitreise (Punked)",
- // 39 => "Anatomie eines Mordes (Anatomy of a Murder)",
- // 40 => "Der Dreifachmörder (3XK)",
- // 41 => "Fast berühmt (Almost Famous)",
- // 42 => "Der Glühbirnen-Held (Murder Most Fowl)",
- // 43 => "Akte X (Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind)",
- // 44 => "Speakeasy (Last Call)",
- // 45 => "Nikki Heat",
- // 46 => "Puff, du bist tot (Poof! You’re Dead)",
- // 47 => "Johanna Beckett (Knockdown)",
- // 48 => "Todsicheres Glück (Lucky Stiff)",
- // 49 => "Der letzte Nagel (The Final Nail)",
- // 50 => "Die schmutzige Bombe – Teil 1 (Setup (1))",
- // 51 => "Countdown – Teil 2 (Countdown (2)) (2011-09-30)",
- // 52 => "Mörderische Seifenoper (One Life to Lose)",
- // 53 => "Tod eines Geschworenen (Law & Murder)",
- // 54 => "Die Pizza-Connection (Slice of Death)",
- // 55 => "Tod im Pool (The Dead Pool)",
- // 56 => "Lieben und Sterben in L.A. (To Love and Die in L.A.)",
- // 57 => "Ganz schön tot (Pretty Dead)",
- // 58 => "Knockout",
- // )
- // ),
- '<span class="charmed"><span class="c">C</span><span>harmed</span></span>' => &$charmed,
- '<span class="columbo">Columbo</span>' => &$columbo,
- // '<span class="columbo">Columbo</span> (de)' => &$columbo_de,
- '<span class="countdown-x"><span class="title">Countdown X</span>'
- . '&nbsp;&ndash;<span class="subtitle">Alarm im All</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'Tele 5',
- 'showtimes' => 'Di–Sa 04:20',
- 'seen' => array(4, 6),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(3, 45, 0, 12, 21, 2010),
- 'seasons' => array(21),
- 'episode_list' => '',
- 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => 'Pilot',
-// 2 => 'In Friends We Trust',
-// 3 => 'No Fear',
- 4 => 'Gerüchte (Just a Rumor)',
- // 5 => 'Play Astronaut for Me',
- 6 => 'Countdown mit Hindernissen (Lost in Space)',
- 7 => 'Affären (Family Values)',
- 8 => 'Ruhet in Frieden (Buried in Peace)',
- 9 => 'Fremdes Leben (The Need to Know)',
- 10 => "Giftige Gase (Reggie's Wild Ride)",
- 11 => 'Die Bombendrohung (Burning Fuse)',
- 12 => 'Ahnungslos im Einsatz (Judgment Call)',
- // 13 => 'The Accusation',
- 14 => 'Erscheinungen (Interpretations)',
- 15 => 'Der Hurrikan (Hurricane)',
- 16 => 'Eine schwierige Entscheidung (The Last to Know)',
- 17 => 'Der kleine Prinz (The Astronaut Formerly Known as Prince)',
- 18 => 'Spionage (Enemy Within)',
- 19 => 'Die Zeitkapsel (Just Like Old Times)',
- 20 => 'Katastrophe auf der MIR – Teil 1 (Mir, Mir Off the Wall, Part 1)',
- 21 => 'Katastrophe auf der MIR – Teil 2 (Mir, Mir Off the Wall, Part 2)'
- )
- ),
- '<span class="dead-zone">Dead Zone</span> (de)' => &$dead_zone,
- '<span class="doctor-who"><span class="gradient"><span class="gradient2">'
- . '<span class="gradient3">Doctor Who</span></span></span></span> (9–11)' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'BBC 3',
- 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00',
- 'seen' => array(42, 56, array(60, 62)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 12, 19, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(
- 13, 'Special 2005' => 1,
- 13, 'Special 2006' => 1,
- 13, 'Special 2007' => 1,
- 13, 'Special 2008–2010' => 4,
- 13, 'Special 2010' => 1,
- 13, 'Special 2011' => 1
- ),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Doctor_Who_serials#Eleventh_Doctor',
- 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => "Rose",
-// 14 => "The Christmas Invasion",
-// 15 => "New Earth",
-// 28 => "The Runaway Bride",
-// 29 => "Smith and Jones",
- 42 => "Voyage of the Damned (17.12.2011)",
- // 43 => "Partners in Crime",
- 56 => "The Next Doctor (19.12.2011)",
- // 57 => "Planet of the Dead",
-// 58 => "The Waters of Mars",
- 59 => "The End of Time (20.12.2011)",
- 60 => 'The Eleventh Hour (18.06.2011 03:45)',
- 61 => 'The Beast Below (17.06.2011 21:05)',
- 62 => 'Victory of the Daleks (20.06.2011 20:00)',
- 63 => 'The Time of Angels (21.06.2011 04:30)',
- 64 => 'Flesh and Stone (02.07.2011 04:15)',
- 65 => 'The Vampires of Venice (04.07.2011 20:00)',
- 66 => "Amy's Choice (07.07.2011 04:35)",
- 67 => 'The Hungry Earth (11.07.2011 20:00)',
- 68 => 'Cold Blood',
- 69 => 'Vincent and the Doctor (22.07.2011 20:00)',
- 70 => 'The Lodger',
- 71 => 'The Pandorica Opens',
- 72 => 'The Big Bang',
- 73 => 'A Christmas Carol (22.12.2011)',
- 74 => 'The Impossible Astronaut',
- 75 => 'Day of the Moon',
- 76 => 'The Curse of the Black Spot (13.05.2011 20:00)',
- 77 => "The Doctor's Wife",
- 78 => 'The Rebel Flesh',
- 79 => 'The Almost People',
- 80 => 'A Good Man Goes to War (06.06.2011 05:25, 10.06.2011 21:00)',
- 81 => "Let's Kill Hitler",
- 82 => 'Night Terrors',
- 83 => 'The Girl Who Waited',
- 84 => 'The God Complex (19.09.2011)',
- 85 => 'Closing Time (24.09.2011)',
- 86 => 'The Wedding of River Song (01.10.2011)',
- 87 => "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (25.12.2011)",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="efc"><span class="gr">Gene Roddenberry\'s</span>'
- . ' <span class="earth"><span class="gradient">Eart<span class="h">h</span></span></span>'
- . '<span class="hidden">:</span>'
- . ' <span class="fc">Final Conflict</span><span class="glare"></span></span>' => &$efc,
- '<span class="eureka"><span class="eur">Eur</span><span class="e">e</span>'
- . '<span class="ka">ka</span></span></span>' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Mo 20:15',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 6)),
- 'seasons' => array(12, 13, 18, 21),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Eureka_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'Pilot (Am Ende der Zeit)',
- 2 => 'Many Happy Returns (S.A.R.A.H)',
- 3 => "Before I Forget (Sommernachtstraumsinvasion)",
- 4 => "Alienated (Angriff der Außerirdischen)",
- 5 => "Invincible (Unbesiegbar)",
- 6 => "Dr. Nobel",
- 7 => "Blink (Auf Speed)",
- 8 => "Right as Raynes (Der Weihnachts-Virus)",
- 9 => "Primal (Urinstinkte)",
- 10 => "Purple Haze (Pollenflug)",
- 11 => "H.O.U.S.E. Rules (Hausordnung)",
- 12 => "Once in a Lifetime (Einmal im Leben)",
- 13 => "Die brennenden Wissenschaftler (Phoenix Rising)",
- 14 => "Gefangen im Kraftfeld (Try, Try Again)",
- 15 => "Stürmische Zeiten (Unpredictable)",
- 16 => "Das verrückte Licht (Games People Play)",
- 17 => "Achtung Meteoriten (Duck, Duck Goose)",
- 18 => "Ansteckende Träume (Noche de Sueños)",
- 19 => "Familientreffen (Family Reunion)",
- 20 => "Voll blöd (E = MC…?)",
- 21 => "Der unsichtbare Erste (Sight Unseen)",
- 22 => "Das Tor zur Ewigkeit (God is in the Details)",
- 23 => "Unwiderstehlich (Maneater)",
- 24 => "Der Fluch des Alchimisten (All that Glitters)",
- 25 => "Eine Nacht bei Global Dynamics (A Night in Global Dynamics)",
- 26 => "Martha, sei nicht zickig (Bad to the Drone)",
- 27 => "Re-Evolution (What About Bob?)",
- 28 => "Braver Hund! (Best in Faux)",
- 29 => "Die Zeitschleife (I Do Over)",
- 30 => "Fargo und Königin Nyota (Show Me the Mummy)",
- 31 => "Captain Eureka (Phased and Confused)",
- 32 => "Sonnige Zeiten (Here Come the Suns)",
- 33 => "In Ewigkeit Angst (From Fear to Eternity)",
- 34 => "Willkommen zurück, Carter (Welcome Back Carter)",
- 35 => "Dein Gesicht oder meins? (Your Face or Mine?)",
- 36 => "Die fünfte Dimension (Insane in the P-Brane)",
- 37 => "Es ist nicht leicht, grün zu sein (It Ain't Easy Being Green)",
- 38 => "Wenn ihr gebaut habt, kommen sie (If You Build It…)",
- 39 => "Ein Schiff kommt selten allein (Ship Happens)",
- 40 => "Wasser marsch! (Shower the People)",
- 41 => "Wer ist Jack? (You Don't Know Jack)",
- 42 => "Eiszeit in Eureka (Have an Ice Day)",
- 43 => "Nemesis (What Goes Around Comes Around)",
- 44 => "Gründertag (Founder’s Day)",
- 45 => "Der große, rote Elf (A New World)",
- 46 => "Lyncht Fargo (All the Rage)",
- 47 => "Die Knallgasreaktion (The Story of O2)",
- 48 => "Der menschliche Magnet (Crossing Over)",
- 49 => "Glamour-Camping (Momstrosity)",
- 50 => "Hausbau mit Hindernissen (Stoned)",
- 51 => "Akte Ex (The Ex-Files)",
- 53 => "Stille Stadt, heilige Stadt (O Little Town)",
- 54 => "Abgehoben (Liftoff)",
- 55 => "Reprise",
- 56 => "Ein Blick in die Zukunft (Glimpse)",
- 57 => "Guten Flug! (Up in the Air)",
- 58 => "Omega Girls",
- 59 => "Milben und Kraniche (Of Mites and Men)",
- 60 => "Todesnebel (Clash of the Titans)",
- 61 => "Damals im Space Camp (This One Time at Space Camp…)",
- 62 => "Ein kleiner Schritt (One Small Step)",
- 63 => "Ein Riesenschritt (One Giant Leap)",
- 64 => "Do You See What I See",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="frasier">F<span>rasier</span></span>' => &$frasier,
- '<span class="fringe"><span class="gradient">'
- . ' <span class="f">F</span><span class="r">r</span><span class="i">i</span>'
- . '<span class="n">n</span><span class="g">g</span><span class="e">e</span>'
- . '</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'ProSieben',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mo 21:15–23:50',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 6)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(0, 5, 0, 7, 5, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(20, 23, 22),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Fringe-Episoden',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'Flug 627 (Pilot)',
- 2 => 'Das Experiment (The Same Old Story)',
- 3 => 'Roy (The Ghost Network)',
- 4 => 'Die Ankunft (The Arrival)',
- 5 => 'Unter Strom (Power Hungry)',
- 6 => 'Das Heilmittel (The Cure)',
- 7 => "Der geheimnisvolle Mr. Jones (In Which We Meet Mr. Jones)",
- 8 => "Die Gleichung (The Equation)",
- 9 => "Schmetterlinge im Kopf (The Dreamscape)",
- 10 => "Durch die Wand (Safe)",
- 11 => "Das Schnupfenvirus (Bound)",
- 12 => "Hirnfresser (The No-Brainer)",
- 13 => "Conrad (The Transformation)",
- 14 => "Das Manifest (Ability)",
- 15 => "Ohne Worte (Inner Child)",
- 16 => "Entfesselt (Unleashed)",
- // 17  17  Albträume Bad Dreams 2009-04-2121. Apr. 2009 2009-07-2020. Juli 2009 Akiva Goldsman J. H. Wyman & Andrew Kreisberg
-// 18  18  Nachtschatten Midnight 2009-04-2828. Apr. 2009 2009-07-2727. Juli 2009 Akiva Goldsman Jeff Pinkner & J. R. Orci
-// 19  19  Der andere Weg The Road Not Taken 2009-05-0505. Mai 2009 2009-08-0303. Aug. 2009 Frederick E. O. Toye Akiva Goldsman & Jeff Pinkner & J. R. Orci
-// 20  20  Nichts ist einzigartig There’s More Than One of Everything 2009-05-1212. Mai 2009 2009-08-1010. Aug. 2009 Brad Anderson Akiva Goldsman & Bryan Burk & Jeff Pinkner & J. H. Wyman
- 55 => "Der Gedankenleser (Concentrate and Ask Again)",
- 56 => "Unsterblich (Immortality)",
- 57 => "6B",
- 58 => "Versuchsperson 13 (Subject 13)",
- 59 => "Os",
- 60 => "Per Anhalter (Stowaway)",
- 61 => "Blutlinie (Bloodline)",
- 62 => "LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide)",
- 63 => "06:02 Uhr (6:02 AM EST)",
- 64 => "Der letzte Sam Weiss (The Last Sam Weiss)",
- 65 => "Der Tag, an dem wir starben (The Day We Died)",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="futurama"><span class="f">F</span><span class="u">u</span>'
- . '<span class="t">t</span><span class="u2">u</span><span class="r">r</span>'
- . '<span class="a">a</span><span class="m">m</span><span class="a2">a</span>'
- . '</span>' => &$futurama,
- '<span class="glee">G<span class="lee">lee</span></span>' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'E4',
- 'showtimes' => 'Di 16:35',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(16, 55, 0, 8, 25, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(22, 22),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Glee_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Pilot",
- 2 => "Showmance",
- 3 => "Acafellas",
- 4 => "Preggers",
- 5 => "The Rhodes Not Taken",
- 6 => "Vitamin D",
- 7 => "Throwdown",
- 8 => "Mash-Up",
- 9 => "Wheels",
- 10 => "Ballad",
- 11 => "Hairography",
- 12 => "Mattress",
- 13 => "Sectionals",
- 14 => "Hell-o",
- 15 => "The Power of Madonna",
- 16 => "Home",
- 17 => "Bad Reputation",
- 18 => "Laryngitis",
- 19 => "Dream On",
- 20 => "Theatricality",
- 21 => "Funk",
- 22 => "Journey to Regionals",
- 23 => "Audition",
- 24 => "Britney/Brittany",
- 25 => "Grilled Cheesus",
- 26 => "Duets",
- 27 => "The Rocky Horror Glee Show",
- 28 => "Never Been Kissed",
- 29 => "The Substitute",
- 30 => "Furt",
- 31 => "Special Education",
- 32 => "A Very Glee Christmas",
- 33 => "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle",
- 34 => "Silly Love Songs",
- 35 => "Comeback",
- 36 => "Blame It on the Alcohol",
- 37 => "Sexy",
- 38 => "Original Song",
- 39 => "A Night of Neglect",
- 40 => "Born This Way",
- 41 => "Rumours",
- 42 => "Prom Queen",
- 43 => "Funeral",
- 44 => "New York",
- )
- ),
- // '<span class="glee">G<span class="lee">lee</span></span> (de)' => array(
- // // 'ignore' => true,
- // 'channel' => 'SF&nbsp;2',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 09:33',
- // 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- // 'last_seen' => mktime(9, 30, 0, 12, 27, 2011),
- // 'seasons' => array(22, 22),
- // 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Glee-Episoden',
- // 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => "Ouvertüre (Pilot)",
- // 2 => "Jenseits von Gut und Sue (Showmance)",
- // 3 => "Acafellas",
- // 4 => "Kinder der Lüge (Preggers)",
- // 5 => "April, April (The Rhodes Not Taken)",
- // 6 => "Angeregte Organismen (Vitamin D)",
- // 7 => "Spielverderberspiele (Throwdown)",
- // 8 => "Remix (Mash-Up)",
- // 9 => "Furcht und Tadel (Wheels)",
- // 10 => "Balladen (Ballad)",
- // 11 => "Haarspaltereien (Hairography)",
- // // 12 => "Mattress",
- // // 13 => "Sectionals",
- // // 14 => "Hell-o",
- // // 15 => "The Power of Madonna",
- // // 16 => "Home",
- // // 17 => "Bad Reputation",
- // // 18 => "Laryngitis",
- // // 19 => "Dream On",
- // // 20 => "Theatricality",
- // // 21 => "Funk",
- // // 22 => "Journey to Regionals",
- // // 23 => "Audition",
- // // 24 => "Britney/Brittany",
- // // 25 => "Grilled Cheesus",
- // // 26 => "Duets",
- // // 27 => "The Rocky Horror Glee Show",
- // // 28 => "Never Been Kissed",
- // // 29 => "The Substitute",
- // // 30 => "Furt",
- // // 31 => "Special Education",
- // // 32 => "A Very Glee Christmas",
- // // 33 => "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle",
- // // 34 => "Silly Love Songs",
- // // 35 => "Comeback",
- // // 36 => "Blame It on the Alcohol",
- // // 37 => "Sexy",
- // // 38 => "Original Song",
- // // 39 => "A Night of Neglect",
- // // 40 => "Born This Way",
- // // 41 => "Rumours",
- // // 42 => "Prom Queen",
- // // 43 => "Funeral",
- // // 44 => "New York",
- // )
- // ),
- '<span class="heroes">Her<span class="o">o</span>e<span class="s">s</span></span>' => &$heroes,
- '<span class="house"
- ><span class="h">H</span><span class="ouse">ouse</span>'
- . '<span style="display: none">,</span>
- <span class="md">M.D.</span></span>' => &$house,
- '<span class="house"><span class="md-de">Dr.</span> <span class="h">H</span><span class="ouse">ouse</span></span>' => &$house_de,
- '<span class="ijon-tichy"><span class="title"><span class="i">I</span>'
- . '<span class="j">j</span><span class="o">o</span><span class="n">n</span>'
- . ' <span class="t">T</span><span class="i2">i</span><span class="c">c</span>'
- . '<span class="h">h</span><span class="y">y</span></span>'
- . '<span class="hidden">: </span>'
- . '<span class="subtitle"><span class="r">R</span><span class="a">a</span>'
- . '<span class="u">u</span><span class="mpi">mpi</span>'
- . '<span class="l">l</span><span class="o">o</span><span class="t">t</span></span>'
- . '<span class="hidden">&nbsp;– </span>'
- . '<span class="subtitle2"><span class="die">Die</span>'
- . ' <span class="ster">Ster</span><span class="ntag">ntag</span>'
- . '<span class="ebuec">ebüc</span><span class="her">her</span>'
- . '</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'zdf_neo',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(23, 35, 0, 10, 22, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(6, 8),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Ijon_Tichy:_Raumpilot#Episodenliste',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Kosmische Kollegen",
- 2 => "Planet der Reserven",
- 3 => "Relativistische Effekte",
- 4 => "Der futurologische Kongress",
- 5 => "Sabotage",
- 6 => "Die innere Stimme",
- 7 => "Held von Kosmos",
- 8 => "Shøpping",
- 9 => "Schön schaumig",
- 10 => "Biste fix Zeitblasen",
- 11 => "Sepulken verboten",
- 12 => "Das Erinnerungsstück",
- 13 => "Schein und Sein I",
- 14 => "Schein und Sein II",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="it-crowd">The IT Crowd</span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'More4/E4',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(2, 0, 0, 11, 28, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(6, 6, 6, 6),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_The_IT_Crowd_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Yesterday's Jam",
- 2 => "Calamity Jen",
- 3 => "50/50",
- 4 => "The Red Door",
- 5 => "The Haunting of Bill Crouse",
- 6 => "Aunt Irma Visits",
- 7 => "The Work Outing",
- 8 => "Return of the Golden Child",
- 9 => "Moss and the German",
- 10 => "The Dinner Party",
- 11 => "Smoke and Mirrors",
- 12 => "Men Without Women",
- 13 => "From Hell",
- 14 => "Are We Not Men?",
- 15 => "Tramps Like Us",
- 16 => "Speech",
- 17 => "Friendface",
- 18 => "Calendar Geeks",
- 19 => "Jen the Fredo",
- 20 => "The Final Countdown",
- 21 => "Something Happened",
- 22 => "Italian for Beginners",
- 23 => "Bad Boys",
- 24 => "Reynholm vs. Reynholm / Douglas and Divorce[iTunes]",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="macgyver">MacGyver</span>' => $macgyver,
- '<span class="monk">Monk</span>' => &$monk,
- '<span class="monk">Monk</span> (de)' => &$monk_de,
- '<span class="life-on-mars">Life on Mars</span> (de)' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'online',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
- // 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 0, 0, 9, 8, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(8, 8),
- // 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Life_on_Mars_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Erinnerungen aus der Zukunft",
- 2 => "Zeugenschutz",
- 3 => "Episode 3",
- 4 => "Episode 4",
- 5 => "Episode 5",
- 6 => "Episode 6",
- 7 => "Episode 7",
- 8 => "Episode 8",
- 9 => "Episode 1",
- 10 => "Episode 2",
- 11 => "Episode 3",
- 12 => "Episode 4",
- 13 => "Episode 5",
- 14 => "Episode 6",
- 15 => "Episode 7",
- 16 => "Episode 8"
- )
- ),
- '<span class="moonlight"><span class="moon">Moo<span class="n">n</span></span><span class="light">light</span></span>' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'sixx',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mi–Fr 21:00',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 0, 0, 9, 8, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(16),
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Es gibt keine Vampire (No Such Thing As Vampires)",
- 2 => "Schatten der Vergangenheit (Out of the Past)",
- 3 => "Dr. Feelgood",
- 4 => "Fieber (Fever)",
- 5 => "Ewige Jugend (Arrested Development)",
- 6 => "Black Crystal (B.C.)",
- 7 => "Das Ebenbild (The Ringer)",
- 8 => "Die Blutbeichte (12:04 AM)",
- 9 => "Fleur de Lis",
- 10 => "Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty)",
- 11 => "Ewige Liebe (Love Lasts Forever)",
- 12 => "Das Heilmittel (The Mortal Cure)",
- 13 => "Kurzes Glück (Fated to Pretend)",
- 14 => "Klick (Click)",
- 15 => "Was zurück bleibt … (What’s Left Behind)",
- 16 => "Sonata"
- ),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Moonlight_(Fernsehserie)#Episodenliste'
- ),
- '<span class="mutant-x"><span class="gradient">Mutant X</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'Tele 5',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 14:10',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 6)),
- 'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22),
- 'episode_list' => '',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Genom X (1) (The Shock of the New)",
- 2 => "Unter Strom (2) (I Scream the Body Electric)",
- 3 => "Russisches Roulette (Russian Roulette)",
- 4 => "Verrückt vor Liebe (Fool For Love)",
- 5 => "Der elektrische Rebell Kilohertz",
- 6 => "Der Unsterbliche ((Meaning of Death)",
- 7 => "Geladene Stimmung (Lit Fuse)",
- 8 => "Schachmatt (In the Presence of Mine Enemies)",
- 9 => "Die Entführung (Crime of the New Century)",
- 10 => "Tödliches Serum (Dark Star Rising)",
- 11 => "Die perfekte Tarnung (Whiter Shade of Pale)",
- 12 => "Die dunkle Seite (Double Vision)",
- 13 => "Falsche Erwartungen (Blood Ties)",
- 14 => "Gut und böse (Altered Ego)",
- 15 => "Neun Leben (Lazarus Syndrome)",
- 16 => "Lebende Hardware (Interface)",
- 17 => "Verlorene Erinnerung (Presumed Guilty)",
- 18 => "Das russische Ei (Ex Marks the Spot)",
- 19 => "Traumfänger (Nothing to Fear)",
- 20 => "Die Skorpionfrau (Deadly Desire)",
- 21 => "Patient Null (A Breed Apart)",
- 22 => "Tanz am Abgrund (Dancing on the Razor)",
- 23 => "Die Alchemistin (Past as Prologue)",
- 24 => "An die Wand gespielt (Power Play)",
- 25 => "Zeitreise (Time Squared)",
- 26 => "Der Werwolf (Whose Woods These Are)",
- 27 => "Herrscher über Leben und Tod (The Future Revealed)",
- 28 => "Zwischen den Fronten (No Man Left Behind)",
- 29 => "Die Welt hinter der Welt (Crossroads of the Soul)",
- 30 => "Der Androide (Sign From Above)",
- 31 => "Der Körperwanderer (Body and Soul)",
- 32 => "Die Ersatzspielerin (Understudy)",
- 33 => "Schmutzige Geschäfte (The Grift)",
- 34 => "Der letzte Coup (At Destiny's End)",
- 35 => "Tödliche Geheimnisse (Within These Walls)",
- // 36 => "Gladiatoren (Hard Time)",
- 37 => "Das Attentat (Under the Cloak of War)",
- 38 => "Der Kronzeuge (Once Around)",
- // 39 => "Das Tribunal (Final Judgment)",
- 40 => "Inferno",
- 41 => "Außer Kontrolle (One Step Closer)",
- // 43 => "Begraben im ewigen Eis (Reawakening)",
- 42 => "Das Labyrinth (Reality Check)",
- 44 => "Der perfekte Mutant (Lest He Become)",
- 45 => "Der Mutant aus dem Nichts (Into the Moonless Night)",
- 46 => "Der Lohn der Sünde (Wages of Sin)",
- // 47 => "Der Parasit (The Breed)",
-// 48 => "Die Saat des Bösen (Where Evil Dwells)",
- 49 => "Kaltes Herz (The Taking of Crows)",
- // 50 => "Schatten der Vergangenheit (Shadows of Darkness)",
- 51 => "Die Hand Gottes (The Hand of God)",
- 52 => "Die Heuschreckenplage (Wasteland)",
- 53 => "Der virtuelle Mörder (No Exit)",
- // 54 => "Das gestohlene Herz (Brother's Keeper)",
- 55 => "Bombenterror (Possibilities)",
- 56 => "Die Verschwörung (Conspiracy Theory)",
- 57 => "Die drei Gemälde (Art of Attraction)",
- 58 => "Zurück im Leben (A Normal Life)",
- 59 => "Falsche Identität (Divided Loyalities)",
- 60 => "Der Fluch der Unsterblichkeit (Age of Innocence)",
- 61 => "Der Krieg beginnt (She's Come Undone)",
- 62 => "Im Inneren des Vulkans (In Between)",
- 63 => "Das trojanische Pferd (Dream Lover)",
- // 64 => "Die Prophezeiung (The Prophecy)",
-// 65 => "Kammer der Seeken (Cirque des Merveilles)",
- 66 => "Der Schöpfer (The Assault)"
- )
- ),
- '<span class="numb3rs"><span class="gradient">Numb<span title="e">3</span>r<span class="s">s</span></span></span>' => &$numb3rs,
- // '<span class="numb3rs"><span class="gradient">Numb<span title="e">3</span>r<span class="s">s</span></span></span> (de)' => &$numb3rs_de,
- '<span class="psych">psych</span>' => &$psych,
- '<span class="quantum-leap"><span class="gradient">Quantum Leap</span></span>' => &$quantum_leap,
- '<span class="reaper">Reaper</span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'E4',
- 'showtimes' => 'Di–Sa 03:15',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(18, 13),
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'Pilot',
- 2 => 'Charged',
- 3 => 'All Mine',
- 4 => 'Magic',
- 5 => 'What About Blob?',
- 6 => 'Leon',
- 7 => 'Love, Bullets & Blacktop',
- 8 => 'The Cop',
- 9 => 'Ashes to Ashes',
- 10 => 'Cash Out',
- 11 => 'Hungry for Fame',
- 12 => 'Unseen',
- 13 => 'Acid Queen',
- 14 => 'Rebellion',
- 15 => 'Coming to Grips',
- 16 => 'Greg, Schmeg',
- 17 => 'The Leak',
- 18 => 'Cancun',
- 19 => 'Episode IV: A New Hope',
- 20 => 'Dirty Sexy Mongol',
- 21 => 'The Sweet Science',
- 22 => 'The Favorite',
- 23 => 'I Want My Baby Back',
- 24 => 'Underbelly',
- 25 => 'The Good Soil',
- 26 => 'The Home Stretch',
- 27 => 'No Reaper Left Behind',
- 28 => "My Brother's Reaper",
- 29 => 'To Sprong, With Love',
- 30 => 'Business Casualty',
- 31 => 'The Devil & Sam Oliver'
- ),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Reaper_episodes'
- ),
- '<span class="roswell">Roswel<span>l</span></span>' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Di–Sa 03:15',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- // 'last_seen' => mktime(5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(22, 21, 18),
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Pilot",
- 2 => "The Morning After",
- 3 => "Monsters",
- 4 => "Leaving Normal",
- 5 => "Missing",
- 6 => "285 South (Part 1)",
- 7 => "River Dog (Part 2)",
- 8 => "Blood Brother",
- 9 => "Heat Wave",
- 10 => "The Balance",
- 11 => "Toy House",
- 12 => "Into the Woods",
- 13 => "The Convention",
- 14 => "Blind Date",
- 15 => "Independence Day",
- 16 => "Sexual Healing",
- 17 => "Crazy",
- 18 => "Tess, Lies and Videotape",
- 19 => "Four Square",
- 20 => "Max to the Max",
- 21 => "The White Room (Part 1)",
- 22 => "Destiny (Part 2)",
- 23 => "Skin and Bones",
- 24 => "Ask Not",
- 25 => "Surprise",
- 26 => "Summer of '47",
- 27 => "The End of the World",
- 28 => "Harvest",
- 29 => "Wipeout!",
- 30 => "Meet the Dupes (Part 1)",
- 31 => "Max in the City (Part 2)",
- 32 => "A Roswell Christmas Carol",
- 33 => "To Serve and Protect",
- 34 => "We Are Family",
- 35 => "Disturbing Behavior (Part 1)",
- 36 => "How the Other Half Lives (Part 2)",
- 37 => "Viva Las Vegas",
- 38 => "Heart of Mine",
- 39 => "Cry Your Name",
- 40 => "It's Too Late and It's Too Bad",
- 41 => "Baby, It's You",
- 42 => "Off the Menu",
- 43 => "The Departure",
- 44 => "Busted",
- 45 => "Michael, the Guys and the Great Snapple Caper",
- 46 => "Significant Others",
- 47 => "Secrets and Lies (Part 1)",
- 48 => "Control (Part 2)",
- 49 => "To Have and to Hold",
- 50 => "Interruptus",
- 51 => "Behind the Music",
- 52 => "Samuel Rising",
- 53 => "A Tale of Two Parties",
- 54 => "I Married an Alien",
- 55 => "Ch-Ch-Changes",
- 56 => "Panacea",
- 57 => "Chant Down Babylon",
- 58 => "Who Died and Made You King?",
- 59 => "Crash",
- 60 => "Four Aliens and a Baby",
- 61 => "Graduation",
- ),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Roswell_episodes'
- ),
- '<span class="samantha-who"><span class="text"><span class="samantha">Samantha</span>'
- . ' <span class="who">Who</span></span><span class="q">?</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'E4',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 19:00',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(19, 0, 0, 10, 1, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(15, 20),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:Samantha_Who',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Pilot",
- 2 => "The Job",
- 3 => "The Wedding",
- 4 => "The Virgin (01.10.2011 19:00)",
- 5 => "The Restraining Order",
- 6 => "The Hypnotherapist",
- 7 => "The Hockey Date",
- 8 => "The Car",
- 9 => "The Break-Up",
- 10 => "The Girlfriend",
- 11 => "The Boss",
- 12 => "The Butterflies",
- 13 => "The Gallery Show",
- 14 => "The Affair",
- 15 => "The Birthday",
- 16 => "So I Think I Can Dance",
- 17 => "Out of Africa",
- 18 => "The Pill",
- 19 => "The Building",
- // 20 => "Help!",
-// 21 => "The Ex",
-// 22 => "The Farm",
-// 23 => "The Park",
-// 24 => "The Family Vacation",
-// 25 => "My Best Friend's Boyfriend",
- 26 => "The Dog",
- 27 => "The Amazing Racist",
- 28 => "The Debt",
- 29 => "The Rock Star",
- 30 => "Todd's Job",
- 31 => "The Sister",
- 32 => "The Dream Job",
- 33 => "The First Date",
- 34 => "The Other Woman",
- 35 => "With This Ring",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="scrubs">Scrub<span class="s">s</span></span>' => &$scrubs,
- '<span class="scrubs">Scrub<span class="s">s</span></span> (de)' => &$scrubs_de,
- '<span class="seaQuest"><span id="seaQuest"><span
- class="s">s</span><span class="e">e</span><span
- class="a">a</span><span
- class="q">Q</span><span class="u">u</span><span
- class="e2">e</span><span class="s2">s</span><span
- class="t">t</span></span><span class="hidden">
- </span><span id="dsv">DSV</span></span> (de)' => &$seaQuest_de,
- '<span class="sherlock">Sherlock</span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'BBC 1',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mi 21:30',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 30, 0, 8, 3, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(3, 3),
- 'episode_list' => '',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'A Study in Pink',
- 2 => 'The Blind Banker',
- 3 => 'The Great Game',
- 4 => "A Scandal in Belgravia (01.01.2012)",
- 5 => "The Hounds of Baskerville (08.01.2012)",
- 6 => "The Reichenbach Fall (15.01.2012)",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="simpsons" id="simpsons"><span class="text"><span>The</span> <span>Simpsons</span></span></span>' => &$simpsons,
- // '<span class="simpsons"><span class="text"><span>The</span> <span>Simpsons</span></span></span> (de)' => &$simpsons_de,
- '<span class="smallville">S<span>m<span>al<span>lv</span>il</span>l</span>e</span>' => &$smallville,
- // '<span class="smallville">S<span>m<span>al<span>lv</span>il</span>l</span>e</span> (de)' => &$smallville_de,
- '<span class="stargate en"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rgat<span>e</span></span> <span>SG&middot;<span>1</span></span></span>' => &$stargate,
- '<span class="stargate de"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rgate</span> <span>Komm<span class="a">a</span>ndo SG-1</span></span>' => &$stargate_de,
- '<span class="stargate atlantis"><span class="stargate"><span>St<span class="a">a</span>rg<span class="a">a</span>t<span>e</span></span></span>'
- . ' <span class="atlantis"><span class="a">A</span>tlanti<span>s</span></span>' => &$stargate_atlantis,
- '<abbr class="sg-u" title="Stargate Universe">S<span class="ring">G&#9900;</span>U</abbr>' => &$sgu,
- '<span class="star-trek">Star Trek</span> (de, remastered)' => &$tos,
- '<span class="torchwood">Torchwood</span>' => array(
- 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'BBC 1',
- 'showtimes' => 'Do 22:00',
- // 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
-// 'last_seen' => mktime(22, 45, 0, 6, 7, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(13, 13, 5, 10),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:List_of_Torchwood_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => 'Wie alles begann (Everything Changes)',
-// 2 => "Tag eins (Day One)",
-// 3 => 'Die Geistermaschine (Ghost Machine)',
-// 4 => 'Cyberwoman (Cyber Woman)',
-// 5 => 'Aus dunkler Vorzeit (Small Worlds)',
-// 6 => 'Erntezeit (Countrycide)',
-// 7 => 'Timeo Danaos… (Greeks Bearing Gifts)',
-// 8 => 'Sie haben Suzie schon wieder getötet! (They Keep Killing Suzie)',
-// 9 => 'Das sechste Auge (Random Shoes)',
-// 10 => 'Die Gestrandeten (Out of Time)',
-// 11 => 'Faustrecht (Combat)',
-// 12 => 'Captain Jack Harkness',
-// 13 => 'Das Ende aller Tage (End of Days)',
-// 14 => 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)',
-// 15 => 'Invasion (Sleeper)',
-// 16 => 'Bis zum letzten Mann (To the Last Man)',
-// 17 => 'Fleisch (Meat)',
-// 18 => 'Adam',
-// 19 => 'Nebenwirkungen (Reset)',
-// 20 => 'Untot (Dead Man Walking)',
-// 21 => 'Aus dem Leben eines Toten (A Day in the Death)',
-// 22 => 'Die Braut, der vor nichts graut (Something Borrowed)',
-// 23 => 'Sie kamen aus dem Regen (From Out of the Rain)',
-// 24 => 'Verschollen (Adrift)',
-// 25 => 'Offenbarungen (Fragments)',
-// 26 => 'Wundmale (Exit Wounds)',
-// 27 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag eins (Children of Earth: Day One)',
-// 28 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag zwei (Children of Earth: Day Two)',
-// 29 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag drei (Children of Earth: Day Three)',
-// 30 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag vier (Children of Earth: Day Four)',
-// 31 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag fünf (Children of Earth: Day Five)',
- 32 => 'The New World',
- 33 => 'Rendition',
- 34 => 'Dead of Night',
- // 35 => 'Escape to L.A.',
-// 36 => 'The Categories of Life',
-// 37 => 'The Middle Men',
-// 38 => 'Immortal Sins',
-// 39 => 'End of the Road',
-// 40 => 'The Gathering',
-// 41 => 'The Blood Line'
- )
- ),
- '<span class="torchwood">Torchwood</span> (de)' => array(
- 'channel' => 'RTL Ⅱ',
- 'showtimes' => 'Di 22:20',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(22, 45, 0, 6, 7, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(13, 13, 5, 10),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Torchwood-Episoden',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'Wie alles begann (Everything Changes)',
- 2 => "Tag eins (Day One)",
- 3 => 'Die Geistermaschine (Ghost Machine)',
- 4 => 'Cyberwoman (Cyber Woman)',
- 5 => 'Aus dunkler Vorzeit (Small Worlds)',
- 6 => 'Erntezeit (Countrycide)',
- 7 => 'Timeo Danaos… (Greeks Bearing Gifts)',
- 8 => 'Sie haben Suzie schon wieder getötet! (They Keep Killing Suzie)',
- 9 => 'Das sechste Auge (Random Shoes)',
- 10 => 'Die Gestrandeten (Out of Time)',
- 11 => 'Faustrecht (Combat)',
- 12 => 'Captain Jack Harkness',
- 13 => 'Das Ende aller Tage (End of Days)',
- 14 => 'Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang)',
- 15 => 'Invasion (Sleeper)',
- // 16 => 'Bis zum letzten Mann (To the Last Man)',
-// 17 => 'Fleisch (Meat)',
-// 18 => 'Adam',
-// 19 => 'Nebenwirkungen (Reset)',
-// 20 => 'Untot (Dead Man Walking)',
-// 21 => 'Aus dem Leben eines Toten (A Day in the Death)',
-// 22 => 'Die Braut, der vor nichts graut (Something Borrowed)',
-// 23 => 'Sie kamen aus dem Regen (From Out of the Rain)',
-// 24 => 'Verschollen (Adrift)',
-// 25 => 'Offenbarungen (Fragments)',
-// 26 => 'Wundmale (Exit Wounds)',
-// 27 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag eins (Children of Earth: Day One)',
-// 28 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag zwei (Children of Earth: Day Two)',
-// 29 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag drei (Children of Earth: Day Three)',
-// 30 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag vier (Children of Earth: Day Four)',
-// 31 => 'Kinder der Erde: Tag fünf (Children of Earth: Day Five)',
-// 32 => 'The New World',
-// 33 => 'Rendition',
-// 34 => 'Dead of Night',
-// 35 => 'Escape to L.A.',
-// 36 => 'The Categories of Life',
-// 37 => 'The Middle Men',
-// 38 => 'Immortal Sins',
-// 39 => 'End of the Road',
-// 40 => 'The Gathering',
-// 41 => 'The Blood Line'
- )
- ),
- '<span class="true-blood"><span class="upper">True</span>'
- . '<span class="hidden"> </span><span class="blood"><span class="lower">B</span>lood</span></span>' => array(
- // 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Mi 00:10',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12, 12),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_True_Blood_episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Strange Love",
- 2 => "The First Taste",
- 3 => "Mine",
- 4 => "Escape From Dragon House",
- 5 => "Sparks Fly Out",
- 6 => "Cold Ground",
- 7 => "Burning House of Love",
- 8 => "The Fourth Man in the Fire",
- 9 => "Plaisir d'Amour",
- 10 => "I Don't Wanna Know",
- 11 => "To Love is to Bury",
- 12 => "You'll Be the Death of Me",
- 13 => "Nothing But the Blood",
- 14 => "Keep This Party Going",
- 15 => "Scratches",
- 16 => "Shake and Fingerpop",
- 17 => "Never Let Me Go",
- 18 => "Hard-Hearted Hannah",
- 19 => "Release Me",
- 20 => "Time Bomb",
- 21 => "I Will Rise Up",
- 22 => "New World In My View",
- 23 => "Frenzy",
- 24 => "Beyond Here Lies Nothing",
- 25 => "Bad Blood",
- 26 => "Beautifully Broken",
- 27 => "It Hurts Me Too",
- 28 => "9 Crimes",
- 29 => "Trouble",
- 30 => "I Got a Right to Sing the Blues",
- 31 => "Hitting the Ground",
- 32 => "Night on the Sun",
- 33 => "Everything Is Broken",
- 34 => "I Smell a Rat",
- 35 => "Fresh Blood",
- 36 => "Evil is Going On",
- )
- ),
- // '<span class="true-blood"><span class="upper">True</span>'
-// . '<span class="hidden"> </span><span class="lower">B</span>lood</span> (de)' => array(
- // 'channel' => 'RTL Ⅱ',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Mi 21:05',
- // 'seen' => array(array(1, 6)),
- // 'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12, 12),
- // 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_True-Blood-Episoden',
- // 'episodes' => array(
- // 1 => "Strange Love (Strange Love)",
- // 2 => "Blut geleckt (The First Taste)",
- // 3 => "Sie gehört zu mir (Mine)",
- // 4 => "Flucht aus dem Drachenhaus (Escape From Dragon House)",
- // 5 => "Funkenflug (Sparks Fly Out)",
- // 6 => "Kalte Erde (Cold Ground)",
- // 7 => "Brennende Leidenschaft (Burning House of Love)",
- // 8 => "Der vierte Mann im Feuer (The Fourth Man in the Fire)",
- // 9 => "Plaisir d'Amour (Plaisir d'Amour)",
- // 10 => "Gefährliches Spiel (I Don't Wanna Know)",
- // 11 => "Begräbnis aus Liebe (To Love is to Bury)",
- // 12 => "Du wirst mein Tod sein (You'll Be the Death of Me)",
- // 13 => "Nichts als Blut (Nothing But the Blood)",
- // 14 => "Die Party geht weiter (Keep This Party Going)",
- // 15 => "Kratzer (Scratches)",
- // 16 => "Überraschung (Shake and Fingerpop)",
- // 17 => "Verflucht (Never Let Me Go)",
- // 18 => "Hartherzige Hannah (Hard-Hearted Hannah)",
- // 19 => "Lass mich frei (Release Me)",
- // 20 => "Zeitbombe (Time Bomb)",
- // 21 => "Auferstehung (I Will Rise Up)",
- // 22 => "Neue Welt (New World In My View)",
- // 23 => "Ekstase (Frenzy)",
- // 24 => "Das Ende des Horizonts (Beyond Here Lies Nothing)",
- // 25 => "Böses Blut (Bad Blood)",
- // 26 => "Schön kaputt (Beautifully Broken)",
- // 27 => "Es tut so weh (It Hurts Me Too)",
- // 28 => "Neun Verbrechen (9 Crimes)",
- // 29 => "Ärger (Trouble)",
- // 30 => "Ich habe ein Recht darauf, den Blues zu singen (I Got a Right to Sing the Blues)",
- // 31 => "Am Boden der Tatsachen (Hitting the Ground)",
- // 32 => "Nacht auf der Sonne (Night on the Sun)",
- // 33 => "Alles ist zerbrochen (Everything Is Broken)",
- // 34 => "Verdacht (I Smell a Rat)",
- // 35 => "Frisches Blut (Fresh Blood)",
- // 36 => "Das Böse geht weiter (Evil is Going On)",
- // )
- // ),
- '<span class="tara"><span class="us-of">United States of</span>'
- . ' <span class="tara">Tara</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'showtimes' => 'Do 23:24',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- // 'last_seen' => mktime(0, 4, 0, 9, 30, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Taras_Welten#Episodenliste',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Pilot (Teenie-Alarm)",
- 2 => "Aftermath (Ruhe nach dem Sturm)",
- 3 => "Work (Eine Frau für alle Fälle)",
- 4 => "Himmel & Hölle (Inspiration)",
- 5 => "Party Time (Revolution)",
- 6 => "Familiengeheimnisse (Transition)",
- 7 => "Busenfreundinnen (Alternations)",
- 8 => "Weibliche Tricks und Triebe (Abundance)",
- 9 => "Reiseandenken (Possibility)",
- 10 => "Feuer unterm Dach (Betrayal)",
- 11 => "Schnee von gestern (Snow)",
- 12 => "Nackte Tatsachen (Miracle)",
- 13 => "Zu neuen Ufern (Yes)",
- 14 => "Buck In Love (Trouble Junction)",
- 15 => "Auf dünnem Eis (The Truth Hurts)",
- 16 => "Die neue Therapeutin (You Becoming You)",
- 17 => "Hinter Gittern (Doin’ Time)",
- 18 => "Geschlossene Gesellschaft (Torando)",
- 19 => "Besuch vom Jugendamt (Dept. of Fucked Up Family Services)",
- 20 => "Die Kunstausstellung (Explosive Diorama)",
- 21 => "Das Familienporträt (The Family Portrait)",
- 22 => "Die Schwarze Witwe (Open House)",
- 23 => "Spurensuche (To Have and to Hold)",
- 24 => "Zerbrochene Träume (From this Day Forward)",
- 25 => "…youwillnotwin…",
- 27 => "Crackerjack",
- 28 => "The Full F**k You Finger",
- 29 => "Wheels",
- 30 => "Dr. Hatteras’ Miracle Elixir",
- 31 => "The Road to Hell Is Paved with Breast Intentions",
- 32 => "The Electrifying & Magnanimous Return of Beaverlamp",
- 33 => "Chicken 'n' Corn",
- 34 => "Bryce Will Play",
- 35 => "Train Wreck",
- 36 => "Crunchy Ice",
- 37 => "The Good Parts"
- )
- ),
- '<span class="visitors"><span class="v">V</span>'
- . '<span class="hidden"> – </span><span class="subtitle">Die Besucher</span></span> (2009)' => array(
- 'channel' => 'ProSieben',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mi 20:15',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 15, 0, 7, 18, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(12, 10),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:V_-_Die_Besucher#Episodenliste',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Wir kommen in Frieden (Pilot)",
- 2 => "Nichts ist mehr normal (There Is No Normal Anymore)",
- 3 => "Ein strahlender Tag (A Bright New Day)",
- 4 => "Das ist nur der Anfang (It’s Only The Beginning)",
- 5 => "Willkommen im Krieg (Welcome To The War)",
- 6 => "Ein Pfund Fleisch (Pound of Flesh)",
- 7 => "John May (John May)",
- 8 => "Wir können nicht gewinnen (We Can't Win)",
- 9 => "Die Ketzergabel (Heretic's Fork)",
- 10 => "Herz und Verstand (Hearts and Minds)",
- 11 => "Reifezeit (Fruition)",
- 12 => "Brennender Himmel (Red Sky)",
- // 13 => "Roter Regen (Red Rain)",
-// 14 => "Selbstmordkommandos (Serpent’s Tooth)",
- 15 => "Enthüllung (Laid Bare)",
- 16 => "Unheilige Allianz (Unholy Alliance)",
- 17 => "Concordia (Concordia)",
- 18 => "Belagerung (Siege)",
- 19 => "Geburtstagswehen (Birth Pangs)",
- 20 => "Offensive (Uneasy Lies the Head)",
- 21 => "Teufel in Blau (Devil in a Blue Dress)",
- 22 => "Muttertag (Mother’s Day)",
- )
- ),
- '<span class="visitor">The Visitor</span>' => array(
- 'ignore' => true,
- 'channel' => 'online',
- // 'seen' => array(1),
- 'seasons' => array(13),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:The_Visitor_(TV_series)#Episodes',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => "Pilot",
- 2 => "Fear of Flying",
- 3 => "The Devil's Rainbow",
- 4 => "Dreams",
- 5 => "Remember",
- 6 => "The Black Box",
- 7 => "Teufelsnacht (Devil Night)",
- 8 => "Reunion",
- 9 => "Caged",
- 10 => "Going Home",
- 11 => "Miracles",
- 12 => "The Chain",
- 13 => "The Trial"
- )
- ),
- '<span class="warehouse-13">Warehouse <span class="numbers">13</span></span>' => array(
- 'channel' => 'RTL Ⅱ',
- 'showtimes' => 'Mi 18:15',
- 'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
- 'last_seen' => mktime(18, 15, 0, 5, 4, 2011),
- 'seasons' => array(12, 13/*, 13*/),
- 'episode_list' => 'wiki:Warehouse_13#Episodenliste',
- 'episodes' => array(
- 1 => 'Der Kamm der Borgia (Pilot)',
- 2 => 'Der Klang der Musik (Resonance)',
- 3 => 'Unterbewusstes Verlangen (Magnetism)',
- 4 => 'Das Rheticus-Experiment (Claudia)',
- 5 => 'Die Elemente der Macht (Elements)',
- 6 => 'Das Rückgrat des Sarazenen (Burnout)',
- 7 => 'Das Schwert des Samurai (Implosion)',
- 8 => 'Gefangen im Spiegel (Duped)',
- 9 => 'Visionen der Reue (Regrets)',
- 10 => 'Das Tribunal der Räte (Breakdown)',
- 11 => 'Die Macht der Worte (Nevermore)',
- 12 => 'Ein Ende mit Schrecken (MacPherson)',
- 13 => "Die Perle der Weisheit (Time Will Tell)",
- 14 => "In der Maske des Helden (Mild Mannered)",
- 15 => "Unheimliches in Univille (Beyond Our Control)",
- 16 => "Der Preis der Jugend (Age Before Beauty)",
- 17 => "Das Hirn des Konstrukteurs (13.1)",
- 18 => "Am Rande des Wahnsinns (Around the Bend)",
- 19 => "Der Zaubertrank der Wikinger (For the Team)",
- 20 => "Im Körper des Kollegen (Merge with Caution)",
- 21 => "Der Rächer aus der Vergangenheit (Vendetta)",
- 22 => "Zeitreise in die Sechziger (Where and When)",
- 23 => "Das Vermächtnis der Ägypter (Buried)",
- 24 => "Der Dreizack der Verdammnis (Reset)",
- 25 => "Der Geist der Weihnacht (Secret Santa)",
- // Nummer(gesamt) Nummer(Staffel) Originaltitel Deutscher Titel[17] Erstausstrahlung(Syfy USA) Erstausstrahlung(Syfy Deutschland)
-// 26 01 The New Guy 11. Juli 2011
-// 27 02 Trials 18. Juli 2011
-// 28 03 Love Sick 25. Juli 2011
-// 29 04 Queen for a Day 1. August 2011
-// 30 05 3...2...1 8. August 2011
-// 31 06 Don't Hate the Player 15. August 2011
-// 32 07 Past Imperfect 22. August 2011
-// 33 08 The 40th Floor 29. August 2011
-// 34 09 Shadows 12. September 2011
-// 35 10 Insatiable 19. September 2011
-// 36 11 Emily Lake (Part 1) 3. Oktober 2011
-// 37 12 Stand (Part 2) 3. Oktober 2011
-// 38 13 The Greatest Gift
- )
- ),