Subversion Repositories LCARS

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Last modification

Regard whitespace Rev 226 → Rev 227

1,3 → 1,4
<div id="LCARS">
<?php /*
<div id="button-grid" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0.3">
54,12 → 55,18
<div id="bow">
<div id="bow-top">
<div class="separator-left">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="text"><span>PointedEars’ Website</span></div>
<div class="text">
<span>PointedEars’ Website</span>
<div id="bow-top-left">
<div class="concave">&nbsp;</div>
<div style="position: absolute; top: 3.2em; left: 0; background-color: black">
<div class="bow" style="margin-top: 0.2em; width: 8em; height: 1em">&nbsp;</div>
style="position: absolute; top: 3.2em; left: 0; background-color: black"
<div class="bow"
style="margin-top: 0.2em; width: 8em; height: 1em"
<div id="bottom">
73,65 → 80,77
<nav class="menu">
<?php foreach ($languages as $key => $name): ?>
<li><a href="index.<?php echo language_key_short($key); ?>?ani=0"
href="index.<?php echo language_key_short($key); ?>?ani=0"
lang="<?php echo $key; ?>" hreflang="<?php echo $key; ?>"
class="button<?php if ($language === $key) { ?> selected<?php } ?>"
tabindex="2"><span class="text"><?php echo language_name($key); ?></span></a></li>
><span class="text"><?php echo language_name($key); ?></span></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="bow" style="margin-bottom: 0.4em; height: 0.4em">&nbsp;</div>
<ul style="margin-bottom: 1.2em">
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['scripts']['path']; ?>" target="_top" class="button"
lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['scripts']['path']; ?>"
target="_top" class="button" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"
><span class="text"><?php echo $menu['scripts']['text']; ?></span></a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['es-matrix']['path']; ?>" target="_top" class="button"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['es-matrix']['path']; ?>"
target="_top" class="button"
title="<?php echo $menu['es-matrix']['title']; ?>"
><span class="text"><?php echo $menu['es-matrix']['text']; ?></span></a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['devel']['path']; ?>" target="_top" class="button"
lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['devel']['path']; ?>"
target="_top" class="button" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"
><span class="text"><?php echo $menu['devel']['text']; ?></span></a></li>
<ul style="margin-bottom: 0.2em">
<li><a href="psf/" target="_top"
class="button ancillary"
><abbr title="<?php echo tr("PointedEars' Standard Frases"); ?>"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['series']['path']; ?>" target="_top" class="button ancillary"
<li><a href="psf/" target="_top" class="button ancillary"><abbr
title="<?php echo tr("PointedEars' Standard Frases"); ?>"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['series']['path']; ?>"
target="_top" class="button ancillary"
title="<?php echo tr('List of recommended TV shows and episodes, with logos in CSS'); ?>"
><span class="text"><?php echo $menu['series']['text']; ?></span></a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['ufpdb']['path']; ?>" target="_top" class="button database"
<li><a href="<?php echo $menu['ufpdb']['path']; ?>"
target="_top" class="button database"
><abbr title="<?php echo $menu['ufpdb']['title']; ?>"
class="text"><?php echo $menu['ufpdb']['text']; ?></abbr></a></li>
><?php echo $menu['ufpdb']['text']; ?></abbr></a></li>
<div style="position: relative; margin-bottom: 1.2em">
<div class="bow" style="height: 0.8em">&nbsp;</div>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("The world’s largest climate forecasting experiment for the 21st century"); ?>"
><span class="text"></span></a></li>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("Distributed computing to understand protein folding, protein aggregation, and related diseases"); ?>"
><span class="text">Folding at home</span></a></li>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("Particle physics research with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN"); ?>"
><span class="text">LHC at home</span></a></li>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence at HOME"); ?>"
><span class="text">SETI at home</span></a></li>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("Me on Stack Overflow"); ?>"
><span class="text">Stack Overflow</span></a></li>
<li><a href=""
target="_top" class="button secondary"
<li><a href="" target="_top"
class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("Me on Twitter"); ?>"
><span class="text">Twitter</span></a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo tr(""); ?>"
href="<?php echo tr(""); ?>"
target="_top" class="button secondary"
title="<?php echo tr("My contributions to Wikipedia"); ?>"
><span class="text"><?php echo tr('Wikipedia'); ?></span></a></li>
178,12 → 197,16
<div class="multi-display">
<div class="upper">
<div class="content">
<div class="title" id="title" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><span class="text"><?php echo tr('Home'); ?></span></div>
<div class="title" id="title" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>">
<span class="text"><?php echo tr('Home'); ?></span>
<div class="analysis" id="analysis">
<th lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><span class="text"><?php echo tr('Display'); ?>:</span></th>
<td lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><script type="text/javascript">
<td lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><script
var _addEventListener = jsx.dom.addEventListener;
var _runAsync = jsx.dom.timeout.runAsync;
var ID_SCREEN_DIM = 'screenDim';
258,15 → 281,19
tColor = null;
</script><noscript><?php echo tr('N/A'); ?></noscript></td>
<noscript><?php echo tr('N/A'); ?></noscript></td>
<th><?php echo tr('User Agent'); ?>:</th>
<td><script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/ua.js"></script><noscript><?php
<th lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><span class="text"><?php echo tr('User Agent'); ?>:</span></th>
<td><script type="text/javascript"
echo tr('N/A'); ?></noscript></td>
<th><?php echo tr('Features'); ?>:</th>
<th lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"><span class="text"><?php echo tr('Features'); ?>:</span></th>
<td><script type="text/javascript">
var fullscreen = jsx.dom.window.fullscreen;
315,9 → 342,10
if (jsx.dom.geolocation.isAvailable())
features.push('<a href="#" title="<?php echo tr('Get location'); ?>"'
+ ' onclick="return lcars.multiDisplay.geolocate(\'<?php echo tr('Geolocation'); ?>\', \'<?php echo $language; ?>\')"'
+ '><?php echo tr('Geolocation'); ?><\/a>');
features.push('<a href="#" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Get location'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>"'
+ ' lang="<?php echo $language; ?>"'
+ ' onclick=\'return lcars.multiDisplay.geolocate("<?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Geolocation'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>", "<?php echo $language; ?>")\''
+ '><span class="text"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(tr('Geolocation'), ENT_QUOTES); ?><\/span><\/a>');
if (typeof navigator.javaEnabled != "undefined" && navigator.javaEnabled())
407,23 → 435,22
var windowText = "<?php echo tr("Window"); ?>";
</script><noscript><?php echo tr('N/A'); ?></noscript></td>
<noscript><?php echo tr('N/A'); ?></noscript></td>
<ul class="commands">
<li id="cmd1"><a href="index.php"
title="Language selection"
class="button left right"
<li id="cmd1"><a href="index.php" title="Language selection"
tabindex="1" class="button left right"
onmouseover="return setStatus(this.title + ': ' + this.href)"
onmouseout="return resetStatus()"
onfocus="return this.onmouseover()"
onblur="return this.onmouseout()"
><abbr class="text" title="Language selection">Language</abbr></a></li>
<li id="cmd2"><a href="index.<?php echo $language; ?>?printable=1"
title="<?php echo tr('Printable version'); ?>"
<li id="cmd2"><a
href="index.<?php echo $language; ?>?printable=1"
title="<?php echo tr('Printable version'); ?>" tabindex="1"
class="button left right"
onmouseover="return setStatus(this.title + ': ' + this.href)"
onmouseout="return resetStatus()"
488,6 → 515,7
var textTarget = target.firstChild;
if (nowIsFullscreen)
/* FIXME: Do not override event listeners, use the state instead */
oldHandler = target.onclick;
target.onclick = function () {
504,15 → 532,28
<li id="cmd4"><script type="text/javascript">
var LANG_KLINGON = "<?php echo $klingon; ?>";
var LANG_VULCAN = "<?php echo $vulcan; ?>";
</script><script type="text/javascript" src="application/scripts/vulcan-media-script.js"></script><div
class="button left right"<?php
if ($language == $vulcan)
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<div class="button left right"<?php
if (in_array($language, array($klingon, $vulcan)))
?> tabindex="1" onclick="mediaScript(this)"<?php
?> tabindex="1" onclick="<?php
switch ($language)
case $klingon: echo 'pIqaD(this)'; break;
case $vulcan: echo 'if (media_script_used) { latinScript(this); } else { mediaScript(this); }'; break;
?> style="cursor: not-allowed !important"<?php
519,15 → 560,19
?>><span class="text"><?php
echo $language == $vulcan ? 'Hitra-Zukitan' : '&nbsp;';
<div class="elbo-button">
<span class="text" title="<?php echo tr("Date of last modification"); ?>"
<span class="text"
title="<?php echo tr("Date of last modification"); ?>"
><?php echo gmdate('Ym.d', $modi); ?></span>
<div class="elbo" lang="<?php echo $language; ?>">
<span class="text"><abbr title="<?php echo tr('Library Computer Access and Retrieval System'); ?>"><?php echo tr('LCARS'); ?></abbr> PE-22A</span>
<span class="text"><abbr
title="<?php echo tr('Library Computer Access and Retrieval System'); ?>"
><?php echo tr('LCARS'); ?></abbr> PE-22A</span>
<div class="concave">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="border">
16,11 → 16,17
. " and <a href='%s'"
. " title='LCARS 47 Development Blog&nbsp;-- LCARS&nbsp;101: A Designer's Handbook'"
. ">Eleanor&nbsp;C.&nbsp;Davenport</a>.")
. ($app == 'Language' || $language === $klingon
? "<br> "
. tr("Translation into Klingon supported by the"
. " <a href=''>Klingon Language Institute</a>,"
. " Qo'onoS.")
: '')
. ($app == 'Language' || $language === $vulcan
? "<br>"
. tr("Translation into Modern Golic Vulcan supported by the"
. " <a href=''>Vulcan Language Institute</a>,"
. " Shi'Kahr, a'Shav, T'Khasi.")
. " <a href=''>Vulcan Language Institute</a>,"
. " Shi'Kahr, T'Khasi.")
: ''),
tr('Michael Okuda on Twitter'),
87,7 → 87,7
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/builder?src=object,dom,dom/css,dom/storage,dom/events,dom/geolocation,dom/timeout,dom/widgets,dom/window,dom/xpath,http,regexp,lcars,../application/scripts/vulcan-media-script<?php
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/builder?src=object,dom,dom/css,dom/storage,dom/events,dom/geolocation,dom/timeout,dom/widgets,dom/window,dom/xpath,http,regexp,lcars,../application/scripts/klingon,../application/scripts/vulcan-media-script<?php
if ($isLocal)
158,11 → 158,18
content: lcars.content
/* Enable Vulcan Media Script */
var cmd4 = document.getElementById("cmd4");
if (cmd4 && cmd4.lastChild && typeof cmd4.lastChild.onclick == "function")
jsx.dom.timeout.runAsync(function () { cmd4.lastChild.onclick(); }, 1000);
jsx.dom.timeout.runAsync(function () {
var event = document.createEvent("Events");
event.initEvent("click", true, false);
}, 1000);
<?php /* <bgsound src="media/interface/sound/beginop.wav" loop="infinite"> */ ?>