eazytrans: * Dictionary.py - dmsg(): Fixed argument handling - Dictionary.load(): Fixed/updated default values * vuh-gol-en.dict.zdb.txt - Added Vim modeline - Clarified format description - Simplified expression of imperatives in translation - Updated IPA transcriptions - Updated word order - New words based on Surak's teachings in "Spock's World" * vuh.py, VulcanDictionary.py - Organized imports - Moved VulcanDictionary class to own file - Properly split into paragraphs, sentences, and clauses - Find and translate phrases by looking up subsets of clauses (TODO: compound handling)
/trunk/tools/eazytrans/vuh-gol-en.dict.zdb.txt |
145,7 → 145,7 |
# ("Close-follow entries of-this dictionary format established |
# by-Klingonska Akademien [KA] for-online-version |
# of-'Pocket-Dictionary Klingon' <http://klingonska.org/dict/>. |
# See [hon. imp.] on-website of-them for-details.") |
# See! [hon.] on-website of-them for-details.") |
# |
# The format of this dictionary differs in that it uses “vuh”, |
# for Vulcan, instead of “tlh”, for Klingon, adds the “ipa” key, |
158,7 → 158,7 |
# ("Have format of-this dictionary difference – use of->vuh< - |
# for-language Vulcan – instead of->tlh< - for-Klingon – add |
# key >ipa< - use abbrevations for-key >pos< for-small-keeping |
# size of-file and different-abbrevations [below-see (hon. imp.)] :") |
# size of-file and different-abbrevations [below-see! (hon.)] :") |
# |
# vuh: {original(required|alternative) (optional part)} (required) |
# ipa: IPA transcription (optional) |
210,14 → 210,17 |
# |
# Different from the KA format, entries are indented to signify |
# derivation, so that software can mark common word-roots |
# automatically. The optional part of the original may contain |
# automatically. Use two spaces per indentation level. |
# The optional part of the original may contain |
# affixes that can be omitted, or give an abbreviation. |
# {Natyan na'yidor t'KA - pugas-dvun-tor svinlar glantokau |
# sakazun - shatik kup-ulidau tumak ka-zhit-girlar. |
# Is'voh dah-ret na'vok t'gas-dvun. |
# Kup-tuhlau dvelik krus t'tvesh-vel tereklar kup-puyenik |
# il tanilau zhipenaya.} |
# ("Difference to-format of-KA - be-indented entries signify |
# derivation - automatically can-mark program same-word-roots. |
# derivation - automatically can-mark program same-word-root. |
# Use! two-space for-level of-indentation. |
# Can-contain optional part of-original affixes can-be-forgotten |
# or give abbreviation.") |
# |
326,7 → 329,7 |
# Isha ri bolau zhit-dunap-gir nam-tor kim-krus t'terti-zhit.} |
# ("Only-if all-criteria superordered same - be-sorted entries |
# to-FSE-alphabet | not alphabet of-Modern-Golic-Vulcan |
# to-help students. | Notice [hon. imp.] that verb-forms of-nouns - |
# to-help students. | Notice! [hon.] that verb-forms of-nouns - |
# although modifying e.g. with->~au<, and combining with->-tor< - |
# be-sorted before-other-forms modifying and combining because have |
# they more-strong root-relation. |
338,7 → 341,7 |
# {Fayei t'ta - kuv ri kup tal-tor du mesukh t'terti-zhit |
# na'svinlar palikaun k'zun t'zhit - viglazha'voh svin t'nel-gir.} |
# ("Because of-that - if not can find you translation of-compound-word |
# at-entries beginning with-letter of-word - into-look [hon. imp.] |
# at-entries beginning with-letter of-word - into-look! [hon.] |
# entry of-main-root.") |
# |
# The following abbreviations have been used: |
497,7 → 500,7 |
# ka-tvahik iyi-zhit na'isan ek'gadik heh |
# rivanuk | na'li-fal {wak} svi'rak t'{farr} - |
# hi – {kari farr} - {pon farr} ∴} |
# ("too-old [ word ] - instead-use [hon. imp.] |
# ("too-old [ word ] - instead-use! [hon.] |
# synonymous contemporary-word for-usage diurnal and |
# non-ceremonial | for-example {wak} instead of-{farr} - |
# but : {kari farr} - {pon farr} etc.") |
711,7 → 714,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abrash} |
ipa: ɑ‿'braʃ |
ipa: ɑ‿'brɑʃ |
en: <flood> |
pos: n. |
769,7 → 772,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abu(')~)} |
vuh: {abu(')~} |
en: <up> |
vuh: {abu-tor} |
776,12 → 779,12 |
en: <erect>, <put up> |
vuh: {abu'le} |
ipa: - ' - |
ipa: ɑ‿'bu‿le |
en: <upward(s)> |
com: from CLGV {apu'leh} and AGV {ápuullh} |
vuh: {abulau} |
ipa: - - ' |
ipa: ɑ‿bu‿'lau |
en: <increase> |
pos: v. |
10693,6 → 10696,7 |
vuh: {gas-dvun-tor} |
en: <indent> |
lit: <right>-<move> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {pugas-dvun-tor} |
14837,6 → 14841,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {huhrsauyik} |
en: <practical> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE |
vuh: {huhsh} |
ipa: , |
en: <cough> |
15673,7 → 15682,7 |
vuh: {ish} |
en: <that> |
pos: adj. |
pos: det. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
17804,6 → 17813,11 |
en: <bring> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {nukatau} |
en: <bring down>, <inflict> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {sakatau} |
en: <enhance>, <bring out>, <implement> |
def: GV-FSE; <implement> by PE |
17814,7 → 17828,7 |
vuh: {sakatausu} |
en: <implementor> |
lit: implementperson |
lit: <implement><person> |
def: PE |
vuh: {vikatau} |
19063,6 → 19077,11 |
en: <direct> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {rikhar(-~|ik)} |
en: <indirect> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE |
vuh: {khar-el'taranaya} |
en: <direct manipulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
28036,10 → 28055,26 |
en: <reach> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {sapulau} |
en: <reach out> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {pulaya} |
en: <reach> |
pos: n. |
def: PE |
vuh: {pulayan} |
en: <reaching> |
pos: n. |
def: PE |
vuh: {pulayau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <be present> |
pos: v. |
com: but <presence> {la'es}; cf. {pulayan} |
vuh: {pulu-kur} |
en: <lavender> |
31618,7 → 31653,7 |
vuh: {ta} |
en: <that>, <which>, <who> (not a question word) |
pos: conj. |
pos: conj., pron. |
tag: MGV |
vuh: {ta'a} |
31860,6 → 31895,11 |
en: <ideal> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tangu(-~|yik)} |
en: <ideal> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE |
vuh: {tanilau} |
en: <provide>, <supply> |
pos: v. |
44748,11 → 44788,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {papulau} |
en: <roam> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {paresh-tor} |
en: <occur> |
def: FSE-GV |
46903,13 → 46938,13 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {plomik shur} |
en: <vegetable soup> |
vuh: {plom (n., anc.); plomik (adj.)} |
en: <vegetable> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {plom (n., anc.); plomik (adj.)} |
en: <vegetable> |
vuh: {plomik shur} |
en: <vegetable soup> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
47830,6 → 47865,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {papulau} |
en: <roam> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pulayau} |
en: <be present> |
def: FSE-GV |
53045,11 → 53085,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sakatau} |
en: <bring out>, <enhance> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sakataya} |
en: <enhancement> |
def: FSE-GV |
56516,6 → 56551,7 |
vuh: {sha'ves-yokulan} |
en: <cannibalism> |
lit: <own><kind>-<eating> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
61941,12 → 61977,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ta} |
en: <that> |
pos: conj., pron. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ta'bek} |
tag: anc. |
en: <drug> |
62387,12 → 62417,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tangu} |
en: <ideal> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tangu-sfek} |
en: <ideal point> |
def: FSE-GV |
62981,6 → 63005,7 |
vuh: {tehnekon-torsu} |
en: <sinner> |
lit: <against><god>-<do><person> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
70686,11 → 70711,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vikatau} |
en: <bring in> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vikau} |
en: <warn> |
pos: v. |
71194,8 → 71214,10 |
vuh: {vishasplotau} |
en: <invade> |
lit: <into><land><?> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
see: {vi}, {shasol}, {plotau} |
vuh: {vishasplotausu} |
en: <invader> |
71476,11 → 71498,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vi} |
en: <who> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {viyatau} |
en: <impregnate> |
def: FSE-GV |
77891,3 → 77908,5 |
en: <gadget>, <gizmo> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
# vim: set tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab : |
/trunk/tools/eazytrans/VulcanDictionary.py |
0,0 → 1,174 |
""" |
Created on 15.01.2015 |
@author: pelinux |
""" |
from Dictionary import Dictionary, dmsg |
from re import escape, match, sub, search, findall, DOTALL |
prepositions = { |
"fi'": 'on', |
"na'": 'at|to', |
"t'": 'of' |
} |
class VulcanDictionary (Dictionary): |
""" |
""" |
def translate (self, phrase, search_prefix=True, search_plural=True): |
""" |
:param phrase: |
:type phrase: |
:param search_prefix: |
:type search_prefix: |
:param search_plural: |
:type search_plural: |
""" |
translation = super().translate(phrase) |
if translation is not None: |
return translation |
else: |
expr_translation = self.translate_expression(phrase) |
if expr_translation is not None: |
return expr_translation |
if search_prefix: |
# find prefix |
for preposition in prepositions: |
prefix = match(escape(preposition), phrase) |
if prefix is not None: |
prefix_translation = self.translate(prefix.group(0)) |
if prefix_translation is not None: |
tail = sub(preposition, '', phrase) |
tail_translation = self.translate(tail, search_prefix=False) |
if tail_translation is not None: |
return [prefix_translation, tail_translation] |
elif search_plural: |
# find plural |
suffix = search(r'lar$', phrase) |
if suffix is not None: |
head = sub(r'lar$', '', phrase) |
head_translation = self.translate(head, search_prefix=False, search_plural=False) |
if head_translation is not None: |
head_translation = dict(head_translation) |
head_translation['en'] += ' (pl.)' |
return head_translation |
return None |
def clean_entry(self, phrase): |
""" |
Replace GV Media Script parens with FSE parens |
:param phrase: |
:type phrase: |
""" |
return sub( |
r'(\([^)]*\))|\|([^|)]+)\|', |
lambda m: '({0})'.format(m.group(2)) if m.group(2) else m.group(1), |
phrase) |
class Clause (object): |
pattern = r'(?!\s+)(.+?(?:\s+-\s*|\s*[–—]\s*|\.{1,3}|[^–—.]+$))' |
def __init__ (self, text): |
self._text = text |
self._phrases = [] |
def __str__(self): |
return self._text |
def translate (self, dictionary): |
# Find phrases by attempts to translate |
words = findall(r'[^\s.]+', self._text) |
dmsg("words:", words, min_level=2) |
offset = 0 |
while offset < len(words): |
translation = None |
for i in range(len(words), offset, -1): |
dmsg("words[{0}:{1}] = {2}".format(offset, i, words[offset:i]), min_level=2) |
phrase = ' '.join(words[offset:i]) |
dmsg("phrase:", phrase, min_level=2) |
translation = dictionary.translate(phrase) |
if translation is not None: |
dmsg("phrase-translation:", translation, min_level=2) |
dmsg("words[{0}:{1}] = [\"{2}\"]".format(offset, i, translation), min_level=2) |
self._phrases.append(translation) |
offset += i - offset |
break |
if translation is None: |
dmsg("phrase-translation:", translation, min_level=2) |
self._phrases.append(phrase) |
offset += 1 |
dmsg("phrases:", self._phrases, min_level=2) |
class Sentence (object): |
pattern = '(?!\s+)(.+?\.{1,3}|.+$)' |
def __init__ (self, text): |
self._text = text |
self.find_clauses(text) |
def __str__(self): |
return self._text |
def find_clauses (self, text): |
self._clauses = list(map( |
lambda clause_text: Clause(clause_text), |
findall(Clause.pattern, text, DOTALL))) |
def translate (self, dictionary): |
for clause in self._clauses: |
clause.translate(dictionary) |
class Paragraph (object): |
pattern = r'.+?(?:(?:\r?\n|\r){2,}|$)' |
def __init__ (self, text): |
self._text = text |
self.find_sentences(text) |
def __str__ (self): |
return self._text |
def find_sentences (self, text): |
sentences = findall(Sentence.pattern, text, DOTALL) |
self._sentences = list(map( |
lambda sentence_text: Sentence(sentence_text), |
sentences)) |
def translate (self, dictionary): |
for sentence in self._sentences: |
sentence.translate(dictionary) |
class Text (object): |
def __init__ (self, text): |
self._text = text |
self.find_paragraphs(text) |
def __repr__ (self): |
return ''.join(map(lambda p: p.__repr__(), self._paragraphs)) |
def __str__ (self): |
return self._text |
def find_paragraphs (self, text): |
self._paragraphs = list(map( |
lambda paragraph_text: Paragraph(paragraph_text), |
findall(Paragraph.pattern, text, DOTALL))) |
def translate (self, dictionary): |
for paragraph in self._paragraphs: |
paragraph.translate(dictionary) |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
## -0,0 +1 ## |
+text/plain |
\ No newline at end of property |
Index: vuh.py |
=================================================================== |
--- vuh.py (revision 299) |
+++ vuh.py (revision 300) |
@@ -6,21 +6,14 @@ |
@author: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <mail@PointedEars.de> |
''' |
from sys import argv, stderr |
-from re import findall, DOTALL, match, sub, compile, \ |
- escape, search |
+from re import findall, compile |
from os.path import basename |
from functools import cmp_to_key |
-from Dictionary import Dictionary, dmsg, \ |
- sort_dict_alnum_english_key |
+from Dictionary import dmsg, sort_dict_alnum_english_key |
+from VulcanDictionary import VulcanDictionary, Text |
dictionary = {} |
-prepositions = { |
- "fi'": 'on', |
- "na'": 'at|to', |
- "t'": 'of' |
-} |
- |
def cli_help(): |
print('Usage: {0} TEXT...'.format(basename(argv[0]))) |
@@ -54,63 +47,7 @@ |
return cmp_to_key(sort_dict_alnum_vulcan) |
-class VulcanDictionary (Dictionary): |
- """ |
- """ |
- def translate (self, phrase, search_prefix=True, search_plural=True): |
- """ |
- |
- :param phrase: |
- :type phrase: |
- :param search_prefix: |
- :type search_prefix: |
- :param search_plural: |
- :type search_plural: |
- """ |
- translation = super().translate(phrase) |
- if translation is not None: |
- return translation |
- else: |
- expr_translation = self.translate_expression(phrase) |
- if expr_translation is not None: |
- return expr_translation |
- |
- if search_prefix: |
- # find prefix |
- for preposition in prepositions: |
- prefix = match(escape(preposition), phrase) |
- if prefix is not None: |
- prefix_translation = self.translate(prefix.group(0)) |
- if prefix_translation is not None: |
- tail = sub(preposition, '', phrase) |
- tail_translation = self.translate(tail, search_prefix=False) |
- if tail_translation is not None: |
- return [prefix_translation, tail_translation] |
- elif search_plural: |
- # find plural |
- suffix = search(r'lar$', phrase) |
- if suffix is not None: |
- head = sub(r'lar$', '', phrase) |
- head_translation = self.translate(head, search_prefix=False, search_plural=False) |
- if head_translation is not None: |
- head_translation = dict(head_translation) |
- head_translation['en'] += ' (pl.)' |
- return head_translation |
- |
- return None |
- |
- def clean_entry(self, phrase): |
- """ |
- Replace GV Media Script parens with FSE parens |
- :param phrase: |
- :type phrase: |
- """ |
- return sub( |
- r'(\([^)]*\))|\|([^|)]+)\|', |
- lambda m: '({0})'.format(m.group(2)) if m.group(2) else m.group(1), |
- phrase) |
- |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
if len(argv) < 2: |
print('Nothing to translate.', end='\n\n', file=stderr) |
@@ -132,51 +69,21 @@ |
# except BrokenPipeError: |
# pass |
+ text = Text(text) |
+ |
dmsg("text:", text, min_level=2) |
- sentences = findall(r'(?!\s+)(?:.+?\.{1,3}|.+$)', text, DOTALL) |
- dmsg("sentences:", sentences, min_level=2) |
- for sentence in sentences: |
- dmsg("sentence:", sentence, min_level=2) |
+ dmsg("text:", text.__repr__(), min_level=2) |
- clauses = findall(r'(?!\s+)(?:.+?(?:\s+-\s*|\s*[–—]\s*|\.{1,3}|.+$))', sentence, DOTALL) |
- dmsg("clauses:", clauses, min_level=2) |
- for clause in clauses: |
- dmsg("clause:", clause, min_level=2) |
+ text.translate(dictionary) |
- words = findall(r'[^\s.]+', clause) |
- dmsg("words:", words, min_level=2) |
- |
- offset = 0 |
- while offset < len(words): |
- translation = None |
- |
- for i in range(len(words), offset, -1): |
- dmsg("words[{0}:{1}] = {2}".format(offset, i, words[offset:i]), min_level=2) |
- phrase = ' '.join(words[offset:i]) |
- |
- dmsg("phrase:", phrase, min_level=2) |
- |
- translation = dictionary.translate(phrase) |
- |
- if translation is not None: |
- dmsg("phrase-translation:", translation, min_level=2) |
- dmsg("words[{0}:{1}] = [\"{2}\"]".format(offset, i, translation), min_level=2) |
- words[offset:i] = [translation] |
- offset += i - offset |
- break |
- |
- if translation is None: |
- dmsg("phrase-translation:", translation, min_level=2) |
- offset += 1 |
- |
- dmsg("words-translation:", words, min_level=2) |
- dmsg("words-translation-reduced:", |
- list(map( |
- lambda word: |
- word['en'] |
- if (hasattr(word, "get") and word.get('en', None) is not None) |
- else word, |
- words)), |
- min_level=2) |
+# dmsg("words-translation:", words, min_level=2) |
+# dmsg("words-translation-reduced:", |
+# list(map( |
+# lambda word: |
+# word['en'] |
+# if (hasattr(word, "get") and word.get('en', None) is not None) |
+# else word, |
+# words)), |
+# min_level=2) |
# for key, value in dictionary._expressions.items(): |
# dmsg(key, value, min_level=3) |
/trunk/tools/eazytrans/Dictionary.py |
14,14 → 14,12 |
debug_level = 2 |
def dmsg(*args, **kwargs): |
if not hasattr(kwargs, 'min_level') or kwargs['min_level'] is None: |
kwargs['min_level'] = 1 |
if not hasattr(kwargs, 'file'): |
if not kwargs.get('file'): |
kwargs['file'] = stderr |
if debug_level >= kwargs['min_level']: |
del kwargs['min_level'] |
min_level = kwargs.pop('min_level', 1) |
if debug_level >= min_level: |
print(*args, **kwargs) |
def sort_dict_alnum_english_key(phrase): |
37,7 → 35,7 |
_keys = "ipa|en|lit|pos|com|tag|ex" |
_expressions = {} |
def load (self, dictionary_file, language_key='en'): |
def load (self, dictionary_file, keys=None, language_key=None): |
""" |
Loads a word dictionary from a file. |
:param dictionary_file: |
45,6 → 43,10 |
:param language_key: |
:type language_key: |
""" |
if keys is not None: |
self._keys = keys |
if language_key is not None: |
self._language_key = language_key |
dmsg('Loading dictionary '.format(dictionary_file), end='', min_level=1) |
60,6 → 62,7 |
if pickle_mtime is None or stat(dictionary_file).st_mtime > pickle_mtime: |
dmsg('from {0} ...'.format(dictionary_file), end='', min_level=1) |
phrase = None |
key = None |
value = None |
101,11 → 104,14 |
self[phrase][key] = ' '.join(value) |
dmsg('\nSaving pickle {0} ...'.format(pickle_file), end='', min_level=1) |
# TODO: Pickle should only contain strings to be small |
with open(pickle_file, mode='wb') as f: dump(self, f) |
dmsg(' done.', min_level=1) |
else: |
dmsg('from {0} ...'.format(pickle_file), end='', min_level=1) |
with open(pickle_file, mode='rb') as f: pickle = load(f) |
for key, value in pickle.items(): |
self[key] = value |
/trunk/tools/eazytrans/. |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:ignore |
## -0,0 +1 ## |
+*.pickle |