2045,8 → 2045,6 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <sturdy> |
pos: adj. |
com: “Batai” was the name of Kamin's sturdy friend in the community |
of Ressik on the planet of Kataan, in ST:TNG 5x25 "The Inner Light". |
vuh: {batulayik} |
en: <tainted> |
7612,16 → 7610,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flesh-tukh} |
en: <ozone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flesh-tukh-tin} |
en: <ozone layer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {esh-tukhau} |
en: <oxygenate> |
def: FSE-GV |
7815,7 → 7803,7 |
en: <balcony> |
vuh: {fa~} |
en: <before~>, <forward-~> |
en: {before~}, {forward-~} |
def: PE |
vuh: {faka} |
7829,7 → 7817,7 |
en: <prevail> |
lit: <before>-<rock>-to-do |
com: <prevail> from Latin «prae» (<before>) + «valeō» (<be able> |
or <be powerful>) |
or <powerful>) |
vuh: {fap'yumau} |
en: <meander> |
7839,7 → 7827,6 |
vuh: {fasarlah} |
en: <come forward> (beings/animals) |
lit: <forward><come> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
7853,25 → 7840,19 |
vuh: {fator} |
en: <continue> |
lit: <forward>-to-do |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fator'es} |
en: <continuity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fatorli} |
en: <continuous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fazanikau} |
en: <forecast> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {fezanikau} |
vuh: {fazanikaya} |
en: <forecast> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {fezanikaya} |
vuh: {fa(-~|yik)} |
en: {fore~} |
def: inferred by PE from FSE-GV |
7923,11 → 7904,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fa-mekhu} (TGV), {fa-mekhlar} (MGV) |
en: <grandparents> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typos {fe-mekhu}, {fe-mekhlar} |
vuh: {fa-mesu} |
en: <foreground> |
pos: n. |
7945,7 → 7921,6 |
vuh: {fa-rala} |
en: <canard>, <foreplane>, <forewing> |
def: <forewing> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {fa-rihk t'mashalo-thalv} |
en: <luff> (sail) |
7985,16 → 7960,15 |
en: <future> |
lit: <fore>-<time> |
vuh: {fa-gad} |
en: <tomorrow> |
lit: <future>-<day> |
vuh: {fa-waksu} |
en: <futurist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fa-gad} |
en: <tomorrow> |
lit: <future>-<day> |
com: likely shortened from {fa-wak-gad} |
vuh: {fa-wak-glan} |
en: <prophecy> |
lit: <future>-<seeing> |
8577,148 → 8551,23 |
vuh: {fam} |
en: <lack>, <dearth> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fam-tor} |
en: <lack> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-bezhun-wein} |
en: <ablepharia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-dvunek-storaya} |
en: <amyoplasia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-dvunel-nosh} |
en: <akinesia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-esh-tukh} |
en: <anoxia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-fnish-nosh} |
en: <anosmia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-karik'es|-nosh|} |
en: <debility> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-karlar} |
en: <abrachia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-ketek-has} |
en: <kwashiorkor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-khaf-meil |svi'hasular k'yar-khaf-nalalar|} |
en: <acupria (Vulcan "anemia")> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-khaf-meil |svi'hasular k'yon-khaf-nalalar|} |
en: <anemia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-kitaya-nosh} |
en: <agraphia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-kursu} |
en: <albino> (person) |
lit: <without>-<color><person> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fam-masupik} |
en: <anhydrous> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-naglashaya-nosh} |
en: <agnosia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-sakal-nosh} |
en: <anorchia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-sharushan-nosh} |
en: <atresia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-shid(-~|ik)} |
en: <amorphous> |
lit: <without>-<form> |
vuh: {fam-thak-nosh} |
en: <amastia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-thas-nosh} |
en: <agalactia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-yukaya} |
en: <anovulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-zalu-nosh} |
en: <azymia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan(-)} |
en: <any> |
vuh: {fandvu} |
en: <gimbal> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fandvu-tor} |
en: <gimbal> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fandvu-klachu} |
en: <gimbal lock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-kitok} |
en: <anything else> |
lit: <any>-<else> |
vuh: {fan-lanet-kupik} |
en: <eurybathic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-veh} |
en: <anyone>, <anybody> |
lit: <any>-<one> (person) |
8731,36 → 8580,11 |
en: <anywhere> |
lit: <any>-<where> |
vuh: {fan-yokulan(-~|ik)} |
en: <omnivorous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-yokulfa} |
en: <omnivore> (non-sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-yokulsu} |
en: <omnivore> (sentient) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fanet} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <ornament> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fanet-zhel} |
en: <frieze> (ornamental) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farek-tukh} |
en: <protactinium> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: ⁹¹Pa; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farmah} |
ipa: ' - ' , - |
en: <welcome> |
8771,22 → 8595,6 |
lit: <welcome><person> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {farr} |
en: <time> |
def: inferred by PE from {pon farr}, {kari farr} etc. |
tag: anc., obs. |
vuh: {farr-dath} |
tag: anc. |
en: <rhythm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farr-dath-zehlanaya} |
en: <cadence> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fash} |
en: <hood> |
pos: n. |
8796,15 → 8604,16 |
en: <oven> |
lit: <hood><all> |
vuh: {fas-tor} |
vuh: {fassu} |
ipa: ' - , ' - |
en: <cook> |
lit: <oven>-<to do> |
pos: v. |
lit: <oven><person>, <hood><person> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fasan-kebi} |
en: <stove> (appliance) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fas-tor} |
en: <cook> |
lit: <oven>-<to do> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fas-nentu} |
en: <brazier> |
8811,173 → 8620,41 |
lit: <cook>-<frame> |
tag: cooking |
vuh: {fassu} |
ipa: ' - , ' - |
en: <cook> |
lit: <oven><person>, <hood><person> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fasarlah} |
en: <come forward> |
lit: <forward><come> |
vuh: {faskhavau} |
en: <toast> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasei} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <this here>, <this very one> |
vuh: {faskhaval-kap} |
en: <toast> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fator} |
en: <continue> |
vuh: {faskhavayek} |
en: <toaster> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fator'es} |
en: <continuity> |
vuh: {fas-matuhlek} |
en: <cauldron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fas-nentu} |
en: <brazier> (cooking) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fatorli} |
en: <continuous> |
vuh: {fasu-tukh} |
en: <calcine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasei} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <this here>, <this very one> |
vuh: {fau-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <ride> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {finaufau} |
en: <mount> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fausu} |
en: <rider> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-ku-san} |
en: <saddle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-ya'akasu} |
en: <hitchhiker> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-yut} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <road>, <street> |
lit: <ride>-<way> |
vuh: {fau-yut-razh} |
en: <pothole> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh} |
en: <battle> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {faukh-dah-hal} |
en: <chariot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vesht-varik vash-ukraluk t'Terra} |
en: <dinosaur> |
lit: <pre>-<historic> <terrific>-<reptile> <of> <Terra> |
vuh: {faukh-shi'gu-vam} |
en: <battle stations> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh-solai} |
en: <battlefield> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe(-)} |
en: <proto~>, <pre~> |
def: inferred by PE |
vuh: {fefu} |
en: <protozoan> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Fe-Kahmbriatik Wak-Krus |t'Terra|} |
en: <Pre-Cambrian Period> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-keshtaik} |
en: <prenatal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-kiv} |
en: <prologue> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-rasahtraik} |
en: <precancerous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-sharushanik} |
en: <preoperative> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-shitak} |
en: <preposition (linguistics)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vesht-varik} |
en: <prehistoric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vesht-varik vash-ukraluk t'Terra} |
en: <dinosaur> |
lit: <prehistoric> <terrific>-<reptile> <of> <Terra> |
vuh: {fe-vin-storaya} |
en: <prepuberty> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vipladalik skladan} |
en: <prerecorded message> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-wakik} |
en: <premature> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-yemik} |
en: <preprandial> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feh} |
en: <peak> |
pos: n. |
8984,20 → 8661,18 |
vuh: {feihan} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <"feyhan">, <chief>, <leader>, <boss>, <chief petty officer> |
def: <chief petty officer> not in GV-FSE |
pos: n. |
en: <"feyhan">, <chief>, <leader>, <boss> |
vuh: {feim} |
en: <list> (catalog, index) |
en: <list> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {feim-tor} |
en: <list> (catalog, index) |
en: <list> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fek} |
en: <pole>, <rod>, <staff>, <post>; <stock> (bot.) |
en: <pole>, <rod>, <staff>, <post> |
vuh: {fek-besan} |
en: <bar graph> |
9009,31 → 8684,6 |
lit: <rod>-<code> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fek-la'ash} |
en: <poleax(e)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-sakwitau} |
en: <stave off> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-seshan-kov} |
en: <bar magnet> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-talvot} |
en: <bacillus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-tersau-vul} |
en: <axil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel} |
en: <oar>, <paddle> |
pos: n. |
9042,55 → 8692,13 |
en: <paddle>, <row> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {felralek} |
en: <paddle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felsu} |
en: <rower> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-halek} |
en: <paddle wheel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-hali} |
en: <rowboat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-snauk} |
en: <oarlock>, <rowlock>, <rollock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <nail> (finger, toe); <unguis> |
pos: n. |
en: <nail> (finger, toe) |
vuh: {felu-dahshaya} |
en: <onycholysis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-has} |
en: <onychosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-nen-wadi} |
en: <cuticle> (nail) |
vuh: {felu-shetheshayek} |
en: <nail file> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen} |
en: <seal> |
pos: n. |
9101,150 → 8709,63 |
vuh: {fenul} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <raphe>, <seam> |
en: <seam> |
pos: n. |
def: <raphe> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {fenyan(-~|ik)} |
en: <sealed> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ferek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <generator> |
vuh: {fen-fnath} |
en: <sealing wax> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen-tivel} |
en: <gasket> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen-tukh} |
en: <sealant> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereh} |
ipa: ' - ε |
en: <engender>, <call forth>, <breed>, <spawn> |
pos: v. |
def: <call forth>, <breed>, <spawn> by PE from FSE dictionary |
vuh: {fer-tor} |
en: <generate> |
vuh: {feran} |
en: <generation> (power, etc.) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereh ' - ε} |
en: <engender> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {ferek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <generator> |
vuh: {fereik'es} |
en: <inventiveness>, <creativity> |
vuh: {ferek t'sutor-nu-seshan} |
en: <artificial gravity generator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik-folayek} |
en: <breeder reactor> |
vuh: {fereik} |
en: <creative>, <synthetic> |
def: FSE-GV; <synthetic> inferred by PE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik-tor} |
en: <invent>, <create>, <synthesize> |
def: <synthesize> only in FSE-GV |
en: <invent>, <create> |
vuh: {fereikan} |
en: <invention>, <creation>, <synthesis> |
def: <synthesis> only in FSE-GV |
en: <invention>, <creation> |
com: original gerund of {fereik-tor} |
vuh: {fereik-vel} |
en: <invention> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereiksu} |
en: <inventor>, <creator> |
vuh: {Ofereiksu} |
en: The <Creator> (deity) |
lit: <honored><creator> |
vuh: {fereikek} |
en: <synthesizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <assemble>, <gather> |
vuh: {fereiksu} |
en: <inventor>; <creator> (generic term) |
vuh: {Ofereiksu} |
en: The <Creator> (deity) |
lit: <honored><creator> |
vuh: {feretah} |
ipa: - - ' ' , - ' |
en: <assemble>, <put together> |
vuh: {fereik'es} |
en: <inventiveness>, <creativity> |
vuh: {feretai} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <assembly> |
tag: mech. |
vuh: {feretah-zehl} |
en: <assembly line> |
vuh: {fereik-folayek} |
en: <breeder reactor> |
vuh: {feretaya} |
en: <assembly>, <gathering> (of people) |
vuh: {Ferenginarsu} |
en: <Ferengi> (person/language) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretah} |
ipa: - - ' ' , - ' |
en: <assemble>, <put together> (mech.) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {feretai} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <assembly> (mech.) |
vuh: {feretai t'tchas-nosh-nisaklar} |
en: <warp diagnostic assembly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretai t'visatilau-raf-kuv} |
en: <encryption circuit assembly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretah-zehl} |
en: <assembly line> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {feretau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <assemble>, <gather> (people come together) |
vuh: {feretaya} |
en: <assembly> (gathering); <gathering> (of people) |
vuh: {feshek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <abdomen> |
vuh: {feshek(-~|ik)} |
en: <coeliac> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-nalatra-tin} |
en: <peritoneum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-sharushan} |
en: <laparotomy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-zan-vel} |
en: <laparoscope> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshel} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <disruption> |
9255,110 → 8776,41 |
vuh: {feshelek} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <disruptor> |
com: FSE-GV has typo {disrupter} |
vuh: {feshelek-vimevilau-pakuv} |
en: <disruptor induction coil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {disrupter} |
vuh: {feshelek-zehl} |
en: <disruptor beam> |
vuh: {fezanikau} |
en: <forecast> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fezhau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <dissolve> |
vuh: {fezhaya} |
en: <dissolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhal-vok t'masu-esh-tukh} |
en: <dissolved oxygen level> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilau} |
en: <disintegrate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilaya} |
en: <disintegration> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilayek} |
en: <disintegrator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi'} |
vuh: {fi} |
ipa: ' |
en: <atop>, <on>, <upon> |
pos: prep. |
vuh: {fik} |
en: <top> |
vuh: {fihet} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <stable> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {fik-tvi-shal (TGV), fik-tvihal (MGV)} |
en: <attic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihish-tor} |
en: <impress>, <leave a mark> on or in something |
vuh: {fik} |
en: <top> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-lap-wadiyik} |
en: <ectophloedal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidau} |
en: <influence> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidaya} |
en: <influence> |
vuh: {fim} |
en: <dose> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidau-koshtri} |
en: <keystone species> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim-thonek} |
en: <dosimeter> |
vuh: {fidvar-yehat} |
en: <vulnerable> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiferhanau} |
en: <settle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiferhanausu} |
en: <settler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {neliferhanausu} |
en: <pioneer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim} |
en: <dose> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fimau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <dose> |
9367,20 → 8819,6 |
vuh: {fimah} |
en: <dosage> |
vuh: {fim-thon} |
en: <dosimetry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim-thonek} |
en: <dosimeter> |
vuh: {firek} |
en: <brace> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fir-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <brace> |
9391,56 → 8829,23 |
en: <bracing> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fir-mokelakh} |
en: <bracing wire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fishek} |
en: <damper>, <dampener> (device) |
vuh: {fish-tor} |
en: <damp(en)> (lower); <turn down>, <lower> (a setting) |
en: <damp(en)>; <turn down>, <lower> (a setting) |
vuh: {fishan} |
en: <damping> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fishek} |
en: <damper, dampener> |
vuh: {fish-vel} |
en: <dashpot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fish-vunai} |
en: <dampening field> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitor} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <carry out, execute> |
vuh: {fitor} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <carry out> (do); <execute> (carry out) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fitorsu} |
en: <executor, executrix> |
vuh: {fitoran} |
en: <execution> (carrying out) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitartausu} |
en: <executive> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fitorsu} |
en: <executor>, <executrix> |
vuh: {fihet} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <stable> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {flahks-sai} |
en: <linen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <distress> |
9452,16 → 8857,6 |
vuh: {flakosh-glaribek} |
en: <distress beacon> |
vuh: {flakosh-vutaya} |
en: <distress call> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh-yon-hashek} |
en: <distress rocket> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flan} |
en: <intense> |
9472,56 → 8867,20 |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <specialize> |
vuh: {flanapausu} |
en: <specialist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flanapaya} |
en: <specialization> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flash} |
en: <swamp> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {flasikh} |
en: <bog> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flau} |
en: <pollute> |
vuh: {flaya} |
en: <pollution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flau-vel} |
en: <pollutant> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fleitau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <strip (away)> |
vuh: {flekh'es} |
en: <anomaly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh(-~|ik)} |
en: <odd, strange, weird, anomalous> |
vuh: {flekh(-~|ik)} |
en: <odd>, <strange>, <weird>, <anomalous> |
vuh: {flekh-vel} |
en: <oddity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {floku} |
en: <spoon> |
pos: n. |
10105,38 → 9464,14 |
vuh: {ha} |
en: <yes, affirmative> |
vuh: {ha'gel} |
vuh: {ha'kiv} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <light> (illumination) |
pos: n. |
com: “Ha'gel” is the name of a Kimera in “Gene Roddenberry’s |
Earth: Final Conflict”, who appears as a being of light. |
en: <life> |
vuh: {ha'gel-neyek} |
en: <dimmer> (switch) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ha'gel-tanaf} |
en: <photography> |
vuh: {ha'gel-tanafsu} |
en: <photographer> |
vuh: {ha'fek} |
vuh: {hasu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <candle(stick)> |
en: <a living person/being> |
vuh: {ha'tanau} |
en: <give off light> |
vuh: {ha-ha'tanaya} |
en: <bioluminescence |
lit: {life (that)}-{gives off light} |
vuh: {ha'kiv} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <life> |
vuh: {ha-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <live> |
10146,20 → 9481,34 |
en: <dwell, live> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {ha'gel} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <light (illumination)> |
vuh: {ha'gel-neyek} |
en: <dimmer (switch)> |
vuh: {ha'gel-tanaf} |
en: <photography> |
vuh: {ha'gel-tanafsu} |
en: <photographer> |
vuh: {ha'fek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <candle(stick)> |
vuh: {ha'tanau} |
en: <give off light> |
vuh: {ha-ha'tanaya} |
en: <bioluminescence |
lit: {life (that)}-{gives off light} |
vuh: {ha'u} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <the Living> |
vuh: {hasu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <a living person/being> |
vuh: {fi-hatik} |
en: <epibiotic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-donka'es} |
en: <biodiversity> |
10183,18 → 9532,6 |
vuh: {ha-tehvar} |
en: <biohazard> |
vuh: {fiha-tukh} |
en: <substrate> |
tag: biol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fivathu-ha-vel} |
en: <heterotroph> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ha-vel-ahkhan} |
en: <biological warfare> |
10295,11 → 9632,6 |
vuh: {fihal-tor} |
en: <embark>, <get onto> |
vuh: {fihalan} |
en: <embarkation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mahal-tor} |
en: <swim> |
pos: v. |
10344,23 → 9676,6 |
ipa: ' - |
en: <conveyance>, <craft>, <ship>, <vehicle> |
vuh: {fihaliyan(-~|ik)} |
en: <aboard> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-hali} |
en: <flagship> |
lit: <top>-<ship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-hali} |
en: <landing craft> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {halitra} |
en: <fleet>, <flotilla>, <convoy> |
10434,61 → 9749,42 |
en: <toxin> |
vuh: {haseret} |
en: <medicine> (medication) |
en: <medicine (medication)> |
vuh: {has-tal} |
en: <medicine (the medical field)> |
vuh: {hasuk} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <medical> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {hassu} |
ipa: ' - , ' - |
en: <healer>, <doctor>, <physician> |
en: <healer, doctor, physician> |
vuh: {has-tal} |
en: <medicine (the medical field)> |
vuh: {hash-tor} |
en: <fly> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {hasuk} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <medical> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {hash} |
en: <flight> (levitation) |
def: inferred by PE |
vuh: {hash-tor} |
en: <fly> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {abru-hash-tor} |
en: <fly over> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abru-hashan} |
en: <flyover> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: original gerund of {abru-hash-tor}; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashan-mathra} |
en: <flying saucer> |
vuh: {hashsu} |
en: <aviator>, <flier>, <pilot> |
en: <aviator, flier, pilot> |
vuh: {fik-hashsu} |
en: <ace> (top pilot) |
lit: <top>-<pilot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hashsu-shal} |
en: <cockpit> |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {fe-hash} |
en: <preflight> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {abru-hash-tor} |
en: <fly over> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abru-hashan} |
en: <flyover> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: original gerund of {abru-hash-tor}; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hash-hassu} |
en: <flight surgeon> |
10517,6 → 9813,9 |
vuh: {hash-yut} |
en: <flight path> |
vuh: {hashan-mathra} |
en: <flying saucer> |
vuh: {hau} |
en: <add> |
pos: v. |
10818,21 → 10117,6 |
en: <print>, <press (down on)> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fihish-tor} |
en: <impress>, <leave a mark> on or in something |
tag: v. |
vuh: {fihishan} |
en: <impression> |
tag: n., mark left, etc. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihishan t'vesht-ha-vel} |
en: <fossil impression> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hish-pla-kur} |
en: <cyan> |
tag: col. |
10910,80 → 10194,6 |
vuh: {holshan(-~|ik)} |
en: <mythical> |
vuh: {hors} |
en: <horse> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: "Vulcanized" Terran word; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ohorssu} |
en: <knight> (Terran) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fi-horsik} |
en: <horseback> |
pos: adv. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sahrvukh-hors} |
en: <racehorse> |
vuh: {hors-ash'el} |
en: <horseshoe> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-fausu} |
en: <horse rider> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-hal} |
en: <horse cart> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-hali} |
en: <wagon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-isachya} |
en: <horsehair> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-kel} |
en: <stable> (Terran structure) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-puktra (Terran); kenel-puktra (Vulcan)} |
en: <cavalry> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-sahrvukh} |
en: <horse race> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-tepul} |
en: <horsepower> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-wadi} |
en: <horsehide> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hosh-tukh} |
en: <fluorine> |
11735,21 → 10945,15 |
en: <plant> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fi-vath-kastik} |
en: <epiphyte> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kastik-goh-yokulsu} |
en: <vegetarian> |
vuh: {kastik-goh-yokulsu} |
en: <vegetarian> |
vuh: {kastik-sokasitausu} |
en: <plant cultivator> |
vuh: {kastik-sokasitausu} |
en: <plant cultivator> |
vuh: {kastik-yokulfa} |
en: <herbovore> |
vuh: {kastik-yokulfa} |
en: <herbovore> |
vuh: {kastorau} |
en: <encourage> |
11981,21 → 11185,11 |
vuh: {kenel} |
ipa: - ' , ' - |
en: {kenel} (animal) |
com: extinct horse-like Vulcan animal |
en: <extinct horse-like Vulcan animal> |
vuh: {kenelsu} |
en: <kenel-rider> |
vuh: {kenelsu} |
en: <kenel-rider> |
vuh: {okenelsu} |
en: <knight> (Vulcan) |
vuh: {kenel-kel} |
en: <stable> (Vulcan structure)> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kep} |
en: <gong> |
pos: n. |
12013,64 → 11207,12 |
vuh: {kesazh} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <navel>, <umbilicus>, <belly button> |
en: <navel, umbilicus, belly button> |
vuh: {keshtan} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <birth>, <parturition> |
pos: n. |
def: <parturition> only in FSE-GV |
en: <birth> |
vuh: {gad t'keshtan} |
en: <birthday> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kan-keshtan} |
en: <childbirth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-kur-vel} |
en: <birthmark> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur} |
en: <vagina> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-urik zan-vel} |
en: <colposcope> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-faka} |
en: <colpocele> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-runev} |
en: <colpospasm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-set} |
en: <colpoptosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-shidoraya} |
en: <vaginoplasty> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-yonshaya} |
en: <colpitis>, <vaginitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kesik} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <likely> |
12734,17 → 11876,6 |
en: <rock>, <stone> (object) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fikov-hatik} |
en: <epilithic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-kov-hatik} |
en: <saxicolous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kovau} |
en: <turn to stone>, <fossilize>, <petrify> |
12894,7 → 12025,7 |
vuh: {krumaat} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <generation> (family) |
en: <generation (family)> |
vuh: {krup} |
en: <boundary> |
13288,11 → 12419,6 |
en: <warm> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {lamekhek} |
en: <brazier> (warming) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {lan} |
en: <rank> |
13356,12 → 12482,6 |
en: <walk> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fi-pla'uk-latesik} |
en: <dorsigrade> |
lit: <on>-<?>-<walking> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: “walking on the back of fingers/toes”; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {lau(-)} |
en: <may, might> |
13386,11 → 12506,6 |
en: <ice (n.) |
tag: anc. |
vuh: {file-suma-feh} |
en: <nunatak> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {le-suma-eiktra} |
en: <ice shelf> |
13406,11 → 12521,6 |
vuh: {le-suma-tal} |
en: <glaciology (study)> |
vuh: {filt-le-su} |
en: <hoar frost> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {lef'es} |
en: <texture> |
14036,105 → 13146,6 |
vuh: {masu-nakh} |
en: <moisture index> |
vuh: {nemasu(-~|yik) |
en: <submarine> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masumok-tukh} |
en: <mercury> |
vuh: {fimasunaya} |
en: <splashdown> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masupau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <dampen> (moisten); <moisten>, <wet> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {masupik} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <damp>, <moist>, <wet> |
vuh: {masusek} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <ewer>, <pitcher> |
vuh: {masusu} |
en: <sailor, seaman> |
vuh: {masutra} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <sea, ocean> |
vuh: {masutra(-~|ik)} |
en: <marine>, <oceanic>, <pelagic> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {masutra-ek'maik} |
en: <seaworthy> |
vuh: {masutra-eshu'a} |
en: <waterspout>, <marine tornado> |
vuh: {masutra-glu-spathel} |
en: <ocean trench> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-tal} |
en: <marine biology> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-talsu} |
en: <marine biologist> |
vuh: {masutra-kunel} |
en: <seamount> |
vuh: {masutra-mish-tal} |
en: <oceanology> |
vuh: {masutra-nursu} |
en: <mermaid> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-pa'ash-kunel} |
en: <guyot> |
vuh: {masutra-pi'salan} |
en: <sea breeze> |
vuh: {bi-gefik masutra-pilash} |
en: <longshore current> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masutra-riflash} |
en: <estuary> |
vuh: {masutra-sasu} |
en: <merman> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-su'u} |
en: <merfolk> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-tal} |
en: <oceanography> |
vuh: {masutra-tol} |
en: <seafloor> |
vuh: {masutra-vashraluk} |
en: <sea serpent> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutral'esk} |
en: <sea monster> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masu-hali} (TGV); {mashali} (MGV) |
en: <ship> (water) |
pos: n. |
14316,6 → 13327,12 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nemasu(-~|yik) |
en: <submarine> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masu-razh} |
en: <well> |
pos: n. |
14340,6 → 13357,92 |
vuh: {masu-yut} |
en: <waterway>, <canal> |
vuh: {masumok-tukh} |
en: <mercury> |
vuh: {masupau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <dampen>, <moisten>, <wet> |
vuh: {masupik} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <damp>, <moist>, <wet> |
vuh: {masusek} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <ewer>, <pitcher> |
vuh: {masusu} |
en: <sailor, seaman> |
vuh: {masutra} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <sea, ocean> |
vuh: {masutra(-~|ik)} |
en: <marine>, <oceanic>, <pelagic> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {masutra-ek'maik} |
en: <seaworthy> |
vuh: {masutra-eshu'a} |
en: <waterspout>, <marine tornado> |
vuh: {masutra-glu-spathel} |
en: <ocean trench> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-tal} |
en: <marine biology> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-talsu} |
en: <marine biologist> |
vuh: {masutra-kunel} |
en: <seamount> |
vuh: {masutra-mish-tal} |
en: <oceanology> |
vuh: {masutra-nursu} |
en: <mermaid> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-pa'ash-kunel} |
en: <guyot> |
vuh: {masutra-pi'salan} |
en: <sea breeze> |
vuh: {bi-gefik masutra-pilash} |
en: <longshore current> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masutra-riflash} |
en: <estuary> |
vuh: {masutra-sasu} |
en: <merman> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-su'u} |
en: <merfolk> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-tal} |
en: <oceanography> |
vuh: {masutra-tol} |
en: <seafloor> |
vuh: {masutra-vashraluk} |
en: <sea serpent> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutral'esk} |
en: <sea monster> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {mat} |
en: <possession>, <ownership> |
14574,13 → 13677,6 |
vuh: {apumeskarau} |
en: <take a hold of> |
vuh: {fishimeskarau} |
en: <heave> |
lit: <on><place><hold> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pumeskarau} |
en: <be held> |
pos: v. |
15640,30 → 14736,19 |
en: <state>, <condition> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {nosh-tor} |
en: <condition> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {nosh-nisaklar} |
en: <diagnostics> |
vuh: {fi-nosh(-~|ik)} |
en: <conditional> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nosh-satilau} |
en: <diagnose> |
vuh: {fi-nosh-dvolaya} |
en: <conditional setting> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nosh-satilaya} |
en: <diagnosis> |
vuh: {nosh-nisaklar} |
en: <diagnostics> |
vuh: {nosh-tor} |
en: <condition> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {nosh-satilau} |
en: <diagnose> |
vuh: {nosh-satilaya} |
en: <diagnosis> |
vuh: {noshau} |
en: <stand> (as, for, etc.) |
pos: v. |
15872,6 → 14957,9 |
ipa: ' - |
en: <epithet> |
vuh: {ohorssu} |
en: <knight (Terran)> |
vuh: {ok} |
en: <cam> |
15878,6 → 14966,9 |
vuh: {ok-fek} |
en: <camshaft> |
vuh: {okenelsu} |
en: <knight (Vulcan)> |
vuh: {olau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <feel> |
16468,12 → 15559,6 |
en: <note> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {pitoh-vis} |
en: <staff> (music) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {piyah(-)} |
en: <ripe> |
16655,22 → 15740,17 |
ipa: |
en: <dry> |
vuh: {psethek} |
en: <brazier> (drying) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pseth-wak} |
en: <drought> |
vuh: {pseth-wak} |
en: <drought> |
vuh: {pstha} |
ipa: |
en: <search, hunt> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {psthan} |
en: <search, quest, hunt> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {psthan} |
en: <search, quest, hunt> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {pstheran} |
ipa: ' - |
17837,6 → 16917,9 |
vuh: {sahrvukh-ashket} |
en: <racetrack> |
vuh: {sahrvukh-hors} |
en: <racehorse> |
vuh: {sahrvukhsu} |
en: <racer (person)> |
17850,12 → 16933,6 |
vuh: {sai-tor} |
en: <clothe> |
vuh: {fisai-tor} |
en: <wear> (clothes) |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sai-tukh} |
en: <cloth> |
18517,11 → 17594,10 |
en: <self-fertilization> |
vuh: {shaik(-)} |
en: <odd> (not even) |
pos: adj. |
en: <odd (not even)> |
vuh: {shaik-su'us} |
en: <odd number> |
vuh: {shaik-su'us} |
en: <odd number> |
vuh: {shaka} |
en: <fiend> |
19417,32 → 18493,6 |
vuh: {solek} |
en: <soil> |
vuh: {fisolekau-nen} |
en: <landing pad> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-nen t'da-rala-halilar} |
en: <helipad> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-sutauk} |
en: <landing bay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekayek} |
en: <lander> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolektal(-~|ik)} |
en: <aground> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {solektra} |
en: <ground>, <land> |
19889,24 → 18939,6 |
en: <kill> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fituhs-stau} |
en: <crucify> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fituhs-staya} |
en: <crucifixion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tostau} |
en: <execute> (put to death); <put to death> |
vuh: {tostaya} |
en: <execution> (death) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {steh(kuh)} |
en: <seven> |
20444,25 → 19476,9 |
vuh: {tansu} |
en: <donor>, <giver>, <presenter> |
vuh: {tar} |
vuh: {tar-tor} |
en: <say> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tar-tor} |
en: <say> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fitartausu} |
en: <executive> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fitartau-lansu} |
en: <executive officer (XO)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tarkiv} |
en: <crown> |
pos: n. |
20479,11 → 19495,6 |
en: <control> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fik-shi'tash} |
en: <headquarters> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tashal} |
en: <(control) console> |
20907,37 → 19918,9 |
en: <bolt> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {termu} |
en: <nail> (fastener) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {termunau (v.)} |
en: <nail> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terpau} |
en: <adhere> |
vuh: {fiterpau} |
en: <adsorb> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiterpaya} |
en: <adsorption> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiterpayek} |
en: <adsorbent> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terpaya} |
en: <adhesion> |
20985,29 → 19968,17 |
en: Vulcan <"silver-bird"> |
tag: anc. |
vuh: {Terra} |
vuh: {terra} |
en: <Earth> |
vuh: {fi'Terra-pukeshtaik} |
en: <earthborn> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terrasu} |
en: <Terran, Earthling> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fi'Terra-telanik} |
en: <earthbound> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terrupik} |
en: <Terran, earthly> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {Terrasu} |
en: <Terran, Earthling> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {terrupik} |
en: <Terran>, <earthly> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {tersek} |
en: <buckle> |
pos: n. |
21493,11 → 20464,6 |
en: <grow> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fito'ov-mathra} |
en: <accretion disk> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terto'ovau} |
en: <coalesce> |
def: FSE-GV |
21784,6 → 20750,9 |
en: <sport> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tostau} |
en: <execute>, <put to death> |
vuh: {totsu-k'hai} |
en: <"totsu'k'hy" (nerve pitch) |
com: a disabling nerve pitch |
23171,12 → 22140,6 |
vuh: {vrel-eiktra} |
en: <mud flat> |
vuh: {fi-vrel-hatik} |
en: <epipelic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vrel-yumaya} |
en: <mudflow> |
23529,12 → 22492,6 |
en: <cover> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fi-wein} |
en: <coating> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {weizehl} |
en: <series> |
24401,16 → 23358,10 |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zhel} |
en: <strap>, <band> |
en: <strap, band> |
vuh: {fi-zhel-tor} |
en: <strap on> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {zhel-lan} |
en: <Lieutenant Colonel> (army/marines), <Commander> (navy/Starfleet) |
en: <lieutenant colonel (army/marines); commander (navy/Starfleet)> |
vuh: {zherka} |
tag: anc. |
24687,6 → 23638,1263 |
--------- |
# FSE-GV |
vuh: {fam-bezhun-wein} |
en: <ablepharia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam} |
en: <dearth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-dvunek-storaya} |
en: <amyoplasia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-dvunel-nosh} |
en: <akinesia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-esh-tukh} |
en: <anoxia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-fnish-nosh} |
en: <anosmia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-karik'es|-nosh|} |
en: <debility> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-karlar} |
en: <abrachia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-ketek-has} |
en: <kwashiorkor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-khaf-meil |svi'hasular k'yar-khaf-nalalar|} |
en: <acupria (Vulcan "anemia")> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-khaf-meil |svi'hasular k'yon-khaf-nalalar|} |
en: <anemia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-kitaya-nosh} |
en: <agraphia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-kursu} |
en: <albino> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-masupik} |
en: <anhydrous> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-naglashaya-nosh} |
en: <agnosia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam (n.), fam-tor (v.)} |
en: <lack> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-sakal-nosh} |
en: <anorchia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-sharushan-nosh} |
en: <atresia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-shidik} |
en: <amorphous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-thak-nosh} |
en: <amastia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-thas-nosh} |
en: <agalactia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-yukaya} |
en: <anovulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fam-zalu-nosh} |
en: <azymia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan|-|} |
en: <any> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fandvu-klachu} |
en: <gimbal lock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fandvu (n.); fandvu-tor (v.)} |
en: <gimbal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fanet} |
en: <ornament> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fanet-zhel} |
en: <frieze (ornamental)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-kitok} |
en: <anything else> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-lanet-kupik} |
en: <eurybathic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-veh} |
en: <anyone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-vel} |
en: <anything> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-wilat} |
en: <anywhere> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-yokulan(-~|ik)} |
en: <omnivorous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fan-yokulsu (sentient), fan-yokulfa (non-sentient)} |
en: <omnivore> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farek-tukh} |
en: <protactinium> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: ⁹¹Pa; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farr-dath} |
tag: anc. |
en: <rhythm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farr-dath-zehlanaya} |
en: <cadence> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {farsu} |
en: <host> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasan-kebi} |
en: <stove (appliance)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasei} |
en: <this here>, <this very one> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasek} |
en: <oven> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fash} |
en: <hood> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faskhaval-kap (n.); faskhavau (v.)} |
en: <toast> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faskhavayek} |
en: <toaster> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fas-matuhlek} |
en: <cauldron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fas-nentu (cooking); psethek (drying); lamekhek (warming)} |
en: <brazier> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fassu (n.); fas-tor (v.)} |
en: <cook> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fasu-tukh} |
en: <calcine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh} |
en: <battle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh-dah-hal} |
en: <chariot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh-shi'gu-vam} |
en: <battle stations> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {faukh-solai} |
en: <battlefield> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-ku-san} |
en: <saddle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fausu} |
en: <rider (person)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-tor} |
en: <ride> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-ya'akasu} |
en: <hitchhiker> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-yut-razh} |
en: <pothole> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fau-yut} |
en: <road> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fefu} |
en: <protozoan> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-hash} |
en: <preflight> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feh} |
en: <peak> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feihan} |
en: <boss> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feihan} |
en: <chief petty officer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feim (n.), feim-tor (v.)} |
en: <list (catalog, index)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Fe-Kahmbriatik Wak-Krus |t'Terra|} |
en: <pre-Cambrian Period> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-besan} |
en: <bar graph> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-keshtaik} |
en: <prenatal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-kiv} |
en: <prologue> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-kiht} |
en: <bar code> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-la'ash} |
en: <poleax(e)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek} |
en: <rod> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek (rod); pitoh-vis (music); suyu (crew, faculty)} |
en: <staff> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-sakwitau} |
en: <stave off> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-seshan-kov} |
en: <bar magnet> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek} |
en: <stock> |
tag: bot. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-talvot} |
en: <bacillus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fek-tersau-vul} |
en: <axil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-halek} |
en: <paddle wheel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-hali} |
en: <rowboat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel} |
en: <oar> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felralek} |
en: <paddle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-snauk} |
en: <oarlock>, <rowlock, Rollock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felsu} |
en: <rower> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-dahshaya} |
en: <onycholysis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-has} |
en: <onychosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-nen-wadi} |
en: <cuticle (nail)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu (n., finger/toe); termu (n., fastener); termunau (v.)} |
en: <nail> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu-shetheshayek} |
en: <nail file> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {felu} |
en: <unguis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-mekhu (TGV), fe-mekhlar (MGV)} |
en: <grandparents> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen-fnath} |
en: <sealing wax> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen (n.), fen-tor (v.)} |
en: <seal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen-tivel} |
en: <gasket> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fen-tukh} |
en: <sealant> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fenul} |
en: <raphe> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fenul} |
en: <seam> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fenyan(-~|ik)} |
en: <sealed> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feran (power, etc.); krumaat (step in a family line)} |
en: <generation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-rasahtraik} |
en: <precancerous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereh} |
en: <engender> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereikan} |
en: <creation>, <synthesis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik} |
en: <creative> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereikek} |
en: <synthesizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik'es} |
en: <creativity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik-folayek} |
en: <breeder reactor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereiksu (generic term); Ofereiksu (God)} |
en: <creator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereiksu} |
en: <inventor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik-tor} |
en: <create>, <invent>, <synthesize> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fereik-vel} |
en: <invention> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ferek} |
en: <generator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ferek t'sutor-nu-seshan} |
en: <artificial gravity generator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Ferenginarsu} |
en: <ferengi (person/language)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretah} |
en: <put together> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretah-zehl} |
en: <assembly line> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretai t'tchas-nosh-nisaklar} |
en: <warp diagnostic assembly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretai t'visatilau-raf-kuv} |
en: <encryption circuit assembly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretau (come together); feretah (put together)} |
en: <assemble> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feretaya (gathering); feretai (mech.)} |
en: <assembly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fer-tor} |
en: <generate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-sharushanik} |
en: <preoperative> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek} |
en: <abdomen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek(-~|ik)} |
en: <coeliac> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-nalatra-tin} |
en: <peritoneum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-sharushan} |
en: <laparotomy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshek-zan-vel} |
en: <laparoscope> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshel} |
en: <disruption> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshelek} |
en: <disrupter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshelek-vimevilau-pakuv} |
en: <disrupter induction coil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshelek-zehl} |
en: <disrupter beam> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {feshel-tor} |
en: <disrupt> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-shitak} |
en: <preposition (linguistics)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vesht-varik} |
en: <prehistoric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vin-storaya} |
en: <prepuberty> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-vipladalik skladan} |
en: <prerecorded message> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-wakik} |
en: <premature> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe-yemik} |
en: <preprandial> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezanikaya (n.), fezanikau (v.)} |
en: <forecast> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhal-vok t'masu-esh-tukh} |
en: <dissolved oxygen level> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhau} |
en: <dissolve> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhaya} |
en: <dissolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilau} |
en: <disintegrate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilaya} |
en: <disintegration> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fezhilayek} |
en: <disintegrator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi'} |
en: <atop> |
pos: prep. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidau-koshtri} |
en: <keystone species> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidaya (n.), fidau (v.)} |
en: <influence> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fidvar-yehat} |
en: <vulnerable> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiferhanau} |
en: <settle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiferhanausu} |
en: <settler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihalan} |
en: <embarkation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihaliyan(-~|ik)} |
en: <aboard> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihal-tor} |
en: <embark> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-hatik} |
en: <epibiotic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiha-tukh} |
en: <substrate> |
tag: biol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihishan} |
en: <impression> |
tag: n., mark left, etc. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihishan t'vesht-ha-vel} |
en: <fossil impression> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fihish-tor} |
en: <impress>, <leave a mark> |
tag: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-horsik} |
en: <horseback> |
pos: adv. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-hali} |
en: <flagship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-hashsu} |
en: <ace (top pilot)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fikov-hatik} |
en: <epilithic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-kov-hatik} |
en: <saxicolous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-shi'tash} |
en: <headquarters> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik} |
en: <top> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-tvi-shal (TGV), fik-tvihal (MGV)} |
en: <attic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-lap-wadiyik} |
en: <ectophloedal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {file-suma-feh} |
en: <nunatak> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {filt-le-su} |
en: <hoar frost> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimah} |
en: <dosage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimasunaya} |
en: <splashdown> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek-dukal} |
en: <anchor ball> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek(-~|ik)} |
en: <at anchor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek-ha'gelet} |
en: <anchor light> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim (n.), fimau (v.)} |
en: <dose> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim-thon} |
en: <dosimetry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fim-thonek} |
en: <dosimeter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {finaufau} |
en: <mount> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-nosh-dvolaya} |
en: <conditional setting> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-nosh(-~|ik)} |
en: <conditional> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi'} |
en: <on> |
pos: prep. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-pla'uk-latesik} |
en: <dorsigrade> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {firan} |
en: <bracing> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fir-mokelakh} |
en: <bracing wire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fir-tor (v.); firek (n.)} |
en: <brace> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisai-tor} |
en: <wear (v., clothes)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fishan} |
en: <damping> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fishek} |
en: <dampener>, <damper (device)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fishimeskarau} |
en: <heave to> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fish-tor (lower); masupau (moisten)} |
en: <dampen> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fish-vel} |
en: <dashpot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fish-vunai} |
en: <dampening field> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-hali} |
en: <landing craft> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-nen} |
en: <landing pad> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-nen t'da-rala-halilar} |
en: <helipad> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekau-sutauk} |
en: <landing bay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolekayek} |
en: <lander> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fisolektal(-~|ik)} |
en: <aground> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitartau-lansu} |
en: <executive officer (XO)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitartausu} |
en: <executive> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiterpau} |
en: <adsorb> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiterpaya} |
en: <adsorption> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fiterpayek} |
en: <adsorbent> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi'Terra-pukeshtaik} |
en: <earthborn> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi'Terra-telanik} |
en: <earthbound> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fito'ov-mathra} |
en: <accretion disk> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitoran (carrying out); tostaya (death)} |
en: <execution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitor (carry out); tostau (put to death)} |
en: <execute> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fitor (do); salesh (take out)} |
en: <carry out> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fituhs-stau} |
en: <crucify> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fituhs-staya} |
en: <crucifixion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-vath-kastik} |
en: <epiphyte> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fivathu-ha-vel} |
en: <heterotroph> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-vrel-hatik} |
en: <epipelic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-wein} |
en: <coating> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-zhel-aborayek} |
en: <strap-on booster> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-zhel-tor} |
en: <strap on> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flahks-sai} |
en: <linen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh} |
en: <distress> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh-glantokaya} |
en: <distress signal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh-glaribek} |
en: <distress beacon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh-vutaya} |
en: <distress call> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flakosh-yon-hashek} |
en: <distress rocket> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flanapau} |
en: <specialize> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flanapausu} |
en: <specialist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flanapaya} |
en: <specialization> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flan'es} |
en: <intensity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flash} |
en: <swamp> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flasikh} |
en: <bog> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flau} |
en: <pollute> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flau-vel} |
en: <pollutant> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flaya} |
en: <pollution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fleitau} |
en: <strip away> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh'es} |
en: <anomaly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh(-~|ik)} |
en: <anomalous>, <strange> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh(-~|ik)} |
en: <weird> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh|-| (unusual); shaik (not even)} |
en: <odd> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flekh-vel} |
en: <oddity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flesh-tukh} |
en: <ozone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {flesh-tukh-tin} |
en: <ozone layer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {floku} |
en: <spoon> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fluhkek} |
en: <pick (n., guitar)> |
def: FSE-GV |
25363,6 → 25571,12 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gad-keshtan} |
en: <dawn> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gad-keshtan} |
en: <daybreak> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
25389,6 → 25603,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gad t'keshtan} |
en: <birthday> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gad-wak-eik'es} |
en: <diurnal range> |
def: FSE-GV |
29396,6 → 29615,66 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-ash'el} |
en: <horseshoe> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-fausu} |
en: <horse rider> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-hal} |
en: <horse cart> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-hali} |
en: <wagon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-isachya} |
en: <horsehair> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-kel (Terran); kenel-kel (Vulcan)} |
en: <stable (n., structure)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-puktra (Terran); kenel-puktra (Vulcan)} |
en: <cavalry> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-sahrvukh} |
en: <horse race> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-tepul} |
en: <horsepower> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors ("Vulcanized" Terran word)} |
en: <horse> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hors-wadi} |
en: <horsehide> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hor'wesau-padukauk ralash-tanaf} |
en: <rock 'n' roll music> |
def: FSE-GV |
31137,6 → 31416,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kan-keshtan} |
en: <childbirth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kan-kwel} |
en: <childhood> |
pos: n. |
32985,6 → 33269,57 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan} |
en: <birth> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-kur-vel} |
en: <birthmark> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan} |
en: <parturition> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-faka} |
en: <colpocele> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-urik zan-vel} |
en: <colposcope> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-runev} |
en: <colpospasm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-set} |
en: <colpoptosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-shidoraya} |
en: <vaginoplasty> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur} |
en: <vagina> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {keshtan-ur-yonshaya} |
en: <colpitis>, <vaginitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kesh-travek} |
en: <brood> |
pos: n. |
40679,21 → 41014,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek(-~|ik)} |
en: <at anchor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek-dukal} |
en: <anchor ball> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek-ha'gelet} |
en: <anchor light> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavohrek-ashenayek} |
en: <anchor windlass> |
def: FSE-GV |
43938,6 → 44258,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {neliferhanausu} |
en: <pioneer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nelka} |
en: <pedestal> |
def: FSE-GV |
46195,31 → 46520,19 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ohorssu-kwel} |
en: <knighthood> (Terran) |
vuh: {ohorssu-kwel (Terran); okenelsu-kwel (Vulcan)} |
en: <knighthood> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {okenelsu-kwel} |
en: <knighthood> (Vulcan) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {oh(r-~|'rak)} |
en: <eighth> (ord.) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {oh'veh} |
vuh: {ohorssu (Terran); okenelsu (Vulcan)} |
en: <knight> |
pos: n. |
en: <eighth> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {oh'nuk} |
pos: n. |
en: <eighth> (1/8) |
vuh: {ohr-, oh'rak (adj.); oh'veh (n., eighth one); oh'nuk (n., 1/8)} |
en: <eighth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
56084,17 → 56397,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salesh} |
en: <carry out> (take out) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {salesh(-~|ik)} |
en: <efferent> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salesh(-~|ik)} |
en: <efferent> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salim} |
en: <feature> |
pos: n. |
63920,30 → 64227,17 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {suyu} |
en: <staff> (crew, faculty) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {suyal(-~|ik)} |
en: <personal> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {suyal(-~|ik)} |
en: <personal> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {suyok} |
vuh: {suyok (n.), suyok-tor (v.)} |
en: <gulp> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {suyok-tor} |
en: <gulp> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sva'} |
en: <between> |
pos: prep. |
65142,6 → 65436,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tar (n.); tar-tor (v.)} |
en: <say> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tasadi} |
en: <hoax> |
pos: n. |