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Ignore whitespace Rev 256 → Rev 257

12352,6 → 12352,48
vuh: {ha-meil-tal}
en: <biochemistry> (study)
vuh: {ha-meil-talsu}
en: <biochemist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nen-tveshu}
en: <ablogenesis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-ne'ti-ertaya}
en: <bioturbation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nosahp}
en: <population> (amount, non-sentient)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {su-nosahp}
en: <population> (amount, sentient)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nosahp-noshtraik}
en: <demographic>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nu'maat}
en: <order> (classification of life)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-rau-nol}
en: <refugium>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-tal}
ipa: ' -
en: <biology> (study)
12412,6 → 12454,16
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-shal}
en: <apartment>, <quarters>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-shal-kelutra}
en: <apartment complex>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hadvar}
en: <dare>
pos: n.
12477,6 → 12529,7
tag: geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ne-haf}
en: <draft> (under a ship)
pos: n.
12572,9 → 12625,9
en: <car>, <cart>
vuh: {hal-tor}
en: <go>, <proceed>, <trek>, <voyage>
en: <go>, <proceed>, <trek>, <voyage>; <fare> (go)
pos: v.
def: <trek>, <voyage> only in FSE-GV
def: <trek>, <voyage>, <fare> only in FSE-GV
vuh: {abuhal-tor}
en: <go up>
12660,80 → 12713,52
def: PE
com: from {be'} and {za'}
vuh: {halan}
ipa: ' -
en: <trip>, <trek>, <voyage>
vuh: {halan}
ipa: ' -
en: <trip>, <trek>, <voyage>
com: orig. gerund of {hal-tor}
vuh: {halakiv}
en: <traffic>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
see: {ha'kiv}
vuh: {halakiv-glantokayek}
en: <traffic signal>
vuh: {halakiv}
en: <traffic>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
com: not in GV-FSE; from {hal-ha'kiv} ~voyage-life~
see: {ha'kiv}
vuh: {halakiv-glat}
en: <traffic sign>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halakiv-glantokayek}
en: <traffic signal>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halakiv-pakuv}
en: <traffic circle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halakiv-glat}
en: <traffic sign>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halakiv-tash}
en: <traffic control>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halakiv-pakuv}
en: <traffic circle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali}
vuh: {halakiv-tash}
en: <traffic control>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halek}
ipa: ' -
en: <conveyance>, <craft>, <ship>, <vehicle>
en: <wheel>
vuh: {fihaliyan(-~|ik)}
en: <aboard>
pos: adj.
vuh: {hal'saudau}
en: <teleport>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {fik-hali}
en: <flagship>
lit: <top>-<ship>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal'saudaya}
en: <teleportation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {fisolekau-hali}
en: <landing craft>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halitra}
en: <fleet>, <flotilla>, <convoy>
vuh: {halitra-lan}
en: <admiral>
vuh: {halovau}
en: <journey>, <travel>
pos: v.
vuh: {halovaya}
en: <journey>, <travel>
pos: n.
vuh: {°Halovaya t'Falor°}
en: <“Falor’s Journey”>
com: a tale of enlightenment with 348 verses
vuh: {halek}
ipa: ' -
en: <wheel>
vuh: {haleksu}
en: <cyclist>
def: FSE-GV
12813,15 → 12838,240
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali}
ipa: ' -
en: <conveyance>; <craft> (vehicle); <ship>, <vehicle>;
<vessel> (ship)
lit: <car(t)><now>, see {hal} and {i'};
or <go><now>, see {hal-tor}
def: <vessel> only in FSE-GV
vuh: {halitra}
en: <fleet>, <flotilla>, <convoy>
pos: n.
vuh: {halitra-lan}
en: <admiral>
vuh: {fihaliyan(-~|ik)}
en: <aboard>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {fik-hali}
en: <flagship>
lit: <top>-<ship>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {fisolekau-hali}
en: <landing craft>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-dunap}
en: <log> (book)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-kel t'shan-halilar}
en: <shuttle(craft) hangar>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-razh-pehkaya}
en: <pit stop>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {(hali-)sutra}
en: <crew>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {(hali-)sutra-shal}
en: <crew compartment>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-wehk-mesut}
en: <viaduct>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halkot}
en: <bogie>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halmin-rish}
en: <kerogen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halovau}
en: <journey>, <travel>
pos: v.
vuh: {halovaya}
en: <journey>, <travel>
pos: n.
vuh: {°Halovaya t'Falor°}
en: <“Falor’s Journey”>
com: a tale of enlightenment with 348 verses
vuh: {halovtra}
en: <entourage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halovau-tvi'haf}
en: <travel pod>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-elmin}
en: <fuel oil>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-ha'gelet}
en: <running light>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-masu}
en: <gasoline>, <petrol>, <liquid fuel>
vuh: {hal-masu-mishu}
en: <gasoline engine>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-sov-mishek}
en: <carburetor>
vuh: {hal-tukh}
en: <fuel>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh s'vesht-ha-vellar}
en: <fossil fuel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhau}
en: <fuel>, <refuel>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhau-tersvep}
en: <refueling port>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhaya}
en: <refueling>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-sa'haf}
en: <blivet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-spol}
en: <fuel pump>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-tuhlek}
en: <fuel tank>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-vipohshayek}
en: <fuel injector>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han}
en: <nose>
vuh: {hanopaya}
en: <nasalization> (linguistics)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-bezhun-mev}
en: <nasolacrimal duct>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-drahk}
en: <nasopharynx>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-isach|ya|}
en: <nose hair>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-isachya-zaneshek}
en: <nose hair trimmer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-khafaya}
en: <epistaxis>, <nosebleed>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-pi'tauk}
en: <nasal sinus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-sai}
en: <hankerchief>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-sharu}
en: <nostril>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-tauk}
en: <nasal cavity>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-temok}
en: <nasal septum>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-yonshaya}
en: <rhinitis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-yumaya}
en: <rhinorrhea>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haniwah}
ipa: - ' - ' , - , -
en: <Vulcan seed-plant>
12831,27 → 13081,155
en: <flicker>
pos: v.
vuh: {hanuvaya}
en: <flicker>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haran}
ipa: ' -
tag: anc.
en: <legendary "fire beast">
vuh: {harmanihkuh |ru'lut-orguhn|}
en: <harmonica>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harp}
en: <harp>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harpsihkord |el'taluv-krikmaval-tanaf'mavek|}
en: <harpsichord>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr}
en: <tail>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-krus}
en: <stern (ship)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-lan-tol}
en: <quarterdeck>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-lap-krus}
en: <sternpost>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-ma(-~|yik)}
en: <caudate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-ralek}
en: <caudal fin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-shefek}, {harr-tanaftra}
en: <taffrail>, <tafferel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harstrenek}
en: <ordeal>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has}
en: <disease>
vuh: {hasau}
en: <sicken, become ill>
en: <sicken>, <become ill>
vuh: {has-bosh}
en: <sick>
vuh: {hasausu-hali}
en: <ambulance>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasam}
ipa: - '
en: <toxin>
vuh: {hasamik}
en: <toxic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasereh}
en: <medicate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret}
en: <medicine> (medication)
vuh: {haseretek}
en: <pharmacy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseretsu}
en: <pharmacist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret-lesk}
en: <medical kit (medkit)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret-tal}
en: <pharmacology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hassu}
ipa: ' - , ' -
en: <healer>, <doctor>, <physician>
vuh: {has-aish-vel}
en: <pathogen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-bosh}
en: <sick>, <ill>
vuh: {has-bosh|-|}
en: <ill>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-bosh|-|}
en: <sick>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-dvinsu}
en: <orderly>
tag: n., med.
pos: n.
tag: med.
vuh: {has-golsu, has-gol'nevsu}
vuh: {has-golsu}, {has-gol'nevsu}
en: <nurse>
tag: n., med.
pos: n.
tag: med.
vuh: {has-mar}
en: <sickness>
12859,17 → 13237,6
vuh: {has-mashek}
en: <amp(o)ule (containing medicine)>
vuh: {hasam}
ipa: - '
en: <toxin>
vuh: {haseret}
en: <medicine> (medication)
vuh: {hassu}
ipa: ' - , ' -
en: <healer>, <doctor>, <physician>
vuh: {has-tal}
en: <medicine (the medical field)>
12879,7 → 13246,7
pos: adj.
vuh: {hash}
en: <flight> (levitation)
en: <flight> (levitation, act of flying)
def: PE
vuh: {hash-tor}
12898,9 → 13265,23
def: FSE-GV
com: original gerund of {abru-hash-tor}; not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hashan-mathra}
en: <flying saucer>
vuh: {hashan(-~|ik)}
en: <flying>, <airborne>
def: inferred by PE
vuh: {hashanik vikaun-tashan-torektra (HVTT)}
en: <airborne warning and control system (AWACS)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hashan-mathra}
en: <flying saucer>
vuh: {hashalan}
en: <flight> (trip)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hashsu}
en: <aviator>, <flier>, <pilot>
13263,10 → 13644,6
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hish-pla-kur}
en: <cyan>
tag: col.
vuh: {abuhish}
en: <upward pressure>
pos: n.
15781,12 → 16158,6
vuh: {lap}
en: <tree>
vuh: {lap-shal}
en: <woodland>
vuh: {lap-tukh}
en: <timber>
vuh: {lapan}
en: <wood>
15796,6 → 16167,18
vuh: {lapan-tanaf}
en: <woodcraft>
vuh: {lapuh}
en: <log> (wood)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {lap-shal}
en: <woodland>
vuh: {lap-tukh}
en: <timber>
vuh: {lara}
en: <a Vulcan desert bird>
16885,6 → 17268,12
ipa: - '
en: <sand(s)>
vuh: {ha'mazhiv-kur}
en: <beige>, <ecru>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mazhiv-tukh}
en: <silicon>
lit: <sand>-<stuff>
17789,10 → 18178,16
vuh: {navau}
en: <succeed>
vuh: {navun}
ipa: - '
en: <success>
vuh: {panavau}
en: <fare> (get by)
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {navun}
ipa: - '
en: <success>
vuh: {navyasik}
en: <anxious>
18974,12 → 19369,35
vuh: {pla-kur}
en: <blue>
vuh: {ha'pla-kur}
en: <light blue>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hish-pla-kur}
en: <cyan>
lit: <print>-<blue>-<color>
tag: col.
vuh: {mu'pla-kur}
en: <indigo>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {yar-pla-kur}
en: <teal>
lit: <green>-<blue>-<color>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {pla-tukh}
en: <cobalt>
lit: <blue>-<stuff>
vuh: {pla-tor}
en: <back up, reverse>
vuh: {pla-tukh}
en: <cobalt>
vuh: {plak-tau}
tag: anc.
en: <"plak tow", Vulcan "blood fever">
26573,8 → 26991,9
en: <per>
vuh: {yokul}
en: <eat>
en: <eat>; <fare> (eat)
pos: v.
def: <fare> only in FSE-GV
vuh: {aru-yokul}
en: <dine>
27221,488 → 27640,17
vuh: {hal-elmin}
en: <fuel oil>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-ha'gelet}
en: <running light>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali}
en: <craft (vehicle)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-dunap (book); lapuh (wood)}
en: <log>
vuh: {zek}
en: <order> (birth, seating, etc.)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-kel t'shan-halilar}
en: <shuttle(craft) hangar>
vuh: {sasahr}
en: <flight> (escape)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-razh-pehkaya}
en: <pit stop>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|hali-|sutra}
en: <crew>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|hali-|sutra-shal}
en: <crew compartment>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halitra}
en: <fleet>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halitra-lan}
en: <admiral>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali}
en: <vehicle>; <vessel> (ship)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali-wehk-mesut}
en: <viaduct>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halkot}
en: <bogie>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-masu}
en: <gasoline>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-masu-mishu}
en: <gasoline engine>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-masu}
en: <petrol>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halmin-rish}
en: <kerogen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halovau-tvi'haf}
en: <travel pod>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halovaya (n.), halovau (v.)}
en: <journey>, <travel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {°Halovaya t'Falor°}
en: <falor's Journey>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {halovtra}
en: <entourage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal'saudau}
en: <teleport>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal'saudaya}
en: <teleportation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-sov-mishek}
en: <carburetor>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tor}
en: <go>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tor (go); yokul (eat); panavau (get by)}
en: <fare>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhau}
en: <refuel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhau-tersvep}
en: <refueling port>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukhaya}
en: <refueling>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh (n.), hal-tukhau (v.)}
en: <fuel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-sa'haf}
en: <blivet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-spol}
en: <fuel pump>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh s'vesht-ha-vellar}
en: <fossil fuel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-tuhlek}
en: <fuel tank>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hal-tukh-vipohshayek}
en: <fuel injector>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha'mazhiv-kur}
en: <beige>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha'mazhiv-kur}
en: <ecru>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-meil-tal}
en: <biochemistry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-meil-talsu}
en: <biochemist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-bezhun-mev}
en: <nasolacrimal duct>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-drahk}
en: <nasopharynx>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nen-tveshu}
en: <ablogenesis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-ne'ti-ertaya}
en: <bioturbation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-isach|ya|}
en: <nose hair>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-isachya-zaneshek}
en: <nose hair trimmer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-khafaya}
en: <epistaxis>, <nosebleed>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han}
en: <nose>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hanopaya}
en: <nasalization (linguistics)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nosahp (non-sentient), su-nosahp (sentient)}
en: <population (amount)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nosahp-noshtraik}
en: <demographic>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-pi'tauk}
en: <nasal sinus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-sai}
en: <hankerchief>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-sharu}
en: <nostril>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-tauk}
en: <nasal cavity>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-temok}
en: <nasal septum>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-nu'maat (classification of life); zek (birth, seating, etc.)}
en: <order>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hanuvaya (n.), hanuvau (v.)}
en: <flicker>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-yonshaya}
en: <rhinitis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {han-yumaya}
en: <rhinorrhea>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha'pla-kur}
en: <light blue>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-rau-nol}
en: <refugium>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harmanihkuh |ru'lut-orguhn|}
en: <harmonica>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harp}
en: <harp>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harpsihkord |el'taluv-krikmaval-tanaf'mavek|}
en: <harpsichord>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-krus}
en: <stern (ship)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-lan-tol}
en: <quarterdeck>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-lap-krus}
en: <sternpost>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-ma-, harr-mayik}
en: <caudate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-ralek}
en: <caudal fin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr-shefek, harr-tanaftra}
en: <taffrail, Tafferel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harr}
en: <tail>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {harstrenek}
en: <ordeal>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-aish-vel}
en: <pathogen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasamik}
en: <toxic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasam}
en: <toxin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasausu-hali}
en: <ambulance>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-bosh|-|}
en: <ill>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-bosh|-|}
en: <sick>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has}
en: <disease>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-dvinsu}
en: <orderly>
tag: n., med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hasereh}
en: <medicate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseretek}
en: <pharmacy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret-lesk}
en: <medical kit (medkit)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret}
en: <medication>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseretsu}
en: <pharmacist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {haseret-tal}
en: <pharmacology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-golsu, has-gol'nevsu}
en: <nurse>
tag: n., med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hash (act of flying); hashalan (trip); sasahr (escape)}
en: <flight>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-shal}
en: <apartment>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-shal-kelutra}
en: <apartment complex>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ha-shal}
en: <quarters>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hashanik vikaun-tashan-torektra |HVTT|}
en: <airborne warning and control system (AWACS)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hashan-mathra}
en: <flying saucer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {has-, hasuk}
en: <medical>
def: FSE-GV
28657,12 → 28605,6
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hish-pla-kur}
en: <cyan>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hish-tor}
en: <press (down on)>
def: FSE-GV
41512,11 → 41454,6
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mu'pla-kur}
en: <indigo>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {murat}
en: <scroll>
pos: n.
76762,12 → 76699,6
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {yar-pla-kur}
en: <teal>
tag: col.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {yar-razh-dukalausu}
en: <golfer>
def: FSE-GV