37,7 → 37,7 |
# eh svi'°Tupa t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu° 2 - 3 - 25 - 27 heh 29 - |
# eh na'>defecation< heh tersau-zhitlar svi'°Vulcan Medical |
# Lexicon°. |
# Ri k'ozhika kupi on-ma ka-tvah natya-zhit-gir - heh ka-zhit il |
# Riozhikaik kupi on-ma ka-tvah natya-zhit-gir - heh ka-zhit il |
# ka-zhit-gir pohl-tvah svi'Gol-Vuhlkansu – na'li-fal - |
# kup-tvai /pekhaya/ >defecation< || >to-defecate-noun< || heh |
# /pa'kizh-pekhaya/ >respiratory arrest< || >around-gasses-stop< || |
212,7 → 212,7 |
# vs. – /versus/ Latin for "as opposed to", "as compared to" |
# zool. – zoology, zoologic; related to animal life forms |
# |
# Unless otherwise specified, words are common in MGV. |
# Unless otherwise specified, words are in MGV. |
~al:(reg. strong v., past form) |
~au:(reg. strong v.) |
224,10 → 224,6 |
ex=Kal'uh nash-veh..:Let me! [from /kal-tor/] |
ex=Vasha'uh yel-hali t'nemut..:Destroy the enemy starship! [from /vashau/] |
ex=Tu'ash'uh svep..:Open the door! [from /tu'ash/] |
~'voh:(imp. hon.) |
ex=Kal'voh nash-veh..:Let me! |
ex=Vasha'voh yel-hali t'nemut..:Destroy the enemy starship! |
ex=Tu'ash'voh svep..:Open the door! |
~-kam:dear ~ (affection) |
~-veh:~one|~body |
~-ves:kind|sort|type |
297,8 → 293,8 |
ar'kadan:work (n.) ["?-same-rotation"?] |
fi'ar'kadan:working|at work |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki fi'ar'kadan.:Sonok and T'Luki are working. |
na-ar'kada:(to) contribute ["for-work"; new] |
na-ar'kadan:contribution ["for-work"; new] |
na-ar'kada:(to) contribute ["for-work"; PE] |
na-ar'kadan:contribution ["for-work"; PE] |
raf-ar'kada-vellar:electronics (equipment) {tech.} |
arev:desert wind {?GV} [from ST:ENT "The Forge"] |
arlanga-tukh:yttrium [chemical element first found in the Arlanga mountain range] |
374,11 → 370,11 |
bezhun-masu:tear(s) {n.} ["eye-water"] |
bi'~:along ~ |
bikuv:picture |
bikuv-velak:pixel ["picture-element"; new, see /velak/] |
reh-bikuv:hologram (object/non-sentient being) ["three-picture"] |
bikuv-velak:pixel ["picture-element"; PE, see /velak/] |
reh-bikuv:hologram (object/non-sentient being) ["three-(dimensional-)-picture"] |
reh-bikuvsu:hologram (image of sentient being) ["hologram-person"] |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) ["emergency medical-hologram-person"] |
reh-bikuv-sutauk:holodeck ["holo-bay"] |
reh-bikuv-sutauk:holodeck ["holographic-deck"] |
bling:? |
bolau:need {v.} |
ex=Bolau sa-veh yokul ein-vel.:He needs to eat something. ["Needs he to-eat something"] |
574,6 → 570,7 |
fai-tukh:knowledge ["know-stuff"] |
faik:data [inferred from /faik-vistra/] |
# faik-vistra:[see /vistra/] |
pi'faik:cookie [PE] |
faka:hernia {n.} |
fal(-~):hot ~ |
falek:heat ["hot-all"] |
614,7 → 611,7 |
ferek:generator |
vunai-ferek t'wel-raf-tepul (VFWRT):neuro-electric field generator ["field-generator of-?-?-?"] |
leshanik fosh-vunai-ferek (LFVF):portable force field generator ["? ?-field-?"] |
wak-vunai-ferek (WVF):temporal field generator ["time-field-?"] |
wakiv-vunai-ferek (WVF):temporal field generator ["temporal-field-?"] |
sakwitayek-vunai-ferek (SVF):deflector field generator ["?-field-?"] |
fezanikau:(to) forecast |
fezanikaya:forecast {n.} |
684,7 → 681,7 |
tehn-pu'gal:antibaryon |
pu'gal-kashek:baryon sensor |
pu'gal-su'us:baryon number |
ra'gal:hadron [new; see /ras/] |
ra'gal:hadron [PE; see /ras/] |
sahr'gal:tachyon ["fast-particle"; from /sahris/] |
sahr'gal-glashayek:tachyon scanner |
sahr'gal-vunai:tachyon field |
779,6 → 776,7 |
gluvau:(to) display [inferred] |
(gluvau-)math:panel (display) ["(display-)board"] |
per-gluvaya:play (n.; performance of drama or comedy, etc.) |
zhagra-gluvaya:game show [see /zhagra/] |
gluvayek:display|monitor|viewer|viewscreen {aero.} {n.} |
nel-gluvayek:main viewer {tech.} |
su-shi-gluvayek:personnel locator display ["person-place-display"] |
1230,12 → 1228,12 |
kresik:aggressive |
kroikah:[silence?] |
krus:part|piece|component {n.} |
krusol:state {pol.} ["part-ground"] |
natel-raltvah-kurs:bound morpheme {gr.} |
krusol:state {pol.} ["part (of)-ground"] |
natel-raltvah-krus:bound morpheme {gr.} ["module-?-part"] |
ksau:? |
ktorr:? |
k'torr:completely lacking {anc.} |
v'tash k'torr:/v'tash k'torr/ ("Vulcans without logic") ["self-control completely-lacking", falsely transcribed /v'tosh ka'tur/; Vulcans who attempt to integrate emotions in their lives] |
vutash k'torr:/vutash k'torr/ ("Vulcans without logic") ["self-control completely-lacking", falsely transcribed /v'tosh ka'tur/; Vulcans who attempt to integrate emotions in their lives] |
ku-san:chair |
kuh:? |
kuht:herd |
1328,6 → 1326,12 |
kwai:wild {n.} |
kwi'~:from a distance|from far away |
kwi-~:tele~ [rare; see /irak-~/] |
kwon-sum:always {anc.} |
rikwon(-~|ik):temporary {adj.} ["not-always"] |
kwon-mor(-~|ik):evergreen {adj.} |
kwon-mor-kastik:evergreen (plant) {n.} |
kwon-mor-lap:evergreen (tree) {n.} |
kwon-mor-laptra:evergreen forest {n.} |
la('~):here(-~) |
ex=Gish ko-veh nash-gad la'lasha.:She expects to arrive here today. ["Expects she today here-arrive."] |
lasha:(to) arrive {irr. strong v.} ["here-transfer"] |
1625,7 → 1629,7 |
abru'mesukh:across {obs.} ["over-translation"] |
ek'mesukh-stari-vel (ESV):universal translator (UT) ["all-translation-speak-thing"] |
ek'mesukh-zhit-isan:universal grammar {gr.} ["all-translation-word-use"] |
spes-vitoral-mesukhek:voice-activated translator ["?-?-translate-all"] |
spes-vitoral-mesukhek:voice-activated translator ["?-activated-translate-all"] |
yahv-mesukh:calque {gr.} ["?-translation"] |
mesukh-tor:(to) translate |
mesut:bridge (structure)|pons {med.} ["across-noun"] |
2242,7 → 2246,7 |
sahr-~:fast ~ |
sahrafel:(to) trust |
sai-vel:clothes ["?-thing"?] |
sai-veltra:custome ["clothes-there"; inferred] |
sai-veltra:costume ["clothes-there"; inferred] |
sal:blow {n.} [wind] |
salur:(to) blow [wind; irr. strong v.] |
ex=Salur salan.:The wind blows. |
2558,7 → 2562,7 |
ritsurkan'es:inconsistency [inferred] |
ritsurkan(-~|ik):inconsistent {adj.} [inferred] |
ritsuri(-~):uncommon|irregular|unusual ~ |
sutauk:bay {naut.} [inferred] |
sutauk:bay|deck {naut.} [inferred] |
sutauk t'hash-raf-vellar:avionics bay |
za-kwitek-sutauk:aft thruster compartment |
tum-vel-sutauk:computer bay |
2999,6 → 3003,8 |
pla'rak-tselaya:reverse mutation ["?-?-mutation"] |
tsel-~:mutant ~ {adj.} |
tselik:mutant {adj.} |
tsorau:(to) store |
tsoraya:storage|store (save/savings) {n.} |
tu'ash:(to) open |
ex=Tu'ash sa-kan gahv-kur svep.:The boy opens the purple door. |
tuhlau:(to) contain [inferred] |
3174,12 → 3180,13 |
vin-~:mature ~ |
vin-tor:(to) mature ["maturity-to-do"] |
visak'a:legacy {anc.} |
visolektrau:(to) bury) |
visolektrau:(to) bury |
visolektraya:burial |
vit-~:static ~ |
vitik:static |
vis:net {tech.}|web {biol.}|(World Wide) Web {tech.} [partially new] |
shi'Vis:website ["place-of-Web"; new, see /shi/] |
vitorau:(to) activate {v.} |
vis:net {tech.}|web {biol.}|(World Wide) Web {tech.} [partially by PE] |
shi'Vis:website ["place-of-Web"; PE, see /shi/] |
nen-shar-vis:primary security net ["?-shar-?"] |
vistra:network [inferred] |
faik-vistra (FV):data network |
3252,6 → 3259,7 |
wak:time |
wak-krus:period ["time-part"] |
wak-vel:clock ["time-thing"] |
wakiv(-~):temporal |
lat-wak:local time {aero.} ["?-time"] |
wakli:in what way |
ex=>Wakli ak'wikman - ot-lan?<:"What surprises you, lieutenant?" ["In-what-way surprises, lieutenant?"] |
3388,6 → 3396,8 |
ha'zehl-tash-feretai:beam control assembly ["?-line-control-?"] |
zek:order {n.} |
zih:? |
zhagra:game {n.} |
zhagra-math:gamepad ["game-panel"; PE] |
zhai-~:gray ~ |
zhai-kur:gray |
ex=Zhai-sehlatlar fnau hi le-matyalar kresik.:The grey /sehlats/ are tame but the /le-matyas/ are aggressive. |
3437,4 → 3447,4 |
ex=>Zup-tor vu akarshif - Spahkh.<:"You have labored long, Spock." ["Labor you-yourself a long time, Spock."] |
zukitan:script |
zul:lava {geol.} |
(suk')zul-kunel:volcano {sci.} |
(suk')zul-kunel:volcano {sci.} |