229,8 → 229,9 |
ex=Vasha'voh yel-hali t'nemut..:Destroy the enemy starship! |
ex=Tu'ash'voh svep..:Open the door! |
~-kam:dear ~ (affection) |
~-veh:~one|~body |
~-ves:kind|sort|type |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive (polarity) ~ {adj.} {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /á-rhak/, meaning "good direction"] |
# a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /vihish/] |
raf-a'rak(-):electropositive ["?-positive"] |
aal:? |
abi'~:until ~ {prep.} |
aborayek:? |
297,8 → 298,6 |
ar'kadan:work (n.) ["?-same-rotation"?] |
fi'ar'kadan:working|at work |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki fi'ar'kadan.:Sonok and T'Luki are working. |
na-ar'kada:(to) contribute ["for-work"; new] |
na-ar'kadan:contribution ["for-work"; new] |
raf-ar'kada-vellar:electronics (equipment) {tech.} |
arev:desert wind {?GV} [from ST:ENT "The Forge"] |
arlanga-tukh:yttrium [chemical element first found in the Arlanga mountain range] |
373,12 → 372,6 |
bezhun:eye {anc.} [from CLGV /bæshun/ and AGV /b'hàshúnh/] |
bezhun-masu:tear(s) {n.} ["eye-water"] |
bi'~:along ~ |
bikuv:picture |
bikuv-velak:pixel ["picture-element"; new, see /velak/] |
reh-bikuv:hologram (object/non-sentient being) ["three-picture"] |
reh-bikuvsu:hologram (image of sentient being) ["hologram-person"] |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) ["emergency medical-hologram-person"] |
reh-bikuv-sutauk:holodeck ["holo-bay"] |
bling:? |
bolau:need {v.} |
ex=Bolau sa-veh yokul ein-vel.:He needs to eat something. ["Needs he to-eat something"] |
486,10 → 479,8 |
dvar-tor:(to) risk |
dvel:choice |
dvel-tor:(to) choose |
dvelek:selector|switch [inferred] |
dvelek:selector [inferred] |
glashau-nuk-dvelek:scan mode selector {tech.} ["?-low-selector"] |
shihalk-ta'raf-dvelek:park/neutral switch {auto.} |
ta'raf-palikau-dvelek:neutral start switch {auto.} |
dvin:service {n.} [providing something to] |
kadvin:commission {naut.} ["same-service"] |
s'kadvin:out of commission |
500,12 → 491,6 |
ex=Dvin-tor T'Luki yar-sazhlar heh zhar-savaslar.:T'Luki serves green legumes and orange fruits. |
dvinsu:servant |
dvun:move(ment) {n.}|motion {n.}|moving {ger.} |
fandvu:gimbal {n.} {aero.} ["any-move"] |
fandvu-tor:(to) gimbal {aero.} |
khardvun:maneuver {n.} {aero.} |
khardvu-tor:(to) maneuver {aero.} |
abunuhal-khardvun:pitch maneuver {n.} ["pitch-?"] |
tereragel-abunuhal-khardvun:rendezvous pitch maneuver {n.} ["?-pitch-?"] |
dah-da-sfekik gol'dvunek:coaxial relay ["two-?-point help-movement-noun"] |
dvunel:motion {biol.} |
dvunel-eik'es:range of motion {med.} ["motion-?"] |
512,6 → 497,11 |
dvunel-has-mar:kinetosis {med.} ["motion-medical-?"] |
na-dvunel:adduction {med.} ["?-motion"] |
sa-dvunel:abduction {med.} ["away-from-motion"] |
fandvu:gimbal {n.} {aero.} ["any-move"] |
fandvu-tor:(to) gimbal {aero.} |
khardvun:? |
abunuhal-khardvun:pitch maneuver {n.} ["pitch-?"] |
tereragel-abunuhal-khardvun:rendezvous pitch maneuver {n.} ["?-pitch-?"] |
dzharel:/Dzharel/ small, horned, horse-like animal (extinct) {borr.} [/jarel/ in some other Vulcan languages] |
dzhelu:? |
Dzhem-Hadaru:Jem-Hadar |
616,8 → 606,6 |
leshanik fosh-vunai-ferek (LFVF):portable force field generator ["? ?-field-?"] |
wak-vunai-ferek (WVF):temporal field generator ["time-field-?"] |
sakwitayek-vunai-ferek (SVF):deflector field generator ["?-field-?"] |
fezanikau:(to) forecast |
fezanikaya:forecast {n.} |
fi'~:on|atop|upon ~ |
fihdd:? |
floku:spoon |
654,22 → 642,20 |
galu:atom {n.} |
galu(-~|pik):atomic {adj.} |
samuyek t'seshan-galu-gasu:Magnatomic flux chiller ["? of-?-atom-?"] |
a'gal:proton|positron ["positive-particle"; see /a'rak/] |
a'gal:proton|positron ["positive-?"] |
a'gal-lushun:proton torpedo ["proton-?"] |
tehn-a'gal:antiproton ["anti-proton"] |
ha'gal:photon ["light-particle"; inferred, see /ha'gel/] |
ha'gal:photon [inferred] |
ha'gal-dataya:photon propulsion |
ha'gal-lushun:photon torpedo (photorp) |
ha'gal-lushun-mev:photon torpedo tube |
ha'gal-lushun-spusayek:photon torpedo launcher |
ha'gal-lushun-sutauk:photon(ic) torpedo bay ["photon-torpedo-bay"] |
ha'gal-lushun-sutauk:photon torpedo bay ["photon-torpedo-?"] |
ha'gal-thorshek:photon grenade |
na'gal:polaron ["polarity-particle"; see /narak'es/] |
na'gal-glashaya:polaron scan |
torupik na'gal-glashaya:active polaron scan |
na'gal:polaron |
na'gal-sayek:polaron emitter |
na'gal-vunai:polaron field |
pi'gal:particle ["small-part-of-atom"; inferred, see /pi/] |
pi'gal:particle [inferred] |
nen-pi'gal:elementary particle|fundamental particle |
ritsuri-pi'gal:exotic particle |
sih-pi'gal:alpha particle |
680,25 → 666,23 |
pi'gal-sahrayek:particle accelerator |
pi'gal-zehl:particle beam |
pi'gal-zehl-mishu:particle beam engine |
pu'gal:baryon ["bonded-particle"; see /putel-tor/] |
pu'gal:baryon |
tehn-pu'gal:antibaryon |
pu'gal-kashek:baryon sensor |
pu'gal-su'us:baryon number |
ra'gal:hadron [new; see /ras/] |
sahr'gal:tachyon ["fast-particle"; from /sahris/] |
sahr'gal:tachyon |
sahr'gal-glashayek:tachyon scanner |
sahr'gal-vunai:tachyon field |
sahr'gal-zehl:tachyon beam |
ska'gal:neutrino ["particle-that-is-given-off"; see /skahalan/] |
ska'gal:neutrino |
tehn-ska'gal:antineutrino |
thahk-ska'gal-zehl(ek):coherent neutrino beam |
ta'gal:neutron ["neutral-particle"; see /ta'raf/] |
ta'gal:neutron |
tehn-ta'gal:antineutron |
ta'gal-thorshek:neutron bomb |
thor'gal:thoron [inferred] |
leshanik thor'gal-ferek:portable thoron generator (PTG) ["portable thoron-?"] |
leshanik thor'gal-ferek:portable thoron generator (PTG) |
thor'gal-kolau-sayek:thoron shock emitter ["?-shock-?"] |
u'gal(ik):electron ["negative-particle"; see /u'rak/] |
u'gal(ik):electron |
u'galik numo-zan-vel:electron microscope |
u'gal-fo:electron shell |
u'gal-glashaun:electron scanning |
714,7 → 698,7 |
el-u'gal:free electron |
razh-u'gal-shif:exciton ["?-electron-pair"] |
tehn-u'gal:positron ["anti-electron"] |
wak'gal:chroniton ["time-particle"; see /wak/] |
wak'gal:chroniton |
wak'gal-zehl(ek):chroniton beam |
galutravek:molecule ["atom-there-?"] |
fosh-galutravek:antibody |
750,7 → 734,7 |
el-galk:free radical {chem.} |
gehnli:essential |
gel:branch|path|segment {n.} |
gen-lis:language {anc.} |
gen-lis:language |
gen-lis-tal:linguistics ["language-study"] |
gir:root |
gish:(to) expect |
779,7 → 763,7 |
gluvau:(to) display [inferred] |
(gluvau-)math:panel (display) ["(display-)board"] |
per-gluvaya:play (n.; performance of drama or comedy, etc.) |
gluvayek:display|monitor|viewer|viewscreen {aero.} {n.} |
gluvayek:display|monitor (viewscreen) {n.} |
nel-gluvayek:main viewer {tech.} |
su-shi-gluvayek:personnel locator display ["person-place-display"] |
tum-vel-gluvayek:computer display ["tally(ing)-thing-display"; see /tum-vel/] |
832,8 → 816,6 |
sov-sa'haf:air bladder {biol.} ["air-bladder"] |
vazh-sa'haf:bladder {anat.} {TGV} |
vazhaf:bladder {anat.} {MGV} |
hag(-~|ik):easy |
rihag(-~|ik):hard (not easy) |
halan:voyage|going {n.} {ger.} |
ex=Halan na'krani - toglantal T'Pau tevul t'ifis-hali.:Going to the window, T'Pau witnessed the crash of the transport. ["Going to-window, witnessed T'Pau crash of-transport."] |
abunuhalan:pitch (n.) {aero.} |
856,7 → 838,6 |
halek:wheel {n.} ["go-all"; see /ek/] |
hali:vehicle|vessel|ship |
halitra:fleet ["vehicle-mass", meaning a large group of vehicles] |
Yel-Halitra:Starfleet ["star-fleet"] |
hali-kel:hangar ["vehicle-structure"] |
belk-hali:scout vessel {aero.} ["?-ship"] |
ifis-hali:transport (vessel)|freighter {n.} ["transport-ship"] |
903,15 → 884,12 |
hash-tor:(to) fly |
hi:but |
hif-bi:to me (TGV) |
hish:print {n.} (device) |
hishek:printer (device) |
hish-tor:(to) print |
hil:? |
kla-hil:research {n.} |
ek'tal-kla-hil:scientific research ["science-research"] |
kla-hil-kebitra:research facility ["research-?-there"] |
kla-hil-tor:(to) research ["research-to-do"] |
men-hilsu:investigator |
hishek:printer (device) |
kla-hil:research {n.} |
ek'tal-kla-hil:scientific research ["science-research"] |
kla-hil-kebitra:research facility ["research-?-there"] |
kla-hil-tor:(to) research ["research-to-do"] |
men-hilsu:investigator |
hinek:bone {n.} |
rihinek:cartilage {biol.} ["not-bone"] |
rihinek-gnal:chondroma {med.} ["cartilage-tumor"] |
1005,15 → 983,8 |
# kahm-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kahr:town |
kaluk:ear {n.} {anc.} |
ne-kaluk:earlobe {anat.} |
svitan-kaluk:middle ear {anat.} |
tvi-kaluk:inner ear {anat.} |
kal-tor:(to) allow|let ["lending an ear", "listen to so."] |
ex=>Kal-tor palikau.<:"Let it commence." ["Allow to-commence."] |
kaluk-ek'zerut:earring |
kaluk-kusut:earache ["ear-?"] |
kaluk-ruskarayek:ear forceps |
kaluk-vel:earpiece |
kan:child |
kan-fam:childless |
kanu:children (TGV) |
1020,37 → 991,25 |
kanlar:children (MGV) |
kanok-~:every~ |
Kardassu:Cardassian |
karplak:bravery|courage {anc.} |
kap:bread |
kas(-~|(t)ik):plant(-related) (general term) |
kastkau:(to) plant |
kastkaya:planting {n.} |
nuk-masu'es-kastik:xerophyte {biol.} |
nuk-masu'es-kasik:xeric {adj.} {biol.} |
pid-masu'es-kastik:hydrophyte ["high-moisture-plant"] |
pid-masu'es-kasik:hydric {adj.} ["high-moisture-plant-related"] |
pid-samek-kastik:hekistotherm ["high-cold-plant-related"] |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite {bot.} ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
# kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kashek (MGV):mind {n.} |
kash-naf:mind meld |
kashkau (TGV):minds |
ex=>Kashkau - Spohkh - wuhkuh eh teretuhr.<:"Our minds, one and together." ["Minds, Spock, one and together."] |
mapi-kashek:very small mind [insult] |
ya'akash:(to) ask {anc.} |
kas:? |
kastik:plant (general term) ["bushy"] |
# kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kastkau:(to) plant |
kastkaya:planting {n.} |
kastra:flora|vegetation {biol.} ["plant-there"] |
kas-elakh:vine {n.} |
kas-fek:stem {n.} ["plant-stick"] |
kas-gel:(bush) branch ["plant-branch"; cf. /lap-gel/] |
kas-khaf:sap {bot.} ["plant-blood"] |
kas-yar-kurek:chlorophyll ["plant-green-color-all"] |
kas-yar-kurek:chlorophyll ["plant-green-coloring"] |
kas-wan-tukh:latex ["plant-white-stuff"] |
kashek:mind {n.} |
kashkau (TGV):minds |
ex=>Kashkau - Spohkh - wuhkuh eh teretuhr.<:"Our minds, one and together." ["Minds, Spock, one and together."] |
mapi-kashek:very small mind [insult] |
ya'akash:(to) ask {anc.} |
kash-naf:mind meld |
kash-ral:sense {n.} |
kash-tor:(to) sense |
kash-to-vel:intellect |
kash-tok:intelligent ["intellect(-adj.)"] |
kash-tok'es:intelligence |
sutor-kash-tok'es:artificial intelligence (AI) ["artificial?-intelligence"] |
katau:(to) bring [inferred] |
sakatau:(to) bring out |
sakataya:bringing-out|out-bringing |
1075,11 → 1034,13 |
# kef-tuhlau-vis:emergency containment grid [see /tuhlau/] |
kef-rishan-tsorayek:emergency survival compartment ["emergency-?-?"] |
kef-tvi-shal:emergency room (ER) ["emergency-?-zone"] |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) ["emergency medical-?-?"] |
kefik tehn-sesh-kwitek:emergency anti-grav thruster ["emergency anti-?-?"] |
keful-tukh:opsonin ["?-stuff"] |
kefulaya:opsonization |
# prah-vel t'kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush intake [see /kluhvau/] |
# kef-kluhvau-krau:emergency flush vent [see /kluhvau/] |
keh:four {enum.} |
ex=Dvin-tor sa-kan keh yerak t'shur t'plomik.:The boy serves four bowls of /plomeek/ soup. ["Serve boy four bowl of-soup of-plomik."] |
keh'rak:fourth (TGV) |
1098,6 → 1059,8 |
khaf-spol:heart ["blood-pump"] |
kharat:direction |
dah-sfek-kharat:bearing (direction) {naut.} ["two-point-direction"] |
khardvun:maneuver {n.} {aero.} |
khardvu-tor:(to) maneuver {aero.} |
khav-~:brown ~ |
khav-kur:brown |
kheh:? |
1130,7 → 1093,6 |
kil-tor:(to) spark |
kilko:answer {n.} |
ex=:[see /t'i/] |
kim(-shah):last {adj.} |
kin-kur:yellow |
kis-~:jealous |
kiska:jealous |
1231,12 → 1193,10 |
kroikah:[silence?] |
krus:part|piece|component {n.} |
krusol:state {pol.} ["part-ground"] |
natel-raltvah-kurs:bound morpheme {gr.} |
ksau:? |
ktorr:? |
k'torr:completely lacking {anc.} |
v'tash k'torr:/v'tash k'torr/ ("Vulcans without logic") ["self-control completely-lacking", falsely transcribed /v'tosh ka'tur/; Vulcans who attempt to integrate emotions in their lives] |
ku-san:chair |
kuh:? |
kuht:herd |
kuht t'sehlat:herd of /sehlats/ ["herd of /sehlat/"] |
1319,11 → 1279,12 |
kurau:(to) color |
mu-kur-tukh:melanin ["?-color-stuff"] |
sash-kur-tukh:acidic dye ["acidic-color-stuff"] |
ku-san:chair |
kushel:bird(s) |
skyem-kushel:bird-of-prey |
kus-vakh:bell {n.} ["bird-bold" in the sense of "boldly bird-imitating"?; see /vakh/] |
kvai'ei:which |
k'kvai'ei:through which {TGV} [rare] |
k'kvai'ei:through which [TGV only, rare] |
kvesh:? |
kwai:wild {n.} |
kwi'~:from a distance|from far away |
1368,6 → 1329,7 |
pa'ash-guhsh-solek s'dvun-le-suma:ground moraine ["?-?-?-? from-moving-ice-there"] |
vla-kov-guhsh s'dvun-le-suma:lateral moraine {geol.} ["?-rock-debris from-moving-ice-there"] |
rukhaul s'rasath t'dvun-le-sumatra:glacial rebound ["? from-? of-moving-ice-there"] |
wuval-ne'ti-kunlak (t'dvun-le-sumatra):drumlin ["?-below-?-? (of-moving-ice-there)"] |
dvun-le-sumatraik tral:glacier surge ["moving-ice-there-related ?"] |
dvun-le-sumatraik zehl-ulidar:glacial striation ["moving-ice-there-related striation"] |
le-sumatra-salan:glacier wind {meteo.} ["ice-there-wind"] |
1497,7 → 1459,6 |
leipau:(to) bake |
ex=Leipau Sonok kap.:Sonok bakes a bread. |
leitri:toy |
lerash:hard {adj.} (not soft) |
lesek:joint {n.} {anat.} |
# lesek-mal-aushfa:[see /aushfa/] |
# lesek-masu:[see /masu/] |
1506,15 → 1467,6 |
mal-nef-lesek:knee joint {anat.} ["leg-?-joint"] |
ozh-lesek:knuckle ["?-joint"] |
sa'ovau-lesek:expansion joint {tech.} ["?-joint"] |
lesh:(to) carry |
leshanik:portable {n.} |
leshek:carrier ["carry-all"(!)] |
mishu-leshek:nacelle |
nenikau-tersau-vel t'mishu-leshek:nacelle support pylon |
sov-hali-leshek:aircraft carrier |
lesh-kapol:carrier filter |
lesh-pral:carrier wave |
wek-mutauk lesh-pral:phase-diverted carrier wave |
li-fal:example |
li-falik:example|exemplary {adj.} |
ex=li-falik zhit-feim:example vocabulary |
1577,6 → 1529,8 |
lesek-masu:synovial fluid {med.} ["joint-water"; see /lesek/] |
nuk-masu:? ["low-water"; see /nuk/] |
ulidar t'nuk-masu:low-water mark {geo.} ["scar of low-water"] |
nuk-masu'es-kasik:xeric {adj.} {biol.} |
nuk-masu'es-kastik:xerophyte {biol.} |
svi-wak t'nuk-masu:low-water interval {ocean.} ["inside-time of-low-water"] |
nuk-mashen:low tide {ocean.} |
dan-nuk-mashen:neap tide {ocean.} |
1584,20 → 1538,11 |
# slor-masu-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
sov-masu:rain {n.} ["air-water"; see /sov/] |
sov-masu'es:humidity ["air-water-noun"] |
theris-masu:tea (Vulcan style) ["?-water"] |
math:plate {n.} |
mathra:disk {n.} |
maut:? |
mashya:/Mashya/ (a type of vegetable) |
mavau:(to) play |
mazhiv:sand(s) {n.} |
meilak:(chemical) element {chem.} {geol.} |
meilaktra:compound {chem.} |
bolaya-meilak:essential element |
pi'lek-meilak:trace element |
po-torvauk-meilak:daughter element {geol.} |
rubihalan-meilak:transition element |
meilak-nisaya:elemental analysis |
Melkotsu:Melkotian |
mes'~:across ~ |
mesakh'~:beyond ~ |
1668,8 → 1613,6 |
min-tor:(to) glow |
ex=Min-tor yon fna'krani svi'suk'kelek fi'fau-yut.:The fire glows in the window of the big house on the street. |
mlan:? |
mo'uh:? {borr.} |
abu-solektra-mo'uh:upland moa {zool.} ["up-ground-moa"] |
moh:1000000000 (billion, short scale; enum., card.) |
moh'rak:1000000000th (billionth, short scale; TGV) |
mohr-~:1000000000th (billionth, short scale) |
1682,18 → 1625,8 |
moos:? |
mor:leaf |
mor-gril:/mor-gril/ (a wolverine-like animal) |
mos-~:soft ~ {adj.}|softly {adv.} |
dan-mos-~:softest ~ |
weh-mos-~:softer ~ |
mos-dukal:softball (ball) |
mos-dukal-el'rukhut:softball glove |
mos-dukal-khartausu:softball manager |
mos-dukal-mavausu:softball player |
mos-dukal-torvukh:softball (sport) |
mos-dukal-vo'rukh:softball diamond |
mos-kamu:palate|soft {gr.} |
mos-tor:(to) soften |
mos-tukh:software ["soft-stuff"; inferred] |
mo'uh:? {borr.} |
abu-solektra-mo'uh:upland moa {zool.} ["up-ground-moa"] |
mu'yor:night {anc.} [originally a compound word] |
ex=Gla-tor etek wuh'rak yel t'mu'yor.:We see the first star of the night. ["See we first star of-night."] |
ek'mu'yor:all night |
1714,9 → 1647,6 |
pseth-eik-yerakik rilik suk'muzh:bolson ["?-?-? without-? lake"; a semiarid, flat-floored desert valley or depression, usually centred on a playa or salt pan and entirely surrounded by hills or mountains.] |
zul-muzh:lava lake |
na'~:at|to(wards)|for ~ |
na'shau:(to) greet |
na'shausu:greeter |
na'shaya:greeting |
nafek:organ {med.} |
pi'nafek:gland ["small organ"] |
nahr:discipline |
1750,29 → 1680,8 |
ex=Nam-tor la reh Vuhlkansu -- Sarek - Spohkh heh Saavik.:There are three Vulcans here: Sarek, Spock and Saavik. |
ex=Nam-tor wehk pla-kur kovlar svi'solai hi zam yon-kur kovlar.:There are many blue stones on the field but few red stones. |
nam-tor ish:that is ["to-be it"] |
nenam-tor:(to be) based on |
naran:acceptance {aero.} |
naran-nisan:acceptance test {aero.} |
narak:pole {n.} {phys.} {geo.} |
narakau:(to) polarize |
narak'es:polarity |
a'rak-narak'es:positive polarity [see /a'rak/] |
narak-ek'anayek:polaric maximizer {aero.} ["polarity-all-?] |
narak-nakihtilayek:polaric modulator {aero.} ["polarity-?"] |
narak-saya:polaric radiation ["polaric-?"] |
narak-tepul:polaric energy ["polaric-?"] |
narak-thorshaya:polaric detonation ["polaric-?"] |
narak-vunai:polaric field ["polaric-field"] |
tehn-narak-vunai:anti-polaric field ["anti-polaric-field"] |
narafek:electrode |
torupik narafek:active electrode |
dah-narafek:diode ["two-electrode"] |
a'rak-narafek:anode ["positive-electrode"; see /a'rak/] |
u'rak-narafek:cathode ["negative-electrode"; see /u'rak/] |
narakaya:polarization |
raf-kuv-narakaya:circular polarization |
narakaya-vunai:polarization field |
narat do-toh:/narat do-toh/ {anc.} (child's game similar to "Hide & Seek") |
a'rak-narafek:anode |
a'rak-narak'es:positive polarity |
nash-~:this ~ |
nash-veh:I|me ["this-one"] |
onash-veh:me [when spoken by a superior about themselves, "honored this-one"] |
1796,8 → 1705,6 |
nauyik:9 {adj.} |
naukuh:9 {card.} |
ne'~:below|under ~ {anc.} [from CLGV /næ/ and AGV /nàh/] |
ne'ti-tukh:sediment ["?-stuff"] |
wuval-ne'ti-kunlak (t'dvun-le-sumatra):drumlin ["elongated-sediment-? (of-moving-ice-there)"] |
ne(-~):under~|sub~ |
nehau:(to) rot ["under-add"] |
ex=Nehau urozh svi'solai.:The crops are rotting in the field. |
1832,7 → 1739,6 |
sunena:(military) base {n.} {mil.} ["person-base"] |
nesh:cut {n.} |
el'neshek:scissors |
kaluk-el'neshek:ear scissors |
neshuhk:parasite {biol.} |
neshuhkolsu:parasitoid |
ek'neshuhk:obligate parasite |
1840,6 → 1746,7 |
on-neshuhk:facultative parasite |
si-neshuhk:ectoparasite |
tvi-neshuhk:endoparasite |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite {bot.} ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
nesh-tor:(to) cut |
neshuk:ink {n.} |
nesh-kur:black ["ink-color"] |
1947,16 → 1854,12 |
orfikkel:ancestors {anc.} |
orniaga:irritated {anc.} {obs.} |
os(-~):old ~ |
oska:archives |
nel-oska:main archives |
oska-tum-vel:library computer |
Ek'thro-Torektra t'Oska-Tum-Vel (ETOTV):Library Computer Access and Retrieval System (LCARS) ["all-access-system of-library-computer"] |
os-khaf-mev:? ["?-blood-?"] |
ma'os-~:ancient ~ |
Mha'us-Gollhìkh:Ancient Golic (Vulcan language) |
ozhika:logic |
ex=Ozhika - fai-tukh heh kenan – nam-tor u'vellar etek saven-tor.:Logic, knowledge and understanding – these are the things we teach. |
ex=>Ozhika -- palikaya t'kau ri shaht.<:"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." ["Logic: Beginning of-wisdom not end."] |
ex=>Ozhika -- palik t'kau ri shaht.<:"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." ["Logic: Beginning of-wisdom not end."] |
k'ozhika:it is logical |
ri k'ozhika:it is illogical |
oveh:saint ["honored one"] |
1987,9 → 1890,8 |
dahshaya-pakh:separation-stroke (" = ") [used like tilde or hyphen in FSE] |
ek'pakh:full-stroke (" — ", " --- ") [used instead of /dah-pakh/ in classical literature; also equiv. to ellipsis in FSE] |
paki-~:lost ~ |
palikau:(to) begin|commence|initiate |
sov-palikau:(to) air start {aero.} |
palikaya:beginning {n.} |
palikau:(to) begin|commence |
palik:beginning {n.} |
ex=:[see /ozhika/] |
pash:trap {n.} |
pash-tor:(to) trap |
2021,12 → 1923,11 |
mapi-~:very little|small|tiny (diminutive) [see /ma/] |
ex=mapi-kushel:a very little or very small bird [can mean it is very young, a hatchling and/or suggest a level of extreme cuteness or affection] |
pid(-~):high ~ |
(sov-)pidek:altitude ["air-height"] |
pidek-thonek:altimeter ["height-meter"] |
saurpatal-pidek-thonek:radar altimeter ["?-altimeter"] |
pid-kom:matriarch ["high-mother", from /ko-mekh/] |
pid-masu'es-kasik:hydric {adj.} ["high-moisture-plant-related"] |
pid-masu'es-kastik:hydrophyte ["high-moisture-plant"] |
pidsu:Lord ["high-person"] |
Opidsu:Lord ["honored-high-person"] |
pid-kom:matriarch ["high-mother", from /ko-mekh/] |
pi'fek:? |
lesek-pi'fek:culm {biol.} |
pi'sef:? |
2085,13 → 1986,11 |
ragtau:(to) introduce [inferred] |
ragtaya:introduction |
ragtayalar:introductions |
raflehk:(battery) terminal {tech.} |
a'rak-raflehk:positive (battery) terminal {auto.} ["positive-terminal"; see /a'rak/] |
u'rak-raflehk:negative (battery) terminal {auto.} ["negative-terminal"; see /u'rak/] |
ragelan:meeting |
tereragelan:rendezvous {n.} |
tereragel-tor:(to) rendezvous |
ragel-tor:(to) meet |
a'rak-raflehk:positive (battery) terminal {auto.} ["positive-?"] |
rai:no |
ri:not |
ex=ri bolau nash-veh:I do not need ["not need this-one"] |
2139,21 → 2038,8 |
rim:none |
riyin:negation |
Raidzhelsu:Rigellian |
~'rak:direction |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive (polarity) ~ {adj.} {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /á-rhak/, meaning "good direction"] |
# a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /vihish/] |
raf-a'rak(-):electropositive ["?-positive"] |
desh'rak:north {anc.} ["question?-direction"; see /deshker/] |
khu'rak:south {anc.} ["crystal?-direction"; see /khush/] |
she'rak:east {anc.} ["rise-direction" (from the rising suns); see /shen/] |
tev'rak:west {anc.} ["fall-direction" (from the setting suns; see /tevan/] |
u'rak(-~|ik):negative [inferred] |
# u'rak-falun:negative charge |
# u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /nuk-vihish-tauf/] |
rala:wing {aero.} |
reh-vla-rala:delta wing {aero.} |
rak:direction [inferred from /she'rak/ etc.] |
ralash:sound |
kaluk-ralashek:earphone |
ralash-fam-~:silent ~ ["sound-without"] |
ralash-famik:silent |
ralash-tanaf:music ["sound-art"] |
2165,7 → 2051,6 |
# ralek-weil:[see /weil/] |
ras(-~):heavy ~ |
rasath:weight {n.} |
rasral(-~):earsplitting {adj.} {mus.} |
rasahkos:bad |
weh-rasahkos:worse |
ravot:insect|bug |
2235,11 → 2120,11 |
sasu:man|male {n.} ["male-person"] |
osa(su):gentleman|sir ["honored man"] |
sayik:male {standal. adj.} |
sahris:fast |
sahr-~:fast ~ |
sahran:running |
ex=sahran-sehlat:the running /sehlat/ |
sahris:fast |
sahriv:storm {n.} |
sahr-~:fast ~ |
sahrafel:(to) trust |
sai-vel:clothes ["?-thing"?] |
sai-veltra:custome ["clothes-there"; inferred] |
2258,6 → 2143,7 |
samek:cold {adj.} |
pid-samek:boreal ["high-cold"; inferred] |
# pid-samek-ek'nosh:[see /ek'nosh/] |
pid-samek-kastik:hekistotherm ["high-cold-plant-related"] |
pid-samek-laptra:boreal forest ["high-cold-tree-there"] |
sam-~:cold ~ |
samm:? |
2315,9 → 2201,7 |
set:drop {n.} |
set-tor:(to) drop |
ex=Set-tor Rihansu suk'snauk fi'yar-pasu.:The Romulan drops the big fork on the green table. |
sfek:point |
sfek(-~|ik):point(ed) |
sfek-taik:pointed hat |
sfek:? |
dan-pid-sfek:zenith (highest point) ["rotation-high-point"] |
sfith:? |
sha':one's own [personal possessive)] |
2382,6 → 2266,7 |
ex=Shei le-matya.:The /le-matya/ screams. |
shein:screaming |
shen:rise {n.}|ascent [from CLGV /skæn/ and AGV /ξ'ành/] |
she'rak:east ["rise-direction" (from the rising suns)] |
she-tor:(to) rise|ascend|go up |
sheyan:rising|ascending |
shoret:(to) call out|beckon |
2400,11 → 2285,9 |
shi'~:place of ~ |
shi'dunap:library ["place-of-book"] |
shi'gluvaya:museum {arch.} ["place-of-display"] |
shi'kwai:wilderness ["place-of-wild"] |
shi'oren:institute ["place-of-study"] |
ex=Shi'Oren t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu:Vulcan Language Institute ["place-of-study of-language Vulcan"] |
shi'sochya:park (Vulcan style) ["place-of-peace"] |
shi'yar:park (Terran style) ["place-of-green"] |
shi'kwai:wilderness ["place-of-wild"] |
shi'yon:volcano {colloq.} ["place-of-fire"; see /zul-kunel/] |
shid:form {n.} |
shidorau:(to) form |
2420,8 → 2303,6 |
pashifan:matching |
shivaya:paralysis {med.} |
ul-shivaya:paresis {med.} ["partial-paralysis"] |
shul:position {n.} |
ma'shulan:superposition {n.} |
shur:soup |
shur t'plomik:/plomeek/ soup |
ex=Tishau T'Luki kap k'shur t'plomik t'Sonok.:T'Luki likes bread with Sonok's /plomeek/ soup. |
2515,7 → 2396,6 |
spana-ornasu:chancellor {pol.} |
spo'~:à la|after|in the manner/style of ~ |
spoh:? |
spolek:experiment {n.} |
sposhan:eruption [from CLGV /spohshan/ and AGV /sp'àξònh/] |
spol:pump {n.} |
# khaf-spol:[see /khaf/] |
2558,17 → 2438,6 |
ritsurkan'es:inconsistency [inferred] |
ritsurkan(-~|ik):inconsistent {adj.} [inferred] |
ritsuri(-~):uncommon|irregular|unusual ~ |
sutauk:bay {naut.} [inferred] |
sutauk t'hash-raf-vellar:avionics bay |
za-kwitek-sutauk:aft thruster compartment |
tum-vel-sutauk:computer bay |
raf-ar'kada-sutauk:electronics bay |
fisolekau-sutauk:landing bay |
spusau-sutauk:launch bay |
nel-mish-sutauk:main engineering |
shan-hali-sutauk:shuttle(craft) bay |
has-sutauk:sickbay |
wun-sutauk:weapons bay |
sva'~:between ~ |
svai:flower |
svep:door |
2582,10 → 2451,9 |
t'hai'la:(close[st]) friend|soulmate [often transcribed /t'hyla/] |
ex=>Goh kup-tar-tor nash-veh nash pa't'hai'la – t'katralar ki'ragel-tor svi'halovayalar - vesht nam-tor t'osa-veh dan-komihn t'ek.<:"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… human." ["Only able-to-say this-one this about-closest-friend – of-souls have-met in-travels - past to-be of-honored-male-one most-human of-all."; from Kirk's funeral speech for Spock] |
t'san s'at:a process of eliminating emotions {anc.} |
(ho-)ta'a:/taal/ {anc.} (traditional Vulcan hand salute) [right hand raised vertically so that the palm is shown to the person greeted; angle between thumb and index finger, and middle and ring finger, to form a "V" each] |
(ho-)ta'a:/taal/ (traditional Vulcan hand salute) [right hand raised vertically so that the palm is shown to the person greeted; angle between thumb and index finger, and middle and ring finger, to form a "V" each] |
ta'raf:neutral |
Ta'raf-Shal:Neutral Zone |
Ta'raf-Shal Rihansu:Romulan Neutral Zone |
tab-ma:late {anc.} |
ta('~):later |
tah:unobtainable |
2599,8 → 2467,6 |
patal-tor:(to) detect |
patalan:detection {n.} |
tal-muv:key |
satalau:(to) determine |
satalaya:determination [inferred] |
tam:dance {n.} |
tam-tor:(to) dance |
taman:dancing |
2619,8 → 2485,7 |
tashek:control (device)|controller {n.} ["control-all"] |
nazh-tashek:gain control ["?-control-all-"] |
ral'es-tashek:volume control ["?-control"] |
threshan-tashek:throttle {n.} {aero.} {mil.} ["speed-control"] |
threshyu-tashek:throttle {n.} {auto.} {tech.} ["?-control-all"] |
threshyu-tashek:Throttle ["?-control-all"] |
wadi-kash-tashek:dermal sensor control ["?-?-control-all"] |
el'rupik thro-svep-tashek:manual hatch control ["?-? ?-door-control"] |
tash-katrom:control current ["control-?"] |
2665,7 → 2530,6 |
tav:rate {n.} |
ha'gel-haulan-tavat:albedo ["light-?-?"] |
tav-tor:(to) rate |
tchai:tea (Terran style) |
tchas:warp {n.} |
tchas-apalikau-tikap t'Skoht:Scott warp startup method ["warp-?-? of-Scott"] |
tchas-klai:warp factor ["warp-?"] |
2721,21 → 2585,6 |
tehn:? |
tehn'~:against ~|anti-~ |
tehn-~:anti- |
tel:bond {n.} |
tel-tor:(to) bond |
natel:module (unit) {tech.} |
dvin-natel:service module (SM) {aero.} |
ek'tal-natel:science module {aero.} |
ek'tal-zup-natel:laboratory module {aero.} |
ha'ayek-natel:habitat module {aero.} |
lunupik ifis-natel:lunar module (LM) {aero.} |
Luna-skonnik thro-ifis-natel:lunar surface access module (LSAM) {aero.} |
karhtau-natel:command module (CM) {aero.} |
raf-ar'kadaik tash-natel:electronic control module (ECM) {auto.} |
tsorau-natel:storage module {aero.} |
natel-tor:(to) bind |
natel-tukh:binder {chem.} |
putel-tor:(to) be bonded |
Tela'at:elder (title of respect for advanced age /Kolinahru/) |
Tellarsu:Tellarite |
telv:reading {n.} |
2747,15 → 2596,6 |
teresh-kah:/Teresh-kah/ (a type of bird) |
ex=Teresh-kah suk.:The /teresh-kah/ bird is big. |
ex=wan-kur teresh-kah:white /teresh-kah/ bird |
terkwul:collision |
terkwulek:collider (device) |
fau-yut-terkwul:road (traffic) collision {fire rescue} |
halakiv-terkwul:traffic collision {fire rescue} |
svi-sov-terkwul:mid-air collision {aero.} |
tehn-terkwul-garibek:anti-collision beacon {aero.} |
tehn-terkwul-ha'gellar:anti-collision lights {aero.} |
terkwul-tvi-temok:collision bulkhead {aero.} |
terkwul-tor:(to) collide |
tersau:(to) connect |
tersa'es:connectivity ["connect-noun"] |
tersaya:connection |
2863,7 → 2703,7 |
gluder-thonek:depth finder ["depth-meter"] |
halek-dan-thonek:cyclometer ["wheel-rotation-meter"] |
ihn-thonek:densitometer ["?-meter"] |
kahat-thonek t'kas-yar-kurek:fluorometer ["?-meter of-chlorophyll"] |
kahat-thonek t'kas-yar-kurek:fluorometer ["?-meter of-plant-green-coloring"] |
khaf-spolik raf-bes-thonek:electrocardiograph ["heart ?-?-meter"] |
khaf-vihish-thonek:sphygmomanometer ["blood-pressure-meter"] |
kur-thonek:colorimeter ["color-meter"] |
2872,6 → 2712,7 |
asal-masu-thonek:drosometer ["morning-water-meter"] |
sov-masu-thonek:hygrometer ["air-water-meter"] |
na-sovau-thonek:evaporimeter ["?-?-meter"] |
pidek-thonek:altimeter ["height-meter"] |
dvunek-toranik raf-bes-thonek:electromyograph ["?-busy ?-?-meter"] |
salan-thonek:anemometer ["wind-meter"] |
seshan-thonek:magnetometer ["?-meter"] |
2887,37 → 2728,16 |
yumau-thonek:flowmeter {geo.}|flow monitor {tech.} ["?-meter"] |
zhu-thonek:audiometer ["hearing-meter"] |
thon-tor:(to) measure ["measure-to-do"] |
thorshaya:explosion |
thrap:offense |
ex=:[see /nem-tor/ for ex.] |
thresha:(to) throttle |
threshan:speed {n.} |
threshan t'tvi-shi-toraya:idle speed {auto.} |
mishu-threshan t'tvi-shi-toraya:engine idle speed {auto.} |
threshan-tash t'tvi-shi-toraya:idle speed control (ISC) {auto.} |
vidvun-fek-pakuv t'threshan t'tvi-shi-toraya:Idle speed solenoid {auto.} |
thresha:? |
threshan:? |
abuli-threshan:vertical speed {aero.} ["vertical-?"] |
abuli-threshan-yal:vertical speed indicator {aero.} ["vertical-?-?"] |
abuthresha:(to) throttle up {aero.} ["up-?"] |
abuthreshan:throttle-up {n.} {aero.} |
abuthresha:(to) throttle up {aero.} ["up-?"] |
abuli-threshan:vertical speed {aero.} ["vertical-speed"] |
abuli-threshan-yal:vertical speed indicator {aero.} ["vertical-?-?"] |
betau-threshan:approach speed {aero.} |
bol-threshan:critical speed {aero.} |
fna-sov-threshan:air speed |
yal t'fna-sov-threshan:air speed indicator (ASI) {aero.} |
yeht-sov-threshan:true air speed (TAS) {aero.} |
firalash-threshan:Sonic speed {aero.} |
ha'gel-hal-threshan:light speed |
ha'gel-threshan:speed of light (SOL) |
ralash-threshan:speed of sound {aero.} |
trasha-threshan:departure speed {aero.} |
yuti-threshan:horizontal speed {aero.} |
yuti-threshan-yal:horizontal speed indicator {aero.} |
5-threshanik mesmishek-da-fek:5-speed transaxle {auto.} |
4-threshanik mesmishek-da-fek:4-speed transaxle {auto.} |
hali-threshan-kashek:vehicle speed sensor (VSS) {auto.} |
threshan-mik-yal:speedometer {auto.} |
thro:access {n.} |
throks:(to) give (access) {TGV} |
throks:(to) give (access) (TGV) |
thro-tor:(to) access |
thurai(-~):next ~ |
tihetilayek:? |
2940,7 → 2760,6 |
Tlingansu:Klingon {n.} |
to-pal:coat |
to-sai:cloak |
to-tan:right {n.} {law} |
to'ankha(-~|ik):political |
to'ankhasu:politician ["political-person"] |
to'ankhatra:politics ["political-there"] |
2955,7 → 2774,6 |
tor:(to) do|make [from CLGV /thor/ and AGV /dhórh/] |
~-tor:(weak verb form) |
tor-bosh:process {n.} |
tor-tal:physics |
tor-zhit:verb ["to-do-word"] |
# tor-yehat:possible ["make-true"; see /yeht/] |
torah:(to) act (on sth.) [produce an effect] |
2985,10 → 2803,6 |
trel:slip {n.} {aero.} |
trel-tor:(to) slip {aero.} |
tresh:split |
thruhk(-zehl):latitude {geo.} |
ka-truhk(~-|ik):geostationary {adj.} [inferred] ["same-latitude"] |
ka-truhkik pa-yut:geostationary orbit {aero.} |
ka-truhkik gol'dvun-sutor-aikum:geostationary relay satellite |
tsaebb-~:west ~ {obs.} |
Tsaebb-Mershtijkk:West Mershtak (Vulcan language) |
tsat:? |
3040,27 → 2854,17 |
tunuh:tuna {zool.} {borr.} |
suk-bezhun-tunuh:bigeye tuna ('ahi po'onui, mebachi) |
tupa:lesson |
tusla:cargo {n.} |
ek'tusla:bulk {n.} {naut.} |
tev-sai-tusla:paracargo {fire rescue} |
tusla-fisolekayek:cargo lander |
tusla-ifisek:cargo transporter |
tusla-kebi:cargo unit |
tusla-leshek:cargo carrier [see /leshek/] |
tusla-natel:cargo module |
tusla-tsorau-keltra (TTK):cargo storage complex |
tusla-tsorau-shal:(cargo) hold|trunk {auto.} |
tusla-tus-toll:cargo loading floor |
tusla-tvi'haf:cargo pod |
tusla-sutauk:cargo bay |
tusla-sutauk-dvep:cargo bay door |
tusok:exercise |
tvah:meaning {n.} |
tvesh(-~|ik):original ~ |
tvesh-~:original ~ |
tveshik:original |
tvi-~:endo~|inner-~|inter~ {adj.} |
tvik:inside (adj. standalone) |
tvur:corridor [inferred from /mesakh-tchas-tvur/] |
u'~:as ~ |
u'rak(-~|ik):negative [inferred] |
# u'rak-falun:negative charge |
# u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /nuk-vihish-tauf/] |
uf:how |
uf mau:how much |
ex=Nam-tor falek uf mau.:How hot is it? ["Is heat how much."] |
3105,12 → 2909,9 |
vazgau:(to) steal |
ex=Vazgau ridorli Tellarsu ek'zerlar t'etek s'pi'kitau-skaf.:The dishonorable Terran steals jewels of us from the small desk. ["Steal dishonorable Terran jewels of-we from small desk."] |
ved-~:quite ~ |
~-veh:~one|~body |
vel:thing |
velak:element {math.} {film} |
nodo-velak:fixed element {film} |
zehl-velak:line element {math.} |
vel-zhit:noun ["thing-word"] |
guv-ta'rafik vel-zhit:gender-neutral noun {gr.} |
veli-~:easy|simple ~ |
velik:easy|simple |
ex=veli-zhitlar:simple words |
3165,7 → 2966,6 |
vikaya:warning {n.} [inferred] |
vikayek:alarm (device) {n.} {aero.} |
vikwam:alert {n.} |
halakiv-vikwam- heh terkwul-etlavau-torektra (HVTET):Traffic alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS) {aero.} |
vikau-torektra:warning system ["warn-system"] |
vin'es:maturity |
vinik:mature {adj.} |
3178,8 → 2978,7 |
visolektraya:burial |
vit-~:static ~ |
vitik:static |
vis:net {tech.}|web {biol.}|(World Wide) Web {tech.} [partially new] |
shi'Vis:website ["place-of-Web"; new, see /shi/] |
vis:net {tech.}|web {biol.} |
nen-shar-vis:primary security net ["?-shar-?"] |
vistra:network [inferred] |
faik-vistra (FV):data network |
3288,8 → 3087,6 |
woht:? |
worla:never |
wu(-~):long ~ |
wuval:elongated |
wut(-zehl):longitude |
wugau:(to) confirm |
wugaya:confirmation (discipline) |
wuh:one {enum.} |
3308,19 → 3105,14 |
yarmok:salad ["grass-ring", see /mokuv/?] |
ne-yartra:meadow ["shallow-grass-there"] |
yaretau:(to) visit |
yaretausu:visitor ["visiting-person"] |
oyaretausu:(honored) guest ["honored-visiting-person"] |
yaretausu:visitor ["visiting-person"; inferred] |
oyaretausu:(honored) guest ["honored-visiting-person"; inferred] |
yauluhk:important |
ex=Yauluhk Pitoh na'Riguv- - Wehk-Guv- heh Ri-Vukhut-Hasular:Important Note about Asexual, Multi-Sexual and Non-Corporeal Beings |
yeht(-~):right|correct|true ~ {adj.} |
yeht'es:accuracy [inferred] |
yeht(-~):right|correct|true ~ |
yeht-urgam'es:efficiency|efficient |
tor-yehat:possible |
la'ka-yehat:available {adj.} ["here-same-true"] |
la'ka-ha'gel:available light |
la'ka-tepul:available power |
yel:star {n.} |
ta'gal-yel:neutron star |
# yel-hali:[see /hali/] |
yel-halek:galaxy ["star-wheel"] |
Yel-Halek t'Thas-Yut:Milky Way Galaxy ["galaxy of-milk-way"] |
3372,10 → 3164,6 |
zakar-tor:(to) damage |
ex=Zakar-tor sahriv urozh svi'solai t'sa-veh hi ri t'etek.:The storm damaged the crops in his field but not in ours. |
zam:few |
zamavaya:playback {n.} |
zama-tor:(to) spy ["pretend-to-do", as playback is pretending to sing] |
zamasu:agent|spy ["spy-person"] |
dah-zamasu:double agent ["two-agent"] |
zanan:view {n.} |
zan-tor:(to) view |
zehl:line {n.} |
3401,7 → 3189,7 |
ex=velik zhit-bal, krus 1:simple sentence, part 1 |
zhit-feim:vocabulary |
zhit-gir:word root ["word-root"; inferred] |
zhit-isan:grammar ["word-using"] |
zhit-isan:grammar ["word-use"] |
zhit-vesht-tal:etymology ["word-past-study"] |
ex=>Zhit-Vesht-Tal Ba- eh Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu<:"Traditional and Modern Golic Vulcan Etymology" |
nazhitovau:(to) spell |
3423,7 → 3211,6 |
zhu-fam-~:deaf ~ ["hearing-without"] |
zhu-famik:deaf |
# zhu-thonek:[see /thonek/] |
zhu-nalatra-tin:eardrum {anat.} ["hear-tissue-layer"] |
zhu-tor:(to) hear ["hearing-verb"] |
ex=Zhu-tor T'Luki sehlatlar fna'krani fi'yut na'svep.:T'Luki hears /sehlats/ through the window on the way to the door. |
nazhu-tor:(to) listen |