1,4 → 1,4 |
# Modern Golic Vulcan (MGV):Federation Standard English (FSE) |
# Golic Vulcan (GV):Federation Standard English (FSE) |
# |
# Compiled from the website of the Vulcan Language Institute |
# at <http://home.comcast.net/~markg61/vlif.htm>. |
139,7 → 139,9 |
# |
# Only when all applying superordered criteria are the same, |
# entries are sorted by the FSE alphabet (not the MGV alphabet, |
# in order to help learners.) |
# in order to help learners.) Note that weak verb forms, although |
# combining with “-tor” are sorted before other modifying and |
# combining forms because they have the stronger root. |
# |
# Therefore, if you cannot find the translation for a compound |
# word at entries beginning with the letter of the word, look |
148,6 → 150,7 |
# The following abbreviations have been used: |
# |
# adj. – adjective, adjectival |
# AGV – Ancient Golic Vulcan (language) |
# aero. – aerospace |
# agr. – agriculture, agricultural; related to planting |
# anat. – anatomy, anatomical; related to body structure |
161,6 → 164,7 |
# bot. – botany, botanical; related to plant life |
# card. – cardinal form (of a number); for counting up and when |
# used like a noun |
# CLGV – Ceremonial/Lithurgic Golic Vulcan (language) |
# colloq. – colloquial; used in informal, non-scientific speech |
# enum. – enumerating form (of a number); for counting how many |
# items there are |
171,6 → 175,7 |
# "place where crops grow", fig. "area of study", or |
# fig. a math. structure (like "Galois field") or |
# a physical structure or technology (like "warp field") |
# gen. – general, generally |
# ger. – gerund (form); verb form to describe what happens now |
# geo. – related to geosciences |
# geol. – geology, geologic; related to stones and minerals |
181,7 → 186,10 |
# irr. – irregular (verb; vs. reg.) |
# lit. – literally (vs. fig.) |
# math. – mathematics, mathematically |
# mech. – mechanics, mechanically |
# med. – medicine, medical |
# MGV – Modern Golic Vulcan (language) |
# mil. – military |
# myth. – mythology, mythologic |
# n. – noun; word for a thing or being |
# naut. – nautical; related to motion in seafaring tradition |
191,6 → 199,8 |
# /pon farr/ etc.) |
# ocean. – oceanography, oceanographic |
# ord. – ordinal form (of a number): 1st, 2nd etc. |
# paleo. – paleontology, paleontological |
# phys. – physics, physical |
# pl. – plural (form) |
# pol. – politics, political |
# rec. – recreation, recreational |
201,6 → 211,8 |
# v. – verb; word for doing something |
# vs. – /versus/ Latin for "as opposed to", "as compared to" |
# zool. – zoology, zoologic; related to animal life forms |
# |
# Unless otherwise specified, words are common in MGV. |
~al:(reg. strong v., past form) |
~au:(reg. strong v.) |
217,7 → 229,7 |
ex=Vasha'voh yel-hali t'nemut..:Destroy the enemy starship! |
ex=Tu'ash'voh svep..:Open the door! |
~-kam:dear ~ (affection) |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive (polarity) ~ {adj.} {anc.} [from in CLGV, "good-direction" in AGV] |
a'rak(-~|ik):positive (polarity) ~ {adj.} {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /á-rhak/, meaning "good direction"] |
# a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:[see /vihish/] |
raf-a'rak(-):electropositive ["?-positive"] |
aal:? |
227,12 → 239,13 |
abu(-~):up~|upward~ |
abukhau:(to) rule over {arch.} ["up-rule"?] |
(abu)khausu:ruler (person) {n.} {arch.} |
abuli(-~|ik):vertical {adj.} |
abu'le:upwards {anc.} [from CLGV /apu'leh/ and AGV /ápuullh/] |
abuli(-~|ik):vertical {adj.} |
abunaf:uplink {n.} {aero.} |
kahr-abu:zenit (directly up) ["?-up"] |
abrashau:(to) pick up |
ex=Abrashau reshnek Kardassu pi'natuhn s'kitau-skaf.:The angry Cardassian picks up the small box from the desk. |
abru'~:above|over ~ |
abru'~:above|over ~ {anc.} [from CLGV /apru'/ and AGV /ápruu/] |
abru(-~):above~|over~ |
abrupik:dominant (adj.; biol.) |
abrupik'es:dominance ["dominant-noun"; inferred] |
241,20 → 254,19 |
achut:brush {n.} |
puyan-achut:cleaning brush [see /puyek/] |
zud-achut:toothbrush ["?-brush"; see /zud/] |
af'tum:galley (kitchen) |
ahkh:war {borr.} |
ahm:name |
af'tum:kitchen|galley {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /àffu'dúmh/, meaning /cooking chamber/] |
ahkh:war {anc.} {borr.} [from ancient non-Golic] |
ahkhsu:warrior {anc.} ["war-person"] |
ahm:name {anc.} [from CLGV and AGV] |
ex=Svi'ahm t'Surak ra..:What in Surak's name?!? ["In-name of-Surak what!!!"] |
ahn-wun:/ahn-wun/ (traditional melee weapon with leather-strips and metal balls at the ends; anc.) [also transcribed /ahn-woon/] |
ang'klung:Angklung {mus.} |
anuh'dzhuhr:onager (asiatic ass) {borr.} [from FSE] |
ahs:jaw {n.} {arch.} |
ahs:jaw {n.} {anc.} [from CLGV and AGV] |
ahs-fam(-~|ik):jawless ["jaw-without"] |
ahs-fam-aluk:jawless fish ["jawless-fish"; see /ahs/] |
ahs-hinek:jawbone {arch.} |
abru-ahs|-hinek|:maxilla {n.} {ocean.} |
nuk-ahs|-hinek|:mandible {n.} {ocean.} |
aifa:these |
aifa:these {anc.} [from CLGV /aifu/ and AGV /ayivu/] |
aikum:moon {n.} [from CLGV; AGV form is unknown, although possibly related to /álh'úmú/, meaning "companion"] |
aitlu:(to) desire [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Aitlu Sonok yokul sash-savas.:Sonok wants to eat /sash-savas/. |
ex=Aitlu T'Luki foshuhl rasath.:T'Luki wants to lose weight. |
263,19 → 275,22 |
ex=Aitlu tu nash-gad nuh'irak hal-tor.:You want to go too far today. ["Want you today too-far to-go."] |
aitlun:desire {n.} |
aitluyan:desiring |
ak'~:soon ~ |
ak('~):soon ~ {anc.} [from CLGV and AGV] |
ex=Vun ak'hal-tor sa-veh.:He must go soon. ["Must soon-go he."] |
ex=Ri dotor au ak'hal-tor na'Terra.:They are not planning to go to Earth soon. ["Not plan they soon-go to-Earth."] |
ak'wikman:surprising |
ak'spra:heretic {n.} {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /ahr'shprátu/, meaning "one who goes against what is written"] |
akan:alien |
akansu:alien {n.} |
akarshif:a long time |
akhlami:among us |
akteibuhl:attainment |
aluk:fish {n.} |
alem:salt {anc.} [from CLGV and AGV] |
alem-tukh:sodium ["salt stuff", because common salt is comprised of sodium and chlorine] |
aluk:fish {n.} {anc.} [from CLGV; AGV form is unknown] |
khlup-aluk:? |
abu-vla-nu'leyik khlup-aluk:upside-down jelly(fish) {zool.} ["upward-?-down-? ?-fish"] |
kus-vakhik khlup-aluk:bell jelly(fish) {zool.} ["?-? ?-fish"] |
kus-vakhik khlup-aluk:bell jelly(fish) {zool.} ["?-? ?-fish"; see /kus-vakh/] |
Andorsu:Andorian |
ar'kada:(to) work ["?-same-rotation"?] |
ar'kada-has:occupational disease {med.} |
285,10 → 300,11 |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki fi'ar'kadan.:Sonok and T'Luki are working. |
raf-ar'kada-vellar:electronics (equipment) {tech.} |
arev:desert wind {?GV} [from ST:ENT "The Forge"] |
asal:morning |
arlanga-tukh:yttrium [chemical element first found in the Arlanga mountain range] |
asal:morning {anc.} [from CLGV /ashahl/, derived from AGV /aξ'àl'el/, the rising (time)] |
# asal-yem:[see /yem/] |
ash'ai:sock |
ash'el:shoe |
ash'el (MGV)|ash-vel (TGV):shoe {n.} ["treading thing"] |
ash'ai:sock {n.} |
ashau:(to) love |
ashiv:repeat|repetition {n.} |
k'ashiv:often ["with-repetition"] |
297,9 → 313,10 |
ashiv-tor:(to) repeat |
ashivan:repeating |
ask'er:soldier {borr.} |
au:they|them |
au:they|them {anc.} [word from CLGV, derived from AGV /á/] |
oau:they|them [about superiors or honored persons, "honored they/them"] |
t'au:their|theirs ["of-them"] |
ausham:venom {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /áξumh/] |
aushfa:animal {n.} |
aushfamaluhr:animalic {adj.} |
falek'es-tash-aushfa:bomeotherm {n.} {ocean.} ["temperature-control-animal"] |
307,7 → 324,7 |
spahk-mal-aushfa:crustacean {biol.} ["claw-leg-animal"] |
wehk-mal-aushfa:myriapod {biol.} ["many-leg-animal"] |
ulef-masu-aushfa:amphibian {n.} ["half-water-animal"] |
avon:hunger {n.} |
avon:hunger {n.} [from CLGV /avonn/, derived from AGV /àfhonnh/] |
k'avon:hungry ["with-hunger"] |
ex=Sa-kan k'avon hi ko-kan rik'avon.:The boy is hungry but the girl is full. |
ex=k'le-matya k'avon:with the hungry /le-matya/ |
330,9 → 347,10 |
bali-fekik:pachycaul {biol.} ["thick-?"] |
bali-wadi-nosh:pachyderma ["thick-?-?"] |
balkra:/balkra/ (a type of aromatic casserole) {anc.} |
bah-ker:garden {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /báha-kèrru/, meaning "food yard"] |
bai'~:by means of|through|via {obs.} [see /fna'/] |
bai-lon-tak:? |
bar-kas:spice {n.} |
bar-kas:spice {n.} {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /bárrh-kàξu/, meaning "tongue-biter", an effect of spices] |
batai:sturdy {anc.} [Batai was the name of Kamin's sturdy son in Ressik province on another planet; see TNG "The Inner Light"] |
be'~:beside|by|near|next to|very close to ~ |
behsu:neighbor {n.} ["next-to person"] |
344,12 → 362,14 |
beidzhorsu:Bajoran {adj.} |
ex=shi'kwai beidzhorsu:Bajoran wilderness ["wilderness Bajoran"] |
Beituh'zedsu:Betazoid |
bek-tor:(to) wait |
la'bek-tor:(to) wait here |
la'bek:here-wait, wait here |
bek:wait {n.} |
bek-tor:(to) wait |
la'bek:here-wait, wait here |
la'bek-tor:(to) wait here |
Ben:to us (TGV) |
ex=>Ben vahl navun.<:"Grant us success." ["To-us grant success."] |
bezhun:eye |
bes:drawing {anc.} [from CLGV /bæs/ and AGV /b'hàs/] |
bezhun:eye {anc.} [from CLGV /bæshun/ and AGV /b'hàshúnh/] |
bezhun-masu:tear(s) {n.} ["eye-water"] |
bi'~:along ~ |
bling:? |
373,18 → 393,24 |
dah'rak:second {ord.} {TGV} |
dahr-~:second {ord.} |
dah-~:two-~|bi-~|di~|double-~ |
dah-wak:twice ["two-times"] |
dah-halek:bicycle ["two-goer", as in a conveyance with two wheels] |
dah-wak:twice ["two-times"] |
dakh:(to) cast out |
ex=>Dakh orfikkel aushfamaluhr shaukaush fi'aifa mazhiv.<:"Our ancestors cast out their animal passions here on these sands." ["Cast-out ancestors animal passion(s) on-these sands."] |
dal:? |
dal-nath:? |
da-tor:(to) rotate |
dan:rotation |
dayan:rotating |
danau:(to) explain ["rotate (knowledge) around"; reg. strong v.] |
ex=Danau Sonok lof na'T'Luki.:Sonok explains the purpose to T'Luki. |
danaun:explaining |
danaya:explanation |
dan:rotation {anc.} [from CLGV /dahn/ and AGV /dhánh/] |
danau:(to) explain ["rotate (knowledge) around"; reg. strong v.; from CLGV, derived from AGV /dháná/.] |
ex=Danau Sonok lof na'T'Luki.:Sonok explains the purpose to T'Luki. |
danaun:explaining |
danaya:explanation |
padan:spin (rotation) {n.} {aero.} |
pada-tor:(to) spin (rotate) {aero.} |
dayan:rotating |
da-fek:axle ["turn(ing)-pole"] |
da-rala-hali: helicopter ["turning-wing-vehicle"] |
da-sfek:axis|pivot ["turn(ing)-point"] |
da-tor:(to) rotate |
dan-~:~est|most ~ (superlative) |
ex=Sehlat t'Soval dan-suk t'elkhrul-shal.:Soval's /sehlat/ is the biggest of the whole area. ["/Sehlat/ of-Soval most-big of-whole-area."] |
ex=Skladan t'ko-veh na'spanakhat dan-yauluhk t'ek.:Her message for the government is the most important of all. ["Message of-female-one for-government most-important of-all."] |
392,12 → 418,15 |
dap-lan-pa:/dap-lan-pa/ (children's game) {anc.} ["spot-?-?"] |
reh-dap:three-spots ("∴") ["three-spot"; used as "etc." is used in FSE] |
ex=Bolau mahr-tor Spolk dunaplar - dun - neshuk ∴:Spolk needs to buy books, paper, ink, etc. |
daya:? |
dau:(to) affect {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /dhá/] |
daya:effect {n.} |
dawan:/dawan/ (an undependable person) {anc.} [from CLGV /dal'wanu/ and AGV /da'w'lhán/] |
Deltasu:Deltan |
di'kizh:? |
dif-tor:(to) live (a) long (time) |
Dif-tor heh smusma.:Live long and prosper. |
ex=>Dif-tor heh smusma - Spohkh.<:"Live long and prosper, Spock." ["To-live-long and to-prosper, Spock."] |
dif:long life |
dif-tor:(to) live (a) long (time) |
Dif-tor heh smusma.:Live long and prosper. |
ex=>Dif-tor heh smusma - Spohkh.<:"Live long and prosper, Spock." ["To-live-long and to-prosper, Spock."] |
dohn:board|plank {n.} |
do:than |
ex=Soval weh-suk do Stola.:Soval is bigger than Stola. ["Soval more-big than Stola."] |
405,6 → 434,7 |
ex=Kelek t'Soval weh-suk do dan-suk t'besular.:Soval's house is bigger than the biggest house of his neighbors. ["House of-Soval more-big than most-big of-neighbors."] |
dom:so |
ex=>Dom - ki'sarlah.<:"So, it has come." ["So, (it) has-come."] |
don-ka:rich {n.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /dónh-ká/, meaning "money-having"] |
dor:honor |
dor-~:honorable ~ |
dorli:honorable |
421,8 → 451,8 |
t'du:your|yours {sing.} |
ex=Yokul nash-veh yarmok t'du.:I eat your salad. ["Eat this-one salad of-you."] |
du':while|during |
dun:paper |
dunap:book |
dun:paper {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /dúnh/, a papyrus-like paper made from the fibers of an edible root] |
dunap:book {n.} [from CLGV /dunapi/, derived from AGV /dúnh-abù/ "scroll"] |
dungi(-~):will {v.}|(future form) |
ex=dungi kal-tor:will let [weak verb, /dungi/ not affixed] |
ex=dungi-palikau:will ~ [strong verb, /dungi/ affixed] |
445,18 → 475,21 |
ex=Dungi gla-tor au wuh'rak yel t'khru wilat.:Where will they see the first star of the evening? ["Will see they first star of-evening where."] |
dukal:ball {n.} |
dva:belief |
dvel-tor:(to) choose |
dvelek:selector [inferred] |
glashau-nuk-dvelek:scan mode selector {tech.} ["?-low-selector"] |
dvin-tor:(to) serve |
ex=Dvin-tor T'Luki yar-sazhlar heh zhar-savaslar.:T'Luki serves grass-vegetables and orange fruits. |
dvinsu:servant |
dvintra:service |
kef-has-dvintra |KHD|:Emergency medical service (EMS) |
dvar:risk {n.} |
dvar-tor:(to) risk |
dvel:choice |
dvel-tor:(to) choose |
dvelek:selector [inferred] |
glashau-nuk-dvelek:scan mode selector {tech.} ["?-low-selector"] |
dvin:service {n.} [providing something to] |
kadvin:commission {naut.} ["same-service"] |
s'kadvin:out of commission |
sakadvin-tor:(to) decommission |
sakadvin:decommissioning {n.} |
kef-has-dvintra |KHD|:Emergency medical service (EMS) ["emergency-medical-service-there"] |
dvin-tor:(to) serve |
ex=Dvin-tor T'Luki yar-sazhlar heh zhar-savaslar.:T'Luki serves green legumes and orange fruits. |
dvinsu:servant |
dvun:move(ment) {n.}|motion {n.}|moving {ger.} |
dah-da-sfekik gol'dvunek:coaxial relay ["two-?-point help-movement-noun"] |
dvunel:motion {biol.} |
464,6 → 497,8 |
dvunel-has-mar:kinetosis {med.} ["motion-medical-?"] |
na-dvunel:adduction {med.} ["?-motion"] |
sa-dvunel:abduction {med.} ["away-from-motion"] |
fandvu:gimbal {n.} {aero.} ["any-move"] |
fandvu-tor:(to) gimbal {aero.} |
khardvun:? |
abunuhal-khardvun:pitch maneuver {n.} ["pitch-?"] |
tereragel-abunuhal-khardvun:rendezvous pitch maneuver {n.} ["?-pitch-?"] |
490,7 → 525,7 |
ek'an:maximum {n.} |
ex=:[see /suk/ for ex.] |
elkhrul-~:whole|entire |
ek'zer:gem|jewel {anc.} [originally a compound word] |
ek'zer:gem|jewel {anc.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /àh-zèrrh/, meaning roughly "all-value", from a very ancient practice of using gems as monetary units] |
ekkuu-~:planar |
Ekkuu-Gollisk:Planar Golic (Vulcan language) |
ekon:(a) god |
498,8 → 533,13 |
elakh:cable {n.} {tech.} |
elakhtra:cabling {n.} |
pelakh:filament |
esh:breathe |
# esh-tukh:[see /tukh/] |
esh:breath [from CLGV /æsk/ and AGV /àξ/] |
esh-mev:trachea {med.}|airway {biol.} ["breath(ing)-tube"] |
esh-mev-klotaya:airway obstruction {biol.} ["breathe-duct-?"] |
esh-tukh:oxygen ["breath(ing)-stuff"] |
fezhau-vok t'masu-esh-tukh:dissolved oxygen level {biol.} ["?-? of-water-breathe-stuff"] |
# esh-tukh-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
ek'esh-tukh-kupik:euryoxic {adj.} {biol.} ["all-breathe-stuff-?"] |
eshikh:desert |
esta:touch {n.} |
estuhl:(to) touch [irr. strong v.] |
521,7 → 561,7 |
nenik fa-wak-wis:simple future (tense) ["simple future-tense"] |
faterek:prefix |
fah-yat:? |
fai-tukh:knowledge |
fai-tukh:knowledge ["know-stuff"] |
faik:data [inferred from /faik-vistra/] |
# faik-vistra:[see /vistra/] |
faka:hernia {n.} |
532,14 → 572,14 |
fal-tor:(to) rejoin ["hot-to-do"] |
fal-tor-pan:refusion {anc.} [ceremony to rejoin the body and katra] |
falun:charge {n.} {elect.} |
falun-krus:ion ["charge-?"] |
saya-kapol t'falun-krus:ion radiation filter ["?-? of-charge-?"] |
falun-krus-tel:ionic bond {geol.} ["charge-?-?"] |
falun-krus-tukh:electrolyte {med.} ["charge-?-stuff"] |
falun-krus-yeturek:ion drive ["charge-?-?"] |
a'rak-falun-krus:cation ["positive-charge-?"] |
vukh-masu-rubaisu (s'fezhal-falun-kruslar):osmoconformer ["?-water-? (from-?-charge-? {pl.})"] |
vukh-masu-pakhartausu (s'fezhal-falun-kruslar):osmoregulator ["?-water-? (from-?-charge-? {pl.})"] |
falun-krus:ion ["charge-part"] |
saya-kapol t'falun-krus:ion radiation filter ["?-? of-ion"] |
falun-krus-tel:ionic bond {geol.} ["ion-?"] |
falun-krus-tukh:electrolyte {med.} ["ion-stuff"] |
falun-krus-yeturek:ion drive ["ion-drive"] |
a'rak-falun-krus:cation ["positive-ion"] |
vukh-masu-rubaisu (s'fezhal-falun-kruslar):osmoconformer ["?-water-? (from-?-ions {pl.})"] |
vukh-masu-pakhartausu (s'fezhal-falun-kruslar):osmoregulator ["?-water-? (from-?-ions)"] |
falun-shetaya:ionization ["charge-?"] |
falun-tersal-el'mish:charge coupled device (CCD) ["charge-?-?"] |
a'rak-falun:positive charge {sci.} ["positive-charge"] |
551,9 → 591,11 |
# hai-fan-wan:[see /fan-wan/] |
# hai-fan-wan:[see /wan/] |
farr:time (anc., obs.) [only used poetically in Golic Vulcan] |
fas-tor:(to) cook |
ex=Fas-tor opilsu steh natya sazh.:The chef cooks 7 different vegetables. ["Cook chef 7 different vegetable."] |
fasei:this (here) |
fasek:oven |
fassu:cook {n.} |
fas-tor:(to) cook |
ex=Fas-tor opilsu steh natya sazh.:The chef cooks 7 different legumes. ["Cook chef 7 different vegetable."] |
fe-~:pre-~|ante-~ |
feihan:? |
fereik:(to) create|invent [inferred] |
608,18 → 650,19 |
ha'gal-lushun:photon torpedo (photorp) |
ha'gal-lushun-mev:photon torpedo tube |
ha'gal-lushun-spusayek:photon torpedo launcher |
ha'gal-lushan-sutauk:photon torpedo bay [/lushun/ vs. /lushan/?] |
ha'gal-lushun-sutauk:photon torpedo bay ["photon-torpedo-?"] |
ha'gal-thorshek:photon grenade |
na'gal:polaron |
na'gal-sayek:polaron emitter |
na'gal-vunai:polaron field |
pi'gal:particle [inferred] |
patalek t'nuk-tepulik vifalunal-pi'gallar:low-energy charged-particle detector ["? of-low-? ?-particles"] |
nen-pi'gal:elementary particle |
nen-pi'gal:elementary particle|fundamental particle |
ritsuri-pi'gal:exotic particle |
sih-pi'gal:alpha particle |
tehn-pi'gal:antiparticle |
tih-pi'gal:beta particle |
tehn-pi'gal:antiparticle |
vifalunal-pi'gal:charged particle [inferred] |
patalek t'nuk-tepulik vifalunal-pi'gallar:low-energy charged-particle detector ["? of-low-? ?-particles"] |
pi'gal-sahrayek:particle accelerator |
pi'gal-zehl:particle beam |
pi'gal-zehl-mishu:particle beam engine |
627,12 → 670,6 |
tehn-pu'gal:antibaryon |
pu'gal-kashek:baryon sensor |
pu'gal-su'us:baryon number |
sesh'gal:graviton |
sesh'gal-zehlek:graviton beam |
wek-terauk sesh'gal-zehlek:phase-conjugate graviton beam |
sesh'gal-zehlek-sayek:graviton beam emitter |
sesh'gal-vunai:graviton field |
sesh'gal-tihetilayek:graviton stabilizer |
sahr'gal:tachyon |
sahr'gal-glashayek:tachyon scanner |
sahr'gal-vunai:tachyon field |
645,33 → 682,37 |
thor'gal:thoron [inferred] |
leshanik thor'gal-ferek:portable thoron generator (PTG) |
thor'gal-kolau-sayek:thoron shock emitter ["?-shock-?"] |
u'gal:electron |
u'gal(ik):electron |
u'galik numo-zan-vel:electron microscope |
u'gal-fo:electron shell |
u'gal-glashaun:electron scanning |
u'gal-ha'zehl:electron beam |
u'gal-ha'zehl:electron beam ["electron-beam"] |
u'gal-kusilau-glashayek (UKG):electron resonance scanner |
u'gal-pohshek:electron gun |
u'gal-salash:electron stream |
u'gal-shif:electron pair |
u'gal-shif:electron pair ["electron-pair"] |
u'gal-shivak:electron mass |
u'gal-thorshkau-kwitek:electron bombardment thruster |
u'gal-yumau-tal:electronics {edu.} |
u'gal-zehl-mev:cathode ray tube (CRT) |
razh-u'gal-shif:exciton |
u'galik numo-zan-vel:electron microscope |
el-u'gal:free electron |
razh-u'gal-shif:exciton ["?-electron-pair"] |
tehn-u'gal:positron ["anti-electron"] |
wak'gal:chroniton |
wak'gal-zehl(ek):chroniton beam |
ne-galu-feshelek:subatomic disrupter |
galutravek:molecule ["atom-there-?"] |
fosh-galutravek:antibody |
galutravek-glakuv-glashayek:molecular imaging scanner (MIS) ["atom-there-?-?-?"] |
ne-galu-feshelek:subatomic disrupter |
galu-dahshaya:(nuclear) fission |
galu-dahshau-folayek:fission reactor |
galu-dahshau-yehat:fissionable |
galu-dahshau-torvak:fission product ["atom-separate-?"] |
galu-dahshau-yehat:fissionable {adj.} |
galu-dataya:nuclear propulsion |
galu-folayek:nuclear reactor |
galu-kaunshaya:(nuclear) fusion |
galu-kaunshaya:(nuclear) fusion {phys.} |
galu-kaunshau-folayek:fusion reactor |
galu-kaunshau-thorshek:fusion bomb |
galu-mesurubah:atomic transmutation |
galu-pa'ashtra:atomic plane |
galu-raf-dataya:nuclear-electric propulsion (NEP) |
685,11 → 726,14 |
galu-su'us:atomic number |
galu-tepul:atomic energy |
galu-tepul-torvayek:nuclear power plant |
galu-thorshek:atomic bomb |
galu-thorshek:atomic (fission) bomb |
galu-velek:atomic structure |
galu-wak-wel:atomic clock |
galu-wun:atomic|nuclear weapon |
galk:radical {chem.} [inferred] |
el-galk:free radical {chem.} |
gehnli:essential |
gel:branch|path|segment {n.} |
gen-lis:language |
gen-lis-tal:linguistics ["language-study"] |
gir:root |
696,22 → 740,22 |
gish:(to) expect |
ex=Gish etek fa-gad lasha.:They expect to arrive tomorrow. ["Expect they tomorrow to-arrive."] |
ex=>Gishen worla ihk-banut.<:"He's never what I expect." ["What-is-expected never the-one-of-which-is-spoken."] |
gla-tor:(to) see |
ex=Vesht gla-tor Sonok kus-vakh - dunap - ha'fek heh math.:Sonok saw a bell, book, candle and plate. |
ex=Vesht gla-tor nash-veh sehlat na'svep.:I saw a sehlat at the door. ["Saw this-one sehlat at-door."] |
gla-~:optical {tech.} |
glan:sight |
glan-fam-~:blind ~ ["sight-without"] |
glan-fam'es:blindness {med.} |
glan-famik:blind |
# fa-wak glansu:[see /fa-wak/] |
glantau:(to) watch |
ex=Glantal Stonn tevyan-morlar taman svi'salan.:Stonn watched the falling leaves dancing in the wind. ["Watched Stonn falling-leaves dancing in-wind."] |
toglantau:(to) witness |
glan:sight {anc.} [from CLGV /glann/ and AGV /glánh/] |
glantau:(to) watch |
ex=Glantal Stonn tevyan-morlar taman svi'salan.:Stonn watched the falling leaves dancing in the wind. ["Watched Stonn falling-leaves dancing in-wind."] |
toglantau:(to) witness |
glan-fam-~:blind ~ ["sight-without"] |
glan-fam'es:blindness {med.} |
glan-famik:blind |
# fa-wak glansu:[see /fa-wak/] |
glayan:seeing |
mathra-glayek:disk camera |
glayek-el'torausu:cameraman|camera operator |
raf-glayek:electric eye |
gla-tor:(to) see |
ex=Vesht gla-tor Sonok kus-vakh - dunap - ha'fek heh math.:Sonok saw a bell, book, candle and plate. |
ex=Vesht gla-tor nash-veh sehlat na'svep.:I saw a sehlat at the door. ["Saw this-one sehlat at-door."] |
gla-~:optical {tech.} |
glozho:elixir {anc.} |
gluder:depth |
glu-masu-shal:benthic zone ["deep-water-zone"] |
730,12 → 774,12 |
mev-gnal:angioma {med.} ["pipe-tumor"] |
shad-gnal:brain|cerebral tumor {med.} ["brain-tumor"] |
slah-gnal:fibroid tumor ["fiber-tumor"] |
rihinek-gnal:chondroma {med.} ["cartilage-tumor"] |
goh:only |
Gol-~:Golic |
Gol-Vuhlkansu:Golic Vulcan |
golik:Golic (standalone) |
gol'nev:help {n.} |
gol'nev:aid|help {n.} [probably not coincidence that GV words with "gol" have to do with "help", "access", and "relay"; people would study with Gol masters for help (controlling their emotions) and insight (philosophy, science)] |
gol-tor:(to) aid|help {n.} |
gonaf:button {n.} |
Gornarsu:Gorn |
gu-vam:duty |
745,71 → 789,80 |
guv-kozauk vel-zhitlar:gender-specific nouns |
riguv:asexual |
wehk-guv:multi-sexual |
ha:yes [anc.: "fire"?] |
ha:yes [from {obs.} for "fire"] |
ex=Olau tu has-bosh ha.:Are you feeling ill? ["Feel you ill yes."] |
ex=Gla-tor du dunap t'Sonok ha.:Do you see Sonok's book? ["See you book of-Sonok yes."] |
ex=Ma sa-kan heh ko-kan san-zhellar ha.:"Do the boy and girl have belts?" ["Have boy and girl belts yes."] |
ex=Yokul kosu yarmok ha.:Does the woman eat salad? ["Eat woman salad yes."] |
ex=Yokul sasu kahm ha.:Does the man eat meat? ["Eat man meat yes."] |
ha'fek:candle(stick) ["fire fully contained"] |
ha'gel:light {n.} |
ha'gel:light {n.} ["fire-branch"; see /gel/] |
ha'gel-rubah-dvun:phototaxis {biol.} ["light-change-movement"] |
ha'gel-slah-elakh:fiber-optic cable {tech.} ["light-?-cable"] |
ha'kiv:life ["fire of being"?] |
ha-tor:(to) live [also: "burn"?] |
ha'fek:candle(stick) ["fire stick"] |
ha'kiv:life {anc.} ["fire-noun"; "fire of being"] |
hasu:being {n.} ["life-person"] |
ha-tor:(to) live {anc.} ["burn-being"; from CLGV /hahthor/ and AGV /hahdhórh/; see /plak-tau/] |
ex=Ha-tor Sonok heh T'Luki svi'pi'kelek svi'suk'solai.:Sonok and T'Luki live in the small house on the big field. |
# ha-guhsh:[see /guhsh/] |
ha-vel:organism ["life-thing"] |
hasu:being {n.} |
haran:Fire Beast {anc.} {myth.} |
ha'su:angel {n.} {anc.} ["fire-person"] |
haran:fire beast {anc.} {myth.} |
ha-vol(-~):tall ~ |
ex=Ha-vol Beituh'zedsu glan-fam heh pen Vuhlkansu zhu-fam.:The tall Betazoid is blind and the short Vulcan is deaf. |
haf:gap {geol.} |
pi'haf:follicle |
sa'haf:bladder {bot.} |
sov-sa'haf:air bladder {biol.} |
halovau:(to) travel|journey |
halovausu:traveler ["travel-person"] |
halovaya:travel {n.} [inferred] |
weh-sahr-ha'gelik halovaya:faster-than-light (FTL) travel ["more-fast-light travel"] |
halovau-tvi'haf:travel pod {aero.} ["travel-inter-gap"] |
hal-tor:(to) go |
ex=Hal-tor Sonak na'ar'kada.:Sonak is going to work.|Sonak goes to work. ["Goes Sonak to work"; do not use gerund in GV] |
halan:going {ger.} |
ex=Halan na'krani - toglantal T'Pau tevul t'ifis-hali.:Going to the window, T'Pau witnessed the crash of the transport. ["Going to-window, witnessed T'Pau crash of-transport."] |
abunuhal-tor:(to) pitch {aero.} |
abunuhalan:pitch (n.) {aero.} |
ra'abunuhal:pitchover (n.) {aero.} |
ak'hal-tor:(to) go soon |
ak'halan:soon-going |
fabehal-tor:(to) pass|overtake |
fabehalan:pass|passing|overtaking |
mahal-tor:(to) swim [see "masu"] |
nahal-tor:(to) go towards [see "na'"] |
nahalan:going-towards, towards-going |
skahal-tor:(to) get off of|disembark |
haf:gap |
ki'haf:basket {anc.} ["have-gap"?; originally a compound word] |
pi'haf:follicle ["small-gap"] |
sa'haf:bladder {bot.}|pouch {n.} {zool.} ["outward-gap"] |
sov-sa'haf:air bladder {biol.} ["air-bladder"] |
vazh-sa'haf:bladder {anat.} {TGV} |
vazhaf:bladder {anat.} {MGV} |
halan:voyage|going {n.} {ger.} |
ex=Halan na'krani - toglantal T'Pau tevul t'ifis-hali.:Going to the window, T'Pau witnessed the crash of the transport. ["Going to-window, witnessed T'Pau crash of-transport."] |
abunuhalan:pitch (n.) {aero.} |
ra'abunuhal:pitchover (n.) {aero.} |
abunuhal-tor:(to) pitch {aero.} ["up-down-go"; see /abu/ and /nu/] |
ak'halan:soon-going |
ak'hal-tor:(to) go soon ["soon-go"; see /ak'/] |
fabehalan:pass|passing|overtaking |
fabehal-tor:(to) pass|overtake ["in-front-of-next-go"; see /fa'/ and /be'/] |
nahalan:going-towards, towards-going |
nahal-tor:(to) go towards ["towards-go"; see /na'/] |
rishihalan:yaw {n.} {aero.} ["not-place-going"] |
rishihal-tor:(to) yaw {aero.} ["not-place-go-to-do"] |
skahalan:getting-off of|disembarkation |
skahal-tor:(to) get off of|disembark ["off-go"; see /ska'/] |
ex=Skahal-tor T'Pol shan-hali.:T'Pol gets off the shuttlecraft. ["Get-off T'Pol shuttlecraft."] |
skahalan:getting-off of|disembarkation |
zahal-tor:(to) follow |
zahalan (k'):followed (by) |
zahal-tor:(to) follow ["behind-go"; see /za'/] |
ex=Zahal-tor pi'Sonok os nesh-sehlat fna'masupik solai na'fau-yut.:Little Sonok follows the old black /sehlat/ through the wet field to the road. |
zahalan (k'):followed (by) |
halek:wheel {n.} |
hali:ship |
belk-hali:scout vessel {aero.} ["?-ship"] |
ifis-hali:transport (vessel)|freighter {n.} ["transport-ship"] |
kla-hil-hali:research vessel ["research-ship"] |
masu-hali:boat ["water-ship"] |
shan-hali:shuttle ["transfer-ship"] |
stukh-hali:spacecraft ["space-ship"] |
thorshek-hali:bomber {aero.} ["?-ship"] |
thorshek-hali-travek:bomber group (BG) {aero.} ["?-ship-group"] |
thorshek-hali-suk'travek:bomber wing (BW) {aero.} ["?-ship-big-group"] |
yel-hali:starship ["star-ship"] |
mashalovau:(to) sail ["water-travel", see /masu/] |
samashalovau:(to) sail away |
samashalovaun:sailing away |
ex=Pehkal kanlar heh glantal masu-hali samashalovaun.:The children stopped and watched the boat sail away. ["Stopped children and watched boat away-sailing."] |
samashalovaya:away-sailing|sailing-away {n.} |
halek:wheel {n.} ["go-all"; see /ek/] |
hali:vehicle|vessel|ship |
halitra:fleet ["vehicle-mass", meaning a large group of vehicles] |
hali-kel:hangar ["vehicle-structure"] |
belk-hali:scout vessel {aero.} ["?-ship"] |
ifis-hali:transport (vessel)|freighter {n.} ["transport-ship"] |
kla-hil-hali:research vessel ["research-ship"] |
masu-hali:boat ["water-vehicle"] |
ne-masu-hali:submarine ["under-water-vehicle"] |
shan-hali:shuttle ["transfer-ship"] |
stukh-hali:spaceship|spacecraft ["space-vehicle"] |
thorshek-hali:bomber {aero.} ["?-ship"] |
thorshek-hali-travek:bomber group (BG) {aero.} ["?-ship-group"] |
thorshek-hali-suk'travek:bomber wing (BW) {aero.} ["?-ship-big-group"] |
yel-hali:starship ["star-vehicle"] |
halovau:(to) travel|journey |
halovausu:traveler ["travel-person"] |
halovaya:travel {TGV}|journey {n.} |
weh-sahr-ha'gelik halovaya:faster-than-light (FTL) travel ["more-fast-light travel"] |
halovau-tvi'haf:travel pod {aero.} ["travel-inter-gap"] |
mashalovau:(to) sail ["water-travel", see /masu/] |
samashalovau:(to) sail away |
samashalovaun:sailing away |
ex=Pehkal kanlar heh glantal masu-hali samashalovaun.:The children stopped and watched the boat sail away. ["Stopped children and watched boat away-sailing."] |
samashalovaya:away-sailing|sailing-away {n.} |
hal-tor:(to) voyage|go|proceed ["voyage-to-do"; from CLGV /hahlthor/ and AGV /hlahdhórh/] |
ex=Hal-tor Sonak na'ar'kada.:Sonak is going to work.|Sonak goes to work. ["Goes Sonak to work"; do not use gerund in GV] |
mahal-tor:(to) swim ["water-go"; see /masu/] |
harr:? |
dvunel-pi'harr:flagellum ["motion-small-?"] |
dvunel-pi'harr-famik:aflagellar {ocean.} ["motion-small-?-without-adjective"] |
816,25 → 869,37 |
has-~:medical ~ |
hasuk:medical |
has-bosh(-~):ill|sick ~ |
hash-tor:(to) fly |
hashkaf:? |
weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage {n.} {aero.} ["?-upper-?"] |
kahla-fishyanik weh-abu-hashkaf:inertial upper stage (IUS) {aero.} ["?-? ?-upper-?"] |
dahshaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage separation {aero.} ["separation of-?-upper-?"] |
vravshaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage failure {aero.} ["failure of-?-upper-?"] |
yonan t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage ignition {aero.} ["fire? of-?-upper-?"] |
yontau-pehkaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage burnout {aero.} ["fire?-stop of-?-upper-?"] |
hash:flight (act of flying) {n.} |
hashkaf:stage {n.} {aero.} |
weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage {n.} {aero.} ["?-upper-stage"] |
kahla-fishyanik weh-abu-hashkaf:inertial upper stage (IUS) {aero.} ["?-? ?-upper-stage"] |
dahshaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage separation {aero.} ["separation of-?-upper-stage"] |
vravshaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage failure {aero.} ["failure of-?-upper-stage"] |
yonan t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage ignition {aero.} ["fire? of-?-upper-stage"] |
yontau-pehkaya t'weh-abu-hashkaf:upper stage burnout {aero.} ["fire?-stop of-?-upper-stage"] |
hashkaf-tor:(to) stage {aero.} |
hashsu:flier|pilot |
hashsu-shal:cockpit {aero.} ["pilot-zone"] |
ohashsu:ace|expert pilot |
hash-tor:(to) fly |
hi:but |
hif-bi:to me (TGV) |
hishek:printer (device) |
kla-hil:research {n.} |
ek'tal-kla-hil:scientific research ["science-research"] |
kla-hil-kebitra:research facility ["research-?-there"] |
kla-hil-tor:(to) research ["research-to-do"] |
ek'tal-kla-hil:scientific research ["science-research"] |
men-hilsu:investigator |
hinek:bone {n.} |
rihinek:cartilage {biol.} ["not-bone"] |
rihinek-gnal:chondroma {med.} ["cartilage-tumor"] |
rihinek-pleshek:cartilage crusher {med.} |
ahs-hinek:jawbone {arch.} |
abru-ahs|-hinek|:maxilla {n.} {ocean.} |
nuk-ahs|-hinek|:mandible {n.} {ocean.} |
fu-pla'hinek-zehl:notochord {med.} ["leading-back-bone-line"] |
hinek-tukh:calcium ["bone-stuff"] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'hinek-tukh svi'khaf:hypocalcemia {med.} ["(irregular-)low-condition of-calcium in-blood"] |
hitra-~:media ~ |
Hitra-Zukitan:Media Script (Vulcan writing script) |
hizh-~:quiet ~ |
879,13 → 944,14 |
nuh'irak:too far |
irak-nahik:telepathic ["far-?"] |
is:use {n.} |
is-fam-~:useless |
nisan:examination|test {n.} |
nis-tor:(to) test |
is-fam-~:useless ["use-without"] |
is-famik:useless |
is-tor:(to) use |
isan:using {ger.} |
neis-tor:(to) use up |
neis:using-up {n.} |
nisan:examination|test |
ish-~:that ~ |
ish-veh:he|she|it ["that-one"; preferred in MGV] |
ex=>Ish-veh ni komihn.<:"He's so human." ["That-one so human."] |
916,8 → 982,9 |
kahm:meat {n.} |
# kahm-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kahr:town |
kal-tor:(to) allow|let |
ex=>Kal-tor palikau.<:"Let it commence." ["Allow to-commence."] |
kaluk:ear {n.} {anc.} |
kal-tor:(to) allow|let ["lending an ear", "listen to so."] |
ex=>Kal-tor palikau.<:"Let it commence." ["Allow to-commence."] |
kan:child |
kan-fam:childless |
kanu:children (TGV) |
931,9 → 998,18 |
ex=>Kashkau - Spohkh - wuhkuh eh teretuhr.<:"Our minds, one and together." ["Minds, Spock, one and together."] |
mapi-kashek:very small mind [insult] |
ya'akash:(to) ask {anc.} |
kast:plant |
kastik:plant (general term) |
kas:? |
kastik:plant (general term) ["bushy"] |
# kastik-goh-yokulsu:[see /yokul/] |
kastkau:(to) plant |
kastkaya:planting {n.} |
kastra:flora|vegetation {biol.} ["plant-there"] |
kas-elakh:vine {n.} |
kas-fek:stem {n.} ["plant-stick"] |
kas-gel:(bush) branch ["plant-branch"; cf. /lap-gel/] |
kas-khaf:sap {bot.} ["plant-blood"] |
kas-yar-kurek:chlorophyll ["plant-green-coloring"] |
kas-wan-tukh:latex ["plant-white-stuff"] |
katau:(to) bring [inferred] |
sakatau:(to) bring out |
sakataya:bringing-out|out-bringing |
943,23 → 1019,24 |
kaur-~:5th ~ |
kaukuh:5 {card.} |
kauyik:5 {adj.} |
kaunshuk:united |
kaunshaya:unity [inferred] |
kaunshuk:united |
ke~:against ~ |
kef(-~|ik):emergency ~ |
kef-ha'kiv-nenikaya (KHN):emergency life support {med.} |
kef-ha'kiv-nenikaya (KHN):emergency life support {med.} ["emergency-life-?"] |
kef-has-dvintra (KHD):emergency medical service (EMS) |
kef-has-dvintrasu (KHDsu):emergency medical technician (EMT) |
kef-fisolekau-malEmergency landing leg |
kef-ifisek:emergency transporter |
kef-kipof-shal:emergency battery room |
kef-tanilau-mev t'igen-pa-tukh:emergency atmospheric gas feed |
kef-thro-svep Emergency hatch |
kef-fisolekau-mal:emergency landing leg ["emergency-on-?-leg"] |
kef-ifisek:emergency transporter ["emergency-transport-all"] |
kef-kipof-shal:emergency battery room ["emergency-?-zone"] |
kef-tanilau-mev t'igen-pa-tukh:emergency atmospheric gas feed ["emergency-?-duct of-sky-gas"] |
kef-thro-svep:emergency hatch ["emergency-?-door"] |
# kef-tuhlau-vis:emergency containment grid [see /tuhlau/] |
kef-rishan-tsorayek:emergency survival compartment |
kef-tvi-shal:emergency room (ER) |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) |
kefik tehn-sesh-kwitek:emergency anti-grav thruster |
keful-tukh:opsonin |
kef-rishan-tsorayek:emergency survival compartment ["emergency-?-?"] |
kef-tvi-shal:emergency room (ER) ["emergency-?-zone"] |
kefik has-reh-bikuvsu (KHRB):emergency medical hologram (EMH) ["emergency medical-?-?"] |
kefik tehn-sesh-kwitek:emergency anti-grav thruster ["emergency anti-?-?"] |
keful-tukh:opsonin ["?-stuff"] |
kefulaya:opsonization |
# prah-vel t'kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush intake [see /kluhvau/] |
# kef-kluhvau-krau:emergency flush vent [see /kluhvau/] |
980,6 → 1057,10 |
kethra:? |
khaf:blood |
khaf-spol:heart ["blood-pump"] |
kharat:direction |
dah-sfek-kharat:bearing (direction) {naut.} ["two-point-direction"] |
khardvun:maneuver {n.} {aero.} |
khardvu-tor:(to) maneuver {aero.} |
khav-~:brown ~ |
khav-kur:brown |
kheh:? |
1006,9 → 1087,10 |
ex=Ki'yaretal tomasular t'du eshikh.:Your relatives have visited the desert. ["Have visited relatives of-you desert."] |
ex=Ki'yokul du aru-yem ha.:Have you eaten dinner? ["Have eaten you dinner yes."] |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kital nash-veh.:I would/should have written. ["Would have written this-one."] |
ki'haf:basket {anc.} [originally a compound word, see /haf/] |
kiht:? |
kiit:? |
kil:spark {n.} |
kil-tor:(to) spark |
kilko:answer {n.} |
ex=:[see /t'i/] |
kin-kur:yellow |
1042,19 → 1124,20 |
kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush ["?-flush"; inferred, see /kef/] |
prah-vel t'kef-kluhvaya:emergency flush intake |
kef-kluhvau-krau:emergency flush vent |
klu-tor:? |
klunyau:(to) ram |
klunyanuhp:embolon {arch.} |
klunyaya:ram {n.} {aero.} |
klunyayek:ram {n.} |
klunyavush:ramjet ["ramming-jet"; see /vush/] |
maweh-klunyavush:scramjet ["?-ramjet"] |
sva-yel-klunyavush:interstellar ramjet ["?-star-ramjet"] |
sva-yel-klunyavush t'Bussard:Bussard interstellar ramjet ["?-star-ramjet of-Bussard"] |
klunya-tavat:ram ratio {aero.} ["ram-?"] |
klunya-vetsaya:ram recovery {aero.} ["ram-?"] |
klunya-vihish:ram pressure {aero.} ["ram-pressure"] |
kluchi:? |
klun:collision {anc.} {obs.} [inferred] |
klu-tor:(to) collide {anc.} {obs.} [inferred] |
klunyau:(to) ram |
klunyanuhp:embolon {arch.} {mil.} ["ram-thought"; flying wedge formation] |
klunyaya:ram {n.} {aero.} |
klunyayek:ram {n.} |
klunyavush:ramjet ["ramming-jet"; see /vush/] |
maweh-klunyavush:scramjet ["?-ramjet"] |
sva-yel-klunyavush:interstellar ramjet ["?-star-ramjet"] |
sva-yel-klunyavush t'Bussard:Bussard interstellar ramjet ["?-star-ramjet of-Bussard"] |
klunya-tavat:ram ratio {aero.} ["ram-?"] |
klunya-vetsaya:ram recovery {aero.} ["ram-?"] |
klunya-vihish:ram pressure {aero.} ["ram-pressure"] |
ko(-~):female |
ko-kan:girl ["female-child"] |
ko-kozauk:female-specific |
1083,25 → 1166,33 |
korsau:(to) conserve [inferred] |
nala-korsau-haf:vacuole ["cell-conserve-bag"] |
korsaya:conservation |
ne-solektra-korsayek:tuber ["sub-?-conserver"] |
ne-solektra-korsayek:tuber ["sub-ground-conserver"] |
korseivel|korseiven:saved |
koshtri:race |
ex=>Sha'koshtri korseivel bai'elkhrul-akteibuhl t'Kolinahr.<:"Our race was saved by attainment of Kolinahr." ["Our-own-race saved through-entire-attaining of-Kolinahr."] |
kov:rock|stone [Kov was the name of a Vulcan engineer in "Star Trek: Enterprise"] |
karf-kov:aggregate {n.} {geol.} |
karf-tor:(to) aggregate {geol.} |
ha-guhsh-kov:organic rock {geol.} ["life-debris-rock"; see /ha-gush/] |
ul-kohvik mazhiv-kov:quartzose sandstone {geol.} ["partial-? sand-stone"] |
thas-yon-kov:opal {geol.} ["milk-fire-rock"] |
kozauk:specific |
kraffaya:abort {n.} {aero.} |
krahkra:it is nothing {anc.} |
kraisek:cage {n.} |
krani:window {n.} |
kras:paint {n.} |
kras-tor:(to) paint |
krau:vent {n.} {aero.} |
kraulaya:ventilation [inferred] |
a'rak-vihish-kraulaya:positive pressure ventilation (PPV) ["positive-pressure-?"] |
sakrau-tor:(to) vent {aero.} |
kreila:? |
kres-~:aggressive ~ |
kresik:aggressive |
krahkra:it is nothing {anc.} |
a'rak-vihish-kraulaya:positive pressure ventilation (PPV) ["positive-pressure-?"] |
kroikah:[silence?] |
krus:part|piece {n.} |
krus:part|piece|component {n.} |
krusol:state {pol.} ["part-ground"] |
ksau:? |
ktorr:? |
k'torr:completely lacking {anc.} |
1110,7 → 1201,7 |
kuht:herd |
kuht t'sehlat:herd of /sehlats/ ["herd of /sehlat/"] |
kum:catch {n.} |
kum-tor:(to) catch |
kum-tor:(to) catch|capture {aero.} |
ex=Kum-tor yon-kur le-matya os teresh-kah fi'yut.:The red /le-matya/ catches the old /teresh-kah/ bird on the path. |
kuman:catching |
kumfa:catcher [animal] |
1118,7 → 1209,7 |
kumsu:catcher [person, e.g. in a ballgame] |
kun-ut:marriage|bonding |
kun-ut-travek:marriage party |
kup:can|(to) be able to {v.} |
kup:can {v.} |
ex=Kup kitau nash-veh.:I am able to write. ["Can write this-one."] |
ex=Kup uralau du.:You can/are able to sing. ["Can sing you."] |
ex=Kup hash-tor nash-veh.:I can fly. ["can fly this-one."] |
1131,35 → 1222,78 |
ex=Kupi ki'sarlah kanlar t'dular na'ha-kel.:Your {pl.} children could have come home. ["Could have-come children of-you {pl.} to-home."] |
ex=Kupi ki'dvel-tor au wuh'ashiv dunap ha.:Could they have chosen another book? ["Could have-chosen they another book yes."] |
ex=Kupi ki'tam-tor Kardassu ek'gad.:The Cardassian could have danced all day. |
kup-~:(to) be able (to) ~ |
ex=:[see /stariben/] |
kuv:if |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kital du kuv ma wak.:You would have written if you had time. ["Would have written you if have time."] |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kitau ish-veh kuv ma wak.:He/she would have written if he/she had time. |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'yokul ten-mal Sonok kuv tor-yehat.:Sonok would have eaten early if (it had been) possible. |
ex=Vesht dungi ki'kum-tor mor-gril etek kuv vohris.:The /mor-gril/ would have caught us if we had been slow. |
mokuv:ring ["enclosure"; /mo/ may be omitted in compound words] |
vikuvau:encircle|surround |
nuk-vikuvtra:cay|key {ocean.} ["low-?"] |
viikuftra-~:insular ~ |
Viikuftra-Golik:Insular Golic (Vulcan language) |
kup-~:(to) be able (to) ~ |
kur:color |
kuvol:contingency {n.} {aero.} |
vunai-kuvoran:field winding {aero.} |
mokuv:ring ["enclosure"; /mo/ may be omitted in compound words?] |
mokuv-zul-mev:ring dike {geol.} ["ring-lava-duct"] |
vikuvau:encircle|surround |
nuk-vikuvtra:cay|key {ocean.} ["low-?"] |
viikuftra-~:insular ~ |
Viikuftra-Golik:Insular Golic (Vulcan language) |
ret'kuv:washer (spacer) {auto.} ["?-?"] |
klacha-ret'kuv:lock washer {n.} {auto.} |
da-kuv:circle |
da-kuv(~-|ik):circular [inferred] |
da-kuv-zuneshek:circular saw ["?-?-?"] |
da-kuvau-~:circulating [inferred] |
da-kuvaya:circulation |
va'ash-da-kuvaya:recirculation ["?-?-circulation"] |
va'ash-da-kuvaya t'saguhsh-pa-tukh:exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) ["?-?-circulation of-?-gas"; inferred] |
vidvun-fek-pakuv t'va'ash-da-kuvaya t'saguhsh-pa-tukh:exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) solenoid ["?-?-? of-?-?-circulation of-?-gas"] |
torektra t'va'ash-da-kuvaya t'saguhsh-pa-tukh:exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system ["system of-?-?-circulation of-?-gas"] |
spunek t'va'ash-da-kuvaya t'saguhsh-pa-tukh:exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve ["system of-?-?-circulation of-?-gas"] |
da-kuvayek:circulator {aero.} |
da-kuvau-spol:circulating pump |
dahs-da-kuv:equator ["?-?-?"] |
dahs-da-kuv(-~|ik}:equatorial [inferred] |
Dahs-Da-Kuvik Gihni:Equatorial Guinea |
dahs-da-kuvik pa-yut:equatorial orbit {aero.} |
terk-da-kuv:bolt circle {tech.} ["?-?-?"] |
kur-kuv:areola {med.} |
raf-kuv:circuit {tech.} |
raf-kuv t'ralash-netakidaya:noise reduction circuit (NRC) ["circuit of-sound-?"] |
raf-kuv t'vunai-khlop-thon:field geometry circuit {tech.} ["circuit of-field-?-measurement"] |
raf-kuvtra:circuitry ["circuit-there"] |
fukat-raf-kuv:buffer circuit ["?-circuit"] |
ka-zehlik fukat-raf-kuv:isolinear buffer circuit (IBC) ["iso-linear ?-circuit"] |
ikap-raf-kuv:closed circuit {n.} {aero.} ["?-circuit"] |
khartayik tehnyak-raf-kuv:command override circuit ["? anti-?-circuit"] |
vifalun-raf-kuv:charging circuit ["?-circuit"] |
visatilau-raf-kuv:encryption circuit ["?-circuit"] |
feretai t'visatilau-raf-kuv:encryption circuit assembly ["? of-?-circuit"] |
raf-kuv-gol'dvunek:circuit relay ["circuit-?-?"] |
raf-kuv-shayek:circuit breaker ["circuit-break-all"] |
raf-kuv-threshan:circular velocity ["circuit-?"] |
yel-halek-kuv:galactic circle ["galactic-?"] |
kuvish:bearing {n.} {mech.} |
kuvish t'ok-fek-leshek:camshaft carrier bearing {auto.} |
dukal-kuvish:ball bearing {auto.} |
kur:color {n.} |
kurau:(to) color |
mu-kur-tukh:melanin ["?-color-stuff"] |
sash-kur-tukh:acidic dye ["acidic-color-stuff"] |
ku-san:chair |
kushel:bird(s) |
skyem-kushel:bird-of-prey |
kus-vakh:bell {n.} |
kus-vakh:bell {n.} ["bird-bold" in the sense of "boldly bird-imitating"?; see /vakh/] |
kvai'ei:which |
k'kvai'ei:through which [TGV only, rare] |
kvesh:? |
kwai:wild {n.} |
kwi'~:from a distance|from far away |
kwi-~:tele~ [rare; see /irak-~/] |
kwi-~:tele~ [rare; see /irak-~/] |
la('~):here(-~) |
ex=Gish ko-veh nash-gad la'lasha.:She expects to arrive here today. ["Expects she today here-arrive."] |
lasha:(to) arrive [irr. strong v.] |
lasha:(to) arrive {irr. strong v.} ["here-transfer"] |
ex=Lasha kanlar heh sehlat na'yon-kur svep.:The children and the /sehlat/ arrive at the red door. |
lashan:arrival ["here-transfer"] |
lashan:arrival ["here-transfer-noun"] |
lashayan:arriving {ger.} |
la'ash:axe {anc.} [originally a compound word] |
lafosh:error {n.} {anc.} |
1169,11 → 1303,15 |
lafot-patalan - -sameskaraya eh vetsaya (LP-S|V):Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) ["fault-?, ? and ?"] |
lafot-ufesan:fault tree {aero.} ["fault-?"] |
lafot-wivel'es:fault tolerance ["fault-?"] |
lan:rank [inferred] |
ne-lan:cadet ["under-rank"] |
ot-lan:lieutenant ["?-rank"] |
lan-tol:floor |
lanet:bottom {geo.} |
lap:tree |
lapek:boom (beam, pole) {n.} {aero.} |
laptra:forest ["tree-there"] |
lap-gel:(tree) branch|tree segment [see /gel/] |
lau(-~):may|might |
ex=Lau tal-tor nash-veh yut fa-gad.:I might find the way tomorrow. ["Might find this-one way tomorrow."] |
le-matya:/Le(-)matya/ (large, venomous desert predator) {anc.} |
1198,12 → 1336,12 |
le-sumau:(to) freeze |
le-sumalik:frozen {adj.} |
le-sumalik asal-masu:frozen dew ["frozen morning-water"] |
le-sumalik sov-masu:sleet|ice pellets ["frozen ?-water"] |
le-sumalik sov-masu-vikaya:sleet warning ["frozen ?-water-?"] |
le-sumalik sov-masu:sleet|ice pellets ["frozen rain"] |
le-sumalik sov-masu-vikaya:sleet warning ["frozen rain-warning"; see /sov-masu/ and /vikaya/] |
le-sumaunik:freezing [inferred] |
le-sumaunik pi'sov-masu:freezing drizzle {meteo.} ["freezing small-?-water"] |
le-sumaunik pi'sov-masu:freezing drizzle {meteo.} ["freezing small-rain"; see /sov-masu/] |
le-sumaunik ihsek:freezing fog {meteo.} ["freezing ?"] |
le-sumaunik sov-masu:freezing rain ["freezing ?-water"] |
le-sumaunik sov-masu:freezing rain ["freezing rain"; see /sov-masu/] |
le-sumaya:freeze {n.} |
svitan-vel t'le-sumaya:freezing nucleus ["?-thing of-freeze"] |
le-sumau-sfek:freezing point ["freeze-point"] |
1221,7 → 1359,7 |
le-suma-pasht:icebound {ocean.} ["ice-?"] |
svitan-vel t'le-suma-shidau:ice nucleus {meteo.} ["?-thing of-ice-?"] |
le-suma-sahriv:ice storm ["ice-storm"] |
le-suma-solektra:permafrost ["ice-?"] |
le-suma-solektra:permafrost ["ice-ground"] |
le-suma-tal:glaciology ["ice-study"] |
le-suma-talsu:glaciologist ["ice-study-person"] |
le-suma-teraya:pack ice {ocean.} ["ice-?"] |
1339,6 → 1477,7 |
lo'uk:great|large |
lu:when |
ex=Lasha sa-mekh t'du lu.:When does your father arrive? ["Arrive father of-you when."] |
lushun:torpedo |
ma:(to) have|own|possess |
ex=Ma sa-kan dukal heh kep - ko-kan mokuv heh leitri.:The boy owns a ball and a gong; the girl a ring and a toy. |
ex=>Ma etek natyan — teretuhr lau etek shetau weh-lo'uk do tum t'on.<:"We have differences. May we, together, become greater than the sum of both of us:" —Surak [">Have we difference — together may we grow greater than sum of-both.<"] |
1356,7 → 1495,9 |
makh:glass [inferred] |
makh-tuhlau'es:glassiness {geol.} ["glass-contain-noun"] |
mal:leg {n.} |
abru-mal:thigh {anc.} ["above-leg"] |
fa-mal:foreleg {biol.} ["fore-leg"] |
ne-mal:shin ["under-leg"] |
mal-nef:knee {n.} {biol.} ["leg-?"] |
mal-nik:ankle {biol.} ["leg-?"] |
keh-shif-malfa:arachnid {biol.} ["four-?-leg-animal"] |
1370,15 → 1511,23 |
malat-nemut:natural enemy {biol.} ["nature-enemy"] |
malat-tal:ecology (study) {biol.} ["nature-study"] |
malat-tash:natural control {biol.} ["nature-control"] |
mamut:aid {n.} {obs.} |
mamuk:(to) aid {n.} {obs.} |
man:climb {n.} |
man-tor:(to) climb |
mantuhs:mantis {zool.} {borr.} [inferred; from FSE] |
ekon-shoretan-mahntuhs:praying mantis {zool.} {borr.} ["?-?-mantis"; from FSE] |
masu:water|fluid |
masu'es:moisture |
masupik:wet |
ex=Nam-tor nash-gad masupik.:It is wet today. ["To-be this-day wet."] |
ex=(Nam-tor) nash-gad masupik.:It is wet today. ["(Be) this-day wet."] |
ex=Sonok heh T'Luki masupik heh samek.:Sonok and T'Luki are wet and cold. |
mag:thirst |
k'mag:thirsty ["with-thirst"] |
nemashau:(to) dehydrate ["under-hydrate"] |
nemashaya:dehydration ["under-hydration"] |
lesek-masu:synovial fluid {med.} ["joint-water"; see /lesek/] |
nuk-masu:? ["low-water"] |
nuk-masu:? ["low-water"; see /nuk/] |
ulidar t'nuk-masu:low-water mark {geo.} ["scar of low-water"] |
nuk-masu'es-kasik:xeric {adj.} {biol.} |
nuk-masu'es-kastik:xerophyte {biol.} |
1385,12 → 1534,10 |
svi-wak t'nuk-masu:low-water interval {ocean.} ["inside-time of-low-water"] |
nuk-mashen:low tide {ocean.} |
dan-nuk-mashen:neap tide {ocean.} |
slor-masu:freshwater ["sweet-water"] |
slor-masu:freshwater ["sweet-water"; see /slor/] |
# slor-masu-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
nemashau:(to) dehydrate ["under-hydrate"] |
nemashaya:dehydration ["under-hydration"] |
mag:thirst |
k'mag:thirsty ["with-thirst"] |
sov-masu:rain {n.} ["air-water"; see /sov/] |
sov-masu'es:humidity ["air-water-noun"] |
math:plate {n.} |
maut:? |
mashya:/Mashya/ (a type of vegetable) |
1413,9 → 1560,9 |
nalatra-meskaraunik wonil-kik-ruskarayek:tissue holding /tenaculum forceps/ ["cell-? ?-?-?"] |
to-mesksu:police officer|policeman ["working-?-person"] |
mesnoshek:transtator |
falun-krus-mesnoshek:ion transtator ["charge-?-transtator"] |
falun-krus-mesnoshek:ion transtator ["ion-transtator"] |
messahran:overrunning {n.} {meteo.} ["across-running"] |
messolektra-izh-haltan:cross-country skiing ["cross-?-?-?"] |
messolektra-izh-haltan:cross-country skiing ["cross-ground-?-?"] |
mestau:(to) contact [inferred] |
mestaya:contact {n.} [inferred from /mestaya-ek'rubah'es/] |
mestaya-gisam:contact poison {biol.} |
1422,36 → 1569,34 |
mesukh:translation |
abru'mesukh:across {obs.} ["over-translation"] |
ek'mesukh-stari-vel (ESV):universal translator (UT) ["all-translation-speak-thing"] |
mesukh-tor:(to) translate |
ek'mesukh-zhit-isan:universal grammar {gr.} ["all-translation-word-use"] |
spes-vitoral-mesukhek:voice-activated translator ["?-?-translate-all"] |
yahv-mesukh:calque {gr.} ["?-translation"] |
mesukh-tor:(to) translate |
mesut:bridge (structure)|pons {med.} ["across-noun"] |
mesya:/mesya/ (game similar to "tag") |
mesyut-~:counter(-)~|anti(-)~|retro~|back~ [inferred] |
mesyut-ha'gelan:counter-illumination {ocean.} |
mesyut-kharat-dan:anticyclonic rotation {meteo.} ["?-?-rotation"] |
mesyut-kharat-dvun:retrograde motion {meteo.} ["?-?-move"] |
mesyut-kharat-praduk:backdoor front {meteo.} ["?-?-?"] |
mesyut-kharatik:cum sole {ocean.} |
mesyut-kharat-dan:anticyclonic rotation {meteo.} ["?-direction-rotation"] |
mesyut-kharat-dvun:retrograde motion {meteo.} ["?-direction-move"] |
mesyut-kharat-praduk:backdoor front {meteo.} ["?-direction-?"] |
mesyut-kharatik:cum sole {ocean.} ["?-directional"] |
mesyut-kuran:countershading {ocean.} ["?-coloring"] |
mes-thonek:calipers {med.} ["across-meter"; see /thonek/] |
mes-tvi-temok:transverse bulkhead ["across-inside-wall"] |
mes-zhel:transverse band {meteo.} ["across-band"] |
mev:duct (med., tech.)|vessel {med.}|tube (meteo., ocean., tech.)|conduit {tech.}|pipe {tech.} |
mev:conduit {tech.}|duct {med.} {tech.}|pipe {tech.}|tube {meteo.} {ocean.} {tech.}|vessel {med.} |
numo-pi'mev:microtubule {biol.} ["microscopic-small-tube"] |
pi'mev t'kas-sa-nei:pollen tube {biol.} ["small-tube of-?-?-?"] |
pi'mev t'kas-sa-nei:pollen tube {biol.} ["small-tube of-plant-?-?"] |
solek-pi'mev-torai:capillary action {med.} ["?-small-vessel-?"] |
solek-pi'mev-masu'es:capillary moisture {med.} ["?-small-vessel-moisture"] |
lap-pi'mev:vein {bot.} ["tree-small-vessel"] |
naskonn-zul-mev:volcanic pipe {geol.} ["?-lava-pipe"] |
esh-mev:airway {biol.} ["breathe-duct"] |
esh-mev-klotaya:airway obstruction {biol.} ["breathe-duct-?"] |
khaf-mev-eikangnal:aneurysm {med.} ["blood-vessel-?"] |
kov-mev s'fal-masu-toran:hydrothermal vein {geol.} ["rock-duct from-hot-water-?"] |
mor-mevaya:venation ["?-vessel-noun"] |
pekh-mev-tal:proctology {sci.} ["?-duct-study"] |
sov-mev-klotaya:air embolism {med.} ["?-duct-?"] |
sov-mev-klotaya:air embolism {med.} ["air-duct-?"] |
uzh-khaf-mev:artery {biol.} ["new-blood-vessel"] |
pi'uzh-khaf-mev:arteriole {biol.} ["small-new-blood-vessel"] |
tik uzh-khaf-mev:aorta {biol.} ["? new-blood-vessel"] |
1460,7 → 1605,6 |
# yokul-mev:[see /yokul/] |
yu-mur-mev:oviduct {biol.} ["?-?-duct"] |
zul-mev:dike (lava) {geol.} ["lava-duct"] |
mokuv-zul-mev:ring dike {geol.} ["ring-lava-duct"] |
# mev-gnal:[see /gnal/] |
mevak:/Mevak/ (a hollow-stemmed, reed-like plant) |
mik:? |
1473,14 → 1617,16 |
moh'rak:1000000000th (billionth, short scale; TGV) |
mohr-~:1000000000th (billionth, short scale) |
mohik:1000000000 (billion, short scale) {adj.} |
mokh:aim {n.} |
mokh-tor:(to) aim |
mol-kur:magenta |
mon-tor:(to) drink |
monek:cup |
monek:cup |
mon-tor:(to) drink |
moos:? |
mor:leaf |
mor-gril:/mor-gril/ (a wolverine-like animal) |
mo'uh:? {borr.} |
abu-solektra-mo'uh:upland moa {zool.} ["up-?-moa"] |
abu-solektra-mo'uh:upland moa {zool.} ["up-ground-moa"] |
mu'yor:night {anc.} [originally a compound word] |
ex=Gla-tor etek wuh'rak yel t'mu'yor.:We see the first star of the night. ["See we first star of-night."] |
ek'mu'yor:all night |
1510,16 → 1656,18 |
Nath-Pal-Nahr:? |
nahp:thought(s) |
ex=>Nahp - hif-bi tu throks.<:Your thoughts, give them to me. ["Thoughts - to-me you give."] |
nah-tor:(to) think |
panahp:consideration ["about-thought"; inferred] |
panah-tor:(to) consider ["about-think"] |
nah-tor:(to) think |
nakarat:endeavor {n.} |
nakh-tor:(to) index |
mes-nakh-tor:(to) cross-index |
mes-nakhan:cross-indexing |
nakh:index {n.} |
nakh-tor:(to) index |
mes-nakh-tor:(to) cross-index |
mes-nakhan:cross-indexing |
nala:cell |
nala-kaunshaya:fusion {biol.} ["cell-?"] |
nala-litra:cell culture |
nalatra:tissue |
nalatra:tissue ["cell-there"] |
nalatra-tin t'el-lesek:synovial membrane ["tissue-layer of-?-joint"; see /lesek/] |
sakasu-nalatra-neshuhk:biotroph ["bring-out-being-tissue-parasite"] |
torupik nalatra-ifis:active transport ["working tissue-transport"] |
1526,12 → 1674,12 |
tersau-nalatra:connective tissue {biol.} ["connect-tissue"] |
naliveh:? |
nam:existence |
namishau:(to) adjust ["existence-now-verb"] |
namishaya:adjustment |
nam-tor:(to) be|exist |
ex=Nam-tor la reh Vuhlkansu -- Sarek - Spohkh heh Saavik.:There are three Vulcans here: Sarek, Spock and Saavik. |
ex=Nam-tor wehk pla-kur kovlar svi'solai hi zam yon-kur kovlar.:There are many blue stones on the field but few red stones. |
nam-tor ish:that is ["to-be it"] |
namishau:(to) adjust ["existence-now-break"?] |
namishaya:adjustment |
a'rak-narafek:anode |
a'rak-narak'es:positive polarity |
nash-~:this ~ |
1538,9 → 1686,10 |
nash-veh:I|me ["this-one"] |
onash-veh:me [when spoken by a superior about themselves, "honored this-one"] |
t'nash-veh:my|mine |
nashiv-tor:(to) attack |
nashivan:attacking |
ravot-nashivanik:entomopathogenic (adj., med.) ["insect-attacking"] |
nashiv:attack {n.} |
nashiv-tor:(to) attack |
nashivan:attacking |
ravot-nashivanik:entomopathogenic (adj., med.) ["insect-attacking"] |
natuhn:box |
a'rak-kraulaya t'dvudau-natuhn:positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) {auto.} ["positive-? of-?-box"] |
a'rak-kraulau-kapol t'dvudau-natuhn:positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) filter {auto.} ["positive-?-? of-?-box"] |
1555,26 → 1704,27 |
naur-~:9th ~ |
nauyik:9 {adj.} |
naukuh:9 {card.} |
ne(-~):under~|sub~ |
nehau:(to) rot ["under-add"] |
ex=Nehau urozh svi'solai.:The crops are rotting in the field. |
nelau:(to) suppress ["under-might"] |
nelaya:suppression ["under-might-noun"] |
ralash-nelaya:noise suppression {aero.} ["sound-suppression"] |
ralash-nelau-torektra:noise suppression system {aero.} ["sound-suppression-system"] |
spanadvelsu-nelaya:voter suppression {pol.} ["voter-suppression"] |
yon-nelaya:fire suppression {tech.} ["fire-suppression"] |
yon-nelau-torektra (YNT):fire suppression system (FSS) ["fire-?-system"] |
(yon-)nelau-tukh:(fire) suppressant |
# ne-yartra:[see /yar/] |
ne'~:below|under ~ |
ne'~:below|under ~ {anc.} [from CLGV /næ/ and AGV /nàh/] |
ne(-~):under~|sub~ |
nehau:(to) rot ["under-add"] |
ex=Nehau urozh svi'solai.:The crops are rotting in the field. |
nelau:(to) suppress ["under-might"] |
nelaya:suppression ["under-might-noun"] |
ralash-nelaya:noise suppression {aero.} ["sound-suppression"] |
ralash-nelau-torektra:noise suppression system {aero.} ["sound-suppression-system"] |
spanadvelsu-nelaya:voter suppression {pol.} ["voter-suppression"] |
yon-nelaya:fire suppression {tech.} ["fire-suppression"] |
yon-nelau-torektra (YNT):fire suppression system (FSS) ["fire-?-system"] |
(yon-)nelau-tukh:(fire) suppressant |
# ne-yartra:[see /yar/] |
nef:shelf |
nehg:? |
nei:? |
nem-tor:(to) take |
ex=Vesht tar-tor Surak >Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim.<:Surak said, "There is no offense where none is taken." ["Past say Surak >Be not offense where to-take none.<"] |
nemut:enemy ["he who takes (e.g. water, without asking)"] |
nen(-~|ik):simple ~ {gr.}|primary ~ {tech.} |
nemut:enemy ["he who takes (e.g. water, without asking)"] |
nem-tor:(to) take |
ex=Vesht tar-tor Surak >Nam-tor ri thrap wilat nem-tor rim.<:Surak said, "There is no offense where none is taken." ["Past say Surak >Be not offense where to-take none.<"] |
busnem-tor:(to) abort {med.} |
nen:base|foundation {n.} |
nentu:frame |
starun-nentular:speech frames ("> — <") [used as quotation marks/double quotes in FSE] |
ex=:[see /nemtor/ for ex.] |
1582,7 → 1732,12 |
ex=Nam-tor ish ¦suk¦ sehlat..:That is a *big* /sehlat/! |
tuhsk-nentular|wuh-nentular:comment frames|single frames ("| — |") [used like parantheses in FSE] |
ex=Dungi nam-tor keh os-yel-hali | ek s'kadvin | moguhshau.:Four old starships (all out of commission) will be scrapped. ["Will be four old-star-ship (all out-of-commission) scrap."] |
nesh-tor:(to) cut |
nenikau:(to) support |
nenikaya:support {n.} |
nen(-~|ik):simple ~ {gr.}|primary ~ {tech.} |
nen-su'us:(number) base {n.} {math.} |
sunena:(military) base {n.} {mil.} ["person-base"] |
nesh:cut {n.} |
el'neshek:scissors |
neshuhk:parasite {biol.} |
neshuhkolsu:parasitoid |
1592,6 → 1747,7 |
si-neshuhk:ectoparasite |
tvi-neshuhk:endoparasite |
ul-neshuhk-kastik:partial parasite {bot.} ["partial-parasite-plant"] |
nesh-tor:(to) cut |
neshuk:ink {n.} |
nesh-kur:black ["ink-color"] |
ex=Sehlat nesh-kur hi le-matya wan-kur.:The /sehlat/ is black but the /le-matya/ is white. |
1630,7 → 1786,7 |
sokasitau-solek-nosh:tilth {biol.} ["?-?-condition"] |
pid-sovash-nosh:alkalemia {med.} ["high-alkaline-condition"] |
ritsuri-sovash-nosh:alkalosis ["irregular-alkaline-condition"] |
fam-thas-nosh:agalactia {med.} ["without-?-condition"] |
fam-thas-nosh:agalactia {med.} ["without-milk-condition"] |
fam-thasek-nosh:amastia {med.} ["without-?-nosh"] |
ritsuri-vazhaya-nosh:anuria {med.} ["irregular-?-condition"] |
spoh-wadi-nosh:achromasia {med.} ["?-?-condition"] |
1638,14 → 1794,13 |
pa-noshik:ambient {med.} ["?-conditional"] |
noshtra:characteristic {n.} [inferred] |
prah-noshtralar:acquired characteristics {biol.} |
dau-tukh t'sa-noshtra:androgen {med.} |
dau-tukh t'sa-noshtra:androgen {med.} [affect-stuff of-male-condition-there"] |
nu~:down~|downward~ |
nuk-~:low-~ [inferred] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'hinek-tukh svi'khaf:hypocalcemia {med.} ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'spoh-tukh svi'khaf:hypokalemia {med.} ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
(ritsuri-)nuk-nosh t'alem-tukh svi'khaf:hyponatremia {med.} ["(irregular-)low-condition of-?-? inside-blood"] |
ritsuri-nuk-nosh t'wadi-kur:hypopigmentation {med.} ["irregular-low-condition of-?-color"] |
nuk-krus-storaya:hypoplasia {med.} ["low-?-?"] |
nuk-krus-storaya:hypoplasia {med.} ["low-part-?"] |
uzh-khaf-mev t'nuk-vukhut:iliac artery {med.} ["new-blood-? of-low-?"] |
os-khaf-mev t'nuk-vukhut:iliac vein {med.} ["old-blood-? of-low-?"] |
nuk-khaf-ne'hish:hypotension {med.} ["low-blood-?"] |
1671,13 → 1826,15 |
ex=numo-kushel:an insignificant bird [one that is so small that it is almost not worth mentioning, but can also mean that it is a bird that is totally adorable] |
numo-zan-vel:microscope ["microscopic-view-thing"] |
nu'~:down ~ |
nu'le:downwards {anc.} [from CLGV /nu'leh/ and AGV /nuuhellh/] |
nuh'~:too ~ {adj.} |
o'kapi:okapi {borr.} [from FSE] |
o~:honored ~ |
# osu:sir|madam ["honored person"; see /su/] |
odva:? |
og-tor:(to) sew |
ex=Og-tor Sonok os sai-vel.:Sonok sews old clothes. |
ogan:sewing {n.} |
og-tor:(to) sew |
ex=Og-tor Sonok os sai-vel.:Sonok sews old clothes. |
oh:8 {enum.} |
ex=Stau oh le-matya sehlatlar t'etek.:Eight /le-matyas/ kill our /sehlats/. ["Kill eight /le-matya/ /sehlats/ of-us."] |
oh'rak:8th (TGV) |
1700,7 → 1857,6 |
os-khaf-mev:? ["?-blood-?"] |
ma'os-~:ancient ~ |
Mha'us-Gollhìkh:Ancient Golic (Vulcan language) |
ot-lan:lieutenant |
ozhika:logic |
ex=Ozhika - fai-tukh heh kenan – nam-tor u'vellar etek saven-tor.:Logic, knowledge and understanding – these are the things we teach. |
ex=>Ozhika -- palik t'kau ri shaht.<:"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end." ["Logic: Beginning of-wisdom not end."] |
1720,10 → 1876,11 |
pa'shaya:clearing {n.} |
skapa'shau:(to) clear off |
skapa'shaya:clear-off|clearing-off {n.} |
pa-~:circum~ |
pa-~:circum~ |
pa-tukh:gas {n.} {chem.} ["around-stuff"] |
pahz:? |
wan-solektra-pahz:? ["cloud-?-?"] |
a'rakik wan-solektra-pahz:positive cloud-to-ground lightning {meteo.} ["positive cloud-?-?"] |
wan-solektra-pahz:? ["cloud-ground-?"] |
a'rakik wan-solektra-pahz:positive cloud-to-ground lightning {meteo.} ["positive cloud-ground-?"] |
pakh:stroke (" - ") [used like comma or semicolon in FSE] |
abu-pakh:up-stroke ("|") [used as a virgule ("/") in FSE or in mathematical fractions] |
ex=Orenal T'Luki terrupik wak-krus 1999|2000.:T'Luki studied the Earth period 1999/2000. |
1754,6 → 1911,7 |
pehkamitaya:punctuation |
pelal:robe |
pen(-~):short |
per-tor:(to) act|perform |
pi((')~):little|small |
ex=Sehlat pi.:The /sehlat/ is small. |
ex=Sehlat pi hi le-matya suk.:The /sehlat/ is small but the /le-matya/ is big. |
1764,8 → 1922,8 |
ex=pi-T'lar:Li'l T'lar [use with children only] |
mapi-~:very little|small|tiny (diminutive) [see /ma/] |
ex=mapi-kushel:a very little or very small bird [can mean it is very young, a hatchling and/or suggest a level of extreme cuteness or affection] |
pid:high |
pid-kom:matriarch ["high-mother"; from /ko-mekh/] |
pid(-~):high ~ |
pid-kom:matriarch ["high-mother", from /ko-mekh/] |
pid-masu'es-kasik:hydric {adj.} ["high-moisture-plant-related"] |
pid-masu'es-kastik:hydrophyte ["high-moisture-plant"] |
pidsu:Lord ["high-person"] |
1774,10 → 1932,10 |
lesek-pi'fek:culm {biol.} |
pi'sef:? |
pihl:? |
pil-tor:(to) prepare (food) |
ex=Pil-tor T'Luki yem-tukh.:T'Luki prepares food. ["Prepare T'Luki food."] |
pilsu:cook|food preparer |
opilsu:chef ["honored-person-preparing-food"] |
pilsu:cook|food preparer |
opilsu:chef ["honored-person-preparing-food"] |
pil-tor:(to) prepare (food) |
ex=Pil-tor T'Luki yem-tukh.:T'Luki prepares food. ["Prepare T'Luki food."] |
pitoh:note |
pla'~:back(-~) ~|retro(-~) ~ |
pla'dor:dorsal [inferred] |
1784,9 → 1942,11 |
# pla'dor-ralek:[see /ralek/] |
pla'rak:reverse [inferred] |
# pla'rak-tselaya:[see /tselaya/] |
fu-pla'hinek-zehl:notochord {med.} ["leading-back-bone-line"] |
pla-~:blue ~ |
pla-kur:blue |
plak:blood {obs.} [see also /plak-tau/] |
plis:glide {n.} {aero.} |
plis-tor:(to) glide {aero.} |
plo-~:quasi-~|somewhat like ~|sort of ~ |
po:why |
ex=Nam-tor du tab-ma va'ashiv po.:Why are you late again? ["Be you late again why."] |
1795,7 → 1955,7 |
pohkau:(to) mind |
polau:(to) jump [?] |
the'polau:(to) sauté |
ex=The'polau Opilsu nev-kur sazhlar.:The chef sautés the maroon-colored vegetable. |
ex=The'polau Opilsu nev-kur sazhlar.:The chef sautés the maroon-colored legume. |
pontau:(to) breed|mate [inferred] |
pon farr:/Pon farr/ {anc.} ["breeding time"] |
pontal:bred |
1815,9 → 1975,10 |
psthayan:searching |
pthak:? |
pthak-bosh:? |
puk-tor:(to) fight |
puk:fight {n.} |
puk-tor:(to) fight |
puyek:washer (appliance) |
sov-puyek:air cleaner |
sov-puyek:air cleaner ["air-washer"] |
# puyan-achut:[see /achut/] |
ek'puyik:sterile ["full-?"] |
ra:what |
1825,16 → 1986,22 |
ragtau:(to) introduce [inferred] |
ragtaya:introduction |
ragtayalar:introductions |
ragelan:meeting |
tereragelan:rendezvous {n.} |
tereragel-tor:(to) rendezvous |
ragel-tor:(to) meet |
a'rak-raflehk:positive (battery) terminal {auto.} ["positive-?"] |
rai:no |
ri:not |
ex=ri bolau nash-veh:I do not need ["not need this-one"] |
ex=Ri tishau sa-veh ko-veh.:He does not like her. ["Not like male-one female-one."] |
ex=Tishau sa-veh ri ko-veh.:he does not like *her*. ["Like male-one not female-one."] |
ex=Ri tishau sa-veh ko-veh.:He does *not* like her. ["Not like male-one female-one."] |
ex=Tishau sa-veh ri ko-veh.:He does not like *her*. ["Like male-one not female-one."] |
ex=Tishau ri sa-veh ko-veh.:*He* does not like her. [Like not male-one female-one."] |
ex=Tishau Sonok T'Sau hi ri T'Pan,:Sonok likes T'Sau but not T'Pan. ["Likes Sonok T'Sau but not T'Pan."] |
ex=Tishau ri Sonok hi Stonn T'Pol.:Sonok does not like Stonn but he likes T'Pol. [single verb is not repeated: "Likes not Sonok but Stonn T'Pol."] |
ex=Ri tishau Sonok heh Stonn T'Pol.:Sonok and Stonn don't like T'Pol. ["Not like Sonok and Stonn T'Pol."] |
ex=Tishau Sonok T'Sau hi ri T'Pan.:Sonok likes T'Sau but not *T'Pan*. ["Likes Sonok T'Sau but (does) not (like) T'Pan."] |
ex=Tishau ri Sonok Stonn hi T'Pol.:*Sonok* does not like Stonn but he likes T'Pol. ["Likes not Sonok Stonn but (likes) T'Pol." (single verb is not repeated; orig. /hi/ before object is illogical)] |
ex=Tishau ri Sonok hi Stonn T'Pol.:*Sonok* does not like Stonn, but Stonn likes T'Pol. ["Likes not Sonok but (likes) Stonn T'Pol."] |
ex=Ri tishau Sonok heh Stonn T'Pol.:Sonok and Stonn do not like T'Pol. ["Not like Sonok and Stonn T'Pol."] |
ex=Ri tishau Sonok Stonn heh T'Pol.:Sonok does not like Stonn and T'Pol. ["Not like Sonok Stonn and T'Pol."] |
ex=Ri tishau il bolau Sonok uzh dunaplar.:Sonok does not like or need new books. ["Not like or need Sonok new books."] |
ex=Tishau hi ri bolau Sonok uzh dunaplar.:Sonok likes but does not need new books. ["Like but not need Sonok new books."] |
ex=Ri tishau mavau T'Pan ka'athaira.:T'Pan does not like to play the /ka'athyra/. [/ri/ precedes helper verb: "Not like play T'Pan /ka'athyra/."] |
1860,9 → 2027,9 |
ex=Tishau nash-veh kahm hi ri savas.:I do not like meat but I like fruit. |
ex=Tishau T'Pring ri Spock hi Stonn.:T'Pring does not like Spock but she likes Stonn. |
ex=Tishau Sonok heh Stonn du hi ri nash-veh.:Sonok and Stonn like you but not me. |
ex=Tishau ko-veh Sonok - T'Luki eh T'Sai hi ri T'Pol.:Sonok likes her, T'Luki and T'Sai, but not T'Pol. |
ex=Tishau Sonok ko-veh - T'Luki eh T'Sai hi ri T'Pol.:Sonok likes her, T'Luki and T'Sai, but not T'Pol. |
ex=Ri tishau Vorik Stonn - T'Pring il T'San.:Vorik does not like Stonn, T'Pring or T'San. |
ex=Tishau hi ri bolau Sonak thas.:Sonok likes but does not need /thas/. |
ex=Tishau hi ri bolau Sonak thas.:Sonok likes but does not need milk. |
ex=Ri tishau mavau Tuvok kal-toh.:Tuvok does not like to play /kal-toh/. |
ri~:no-|non-~|ir-~|anti-~ |
Rihansu:Romulan ["no-?-person"] |
1887,14 → 2054,15 |
rasahkos:bad |
weh-rasahkos:worse |
ravot:insect|bug |
rau-nol:? |
rau-nol:shelter {n.} |
rau-tor:(to) shelter |
razh:? |
sov-razh:? |
abulik sov-razh:air pocket |
sov-razh:? ["air-?"] |
abulik sov-razh:air pocket ["? air-?"] |
redzh(-~):mild |
reh:three {enum.} |
ex=Ma ko-veh reh snauk.:She has three forks. ["Have female-one three fork."] |
ex=Nesh-tor ko-kan reh krus t'kap.:The girl slices three loafs of bread. ["Cut girl three piece of-bread."] |
ex=Nesh-tor ko-kan reh krus t'kap.:The girl slices three loafs of bread. ["Cut female-child three piece of-bread."] |
reh-~:tri-~|triple-~ |
reh'rak:third (TGV) |
rehr-~:third ~ |
1904,16 → 2072,15 |
reshan:rage {n.} |
reshen-~:angry ~ |
reshnek:angry |
ret'kuv:washer (spacer) |
# ri(k'~):[see /rai/] |
rihinek:cartilage {biol.} |
rihinek-pleshek:cartilage crusher {med.} |
ro'fori:information {anc.} [originally a compound word] |
rom(-~):good ~ |
ohrom:excellent ["eightfold good"] |
rok-tor:(to) hope |
ex=Rok-tor nash-veh tal-tor os-dunap.:I hope to find the old book. ["Hopes this-one to-find old-book."] |
dan-rom:best |
weh-rom:better |
rok:hope {n.} |
rok-tor:(to) hope |
ex=Rok-tor nash-veh tal-tor os-dunap.:I hope to find the old book. ["Hopes this-one to-find old-book."] |
ru'lut:mouth |
ru'lut-masu:saliva ["mouth-water"] |
ru'lut-sai:napkin ["mouth-cloth"] |
1937,6 → 2104,8 |
rub-zhit-shidlar:adjectival forms |
rubitaya:alteration|modification {n.} |
rubitayek:modifier |
ruken:egress {n.} {aero.} |
ruk-tor:(to) egress {aero.} |
s':from|out of|by ~ [as in the author of, etc.] |
sa(-~):male|ex~|outward(-) ~|from out of|away from {comb.} |
sa-kan:boy ["male-child"] |
1947,7 → 2116,7 |
ex=Sonok dah'rak sa-telsu t'nash-veh.:Sonok is my second husband. ["Sonok second husband of-this-one."] |
sa-veh:he ["male-one"; TGV] |
t'sa-veh:his |
ex=Nem-tor ko-kan dunap t'sa-veh.:The girl takes his book. |
ex=Nem-tor ko-kan dunap t'sa-veh.:The girl takes his book. ["Take female-child book of-male-one."] |
sasu:man|male {n.} ["male-person"] |
osa(su):gentleman|sir ["honored man"] |
sayik:male {standal. adj.} |
1971,12 → 2140,12 |
salatik:native |
salasharaya:pronunciation ["native-?"] |
salasu:native {n.} ["native-person"] |
sam-~:cold ~ |
samek:cold {adj.} |
pid-samek:boreal ["high-cold"; inferred] |
# pid-samek-ek'nosh:[see /ek'nosh/] |
pid-samek-kastik:hekistotherm ["high-cold-plant-related"] |
pid-samek-laptra:boreal forest ["high-cold-tree-there"] |
samek:cold {adj.} |
pid-samek:boreal ["high-cold"; inferred] |
# pid-samek-ek'nosh:[see /ek'nosh/] |
pid-samek-kastik:hekistotherm ["high-cold-plant-related"] |
pid-samek-laptra:boreal forest ["high-cold-tree-there"] |
sam-~:cold ~ |
samm:? |
sanoi:? |
sarlah:(to) come|arrive |
1983,8 → 2152,6 |
ex=Sarlah wuh le-matya..:There is a le-matya coming! |
ex=Vesht sarlah nemut | Kardassular || il sos'eh Dzhem-Hadaru || |.:The enemy (the Cardassians [or perhaps the Jem-Hadar]) arrived. |
ex=ki'sarlah:has come|arrived |
abu-sarlah:(to) come up |
abu-sarlahn:coming-up|upcoming |
fasarlah:(to) come forward |
fasarlahn:coming-forward|forward-coming |
nusarlah:(to) come down, descend |
1991,9 → 2158,11 |
nusarlahn:come-down, down-coming, descent {n.} |
visarlah:(to) come in/into|enter [referring to beings; otherwise use /svi-tor/] |
visarlahn:coming-in|in-coming|entry |
abu-sarlah:(to) come up |
abu-sarlahn:coming-up|upcoming |
sash-~:acidic ~ |
sashik:acidic |
sash-savas:citrus-like fruit ["acidic-fruit"] |
sash-savas:/sash-savas/ (citrus-like fruit) ["acidic-fruit"] |
sastorau:(to) make a breakthrough |
sastoraya:breakthrough |
saul:shout {n.} |
2000,11 → 2169,11 |
saul-tor:(to) shout |
savas:fruit |
sav'el:shirt |
saven-tor:(to) teach |
savensu:teacher ["teaching-person"; usually /osavensu/, see o~] |
osavensu:teacher ["honored teacher", as a token of respect] |
savensu:teacher ["teaching-person"; usually /osavensu/, see o~] |
osavensu:teacher ["honored teacher", as a token of respect] |
saven-tor:(to) teach |
sayek:? |
sazh:vegetable |
sazh:legume (gen. term) |
sees:? |
seheik:pilgrims {borr.} ["declared ones"] |
sehlat:/sehlat/ (bear-like, often domesticated, animal, with six-inch fangs) |
2021,8 → 2190,17 |
ex=Nam-tor Spock 1☐ heh Kirk 2☐.:Spock is 1st and Kirk is 2nd. |
sele-an t'li:/Sele-an-t'li/ (secondary level of adult discipline) {anc.} |
senepa:? |
set-tor:(to) drop |
ex=Set-tor Rihansu suk'snauk fi'yar-pasu.:The Romulan drops the big fork on the green table. |
seshan:pull {n.} |
sesh'gal:graviton ["pull-particle"; see /galu/] |
sesh'gal-zehlek:graviton beam |
wek-terauk sesh'gal-zehlek:phase-conjugate graviton beam |
sesh'gal-zehlek-sayek:graviton beam emitter |
sesh'gal-vunai:graviton field |
sesh'gal-tihetilayek:graviton stabilizer |
nu-seshan:gravity ["down-pull"] |
set:drop {n.} |
set-tor:(to) drop |
ex=Set-tor Rihansu suk'snauk fi'yar-pasu.:The Romulan drops the big fork on the green table. |
sfek:? |
dan-pid-sfek:zenith (highest point) ["rotation-high-point"] |
sfith:? |
2056,14 → 2234,14 |
masu-ek'shal:hydrosphere ["water-all-zone"] |
seshan-ek'shal:magnetosphere {meteo.} ["?-all-zone"] |
si-ek'shal:exosphere {clim.} ["exo-all-zone"] |
pid-sov-ek'shal:stratosphere ["high-?-all-zone"] |
sviti-sov-ek'shal:mesosphere ["?-?-all-zone"] |
pid-sov-ek'shal:stratosphere ["high-air-all-zone"] |
sviti-sov-ek'shal:mesosphere ["?-air-all-zone"] |
a'rak-shal:positive area {meteo.} ["positive-zone"] |
elkhrul-shal:area ["whole-zone"] |
shaya:break {n.} |
shayaf:ego |
ex=masuk-shayaf:a very big ego [insult] |
tal-shaya:/Tal-shaya/ (anc. technique once used for merciful execution) ["study-of-breaking" another's neck with one hand] |
tal-shaya:/Tal-shaya/ (anc. technique once used for merciful execution) ["neck-breaking"; breaking another's neck with one hand; see /talu/] |
moguhshau:(to) scrap ["?-debris-verb"] |
guhsh(-tukh):debris {geol.} |
guhsh-khartau-torektra:waste management system (WMS) ["debris-?-system"] |
2087,12 → 2265,10 |
shei:(to) scream [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Shei le-matya.:The /le-matya/ screams. |
shein:screaming |
shen:rise|ascent {n.} |
shen:rise {n.}|ascent [from CLGV /skæn/ and AGV /ξ'ành/] |
she'rak:east ["rise-direction" (from the rising suns)] |
she-tor:(to) rise|ascend|go up |
sheyan:rising|ascending |
she'rak:east ["rise-direction"; referring to sunrise] |
shetau:(to) grow |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
shoret:(to) call out|beckon |
kwi'shoret:(to) call out to/beckon from far away |
ex=:[see /hokni'es/ for ex.] |
2102,6 → 2278,8 |
shehkuh:6 {card.} |
sheh'rak:6th (TGV) |
shehr-~:6th ~ |
shetau:(to) become [from CLGV /shætau/ and AGV /ξ'àntá/] |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
shitau:(to) place|put |
ex=Shitau Sonok ras-dunap fi'suk'pasu.:Sonok puts the heavy book on the big table. |
shi'~:place of ~ |
2140,6 → 2318,8 |
skveon-~:east ~ |
Skveon-Mershtijki:East Mershtak |
pla'yumaya t'skaun-sa'haf-tuhllar:gastroesophageal reflux ["back-? of-?-?-?"] |
skothon:survey {n.} {aero.} |
skothon-tor:(to) survey {aero.} |
slah:fiber {biol.} |
slah-kov|slah-tukh:asbestos |
slahtra:bundle {med.} |
2158,16 → 2338,24 |
potau-slor-tukh:sucrose {biol.} ["?-sweet-stuff"] |
savas-slor-tukh:fructose {biol.} ["fruit-sweet-stuff"] |
sheh-slor-tukh:hexose {biol.} ["six-sweet-stuff"] |
thas-slor-tukh:lactose {biol.} ["?-sweet-stuff"] |
thas-slor-tukh:lactose {biol.} ["milk-sweet-stuff"] |
smertau:? {v.} |
smertaufa:? {n.} |
smertausu:? {n.} |
sochya-bosh(-~):peaceful ~ |
sochya:peace |
sochya-bosh(-~):peaceful ~ |
stego'sohruhs (abu-math-pla'dorfa daino'sohr):stegosaurus {zool.} {borr.} ["stegosaurus (up-plate-?-?-dinosaur"] |
solai:field {agr., fig.} |
suk-sov-dan:cyclone (rotation area) {meteo.} ["big-?-rotation"] |
sovash-~:alkaline |
sovashik:alkaline |
solektra:ground {n.} ["field-all-there"] |
sov:air {n.} |
visovau:(to) blow up|inflate |
visovaya:blowup|inflation |
sovtra-vohraun:aerobraking ["air-there-pausing"] |
sov-~:aerial {adj.} |
sov-morov:aerial combat ["air-?"] |
suk-sov-dan:cyclone (rotation area) {meteo.} ["big-air-rotation"] |
sovash-~:base|alkaline ["air-?", due to gasses being a part of bases] |
sovashik:alkaline |
spahk:claw {n.} {biol.} |
# spahk-mal-aushfa:crustacean {biol.} ["claw-leg-animal"; see /aushfa/] |
spanakau:(to) govern {pol.} |
2175,7 → 2363,7 |
spanadvelan:vote {n.} ["govern-choosing"] |
spanadvelsu:voter ["govern-choose-person"] |
spanakausu:governor {pol.} ["govern-person"] |
krusol-spanakausu:state governor {pol.} ["?-governor"] |
krusol-spanakausu:state governor {pol.} ["state-governor"] |
spanakhat:government {pol.} ["?-rule"] |
spanakel:? |
tospanakel:? |
2208,6 → 2396,7 |
spana-ornasu:chancellor {pol.} |
spo'~:à la|after|in the manner/style of ~ |
spoh:? |
sposhan:eruption [from CLGV /spohshan/ and AGV /sp'àξònh/] |
spol:pump {n.} |
# khaf-spol:[see /khaf/] |
srashiv:achievement |
2221,10 → 2410,11 |
stehr-~:7th ~ |
stehik:7 {adj.} |
stehkuh:7 {card.} |
stonn:? |
stonn:horn|antler [from CLGV, derived from AGV /stònh/] |
stor-~:advanced |
ex=stor-shidlar:advanced forms |
stron-tor:(to) escape |
stron:escape {n.} |
stron-tor:(to) escape |
stukh:(outer) space ["from-stuff"?; see /tukh/] |
su:person |
~su:~ person [e.g. (o)savensu -- (honored) teacher, "(honored) teaching person"] |
2255,9 → 2445,11 |
ex=Svep pi eh yon suk.:The door is small and the fire is big. |
# svi'~:amid(st)|among(st)|in the midst of|inside (of) ~ [see /vi/] |
sviti-~:mid~ |
swana:/swana/ (a rare and precious item) [from CLGV /swlana/ and AGV /s'w'lhánh/] |
t'~:of|belonging to ~ |
t'forti:finally {anc.} |
t'hai'la:(close[st]) friend|soulmate [often transcribed /t'hyla/] |
ex=>Goh kup-tar-tor nash-veh nash pa't'hai'la – t'katralar ki'ragel-tor svi'halovayalar - vesht nam-tor t'osa-veh dan-komihn t'ek.<:"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… human." ["Only able-to-say this-one this about-closest-friend – of-souls have-met in-travels - past to-be of-honored-male-one most-human of-all."; from Kirk's funeral speech for Spock] |
t'san s'at:a process of eliminating emotions {anc.} |
(ho-)ta'a:/taal/ (traditional Vulcan hand salute) [right hand raised vertically so that the palm is shown to the person greeted; angle between thumb and index finger, and middle and ring finger, to form a "V" each] |
ta'raf:neutral |
2270,18 → 2462,24 |
tal:study {n.} |
ek'tal:science ["all-study"] |
ek'talsu:scientist ["all-study-person"] |
tal-tor:(to) find |
tal-muv:key |
talal:find(ings) {n.} |
patal-tor:(to) detect |
patalan:detection {n.} |
talal:find(ing)|discovery {n.} ["studied"] |
tal-tor:(to) find |
patal-tor:(to) detect |
patalan:detection {n.} |
tal-muv:key |
tam:dance {n.} |
tam-tor:(to) dance |
taman:dancing |
tan-tor:(to) give (MGV) |
tan:donation|gift|present {n.} |
tanek:dispenser {auto.} ["donation-all"] |
tansu:donor |
khaf-tansu:blood donor {med.} |
tan-tor:(to) give (MGV) |
tanaf:art {n.} |
nuk-yem-tanekik:oligotrophic {ocean.} ["low-meal-?"] |
tar-tor:(to) say |
tar:say {n.} |
taran:saying {n.} |
tar-tor:(to) say |
tash:control {n.} |
tashal (MGV)|tash-shal (TGV):control console |
tashek:control (device)|controller {n.} ["control-all"] |
2304,7 → 2502,7 |
kvath-tash-svitan:emergency bridge ["?-command-?"] |
nel-tash-svitan:main bridge ["?-command-?"] |
tash-tol:regulator gene |
tash-tor:(to) control [inferred] |
tash-tor:(to) control |
ek'nosh-tash:climate control {meteo.} ["all-condition-control"] |
fik-nu-tash:top-down control {ocean.} ["?-down-control"] |
lanet-abu-tash:bottom-up control {ocean.} ["?-up-control"] |
2317,7 → 2515,6 |
folau-tash-torektra (FTT):reaction-control system (RCS) {tech.} ["?-control-system"] |
kvath-tash-svitan (KTS):auxiliary control (room) {tech.} ["?-control-?"] |
vlaik kwitau-tash-torektra (VKTT):lateral impulse control system ["? ?-control-system"] |
ha'zehl-tash-feretai:beam control assembly ["?-line-control-?"] |
zakar-tash:damage control ["damage-control"] |
vihish-tash-torektra:pressure control system ["pressure-control-system"] |
ek'meklar t'vihish-tash-torektra:pressure control system safeties ["all-? of-pressure-control-system"] |
2326,9 → 2523,13 |
tashuhnu-tukh:rhyolite {geol.} |
tashuh-~|tashuhk:felsic {geol.} |
rahtek-tashuh:hornfels |
tau:fever {anc.} |
plak-tau:/plak-tau/ {anc.} ["blood-fever", also transcribed /plak tow/; metabolic chemical imbalance due to the Vulcan mating cycle, terminal if untreated; see /pon farr/] |
tau-kath:"fever healing" ["fever-?"] |
taul-tulek:dive tank {ocean.} ["?-?"] |
tav:rate {n.} [inferred from /tselau-tav/] |
tav:rate {n.} |
ha'gel-haulan-tavat:albedo ["light-?-?"] |
tav-tor:(to) rate |
tchas:warp {n.} |
tchas-apalikau-tikap t'Skoht:Scott warp startup method ["warp-?-? of-Scott"] |
tchas-klai:warp factor ["warp-?"] |
2386,9 → 2587,12 |
tehn-~:anti- |
Tela'at:elder (title of respect for advanced age /Kolinahru/) |
Tellarsu:Tellarite |
telv-tor:(to) read |
telv:reading {n.} |
telv-tor:(to) read |
temok:wall {n.} |
ten-mal:early ["?-leg"] |
terek:affix {n.} |
terek-tor:(to) affix |
teresh-kah:/Teresh-kah/ (a type of bird) |
ex=Teresh-kah suk.:The /teresh-kah/ bird is big. |
ex=wan-kur teresh-kah:white /teresh-kah/ bird |
2413,19 → 2617,10 |
terrupik:Earth-~|Terran|Human |
tessaya:? |
tevan:fall|descent {n.} |
tev-tor:(to) fall|descend |
ex=Tev-tor wu-lipau fi'lan-tol.:The long knife falls on the floor. |
mestev-tor:(to) fall across |
mestevan:across-fall, falling-across |
nutev-tor:(to) fall down [see /nu/] |
ex=Nutev-tor Sonok kaiden.:Sonok falls down the stairs. ["Fall-down Sonok stairs."; *not*: /Tev-tor Sonok nu'kaiden./] |
nutevan:downfall, falling-down {n.} |
tevyan(-~):falling|descending |
ex=tevyan-morlar:the falling leaves |
tevi-~:dead ~ |
tevik:dead |
tevul:crash {n.} ["fallen"] |
tevun:year [inferred] |
tevun:year [from leaves falling every autumn?] |
tevunik:perennial {adj.} ["yearly"] |
wuh-tevunik:annual {adj.} ["one-yearly"] |
dah-tevunik:biennial {adj.} ["two-yearly"] |
2434,11 → 2629,55 |
to'ovau-tevun-yonuk:growing season [see /to'ovau/] |
teh-tevun:century ["hundred-year"] |
leh-teh-tevun:millennium ["thousand-year"] |
thanah:adoption |
thanai:(to) adopt [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Thanai Sonok heh T'Luki sa-kan heh ko-kan.:Sonok and T'Luki are adopting a boy and a girl. |
thanain:adopting |
tev-tor:(to) fall|descend |
ex=Tev-tor wu-lipau fi'lan-tol.:The long knife falls on the floor. |
mestev-tor:(to) fall across |
mestevan:across-fall, falling-across |
nutev-tor:(to) fall down [see /nu/] |
ex=Nutev-tor Sonok kaiden.:Sonok falls down the stairs. ["Fall-down Sonok stairs."; *not*: /Tev-tor Sonok nu'kaiden./] |
nutevan:downfall, falling-down {n.} |
tevyan(-~):falling|descending |
ex=tevyan-morlar:the falling leaves |
thas:milk {n.} |
thasau:(to) lactate |
thasaya:lactation ["milking"] |
pehk-thasaya:ablactation ["stop-milking"] |
thask:breast {TGV} {LGV} [cognate with /thasek/ "milk-all"] |
thasek-gonaf:nipple [from {anc.} /thask-gonaf/ "breast-button"] |
thask-dah'haf:bra {TGV} {LGV} ["breast-two-gap"] |
thask-rasathra:breast cancer {TGV} ["breast-?"] |
thask-vishi-vel:breast implant {TGV} ["breast-into-place-thing"] |
thask-yem-tor:(to) breastfeed {TGV} ["breast-meal-to-do"] |
thak:breast {MGV} |
thak-dahf:bra {MGV} ["breast-?"] |
thak-rasathra:breast cancer {MGV} ["breast-?"] |
thak-vishi-vel:breast cancer {MGV} ["breast-into-place-thing"] |
thak-yem-tor:(to) breastfeed {TGV} ["breast-meal-to-do"] |
thasnemek:milking machine |
thasnem-tor:(to) milk (by machine) ["milk-take-to-do"] |
sfith-thas:sour milk ["?-milk"] |
thas-aluk:milk fish ["milk-fish"] |
thas-aushfa:mammal ["milk-animal"] |
deltuh'therihdiuhm (reh-tarkiv-zud'veh ten-malik thas-aushfa):deltatheridium {paleo.} {borr.} |
fe-thas-aushfa:protomammal {paleo.} |
lai'keinaps (wolf-limukalik fu-thas-aushfa):lycaenops {paleo.} {borr.} |
thrihnahksuh'dan (ten-malik fu-thas-aushfa):thrinaxodon {paleo.} {borr.} |
sa'haf-thas-aushfa:marsupial {n.} ["pouch-mammal"] |
gad-keshtanik sa'haf-thas-aushfa:alphadon {paleo.} |
bosh-patam'veh (thas-aushfa-orfikk):hadrocodium {paleo.} |
thas-mev:lactoferous duct {anat.} |
thas-pi'nafek:mammary gland {anat.} ["milk-small-organ"; see /pi'nafek/] |
thas-skaun-zalu:lactase {biol.} |
thas-spol:breast pump ["milk-pump"] |
thas-tehsik:casein {biol.} |
thas-tor:(to) milk (manually) ["milk-to-do"] |
thas-vedik-ravot:milkweed bug {zool.} ["milk-?-bug"] |
thanah:adoption |
thanai:(to) adopt [irr. strong v.] |
ex=Thanai Sonok heh T'Luki sa-kan heh ko-kan.:Sonok and T'Luki are adopting a boy and a girl. |
thanain:adopting |
thal-tukh:detritus {anorg.} |
Theisuhs|Theizuhs:Thasus {borr. from FSE} |
thel-~:fat ~ |
thelik:fat |
thel'an-~:obese ~ |
2446,16 → 2685,14 |
thinoi:? |
thon:measurement |
vunai-khlop-thon:field geometry {tech.} ["field-?-measurement"] |
raf-kuv t'vunai-khlop-thon:field geometry circuit {tech.} ["?-? of-field-?-measurement"] |
thon-tor:(to) measure |
thonalik:measured {adj.} |
sov-dukal-vel na'salan-thonan:rawinsonde ["?-?-thing for-wind-measuring"] |
sov-dukal-vel na'salan-thonan:rawinsonde ["air-?-thing for-wind-measuring"] |
thonan-fek:ruler {med.} ["measuring-?"] |
glu-masutra-thonaya:bathymetry ["deep-?-measuring"] |
thonek:meter (device) |
thonek t'masu-muhs-tuhl:psychrometer ["meter of-water-vapor-contain"] |
thonek t'wan-tin-lanet:ceilometer {meteo.} ["meter of-white-layer-bottom"; device for determining the height of a cloud base] |
thonek t'sov-masu-theklar:disdrometer ["meter of-?-water-?"] |
thonek t'sov-masu-theklar:disdrometer ["meter of-air-water-?"] |
bal-thonek:calipers {tech.} ["?-meter"] |
numo-bal-thonek:microcaliper ["microscopic-?-meter"] |
seshu-bal-thonek:gravitic calipers ["?-?-meter"] |
2466,7 → 2703,7 |
gluder-thonek:depth finder ["depth-meter"] |
halek-dan-thonek:cyclometer ["wheel-rotation-meter"] |
ihn-thonek:densitometer ["?-meter"] |
kahat-thonek t'kas-yar-kurek:fluorometer ["?-meter of-?-green-coloring"] |
kahat-thonek t'kas-yar-kurek:fluorometer ["?-meter of-plant-green-coloring"] |
khaf-spolik raf-bes-thonek:electrocardiograph ["heart ?-?-meter"] |
khaf-vihish-thonek:sphygmomanometer ["blood-pressure-meter"] |
kur-thonek:colorimeter ["color-meter"] |
2473,7 → 2710,7 |
kurtra-thonek:spectrometer ["color-there-meter"] |
masu-thonek:hydrometer ["water-meter"] |
asal-masu-thonek:drosometer ["morning-water-meter"] |
sov-masu-thonek:hygrometer ["?-water-meter"] |
sov-masu-thonek:hygrometer ["air-water-meter"] |
na-sovau-thonek:evaporimeter ["?-?-meter"] |
pidek-thonek:altimeter ["height-meter"] |
dvunek-toranik raf-bes-thonek:electromyograph ["?-busy ?-?-meter"] |
2483,13 → 2720,14 |
shad-pralik raf-bes-thonek:electroencephalograph ["?-? ?-?-meter"] |
smish-thonek:dynamometer ["?-meter"] |
solektra-hutaya-thonek:seismometer ["?-?-meter"] |
sov-ne'hish-thonek:barometer {tech.} ["?-?-meter"] |
sov-vihish-thonek:barometer {ocean.} ["?-pressure-meter"/"?-?-meter"] |
dvunek-elekik sov-vihish-thonek:aneroid barometer {meteo.} ["?-? ?-pressure-meter"] |
sov-ne'hish-thonek:barometer {tech.} ["air-?-meter"] |
sov-vihish-thonek:barometer {ocean.} ["air-pressure-meter"] |
dvunek-elekik sov-vihish-thonek:aneroid barometer {meteo.} ["?-? air-pressure-meter"] |
vath-yut-thonek:interferometer ["?-way-meter"] |
vul-thonek:climometer ["?-meter"] |
yumau-thonek:flowmeter {geo.}|flow monitor {tech.} ["?-meter"] |
zhu-thonek:audiometer ["hearing-meter"] |
thon-tor:(to) measure ["measure-to-do"] |
thrap:offense |
ex=:[see /nem-tor/ for ex.] |
thresha:? |
2498,7 → 2736,9 |
abuli-threshan-yal:vertical speed indicator {aero.} ["vertical-?-?"] |
abuthresha:(to) throttle up {aero.} ["up-?"] |
abuthreshan:throttle-up {n.} {aero.} |
throks:(to) give (TGV) |
thro:access {n.} |
throks:(to) give (access) (TGV) |
thro-tor:(to) access |
thurai(-~):next ~ |
tihetilayek:? |
abuli-tihetilayek:vertical stabilizer {aero.} ["vertical-?"] |
2531,14 → 2771,15 |
to'ovau-tin t'lap-vukhut:cambium {bot.} ["grow-layer of-tree-body"] |
to'ovaya:growth |
nala-to'ovaya:cell growth |
tor:(to) do|make |
tor:(to) do|make [from CLGV /thor/ and AGV /dhórh/] |
~-tor:(weak verb form) |
tor-bosh:process {n.} |
tor-zhit:verb ["to-do-word"] |
# tor-yehat:possible ["make-true"; see /yeht/] |
toranik:busy|occupied |
ex=Au toranik svi'solai.:They are busy|occupied in the field. |
ex=Du toranik.:You are busy|occupied. |
torah:(to) act (on sth.) [produce an effect] |
toranik:busy|occupied |
ex=Au toranik svi'solai.:They are busy|occupied in the field. |
ex=Du toranik.:You are busy|occupied. |
torektra:system ["do-all-there"] |
toru-zhit:imperative ["make-word"] |
torvel-zhit:gerund |
2549,6 → 2790,8 |
ex=Rok-tor etek tra'tal-tor sehlatlar.:We hope to find sehlats there. ["Hope we there-find sehlats."] |
ex=Aitlu tu fa-gad tra'hal-tor ha.:Do you want to go there tomorrow? ["Want you tomorrow there-go?"] |
trasha:(to) leave |
tral:surge {n.} {aero.} |
tral-tor:(to) surge |
trau(-~):honest ~ |
ritrau(-~):dishonest ~ |
ex=Ferengi ritrau hi Vuhlkansu trau.:A Ferengi is dishonest but a Vulcan is honest. |
2557,6 → 2800,8 |
travilayek:compiler |
treit:flock |
ex=treit t'kushel:flock of birds ["flock of-bird"] |
trel:slip {n.} {aero.} |
trel-tor:(to) slip {aero.} |
tresh:split |
tsaebb-~:west ~ {obs.} |
Tsaebb-Mershtijkk:West Mershtak (Vulcan language) |
2578,7 → 2823,7 |
kef-tuhlau-vis:emergency containment grid ["?-contain-web"] |
tuhlek:container {tech.}|tank {ocean.} |
tuhlek t'vimashal-masu-tukh:liquid hydrogen tank ["tank of-?-water-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-sov-tukh:liquid nitrogen tank ["tank of-?-?-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-sov-tukh:liquid nitrogen tank ["tank of-?-air-?"] |
tuhlek t'vimashal-esh-tukh:liquid oxygen tank ["tank of-?-oxygen"] |
esh-tukh-tuhlek:oxygen tank {ocean.} ["breathe-stuff-tank"; see /esh-tukh/] |
set-tuhlek:drop tank ["?-tank"] |
2589,17 → 2834,13 |
tukh:material|substance|stuff|element {chem.} |
bal-tukh:erbium {chem.} ["?-?"] |
bali-tukh:samarium {chem.} ["thick-?"] |
esh-tukh:oxygen ["breathe-stuff"] |
fezhau-vok t'masu-esh-tukh:dissolved oxygen level {biol.} ["?-? of-water-breathe-stuff"] |
# esh-tukh-tuhlek:[see /tuhlek/] |
ek'esh-tukh-kupik:euryoxic {adj.} {biol.} ["all-breathe-stuff-?"] |
dzhyan-tukh:? |
masu-tukh:hydrogen {chem.} ["water-stuff"] |
(nen-)nala-tukh:cytoplasm {biol.} ["(?-)cell-stuff"] |
nen-kas-tukh:cellulose ["?-?-stuff"] |
nen-kas-tukh:cellulose ["?-plant-stuff"] |
ras-tukh:lead {chem.} ["heavy-stuff"] |
skamau-tukh:attractant {biol.} ["?-?-stuff"] |
sov-tukh:nitrogen |
sov-tukh:nitrogen ["air-?"] |
reh-masuyu t'sov-tukh:ammonia [NH_3; "three-hydrogen (out-)of-(one-)nitrogen"] |
tehn-ausham-tukh:antivenin {biol.} ["?-?-stuff"] |
tehn-hasam-tukh:antitoxin {biol.} ["?-?-stuff"] |
2630,6 → 2871,11 |
uf wehk:how many |
ugel-~:bright ~ |
ugelik:bright |
ukraluk:reptile {n.} [from CLGV, derived from AGV /úhrállu/, meaning "one who crawls"] |
saino'dant (dag-zud'veh thas-aushfa-ukraluk):cynodont {paleo.} {borr.} |
sainag'nathuths (dag-ahs'veh thas-aushfa-ukraluk):cynognathus {paleo.} {borr.} |
teno'spandihluhs (thalv-pla'dorfa thas-aushfa-ukraluk):ctenospondylus {paleo.} {borr.} |
pluh'seriuhs (thas-aushfa-ukraluk):placerias {paleo.} {borr.} |
ulef:half |
ul-~:semi(-)~|demi(-)~|part(-)~|partial(-)~ |
# ul-shivaya:[see /shivaya/] |
2645,6 → 2891,8 |
va':infinite|innumerable|immeasurable |
Va'Vuhnaya s'Va'Terishlar (VVVT):Infinitite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (IDIC) {phil.} |
vah:as [inferred] |
vak-zehl:x-ray {n.} {aero.} |
vak-zehl-tor:(to) x-ray {aero.} |
vakav(-~):frequent ~ |
rivak:course {n.} ["infrequently (changing)"?] |
vakav'es:frequency [inferred] |
2653,6 → 2901,7 |
tchu-nuk-vakav'es (TNV):very low frequency (VLF) {tech.} |
mair-pid-vakav'es (MPV):extremely high frequency (EHF) |
ohm-pid-vakav'es (OPV):ultra high frequency (UHF) {tech.} |
vakh:bold {adj.} |
vahl:(to) grant |
vanu-~:ceremonial ~ |
Vanu-Zukitan:Ceremonial Script (Vulcan writing script) |
2713,21 → 2962,20 |
a'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Positive-tilt trough {meteo.} ["positive-tilted low-pressure-?"] |
u'rak-ayaunik nuk-vihish-tauf:Negative-tilt trough {meteo.} ["negative-tilted low-pressure-?"] |
nuk-vihish-svitistoraya:cyclogenesis {meteo.} ["low-pressure-?"] |
vikau:(to) warn [inferred] |
vikau:(to) warn |
vikaya:warning {n.} [inferred] |
vikayek:alarm (device) {n.} {aero.} |
vikwam:alert {n.} |
vikau-torektra:warning system ["?-system"] |
vin-~:mature ~ |
vinik:mature |
vikau-torektra:warning system ["warn-system"] |
vin'es:maturity |
vinik:mature {adj.} |
wehk-tevun-vinik:multivoltine {adj.; biol.} ["many-year-mature"] |
wuh-tevun-vinik:univoltine {adj.} ["one-year-mature"] |
vin-tor:(to) mature |
vin-~:mature ~ |
vin-tor:(to) mature ["maturity-to-do"] |
visak'a:legacy {anc.} |
visolektrau:(to) bury) |
visolektraya:burial |
visovau:(to) blow up|inflate |
visovaya:blowup|inflation |
vit-~:static ~ |
vitik:static |
vis:net {tech.}|web {biol.} |
2746,9 → 2994,10 |
vo'ekti:? {anc.} {borr.} |
vohr-~:slow ~ |
vohris:slow(ly) |
vohraya:pause [inferred] |
nosh-vohraya:diapause {biol.} ["condition-pause"; see /nosh/] |
vokau:(to) remember [inferred and from ST:ENT "The Forge"] |
vohrau:(to) pause [inferred] |
vohraya:pause [inferred] |
nosh-vohraya:diapause {biol.} ["condition-pause"; see /nosh/] |
vokau:(to) remember [also in ST:ENT "The Forge"] |
vokau-patam:memory head {tech.} ["remember-?"] |
vokau-tviyan:memory core {tech.} ["remember-?"] |
vokau-val:memory chip ["remember-?"] |
2764,6 → 3013,8 |
vukhut(-~):body|corporeal ~ |
ri-vukhut-~:non-corporeal ~ |
ri-vukhut-hasular:non-corporeal beings |
vul:incline {n.} {aero.} |
vul-tor:(to) incline {aero.} |
vun(-~):have to|must |
ex=Vun hal-tor sa-veh tal-tor paki-sehlat.:He must go find the lost sehlat. ["Must go he to-find lost-sehlat."] |
ex=Vun-vashau dah yel-hali skyem-kushel tlingansu.:The two starships have to destroy the Klingon bird-of-prey. ["Must-destroy two starship bird-of-prey Klingon."] |
2788,7 → 3039,7 |
vi-yumau-vush:inflow jet {meteo.} |
vush-dataya:jet propulsion {tech.} |
vush-mishu:jet engine {tech.} |
vush-sov-hali:jet aircraft {tech.} |
vush-sov-hali:jet aircraft {tech.} ["?-air-ship"] |
vush-su-yata:jetliner {tech.} |
wa('~):especially|particularly|really|truly [etc.; used for emphasis] |
ex=Wa'aitlu nash-veh gla-tor per-gluvaya.:I really want to see the play. ["Really-wants this-one to-see play."] |
2803,15 → 3054,17 |
lat-wak:local time {aero.} ["?-time"] |
wakli:in what way |
ex=>Wakli ak'wikman - ot-lan?<:"What surprises you, lieutenant?" ["In-what-way surprises, lieutenant?"] |
wan:cloud {n.} |
wan-kur:white ["cloud-color"] |
wan:cloud {n.} {anc.} [from CLGV /wlan/ and AGV /w'lhán/] |
waneti:/Waneti/ (a type of white?, flowering plant; borr.) |
wan-tukh:alumin(i)um ["cloud-stuff", because the metal is light in color and weight] |
wan-kur:white ["cloud-color", because clouds are one of the few "white" items historically on Vulcan] |
ex=Le-matya wan-kur.:The /le-matya/ is white. |
wan-~:white ~ |
kahs-wan:/Kahs-wan/ (maturity test) {anc.} ["flesh-white", see /kahm/?; Vulcan children go/are sent into the deep desert (the Forge) to prove their survival skills, that they are actually Vulcans – only those who survive can take a mate; see /Vuhlkansu/] |
waneti:/Waneti/ (a type of white?, flowering plant; borr.) |
watosh(-~):ugly ~ |
wedzh-tor:(to) intend |
ex=Wedzh-tor du gla-tor per-gluvaya ha.:Do you intend to see the play? ["Intend you to-see play yes."] |
wedzh:intent {n.} |
wedzh-tor:(to) intend |
ex=Wedzh-tor du gla-tor per-gluvaya ha.:Do you intend to see the play? ["Intend you to-see play yes."] |
weh-~:~er|more ~ (comparative) |
weh-lo'uk:greater|larger |
ex=:[see /ma/ for ex.] |
2819,6 → 3072,8 |
ex=Isan t'Wehk- heh Gol'nev-Zhitlar svi'Zhit-ballar:Use of Multiple & Helper Verbs in Sentences |
weil:whale [borr. from FSE] |
ralek-weil:fin whale [see /ralek/] |
wek:phase {n.} {aero.} |
wek-tor:(to) phase {aero.} |
ul-wihka:hypothesis {ocean.} ["partial-?"] |
wiin:? |
wilat:where |
2859,10 → 3114,10 |
tor-yehat:possible |
yel:star {n.} |
# yel-hali:[see /hali/] |
yel-halek:galaxy |
yel-halek(-~|ik):galactic [inferred] |
yel-halek:galaxy ["star-wheel"] |
Yel-Halek t'Thas-Yut:Milky Way Galaxy ["galaxy of-milk-way"] |
yel-halek(-~|ik):galactic |
yel-halekik shi-kethel:galactic coordinate ["galactic place-?"] |
yel-halek-kuv:galactic circle |
yel-halek-pa'ashtra:galactic plane |
yel-halek-dan:galactic rotation |
yel-ulidar:sunspot ["star-scar"] |
2902,16 → 3157,15 |
za'~:behind ~ |
za(-)~:posterior|aft(-)~|rear(-)~|stern(-)~ {naut.} |
zaterek:suffix |
zahv-tor:(to) taste |
zahvan:taste {n.} |
zahvyan:tasting |
zahvan:taste {n.} |
zahv-tor:(to) taste |
zahvyan:tasting |
zakar:damage {n.} |
zakar-tor:(to) damage |
ex=Zakar-tor sahriv urozh svi'solai t'sa-veh hi ri t'etek.:The storm damaged the crops in his field but not in ours. |
zam:few |
zan:view |
zanan:? {n.} |
zan-tor:? {v.} |
zanan:view {n.} |
zan-tor:(to) view |
zehl:line {n.} |
ek'zehl:border ["all-line"] |
ek'zehl'es:lineage ["line-noun"; inferred] |
2918,6 → 3172,8 |
wakrubau-zehl'es:evolutionary lineage ["evolution-lineage"] |
lap-ek'zehl:baumgrenze ["tree-border"] |
yetur-ek'zehl:driveline|drivetrain {tech.} |
ha'zehl:beam (ray) ["fire-line"] |
ha'zehl-tash-feretai:beam control assembly ["?-line-control-?"] |
zek:order {n.} |
zih:? |
zhai-~:gray ~ |
2934,6 → 3190,8 |
zhit-feim:vocabulary |
zhit-gir:word root ["word-root"; inferred] |
zhit-isan:grammar ["word-use"] |
zhit-vesht-tal:etymology ["word-past-study"] |
ex=>Zhit-Vesht-Tal Ba- eh Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu<:"Traditional and Modern Golic Vulcan Etymology" |
nazhitovau:(to) spell |
dannosh-zhit:superlative {n.} |
deshkaun-zhit:interrogative {n.} |