Subversion Repositories LCARS

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Regard whitespace Rev 23 → Rev 22

1,7 → 1,6
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
require 5.004;
#use diagnostics;
use utf8;
13,22 → 12,16
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
## L10n
use locale ':not_characters';
# setlocale( LC_MESSAGES, '' );
require Number::Format;
## i18n
## FIXME: Automatically include resolved '.' in @INC
# FIXME: Automatically include resolved '.' in @INC
# print join "\n", @INC;
use locale ':not_characters';
use Locale::TextDomain ('de.pointedears.newsstat');
use POSIX ('locale_h');
use Locale::Messages qw (bind_textdomain_filter
#setlocale( LC_MESSAGES, '' );
bind_textdomain_filter 'de.pointedears.newsstat', \&turn_utf_8_on;
bind_textdomain_codeset 'de.pointedears.newsstat', 'utf-8';
36,44 → 29,6
require DateTime;
require DateTime::Format::Mail;
# See comments in previous example
my ( $thousands_sep, $mon_thousands_sep, $grouping, $decimal_point ) =
@{ localeconv() }{ 'thousands_sep', 'mon_thousands_sep', 'grouping',
'decimal_point' };
# Apply defaults if values are missing
$thousands_sep = $mon_thousands_sep unless $thousands_sep;
$thousands_sep = ' ' unless $thousands_sep;
# grouping and mon_grouping are packed lists
# of small integers (characters) telling the
# grouping (thousand_seps and mon_thousand_seps
# being the group dividers) of numbers and
# monetary quantities. The integers' meanings:
# 255 means no more grouping, 0 means repeat
# the previous grouping, 1-254 means use that
# as the current grouping. Grouping goes from
# right to left (low to high digits). In the
# below we cheat slightly by never using anything
# else than the first grouping (whatever that is).
my @grouping;
if ($grouping)
@grouping = unpack( "C*", $grouping );
@grouping = (3);
## FIXME: Why don't the defaults work already?
my $formatter = new Number::Format(
-decimal_point => $decimal_point,
-thousands_sep => $thousands_sep,
# -grouping => $grouping[0]
###################### USER CONFIGURATIONS ############################
## The name of the group to do stats for
583,23 → 538,22
sub display_results
#################### DISPLAY RESULTS #####################
println( "=" x 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Analysis of posts to {newsgroup}", newsgroup => $newsgroup_name ),
76 );
println( "=" x 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n",
"(compiled with a script by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on work by\nGarry Knight et al.)"
"(compiled with a script by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on work by\nGarry Knight et al.)",
print "\n\n";
printf __"Total posts considered: %s over %d days\n",
printf __"Total posts considered: %s over %d days" . "\n",
my $time_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
my $earliest_datetime = DateTime->from_epoch(
epoch => $earliest,
612,47 → 566,33
time_zone => 'UTC',
my $datetime_format = '%a, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z';
printf __"Earliest article: %s\n",
printf __"Latest article: %s\n",
printf __"Original articles: %s; replies: %s\n",
printf __"Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s)" . "\n",
$formatter->format_bytes( $totsize, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) );
printf __"Average %s articles per day, %s per day, %s bytes per article\n",
$formatter->format_number( int( $totalposts / $numdays ) ),
$formatter->format_bytes( $totsize / $numdays, ( 'mode' => 'iec' ) ),
$formatter->format_number( int( $totsize / $totalposts ) );
printf __"Earliest article" . ": %s\n", $earliest_datetime->strftime($datetime_format);
printf __"Latest article" . ": %s\n", $latest_datetime->strftime($datetime_format);
printf __"Original articles: %s; replies" . ": %s\n",
printf __"Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)" . "\n",
commify($totsize), commify( int( $totsize / 1024 ) ), $totsize / 1048576; #
printf __
"Average %s articles per day, %.2f MiB per day, %s bytes per article\n",
commify( int( $totalposts / $numdays ) ), $totsize / $numdays / 1048576,
commify( int( $totsize / $totalposts ) );
my $count = keys %data;
printf __"Total headers: %s; bodies: %s\n",
$totheader, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' )
$formatter->format_bytes( $totbody, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) );
printf __"Total headers: %s KiB; bodies: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totheader / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totbody / 1024 ) );
printf __
"Body text - quoted: %s; original: %s = %s%%; sigs: %s\n",
$totquoted, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' )
$formatter->format_bytes( $totorig, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) ),
$formatter->format_number( ( $totorig * 100 ) / ( $totorig + $totquoted ) ),
$formatter->format_bytes( $totsig, ( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) );
printf __"Total number of posters: %s, average %s per poster\n",
$formatter->format_bytes( $totsize / $count,
( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) );
"Body text - quoted: %s KiB; original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%; sigs: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totquoted / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totorig / 1024 ) ),
( $totorig * 100 ) / ( $totorig + $totquoted ),
commify( int( $totsig / 1024 ) );
printf __"Total number of posters: %s, average %s bytes per poster\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
$count = keys %threads;
printf __"Total number of threads: %s, average %s per thread\n",
$formatter->format_bytes( $totsize / $count,
( 'precision' => 1, 'mode' => 'iec' ) );
printf __"Total number of user agents: %d\n",
$formatter->format_number( scalar keys %agents );
printf __"Total number of threads: %s, average %s bytes per thread\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
printf __"Total number of user agents: %d\n", scalar keys %agents;
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n" ;
## Show posters by article count Sec 1;
668,9 → 608,7
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} posters by number of articles", count => $topposters ),
__x( "Top {count} posters by number of articles", count => $topposters ), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
700,8 → 638,7
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} posters by article size in KiB", count => $topposters ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
805,8 → 742,7
$count = $topthreads;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} threads by no. of articles", count => $topthreads ),
centred( __x( "Top {count} threads by no. of articles", count => $topthreads ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
837,8 → 773,8
$count = $topthreads;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} threads by size in KiB", count => $topthreads ), 76 );
centred( __x( "Top {count} threads by size in KiB", count => $topthreads ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $thread (
869,8 → 805,7
$count = $topcrossposts;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} cross-posted groups", count => $topcrossposts ), 76 );
centred( __x( "Top {count} cross-posted groups", count => $topcrossposts ), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
926,8 → 861,7
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} user agents by number of posts", count => $topagents ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $agent (
956,8 → 890,7
$count = $toptz;
printf "%s\n",
centred( __x( "Top {count} time zones", count => $toptz ), 76 );
printf "%s\n", centred( __x("Top {count} time zones", count => $toptz), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $zone ( sort { $tz{$b} <=> $tz{$a} } keys %tz )
1004,21 → 937,38
## Put commas into a number
# Get some of locale's numeric formatting parameters
my ($thousands_sep, $grouping) =
@{localeconv()}{'thousands_sep', 'grouping'};
# Apply defaults if values are missing
$thousands_sep = ',' unless $thousands_sep;
# grouping and mon_grouping are packed lists
# of small integers (characters) telling the
# grouping (thousand_seps and mon_thousand_seps
# being the group dividers) of numbers and
# monetary quantities. The integers' meanings:
# 255 means no more grouping, 0 means repeat
# the previous grouping, 1-254 means use that
# as the current grouping. Grouping goes from
# right to left (low to high digits). In the
# below we cheat slightly by never using anything
# else than the first grouping (whatever that is).
my @grouping;
if ($grouping) {
@grouping = unpack("C*", $grouping);
} else {
@grouping = (3);
sub commify
local $_ = shift;
my $number = $_;
#1 while s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
$_ = int; # Chop non-integer part
1 while
my $int_part = $_;
my $real_part = '';
if ( $number =~ /(\Q$decimal_point\E\d+)$/ )
$real_part = $1;
return $_;
return $int_part . $real_part;
## Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace removed
1034,7 → 984,7
sub usage
println( __ "usage: NEWS.GROUP" );
print __"usage: NEWS.GROUP\n";
exit 1;
1048,8 → 998,3
my ( $level, @msg ) = @_;
print STDERR @msg, "\n" if $level >= DEBUG;
sub println
print @_, "\n";