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Ignore whitespace Rev 11 → Rev 12

0,0 → 1,17
########### TODO #############
# Commas in bottom section of report
# Show date the figures were compiled
# No. of HTML articles (Content-Type: text/html)
# No. of quoted sigs (/>\s*-- /)
# Per cent of top-posted articles
# Top 10 cross-posters
# Top 20 news posting hosts (from Path)
# Count of certain subject words: newbie, kde, burner, sendmail, etc.
# Count *all* User Agents that each poster uses
# What do we do about Bill Unruh's ] quote style?
# Change the way dates/times are checked
# include % share in posters by no. of arts
# include % share in posters by size
# Total, orig & quoted lines by user agent with per cent
# Take more arguments
0,0 → 1,30
# 2011-10-03 PE - Use more compatible shebang
# - Fixed some Perl::Critic-ized code
# - Fixed wrong indent for non-ASCII names
# - Formatted source code
# 2011-07-03 PE - Use Encode to decode/encode MIME encodings
# - Use warnings, utf8 (just in case)
# - Documentation update
# N/A NN - Take newsgroup name as argument
# 2004-06-19 NN - newsgroup name is $ARGV[0]
# - Allow command line flags for subtracting
# output if not pertinent for a group
# 2002-11-09 NN - Put Garry's writedata() function back in.
# - added "rn" to my list of UA's
# - Started using %distinct_agent for both User agent
# sections
# - named it version 0.3
# 2002-11-06 NN - Fixed the earliest/latest file problem by using
# mtime rather than ctime, and simplifying the logic
# 2002-11-05 NN - moved user configurations to the top
# - fixed the cross-posting section
# - introduced the $newsgroup_name variable which
# later becomes $news$group
# - changed $name to $agent_name in countagents()
# Contributors
# -------------
# NN Nomen nominandum (name to be determined later)
# PE Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>