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139,7 → 139,7
# Klingon Pocket Dictionary <>.
# See their Web site for details.
# {Bezahal-tor svinlar t'fasei zhit-dunap yidor aferalik
# s'Klingonska Akademien (KA) na'fi-zehl-ves
# s'Klingonska Akademien (KA) na'fi-elakh-ves
# t'°Razh-Zhit-Dunap Tlingansu° <>.
# Gla'voh fi'shi'Vis t'au na'numo-vellar.}
# ("Close-follow entries of-this dictionary format established
5860,8 → 5860,13
vuh: {ein-veh}
en: <someone>
vuh: {ein-vel}
en: <something>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein-wak}
en: <someday, sometime>
en: <someday>, <sometime>
vuh: {ein-wilat}
en: <somewhere>
5879,301 → 5884,1065
vuh: {eitau}
ipa: - '
en: <shear, cut away>
en: <shear> (cut); <cut away>
pos: v.
tag: meteor., aero.
vuh: {ek, Ek}
ipa: '
en: <all, total, complete>
vuh: {eitaya}
en: <shear>
pos: n.
tag: meteor., aero.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'aifa}
ipa: - ' -
en: <all (of) these>
vuh: {eizhyat(-~|ik)}
en: <asian>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'an}
en: <maximum>
vuh: {ek}
en: <all>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'anau}
en: <maximize>
vuh: {ek'~}
en: <all>, <total>, <complete>
pos: prep.
def: FSE-GV
vuh: {ek'ariben(-~|ik)}
en: <fluent (in a language)>
vuh: {ek'aifa}
ipa: - ' -
en: <all (of) these>
vuh: {ek'au}
en: <all of them>
vuh: {ek'an}
en: <maximum>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'dular}
en: <all of you>
vuh: {ek'anau}
en: <maximize>
vuh: {ek'duv}
en: <eclipse>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'an-hash-vulu}
en: <angle of stall>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'eifa}
ipa: - ' -
en: <all (of) those>
vuh: {ek'an-tuh-vulu}
en: <angle of repose>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'eku}
ipa: - ' -
en: <continuum>
vuh: {ek'ariben'es}
en: <fluency> (linguistics)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'elmin}
en: <petroleum>
vuh: {ek'ariben(-~|ik)}
en: <fluent> (in a language)
vuh: {ek'es(-~|ik)}
en: <absolute>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'ash'yafa}
en: <gastropod>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-danan}
en: <absolute majority>
vuh: {ek'au}
en: <all of them>
vuh: {ek'es-rasath}
en: <absolute weight>
vuh: {ek'dahsaya}
en: <binary fission>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-ris}
en: <absolute zero>
vuh: {ek'dular}
en: <all of you>
vuh: {ek'es-tala}
en: <absolute value>
vuh: {ek'duv}
en: <eclipse>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'es-tepul}
en: <absolute power>
vuh: {ek'duv-pa'ashtra}
en: <ecliptic>
tag: astron.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esik masu'es}
en: <absolute humidity>
vuh: {ek'eifa}
ipa: - ' -
en: <all (of) those>
vuh: {ek'esik pul'es}
en: <absolute magnitude>
vuh: {ek'eku}
ipa: - ' -
en: <continuum>
vuh: {ek'etek}
en: <all of us>
vuh: {ek'elakhtra}
en: <rigging>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-, ek'kayik}
en: <constant>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'elmin}
en: <petroleum>
vuh: {ek'ka-ferek}
en: <alternator>
vuh: {ek'enem-tor}
en: <expunge>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal}
ipa: - '
en: <orb, sphere>
vuh: {ek'es(-~|ik)}
en: <absolute>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'kal t'Daison}
en: <Dyson sphere>
vuh: {ek'esik falek'es}
en: <absolute temperature>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kat}
ipa: - '
en: <constant>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'esik masu'es}
en: <absolute humidity>
vuh: {ek'khafau}
en: <exsanguinate>
vuh: {ek'esik pul'es}
en: <absolute magnitude>
vuh: {ek'kovtra}
ipa: - ' -
en: <continent>
vuh: {ek'es-danan}
en: <absolute majority>
vuh: {ek'kovtra-dvun}
en: <continental drift>
vuh: {ek'es-kakratulek}
en: <absolute coefficient>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-ek'nosh}
en: <continental climate>
vuh: {ek'es-pid-tin}
en: <absolute ceiling>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-math}
en: <continental plate>
vuh: {ek'es-rasath}
en: <absolute weight>
vuh: {ek'man'es}
en: <safety>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'es-ris}
en: <absolute zero>
vuh: {ek'mishan}
en: <technology>
vuh: {ek'es-saris-vihish}
en: <absolute pressure>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mishupik}
en: <technical>
vuh: {ek'es-tala}
en: <absolute value>
vuh: {ek'es-tepul}
en: <absolute power>
vuh: {ek'es-teretaya}
en: <absolute convergence>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-ya'shakhuv}
en: <absolute age>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esh-tukh-kupik}
en: <euryoxic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'etek}
en: <all of us>
vuh: {(ek')falek-tal}
en: <thermodynamics>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'gad-da-nel}
en: <diurnal cycle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'gad-falek'es-eik'es}
en: <diurnal temperature range>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ha'gel-kastik}
en: <heliophyte>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'halitra-lan}
en: <admiral, Fleet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {Ek'hatik eik-wak (t'Terra)}
en: <Phanerozoic (eon)>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal}
ipa: - '
en: <orb>, <sphere>
vuh: {ek'kal t'Daison}
en: <Dyson sphere>
vuh: {ek'kal-khlop-thonik su'us-ek'tal}
en: <spherical geometry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal-reh-vlupik su'us-ek'tal}
en: <spherical trigonometry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal-shi-kethellar}
en: <spherical coordinates>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kat}
ipa: - '
en: <constant>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'ka(-~|ik)}
en: <constant>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'ka-falek'es}
en: <homeothermy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-falek-aushfa}
en: <homeotherm>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-ferek}
en: <alternator>
vuh: {(ek')ka-wakik}
en: <isochronal, Isochronous>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kashan-ne-meil}
en: <general anesthesia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khaf}
en: <whole blood>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khafau}
en: <exsanguinate>
vuh: {ek'khafaya}
en: <exsanguination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khaf-spol-yonshaya}
en: <pancarditis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kharat(-~|ik)}
en: <omnidirectional>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kharat-viralashek}
en: <omnidirectional microphone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra}
ipa: - ' -
en: <continent>
vuh: {ek'kovtraik solpuhnk}
en: <continental crust>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-dvun}
en: <continental drift>
vuh: {ek'kovtra-ek'nosh}
en: <continental climate>
vuh: {ek'kovtra-math}
en: <continental plate>
vuh: {ek'kovtra-rihkal}
en: <continental margin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-shen}
en: <continental rise>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'krus-snem}
en: <enucleation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kunel(-~|ik)}
en: <orographic>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsaya}
en: <mitosis>
vuh: {ek'kunel-wan}
en: <orographic cloud>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehau}
en: <decompose>
vuh: {ek'le-suma-wein}
en: <glaciation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh}
ipa: ' -
en: <climate>
vuh: {ek'maat-zehl-tal}
en: <geneology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-rubah}
en: <climatic change>
vuh: {ek'maat-zehl-talsu}
en: <geneologist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-shal}
en: <climatic zone>
vuh: {ek'man'es}
en: <safety> (condition)
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'nosh-tal}
en: <climatology (study)>
vuh: {ek'manek}
en: <safety> (device)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-tash(ek)}
en: <climate control>
vuh: {ek'maneklar t'snazh-tvi-samuyek}
en: <plasma intercooler safeties>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-venek}
en: <climatic trend>
vuh: {ek'maneklar t'vihish-tash-torektra}
en: <pressure control system safeties>
def: FSE-GV
com: FSE-GV had {*ek'mek*lar t'vihish-tash-torektra} (wrong); not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'os(-)}
ipa: - '
en: <antique>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'man-kuzhet}
en: <safety harness>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'os-vel}
vuh: {ek'man-tviklachek}
en: <safety interlock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-zehl}
en: <lifeline>, <safety line>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-zhel}
en: <safety strap>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mevtra}
en: <plumbing>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mevsu}
en: <plumber>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mishan}
en: <technology>
vuh: {ek'mishu(-~|pik}}
en: <technical>
pos: adj.
com: {ek'-mishu-~} not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mish-ralash-tanaf}
en: <techno music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsaya}
en: <mitosis>
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsau-magu}
en: <mitotic spindle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsau-palikauk}
en: <mitogenic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehau}
en: <decompose>
vuh: {ek'nehaya}
en: <decomposition>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehayek}
en: <decomposer>
tag: biol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'neshuhk}
en: <obligate parasite>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh}
ipa: ' -
en: <climate>
vuh: {ek'nosh-rubah}
en: <climatic change>
vuh: {ek'nosh-shal}
en: <climatic zone>
vuh: {ek'nosh-tal}
en: <climatology> (study)
vuh: {ek'nosh-talsu}
en: <climatologist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-tash(ek)}
en: <climate control>
vuh: {ek'nosh-venek}
en: <climatic trend>
vuh: {ek'os(-)}
ipa: - '
en: <antique>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'os-vel}
en: <antique>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'pa'kiv-dva}
en: <animism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa'kiv-dvasu}
en: <animist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa-pthak}
en: <paranoia>
def: FSE-GV
com: GV-FSE has {ek'pa-ptak} (wrong)
vuh: {ek'panu-vis}
en: <internet>
vuh: {ek'perskaf}
en: <set> (filming location)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa-ptak}
en: <paranoia>
vuh: {ek'pitoh}
en: <whole note>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'panu-vis}
en: <internet>
vuh: {ek'psethau}
en: <dry up>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pu-tor}
en: <sterilize>
vuh: {ek'pu-tor}
en: <sterilize>
vuh: {ek'puyik}
en: <sterile>
vuh: {ek'puyik}
en: <sterile>
vuh: {ek'pu-torek}
en: <sterilizer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'rak}
ipa: ' -
en: <in all directions>
vuh: {ek'rak}
ipa: ' -
en: <in all directions>
vuh: {ek'renkupik}
en: <adept>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'rasah}
en: <evil>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'saven}
en: <education>
vuh: {ek'rasahkos}
en: <evil>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'saven-tor}
en: <educate>
vuh: {ek'renkupik}
en: <adept>
pos: adj.
vuh: {ek'savensu}
en: <educator>
vuh: {ek'ri'es}
en: <vacuum>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shaht-razh}
en: <cloaca>
tag: zool.
vuh: {ek'ri'es-spolek}
en: <vacuum pump>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal}
ipa: - '
en: <science>
vuh: {ek'ri-yumak}
en: <siphon>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-zup-shal}
en: <laboratory>
vuh: {ek'ri-yumaya}
en: <siphonage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'talsu}
en: <scientist>
vuh: {ek'rubah}
en: <metamorphosis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'te'kau}
en: <authorize>
vuh: {ek'rubah'es}
en: <metamorphism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'te'kru}
en: <authority (power)>
vuh: {|ek'|rubah-kov}
en: <metamorphic rock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'te'krusu}
en: <authority (person)>
vuh: {ek'satin}
en: <topography>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tevakh}
en: <"brain death">
vuh: {ek'satin-besan}
en: <topographic map>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tevan}
en: <extinction>
vuh: {ek'satin-besausu}
en: <topographer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra}
ipa: ' -
en: <planet>
vuh: {ek'saven}
en: <education>
vuh: {ek'tra-dukal}
en: <globe>
vuh: {ek'saven-tor}
en: <educate>
vuh: {ek'tra-dukal-~}
en: <global>
def: PE
vuh: {ek'savensu}
en: <educator>
vuh: {Ek'tra-Dukal-Vis}
en: World Wide <Web>
lit: <global>-<web>
def: PE
vuh: {ek'shahtau}
en: <terminate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'trasha}
ipa: - - '
en: <abandon>, <desert>, <forsake>
vuh: {ek'shahtausu}
en: <terminator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh}
en: <mineral>
vuh: {ek'shahtaya}
en: <termination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-razh}
en: <adit>
vuh: {ek'shaht-razh}
en: <cloaca>
tag: zool.
vuh: {ek'tukh-tal}
en: <mineralogy>
vuh: {ek'shai-svitan'es}
en: <egomania>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak}
ipa: - '
en: <forever>
vuh: {ek'shid}
en: <morphology> (form/structure)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak'es}
en: <eternity>
vuh: {ek'sitra}
en: <environment>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak(-~|ik)}
en: <eternal>
vuh: {ek'sitra-daya(lar)}
en: <environmental impact>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'yeht'es}
en: <reality>
vuh: {benam-ek'yeht'es}
en: <virtual reality>
tag: V.R.
vuh: {ek'sitra-korsausu}
en: <environmentalist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-storal-ves}
en: <phenotype>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-tash}
en: <environmental control>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'skatuhlau}
en: <abolish>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zehl}
ipa: - ' '
en: <border>
vuh: {ek'snesh}
en: <extirpation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer}
vuh: {ek'snesh-tor}
en: <extirpate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sneshal(-~|ik)}
en: <extirpated>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|sov-tal}
en: <aerology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'stau}
en: <exterminate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'staya}
en: <extermination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sudef-snem}
en: <panhysterectomy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'su'us}
en: <integer>, <whole number>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal}
ipa: - '
en: <science>
vuh: {ek'talsu}
en: <scientist>
vuh: {ek'tal(-~|ik)}
en: <scientific>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-glenokitau-tanaf}
en: <science fiction>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-kropokitau-tanaf}
en: <science fantasy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-lansu}
en: <science officer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-laskat}
en: <science station>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-reh-vipladayek}
en: <science tricorder>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-zup-shal}
en: <laboratory>
vuh: {ek'te'kau}
en: <authorize>
vuh: {ek'te'kru}
en: <authority> (power)
vuh: {ek'te'krusu}
en: <authority> (person)
vuh: {ek'tevakh}
en: <"brain death">
vuh: {ek'tevan}
en: <extinction>
vuh: {ek'tevik}
en: <extinct>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tin}
en: <profile>
tag: n., geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'togolaya}
en: <law enforcement>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tokahrsu}
en: <citizen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'toragakel}
en: <parliament>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'to-gav-kisevtra}
en: <constitution> (government)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra}
ipa: ' -
en: <planet>
vuh: {(ek'tra-)da-kharatik}
en: <prograde>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-dukal}
en: <globe>
vuh: {ek'tra-dukal-~}
en: <global>
def: PE
vuh: {Ek'tra-Dukal-Vis}
en: World Wide <Web>
lit: <global>-<web>
def: PE
vuh: {ek'tra-lamekhaya}
en: <global warming>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {Ek'tra-Shul-Torektra}
en: <Global Positioning System (GPS)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-ek'tallar}
en: <Earth sciences>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-thro-svep}
en: <planetfall hatch>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-thro-yut}
en: <planetfall ramp>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'trasha}
ipa: - - '
en: <abandon>, <desert>, <forsake>
vuh: {ek'trashan}
en: <desertion>, <exodus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh}
en: <mineral>
vuh: {ek'tukhaya}
en: <mineralization>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-razh}; thro-ur (LGV)
en: <adit>
vuh: {ek'tukh-tal}
en: <mineralogy>
vuh: {ek'tukh-talsu}
en: <mineralogist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya}
en: <placer>
tag: geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya t'nu-tin}
en: <alluvial placer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya t'shahov}
en: <beach placer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ur}
en: <tract>
tag: med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vash-nosh}
en: <hysteria>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vashan(-~|ik)}
en: <hysterical>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vla}
en: <broadside>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vukhutik}
en: <systemic>
tag: med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wadi-torektra}
en: <integumentary system>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak}
ipa: - '
en: <forever>
vuh: {ek'wak'es}
en: <eternity>
vuh: {ek'wak(-~|ik)}
en: <eternal>
vuh: {(ek')yeht'es}
en: <reality>
def: {yeht'es} only in FSE-GV
vuh: {benam-ek'yeht'es}
en: <virtual reality>
tag: V.R.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zehl}
ipa: - ' '
en: <border>
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'zer}
ipa: - '
en: <jewel>, <gem>
tag: anc.
vuh: {ek'zeru}
en: <jewelry>
tag: anc.
vuh: {ek'zer-kov}
en: <gemstone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer-sark}
en: <scarab>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer-tam}
en: <bezel> (gemology)
vuh: {ekon}
ipa: - '
en: <jewel, gem>
en: <god> (general term); <deity>
lit: <all><both>
vuh: {ek'zer-tam}
en: <bezel (gemology)>
vuh: {Oekon}
en: <God> (supreme being)
lit: <honored><all><both>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
see: {o~}, {ek}, {on}
vuh: {ek'zeru}
en: <jewelry>
vuh: {ekon(-~|ik)}
en: <godly>, <divine>
vuh: {ekhlami}
ipa: - ' -
en: <among them>
vuh: {ekon-dva}
en: <deism>, <belief in god(s)>
vuh: {ekon}
ipa: - '
en: <god, deity>
vuh: {ekon-dvasu}
en: <deist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon(-~|ik)}
en: <godly, divine>
vuh: {ekon-khausu}
en: <pharaoh>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-dva}
en: <deism>, <belief in god(s)>
vuh: {ekon-shoren}
en: <prayer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-shoret}
en: <pray>
pos: v.
vuh: {ekon-shoret}
en: <pray>
pos: v.
vuh: {ekon-toryak}
en: <miracle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eku}
ipa: ' -
en: <whole>; <set> (collection, group)
pos: n.
vuh: {ekufunan}
en: <restoration>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekufun-tor}
en: <restore>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekufunsu}
en: <restorer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eku-svitan}
en: <locus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elkhrul(-)}
en: <whole>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eklakalu-sash}
en: <pantothenic acid>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekebi}
en: <department>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekhlami}
ipa: - ' -
en: <among them>
vuh: {ekruman(-~|ik)}
en: <adequate>
vuh: {eku}
ipa: ' -
en: <whole>
vuh: {el'aberayek}
en: <jack>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {el'abrashayek}
en: <tongs>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {el'ahn}
en: <whip>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {el'dayek}
en: <(hand)crank>
pos: n.
6232,8 → 7001,53
vuh: {elakh}
ipa: - '
en: <cable, cord, line>
en: <cable>, <cord>, <line>
vuh: {elakh t'dah-da-sfek (EDDS)}
en: <coaxial cable (coax)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {fi-elakh(-~|ik)}
en: <online>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {elakhtra}
en: <cabling>
pos: n.
vuh: {elakh-fam(-~|ik)}
en: <cordless>; <remote> (cordless)
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {elakh-famik dwuhrk-yeturek}
en: <cordless screwdriver>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-famik spitayek}
en: <cordless drill>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-famik spolaya-puyek}
en: <cordless vacuum cleaner>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-fam-tash|ek|}
en: <remote control>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-feretai}
en: <cable assembly>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-mev}
en: <cable duct>
6241,6 → 7055,12
en: <cable stitch>
pos: n.
vuh: {elakh-og-tor}
en: <cable stitch>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-torai-vel}
en: <cable release>
6247,10 → 7067,6
vuh: {elakh-yonshaya}
en: <corditis>
vuh: {elakhtra}
en: <cabling>
pos: n.
vuh: {elat}
ipa: - '
en: <knob>
8524,6 → 9340,11
en: <same>, <equal(ly)>
pos: adv.
vuh: {ekka(-~|ik)}
en: <mutual>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {kahkwa}
ipa: ' - ' , -}
en: <alike>, <similar>
9219,6 → 10040,16
tag: arch.
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-abukhau-dva}
en: <fascism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-abukhau-dvasu}
en: <fascist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {abukhaya-shal}
en: <realm>
def: FSE-GV
15907,6 → 16738,12
vuh: {shid-tanafsu}
en: <sculptor>
vuh: {shid-tal}
en: <morphology> (study)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {shid-vel}
en: <sculpture> (specific piece of art)
18640,7 → 19477,7
vuh: {trahokna}
en: <institute>
com: From {tra} <mass, body, accumulation, assemblage> and
warn: From {tra} <mass, body, accumulation, assemblage> and
{hoknau} <accumulate>? Conflicts with {Shi'Oren t'Gen-lis
Vuhlkansu} which is translated *by them* (*they* provided
the word) as "Vulcan Language _Institute_". Completely
18648,6 → 19485,7
vuh: {Trahokna t'Ek'Mishan T'Khasi}
en: <Vulcan Institute of Technology>
warn: see {trahokna}
vuh: {trak}
en: <pillow>
21202,11 → 22040,6
en: <arrange>, <array>
pos: v.
vuh: {fi-zehl(-~|ik)}
en: <online>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {zek}
en: <order> (birth, seating, etc.)
pos: n.
21435,10 → 22268,30
vuh: {zun}
en: <letter> (alphabet)
vuh: {zun(-~|ik)}
en: <literal>
pos: v.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntra}
en: <alphabet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zuntra(~-|ik)}
en: <alphabetic>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntrayik}
en: <alphabetically>
pos: adv.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntra-su'us(~-|ik)}
en: <alphanumeric>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntra-su'usyik}
en: <alphanumerically>
pos: adv.
def: PE
vuh: {meszunikau}
en: <transliterate>
21449,6 → 22302,11
en: <transliteration>
lit: <cross><letter>ing-noun
vuh: {zun(-~|ik)}
en: <literal>
pos: v.
def: PE
vuh: {zun-shif}
en: <dyad>
21484,1284 → 22342,9
ipa: ' -
en: <gadget>, <gizmo>
---------# FSE-GV
vuh: {ein-veh}
en: <someone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein-vel}
en: <something>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein-wak}
en: <someday>, <sometime>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein-wilat}
en: <somewhere>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eitaya (n.), eitau (v.)}
en: <shear>
tag: meteor., aero.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eizhyat(-~|ik)}
en: <asian>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'aifa}
en: <all of these>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'anau}
en: <maximize>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'an-hash-vulu}
en: <angle of stall>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'an}
en: <maximum>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'an-tuh-vulu}
en: <angle of repose>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ariben(-~|ik)}
en: <fluent (in a language)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ariben'es}
en: <fluency (linguistics)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ash'yafa}
en: <gastropod>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'au}
en: <all of them>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'dahsaya}
en: <binary fission>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'dular}
en: <all of you>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'duv}
en: <eclipse>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'duv-pa'ashtra}
en: <ecliptic>
tag: astron.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekebi}
en: <department>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'eifa}
en: <all of those>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'eku}
en: <continuum>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'elakhtra}
en: <rigging>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek', elkhrul|-| (adj.); eku (n.)}
en: <whole>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'elmin}
en: <petroleum>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'enem-tor}
en: <expunge>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-danan}
en: <absolute majority>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es(-~|ik)}
en: <absolute>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esh-tukh-kupik}
en: <euryoxic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esik falek'es}
en: <absolute temperature>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esik masu'es}
en: <absolute humidity>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'esik pul'es}
en: <absolute magnitude>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-kakratulek}
en: <absolute coefficient>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-pid-tin}
en: <absolute ceiling>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-rasath}
en: <absolute weight>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-ris}
en: <absolute zero>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-saris-vihish}
en: <absolute pressure>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-tala}
en: <absolute value>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-tepul}
en: <absolute power>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-teretaya}
en: <absolute convergence>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'es-ya'shakhuv}
en: <absolute age>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'etek}
en: <all of us>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|falek-tal}
en: <thermodynamics>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'gad-da-nel}
en: <diurnal cycle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'gad-falek'es-eik'es}
en: <diurnal temperature range>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ha'gel-kastik}
en: <heliophyte>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'halitra-lan}
en: <admiral, Fleet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekhartau}
en: <administer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekhartausu}
en: <administrator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {Ek'hatik Eik-Wak |t'Terra|}
en: <phanerozoic Eon>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekhlami}
en: <among them>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ikapan}
en: <closeout>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'isachya}
en: <pelage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-abukhau-dva}
en: <fascism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-abukhau-dvasu}
en: <fascist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekka(-~|ik)}
en: <mutual>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-, ek'kayik (adj.), ek'kat (n.)}
en: <constant>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-falek-aushfa}
en: <homeotherm>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-falek'es}
en: <homeothermy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ka-ferek}
en: <alternator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal-khlop-thonik su'us-ek'tal}
en: <spherical geometry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal}
en: <orb>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal-reh-vlupik su'us-ek'tal}
en: <spherical trigonometry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal-shi-kethellar}
en: <spherical coordinates>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal}
en: <sphere>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kal t'Daison}
en: <dyson sphere>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kashan-ne-meil}
en: <general anesthesia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|ka-wakik}
en: <isochronal, Isochronous>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khafau}
en: <exsanguinate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khafaya}
en: <exsanguination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khaf-spol-yonshaya}
en: <pancarditis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'khaf}
en: <whole blood>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kharat(-~|ik)}
en: <omnidirectional>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kharat-viralashek}
en: <omnidirectional microphone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra}
en: <continent>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-dvun}
en: <continental drift>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-ek'nosh}
en: <continental climate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtraik solpuhnk}
en: <continental crust>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-math}
en: <continental plate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-rihkal}
en: <continental margin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kovtra-shen}
en: <continental rise>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'krus-snem}
en: <enucleation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kunel(-~|ik)}
en: <orographic>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'kunel-wan}
en: <orographic cloud>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eklakalu-sash}
en: <pantothenic acid>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'le-suma-wein}
en: <glaciation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'maat-zehl-tal}
en: <geneology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'maat-zehl-talsu}
en: <geneologist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'maneklar t'snazh-tvi-samuyek}
en: <plasma intercooler safeties>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man'es (condition); ek'manek (device)}
en: <safety>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-kuzhet}
en: <safety harness>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-tviklachek}
en: <safety interlock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-zehl}
en: <lifeline>, <safety line>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'man-zhel}
en: <safety strap>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'meklar t'vihish-tash-torektra}
en: <pressure control system safeties>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mevsu}
en: <plumber>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mevtra}
en: <plumbing>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mishan}
en: <technology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mish-ralash-tanaf}
en: <techno music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'mishu-, ek'mishupik}
en: <technical>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsau-magu}
en: <mitotic spindle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsau-palikauk}
en: <mitogenic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nala-dahsaya}
en: <mitosis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehau}
en: <decompose>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehaya}
en: <decomposition>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nehayek}
en: <decomposer>
tag: biol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek (n.); ek' (prep.)}
en: <all>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'neshuhk}
en: <obligate parasite>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh}
en: <climate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-rubah}
en: <climatic change>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-shal}
en: <climatic zone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-tal}
en: <climatology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-talsu}
en: <climatologist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-tash}
en: <climate control>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'nosh-venek}
en: <climatic trend>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon}
en: <deity>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-dva}
en: <deism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-dvasu}
en: <deist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon(-~|ik)}
en: <divine>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon (general term); Oekon (supreme being)}
en: <god>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-khausu}
en: <pharaoh>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-shoren}
en: <prayer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-shoret}
en: <pray>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekon-toryak}
en: <miracle>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'os|-| (adj.); ek'os-vel (n.)}
en: <antique>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa'kiv-dva}
en: <animism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa'kiv-dvasu}
en: <animist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'panu-vis}
en: <internet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pa-pthak}
en: <paranoia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pitoh}
en: <whole note>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'psethau}
en: <dry up>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pu-torek}
en: <sterilizer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'pu-tor}
en: <sterilize>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'puyik}
en: <sterile>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'rasahkos (adj.); ek'rasah (n.)}
en: <evil>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'renkupik}
en: <adept>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ri'es-spolek}
en: <vacuum pump>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ri'es}
en: <vacuum>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ri-yumak}
en: <siphon>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ri-yumaya}
en: <siphonage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'rubah'es}
en: <metamorphism>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|rubah-kov}
en: <metamorphic rock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'rubah}
en: <metamorphosis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'satin-besan}
en: <topographic map>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'satin-besausu}
en: <topographer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'satin}
en: <topography>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'saven}
en: <education>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'savensu}
en: <educator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'saven-tor}
en: <educate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shahtausu}
en: <terminator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shahtau}
en: <terminate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shahtaya}
en: <termination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shaht-razh}
en: <cloaca>
tag: zool.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shai-svitan'es}
en: <egomania>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'shid (form/structure); shid-tal (study); gen-shidor-tal (linguistics)}
en: <morphology>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-daya|lar|}
en: <environmental impact>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra}
en: <environment>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-korsausu}
en: <environmentalist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-storal-ves}
en: <phenotype>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sitra-tash}
en: <environmental control>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'skatuhlau}
en: <abolish>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sneshal(-~|ik)}
en: <extirpated>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'snesh}
en: <extirpation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'snesh-tor}
en: <extirpate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|sov-tal}
en: <aerology>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'stau}
en: <exterminate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'staya}
en: <extermination>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'sudef-snem}
en: <panhysterectomy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'su'us}
en: <integer>, <whole number>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal(-~|ik)}
en: <scientific>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-glenokitau-tanaf}
en: <science fiction>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-kropokitau-tanaf}
en: <science fantasy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-lansu}
en: <science officer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-laskat}
en: <science station>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-reh-vipladayek}
en: <science tricorder>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal}
en: <science>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'talsu}
en: <scientist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tal-zup-shal}
en: <laboratory>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'te'kau}
en: <authorize>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'te'kru (power); ek'te'krusu (person)}
en: <authority>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tevakh}
en: <"Brain death">
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tevan}
en: <extinction>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tevik}
en: <extinct>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tin}
en: <profile>
tag: n., geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'to-gav-kisevtra}
en: <constitution (government)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'togolaya}
en: <law enforcement>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tokahrsu}
en: <citizen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'toragakel}
en: <parliament>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'tra-|da-kharatik}
en: <prograde>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-dukal}
en: <globe>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-ek'tallar}
en: <earth sciences>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-lamekhaya}
en: <global warming>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra}
en: <planet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'trashan}
en: <desertion>, <exodus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-shul-torektra}
en: <global positioning system (GPS)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-thro-svep}
en: <planetfall hatch>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tra-thro-yut}
en: <planetfall ramp>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukhaya}
en: <mineralization>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh}
en: <mineral>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-razh; thro-ur (LGV)}
en: <adit>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-tal}
en: <mineralogy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-talsu}
en: <mineralogist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya}
en: <placer>
tag: geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya t'nu-tin}
en: <alluvial placer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'tukh-titaya t'shahov}
en: <beach placer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eku (collection, group); ek'perskaf (filming location)}
en: <set>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekufunan}
en: <restoration>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekufunsu}
en: <restorer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ekufun-tor}
en: <restore>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ur}
en: <tract>
tag: med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eku-svitan}
en: <locus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vashan(-~|ik)}
en: <hysterical>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vash-nosh}
en: <hysteria>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vla}
en: <broadside>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'vukhutik}
en: <systemic>
tag: med.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wadi-torektra}
en: <integumentary system>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak(-~|ik)}
en: <eternal>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak'es}
en: <eternity>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'wak}
en: <forever>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|ek'|yeht'es}
en: <reality>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zehl}
en: <border>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer}
tag: anc.
en: <jewel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer}
en: <gem>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer-kov}
en: <gemstone>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer-sark}
en: <scarab>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zer-tam (gemology); makh-meskarayek (watch, etc.)}
en: <bezel>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zeru}
tag: anc.
en: <jewelry>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zuntra}
en: <alphabet>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'zuntra(~-|ik)}
en: <alphabetic>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntrayik}
en: <alphabetically>
pos: adv.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntra-su'us(~-|ik)}
en: <alphanumeric>
pos: adj.
def: PE
vuh: {ek'zuntra-su'usyik}
en: <alphanumerically>
pos: adv.
def: PE
vuh: {el'aberayek}
en: <jack>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {el'abrashayek}
en: <tongs>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {el'ahn}
en: <whip>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh}
en: <cable>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh}
en: <cord>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-famik dwuhrk-yeturek}
en: <cordless screwdriver>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-famik spitayek}
en: <cordless drill>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-famik spolaya-puyek}
en: <cordless vacuum cleaner>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-fam-tash|ek|}
en: <remote control>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-feretai}
en: <cable assembly>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-mev}
en: <cable duct>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-og (n.), elakh-og-tor (v.)}
en: <cable stitch>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh t'dah-da-sfek (EDDS)}
en: <coaxial cable (coax)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-torai-vel}
en: <cable release>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakhtra}
en: <cabling>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elakh-yonshaya}
en: <corditis>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {elapash (n.), elapash-tor (n.)}
en: <snare>
def: FSE-GV
26779,37 → 26362,43
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-krup}
en: <isogloss>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-krup}
en: <isogloss>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-pak |s'shad-sval|}
en: <aphasia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-pak |s'shad-sval|}
en: <aphasia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lissu}
en: <linguist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lissu}
en: <linguist>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-tal}
en: <linguistics>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-lis-tal}
en: <linguistics>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-speshan}
en: <accent (speech)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-shidor-tal}
en: <morphology> (linguistics)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-vuhnaya}
en: <dialect>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-speshan}
en: <accent (speech)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {gen-vuhnaya}
en: <dialect>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {geretau}
en: <protect>
def: FSE-GV
30692,61 → 30281,67
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-eku}
en: <closed set>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'ikapan}
en: <closeout>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap(-~|ik)}
en: <closed>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap(-~|ik)}
en: <closed>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-lap-wein}
en: <closed canopy>
tag: bot.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-tor}
en: <shut>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-ne-faikhartek}
en: <closed subroutine>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-eku}
en: <closed set>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-pakuv}
en: <closed loop>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-lap-wein}
en: <closed canopy>
tag: bot.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-raf-kuv}
en: <closed circuit>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-ne-faikhartek}
en: <closed subroutine>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-raf-kuvik irak-dvubikuvan}
en: <closed circuit television>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-pakuv}
en: <closed loop>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-shal-pthak}
en: <claustrophobia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-raf-kuv}
en: <closed circuit>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-tor}
en: <shut>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-raf-kuvik irak-dvubikuvan}
en: <closed circuit television>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-tvi-eku}
en: <closed interval>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-shal-pthak}
en: <claustrophobia>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikap-tvi-eku}
en: <closed interval>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ikastarzun}
en: <consonant>
def: FSE-GV
31019,6 → 30614,11
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ek'isachya}
en: <pelage>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {isachaya-pak}
en: <alopecia>
def: FSE-GV
40174,8 → 39774,8
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makau}
en: <sell>
vuh: {mak}
en: <joy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
40189,42 → 39789,47
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makhik}
en: <hyaline>
vuh: {makau}
en: <sell>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh (material); mashuyek (drinking container)}
en: <glass>
vuh: {makh}
en: <glass> (material)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-salursu}
en: <glassblower>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makhik}
en: <hyaline>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-vihk}
en: <tektite>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-meskarayek}
en: <bezel> (watch, etc.)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|makh-|yonet}
en: <lantern>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-salursu}
en: <glassblower>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-zhuksu}
en: <glassmaker>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-vihk}
en: <tektite>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mak}
en: <joy>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|makh-|yonet}
en: <lantern>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makh-zhuksu}
en: <glassmaker>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {makrizhiv}
en: <loam>
def: FSE-GV
40680,6 → 40285,12
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mashuyek}
en: <glass> (drinking container)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mashulayek-saplayek}
en: <shower head>
def: FSE-GV