Seri-o-meter: General update
/trunk/media/video/series/ |
165,8 → 165,8 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo 20:15', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 8)), |
'seasons' => array(12, 13, 18, 21, 14), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 7)), |
'seasons' => array(12, 13, 18, 21), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Eureka_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => 'Pilot (Am Ende der Zeit)', |
223,8 → 223,7 |
49 => "Glamour-Camping (Momstrosity)", |
50 => "Hausbau mit Hindernissen (Stoned)", |
51 => "Akte Ex (The Ex-Files)", |
52 => "I'll Be Seeing You", |
53 => "Stille Stadt, heilige Stadt (O Little Town…)", |
53 => "Stille Stadt, heilige Stadt (O Little Town)", |
54 => "Abgehoben (Liftoff)", |
55 => "Reprise", |
56 => "Ein Blick in die Zukunft (Glimpse)", |
236,21 → 235,6 |
62 => "Ein kleiner Schritt (One Small Step)", |
63 => "Ein Riesenschritt (One Giant Leap)", |
64 => "Do You See What I See", |
65 => "Lost", |
66 => "The Real Thing", |
67 => "Force Quit", |
68 => "Friendly Fire", |
69 => "Jack Of All Trades", |
70 => "Worst Case Scenario", |
71 => "Ex-Machina", |
72 => "In Too Deep", |
73 => "Smarter Carter", |
74 => "The Honeymooners", |
75 => "Mirror, Mirror", |
76 => "Double Take", |
77 => "Just Another Day", |
78 => "Christmas Special", |
) |
), |
313,9 → 297,9 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
// 'channel' => 'ProSieben', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo 21:15–23:50', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 7)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(0, 5, 0, 7, 5, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(20, 23, 22, 22, 13), |
'seasons' => array(20, 23, 22), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Fringe-Episoden', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => 'Pilot (Flug 627)', |
326,9 → 310,9 |
6 => 'The Cure (Das Heilmittel)', |
7 => "In Which We Meet Mr. Jones (Der geheimnisvolle Mr. Jones)", |
8 => "The Equation (Die Gleichung)", |
9 => "The Dreamscape (Schmetterlinge im Kopf)", |
10 => "Safe (Durch die Wand)", |
11 => "Bound (Das Schnupfenvirus)", |
9 => "Schmetterlinge im Kopf (The Dreamscape)", |
10 => "Durch die Wand (Safe)", |
11 => "Das Schnupfenvirus (Bound)", |
12 => "Hirnfresser (The No-Brainer)", |
13 => "Conrad (The Transformation)", |
14 => "Das Manifest (Ability)", |
473,7 → 457,6 |
4 => "The Red Door", |
5 => "The Haunting of Bill Crouse", |
6 => "Aunt Irma Visits", |
7 => "The Work Outing", |
8 => "Return of the Golden Child", |
9 => "Moss and the German", |
480,7 → 463,6 |
10 => "The Dinner Party", |
11 => "Smoke and Mirrors", |
12 => "Men Without Women", |
13 => "From Hell", |
14 => "Are We Not Men?", |
15 => "Tramps Like Us", |
487,7 → 469,6 |
16 => "Speech", |
17 => "Friendface", |
18 => "Calendar Geeks", |
19 => "Jen the Fredo", |
20 => "The Final Countdown", |
21 => "Something Happened", |
566,7 → 547,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 14:10', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 8)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 7)), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22), |
'episode_list' => '', |
'episodes' => array( |
647,9 → 628,8 |
'<span class="odyssey5">Odys<span class="s2">s</span><span |
class="e">e</span><span class="y2">y</span> |
<span class="five">5</span></span>' => array( |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:Odyssey_5#Episode_list', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => 'Pilot', |
853,7 → 833,7 |
class="q">Q</span><span class="u">u</span><span |
class="e2">e</span><span class="s2">s</span><span |
class="t">t</span></span><span class="hidden"> |
</span><span id="dsv">DSV</span></span>' => &$seaQuest, |
</span><span id="dsv">DSV</span></span> (de)' => &$seaQuest_de, |
'<span class="sherlock">Sherlock</span>' => array( |
'channel' => 'BBC 1', |
880,8 → 860,8 |
// '<span class="smallville">S<span>m<span>al<span>lv</span>il</span>l</span>e</span> (de)' => &$smallville_de, |
'<span class="space-above-beyond"><span class="space">Spac<span>e</span></span><span class="hidden">: </span><span class="above-beyond">Above and <span>Beyond</span></span></span>' => array( |
'channel' => 'DVD', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)), |
'channel' => 'online', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:Space: Above and Beyond', |
'episodes' => array( |
23 => "…Tell Our Moms We Done Our Best", |
1150,7 → 1130,7 |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mi 18:15', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 6)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(18, 15, 0, 5, 4, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(12, 13, 13, 16), |
'seasons' => array(12, 13, 13, 15), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Warehouse_13_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => 'Pilot (Der Kamm der Borgia)', |
1208,8 → 1188,7 |
50 => "Parks and Rehabilitation", |
51 => "The Big Snag", |
52 => "The Sky’s the Limit", |
53 => "Instinct", |
54 => "Runaway", |
53 => "Instinct" |
) |
), |
)); |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/true-blood.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mi 00:10', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 8)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 6)), |
'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 2), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_True_Blood_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/glee.php |
4,9 → 4,9 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Di 16:35', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 10)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 9)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(16, 55, 0, 8, 25, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 22), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 16), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Glee_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => "Pilot", |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/superman.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 14:10', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 24)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 23)), |
'seasons' => array(21, 23, 22, 22, 22, 22, 20, 22, 21, 22), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Smallville_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/andromeda.php |
5,7 → 5,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 16:10', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 13)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(16, 5, 0, 5, 16, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 22, 22), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Andromeda_episodes', |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/frasier.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 09:25', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 29)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 28)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(9, 30, 0, 9, 21, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Frasier_episodes', |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/efc.php |
4,9 → 4,9 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 16:10', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 10)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(16, 15, 0, 7, 6, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 22, 22), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 22), |
'episode_list' => '', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => "Im Griff der Taelons (Decision)", |
31,7 → 31,6 |
20 => "Die Epidemie (Infection)", |
21 => "Russisches Roulette (Destruction)", |
22 => "Fremdkörper (The Joining)", |
23 => "Der Erste seiner Art (First Of Its Kind)", |
24 => "Atavus", |
25 => "Die vierte Dimension (A Stitch In Time)", |
54,7 → 53,6 |
42 => "Die Wunderwaffe (Heroes And Heartbreak)", |
43 => "Kosmische Flaschenpost (Message In A Bottle)", |
44 => "Der Todesstoss (Crossfire)", |
45 => "Ausnahmezustand (Crackdown)", |
46 => "Spurlos (The Vanished)", |
47 => "Das Substrat (Emancipation)", |
77,7 → 75,6 |
64 => "Außer Kontrolle (One Taelon Avenue)", |
65 => "Der geheimnisvolle Code (Code Abduction)", |
66 => "Notlandung (The Arrival)", |
67 => "Die Bombe tickt (The Forge of Creation)", |
68 => "Illegale Geschäfte (Sins Of The Father)", |
69 => "Der Klon (First Breath)", |
100,28 → 97,27 |
86 => "Das Orakel der Kimera (Epiphany)", |
87 => "Die zweite Invasion (Dark Horizon)", |
88 => "Die Verschmelzung (Point Of No Return)", |
89 => "Unearthed", |
90 => "Pariahs", |
91 => "The Seduction", |
92 => "Subterra", |
93 => "Boone's Awakening", |
94 => "Termination", |
95 => "Guilty Conscience", |
96 => "Boone's Assassin", |
97 => "Entombed", |
98 => "Legacy", |
99 => "Death Suite", |
100 => "Atavus High", |
101 => "Deep Sleep", |
102 => "Art Of War", |
103 => "Grave Danger", |
104 => "Deportation", |
105 => "Honor And Duty", |
106 => "Bad Genes", |
107 => "Subversion", |
108 => "Street Wise", |
109 => "The Journey", |
110 => "Final Conflict", |
// 89 => "Unearthed", |
// 90 => "Pariahs", |
// 91 => "The Seduction", |
// 92 => "Subterra", |
// 93 => "Boone's Awakening", |
// 94 => "Termination", |
// 95 => "Guilty Conscience", |
// 96 => "Boone's Assassin", |
// 97 => "Entombed", |
// 98 => "Legacy", |
// 99 => "Death Suite", |
// 100 => "Atavus High", |
// 101 => "Deep Sleep", |
// 102 => "Art Of War", |
// 103 => "Grave Danger", |
// 104 => "Deportation", |
// 105 => "Honor And Duty", |
// 106 => "Bad Genes", |
// 107 => "Subversion", |
// 108 => "Street Wise", |
// 109 => "The Journey", |
// 110 => "Final Conflict", |
) |
); |
); |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/scrubs.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'E4', |
'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 18:00–18:30', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 20)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 19)), |
'last_seen' => mktime(18, 30, 0, 9, 6, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(24, 22, 22, 25, 24, 22, 11, 19, 13), |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/charmed.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Do 21:50', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 20)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 19)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(8, 10, 0, 10, 20, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 22, 22), |
'episode_list' => '', |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/x-files.php |
5,12 → 5,13 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Do 20:15-22:15', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 23)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 22)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 15, 0, 3, 24, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(24, 25, 24, 24, 20, 22, 22, 21, 19), |
'seasons' => array(24, 25, 24, 24, 20, 22, 22, 21, 20), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Episoden_von_Akte_X_–_Die_unheimlichen_Fälle_des_FBI', |
'episodes' => array( |
/* Season 1 */ |
// Nr.(ges.) Nr.(St.) Deutschsprachiger Titel Originaltitel Erstausstrahlung USA Deutschsprachige Erstausstrahlung (DE) |
1 => "Pilot (Gezeichnet)", |
2 => "Deep Throat (Die Warnung)", |
3 => "Squeeze (Das Nest)", |
37,31 → 38,32 |
24 => "The Erlenmeyer Flask (Das Labor)", |
/* Season 2 */ |
25 => "Little Green Men (Kontakt)", |
26 => "The Host (Der Parasit)", |
27 => "Blood (Blut)", |
28 => "Sleepless (Schlaflos)", |
29 => "Duane Barry (1) (Unter Kontrolle - Teil 1)", |
30 => "Ascension (2) (Seilbahn zu den Sternen - Teil 2)", |
31 => "3 (Drei)", |
32 => "One Breath (An der Grenze)", |
33 => "Firewalker (Der Vulkan)", |
34 => "Red Museum (Rotes Museum)", |
35 => "Excelsis Dei (Excelsis Dei)", |
36 => "Aubrey (Böse geboren)", |
37 => "Irresistible (Todestrieb)", |
38 => "Die Hand Die Verletzt (Satan)", |
39 => "Fresh Bones (Frische Knochen)", |
40 => "Colony (1) (Die Kolonie - Teil 1)", |
41 => "End Game (2) (Die Kolonie - Teil 2)", |
42 => "Fearful Symmetry (Sophie)", |
43 => "Dod Kalm (Totenstille)", |
44 => "Humbug (Der Zirkus)", |
45 => "The Calusari (Heilige Asche)", |
46 => "F. Emasculata (Verseucht)", |
47 => "Soft Light (Das Experiment)", |
48 => "Our Town (Unsere kleine Stadt)", |
49 => "Anasazi (1) (Anasazi - Teil 1)", |
// Nr.(ges.) Nr.(St.) Deutschsprachiger Titel Originaltitel Erstausstrahlung USA Deutschsprachige Erstausstrahlung (DE) |
// 25 1 Kontakt Little Green Men 1994-09-1616. Sep. 1994 1995-09-0707. Sep. 1995 |
// 26 2 Der Parasit The Host 1994-09-2323. Sep. 1994 1995-09-1414. Sep. 1995 |
// 27 3 Blut Blood 1994-09-3030. Sep. 1994 1995-09-2121. Sep. 1995 |
// 28 4 Schlaflos Sleepless 1994-10-0707. Okt. 1994 1995-09-2828. Sep. 1995 |
// 29 5 Unter Kontrolle - Teil 1 Duane Barry (1) 1994-10-1414. Okt. 1994 1995-10-0505. Okt. 1995 |
// 30 6 Seilbahn zu den Sternen - Teil 2 Ascension (2) 1994-10-2121. Okt. 1994 1995-10-1212. Okt. 1995 |
// 31 7 Drei 3 1994-11-0404. Nov. 1994 1995-10-1919. Okt. 1995 |
// 32 8 An der Grenze One Breath 1994-11-1111. Nov. 1994 1995-10-2626. Okt. 1995 |
// 33 9 Der Vulkan Firewalker 1994-11-1818. Nov. 1994 1995-11-0202. Nov. 1995 |
// 34 10 Rotes Museum Red Museum 1994-12-0909. Dez. 1994 1995-11-0909. Nov. 1995 |
// 35 11 Excelsis Dei Excelsis Dei 1994-12-1616. Dez. 1994 1995-11-1616. Nov. 1995 |
// 36 12 Böse geboren Aubrey 1995-01-0606. Jan. 1995 1995-11-2323. Nov. 1995 |
// 37 13 Todestrieb Irresistible 1995-01-1313. Jan. 1995 1995-11-3030. Nov. 1995 |
// 38 14 Satan Die Hand Die Verletzt 1995-01-2727. Jan. 1995 1995-12-0707. Dez. 1995 |
// 39 15 Frische Knochen Fresh Bones 1995-02-0303. Feb. 1995 1995-12-1414. Dez. 1995 |
// 40 16 Die Kolonie - Teil 1 Colony (1) 1995-02-1010. Feb. 1995 1995-12-2828. Dez. 1995 |
// 41 17 Die Kolonie - Teil 2 End Game (2) 1995-02-1717. Feb. 1995 1995-12-2828. Dez. 1995 |
// 42 18 Sophie Fearful Symmetry 1995-02-2424. Feb. 1995 1996-01-0404. Jan. 1996 |
// 43 19 Totenstille Dod Kalm 1995-03-1010. Mär. 1995 1996-01-1111. Jan. 1996 |
// 44 20 Der Zirkus Humbug 1995-03-3131. Mär. 1995 1996-01-1818. Jan. 1996 |
// 45 21 Heilige Asche The Calusari 1995-04-1414. Apr. 1995 1996-02-2626. Feb. 1996 |
// 46 22 Verseucht F. Emasculata 1995-04-2828. Apr. 1995 1996-01-2525. Jan. 1996 |
// 47 23 Das Experiment Soft Light 1995-05-0505. Mai 1995 1996-02-0101. Feb. 1996 |
// 48 24 Unsere kleine Stadt Our Town 1995-05-1212. Mai 1995 1996-02-0808. Feb. 1996 |
// 49 25 Anasazi - Teil 1 Anasazi (1) 1995-05-1919. Mai 1995 1996-05-0202. Mai 1996 |
/* Season 3 */ |
// Nr.(ges.) Nr.(St.) Deutschsprachiger Titel Originaltitel Erstausstrahlung USA Deutschsprachige Erstausstrahlung (DE) |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/quantum-leap.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 19:00', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 10)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(19, 0, 0, 1, 19, 2012), |
'seasons' => array(8, 22, 22, 22, 21), |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/castle.php |
4,9 → 4,9 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 9)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(10, 24, 24, 23, 24, 1), |
'seasons' => array(10, 24, 24, 23), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Castle_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => "Flowers for Your Grave", |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/battlestar-galactica.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mi 02:00', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 9)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 8)), |
'seasons' => array(13, 20, 20, 'Razor' => 2, 20, 'The Plan' => 1), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Battlestar_Galactica_(2004_TV_series)_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/simpsons.php |
5,7 → 5,7 |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'So 14:00–15:05', |
'seen' => array( |
array(1, 53), |
array(1, 50), |
array(63, 64), 95), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 30, 0, 8, 3, 2010), |
'seasons' => array(13, 22, 24, 22, 22 , 25, 25, 25, 25, 23, 22, |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/macgyver.php |
3,7 → 3,7 |
$macgyver = array( |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 16)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 15)), |
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 20, 19, 21, 21, 14), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_MacGyver_episodes', |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/big-bang-theory.php |
6,7 → 6,7 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
// 'channel' => 'E4', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Sa 19:00-20:00', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 13)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)), |
'seasons' => array(17, 23, 23, 24, 24), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_The-Big-Bang-Theory-Episoden', |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/house.php |
4,13 → 4,13 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 12:20', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 7), array(12, 13), array(37, 46), 85), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 6), array(12, 13), array(37, 46), 85), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(11, 20, 0, 3, 31, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(22, 24, 24, 16, 24, 21, 23, 22), |
'seasons' => array(22, 24, 24, 16, 24, 22, 23, 22), |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => "Pilot", |
2 => "Paternity", |
3 => "Occam’s Razor", |
3 => "Occams Razor", |
4 => "Maternity", |
5 => "Damned If You Do", |
6 => "The Socratic Method", |
21,68 → 21,19 |
11 => "Detox", |
12 => "Sports Medicine", |
13 => "Cursed", |
14 => "Control", |
15 => "Mob Rules", |
16 => "Heavy", |
17 => "Role Model", |
18 => "Babies & Bathwater", |
19 => "Kids", |
20 => "Love Hurts", |
21 => "Three Stories", |
22 => "Honeymoon", |
// 14 => "Control", |
23 => "Acceptance", |
24 => "Autopsy", |
25 => "Humpty Dumpty", |
26 => "TB or not TB", |
27 => "Daddy’s Boy", |
28 => "Spin", |
29 => "Hunting", |
30 => "The Mistake", |
31 => "Deception", |
32 => "Failure to Communicate", |
33 => "Need to Know", |
34 => "Distractions", |
35 => "Skin Deep", |
36 => "Sex Kills", |
37 => "Clueless", |
38 => "Safe", |
39 => "All In", |
40 => "Sleeping Dogs Lie", |
41 => "House vs. God", |
42 => "Euphoria: Part 1", |
43 => "Euphoria: Part 2", |
44 => "Forever", |
37 => 'Clueless', |
38 => 'Safe', |
39 => 'All In', |
40 => 'Sleeping Dogs Lie', |
41 => 'House vs. God', |
42 => 'Euphoria, Part Ⅰ', |
43 => 'Euphoria, Part Ⅱ', |
44 => 'Forever', |
45 => "Who's Your Daddy?", |
46 => "No Reason", |
47 => "Meaning", |
48 => "Cane and Able", |
49 => "Informed Consent", |
50 => "Lines in the Sand", |
51 => "Fools for Love", |
52 => "Que Será Será", |
53 => "Son of a Coma Guy", |
54 => "Whac-a-Mole", |
55 => "Finding Judas", |
56 => "Merry Little Christmas", |
57 => "Words and Deeds", |
58 => "One Day, One Room", |
59 => "Needle in a Haystack", |
60 => "Insensitive", |
61 => "Half-Wit", |
62 => "Top Secret", |
63 => "Fetal Position", |
64 => "Airborne", |
65 => "Act Your Age", |
66 => "House Training", |
67 => "Family", |
68 => "Resignation", |
69 => "The Jerk", |
70 => "Human Error", |
71 => "Alone", |
72 => "The Right Stuff", |
46 => 'No Reason', |
72 => 'The Right Stuff', |
73 => "97 Seconds", |
74 => "Guardian Angels", |
75 => "Mirror, Mirror", |
90,7 → 41,6 |
77 => "Ugly", |
78 => "You Don’t Want to Know", |
79 => "Games", |
80 => "It’s a Wonderful Lie", |
81 => "Frozen", |
82 => "Don’t Ever Change", |
83 => "No More Mr. Nice Guy", |
98,99 → 48,77 |
85 => "House's Head (1)", |
86 => "Wilson’s Heart (2)", |
87 => "Dying Changes Everything (Sterben verändert alles)", |
88 => "Not Cancer (Krebs oder nicht?)", |
89 => "Adverse Events", |
90 => "Birthmarks", |
91 => "Lucky Thirteen", |
92 => "Joy", |
93 => "The Itch", |
94 => "Emancipation", |
95 => "Last Resort", |
96 => "Let Them Eat Cake", |
97 => "Joy to the World", |
98 => "Painless", |
99 => "Big Baby", |
100 => "The Greater Good", |
101 => "Unfaithful", |
102 => "The Softer Side", |
103 => "The Social Contract", |
104 => "Here Kitty", |
105 => "Locked In", |
106 => "Simple Explanation", |
107 => "Saviors", |
108 => "House Divided", |
109 => "Under My Skin", |
110 => "Both Sides Now", |
// 87 => "Sterben verändert alles", |
// 88 => "Krebs oder nicht?", |
// 89 => "Adverse Events", |
// 90 => "Birthmarks", |
// 92 => "Joy", |
// 93 7 "The Itch", |
// 94 8 "Emancipation", |
// 95 9 "Last Resort", |
// 96 10 "Let Them Eat Cake", |
// 97 11 "Joy to the World", |
// 98 12 "Painless", |
// 99 13 "Big Baby", |
// 100 14 "The Greater Good", |
// 101 15 "Unfaithful", |
// 102 16 "The Softer Side", |
// 103 17 "The Social Contract", |
// 104 18 "Here Kitty", |
// 105 19 "Locked In", |
// 106 20 "Simple Explanation", |
// 107 21 "Saviors", |
// 108 22 "House Divided", |
// 109 23 "Under My Skin", |
// 110 24 "Both Sides Now" |
111 => "Broken", |
112 => "Epic Fail", |
113 => "The Tyrant", |
114 => "Instant Karma", |
115 => "Brave Heart", |
116 => "Known Unknowns", |
117 => "Teamwork", |
118 => "Ignorance Is Bliss", |
119 => "Wilson", |
120 => "The Down Low", |
121 => "Remorse", |
122 => "Moving the Chains", |
123 => "5 to 9", |
124 => "Private Lives", |
125 => "Black Hole", |
126 => "Lockdown", |
127 => "Knight Fall", |
128 => "Open and Shut", |
129 => "The Choice", |
130 => "Baggage", |
131 => "Help Me", |
// 130 => "The Choice", |
// 131 => "Baggage", |
// 132 => "Help Me", |
132 => "Now What?", |
133 => "Selfish", |
134 => "Unwritten", |
135 => "Massage Therapy", |
136 => "Unplanned Parenthood", |
137 => "Office Politics", |
138 => "A Pox on Our House", |
139 => "Small Sacrifices", |
140 => "Larger Than Life", |
141 => "Carrot or Stick", |
142 => "Family Practice", |
143 => "You Must Remember This", |
144 => "Two Stories", |
145 => "Recession Proof", |
146 => "Bombshells", |
147 => "Out of the Chute", |
148 => "Fall From Grace", |
149 => "The Dig", |
150 => "Last Temptation", |
151 => "Changes", |
152 => "The Fix", |
153 => "After Hours", |
154 => "Moving On", |
133 => "Now What?", |
134 => "Selfish", |
135 => "Unwritten", |
136 => "Massage Therapy", |
137 => "Unplanned Parenthood", |
138 => "Office Politics", |
139 => "A Pox on Our House", |
140 => "Small Sacrifices", |
141 => "Larger Than Life", |
142 => "Carrot or Stick", |
143 => "Family Practice", |
144 => "You Must Remember This", |
145 => "Two Stories", |
146 => "Recession Proof", |
147 => "Bombshells", |
148 => "Out of the Chute", |
149 => "Fall From Grace", |
150 => "The Dig", |
151 => "Last Temptation", |
152 => "Changes", |
153 => "The Fix", |
154 => "After Hours", |
155 => "Moving On", |
155 => "Twenty Vicodin", |
156 => "Transplant", |
157 => "Charity Case", |
158 => "Risky Business", |
159 => "The Confession", |
160 => "Parents", |
161 => "Dead & Buried", |
162 => "Perils of Paranoia", |
163 => "Better Half", |
164 => "Runaways", |
165 => "Nobody's Fault", |
166 => "Chase", |
167 => "Man of the House", |
168 => "Love Is Blind", |
169 => "Blowing the Whistle", |
170 => "Gut Check", |
171 => "We Need the Eggs", |
172 => "Body and Soul", |
173 => "The C-Word", |
174 => "Post Mortem", |
175 => "Holding On", |
176 => "Everybody Dies + Bonus", |
156 => "Twenty Vicodin", |
157 => "Transplant", |
158 => "Charity Case", |
159 => "Risky Business", |
160 => "The Confession", |
161 => "Parents", |
162 => "Dead & Buried", |
163 => "Perils of Paranoia", |
164 => "Better Half", |
165 => "Runaways", |
166 => "Nobody's Fault", |
167 => "Chase", |
168 => "Man of the House", |
169 => "Love Is Blind", |
170 => "Blowing the Whistle", |
171 => "Gut Check", |
172 => "We Need the Eggs", |
173 => "?", |
174 => "The C Word", |
), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_House_episodes' |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/psych.php |
4,9 → 4,9 |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'So 07:00', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 10, 0, 9, 18, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 14), |
'seasons' => array(15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 3), |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => "Pilot (Mit einer Ausrede fängt es an)", |
2 => "Spellingg Bee (So spannend kann ein Buchstabierwettbewerb sein!)", |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/seaquest.php |
1,10 → 1,10 |
<?php |
$seaQuest = array( |
$seaQuest_de = array( |
// 'ignore' => true, |
'channel' => 'online', |
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 18:00–18:30', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 7)), |
'seen' => array(array(1, 6)), |
// 'last_seen' => mktime(18, 30, 0, 9, 6, 2011), |
'seasons' => array(23, 21, 13), |
'episodes' => array( |
/trunk/media/video/series/includes/futurama.php |
4,7 → 4,7 |
'channel' => '', |
'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 21:45', |
'seen' => array(array(1, 22), 65), |
'seasons' => array(13, 19, 22, 18, 16, 26, 26), |
'seasons' => array(13, 19, 22, 18, 16, 26), |
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Futurama-Episoden', |
'episodes' => array( |
1 => 'Zeit und Raum 3000 (Space Pilot 3000)', |
20,7 → 20,6 |
11 => 'Das Experiment der Mars-Universität (Mars University)', |
12 => 'Wenn Außerirdische angreifen (When Aliens Attack)', |
13 => 'Die Party mit Slurm McKenzie (Fry and the Slurm Factory)', |
14 => 'Gefühls-Chip gefällig? I Second That Emotion', |
15 => 'Brannigan, fang wieder an (Brannigan Begin Again)', |
16 => 'Getrennt von Kopf und Körper (A Head in the Polls)', |
41,7 → 40,6 |
30 => 'Krieg auf Spheron Eins (War Is the H-Word)', |
31 => 'Dieses unheimliche Hupen (The Honking)', |
32 => 'Die Frau, die aus der Kälte kam (The Cryonic Woman)', |
33 => "Amazonen machen Snu Snu (Amazon Women in the Mood)", |
34 => "Im Reich der Parasiten (Parasites Lost)", |
35 => "Alle Jahre wieder (A Tale of Two Santas)", |
64,7 → 62,6 |
52 => "Der göttliche Bender (Godfellas)", |
53 => "Wer wird Millionär? (Future Stock)", |
54 => "Das Kochduell (The 30% Iron Chef)", |
56 => "Die Waise des Jahres (Leela’s Homeworld)", |
57 => "Liebe und Raketen (Love and Rocket)", |
58 => "Superhelden (Less Than Hero)", |
82,7 → 79,6 |
70 => "Dreihundert dicke Dinger (Three Hundred Big Boys)", |
71 => "Lustkrise auf Omicron Persei Acht (Spanish Fry)", |
72 => "Die Hände des Teufels (The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings)", |
73 => "Bender’s Big Score, Teil 1 (Bender’s Big Score, Part 1)", |
74 => "Bender’s Big Score, Teil 2 (Bender’s Big Score, Part 2)", |
75 => "Bender’s Big Score, Teil 3 (Bender’s Big Score, Part 3)", |
99,7 → 95,6 |
86 => "Leela und die Enzyklopoden, Teil 2 (Into the Wild Green Yonder, Part 2)", |
87 => "Leela und die Enzyklopoden, Teil 3 (Into the Wild Green Yonder, Part 3)", |
88 => "Leela und die Enzyklopoden, Teil 4 (Into the Wild Green Yonder, Part 4)", |
89 => "Wiedergeburt (Rebirth)", |
90 => "Der Leela-Laune-Zapp (In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela)", |
91 => "Angriff der Killer App (Attack of the Killer App)", |