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Ignore whitespace Rev 267 → Rev 268

303,22 → 303,25
# Only when all applying superordered criteria are the same,
# entries are sorted by the FSE alphabet (not the MGV alphabet,
# in order to help learners.) Note that weak verb forms, although
# combining with “-tor”, are sorted before other modifying and
# combining forms because they have the stronger root relation.
# in order to help learners.) Note that verb forms of nouns,
# although modifying with e.g. “~au” and combining with “-tor”,
# respectively, are sorted before other modifying and combining forms
# because they have the stronger root relation.
# Also note that the lexical root need not be the last part of a
# compound word.
# {Goh-kuv ek'noshtralar abru-zekik ka - puwihfelau svinlar
# na'Teraya-Eingelsu-ek'zuntra | ri ek'zuntra t'Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu
# nagol-tor orensular. | Beglana'voh ta shidlar t'kobat-tor-zhit -
# hemshin terishanik k'>-tor< - puwihfelau fa'vath-shidlar rubitauk
# heh terishanik fayei ma au weh-karik gir-tersaya.
# nagol-tor orensular. | Beglana'voh ta tor-zhit-shidlar t'vel-zhitlar -
# hemshin rubitauk - na'li-fal - k'>au< - eh terishanik k'>-tor< -
# puwihfelau fa'vath-shidlar rubitauk heh terishanik fayei ma au
# weh-karik gir-tersaya.
# Isha ri bolau zhit-dunap-gir nam-tor kim-krus t'terti-zhit.}
# ("Only-if all-criteria superordered same - be-sorted entries
# to-FSE-alphabet | not alphabet of-Modern-Golic-Vulcan
# to-help students. | Notice [hon. imp.] that forms of-weak-verbs -
# although combining with->-tor< - be-sorted before-other-forms modifying
# and combining because have they more-strong root-relation.
# to-help students. | Notice [hon. imp.] that verb-forms of-nouns -
# although modifying e.g. with->~au<, and combining with->-tor< -
# be-sorted before-other-forms modifying and combining because have
# they more-strong root-relation.
# Also not need lexical-root be last-part of-compound-word.")
# Therefore, if you cannot find the translation for a compound
16554,6 → 16557,13
en: <rock>, <stone> (object)
pos: n.
vuh: {kovau}
en: <turn to stone>, <fossilize>, <petrify>
vuh: {kov-tor}
en: <stone>, <throw rocks at>
pos: v.
vuh: {fikov-hatik}
en: <epilithic>
pos: adj.
16565,13 → 16575,11
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {kovau}
en: <turn to stone>, <fossilize>, <petrify>
vuh: {ifisal-ne'ti-kov}
en: <clastic rock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {kov-tor}
en: <stone>, <throw rocks at>
pos: v.
vuh: {kov-skramsu}
en: <stonecarver>
28771,11 → 28779,6
vuh: {ifisal-ne'ti-kov}
en: <clastic rock>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ifisek-fukat}
en: <transporter buffer>
def: FSE-GV