Subversion Repositories LCARS

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 40 → Rev 41

24,6 → 24,7
include_once 'includes/simpsons.php';
include_once 'includes/stargate.php';
include_once 'includes/star-trek-tos.php';
include_once 'includes/star-trek-tng.php';
include_once 'includes/superman.php';
include_once 'includes/time-trax.php';
236,6 → 237,29
'<span class="firefly">Fir<span class="e">e</span>fly</span>' => array(
'channel' => 'online',
'seen' => array(array(1, 2)),
'seasons' => array(14),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:Firefly_(TV_series)#Broadcast_history',
'episodes' => array(
1 => "Serenity",
2 => "The Train Job",
3 => "Bushwhacked",
4 => "Shindig",
5 => "Safe",
6 => "Our Mrs. Reynolds",
7 => "Jaynestown",
8 => "Out of Gas",
9 => "Ariel",
10 => "War Stories",
11 => "Trash",
12 => "The Message",
13 => "Heart of Gold",
14 => "Objects in Space"
'<span class="frasier">F<span>rasier</span></span>' => &$frasier,
'<span class="fresh-hell"><span class="gradient">Fresh Hell</span></span>' => array(
891,7 → 915,8
'<abbr class="sg-u" title="Stargate Universe">S<span class="ring">G&#9900;</span>U</abbr>' => &$sgu,
'<span class="star-trek">Star Trek</span> (de, remastered)' => &$tos,
'<span class="star-trek-tos">Star Trek</span>' => &$tos,
'<span class="star-trek-tng"><span class="star">Star</span> <span class="trek">Trek</span><span class="hidden">:</span><span class="tng">The Next Generation</span></span>' => &$tng,
'<span class="time-trax">Time Trax</span> (de)' => &$time_trax,
1010,7 → 1035,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mi 00:10',
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 5)),
'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12, 12),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_True_Blood_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
1103,7 → 1128,7
. ' <span class="tara">Tara</span></span>' => array(
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Do 23:24',
'seen' => array(array(1, 3)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 4)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(0, 4, 0, 9, 30, 2011),
'seasons' => array(12, 12, 12),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Taras_Welten#Episodenliste',
4,7 → 4,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online / ITV3',
'showtimes' => 'Mi 00:35',
'seen' => array(array(1, 10)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 11)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 15, 0, 6, 5, 2011),
'seasons' => array(13, 24, 24, 18, 23, 16),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Numb3rs_episodes',
4,7 → 4,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 14:10',
'seen' => array(array(1, 18)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 20)),
'seasons' => array(21, 23, 22, 22, 22, 22, 20, 22, 21, 22),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_Smallville_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
4,7 → 4,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'diverse',
'seen' => array(array(1, 9), 110, 111),
'seen' => array(array(1, 10), 110, 111),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 15, 0, 6, 5, 2011),
'seasons' => array(13, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Monk-Episoden',
3,16 → 3,16
$serien['<span class="akte-x"><span class="small">Akte<span class="before-x"> </span>'
. '<span class="x">X</span></span>'] = array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'Tele 5',
'showtimes' => 'Do 20:15-22:15',
'seen' => array(array(69, 85)),
'last_seen' => mktime(20, 15, 0, 3, 24, 2011),
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Do 20:15-22:15',
'seen' => array(1, array(69, 85)),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(20, 15, 0, 3, 24, 2011),
'seasons' => array(24, 25, 24, 24, 20, 22, 22, 21, 20),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Episoden_von_Akte_X_–_Die_unheimlichen_Fälle_des_FBI',
'episodes' => array(
/* Season 1 */
// Nr.(ges.) Nr.(St.) Deutschsprachiger Titel Originaltitel Erstaus­strahlung USA Deutsch­sprachige Erstaus­strahlung (DE)
// 1  Pilot  Gezeichnet Pilot 1993-09-1010. Sep. 1993 1994-09-0505. Sep. 1994
1 => "Pilot (Gezeichnet)",
// 2  1  Die Warnung Deep Throat 1993-09-1717. Sep. 1993 1994-09-1212. Sep. 1994
// 3  2  Das Nest Squeeze 1993-09-2424. Sep. 1993 1994-09-1919. Sep. 1994
// 4  3  Signale Conduit 1993-10-0101. Okt. 1993 1994-09-2626. Sep. 1994
4,7 → 4,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'ITV4',
'showtimes' => 'Mo–Fr 19:00',
'seen' => array(array(1, 7), 74),
'seen' => array(array(1, 8), 74),
'last_seen' => mktime(19, 0, 0, 1, 19, 2012),
'seasons' => array(8, 22, 22, 22, 21),
'episodes' => array(
1,6 → 1,7
$castle = array(
'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Fr 20:00',
'seen' => array(array(1, 7)),
99,4 → 100,4
// 57 => "Ganz schön tot (Pretty Dead)",
// 58 => "Knockout",
// )
// ),
// ),
5,7 → 5,7
'channel' => 'online',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo 22:05–00:30',
'seasons' => array(12, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22),
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 13)),
'episode_list' => '',
'episodes' => array(
1 => "Welcome to the Hellmouth (Das Zentrum des Bösen)",
5,7 → 5,7
'channel' => 'Channel 4 / online',
'showtimes' => 'So 14:00–15:05',
'seen' => array(
array(1, 40),
array(1, 42),
array(63, 64), 95),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(21, 30, 0, 8, 3, 2010),
'seasons' => array(13, 22, 24, 22, 22 , 25, 25, 25, 25, 23, 22,
3,7 → 3,7
$macgyver = array(
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
'seen' => array(array(1, 12)),
'seen' => array(array(1, 13)),
'seasons' => array(22, 22, 20, 19, 21, 21, 14),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:en:List_of_MacGyver_episodes',
'episodes' => array(
1,35 → 1,36
$tos = array(
'channel' => 'zdf_neo',
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'DVD',
// 'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 21:50',
'seen' => array(array(2, 6), 11, 40, 51),
'last_seen' => mktime(15, 25, 0, 11, 1, 2011),
'seen' => array(array(1, 7), 11),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(15, 25, 0, 11, 1, 2011),
'seasons' => array(30, 26, 24),
'episode_list' => 'wiki:Liste_der_Raumschiff-Enterprise-Episoden',
'episode_list' => '',
'episodes' => array(
// 1 => 'Der Käfig (The Cage)',
1 => 'The Cage',
2 => 'Das Letzte seiner Art (The Man Trap)',
3 => 'Der Fall Charlie (Charlie X)',
4 => 'Die Spitze des Eisbergs (Where No Man Has Gone Before)',
5 => 'Implosion in der Spirale (The Naked Time)',
6 => 'Kirk : 2 = ? (The Enemy Within)',
// 7 => "Die Frauen des Mr. Mudd (Mudd's Women)",
// 8 => "Der alte Traum (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)",
// 9 => "Miri, ein Kleinling (Miri)",
// 10 => "Der Zentralnervensystemmanipulator (Dagger Of The Mind)",
7 => "Die Frauen des Mr. Mudd (Mudd's Women)",
8 => "Der alte Traum (What Are Little Girls Made Of?)",
9 => "Miri, ein Kleinling (Miri)",
10 => "Der Zentralnervensystemmanipulator (Dagger Of The Mind)",
11 => "Pokerspiele (The Corbomite Maneuver)",
// 12 => "Talos IV - Tabu - Teil 1 (The Menagerie Part I)",
// 13 => "Talos IV - Tabu - Teil 2 (The Menagerie Part II)",
// 14 => "Kodos, der Henker (The Conscience Of The King)",
// 15 => "Spock unter Verdacht (Balance Of Terror)",
// 16 => "Land(e)urlaub (Shore Leave)",
// 17 => "Notlandung auf Galileo 7 (The Galileo Seven)",
// 18 => "Tödliche Spiele auf Gothos (The Squire Of Gothos)",
// 19 => "Ganz neue Dimensionen (Arena)",
// 20 => "Morgen ist gestern (Tomorrow Is Yesterday)",
// 21 => "Kirk unter Anklage (Court Martial)",
// 22 => "Landru und die Ewigkeit (The Return Of The Archons)",
12 => "Talos IV - Tabu - Teil 1 (The Menagerie Part I)",
13 => "Talos IV - Tabu - Teil 2 (The Menagerie Part II)",
14 => "Kodos, der Henker (The Conscience Of The King)",
15 => "Spock unter Verdacht (Balance Of Terror)",
16 => "Land(e)urlaub (Shore Leave)",
17 => "Notlandung auf Galileo 7 (The Galileo Seven)",
18 => "Tödliche Spiele auf Gothos (The Squire Of Gothos)",
19 => "Ganz neue Dimensionen (Arena)",
20 => "Morgen ist gestern (Tomorrow Is Yesterday)",
21 => "Kirk unter Anklage (Court Martial)",
22 => "Landru und die Ewigkeit (The Return Of The Archons)",
23 => "Der schlafende Tiger (Space Seed)",
24 => "Krieg der Computer (A Taste Of Armageddon)",
25 => "Falsche Paradiese (This Side Of Paradise)",
62,33 → 63,33
51 => "Schablonen der Gewalt (Patterns Of Force)",
52 => "Stein und Staub (By Any Other Name)",
53 => "Das Jahr des roten Vogels (The Omega Glory)",
// 54 => "Computer M5 (The Ultimate Computer)",
// 55 => "Brot und Spiele (Bread and Circuses)",
// 56 => "Ein Planet, genannt Erde (Assignment: Earth)",
54 => "Computer M5 (The Ultimate Computer)",
55 => "Brot und Spiele (Bread and Circuses)",
56 => "Ein Planet, genannt Erde (Assignment: Earth)",
// 57 => "Spocks Gehirn (Spock's Brain)",
// 58 => "Die unsichtbare Falle (The Enterprise Incident)",
// 59 => "Der Obelisk (The Paradise Syndrome)",
// 60 => "Kurs auf Markus 12 (And The Children Shall Lead)",
// 61 => "Die fremde Materie (Is There In Truth No Beauty?)",
// 62 => "Wildwest im Weltraum (Spectre Of The Gun)",
// 63 => "Das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte (Day of the Dove)",
// 64 => "Der verirrte Planet (For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky)",
// 65 => "Das Spinnennetz (The Tholian Web)",
// 66 => "Platons Stiefkinder (Plato's Stepchildren)",
// 67 => "Was summt denn da? (Wink of an Eye)",
// 68 => "Der Plan der Vianer (The Empath)",
// 69 => "Brautschiff Enterprise (Elaan Of Troyius)",
// 70 => "Wen die Götter zerstören (Whom Gods Destroy)",
// 71 => "Bele jagt Lokai (Let That Be Your Last Battlefield)",
// 72 => "Fast unsterblich (The Mark Of Gideon)",
// 73 => "Gefährliche Planetengirls (That Which Survives)",
// 74 => "Strahlen greifen an (The Lights Of Zetar)",
// 75 => "Planet der Unsterblichen (Requiem For Methuselah)",
// 76 => "Die Reise nach Eden (The Way To Eden)",
// 77 => "Die Wolkenstadt (The Cloudminders)",
// 78 => "Seit es Menschen gibt (The Savage Curtain)",
// 79 => "Portal in die Vergangenheit (All Our Yesterdays)",
// 80 => "Gefährlicher Tausch (Turnabout Intruder)"
57 => "Spocks Gehirn (Spock's Brain)",
58 => "Die unsichtbare Falle (The Enterprise Incident)",
59 => "Der Obelisk (The Paradise Syndrome)",
60 => "Kurs auf Markus 12 (And The Children Shall Lead)",
61 => "Die fremde Materie (Is There In Truth No Beauty?)",
62 => "Wildwest im Weltraum (Spectre Of The Gun)",
63 => "Das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte (Day of the Dove)",
64 => "Der verirrte Planet (For The World Is Hollow, And I Have Touched The Sky)",
65 => "Das Spinnennetz (The Tholian Web)",
66 => "Platons Stiefkinder (Plato's Stepchildren)",
67 => "Was summt denn da? (Wink of an Eye)",
68 => "Der Plan der Vianer (The Empath)",
69 => "Brautschiff Enterprise (Elaan Of Troyius)",
70 => "Wen die Götter zerstören (Whom Gods Destroy)",
71 => "Bele jagt Lokai (Let That Be Your Last Battlefield)",
72 => "Fast unsterblich (The Mark Of Gideon)",
73 => "Gefährliche Planetengirls (That Which Survives)",
74 => "Strahlen greifen an (The Lights Of Zetar)",
75 => "Planet der Unsterblichen (Requiem For Methuselah)",
76 => "Die Reise nach Eden (The Way To Eden)",
77 => "Die Wolkenstadt (The Cloudminders)",
78 => "Seit es Menschen gibt (The Savage Curtain)",
79 => "Portal in die Vergangenheit (All Our Yesterdays)",
80 => "Gefährlicher Tausch (Turnabout Intruder)"
4,7 → 4,7
// 'ignore' => true,
'channel' => 'online',
'showtimes' => 'Mo-Fr 12:20',
'seen' => array(array(1, 2), array(12, 13), array(37, 46), 85),
'seen' => array(array(1, 3), array(12, 13), array(37, 46), 85),
// 'last_seen' => mktime(11, 20, 0, 3, 31, 2011),
'seasons' => array(22, 24, 24, 16, 24, 22, 23, 22),
'episodes' => array(
29,7 → 29,7
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h1 {
77,7 → 77,7
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237,7 → 237,7
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font-family: "Kruella";
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266,7 → 266,7
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src: local("Arno Pro Caption"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/arnopro-caption.otf);
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298,7 → 298,7
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font-family: "Coolvetica";
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314,12 → 314,12
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538,8 → 538,8
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607,8 → 607,45
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font-size: 160%;
text-shadow: -1px 0px 1px #300202, 2px 2px 4px #fed700, 0px 0px 4px #270201;
text-transform: lowercase;
.firefly .e {
text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #fed700;
@font-face {
font-family: "Middleton";
src: url(/styles/fonts/middleto.ttf);
src: url(/styles/fonts/non-free/middleto.ttf);
.frasier {
649,7 → 686,7
@font-face {
font-family: "Century Gothic";
src: local("Century Gothic"), url(/styles/fonts/Century_Gothic.TTF);
src: local("Century Gothic"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/Century_Gothic.TTF);
.fringe {
848,7 → 885,7
@font-face {
font-family: "ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium";
src: local("ITC Avant Garde Gothic Medium"), local("ITC Avant Garde Gothic"),
.glee {
870,7 → 907,7
@font-face {
font-family: "SKM Avant Garde Two";
src: local("SKM Avant Garde Two"), url(/styles/fonts/SKM%20Avant%20Garde%20Two.ttf);
src: local("SKM Avant Garde Two"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/SKM%20Avant%20Garde%20Two.ttf);
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1161,7 → 1198,7
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font-family: "Gill Sans Ultra Bold";
src: local("Gill Sans Ultra Bold"), url(/styles/fonts/gilsanu0.TTF);
src: local("Gill Sans Ultra Bold"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/gilsanu0.TTF);
.monk {
1174,7 → 1211,7
@font-face {
font-family: "Swiss 721 Black Extended BT";
src: local("Swiss 721 Black Extended BT"), url(/styles/fonts/swiss721_bke.TTF);
src: local("Swiss 721 Black Extended BT"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/swiss721_bke.TTF);
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1380,7 → 1417,7
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font-family: "Spleeny Decaf GD";
src: local("Spleeny Decaf GD"), url(/styles/fonts/Spleeny%20Decaf%20GD.ttf);
src: local("Spleeny Decaf GD"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/Spleeny%20Decaf%20GD.ttf);
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1652,7 → 1689,7
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font-family: "London Tube";
src: local("P22 Johnston Underground"), url(/styles/fonts/p22-johnston-underground.ttf);
src: local("P22 Johnston Underground"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/p22-johnston-underground.ttf);
.sherlock {
1817,15 → 1854,50
src: local("Federation Classic"), url(/styles/fonts/FEC_____.TTF);
.star-trek {
.star-trek-tos {
padding: 0.125em 0.25em 0 0.25em;
background-color: #000;
color: #F8CB35;
color: #FBB72C;
font-family: "Federation Classic", sans-serif;
font-size: 150%;
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font-family: "Starnext";
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display: inline-block;
padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em 0.5em;
background-color: #000;
color: #2D7BCD;
font-family: "Starnext", sans-serif;
font-size: 120%;
line-height: 1;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: center;
.star-trek-tng span {
display: block;
.star-trek-tng .star {
text-align: left;
.star-trek-tng .trek {
position: relative;
top: -0.2em;
text-align: right;
.star-trek-tng .tng {
font-size: 44%;
.time-trax {
background-color: #fff;
color: #003ee5;
1845,7 → 1917,7
@font-face {
font-family: "True Blood";
src: local("True Blood"), url(/styles/fonts/TRUEBLOOD.ttf);
src: local("True Blood"), url(/styles/fonts/non-free/TRUEBLOOD.ttf);
.true-blood {
7,8 → 7,8
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