5250,6 → 5250,7 |
vuh: {dvudayek} |
en: <crank> |
pos: n. |
tag: mech. |
vuh: {dvukwul-tepul} |
6904,10 → 6905,9 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elkhrul(-)} |
en: <whole> |
ipa: - ' |
en: <entire>, <whole> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {eklakalu-sash} |
en: <pantothenic acid> |
6943,36 → 6943,149 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'dayek} |
en: <(hand)crank> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {el'es} |
en: <freedom> |
vuh: {el-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <(set) free>, <release> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {elyut} |
en: <pavement> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyutau} |
en: <pave> |
lit: <free><way> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyutau-ulm-nihflak} |
en: <asphalt felt> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {|elyutau-|ulm-nok} |
en: <asphaltic concrete> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyut-kov} |
en: <paving stone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el(-~|ik)} |
en: <free> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {el-dvelan} |
en: <free will> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-falun} |
en: <free charge> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-galk} |
en: <free radical> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-geldau-tsa} |
en: <catenary> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-keshtanik} |
en: <freeborn> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-klotau-vel} |
en: <embolus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-lesek} |
en: <synovial joint> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-mahalan(-~|ik)} |
en: <nektonic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-nala} |
en: <corpuscle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-u'gal} |
en: <free electron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-ukalik} |
en: <fissiped> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: biol. |
vuh: {el-wak} |
en: <leisure> |
lit: <free>-<time> |
vuh: {el'kal-irak-varibek} |
en: <cellular telephone>, <cell phone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'mish} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <device> |
vuh: {el'mish t'pla-yumau-etlavaya} |
en: <backflow-prevention device> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'neshek} |
en: <scissors, shears> |
en: <scissors>, <shears> |
vuh: {el'rek} |
en: <handle> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {el'rekau} |
en: <handle> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <hand> |
tag: anat. |
vuh: {el'ru-pohshayek - - ' - (TGV)} |
en: <pistol, handgun> |
vuh: {elek} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <pointer>, <hand> (like a clock hand, of a gauge) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {el'ru-pohshek - ' - (MGV)} |
en: <pistol, handgun> |
vuh: {elek-wak-vel} |
en: <analog clock> |
vuh: {el'ru-wek-zehlek} |
en: <hand phaser> |
vuh: {el'dayek} |
en: <(hand)crank> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {el'ruhik} |
ipa: - ' - |
6979,26 → 7092,157 |
en: <manual> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {el'tanarau} |
en: <manipulate> |
vuh: {el'ruhik gitar} |
en: <acoustic guitar> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'urokesor} |
ipa: - - ' - - |
en: <sickle> |
vuh: {el'rukhut} |
en: <glove> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el(-~|ik)} |
en: <free> |
vuh: {el'rukuvtau} |
en: <juggle> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-nala} |
en: <corpuscle> |
vuh: {el'rukwitaya (n.), el'rukwitau (v.)} |
en: <clap> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-tor} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <(set) free, release> |
vuh: {el'rupik} |
en: <manual> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-wak} |
en: <leisure> |
vuh: {el'rupik mesmishek-da-fek} |
en: <manual transaxle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik mesmishek} |
en: <manual transmission> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik tash|ek|} |
en: <manual control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik thro-svep-tashek} |
en: <manual hatch control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rutau} |
en: <hand over> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ruyidar} |
en: <handprint> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'tanarau} |
en: <manipulate> |
vuh: {el'tanaraya} |
en: <manipulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torau} |
en: <operate> (run) |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'toraya} |
en: <operation> (math., etc.) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torayek} |
en: <operator> (math., etc.) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torperan} |
en: <simulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torper-tor} |
en: <simulate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torperek} |
en: <simulator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'urokesor} |
en: <sickle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'vulmu} |
en: <lever> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-gen-lis} |
en: <sign language> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-ha'gelet} |
en: <flashlight> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-ha'zehlek} |
en: <hand laser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-kusut} |
en: <chiralgia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-pohshayek} |
ipa: - - ' - |
tag: TGV |
en: <pistol, handgun> |
vuh: {el'ru-pohshayek} (TGV), {el'ru-pohshek} (MGV) |
ipa: - ' - (MGV) |
en: <pistol>, <handgun> |
vuh: {(el'ru-)vul-thonek} |
en: <clinometer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-wek-zehlek} |
en: <hand phaser> |
vuh: {el'urokesor} |
ipa: - - ' - - |
en: <sickle> |
vuh: {elakh} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <cable>, <cord>, <line> |
7017,6 → 7261,17 |
en: <cabling> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {elsaku} |
en: <tether> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elsaku-tersayek} |
en: <tether coupling> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elakh-fam(-~|ik)} |
en: <cordless>; <remote> (cordless) |
pos: adj. |
7067,23 → 7322,56 |
vuh: {elakh-yonshaya} |
en: <corditis> |
vuh: {elapash} |
en: <snare> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elapash-tor} |
en: <snare> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elaseshayek} |
en: <winch> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elat} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <knob> |
vuh: {elek} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <pointer, hand> |
tag: of a clock, etc. |
vuh: {elatersau} |
en: <splice> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elek-wak-vel} |
en: <analog clock> |
vuh: {elatersaya} |
en: <splice> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elkhrul(-)} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <entire, whole> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {elatersau-raul} |
en: <Marlinspike>, <Marlingspike> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elifsu} |
en: <character> (person) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elkitra} |
en: <principality> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <oil> |
7093,6 → 7381,26 |
ipa: ' - - |
en: <ointment, unction> |
vuh: {elmin-smuhm} |
en: <oil slick> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-tuhlek} |
en: <oil tank> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-yon-falekek} |
en: <oil furnace> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-yon} |
en: <oil fire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elsaku} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <leash, tether> |
7142,8 → 7450,11 |
vuh: {esh-tukhovaya} |
en: <oxidation> |
vuh: {eshak - ' , ' - (NGS)} |
en: <"eschak", destructive psychokinetic effects> |
vuh: {eshak} |
ipa: - ' , ' - |
en: <"eschak"> (effects) |
com: destructive psychokinetic effects |
tag: NGS |
vuh: {eshan} |
ipa: - ' |
11593,6 → 11904,11 |
vuh: {luk} |
en: <fungus> |
vuh: {lum} |
en: <pointer> (like a needle) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {lushun} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <torpedo> |
13544,6 → 13860,12 |
vuh: {nuhk'es} |
en: <courtesy> |
vuh: {nuhm} |
en: <character> (symbol, letter, etc.) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nuhs} |
ipa: , |
en: <era> |
16362,11 → 16684,19 |
en: <opening> |
vuh: {sharush} |
en: <open up, split open> |
en: <open up>, <split open> |
vuh: {sharushan} |
en: <surgery> |
vuh: {sharusha} |
en: <operate> (med.) |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: med. |
vuh: {sharushan} |
en: <surgery>; <operation> (med.) |
com: <operation> not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shasol} |
en: <land, country, nation> |
19435,6 → 19765,11 |
vuh: {torsh} |
en: <feat> |
vuh: {torskrol} |
en: <operation> (mission) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {toru-zhit} |
en: <imperative> |
pos: n. |
22345,381 → 22680,6 |
--------- |
# FSE-GV |
vuh: {elapash (n.), elapash-tor (n.)} |
en: <snare> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elaseshayek} |
en: <winch> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elatersau-raul} |
en: <marlinspike, Marlingspike> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elatersaya (n.), elatersau (v.)} |
en: <splice> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elat} |
en: <knob> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'dayek (hand); dvudayek (mech.)} |
en: <crank> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-dvelan} |
en: <free will> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elek (like a clock hand), lum (like a needle)} |
en: <pointer> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elek-wak-vel} |
en: <analog clock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-, elik (adj.); el-tor (v.)} |
en: <free> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'es} |
en: <freedom> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-falun} |
en: <free charge> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-galk} |
en: <free radical> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-geldau-tsa} |
en: <catenary> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elifsu (person); horon (inner makeup); nuhm (symbol, letter, etc.)} |
en: <character> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'kal-irak-varibek} |
en: <cellular telephone, Cell phone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-keshtanik} |
en: <freeborn> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elkhrul|-|} |
en: <entire> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elkitra} |
en: <principality> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-klotau-vel} |
en: <embolus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-lesek} |
en: <synovial joint> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-mahalan(-~|ik)} |
en: <nektonic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin} |
en: <oil> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-smuhm} |
en: <oil slick> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-tuhlek} |
en: <oil tank> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-yon-falekek} |
en: <oil furnace> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmin-yon} |
en: <oil fire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'mish} |
en: <device> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'mish t'pla-yumau-etlavaya} |
en: <backflow-prevention device> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elmuvak} |
en: <ointment>, <unction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-nala} |
en: <corpuscle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'neshek} |
en: <scissors> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rek (n.), el'rekau (v.)} |
en: <handle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru (anat.); elek (clock, gauge)} |
en: <hand> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-gen-lis} |
en: <sign language> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-ha'gelet} |
en: <flashlight> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-ha'zehlek} |
en: <hand laser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ruhik gitar} |
en: <acoustic guitar> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rukhut} |
en: <glove> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-kusut} |
en: <chiralgia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rukuvtau} |
en: <juggle> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rukwitaya (n.), el'rukwitau (v.)} |
en: <clap> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik} |
en: <manual> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik mesmishek-da-fek} |
en: <manual transaxle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik mesmishek} |
en: <manual transmission> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik tash|ek|} |
en: <manual control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rupik thro-svep-tashek} |
en: <manual hatch control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-pohshayek (TGV), el'ru-pohshek (MGV)} |
en: <pistol> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'rutau} |
en: <hand over> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {|el'ru-|vul-thonek} |
en: <clinometer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ru-wek-zehlek} |
en: <hand phaser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'ruyidar} |
en: <handprint> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elsaku-tersayek} |
en: <tether coupling> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elsaku} |
en: <tether> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'tanarau} |
en: <manipulate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'tanaraya} |
en: <manipulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torau (run); sharusha (med.)} |
en: <operate> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'toraya (math., etc.); sharushan (med.); torskrol (mission)} |
en: <operation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torayek} |
en: <operator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torperan} |
en: <simulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torperek} |
en: <simulator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'torper-tor} |
en: <simulate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-u'gal} |
en: <free electron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-ukalik} |
en: <fissiped> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'urokesor} |
en: <sickle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'vulmu} |
en: <lever> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el-wak} |
en: <leisure> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyutau} |
en: <pave> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyutau-ulm-nihflak} |
en: <asphalt felt> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {|elyutau-|ulm-nok} |
en: <asphaltic concrete> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyut-kov} |
en: <paving stone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {elyut} |
en: <pavement> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {enem} |
en: <deletion> |
def: FSE-GV |
29922,6 → 29882,12 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {horon} |
en: <character> (inner makeup) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hosh-nol-tukh} |
en: <fluorocarbon> |
def: FSE-GV |
37033,7 → 36999,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ku} |
en: <palm (hand)> |
en: <palm> (hand) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |