3,12 → 3,12 |
# Legend |
# {Danaya} |
# ("Explanation"): |
# |
# |
# FSE |
# {Iyi-Gol-Vuhlkansu} |
# ("literal translation") |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
# |
# Compiled from the website of the Vulcan Language Institute |
# at <http://home.comcast.net/~markg61/vlif.htm>. |
# {Travilal s'shi'Vis t'Shi'Oren t'Gen-Lis Vuhlkansu |
199,12 → 199,12 |
## MUST NOT be displayed by software. |
## {Isha svi'rak t'ulideklar t'krus - fan-zehl palikaunik k'>#< |
## tuhskaya – ¦lau¦-gluvau tumak na'is-veh u'ragtaya |
## | ¦puna'shikhaun¦ pu'is-tor yidoran t'zhit-tuh | - vita |
## | ¦puna'shikhaun¦ is-tor yidoran na'zhit-tuhlar | - vita |
## zahal-tor wuh'ashiv >#< | u'la | kisevtra goh na'sakatausular |
## eh ¦ri vun¦-gluvau.} |
## ("Also instead of-markers of-part - any-line starting with->#< |
## comment – MAY-display program to-user as-introduction |
## [ BE-ADVISED be-used formatting of-paragraph ] - unless |
## [ BE-ADVISED to use formatting for-paragraphs ] - unless |
## follow another >#< [ as-here ] documentation only for-implementors |
## and MUST-NOT-display.") |
# |
249,7 → 249,7 |
## tersaya eh tuhsk-kruslar t'mesukh k'abulaya t'zhit'es - |
## svi'ish-zek.} |
## ("MUST consider translation-software optional part of-original - both |
## combination and alone-stand – IS-RECOMMENDED display word-form - |
## combination and alone-stand – BE-ADVISED to-display word-form - |
## context and comment-parts of-translation with-increase of-verbosity - |
## in-that-order.") |
# |
258,10 → 258,10 |
# entries are sorted with the following precedence (“<<” subordered; |
# “<~” same suborder, sorted before): |
# {Gen-lislar Gol-Vuhlkansu terekik heh wehkonik – riozhikaik |
# ek'zuntrayik wihfelau. Svi'rak puwihfelau svinlar k'zahalan-zek |
# ek'zuntrayik wihfelau. Svi'rak puwihfelau svinlar k'zahalan-zek |
# | >"<<"< ne-zekik – >"<~"< ka-ne-zek - fawihfelan | –} |
# ("Languages Golic-Vulcan affixing and compound – illogical |
# alphabetically sort. Instead be-sorted entries with-following-order |
# alphabetically sort. Instead be-sorted entries with-following-order |
# [ >'<<'< sub-ordered – >'<~'< same-sub-order - before-sorted ] –") |
# |
# 1. main context: {aushfa} << {ulef-masu-aushfa} |
269,19 → 269,19 |
# {1☐ – nel-tersaya – {aushfa} < {ulef-masu-aushfa} |
# | ri – {masu} << {ulef-masu-aushfa} |} |
# (1st – "main-context – …") |
# |
# |
# 2. root relation: {halovau} <~ {hal-tor} (not: {tor} <~ {hal-tor}) |
# {2☐ – gir-tersaya – {halovau} <~ {hal-tor} | ri – {tor} <~ {hal-tor} |} |
# ("2nd – root-relation – …") |
# |
# |
# 3. uses in combination: {le-suma} << {dvunan-koval k'le-suma} |
# {3☐ – terishan-isanlar – {le-suma} << {dvunan-koval k'le-suma} |
# ("3rd – combining-uses – …") |
# |
# |
# 4. modifying suffixes: {pakh} << {pakhaik}, {falek} << {falek'es} |
# {4☐ – rubitaun-zatereklar – {pakh} << {pakhaik}, {falek} << {falek'es}} |
# ("4th – modifying-suffixes – …") |
# |
# |
# 5. modifying prefixes: {ar'kadan} << {fi'ar'kadan} |
# {5☐ – rubitaun-fatereklar – {ar'kadan} << {fi'ar'kadan}} |
# ("5th – modifying-prefixes – …") |
295,7 → 295,7 |
# ("6th – combining-suffixes | based-on main-root | – |
# {ashiv} << {ashiv-tor} - {ayaun-sahriv} < {ayaun-abu-yumaya} |
# | main-roots {sahriv} and {yumaya} not {sahriv} and {abu} |") |
# |
# |
# 7. combining prefixes (based on main root): {dap} << {reh-dap} |
# {7☐ – tersaun-fatereklar | punenam-tor nel-gir | – |
# {dap} << {reh-dap}} |
353,7 → 353,7 |
# ger. – gerund (form); verb form to describe what happens now |
# {| shid t' | torvel-zhit – tor-zhit-shid klopaunik |
# wakli i'paveshan.} |
# ([ form of ] gerund – verb-form describing |
# ([ form of ] gerund – verb-form describing |
# in-what-way now-happening.} |
# imp. – imperative (form); used for commands and invocations |
# {toru-zhit|-shid| – isan na'tranlar heh svistaribeklar} |
485,16 → 485,16 |
en: <lift> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {aberayek} |
ipa: ɑ‿be'rɑ‿jek |
en: <crane> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {aberayek-mishu} |
en: <crane motor> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {abu'aberau} |
en: <uplift> |
pos: v. |
537,16 → 537,16 |
vuh: {abomesau} |
en: <invert> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {abomesauk} |
en: <inverse> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {abomesaya} |
en: <inversion> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {abomesayek} |
en: <inverter> |
def: FSE-GV |
554,29 → 554,29 |
vuh: {abomesayik} |
en: <inverted> |
def: PE |
vuh: {abomesayik vath-sfek-aus} |
en: <arccosecant> |
lit: <inverted> <other>-<point>-{aus} |
vuh: {abomesayik vath-sfek-vel} |
en: <arccotangent> |
lit: <inverted> <other>-<point>-<thing> |
vuh: {abomesayik vath-tavat-kes} |
en: <arccosine> |
lit: <inverted> <other>-<ratio>-<arc> |
com: {zes} → {kes} |
vuh: {abomesayik vul-tavat-kes} |
en: <arcsine> |
lit: <inverted> <slope>-<ratio>-<arc> |
com: {zes} → {kes} |
vuh: {abomesayik weht-sfek-aus} |
en: <arcsecant> |
lit: <inverted> <more>-<point>-{aus} |
vuh: {abomesayik wuh-sfek-vel} |
en: <arctangent> |
lit: <inverted> <single>-<point>-<thing> |
592,12 → 592,12 |
vuh: {aborayek}, {aborau-yon-hashek} |
en: <booster (rocket)> |
vuh: {fi-zhel-aborayek} |
en: <strap-on booster> |
lit: on-strap-<booster> |
tag: aero. |
vuh: {aborayek-dahshaya} |
en: <booster separation> |
605,17 → 605,17 |
en: <booster amplifier> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aborau-pakuv} |
en: <booster coil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aborau-spol} |
en: <booster pump> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aborau-wurzel} |
en: <booster station> |
def: FSE-GV |
638,7 → 638,7 |
vuh: {abrashau} |
en: <pick up> |
pos: v. |
pos: v. |
def: VLI lesson #12 “Adjectival Forms” |
ex: {Abrashau reshnek Kardassu pi'natuhn s'kitau-skaf.} |
~The angry Cardassian picks up the small box from the desk.~ |
653,7 → 653,7 |
en: <floodway> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abrash-masu} |
en: <floodwater(s)> |
759,11 → 759,11 |
en: <dominant> |
pos: adj. |
tag: biol. |
vuh: {abrupodon} |
en: <profit> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {da'abrupik} |
en: <predominant> |
def: FSE-GV |
781,11 → 781,11 |
vuh: {abruven-esh-nosh} |
en: <orthopnea> |
vuh: {abru-ahs(-hinek)} |
en: <maxilla> |
tag: anat. |
vuh: {abru-kapol-nafek} |
en: <adrenal gland> |
795,7 → 795,7 |
vuh: {abru-mal} |
en: <thigh> |
vuh: {abru-mal-hinek} |
en: <femur>, <thighbone> |
868,7 → 868,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aferteraya} |
en: <corporation> |
935,11 → 935,11 |
ex: {Svi'ahm t'Surak ra..} ~What in Surak's name?!?~ |
["In-name of-Surak what!!!"] |
vuh: {ahmau} (TGV), {ahm-tor} (MGV) |
vuh: {ahmau} (TGV); {ahm-tor} (MGV) |
ipa: ' - ' , - |
en: <name> |
pos: v. |
com: assumed TGV for {ahmau} from FSE-GV to avoid inconsistency |
com: assumed TGV for {ahmau} from FSE-GV to avoid inconsistency |
vuh: {ahmaya} |
en: <naming> |
951,7 → 951,7 |
en: <gravestone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ahm-rubah} |
en: <name change> |
pos: n. |
991,7 → 991,7 |
en: <jawline> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Aht'lahntik Masutra} |
en: <Atlantic Ocean> |
1076,7 → 1076,7 |
en: <heresy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ak'sprali} |
en: <heretical> |
def: FSE-GV |
1156,7 → 1156,7 |
en: <halophilic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {alem-flash} |
en: <mangrove swamp> |
1184,7 → 1184,7 |
en: <salt lick> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {alem-sis} |
en: <salt depletion> |
1195,7 → 1195,7 |
en: <halophyte> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {alem-suk'muzh} |
en: <salt lake> |
1251,23 → 1251,23 |
en: <fish trap> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aluk-tal} |
en: <ichthyology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aluk-talsu} |
en: <ichthyologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aluk-tilek}, {weil-tilek} |
en: <harpoon> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {an-bet} |
tag: anc. |
en: <gable> |
1320,7 → 1320,7 |
en: <worker> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ar'kada-lashi} |
en: <workstation> |
1336,7 → 1336,7 |
en: <workbee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ar'tu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <project> |
1371,15 → 1371,15 |
vuh: {asal-masu-sfek} |
en: <dew point> |
vuh: {asal-masu-thek} |
en: <dewdrop> |
vuh: {asal-masu-tevan} |
en: <dewfall> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {asal-masu-thonek} |
en: <drosometer> |
1390,55 → 1390,55 |
en: <step> (walking) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash-tor} |
en: <step>, <tread> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {ash'ya} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <foot> |
tag: anc. |
vuh: {ash'ai} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <sock> (stocking), <stocking> |
pos: n. |
com: ancient contraction of {ash-sai}; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash'ai-zhel} |
en: <garter> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'el} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <shoe> |
pos: n. |
tag: MGV |
vuh: {ash'el t'yar-razh-dukalaya} |
en: <golf shoe> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash'gelfek} |
en: <perch> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'kwitayek} |
en: <pedal> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'yaidar} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <footprint> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'yaidarlar} |
en: <tracks> (footprints) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash'yaidar-tal} |
en: <ichnology> |
def: FSE-GV |
1448,43 → 1448,43 |
en: <ichnologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash'yakhut} |
en: <slipper> (footwear) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'ya-dukal} |
en: <football> (ball), <soccer ball> |
vuh: {ash'ya-dukal-torvukh} |
en: <football> (sport), <soccer> |
vuh: {ash'ya-fam(-~|ik)} |
en: <apodal>, <apodous>, <footless> |
vuh: {ash'ya-hilek} |
en: <spade> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash'ya-mesklam (t'fau-ku-san)} |
en: <stirrup> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash'ya-sai-vel} |
en: <footwear> |
vuh: {ashef} |
en: <step> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ash-vel} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <shoe> |
tag: TGV |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ash-yumau} |
en: <cascade> |
pos: v. |
1496,7 → 1496,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ashau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <love> |
1523,7 → 1523,7 |
vuh: {ashal(-~|ik)} |
en: <(be)loved>, <darling> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {ashal-veh} |
en: <beloved>, <darling> (person); <sweetheart> |
pos: n. |
1567,12 → 1567,12 |
en: <double exponential integration> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ashenek-sagan} |
en: <exponential distribution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-ashenek-sagan} |
en: <double exponential distribution> |
def: FSE-GV |
1582,10 → 1582,10 |
en: <exponential series> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ashen-fau-yut} |
en: <causeway> |
vuh: {ashen-padukau-rala} |
en: <elevon> |
1628,7 → 1628,7 |
vuh: {ask'plak(-~|ik)} |
en: <tactical> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {ask'plak-galu-wun} |
en: <tactical nuclear weapon> |
def: FSE-GV |
1636,7 → 1636,7 |
vuh: {ask'plak-lansu} |
en: <tactical officer> |
vuh: {ask'plak-lashi} |
en: <tactical station> |
1644,21 → 1644,21 |
en: <intelligence> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aski(-)} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <mighty>, <military> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {askital} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <military> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {asklotau} |
en: <blockade> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {asklotaya} |
en: <blockade> |
pos: n. |
1668,10 → 1668,10 |
vuh: {asteronau-mof} |
en: <clevis pin> |
vuh: {asteronaya} |
en: <attachment> |
vuh: {asteronaya-sfek} |
en: <attachment point> |
1708,7 → 1708,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ausham} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <venom> |
1739,7 → 1739,7 |
en: <paddock> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aushfa-kel(ek)} |
en: <barn>, <stable> |
1750,7 → 1750,7 |
en: <zoophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aushfa-razh} |
en: <burrow> |
pos: n. |
1760,7 → 1760,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aushfa-wadi-hatik ha-vel} |
en: <epizoon> |
1793,7 → 1793,7 |
vuh: {avaru-satalausu} |
en: <troubleshooter> |
vuh: {avaru-satalaya} |
en: <troubleshooting> |
pos: n. |
1844,7 → 1844,7 |
vuh: {ayayik keh-vla} |
en: <rhombohedron> |
vuh: {ayayik leh-dah-muk} |
en: <rhombododecahedron> |
1866,7 → 1866,7 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bablivau} |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <designate> |
1875,7 → 1875,7 |
en: <designation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bablaret} |
en: <pilgrimage> |
def: FSE-GV |
1885,22 → 1885,22 |
en: <go on a pilgrimage> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bablarsu} |
en: <pilgrim> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {babloputak} |
ipa: - - ' - |
en: <crusade> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {babloputasu} |
en: <crusader> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bah-ker} |
ipa: ' ' - , ' - |
tag: anc. |
1911,7 → 1911,7 |
en: <herb garden> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bah-tor} |
ipa: ' - ' , - |
en: <garden> |
1927,7 → 1927,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bai'~} |
en: <by means of>; <through>, <via> (obs.) |
en: <by means of>; <through>, <via> (obs.) |
pos: prep. |
vuh: {bai-lak-pa} |
1946,7 → 1946,7 |
en: <thickness> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {balkra ' - , ' -} |
en: <an aromatic casserole> |
tag: anc. |
1955,17 → 1955,17 |
ipa: ' - |
en: <thick> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {bali-bru-nosh} |
en: <pachycheilia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bali-fekik} |
en: <pachycaul> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bali-thonek} |
en: <caliper(s)> |
1973,27 → 1973,27 |
en: <samarium> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bali-vessu} |
en: <endomorph> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bali-wadi-nosh} |
en: <pachyderma> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bal-tukh} |
en: <erbium> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bal-tukh-ha'zehlek} |
en: <erbium laser> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {banut} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <speak of or about> |
2006,17 → 2006,17 |
en: <herbalist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bar-got-tal} |
en: <herbology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bar-got-talsu} |
en: <herbologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bar-kas} |
en: <spice> |
pos: n. |
2040,7 → 2040,7 |
en: <migrate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {batai(-)} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <sturdy> |
2070,17 → 2070,17 |
en: <proximity setting> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be'es-sasau-proprahek} |
en: <proximity transceiver> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be'es-vikayek} |
en: <proximity alarm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be'hai'la} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <guest> |
2098,7 → 2098,7 |
vuh: {besu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <companion> |
vuh: {besu'es} |
en: <companionship> |
2106,7 → 2106,7 |
en: <fellowship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be(-~|ik)} |
en: <adjacent>, <close>, <near> |
pos: adj. |
2115,7 → 2115,7 |
en: <nearly> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: {beyi-} by PE; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Beidzhorsu} |
ipa: ' - - |
en: <Bajoran (person/language)> |
2155,12 → 2155,12 |
en: <virtual reality (V.R.) therapy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ben-gunsu} |
en: <therapist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {benam-tukh-khush} |
en: <benamite crystal> |
def: FSE-GV |
2198,31 → 2198,31 |
vuh: {besau} |
en: <chart>, <map>, <plot> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {besan} |
en: <chart>, <map>, <plot> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {torbesan} |
en: <plan> (architecture) |
ipa: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {besan-tanaf} |
en: <cartography> |
vuh: {besan-tanafsu} |
en: <cartographer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {besaya} |
en: <mapping> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {besayek} |
en: <plotter> (device) |
2235,7 → 2235,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {betau-ha'gellar} |
en: <approach lights> |
def: FSE-GV |
2245,7 → 2245,7 |
en: <approach speed> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {betau-vukharat} |
en: <approach vector> |
def: FSE-GV |
2265,7 → 2265,7 |
en: <oculomotor nerve> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-hassu} |
en: <ophtalmologist> |
2273,7 → 2273,7 |
en: <eyestrain> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-isach} |
en: <eyelash> |
2289,10 → 2289,10 |
vuh: {bezhun-masu} |
en: <tear(s)> (multiple drops) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {bezhun-masu-mev} |
en: <lacrimal duct>, <tear duct> |
vuh: {bezhun-masu-pi'nafek} |
en: <lacrimal gland> |
def: FSE-GV |
2307,7 → 2307,7 |
en: <eyestalk> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-ripa'shaya} |
en: <cataract> |
tag: med. |
2316,7 → 2316,7 |
en: <opthalmoplegia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-snem} |
en: <opthalmectomy> |
def: FSE-GV |
2329,7 → 2329,7 |
en: <extraocular muscle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-thek} |
en: <tear> (a single drop) |
pos: n. |
2346,17 → 2346,17 |
en: <keratopathy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-wadi-kusut} |
en: <keratalgia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-wadi-yonshaya} |
en: <keratitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-wan} |
en: <sclera> |
2364,42 → 2364,42 |
en: <episcleritis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-wein-pi'nafek} |
en: <tarsal gland> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-wein-yonshaya} |
en: <blepharitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-yonshaya} |
en: <conjunctivitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {(bezhun-)zaneshu} |
en: <eyeglasses>, <glasses> (spectacles) |
tag: anc. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-zan-vel} |
en: <opthalmoscope> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bezhun-zehl} |
en: <eyebrow> |
vuh: {dah-bezhun(-~|ik)} |
en: <binocular> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bi} |
en: <bee> |
def: FSE-GV |
2409,12 → 2409,12 |
en: <beeswax> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bi-ki'ankel} |
en: <beehive> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bi'~} |
en: <along> |
pos: prep. |
2423,7 → 2423,7 |
en: <make sure> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bif(-~|ik)} |
en: <sure> |
pos: adj. |
2450,13 → 2450,13 |
en: <hieroglyph> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bish} |
en: <swarm> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bishau} |
en: <swarm>, <teem> |
pos: v. |
2474,7 → 2474,7 |
en: <camper> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bladzh-yon} |
en: <campfire> |
2510,7 → 2510,7 |
vuh: {bohrau} |
en: <cure> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {bohraya} |
en: <cure> |
pos: n. |
2522,7 → 2522,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bohrau-yehat} |
en: <curable> |
def: FSE-GV |
2545,56 → 2545,56 |
vuh: {bolaya(-|tik)} |
en: <essential>, <necessary> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {bolaya-elmin} |
en: <essential oil> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bolaya-meilak} |
en: <essential element> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bolayek} |
en: <necessity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bol(-~|ik)} |
en: <critical> (vital), <vital> |
see: {burun(-~|ik)} |
vuh: {bol-falek'es} |
en: <critical temperature> |
vuh: {bol-mog'es} |
en: <critical volume> |
vuh: {bol-shivak} |
en: <critical mass> |
vuh: {bol-sov-masu'es} |
en: <critical humidity> |
vuh: {bol-suk'es} |
en: <critical size> |
vuh: {bol-tav} |
en: <critical rate> |
vuh: {bol-threshan} |
en: <critical speed> |
vuh: {bol-toruk'es} |
en: <critical voltage> |
vuh: {bol-vakav'es} |
en: <critical frequency> |
vuh: {bol-vihish} |
en: <critical pressure> |
vuh: {bol-vulu} |
en: <critical angle> |
2628,7 → 2628,7 |
en: <filler> (stuff) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bosh-fam-nosahp} |
en: <ullage> |
def: FSE-GV |
2664,12 → 2664,12 |
en: <tomb robber> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {brag-torvausu} |
en: <tomb builder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bral-tukh} |
en: <gallium> |
2685,7 → 2685,7 |
en: <fecund> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bravul} |
en: <bluff> |
tag: geol. |
2754,7 → 2754,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {buhvuhdayek} |
en: <muffler> |
def: FSE-GV |
2778,7 → 2778,7 |
en: <oracle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bulom-tukh} |
en: <molybdenum> |
2804,7 → 2804,7 |
vuh: {burun-palutunik has-golsu} |
en: <critical care nurse> |
vuh: {burun-palutun-shal} (TGV), {burun-palutun-sukebi} (MGV) |
en: <critical care unit> |
com: MGV form not in GV-FSE |
2846,11 → 2846,11 |
pun: see {d'oh-tor} |
vuh: {da} |
en: <pebble>, <turn> |
en: <pebble>, <turn> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: It is assumed that the meaning <turn> is an expansion from |
the word for <pebble> to everything with a round shape, like |
com: It is logical to assume that the meaning <turn> is an expansion |
from the word for <pebble> to everything with a round shape, like |
a pebble. Not in GV-FSE. |
vuh: {da-tor} |
2858,7 → 2858,7 |
en: <rotate>, <turn> |
lit: <pebble>-to-do (move/be round, like a pebble) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {dan} |
en: <rotation>, <turn(ing)> |
com: From the gerund of {da-tor}; the TGV/MGV gerund is {dayan} |
2867,39 → 2867,39 |
“Earth: Final Conflict”, who often acts benevolently to humankind, |
is “Da'an” which could be translated as “the turning one” or |
“he who you can turn to”. The name of his unscrupulous |
adversary is “Zo'or” which could be translated as “he who |
does not care” (from {zo} ~no matter (how)~). |
Taelon adversary is “Zo'or” which could be translated as |
“he who does not care” (from {zo} ~no matter (how)~). |
vuh: {danseshaya} |
en: <torque> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {danseshau-mish-raul} |
en: <torque wrench> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {danseshau-rushanek} |
en: <torque converter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-runemek} |
en: <clutch> |
tag: mech. |
vuh: {dan-runemek-ash'kwitayek} |
en: <clutch pedal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-runemek-math} |
en: <clutch plate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {datau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <propel> |
2948,12 → 2948,12 |
en: <tornado> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-eshu'a-glantaya} |
en: <tornado watch> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-eshu'a-vikaya} |
en: <tornado warning> |
def: FSE-GV |
2967,7 → 2967,7 |
en: <axle weight> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-kuv} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <circle> |
2978,16 → 2978,16 |
vuh: {da-kuvau-katrom} |
en: <circulating current> |
vuh: {da-kuvau-spol} |
en: <circulating pump> |
vuh: {da-kuvau-torektra} |
en: <circulatory system> |
vuh: {da-kuvaya} |
en: <circulation> |
vuh: {da-kuvaya t'khaf-spol-dvunek} |
en: <coronary circulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
3004,12 → 3004,12 |
en: <circular saw> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-masu-razh} |
en: <whirlpool> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-nel} |
en: <cycle> |
pos: n. |
3030,21 → 3030,21 |
en: <turn radius> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-salan} |
en: <whirlwind> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-sfek} |
en: <axis>, <pivot> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {da-sfek-kesaya} |
en: <axial response> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-sfek-lerakovayek} |
en: <axial compressor> |
3055,17 → 3055,17 |
en: <bouchon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-sfek-spol} |
en: <axial pump> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-sfek-talikal} |
en: <axial symmetry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-sfek-tavat} |
en: <axial ratio> |
3079,7 → 3079,7 |
en: <axial flow turbine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-skramek} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <lathe> |
3089,7 → 3089,7 |
en: <butterfly valve> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {da-svep-temep} |
en: <butterfly gate> |
def: FSE-GV |
3137,7 → 3137,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: card. |
vuh: {dah'es} |
en: <duality> |
3145,7 → 3145,7 |
en: <twice> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahek} |
ipa: ' ' - , ' - |
en: <duo> |
3158,28 → 3158,28 |
en: <parabolic segment> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; misspelt as {dakhvalu–} |
vuh: {dahkvalu-sfek} |
en: <parabolic point> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; misspelt as {dakhvalu–} |
vuh: {dahkvalu-shi-kethellar} |
en: <parabolic coordinates> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; misspelt as {dakhvalu–} |
vuh: {dahlefau} |
en: <bisect> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: math. |
vuh: {dahlefayek} |
en: <bisector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahli} |
en: <apart> |
3207,12 → 3207,12 |
en: <quadratic integral> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahpul-nik-tok} |
en: <quadratic formula> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahpul-vo'ihn} |
en: <quadratic equation> |
3230,12 → 3230,12 |
en: <second base> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-ozh} |
en: <ring finger> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr(-~|ik)} |
en: <secondary> |
pos: adj. |
3249,32 → 3249,32 |
en: <secondary command processor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-lap} |
en: <topmast> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-mashalo-thalv} |
en: <topsail> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-ne-plat} |
en: <keelson> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Dahr-Teretarun t'Ka'Tann} |
en: <Second Ka'Tann Conference> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-vikwam} |
en: <yellow alert> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahr-vukh} |
en: <secondary hull> |
def: FSE-GV |
3291,12 → 3291,12 |
en: <separator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahshayek t'pa-tukh-yumaya} |
en: <gas flow separator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahsau} |
en: <divide> |
pos: v. |
3313,7 → 3313,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: math. |
vuh: {dahsausu} |
en: <divider> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
3336,27 → 3336,27 |
en: <binomial> |
pos: n., adj. |
tag: math. |
vuh: {dahsu'us-kakratulek} |
en: <binomial coefficient> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahsu'us-kek} |
en: <binomial function> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahsu'us-kek'yed} |
en: <binomial theorem> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahsu'us-sagan} |
en: <binomial distribution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahsu'us-zehlaya} |
en: <binomial array> |
def: FSE-GV |
3365,18 → 3365,18 |
vuh: {dahtau} |
en: <double> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {dahtak} |
en: <double> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dahtakalsu} |
en: <doppelgänger> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah(-~|ik)} |
en: <two>; <binary> (based on two) |
pos: adj. |
3387,82 → 3387,82 |
en: <dimictic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-da-sfekik} |
en: <biaxial>, <coaxial> |
def: FSE-GV; <coaxial> by PE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-da-sfekik gol'dvunek} |
en: <coaxial relay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-da-sfekik kapol} |
en: <coaxial filter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-da-sfekik kash-ral} |
en: <coaxial antenna> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-dukal-talvot} |
en: <diplococcus> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-el'ruhik} |
en: <bimanual> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-eshu t'nol-tukh} |
en: <afterdamp>, <carbon dioxide> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-eshu t'shel-tukh; shel|-tukh|-van} |
en: <pyrolusite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-eshu t'shu-tukh, vath-shu-kov} |
en: <uraninite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-eshu t'vau-tukh} |
en: <rutile> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-fel-teretek} |
en: <duonetic coupler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-fo-aushfa} |
en: <bivalve> |
tag: zool. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-folik kar-ash'yafa} |
en: <articulate brachiopod> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-gel(-~|ik)} |
en: <biramous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-glan} |
en: <double vision>, <diplopia> |
vuh: {dah-glanekik pa'ash-pasu-skothonek} |
en: <alidade>, <sight rule> (surveying) |
def: FSE-GV |
3476,67 → 3476,67 |
vuh: {dah-guv(-~|ik)} |
en: <bisexual> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dah-guv-nalaik} |
en: <digametic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-halek} |
en: <bicycle> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {dah-haleksu} |
en: <bicyclist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-halek-yeturik hali} |
en: <two-wheel-drive (2WD) vehicle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-hali} |
en: <motorcycle> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-ikun} |
en: <double cone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kaik reh-vla} |
en: <isosceles triangle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kaik wuh-vlavla-vel} |
en: <isosceles trapezoid> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kaluk-zhuyik} |
en: <binaural> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-ketek} |
en: <dimer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-ketil} |
en: <double integral> |
vuh: {dah-kharat(-~|ik)} |
en: <bidirectional> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dah-kharat-katrom (DKhK)} |
en: <alternating current (AC)> |
vuh: {dah-kiht} |
en: <binary code> |
3549,21 → 3549,21 |
en: <bigeneric hybrid> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-krus(-~|ik)} |
en: <binary> (two-parted), <bifid>, <dimerous> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kulan} |
en: <double helix> |
vuh: {dah-kur(-~|ik)} |
en: <dichroic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kur-zhelik glan-fam'es} |
en: <dichromatism> |
tag: med. |
3574,22 → 3574,22 |
en: <cobalt chloride> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-lan-tol} |
en: <double floor> |
vuh: {dah-lap-mashaloli} |
en: <ketch> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-leh(-)} |
en: <twenty> |
vuh: {dah-leh'veh} |
en: <twentieth> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {dah-leh('rak|r)} |
ipa: - |
en: <twentieth> |
3614,18 → 3614,18 |
en: <emulsion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-mashauk} |
en: <emulsible> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-mashek} |
en: <emulsifier> |
vuh: {dah-masu-tukh} |
en: <deuterium> |
vuh: {dah-masunol-tukh} |
en: <methylene> |
def: FSE-GV |
3635,7 → 3635,7 |
en: <binary scale> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-mavaya} |
en: <duet> |
pos: n. |
3647,40 → 3647,40 |
vuh: {dah-narafek} |
en: <diode> |
vuh: {dah-nesh-tor} |
en: <bisect> (cut) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-pa'ashtra-vul} |
en: <dihedral> |
tag: math. |
vuh: {dah-patik} |
en: <bipinnate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-pim-tukh} |
en: <dilithium> |
vuh: {dah-pim-folayek} |
en: <dilithium reactor> |
vuh: {dah-pim-khush} |
en: <dilithium crystal> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-pim-tersayek} |
en: <dilithium coupling> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-pim-viskulan} |
en: <dilithium matrix> |
vuh: {dah-pitohat} |
en: <binary notation> |
def: FSE-GV |
3688,15 → 3688,15 |
vuh: {dah-rala(-~|ik)} |
en: <dipterous> |
vuh: {dah-rala-hali} |
en: <biplane> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-ralash-vel} |
en: <diphthong> |
vuh: {dah-rekun} |
en: <bipyramid> |
def: FSE-GV |
3704,19 → 3704,19 |
vuh: {dah-sashavaya} |
en: <double exposure> |
vuh: {dah-sfek(-~|ik)} |
en: <bicuspid> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-sfek-kharat} |
en: <bearing> (direction) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-shihvek-vel} |
en: <bisphenoid>, <disphenoid> |
def: FSE-GV |
3724,55 → 3724,55 |
vuh: {dah-shivaya} |
en: <paraplegia> |
vuh: {dah-shivalsu} |
en: <paraplegic> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-si-gelekik} |
en: <lenticular> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-si-gelekik wan} |
en: <lenticular cloud> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-skaulu} |
en: <dipeptide> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-stonn-pi'sef (t'shahov)} |
en: <beach cusp> |
vuh: {dah-stonn-sef} |
en: <barchan> |
vuh: {dah-svep} |
en: <double door> |
vuh: {dah-svin} |
en: <double entry> |
vuh: {dah-svitan(-~|ik)} |
en: <bicentric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-svitan-shitaya} |
en: <bicentric distribution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-talikalik} |
en: <disymmetric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-tel} |
en: <double bond> |
def: FSE-GV |
3780,24 → 3780,24 |
vuh: {dah-temok} |
en: <double wall>, <double bulkhead> |
vuh: {dah-terfitilaya} |
en: <double articulation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-tevunik} |
en: <biennial> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-toltra-nala} |
en: <diploid> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-traveksu} |
en: <sergeant>, <First> |
def: FSE-GV |
3805,80 → 3805,80 |
vuh: {dah-tukh} |
en: <curium> |
vuh: {dah-vla(-~|ik)} |
en: <bilateral> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dah-vlavla-vel} |
en: <parallelogram> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vla-talikal} |
en: <bilateral symmetry> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vlau'u t'bulom-tukh} |
en: <molybdenite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vlau'u t'nol-tukh} |
en: <carbon disulfide> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vlau'u t'shek-tukh} |
en: <marcasite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vnelu t'kin-tukh} |
en: <calaverite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-vukh} |
en: <double hull> |
vuh: {dah-vukh-hali} |
en: <catamaran> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-wak} |
en: <twice> |
vuh: {dah-weizehl} |
en: <double series> |
vuh: {dah-wek(-~|ik)} |
en: <diphasic> |
vuh: {dah-yel} |
en: <binary star> |
vuh: {dah-zalu} |
en: <coenzyme> |
vuh: {dah-zamasu} |
en: <double agent> |
vuh: {dah-zan-vel} |
en: <binoculars> |
vuh: {dah-zehl-tveshuk} |
en: <diphyletic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-zud-ekuk} |
en: <diphyodont> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-zun} |
en: <digraph> |
3905,10 → 3905,10 |
en: <luminous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dakh-ha'tanaya} |
en: <luminescence> |
vuh: {dakh-vel, sadakhek} |
en: <ejector> |
def: FSE-GV |
3924,7 → 3924,7 |
en: <helmsman> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dakharaya} |
en: <steering> |
pos: n. |
3935,7 → 3935,7 |
en: <steering wheel>; <helm> (wheel) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dakharau-shal} |
en: <helm> (station) |
def: FSE-GV |
3962,7 → 3962,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {dan(-~|ik)} |
en: <most> |
pos: adj. |
3972,98 → 3972,98 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-bali(-)} |
en: <thickest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-be-sfek (s'stukhut)} |
en: <periapsis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-be-sfek (s'Terra)} |
en: <perigee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-ek(')} |
en: <ultimate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-fa(-~|ik)} |
en: <foremost> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-fa-krus} |
en: <forefront> (foremost part) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-fa-shi} |
en: <forefront> (foremost place) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-fal|-|} |
en: <hottest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-flekh(-~|ik)} |
en: <strangest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-flekh(-)} |
en: <oddest> (most unusual) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-glu(-)} |
en: <deepest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-has-bosh} |
en: <sickest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-irak(-)} |
en: <farthest> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-irak-sfekik mishu} |
en: <apogee motor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-irak-sfek (s'stukhut)} |
en: <apoapsis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-irak-sfek (s'Terra)} |
en: <apogee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-karik} |
en: <strongest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-kas'el(-)} |
en: <laziest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-k'avon} |
en: <hungriest> |
def: FSE-GV |
4072,96 → 4072,96 |
vuh: {dan-klon(-)} |
en: <smartest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-kobat(-)} |
en: <weakest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-kro(-)} |
en: <fairest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-lerash(-)} |
en: <hardest> (least soft) |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-lo'uk} |
en: <greatest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-mit(-~|ik)} |
en: <gentlest> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-mos(-)} |
en: <softest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-neruk(-~|ik)} |
en: <humblest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-nu'ri(-)} |
en: <youngest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-nuk(-)} |
en: <lowest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-nuk-mashen} |
en: <neap tide> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-nuk-sfek} |
en: <nadir> (lowest point) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-os(-)} |
en: <oldest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-pes(-~|ik)} |
en: <firmest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-pid(-)} |
en: <highest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-pid-mashen} |
en: <spring tide> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-pid-sfek} |
en: <crest> (geol.); <zenith> (highest point); <summit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-pseth(-)} |
en: <driest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-ras(-)} |
en: <heaviest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-rasahkos} |
en: <worst> |
pos: adj. |
4173,53 → 4173,53 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-rom(-)} |
en: <best> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-sahr(-~|is)} |
en: <fastest>, <quickest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-slu(-~|k)} |
en: <freshest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-spoh(-)} |
en: <palest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-ta'hal(-)} |
en: <lightest> (least heavy) |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-takov(-)} |
tag: anc. |
en: <prettiest> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-ten-mal} |
en: <earliest> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-thel(-~|ik)} |
en: <fattest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-vi-mashaya} |
en: <supersaturation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-vohr(-~|is)} |
en: <slowest> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {dan-wonil(-)} |
en: <thinnest> |
pos: adj. |
4229,13 → 4229,13 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-wuf(-~|ik)} |
en: <tightest> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dan-za'le} |
en: <sternmost> |
def: FSE-GV |
4248,7 → 4248,7 |
vuh: {danaya} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <explanation> |
vuh: {danau-dunap} |
en: <encyclopedia> |
4396,9 → 4396,15 |
ipa: ' - |
en: <north> |
pos: n. |
com: It is unknown whether this word is derived from another one |
(cf. {she'rak}>). The most likely candidates are {deshkau} <ask> |
and {desh-tukh} <dolomite>. You might have had to turn to north |
for asking a specific, important question; or dolomite was first |
found in a northern area. This word is thus listed as not derived |
from either. |
vuh: {desh'rak(-~|ik)} |
en: <North(ern)> |
en: <north(ern)> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {Desh'rak-Ahfrikuh} |
4778,13 → 4784,13 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dref-tor (isachya)} |
en: <comb> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {beyi-zud-dref} |
en: <fine-tooth comb> |
def: FSE-GV |
5077,7 → 5083,7 |
en: <risky> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dvasu} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <believer> |
5451,7 → 5457,7 |
en: <transform fault> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {torupik dvun-zehl} |
en: <active fault> |
5655,7 → 5661,7 |
en: <widen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {eikan} |
en: <widening> |
pos: n. |
6307,7 → 6313,7 |
vuh: {ek'puyik} |
en: <sterile> |
vuh: {ek'pu-torek} |
en: <sterilizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
6647,7 → 6653,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ek'tukh-razh}; thro-ur (LGV) |
vuh: {ek'tukh-razh}; thro-ur (LGV) |
en: <adit> |
vuh: {ek'tukh-tal} |
6720,7 → 6726,7 |
vuh: {(ek')yeht'es} |
en: <reality> |
def: {yeht'es} only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {benam-ek'yeht'es} |
en: <virtual reality> |
tag: V.R. |
7082,7 → 7088,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {el'toraya} |
en: <operation> (math., etc.) |
def: FSE-GV |
7459,7 → 7465,7 |
vuh: {eshu} |
en: <oxide> |
def: PE |
vuh: {eshu t'dah-khaf-tukh} |
en: <cuprite> |
lit: <oxide> <of><double>-<copper> |
7576,7 → 7582,7 |
vuh: {esh-tukh-tuhlek} |
en: <oxygen tank> |
vuh: {esh-tukh-vaferan} |
en: <oxygen regeneration> |
def: FSE-GV |
7713,7 → 7719,7 |
vuh: {fa~} |
en: <before~>, <forward-~> |
def: PE |
vuh: {faka} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <hernia> |
7769,9 → 7775,9 |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {fezanikaya} |
vuh: {fa(-~|yik)} |
en: <fore~>, <front~>, <frontal>, <anterior>; <bow-> (ship) |
en: <fore~>, <front~>, <frontal>, <anterior>; <bow-> (ship) |
def: VLI Affixes Page |
vuh: {fayik mashalo-thalv-lap} |
en: <foremast> |
def: FSE-GV |
8314,7 → 8320,7 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <charge> (el.) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {vifalunau} |
en: <charge> (el.) |
pos: v. |
8335,7 → 8341,7 |
vuh: {falun-krus-mishu} |
en: <ion engine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {falu-krus-mishu} |
com: not in GV-FSE; FSE-GV has typo {falu-krus-mishu} |
vuh: {falun-krus-patalek} |
en: <ion detector> |
8735,7 → 8741,7 |
en: <cauldron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fas-nentu} |
en: <brazier> (cooking) |
lit: <cook>-<frame> |
8754,7 → 8760,7 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <ride> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {finaufau} |
en: <mount> |
pos: v. |
8806,7 → 8812,7 |
en: <battlefield> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fe(-)~} |
en: <pre~>, <ante~> |
def: VLI Affixes Page |
8899,7 → 8905,7 |
vuh: {fek-besan} |
en: <bar graph> |
lit: <rod>-<chart> |
lit: <rod>-<chart> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {fek-kiht} |
9073,7 → 9079,7 |
vuh: {fereiksu} |
en: <inventor>; <creator> (generic term) |
vuh: {Ofereiksu} |
en: The <Creator> (deity) |
lit: <honored><creator> |
9305,7 → 9311,7 |
en: <dashpot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fish-vunai} |
en: <dampening field> |
def: FSE-GV |
10235,12 → 10241,12 |
en: <inclinometer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {galat-vulu} |
en: <angle of heel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {galu} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <atom> |
10258,7 → 10264,7 |
vuh: {galutravek} |
ipa: - ' - - |
en: <molecule> |
vuh: {galutravek-glakuv-glashayek} |
en: <molecular imaging scanner> |
def: FSE-GV |
10482,7 → 10488,7 |
lit: <right>-<move> |
def: PE |
see: {pumeskarau} |
vuh: {gas-vulu} |
en: <right angle> |
def: FSE-GV |
10753,7 → 10759,7 |
en: <turbidity flow> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {geretau} |
en: <protect> |
10881,7 → 10887,7 |
vuh: {glan} |
en: <sight> |
com: original gerund of {gla-tor} |
vuh: {glantau} |
en: <observe>, <watch> |
pos: v. |
11416,7 → 11422,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gnihsau} |
en: <snap> (<bite at); <fly open> (etc.) |
en: <snap> (bite at); <fly open> (etc.) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {go'an} |
11440,9 → 11446,10 |
vuh: {goh} |
en: <merely>, <only> |
vuh: {gol} |
vuh: {Gol} |
tag: anc. |
en: <famed region of Vulcan, home to the Kolinahru and others> |
en: {Gol} (region) |
com: famed region of Vulcan, home to the Kolinahru and others |
vuh: {gol-tor} |
en: <aid>, <help>, <assist> |
11496,7 → 11503,7 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {gol-bosh|-|} |
en: <helpful> |
def: FSE-GV |
11641,7 → 11648,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {grazhayek} |
en: <grinder (device)> |
en: <grinder> (device) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
11708,7 → 11715,7 |
en: <esoteric> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {grei-sfek} |
en: <limit point> |
def: FSE-GV |
12040,7 → 12047,7 |
en: <follow> |
lit: <behind><go> |
com: from {za'} |
vuh: {zahalan} |
en: <following> |
pos: n. |
12050,7 → 12057,7 |
vuh: {zahalan(-~|ik)} |
en: <following> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE from VLI Lesson 24 “Gerunds and Present Participles” |
def: PE from VLI Lesson 24 “Gerunds and Present Participles” |
vuh: {bezahal-tor} |
en: <follow closely> |
12183,7 → 12190,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abru-hashan} |
en: <flyover> |
pos: n. |
12338,10 → 12345,10 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {heshayan(-~|ik)} |
en: <folding> |
pos: adj. |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {hi} |
en: <but> |
12369,7 → 12376,7 |
en: <osseous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abu-pla'dor-hinek} |
en: <thoracic vertebra> |
12409,27 → 12416,27 |
en: <calcitonin> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-ek'tukh-pak} |
en: <deossification> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-folu} |
en: <bone turquoise> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-ihn-nosh} |
en: <osteosclerosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-lan-tol} |
en: <bone bed> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-masu} |
en: <(bone) marrow> |
12437,57 → 12444,57 |
en: <osteocyte> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-nalatra-wein} |
en: <periosteum> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-pak-nosh} |
en: <osteoporosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-rasahtra} |
en: <osteosarcoma> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-span} |
en: <bone conduction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-storau-nala} |
en: <osteoblast> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-tal} |
en: <osteology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-talsu} |
en: <osteologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-|teraya-|dvunek (TGV), hinektra-dvunek (MGV)} |
en: <skeletal muscle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-teraya (TGV), hinektra (MGV)} |
en: <skeleton> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-tersayek} |
en: <ligament> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-tukh} |
en: <calcium> |
lit: <bone>-<stuff> |
12506,22 → 12513,22 |
en: <calcification>, <ossification> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-vaferek} |
en: <osteoregenerator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-vashau-nosh} |
en: <osteolysis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-vihk} |
en: <exostosis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {hinek-yonshaya} |
en: <osteitis> |
def: FSE-GV |
12562,7 → 12569,7 |
vuh: {abuhish} |
en: <upward pressure> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {nuhish} |
en: <downward pressure> |
12582,7 → 12589,7 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <stress> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {his-tor} |
en: <strain> |
pos: v. |
12894,21 → 12901,21 |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuvan |ID|} |
en: <television> (TV) |
lit: <far>-<moving><picture> |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuvan-sasaya} |
en: <television broadcast> |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuvan-glayek} |
en: <television camera> |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuvan-gluvayek} |
en: <television screen> |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuvek} |
en: <television set> |
vuh: {irak-dvubikuv-laskat} |
en: <television station> |
en: <television station> |
vuh: {is} |
en: <use> |
12926,7 → 12933,7 |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
see: {pu'ulidau} |
vuh: {isan} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <usage> |
13233,7 → 13240,7 |
vuh: {kahr-nu} |
en: <nadir> (directly down) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kahs-hir} |
tag: anc. |
13403,7 → 13410,7 |
vuh: {karfak} |
en: {aggregation} |
def: FSE-GV |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {karf} |
en: <fragment> |
13526,7 → 13533,7 |
vuh: {sakatau} |
en: <enhance>, <bring out>, <implement> |
def: GV-FSE; <implement> by PE |
vuh: {sakataya} |
en: <enhancement>, <out-bringing>, <implementation> |
def: <implementation> by PE |
13539,7 → 13546,7 |
vuh: {vikatau} |
en: <bring in> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {katelau} |
en: <mate> |
pos: v. |
13570,7 → 13577,7 |
en: <average current> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kau} |
en: <wisdom> |
13617,8 → 13624,8 |
tag: TGV, MGV |
vuh: {ke} |
en: <that>, <which>, <who> (not a question word) |
tag: TGV |
en: <that>, <which>, <who> (not a question word) |
vuh: {ke-tarya} |
tag: anc. |
13896,7 → 13903,7 |
en: <realm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kharat} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <direction> |
13926,23 → 13933,23 |
vuh: {ekhartau} |
en: <administer> |
lit: {all}{direct} |
vuh: {ekhartausu} |
ipa: - - ' - |
en: <administrator> |
vuh: {ekhartaya} |
en: <administration> |
vuh: {kakhartau} |
en: <guide> |
lit: <same><direct> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {pakhartau} |
en: <regulate> |
lit: {around}{direct} |
vuh: {khat(-~|ik)} |
en: <grave, serious> |
14148,7 → 14155,7 |
vuh: {kisev} |
en: <document> |
vuh: {kitak} |
en: <pen (writing)> |
14243,17 → 14250,17 |
lit: <fire>-<arrow> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {besan-yon-kliton} |
en: <cruise missile> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yon-kliton-spusayek} |
en: <missile launcher> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {klomak} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <fortress> |
14522,11 → 14529,11 |
def: VLI lesson 4 |
com: possibly the first Vulcan paint was produced from |
extracts of the [1] {kras} plant |
vuh: {kras-tor} |
en: <paint> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {krassu} |
ipa: ' - , ' - |
en: <painter> |
14628,13 → 14635,31 |
en: <boundary> |
vuh: {krus} |
en: <part>, <piece>, <segment>, <section> |
en: <component>, <part>, <piece>, <segment>, <section> |
pos: n. |
def: <component> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {fna-krus} |
en: <section> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krusat} |
en: <sector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krusek} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <fraction> |
tag: math. |
vuh: {krus-eku} |
en: <subset> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ktorr} |
ipa: kətoR |
en: <cut off>, <sever> |
14825,7 → 14850,7 |
en: <wind> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {radanek-kuvoran} |
en: <armature winding> |
14882,7 → 14907,7 |
vuh: {kwitau} |
en: <push> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {bov-kwit} |
en: <average thrust> |
def: FSE-GV |
14934,11 → 14959,18 |
com: first found on Vulcan in the {L'langon} mountain range |
vuh: {la(')} |
en: <here> |
en: <here>; <present> (here) |
adj: |
vuh: {la'ash - '} |
vuh: {la-wak} |
en: <present> (now) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {la'ash} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <axe> |
tag: anc. |
en: <axe> |
vuh: {la'ka-yehat} |
en: <available> |
15280,20 → 15312,20 |
vuh: {lehm-tor} |
en: <throw>, <toss>, <heave>; <cast> (throw) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {salehm} |
en: <projection> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ka-shal-salehm} |
en: <equal-area projection> |
vuh: {salehmek} |
en: <projector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salehm-tor} |
en: <project> |
pos: v. |
15309,18 → 15341,18 |
en: <holographic projector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {lehm-tilek} |
en: <javelin> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {(el'ru-)lehm-thorshek} |
en: <(hand) grenade> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {leipau} |
en: <bake> |
15375,7 → 15407,7 |
vuh: {na'li-fal} |
en: <for example>, <e.g.> |
def: PE |
vuh: {li-wun} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <lance> |
15488,8 → 15520,13 |
en: <to yawn> |
vuh: {ma} |
en: <have, own, possess> |
en: <have>, <own>, <possess> |
vuh: {weht-ma'es} |
en: <greed>, <rapacity> |
lit: <more>- |
def: PE |
vuh: {maat} |
ipa: |
en: <clan, extended family> |
15499,9 → 15536,35 |
en: <ancient> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {mau} |
en: <much> |
vuh: {maut(-)} |
en: <very> |
vuh: {maut-klon'es} |
en: <brilliance (intelligence)> |
vuh: {maut-klonik} |
en: <brilliant, very smart> |
vuh: {maut-ugel'es} |
en: <brilliance (brightness)> |
vuh: {maut-ugelik} |
en: <brilliant (bright)> |
vuh: {mauyik} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <excessive> |
vuh: {mau-tan} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <excess>, <plethora>, <overabundance>, <glut> |
vuh: {ma-vel} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <possession (thing)> |
en: <possession> (thing) |
vuh: {mabuhl'es} |
en: <exuberance> |
15577,8 → 15640,8 |
vuh: {set-mah-vel} |
en: <drop hammer> |
vuh: {mahr-kel} |
ipa: ' - ' , - |
en: <shop, store, market> |
15657,7 → 15720,7 |
vuh: {maraya} |
en: <drift> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {bi-gef-maraya} |
en: <longshore drift> |
def: FSE-GV |
15757,16 → 15820,16 |
vuh: {masu} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <water>, <fluid>, <liquid> |
vuh: {masu'er} |
en: <navy> |
vuh: {masu'es} |
en: <wetness>, <moisture> |
vuh: {masu-nakh} |
en: <moisture index> |
vuh: {nemasu(-~|yik) |
en: <submarine> |
pos: adj. |
15775,7 → 15838,7 |
vuh: {masumok-tukh} |
en: <mercury> |
vuh: {fimasunaya} |
en: <splashdown> |
pos: n. |
15786,82 → 15849,82 |
ipa: - - ' |
en: <dampen> (moisten); <moisten>, <wet> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {masupik} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <damp>, <moist>, <wet> |
vuh: {masusek} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <ewer>, <pitcher> |
vuh: {masusu} |
en: <sailor, seaman> |
vuh: {masutra} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <sea, ocean> |
vuh: {masutra(-~|ik)} |
en: <marine>, <oceanic>, <pelagic> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {masutra-ek'maik} |
en: <seaworthy> |
vuh: {masutra-eshu'a} |
en: <waterspout>, <marine tornado> |
vuh: {masutra-glu-spathel} |
en: <ocean trench> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-tal} |
en: <marine biology> |
vuh: {masutra-ha-talsu} |
en: <marine biologist> |
vuh: {masutra-kunel} |
en: <seamount> |
vuh: {masutra-mish-tal} |
en: <oceanology> |
vuh: {masutra-nursu} |
en: <mermaid> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-pa'ash-kunel} |
en: <guyot> |
vuh: {masutra-pi'salan} |
en: <sea breeze> |
vuh: {bi-gefik masutra-pilash} |
en: <longshore current> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masutra-riflash} |
en: <estuary> |
vuh: {masutra-sasu} |
en: <merman> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-su'u} |
en: <merfolk> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutra-tal} |
en: <oceanography> |
vuh: {masutra-tol} |
en: <seafloor> |
vuh: {masutra-vashraluk} |
en: <sea serpent> |
tag: myth. |
vuh: {masutral'esk} |
en: <sea monster> |
tag: myth. |
15881,7 → 15944,7 |
vuh: {pi'masu-hali}, {pi'mashali} |
en: <boat> |
com: {masu-hali} in FSE-GV, conflicting |
vuh: {pi'mashali-seshaya k'tev-sai} |
en: <parasailing> |
def: FSE-GV |
15891,54 → 15954,54 |
en: <longboat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pi'mashali-torvausu} |
en: <boatbuilder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pi'mashali-torvaya} |
en: <boatbuilding> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {wadi-pi'mashali} |
en: <canoe> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pi'mashaloli} |
en: <sailboat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {aberayek-|masu-|hali}, {aberayek-mashali} |
en: <crane barge> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {aluk-kum-(mas)hali} |
en: <fishing boat> |
vuh: {aski-masu-hali (TGV), aski-mashali (MGV)} |
en: <warship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be-gefik korsau-pi'mashali} |
en: <inshore rescue boat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fel-halek-mashali} |
en: <paddle wheeler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vla-halek-mashali} |
en: <side-wheeler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ne-masu-hali} (TGV), {ne-mashali} (MGV) |
en: <submarine> |
pos: n. |
15954,7 → 16017,7 |
en: <nuclear submarine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kes-yon-klitonik ne-masu-hali} (TGV), {kes-yon-klitonik ne-mashali} (MGV) |
en: <ballistic missile submarine> |
def: FSE-GV |
15964,32 → 16027,32 |
en: <diesel-electric submarine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {U-ne-mashali} |
en: <u-boat>, <U-boot>, <Unterseeboot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {harr-halek-mashali} |
en: <stern-wheeler> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kafeh-masu-hali, kafeh-mashali} |
en: <slave ship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kehv-mashali} |
en: <square-rigged ship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {dah-kehv-mashali} |
en: <brig> (type of ship) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mahalovau-mashali} |
en: <cruiser> (ship) |
def: FSE-GV |
16031,11 → 16094,11 |
en: <ghost ship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vashau-mashali} |
en: <destroyer> (ship) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {wehk-fel-mashali} |
en: <galley> (ancient ship) |
16046,17 → 16109,17 |
en: <steamship> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {masu-razh} |
en: <well> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {abu-masu-tin t'suk'muzh} |
en: <epilimnion> |
lit: <up(per)>-<water>-<layer> <of><lake> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {glu-masu-tin t'suk'muzh} |
en: <hypolimnion> |
def: FSE-GV |
16064,13 → 16127,13 |
vuh: {masu-tukh} |
en: <hydrogen> |
vuh: {masu-ur} |
en: <aquaduct> |
vuh: {masu-yut} |
en: <waterway>, <canal> |
vuh: {mat} |
en: <possession>, <ownership> |
16081,54 → 16144,28 |
vuh: {mathra} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <disc>, <disk> |
vuh: {mathra-glayek} |
en: <disk camera> |
vuh: {mathra-kapol} |
en: <disk filter> |
vuh: {mathra-sadan-dahshayek} |
en: <disk centrifuge> |
vuh: {mathra-spunek} |
en: <disk valve> |
vuh: {mathra-tuh} |
en: <disk pack> |
vuh: {mathra-vohrayeklar} |
en: <disk brakes> |
vuh: {mathra-yeturek} |
en: <disk drive> |
vuh: {mau} |
en: <much> |
vuh: {maut(-)} |
en: <very> |
vuh: {maut-klon'es} |
en: <brilliance (intelligence)> |
vuh: {maut-klonik} |
en: <brilliant, very smart> |
vuh: {maut-ugel'es} |
en: <brilliance (brightness)> |
vuh: {maut-ugelik} |
en: <brilliant (bright)> |
vuh: {mauyik} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <excessive> |
vuh: {mau-tan} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <excess>, <plethora>, <overabundance>, <glut> |
vuh: {mavau} |
en: <play> |
pos: v. |
16164,11 → 16201,11 |
vuh: {meilaktra} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <chemical compound> |
vuh: {meilokul} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <corrode> |
vuh: {meilokulan} |
en: <corrosion> |
16175,29 → 16212,29 |
vuh: {meil(-~|ik)} |
en: <chemical> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {meil-folaya} |
en: <chemical reaction> |
vuh: {meil-lesk} |
en: <chemistry set> |
vuh: {meil-tal} |
en: <chemistry (study)> |
vuh: {meil-tel} |
en: <chemical bond> |
vuh: {meil-tepul} |
en: <chemical energy> |
vuh: {meil-tukh} |
en: <chemical> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {meil-vo'ihn} |
en: <chemical equation> |
vuh: {mek-tor} |
en: <nod> |
pos: v. |
16205,14 → 16242,14 |
vuh: {mekh} |
en: <parent> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {mekh-tor} |
en: <parent> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {mekhlar} |
en: <parents> (general plural or alternatives) |
vuh: {mekhu} |
en: <parents> (a mother and a father) |
16221,7 → 16258,7 |
vuh: {men-hilan} |
en: <investigation> |
vuh: {men-hilsu} |
en: <investigator> |
16233,7 → 16270,7 |
en: <marrow> (vegetable) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mes} |
en: <crossing> (place) |
pos: n. |
16241,10 → 16278,10 |
vuh: {mes-tor} |
en: <cross (over)>, <go across> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {mesan} |
en: <crossing> (act of going across) |
pos: n. |
pos: n. |
vuh: {mesah} |
ipa: - ' ' , - ' |
16268,29 → 16305,29 |
vuh: {mes-iyula(-~|ik)} |
en: <cross-cultural> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {mes-kahr(-~|ik)} |
en: <crosstown> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {mes-katrom} |
en: <crosscurrent> |
vuh: {mes-nakh-tor} |
en: <cross-index> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {mes-shasol(-~|ik)} |
en: <cross-national> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {mes-solektra(-~|ik)} |
en: <cross-country> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {mes-yehat} |
en: <crossable> |
vuh: {mesh} |
en: <shame> |
pos: n. |
16304,7 → 16341,7 |
vuh: {apumeskarau} |
en: <take a hold of> |
vuh: {fishimeskarau} |
en: <heave> |
lit: <on><place><hold> |
16315,10 → 16352,10 |
vuh: {pumeskarau} |
en: <be held> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {sameskarau} |
en: <isolate> |
vuh: {sameskaraya} |
en: <isolation> |
16327,7 → 16364,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abumeskarau} |
en: <hold up> |
pos: v. |
16338,7 → 16375,7 |
ipa: - ' ' , - ' |
en: <define> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {mesprahn} |
en: <definition> |
16345,7 → 16382,7 |
vuh: {messau} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <approve> |
vuh: {messaya} |
en: <approval> |
16352,7 → 16389,7 |
vuh: {mestau} |
en: <contact> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {mestaya} |
en: <contact> |
pos: n. |
16378,7 → 16415,7 |
def: FSE-GV; abbreviations by PE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
tag: ling. |
vuh: {mesukh-tumak} |
en: <translator> (language software, general term); <translation software> (language) |
pos: n. |
16723,14 → 16760,14 |
en: advise |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {na'shikhau'es} |
en: {advisory} |
pos: n. |
def: PE |
def: PE |
vuh: {na'shikhausu} |
en: {advisor} |
en: {advisor} |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {na-sovau} |
16856,19 → 16893,19 |
vuh: {nalatra} |
en: <tissue> |
tag: med., biol. |
vuh: {abu-nalatra} |
en: <erectile tissue> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nalatra-nisan} |
en: <biopsy> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {nalatra-vaferek} |
en: <tissue regenerator> |
vuh: {naliveh} |
ipa: - ' - ε |
en: <alcohol> |
16881,51 → 16918,52 |
vuh: {nala(-~|tik)} |
en: <cellular> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {nala-da-nel} |
en: <cell cycle> |
vuh: {nala-dahshaya} |
en: <cell(ular) division> |
vuh: {nala-kaunshaya} |
en: <cell(ular) fusion> |
vuh: {nala-svitan} |
en: <cell(ular) nucleus> |
vuh: {nala-wein} |
en: <cell(ular) membrane> |
vuh: {nala-ashauk} |
en: <cytophilic> |
vuh: {nala-hasam} |
en: <cytotoxin> |
vuh: {nala-litra} |
en: <cell culture> |
vuh: {nala-meil-tal} |
en: <cytochemistry> (study) |
vuh: {nala-pehkauk} |
en: <cytostatic> |
vuh: {nala-tal} |
en: <cytology> |
vuh: {nala-temok} |
en: <cell wall> |
vuh: {nala-tol-tal} |
en: <cytogenetics> (study) |
vuh: {nam} |
en: <existence>,< the state of being> |
vuh: {nam-tor} |
en: <be, exist> |
en: <be>, <exist> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {namishau} |
en: <adjust> |
16945,7 → 16983,7 |
vuh: {nar-tor} |
en: <accept> |
vuh: {narat do-toh (NGS)} |
en: <child's game of hide & seek> |
17040,7 → 17078,7 |
en: <comparitive> |
pos: n. |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {navau} |
en: <succeed> |
17161,63 → 17199,63 |
vuh: {nen(-~|ik)} |
en: <basal, basic, fundamental> |
vuh: {nen-dukal} |
en: <baseball> (ball) |
vuh: {nen-dukal-torvukh} |
en: <baseball> (sport) |
vuh: {nen-kas-tukh} |
en: <cellulose> |
vuh: {nen-kebi} |
en: <base unit, fundamental unit> |
vuh: {nen-pi'gal} |
en: <fundamental particle> |
vuh: {nen-shid} |
en: <basic form>, <fundamental form> |
vuh: {nen-shif} |
en: <base pair> |
vuh: {nen-tin} |
en: <base level> |
vuh: {nen-torektra} |
en: <basic system>, <fundamental system> |
vuh: {nen-travek} |
en: <base group>, <fundamental group> |
vuh: {nen-vukharat} |
en: <base vector> |
vuh: {nen-vukhut} |
en: <basal body> |
vuh: {nen-vulu} |
en: <base angle> |
vuh: {nen-weltralar} |
en: <basal ganglia> |
vuh: {nen-zehl} |
en: <baseline> |
vuh: {nenam-tor} |
en: <be based on> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {nenem-tor} |
en: <deduct> |
vuh: {nenikau} |
en: <support> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {nentu} |
en: <frame> |
pos: n. |
17650,23 → 17688,23 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {orenaya} |
en: <study> (going over) |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {orenkup'es} |
en: <talent> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {orenkupik} |
en: <talented> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {orenshal} |
en: <den> (study), <study> |
pos: n. |
17684,18 → 17722,18 |
en: <textbook> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {oren-mavaya} |
en: <etude> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {oren-ne-lan} |
en: <apprentice> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {orfikkel} |
ipa: - - ' |
tag: anc. |
17986,7 → 18024,7 |
vuh: {pehkaya} |
en: <arrest> (stop), <stop> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {ek'pehkaya} |
en: <full-stop>, <period> (dot, {.}) |
pos: n. |
17993,7 → 18031,7 |
com: used as a period is used in FSE |
def: VLI TGV/MGV - Lesson 6 “Punctuation” |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {dah-pehkaya} |
en: <double-stop> (two dots; {..}) |
pos: n. |
18006,7 → 18044,7 |
could.” |
def: VLI TGV/MGV - Lesson 6 “Punctuation” |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {reh-pehkaya} |
en: <triple-stop> (three dots; {...}) |
pos: n. |
18014,7 → 18052,7 |
similar to multiple exclamation points in FSE.” |
def: VLI TGV/MGV - Lesson 6 “Punctuation” |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {pehkayek} |
en: <arrester> (device) |
def: FSE-GV |
18024,24 → 18062,24 |
en: <punctuate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pehkamitaya} |
en: <punctuation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ek'ipehkau} |
en: <shut down> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ek'ipehkaya} |
en: <shutdown> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pekh} |
ipa: |
en: <feces> |
18861,18 → 18899,18 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <pole> |
tag: physics, geog. |
vuh: {narak'es} |
en: <polarity> |
vuh: {a'rak-narak'es} |
en: <positive polarity> |
vuh: {narafek} |
en: <electrode> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {a'rak-narafek} |
en: <anode> |
def: FSE-GV |
18884,7 → 18922,7 |
vuh: {rakusau} |
en: <sting> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {svi'rak} |
en: <in situ> |
pos: adj. |
18927,29 → 18965,29 |
vuh: {ralash-bosh} |
en: <noisy> |
vuh: {ralash-fam} |
en: <silent> |
vuh: {ralash-kitau} |
en: <transcribe> |
pos: v. |
lit: <sound>-<write> |
def: PE |
vuh: {ralash-kitaya} |
en: <transcription> |
pos: n. |
pos: n. |
lit: <sound>-<writing> |
def: PE |
vuh: {ralash-tal} |
en: <acoustics> (study) |
vuh: {ralash-tanaf} |
en: <music> |
lit: <sound>-<art> |
vuh: {ralash-tanafsu} |
en: <musician> |
lit: <sound>-<artist> |
19079,13 → 19117,13 |
vuh: {renyut} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <way (skill, type)> |
en: <way> (skill, type) |
vuh: {reshan} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <anger, rage> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {resh(en-~|nek)} |
en: <angry>, <enraged> |
19099,7 → 19137,7 |
vuh: {ri'el} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <nothing> |
vuh: {rifainuk} |
en: <unknown> |
pos: adj. |
19110,10 → 19148,10 |
vuh: {rihag(-~|ik)} |
en: <difficult>, <hard>, <not easy> |
vuh: {riherik} |
en: <unsuitable> |
vuh: {rikerik} |
en: <unworthy> |
19126,57 → 19164,57 |
vuh: {rim} |
en: <none> |
vuh: {rimon-yehat} |
en: <undrinkable>, <non-potable> |
vuh: {rinan(-~|ik)} |
en: <futile> |
vuh: {rinan'es} |
en: <futility> |
vuh: {riozhika} |
en: <illogic> |
vuh: {riozhikaik} |
en: <illogical> |
vuh: {ripabukhu} |
en: <The Unforgiven> |
vuh: {ripakhaik} |
en: <irregular> |
vuh: {ripakhaik'es} |
en: <irregularity> |
vuh: {rirom(-)} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <not good> (but not necessarily bad) |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {ris} |
en: <zero> |
vuh: {risanemau} |
en: <deprive> |
vuh: {riskuri(-)} |
en: <unconventional> |
vuh: {rislau} |
en: <contaminate> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {rislaya} |
en: <contamination> |
vuh: {rivak} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <course> (direction of travel) |
pos: n. |
vuh: {riyin} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <negation> |
19215,10 → 19253,10 |
ipa: ' - |
en: <survival> |
com: The name of one of “The Survivors” (TNG 3x03) was _Rishon_ Uxbridge. |
vuh: {ro'fah} |
en: <inform> |
vuh: {ro'fori} |
ipa: - ' - |
en: <information> |
19229,7 → 19267,7 |
vuh: {ro-kasau} |
en: <vaccinate> |
vuh: {ro-kasaya} |
en: <vaccination> |
19253,7 → 19291,7 |
en: <adoral> |
pos: adj. |
tag: med. |
vuh: {ru'lut-masu} |
en: <saliva> |
19269,61 → 19307,61 |
vuh: {wakrubau} |
en: <evolve> |
lit: (with) <time><change> |
vuh: {wakrubaya} |
en: <evolution> |
vuh: {ashiv-velek-wakrubaya} |
en: <iterative evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bov-wakrubaya} |
en: <horotely> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nati-wakrubaya} |
en: <mosaic evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sahr-wakrubaya} |
en: <tachytely> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {satau-wakrubaya} |
en: <divergent evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shai-wakrubaya} |
en: <spontaneous evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sposhan-wakrubaya} |
en: <quantum evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ter-wakrubaya} |
en: <coevolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {teretau-wakrubaya} |
en: <convergent evolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vlavla-wakrubaya} |
en: <parallel evolution> |
vuh: {rubitau} |
en: <alter>, <modify> |
vuh: {rubitaya} |
en: <alteration>, <modification> |
19623,7 → 19661,7 |
vuh: {sakal-rasahtra} |
en: <testicular cancer> |
vuh: {sakal-sa'haf} |
en: <scrotum> |
19671,13 → 19709,13 |
en: <eolian> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salanayik} |
en: <windy> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abusalan(-~|ik)} |
en: <upwind> |
pos: adj. |
19686,76 → 19724,76 |
en: <wind shear> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-fleit-skonn} |
en: <hammada> |
tag: geol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-grazhakel} |
en: <windmill> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-kharat} |
en: <aweather> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-kov-zehl} |
en: <yardang> |
tag: geol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-krani-shildahek} |
en: <windshield wiper> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-krani} |
en: <windshield> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-molu} |
en: <aeolian tone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-pthak} |
en: <ancraophobia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-sal-titaya} |
en: <loess, Löss> |
tag: geol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-samu'ahn} |
en: <wind chill> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-thonek} |
en: <anemometer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-titaya} |
en: <aeolian deposit> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salan-ur} |
en: <wind tunnel> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {salasu} |
en: <native> |
pos: n. |
19909,10 → 19947,10 |
vuh: {sash-masu} |
en: <acid> (liquid) |
vuh: {sash-sov-masu} |
en: <acid rain> |
vuh: {sashalotau} |
en: <evacuate> |
20109,66 → 20147,66 |
vuh: {sesh'gal} |
en: <graviton> |
vuh: {sesh'gal-vunai} |
en: <graviton field> |
vuh: {sesh'gal-zehl(ek)} |
en: <graviton beam> |
vuh: {seshan} |
en: <pull> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {seshan-ek'shal} |
en: <magnetosphere> |
vuh: {seshan-fen} |
en: <magnetic seal> |
vuh: {seshan-khluhkayek} |
en: <magnetic constrictor> |
vuh: {seshan-korsau-tuhlek} |
en: <magnetic storage bottle> |
vuh: {seshan-kwitayek} |
en: <magnetic repulsor> |
vuh: {seshan-thonek} |
en: <magnetometer> |
vuh: {seshan-vel} |
en: <magnet> |
vuh: {seshan-vunai} |
en: <magnetic field> |
vuh: {seshan-vunai-yeturek} |
en: <magnetic field drive> |
vuh: {seshayek} |
en: <tractor>, <tug> |
vuh: {seshilan-eitaya} |
en: <gravimetric shear> |
vuh: {seshilan-glashayek} |
en: <gravimetric scanner> |
vuh: {seshilan-sagaya} |
en: <gravimetric pulse> |
vuh: {seshu-ip-thorshek} |
en: <gravitic mine> |
vuh: {seshupau} |
en: <magnetize> |
vuh: {seshupik} |
en: <magnetic> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {seshupik flekh'es} |
en: <magnetic anomaly> |
20179,19 → 20217,19 |
vuh: {set-tor} |
en: <drop> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {set-kar} |
en: <drop arm> |
vuh: {set-sfek} |
en: <drop point> |
vuh: {set-spunek} |
en: <drop valve> |
vuh: {set-tuhlek} |
en: <drop tank> |
vuh: {set'ki} |
en: <interesting> |
20209,7 → 20247,7 |
vuh: {sfith-masu} |
en: <vinegar> |
lit: <bitter>-<water> |
vuh: {sfith-masu-sash} |
en: <acetic acid> |
lit: <bitter>-<water>-<acid> |
20344,112 → 20382,112 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-glayek} |
en: <automatic camera> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-kifau-torektra} |
en: <automatic docking system> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-svep} |
en: <automatic door> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-sashavaya} |
en: <automatic exposure> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-vakav'es-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic frequency control (AFC)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-nazh-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic gain control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-temep} |
en: <automatic gate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-fisolekau-torektra} |
en: <automatic landing system> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-rish-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic mixture control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-wek-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic phase control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-hashek} |
en: <automatic pilot> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-ha'wein} |
en: <automatic shutter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-tahetilayek} |
en: <automatic stabilizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-falek-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic temperature control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati mesmishek-da-fek} |
en: <automatic transaxle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-mesmishek} |
en: <automatic transmission> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-tvelkaun} |
en: <automatic tuning> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-toruk-pakhartayek} |
en: <automatic voltage regulator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shati-ral'es-tash(ek)} |
en: <automatic volume control> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shatik igen-va-wurzel} |
en: <automatic weather station> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shatilaya} |
en: <automation> |
def: FSE-GV |
20466,6 → 20504,17 |
pos: v. |
def: <snap> only in FSE-GV |
vuh: {krushau} |
en: <break up> (come apart); <break apart> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krushaya} |
en: <breakup> (coming apart) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {shau-vel} |
en: <fuse> |
tag: n., electr. |
20496,17 → 20545,17 |
vuh: {she'raksu} |
en: <easterner> |
vuh: {Be-She'rak} |
en: <Near East> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {be-she'rak(-~|ik)} |
en: <near-eastern> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {she'rak(-~|ik)} |
en: <eastern> |
20612,7 → 20661,7 |
the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Forge" (at StarTrek.com) |
establish that the United Earth Embassy was in Shi'Kahr. |
http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/news/article/6776.html |
vuh: {shi'kon} |
en: <church>, <temple>, <synagogue> |
lit: <place>-of-<deity> |
20633,7 → 20682,7 |
vuh: {shi'oren} |
en: <school>, <academy>, <institute> |
com: <institute> from {Shi'Oren t'Gen-lis Vuhlkansu} |
vuh: {Shi'Oren t'Gen-lis Vuhlkansu} |
en: <Vulcan Language Institute> |
lit: <Institute> <of><Language> <Vulcan> |
20650,7 → 20699,7 |
vuh: {shi'vukhut} |
en: <grave> |
vuh: {shi'Vis} |
en: <Web site>, <website> |
def: PE |
20736,7 → 20785,7 |
vuh: {tvi-shit(-~|ik)} |
en: <in situ> |
tag: med. |
vuh: {shivak} |
en: <mass> |
pos: n. |
20875,41 → 20924,41 |
vuh: {skau-yehat} |
en: <digestible> |
vuh: {skaun} |
en: <digestion> |
vuh: {skaun-ek'ur} |
en: <digestive tract> |
vuh: {skaun-ek'ur-tal} |
en: <gastroenterology> |
vuh: {skaun-pi'nafek} |
en: <digestive gland> |
vuh: {skaun-pi'vel} |
en: <lysosome> |
vuh: {skaun-sa'haf} |
en: <stomach> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {skaun-sa'haf-masu} |
en: <gastric juice> |
vuh: {skaun-sa'haf-pamutaya} |
en: <gastric bypass> |
vuh: {skaun-sa'haf-razhen} |
en: <gastric ulcer> |
vuh: {skaun-sa'haf-yonshaya} |
en: <gastritis> |
vuh: {skaun-zalu} |
en: <digestive enzyme> |
vuh: {skaunek} |
en: <digester (device)> |
20936,7 → 20985,7 |
vuh: {skil-tor} |
en: <win, be victorious> |
vuh: {skilsu} |
en: <winner, victor> |
20966,7 → 21015,7 |
vuh: {skramsu} |
en: <carver> (person) |
vuh: {skramek} |
en: <lathe> |
pos: n. |
21005,35 → 21054,35 |
en: <predation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {skyemayek} |
en: <predator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {|abrupik| fidau-skyemayek} |
en: <keystone predator> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {skyem-kushel} |
en: <bird-of-prey> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {slah} |
en: <fiber> |
vuh: {slah-gnal} |
en: <fibroid tumor>, <fibroma> |
vuh: {slah-makh} |
en: <fiberglass> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {slah-nalatra} |
en: <fibrous tissue> |
vuh: {slaht(-~|ik)} |
en: <fibrous> |
21056,7 → 21105,7 |
vuh: {slor-dau-tukh} |
en: <insulin> |
vuh: {slor-tukh} |
en: <sugar> |
pos: n. |
21159,13 → 21208,13 |
vuh: {solai} |
en: <field (cultivated)> |
vuh: {solantra} |
en: <property>, <land(s)>, <(real) estate> |
vuh: {solek} |
en: <soil> |
vuh: {fisolekau-nen} |
en: <landing pad> |
def: FSE-GV |
21194,35 → 21243,35 |
vuh: {solektra} |
en: <ground>, <land> |
vuh: {solektra-besan} |
en: <map>, <chart> |
vuh: {solektra-hutau'es} |
en: <seismicity> |
vuh: {solektra-hutauk masutra-pral} |
en: <seismic sea wave>, <tsunami>, <"tidal wave"> |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya} |
en: <earthquake> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya-besan} |
en: <seismogram> |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya-besek} |
en: <seismograph> |
vuh: {solektra-hataya-pavek} |
en: <seismic event> |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya-tal} |
en: <seismology> |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya-thonek} |
en: <seismometer> |
vuh: {solektra-hutaya-toran} |
en: <seismic activity> |
com: {hataya} → {hutaya} |
21240,74 → 21289,74 |
vuh: {sov-dvun-tal} |
en: <aerodynamics> (study) |
lit: <air>-<movement>-<study> |
vuh: {sov-ha-vel} |
en: <aerobe> |
lit: <air>-<life>-<thing> |
vuh: {sov-hali} |
en: <aircraft> |
lit: <air>-<vessel> |
vuh: {sov-hashek} |
en: <airplane> |
vuh: {sov-kapol} |
en: <air filter> |
vuh: {sov-ladik} |
en: <aerobic> |
vuh: {sov-lerakovayek} |
en: <air compressor> |
vuh: {sov-mashau} |
en: <rain> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {sov-masu} |
en: <rain> |
lit: <air>-<water> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {sov-masu'es} |
en: <humidity> |
vuh: {sov-masu-thek} |
en: <raindrop> |
vuh: {sov-mev} |
en: <air duct> |
vuh: {sov-noshek} |
en: <air conditioner> |
vuh: {sov-puyek} |
en: <air cleaner> |
vuh: {abulik sov-razh} |
en: <air pocket> |
lit: <vertical> <air>-<gap> |
vuh: {sov-spol} |
en: <air pump> |
vuh: {sov-spunek} |
en: <air valve> |
vuh: {sov-su-yata} |
en: <airliner> |
vuh: {sov-tan-tor} |
en: <aerate> |
vuh: {sov-tanan} |
en: <aeration> |
vuh: {sov-tukh} |
en: <nitrogen> |
lit: <air>-<stuff> |
vuh: {sov-vihish} |
en: <air pressure> |
21320,21 → 21369,21 |
en: <aneroid barometer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sov-yutik-dvun} |
en: <advection> |
vuh: {sovash} |
en: <alkali>, <base> |
tag: chem., geol. |
vuh: {sovash(-~|ik)} |
en: <alkaline>|<basic> |
tag: chem., geol. |
vuh: {sovash-kipof} |
en: <alkaline battery> |
vuh: {sovek} |
en: <fan> (cooling) |
lit: <air><all> |
21347,7 → 21396,7 |
vuh: {spa-tor} |
en: <conduct> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {spa'es} |
en: <conductivity> |
def: FSE-GV |
21357,34 → 21406,34 |
en: <conductive> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanadvel-tor} |
en: <vote> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanadvelan} |
en: <vote> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanadvelsu} |
en: <voter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanakau} |
en: <govern> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanakausu} |
en: <governor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {abu-tospanakel} |
en: <senate> |
def: FSE-GV |
21404,42 → 21453,42 |
en: <government> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanakhat-fam} |
en: <anarchy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanakhat-fam-dva} |
en: <anarchism> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanakhat-fam-dvasu} |
en: <anarchist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ek'tospanakel} |
en: <congress (government)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ek'tospanakel-paribau-travek} |
en: <congressional committee> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ko-ek'tospanakelsu} |
en: <congresswoman> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sa-ek'tospanakelsu} |
en: <congressman> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ko-ne-tospanakelsu} |
en: (female) <representative> |
pos: n. |
21446,7 → 21495,7 |
tag: pol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sa-ne-tospanakelsu} |
en: (male) <representative> |
pos: n. |
21453,60 → 21502,60 |
tag: pol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanasutra} |
en: political <party> |
en: political <party> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tasular-spanakhatektra} |
en: <democracy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tasular-spanakau-zahelsu} |
en: <democrat> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tehnspanahkh} |
en: <revolution> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanekhartausu} |
en: <minister (government)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fik-spanekhartausu} |
en: <prime minister> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spanekhartatra} |
en: <ministry> (government) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tehnaspanak} |
en: <rebellion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tehnaspansu} |
en: <rebel> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tehnspanashen} |
en: <revolt> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spantabralesku} |
tag: anc. |
en: <republic> |
21516,11 → 21565,11 |
vuh: {spana-ornasu} |
en: <chancellor> (government) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {spa'ash} |
en: <disgust> |
vuh: {spa-yorna} |
en: <Spyorna> (Vulcan High Council) |
tag: NGS |
21552,13 → 21601,13 |
vuh: {spitau-el'lamok} |
en: <drill press> |
vuh: {spitau-raul} |
en: <auger>, <boring tool>, <manual drill> |
vuh: {spitau-zus} |
en: <drill bit> |
vuh: {spitayek} |
en: <drill> (machine) |
21585,7 → 21634,7 |
vuh: {sporun} |
en: <exclamation> |
vuh: {sposh-tor} |
en: <erupt> |
21625,11 → 21674,11 |
vuh: {starun} |
en: <speech> |
vuh: {svistariben} |
en: <invoke> |
def: PE |
vuh: {svistaribek} |
en: <invocation> |
def: PE |
21661,18 → 21710,18 |
vuh: {steh-leh} |
en: <seventy> |
vuh: {steh-leh('rak|r-~)} |
en: <seventieth> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {steh-leh'veh} |
en: <seventieth> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {steh-vla} |
en: <heptagon> |
vuh: {steheht} |
en: <type of old Vulcan poetry> |
21688,7 → 21737,7 |
vuh: {stonal} |
en: <horn> (musical instrument) |
vuh: {storau} |
en: <develop> |
21698,7 → 21747,7 |
vuh: {storaya} |
en: <development> |
vuh: {storil(-)} |
en: <advanced> |
pos: adj. |
21710,13 → 21759,13 |
vuh: {stron-tor} |
en: <escape> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {stron-threshan} |
en: <escape velocity> |
vuh: {stron-thro-svep} |
en: <escape hatch> |
vuh: {stronsu} |
en: <escapee> |
21725,19 → 21774,19 |
vuh: {stukh-hali} |
en: <spacecraft>, <spaceship> |
vuh: {stukh-hash} |
en: <spaceflight> |
vuh: {stukh-laskat} |
en: <space station> |
vuh: {stukh-saikhut} |
en: <spacesuit> |
vuh: {stukh-shan-hali} |
en: <space shuttle> |
vuh: {stukhtra} |
en: <universe> |
21756,15 → 21805,15 |
vuh: {suk('~)} |
en: <big>, <large> |
vuh: {suk'es} |
en: <size> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {sukhlop} |
en: <statue> |
vuh: {masuk(')} |
ipa: - ' |
en: <enormous>, <gigantic>, <gargantuan>, <huge>, <mammoth>, <massive> |
21772,7 → 21821,7 |
vuh: {tsuk(-)} |
en: <common> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {ritsuk(-)} |
ipa: ' - |
en: <rare>, <uncommon> |
21810,19 → 21859,19 |
vuh: {sutor-aikum} |
en: <artificial satellite> |
vuh: {sutor-kash-tok'es} |
en: <artificial intelligence (AI)> |
vuh: {sutor-nu-seshan} |
en: <artificial gravity> |
vuh: {sutorik kapol-nafek} |
en: <artificial kidney> |
vuh: {sutorik khaf-spol} |
en: <artificial heart> |
vuh: {sutorik sa-neitaya} |
en: <artificial insemination> |
21848,13 → 21897,13 |
vuh: {svai-zehlausu} |
en: <floral arranger> |
vuh: {svai-zhuksu} |
en: <florist> |
vuh: {svail} |
en: <fragrance> |
vuh: {svailik} |
en: <fragrant> |
21886,7 → 21935,7 |
vuh: {svi-tor} |
en: <enter> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {svi-wak} |
en: <interval> |
22061,17 → 22110,17 |
vuh: {talal} |
en: <find>, <discovery> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tal-tor} |
en: <find>, <discover>; <locate> (find) |
pos: v. |
vuh: {patal-tor} |
en: <detect> |
vuh: {patalek} |
en: <detector> |
vuh: {patal-yehat} |
en: <detectable> |
def: FSE-GV |
22080,50 → 22129,50 |
vuh: {putal-tor} |
en: <be found> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tal(-~|ik)} |
en: <scientific> |
vuh: {talash(-~|ik)} |
en: <logarithmic> |
vuh: {talash-ketil} |
en: <logarithmic integral> |
vuh: {talash-kulan} |
en: <logarithmic spiral> |
vuh: {talash-sagan} |
en: <logarithmic distribution> |
vuh: {talash-su'us} |
en: <logarithmic number> |
vuh: {talashenek} |
en: <logarithm> |
vuh: {talkau} |
en: <head> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {talu} |
en: <neck> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {talu-krik} |
en: <neck pinch> |
vuh: {talu-shaya} |
en: <Tal-Shaya> (execution) |
com: execution by breaking the neck |
vuh: {taluhk(-)} |
en: <precious>, <valuable> |
vuh: {taluhk-tukh} |
en: <platinum> |
lit: <valueable>-<stuff> |
vuh: {talupau} |
en: <estimate> |
pos: v. |
22133,7 → 22182,7 |
vuh: {tal-muv} |
en: <key> |
pos: n. |
pos: n. |
vuh: {talvot} |
en: <bacterium>, <germ> |
22141,7 → 22190,7 |
vuh: {tam-tor} |
en: <dance> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tamsu} |
en: <dancer> |
22159,37 → 22208,37 |
vuh: {tan} |
en: <donation>, <gift>, <present> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tan-tor} |
en: <donate>, <gift>, <present with something> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tanaf} |
en: <art> |
vuh: {tanafsu} |
en: <artist> |
vuh: {tangu} |
en: <ideal> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tanilau} |
en: <provide>, <supply> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tanilkel} |
en: <warehouse> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tanovau} |
en: <equip>, <provision>, <fit out> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tanovau-tukh} |
en: <equipment>, <gear>, <provisions> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tansu} |
en: <donor>, <giver>, <presenter> |
22223,11 → 22272,11 |
vuh: {tash} |
en: <control> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tash-tor} |
en: <control> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {fik-shi'tash} |
en: <headquarters> |
def: FSE-GV |
22235,7 → 22284,7 |
vuh: {tashal} |
en: <(control) console> |
vuh: {tashek} |
en: <controller> |
22279,7 → 22328,7 |
vuh: {tavat} |
en: <ratio> |
vuh: {tcha} |
en: <curl> |
pos: n. |
22304,7 → 22353,7 |
en: <average curvature> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tchas} |
en: <warp> |
pos: n. |
22311,22 → 22360,22 |
vuh: {tchas-klai} |
en: <warp factor> |
vuh: {tchas-mev} |
en: <warp conduit> |
vuh: {tchas-mishu} |
en: <warp engine> |
vuh: {tchas-threshan} |
en: <warp speed> |
vuh: {tchas-tviyan} |
en: <warp core> |
vuh: {tchas-vunai} |
en: <warp field> |
vuh: {tchas-yeturek} |
en: <warp drive> |
22345,7 → 22394,7 |
vuh: {te'koshfet} |
tag: anc. |
en: <architect> |
vuh: {te'koshif} |
tag: anc. |
en: <architecture> |
22356,7 → 22405,7 |
vuh: {te'krul-maat} |
en: <royal family> |
vuh: {te'krultra} |
en: <royalty> |
22378,10 → 22427,10 |
vuh: {tefosh(-~|ik)} |
en: <immune> |
vuh: {tefosh-kesaya} |
en: <immune response> |
vuh: {tefosh-torektra} |
en: <immune system> |
22395,11 → 22444,11 |
vuh: {teh('rak|r-)} |
en: <hundredth> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {teh'veh} |
en: <hundredth> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tehk} |
en: <sprout> |
pos: n. |
22407,18 → 22456,18 |
vuh: {tehnat}, {t.} |
en: <against>, <versus>, <vs.> |
pos: prep. |
com: {t.}, <versus>, <vs.> by PE |
com: {t.}, <versus>, <vs.> by PE |
vuh: {tehnau} |
en: <resist>, <stand up against> |
vuh: {tehnyak} |
en: <override> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tekeret} |
en: <deviation> |
vuh: {tehrai} |
en: <goal> |
22427,11 → 22476,11 |
vuh: {tehs-bosh} |
en: <deceitful>, <deceptive>, <fraudulent> |
vuh: {tehs-tor} |
en: <deceive>, <defraud>, <trick> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tehvar} |
en: <danger> |
22448,36 → 22497,36 |
vuh: {tel-tor} |
en: <bond> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {natel} |
en: <module> |
vuh: {natel-tor} |
en: <bind> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {natelap} |
en: <binder> (folder) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {natelsu} |
en: <binder> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {natel-tukh} |
en: <binder> |
tag: chem. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tela'at} |
tag: anc. |
en: <elder> (title of respect for advanced age Kolinahru) |
vuh: {telsu} |
en: <one who is bonded>, <a married person> |
22485,13 → 22534,13 |
en: <concubine> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ko-telsu} |
en: <wife> |
vuh: {sa-telsu} |
en: <husband> |
vuh: {ko-ritelsu} |
en: <bachelorette> |
pos: n. |
22502,7 → 22551,7 |
en: <widow> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {telv-tor} |
en: <read> |
pos: v. |
22512,13 → 22561,13 |
vuh: {temep-dvinsu} |
en: <gatekeeper> |
vuh: {temep-kelek} |
en: <gatehouse> |
vuh: {temep-lehk} |
en: <gatepost> |
vuh: {temep-sharu} |
en: <gateway> |
22535,14 → 22584,14 |
vuh: {ten-kan-bu} |
en: <embryo> |
tag: TGV |
vuh: {ten-mal} |
en: <early> |
vuh: {tenah} |
en: <blame> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tenkan} |
en: <fetus> |
22559,46 → 22608,46 |
vuh: {tepul-mev} |
en: <energy conduit, power conduit> |
vuh: {tepul-nala} |
en: <energy cell, power cell> |
vuh: {tepul-pak} |
en: <energy loss, power loss> |
vuh: {tepul-rushanek} |
en: <power converter> |
vuh: {tepul-sek} |
en: <power outlet> |
vuh: {tepul-shan} |
en: <energy transfer, power transfer> |
vuh: {tepul-smashaya} |
en: <energy drain, power drain> |
vuh: {tepul-tanilayek} |
en: <power supply> |
vuh: {tepul-tersayek} |
en: <power coupling> |
vuh: {tepul-torvayek} |
en: <power plant> |
vuh: {tepul-tral} |
en: <energy surge, power surge> |
vuh: {tepul-vis} |
en: <power grid> |
vuh: {tepul-vok} |
en: <energy level, power level> |
vuh: {tepul-vunai} |
en: <energy field> |
vuh: {tepulau} |
en: <energize> |
22609,15 → 22658,15 |
vuh: {teraya} |
en: <(con)federation>, <fastening>, <joining together> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {Teraya Kaunshuk t'Ek'tralar} |
en: <United Federation of Planets> |
tag: LGV |
vuh: {ter-tor} |
en: <compose> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {terek} |
en: <affix> |
pos: n. |
22625,16 → 22674,16 |
vuh: {teretarun} |
en: <conference> |
vuh: {teretau} |
en: <converge> |
vuh: {teretek} |
en: <coupler> |
vuh: {teretuhr} |
en: <together>, <united>, <fused> |
vuh: {beteretik} |
en: <parapatric> |
lit: <adjacent><together> |
22641,19 → 22690,19 |
tag: biol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {terish-tor} |
en: <combine> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {terishanik} |
en: <combining> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {terk} |
en: <bolt> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {termu} |
en: <nail> (fastener) |
pos: n. |
22668,7 → 22717,7 |
vuh: {terpau} |
en: <adhere> |
vuh: {fiterpau} |
en: <adsorb> |
def: FSE-GV |
22687,21 → 22736,21 |
vuh: {terpaya} |
en: <adhesion> |
vuh: {terpayek} |
en: <adhesive> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tersau} |
en: <connect>; <relate> (connect) |
pos: v. |
def: <relate> by PE |
vuh: {tersauk} |
en: <connected>; <related> (connected) |
pos: adj. |
def: <related> by PE |
vuh: {tersaya} |
en: <connection>, <context>; <relation(ship)> (connection) |
def: FSE-GV; <context>, <relation(ship)> by PE |
22714,20 → 22763,20 |
vuh: {satersauk} |
en: <disconnected> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {tershau} |
en: <collect> |
vuh: {tersu} |
en: <partner> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {terti(-~|k)} |
en: <compound> |
pos: adj. |
def: VLI lesson 3 “Introduction to Words - Compound Words”; |
{tertik} by PE from VLI lesson 12 “Adjectival Forms” |
vuh: {teresh-kah} |
en: Vulcan <"silver-bird"> |
tag: anc. |
22778,7 → 22827,7 |
ipa: - ' |
en: <addict> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tessausu} |
en: <addict> |
pos: n. |
22801,47 → 22850,48 |
vuh: {tevun} |
en: <year> |
vuh: {tev'rak} |
en: <west> |
vuh: {tev'rak(-~|ik)} |
en: <western> |
vuh: {tev'raksu} |
en: <westerner> |
vuh: {tevakh} |
en: <death> |
vuh: [2] {tev-tor} |
en: <die> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {teval(-~|ik)} |
en: <deadly> |
vuh: {tevanu} |
en: <the Dead> |
vuh: {tevanu-prikel} |
en: <mortuary> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tevanu-tsorkel} |
en: <morgue> |
vuh: {tevik} |
en: <dead> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {tevakh-fam} |
en: <deathless>, <immortal> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {tevakh-kahk} |
en: <deathly> |
vuh: {tev-yehat} |
en: <mortal> |
lit: <die>-<possible> |
22853,16 → 22903,16 |
vuh: {thak-hayataya} |
en: <breast augmentation> |
vuh: {thak-netakidaya} |
en: <breast reduction> |
vuh: {thak-storau-palikaya} |
en: <thelarche> |
vuh: {thak-vishi-vel} |
en: <breast implant> |
vuh: {thak-yem-tor} |
en: <breastfeed> |
pos: v. |
22878,7 → 22928,7 |
vuh: {thal(-)} |
en: <loose> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {thal-tor} |
en: <loosen> |
22894,16 → 22944,16 |
vuh: {thas-pi'nafek} |
en: <mammary gland> |
vuh: {thas-spol} |
en: <breast pump> |
vuh: {thasau} |
en: <lactate> |
vuh: {thasaya} |
en: <lactation> |
vuh: {thask} |
en: <breast> |
tag: TGV |
22911,7 → 22961,7 |
vuh: {thasnem-tor} |
en: <milk> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {thasnemek} |
en: <milking machine> |
22926,13 → 22976,13 |
vuh: {thel'a} |
en: <fat> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {thel'a-di'kish-torek} |
en: <fat metabolism> |
vuh: {thel'a-sash} |
en: <fatty acid> |
vuh: {thel(-~|ik)} |
en: <fat> |
pos: adj. |
22977,11 → 23027,11 |
vuh: {thon-tor} |
en: <measure> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {thonau} |
en: <anguish> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {thonan-fek} |
en: <ruler> (measuring stick) |
pos: n. |
22993,7 → 23043,7 |
vuh: {thon-yehat} |
en: <measurable> |
vuh: {thorau} |
en: <burst> |
pos: v. |
23001,23 → 23051,23 |
vuh: {thoraya} |
en: <burst> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {thorsh-yel} |
en: <nova> |
vuh: {thorshau} |
en: <explode> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {thorshau-tukh} |
en: <explosives> |
vuh: {thorshaya} |
en: <explosion> |
vuh: {thorshek} |
en: <bomb> |
vuh: {thorshun} |
en: <cannon> |
23026,7 → 23076,7 |
vuh: {thraht(-~|ik)} |
en: <friendly> |
vuh: {thrakh} |
en: <gneiss> |
23035,7 → 23085,7 |
vuh: {thrap-tor} |
en: <offend> |
vuh: {thresh-tor} |
en: <split>, <cleave> |
23045,7 → 23095,7 |
vuh: {abuthresha} |
en: <throttle up> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {bov-threshan} |
en: <average speed> |
def: FSE-GV |
23058,16 → 23108,16 |
vuh: {thro-tor} |
en: <access> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {thro-wein} |
en: <access panel> |
vuh: {thro-yehat} |
en: <accessible> |
vuh: {throks} |
en: <give>, <share> (with a superior) |
vuh: {thruhk(-)} |
en: <foul>, <offensive>, <loathsome>, <repulsive> |
23093,7 → 23143,7 |
com: In Golic Vulcan ({gen-lis Vuhlkansu}), “t” is the second |
letter of the alphabet, like <beta> is in Greek. Likewise, |
<y> is the second letter commonly used for variables in the |
Latin alphabet (<x> is the first one). |
Latin alphabet (<x> is the first one). |
vuh: {tih-da-sfek} |
en: <y-axis> |
23104,27 → 23154,27 |
en: <y-intercept> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tih-nehaya} |
en: <beta decay> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tih-pi'gal} |
en: <beta particle> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tih-saya} |
en: <beta radiation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tih-sayek} |
en: <beta emitter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tih-zehllar} |
en: <beta rays> |
def: FSE-GV |
23140,17 → 23190,17 |
en: <instability> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tihetilau} |
en: <stabilize> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tihetilaya} |
en: <stabilization> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tihetilayek} |
en: <stabilizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
23172,15 → 23222,15 |
en: <homeostasis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tihet'es-rasath-tuhlek} |
en: <ballast tank> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tihet'es-rasath-tukh} |
en: <ballast> (ship) |
pos: n. |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
23254,7 → 23304,7 |
en: <aril> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fi-aushfa-to'ovauk} |
en: <epizoic> |
pos: adj. |
23287,32 → 23337,32 |
tag: biol., med. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {to'ovaya} |
en: <growth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ashenek-to'ovaya} |
en: <exponential growth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fito'ovaya} |
en: <accretion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kulan-to'ovaya} |
en: <circumnutation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mu'gel-to'ovaya} |
en: <etiolation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nala-to'ovaya} |
en: <cell(ular) growth> |
23323,12 → 23373,12 |
vuh: {abu-to'ovayak} |
en: <stalagmite> |
vuh: {nu-to'ovayak} |
en: <stalactite> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {risolek-to'ovayek} |
en: <hydroponics> |
def: FSE-GV |
23353,7 → 23403,7 |
en: <growing season> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {to'ovau-tin t'lap-vukhut} |
en: <cambium> |
tag: bot. |
23391,7 → 23441,7 |
vuh: {toglantau} |
en: <(eye)witness> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {toglantausu} |
en: <(eye)witness> |
pos: n. |
23414,38 → 23464,38 |
vuh: {tol(-~|ik)} |
en: <genetic> |
vuh: {tol-has} |
en: <genetic disease> |
vuh: {tol-kiht} |
en: <genetic code> |
vuh: {tol-mish-tal} |
en: <genetic engineering> |
vuh: {tol-patra} |
en: <gene pool> |
vuh: {tol-tal} |
en: <genetics (study)> |
vuh: {tol-ulidek} |
en: <genetic marker> |
vuh: {tol-var} |
en: <genome> |
vuh: {tol-ves} |
en: <genotype> |
vuh: {tol-yumaya} |
en: <gene flow> |
vuh: {tolasau} |
en: <clone> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {toltra} |
en: <chromosome> |
23464,46 → 23514,46 |
vuh: {tor-tal} |
en: <physics> (study) |
vuh: {tor-vel} |
en: <mechanism> |
vuh: {tor-velsu} |
en: <mechanic (person)> |
vuh: {tor-yatal (NGS)} |
en: <"tor-ia-tal"> (challenge) |
com: challenge to the death |
vuh: {tor-zhit} |
en: <verb (grammar)> |
vuh: {torah} |
en: <act>, <produce an effect> |
vuh: {torai} |
en: <action> |
vuh: {toran} |
en: <activity> |
vuh: {toranelek} |
en: <dynamo> |
tag: mech. |
vuh: {toranik} |
en: <busy> |
vuh: {torek} |
en: <process> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {torektra} |
en: <system> |
vuh: {torsh} |
en: <feat> |
vuh: {torskrol} |
en: <operation> (mission) |
def: FSE-GV |
23513,20 → 23563,20 |
en: <imperative> |
pos: n. |
tag: gr. |
vuh: {torupik} |
en: <active> |
vuh: {torupik (suk')zul-kunel} |
en: <active volcano> |
vuh: {torvau} |
en: <build, construct, produce> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {torvel-zhit} |
en: <gerund (grammar)> |
vuh: {torvukh} |
en: <sport> |
pos: n. |
23553,7 → 23603,7 |
Vuhlkansu} which is translated *by them* (*they* provided |
the word) as "Vulcan Language _Institute_". Completely |
uncommon word form, likely non-canon. |
vuh: {Trahokna t'Ek'Mishan T'Khasi} |
en: <Vulcan Institute of Technology> |
warn: see {trahokna} |
23630,7 → 23680,7 |
vuh: {tresahk-tor} |
en: <rip into pieces>, <rend>, <shred> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tresahk-vel} |
en: <shredder> |
pos: n. |
23660,7 → 23710,7 |
vuh: {tsat} |
en: <secret> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tsat(-~|ik)} |
en: <secret> |
pos: adj. |
23701,7 → 23751,7 |
vuh: {tselsu} |
en: <mutant> (sentient being) |
pos: n. |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tsokal} |
en: <territory> |
23766,14 → 23816,14 |
vuh: {tsurkan'es} |
en: <consistency> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {ritsurkan'es} |
en: <inconsistency> |
def: PE |
vuh: {tsurkan(-~|ik)} |
en: <consistent> |
vuh: {tu} |
en: <you (after a vowel sound)> |
23809,10 → 23859,10 |
vuh: {tuhk} |
en: <dent> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tuhllar} |
en: <contents> |
vuh: {tuhsau} |
en: <cross> |
pos: v. |
23822,7 → 23872,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tuhskaya} |
en: <comment> |
pos: n. |
23835,7 → 23885,7 |
def: VLI lesson |
ex: {tuhsk-nentular} |
com: not in GV-FSE and FSE-GV |
vuh: {tuhsk-nentular} |
en: <comment frames> (“>…<”) |
pos: n. |
23879,7 → 23929,7 |
vuh: {tum-vel-kutra} |
en: <computer bank> |
vuh: {tum-vel-sutauk} |
en: <computer bay> |
23888,7 → 23938,7 |
vuh: {tum-vel-tviyan} |
en: <computer core> |
vuh: {tum-vel-vokaya} |
en: <computer memory> |
23922,7 → 23972,7 |
vuh: {tus-tor} |
en: <load> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tusla} |
en: <cargo> |
lit: <load><here> |
23996,18 → 24046,18 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV; {tvesh-} by PE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tvesh-vel} |
en: <original> |
pos: n. |
def: PE |
vuh: {tveshulau} |
en: <originate> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tveshulaya} |
en: <origination> |
def: FSE-GV |
24095,37 → 24145,37 |
vuh: {tvidon-tor} |
en: <enrich> |
vuh: {tvidon'es} |
en: <enrichment> |
vuh: {tvihal (MGV)} |
en: <chamber, room, atrium> |
vuh: {tvihanek} |
en: <interface> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tviklachek} |
en: <interlock> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {tvimesau} |
en: <intersect> |
vuh: {tvimesaya} |
en: <intersection> |
vuh: {tvisek} |
en: <reflex> |
vuh: {tvitau} |
en: <line> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {tvitaya} |
en: <lining> |
vuh: {tviyan} |
en: <core> |
pos: n. |
24414,7 → 24464,7 |
vuh: {var-tor} |
en: <tell>; <relate> (tell) |
vuh: {varan(-~|ik)} |
en: {related} |
def: Lesson 24 "Gerunds & Present Participles" |
24448,7 → 24498,17 |
en: <other> |
pos: adj. |
com: <alternative> by PE |
vah: {vathu} |
en: <the Other> (person) |
pos: n. |
def: inferred by PE from VLI “Teachings of Surak” |
vah: {vathular} |
en: <others> (people) |
pos: n. |
def: VLI “Teachings of Surak” |
vuh: {vathru} |
en: <otherwise> |
24606,7 → 24666,7 |
en: <near-death experience (NDE)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {vesuhl} |
tag: anc. |
en: <bitumen> |
25079,7 → 25139,7 |
vuh: {wakli} |
en: <in what manner>, <in what way> |
vuh: {wal-tukh} |
en: <magnesium> |
25093,15 → 25153,15 |
vuh: {wan-kur} |
en: <white> |
vuh: {be-wan-kur} |
en: <off-white> |
pos: adj. |
tag: col. |
vuh: {wan-tukh} |
en: <aluminum>, <aluminium> |
vuh: {wan-tin-lanet} |
en: <ceiling> |
tag: meteo. |
25110,10 → 25170,10 |
vuh: {wan-tukh-grazhiv} |
en: <aluminum powder> |
vuh: {wan-tukh-thalv} |
en: <aluminum foil> |
vuh: {wat} |
en: <problem> |
25289,20 → 25349,20 |
vuh: {wek-tor} |
en: <phase> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {wek-ashenayek} |
en: <phase amplifier> |
vuh: {wek-izaya} |
en: <phase shift> |
pos: n. |
vuh: {wek-nakihtilayek} |
en: <phase modulator> |
vuh: {wek-sapa'shayek} |
en: <phase discriminator> |
vuh: {wek-vimevilayek} |
en: <phase inducer> |
25350,7 → 25410,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {wilat} |
en: <where> |
25427,11 → 25487,15 |
vuh: {wuh'ashiv} |
en: <another> |
vuh: {wuh'rak, wuhr} |
ipa: - |
en: <first, primary> |
vuh: {wuh('rak|r-~|rik)} |
en: <first>, <primary> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {wuhr(-~|ik)} |
en: <primary> (first) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {wuh'veh} |
en: <first>, <primary> |
pos: n. |
25542,12 → 25606,12 |
en: <indicate> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {pu'yal-tor} |
en: <be indicated> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {yansoku} |
en: <The Damned> |
25620,7 → 25684,7 |
vuh: {yeht-gav} |
en: <justice> |
vuh: {yeht-tor} |
en: <correct> |
pos: v. |
25696,7 → 25760,7 |
tag: biol. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {bi-yem-tor} |
en: <browse> |
tag: biol. |
25783,7 → 25847,7 |
en: <format> |
pos: v. |
def: GV-FSE “S-Z” |
vuh: {yidoran} |
en: <formatting> |
pos: n. |
25802,7 → 25866,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yokul-mev} |
en: <esophagus, gullet> |
25869,7 → 25933,7 |
vuh: {suk-payon} |
en: <inferno> |
vuh: {yon-dok} |
en: <firebrick> |
26028,16 → 26092,16 |
vuh: {zalu-nafek} |
en: <pancreas> |
vuh: {zalu-nafek-masu} |
en: <pancreatic juice> |
vuh: {zalu-nafek-mev} |
en: <pancreatic duct> |
vuh: {zalu-nafek-rasahtra} |
en: <pancreatic cancer> |
vuh: {zalu-nafek-yonshaya} |
en: <pancreatitis> |
26125,7 → 26189,7 |
vuh: {zehlau} |
en: <arrange>, <array> |
pos: v. |
vuh: {zek} |
en: <order> (birth, seating, etc.) |
pos: n. |
26192,28 → 26256,28 |
vuh: {zhit-dunap} |
en: <dictionary>, <lexicon> |
def: <lexicon> by PE |
vuh: {razh-zhit-dunap} |
en: pocket dictionary |
def: PE |
def: PE |
vuh: {zhit-dunap(-~|ik)} |
en: <lexical> |
def: PE |
vuh: {zhit-dunap-zek} |
en: <lexical order> |
def: PE |
vuh: {zhit-feim} |
en: <vocabulary> (list) |
vuh: {zhit-tuh} |
en: <paragraph> |
pos. n. |
lit: <word>-<pile> |
def: PE |
vuh: {zhit-vesht-tal} |
en: <etymology> |
26223,7 → 26287,7 |
vuh: {zhoh('rak|r-~)> |
en: <millionth> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {zhoh'veh} |
en: <millionth> |
pos: n. |
26369,12 → 26433,12 |
en: <alphabetic> |
pos: adj. |
def: PE |
vuh: {ek'zuntrayik} |
en: <alphabetically> |
pos: adv. |
def: PE |
vuh: {ek'zuntra-su'us(~-|ik)} |
en: <alphanumeric> |
pos: adj. |
26384,21 → 26448,21 |
en: <alphanumerically> |
pos: adv. |
def: PE |
vuh: {meszunikau} |
en: <transliterate> |
lit: <cross><letter>ing |
pos: v. |
vuh: {meszunikaya} |
en: <transliteration> |
lit: <cross><letter>ing-noun |
vuh: {zun(-~|ik)} |
en: <literal> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {zun-shif} |
en: <dyad> |
30870,22 → 30934,22 |
en: <strengthen> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {karik elek-wak-vel} |
en: <analog watch> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {karik'es} |
en: <strength> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {karik'es t'seshan-vunai} |
en: <magnetic field intensity> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {karik salan} |
en: <gale> |
def: FSE-GV |
35146,17 → 35210,17 |
en: <ventilate> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kraulaya} |
en: <ventilation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {a'rak-vihish-kraulaya} |
en: <positive pressure ventilation (PPV)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {kraulayek} |
en: <ventilator> |
def: FSE-GV |
35503,49 → 35567,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krusat} |
en: <sector> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krus} |
en: <component> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krusek} |
en: <fraction> |
tag: math. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krus-eku} |
en: <subset> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krus; fna-krus} |
en: <section> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krushau} |
en: <break up (come apart)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krushau (v.)} |
en: <break apart> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krushaya} |
en: <breakup (coming apart)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {krusitau} |
en: <alternate> |
pos: v. |
36970,16 → 36991,11 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {la, la'} |
en: <here> |
vuh: {tan} |
en: <present> (gift) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {la, la' (here); la-wak (now); tan (gift)} |
en: <present> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {laman} |
en: <stance> |
def: FSE-GV |
39651,7 → 39667,7 |
en: <hydrographer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: FSE-GV has {masu-tor-tal} (conflicting); not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Masutra-Ask'er-Ek'sutravek} |
en: <Marine Corps> |
def: FSE-GV |
40016,45 → 40032,45 |
en: <very> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-pseth(-)} |
en: <arid> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-klon'es} |
en: <brilliance> (intelligence) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-klonik} |
en: <brilliant> (very smart) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-ugel'es} |
en: <brilliance> (brightness) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-ugelik} |
en: <brilliant> (very bright) |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-zat-glan} |
en: <oxyopia> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {maut-zungor(-)} |
en: <exhausted> (tired) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mau-yan'es} |
en: <abundance> |
def: FSE-GV |
40085,12 → 40101,12 |
en: <basketball jersey> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavausu t'ki'haf-dukal-torvukh} |
en: <basketball player> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavau-tol t'ki'haf-dukal-torvukh} |
en: <basketball court> |
def: FSE-GV |
40100,12 → 40116,12 |
en: <instrument> (musical) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavayek} |
en: <player> (device) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavayek-sauribayek} |
en: <stereo> |
pos: n. |
40116,7 → 40132,7 |
en: <player> (person) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {zuvel} |
en: <instrument> (tool) |
def: FSE-GV |
40138,7 → 40154,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {fimavohrek(-~|ik)} |
en: <at anchor> |
def: FSE-GV |
40170,12 → 40186,12 |
en: <anchor windlass> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavohrek-elaseshayek} |
en: <windlass> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mavohrek-gor} |
en: <anchor bend> |
def: FSE-GV |
40190,7 → 40206,7 |
en: <anchor locker> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mav'shal} |
en: <hall> (meeting/performance place) |
pos: n. |
40238,53 → 40254,53 |
en: <sandstone> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-kuraun-ha'gelet} |
en: <tanning lamp> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-kuraunik sar-tak} |
en: <tanning bed> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-kur} |
en: <tan> |
tag: col. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-lef'es-kahk} |
en: <arenaceous> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-sahriv} |
en: <sandstorm> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-sef} |
en: <sand dune> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-tukh} |
en: <silicon> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-yon (TGV), mazhyon (MGV)} |
en: <sandfire> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhiv-zehl} |
en: <sandbar> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhu} |
en: <silica> |
def: FSE-GV |
40294,12 → 40310,12 |
en: <silicified wood> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhutau} |
en: <silicify> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mazhutaya} |
en: <silicification> |
def: FSE-GV |
40329,23 → 40345,23 |
en: <tranquilizer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mehizhuk} |
en: <tranquil> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mehizhau-kli} |
en: <tranquilizer dart> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mehizhau-pohshayek} (TGV), {mehizhau-pohshek} (MGV) |
en: <tranquilizer gun> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meht-hashan} |
en: <flyby> |
pos: n. |
40369,7 → 40385,7 |
tag: chem. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meilaktra} |
en: <(chemical) compound> |
pos: n. |
40376,7 → 40392,7 |
tag: chem. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meilak-nisaya} |
en: <elemental analysis> |
def: FSE-GV |
40386,37 → 40402,37 |
en: <corrode> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meilokulan} |
en: <corrosion> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-dakh-ha'tanaya} |
en: <chemiluminescence> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-fereikan} |
en: <chemosynthesis> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-folaya} |
en: <chemical reaction> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-gluhbosh-tukh} |
en: <chemical grout> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-huplamaya} |
en: <chemical spill> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-lesk} |
en: <chemistry set> |
def: FSE-GV |
40436,17 → 40452,17 |
en: <chemistry (study)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-tel} |
en: <chemical bond> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-tepul} |
en: <chemical energy> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-tukh} |
en: <chemical> |
pos: n. |
40457,17 → 40473,17 |
en: <chemical plant> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-vo'ektaya} |
en: <chemical balance> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-vo'ihn} |
en: <chemical equation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meil-yon-hashek} |
en: <chemical rocket> |
def: FSE-GV |
40494,17 → 40510,17 |
en: <parents> (general pl./alternatives) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mekhu}, {mekhlar} |
en: <folks> (parents) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mekhu, omekhu} |
en: <parents (a mother & a father)> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mekh-kwel} |
en: <parenthood> |
def: FSE-GV |
40559,7 → 40575,7 |
en: <talus-creep> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {men-hilan} |
en: <investigation> |
def: FSE-GV |
40601,18 → 40617,18 |
en: <transkinetic chamber> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mesakh-dvun(-~|ik)} |
en: <transkinetic> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mesakh-kloshai-tal} |
en: <parapsychology> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mesakh-kloshai-talsu} |
en: <parapsychologist> |
def: FSE-GV |
40627,7 → 40643,7 |
en: <transwarp corridor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mesakh-tchas-yeturek} |
en: <transwarp drive> |
def: FSE-GV |
40647,7 → 40663,7 |
en: <interpret> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mes'gen-lissu} |
en: <interpreter> |
def: FSE-GV |
40663,12 → 40679,12 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {mes-katrom} |
en: <crosscurrent> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {meshal-tor} |
en: <go across> |
def: FSE-GV |
42431,17 → 42447,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nam-tor} |
en: <be> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nam-tor} |
en: <exist> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nanal(-~|ik)} |
en: <threatened> |
pos: adj. |
43820,22 → 43825,12 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nen-, nenik (basic); wuhr-, wuhrik (first)} |
en: <primary> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nen(-~|ik)} |
en: <elementary> |
en: <primary> (basic); <elementary>, <fundamental> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nen(-~|ik)} |
en: <fundamental> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {nen-pi'gal} |
en: <elementary particle>, <fundamental particle> |
def: FSE-GV |
46979,9 → 46974,10 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pa'shi-, pa'shik} |
en: <clear (transparent)> |
def: FSE-GV |
vuh: {pa'shi(-~|k)} |
en: <clear> (transparent), <sober> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV; <sober> by PE |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {pa'shi-sov-wauk} |
53026,7 → 53022,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ritorupik} |
en: <passive> |
def: FSE-GV |
53693,7 → 53689,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rom'lashan} (TGV), {farmahn} (MGV) |
en: <welcome> |
lit: <good><arrival> (TGV) |
53700,13 → 53696,13 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rom'lasha} (TGV), {farmah} (MGV) |
en: <welcome> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {romosh} |
en: <quality> |
pos: n. |
53774,7 → 53770,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ro'ribetsu} |
en: <reporter> |
def: FSE-GV |
53808,18 → 53804,18 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubihalan-meilak} |
en: <transition element> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubihalat(-~|ik)} |
en: <transitional> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubilau} |
en: <adapt> |
def: FSE-GV |
53839,7 → 53835,7 |
en: <adaptive radiation> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubilau-vel} |
en: <adapter> |
def: FSE-GV |
53849,16 → 53845,16 |
en: <adaptive array> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubitau} |
en: <alter>, <modify> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rubitau(-~|k)} |
en: <modifying> |
pos: adj. |
vuh: {rubitaya} |
en: <alteration>, <modification> |
def: FSE-GV |
53868,12 → 53864,12 |
en: <sorcerer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ruboch-tanaf} |
en: <sorcery> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rub-zhit} |
en: <adjective> |
def: FSE-GV |
53895,7 → 53891,7 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: falsely v.; not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rufai} |
en: <benefit> |
pos: v. |
53936,7 → 53932,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rukhaul} |
en: <rebound> |
pos: n. |
53948,7 → 53944,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rukhaul s'rasath t'dvun-le-sumatra} |
en: <glacial rebound> |
def: FSE-GV |
53990,28 → 53986,28 |
lit: <mouth>-<water> (TGV) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ru'lut-pi'nafek} |
en: <buccal gland> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ru'lut-sai-mesklam} |
en: <napkin holder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ru'lut-sai} |
en: <napkin> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {runelau} |
en: <cramp> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {runelaya} |
en: <cramp> |
pos: n. |
54021,7 → 54017,7 |
vuh: {runem} |
en: <grab>, <grapple> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV; <grapple> by PE from {runem-kik} |
def: FSE-GV; <grapple> by PE from {runem-kik} |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {runem-tor} |
54029,12 → 54025,12 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV; <grapple> by PE from {runem-kik} |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {runem-kik} |
en: <grappling iron> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {runev} |
en: <spasm> |
pos: n. |
54052,7 → 54048,7 |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan} |
en: <conversion> |
def: FSE-GV |
54062,44 → 54058,44 |
en: <converter> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan-klai} |
en: <conversion factor> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan-nazh} |
en: <conversion gain> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan-pak} |
en: <conversion loss> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan-tor} |
en: <convert> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushansu} |
en: <convert> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rushan-tavat} |
en: <conversion ratio> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {rush-sasayek} |
en: <transducer> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ruskarau} |
en: <grasp> |
pos: v. |
54111,12 → 54107,12 |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ruskarayek} |
en: <forceps> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {ruski(-~|k)} |
en: <Russian> |
pos: adj. |
54153,7 → 54149,7 |
en: <elevator shaft> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sa'adek-su-natuhn} |
en: <elevator car> |
def: FSE-GV |
57343,7 → 57339,7 |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {sazh} |
en: <legume> |
def: FSE-GV |
57426,27 → 57422,27 |
en: <algebraic number> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {seht-su'us(-~|ik)} |
en: <algebraic> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {seht-su'us-ek'tal} |
en: <algebra> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {seht-su'us-ek'tal t'Seshet} |
en: <boolean algebra> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {seht-su'us-kek} |
en: <algebraic function> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {seht-su'us-tsa} |
en: <algebraic curve> |
def: FSE-GV |
59243,7 → 59239,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {Shi'Oren t'Ek'Tallar T'Khasi} |
en: <vulcan Academy of Sciences> |
en: <Vulcan Academy of Sciences> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
65354,9 → 65350,9 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {tehn-to-gonau} |
en: <violate> |
en: <violate>, <infringe> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
com: not in GV-FSE; <infringe> by PE |
vuh: {tehn-to-gonaya} |
en: <violation> |
69768,7 → 69764,7 |
en: <substantiate> |
pos: v. |
def: PE |
vuh: {tukhutil(-~|ik)} |
en: <substantial> |
def: FSE-GV |
71303,7 → 71299,7 |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {utvau} |
en: <reason (purpose)> |
en: <reason> (purpose) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
73680,6 → 73676,7 |
vuh: {vlaf(-~|ik)} |
en: <moderate> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
77094,11 → 77091,6 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yeht'es} |
en: <truth> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yeht-gav} |
en: <justice (fairness)> |
def: FSE-GV |
78397,62 → 78389,51 |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-del} |
en: <curb> |
vuh: {yut} |
en: <path>; <way> (path); <route>, <trail> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuti-|nenikau-|zeh} |
en: <girder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-tor} |
en: <channel> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuti-, yutik} |
en: <horizontal> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuti(-~|k)} |
en: <horizontal> |
pos: adj. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut} |
en: <path> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuti-(nenikau-)zeh} |
en: <girder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut (path), renyut (style)} |
en: <way> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yutsuplau} |
en: <yield> (give way to) |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut} |
en: <route> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {renyut} |
en: <way> (style) |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yutsuplau} |
en: <yield> (give way to) |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-del} |
en: <curb> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-talsu} |
en: <pathfinder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-talsu} |
en: <pathfinder> |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut-tor} |
en: <channel> |
pos: v. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yut} |
en: <trail> |
pos: n. |
def: FSE-GV |
com: not in GV-FSE |
vuh: {yuvan} |
en: <ellipsoid> |
def: FSE-GV |
79540,7 → 79521,7 |
en: <verbosity> |
lit: <word><-ness> |
def: PE based on “Affixes” |
vuh: {zhit-zhagra} |
en: <riddle> |
pos: n. |