Subversion Repositories LCARS

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Ignore whitespace Rev 244 → Rev 245

1098,7 → 1098,7
en: <urgent>
vuh: {akan(-)}
en: <alien>, <ecdemic> (zool.), <exotic> (not native)
en: <alien>; <ecdemic> (zool.); <exotic> (not native)
vuh: {akan-ha-tal}
en: <xenobiology>
1525,7 → 1525,7
pos: adj.
vuh: {ashal-veh}
en: <beloved>, <darling> (person), <sweetheart>
en: <beloved>, <darling> (person); <sweetheart>
pos: n.
vuh: {ashau-krel-masu}
1542,11 → 1542,11
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ashenayek}
en: <elevator> (aero., anat.), <amplifier> (electr.)
en: <elevator> (aero., anat.); <amplifier> (electr.)
vuh: {ashenek}
ipa: - ' -
en: <exponent> (math.), <levator> (anat.)
en: <exponent> (math.); <elevator> (anat.)
vuh: {ashenek-gavlar}
en: <exponent laws>
1611,7 → 1611,7
en: <army>
vuh: {ask'ersu}
en: <soldier>, <private> (rank)
en: <soldier>; <private> (rank)
pos: n.
def: <private> in FSE-GV
com: <private> not in GV-FSE
3360,7 → 3360,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {dah(-~|ik)}
en: <two>, <binary> (based on two)
en: <two>; <binary> (based on two)
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
4539,7 → 4539,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {d'ohan}
en: <confusion>, <perplexion>, <perplexity>, <puzzlement> (confusion)
en: <confusion>, <perplexion>, <perplexity>; <puzzlement> (confusion)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE; <perplex…> and <puzzlement> by PE from {d'ohik}
pun: on <d'oh!>, euphemism for <damn!>, prominent in "The Simpsons",
4759,7 → 4759,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {dorvokov}
en: <stela>, <stele>, <stelae> (pl.)
en: <stela>, <stele>; <stelae> (pl.)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
5645,7 → 5645,7
ipa: - '
tag: NGS
en: <"jasif"> (crystal)
com: type of crystal used to make vre-katras
com: type of crystal used to make {vre-katra}s
vuh: {dzhelu}
ipa: - '
5674,11 → 5674,11
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {dzhihpsi(-~|ik)}
en: <gypsy>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {dzhihpsi(-~|ik)}
en: <gypsy>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {dzhinau}
ipa: - '
5703,18 → 5703,21
en: {Jia'an(')Kahr} (city)
com: a Vulcan city
vuh: {dzhya'an-tukh}
vuh: {Dzhya'an-tukh}
ipa: - ' -
en: <hafnium>
com: first found on Vulcan near the city of {Dzhya'an'Kahr}
vuh: {eh}
ipa: , ε
en: <and>, <plus> (after vowel)
pos: conj.
see: {heh}
vuh: {eglus}
tag: anc.
en: <religious shrine>
vuh: {eh , ε}
en: <and (after a vowel sound)>
vuh: {eifa}
ipa: ' -
en: <those>
5722,14 → 5725,26
vuh: {eik}
en: <wide>
vuh: {eik-tor}
en: <widen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik'es}
ipa: ' -
en: <range>
en: <range> (extent)
pos: n.
vuh: {eik-vath}
en: <width>
vuh: {eik'es-ek'man-lansu}
en: <range safety officer (RSO)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eikan}
en: <widening>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksha}
ipa: - '
en: <dilate>
5737,12 → 5752,109
vuh: {eiksharu}
en: <dilation>
vuh: {eiksha}
en: <dilate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksharu}
en: <dilation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksha-vel}
en: <dilator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiktra}
ipa: ' -
en: <plain>
pos: n.
tag: geol.
vuh: {ein}
vuh: {eiktra-skrashaya}
en: <planation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik(-)}
en: <wide>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-alem'es-kupik}
en: <euryhaline>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-bashan}
en: <diaspora>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-falek'es-kupik}
en: <eurythermal>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {(eik-)map}
en: <moor>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-morik}
en: <broad-leaved>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-mor-kastik}, {eik-mor-lap}
en: <broad-leaf (plant)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-nosh-wivelauk}
en: <eurytopic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-shal-hatik}
en: <euryecious>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-te'kru}
en: <empire>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-um-shidik}
en: <obovate>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-vath}
en: <width>
vuh: {eik-wak}
en: <eon>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-yerak}
en: <basin>
tag: geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-yokulik}
en: <euryphagic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein(-)}
en: <some>
vuh: {ein-veh}
5756,8 → 5868,15
vuh: {Eingelsu}
ipa: ' - -
en: <English (language/person)>
en: <English> (language/person)
pos: n.
vuh: {eingel(-~|ik)}
en: <English>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eitau}
ipa: - '
en: <shear, cut away>
6041,7 → 6160,7
en: <godly, divine>
vuh: {ekon-dva}
en: <deism, belief in god(s)>
en: <deism>, <belief in god(s)>
vuh: {ekon-shoret}
en: <pray>
6231,16 → 6350,20
vuh: {etek}
ipa: ' -
en: <us, we (normal)>
en: <us>, <we> (normal)
vuh: {etwel}
ipa: ' -
en: <us, we (superior)>
en: <us>, <we> (superior)
vuh: {ezyak - ' (obs.)}
vuh: {ezyak}
ipa: - '
en: <uncle>
tag: obs.
vuh: {ezyet - ' (obs.)}
vuh: {ezyet}
ipa: - '
tag: obs.
en: <aunt>
vuh: {fa'}
6660,7 → 6783,7
pos: v.
vuh: {fish-tor}
en: <damp(en), turn down, lower (a setting)>
en: <damp(en)>; <turn down>, <lower> (a setting)
vuh: {fishek}
en: <damper, dampener>
7375,14 → 7498,16
en: <gap>
vuh: {hafau}
en: <remain (behind), stay (behind)>
en: <remain (behind)>, <stay (behind)>
vuh: {hafan-tor}
en: <stay (v., spending time/being a guest)>
en: <stay> (spending time/being a guest)
pos: v.
vuh: {hafa'el - ' -}
tag: anc.
en: <hostel(ry), inn>
vuh: {hafa'el}
ipa: - ' -
en: <hostel(ry)>, <inn>
tag: anc.
vuh: {hag(-~|ik)}
en: <easy, facile>
7686,7 → 7811,9
vuh: {heh}
ipa: , ε
en: <and> (after a consonant sound)
en: <and>, <plus> (standalone and after consonant)
def: <plus> only in FSE-GV
see: {eh}
vuh: {herbosh}
ipa: - '
7981,10 → 8108,10
vuh: {hoknau}
ipa: - '
en: <accumulate, gather (up)>
en: <accumulate>, <gather (up)>
vuh: {hoknaya}
en: <accumulation, gathering (up)>
en: <accumulation>, <gathering (up)>
vuh: {hokni'es}
ipa: ' - -
8391,7 → 8518,7
vuh: {k'wuhli}
ipa: - ' - , - ' -
en: <apart>, >separate> (from)
en: <apart>, <separate> (from)
vuh: {ka}
en: <same>, <equal(ly)>
8527,15 → 8654,17
en: <garnet>
vuh: {kai}
en: <step, stage (in a process)>
en: <step>, <stage> (in a process)
vuh: {kaiden}
ipa: ' -
en: <stairs, staircase, steps>
en: <stairs>, <staircase>, <steps>
vuh: {kai'tan - '}
tag: anc.
en: <pain and muscle control>
vuh: {kai'tan}
ipa: - '
tag: anc.
en: {kai'tan} (technique)
com: pain and muscle control
vuh: {kai-ros}
ipa: ' -
8690,8 → 8819,10
en: <strong>
pos: adj.
vuh: {karil - ' (NGS)}
en: <"Kareel", Winter (season)>
vuh: {karil}
ipa: - '
en: <"Kareel">, <winter> (season)
tag: NGS
vuh: {kas'el(-)}
en: <lazy>
8884,8 → 9015,9
en: <United Federation of Planets>
tag: TGV, MGV
vuh: {ke (TGV)}
en: <that, which, who (not a question word)>
vuh: {ke}
tag: TGV
en: <that>, <which>, <who> (not a question word)
vuh: {ke-tarya}
tag: anc.
9913,6 → 10045,12
ipa: - '
en: <hill>, <butte>
vuh: {kunelaat}
en: <range> (mountains)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {kunli}
ipa: ' -
en: <happy>
10132,7 → 10270,7
vuh: {lafot}
ipa: - '
en: <defect>, <flaw>, <fault> (defect)
en: <defect>, <flaw>; <fault> (defect)
pos: n.
def: <fault> only in FSE-GV
10432,7 → 10570,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {lehm-tor}
en: <throw>, <toss>, <heave>, <cast> (throw)
en: <throw>, <toss>, <heave>; <cast> (throw)
pos: v.
vuh: {salehm}
10861,7 → 10999,7
vuh: {mashek}
ipa: ' -
en: <bottle, flask, canteen, amphora, amp(o)ule>
en: <bottle>, <flask>, <canteen>, <amphora>, <amp(o)ule>
vuh: {mashen}
ipa: ' -
10909,12 → 11047,18
vuh: {masu-nakh}
en: <moisture index>
vuh: {masu-hali} (TGV), {mashali} (MGV)
vuh: {masu-hali} (TGV); {mashali} (MGV)
en: <ship> (water)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {mashar-tor}
en: <moor>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {pi'masu-hali}, {pi'mashali}
en: <boat>
com: {masu-hali} in FSE-GV, conflicting
11502,7 → 11646,7
tag: ling.
vuh: {mesukh-tumak}
en: <translator> (language software; general term), <translation software> (language)
en: <translator> (language software, general term); <translation software> (language)
pos: n.
def: PE
tag: tech.
11572,8 → 11716,9
vuh: {mikat(-~|ik)}
en: <curious>
vuh: {min-shara (NGS)}
en: <M-Class (planet), Class-M (planet)>
vuh: {Min-shara}
en: <M-Class (planet)>, <Class-M (planet)>
tag: NGS
vuh: {min-tor}
ipa: - '
12430,7 → 12575,7
vuh: {ni-prazh}
tag: anc.
en: <stoic, displaying no emotion(s)>
en: <stoic> (displaying no emotion(s))
vuh: {nifauli(-)}
en: <bizarre>
12548,7 → 12693,8
en: <center of gravity>
vuh: {nu-tor}
en: <lower (v.), drop (v., as in temperature)>
en: <lower>, <drop> (as in temperature)
pos: v.
vuh: {nuf}
en: <case, event>
12685,7 → 12831,7
pos: v.
vuh: {ogsu}
en: <seamster, seamstress (general term)>
en: <seamster>, <seamstress> (general term)
vuh: {oh-leh}
en: <eighty>
13087,7 → 13233,7
pos: n.
vuh: {ek'pehkaya}
en: <full-stop> (dot; {.}), <period> (dot; {.})
en: <full-stop>, <period> (dot, {.})
pos: n.
com: used as a period is used in FSE
def: VLI TGV/MGV - Lesson 6 “Punctuation”
13179,7 → 13325,7
pos: adj.
vuh: {petakov(-)}
en: <cute>, <darling> (cute)
en: <cute>; <darling> (cute)
pos: adj.
tag: anc.
def: FSE-GV
14947,7 → 15093,7
pos: v.
vuh: {sasahr-tor}
en: <flee, run away (from)>
en: <flee>, <run away> (from)
vuh: {sasak}
en: <diffusion>
15100,7 → 15246,7
en: <fruitful>
vuh: {savasaya}
en: <fructification, fruition, fruiting (out)>
en: <fructification>, <fruition>, <fruiting (out)>
vuh: {savasik}
en: <fruity>
15304,8 → 15450,9
en: <cubbyhole>, <niche>, <nook>, <recess>
vuh: {Sha-ka-ri}
en: <Sha Ka Ree>, <Shakari> (mythical source of creation)
en: <Sha Ka Ree>, <Shakari>
tag: anc.
com: mythical source of creation
vuh: {shad}
en: <brain>
15544,7 → 15691,7
pos: n.
vuh: {shaula}
en: <self-control, reason(ing)>
en: <self-control>, <reason(ing)>
vuh: {shavokh}
tag: anc.
15645,7 → 15792,7
en: <become>
vuh: {shi}
en: <place>, <site>, <location>, <spot> (place)
en: <place>, <site>, <location>; <spot> (place)
com: {spot} only in FSE-GV
15673,10 → 15820,10
pos: n.
vuh: {Shi'Kahr}
en: {Shi(r)'Kahr}, {Shi(r)-Kahr} (Vulcan capital city)
en: {Shi(r)'Kahr}, {Shi(r)-Kahr} (city)
lit: <place>-of-<town>
com: The script and production report for the
Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Forge" (at
com: Vulcan capital city. The script and production report for
the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "The Forge" (at
establish that the United Earth Embassy was in Shi'Kahr.*/
16222,7 → 16369,7
en: <field (cultivated)>
vuh: {solantra}
en: <property, land(s), (real) estate>
en: <property>, <land(s)>, <(real) estate>
vuh: {solek}
en: <soil>
17074,7 → 17221,7
pos: n.
vuh: {tal-tor}
en: <find>, <discover>, <locate> (find)
en: <find>, <discover>; <locate> (find)
pos: v.
vuh: {patal-tor}
17657,17 → 17804,17
pos: n.
vuh: {tersau}
en: <connect>, <relate> (connect)
en: <connect>; <relate> (connect)
pos: v.
def: <relate> by PE
vuh: {tersauk}
en: <connected>, <related> (connected)
en: <connected>; <related> (connected)
pos: adj.
def: <related> by PE
vuh: {tersaya}
en: <connection>, <context>, <relation(ship)> (connection)
en: <connection>, <context>; <relation(ship)> (connection)
def: FSE-GV; <context>, <relation(ship)> by PE
com: not in GV-FSE
18488,7 → 18635,8
en: <mass>, <body>, <accumulation>, <assemblage>
vuh: {tra-lan}
en: <major (army/marines), lieutenant commander (navy/Starfleet)>
en: <Major> (army/marines); <Lieutenant Commander> (navy/Starfleet)
pos: n.
vuh: {trahokna}
en: <institute>
18663,7 → 18811,7
vuh: {ritsuri(-)}
ipa: ' - -
en: <abnormal>, <irregular>, <unusual>, <exotic> (unusual)
en: <abnormal>, <irregular>, <unusual>; <exotic> (unusual)
pos: adj.
vuh: {tsuri-fna-krus}
19107,7 → 19255,7
en: <dome>
vuh: {udash(-)}
en: <cruel>, <mean> (not nice), <not nice (at all)>
en: <cruel>; <mean> (not nice); <not nice (at all)>
pos: adj.
vuh: {uf}
19355,7 → 19503,7
en: <tale>, <story>
vuh: {var-tor}
en: <tell>, <relate> (tell)
en: <tell>; <relate> (tell)
vuh: {varan(-~|ik)}
en: {related}
21338,157 → 21486,7
---------# FSE-GV
vuh: {eh, heh}
en: <and>
pos: conj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eh, heh}
en: <plus>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eifa}
en: <those>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-alem'es-kupik}
en: <euryhaline>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eikan}
en: <widening>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-bashan}
en: <diaspora>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik'es-ek'man-lansu}
en: <range safety officer (RSO)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik'es (extent); kunelaat (mountains)}
en: <range>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-falek'es-kupik}
en: <eurythermal>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {|eik-|map (n.); mashar-tor (v.)}
en: <moor>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-morik}
en: <broad-leaved>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-mor-kastik, eik-mor-lap}
en: <broad-leaf (plant)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-nosh-wivelauk}
en: <eurytopic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksha}
en: <dilate>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-shal-hatik}
en: <euryecious>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksharu}
en: <dilation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiksha-vel}
en: <dilator>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-te'kru}
en: <empire>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-tor}
en: <widen>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiktra}
en: <plain>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eiktra-skrashaya}
en: <planation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-um-shidik}
en: <obovate>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-vath}
en: <width>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-wak}
en: <eon>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik|-|}
en: <wide>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-yerak}
en: <basin>
tag: geol.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eik-yokulik}
en: <euryphagic>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {eingel-, eingelik (adj.); Eingelsu (language)}
en: <english>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein|-|}
en: <some>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ein-veh}
en: <someone>
def: FSE-GV
26314,7 → 26312,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {galat (n.), gal-tor (v.)}
en: <lean (slant)>, <list (lean)>
en: <lean> (slant); <list> (lean)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
28352,7 → 28350,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hag(-~|ik)}
en: <easy>, <facile (easy)>
en: <easy>; <facile> (easy)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
28761,7 → 28759,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hali}
en: <vehicle>, <vessel (ship)>
en: <vehicle>; <vessel> (ship)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
38488,7 → 38486,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {lamekh-suk'kunel-salan}
en: <chinook (wind)>, <föhn, Foehn (wind)>
en: <chinook>, <föhn>, <Foehn> (wind)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
40561,7 → 40559,8
def: PE
vuh: {masayuk}
en: <faucet>, <tap (n., faucet)>
en: <faucet>; <tap> (faucet)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
41027,7 → 41026,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {masusek}
en: <ewer>, <pitcher (water container)>
en: <ewer>, <pitcher> (water container)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
45963,7 → 45962,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {nok}
en: <béton>, <concrete (material)>
en: <béton>, <concrete> (material)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
47489,7 → 47488,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {os-shidik}
en: <plesiomorphic>, <primitive (in form)>
en: <plesiomorphic>; <primitive> (in form)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
56616,7 → 56615,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {sakashek}
en: <stun gun>, <stunner (weapon)>
en: <stun gun>, <stunner> (weapon)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
59081,7 → 59080,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {seshaya (n.), seshau (v.)}
en: <pull>, <tug (pull)>
en: <pull>; <tug> (pull)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
60864,7 → 60863,8
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {shnuhp}
en: <beak>, <bill (n., bird)>
en: <beak>, <bill> (bird)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
62443,7 → 62443,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {solektra-hali}
en: <automobile>, <car (automobile)>
en: <automobile>; <car> (automobile)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
69607,7 → 69607,8
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {tomasu}
en: <kinsman>, <relative (person)>
en: <kinsman>, <relative> (person)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
70573,7 → 70574,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {tsoraya (n.), tsorau (v.)}
en: <cache>, <store (save/savings)>
en: <cache>, <store> (save/savings)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
71118,7 → 71119,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {tukh}
en: <material>, <matter (material)>
en: <material>; <matter> (material)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
76075,7 → 76076,7
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {vun|-|}
en: <have to (must)>, <must (have to)>
en: <have to> (must); <must> (have to)
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
76293,7 → 76294,8
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {wadi-tremuhrau-tukh}
en: <make-up, makeup (n., cosmetics)>
en: <make-up>, <makeup> (cosmetics)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE