Subversion Repositories LCARS

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 21 → Rev 22

1,33 → 1,39
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
#use diagnostics;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use constant DEBUG => 0;
## Print out all text to STDOUT UTF-8 encoded
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
## version
# FIXME: Automatically include resolved '.' in @INC
# print join "\n", @INC;
## Collect statistics about a newsgroup (specified by first argument)
## in the local news spool. Check all articles in the last 30-day period.
## Rank posters by number of posts and by volume of posts, report on top
## and bottom 20 posters. Show their name, number of posts, size of posts,
## percentage of quoted lines. Rank user-agents used, by poster rather
## than by post. Rank top 20 threads. Rank top 10 cross-posted groups.
## Numbers and paths can be configured below. See ChangeLog and TODO
## for more. -- PE
use locale ':not_characters';
use Locale::TextDomain ('de.pointedears.newsstat');
use POSIX ('locale_h');
use Locale::Messages qw (bind_textdomain_filter
#setlocale( LC_MESSAGES, '' );
bind_textdomain_filter 'de.pointedears.newsstat', \&turn_utf_8_on;
bind_textdomain_codeset 'de.pointedears.newsstat', 'utf-8';
require Mail::Message;
require DateTime;
require DateTime::Format::Mail;
###################### USER CONFIGURATIONS ############################
## The name of the group to do stats for
my $newsgroup_name = $ARGV[0];
$newsgroup_name or &usage;
$newsgroup_name or usage();
## Check for removal flags
my $ix;
55,21 → 61,18
## Leafnode users will want /var/spool/news for this variable.
my $news = "/var/spool/news/";
## How many days are we doing statistics for?
my $numdays = 30;
## Number of top or bottom posters to show
my $topposters = 20;
## Number of agents we list
my $topagents = 10;
## Number of threads we want to know about
my $topthreads = 20;
## Number of top or bottom posters to show
my $topposters = 20;
## Number of cross-posted threads to show
my $topcrossposts = 10;
## Number of agents we list
my $topagents = 10;
## Number of time zones to show
my $toptz = 10;
76,29 → 79,21
###################### DATA STRUCTURES ######################
my $group = $newsgroup_name;
$group =~ s!\.!/!g;
my %data; # name, count, agent, total, orig, quoted
my %threads; # subject, count
my %crossposts; # group, count
my %tz; # timezones by count
my %headers; # holds header of current article
my %lcheader; # holds lowercase headers
my @body; # holds body of current article
my @sig; # holds sig text;
my $totalposts; # total no. of posts considered
my $filename; # name of current article file
my $filesize; # size of current article file
my $earliest; # earliest article we have found
my $latest; # latest article we have found
my $poster; # poster we are dealing with
my $totsize = 0; # holds total sizes of all files
my $totheader = 0; # total size of header material
my $totbody = 0; # total size of body material
my $totsig = 0; # total size of sig material
my $totorig = 0; # total size of original material
my $totquoted = 0; # total size of quoted material
my $origposts = 0; # total no. of original posts
my $replies = 0; # total no. of replies
my $i; # general purpose
my %data; # name, count, agent, total, orig, quoted
my $totsize = 0; # holds total sizes of all files
my %crossposts; # group, count
my %threads; # subject, count
my $replies = 0; # total no. of replies
my $origposts = 0; # total no. of original posts
my %tz; # timezones by count
my $earliest; # earliest article we have found
my $latest; # latest article we have found
my $totheader = 0; # total size of header material
my $totbody = 0; # total size of body material
my $totsig = 0; # total size of sig material
my $totquoted = 0; # total size of quoted material
my $totorig = 0; # total size of original material
my $totalposts; # total no. of posts considered
my %distinct_agent;
## Used to hold counts of User Agents used
124,491 → 119,273
"tin" => 0,
"VSoup" => 0,
"WebTV" => 0,
"Xnews" => 0
"Xnews" => 0,
######################## MAIN CODE ########################
$! = 1;
my $datetime_parser = DateTime::Format::Mail->new();
chdir("$news$group") or die "Can't cd to $news$group: $!\n";
opendir( DIR, "." ) or die "Can't open $news$group directory: $!\n";
while ( defined( $filename = readdir(DIR) ) )
my $today = DateTime->today( time_zone => 'UTC' );
my $prev_month = $today->clone()->subtract( months => 1 )->set_day(1);
my $start = int $prev_month->strftime('%s');
my $numdays = int DateTime->last_day_of_month(
year => $prev_month->year(),
month => $prev_month->month(),
time_zone => $prev_month->time_zone(),
my $end = int $today->clone()->set_day(1)->strftime('%s');
dmsg( $start, " to ", $end ) if DEBUG;
or die __x(
"Can't cd to {newsgroup}: {error}\n",
newsgroup => "$news$group",
error => $!
opendir( DIR, "." )
or die __x(
"Can't open {newsgroup}: {error}\n",
newsgroup => "$news$group",
error => $!
while ( defined( my $filename = readdir(DIR) ) )
%lcheader = ();
next unless -f $filename; # only want real files
next if ( $filename eq ".overview" ); # real articles only
next if ( -M $filename > $numdays ); # only want articles <= a certain age
$earliest = ( stat $filename )[9] unless defined($earliest);
$latest = ( stat $filename )[9] unless defined($latest);
&get_article($filename); # read in the article
&get_data; # grab the data from the article
$totalposts++; # bump count of articles considered
next unless -f $filename; # only want real files
next if ( $filename eq ".overview" ); # real articles only
get_article($filename); # read in the article
closedir(DIR); # finished with the directory
closedir(DIR); # finished with the directory
dmsg("\nearliest: $earliest\nlatest: $latest") if DEBUG;
## Post-processing
&count_agents; # count agents, collapsing versions
&fix_percent; # check percentages orig/total for posters
count_agents(); # count agents, collapsing versions
#################### DISPLAY RESULTS #####################
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Analysis of posts to $newsgroup_name", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n",
&centred( "(stats compiled with a script by Garry Knight et al.)", 76 );
print "\n\n";
printf "Total posts considered: %s over %d days\n", commify($totalposts),
printf "Earliest article: %s\n", scalar localtime($earliest);
printf "Latest article: %s\n", scalar localtime($latest);
printf "Original articles: %s, replies: %s\n", commify($origposts),
printf "Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)\n", commify($totsize),
commify( int( $totsize / 1024 ) ), $totsize / 1048576; #
printf "Average %s articles per day, %.2f MiB per day, %s bytes per article\n",
commify( int( $totalposts / $numdays ) ), $totsize / $numdays / 1048576,
commify( int( $totsize / $totalposts ) );
my $count = keys %data;
printf "Total headers: %s KiB bodies: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totheader / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totbody / 1024 ) );
printf "Body text - quoted: %s KiB, original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%, sigs: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totquoted / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totorig / 1024 ) ),
( $totorig * 100 ) / ( $totorig + $totquoted ),
commify( int( $totsig / 1024 ) );
printf "Total number of posters: %s, average %s bytes per poster\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
$count = keys %threads;
printf "Total number of threads: %s, average %s bytes per thread\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
printf "Total number of user agents: %d\n", scalar keys %agents;
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Show posters by article count Sec 1;
## Get current article's header and body
unless ( $skipSec{1} )
sub get_article
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count posters by number of articles", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
my $poster ( sort { $data{$b}{count} <=> $data{$a}{count} } keys %data )
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
my $filename = shift;
## Show posters by size in KiB Sec 2;
unless ( $skipSec{2} )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count posters by article size in KiB", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $poster ( sort { $data{$b}{size} <=> $data{$a}{size} } keys %data )
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 62 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
$data{$poster}{size} / 1024; #/
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
open( my $FILE, '<', $filename )
die __x( "Can't open {file}: {error}\n", file => $filename, error => $! );
my $msg = Mail::Message->read($FILE);
my $timestamp = $msg->timestamp();
my $date = $msg->study('Date');
## Show top posters for original text
unless ( $skipSec{3} )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
## Disregard article if timestamp is not in range
dmsg($timestamp) if DEBUG;
if ( $timestamp < $start or $timestamp >= $end )
$count = keys %data;
dmsg("Posting on $date ignored.") if DEBUG;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
&centred( "Top $count responders by original text (> 5 posts)", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $poster (
sort { $data{$b}{percent} <=> $data{$a}{percent} }
keys %data
next if $data{$poster}{quoted} == 0;
next if $data{$poster}{count} < 5;
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 63 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %02.2f%%\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Show bottom posters for original text
unless ( $skipSec{4} )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
&centred( "Bottom $count responders by original text (> 5 posts)", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $poster (
sort { $data{$a}{percent} <=> $data{$b}{percent} }
keys %data
next if $data{$poster}{quoted} == 0;
next if $data{$poster}{count} < 5;
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 63 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %02.2f%%\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
$totalposts++; # bump count of articles considered
## Show threads by number of articles
unless ( $skipSec{5} )
if ( keys %threads < $topthreads )
$count = keys %threads;
$count = $topthreads;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count threads by no. of articles", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $thread (
sort { $threads{$b}{count} <=> $threads{$a}{count} }
keys %threads
my $name = substr( $thread, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
dmsg($date) if DEBUG;
## Show threads by size in KiB
unless ( $skipSec{6} )
if ( keys %threads < $topthreads )
$count = keys %threads;
$count = $topthreads;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count threads by size in KiB", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $thread (
sort { $threads{$b}{size} <=> $threads{$a}{size} }
keys %threads
my $name = substr( $thread, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
$threads{$thread}{size} / 1024; #/
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## get stats about the file itself
my $filesize = -s $filename; # get total size of file
$totsize += $filesize; # bump total sizes of all files
## Show top 10 cross-posted groups
unless ( $skipSec{7} )
delete $crossposts{"$newsgroup_name"}; # don't include ours
if ( keys %crossposts < $topcrossposts )
if ( ( not defined $earliest ) or $timestamp < $earliest )
$count = keys %crossposts;
$earliest = $timestamp;
elsif ( ( not defined $latest ) or $timestamp > $latest )
$count = $topcrossposts;
$latest = $timestamp;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count cross-posted groups", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
my $name ( sort { $crossposts{$b} <=> $crossposts{$a} } keys %crossposts )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Show agents and counts
unless ( $skipSec{8} )
if ( keys %agents < $topagents )
$count = keys %agents;
$count = $topagents;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count User Agents by poster", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $agent ( sort { $agents{$b} <=> $agents{$a} } keys %agents )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $agent, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
#print "timestamp: $timestamp\n";
## Show distinct agents
unless ( $skipSec{9} )
if ( keys %distinct_agent < $topagents )
$count = keys %distinct_agent;
$count = $topagents;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top $count User Agents by number of posts", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $agent (
sort { $distinct_agent{$b} <=> $distinct_agent{$a} }
keys %distinct_agent
printf "%2d: %-58s : %5d (%2.f%%)\n", $i + 1, rpad( $agent, 58, "." ),
( ( $distinct_agent{$agent} / $totalposts ) * 100 );
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## count header size
$totheader += $msg->head()->size();
## Show timezones and counts
unless ( $skipSec{10} )
if ( keys %tz < $toptz )
## get the poster's name (MIME-decoded, in UTF-8)
my $poster = $msg->study('From');
if ( defined $poster )
$count = keys %tz;
$count = $toptz;
printf "%s\n", &centred( "Top 10 time zones", 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
$i = 0;
foreach my $zone ( sort { $tz{$b} <=> $tz{$a} } keys %tz )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $zone, 63, "." ), $tz{$zone};
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Convert old to new format
$poster =~ s/^\s*(.+?\@.+?)\s*\((.+?)\)\s*$/$2 <$1>/;
################################ SUBROUTINES ################################
## Collapse whitespace
$poster =~ s/\s+/ /g;
## Get current article's header and body
sub get_article
%headers = (); # dump old headers
my $filename = shift; # get the name of the file
## Remove outer quotes; TODO: observe RFC 5322 strictly
$poster =~ s/^ " (.+ ) " \s+ (.*)/$1 $2/x;
## get stats about the file itself
$filesize = -s $filename; # get total size of file
$totsize += $filesize; # bump total sizes of all files
dmsg($poster) if DEBUG;
my $mtime = ( stat $filename )[9];
if ( $mtime < $earliest )
$earliest = $mtime;
elsif ( $mtime > $latest )
$latest = $mtime;
## seen this one before?
if ( !defined( $data{$poster} ) )
$data{$poster}{'agent'} = __ 'unknown'; # comes after For: field
$data{$poster}{'orig'} = 0;
$data{$poster}{'quoted'} = 0;
$data{$poster}{'count'}++; # bump count for this poster
$data{$poster}{'size'} += $filesize; # total size of file
## now read the file
open( my $FILE, '<', $filename ) or die "Can't open $filename: $!\n";
while (<$FILE>)
$totheader += length($_); # bump total header size
last if (/^\s*$/); # end of header?
if (/^([^:\s]*):\s*(.*)/)
## The User-Agent and/or X-Newsreader fields
## for User-Agent by poster
my $ua = $msg->study('User-Agent') or $msg->study('X-Newsreader');
if ( defined $ua )
my ( $key, $val ) = ( $1, $2 );
$headers{$key} = decode( 'MIME-Header', $val );
$lcheader{ clean( lc($key) ) } = clean($val);
$data{$poster}{'agent'} = $ua;
dmsg($ua) if DEBUG;
@body = <$FILE>; # slurp up body
} # get_article
## Get data from the current article
sub get_data
#### First, analyse header fields ####
## The User Agent for User-Agent by number of posts
## Set up this poster if not defined, get counts, sizes
my $poster = $headers{From}; # get the poster's name
# Convert old to new format
$poster =~ s/^\s*(.+?\@.+?)\s*\((.+?)\)\s*$/$2 <$1>/;
# Collapse whitespace
$poster =~ s/\s+/ /;
# Remove outer quotes
$poster =~ s/^["'](.+?)["']\s+(.*)/$1 $2/;
if ( !defined( $data{$poster} ) )
{ # seen this one before?
$data{$poster}{agent} = 'Unknown'; # comes after For: field
$data{$poster}{orig} = 0;
$data{$poster}{quoted} = 0;
$data{$poster}{count}++; # bump count for this poster
$data{$poster}{size} += $filesize; # total size of file
## Get all cross-posted newsgroups
for ( split( /,/, $msg->study('Newsgroups') ) )
$crossposts{$_}++; # bump count for each
## The User-Agent and/or X-Newsreader fields
## for User-Agent by poster
if ( defined $lcheader{"user-agent"} )
$data{$poster}{agent} = $lcheader{"user-agent"};
if ( defined $lcheader{"x-newsreader"} )
$data{$poster}{agent} = $lcheader{"x-newsreader"};
## Get threads
my $thread = $msg->study('Subject');
$thread =~ s/^re:\s+//i; # Remove Re: or re: at start
$thread =~ s/\s+/ /g; # collapse whitespace
$threads{$thread}{'count'}++; # bump count of this subject
$threads{$thread}{'size'} += $filesize; # bump bytes for this thread
## The User Agent for User-Agent by number of posts
my $UA = "unknown";
foreach my $keys ( keys %lcheader )
if ( defined $lcheader{'user-agent'} )
## Is this an original post or a reply?
if ( defined $msg->study('References') )
$UA = $lcheader{'user-agent'};
elsif ( defined $lcheader{"x-newsreader"} )
$UA = $lcheader{"x-newsreader"};
elsif ( defined $lcheader{'x-mailer'} )
## Get the time zone
my $datetime = $datetime_parser->parse_datetime($date);
my $tz = $datetime->strftime('%z');
$tz = "UTC" if $tz =~ m{^(?:GMT|0000)$}o;
dmsg($tz) if DEBUG;
#### Now analyse the body text ####
my $body = $msg->body();
my $insig = 0;
my @body = $body->lines;
for (@body)
$UA = $lcheader{'x-mailer'};
$totbody += length($_); # bump total body size
next if (m{^$>}o); # don't count blank lines in body
if ( $insig == 1 )
# bump total sig size
$totsig += length($_);
## are we in a quote line?
## Bill Unruh uses ] quotes, and another poster uses ::
elsif ( m{^\s*[>\]]}o or m{^\s*::}o )
## bump count of quoted chrs
$data{$poster}{'quoted'} += length($_);
$totquoted += length($_);
elsif (/^-- $/)
$insig = 1;
## We must be processing an original line
$data{$poster}{'orig'} += length($_); # bump count of original chrs
$totorig += length($_);
elsif (
( defined $lcheader{'organization'} )
&& ( $lcheader{'organization'} =~
/groups\.google|AOL|Supernews|WebTV|compuserve/ )
# end for (@body)
sub get_agent
my $msg = shift;
my $ua =
or $msg->study('X-Newsreader')
or $msg->study('X-Mailer');
if ( not defined $ua )
my $org = $msg->study('Organization');
if ( defined $org
and $org =~ /groups\.google|AOL|Supernews|WebTV|compuserve/ )
$UA = $lcheader{'organization'};
$ua = $org;
elsif ( $lcheader{'message-id'} =~ /pine/i )
elsif ( $msg->study('Message-ID') =~ /pine/i )
$UA = "Pine";
} ## Hopefully found UA, else set to unknown
$ua = "Pine";
$UA = clean($UA);
$UA = get_agent($UA);
## Hopefully found UA, else set to unknown
if ( not defined $ua )
$ua = __ "unknown";
sub get_agent
$ua = clean($ua);
my $raw = $ua;
my $agent = $raw;
## strip http
if ( $raw =~ /.*http.*/ )
my $raw = shift;
my $agent = $raw;
$raw =~ s!posted via!!i;
$raw =~ s!http://!!g;
$raw =~ s!/!!g;
$raw =~ s! !!g;
## strip http
if ( $raw =~ /.*http.*/ )
$raw =~ s!posted via!!i;
$raw =~ s!http://!!g;
$raw =~ s!/!!g;
$raw =~ s! !!g;
## Fix Outlook from Mac
if ( $raw =~ /^microsoft/i )
$raw =~ s/-/ /g;
## Fix Outlook from Mac
if ( $raw =~ /^microsoft/i ) { $raw =~ s/-/ /g; }
## Pick out the popular agents
if (
$raw =~ /(outlook express)/i
|| $raw =~ /(windows mail)/i
|| $raw =~ /(microplanet gravity)/i
|| $raw =~ /(news rover)/i
|| $raw =~ /(forte agent)/i
|| $raw =~ /(forte free agent)/i
$agent = $1;
elsif (
$raw =~ /^(
## Pick out the popular agents
if ( $raw =~ /(outlook express)/i
|| $raw =~ /(windows mail)/i
|| $raw =~ /(microplanet gravity)/i
|| $raw =~ /(news rover)/i
|| $raw =~ /(forte agent)/i
|| $raw =~ /(forte free agent)/i )
$agent = $1;
elsif (
$raw =~ /^(
637,134 → 414,496
$agent = $1;
## Clean up unknown agents
if ( $raw =~ m!^(.*?)/! )
$agent = $1;
elsif ( $raw =~ /^(\w*)\d.*/ )
## Clean up unknown agents
if ( $raw =~ m!^(.*?)/! )
$agent = $1;
return $agent;
## get_agent
## Count the User-Agents used, collapsing
## different versions into one per agent.
sub count_agents
foreach my $poster ( keys %data )
foreach my $agent_name ( keys %distinct_agent )
{ # check against known ones
if ( $data{$poster}{'agent'} =~ /\Q$agent_name\E/ )
$agent = $1;
next POSTER;
elsif ( $raw =~ /^(\w*)\d.*/ )
$agent = $1;
$agents{ $data{$poster}{'agent'} }++;
} # count_agents
return $agent;
## Set orig/total percentages for all posters
sub fix_percent
foreach my $poster ( keys %data )
my $percent = 100;
if ( ( $data{$poster}{'orig'} != 0 ) and ( $data{$poster}{'quoted'} != 0 ) )
$percent =
$data{$poster}{'orig'} * 100 /
( $data{$poster}{'quoted'} + $data{$poster}{'orig'} ); #/
elsif ( $data{$poster}{'orig'} == 0 )
$percent = 0;
$data{$poster}{'percent'} = $percent;
## fix_percent
## Get all cross-posted newsgroups
for ( split /,/, $headers{"Newsgroups"} )
## Write data structures to a file
sub write_data
open( my $OUTF, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "/tmp/XDATA" )
or die __x( "Can't create XDATA: {error}\n", error => $! );
print $OUTF "Data collected from $newsgroup_name\n\n";
print $OUTF
"Poster Data\nname : agent : count : size: orig : quoted : per cent\n";
foreach my $name ( keys %data )
$crossposts{$_}++; # bump count for each
print $OUTF
"$name : $data{$name}{'agent'} : $data{$name}{'count'} : $data{$name}{'size'} : $data{$name}{'orig'} : $data{$name}{'quoted'} : $data{$name}{'percent'}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Thread subjects\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $thread ( sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %threads )
print $OUTF
"$thread : $threads{$thread}{'count'} : $threads{$thread}{'size'}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Cross-posts\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %crossposts )
print $OUTF "$name : $crossposts{$name}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "User agents\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %agents )
print $OUTF "$name : $agents{$name}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Time zones\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %tz )
print $OUTF "$name : $tz{$name}\n";
close $OUTF;
} # write_data
## Get threads
my $thread = $headers{"Subject"};
$thread =~ s/^re: //i; # Remove Re: or re: at start
$thread =~ s/\s+/ /g; # collapse whitespace
$threads{$thread}{count} += 1; # bump count of this subject
$threads{$thread}{size} += $filesize; # bump bytes for this thread
sub display_results
#################### DISPLAY RESULTS #####################
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Analysis of posts to {newsgroup}", newsgroup => $newsgroup_name ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
printf "%s\n",
"(compiled with a script by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on work by\nGarry Knight et al.)",
print "\n\n";
printf __"Total posts considered: %s over %d days" . "\n",
my $time_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
my $earliest_datetime = DateTime->from_epoch(
epoch => $earliest,
locale => $time_locale,
time_zone => 'UTC',
my $latest_datetime = DateTime->from_epoch(
epoch => $latest,
locale => $time_locale,
time_zone => 'UTC',
my $datetime_format = '%a, %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z';
printf __"Earliest article" . ": %s\n", $earliest_datetime->strftime($datetime_format);
printf __"Latest article" . ": %s\n", $latest_datetime->strftime($datetime_format);
printf __"Original articles: %s; replies" . ": %s\n",
printf __"Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)" . "\n",
commify($totsize), commify( int( $totsize / 1024 ) ), $totsize / 1048576; #
printf __
"Average %s articles per day, %.2f MiB per day, %s bytes per article\n",
commify( int( $totalposts / $numdays ) ), $totsize / $numdays / 1048576,
commify( int( $totsize / $totalposts ) );
my $count = keys %data;
printf __"Total headers: %s KiB; bodies: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totheader / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totbody / 1024 ) );
printf __
"Body text - quoted: %s KiB; original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%; sigs: %s KiB\n",
commify( int( $totquoted / 1024 ) ), commify( int( $totorig / 1024 ) ),
( $totorig * 100 ) / ( $totorig + $totquoted ),
commify( int( $totsig / 1024 ) );
printf __"Total number of posters: %s, average %s bytes per poster\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
$count = keys %threads;
printf __"Total number of threads: %s, average %s bytes per thread\n",
commify($count), commify( int( $totsize / $count ) ); #/
printf __"Total number of user agents: %d\n", scalar keys %agents;
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Is this an original post or a reply?
if ( defined $headers{"References"} )
## Show posters by article count Sec 1;
unless ( $skipSec{1} )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} posters by number of articles", count => $topposters ), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
my $poster ( sort { $data{$b}{count} <=> $data{$a}{count} } keys %data )
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Show posters by size in KiB Sec 2;
unless ( $skipSec{2} )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} posters by article size in KiB", count => $topposters ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
my $poster ( sort { $data{$b}{size} <=> $data{$a}{size} } keys %data )
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 62 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
$data{$poster}{size} / 1024; #/
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Get the time zone
$_ = $headers{"Date"};
my ($tz) = /\d\d:\d\d(?::\d\d)?\s+(.*)/;
if ( ( $tz =~ /UTC/ ) or ( $tz =~ /GMT/ ) or ( $tz =~ /0000/ ) )
## Show top posters for original text
unless ( $skipSec{3} )
$tz = "UTC";
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
"Top {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)",
count => $topposters
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $poster (
sort { $data{$b}{percent} <=> $data{$a}{percent} }
keys %data
next if $data{$poster}{quoted} == 0;
next if $data{$poster}{count} < 5;
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 63 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %02.2f%%\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
#### Now analyse the body text ####
my $insig = 0;
for (@body)
## Show bottom posters for original text
unless ( $skipSec{4} )
$totbody += length($_); # bump total body size
next if (/^$>/); # don't count blank lines in body
if ( $insig == 1 )
if ( keys %data < $topposters )
$totsig += length($_); # bump total sig size
$count = keys %data;
$count = $topposters;
printf "%s\n",
"Bottom {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)",
count => $topposters
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $poster (
sort { $data{$a}{percent} <=> $data{$b}{percent} }
keys %data
next if $data{$poster}{quoted} == 0;
next if $data{$poster}{count} < 5;
my $name = substr( $poster, 0, 63 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %02.2f%%\n", $i + 1, rpad( $poster, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Bill Unruh uses ] quotes, and another poster uses ::
## Show threads by number of articles
unless ( $skipSec{5} )
if ( keys %threads < $topthreads )
$count = keys %threads;
elsif ( /^\s*[>\]]/ or /^\s*::/ )
{ # are we in a quote line?
$data{$poster}{quoted} += length($_); # bump count of quoted chrs
$totquoted += length($_);
$count = $topthreads;
elsif (/-- /)
printf "%s\n",
centred( __x( "Top {count} threads by no. of articles", count => $topthreads ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $thread (
sort { $threads{$b}{'count'} <=> $threads{$a}{'count'} }
keys %threads
$insig = 1;
my $name = substr( $thread, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Show threads by size in KiB
unless ( $skipSec{6} )
if ( keys %threads < $topthreads )
$count = keys %threads;
$count = $topthreads;
printf "%s\n",
centred( __x( "Top {count} threads by size in KiB", count => $topthreads ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $thread (
sort { $threads{$b}{'size'} <=> $threads{$a}{'size'} }
keys %threads
my $name = substr( $thread, 0, 65 );
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
$threads{$thread}{'size'} / 1024; #/
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## We must be processing an original line
$data{$poster}{orig} += length($_); # bump count of original chrs
$totorig += length($_);
## Show top 10 cross-posted groups
unless ( $skipSec{7} )
delete $crossposts{"$newsgroup_name"}; # don't include ours
if ( keys %crossposts < $topcrossposts )
$count = keys %crossposts;
} # end for (@body)
$count = $topcrossposts;
printf "%s\n",
centred( __x( "Top {count} cross-posted groups", count => $topcrossposts ), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
my $name ( sort { $crossposts{$b} <=> $crossposts{$a} } keys %crossposts )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $name, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
} # get_data
## Show agents and counts
unless ( $skipSec{8} )
if ( keys %agents < $topagents )
$count = keys %agents;
$count = $topagents;
printf "%s\n",
centred( __x( "Top {count} user agents by poster", count => $topagents ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $agent ( sort { $agents{$b} <=> $agents{$a} } keys %agents )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $agent, 63, "." ),
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## Count the User-Agents used, collapsing
## different versions into one per agent.
sub count_agents
foreach my $poster ( keys %data )
## Show distinct agents
unless ( $skipSec{9} )
foreach my $agent_name ( keys %distinct_agent )
{ # check against known ones
if ( $data{$poster}{agent} =~ /\Q$agent_name\E/ )
next POSTER;
if ( keys %distinct_agent < $topagents )
$count = keys %distinct_agent;
$agents{ $data{$poster}{agent} }++;
$count = $topagents;
printf "%s\n",
__x( "Top {count} user agents by number of posts", count => $topagents ),
76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $agent (
sort { $distinct_agent{$b} <=> $distinct_agent{$a} }
keys %distinct_agent
printf "%2d: %-58s : %5d (%2.f%%)\n", $i + 1, rpad( $agent, 58, "." ),
( ( $distinct_agent{$agent} / $totalposts ) * 100 );
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
} # count_agents
## Set orig/total percentages for all posters
sub fix_percent
foreach my $poster ( keys %data )
## Show timezones and counts
unless ( $skipSec{10} )
my $percent = 100;
if ( ( $data{$poster}{orig} != 0 ) and ( $data{$poster}{quoted} != 0 ) )
if ( keys %tz < $toptz )
$percent =
$data{$poster}{orig} * 100 /
( $data{$poster}{quoted} + $data{$poster}{orig} ); #/
$count = keys %tz;
elsif ( $data{$poster}{orig} == 0 )
$percent = 0;
$count = $toptz;
$data{$poster}{percent} = $percent;
printf "%s\n", centred( __x("Top {count} time zones", count => $toptz), 76 );
print "=" x 76, "\n";
my $i = 0;
foreach my $zone ( sort { $tz{$b} <=> $tz{$a} } keys %tz )
printf "%2d: %-63s : %6d\n", $i + 1, rpad( $zone, 63, "." ), $tz{$zone};
last if ( ++$i == $count );
print "\n", "=" x 76, "\n";
## helper subs
## Right pad a string with '.'s
774,7 → 913,7
my ( $text, $pad_len, $pad_chr ) = @_;
#printf "|%s| = %d\n", $text, length($text);
printf( "|%s| = %d\n", $text, length($text) ) if DEBUG > 1;
if ( length($text) > $pad_len )
798,10 → 937,36
## Put commas into a number
# Get some of locale's numeric formatting parameters
my ($thousands_sep, $grouping) =
@{localeconv()}{'thousands_sep', 'grouping'};
# Apply defaults if values are missing
$thousands_sep = ',' unless $thousands_sep;
# grouping and mon_grouping are packed lists
# of small integers (characters) telling the
# grouping (thousand_seps and mon_thousand_seps
# being the group dividers) of numbers and
# monetary quantities. The integers' meanings:
# 255 means no more grouping, 0 means repeat
# the previous grouping, 1-254 means use that
# as the current grouping. Grouping goes from
# right to left (low to high digits). In the
# below we cheat slightly by never using anything
# else than the first grouping (whatever that is).
my @grouping;
if ($grouping) {
@grouping = unpack("C*", $grouping);
} else {
@grouping = (3);
sub commify
local $_ = shift;
1 while s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
#1 while s/^([-+]?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
$_ = int; # Chop non-integer part
1 while
return $_;
819,61 → 984,17
sub usage
print "usage: newsgroupname\n";
print __"usage: NEWS.GROUP\n";
exit 1;
## Write data structures to a file
sub write_data
sub dmsg
open my $OUTF, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "/tmp/XDATA"
or die "Can't create XDATA: $!\n";
print $OUTF "Data collected from $newsgroup_name\n\n";
print $OUTF
"Poster Data\nname : agent : count : size: orig : quoted : per cent\n";
foreach my $name ( keys %data )
print $OUTF
"$name : $data{$name}{agent} : $data{$name}{count} : $data{$name}{size} : $data{$name}{orig} : $data{$name}{quoted} : $data{$name}{percent}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Thread subjects\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $thread ( sort { "\L$a" cmp "\L$b" } keys %threads )
print $OUTF
"$thread : $threads{$thread}{count} : $threads{$thread}{size}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Cross-posts\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %crossposts )
print $OUTF "$name : $crossposts{$name}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "User agents\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %agents )
print $OUTF "$name : $agents{$name}\n";
print $OUTF
print $OUTF "Time zones\n";
print $OUTF
foreach my $name ( sort keys %tz )
print $OUTF "$name : $tz{$name}\n";
close $OUTF;
} # write_data
print STDERR @_, "\n";
sub dmsg2
my ( $level, @msg ) = @_;
print STDERR @msg, "\n" if $level >= DEBUG;
0,0 → 1,159
# newsstat German language file
# Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
# This file is distributed under the same license as the newsstat package.
# Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>, 2012.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: newsstat r22\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-03 222:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-03 22:46+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n"
"Language-Team: German <>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't cd to {newsgroup}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't open {newsgroup}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't open {file}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "unbekannt"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't create XDATA: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Analysis of posts to {newsgroup}"
msgstr "Analyse der Artikel in {newsgroup}"
#: ../
msgid "(compiled with a script by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on work by\nGarry Knight et al.)"
msgstr "(erstellt mit einem Skript von Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, basierend auf\nder Arbeit von Garry Knight und anderen)"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total posts considered: %s over %d days\n"
msgstr "Berücksichtigte Postings: %s über %d Tage\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Earliest article: %s\n"
msgstr "Ältester Artikel: %s\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Latest article: %s\n"
msgstr "Neuester Artikel: %s\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Original articles: %s; replies: %s\n"
msgstr "Originalartikel: %s; Antworten: %s\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)\n"
msgstr "Postings insgesamt: %s Bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Average %s articles per day, %.2f MiB per day, %s bytes per article\n"
msgstr "Durchschnittlich %s Artikel je Tag, %.2f MiB je Tag, %s Bytes je Artikel\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total headers: %s KiB; bodies: %s KiB\n"
msgstr "Header insgesamt: %s KiB; Bodys: %s KiB\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Body text - quoted: %s KiB; original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%; sigs: %s KiB\n"
msgstr "Body-Text - zitiert: %s KiB; original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%; sigs: %s KiB\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of posters: %s, average %s bytes per poster\n"
msgstr "Poster insgesamt: %s, durchschnittlich %s Bytes je Poster\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of threads: %s, average %s bytes per thread\n"
msgstr "Threads insgesamt: %s, durchschnittlich %s Bytes je Thread\n"
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of user agents: %d\n"
msgstr "Benutzerprogramme insgesamt: %d\n"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} posters by number of articles"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Poster nach Anzahl der Artikel"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} posters by article size in KiB"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Poster nach Artikelgrösse in KiB"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Antwortende nach Originaltext (> 5 Postings)"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Bottom {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)"
msgstr "{count} seltenste Antwortende nach Originaltext (> 5 Postings)"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} threads by no. of articles"
msgstr "Top {count} der Threads nach Anzahl der Artikel"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} threads by size in KiB"
msgstr "Top {count} der Threads nach Grösse in KiB"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} cross-posted groups"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Gruppen, in die gecrosspostet wurde"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} user agents by poster"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Benutzerprogramme je Poster"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} user agents by number of posts"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Benutzerprogramme nach der Anzahl Postings"
#: ../
msgid "Top {count} time zones"
msgstr "{count} häufigste Zeitzonen"
#: ../
msgid "usage: NEWS.GROUP\n"
msgstr ""
0,0 → 1,0
0,0 → 1,16
# Makefile snippet that holds all package-dependent information.
# Add more languages here! Beware that this is a makefile snippet and
# you have to adhere to make syntax.
# Textdomain for our package.
TEXTDOMAIN = de.pointedears.newsstat
# Initial copyright holder added to pot and po files.
COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
# Where to send msgid bugs?
#MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS = Guido Flohr <>
MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS = Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>
0,0 → 1,159
# newsstat LANGUAGE language file
# Copyright (C) 2012 Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
# This file is distributed under the same license as the newsstat package.
# Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>, 2012.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: newsstat r22\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn <>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-03 22:46+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: LANGUAGE\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't cd to {newsgroup}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't open {newsgroup}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't open {file}: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../ ../
msgid "unknown"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Can't create XDATA: {error}\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Analysis of posts to {newsgroup}"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "(compiled with a script by Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn, based on work by Garry Knight et al.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total posts considered: %s over %d days\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Earliest article: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Latest article: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Original articles: %s, replies: %s\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total size of posts: %s bytes (%s KiB) (%.2f MiB)\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Average %s articles per day, %.2f MiB per day, %s bytes per article\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total headers: %s KiB bodies: %s KiB\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Body text - quoted: %s KiB, original: %s KiB = %02.2f%%, sigs: %s KiB\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of posters: %s, average %s bytes per poster\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of threads: %s, average %s bytes per thread\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-format
msgid "Total number of user agents: %d\n"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} posters by number of articles"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} posters by article size in KiB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Bottom {count} responders by original text (> 5 posts)"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} threads by no. of articles"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} threads by size in KiB"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} cross-posted groups"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} user agents by poster"
msgstr ""
#: ../
#, perl-brace-format
msgid "Top {count} user agents by number of posts"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "Top {count} time zones"
msgstr ""
#: ../
msgid "usage: NEWS.GROUP\n"
msgstr ""
0,0 → 1,97
# Makefile for various po files.
srcdir = .
libdir = ..
#CATALOGS = $(addsuffix .po, LINGUAS)
MO_FILES = $(addsuffix .mo, $(LINGUAS))
MSGMERGE = msgmerge
MSGFMT = msgfmt
XGETTEXT = xgettext
include PACKAGE
TD = $(strip $(TEXTDOMAIN))
default: help
all: $(TD).pot update-po update-mo install
@echo "Available targets:"
@echo " pot - remake master catalog"
@echo " update-po - merge po files"
@echo " update-mo - regenerate mo files"
@echo " install - install mo files"
@echo " all - all of the above"
POTFILES = $(srcdir)/ \
$(shell cat $(srcdir)/
pot: $(TD).pot
rm -f *~ *.bak *.mo
# FIXME: The parameter --from-code is only needed if your sources contain
# any 8 bit data (even in comments). UTF-8 is only a guess here, but it
# will at least accept any 8 bit data.
# The parameter "--language=perl" is not strictly needed because the
# source language of all our files will be auto-detected by xgettext
# by their filename extension. You should even avoid this parameter
# if you want to extract strings from multiple source languages.
$(TD).pot: $(POTFILES)
$(XGETTEXT) --output=$(srcdir)/$(TD).pox --from-code=utf-8 \
--add-comments=TRANSLATORS: --files-from=$(srcdir)/ \
--copyright-holder="$(COPYRIGHT_HOLDER)" \
--msgid-bugs-address="$(MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS)" \
--keyword --keyword='$$__' --keyword=__ --keyword=__x \
--keyword=__n:1,2 --keyword=__nx:1,2 --keyword=__xn:1,2 \
--keyword=__p:1c,2 --keyword=__np:1c,2,3 \
--keyword=__npx:1c,2,3 --keyword=N__ --keyword=N__n:1,2 \
--keyword=N__p:1c,2 --keyword=N__np:1c,2,3 --keyword=%__ \
--language=perl && \
rm -f $@ && mv $(TD).pox $@
install: $(MO_FILES)
cd $(srcdir); \
targetdir='$(libdir)/LocaleData'; \
languages='$(LINGUAS)'; \
for lang in $$languages; do \
mkdir -p "$$targetdir/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES" || exit 1; \
dest="$$targetdir/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/$(TD).mo"; \
cat="$$"; \
echo "installing $$cat as $$dest"; \
cp -f $$cat $$dest && chmod 644 $$dest || exit 1; \
update-mo: $(MO_FILES)
$(MAKE) $(TD).pot
cd $(srcdir); \
catalogs='$(CATALOGS)'; \
for cat in $$catalogs; do \
cat=`basename $$cat`; \
lang=`echo $$cat | sed 's/\$(CATOBJEXT)$$//'`; \
mv $$lang.po $$lang.old.po; \
echo "$$lang:"; \
if $(MSGMERGE) $$lang.old.po $(TD).pot -o $$lang.po; then \
rm -f $$lang.old.po; \
else \
echo "msgmerge for $$cat failed!"; \
rm -f $$lang.po; \
mv $$lang.old.po $$lang.po; \
fi; \
.SUFFIXES: .po .mo
$(MSGFMT) --check --statistics --verbose -o $@ $<