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Haettenschweiler, "Downloadable Haettenschweiler", |
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Index: index.html |
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function setStatus(Text) { |
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@@ -62,86 +95,151 @@ |
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+; |
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+ { |
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+ //window.setTimeout(function () { |
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+ //}, 1000); |
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- <tr valign="middle"> |
- <td align="center" colspan=2><img |
- src="media/video/img/vulcan_hand-black-bg.png" |
- width="120" |
- height="168" |
- alt="Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper - Leben Sie lange und glücklich" |
- title="Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper - Leben Sie lange und glücklich" |
- border="0" |
- onmouseover="return setStatus(this.title)" |
- onmouseout="return resetStatus()"></td> |
- </tr> |
- <tr valign="top"> |
- <td width="50%"><h1 |
- align="center">Welcome at PointedEars' Website</h1></td> |
- <td width="50%"><h1 |
- align="center">Willkommen auf PointedEars' Website</h1></td> |
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- (you may easily toggle language later)</td> |
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- soll<br> |
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- umschalten)</td> |
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- <td><a href="" class="button"> DEUTSCH </a></td> |
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- <td colspan=2><hr size=1 width="100%" noshade><a |
- href="[Your%20feedback%20|%20Ihr%20Feedback]" |
- title="Send your feedback to PointedEars" |
- onmouseover="return mailStatus()" |
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- >Copyright © 2002–2008 <img |
- src="media/ani-mail.gif" |
- width="14" |
- height="15" |
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+ <div style="text-align: center"><img |
+ src="media/video/img/vulcan_hand-black-bg.png" |
+ width="120" |
+ height="168" |
+ alt="Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper - Leben Sie lang und erfolgreich" |
+ title="Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper - Leben Sie lang und erfolgreich" |
+ border="0" |
+ onmouseover="return setStatus(this.title)" |
+ onmouseout="return resetStatus()"></div> |
+ |
+ <ul id="greeting"> |
+ <li style="white-space: nowrap"><p style="text-align: center" lang="x-vulcan-latin">Dif-tor heh smusma</p></li> |
+ <li style="white-space: nowrap"><p style="text-align: center" lang="en">Live long and prosper</p></li> |
+ <li style="white-space: nowrap"><p style="text-align: center" lang="de">Leben Sie lang und erfolgreich</p></li> |
+ </ul> |
+ |
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