Subversion Repositories LCARS

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 121 → Rev 122

356,14 → 356,35
opacity: 0;
75% {
75%, to {
opacity: 1;
color: #fc6;
Mixins::keyframes('analysis-scan', <<<CSS
from, 25% {
color: #fc6;
26%, to {
color: #fff;
/* FIXME: :hover hides first row */
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr {
Mixins::animation('-play-state', 'running');
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis:hover tr {
Mixins::animation('-play-state', 'paused');
370,31 → 391,27
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(1) {
/* Blink rate 1 Hz should be safe for people with photosensitive epilepsy */
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(1) th,
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(1) td
Mixins::animation('-name', 'analysis');
Mixins::animation('-duration', '1.5s');
//Mixins::animation('-iteration-count', 'infinite');
Mixins::animation('-timing-function', 'linear');
Mixins::animation('', 'analysis 1.5s linear 0s, analysis-scan 4s linear 2.0s infinite');
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(2) {
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(2) th,
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(2) td
Mixins::animation('-name', 'analysis');
Mixins::animation('-delay', '0.25s');
Mixins::animation('-duration', '1.5s');
//Mixins::animation('-iteration-count', 'infinite');
Mixins::animation('-timing-function', 'linear');
Mixins::animation('', 'analysis 1.5s linear 0.25s, analysis-scan 4s linear 3.0s infinite');
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(3) {
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(3) th,
.multi-display .upper .content .analysis tr:nth-child(3) td
Mixins::animation('-name', 'analysis');
Mixins::animation('-delay', '0.5s');
Mixins::animation('-duration', '1.5s');
//Mixins::animation('-iteration-count', 'infinite');
Mixins::animation('-timing-function', 'linear');
Mixins::animation('', 'analysis 1.5s linear 0.5s, analysis-scan 4s linear 4.0s infinite');