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Ignore whitespace Rev 265 → Rev 266

14572,6 → 14572,44
vuh: {holshan(-~|ik)}
en: <mythical>
vuh: {hor'wesau}
en: <rock> (type of motion)
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wes-kusan}
en: <rocker> (chair); <rocking chair>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-ralash-tanaf}
en: <rock music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-ralash-tanafsu}
en: <rock musician>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-padukauk ralash-tanaf}
en: <rock 'n' roll music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-padukauk ralash-tanafsu}
en: <rock 'n' roll musician>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {horon}
en: <character> (inner makeup)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hors}
en: <horse>
pos: n.
14649,6 → 14687,11
vuh: {hosh-tukh}
en: <fluorine>
vuh: {hosh-nol-tukh}
en: <fluorocarbon>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hotor(-~|ik)}
en: <formal>
pos: adj.
14674,33 → 14717,125
en: <delighted>
pos: adj.
vuh: {hushau}
en: <gasp>
vuh: {huhrsau}
en: <practice>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhsh}
ipa: ,
en: <cough>
vuh: {huhrsaya}
en: <practice>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhsh}
ipa: ,
en: <cough>
pos: n.
vuh: {huhsh-tor}
en: <cough>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhk}
ipa: ,
en: <hiccup>
en: <hiccup>, <hiccough>, <spasmolygmus>
pos: n.
def: <hiccough>, <spasmolygmus> only in FSE-GV
vuh: {huun}
en: <oops>
vuh: {huhk-tor}
en: <hiccup>, <hiccough> (spasmolygmus)
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huht(-~|ik)}
vuh: {huht}
en: <solid>
pos: adj.
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huht(-~|ik)}
en: <solid>
pos: adj.
vuh: {huhtkau}
en: <solidify>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huht-nasovaya}
en: <sublimation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzhau}
en: <buzz>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzhaya}
en: <buzz>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzhayek}
en: <buzzer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzi}
en: <chin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huplamau}
en: <spill>
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huplamaya}
en: <spill>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hushau}
en: <gasp>
pos: v.
vuh: {hushaya}
en: <gasp>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hutau}
en: <shake, quake>
en: <shake>, <quake>
pos: v.
vuh: {i, i}
ipa: '
vuh: {hutaya}
en: <shake>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hutayan(-~|ik)}
en: <shaky>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huun}
en: <oops>
vuh: {i('~)}
en: <now>
vuh: {if}
28636,142 → 28771,6
vuh: {hor'wesau-padukauk ralash-tanaf}
en: <rock 'n' roll music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-padukauk ralash-tanafsu}
en: <rock 'n' roll musician>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-ralash-tanaf}
en: <rock music>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau-ralash-tanafsu}
en: <rock musician>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wesau}
en: <rock> (type of motion)
pos: v.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hor'wes-kusan}
en: <rocker> (chair); <rocking chair>
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {horon}
en: <character> (inner makeup)
pos: n.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hosh-nol-tukh}
en: <fluorocarbon>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hosh-tukh}
en: <fluorine>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hotor(-~|ik)}
en: <formal>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hudokal(-~|ik)}
en: <delighted>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hudokaya (n.), hudokau (v.)}
en: <delight>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhk (n.), huhk-tor (v.)}
en: <hiccup (hiccough, spasmolygmus)>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhrsaya (n.), huhrsau (v.)}
en: <practice>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhsh (n.), huhsh-tor (v.)}
en: <cough>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huht-, huhtik (adj.); huht (n.)}
en: <solid>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhtkau}
en: <solidify>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huht-nasovaya}
en: <sublimation>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzhaya (n.), huhzhau (v.)}
en: <buzz>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzhayek}
en: <buzzer>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huhzi}
en: <chin>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huplamaya (n.), huplamau (v.)}
en: <spill>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hushaya (n.), hushau (v.)}
en: <gasp>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hutaya (n.); hutau (v.)}
en: <shake>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {hutayan(-~|ik)}
en: <shaky>
pos: adj.
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {huun}
en: <oops>
def: FSE-GV
com: not in GV-FSE
vuh: {ifisal-ne'ti-kov}
en: <clastic rock>
def: FSE-GV