Subversion Repositories LCARS

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Last modification

Ignore whitespace Rev 19 → Rev 20

0,0 → 1,45
[ $# -lt 3 ] && {
echo >&2 "${0##*/} [-g GREY_VALUE] [-p PREFIX] [-s SUFFIX] START SID\
exit 1
[ "$1" = '-g' ] &&
[ "$1" == '-' ] && user_grey=255,0,255,255
user_grey="-g $user_grey"
[ "$1" = '-p' ] &&
[ "$1" = '-s' ] &&
shift 2
sudo dc stop
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
dvdsubtitles -t $i -s $subtitle $user_grey -o "$prefix$1$suffix"
let i++
sudo dc start
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/
--- multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/ (nonexistent)
+++ multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/ (revision 20)
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+copy="2005, 2006"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# DVD Subtitles 0.6.1 -- Extracts subtitles from Video DVD data to a text file
+# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Thomas Lahn <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU GPL along with this
+# program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+## Standard shell script disclaimer blurb thing:
+## This script is a hack. It's brute force. It's horrible.
+## It doesn't use Artificial Intelligence. It doesn't use Virtual Reality.
+## It's not perl. It's not python. It probably won't work unchanged on
+## the "other" thousands of unices. But it worksforme. --ramiro
+# (from /usr/local/mozilla/
+# This is work in progress. If you have an improvement, patch,
+# idea, whatever, on how to make this script better, please
+# send it to <>
+_title ()
+ echo "\
+${extd}DVD Subtitles $ver
+Copyright (C) $copy Thomas Lahn <$mail_feedback>$norm
+Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), see
+COPYING file or for details.
+_help ()
+ echo "\
+Extracts a subtitle stream from Video DVD data and converts it to a text file.
+$extd$appname$norm [options] ${ital}SOURCE$norm
+$extd$appname$norm [$extd-hVkl$norm] [${ital}SOURCE$norm [${ital}TITLE$norm\
+ [${ital}SUBTITLE$norm [${ital}TARGET$norm [${ital}GREY_LEVELS$norm]]]]]
+Any option argument is overwritten by the respective additional program
+argument. Options may be given in any order, and are also considered
+options if located after the first program argument. Too many program
+arguments are silently ignored.
+$extd-c$norm, $extd--compile$norm ${ital}FILE$norm | ${ital}DIRECTORY$norm
+ Compile subtitle text files according to subtitle index\
+ ${ital}FILE$norm
+ or to subtitle index files in ${ital}DIRECTORY$norm to\
+ ${ital}TARGET$norm. Clean up if this is successful, then exit.
+$extd-k$norm, $extd--keep$norm Keep subtitle stream file even if\
+ conversion is successful.
+$extd-l$norm, $extd--list$norm List subtitles for TITLE using\
+ ${extd}mplayer$norm(1) and exit.
+ If TITLE is not provided or \`$extd-$norm', list subtitles for
+ title #2 (as title #1 may be an intro without subtitles)
+ and exit.
+SOURCE Video DVD data source, i.e. a device (usually /dev/dvd),
+ a directory (e.g. one containing content created via
+ ${extd}dvdbackup$norm(1)) or a Video DVD image file.
+ If \`$extd-$norm', a previously created subtitle stream file\
+ named
+ ${extd}subtitle_stream-$norm*$extd-${norm}TITLE${extd}-${norm}SUBTITLE\
+ in the current working
+ directory will be used for only the stream-to-graphics-
+ to-text conversion instead. Both TITLE and SUBTITLE
+ must not be \`$extd-$norm' in that case.
+ The default is \`$extd/dev/dvd$norm'.
+$extd-t$norm, $extd--title$norm
+ TITLE Number of the title (1-n) which will be accessed for
+ subtitle stream extraction. If left out or \`$extd-$norm', the
+ program uses ${extd}mplayer$norm(1) to detect how many titles are
+ available on the DVD data source and asks for the
+ title to be accessed.
+$extd-s$norm, $extd--subtitle-id$norm
+ SUBTITLE ID of the subtitle stream to be extracted (0-n).
+ If left out or \`$extd-$norm', the program uses its\
+ ${extd}-l$norm option to detect
+ which subtitles are available for the given TITLE and asks
+ for the ID to be used.
+$extd-o$norm, $extd--output-target$norm
+ TARGET Name of the resulting subtitles text file.
+ If not provided, the file is named after the subtitle stream
+ file. NOTE: Unlike previous versions, this version appends
+ the filename suffix $$norm automagically ONLY in that\
+ case.
+$extd-g$norm, $extd--grey-levels$norm
+ GREY_LEVELS Optional grey-levels value\
+ (\`c0$extd,${norm}c1$extd,${norm}c2$extd,${norm}c3' with 0 <= cN <= 255,
+ where 0 is black and 255 is white) to be used for converting
+ the subtitle stream graphics to text via OCR. The default is
+ \`${extd}255,255,0,255$norm'. Unfortunately, the\
+ ${extd}subtitle2pgm$norm program,
+ which requires this value, appears to be poorly documented;
+ if you find a more detailed, working documentation, please
+ refer to it and inform this program's author about it.
+$extd-h$norm, $extd--help$norm Display this help and exit.
+$extd-v$norm, $extd--verbose$norm Be verbose. The number of ${extd}-v$norm\
+ options specify the level of
+ verbosity.
+$extd-V$norm, $extd--version$norm Display version information and exit.
+${extd}EXIT STATUS$norm
+ ${extd} 0$norm Successful program execution
+ ${extd} 1$norm Error detecting/extracting subtitle stream, or cancelled
+ without selecting a title number or subtitle ID
+ ${extd} 2$norm Unable to convert subtitle stream to image files
+ ${extd} 3$norm Cancelled due to ${extd}gocr$norm(1) error or without\
+ entering another
+ grey-levels value
+ ${extd} 4$norm Unable to compile to text file
+ ${extd} 5$norm Unable to clean up
+ ${extd}127$norm Insufficient number of arguments / help was displayed
+See the $extd$appname$norm(1) manpage for complete documentation."
+if test -z "$LINES" -o -z "$COLUMNS" ; then
+ eval `stty size 2>/dev/null | (read L C; \
+ echo LINES=${L:-24} COLUMNS=${C:-80})`
+test $LINES -eq 0 && LINES=24
+test $COLUMNS -eq 0 && COLUMNS=80
+if test "$TERM" != "raw" && stty size >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+# esc=`echo -en "\033"`
+# extd="${esc}[1m"
+ extd=`tput bold 2>/dev/null`
+ ital=`tput sitm 2>/dev/null`
+# norm=`echo -en "${esc}[m\017"`
+ norm=`tput sgr0 2>/dev/null`
+ esc=""
+ extd=""
+ norm=""
+# Note that we use `"$@"' to let each command-line parameter expand to a
+# separate word. The quotes around `$@' are essential!
+# We need `tmp' as the `eval set --' would nuke the return value of getopt.
+[ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "$extd
+Debug output for POSIX conform command-line parsing
+Original arguments: $*" >&2
+if `getopt -T >/dev/null 2>&1` ; [ $? = 4 ] ; then
+ getopt_type=long
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "getopt(1) type: enhanced" >&2
+ tmp=`getopt -o c:klg:o:S::s:t:hVv \
+ -l compile:,keep-stream,list,grey-levels:,output-target:\
+,spell-check,subtitle-id:,title:,help,verbose,version \
+ -n "$appname" -s sh \
+ -- "$@"`
+ getopt_type=short
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "getopt(1) type: old" >&2
+ tmp=`getopt c:klg:o:S:s:t:hVv "$@"`
+# exit status
+if [ $getopt_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
+## getopt returns error code 0 for successful parsing, 1 if
+## getopt(3) returns errors, 2 if it does not understand its
+## own parameters, 3 if an internal error occurs like out-of-
+## memory, and 4 if it is called with -T.
+# Note the quotes around `$tmp': they are essential!
+# echo $tmp
+# remove "--"
+# for i in $tmp; do if [ "$i" != "--" ]; then tmp2="${tmp2} $i"; fi; done
+ eval set -- "$tmp"
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "New arguments: $*$norm
+" >&2
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ help=1
+ shift;;
+ -v | --verbose)
+ let verbose++
+ shift;;
+ -V | --version)
+ version=1
+ shift;;
+ -c | --compile)
+ compile=1
+ source=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -k | --keep)
+ keep=1
+ shift;;
+ -l | --list)
+ list=1
+ shift;;
+ -g | --grey-levels)
+ grey_levels=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -o | --output-target)
+ target=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -s | --subtitle-id)
+ sid=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -t | --title)
+ title=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ -n "$*" ] && args=$args" $*"
+ set -- $args
+ [ $verbose -gt 1 ] && echo "getopt exited: $getopt_exit_code
+ " >&2
+ if [ $getopt_exit_code -eq 1 -o $getopt_exit_code -eq 2 ]; then
+ help=1
+ else
+ exit $getopt_exit_code
+ fi
+[ $list -eq 0 ] && _title
+[ $version -eq 1 ] && exit $ESUCCESS
+[ $help -eq 1 ] &&
+ _help "$0"
+[ $compile -eq 0 ] &&
+ [ -n "$1" ] && source=$1
+ [ -z "$title" -a -n "$2" ] && title=$2
+ [ -z "$sid" -a -n "$3" ] && sid=$3
+ [ -z "$target" -a -n "$4" ] && target=$4
+ [ -z "$grey_levels" -a -n "$5" ] && grey_levels=$5
+ getsubtitles ()
+ {
+ mplayer -dvd-device "$1" -vo null -ao null -frames 0 \
+ -v "dvd://${2:-2}" 2>&1 |
+ sed -n '/sid/ s/^[^:]\{1,\}:[[:space:]]//p'
+ # echo "$subtitles"
+ }
+ [ $list -eq 1 ] &&
+ {
+ # first title may be only an intro
+ [ "$title" = '-' ] && title=2
+ tmp=`getsubtitles $source $title`
+ if [ -n "$tmp" ]; then
+ echo "${extd}The following subtitles are available for title #$title:$norm
+ exit $ESUCCESS
+ else
+ fi
+ }
+ [ "$sid" != '-' -a "$title" != '-' ] &&
+ {
+ subtitles=`getsubtitles $source $title`
+ [ -n "$subtitles" ] &&
+ st_descr=`echo "$subtitles" | grep "^$sid[[:space:]]" |
+ cut -f 2- -d ' '`
+ }
+ if [ "$source" = '-' ]; then
+ stream_file=`ls subtitle_stream-*-$title-$sid 2>/dev/null | head -n 1`
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ read -r -s -p "Use '$stream_file' [Y/n]? " -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ exit 1;;
+ *)
+ echo Y
+ esac
+ echo
+ id=${stream_file#*-}
+ else
+ echo "$appname: No such file: subtitle_stream-*-$title-$sid" >&2
+ fi
+ else
+ read_error ()
+ {
+ case $1 in
+ 0) subject='titles available on this DVD source.';;
+ *) subject='subtitles available for this title.';;
+ esac
+ echo >&2 "\
+Sorry, there are no $subject
+Please verify that the DVD data source is available and
+that its filesystem is consistent."
+ unset subject
+ }
+ if [ "$title" = '-' ]; then
+ titles=`mplayer -dvd-device "$source" -vo null -ao null -frames 0 \
+ -v dvd:// 2>&1 | egrep '[0-9]+ titles'`
+ num_titles=`echo "$titles" | awk '{print $3}'`
+ [ $(($num_titles)) -lt 1 ] && read_error 0
+ echo "$titles"
+ while true
+ do
+ read -r -p "\
+${extd}Enter title# (1-$num_titles), or nothing to abort: $norm"
+ if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+ title=$(($REPLY))
+ [ $title -ge 1 -a $title -le $num_titles ] && break
+ else
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ fi
+ if [ "$sid" = '-' ]; then
+ if [ -z "$subtitles" ]; then subtitles=`"$0" -lt "$title" "$source"`; fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ sid_max=`echo "$subtitles" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`
+ echo "$subtitles"
+ while true; do
+ read -r -p "\
+${extd}Enter ID of subtitle stream (0-$sid_max) to extract, or nothing to abort: $norm"
+ if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+ sid=$(($REPLY))
+ [ $sid -ge 0 -a $sid -lt $sid_max ] && break
+ else
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ read_error 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # remove trailing /
+ source=${source%/}
+ vol=`(echo $(volname $source 2>/dev/null); exit $?;) || echo ${source##*/}`
+ id=$vol-$title-$sid
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ unset REPLY
+ [ -f "$stream_file" ] &&
+ {
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}Use existing '$stream_file' [Y/n]? $norm" -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}Overwrite existing '$stream_file' [y/N]? $norm"\
+ -n 1 REPLY2
+ case $REPLY2 in
+ [Yy]) echo $REPLY2;;
+ *)
+ echo N
+ id=$vol-$title-$sid-$$
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ echo "Using '$stream_file'"
+ esac
+ echo
+ unset REPLY2;;
+ *)
+ echo Y
+ REPLY='y'
+ esac
+ echo
+ }
+ [ "$target" = '-' ] && target="$"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" -o "$REPLY" == 'N' -o "$REPLY" == 'n' ] &&
+ {
+ echo "\
+${extd}Extracting subtitle stream $norm$sid${st_descr:+ ($st_descr)}$extd
+of title $norm#$title$extd
+on $norm$source$extd
+to \"$norm$target$extd\" ...$norm
+" >&2
+ > "$stream_file"
+ tccat -i "$source" -T "$title" -L |
+ tcextract -x ps1 -t vob -a 0x2$sid > "$stream_file"
+ }
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$stream_file" -a -s "$stream_file" ]; then
+ echo "${extd}... done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}... failed.$norm"
+ [ -f "$stream_file" ] && rm ./"$stream_file"
+ fi
+ result=$ESUCCESS
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "
+${extd}Converting subtitle stream \"$norm$stream_file$extd\"
+to Netpbm Portable Greymaps (PGMs) ... $norm" | fold -s >&2
+ subtitle2pgm -o ./${id}- ${grey_levels:+-c "$grey_levels"} < $stream_file
+ result=$?
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm
+${extd}Converting PGMs to text files (TXTs) using GNU OCR (gocr) ... $norm"
+ st_lang=$(echo "$st_descr" | sed 's/.*language: \([a-z]\{2\}\)/\1/')
+ pgm2txt ${st_lang:+-f $st_lang} ./${id}-
+ result=$?
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done, using a grey-levels value of\
+ \`$norm${grey_levels:-255,255,0,255}$extd'.$norm"
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.
+If the conversion was cancelled due to inappropriate grey-levels value
+\`${grey_levels:-255,255,0,255}', you may try another value,\
+ else you should abort:
+ select grey_levels in \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '0,255,255,255' ] && echo 0,255,255,255` \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '255,0,255,255' ] && echo 255,0,255,255` \
+ `[ -n "$grey_levels" -a "$grey_levels" != '255,255,0,255' ] &&
+ echo 255,255,0,255` \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '255,255,255,0' ] && echo 255,255,255,0` \
+ Other \
+ Abort
+ do
+ case $grey_levels in
+ Other)
+ read -r -p "
+${extd}Enter new value (\`c0$extd,${norm}c1$extd,${norm}c2$extd,${norm}c3'\
+ with 0 <= cN <= 255), or nothing to select a value:
+$norm" grey_levels
+ [ -n "$grey_levels" ] && break;;
+ Abort)
+ result=$EOCRERROR
+ break;;
+ *)
+ break
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -n "${extd}Cleaning up PGMs ... $norm"
+ rm ./${id}-*.pgm
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+[ $result -eq $ESUCCESS ] &&
+ if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then
+ try_file ()
+ {
+ [ ! -f "$source" ] && source="$source.srtx"
+ [ -f "$source" ]
+ }
+ if [ -d "$source" ]; then
+# TODO: loop through all .srtx files in the directory
+ if [ "$source" != '.' ]; then cd "$source"; fi
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] &&
+ {
+ ls "$source"/*.srtx 2>/dev/null
+ }
+ echo >&2 "$appname: $source: Directory compile is not yet supported."
+ elif try_file; then
+ d=${source%/*}
+ if [ -a -d "$d" -a "$d" != '.' ]; then cd "$d"; fi
+ id=${source%-*}
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ source="./${source##*/}"
+ else
+ echo >&2 "$appname: $source: No such file or directory."
+ fi
+ else
+ source="${id}-.srtx"
+ fi
+ unset REPLY
+ [ -f "$target" ] &&
+ {
+# TODO: allow for diff
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}'$target' exists.
+Append, overwrite, create new file, or abort [a/o/n/Esc]? $norm" \
+ -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Oo]) echo $REPLY;;
+ [Aa]) echo $REPLY;;
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ target="${target%.*}-$$.${target##*.}";;
+ *)
+ REPLY=Abort
+ echo $REPLY
+ esac
+ }
+ echo "
+${extd}Compiling TXTs into \"$norm$target$extd\" ... $norm"
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ [Oo]) > "$target";;
+ [Aa])
+ # append new content marker here
+ echo "
+-- `whoami`@`hostname` -- `date` --
+" >> "$target"
+ esac
+ (
+# sed: thx to Erkan Yanar <>, see
+# message ID <>
+ srttool -s -i "$source"
+ # only if srttool is not available
+ if [ $? -gt 1 ]; then
+ sed -n 's,^\(\([^/]*\)\(/\)\(.*\.pgm\.txt\)\)$,/^\2\\\3\4$/ { \
+ r \1 \
+ d \
+ },gp' "$source" | sed -f - "$source"
+ fi
+ ) >> "$target"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}... done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}... failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ echo -n "${extd}Cleaning up
+ ${id}-*.pgm.txt files ... $norm"
+ rm ./"${id}"-*.pgm.txt
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ echo -n " ${extd}Subtitle index file '${id}-.srtx' ... $norm"
+ rm ./"${id}-.srtx" # "$target.srtx"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ [ $keep -eq 0 -a -f "./$stream_file" ] &&
+ {
+ echo -n " ${extd}Subtitle stream file '${stream_file}' ... $norm"
+ rm ./"$stream_file"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ }
+ exit $result
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles.1
--- multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles.1 (nonexistent)
+++ multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles.1 (revision 20)
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+\" dvdsubtitles.1 - the *roff document processor src for the dvdsubtitles manual
+\" This file is part of PointedEars' DVD Subtitles.
+\" Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Thomas Lahn <>
+\" Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
+\" under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
+\" or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
+\" with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
+\" Texts. A copy of the license is available on the Web[1] or
+\" from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+\" Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+\" [1] <>
+\" You may contact the author by:
+\" e-mail:
+\" snail mail:
+\" Thomas Lahn
+\" Warschauer Strasse 1a/0403
+\" D-99089 Erfurt
+\" Federal Republic of Germany
+.TH dvdsubtitles 1 "2006-02-15" "" "DVD Tools"
+dvdsubtitles \- Extract subtitle stream from Video DVD data to text file
+.B dvdsubtitles
+.RB [ -hVkl ]
+.RB [ -t
+.RB [ -s
+.RB [ -o
+.RB [ -g
+.B dvdsubtitles
+.B -c
+.RB [ -o
+.B dvdsubtitles
+.RB [ -hVkl ]
+.RI [ GREY_LEVELS ]]]]]
+.BR tccat (1)
+.BR tcextract (1)
+from the
+.B transcode
+package to extract a subtitle stream from DVD data. This stream is converted
+into image files with
+.BR subtitle2pgm ,
+and those are converted to text files using
+.BR pgm2txt ,
+both from the
+.B subtitleripper
+package, which in turn calls
+.BR gocr (1).
+The previously created subtitle index file (.srtx) and the resulting text
+files are then compiled into one text file using either
+.BR srttool ,
+from the
+.B subtitleripper
+package, or
+.BR sed (1).
+(See Output Format below.)
+.B -c
+option allows for compiling existing text files into that format according
+a subtitle index file without extracting a subtitle stream first (see below).
+\" .PP
+\" If the
+\" .B -S
+\" option is used, this program also performs a minor correction of common
+\" misrecognition errors via
+\" .BR sed (1),
+\" i.e. a standalone `l' (small letter L) or one followed by an apostrophe
+\" is converted to `I' (capital letter I).
+All temporary files are deleted afterwards (`clean-up'), unless a fatal error
+occurred or a user interrupt was detected; the extracted subtitle stream file
+is kept for future use if the
+.B -k
+option is used.
+Based on
+.B DVD ripping and transcoding with Linux
+by Moritz Bunkus <>, available at
+.SS Output Format
+The format of the subtitle text file this program creates is similar to that the
+.B SubRip
+program creates:
+.I Subtitle number
+.IB "Start time " --> " End time"
+.I Text of subtitle (one or more lines)
+.I Blank line
+Like the SubRip format, field data starts at the beginning of each line.
+The time format used is `\fIhours\fB:\fIminutes\fB:\fIseconds\fR',
+.I hours
+.I minutes
+with two digits each. The
+.I seconds
+field is precise to three decimal points; the decimal separator used is
+the comma.
+Different to the SubRip format, the line break used is the
+standard UNIX Line Feed (LF, 0x0A) character. The
+.I Subtitle number
+field was not included before version 0.6.1.
+Options are supported since version 0.4. This aims at achieving POSIX
+conformance and easy introduction of new features while maintaining
+backwards compatibility to versions before 0.4.
+If additional program arguments are used, any option argument is
+overwritten by the corresponding program argument. Options may be
+given in any order, and are also considered options if located after
+the first program argument. Too many program arguments are silently
+.IP "\fB-c\fP, \fB--compile\fP (\fIFILE\fP | \fIDIRECTORY\fP)"
+(since version 0.6.1, \fBTODO\fP) Compile one group, or all groups of
+subtitle text files in
+according to a corresponding subtitle index
+(.srtx), into one text file each. If this is successful, clean up (see
+.BR -k )
+and exit.
+Options irrelevant to this process are ignored.
+If a
+is specified as argument, the
+.B -o
+option is ignored. The resulting text files are named after the
+corresponding subtitle index files found in the
+instead, and their name is suffixed with `\\fP'.
+.IP "\fB-k\fP, \fB--keep\fP"
+(since version 0.6) Keep subtitle stream file even if conversion is successful.
+.IP "\fB-l\fP, \fB--list\fP"
+(since version 0.5) List subtitles for
+.BR mplayer (1)
+and exit. If
+is not provided or
+.RB ` - ',
+list subtitles for title #2 (as title #1 may be an intro without subtitles) and
+Video DVD data source, i.e. a device
+.RI "(usually " /dev/dvd ),
+a directory e.g. one containing content created via
+.BR dvdbackup (1),
+or a Video DVD image file.
+.RB ` - ',
+a previously created subtitle stream file named
+in the current working directory will be used for only the
+stream-to-graphics-to-text conversion instead. Both
+must not be
+.BR ` - '
+in that case.
+The default is
+.RI ` /dev/dvd '.
+.IP "\fB-t\fP, \fB--title\fP \fITITLE\fP"
+Number of the title (1-n) which will be accessed for subtitle stream extraction.
+If omitted or
+.RB ` - ',
+the program uses
+.BR mplayer (1)
+to detect how many titles are available on the DVD data source and asks for the
+title to be accessed.
+.IP "\fB-s\fP, \fB--subtitle-id\fP \fISUBTITLE\fP"
+ID of the subtitle stream to be extracted (0-n). If omitted or
+.RB ` - ',
+the program uses its
+.B -l
+option (or
+.BR mplayer (1)
+directly, before version 0.5) to detect which subtitles are available for the
+given TITLE and asks for the ID to be used.
+.IP "\fB-o\fP, \fB--output-target\fP \fITARGET\fP"
+Name of the resulting subtitles text file. If not provided or
+.RB ` - ',
+the file is named after the subtitle stream file.
+Versions prior to 0.6 appended the filename suffix
+.B .txt
+automagically always, and version 0.6 appended this suffix only if this option
+was not provided; since version 0.6.1, the filename suffix
+.B .srt
+(SubRip text) is appended in that case.
+If the file already existed, behavior depends on the program version.
+.IP "Since version 0.6.1:"
+The program asks whether the file should be overwritten, new content should
+be appended to it (including a marker identifying the start of new content),
+or if a new file should be created. If the latter, the name of new file
+includes the ID of the
+.B dvdsubtitles
+process which created it.
+.IP "Version 0.6:"
+The program asks whether the file should be overwritten. If no, a new file
+is created, its name including the ID of the
+.B dvdsubtitles
+process which created it.
+.IP "Versions prior to 0.6:"
+New content is appended to the file without marker.
+.IP "\fB-g\fP, \fB--grey-levels\fP \fIGREY_LEVELS\fP"
+Optional grey-levels value `\fIc0\fP,\fIc1\fP,\fIc2\fP,\fIc3\fP' with 0 <=
+.I cN
+<= 255, where 0 means black and 255 means white.
+DVD subtitles allow up to 4 colors. The comma-separated arguments to this
+option specify the grey level for each these colors that are used for converting
+the subtitle stream graphics into plain text via OCR. The default is
+.RB ` 255,255,0,255 '.
+The values
+.RB ` 255,0,255,255 ',
+.RB ` 255,255,255,0 ',
+.RB ` 0,255,255,255 '
+can also produce viable OCR input.
+Use solid (not outlined) shapes as input when possible to make things easier
+for the
+.BR gocr (1)
+program. It will ask you about a character if it does not recognize it; if
+that has an outlined shape, you are advised to cancel the OCR process (with
+Ctrl+C). This program will then allow you to use another grey-levels value
+without the need to extract the subtitle stream again.
+See the README file of the
+.B subtitleripper
+package and of the
+.B subtitle2pgm
+program, which -c option requires this value, for details. (See FILES below.)
+.IP "\fB-h\fP, \fB--help\fP"
+Display this help and exit.
+.IP "\fB-V\fP, \fB--version\fP"
+Display version information and exit.
+.B " 0"
+Successful program execution
+.B " 1"
+Error detecting/extracting subtitle stream, or cancelled without selecting a
+title number or subtitle ID
+.B " 2"
+Unable to convert subtitle stream to image files
+.B " 3"
+Cancelled due to
+.BR gocr (1)
+error or without entering another grey-levels value
+.B " 4"
+Unable to compile to text file
+.B " 5"
+Unable to clean up
+.B "127"
+Insufficient number of arguments / help was displayed
+.I /usr/share/doc/subtitleripper/README.gz
+Location of the
+.B subtitleripper
+package README on Debian systems
+.I /usr/share/doc/subtitleripper/README.subtitle2pgm.gz
+Location of the
+.B subtitle2pgm
+program README on Debian systems
+Tested with GNU/Linux 2.4.31 and to .15
+.B [1]
+.B [2]
+.B [1]
+.RI < >
+.B [2]
+.RI < >
+Please send comments and bug reports to
+.RI < >.
+Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Thomas Lahn <>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+(GPL) for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU GPL along with this program
+.RI ( COPYING " file);"
+if not, go to
+.B [1]
+or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+.B [1]
+.RI < >
+Standard shell script disclaimer blurb thing:
+This script is a hack. It's brute force. It's horrible.
+It doesn't use Artificial Intelligence. It doesn't use Virtual Reality.
+It's not perl. It's not python. It probably won't work unchanged on
+the "other" thousands of unices. But it worksforme. --ramiro
+.IR /usr/local/mozilla/ )
+Thanks to Boris 'bolau' Lau <> for translation support,
+and to Erkan Yanar <> for pointing out how to
+.BR sed (1)
+to replace a filename with the file content.
+The author's latest version can be obtained from
+.RI < >.
+.BR dvdbackup (1),
+.BR gocr (1),
+.BR mplayer (1),
+.BR pgm2txt ,
+.BR sed (1),
+.BR srttool " and " subtitle2pgm
+(from <\fI\fP>),
+.BR tccat (1),
+.BR tcextract (1)
Index: multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles
--- multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles (nonexistent)
+++ multimedia/dvd/dvdsubtitles/dvdsubtitles (revision 20)
@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+copy="2005, 2006"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# DVD Subtitles 0.6.1 -- Extracts subtitles from Video DVD data to a text file
+# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Thomas Lahn <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU GPL along with this
+# program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+## Standard shell script disclaimer blurb thing:
+## This script is a hack. It's brute force. It's horrible.
+## It doesn't use Artificial Intelligence. It doesn't use Virtual Reality.
+## It's not perl. It's not python. It probably won't work unchanged on
+## the "other" thousands of unices. But it worksforme. --ramiro
+# (from /usr/local/mozilla/
+# This is work in progress. If you have an improvement, patch,
+# idea, whatever, on how to make this script better, please
+# send it to <>
+_title ()
+ echo "\
+${extd}DVD Subtitles $ver
+Copyright (C) $copy Thomas Lahn <$mail_feedback>$norm
+Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), see
+COPYING file or for details.
+_help ()
+ echo "\
+Extracts a subtitle stream from Video DVD data and converts it to a text file.
+$extd$appname$norm [options] ${ital}SOURCE$norm
+$extd$appname$norm [$extd-hVkl$norm] [${ital}SOURCE$norm [${ital}TITLE$norm\
+ [${ital}SUBTITLE$norm [${ital}TARGET$norm [${ital}GREY_LEVELS$norm]]]]]
+Any option argument is overwritten by the respective additional program
+argument. Options may be given in any order, and are also considered
+options if located after the first program argument. Too many program
+arguments are silently ignored.
+$extd-c$norm, $extd--compile$norm ${ital}FILE$norm | ${ital}DIRECTORY$norm
+ Compile subtitle text files according to subtitle index\
+ ${ital}FILE$norm
+ or to subtitle index files in ${ital}DIRECTORY$norm to\
+ ${ital}TARGET$norm. Clean up if this is successful, then exit.
+$extd-k$norm, $extd--keep$norm Keep subtitle stream file even if\
+ conversion is successful.
+$extd-l$norm, $extd--list$norm List subtitles for TITLE using\
+ ${extd}mplayer$norm(1) and exit.
+ If TITLE is not provided or \`$extd-$norm', list subtitles for
+ title #2 (as title #1 may be an intro without subtitles)
+ and exit.
+SOURCE Video DVD data source, i.e. a device (usually /dev/dvd),
+ a directory (e.g. one containing content created via
+ ${extd}dvdbackup$norm(1)) or a Video DVD image file.
+ If \`$extd-$norm', a previously created subtitle stream file\
+ named
+ ${extd}subtitle_stream-$norm*$extd-${norm}TITLE${extd}-${norm}SUBTITLE\
+ in the current working
+ directory will be used for only the stream-to-graphics-
+ to-text conversion instead. Both TITLE and SUBTITLE
+ must not be \`$extd-$norm' in that case.
+ The default is \`$extd/dev/dvd$norm'.
+$extd-t$norm, $extd--title$norm
+ TITLE Number of the title (1-n) which will be accessed for
+ subtitle stream extraction. If left out or \`$extd-$norm', the
+ program uses ${extd}mplayer$norm(1) to detect how many titles are
+ available on the DVD data source and asks for the
+ title to be accessed.
+$extd-s$norm, $extd--subtitle-id$norm
+ SUBTITLE ID of the subtitle stream to be extracted (0-n).
+ If left out or \`$extd-$norm', the program uses its\
+ ${extd}-l$norm option to detect
+ which subtitles are available for the given TITLE and asks
+ for the ID to be used.
+$extd-o$norm, $extd--output-target$norm
+ TARGET Name of the resulting subtitles text file.
+ If not provided, the file is named after the subtitle stream
+ file. NOTE: Unlike previous versions, this version appends
+ the filename suffix $$norm automagically ONLY in that\
+ case.
+$extd-g$norm, $extd--grey-levels$norm
+ GREY_LEVELS Optional grey-levels value\
+ (\`c0$extd,${norm}c1$extd,${norm}c2$extd,${norm}c3' with 0 <= cN <= 255,
+ where 0 is black and 255 is white) to be used for converting
+ the subtitle stream graphics to text via OCR. The default is
+ \`${extd}255,255,0,255$norm'. Unfortunately, the\
+ ${extd}subtitle2pgm$norm program,
+ which requires this value, appears to be poorly documented;
+ if you find a more detailed, working documentation, please
+ refer to it and inform this program's author about it.
+$extd-h$norm, $extd--help$norm Display this help and exit.
+$extd-v$norm, $extd--verbose$norm Be verbose. The number of ${extd}-v$norm\
+ options specify the level of
+ verbosity.
+$extd-V$norm, $extd--version$norm Display version information and exit.
+${extd}EXIT STATUS$norm
+ ${extd} 0$norm Successful program execution
+ ${extd} 1$norm Error detecting/extracting subtitle stream, or cancelled
+ without selecting a title number or subtitle ID
+ ${extd} 2$norm Unable to convert subtitle stream to image files
+ ${extd} 3$norm Cancelled due to ${extd}gocr$norm(1) error or without\
+ entering another
+ grey-levels value
+ ${extd} 4$norm Unable to compile to text file
+ ${extd} 5$norm Unable to clean up
+ ${extd}127$norm Insufficient number of arguments / help was displayed
+See the $extd$appname$norm(1) manpage for complete documentation."
+if test -z "$LINES" -o -z "$COLUMNS" ; then
+ eval `stty size 2>/dev/null | (read L C; \
+ echo LINES=${L:-24} COLUMNS=${C:-80})`
+test $LINES -eq 0 && LINES=24
+test $COLUMNS -eq 0 && COLUMNS=80
+if test "$TERM" != "raw" && stty size >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+# esc=`echo -en "\033"`
+# extd="${esc}[1m"
+ extd=`tput bold 2>/dev/null`
+ ital=`tput sitm 2>/dev/null`
+# norm=`echo -en "${esc}[m\017"`
+ norm=`tput sgr0 2>/dev/null`
+ esc=""
+ extd=""
+ norm=""
+# Note that we use `"$@"' to let each command-line parameter expand to a
+# separate word. The quotes around `$@' are essential!
+# We need `tmp' as the `eval set --' would nuke the return value of getopt.
+[ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "$extd
+Debug output for POSIX conform command-line parsing
+Original arguments: $*" >&2
+if `getopt -T >/dev/null 2>&1` ; [ $? = 4 ] ; then
+ getopt_type=long
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "getopt(1) type: enhanced" >&2
+ tmp=`getopt -o c:klg:o:S::s:t:hVv \
+ -l compile:,keep-stream,list,grey-levels:,output-target:\
+,spell-check,subtitle-id:,title:,help,verbose,version \
+ -n "$appname" -s sh \
+ -- "$@"`
+ getopt_type=short
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "getopt(1) type: old" >&2
+ tmp=`getopt c:klg:o:S:s:t:hVv "$@"`
+# exit status
+if [ $getopt_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
+## getopt returns error code 0 for successful parsing, 1 if
+## getopt(3) returns errors, 2 if it does not understand its
+## own parameters, 3 if an internal error occurs like out-of-
+## memory, and 4 if it is called with -T.
+# Note the quotes around `$tmp': they are essential!
+# echo $tmp
+# remove "--"
+# for i in $tmp; do if [ "$i" != "--" ]; then tmp2="${tmp2} $i"; fi; done
+ eval set -- "$tmp"
+ [ "$1" = "-vv" ] && echo "New arguments: $*$norm
+" >&2
+ while true ; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ help=1
+ shift;;
+ -v | --verbose)
+ let verbose++
+ shift;;
+ -V | --version)
+ version=1
+ shift;;
+ -c | --compile)
+ compile=1
+ source=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -k | --keep)
+ keep=1
+ shift;;
+ -l | --list)
+ list=1
+ shift;;
+ -g | --grey-levels)
+ grey_levels=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -o | --output-target)
+ target=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -s | --subtitle-id)
+ sid=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ -t | --title)
+ title=$2
+ shift 2;;
+ --)
+ shift
+ break;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ -n "$*" ] && args=$args" $*"
+ set -- $args
+ [ $verbose -gt 1 ] && echo "getopt exited: $getopt_exit_code
+ " >&2
+ if [ $getopt_exit_code -eq 1 -o $getopt_exit_code -eq 2 ]; then
+ help=1
+ else
+ exit $getopt_exit_code
+ fi
+[ $list -eq 0 ] && _title
+[ $version -eq 1 ] && exit $ESUCCESS
+[ $help -eq 1 ] &&
+ _help "$0"
+[ $compile -eq 0 ] &&
+ [ -n "$1" ] && source=$1
+ [ -z "$title" -a -n "$2" ] && title=$2
+ [ -z "$sid" -a -n "$3" ] && sid=$3
+ [ -z "$target" -a -n "$4" ] && target=$4
+ [ -z "$grey_levels" -a -n "$5" ] && grey_levels=$5
+ getsubtitles ()
+ {
+ mplayer -dvd-device "$1" -vo null -ao null -frames 0 \
+ -v "dvd://${2:-2}" 2>&1 |
+ sed -n '/sid/ s/^[^:]\{1,\}:[[:space:]]//p'
+ # echo "$subtitles"
+ }
+ [ $list -eq 1 ] &&
+ {
+ # first title may be only an intro
+ [ "$title" = '-' ] && title=2
+ tmp=`getsubtitles $source $title`
+ if [ -n "$tmp" ]; then
+ echo "${extd}The following subtitles are available for title #$title:$norm
+ exit $ESUCCESS
+ else
+ fi
+ }
+ [ "$sid" != '-' -a "$title" != '-' ] &&
+ {
+ subtitles=`getsubtitles $source $title`
+ [ -n "$subtitles" ] &&
+ st_descr=`echo "$subtitles" | grep "^$sid[[:space:]]" |
+ cut -f 2- -d ' '`
+ }
+ if [ "$source" = '-' ]; then
+ stream_file=`ls subtitle_stream-*-$title-$sid 2>/dev/null | head -n 1`
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ read -r -s -p "Use '$stream_file' [Y/n]? " -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ exit 1;;
+ *)
+ echo Y
+ esac
+ echo
+ id=${stream_file#*-}
+ else
+ echo "$appname: No such file: subtitle_stream-*-$title-$sid" >&2
+ fi
+ else
+ read_error ()
+ {
+ case $1 in
+ 0) subject='titles available on this DVD source.';;
+ *) subject='subtitles available for this title.';;
+ esac
+ echo >&2 "\
+Sorry, there are no $subject
+Please verify that the DVD data source is available and
+that its filesystem is consistent."
+ unset subject
+ }
+ if [ "$title" = '-' ]; then
+ titles=`mplayer -dvd-device "$source" -vo null -ao null -frames 0 \
+ -v dvd:// 2>&1 | egrep '[0-9]+ titles'`
+ num_titles=`echo "$titles" | awk '{print $3}'`
+ [ $(($num_titles)) -lt 1 ] && read_error 0
+ echo "$titles"
+ while true
+ do
+ read -r -p "\
+${extd}Enter title# (1-$num_titles), or nothing to abort: $norm"
+ if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+ title=$(($REPLY))
+ [ $title -ge 1 -a $title -le $num_titles ] && break
+ else
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ fi
+ if [ "$sid" = '-' ]; then
+ if [ -z "$subtitles" ]; then subtitles=`"$0" -lt "$title" "$source"`; fi
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ sid_max=`echo "$subtitles" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`
+ echo "$subtitles"
+ while true; do
+ read -r -p "\
+${extd}Enter ID of subtitle stream (0-$sid_max) to extract, or nothing to abort: $norm"
+ if [ -n "$REPLY" ]; then
+ sid=$(($REPLY))
+ [ $sid -ge 0 -a $sid -lt $sid_max ] && break
+ else
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ read_error 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # remove trailing /
+ source=${source%/}
+ vol=`(echo $(volname $source 2>/dev/null); exit $?;) || echo ${source##*/}`
+ id=$vol-$title-$sid
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ unset REPLY
+ [ -f "$stream_file" ] &&
+ {
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}Use existing '$stream_file' [Y/n]? $norm" -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}Overwrite existing '$stream_file' [y/N]? $norm"\
+ -n 1 REPLY2
+ case $REPLY2 in
+ [Yy]) echo $REPLY2;;
+ *)
+ echo N
+ id=$vol-$title-$sid-$$
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ echo "Using '$stream_file'"
+ esac
+ echo
+ unset REPLY2;;
+ *)
+ echo Y
+ REPLY='y'
+ esac
+ echo
+ }
+ [ "$target" = '-' ] && target="$"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" -o "$REPLY" == 'N' -o "$REPLY" == 'n' ] &&
+ {
+ echo "\
+${extd}Extracting subtitle stream $norm$sid${st_descr:+ ($st_descr)}$extd
+of title $norm#$title$extd
+on $norm$source$extd
+to \"$norm$target$extd\" ...$norm
+" >&2
+ > "$stream_file"
+ tccat -i "$source" -T "$title" -L |
+ tcextract -x ps1 -t vob -a 0x2$sid > "$stream_file"
+ }
+ fi
+ if [ -f "$stream_file" -a -s "$stream_file" ]; then
+ echo "${extd}... done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}... failed.$norm"
+ [ -f "$stream_file" ] && rm ./"$stream_file"
+ fi
+ result=$ESUCCESS
+ while true
+ do
+ echo -n "
+${extd}Converting subtitle stream \"$norm$stream_file$extd\"
+to Netpbm Portable Greymaps (PGMs) ... $norm" | fold -s >&2
+ subtitle2pgm -o ./${id}- ${grey_levels:+-c "$grey_levels"} < $stream_file
+ result=$?
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm
+${extd}Converting PGMs to text files (TXTs) using GNU OCR (gocr) ... $norm"
+ st_lang=$(echo "$st_descr" | sed 's/.*language: \([a-z]\{2\}\)/\1/')
+ pgm2txt ${st_lang:+-f $st_lang} ./${id}-
+ result=$?
+ if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done, using a grey-levels value of\
+ \`$norm${grey_levels:-255,255,0,255}$extd'.$norm"
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.
+If the conversion was cancelled due to inappropriate grey-levels value
+\`${grey_levels:-255,255,0,255}', you may try another value,\
+ else you should abort:
+ select grey_levels in \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '0,255,255,255' ] && echo 0,255,255,255` \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '255,0,255,255' ] && echo 255,0,255,255` \
+ `[ -n "$grey_levels" -a "$grey_levels" != '255,255,0,255' ] &&
+ echo 255,255,0,255` \
+ `[ "$grey_levels" != '255,255,255,0' ] && echo 255,255,255,0` \
+ Other \
+ Abort
+ do
+ case $grey_levels in
+ Other)
+ read -r -p "
+${extd}Enter new value (\`c0$extd,${norm}c1$extd,${norm}c2$extd,${norm}c3'\
+ with 0 <= cN <= 255), or nothing to select a value:
+$norm" grey_levels
+ [ -n "$grey_levels" ] && break;;
+ Abort)
+ result=$EOCRERROR
+ break;;
+ *)
+ break
+ esac
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ echo -n "${extd}Cleaning up PGMs ... $norm"
+ rm ./${id}-*.pgm
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+[ $result -eq $ESUCCESS ] &&
+ if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then
+ try_file ()
+ {
+ [ ! -f "$source" ] && source="$source.srtx"
+ [ -f "$source" ]
+ }
+ if [ -d "$source" ]; then
+# TODO: loop through all .srtx files in the directory
+ if [ "$source" != '.' ]; then cd "$source"; fi
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] &&
+ {
+ ls "$source"/*.srtx 2>/dev/null
+ }
+ echo >&2 "$appname: $source: Directory compile is not yet supported."
+ elif try_file; then
+ d=${source%/*}
+ if [ -a -d "$d" -a "$d" != '.' ]; then cd "$d"; fi
+ id=${source%-*}
+ stream_file=subtitle_stream-$id
+ source="./${source##*/}"
+ else
+ echo >&2 "$appname: $source: No such file or directory."
+ fi
+ else
+ source="${id}-.srtx"
+ fi
+ unset REPLY
+ [ -f "$target" ] &&
+ {
+# TODO: allow for diff
+ read -r -s -p "${extd}'$target' exists.
+Append, overwrite, create new file, or abort [a/o/n/Esc]? $norm" \
+ -n 1
+ case $REPLY in
+ [Oo]) echo $REPLY;;
+ [Aa]) echo $REPLY;;
+ [Nn])
+ echo $REPLY
+ target="${target%.*}-$$.${target##*.}";;
+ *)
+ REPLY=Abort
+ echo $REPLY
+ esac
+ }
+ echo "
+${extd}Compiling TXTs into \"$norm$target$extd\" ... $norm"
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ [Oo]) > "$target";;
+ [Aa])
+ # append new content marker here
+ echo "
+-- `whoami`@`hostname` -- `date` --
+" >> "$target"
+ esac
+ (
+# sed: thx to Erkan Yanar <>, see
+# message ID <>
+ srttool -s -i "$source"
+ # only if srttool is not available
+ if [ $? -gt 1 ]; then
+ sed -n 's,^\(\([^/]*\)\(/\)\(.*\.pgm\.txt\)\)$,/^\2\\\3\4$/ { \
+ r \1 \
+ d \
+ },gp' "$source" | sed -f - "$source"
+ fi
+ ) >> "$target"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}... done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}... failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ echo -n "${extd}Cleaning up
+ ${id}-*.pgm.txt files ... $norm"
+ rm ./"${id}"-*.pgm.txt
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ echo -n " ${extd}Subtitle index file '${id}-.srtx' ... $norm"
+ rm ./"${id}-.srtx" # "$target.srtx"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ [ $keep -eq 0 -a -f "./$stream_file" ] &&
+ {
+ echo -n " ${extd}Subtitle stream file '${stream_file}' ... $norm"
+ rm ./"$stream_file"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "${extd}done.$norm"
+ else
+ echo "${extd}failed.$norm"
+ fi
+ }
+ exit $result
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property