(root)/trunk/features.class.php @ 6 - Rev 3
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require_once 'global.inc';
* A list of language features with URNs definitions
* for reference links.
class FeatureList
public $versions = array();
* Versions of implementations that are considered safe.
* A feature is considered safe if it does not require
* an implementation version above these versions.
* @var Array[string=>string]
public $safeVersions = array();
* URNs that can be used for reference links.
* @var Array[string=>string]
protected $urns = array();
* The list of language features
* @var array[Features]
protected $items = array();
* Determines the number of printed items the table headings should be repeated
* @var int
protected $headerRepeat = 25;
* Initializes the FeatureList object
* @param array|Object $a
* @return FeatureList
public function __construct
$aVars = get_class_vars(__CLASS__);
while ((list($key, $value) = each($aVars)))
if (isset($a[$key]))
$this->$key = $a[$key];
/* Inform items of ourself so that URNs can be used for links */
if (is_array($this->items))
foreach ($this->items as &$item)
/* resolve URN references that are URNs */
if (is_array($this->urns))
foreach ($this->urns as &$urn)
if (($url = $this->resolveURN($urn)))
$urn = $url;
public function printHeaders
foreach ($this->versions as $ver)
<?php echo $ver; ?></th>
* Prints the list of features.
* @see Feature::printMe()
public function printItems
$counter = 0;
$headerRepeat = $this->headerRepeat;
$repeatHeaders = ($headerRepeat > 1);
foreach ($this->items as $feature)
if ($feature instanceof Feature
if ($repeatHeaders
&& $counter > 1
&& $counter % $headerRepeat === 0)
<tr class="header">
<?php $this->printHeaders(); ?>
* Resolves a URN according to the value of the
* object's <code>$urn</code> property.
* @param string $urn
* URN to be resolved
* @return string|boolean
* The resolved URN if successful,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public function resolveURN
if (is_array($this->urns))
$reURN = '|^(.+?):(?!//)|';
if (preg_match($reURN, $urn, $m) && isset($this->urns[$m[1]]))
return preg_replace($reURN, $this->urns[$m[1]], $urn);
return $urn;
* A language feature.
class Feature
* Fragment identifiers to be defined for quickly accessing
* the feature description.
* @var Array[String]
protected $anchors = array();
* Value of the explanatory <code>title</code> attribute for the feature.
* @var string
protected $title = '';
* Name or example code of the feature
* @var string
protected $content = '';
* Description of the feature. Displayed directly if code is missing,
* otherwise used as `title' attribute value.
* @var string
protected $descr = '';
* Versions that support this feature
* @var Array
protected $versions = array();
* Reference to the FeatureList that this feature belongs to
* @var FeatureList
protected $list = null;
public function setList
$this->list =& $oList;
* Creates a new Feature object, using values from the passed parameters
* array.
* @param array|Object $params
* @return Feature
public function __construct
($params = array())
while ((list($key, $value) = each($params)))
// if ($key != 'versions')
// {
if (property_exists
(__CLASS__, $key))
$this->$key = $value;
// }
// else
// {
// $o =& $this->$key;
// while ((list($key2, $value2) = each($value)))
// {
// $o[$key2] = $value2;
// }
// }
* Returns <code>' class="safe"'</code> if the feature
* can be considered safe. The required information
* is stored in the <code>safeVersions</code> property
* of the associated <code>FeatureList</code> object.
* @return string
* @see FeatureList::defaultSafeVersions
protected function getSafeStr
if (!is_null($this->list))
foreach ($this->list->safeVersions as $impl => &$safeVer)
$thisImplVer =& $this->versions[$impl];
if (is_array($thisImplVer))
if (isset($thisImplVer['tested']) && !is_bool($thisImplVer['tested']))
$thisImplVer =& $thisImplVer['tested'];
$thisImplVer =& $thisImplVer[0];
/* DEBUG */
// echo " $impl=$thisImplVer ";
if (preg_match('/^-?$/', $thisImplVer) || $thisImplVer > $safeVer)
return '';
return ' class="safe"';
return '';
protected function getTitleStr
if (!empty($this->title))
return " title=\"{$this->title}\"";
return '';
protected function getAnchors
$result = array();
foreach ($this->anchors as $anchor)
$result[] = "<a name=\"{$anchor}\"";
if (preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z0-9_:.-]*/i', $anchor))
$result[] = " id=\"{$anchor}\"";
$result[] = '></a>';
return join('', $result);
protected function getAssumed
if (is_array($v) && isset($v['assumed']) && $v['assumed'])
return ' class="assumed"';
return '';
protected function getTested
if (is_array($v) && isset($v['tested']) && $v['tested'])
return ' class="tested"';
return '';
* Returns the version of a feature.
* @param string|VersionInfo $vInfo
* @return mixed
protected function getVer
if (is_array($vInfo))
/* TODO: Return all versions: documented, assumed, and tested */
$vNumber = (isset($vInfo['tested'])
&& gettype($vInfo['tested']) !== 'boolean')
: $vInfo[0];
$section = isset($vInfo['section'])
' <span class="section" title="Specification section">['
. $vInfo['section'] . ']</span>'
: '';
if (isset($vInfo['urn']))
if ($this->list instanceof FeatureList
$url = $this->list->resolveURN($vInfo['urn']);
$vNumber = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $vNumber
. ($section ?
$section : '') . '</a>';
else if ($section)
$vNumber .= $section;
return $vNumber === '-' ?
'<span title="No">−</span>' : $vNumber;
return $vInfo === '-' ?
'<span title="No">−</span>' : $vInfo;
protected static
function shl
/* stub */
public function printMe
<?php echo $this->getSafeStr(); ?>>
<?php echo $this->getTitleStr(); ?>>
echo $this->getAnchors();
echo /*preg_replace_callback(
array('self', 'shl'),*/
preg_replace('/…/', '…', $this->content)/*)*/;
$versions = $this->versions;
if (!is_null($this->list))
$versions =& $this->list->versions;
$row = 0;
$column = 0;
foreach ($versions as $key => $value)
$id = "td$row-$column";
$ver = $this->versions[$key];
<td id="
<?php echo $id; ?>"
echo $this->getAssumed($ver) . $this->getTested($ver);
if (!$key)
if (!empty($ver))
echo ' title="Test code: ' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($ver)) . '"';
echo ' title="Not applicable: No automated test case'
. ' is available for this feature. Please click'
. ' the feature code in the first column to run'
. ' a manual test."';
if ($key)
echo $this->getVer($ver);
if (!empty($ver))
?><script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var s = test(
<?php echo $ver; ?>, '<span title="Yes">+</span>', '<span title="No">−</span>');
<?php echo $id; ?>').appendChild("
+ "document.createTextNode(s));");
// ]]>
echo '<abbr>N/A</abbr>';