Subversion Repositories PHPX

Compare Revisions

Last modification

Regard whitespace Rev 58 → Rev 57

File deleted
\ No newline at end of file
22,30 → 22,8
protected static $_name = '';
* Columns definition
* @var array
* @see Table::create()
protected static $_columns;
* Indexes definition
* @var array
* @see Table::create()
protected static $_indexes;
* Constraints definition
* @var array
* @see Table::create()
protected static $_constraints;
* Database of the table
* @var Database|string
* @see Table::create()
protected static $_database;
187,40 → 165,6
* Returns the <var>options</var> array for {@link Database::createTable}
* Should be called and overridden by inheriting classes.
* @return array
protected function _createOptions ()
$options = array();
foreach (array('indexes', 'constraints') as $option)
if ($class::${"_$option"})
$options[$option] = $class::${"_$option"};
return $options;
* Creates the table for this model
* @return bool
public function create ()
$class = \get_class($this);
return $this->database->createTable(
$class::$_name, $class::$_columns, $this->_createOptions());
* Initiates a transaction
* @return bool
63,20 → 63,6
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see \PointedEars\PHPX\Db\Database::_columnDef()
protected function _columnDef (array $data, $columnName)
$standard_Def = parent::_columnDef($data, $columnName);
$mySQL_def = $standardDef
. (isset($data['format']) && $data['format'] ? " COLUMN_FORMAT {$data['format']}" : '')
. (isset($data['storage']) && $data['storage'] ? " STORAGE {$data['storage']}" : '');
return $mySQL_def;
* Creates this MySQL database
* @param string $dsn
230,7 → 230,7
public function create ($dsn, $username = null, $password = null,
array $options = null, $dbspec = null, $force = false)
$connection = new \PDO($dsn,
$connection = new PDO($dsn,
$username !== null ? $username : $this->_username,
$password !== null ? $password : $this->_password,
$options !== null ? $options : $this->_options);
244,81 → 244,6
* Maps column meta-information to a column definition.
* Should be overwritten and called by inheriting classes.
* @todo
* @param array $value
* @param string $column_name
* @return string
protected function _columnDef (array $data, $column_name)
$def = (isset($data['unsigned']) && $data['unsigned'] ? 'UNSIGNED ' : '')
. $data['type']
. (isset($data['not_null']) && $data['not_null'] ? ' NOT NULL' : ' NULL')
. (isset($data['default']) && $data['default'] ? " DEFAULT {$data['default']}" : '')
. (isset($data['auto_inc']) && $data['auto_inc'] ? ' AUTO_INCREMENT' : '')
. (isset($data['unique']) && $data['unique'] ? ' UNIQUE KEY' : '')
. (isset($data['primary']) && $data['primary'] ? ' PRIMARY KEY' : '')
. (isset($data['comment']) && $data['comment'] ? " COMMENT '{$data['comment']}'" : '');
return $this->escapeName($column_name) . ' ' . $def;
* Creates a database table according to the specified parameters
* @todo
* @param string $name
* @param array $columns
* @param array $options = null
* @return bool
* @see PDOStatement::execute()
public function createTable ($name, array $columns, array $options = null)
$class = \get_class($this);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE '
. $this->escapeName($name)
. '('
. array_map(array($this, '_columnDef'), $columns, array_keys($columns)) . ')';
$stmt = $this->prepare($query);
/* DEBUG */
if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG > 1)
'query' => $query,
$success =& $this->_lastSuccess;
$success = $stmt->execute();
$errorInfo =& $this->_lastError;
$errorInfo = $stmt->errorInfo();
$result =& $this->_lastResult;
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG > 1)
'_lastSuccess' => $success,
'_lastError' => $errorInfo,
'_lastResult' => $result
return $success;
* Initiates a transaction
* @return bool