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Ignore whitespace Rev 24 → Rev 70

1,533 → 1,533
/* @section Helper functions */
* Retrieves the value of an element of an associative array.
* This is designed for $_GET and other HTTP variables but
* also works for common associative arrays.
* @param $key: string
* Key identifier. The default is the empty string.
* @param $array: string
* Array identifier. The default is '_GET'. If there is
* no such array, the identifier is prefixed with 'HTTP'
* and suffixed with '_VARS' (to support the deprecated
* HTTP_GET_VARS etc. arrays as of PHP &lt; 4.1). If
* there is still no array with that identifier, return
* the empty string.
* @param $default: string
* Default return value if the element specified with
* $key is not available in the array. The default
* is the empty string.
* @return
* The value of the element of that array with that key or
* the empty string if there is no such element or array.
* @author
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
function getVars($key = '', $array = '_GET', $default = '', $noEntities = false)
global ${$array};
if (!isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'})) global ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'};
echo "<pre>getVars: \$$array"."['$key']: return '"
.(isset(${$array}) && isset(${$array}[$key])
? ${$array}[$key]
: (isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}) && isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key])
? ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key]
: $default)) . "'</pre><br>\n";
$result = (isset(${$array}) && isset(${$array}[$key])
? ${$array}[$key]
: (isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}) && isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key])
? ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key]
: $default));
// TODO: Escape HTML entities
if (!$noEntities)
$result = htmlentities($result);
return $result;
* Converts the argument to a visible (X)HTML hyperlink
* where its URI target is created from the argument.
* Supported are e-mail addresses, domain names with
* optional paths, and valid URIs.
* @param $text
* Argument to be converted.
* @return
* The converted argument if it applies to a supported
* scheme, the unconverted argument otherwise.
* @author (C) 2001-04-04T02:03
* at
* Minor correction to my HTMLEncode function.
* @author 2002-08-29T09:00
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added target="_blank"
* - Added support for ftp(s)-URIs: (ht|f)
* - Added support for search strings (?...=...&...=...), either
* with or without HTML entities: \?=(&\w;|&)
* - Removed enclosing nl2br call because of preformatted display
* @author 2003-12-30T14:18
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Removed target="_blank".
* - Added PHPdoc.
* @author 2004-01-12T12:45
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added support for #fragment_identifiers in URIs.
* - Added support for bugs and comments.
* @author 2004-01-13T01:29
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added support for bug aliases.
* @author 2004-01-26T20:43
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Do not convert URIs in A elements.
* - Do not allow URIs with "&" before search-string.
* - camelCased function identifier. Only classes
* and constructors should start with uppercase.
* @author 2004-01-27T14:07
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow to convert URIs preceded by "&gt;" but not followed by "&lt;/a&gt;".
* - Allow ";" to be part of the search string
* @author 2004-01-29T14:10
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Require valid domain name for "bar" on conversion of "foo@bar" and
* "".
* - Be case-insensitive except of bug aliases
* - Escaped "-" in character classes if not meant as range metacharacter.
* - Corrected year.
* @author 2004-02-14T17:37
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Accept only valid Internet domain names
* - Accept "%" within path and query part (to escape ASCII characters)
* @author 2004-02-27T19:21
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow unescaped ":" in URI components, since it apparently does not
* "conflict with the reserved purpose" (RFC 2396, section 2.2.; here:
* scheme component)
* - Allow slashes, dots and dashes in URI components
* - Removed invalid [...(...|...)...]
* @author 2004-03-01T21:48
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow IPv4 addresses
* @author 2004-03-08T02:20
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow "+" and "," in query part
* - Optimized character classes
* @author (C) 2004-04-23T10:03
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Rewrite to use RFC 2822 and 2369 syntax
function htmlEncode($text)
// see RFC 2822 "Internet Message Format"
$local_part = '[^()<>@,;:\\"\-\[\] \x00-\x1A\x7F]+';
// see RFC 2396 "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax"
// $digit = '\d'; // 0-9; def. not required
// $hex = '\da-f'; // "hex" for case-insensitive match; def. N/R
$alpha = 'a-z'; // "alpha" for case-insensitive match
$alphanum = $alpha.'\d'; // "alphanum" for case-insensitive match
$mark = "\-_.!~*\'()";
$reserved = ';/?:@&=+$,';
$unreserved = $alphanum.$mark;
$escaped = '%[\da-f]'; // contains $hex
// added (?!gt;) to allow "&lt;URI&gt;"
$uric = '(['.$reserved.$alphanum.$mark.'](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$uric_no_slash = '(['.$unreserved.';\?:@&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$pchar = '(['.$unreserved.':@&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$param = $pchar;
$segment = $pchar.'*(;'.$param.')*';
$abs_path = '/' . $segment . '(/'.$segment.')*';
$userinfo = '(['.$unreserved.';:&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')*';
$domainlabel = '(['.$alphanum.']'
. '|['.$alphanum.'](['.$alphanum.']|-)*['.$alphanum.']'
. ')';
$toplabel = '(['.$alpha.']'
. '|['.$alpha.'](['.$alphanum.']|-)*['.$alphanum. '])';
$hostname = '('.$domainlabel. '\.)*' . $toplabel . '\.?';
$ipv4_address = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+';
$host = '(' . $hostname . '|' . $ipv4_address . ')';
$port = '\d*';
$hostport = $host . '(:' . $port . ')?';
$server_req = '(' . $userinfo . ')?' . $hostport; // server is required
$reg_name = '([' . $unreserved . '$,;:@&=+](?!gt;)|' . $escaped . ')+';
$authority = '(' . $server_req . '|' . $reg_name . ')';
$net_path = '//' . $authority . '('.$abs_path.')?';
$query = $uric.'*';
$scheme = '(ht|f)tps?';
$hier_part = '(' . $net_path .'|' . $abs_path . ')(\?' . $query . ')?';
$opaque_part = $uric_no_slash . $uric.'*';
$absolute_uri = $scheme . ':(' . $hier_part . '|' . $opaque_part . ')';
$fragment = $uric.'*';
// absolute URIs only
$uri_reference = $absolute_uri . '(#' . $fragment . ')?';
// echo '<br>'.htmlentities($local_part . '@' . $host).'<br>';
$searcharray = array(
"'(?i)(" . $local_part . '@' . $host . ")'i",
"'(?i)((?:(?!://).{3}|^.{0,2}))(www\." . $hostname
. '|' . $ipv4_address . ")'i",
"'(?i)(?<!href=\")(" . $uri_reference . ")(?!</a>)'i",
$replacearray = array(
"<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"./?bug=\\3#c\\5\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"./?bug=\\3#details\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"#c\\3\">\\1</a>"
return preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, $text);
* Converts HTML entities to real characters using the detected
* or specified character encoding.
* @param string $s
* @param int[optional] $quote_style
* @return string
function htmlEntityDecode($s, $quote_style=ENT_COMPAT, $encoding=null)
$s = (string) $s;
if (is_null($encoding))
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($s);
if ($encoding === 'ASCII')
$encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
return html_entity_decode($s, $quote_style, $encoding);
* Converts the argument into a visible (X)HTML hyperlink if a condition
* applies.
* @author
* (C) 2003, 2004 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @param $s
* Content to be converted. Required.
* @param $sCond
* Condition to be true for the content to be converted.
* The default is <code>true</code>.
* @param $sURI
* Target URI of the hyperlink. The default is the
* value of $s.
* @param $sName
* Value of the <code>name</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @param $sTitle
* Value of the <code>title</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @param $sClass
* Value of the <code>class</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @return
* The converted argument if the condition applies,
* the unconverted argument otherwise.
function makeLinkIf(
$sCond = true,
$sTarget = '',
$sName = '',
$sTitle = '',
$sClass = '')
return ($sCond || $sName
? '<a' . ($sCond
? " href=\"" . (is_null($sURI) ? $s : $sURI)
. "\"".($sTarget ? " target=\"$sTarget\"" : '')
: ''
. ($sName ? " name=\"$sName\"" : '')
. ($sTitle ? " title=\"$sTitle\"" : '')
. ($sClass ? " class=\"$sClass\"" : '')
. '>'
: ''
. $s
. ($sCond || $sName ? '</a>' : '');
* Returns a visible (X)HTML hyperlink that uses the mailto: URI scheme.
* @author (C) 2003 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @author (C) 2003-12-30 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* - Corrected `$email ($name)'.
* - Now uses rawurlencode(...).
* - Added PHPdoc.
* @author (C) 2004-11-30 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* - Don't rawurlencode(...) parens for comments.
* @param $sAddress
* E-mail address. The default is <>.
* @param $sTitle
* Value of the <code>title</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty. The default is 'PointedEars'.
* @param $sToName
* Name to be used in the To header of the e-mail.
* Note that @link{rawurlencode()} is used to escape
* special characters automatically.
* The default is "Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn".
* @return
* The converted argument if the condition applies,
* the unconverted argument otherwise.
function mailto_link(
$sAddress = '',
$sTitle = 'PointedEars',
$sToName = "Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn",
$sSubject = 'SELFbug',
$sImgPath = '../../media/mail.gif'
//width="14" height="15" // image size detection not yet implemented
return ($sImgPath != ''
? '<img src="' . $sImgPath . '" border="0" alt="@">&nbsp;'
: '')
. '<a href="mailto:'
. ($sAddress != ''
? $sAddress
: '')
. ($sToName != ''
? ' (' . rawurlencode($sToName) . ')'
: '')
. ($sSubject != ''
? '?subject=' . rawurlencode($sSubject)
: '')
. '">' . (($sTitle != '') ? $sTitle : $sAddress) . '</a>';
// map bug states to numbers so that they become comparable
function array_values_to_keys($a)
$aNew = array();
foreach ($a as $key => $value)
$aNew[$value] = count($aNew);
return $aNew;
* Maps an array to another array using a callback function.
* Unlike array_map(), the callback is called with three parameters: the value
* to be processed, the key of that value, and the array processed. The return
* value of the callback defines the value for the same key of the returned
* array.
* Because of the way the callback is called, this method supports processing
* only one array at a time, unlike array_map(). Unlike array_walk(), this
* function does not modify the original array.
* @param string|array $callback
* The callback to be used for mapping array values. If an array, the first
* element of the array is supposed to be the class name, and the second
* element the method name of a static method to be used.
* @param array $array
* The array to process
* @return array
* @see array_map()
* @see array_walk()
function array_map2($callback, $array)
$a = array();
if (is_array($callback))
list($class, $method) = $callback;
foreach ($array as $key => &$value)
if (is_array($callback))
$a[$key] = $class::$method($value, $key, $array);
$a[$key] = $callback($value, $key, $array);
return $a;
/* @section Helper functions */
* Retrieves the value of an element of an associative array.
* This is designed for $_GET and other HTTP variables but
* also works for common associative arrays.
* @param $key: string
* Key identifier. The default is the empty string.
* @param $array: string
* Array identifier. The default is '_GET'. If there is
* no such array, the identifier is prefixed with 'HTTP'
* and suffixed with '_VARS' (to support the deprecated
* HTTP_GET_VARS etc. arrays as of PHP &lt; 4.1). If
* there is still no array with that identifier, return
* the empty string.
* @param $default: string
* Default return value if the element specified with
* $key is not available in the array. The default
* is the empty string.
* @return
* The value of the element of that array with that key or
* the empty string if there is no such element or array.
* @author
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
function getVars($key = '', $array = '_GET', $default = '', $noEntities = false)
global ${$array};
if (!isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'})) global ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'};
echo "<pre>getVars: \$$array"."['$key']: return '"
.(isset(${$array}) && isset(${$array}[$key])
? ${$array}[$key]
: (isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}) && isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key])
? ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key]
: $default)) . "'</pre><br>\n";
$result = (isset(${$array}) && isset(${$array}[$key])
? ${$array}[$key]
: (isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}) && isset(${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key])
? ${'HTTP'.$array.'_VARS'}[$key]
: $default));
// TODO: Escape HTML entities
if (!$noEntities)
$result = htmlentities($result);
return $result;
* Converts the argument to a visible (X)HTML hyperlink
* where its URI target is created from the argument.
* Supported are e-mail addresses, domain names with
* optional paths, and valid URIs.
* @param $text
* Argument to be converted.
* @return
* The converted argument if it applies to a supported
* scheme, the unconverted argument otherwise.
* @author (C) 2001-04-04T02:03
* at
* Minor correction to my HTMLEncode function.
* @author 2002-08-29T09:00
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added target="_blank"
* - Added support for ftp(s)-URIs: (ht|f)
* - Added support for search strings (?...=...&...=...), either
* with or without HTML entities: \?=(&\w;|&)
* - Removed enclosing nl2br call because of preformatted display
* @author 2003-12-30T14:18
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Removed target="_blank".
* - Added PHPdoc.
* @author 2004-01-12T12:45
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added support for #fragment_identifiers in URIs.
* - Added support for bugs and comments.
* @author 2004-01-13T01:29
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Added support for bug aliases.
* @author 2004-01-26T20:43
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Do not convert URIs in A elements.
* - Do not allow URIs with "&" before search-string.
* - camelCased function identifier. Only classes
* and constructors should start with uppercase.
* @author 2004-01-27T14:07
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow to convert URIs preceded by "&gt;" but not followed by "&lt;/a&gt;".
* - Allow ";" to be part of the search string
* @author 2004-01-29T14:10
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Require valid domain name for "bar" on conversion of "foo@bar" and
* "".
* - Be case-insensitive except of bug aliases
* - Escaped "-" in character classes if not meant as range metacharacter.
* - Corrected year.
* @author 2004-02-14T17:37
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Accept only valid Internet domain names
* - Accept "%" within path and query part (to escape ASCII characters)
* @author 2004-02-27T19:21
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow unescaped ":" in URI components, since it apparently does not
* "conflict with the reserved purpose" (RFC 2396, section 2.2.; here:
* scheme component)
* - Allow slashes, dots and dashes in URI components
* - Removed invalid [...(...|...)...]
* @author 2004-03-01T21:48
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow IPv4 addresses
* @author 2004-03-08T02:20
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Allow "+" and "," in query part
* - Optimized character classes
* @author (C) 2004-04-23T10:03
* Thomas Lahn &lt;; at localhost
* - Rewrite to use RFC 2822 and 2369 syntax
function htmlEncode($text)
// see RFC 2822 "Internet Message Format"
$local_part = '[^()<>@,;:\\"\-\[\] \x00-\x1A\x7F]+';
// see RFC 2396 "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax"
// $digit = '\d'; // 0-9; def. not required
// $hex = '\da-f'; // "hex" for case-insensitive match; def. N/R
$alpha = 'a-z'; // "alpha" for case-insensitive match
$alphanum = $alpha.'\d'; // "alphanum" for case-insensitive match
$mark = "\-_.!~*\'()";
$reserved = ';/?:@&=+$,';
$unreserved = $alphanum.$mark;
$escaped = '%[\da-f]'; // contains $hex
// added (?!gt;) to allow "&lt;URI&gt;"
$uric = '(['.$reserved.$alphanum.$mark.'](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$uric_no_slash = '(['.$unreserved.';\?:@&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$pchar = '(['.$unreserved.':@&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')';
$param = $pchar;
$segment = $pchar.'*(;'.$param.')*';
$abs_path = '/' . $segment . '(/'.$segment.')*';
$userinfo = '(['.$unreserved.';:&=+$,](?!gt;)|'.$escaped.')*';
$domainlabel = '(['.$alphanum.']'
. '|['.$alphanum.'](['.$alphanum.']|-)*['.$alphanum.']'
. ')';
$toplabel = '(['.$alpha.']'
. '|['.$alpha.'](['.$alphanum.']|-)*['.$alphanum. '])';
$hostname = '('.$domainlabel. '\.)*' . $toplabel . '\.?';
$ipv4_address = '\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+';
$host = '(' . $hostname . '|' . $ipv4_address . ')';
$port = '\d*';
$hostport = $host . '(:' . $port . ')?';
$server_req = '(' . $userinfo . ')?' . $hostport; // server is required
$reg_name = '([' . $unreserved . '$,;:@&=+](?!gt;)|' . $escaped . ')+';
$authority = '(' . $server_req . '|' . $reg_name . ')';
$net_path = '//' . $authority . '('.$abs_path.')?';
$query = $uric.'*';
$scheme = '(ht|f)tps?';
$hier_part = '(' . $net_path .'|' . $abs_path . ')(\?' . $query . ')?';
$opaque_part = $uric_no_slash . $uric.'*';
$absolute_uri = $scheme . ':(' . $hier_part . '|' . $opaque_part . ')';
$fragment = $uric.'*';
// absolute URIs only
$uri_reference = $absolute_uri . '(#' . $fragment . ')?';
// echo '<br>'.htmlentities($local_part . '@' . $host).'<br>';
$searcharray = array(
"'(?i)(" . $local_part . '@' . $host . ")'i",
"'(?i)((?:(?!://).{3}|^.{0,2}))(www\." . $hostname
. '|' . $ipv4_address . ")'i",
"'(?i)(?<!href=\")(" . $uri_reference . ")(?!</a>)'i",
$replacearray = array(
"<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"./?bug=\\3#c\\5\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"./?bug=\\3#details\">\\1</a>",
"<a href=\"#c\\3\">\\1</a>"
return preg_replace($searcharray, $replacearray, $text);
* Converts HTML entities to real characters using the detected
* or specified character encoding.
* @param string $s
* @param int[optional] $quote_style
* @return string
function htmlEntityDecode($s, $quote_style=ENT_COMPAT, $encoding=null)
$s = (string) $s;
if (is_null($encoding))
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding($s);
if ($encoding === 'ASCII')
$encoding = 'ISO-8859-1';
return html_entity_decode($s, $quote_style, $encoding);
* Converts the argument into a visible (X)HTML hyperlink if a condition
* applies.
* @author
* (C) 2003, 2004 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @param $s
* Content to be converted. Required.
* @param $sCond
* Condition to be true for the content to be converted.
* The default is <code>true</code>.
* @param $sURI
* Target URI of the hyperlink. The default is the
* value of $s.
* @param $sName
* Value of the <code>name</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @param $sTitle
* Value of the <code>title</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @param $sClass
* Value of the <code>class</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty.
* @return
* The converted argument if the condition applies,
* the unconverted argument otherwise.
function makeLinkIf(
$sCond = true,
$sTarget = '',
$sName = '',
$sTitle = '',
$sClass = '')
return ($sCond || $sName
? '<a' . ($sCond
? " href=\"" . (is_null($sURI) ? $s : $sURI)
. "\"".($sTarget ? " target=\"$sTarget\"" : '')
: ''
. ($sName ? " name=\"$sName\"" : '')
. ($sTitle ? " title=\"$sTitle\"" : '')
. ($sClass ? " class=\"$sClass\"" : '')
. '>'
: ''
. $s
. ($sCond || $sName ? '</a>' : '');
* Returns a visible (X)HTML hyperlink that uses the mailto: URI scheme.
* @author (C) 2003 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @author (C) 2003-12-30 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* - Corrected `$email ($name)'.
* - Now uses rawurlencode(...).
* - Added PHPdoc.
* @author (C) 2004-11-30 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* - Don't rawurlencode(...) parens for comments.
* @param $sAddress
* E-mail address. The default is <>.
* @param $sTitle
* Value of the <code>title</code> attribute of the
* <code>a</code> element. Unused if not provided
* or empty. The default is 'PointedEars'.
* @param $sToName
* Name to be used in the To header of the e-mail.
* Note that @link{rawurlencode()} is used to escape
* special characters automatically.
* The default is "Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn".
* @return
* The converted argument if the condition applies,
* the unconverted argument otherwise.
function mailto_link(
$sAddress = '',
$sTitle = 'PointedEars',
$sToName = "Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn",
$sSubject = 'SELFbug',
$sImgPath = '../../media/mail.gif'
//width="14" height="15" // image size detection not yet implemented
return ($sImgPath != ''
? '<img src="' . $sImgPath . '" border="0" alt="@">&nbsp;'
: '')
. '<a href="mailto:'
. ($sAddress != ''
? $sAddress
: '')
. ($sToName != ''
? ' (' . rawurlencode($sToName) . ')'
: '')
. ($sSubject != ''
? '?subject=' . rawurlencode($sSubject)
: '')
. '">' . (($sTitle != '') ? $sTitle : $sAddress) . '</a>';
// map bug states to numbers so that they become comparable
function array_values_to_keys($a)
$aNew = array();
foreach ($a as $key => $value)
$aNew[$value] = count($aNew);
return $aNew;
* Maps an array to another array using a callback function.
* Unlike array_map(), the callback is called with three parameters: the value
* to be processed, the key of that value, and the array processed. The return
* value of the callback defines the value for the same key of the returned
* array.
* Because of the way the callback is called, this method supports processing
* only one array at a time, unlike array_map(). Unlike array_walk(), this
* function does not modify the original array.
* @param string|array $callback
* The callback to be used for mapping array values. If an array, the first
* element of the array is supposed to be the class name, and the second
* element the method name of a static method to be used.
* @param array $array
* The array to process
* @return array
* @see array_map()
* @see array_walk()
function array_map2($callback, $array)
$a = array();
if (is_array($callback))
list($class, $method) = $callback;
foreach ($array as $key => &$value)
if (is_array($callback))
$a[$key] = $class::$method($value, $key, $array);
$a[$key] = $callback($value, $key, $array);
return $a;
* Converts a string or an array of strings to an associative
* bitmask array with the string(s) as key(s).
* Converts the argument to a bitmask array where each member's
* value is a power of 2, so that arbitrary member values can be
* added to an integer on which bitwise operations with the member
* value or a combination of member values are possible.
* @author (c) 2003 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @param $aArray
* String or array of strings to be converted.
function getBitmaskArray($aArray)
$a = array();
if (is_array($aArray))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aArray); $i++)
$a[$aArray[$i]] = pow(2, $i);
$a[$aArray] = 1;
return $a;
* Returns the contents of a file as if include() was used.
* @param string $filename Path of the file to retrieve
* @return string File contents
function get_include_content($filename)
if (is_file($filename))
include $filename;
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return $contents;
return '';
* Replaces each group of expressions in a string with the same
* corresponding string.
* @param Array[Array[string] | string, string] $map
* @param string $subject
* @return string
* A copy of $subject with the provided mapping applied.
function preg_replace_group($map = array(), $subject = '')
if ($subject)
for ($i = 0, $len = count($map); $i < $len; $i++)
$subject = preg_replace($map[$i][0], $map[$i][1], $subject);
return $subject;
* Randomly encodes a string of characters.
* @param string $s
* String to be encoded
* @param string $format = 'sgml'
* Encoding format. Currently only SGML-based encoding of
* ASCII characters with character references is supported.
* @return string
function randomEsc($s = '', $format = 'sgml')
$f = function_exists('mt_rand') ? 'mt_rand' : 'rand';
return preg_replace_callback('/[\\x00-\\x7F]/',
create_function('$m', "return $f(0, 1)" . '? $m[0] : "&#" . ord($m[0]) . ";";'),
* Reduces sequences of two or more consecutive white-space characters
* in an input to a single space.
* @param string $s
* @return string
function reduceWhitespace($s)
return preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $s);
function debug($x)
echo '<pre>';
// if (is_array($x))
// {
// print_r($x);
// }
// else
// {
// }
echo '</pre>';
* value or a combination of member values are possible.
* @author (c) 2003 Thomas Lahn &lt;;
* @param $aArray
* String or array of strings to be converted.
function getBitmaskArray($aArray)
$a = array();
if (is_array($aArray))
for ($i = 0; $i < count($aArray); $i++)
$a[$aArray[$i]] = pow(2, $i);
$a[$aArray] = 1;
return $a;
* Returns the contents of a file as if include() was used.
* @param string $filename Path of the file to retrieve
* @return string File contents
function get_include_content($filename)
if (is_file($filename))
include $filename;
$contents = ob_get_contents();
return $contents;
return '';
* Replaces each group of expressions in a string with the same
* corresponding string.
* @param Array[Array[string] | string, string] $map
* @param string $subject
* @return string
* A copy of $subject with the provided mapping applied.
function preg_replace_group($map = array(), $subject = '')
if ($subject)
for ($i = 0, $len = count($map); $i < $len; $i++)
$subject = preg_replace($map[$i][0], $map[$i][1], $subject);
return $subject;
* Randomly encodes a string of characters.
* @param string $s
* String to be encoded
* @param string $format = 'sgml'
* Encoding format. Currently only SGML-based encoding of
* ASCII characters with character references is supported.
* @return string
function randomEsc($s = '', $format = 'sgml')
$f = function_exists('mt_rand') ? 'mt_rand' : 'rand';
return preg_replace_callback('/[\\x00-\\x7F]/',
create_function('$m', "return $f(0, 1)" . '? $m[0] : "&#" . ord($m[0]) . ";";'),
* Reduces sequences of two or more consecutive white-space characters
* in an input to a single space.
* @param string $s
* @return string
function reduceWhitespace($s)
return preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', ' ', $s);
function debug($x)
echo '<pre>';
// if (is_array($x))
// {
// print_r($x);
// }
// else
// {
// }
echo '</pre>';