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Ignore whitespace Rev 60 → Rev 72

40,6 → 40,21
abstract class Base
* Determines if a strict model is enforced.
* If <code>true</code>, all publicly accessible properties
* must have a getter if readable, and a setter if writable.
* Otherwise, accesses to non-existing public properties will be
* forwarded to the correspnding underline property if no getter
* or setter has been defined for it. The default is
* <code>false</code> (non-strict) as that speeds up property
* accesses and eases implementation considerably.
* @var bool
protected static $_strict = false;
* Retrieves a property value.
* Automagically called when attempting to read data
63,8 → 78,14
if (property_exists($this, "_$name"))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Property '{$name}' has no getter");
$class = get_class($this);
if ($class::$_strict)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Strict model: Property '{$name}' has no getter");
return $this->{"_$name"};
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No such property: '{$name}'");
94,10 → 115,17
return $this->$setter($value);
if (property_exists($this, "_$name"))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Property '{$name}' has no setter");
$class = get_class($this);
if ($class::$_strict)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Strict model: Property '{$name}' has no setter");
$this->{"_$name"} = $value;
return $value;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No such property: '{$name}'");