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Copyright © 2003, 2004 Thomas Lahn
Note: Having a build not listed herein and having it listed as approved does NOT mean that it is completely bug-free. See Known Issues for details.
Build ID | Plt | OS | Sev | Bug |
1.7a.2004020318 | PC | Win32 | blo | "Error occurred during installation - Navigator: -211 INSTALL_NOT_STARTED"; at least malformed CONFIG.INI file; GRE setup does not start, too; Supplemental: This build is dangerous! See bug 233014. |
1.6b+.2003113008 | PC | Win32 | maj | Asks for newsgroup password even if it is already saved although saved per-server rather than per-newsgroup |
1.5b+.2003091704 | PC | Win32 | cri | Asks for newsgroup password even if it is already saved; hangs with more than 100 MB of memory when query is canceled more than one time |
min | Not compatible with TBE en-1.8.2003082001 and en-1.8.2003090302: Location Bar doesn't work, new tabs don't open | |||
min | about: contains invalid XHTML (entity is undefined) | |||
1.5b+.2003082904 1.5b.2003082304 |
1.5b.2003081515 | PC | Win32 | maj | MAILNEWS_FILTER_BLOCKS_POP3 |
1.5b.2003081104 | PC | Win32 | maj | MAILNEWS_EDIT_REWRAP_SELECT |
1.5b.2003072404 | PC | Win32 | cri | Crashes when installing .XPIs for add-ons / XPInstall Trigger fails |
1.5b.2003072304 | PC | Win32 | maj | Does not display input[type="image"] |
1.5b.2003072204 1.5b.2003071704 |
1.5a.2003070808 | PC | Win32 | min | BOOKMARK_FILTER_NO_BUTTONS |
maj | New postings are sorted wrong, sorting without threads does not show new postings |
Bug | Sev | Description |
MAILNEWS_EDIT_REWRAP_SELECT | maj | Edit, Rewrap only selects the whole text |
MAILNEWS_FILTER_BLOCKS_POP3 | maj | POP3 access is blocked by filter rules ("This folder is being processed. Please wait until processing is complete to get messages.") |
BOOKMARK_FILTER_NO_BUTTONS | min | Toolbar buttons for filtered bookmarks are disabled; become enabled only after showing context menu |
CRASH_AFTER_CRASH | cri | Crashes one to two times upon restart after a crash, can be avoided sometimes when starting with other component (TB20098634X, TB20177039K) |
MAILNEWS_POSTINGS_AUTO_READ | maj | Bug 206271: News messages are marked as read automatically |
NAVI_CRASH_ON_LARGE_IMAGES | cri | Crashes on, possibly because of too many too large images on the page |
BOOKMARK_FILTER_NO_PROP | min | Context menu for filtered bookmarks does not work; toolbar buttons are either not disabled or not functional |
CHROME_SCROLL_CLASSIC_ALWAYS | tri | Always uses scrollbars of the Classic theme |
JAVA_INIT_FAIL | maj | Fails to load the Java 2 (1.4.1_01) plugin: "LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/ [/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/jre/plugin/i386/ns610/ undefined symbol: GetGlobalServiceManager__16nsServiceManagerPP17nsIServiceManager]" |
JS_LOC_PERM_DENIED | maj | JavaScript: location.href = "..." causes Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Function.href |
JS_RESIZE_FAIL | min | Does not resize, foobar, "width=...,height=..."); popups on load from a tab |
JS_WRONG_BASE_URI | min | JavaScript: Uses wrong base URI for dynamic images (in frames); Testcase: (click the entry `Aldea' in the list) |
MAILNEWS_MSGVIEWS_BAD_GUI | min | MailNews: Message Views not customizable by GUI, dropdown elements too small |
FILE_OPEN_WRONG_COL_ORDER | tri | Column order in file open dialog is mixed and cannot be changed |
MAILNEWS_NO_SSL_ICON | tri | Does not show SSL icon on mail account |